FAQs on Identifying Aiptasia Anemones
Related FAQs:
Aiptasia ID 1, Aiptasia ID 2,
Aiptasia ID 4, Aiptasia ID 6, & Cnidarian Identification, Anemone
Identification, Aiptasia/Glass
Anemones in General, Eradication by: Berghia Nudibranchs, Peppermint
Shrimp, Butterflyfishes,
Injection, Hypo/Hyper-Salinity.
Related Articles:
Impressions of Methods to Eliminate Pest Anemones by Steven
Pro, Aquarium Culture of the Aeolid
nudibranch Berghia, Predator on the nuisance anemone
Aiptasia By Anthony Calfo, Anemones, Cnidarians

It looks like small Aiptasia - but I
didn't think it is 5/10/10
Hi everyone,
I have two candy cane corals that I have had for many months and
I noticed some time ago something that looked like small Aiptasia
on the hard skeleton but I wasn't convinced. I have had
Aiptasia before and it grows far quicker than these little
suckers and does not appear to have the small cilia (or hair like
growths) along the tentacles. The small anemones are only about 2
- 4 mm long at the largest with around 5 - 6 tentacles and are
all joined together by a small thread run along the coral
skeleton of the candy cane. They have not spread to anything else
that I can see in the QT I have them in.
Any ideas would be really helpful. I will try to get some photos
when I can get my hands on a better camera.
<Best guess: Hydropolyps, Hydroids. See here:
and the linked files above; including Compatibility/removal. Bob
Re: It looks like small Aiptasia - but I didn't
think it is 5/12/10
Thanks for the quick reply. I was hoping you could actually
positively identify the hydroids from the photo I have
Thanks again
<Oh! These are Octocorals... Xeniids, Clavulariids. B>
Hi everyone,
Curious Pic/Anemone ID 5/6/10
In the center of photo, just above coraline algae..it has a
transparent body with (as you can see) a slight mushroom
appearing top of which many tentacle like protrusions can be
seen. Do you (by my rough description:)) know what this is?
<Appears to be a Glass Anemone of some type, likely the
dreaded Aiptasia.
See here.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Re: Aiptasia? ID, pix? 4/27/10
I now no longer believe them to be Aiptasia. In spite of the fact
that they are very closely spaced together and see through, the
actual tentacles themselves are very spindly, and they are not
many. They resemble see through fibers, like a fishing line but
far skinnier. On each anemone there are probably only eight or so
of these long but thin tentacles. Does this still sound like
Aiptasia to you, and if not any suspicions?
Apologies in advance for the many questions.
All the Best, Sam
Please send along well-resolved image/s. Bob Fenner
Re: Aiptasia?
<Hello Sam>
I forgot to mention that the tank is only about 2 months old, and
still has trace amounts of ammonia even after cycling. Are
Aiptasia hardier?
<They are, unfortunately, very hardy>
Or will they simply die off soon?
<More likely they will spread>
P.S. Thanks for the quick response, it's very much
<No problem. Simon>
Re: Aiptasia? 2 megs pic?!... 4/27/10
<... let's see... You haven't searched before writing
us three times... or else you'd have known:
and the files above...
These are Hydropolyps... READ: http://wetwebmedia.com/hyzoidf3.htm
and the files above... Don't write before searching.
crop |
Thanks for the ID
Thanks for the ID! I did browse through the archives and did see
the hydro FAQs, however I did not find that certain page. I found
the exact same species as are in my tank in one of those pictures.
Sorry for any
inconvenience. Cheers, Sam
<Thank you Sam. BobF> |
Unknown inhabitant: Aiptasia Anemone.ID and Control
Well Hello!
<Hi Dani!>
I have someone living in my tank that I was hoping you could help
me ID.
You can't see it very well in the pictures but this little
guy is coming out of a tube in a piece of my live rock. It goes
inside the tube if anything touches it but doesn't seem to be
bothered by movement. The tube feels kind of soft and almost
squishy to the touch. Anyway, I would like to know what it is so
that I can either remove it if it is harmful or take care of it
properly if not. Any info you can give would be very helpful.
<Looking at the pictures, it is an Aiptasia anemone. They are
Thankfully, if you catch them early, they are easy to control.
Have a read here:
for some background and read here:
for the best methods to kill them. I've found injecting them
with a Kalkwasser slurry works the best.>
Thanks much!
<My Pleasure.>
Aiptasia? 11/3/09
Hi Crew!
I looked over the FAQ's on identifying aiptasia, and found
some previous posters pictures that looked similar, that you
confirmed or thought were aiptasia, and some that looked similar
that were identified as not being aiptasia. I would really like
to know for certain if I should "yank" these guys from
the tank.
<Mmm, I wouldn't... Looks to be a good deal of space for
them here...>
I believe they are all still attached to the half shell you see
there, so they would be easy to eliminate at this point. Thanks
in advance, your site is awesome!
<These are Zoanthids. Bob Fenner>
Aiptasia (I think) 10/1/09
Good Morning Crew,
<Hi Matt>
I have a quick question this morning. The other day I noticed what may
have looked like one lonely aiptasia on a piece of my live rock that I
just purchased. I decided to let it go for a few days just to make
sure. Now, this morning, I checked the tank and it was not there. I
looked around and found it halfway across the tank!!! Do these pests
move around like that.
<Not that fast.>+
I have had a TON of them before that just multiplied like crazy but
have never moved on me. Now I am not sure if that is what this is or
Thanks for your help.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Identification Question, Aiptasia 8/14/09
I wrote this question a week ago and don't know if it was
received (I say this because I asked a boxfish related question
the night before that email and it was answered in a couple of
hours) but I have a identification question of this sea anemone
looking thing that is in my tank. Can you tell me what it is?
<Looks like an Aiptasia to me, see here for more
Anemone, What Is It 6/21/09
Hi I have 3 small clear Anemones. I have not been able to ID
them. Attached is a pic of them. Could you let me know what they
might be. Are the Bad or good Anemones?
<Appears to be a species of Glass Anemone, not desirable. See
re here.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/index.htm Scroll
down... to Aiptasia...>
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
<<Time for new spectacles James... see the skeletons
underneath? This is a solitary Caryophylliid... RMF>>