FAQs on Catfish
Related Articles: Catfishes, Sucker mouth Cats/Loricariids,
Otocinclus, Callichthyids, Ictalurid Catfishes, Mochokids/Synodontis, Candirus (Trichomycterids, Cetopsids),
Marine Catfishes: Plotosids,
Related Catfish FAQs: General, Identification, Compatibility, Selection, Systems, Feeding, Disease, Reproduction,
Most catfish are rather sedentary, but some
are almost always moving! Cetopsis
coecutiens is one of these
Weird Catfish Behavior 11/16/11
<Hello Trent>
I have an Albino Channel Catfish probably a little over a foot
long in a 125 gallon aquarium, sand substrate, external Jebo
filter. Good ph and everything. My question is why he will give a
little body twitch and then swim back and forth darting at the
bottom to swipe his side on the sand every one in awhile? It
just strikes me as odd. So any help would be awesome! Thanks
<Mmm, some twitching is "natural", but a bunch... May well
be due to accumulated metabolite. One window for looking at such is
measuring nitrate... Is yours more than 10-20 ppm? If so, you need to
increase percentage and/or shorten time frames twixt water changes,
increase filtration, utilize chemical filtrants... See WWM re NO3. Bob
Sand, Siluriiform facultative aerial
<Hi Jordan>
The type of sand I ordered online and it has Already been washed and I
got it because it had some Important bacteria and it was made for
catfish actually.
<Okay, so there are a couple of different companies who are
producing this live sand they claim has beneficial bacteria already in
it. I have not used this sand, as I am cheap and have large aquariums
to fill, and always end up using cheap sand from the Ace Hardware!
I'm glad that you made sure it was fine for catfish, since
that's all you seem to be collecting -- and it's certainly
understandable, as I enjoy all of my catfishes thoroughly.>
I also have another question I just noticed my fish have been getting
air from the top of the tank and I have a bubbled but I don't want
to put it in :) should I put it in ( I know the Hoplos are air breathers
to make bubble nests)
<Yes, your Corys are air breathers, as well. This only leaves the
Raphael, who shouldn't be making a lot of trips to the surface,
like the others. There's more dissolved oxygen at the top of your
tank, because oxygen comes into the water at the surface. This means
that there may not be enough oxygen at the bottom of the tank for the
Raphael, if he's one of the ones struggling to get air. This is
where filtration comes in... we'll discuss that in a sec!>
and the filtration I have is a tetra 30g filter I don't think
it's a good quality though.
<This filter claims to move 150 gallons per hour (I checked
PetSmart's website), so it's turning over your tank 7.5 times
per hour. This should be enough to provide oxygen to all areas of the
tank, so I'm wondering if by "all the fish" you mean just
he Hoplos and the Corys, you're doing okay, but if it's the
Raphael, as well, then I worry. If this catfish breathes air, I am not
aware of it (Bob or Neale, please correct me if I am wrong!). So, it
could be considered "abnormal behavior" for him, which means
something's going on. In any case, I look forward to the test
results tomorrow, and am hoping that, though I am not trusting of any
product which is left on a store shelf for an indeterminate amount of
time and claims to still have live bacteria still in it (!) the Seachem
product and the sand you've purchased have cycled this tank, for
the fishes' sakes.
I've tried a lot of products in my time fishkeeping, and very few
have impressed me. Though others may feel differently,
"Stability" was not one of them, and as I said, I have never
used this freshwater "live" sand.
I'll speak to you soon!>
Thank you! Have a nice night!
<I'm getting back to you rather late... so I can affirm that it
was a nice night!
<I'm going to combine these two e-mails...>, more re
Sorry I am sending so much, but I said the wrong name of the filter I
have a TOPFIN 30g filter have a nice night Melinda and again sorry for
sending so many emails!
<No problem, because I like to help. Otherwise I wouldn't be
here! You seem to be extremely motivated to do things right, and I want
to help you achieve what you've got in mind. I've discussed
this filter above. I've been able to identify some filters as
wonderful, and others as useless, during the time I've kept fish. I
don't care for hang-on-back filters with these carbon-laden
cartridges at all. You have carbon, which becomes spent after three
weeks to a month. Then you have some meshy material on the outside of
the cartridge. During the time this cartridge is in the system, the
mesh and the carbon inside begin to become biological media. That is,
bacteria grows on it. When your replace that cartridge, you're
essentially removing the majority of your beneficial bacteria, and
leaving your system at risk for a mini-cycle (think serious ammonia
spike). In addition, as I said earlier, carbon "wears out"
and stops absorbing chemicals fairly quickly, and you don't even
need it at all in most systems. I only use it to remove medication from
the water if I've had to use it. So, these aren't my favorite.
Please read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwfiltrmedart.htm. You want a
filter which will provide biological and mechanical filtration, and
still have room for chemical filtration (like carbon,
phosphate-removing pads, etc.) if you happen to need them. One of the
reasons I'm mentioning this is that you stated earlier that you do
plan on a 55 in the future. If you choose to upgrade, I'd go with a
75 -- not much more room, way better footprint, more gallons. In any
case, I'm rambling, but there are some nuances to filtration not
often understood by beginners, and not understanding ends up costing
money in the long run -- I figured I'd broach the subject now!
More Re Hi again! FW subst., sel., cleaning. Catfish resp.
Hello Melinda,
Air breathing in the family Doradidae is suspected but unproven. On the
one hand, they have no obvious specialisations, e.g., to the digestive
tract, as with Corydoras. But on the other hand they are known to
survive quite a long time out of water (don't ask me how scientists
know this... too depressing).
In any event, if thorny catfish do breathe air, they do so only as a
last resort, so your analysis is spot-on that a Striped Raphael darting
constantly to the surface would be an unhappy catfish. Also as you
state, catfish are sensitive to poor bottom water conditions, and will
often reveal problems with water circulation more quickly than fish
nearer the top of the tank.
Cheers, Neale
Catfish, Siluriformes species comp.
Hello again, Neale,
I hope you can help me once more. I have a question about catfish. I
just love them and have several different kinds in my aquarium. I
almost have more catfish than other kinds of fish. My tank is fairly
large (63 gallons), so they have room. I also have wood in the
aquarium, which they love.
<Sounds great! You're speaking to another catfish fan. Do make
sure you get across to Planet Catfish and ScotCat, both great sites for
this particular niche of the hobby.>
I have read that some catfish can be very aggressive and
<Only some catfish are territorial, primarily those that guard their
eggs (e.g., Plecs) or need to secure hiding places. By contrast many
others are gregarious: Corydoras, Glass Catfish, Ariid sea catfish,
However, the catfish in my tank get along very well. They do not fight
at all and actually seem to enjoy each other's company. What do I
need to do to keep it this way?
<It all depends on the species, and I can't really answer this
question without knowing what catfish you're keeping. If it's
Corydoras or Glass Catfish or Dwarf Synodontis -- there's nothing
to do: they're schooling fish. Bristlenose Cats by contrast are
territorial, or at least the males are, but provided they have space
enough to spread out, won't cause any problems. The only commonly
maintained species that routinely cause problems are the larger
Loricariids (Plecs) and the bigger Synodontis.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Bullying Multipunctatus Catfish
Thanks again for all of your priceless assistance. I am not sure what
to do with my Synod Multis. In a Malawi 90 gallon I have 3 Synos- a
Eupterus and 2 Multis. The slightly smaller (3.5"), but longer
resident, Multi seems to chase the more recently introduced Multi
a lot. At first I thought, give it some time, but a few
weeks later it is still going on as intensely. I have never noticed any
scars or wounds on the Multi, just that lately it seems to rest more
than usual in strange positions, leaning on things at times.
At feeding time, he still swims around the bottom and eats. I am not
sure what the best course to take is. There are definitely enough
caves, but the bully Multi almost seems to seek him out at times. I
have read they are schooling fish somewhat, would adding another Multi
or two help? I also have a 55 Tanganyikan tank where I could move him,
except this tank is full of 1-2" juveniles, including a 2"
Syno Angelicus (which is my favorite catfish of all and I don't
want to endanger him). Any advice greatly appreciated. >> It will
help to add more Multis. I would try to have a group of 5 fish that are
around the same size. They will chase each other also, but not only one
fish will be under constant stress. Good Luck, Oliver Killer
Catfish? Thank you! You really put my mind at ease. I love my 3
aquariums even if they got a little neglected when I had a baby last
August (never to the point of bad water or disrepair, just not as
diligent as I had been). Now that I am turning my attention fully back
to my aquatic pets, I have one more question and I'll leave you
alone. I have done a lot of research on this, but haven't come to a
conclusion. I have an unplanted 55 gallon tank with two 330 Penguin
BioWheel filters with a 4.5 year old silver tip shark catfish (Mack the
Knife) and a large Pleco (Rainbow Barrone, Jr.). He had been coexisting
with one Oscar who succumbed to old age. My husband was pretty
heartbroken by Salvador the Oscar dying, so he didn't want another
one. I got a Jack Dempsey, but Mack apparently killed him one night in
a territory dispute. Short story long, is there any other species that
would be compatible with Mack, or should I just leave him and Rainbow
in there alone? < If Mack is going to kill all the new fish then I
think leaving him alone is the best way to go> Also, I've
noticed Rainbow sucking on Mack lately. Is this a harmful practice?
Should I separate them? Mack doesn't seem to mind as he just lays
there. Thanks again! < Plecos have mouth parts for scrapping algae
of things like rocks and wood. They will also scrape the protective
slime off fish and can be a problem for fish like discus and angels.
Little Cory cats on the other hand are just looking for bits of left
over food and are harmless.-Chuck>
Are my fish pregnant? Hi my name is Catt Roden, I was just
wondering if you could help me, my catfish keeps trying to bury itself
at the bottom of the tank. I have had my two catfish for 6 months and
do not know much about them, so I was wondering if it may be
pregnant. If so what should I do with the tank and how can I help
my two fish? If not could you tell me why it is doing that? Thank
you, Catt Roden <Catt... what type of catfish are these? If you know
part of their name, try plugging this in to Fishbase.org and learn more
re their life habits... Many catfishes DO dig in the substrate... some
live a good part of the time under it in the wild. I doubt if your fish
are actually pregnant... Study my friend... learn the scientific name
of your fish, their husbandry... Bob Fenner>
Three Line Cory Catfish question Thank you so much you have
helped me in the past, I hope you can again. This Cory catfish started
acting funny, he is constantly going up and down, but not for the usual
gulps of air, just blindly bumping into everyone else up around and
down. <Mmm, may well be interacting with its reflection... in your
aquarium walls. Corydoras Catfishes are extremely social... do best in
groupings> All the water parameters are ok and all the other fish
are ok too, so is one other Cory catfish. Do you have any idea what
this might be, I figured if it's a parasite or something the other
fish will be affected. Thanks again for your time and your insight.
<If you have room, I would add another two or more of this species.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Three Line Cory Catfish question Thanks for
the speedy reply. I wanted to add that this Cory bumps into other fish
swimming while he flutters/scutters like on a roller coaster along the
glass. <Not atypical> Zooms up and down however he slows down
enough to not hurt his barbels when close to surface, but when in water
he bumps into other fish, did I say that twice. <Yes, yes> He has
1 buddy and he completely ignores him, the other just works all the
time, rarely I see him tries to follow other but there' no pattern
and goes back to working. I do have reflection on the glass but do you
think that might be the cause with him bumping around? Thanks for your
patience. By the way Happy New Year! <Yes, and thanks much. All will
likely be fine in time. Bob Fenner>