Piranha Per Se: Catoprion,
Pygocentrus, Serrasalmus... About thirty five species.
Compare these choppers with those of the crushing,
plant chewing Pacus. Now you know why they're called
"Toothy Tetras". |

Pygocentrus nattereri Kner 1858, the Red
(-Bellied) Piranha. Rivers of central and southern South America,
east of the Andes. To about thirteen inches in length. the old
timey favorite aquarium Piranha. Cond.s: pH 5.5-7.5, dH to
20, temp. 23-27 C. Aquarium pix of two, four and six inch
individuals. |
Bigger PIX: The images in this table are linked to
large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images to
go to the larger size. |

Pygocentrus piraya (Cuvier 1816), the San
Francisco Piranha. South America; endemic to the Sao Francisco
Basin of Brazil. To nearly thirteen inches in length (largest true
Piranha). Aquarium photo. |

Bigger PIX: The images in this table are linked to
large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images to
go to the larger size. |

Serrasalmus spilopleura Kner 1858, Speckled
Piranha. South America: Amazonas Basin, Guapore© River.
To 21 cm. in length. pH range: 5.0 - 7.0; dH range: 18.0, temp. 23
- 28°C. Atlantis Aquarium, Long Island, NY
pic. |

Bibliography/Further Reading: