Freshwater Livestock Articles &
FAQs 1
Livestocking, Biotopes, Less-Advanced
To: Livestock 2: Gouramis, Bettas, Cichlids, Fresh to Brackish Water
Fishes, Invertebrates (Hydra, Worms, Snails, Insects, Crustaceans...),
Amphibians, Turtles:
All Fishes
A Diversity of Fishes
by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Fishes, Fishes 2,
FAQs on Marine: Fish Identification, Fish ID,
Fish ID, Fish ID, Fish ID, Fish ID, &
Fish Behavior (Including Fish
Longevity Survey), Fish
Compatibility, Fish
Stocking/Selection (see below re FW Livestocking), Fish
Systems, Fish Feeding,
Ornamental Marine Fish
Livestock Culture by Bob Fenner
Breeding Marine Aquarium Fishes
by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Marine Fish
Aquaculture, Ornamental Marine
Fish Culture, Fish

About Freshwater
Livestock by Neale Monks,
Freshwater Livestock Selection by
Bob Fenner,
Stocking 5, 10
& 20 Gallon Freshwater Aquariums by Neale Monks,
Stocking a 10-gallon aquarium: some new ideas and old favourites for
nano tanks
by Neale Monks
Purchasing, Transporting and
Settling New FW/Brackish Water Livestock by Neale
They Ain't
Got No Alibi; Ugly Fishes for the Home Aquarium by Craig
The Ethical Aquarist;
Freshwater Fishes to Avoid by Judy Helfrich,
Not In My Tank! Things To Keep Out of
Your Freshwater Aquarium by Neale Monks,
Subtropical Tanks, Kind of a Cool
Thing by Neale Monks. Hard Water Community Tank
Options by Neale Monks,
Small Tank Options;
A selection of species for freshwater nano aquaria by
Neale Monks,
FAQs on Freshwater
Livestock Selection,
FAQs on: FW Stocking
1, FW Stocking 2, FW Stocking 3, FW Stocking 4, FW
Livestocking 5, FW Livestocking
6, FW Livestocking 7, FW Livestocking 8, FW Livestocking 9, FW Livestocking 10,
FW Livestocking 11,
Livestocking 12,
FW Livestocking 13,
FW Livestocking
14, FW Livestocking 15, FW Livestocking ,
FW Livestocking ,
Mis-stocking issues
(incompatibility behaviorally and/or environmentally),
FAQs on: Community Tank
Small Tank Options;
A selection of species for freshwater nano aquaria by
Neale Monks,
FAQs on: Stocking Small Systems
1, Stocking Sm. Sys. 2,
Stocking Sm. Sys. 3,
Sm. Sys. 4, Stocking Sm. Sys. , & BiOrb, BiUbe Tanks,
FAQs on:
Stocking Large Systems (>200
FAQs on: Dyed
Freshwater Livestock,
Acclimation of New
Freshwater Livestock (Including Commercial Acclimation of FW
Livestock) by Bob Fenner,
FAQs on: FW
Quarantine of New
Freshwater Livestock by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: FW

Biotopes & Groups of
Freshwater Fishes
Biotopic Set-Ups, Biotopes -
Part 1 by Alesia Benedict
FAQs on: Freshwater Biotopes,
FAQs on: Freshwater
Community, African
N. American
Natives, South American/Amazon
Biotopes, Australian
Biotopes, U.K. Natives
Livestocking, & Planted River
Biotopes, Small System
Tanks, Kind of a Cool Thing by Neale Monks
Pikes; There's something about these miniature killers that
fascinates us. But can they be kept without mayhem and mass
murder? by Neale Monks,
Take it from the
top; Often ignored by
aquarists, the top of the tank is a great place for interesting,
community-friendly fish by Neale Monks
Forgotten Fish;
Old-timers with plenty to offer
by Neale Monks
Five Almost Perfect Fishes; Great fish for the community aquarium, except for one little thing by Neale Monks
Stingrays by Bob Fenner
FAQs on:
FAQs on: FW Stingray
Identification, FW Stingray
Behavior, FW Stingray
Compatibility, FW Stingray
Stocking/Selection, FW Stingray
Systems, FW Stingray Feeding,
FAQs on FW Stingray Disease:
FW Stingray Disease 1,
FW Stingray Disease
2, FW Stingray Disease 3,
FW Stingray Disease 4,
FAQs on FW Stingray Disease by Category:
(Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
& FW Stingray Reproduction,

Old Four
Legs, the Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Coelacanths,
by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Lungfishes,
Bichirs &
Reed- Ropefish, Family Polypteridae by Bob Fenner (FAQs Split up
for Bichirs and Ropes )
FAQs on: Bichirs
FAQs on: Bichir
Identification, Bichir
Behavior, Bichir
Compatibility, Bichir
Stocking/Selection, Bichir
Systems, Bichir Feeding,
Bichir Disease, Bichir Reproduction,
FAQs on: Ropefish
1, Ropefish 2,
FAQs on: Ropefish
ID, Ropefish Behavior,
Ropefish Compatibility, Ropefish Stocking/Selection, Ropefish Systems, Ropefish Feeding, Ropefish Health, Ropefish Reproduction,
Sturgeons and Sterlets, Pondfish
Profile by Neale Monks,
Sturgeons, Family Acipenseridae for Ponds and Huge Tanks
FAQs on: Sturgeons,
Gars, Family
Lepisosteidae in VERY large home aquariums
FAQs on: True
The Bowfin,
FAQs on: Bowfins,
Tongue Fishes (Osteoglossiforms), Arowanas, Arapaima, African
Butterflyfish, Featherback Knifes by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Bony Tongue
The African Butterflyfish, Pantodon buchholzi
on: African
Arapaimas, Arapaima gigas and
Heterotis niloticus
FAQs on: Arapaimas,
Arowanas, Aruanas,
genera Osteoglossum and Scleropages
FAQs on: Arowanas
1, Arowanas 2,
FAQs on: Arowanas
Identification, Arowanas
Behavior, Arowanas
Compatibility, Arowanas
Stocking/Selection, Arowanas
Systems, Arowanas Feeding,
Arowanas Disease, Arowanas Reproduction,
Clown and other Feather Fin, Featherback
Knifefishes (Clowns, Xenomystus...), Family
Notopteridae FAQs
on: Feather Fin Knives 1,
Feather Fin Knives 2,
FAQs on:
Feather Fin
Knife Identification, Feather Fin
Knife Behavior, Feather Fin
Knife Compatibility, Feather Fin
Knife Stocking/Selection, Feather
Fin Knife Systems, Feather Fin
Knife Feeding, Feather Fin Knife
Disease, Feather Fin Knife
by Species: African, Brown Featherfin
Knife, Xenomystus nigri, Clown
Knife, Chitala chitala, C. ornata,
Aba Aba Knife,
Family Gymnarchidae FAQs
on: Aba Aba Knives,
Mormyrids... Elephantnoses, Baby Whales
and Much More! by Bob Fenner
FAQs on:
Mormyrids, FAQs on: Mormyrid Identification,
Mormyrid Behavior, Mormyrid Compatibility, Mormyrid Stocking/Selection, Mormyrid Systems, Mormyrid Feeding, Mormyrid Disease, Mormyrid Reproduction,
New World (South American) Knifefishes
Knifefishes of the New World (South, C. American) (Black Ghost, Chocolate...) of All Sorts
by Bob Fenner
FAQs on:
S. Am. Knifefishes 1,
S. Am. Knifefishes 2,
FAQs on:
S. Am. Knifefish Identification,
S. Am. Knifefish Behavior,
S. Am. Knifefish Compatibility,
S. Am. Knifefish Stocking/Selection,
S. Am.
Knifefish Systems, S. Am.
Knifefish Feeding, S. Am.
Knifefish Disease, S. Am
Knifefish Reproduction,
Apteronotids by Species: The Black Ghost Knifefish,
Apteronotus (Sternarchus) albifrons
Black Ghost Knifes 1, BGKs 2,
FAQs on:
BGK Behavior,
BGK Compatibility,
BGK Stocking/Selection,
BGK Systems,
BGK Feeding,
BGK Disease 1,
BGK Disease 2,
BGK Disease 3,
BGK Disease 4, BGK Disease ,
FAQs on
BGK Disease by Category:
FAQs on:
BGK Reproduction,
FAQs on:
They're Revolting! The Electric Eel (actually a
knifefish), Electrophorus electricus, &
FAQs on:
Electric Eels (Knives),
Naked-Back Knifefishes, Family Gymnotidae
FAQs on: Gymnotus
Glass Knifefishes, Family Sternopygidae &
on: Glass Knifefishes,
True Pikes,
Family Esocidae

Freshwater Eels of All
Sorts by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Freshwater
Freshwater Eels of the family
FAQs on: Anguillid
Freshwater Moray Eels by Marco Lichtenberger,
"Freshwater" Moray Eels, Family
Muraenidae by Bob Fenner
FAQs on:
Morays 1, FW Morays 2,
FW Morays 3, FW Morays 4,
FW Morays 5,
FW Morays 6, FW Morays ,
FAQs on: FW Moray
ID, FW Moray Behavior,
FW Moray Compatibility,
FW Moray Stocking/Selection,
FW Moray Systems, FW Moray Feeding, FW Moray Disease, FW Moray Reproduction,
Synbranchids, Swamp Eels,
& FAQs on: Synbranchids,
They're Revolting! The Electric Eel
(actually a knifefish), Electrophorus electricus,
FAQs on: Electric Eels (Knives),
The Spiny Eels, Family Mastacembelidae
(Fire, Tire Track, Peacock...) by Bob Fenner,
truth about spiny eels; A closer look at these popular but problematic
oddballs by
Neale Monks,
Husbandry of
the Barred Spiny
Macrognathus panacalus
by Marco
FAQs on: Spiny Eels,
FAQs on:
Spiny Eel
Identification, Spiny Eel
Behavior, Spiny Eel
Compatibility, Spiny Eel
Stocking/Selection, Spiny Eel
Systems, Spiny Eel Feeding,
Spiny Eel Disease, Spiny Eel Reproduction,
FAQs by Species:
Fire Eels, Peacock Eels, Tire Track Eels,
Aethiomastacembelus elipsifer
Tanganyika eel
Yellow Tail Spiny Eel
(Mastacembelus panculus),
Macrognathus aral, Zig Zag Eels
(Mastacembelus armatus et al.),

Characiforms/Tetras & Their
Characiforms/Tetras and Their
Relatives by Bob Fenner & Characin/Tetra
FAQs on: Characoids/Tetras,
FAQs on: Characoid
Identification, Characoid
Behavior, Characoid
Compatibility, Characoid
Stocking/Selection, Characoid
Systems, Characoid Feeding,
FAQs on Characoid Disease:
Characoid Disease 1, Characoid Disease 2, Characoid Disease 3, Tetra Disease 4,
Tetra Disease 5,
Tetra Disease 6, Tetra Disease 7, Tetra Disease ,
FAQs on Characoid Disease by Category:
FAQs on:
Characoid Reproduction,
By Topics:
Characins Part 1: Hatchets, pikes, and other lethal weapons
by Neale Monks, Extreme Characins Part 2:
Wolves, vampires, and other horrors
by Neale Monks
By Systematic Groups:
The Larger Pencilfishes (e.g. Leporinus),
Family Anostomidae by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Large Pencilfish
The Characid/Tetra Fishes by Bob
FAQs on: Characid/Tetra Fishes,
The Alestiine Characid Fishes
(Congos, Alestes spp...)
FAQs on: Alestiines,
The Characinine/Tetra Fishes
(Includes the genera: Acestrorhynchus (Pike
Characins), Charax, Cynodo, Exodon,
Hydrolycus, Priocharax, Rhaphiodon, Roeboides.)
FAQs on: Characinines,
Chalceus Tetras by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Chalceus,
Sailfin Tetras, Subfamily
FAQs on: Sailfin
Piranhas and Kin, Pacus, Silver
Piranhas and Relatives, subfamily
Serrasalminae (Silver Dollars, Pacus...) by Bob Fenner
Piranhas! by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Serrasalmine Fishes,
FAQs on: Piranhas 1, Piranhas 2,
FAQs on: Piranha
Identification, Piranha
Behavior, Piranha
Compatibility, Piranha
Stocking/Selection, Piranha
Systems, Piranha
Feeding, Piranha Health,
Silver Dollars, Red Hooks and More,
Metynnis, Mylossoma, Myleus... (to be written)
FAQs on: Silver Dollars
(Metynnis, Mylossoma, Myleus...spp.) 1, Silver Dollars 2,
FAQs on: Silver
Dollar Identification, Silver
Dollar Behaviour, Silver
Dollar Compatibility, Silver
Dollar Stocking/Selection, Silver Dollar Systems, Silver Dollar Feeding, Silver Dollar Health, Silver Dollar
FAQs on:
Pacus (Colossoma, Piaractus
Tetragonopterines/Tetra Fishes
The Tetragonopterine/Tetra
Fishes (Small characin fishes of southern U.S., Central
and South America by Bob Fenner.
Example genera: Astyanax ( Blind Cave, Mexican Tetras),
Byconamericus, Bryconops, Cheirodon, Gymnocorymbus
(Black Skirt/Widow
Tetras), Hasemania
(Silver Tip
Tetras), Hemibrycon,
Hemigrammus (Glowlight Tetras,
Head & Tail Lights,
Tetras,), Hyphessobrycon
(Black Neons, Bleeding Heart Tetras,
Ember Tetras, Flame Tetras, Lemon Tetras, Rosy
Tetras, Serpae
Tetras,),Inpaichthys/Nematobrycon (Emperor Tetras), Megalamphodus
(Black Phantom Tetras),
Moenkhausia (Red Eye
(Moenkhausia) Tetras), Oligosarcus, Paracheirodon,
Rachoviscus, Tetragonopterus, Thayeria,
Tyttobrycon. ) &
FAQs on: Tetragonopterines, &
Alphabetical By Species/Common Names: Black Neons, Black Phantom Tetras, Black Skirt/Widow Tetras, Bleeding Heart Tetras, Blind Cave/Mexican Tetras, Buenos
Aires Tetras, Cardinals (see below), Diamond Tetras,
Emperor Tetras, Flame/Von Rio Tetras,
Glowlight Tetras,
Gold Tetras, Head & Tail
Lights, Lemon Tetras, Neons
(see below), Penguin Tetras, Red
Eye (Moenkhausia) Tetras, Rosy Tetras, Rummynose Tetras, Serpae Tetras, Silver Tip Tetras,
Cardinal Tetras; A School of Beauty Part 1, Part
II, by Alesia Benedict,
Cardinals & Their Kin; Selection, Maintenance &
Healthcare by Neale
FAQs on: Cardinal
Neons, Cardinals
& Their Kin; Selection, Maintenance &
Healthcare by Neale Monks
FAQs on:
Neon Tetras
1, Neon Tetras 2,
FAQs on: Neon
Tetras Identification, Neon
Tetras Behavior, Neon Tetras
Compatibility, Neon Tetras
Stocking/Selection, Neon
Tetras Systems, Neon Tetras
Feeding, Neon Tetras
Disease, Neon Tetras
Distichodus and More, Family Citharinidae
by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Distichodus,
The Pike-Characoids, Family
FAQs on: Pike
Headstanders, Family
FAQs on: Headstanders,
Trahiras, Family Erythrinidae
FAQs on: Trahiras,
Hatchetfishes, Family
FAQs on: Hatchetfishes,
Hemiodus "Sharks" and More, Family
FAQs on: Hemiodus
The Pike-Like Hepsetid, Family
FAQs on: Hepsetid
Smaller Pencilfishes, Splashing Tetras &
More, Family Lebiasinidae by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Small
Pencilfish Species,
FAQs on: Prochilodontids,

Cyprinodontiforms: Killifishes, Pupfishes
& Livebearing Freshwater Fishes
Cyprinodontiforms (Microcyprini)
Part 1
by Dr. Robert J. Goldstein,
Killifishes, Part
II- The Nothobranchius Family by Robert J.
Goldstein, Ph.D,
Aphanius: European Killifish for
Ambitious Aquarists by Matt Ford,
FAQs on: Killifishes,
Aplocheilids, Rivulinids
FAQs on: Aplocheilid
Cyprinodontids, Flagfish, Pupfishes,
FAQs on: Cyprinodontids,
Livebearing Toothed Carps: Mollies,
Platies, Guppies, Swordtails and so much more!
Fishes For Aquariums and Not by Bob Fenner,
So you think livebearers are boring? There's more
to livebearers than guppies, Neale Monks looks at some of the interesting and unusual
livebearers available to aquarists
by Neale Monks
FAQs on: Livebearers in
General, Poeciliids,
Guppies, Platies, Swordtails, Mollies, Goodeids, Anablepids,
FAQs on: Livebearer Identification, Livebearer Behavior, Livebearer Compatibility, Livebearer Stocking/Selection, Livebearer Systems, Livebearer Feeding,
Livebearer Disease,
Livebearer Reproduction,
Four-Eyes, Family Anablepidae by Bob
FAQs on: Four-Eyes,
Poeciliids: Guppies, Platies, Swordtails,
Mollies by Neale Monks
FAQs on: Livebearers
in General 1, Poeciliids
FAQs on: Livebearer
Identification, Livebearer
Behavior, Livebearer
Compatibility, Livebearer
Stocking/Selection, Livebearer
Systems, Livebearer Feeding,
Livebearer Disease, Livebearer Reproduction,
Guppies For Aquariums by Neale Monks
FAQs on: Guppies,
FAQs on: Guppy
Identification, Guppy Behavior, Guppy Compatibility, Guppy Stocking/Selection, Guppy Systems, Guppy Feeding,
FAQs on Guppy Disease:
Guppy Disease
Guppy Disease 2,
Guppy Disease 3,
Guppy Disease 4,
Disease 5,
Guppy Disease 6,
Guppy Disease 7, Guppy Disease
8, Guppy Disease 9,
Guppy Disease 10, Guppy Disease ,
FAQs on Guppy Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Infectious (Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
FAQs on Guppy Disease by Biological/Pathogenic Cause:
Columnaris, Mycobacteria, Hexamita, Ich, Camallanus, Lernaea,
FAQs on Guppy Reproduction/Breeding:
Guppy Reproduction, Guppy Reproduction
Platies by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Platies,
Platies 2,
FAQs on:
Platy Identification,
Platy Behavior,
Platy Compatibility,
Platy Stocking/Selection,
Platy Systems,
Platy Feeding,
FAQs on Platy Disease:
Platy Disease 1, Platy Disease 2, Platy Disease 3, Platy Disease 4, Platy Disease 5, Platy Health 6,
Platy Health 7,
Platy Health 8,
Platy Health 9,
Platy Health 10,
Platy Health 11, Platy Health ,
FAQs on Platy Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Social, Infectious (Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Genetic, Treatments,
FAQs on Platy
Reproduction/Breeding: Platy
Reproduction, Platy Reproduction
2, Platy Reproduction 3,
Platy Reproduction 4,
Platy Reproduction 5,
Platy Reproduction ,
The truth about Mollies; Among the most popular aquarium fish, they're also among the most misunderstood by Neale Monks
FAQs on:
Mollies 2,
Mollies 3,
FAQs on:
Molly Identification,
Molly Behavior,
Molly Compatibility,
Molly Stocking/Selection,
Molly Systems,
Molly Feeding,
FAQs on Molly Disease:
Molly Disease 1,
Molly Disease 2,
Molly Disease 3,
Molly Disease 4,
Molly Disease 5,
Molly Health 6,
Molly Health 7,
Molly Health 8,
Molly Health 9,
Molly Health 10,
Molly Health 11, Molly Health ,
FAQs on Molly Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Social, Infectious (Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Genetic, Treatments,
FAQs on Molly Reproduction/Breeding:
Molly Reproduction
1, Molly Reproduction 2,
Molly Reproduction 3, Molly Reproduction 4,
Molly Reproduction 5, Molly Reproduction ,
FAQs on: Swordtails, Swordtails
FAQs on: Swordtail Identification, Swordtail Behavior,
Swordtail Compatibility, Swordtail Stocking/Selection, Swordtail Systems, Swordtail Feeding, Swordtail Disease, Swordtail Reproduction,
Endler's Game by Rick Novy
FAQs on: Endler's
Heterandria, Mosquitofish & FAQs on: Gambusia, Heterandria
Goodeids, Family Goodeidae
FAQs on: Goodeid
Halfbeaks Species,
Husbandry, and Breeding by Neale Monks, Halfbeaks, Family
FAQs on: Halfbeaks,

Catfishes, Order
Siluriformes by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Catfish in
General, Catfish
Identification, Catfish
Behavior, Catfish
Compatibility, Catfish
Stocking/Selection, Catfish
Systems, Catfish Feeding,
Catfish Disease, Catfish Reproduction,
Marine, Brackish & Temporarily Freshwater
Catfishes (e.g. Columbian, Black Tip/Fin, Iridescent
"Sharks") of the Family Ariidae by Bob Fenner,
Columbian Shark
Catfishes and other Ariidae by Neale Monks,
FAQs on:
Catfishes 1, Ariid Cats 2,
FAQs on: Ariid
ID, Ariid Behavior,
Ariid Compatibility, Ariid Selection, Ariid Systems, Ariid Feeding, Ariid Disease, Ariid Reproduction,
The Banjo Catfishes, Family Aspredinidae by
Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Banjo
The Driftwood and Jaguar Catfishes, Family
Auchenipteridae by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Driftwood
Giraffes, Lancers, Asian Bumblebees & Just
Bagrid Catfishes, Family Bagridae (Yes, the Auchenipterids need to be
separated) by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Giraffe
Corydoras, Diadema,
Callichthys... Armored Cats
Armored Catfishes of the
Family Callichthyidae (Corydoras, Brochis, Dianema...)
by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Callichthyid Catfishes 1,
Callichthyids 2,
FAQs on:
Callichthyid Identification,
Callichthyid Behavior,
Callichthyid Compatibility,
Callichthyid Stocking/Selection,
Callichthyid Systems,
Callichthyid Feeding,
FAQs on Callichthyid Cat Disease (Also: See Corydoras below):
Callichthyid Disease 1,
Callichthyid Cat Disease 2,
Callichthyid Cat Disease 3,
Callichthyid Cat Disease
Callichthyid Cat Disease 5,
Callichthyid Cat Disease ,
FAQs on Callichthyid Cat Disease by Category: <See Below for
Corydoras spp.>
Diagnosis, Environmental, Nutritional, Social, Infectious,
Parasitic, Trauma, Treatments
Callichthyid Reproduction:
Summer loving: cats in the garden, kittens in the kitchen by Neale
FAQs on: Callichthyid Reproduction,
FAQs on:
Brochis Cats,
FAQs on:
FAQs on:
Corydoras Catfish 1,
FAQs on: Corydoras Catfish Identification,
Corydoras Catfish Behavior,
Corydoras Catfish
Compatibility, Corydoras Catfish
Stocking/Selection, Corydoras
Catfish Systems, Corydoras
Catfish Feeding,
Catfish Health 1, Cory Disease
2, Cory Disease
3, Cory Disease 4,
Cory Disease ,
FAQs on Corydoras Catfish Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Infectious (Virus,
Bacterial, Fungal), Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
FAQs on Corydoras
Catfish Reproduction,
FAQs on Corydoras by Species: Panda
Corydoras, Pygmy Corydoras
FAQs on:
Dianema (Porthole) Cats,
The Squarehead,
Angler, Frog-Mouth or Chatty Chaca Catfishes, Family
Chacidae by Bob Fenner
FAQs on:
The Labyrinth Catfishes, Family
Clariidae by Bob Fenner
FAQs on:
The Thorny, Talking,
Raphael Catfishes of the Family Doradidae Family Doradidae by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Doradid (incl. Raphael)
(Ameiurid) Catfishes (Channel, Bullhead...)
by Bob Fenner, Coldwater Catfishes,
Pondfish Profile by Neale Monks,
on: Ictalurid
Plecos, Otos,
Whiptails and So Much More, Loricariids
Plecos and More! The South/Central
American Suckermouth Catfishes, Family Loricariidae
by Bob Fenner
The Giant Plecos of the Genera Glyptoperichthys, Hypostomus, Liposarcus &
Pterygoplichthys by Bob Fenner
Otocinclus Catfishes, family
Loricariidae, Use in Aquariums by Bob
From Pan-ack-ay to Pan-ack-zee, A Detailed
Look at the Bizarre But Beautiful Panaque
Catfishes by Neale Monks
FAQs on: Loricariids 1, Loricariids 2,
FAQs on: Loricariid Identification, Loricariid Behavior, Loricariid Compatibility, Loricariid Stocking/Selection, Loricariid Systems, Loricariid Feeding,
FAQs on "Pleco" Disease:
Loricariid Disease 1, Loricariid Disease 2, Loricariid Disease 3, Loricariid Disease 4,
FAQs on "Pleco" Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Infectious (Virus, Bacterial,
Fungal), Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
FAQs on "Pleco"
Loricariid Reproduction,
on Large Plecos by Genera: Glyptoperichthys, Liposarcus, Pterygoplichthys, Sailfin
Giants among the Loricariids 1, Large Plecos 2,
FAQs on: Large Plecos Identification, Large Plecos Behavior, Large Plecos Compatibility, Large Plecos Stocking/Selection,
Large Plecos Systems,
Large Plecos Feeding,
Large Plecos Health, Large Plecos
Otocinclus Catfishes, family
Loricariidae, Use in Aquariums by Bob
FAQs on:
2, FAQs
on: Otocinclus Identification, Otocinclus Behavior, Otocinclus Compatibility, Otocinclus Stocking/Selection, Otocinclus Systems, Otocinclus Feeding, Otocinclus Health, Otocinclus Reproduction,
From Pan-ack-ay to Pan-ack-zee, A Detailed
Look at the Bizarre But Beautiful Panaque
Catfishes by Neale Monks FAQs on: Panaque,
Other Loricariid Genera:
FAQs by Genus & Species: Ancistrus 1, Ancistrus , Ancistrus , Ancistrus
, Ancistrus , (Bristlenose Plecs), Baryancistrus,
Chaetostoma (Rubberlipped
Plecos), Farlowella, Loricaria, Sturisoma,
Rhineloricaria: Twig Plecostomus,
Glyptoperichthys, Liposarcus,
Pterygoplichthys, Sailfin Giants among the Loricariids,
The Zebra Pleco, Hypancistrus
zebra, Hypostomus,
Peckoltia: Clown Plecostomus,
Lasiancistrus, Pseudacanthicus, Scobanancistrus,
L-number catfish,
The Electric Catfishes, Family
Malapteruridae by Bob Fenner
FAQs on:
Catfish, Electrogenic
Squeakers, Feather Fins, Synodontis (incl. Upside
Down Catfishes), Family Mochokidae (Synodontis...) by Bob
FAQs on:
(Synodontis...) Catfishes 1, Mochokid Cats
FAQs on: Mochokid Cats
Identification, Mochokid Cats
Behavior, Mochokid Cats
Compatibility, Mochokid Cats
Stocking/Selection, Mochokid Cats
Systems, Mochokid Cats
Feeding, Mochokid Cats
Disease, Mochokid Cats
(Iridescent) Shark or Eat-em Up Catfishes of the Family
Pangasiidae by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Pangasiid Catfishes 1, Pangasiid Catfishes 2, FAQs on: Pangasiid Catfishes
Identification, Pangasiid Catfishes
Behavior, Pangasiid Catfishes
Compatibility, Pangasiid Catfishes
Stocking/Selection, Pangasiid
Catfishes Systems, Pangasiid
Catfishes Feeding, Pangasiid
Catfishes Disease/Health, Pangasiid Catfishes
Antennae Catfishes, Family Pimelodidae (Pictus, Red-Tail...)
by Bob Fenner
FAQs on:
Catfishes 1,
Pimelodid Cats 2, FAQs on: Pimelodid Identification, Pimelodid Behavior, Pimelodid Compatibility, Pimelodid Selection, Pimelodid Systems, Pimelodid Feeding, Pimelodid Disease, Pimelodid Reproduction,
FAQs on: by species Pictus Cats, Red Tail Cats (Phractocephalus), Shovelnose Catfishes (Pseudoplatystoma,
Sorubim, Sorubimichthys...),
The South American
Bumblebee Catfish Family Pseudopimelodidae
FAQs on: South American Bumblebee
Ghost, Glass Cats, Family Siluridae
by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Ghost, Glass
Candiru Catfishes, Families
Trichomycteridae and Cetopsidae, The Vampire Catfish - Candiru, ppt
presentation, Part 1, Part 2,
Part 3,
FAQs on: Candiru

Cypriniiforms: Minnows & Relatives:
Goldfish, Barbs, Danios, Rasboras FW "Sharks", Loaches
& Relatives
Cypriniiform/Minnow-Like Fishes
on: Cypriniiform/Minnow
on various Cypriniiform species of aq. use:
Darters/Etheostomids, White
Clouds, Shiners & Rosies,
Hi-Fin/Banded/Chinese Sharks,
Chinese (not) Algae
(neither) Eaters, Gyrinocheilus aymonieri. Bad Boyz (&
FAQs on:
Chinese Algae
Eaters (CAEs), Gyrinocheilus aymonieri 1, CAEs 2,
FAQs on: CAE
Identification, CAE Behavior, CAE
Compatibility, CAE Selection/Stkg.,
CAE Systems, CAE
Feeding, CAE Disease, CAE Reproduction,
Crossocheilus siamensis, the Real SAE, Siamese Algae
FAQs on: Siamese Algae
FAQs on
the Related: Flying

Barbs, Danios, Rasboras, Family
Cyprinidae by Bob Fenner,
A Barbed Response; Wrongly maligned for being
fin-nippers, barbs are in fact some of the best fish for the home
aquarium by Neale Monks
FAQs on:
Danios, Rasboras, Barbs, Danios, Rasboras 2,
FAQs on: B,D,R
Identification, B,D,R Behavior,
B,D,R Compatibility, B,D,R Stocking/Selection, B,D,R Systems, B,D,R Feeding, B,D,R Disease 1, B,D,R Disease 2,
B,D,R Disease 3,
B,D,R Disease 4,
B,D,R Reproduction,
Barb Species
Tiger Barbs
FAQs on: Tiger
Barbs 1, Tiger Barbs 2,
FAQs on: Tiger
Barbs Identification, Tiger
Barbs Behavior, Tiger Barbs
Compatibility, Tiger Barbs
Stocking/Selection, Tiger Barbs
Systems, Tiger Barbs
Feeding, Tiger Barbs
Health, Tiger Barbs
Denison's Barb: & FAQs
on: Puntius denisonii
Odessa Barbs:
& FAQs on: Odessa
Tinfoil Barbs & FAQs on:
Tinfoil Barbs,
Rosy Barbs &
FAQs on: Rosy Barbs,
"Dwarf" Barb Species; Gold, Checker, Cherries,
FAQs on: Smaller Barbs,
Gold, Checker, Cherries,
Danio Species
Zebra Danios,
including "Glo-Fish"
FAQs on: Zebra Danios 1,
Zebra Danios 2,
FAQs on: Zebra
Danios Identification, Zebra
Danios Behavior, Zebra Danios
Compatibility, Zebra Danios
Stocking/Selection, Zebra Danios
Systems, Zebra Danios
Feeding, Zebra Danios
Health, Zebra Danios
Pearl Danios of various species:
FAQs on: Pearl Danios,
Giant Danios of various species:
FAQs on: Giant Danios,
Rasbora Species
The Harlequin
Rasbora, Rasbora heteromorpha,
FAQs on: Harlequin Rasboras,
FAQs on: Scissortail
Rasbora species
FAQs on: Smaller Rasbora species,

Freshwater Minnow Ones...
The Minnows We
Call Sharks by Bob Fenner
FAQs on:
Freshwater Minnow "Sharks",
Minnow Sharks 2,
FAQs on: FW Shark Identification, FW Shark
Behavior, FW Shark
Compatibility, FW Shark
Stocking/Selection, FW Shark
Systems, FW Shark Feeding,
FW Shark Disease, FW Shark Reproduction,
by Species:
Hi-Fin/Banded/Chinese Sharks,
Bala or Tri-Colored Sharks, Balantiocheilus
melanopterus by Bob Fenner
FAQs on:
Sharks, Bala
Shark Identification, Bala Shark
Behavior, Bala Shark
Compatibility, Bala Shark
Selection, Bala Shark Systems,
Bala Shark Feeding, Bala Shark Disease, Bala Shark Reproduction,
The Red Tail Black Shark, Epalzeorhynchos
bicolor, the Redtail Sharkminnow to
science was Labeo bicolor by Bob
FAQs on:
The Rainbow or Red-Finned & Albino
Shark/minnow, Epalzeorhynchos munense and E.
frenatum by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Rainbow/Redfin Sharks,
Black Sharks... How Big!? Labeo
FAQs on: Black
Shark Minnows,
The Iridescent/ID "Shark" (actually a
Catfish), Family Pangasiidae by Bob Fenner
on: Pangasiid
Columbian, Silver-Tipped...
"Sharks": Marine, Brackish & Freshwater
Catfishes of the Family Ariidae by Bob Fenner
FAQs on:
Brackish and Marine Catfishes, Ariid Cats 2,
FAQs on: Ariid
ID, Ariid Behavior,
Ariid Compatibility, Ariid Selection, Ariid Systems, Ariid Feeding, Ariid Disease, Ariid Reproduction,

Loaches, Family Cobitidae
Loaches, Family
Cobitidae by Bob Fenner, A New Look At Loaches
By Neale Monks, & FAQs on: Loaches
1, Loaches 2,
FAQs on: Loach
Identification, Loach
Behavior, Loach
Compatibility, Loach
Stocking/Selection, Loach
Systems, Loach Feeding,
Loach Disease, Loach Reproduction,
Clown Loaches, Botia
FAQs on: Clown Loaches, Clown Loach Identification, Clown Loach Behavior, Clown Loach Compatibility, Clown Loach Stocking/Selection, Clown Loach Systems, Clown Loach Feeding, Clown Loach Disease, Clown Loach Reproduction,
Dojos, Weatherfishes,
Misgurnis... On the Use of
Dojos/Weatherfishes in Ornamental Ponds by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Dojo/Weatherfishes 1, Dojos/Weatherfishes 2,
FAQs on: Dojos/Weatherfishes Identification, Dojos/Weatherfishes Behavior, Dojos/Weatherfishes Compatibility, Dojos/Weatherfishes Stocking/Selection,
Dojos/Weatherfishes Systems, Dojos/Weatherfishes Feeding, Dojos/Weatherfishes Health 1,
Dojo Health 2,
Health 3, Dojo Health 4,
Dojo Health 5, Dojo Health ,
FAQs on Dojo Health by: Diagnosis, Environment, Social, Nutrition,
Trauma, Infection, Parasitism, Treatments
& Dojos/Weatherfishes Reproduction,
Kuhlii Loaches &
FAQs on: Kuhli Loaches,
Other Loach species
FAQs: Yo Yo
Loaches, Kubotai, Skunk Loaches...
Hillstream Fishes (not
true loaches): Chinese Hillstream
Loach by Adam Jackson,
on: Hillstream Fishes,

New Print and
eBook on Amazon
Goldfish Success
What it takes to keep goldfish healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Goldfish 101: The Top Ten
Goldfish Questions by Tiffany Bromfield and Bob Fenner
Betta & Goldfish (Keeping) by Judy Helfrich (in the CA
Accidental Aquarist series), Goldfish 101: Goldfish May
Be Popular, And They May Be Cheap, But That Doesn't Make Them
Easy Aquarium Fish by Neale Monks,
Goldfish Very Basic/Emergency Care
Sheet by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Goldfish 1, Goldfish 2,
Identification/Varieties, The Bubble Eye
Goldfish by Spencer Glass Goldfish
FAQs on: Goldfish
Goldfish Behavior,
FAQs on: Goldfish
Behavior 1, Goldfish Behavior
2, Goldfish Behavior
Goldfish Compatibility,
FAQs on: Goldfish
Goldfish Selection,
FAQs on: Goldfish
Goldfish Foods/Feeding/Nutrition,
FAQs on: Goldfish
Goldfish Systems,
Components & Maintenance by Bob Fenner
Goldfish 101: Goldfish May Be Popular, And
They May Be Cheap, But That Doesn't Make Them Easy Aquarium
Fish by Neale Monks,
Should small
tanks be sold with warning labels? Editorial by Neale
FAQs on Goldfish Systems:
Goldfish Systems 1, Goldfish Systems 2, Goldfish Systems
3, Goldfish Systems 4, Goldfish Systems 5, Goldfish Systems 6, Goldfish Systems 7, Goldfish Systems 8, Goldfish Systems 9,
FAQs on Goldfish System by Component: Tanks (Size,
Shape...), Lighting/Tops,
Decor, Gravel, Plantings, Heating/Temperature, Aeration/Circulation, Filtration, Water
Quality (pH, Hardness, Algae, Smell, Cloudiness... Ammonia, Nitrite,
Nitrate, Nitrogen Cycling), Maintenance, Trouble/Fixing,
Goldfish Diseases
Health/Disease by Bob
Fenner <To do: write flow chart... steps to healthy
goldfish... Diag. sheet for ills>
FAQs on: Goldfish Disease 1, Goldfish Disease 2, Goldfish Disease 3, Goldfish Disease 4, Goldfish Disease 5, Goldfish Disease 6, Goldfish Disease
7, Goldfish Disease 8, Goldfish Disease 9,
Disease 10,
Goldfish Disease 11, Goldfish
Disease 12, Goldfish
Disease 13, Goldfish
Disease 14, Goldfish Disease 16,
Goldfish Disease
17, Goldfish Disease 18, Goldfish Disease 19, Goldfish Disease 20, Goldfish Disease 21,
Disease 22,
Goldfish Health 23,
Goldfish Disease 24
Goldfish Health 25,
Goldfish Disease 26,
Goldfish Disease 27,
Goldfish Disease 28,
Goldfish Disease 29,
Goldfish Disease 30,
Goldfish Disease 31,
Goldfish Disease 32, Goldfish Disease 33, Goldfish Disease 34, Goldfish Disease 35 Goldfish Health 36, Goldfish Health 37, Goldfish Health 38, Goldfish Disease 39, Goldfish Disease 40, Goldfish Disease 41, Goldfish Disease 42, Goldfish Disease 43, Goldfish Disease 44, Goldfish Disease 45, Goldfish Disease 46, Goldfish Disease 47, Goldfish Disease 48, Goldfish Disease 49, Goldfish Disease 50, Goldfish Disease 51,
Goldfish Disease 52,
Goldfish Disease 53,
Goldfish Disease 54,
Goldfish Disease 55,
Goldfish Disease 56,
Goldfish Disease 57,
Goldfish Disease 58,
Goldfish Disease 59, Goldfish Disease , &
Koi/Pondfish Disease
Write re checking water quality, basics...
FAQs on Goldfish Disease Diagnosis:
1, Diagnosis ,
<Note: make up chart with pix to click on... showing
symptoms, bringing up causes, solutions>
Goldfish Disease by "Types", Causes: (Absolutely the Biggest Category)
Environmental 1, Environmental 2, Environmental 3, Environmental 4, Environmental 5, Environmental 6, Environmental
7, Environmental 8, Environmental
9, Environmental 10, Environmental
11, Environmental 12, Environmental , Environmental ,
Floaty Bloaty Goldfish (article by
Sabrina Sharp; Also see FAQs linked below)
FAQs on Floaty, Bloaty Goldfish: Floaty, Bloaty Goldfish, Floaty, Bloaty Goldfish 2, Bloaty, Floaty Goldfish 3, Bloaty, Floaty Goldfish 4,
FAQs on Goldfish Disease by Category:
Nutritional (Second
Largest), Genetic/Developmental,
Eye Troubles,
Lumps/Bumps/Growths 1,
Growths 2, Growths 3, Growths 4 Growths 5, Growths 6,
Growths 7,
Growths, (including idiopathic tumors)
Viral and Bacterial, Fungal
Infectious (Finrot et al.)
(Ich, Protozoans, Flukes, Worms, Crustacean/
Anchorworms/Lernaeids, )
Fish Lice (Argulus),
Goldfish Swim Bladder Problems
Anomalous (Misc., Injuries, etc.)
Goldfish Medicines, Real and Not:
FAQs on Goldfish Medicines:
Anti-Fungals (Sulfa Drugs, Maroxy),
Antibiotics/Antimicrobials (e.g. Maracyn,
Tetracycline), Antiprotozoals (e.g.
eSHa, Metronidazole (Flagyl),)
Copper Compounds,
Malachite Green,
Metronidazole (Flagyl),
Anthelminthics (de-wormers),
(e.g. Fluke Tabs, Dylox),
Mela- & Pima(not)Fix,
All Others (mixes, proprietary, Acriflavine,
Goldfish Mal-Nutrition, Avoiding Floaty Bloaty Goldfish by Sabrina Fullhart
FAQs on:
Floaty, Bloaty Goldfish 1
Floaty, Bloaty Goldfish 2,
Bloaty, Floaty Goldfish 3,
Bloaty, Floaty Goldfish 4,
Bloaty/Floaty Goldfish 5 ,
Goldfish Reproduction/Breeding
FAQs on Goldfish Reproduction: Goldfish
Reproduction 1,
FAQs on: Koi in Aquariums,

Miscellaneous Freshwater Fish
Leaffishes, Families Badidae, Polycentridae
& Nandidae by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Leaffishes,
Snooks, Giant
Perches of the Family Centropomidae
FAQs on: Snooks, Nile
Perch, the Centropomids
Siamese Tiger
Fishes, Used to Be Known as Datnoides by Bob
FAQs on:
Tiger Fishes (Were Datnoides, Now
Sunfishes ("Basses", Bluegills,
Pumpkinseed, Crappy...), Family Centrarchidae
FAQs on: Sunfishes,
Atheriniforms: Rainbow &
Silverside Fishes
Fishes at the
Rainbow's End: An Introduction to the Atheriniformes, the
Rainbowfish and Silversides by Neale Monks,
Rainbowfishes by Bob Fenner
FAQs on: Rainbowfishes 1,
Rainbowfishes 2,
FAQs on: Rainbow
Identification, Rainbow
Behavior, Rainbow
Compatibility, Rainbow
Stocking/Selection, Rainbow
Systems, Rainbow Feeding,
Rainbow Disease 1,
Rainbow Disease
2, Rainbow Disease 3, Rainbow Disease 4,
FAQs on Rainbow Disease by Category: Rainbow Disease
Diagnosis, Rainbow Nutritional Disease , Rainbow Disease , Rainbow
Disease , Rainbow Disease , Rainbow Disease , Rainbow Disease , Rainbow
Disease Treatments,
FAQs on: Rainbow Reproduction,
Silverside Fishes, family Atherinidae
FAQs on: Silversides,

To Freshwater Livestock
2: Gouramis, Bettas, Cichlids, Fresh to Brackish Water
Fishes, Invertebrates (Hydra, Worms, Snails, Insects, Crustaceans...),
Amphibians, Turtles: