<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <% Application("Banner_Config_Updated") = "False" FileUploadURL = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") & Replace(Request.ServerVariables("URL"),"show_path_info.asp","/banimages") %> Show Path Info If Parent Paths are disabled on your web server the section of code below needs
to be put in the "aspbanner/config_inc.asp" file. There is already a section there
like this. You just paste this code over the code that is there.
The paths generated below should be valid if the folder structure of the app has not changed.

You will also need to manually edit the "data/config/aspbanner_unlimited_config.asp" file
You need to edit two settings in it. The "BannerConnectionString" and the "BannerDatabaseType"
Possible "BannerConnectionString" values are generated below on this page.
The "BannerDatabaseType" value will be "MSACCESS", "MSSQL", or "MYSQL"
When you save these values to the "data/config/aspbanner_unlimited_config.asp" file DO NOT
surround the values with quotes. Put the values directly after the equals sign for each line.

Here is an example of correct BannerDatabaseType setting:


Also, be sure not to add any line breaks or spaces after the values or you will mess that file up.

Here is a screenshot of a correctly edited file. Example Config
The parts you need to edit are highlighted.

This is a dsn-less connection to an access 2002 database.

This is a dsn-less connection to an access 2000 database.

This is a dsn-less connection to an access 97 database.

This is a system dsn connection to any version of access or a sql database.
This requires that a system dsn be set up on the web server.

This is a dsn-less connection to a Microsoft SQL database.

This is another dsn-less connection to a Microsoft SQL database.

This is a MYODBC connection to a MySQL database.

After you do all of this try to run the application
aspbanner/default.asp run through the web server is the page you want to start on.

One other thing.. anytime you edit the "data/config/aspbanner_unlimited_config.asp" manually
You will need to run this page "show_path_info.asp" through the web browser once.
It has special code in it that will tell the application to reload the edited config file.

And like we said if ya get stuck contact us or check out the support forums.
Were here to help.