Freshwater Aquarium Articles & FAQs
Master Index

The navigation through the site is
designed to allow you to go through the pages following the
blue links to get to the information you need. This website has over a thousand
articles and FAQ's. To: Freshwater Links,
- Freshwater Daily FAQs: Updated FAQs On
Freshwater Systems & Livestock
- Set-Up: Gear/Components:, Set-Up, Tanks, Stands, Covers:, Water,
Filtration of All Sorts, Sumps, Refugiums:, Circulation, Pumps,
Powerheads, Aeration, Electricity, Heating/Chilling,
Light/Lighting:; Types of Systems:, Substrates,
- Livestock 1: Stocking/Selection, Biotopes, Quarantine,
Acclimation. Fishes: Stingrays, Inadvanced Bony Fishes, Eels, Tetras
& Their Relatives, Killifishes, Livebearers, Catfishes, Goldfish,
Barbs, Danios, Rasboras, Minnow Sharks, Loaches, Misc. Fish
Print and
eBook on Amazon
Goldfish Success
What it takes to keep goldfish healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
- Livestock 2:
Gouramis, Bettas, Cichlids, Fresh to Brackish
Water Fishes, Invertebrates (Hydra, Worms, Snails, Insects,
Print and
eBook on Amazon
Betta Success
Doing what it takes to keep Bettas healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Herps: Amphibians, Turtles,
- Maintenance/Operation: General
Maintenance, Algae, Foods/Feeding/Nutrition, Disease/Health,
- Freshwater Aquarium Science:
Behavior, Topics, Reference and Aquatics Writing Business,