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Quick question about Corydoras catfish 5/11/10 Angelfish Mating/Cory Cats Schooling 8/20/09 Cory Catfish, sel., fdg. 2/7/09 I am thinking about adding a couple Cory Catfish to my tank of livebearers. I was wondering-do Cory Catfish eat fish waste? I know they eat leftover food... Thanks a bunch! <Hello Hannah. Corydoras (and indeed catfish generally) do NEITHER of the things you mention. No, they do not eat fish waste. Why would they? Waste is removed by your filter, and through water changes. Every additional fish you add INCREASES the amount of ammonia and faeces in the tank, so your filtration will need to be adequate to the task. Secondly, they DO NOT eat (just) leftovers. Catfish should be given sinking pellets -- catfish food -- at least 3-4 nights per week. Corydoras are nocturnal fish by choice, and during the night will eat the pellets without having to deal with competition from day-active fish in the aquarium. Besides catfish food, they enjoy algae wafers and frozen bloodworms. One last thing: Corydoras are SCHOOLING fish, and are not happy in groups of less than 5 specimens. Adding "a couple" is simply condemning these adorable little fish to a nervous, unhappy existence in your care. Since tank-bred Corydoras such as Peppered Corydoras and Bronze Corydoras cost very little, there's really no excuse for not getting at least 5 specimens. If your tank is so small (or so heavily stocked) you can't add 5 specimens, you probably should add 2 either. Five specimens will settle just fine into a busy 20-gallon community tank without complaint. Cheers, Neale.> Freshwater Stocking Question, Corydoras and Platy Sel.
11/26/08 Cory Cats, sel. 10/17/08 Hi, I know
that Cory catfish are schoolers, and I plan on buying about 10 of them
over time. Do they all have to be the same species or will they still
stay together if they are different? Thanks, James <A few species
are known to form mixed species schools in the wild. But in the
aquarium they don't school unless they're all the same species.
The main exception is the Albino Corydoras, which is (usually) the
Peppered Corydoras (C. paleatus) and consequently these two catfish
will school together. That said, Corydoras look best when it's a
big group of the same species. Cheers, Neale.>
Cory Help... sel., hlth. 2/1/08 Hi! I have recently bought one albino Cory for my 20 gallon aquarium. Along side the Cory in the tank are 3 marble mollies, a balloon molly, 2 white fin tetras, and a zebra tetra. <No such thing as a "zebra tetra" -- do you mean a Zebra Danio? Small minnow with longitudinal gold and purple stripes.> My problem is my Cory is acting extremely weird. He swims up and down radically and never stays in one spot too long. Sometimes he just frantically swims around and around in the aquarium. I feed him using fish flakes and sinking pellets. But it seems as though he doesn't eat this food. I have had him for 4 days now. Could he be acting strange due to the presence of the other fish? Or is there something else that could be a contributing factor to this? <He's lonely, scared, and miserable -- and likely wondering why he was bought by someone who doesn't research their fish first, usually an omen of doom for unfortunate fish. Corydoras are *schooling* fish, and have to be kept in groups. Four is the minimum really, and you need six or more to see them at their best. So go to your retailer and buy some more. Albino Corydoras are usually Corydoras paleatus, so you can mix them with regular Corydoras paleatus (known as "peppered Corydoras" in the trade).> Sincerely, Michael <Cheers, Neale.> <<Well done Neale. RMF>> Corydoras... sel. 10/27/07 I'm trying
to decide how many Corydoras (trilineatus) I could put in a 55 gallon
tank. It will have only a 6" passive female Severum in there
besides the Corydoras. The Severum has been living with 6 Cory Cats for
quite some time now and they do excellent together in a 45 gal tank. I
really want more Cory's (such gentle & sweet little fish!). I
do daily partial water changes and the 55 gal will have 2 Emperor 400
Bio-wheels on it, my water quality is great. Would I be over-crowding
'space-wise' if I had a total of 20 Corydoras in this 55 gal
along with the Severum? I value the opinion of all your volunteers very
much but am scared enough of crowding them that I'd love to have
your opinion. Thank you so much for your time and efforts. Mitzi
<Mitzi, what you propose should be fine. The thing to do is add them
a batch at a time though, so the filter can adjust. Maybe 5 at each go,
wait a few days, and then add 5 more. While you're waiting, check
the nitrite level to make sure the filter has adjusted, and if
necessary, wait for nitrite to reach zero before adding any more.
Realistically though, mature filters adjust to extra fish within a day
or two. You also want to optimise each filter; i.e., remove pointless
stuff like carbon and Zeolite, and make sure you're using the best
quality biological media available. One problem you will have is
feeding this number of catfish without the tank getting over-polluted.
Check the nitrate level every week or so for the first month or two, so
get an idea of how quickly the nitrate level rises and how often you
need to do water changes. While Corydoras are fairly indifferent to
nitrate, Severums, like all other cichlids, are very sensitive to
nitrate over the long term, developing things like Hole-in-the-Head.
Good luck, Neale> My poor catfish!! Corydoras dis.,
use 8/22/07 Good morning, we are fairly new
aquarium owners, we have 2 gravel cleaner Corydoras and one of them has
a very swollen belly, we thought it might be pregnant but today it is
finding it very difficult to swim and keeps going to the surface.
Sometimes it falls back down to the bottom like its dead but then will
swim back up. Not keeping it's balance very well. The other one
looks fine and is sat on the bottom as normal. Please could you give me
some advice on what to do. I can't seem to get a clear enough
picture but will try if you really need one. They are a grey colour
with a pinkish tone, about 2 inches long. Thank you so much Sharon
<Hello Sharon. Corydoras aren't "gravel cleaners" --
that's your job. Indeed, forcing catfish of any kind to root about
dirty gravel causes infections to set in, typically associated with
eroded barbels (whiskers) and, in serious cases, reddish sores on the
belly. A photograph will help, but my assumption without one is that
your catfish are suffering from poor water quality. In a new aquarium
the ammonia and nitrite levels quickly reach toxic levels. Catfish will
try and mitigate the problems by gulping air, which is the dash to the
surface your catfish are doing, but eventually the ammonia and nitrite
cause damage to the fish, which is the odd behaviour. Even in the short
term, prolonged exposure to nitrite and ammonia will kill them. Using
your test kits (which I hope you have!) ensure the ammonia is 0 and the
nitrite is 0. If this is not the case, do a 50% water change. Repeat
the water test and, if required, 50% water change every single day
until you get 0 ammonia and nitrite for two or three days on the trot.
At that point, you can scale things back to 50% water changes per week.
Cheers, Neale> Unsure of fish choices - 4/7/07 Hey everyone! <Hello!> I love the website and it has been very beneficial in helping me set up my 45 gallon tank... thanks for all the info! I have a few questions I was hoping you could answer for me. <Okay...> First off, I understand the importance of a quarantine tank but does it have to be a tank or can it just be a bowl? <No; really. A quarantine tank has to be a reasonably healthy environment. If it makes the fish more stressed and more sickly, it isn't really doing its job.> See, I'm back to college and inherited the tank after my grandparents moved (it's a fairly new tank) and can't really afford to go out and purchase a large tank. Would a quarantine bowl be sufficient or no? <Fair enough. Lots of people are stuck with using just one tank. It's not optimal, but its workable. Just choose stock carefully, don't take risks, look out for the first signs of sickness or aggression, and be prepared to implement a "Plan B" if things go wrong, i.e., have some anti-Whitespot remedy to hand, and check with your retailer if you can return aggressive fish.> Secondly... <Yes...?> My tank has been running for a few weeks now and I have slowly been adding fish. <Define "few weeks" and define "slowly".> Currently, I have 5 zebra Danios and 4 sunburst Mickey mouse platys. <A pretty safe combo.> I would like to add more but am unsure about what fish to add. <I tend to go with one inch (or centimetre, if you're metric) of fishes that live at the top to every two inches of midwater swimmers to every one inch of bottom dwellers. This gets a nice balance of activity at all levels of the tank without making things to crowded. In this case, I'd recommend Corydoras catfish as being about the right size to fit in nicely with your fish as well as being easy to obtain and coming in a variety of colours. Peppered and bronze Corydoras are "old reliables", but you might go with something a little more elite like Panda Corydoras or Leopard Corydoras if funds allow. There's a nice intro here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/callichthyids.htm and you will find any number of books and web sites about "Corys" if you look for them. Corydoras vary in ease of maintenance, but most are pretty robust and all are peaceful and happy to eat dried foods. Some species will spawn in aquaria, and if you remove the eggs and place in another tank (or even a breeding net) rearing the fry isn't all that hard but extremely rewarding. Baby catfish -- "kittens" -- are truly adorable. Keep in groups, ideally at least 3, but preferably six or more. They don't like deep tanks: no more than 30 cm/12", because they are air-breathers and cannot swim up too high. Keep the sand/gravel clean because dirty conditions at the bottom of the tank can cause problems such as eroding whiskers. One last thing: contrary to popular belief, these fish won't live on leftovers, they need their own food. Ask your retailer for catfish food, and use according to the label.> It seems like every fish comes with a problem... either too aggressive or too high reproductive rates. I don't want to end up with a tank full of 60+ guppies! What fish should I purchase from here? <Corydoras are about as problem-free as any aquarium fish can be. Small (most are around 4-6 cm in length), utterly benign towards other fishes, and generally resistant to disease, they even wink at you! Personally, I'd recommend peppered Corydoras if you've never kept catfish before. Peppers are usually cheap and easy to find, and probably the most forgiving of all Corydoras in terms of water quality and other problems.> -Victoria <Cheers, Neale> Looking For Pygmy Corys 6/27/06 Hello crew, Where can one obtain a pygmy Cory in America? The links I have found are only in the UK. Thanks in advance, Lisa S. Immarco <They come in to the US. I saw some at a wholesaler a few weeks ago. They are very inexpensive and so not too many breeders work with them. Check out Aquabid.com or try the chatroom at planetcatfish.com.-Chuck> Cycling, timing, and Endler's Dear WWMites, <<Kewl. I'm an official Mite!!>> Well, thanks to the rest of your site (and I thought I'd read nearly everything before), I've answered my own questions. Wow, y'all have a lot of stuff for us to read! I backed out to the home page and found more links to more info a bit farther down. Unfortunately, the intense absorption of so much info knocked most of the third grade out of my head to make room. Ah, well, third grade was a bust anyway... To recap: We'll get the Otos much later in the process rather than earlier, and our earlier decision on five (one per ten gallons) is apparently a good population. Also, my bride and I decided we're going to replace several of the silk plants with live plants, both for the beauty and the Otos. <<Excellent idea :)>> We'll stick with making larger batches of tweaked water, and go get a cheapy air pump to aerate it (at least overnight) before we use it. We're also talking about increasing the water changes to 20% a week rather than every two weeks, especially after reading about the sensitivity of Otos and Corys to nasties in the water. <<It would be a good idea to vacuum your substrate regularly, Corys are prone to bacterial infections of the barbels. Nasty stuff can accumulate in gravel beds, and Corys are always sticking their noses into...it. :P>> We're going to have to decide which Corydoras to get, since they prefer being with their own. I'd had the impression that it wouldn't quite do to mix based on genus rather than species. (Now if I can just convince my wife to go with the paleatus...) <<My favorite Corys are melanistius melanistius and adolfoi. You can check out pics of any species of Cory cat at www.planetcatfish.com/ Maybe you will both see something inspiring there that you agree on :)>> As I said in an earlier message, the little speed demon is, indeed, an Endler's. He's started getting a stronger hint of green on his caudal fin, and a more definite green tinge on his rear half. We're looking forward to getting a group of them after New Year's. <<Nice fish. Easy to keep and not a royal pain like so many livebearers can be...Belonesox spring to mind.>> Again, thanks for the wonderful site, and I hope I haven't chewed up too much of your time. Glen <<You are most welcome. Happy Fishing. LOL. -Gwen>> |
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