FAQs on Guppy
Related Articles: Guppies, Poeciliids:
Guppies, Platies, Swordtails, Mollies by Neale Monks,
Livebearing Fishes by Bob
Related FAQs: Guppies 1, Guppies
2, Guppy Identification,
Guppy Behavior, Guppy Compatibility, Guppy Systems, Guppy Feeding, Guppy Disease, Guppy Reproduction, Livebearers, Platies, Swordtails, Mollies,
A nice yellow snakeskin
delta guppy male.

My New Male Guppies; beh., stkg.
Hiii there...
<Hello Chante>
So I have a 15 gallon fish tank and got 4 male guppies in there. The problem
is, two of them keep nipping at each other (the one
actively seeks out the other, but he is the one who keeps getting nipped),
one stays close to the top and ignores the others and the 4th one swims
around some but also hides away in one of the corners. I figure it's just
because they are all male, but I do not want to get females and have to deal
with babies. So what are my options?
<Remove the nippers, add some more "dither fish" like a small group of
Rasboras, Danios..., add more decor like floating grasses (plants), get a
bigger tank....>
I should add that I do not see any visible bite marks on any of their tails,
the one who stays close to the top has a split in his tail, but it does not
seem choppy or rough and it does not look like a bite mark. It just looks
like his fin has been split in two. Would appreciate any advice.
These are the two who keeps nipping each other. The blue/red one is the one
who keeps searching out the yellow one.
This is the one with the split tail.
This is the one that swims around quite some, but stays down there for
certain periods of time.
Chante Herbst
<Do write us back w/ the changes you made and further observations>
Male Guppy Tank
Hi Guys,
This is a great website.
<Glad you like!>
I have a quick question - I recently set up a tropical aquarium (fully cycled
with old media, 6 gallon) and added 4 male guppies to start.
<Will need more than 4... at least 6, and really, ten or more seems necessary
for a male-only Guppy tank. They're aggressive animals in their way.
Unfortunately for you, 6 gallons is far too small for Guppies. There won't be
space for them to spread out and avoid each other, and even allowing the "inch
per gallon" rule, 6 gallons doesn't allow for many Guppies! May I direct you to
an article I wrote some time ago about
stocking small tanks; here:
Your tank would be ideal for, say, a male Betta. If you were feeling ambitious,
you could alternatively try some true Nano aquarium species, such as Heterandria
Ph 7.4, temp 25C. We have 1 large lyre tail (duller silver blue body, blue tail,
orange spots, 1.5-2 inch), 1 small yellow snakeskin (yellow and green with black
spots, 1 inch), 1 very small yellow Endler (yellow with black spots, 1/3 inch)
and 1 tiny tuxedo Endler (black with orange stripes and yellow spotted tail, 1/4
inch)). We don't want to add any females to avoid breeding. The tank also has
lots of hiding places, 4 tall crypt plants, 4 medium Anubias, plenty of java
moss and other little low light varieties, in addition to a large piece of
driftwood leeching tannins and lots of large rocks to encourage hiding places
and reduce eyeline between the fish.
<But do understand fish have a "distant touch" sense called the Lateral Line
that means they're aware of things even if they can't see things, just by
feeling changes in ambient water pressure. It's hard to describe to a human
because we have to physically touch something to feel pressure. So while
breaking up lines of sight is crucial, if the tank is very small, as yours is,
fish may still be aware of "hidden" fish a few inches away using their lateral
I know it's early days (have only been in for 48 hours), but every single small
guppy is chasing the lyre tail around, displaying to him and head butting him in
the side on occasion. The lyre tail shows no sign of
aggression or display at all, and is happy to continually peck at the plants and
look around the tank. None of this behaviour was present on the first day, but
the second afternoon things seemed to be getting out of
hand! This morning things seem to be calming a bit, but the lyre tail is still
chased every now and then, less incessantly but the behaviour is still there. He
seems to alternate between avoiding the yellow snakeskin, or not caring at all,
who is the main culprit of the chasing.
<And likely the dominant male.>
After reading many forums I'm guessing it's a combination of them believing the
lyre tail is a female, are sorting out dominance or just being general active
boys. There has been no biting that I can see - all tails are intact, but it
puzzles me that especially the tiny tuxedo Endler will flare out his fins and do
little shimmying movements in front of the larger fish as a display, and join in
on the chasing. On occasion he even does it to the lyre tail himself. There has
been no overtly aggressive behaviour - no face offs, no circling, they always
seem to be in a "T" formation.
<Mixing Endler's with common Guppies isn't a good idea; even where cross breeding
won't happen, as here, Endler's are much smaller than common Guppies, making them
far easier to bully. In the animal world, size matters.>
We are looking at adding some more males next week as suggested by our local
fish store (as to not throw out the balance of a new fishless aquarium too much
- have been adding Nutrafin cycle and will be adding
Purigen in the filter media and SeaChem stress guard to the tank in the next
couple of days), will this assist with the hassling? While the lyre tail doesn't
seem that phased I want to try and help in any way that I can
to avoid stress and deaths, by hopefully spreading any attention around. I
completely understand males will display this behaviour in new tanks and in all
male tanks, but the order seems to be the wrong way around. Or maybe our tiny
fish just have lots of guts to display and chase someone so big in comparison?
The lyre tail doesn't seem to be dominant at all, yet is the main source of all
<Indeed. They will create a hierarchy, though fish will move up and down as time
passes. Generally what happens is the smallest fish gets picked on the most, and
a curious thing about fish is that (under lab conditions anyway) the stress of
being bullied causes growth rate to slow down, so smaller fish stay small, while
bigger fish get bigger, and bully tends to get biggest of all. This doesn't hold
true for all fish in all situations, but it's pretty widely seen in those fish
species that have been studied in labs, and is an important issue in, for
example, fish farming where you want all your fish to grow to about the same
I'm also hoping to get some floating moss or plants in the next few days in case
that will assist as well, as I've read guppies like to swim at the top of a
<Yes. In the wild that's where you see them.>
Ours have been darting up and down the glass and all over the aquarium without
staying in one particular area, so I'm not sure if this will be of help since
they already have so many hiding places.
Another note (sorry, just trying to include everything), the height of the
chasing and nudging behaviour was after the LED lights above the tank had been
on for about 6 hours, and as soon as the blue moonlight mode was selected, they
seemed to stop chasing as much. When the lights are off completely (the tank is
in a well lit room of natural light (but out of direct sunlight) this also
seemed to result in less chasing. Could the LED light be accentuating their
colours and therefore increasing their need to display?
<Possibly, and certain colours may trigger certain behaviours, but I've seen
Guppies in all sorts of tanks, and they're always pretty much Guppies when it
comes to behaviour. They are daytime animals of course, so when the tank is
darker they do become more quiescent.>
Thanks in advance for any suggestions,
<Basically, the tank is too small for the required number of Guppies; read,
review, and act accordingly. Cheers, Neale.>
Help! Female guppy with red line protruding from her anus,
and thin guppy. 03/04/09 Hello, I'm no newbie at keeping
fish, but my female guppy has developed a really strange problem, which
I think is caused by my male guppy harassing her trying to mate.
<This certainly will stress females. Do remember the three golden
rules of mixing male and female livebearers: [A] Lots of space; for
Guppies, that's 20 gallons (90 litres) minimum. Smaller tanks just
don't give the females any space to find some peace and quiet. [B]
Lots of floating plants; these give the females hiding places as well
as places for the newborn fry to hide. [C] Lots of females; always
always always have at least twice as many females as males. Anything
less means the females get constantly harassed. It's cruel to keep
them in "pairs", despite them often being sold as such. Me? I
keep a single male livebearer with 5-6 females. Works much better.>
basically there is a red line, not dangling, but protruding from her
anus. <Most probably Camallanus worms, which will need treating with
a suitable anti-Helminth medication (Levamisole, Piperazine or
Praziquantel often recommended, but Fenbendazole or Flubendazole seem
to be much more reliable.).> (by the way, for a guppy do they have
separate birthing canal and digestive canal?) It looks sharp and
pointy? <Good question! In the case of Poeciliid livebearers, the
birth canal and the digestive system share a common opening called a
'cloaca'. This is similar to most vertebrates except for
placental mammals.> And its very thin--like a line on a page.
<Sounds very like a nematode.> She is eating well, is pregnant
(but not heavily pregnant), and is able to poop with no problems. Prior
to this, her anus hole looked big, and I thought she might have been
ready to give birth. <Hmm...> Have you heard of this before? Do
you think this could end up being a fatal problem? <Unfortunately it
is rather common among farmed livebearers, and usually when I hear
about it via WWM, it seems to be livebearers and cichlids, both farmed
under intensive conditions and consequently exposed to parasites more
readily. It's fatal if not treated, but can be treated
successfully.> Then the second part of my question, Have you ever
come across guppies that are just thin? I have this other female guppy
that has a thin abdomen, no matter how much I try to fatten her up to a
normal looking size. Meaning that her abdomen has a slight curve rather
than a straight line. <Could be a parasitic infection, or a
"wasting disease", or simply skinny genes... Would treat all
your Guppies with Fenbendazole or Flubendazole in the same tank, on the
assumption all may be infected to some degree, even if only the one is
obviously infected.> When she was pregnant, she became
"normal" sized, then after giving birth (and having all her
fry eaten by the other guppies), she went back to being thin again. She
has a good appetite, and if I put her in a large net and feed her, she
eats all the food and puts on weight, then the next day she is skinny
again. Is it possible for guppies to have worms...? <Yes.> Could
you advise me on this please? Thanks for your time....! Regards, --
Wanda <Cheers, Neale.> PS: I now think my other male guppy has
caught the "thinness problem". None of the other fish have
it, so I don't think it is contagious but I am not sure!! =[ and
that male has been swimming as though its tail is dragging it down, and
not been eating much. sadness. <Treat them all together! NM.>
All Male Guppy Tank: Best way to avoid stress, nipped fins,
infections, etc. 2/3/13
<Hello Art>
After retiring from keeping saltwater fish, I decided I wanted to do
something easier - an all male guppy species tank.
<I see>
Easier said than done. I started with two 20 gallon quarantine tanks,
cycled them, then started adding fish. After noticing some fins getting
nipped, I added pvc pipe couplings, but guppies are much too active to
use these for shelter.
<Perhaps lowering the temperature will slow down their motion... low
70's F.>
I apparently introduced 'guppy disease' or Columnaris into one QT tank,
as I would buy about 7 at a time and lose all within a very few days.
<Yikes. No fun. Imported (Asian) guppies do have this problem at
The guppies that survived in either QT tank usually ended up with ragged
tails - lots of aggression, possibly because they were added at
different times.
The last group I bought all played nicely (maybe because I added 6 at
once to the QT when there were no previous occupants?), and eventually I
added about 12 male guppies to my 30 gallon heavily planted tank -their
final destination. I did not add any fish from the QT tank where I had
the infection.
Over time, I have ended up with about 6. Given the difficult time I have
had with diseases with these fish, I remove fish that show
familiar signs of bacterial infection - I've seen ragged/disappearing
fins and faded color in my 30 gallon, but not the sinking to the bottom
and loss of appetite I noticed in the infected QT tank.
It is time to restock, and after all the time, trouble, deaths and sick
fish I went through with QT, I don't think this is the best way to
introduce male guppies to an all male guppy tank.
Here is my plan:
Order the stock I want from the local pet store. They will hold my fish
in their shipping bags, and I can pick them up as soon as they arrive,
and skip exposing them to the water in the store.
<Mmm, the problem is really from before the store... the conditions
these Poeciliids are raised in overseas>
I am planning to remove the current 6 guppies, and introduce these and
the new stock simultaneously ( the tank has been established for several
months, but I dose with tetra safe start when I add new fish to help
boost the biological filter) to my heavily planted 30 gallon (pH 7,
Ammonia and Nitrites 0, Nitrates less than 20 ppm. I run 2 Aquaclear 70
filters, so the circulation is vigorous, but the Wisteria plants and
melon swords buffer this somewhat. I have heard that too much current
can be detrimental to the tails - your thoughts?)
<This is so. Five to ten times turn over per hour of non laminar
(chaotic) flow is about right>
I believe that male guppies do better in large numbers to diffuse
aggression, and the simultaneous introduction of all fish reduces
aggression based on territory. The heavy planting also keeps fish
from being permanently on display to their would-be aggressors. I think
many of the bacterial infections I experienced in QT tanks was because
fish succumbed due to the stress of being chased, bullied, and having
their fins nipped.
I expect that I will lose some fish, but even if I introduce an
infection, I believe that overall, most fish will not succumb to it if
they are not stressed.
<Likely so>
I have always quarantined, but after my previous experience, I am ready
to try a different approach - it could not turn out much worse.
Your thoughts?
<I'd have you read what we have recorded re Columnaris:
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Bangkok Aquarium show 3/30/12
Bob Photos of prize winners in the Guppy category Perry
Thanks for sending these along Per. BobF
Male Guppies -Too Much Testosterone? comp.,
stkg. 3/15/12
I have a tank which is entirely male guppies, six in total. There are
two black, one blue, one leopard print, one yellow and one orange.
Barry (the orange fish) seems to get sexually harassed by the other
males, mostly Leppy, the leopard printed male. I know for sure that
Barry is a male as I've had all these fish for about 4 months and
at first I simply passed their sexual behaviour off as nothing to worry
about. Lately, however, Leppy hardly gives Barry a break, and I noticed
that he has a blood-red appearance to his underside and the scales
there are rough and projecting off his body.
<Needs to separated ASAP... If no other system to go to, in a
floating plastic colander, breeding net/trap or such>
When I first got guppies, the aquarium store gave me two females by
accident who had orange tails and I wonder if this is why Leppy
harasses Barry so much. Also, is this really caused by Leppy's
sexual advances, or is Barry sick?
<Likely the former... All male livebearer systems either have to be
quite crowded on large and not crowded...>
The tank is at the right temperature, I don't over-feed them, and I
keep the tank clean. Please help.
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Pregnant Guppy and Aggressive Male
Guppy 1/24/12
So I have two fancy guppies in a 3.5 gallon
<Need more room than this...>
one male and one female. About a month ago the female guppy has
become pregnant but I'm still waiting for her to have the fry. The
male guppy won't leave her alone.
He follows her EVERYWHERE and she's just started to go to the
top corner of the tank and just sit there and the male guppy swims
around her poking at her gravid spot with his mouth! Could someone
please tell me why is he acting this way?
<Survival value, passing on genes...>
And if it is dangerous to her pregnancy?
<Can be, yes>
Thank you so much, I'm really concerned by this odd
<Best to separate for now (breeding trap, net, floating plastic
colander...; but really... need a larger world. Bob
Crude selection in a guppy pond
population 1/14/12
Hi I have an outdoor pond +- 40litres with plants.
<A little more than ten gallons>
It receives lots of sun and the guppies breed like crazy. The primary
reason for the pond is for mosquito control. There are a couple of
males with lovely bright tails and I would like, for fun, to see if by
selection, I could influence the genetic drift.
<Indeed you can, do>
I could easily remove them all select a few suitable males and
females and put the rest in another shady colder pond where they may
battle to survive the winter and may be eaten by the resident goldfish
(which do survive the Cape town winter!). I would then return the
selected few to the sunny pond where they will breed up again.(I have
started colonies of this stock many times over the years) My question
is: will this make any difference i.e. will I end up with a population
of more great colors or do you think this might be a waste of time as
the females may be pregnant/and store wild sperm anyway?
<I think it/this will be instructive and a great deal of fun>
I would not like to commit this fishicide unless there is a good chance
of success! Thanks for any input! Regards Barry
<There is some things to be said... one, re coloration, long fins
and increased predation, due to "standing out" and being
slower... Bob Fenner>
Question about two different tanks. Guppy
stkg., Loach comp. 12/13/11
Hi there! I have two tanks and multiple questions.
Tank 1: I recently acquired a heavily planted 6 month old established
10 gallon tank from a friend that was moving and could no longer keep
them. I found she had 6 platies in there (4 males 2 females), 2 ADFs, 2
ghost shrimp and 1 Amano shrimp. Although they were all vibrant,
disease free and seemingly healthy I could tell the platies were
frustrated so I gave the platies to my roommate with an abundance of
females. The question is, how many fancy guppies can I put in their
<About the same number>
I was thinking about getting
6 males but I'm not familiar with ADFs bioload... do they poop a
<Not too much; though are easily over-fed, the uneaten food/s
causing issues at times>
Would the tank be overstocked if I decided I wanted 8
<Mmm, maybe; though the more crowded, the greater the likelihood of
negative interaction. I'd stick w/ six>
Also, if I keep only males will they be stressed or aggressive with one
<These all-male systems can work out. Do just keep a keen eye open
lest one become a bully, need removing>
Tank 2: Another 10 gallon, heavily planted. It has 5 Yunnanilus
cruciatus loaches
(I can't find a consistent common name for these guys. They were
bought under the name of 'multi-striped loach' but I can't
find anything about them when I type that into Google)
<Mmm, try the scientific name... Banded Dwarf Loach...>
and I was wondering whether or not they
would get along with a Betta?
<Should, yes>
Are they aggressive?
<Not really, no>
I've read they can be
"gregarious" but would a Betta be able to live peacefully
with them?
<Are gregarious w/ their own kind. Live near, on the bottom,
decor... will very likely ignore a Betta>
PS. Both tanks are kept at 76 degrees, filtered, and 30% weekly water
<Mmm, do please read on WWM re Betta splendens husbandry and
re the loaches>
Thanks for all your help!
- Melanie
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
lonely guppy
Hello all,
<Hello Anne,>
I wrote a couple of weeks ago with worries about my 3 guppies and 5
minnows in a new but cycled tank. I was given lots of good advice but
all but one of them died, at a rate of one or two a day (the minnows
all within 5 days of purchase) much to our deep regret.
<Do understand White Cloud Mountain Minnows come from a very
different environment to Guppies, and so they're not ideal
companions. WCMMs are best kept in tanks 50 cm + in length, with a
brisk water current, lots of oxygen, and lowish water temperatures,
likely room temperature in a centrally heated home, but around 18-22 C
otherwise. Guppies are essentially fishes of ponds and ditches, and
they prefer still water, and, in the case of farmed fancy Guppies at
least, a fair bit of warmth, 25 C or even slightly higher. While WCMMs
are especially fussy about water chemistry, they're less hard water
fish than Guppies, so again, there's a difference here.>
Not to repeat the whole saga, but I'd been doing all the water
changes, filtering and cycling and water tests had repeatedly come back
as being fine. After further investigation with other shops in our
area, it appeared that the store we bought from has a poor reputation
locally. Whilst all looks great on the surface (it's a well known
national chain), they apparently don't quarantine new deliveries of
fish but put them on sale immediately. Therefore, in the view of the
other two stores I spoke to, the fish were either already ill or had
just gone through too much stress to survive. Although they were all
still under 'guarantee' and I could have asked for free
replacements, I decided I would never take fish from that store
<I see.>
Anyway, over time and on the advice of a specialist aquarist store
we've added 8 mollies to the tank (not all at once!) and carried on
with water treatment/maintenance as before. The mollies are all fit as
fiddles - they're still fairly small, about 2 - 2.5 cm. BUT - our
lone guppy is clearly lonely and showing signs of stress. Today I have
noticed what I think may be fin rot on the very tip of his tail. He is
very mildly bullied by the others, more ostracized than attacked.
<Mollies are extremely aggressive, and a male Molly will view a male
Guppy as a rival, and a female Guppy as a potential mate. Simple as
that. They're very closely related, and because of that,
antagonistic behaviours between them are strong.>
The tank is 60L,
<Too small for Mollies in the long term; just about adequate for
Guppies though.>
water tests come back fine, it's at 25 deg C, just had 2 x 40%
water changes in last week (slightly more than I'd normally do
because of new fish - would normally do 20%).
Do I:-
a) Treat him for Finrot although others are all fine?
b) Add salt?
<If you wish; anything between 2-6 grammes of marine aquarium salt
will help both species. Dose depending on the live plants (if any) and
other tankmates (most freshwater fish dislike salt).>
c) Any other ideas (to prevent his loneliness?). The tank is already
fully stocked, in my opinion, and a bigger one's not possible.
<Adding extra Guppies won't help the one you have at all. They
won't help one another out. In fact you may find, to your
annoyance, any additional males start fighting as well. This is the
nature of livebearers, and contrary to what many suppose, social
behaviour isn't "easy" within this group unless you stick
to females.>
d) Do you think, provided I can cure his Finrot, I should offer him to
the store so that he could be resold with some other guppies?
<Or take back the Mollies for a more sensible stocking plan.>
Thanks, Anne
<You're welcome, Neale.>
Guppy stocking; Otocinclus feeding
two topics that I have been wondering about.
- - - guppies - - -
I've been reading the articles and FAQs about guppies with great
I have noticed that you have quite strong opinions about acceptable
stocking levels and water temperatures. Are you aware of the story
"Killing them with kindness" by Anthony Fischinger?
<Not aware of it, but have read it now.>
Apparently, many fancy guppy strains are sensitive due to
but within a couple of generations of selecting for hardiness,
<"Selecting for hardiness" is essentially letting some of
them die, and breeding those that remain. By definition, that means
you're providing the fancy Guppies with less than ideal conditions
by their standards, and not worrying about the weaker ones getting
stressed and suffering. Hardly a humane way of keeping fish. I do agree
with the author that crossbreeding fancy Guppies quickly returns their
offspring to the vitality seen in wild Guppies -- that's been
demonstrated under laboratory conditions and needn't be tested by
aquarists. But most casual aquarists within the hobby won't want a
bunch of wild-type Guppies without a particular colour scheme; what
they want are Red Cobras, Snakeskin, or whatever Guppies.>
they can thrive at stocking levels up to 20 guppies per gallon,
<Absolute rubbish. Or rather, you can keep any fish at very high
stocking density, but assuming you keep ammonia and nitrite at zero,
and nitrate at some low value, less than 50 mg/l for Guppies, and less
than 20 mg/l for cichlids. Doing this would be incredibly hard work for
a casual aquarist, and nine times out of ten, trying would do nothing
more than expose your Guppies to such poor conditions they'd sicken
or die.>
rare water changes (in a planted aquarium), and wide temperature
Could you comment on this story?
<Gladly. What that aquarist is saying is that if you cull some of
your weaker Guppies, ignore low levels of damage to the fins, and
repeatedly medicate your Guppies, you can keep them in poor conditions.
Well, he may well be right, and certainly "the wild"
isn't a nice place, and if you replicate some of the hardships in
the wild, and let your Guppies strains crossbreed, then the over a year
or two you will end up with wild-type Guppies able to put up with the
same sort of hardships that wild Guppies have to deal with. But
here's the thing: wild Guppies only live a few months, particularly
the males, and their colours are nothing like the ones casual aquarists
expect to keep in their aquaria. From an academic point of view this
article is interesting, and I dare say that over a beer or two, the
author and I would have quite a good conversation discussing the pros
and cons of this approach. But as a guide to keeping store-bought fancy
Guppies, it's of no value whatsoever. The author is absolutely
right that fancy Guppies aren't as easy to keep as their wild kin,
and that breeding and selection for certain genes have much to do with
that, but that's not the same thing as saying the best way to keep
store-bought Guppies is to expose them to the same harsh conditions
their wild ancestors could tolerate.>
Would it really be a bad idea to let a guppy tank get crowded over
I've also seen local pet stores carrying guppies at very high
stocking levels. They seem healthy, although I don't know whether
the shopkeeper is removing sick fish all the time.
<Pet stores buy in farmed Guppies, and all the ones sold, except
perhaps the "feeder" ones, are purebred strains. As such,
they'll be true fancy Guppies with the same weaknesses as all fancy
Guppies. Just because your local pet shop has Guppies maintained under
what might be poor conditions, doesn't mean that pet store has bred
their own hardy Guppies! On the contrary, even the best pet stores buy
Guppies assuming to sell them quickly, and will probably expect a
certain level of mortality within the group bought.>
- - - Otocinclus - - -
I have two small Otocinclus (probably o. vittatus, 2 cm, 3/4 inch long
excluding caudal fin) together with three (3 cm) guppies in a 30 L tank
with gravel and plants (hornwort, elodea, java moss, Anubias). Water
parameters: 24-25 C, NO2 0 ppm, NO3 <20 ppm, GH 10 dH, KH 4, pH 7.0.
The NO3 level is a bit high for Otos (color of the test strips for NO3
is a bit hard to match to the reference scale), but seems to be rather
stubborn even with weekly 25% water changes. (The tap water here reads
about 10 ppm NO3.)
Anyway, here is my real question: how can I tell whether the Otos need
supplemental feeding?
<Look at their bellies; starving Otocinclus are distinctively
hollow-bellied, and often look thin overall, too, and may have sunken
eyes and exaggerated, jerky swimming movements as well.>
When I got them (1 month ago), the glass and Anubias were covered in
brown algae. They devoured them: in two days, the plants were green
again and the glass panes were crystal clear. Since I read at WMW and
elsewhere that this tank is way too small to sustain Otos by natural
algae growth, I offer the Otos a piece of zucchini every couple of
days, which seems to disappear in a night or two. The problem is: the
front window gets covered in various types of algae (green dusty film
and greyish "ink stains"; all easily removed with a plastic
scraper) and they don't seem to eat those algae even after four
days without supplemental food. The Otos seem to have round bellies.
Could it be that somehow this tank has more algae growth than two Otos
can consume? Is it the wrong type of algae?
<Could be either, or both! Otocinclus feed primarily on green algae,
and secondarily take some diatoms. In the wild green algae and
micro-invertebrates ("aufwuchs") are their prime food
sources. They don't eat red algae (e.g., brush algae) or blue-green
algae, and may ignore diatoms if other foods are available. In any
event, to think of them as pure herbivores is wrong; their diet is
mixed, with some algae and some micro-invertebrates, and you need to
plan accordingly. Actually, in a well-maintained aquarium they'll
often do well on scraps of fish food that they find alongside green
algae, so provided they look healthy, there's no reason to worry
too much.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Guppy stocking; Otocinclus feeding
Hi Neale or other crew member,
Thank you for your extensive reply. One remark though, because I feel
that there is a misunderstanding about what the author was
WWM wrote:
"I do agree with the author that crossbreeding fancy Guppies
quickly returns their offspring to the vitality seen in wild Guppies --
that's been demonstrated under laboratory conditions and
needn't be tested by aquarists. But most casual aquarists within
the hobby won't want a bunch of wild-type Guppies without a
particular colour scheme; what they want are Red Cobras, Snakeskin, or
whatever Guppies."
As far as I understand from Fischinger's article -- and his friend
Greg who also has some articles on that website -- they do actually
breed them as fancy guppies, including presenting them on guppy shows.
The difference is that they cull based on both appearance and vitality,
rather than for appearance only. For example, Greg writes on
http://www.fancyguppies.co.uk/page79.htm about his Green Lace Snake
Skin guppies that are thriving and producing fry at temperatures down
to about 60 °F (16 °C).
<I do thank you for this correction, clarification. Cheers,
guppies and tank stocking. Repro.
Okay the first one is about guppies I got this little lady and
she's in a all girls guppy tank and she has a gravid spot .... is
she prego or are there just eggs?
<The gravid spot isn't particularly reliable. It isn't a
colour marking that switches on when a Guppy is gestating. Rather, it
is a part of the body that usually lacks strong pigmentation, and when
the uterus expands through pregnancy, the uterus wall presses against
the thin skin around the back of the abdomen, and a dark region, the
gravid spot, appears. Whether or not the gravid spot is visible or
reliable depends on the colouration of the fish in question, its size,
and its age.>
I put her in a tank with some males and she had the gravid spot before
I put her in is this possible?
<If she's ever been with a male since she became sexually
mature, yes, she's probably carrying young.>
second question ... I have a Raphael catfish in a 20g and thinking
about adding 2 angels and 1 Redtail or rainbow shark would this
<No. Red-tail and Rainbow Sharks are highly territorial, and need a
tank at least twice this size to settle down properly without
terrorising their tankmates.>
thanks !!!
<Please do "thank us" the way we like it best, by using
proper English. It's appreciated by us and by our other site
visitors, not all of whom have English as their first language. Cheers,
Abstract Questions from a Freshwater
Aquarist 7/31/09
I just have a couple of questions that I couldn't seem to place
under the same category (hence the name). Okay, my first question is
can ph kill fish?
<Yes. Rapid changes alters blood pH, and this turn affects the
ability of the blood to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide around the
body. The wrong pH will severely stress, eventually kill, those fish
adapted to particular pH levels. A Rift Valley cichlid for example will
not do well at pH 6, and will become much more prone to opportunistic
infections than otherwise.>
I recently bought 5 goldfish for my aquarium, I set the bags in the
water for 15 minutes, then netted the fish and put them in my aquarium.
Three hours later (literally) they all died. I checked my water
chemistry soon
after, and the only offending thing I could see was a ph below the
charts (anywhere from 5-5.4, judging by the color) Nitrate: 40 Nitrite:
0 Ammonia: 45-ish Hardness: Moderate Temperature: about 76 at time of
<Goldfish will tolerate pH values across a broad range, at least for
a while, but they do best at basic pH levels between 7 and 8. If your
pH really was as low as 5, then [a] biological filtration wouldn't
be working,
and [b] that low pH could easily have shocked or killed the Goldfish
My second question: are store-bought fancy guppies of poor (I
mean very poor) quality?
<Can be. Essentially the question is the same as this: which are
hardier and more long lived, pedigree dogs or mongrels? The answer is
of course mongrels, which, on average, consistently outlive their
pedigree cousins.
Guppy breeders select in favour of certain traits, such as tails of a
certain length, or particular patterns on the body. But they don't
select in favour of hardiness or longevity By contrast, evolution
selects in favour of "fitness", the ability to survive and
breed. There's actually good experimental evidence that supports
this. Fancy Guppies cannot be acclimated to living in seawater, whereas
wild Guppies and "feeder" Guppies
both can. In other words, when breeders create Fancy Guppies, they seem
to throw away some of the genes that made Guppies hardy in the first
place. Now, there are differences in quality of Guppies just as there
are differences in the quality of pedigree dogs. The Guppies you buy
from a pet store were bred to a price, not a quality, and often fish
farms use antibiotics to "support" their fish so that they
can stock lots of them in breeding ponds without being too worried
about healthcare. By contrast, breeders at fish clubs will be taking
more care, selecting the best fish, and looking after each group of
fish carefully, as a labour of love. None of this gets away from the
fact that Fancy Strains are often very inbred, with father-daughter,
mother-son crosses being very common, so even under the best of
circumstances, Fancy Guppies are genetically "weak". But
there is a difference between good quality fish and mass produced
I've heard that the guppy is supposed to be the easiest and most
enjoyable fish in the hobby, and yet I've also had experience (and
read on other sites) that suggests otherwise, mostly due to inbreeding
and the breeders only selling low-quality fish to pet stores.
<Pretty much. Wild Guppies are astonishingly adaptable, and
that's why they became popular in the first place. Fancy Guppies,
like fancy varieties of most aquarium fish, are much less
My third question is if I breed natural (feeder) guppies with Fancy
guppies, will (some of) the fry be fancy and hardy?
<No; they'll all be "feeder" Guppies, or at least,
mongrel Guppies with a mish-mash of colours. To my eyes, such Guppies
are lovely, resembling the wild-type fish, which are wonderfully
variable. The old name for Guppies, Millionsfish, referred to the fact
that there were so many of them, and every one was different.>
My last question is that I've heard (on this site and others) that
Hornwort is an amazing and under-appreciated plant.
That it eats up Nitrates and Ammonia, looks good, reduces water
hardness, sucks up CO2, puts in O2, increases water ph, and is easy to
keep. How many (if any) of those things are true?
<Like high-fibre breakfast cereals, while it certain does some good,
it isn't a magic bullet that will cure all life's ills!
Hornwort, or equivalent floating plants such as Floating/Indian Fern or
Amazon Frogbit, are great additions to tanks with livebearers. Your
Guppies will nibble at them directly, and also peck away at algae
growing on the roots. Yes, they absorb some nitrate (and even ammonia)
at a rate depending on light
intensity (i.e., growth rate) and yes, floating plants provide
excellent hiding places for newborn fry. I strongly recommend them, but
I would expect them to replace your standard protocols for water
quality and water
chemistry management.>
I'm looking for a beneficial plant to re-place my withering ones
(might help those plants if I turned off/down my air-stones), and then
stumbled across the Hornwort.
<Hornwort does need strong lighting at tropical temperatures.
It's less demanding in coldwater tanks and ponds. In tropical
tanks, sometimes wastes away if the lighting is poor to moderate.
Indian Fern and Amazon Frogbit are, in my experience, a bit more
Hope I wasn't any trouble!
<Cheers, Neale.>
Questions about stocking with glassfish and
guppies -- 06/26/08 Hello, my name is Jean. <Hi Jean!> Your
site is a font of wonderful information! Keep up the good work!
<Thanks.> I have a 20 gallon tall freshwater tank. I currently
have 3 guppies and 3 (formerly painted) glassfish in it. I know I
should keep my glassfish in larger schools, so I do plan on getting
more (unpainted!) glassfish soon. Additionally, I think all 3 of my
guppies are male (I think what I see is a gonopodium on each, and no
one has ever gotten pregnant), but they do not seem to be bothering
each other too much, no nipping at all. I had another psycho guppy
previously who was a killing machine, I returned him. <Fairly common
for male Guppies to be highly aggressive. Does rather depend on the
number of fish, size of the tank.> My questions are: What additional
fish can I add to this tank that will get along with my glassfish and
guppies? Should I do anything about having all male guppies, if they
seem to be doing alright? I'm not itching for fry right now! I
would like any additions to my tank to be peaceful, as I don't want
another psycho killer fish. <Glassfish will mix with anything that
doesn't actually eat them. I keep mine in a tank with South
American puffers, Corydoras, halfbeaks, Limia nigrofasciata, and
various catfish and tetras.> Further, I add about 1 tablespoon of
aquarium salt per 5 gallons to my tank, for the sake of the glassfish
and general health. The guppies don't mind. <Neither Glassfish
nor Guppies need salt. In fact the Glassfish traded in the hobby are
all freshwater fish. The idea they NEED salt is likely down to
misidentification, with the fish being sold (Parambassis spp.) being
mistake for brackish water Ambassis spp.> My hardness (GH) is a
constant 120 ppm, and my pH is currently at 6.8. <Ideal for
Glassfish and indeed most other soft water fish. Tetras and Corydoras
would be excellent options. Guppies do tend to be sickly in soft water
and at acidic pH levels, and your addition of salt is certainly helping
here somewhat. Still, I'd tend to phase out livebearers in favour
of true soft water fish.> What other fish can I add considering the
salt level? I've considered mollies but can't they be
aggressive, especially with the guppies? <Mollies and Guppies can
fight, so not a good combo. Besides, your tank is WAY too small for
Mollies.> Further, are there any bottom feeders that would be o.k.
in this environment? (I love exotic little Plecos, like Bristlenoses,
but heard they can't stand the salt). <Ancistrus and hardy
Corydoras species can easily tolerate low salt levels such as those you
are using. Anything measured in spoons is inaccurate, so forgive me for
not using such methods. But normal seawater has 35 grammes of marine
salt mix per litre. One-tenth salinity would be easily tolerated by
Corydoras and Ancistrus, and works out at 3.5 grammes per litre. But to
be honest, I'd bin the Guppies, or rather ignore salt and instead
harden the water in a more effective way using Malawi Salt mixes, such
as: Per 5 gallons/20 litres 1 teaspoon baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
1 tablespoon Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) 1 teaspoon marine salt mix
(sodium chloride + trace elements) This is easy to make up using stuff
from drug stores, grocery stores and/or pet stores and costs pennies
per water change. For the fish you're keeping, one-quarter to
one-half the dose described above would be ample. For guppies,
you're after pH 7.5, 10-20 degrees dH.> Thanks so much!
<Cheers, Neale.>
Guppy question, sel. sys.,
dis. 2/17/08 I've had guppies for years and
stopped and restarted a few times, out of frustration of how delicate
the females are. <Of all fish species... this standard used to be
rock solid... the touchy stock from the Far East has ruined a good deal
of the hobby the last decades> I also have a 30gallon planted tank
with co2 and such, so I'm not quite a beginner. I have almost
enough salt to be considered brackish, think between 1Tbls/5gallon to
1Tbls/10gallon. This is a planted eclipse hex 5 gallon. <Small...
hard to keep stable... and with the salt... easy for nitrification to
vacillate> I have/had 5 females and 4 males. I think I even had
another female but she died back 2 months ago. They are all fancy
guppies, so delicate it seems. I got them from two different stores,
one being PetSmart (sorry). I've had 2 females die now in the past
day. I just did a water change 3 days ago, about 20%, as usual for
every other to maybe ever week. The two that died were very pregnant
and one of them and possibly the other looked like they were about to
give birth (both were hanging out down on the gravel or plants being
alone). With that background out of the way, is there anything else I
can do to make the females more comfortable and less likely to die?
<Yes... see below> This is a constant problem and I only got
these fish 2 months ago and already have lost almost half my original
females. The temp is usually at 76 but can go up to 79 (the eclipse
light always has a tendency of heating the tank up if the room is
mildly warm). But lately it hasn't been. Is my tank too crowded
maybe too? <Is a factor, yes> They seem happy otherwise. Should I
instead be buying more reliable females, <Yes> is it possible
I've just had bad luck with the ones I bought? <Mmm, not
entirely, no> I think the ones that died today were both from
PetSmart if that matters. It's just demoralizing. Thanks for any
information. -Erin <Too many Poecilia reticulata on the market are
infested with Hexamita (perennially) and Columnaris (seasonally, and in
more erratic punctuated fashion)... Guarding against the introduction
of these diseases can be accomplished only through careful
exclusion/quarantining of all incoming livestock... and treatment with
antiprotozoal (Metronidazole often) and possibly antimicrobial (most
celebratedly Neomycin...). You might have "luck" with
buying/selecting better stock from another source... but I would still
at least isolate it for a good two weeks (to weaken pathogens) before
introduction to your main displays... Having a larger system would be
of great benefit here as well as bolstering the fishs' immune
systems through improved nutrition... Do see the Net re the disease
organisms mentioned... they can be defeated, excluded... Bob
hi again/ guppies... English
07/28/07 hi I have been emailing you a lot about swordtails and
guppies. I have only one male and one female guppy with some other
fish. what would happen if I added another male and female. <Depends
on the size of the tank. Likely the males will fight, and the females
get stressed. Serious breeders keep one male to multiple females per
tank, and will set aside not less than 20 gallons for each group of
fish. Male guppies can harass the females in smaller tanks, to the
point where health (and fecundity) are compromised. Rescuing a few baby
Guppies is easy; establishing a breeding program to produce substantial
numbers of sellable offspring is a job of work.> if that wont work
should I put all males or all females. <Adding more females is
always good, assuming the tank will support them all safely.> I
really want to know which way to go with putting more guppies in my
tank I also have a one gallon bow tank . how many guppies can I fit in
that. <None.> I also wanted to know if a guppy or two in the one
gallon would eat the only fry I have in that tank. <One gallon
isn't an aquarium. It's a vase. Stick flowers in it. (Not my
quote, but another aquarist's, so I can't take the credit.) can
I put more guppies in that tank with the fry. <No.> also I have a
tank with more fry in it. the youngest are a couple of weeks old or a
month. could I put more guppies in that tank. <No.> can I sell
babies to pet stores. <Yes, once the baby Guppies are a sellable
size (2-3 cm). It takes about 3-4 months to raise them to such a size.
To do that, the baby fish need to be in a "rearing tank" of
at least 10 gallons and ideally 20 gallons. Feeding needs to be regular
(4x per day) and water changes at least every other day to keep the
nitrates low. Water quality is the key: in polluted water, the baby
fish don't grow properly and likely die. Seriously, breeding
Guppies "for profit" is hard work, or everyone would be doing
it!> thanks a lot. <Please try using capital letters and so on
next time. If you want us to spend effort helping you, please make the
effort to produce an e-mail that's easy to read and easy to share
with other WWM visitors. Cheers, Neale>
hi... Guppy sel... English
07/28/07 Hi I have emailed you lot and was wondering if it is good
that I have 4 male guppies with 2 females. One female is yellow and
orange. she is a fancy like the rest. I was wondering also if you could
send me some pictures of some pregnant and not pregnant guppies and
marble mollies. also if you could tell me how to tell if a marble molly
is pregnant that would be great. Thanks. <No, it is not good to have
more male Guppies than females. The ideal is at least 2 female Guppies
for each male Guppy. Pregnant fish are difficult to tell from
non-pregnant fish. When they are close to delivery, they do become
noticeably bigger around the abdomen. Female Guppies may develop a
"gravid spot", a dark region around the anal fin. But
otherwise, if a female Guppy or Molly has ever been with a male, you
can assume it is pregnant. Please fix your spelling and grammar next
time; I had to fix your e-mail up to make it suitable for publishing
here at WWM. Cheers, Neale>
Guppies are simple 5/10/07 Hi Crew, This
letter is just to tick off all those who write in about their problems
with guppies and their fry. My grandson (10) just got 2 males and 2
females from an LFS plus a small tank with a filter. Within
24 hours he had over 50 new ones and managed to save them and place
them in a separate container which is just like a large jar, no water
movement and nothing to clean the water other than changing most of it
once a week. It is now 4 weeks later and he only lost 3 babies. I
can't figure it out but they must be some very hardy fish. Of the
original 4 only one male is left. It killed off the others. I am trying
to convince him that it is safe to put the babies in the tank because I
doubt they will survive too much longer in that set up he
has. <Well... the popular livebearers are "not what they used
to be" back a few decades ago... Do die "mysteriously"
nowadays... but still a great joy and growth experience for young folks
(and not!) to house, keep... I still can't stop collecting the
fabulous one gallon jars available (mostly with pickles for us) that
would serve as great small containers... If only the source/tap water
were "safer"... Cheers, BobF>
Air pump/filter (quieting) and male guppies, comp. with
their own kind/sex 4/1/07 Dear crew,
<<Hello, Tima. Tom with you.>> I hope all is
well. I have 2 questions regarding my fish tank. <<All
is, indeed, well as I hope it is with you.>> (1) Does the air
filter with a gauze and bubbles (AIRTECH 2KO bought from Wal-Mart) need
to be on at full power? Since it is so noisy, we turn it
down, not off, at night. <<If your air pump is only being used to
push air through an airstone or air wand, there's no real need for
the pump to be on at full power. Almost invariably, the vibration from
the pump that's causing the noise can be dampened, or eliminated,
by placing the pump on a soft pad of rubber or cloth, for what it's
worth.>> (2) Can a male guppy bully to death other male guppies?
<<Yes, they can and do on occasion. Because they're small
fish, we have a tendency to keep them in small aquariums that don't
always provide enough space for the fish to claim their own spaces. A
dominant male might decide that the whole tank is his and will bully
the more submissive fish constantly, even to death, in order to protect
'his' territory.>> Thanks for all your help. Take care,
Tima <<As an aside, Tima, you refer to your air pump as an air
'filter'. I don't want to read too much into that except to
mention that an air pump is not a filter for the tank other than the
gauze filtering the air that's being pumped into it. Hopefully, you
have a separate filter for the water in the tank. (Some filters are
powered by air pumps and the distinction between the two can be a
little confusing especially for those who might be new to the hobby.)
Best regards, Tom.>>
Re: 2.5 Gallon- How many??? 3/2/06
Thank you for answering those questions, but how many guppies can I
keep in this tank? Thanks, Anthony <Hi Anthony. I would keep
only two at first, 3-4 after a few months. Keep them all male or they
may overpopulate. Best regards, John.> Stocking tiny FW system
with guppies 1/27/06 Hello, I'm hoping you can help me as
I've been researching this matter for several hours and while
I've learned a bit I am unsure of what action if any to take. I
have a 3 gallon Eclipse that I just reset up. I have my African Dwarf
Frog in there now who lived in a 3/4 gallon bowl for about a
year. She is quite happy and I am quite fond of her. I am
thinking to add fancy guppies and I'm not interested in
breeding. I've been reading about guppies fighting etc.,
and I want to avoid this problem. My question is would it work to add a
single fancy guppy? <Yes, likely so> If not, would 2 be just as
good as 3? <Mmm, not if of differing sex> Would it be better to
get females or males? <Either, just of the same sex> I'm
wondering if I should skip that idea altogether and just get 1 or 2
more frogs instead? <Possibly> I will be back in school in a
couple of weeks and do not want to be overburdened with tank
issues/care. Thank you in advance for your support and sharing your
knowledge! ~Carla <Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Female fancy guppy question 1/14/06 Hi,
<Hello> I hope that you can answer my question or lead me to the
proper place to get the information I need. We have a 46
gallon tank, after we set up the tank and had it ready for fish (the
pet store tested the water quality as did we), we decided that we only
wanted fancy guppies. We purchased 10 males and 10 females,
<A bad ratio... too many males... and too many fish to put in a new
tank at once> which the store said was a good combination to start
with. We were told that they were strictly kept separated until we
purchased them and mixed them in our tank. <...?> We noticed that
a couple of our females were losing their color, first in their tale
fin and then in their bodies. We had them die 24 hours after
being placed in the tank. <Something about the tank, water
quality...> The next day we had another die. All three
were found dead about 20-25 minutes after a feeding. About 12 hours
later, my hubby came home and he was holding the kids to watch the fish
and realized that we had fry swimming around. We could count
7. <Stress induced repro...> We put a breeder box in
the tank to separate out the fry because that was the only thing we had
available. We were able to catch 5, one was eaten and one
got crushed in the gravel trying to get away from the
net. Then we noticed that there are at least 3 more females
that are visibly pregnant. <Common condition> We have no idea
which one had these fry and if it was a now deceased one. Today, I have
noticed that the females which are now greatly outnumbered are being
chased constantly around the tank. I also noticed that 4 of
the remaining 6 females have either lost all color or are starting to
lose their color. The one that is the largest in her
pregnancy is still looking good. The water is testing fine for
everything. <Ammonia, nitrite?> I just don't know what to do
at this point. One of the males has lightened in color, I
believe, and has gotten 2 dark spots on his belly. I am new
to this whole fish thing. We have had platys since
Christmas, Swordtails a few days later, bamboo shrimp and neon tetras
in a 30 gallon tank... <Ahh! Good> they seem to be doing
fine. We had guppies in that tank that were a replacement
for some swordtails that couldn't handle the stress of being moved
and the only thing they could do was replace them with guppies which
all died very quickly for us to find out that the entire shipment was
sick - but we were able to treat the tank like the store said and saved
everything else in there. That is why we have a second tank
for just guppies because the kids love them so much. We also
got this batch of guppies from a different store because of guppy
quality issues at the store where we were getting everything
else. In addition to losing color two of them are staying
really close to the heater and not really swimming, one I believe is
pregnant but I can't really tell. The water temp is 76
which is where the store had it for them. I just can't
believe that I bought a whole batch of pregnant fish!! That
is absolutely not what a beginner needs! Thanks in advance for your
time and knowledge! Kimberly <It may well be that these guppies you
bought were also "a bad batch"... the imported (majority)
ones these years are often bunk... hormone treated, very easily lost.
In the event the tank is just not completely cycled, I encourage you to
add stability, by taking a good volume (like a quarter) of the water
from the 30 and placing it in the newer 46. I would get/use your own
test kits for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH, and learn what these
tests indicate. Bob Fenner>
How Many Guppies Will the Guppy
Gup? 12/5/05 How many guppies is it safe to have in a twenty
gallon tank <Uhm... Two. Because, in a few months, two become
twenty, which in turn become two hundred... But to seriously answer
your question, 15-20 would be fine, provided they are not all added at
once.> and what should the ratio of males to females be. <Two to
three females per male, otherwise individual females may be harassed
excessively. You may want to have a spare tank ready to separate males
and females when it all gets too much!> Thanks <Welcome!
Same Sex Guppies I've had a tank for about six
months. I have a few tetras and a catfish, but would like to add a few
more shoaling fish that are hardy and pretty. Guppy's are pretty,
but I do not want fry. Would Guppies be happy if they were in a tank
with all female or all male. Or do you have another suggestion? Thanks!
Annette <Depends on the size of the tank and what your water
conditions are. But a few male Guppies should be fine together. If you
are going to mix sexes it is always best to have more females than
males. So don't add a female if you go with a small group of males.
In a small tank with peaceful tankmates some Neons would be nice. In a
larger tank Danios or Barbs. The choices are endless. Just research
first and stock slowly. Be careful not to overstock. Don>
Same Sex Guppies pt2 Thank you so much for your
reply!! I have researched to death, but still I still do not
know the best combination for my tank. I apologize for
failing to give you my tank size. 20 Gallon Tank: 5-
Tetras: 1 inch asst 1- swordfish 1- white fish (I think it's a
tetra as well) 1- Cherry Barb (This fish is aggressive and is going
back to the store) 2- Catfish (Do I need 2 catfish??) I would love to
add fish with a colorful fanned tails of some kind. What do you think
of the following suggestions: 3 Male Only Guppies (Do not want fry, but
also wouldn't want the males to live in a state of constant
frustration...) Bettas (How many??) Other suggestions? You are so
fabulous for answering my question!!!!!! Thank you, Annette, Dallas TX
<Sorry about the delay getting back. Some Tetras can be aggressive
fin nippers. Others are more social. Best not kept with a Betta. If you
give it a try you can only have one Betta per tank. As to how many
catfish you should have, again it depends on the type. Corys should be
in groups of three or more. Plecos are fine by themselves. One last
thing, I assume the "swordfish" is a swordtail. If male then
it will be fine with a few male Guppies. If it is female the Guppies
will chase her trying to mate. Randy little guys. If you want fish with
fancy tails then go with the Guppies. Don>
Where to purchase quality guppies Dear
www.WetWebMedia.com Crew, I like to know where is the best place I can
purchase show quality guppies. I have been hearing that there are a lot
of scams and fraud on the internet businesses that sell live fish. Do
you know of any good hatchery near the San Francisco Bay Area (or
Northern California) or perhaps a reputable internet site where show
quality guppies are sold? <I would look for positive feedback from
other hobbyists as to where they got good fish from. Our message board
is here http://WetWebFotos.com/talk/. Also, look for a local aquarium
society. There is a good chance you could meet a local breeder at one
of their meetings.> Can you also recommend me a place or internet
site where I can purchase aquarium rocks and decorations at reasonable
prices? <We have a ton of links for e-tailers on the website,
www.WetWebMedia.com> Thanks a lot! Ann <You are welcome. -Steven
Boy vs. Girl Question - Where For Art Though My Little
Guppy? >Do tequila sunrise guppies come in females?
>>They most certainly DO, otherwise they wouldn't have been
able to develop this strain. >The store where I got mine
says they are all male. Please let me know. CR >>Maybe
all your store has that are IDENTIFIABLE (their big mistake, in my
opinion) as Tequila Sunrise gups are males, and that's the thing
you see, females quite often aren't anywhere nearly as
pretty. Because of this, and customer demand for "the
pretty ones" (maybe also because of the guppy's proclivity to
produce more profusely than rabbits), they could have decided to only
carry males. Marina
How many guppies? Well, to start with, that is...
(03/05/04) <Hi! Ananda here this windy morning...> Believe it
or not I finally have my Eclipse tanks set up with water in
them. Will be ordering my mollies in the next few
weeks. Have to stabilize the aquarium, etc. <My
goodness... *ordering* mollies? In most places, they're pretty
common.> My question today is how many female guppies per male so
that they are comfortable?? <Two or three females per
male.> My husband is setting up a small guppy tank (6 gal) and wants
to know the male/female ratio. Me, I want to know how many
fish would be happy in that small of a tank. <For that tank, I'd
say two females, one male, and some ghost shrimp to help out with tank
janitor duty.> I really appreciate your prompt
responses. My order for Sailfin mollies is
forthcoming- Thanks so much, Marion
<You're quite welcome. Do wander over to the forums at http://wetwebfotos.com/talk --
I'm always happy to babble on about mollies. Wild-colored Sailfins
are my favorite. --Ananda>