Tom Marshall, Hearing Officer
c/o Amie Ontiveros
1200 Third Ave., 8th Floor,
San Diego, CA 92101
Re: NC # 131524
Property: 8586 Menkar Rd.
San Diego, CA 92126
Mr. Marshall,
Thank you for reconsidering the decision. I am having difficulties with Code Compliance- they have not given me the parameters for the area to be repopulated and have cancelled the meeting designed to stake out the land in question. In a voicemail message, she has told us to submit a plan the city would accept or reject it. Please include a new time line in your opinion for our records.
I have included a copy of exhibit C-43, Fire Prevention Bureau policy B-08-01. Page 1, sec II, par 2: The back yard had been altered prior to the adoption of the policy, therefore, it’s condition should be grandfathered in.
Page 8, sec B, of the same policy deals with pre-existing structures. The sun room was constructed to meet existing building codes at the time. The builder measured the property and made sure it gave proper distance to the canyon and slope to meet the city code at the time. We are asking that we be allowed to procure the permit for this structure.
The green house is not a permanent structure. It is a plastic snap together kit purchased at Costco. It does not have a floor, electricity, or is permanently attached to the ground. We are asking to keep this to grow vegetables.
Thank you for your time.
Respectfully Submitted,
Diana Fenner
cc: Melody Negrete (w/encl.)