FAQs on the Behavior of
Related Articles: Platies, Poeciliids:
Guppies, Platies, Swordtails, Mollies by Neale Monks,
Livebearing Fishes by Bob
Related FAQs: Platies 1, Platies
2, Platy Identification,
Platy Compatibility, Platy Selection, Platy Systems, Platy Feeding, Platy Disease, Platy Reproduction, Livebearers, Guppies, Swordtails, Mollies,

Platy behavior
I found the FAQ, but couldn't figure out how to ask a question. Sorry.
But here's the scoop: we have a male platy that was being tormented (not
just bullied, tormented) by another platy and, occasionally, a sword in
our 20 gallon community tank.
<Completely normal unfortunately. In the wild male livebearers would
have to spend hours and hours grazing algae just to stay alive. So the
amount of time they can spend on social interactions (whether bullying
rivals or chasing females) is far less. In the aquarium we feed them the
equivalent of a jumbo steak every day, i.e., flake food, so after a few
seconds they have all the energy they need to stay alive for the entire
day. That gives them a lot more time to interact with one another. The
net result is that over the generations captive livebearers have become
a lot more aggressive compared to their wild cousins, and aggression
between males often becomes severe, to the point weaker males can be
worried to death. The males also harass the females far more
aggressively too, hence the standard
recommendation to keep at least 2 females per male.>
So we got him out of there and temporarily into a 10 gallon tank with 3
white skirt tetras.
<If these are Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, these can be ferocious
fin-nippers, so keep an eye on them. As always, tetras should be in
groups of 6 or more.>
The fish in the 10 gal tank have all been moved into a 38 gallon tank.
We've since added 3 more white skirts and 8 Neons. We'll be adding 6 red
long fin tetras and maybe a bottom feeder. Maybe some more Neons. (Love
those Neons!)
<Neons are nice fish. But don't forget they dislike high temperatures
(24 C/75 F is ideal, as it is for the Platies). Farmed Neons are not
terribly healthy, so don't buy any from a tank containing sickly ones.>
The platy spends the majority of his time up at the surface, often in a
corner, but swimming around the tank a fair amount, as well. Almost
always in a nose-high attitude right up at the surface. What is he
doing? Is he skimming for food, needing air, what?
<Hard to say. It's not normal, no. Platies should swim horizontally, and
mostly scoot about or else peck away at solid surfaces for algae.
Inbreeding and physical damage can cause problems that mean they can't
swim properly, and stressed fish may also "gasp" at the surface as
We're pretty new at this, obviously, but with 20 and 38 gallon community
tanks, we've got fair amount going on and we'd like to know as much as
we can, so we can be good stewards.
Thanks - sorry for the long email, but that's probably par for the
course for newbies such as myself, I reckon. Thanks for your help.
<Let me direct you to some reading, here:
I'd keep an eye on water chemistry and quality, but otherwise just
"watch and wait" for any changes with this Platy. Cheers, Neale.>
re: Platy behavior 7/29/16
Thanks - fins are definitely NOT clamped to his side and boy howdy, is
he interested in food.
<Both excellent signs. This being the case, double check temperature,
hardness and water quality. If these are all good, then yes, treat as
per constipation (a combo of greens-only food plus Epsom salt will do
the trick). This should clear him out. Even if that means starving the
other inhabitants of the tank, don't worry, it'll do them good! If
they're hungry they'll eat the same greens as your Platy. Epsom salt is
similarly harmless for a week or two, even for soft water fish. Do read
at the bottom of this article for doses:
While that's going on, just keep en eye out for anything unusual.>
He's a vacuum cleaner for food. That's why we call him "Big". (Yeah, we
named some of them. I know, how hopeless is that?!? The Danios, though
are just collectively the Dans...)
<Understood. My Panaque catfish is called Claire, so named by a little
girl who didn't care much for her nanny of that name, as I understand
it. The little girl is now in her twenties, but the catfish is still
called Claire!>
Neale, you've been a great help. Thank you.
<Most welcome. Neale.>
re: Platy behavior 7/29/16
I know you have more to do than fool around my questions, but as usual
for a newbie, one answer leads to more questions! :/
<Fire away.>
Cooked peas or thawed frozen peas?
<Cooked. Canned peas are ideal because they're pre-cooked and softened.
Blitzing frozen peas in the microwave till mushy is what you're after. A
few seconds should do the trick for a couple peas. Some fish won't eat
them, in which case Spirulina-loaded frozen brine shrimp are a good
alternative, and live daphnia or brine shrimp if they won't take those.>
And we should put 4 to 5 teaspoons of Epsom salts into the aquarium with
him, dissolving it first and adding it slowly?
<Calculate what you need for the aquarium. Then put into a jug, add
luke-warm water, and stir until dissolved. If you need to, remove a
similar amount of water from the aquarium. Pour in the Epsom salt
solution a bit at a time across half an hour.>
(Don't worry about the other fish - he's in a 10 gal tank by himself)
I swear I'll run out of questions soon!
<Real good! Neale.>
re: Platy behavior 7/29/16
I'm out of question - what greens might this suddenly picky fish want to
<Peas, spinach, blanched lettuce, slivers of cucumber are the
traditional starting points for herbivorous fish... some will consume
grapes, melon...
pretty much anything other than citrus is worth a shot.>
And if this doesn't work, I'll have to change this floatational fish's
name from "Big" to "Bob"...
<Cheers, Neale.>
re: Platy behavior 7/31/16
Good news! He's swimming freely again and back in the big tank! Well be putting
in some Serpae tetra
<I would avoid these. Nasty fish. Habitual fin biters. Extremely hardy, for
sure, and very pretty, but there are much better community tank tetras out
there. X-Ray Tetras for example are an excellent default tetras; also look at
"false" Penguin Tetras (Thayeria boehlkei) and Emperor Tetras as robust and
hardy fish, almost as tough as X-Ray Tetras.>
and some more Neons and maybe a bottom feeder, but will keep a close eye on the
tetras for fin nipping behavior. He never would eat any veggies until we just
got some algae pellets, but he liked those.
At any rate, we dodged a bullet. Thanks for your help!
<Welcome. Neale.>
re: Platy behavior 7/31/16
We already bought fish before I saw your email, but luckily your previous email
and some other things that I read were enough to make me unwilling to get the
Serpae tetras. We got, instead, four mollies - two black, and a couple of lyre
tails (yellow and Dalmatian).
<Mollies are good fish, but picky; do read:
Good water quality and ample hardness are critical.>
Everyone is in the tank and all seems copacetic.
<One of my dad's favourite words, "copacetic".>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Platys; beh.; stkg. 3/11/16
Hi I have 4 platys and 4 mollies 1 male of the platys and 1 male of the
mollies. My high fin platy (male) is chasing the female around who is a low
fin and keeps rubbing on her so I'm presuming that he is mating but she
isn't retaliating or she just swims of can she still get pregnant even
though she isn't retaliating thanks.
<Identified the issue correctly here. Male livebearers will try to mate with
anything. Do try and outnumber males with females, ideally at least 2
females per 1 male. Make sense? Cheers, Neale.>
Picture of my platys (5 megs..... child) 3/11/16
<So far as I know, Mollies and Platies won't hybridise, but that won't stop
the male trying!>
Platy behavior question
I have two Mickey Mouse platy. The female seems to "ram" the male in his
side to which he just wobbles a little and then recovers, but the male
does not swim away from her (he actually follows). Is this stress
related or is she trying to get the male's attentions? Or is there
something more going on? Help !
<If the male is shimmying from side to side, he may be stressed. Platies
need hard, alkaline water to do well, and while they're not as
plague-ridden as Guppies, the quality of farmed Platies isn't great. So
even slight problems with water quality can stress them, making diseases
or disorders more likely. When fish get sick, other fish often nip or
otherwise interact with them, perhaps out of curiosity, but sometimes
for an easy meal. Either way, this is a very, VERY common way diseases
get spread (kind of like humans visiting hospitals) so when fish behave
in an odd or alarming way, you really do want to crack out your water
test kits and see that everything in the tank is okay. What is
absolutely isn't is friendliness or playing. Platies don't do that
stuff. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Platy behavior question
Hmm, thanks for the reply. I'm even more confused now.
The tank water was tested last week and tested perfectly. I may try
testing it again, but none of the other fish have shown any signs of
behavior changes.
<Do please send along the actual values from your test kits. Oftentimes
what's good water chemistry for one species (say, Neons) is bad for
another (such as Platies). Likewise temperature and water quality are
best dealt with once you have the actual values rather than a vague idea
of what's right. To recap, Platies need hard, alkaline water (10+
degrees dH, pH 7.0-8.5) and also water that isn't too warm, 22-25
C/72-77 F being about right. As ever, nitrite and ammonia should be
zero, but also look to keep nitrate relatively low as well, preferably
below 40 mg/l.>
She hasn't rammed him for several weeks, then all of the sudden did it
again this morning.
<Does indeed sound odd. Some livebearers simply fail to thrive. They're
produced to a price rather than a quality. It isn't uncommon for someone
to buy a batch, some of them die, and then the remaining ones breed and
"make up the numbers". The resulting population is usually pretty good.
In the meantime, I wouldn't treat this male Platy with any medications,
but if it's an option, adding a little salt can perk up livebearers; 2-4
gram/litre does the trick nicely. This sort of salinity won't harm hardy
plants or your filter bacteria, but may stress certain (primarily soft
water) community fish like Neons and Corydoras, so review the tankmates
before adding salt.>
He's been very healthy, always swims and eats with the other fish. I've
seen no signs of diseases, etc.
Thanks, I'll have to keep a closer eye on them I guess.
<Most welcome, Neale.>
Re: Platy behavior 6/1/14
I think I just have a demented fish :D
<Could well be. But do bear in mind that "the Shimmies" is quite
specifically a neurological disorder. It's far from rare among
Read up, and be aware of the symptoms, causes, treatment.>
I separated the male platy for a few days. He was behaving normally with
a guppy in there also. I moved him back today. The female platy
immediately bumped him in his side and they have been swimming side by
side since.
<Cheers, Neale.>
My platy... beh.
> Hi ive got a platy thats acting wierd, fin nipping, going for pleccos
> wonder if u could give me any answers why??
> <Platies are not normally aggressive. What are you feeding it? Perhaps
> hungry (algae-based flake such as Spirulina flake is ideal). How big
is the
> aquarium? The size of the tank has a strong affect on fish behaviour,
> Platies need to be kept in tanks 15 gallons or larger. Does it have
> companions of its own kind? Though not really schooling fish, the
> like to group together. Finally, is the Plec healthy? Sometimes fish
> peck at sickly fish, possibly eating dead tissue or parasites. Cheers,
> Neale.>
re: My platy 8/23/13
Yeah got plenty of platys in there, 60l tank, platys perfectly healthy,
he's the smallest platy in there, tiny, feed them blood worm, king
British flakes, aquarium flakes
<60 litres/15 US gallons is a small aquarium; a Plec certainly does not
belong there! So this problem is easily fixed: remove the Plec to an
aquarium of suitable size, realistically, 200 litres (55 US gallons) at
absolute minimum, and preferably more. Or else exchange for a
Bristlenose Catfish (Ancistrus sp.) as this will, just about, fit in a
tank this size.
Cheers, Neale.>
re: My platy 8/23/13
And Plec is healthy to
<Not for long in 60 litres/15 US gallons. Cheers, Neale.>
Size of guppies and platies 3/18/13
Hi guys,
WWM has been so useful to me over the years. Once again I need your
I am writing a paper (mock, don't worry) about the population trends of
guppies and platies in the school ponds.
<I don't know what a mock paper is.>
One thing that I need is the average size of each species. All sources
report the same maximum size for females, and that male guppies are
usually smaller than male platies.
However from my experience and observations in the ponds, platies in
general are way bigger than guppies.
What exactly is the average size of each species?
<There are literally hundreds of resources for this information, from
the web to fish guides you can buy at the pet store, to even the signs
on the tanks at the store.>
The theory that guppies in general are smaller than platies is the core
of the paper. Can you direct me to any reliable source that says that
the only thing I found is on Seriously Fish, which is ok, but I would
prefer something more substantial. Note that Guppies and Platies refer
to those hybridized/inbred varieties usually available in shops.
<You can try Fishbase. http://www.fishbase.org Here is the platy
and the guppy page:
Many thanks,
<Welcome. Rick>
Re: Platys hiding!!! 11/2/12
Sorry to bother you again but I just need to know what to do and your
advice has been invaluable.
<Not a problem.>
I started my 26 gallon tank after 4 months and two tries at a fishless
cycle. I started with 4 male guppies and although after a big water
change I've dealt with some low nitrites but no ammonia and have used
Prime to protect the fish and done two water changes a week with a small
amount of aquarium salt. They seemed great so night before last I added
two Mickey
Mouse platys thinking this a great addition since this tank is for the
grand kids but I think I messed up! The guppies harassed the
Platys, especially one that I realize now must be a female!!!
<Any time you add new residents to a tank, it takes a little bit of time
for the residents to establish a new pecking order.>
She now rarely leaves the back bottom of the tank and although the
guppies only swim over her(?) they really aren't nipping at her now but
I hate seeing her so intimidated.
<Once she realizes here place in the chain of command, hopefully this
will subside a bit. However, the fish that are lowest in the pecking
order will always have to put up with a little bit of bullying.>
She does eat when the food comes near her. Now for my question, do I
take her back to PetSmart and try to identify another male, do I wait it
out since its a little better tonight than the frantic harassment of the
first night but she's still not coming out of hiding or do I introduce
female guppies to the mix as a distraction although having the grand
kids watching
fry being eaten wasn't in the initial plan?
<PetSmart has, I think, a 14 day return policy. Should say on the
I'd wait another day or two and see of things settle down. If not,
you might consider taking her back. I don't think any of your
options are necessarily the wrong answer. You just have to go with what
you are most comfortable with. The guppies and platies really should be
able to get along for the most part.>
I am really starting to feel overwhelmed checking everyday for any sign
of disease, doing water checks on everything and now thinking she's
suffering !!!
<As your water parameters stabilize, you won't need to check the
parameters anywhere near as often. Check for disease whenever you feed.>
What would you do?
<Well, I'd move the platies to another tank, but I usually keep species
tanks in the first place.. For you, as I said, give it another day or
two and see if things settle down before you take any action. Make sure
there are plenty of places for the platy to hide--behind rocks or
driftwood, in plants, or even behind a castle.>
Thanks so much for being here for all of us novices !!!
<That's where we all started. - Rick>
Aggressive Platys 5/15/12
Hi, I have four fish, two red wag platys (one is about three inches and
an adult and one is a one inch teenager), one sunburst platy, and one
von rio flame tetra.
<These tetras are sociable and should be kept in groups of six or more…
singletons can be shy, nippy, or both.>
They live in a 5 gallon tank with a filter,
<Much, MUCH too small; cruelly so for these fish.>
a plastic plant, and a small barrel structure to hide in. The big
red wag platy is a female, and she has been fairly aggressive lately to
my sunburst platy who is a male. I checked your site and it said
that it could be because he has been making advances on her, but he
seems scared out of his mind of her! He hides from her in the
barrel formation I have in the tank and she goes in there and butts him
out. She has never shown any of this behavior before, and I would
like to know what I can do to stop it, if anything. Something to
know is that I had an East African Dwarf frog, but he died (starvation,
he just wouldn¹t eat) and I changed the water right after. The
behaviour started before this though. I have also recently adopted
the one inch red wag platy from a friend¹s tank, but nothing has
happened to it and they have basically left it alone. Let me know
if there is a solution to my problem!!
<Your tank is too small, and the problem is that your animals lack the
space they need to exhibit normal behaviour. Aggression is fairly common
among most livebearers, but only lack if space turns their waspishness
into the potential to cause harm to one another. They're "stir crazy"
not to put too fine a point on it, and need space to move about and hide
if they need to. 15+ gallons is what you need for Platies, not just for
this reason, but for their physical wellbeing too (water quality for
example). Cheers, Neale.>
Sunburst Platy acting
Hello I have a 3.5 gallon tank
<... these fishes can't be "successfully" kept in this
small volume>
with one male platy, one female platy, and one female silver
Mollie. My female Platy has picked up a new behavior of
staying at the bottom of the tank. I know that all three fish avoid
each other and do not bully one another. The female Platy was pregnant
and none of the babies lived but she has always been very active and
usually hangs out at the top of the tank. I’m wondering what could
cause this sudden change in behavior?
<Environment. See WWM re... the search tool... on every page re
these fish species needs. Bob
Help? Platy beh. or
such 1/26/12
Hello, my name is Elizabeth and I am a teenager with my very first
10-gallon tank. I have a 5-gallon tank already with my five year old
Betta fish (Felepe) inside, and he seems relatively happy (I hope). I
just got three platys and I'm scared of killing them, as they all
already have names (which I'm very proud of: Lovey, Sundance, and
Goose...my niece and nephew helped me pick them out) and I can see
their personalities grow as they begin to get used to the tank. I have
a filter, heater, and a bubble stick (yes, that's my technical
term) but I'm not quite sure how my heater works...
<See the instructions that came w/ it... and/or look up on the Net
re the manufacturer...>
I believe my tank sits at around 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit. The filter
had been cycling for about a month before I put my fish into the tank
and they seem happy, but they swim around very fast like they're
either hyper or hungry. I learned from the nice lady from the fish
store that their eyes are as big as their stomachs so you're only
supposed to feed them once a day, therefore I'm assuming they are
not hungry. I feel like a new mother, every little thing worries me.
So do you know why they're freaking out? Am I doing
everything right? Thank you!
<Reads as if you are. Please read here:
and the linked files above for input, and an idea of the types of data
we need to help folks. Bob Fenner>
New platys... beh. in an uncycled
sys. 1/2/12
Hello I hope you can help, I have recently bought two ten gallon tanks
with gravel, filters etc... We have put the same water in and treated
it. Then left the filters on for five days before buying the platys
three for each tank, two females one male per tank. The one tank they
swim around and are active, the other all hide in the tank behind
arches and other items. We rarely see them swim even when food is put
in the tank they don't move when were about. On occasion if were
out the room and come back one may have ventured out but then
immediately hides away. Can you help any ideas or suggestion would be
greatly appreciated, we are looking forward to see the platys swimming
around. Thank you.
<Hello Tim. Hard to explain the differences here. But 10 gallons is
below what I'd recommend for Platies, and they may well simply feel
cramped. When that happens, fish act nervously, as if trapped in a
puddle too small for them. However, my money would be on a water
quality problem. How did you cycle the filters? Understand this:
switching a filter on and leaving it running in an empty tank does
NOTHING other than make it wet. There MUST be a source of ammonia for
filter bacteria to use. If you didn't use an ammonia source for 3-4
weeks before adding the fish, then BOTH of these tanks are cycling with
fish in them, and that's hardly ideal. So, you can probably assume
non-zero ammonia and nitrite levels, and these can and do make fish act
nervously. They feel themselves being "burned" by the
ammonia, but can't explain or understand what's happening
beyond the fact they feel pain. So they hide away, hoping the
"enemy" will go away. Grab a nitrite test kit, and see what
the nitrite level is. If it isn't zero, then that's your
problem. If you must cycle with fish in place, you need to do 20-25%
water changes every 1-2 days for the next 3 weeks. Feed minimally, no
more than once every 2-3 days. Only when you register 0 levels of
ammonia and nitrite for several days in a row can you switch to normal
feeding and weekly water changes. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: New platys 1/2/12
Hi Neale, thanks for your help, I added a bioactive tap safe as per the
<Yes. This removes chlorine, chloramine, copper (and other heavy
metals) and tap water ammonia (as distinct from the ammonia that comes
from your fish). This product makes tap water safe. That's
Is this what you mean when referring to ammonia?
<No. Ammonia is the stuff filter bacteria "eat". In a
mature aquarium, they consume ammonia at the rate the fish excrete it,
so the aquarium stays healthy, with a zero level of ammonia. But for
the first 4-6 weeks there aren't enough filter bacteria, so you
need to cycle (or mature) the aquarium by providing ammonia for filter
bacteria to eat. Over time, the populations of bacteria grow. With me
so far? Plain tap water contains no ammonia (usually) so we add an
ammonia source. Some aquarists add household ammonia, but a simpler
approach is to add tiny pinches of flake food, just as if there were
fish there, and as the flake decays, it releases ammonia.
Now, you have fish in the tank already, and they're producing
ammonia all the time, the same way we produce urea (which ends up in
the urine). Unless and until the filter bacteria population is big
enough to use it up as quickly as it is made, you'll have ammonia
collecting in the water. Daily water changes will dilute this, and
feeding fish less will lower levels still further. An ammonia level of
1 mg/l is lethal, and even 0.5 mg/l is enough to cause disease. Feed
less, and do more water changes, for around 3-4 weeks and you should
find the filter matures without your fish being seriously
I have a local pet shop which had offered to test my water
Hopefully this will shed some light on the issue. Then I can start to
sort the water as per your directions, thanks
<Cheers, Neale.>
Baffling Variatus Behavior
Hello WWM, how are you?
<Well, thank you.>
I have a very unusual concern about my otherwise healthy variatus.
I've owned him for over two months now, and he is quite a chipper
fellow, eats normally and is beautifully colored (bright orange mouth
and fins, a sleek black body with shiny, emerald-colored scales). I
feed him a mixture of dried algae/veggie flakes and blood worms.
<All sounds good.>
He lives in a 10-gallon aquarium with 3 small minnows that keep to
themselves in a neat little school.
<Slightly too small for Platies to be really happy; would be better
in 15 gallons or more. Would also up the number of White Cloud Mountain
Minnows to six or more.>
The aquarium was cycled properly, long before introducing him to it.
The pH is a consistent 7.0,
<Slightly basic is better, around 7.5; do see the recipe for Rift
Valley salt mix, and use at about half the quoted dose; you'll find
pH stays around 7.5.
That'd be ideal for Platies.>
Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrites 0 ppm, Nitrate 18 ppm. Water temperature is kept
at a constant 78 degrees F.
<Bit warm for Variatus Platies and White Cloud Mountain Minnows!
Both species best kept at 22 C/72 F, even slightly less in
My variatus has a nicely-grown java fern that just reaches the top of
the water surface. It's a favorite place for him to swim in and out
of. Okay.... Now comes the funny question. I have looked high and low
on the internet and could not find an answer. I noticed that this
little variatus keeps 'flexing' his gonopodium.
He will be swimming around and pauses for a second and 'flexes
it'. What does this mean?
<He's, ahem, enjoying himself even without a little female
company, if you get my drift'¦ But seriously, all he's
doing is flexing the muscles.>
He is a very healthy, active little guy, but is the only variatus in
the aquarium. Does he want a girlfriend?
<I'm sure he does. But in 10 gallons, he'll harass a female
terribly. Two females or more would be better. But otherwise, he's
happy enough alone.>
Please tell me what I should do, because although it is amusing to
watch, I am very concerned that something else could be the matter.
Thank you kindly for helping me!
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Platy Aggression
<Hello Sara,>
I have a question about platy behavior. I can't find any
information on this specific problem, so I'm hoping you can
I have a 10 gallon tank that at one time had three platies. A parasitic
infection killed off two of them, but the remaining platy recovered and
is alive and very healthy now.
<Your tank is too small for Platies, so I do wonder whether the
parasitic infection was really the ultimate cause of your
She has been alone in the tank for several weeks. I wanted to have
enough time to make sure the parasite was eradicated.
<Wise. But here's the thing. If the tank is too small, the death
of the other fish will ensure good water conditions for the remaining
fish. So it's hard to tell if conditions are good now, or it really
is about a "parasite" dying off. I'd put money on at
least a combination of the two, and with the warning that parasites
rarely die off without medication.>
Weeks passed, and she seemed fine. Today I decided to go ahead and get
more platies, so I brought home two. They were acclimated, put into the
tank, and everything seemed OK. The established platy, who is much
bigger than the new ones, seemed fine with their presence... until
feeding time. As soon as they started eating, she began chasing them
away from the food.
Once all the food was gone, she pretty much left them alone except for
a few nips here and there.
I understand that they will establish a pecking order, but should I be
concerned about the mealtime aggression? Is there something I should do
to stop it, or will she get used to her new tankmates? My main fear is
that I kept her alone for too long... is there a possibility that she
may never cooperate with other platies again? She was never aggressive
with her former tankmates...
<This is quite normal behaviour, especially in small tanks. Platies
really do need at least 15 gallons to feel settled. The addition of
floating plants (Indian Fern/Water Sprite is ideal) and such will
ensure hiding places at the surface, where Platies need them, as well
as visual breaks that ensure dominant fish can't see the others at
feeding time. Do also read:
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Platy Aggression 14/10/11
Thanks for the answer!
<Most welcome.>
I got a little worried when you said that my tank is too small...
Upgrading would be impossible right now, so would it be all right if I
keep the platies I have?
<Well, if they're fighting or getting sick, then the answer is
no. But in theory, yes, you could keep a small group in 10 gallons for
a few months, maybe even indefinitely. But they really are better kept
in large tanks. Social problems become less pressing, and health
problems less frequent.>
The tank is almost overrun with wisteria, and I have a 20-40 gallon HOB
filter. I'll look into getting some floating plants; would java
moss be OK?
<Not ideal. You see, Water Sprite forms a layer that hangs a few
inches thick from the surface of the water. That's like a bunch of
screens and hidey-holes ideally suited to small fish like Platies that
prefer the top of the tank.>
I had planned on getting two more platies, for a total of five in the
tank, but in light of this advice I might consider not getting any
more. If these platies die because of my stupidity, I'll maybe get
Danios instead'¦
<Zebra or Pearl Danios wouldn't be idea, either. They're
hyperactive fish that can get to about 5 cm/2 inches in length, and
when cooped up the males especially can become really aggressive pests.
I'd not keep them in anything less than a tank 60 cm/2 ft long.
There are better species for 10 gallon tanks that are reliable choices.
Start reading here:
Thanks again! Oh, and just an update: this morning at feeding time,
there were no problems at all. I had been really worried that her
period of isolation would have made the lone platy unsociable, but I
guess she's gotten used to them.
<May well be. Cheers, Neale.>
Is my female MM Platy confused?
First of all, thank you for all your hard work on the WWM site -- the
information there has proven invaluable many times.
I have two MM platys (both female) living in a community tank ( with: 2
pepper Corys, 3 emerald cats, 2 false juliis, 1 common Plec [~6in], 1
male Betta, 1 female Betta,
<Mmm, do keep your eye on the Bettas... sometimes the male will
"go after" the female; particularly in small volumes this can
prove problematical>
and 1 apple snail). All get along well with each other, save for the
occasional chase from either of the Bettas. (I've never seen any
actual damage take place.)
To my question: The smaller of the two platys has developed some odd
behavior with the female Betta. She will go up to the Betta and flip
over on her side, at which point the female Betta will chase her off.
The platy repeats this many times throughout the day, and seems to
enjoy it. (It reminds me of when a platy flashes, which both do, but
very occasionally, with no other signs of distress.) It isn't
continuous - the platy will also eventually go and swim with the larger
platy, but she eventually finds herself back at the Betta.
I've not seen any damage done from this behavior. Betta may be a
little stressed, but she will eventually go and find a place a long
ways away from the platy. My main concern is does this indicate
something wrong with the platy, or is she just confused?
<I'd say the latter>
The female Betta is fairly small, colored red, and so, I suppose, could
be mistaken for a platy by another platy - could this be what is going
(That said, the other platy doesn't exhibit this behavior. Further,
the little platy doesn't do this with any of the other fish,
including the male Betta.)
Hope you can provide some insight, thanks for your time, and have a
great day!
Wafer Parms:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0.25 (oddly enough, I can never get this to 0. Our tap
measures badly as well, so I suspect this is the cause.)
<Likely a spurious reading>
Nitrates: 20
pH: 7.2- 7.6
Water is very hard (250) but I know that is from our tap. Buffering
capacity is 80-120, which needs help and am going to get some shells or
coral to help with it.
<Mmm; I wouldn't>
It was worse; for some reason the buffering had crashed. A PWC helped,
but need a long-term solution. Maybe this is part of the platys
(although I would think the other should show similar issues?)
<More frequent, higher percentages of water changes will likely do
Bob Fenner>
Platy/Goldfish behavior and
biology 8/16/11
Sent from my iPad
<Now we get these messages at the top of the e-mail? Getting weirder
and weirder'¦>
Hi crew, my name is Jenny.
<Hello Jenny.>
I'm kind of new to the wonderful world of owning a fish tank. :) I
got a 10 gallon fish tank over a month ago (it's an upgrade from my
1 gal.) All of the nitrates and nitrites are at 0, the alkalinity is
ideal, and the pH is perfect.
<Perfect for what? Ideal alkalinity in what sense? Platies for
example need hard water with a high pH, whereas Neon Tetras need soft
water with a low pH. So you can't have "ideal" alkalinity
or "perfect" pH for all types of fish.>
My sister and I went to Petco and bought: 2" rainbow shark,
1" fantail, and 1" platy.
<A bit of an odd mix. For a start, Goldfish can't be kept in 10
gallons; they get very big, 20 cm/8 inches long, and they're
social. So you need 30 gallons for the first 2-3 specimens, and another
10 gallons for each additional specimen. Next up, the Rainbow Shark
will need at least 40 gallons. They are very active and VERY
A week later, we got a surprise-- the platy had babies. After that, the
aquarium went downhill. My old Pleco and rainbow shark died, and I had
to change all of the gravel (for reasons that I can't explain right
<In what way can't you explain? Don't know the reasons, or
don't want to say?>
The tank looks much better, though, since we changed from blue gravel
to black and it looks a little more natural. The babies are doing okay,
and the goldfish is finally recovering from a recent swim bladder
<There's rarely such a thing as "swim bladder
infection" and normally when casual aquarists mention this
it's because their fish couldn't swim and they have no real
idea why. More often than not, things like constipation, bloating, and
systemic bacterial infections are the cause. Note that these are rarely
mystery diseases that creep in the aquarium at night, but symptoms of
poor aquarium care.>
The only problem is that my platy has been acting strange since about
over 2 weeks ago. While I was redoing the fish tank, I left them and
the babies in 2 1gal tanks (the babies were in a separate one with my
rams horn snail because they were, and are, still too small to be with
the big fish.) She was always so friendly with the female goldfish,
like a BFF.
<Fish don't really work this way.>
Even before I had them in the 1 gal, she wouldn't stop attacking
and chasing the goldfish!
<I bet.>
I even woke up one morning to find that there were blood spots all over
her tail, patches of scales were missing from her back, and fungus was
growing on her dorsal fin injuries. I immediately gave the goldfish a
Fungus Clear tablet, and within a few days, it cleared up.
<Post hoc, ergo propter hoc, as the Romans would say. Just because
two things follow, it doesn't mean the first thing caused the
second thing. For example, in a 1-gallon or even a 10-gallon tank
there's a high risk of a Goldfish getting stressed and vulnerable
to what are called opportunistic bacterial infections. These have
symptoms such as Dropsy and Finrot (i.e., blood spots on the fins and
body). Platies are opportunistic feeders and if they can, they'll
happily nibble on the sore, bloody tissue on their tankmates.>
I separated them with netting so she wouldn't bother her anymore.
Do you think she could be pregnant again? She is getting fatter and she
is producing a lot more waste than usual.
<Female livebearers can produce more than one brood per mating, so
even if she isn't with a male now, you can have two or three broods
of fry.>
Also, I have a question about one of the four babies that she had-- it
was born with only one eye.
<Happens; could be genetic, but could just as easily be physical
damage from casual predation by tankmates.>
Since it only has one eye, about half of the length of what it's
head SHOULD be is missing. Its mouth is a lot smaller so it has trouble
eating, and it usually has twice the energy that the others do! Is this
normal for a baby to have a deformity like this?
<Yes. May be euthanised; 30 drops of clove oil in a litre of
aquarium water will do the trick. Stir well, then immerse the fish into
the mixture for 10 minutes.>
And if so, do you know if it will survive? I'll try to send a
Please, feel free to ask for the details about the fish tank: plants,
filter, gravel, etc.
Thank you for your time, Jenny.
<Glad to help. Do read:
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Platy/Goldfish behavior and biology
Thanks for the reply, Neale.
<Most welcome.>
About the pH, I followed the results based on an alkalinity and pH test
strip that I had gotten when I set up the tank. I do have hard water,
so they should be fine. The pH is around 7.6 and the alkalinity is
between 120-170.
<Sounds okay.>
When we got our goldfish, we got the smallest one in the tank. Ever
since then, he's only grown about 2mm. I also read online that
rainbow sharks are a good mix with Pleco and smaller fish, like tetra,
platy, Molly, etc.
<Hmm'¦ not really. Rainbow Sharks, like Red-Tail Sharks,
are at best marginal community tank choices. They sometimes work fine,
but sometimes are absolute terrors that chase everything.>
I guess I forgot to see how big they would get. But something, kind of
gruesome if you ask me, happened to the little rainbow shark. I
didn't really feel good about going into that. After that little
mishap, I had to replace the gravel, water, and change some of the
But right now, I guess they're doing fine. I vacuum the gravel when
I do a 25 percent water change every week, test the water to make sure
nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, and pH is okay, and every two weeks, I
change the filter cartridge. I'm probably just going to keep 1 of
the 4 babies, most likely the one-eyed one I had become fond of, and
give the other three to my friend, who has a 55 gal. aquarium.
I really can't choose to euthanize the little guy... I guess
I'm too attached to him.
<That's fine. So long as he can swim and eat, there's no
real reason to euthanise, but breeding from him/her would be unwise, as
you could easily end up with even more deformed fish.>
I'll try my best to give him the special care he needs, and if that
fails, then I'll have second thoughts.
Right now, I can't exactly afford a bigger tank. When I get the
money, I'll probably upgrade to a 20 or 30 gal, which is probably
just 150 bucks away. (well, for a good quality one) And on the plus
side, it will be better for the fish and I to get a bigger 20-30
Thanks for the help, Neale. :)
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Weird Platy
Discoloration... 8/16/11
Hi W.W.M., I've been looking all over the internet and I cant seem
to find anything that sounds remotely like two problems I'm having
with my platies.
I have a heavily planted 45 gallon tank with 3 male platies and 3
female platies (I am getting more females in the morning),
1 Neon Tetra (again soon to be more if the l.f.s. has more) and 1 blind
cave fish.
<These are not entirely community tank fish. They thrive in the same
water chemistry and temperature as Platies, so in that sense should
work well, but they're opportunists and prone to nipping
When I first got them I had one red wag-tail platy female die the day
after I got them. I think it turned out to be a swim bladder problem
and the l.f.s. replaced her but when I took her out I noticed that the
scales on the bottom of her belly were turned a yellow/golden color and
now I notice that two more females seem to be having the same
discoloration and one is currently pregnant and the other was pregnant
but isn't anymore(she either had the babies and they all were eaten
or if she absorbed them)... could this just be their belly stretching
or is it something I need to be worried about (P.S. I don't see any
symptoms of dropsy besides the weird coloration)
<Sounds odd, and usually Platies don't change colour. But if the
fish is otherwise healthy and eats well, I wouldn't worry too much.
Some fish are fed colour-enhancing foods that in particular make fish
more red than normally would be the case. Once you buy these fish, they
may become paler as the months pass. Alternatively, physical damage can
cause colour changes, in much the same way as scars on humans don't
ever look quite the same as the skin around them.>
One is another Red Wag-Tail and the other is a plain orange one (I
don't know exactly what kind). Also the Red Wag-Tail hangs out at
the bottom of the tank by herself and the plain orange one is almost
always at the top of the tank (usually within an inch-a foot of the
surface) by herself, doesn't move much and keeps her top and bottom
fins tucked up by her body (unlike the wag-tail who is always
<Fin clamping, as it's called, is often a sign of stress or
ill-health. Review aquarium conditions, and act accordingly. Platies
need hard, alkaline water to do well; 10-25 degrees dH, pH 7-8.5. They
dislike warm water; 22-25 C/72-77 F. As always, nitrite and ammonia
need to be zero. If you have soft water chemistry, your Platies will
never be healthy.>
they both quickly move away when I get close to the tank and will
occasionally swim with the other platies but mostly ignore them. They
all eat fine and swim fine... Also I am a little concerned about
another of my Platies... She is a White Mickey Mouse Platy and is SUPER
Pregnant (should be dropping fry any time now) I recently got a new
light that is much much brighter than the last and I soon noticed that
her bottom lip is much brighter than the rest of her body and that she
is not as bright as the other 2 white platies I have. I looked online
and thought it could be Ich or mouth fungus but when reading more and
looking at more pictures I don't think it is either'¦
<Simple physical damage around the mouth is common; observe, and if
the white speck gets smaller, don't worry about it. But do be aware
of the symptoms of Finrot, Mouth Fungus (actually a bacterial
infection) and plain vanilla Fungus, and be sure you know where to get
a good treatment for them. Products like Seachem Paraguard and eSHa
2000 treat all three at the same time, so they're particularly
She isn't acting weird besides swimming a little slower than normal
but I think its just because she is about ready to give birth, but the
males do seem to follow her more than the other females... Again she
eats and acts completely normal and is constantly with the other
fish... Could this just be because of the new light or is it something
to be worried about... I don't know if I should but them in a
isolation tank or what to do.
<Would not move this fish unless something obviously go wrong.
Adding floating plants provides shelter and will make her life
I will Greatly Appreciate anything you can tell me because they are
really beginning to worry me... especially the orange one that hangs at
the top of the tank... She doesn't seem to be doing well at all...
And if there is something wrong would I just be able to treat the whole
tank (because I don't have another tank so I have no way to make a
hospital tank) and if so what can I use to treat them that won't
hurt my Tetras. I have also been considering feeding them garlic and
was wanting to know if that would help any'¦
<Not really. Best foods for these Platies are vegetarian flake foods
such as Spirulina flake. Occasional offerings of live or wet-frozen
brine shrimps provide good "fibre" as well as the chemicals
that enhance red colouration.>
Thank you sooo very much for what you can tell me... You guys are the
most helpful site I have found and I have been looking for days, and
sorry for how long the message is but I thought that the more info I
gave you the better lol Again Thank You so much, Kirsten
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
New platy shakes and hides
Dear Crew
My tanks have all being doing great for a few months now. I decided to
add some colour to my mainly female community tank. I was after a group
of panda platies but the shop only had one female and one male this
week. I took them home anyway along with six pigmy Cory (I'll add
more platies later). After a slow acclimatisation process of about an
hour, the fish were taken out with a net and put into the tank. All the
Corys and the small female panda platy swam around fine after the
30mins of darkness before I turned on the lights. However, the male
panda platy just hides.
He came out twice to swim around but shakes and jerks suddenly and then
returns to a hiding place. Should I be concerned?
Anything else I can do? He seemed fine in the LFS.
Tank is as follows:
100 ltr fully cycled 6 month old and planted (ammonia 0ppm, nitrates
0ppm, nitrates 5ppm);
Ph 8
Water hard (London), no added salt in tank.
Has 6 female guppies, one male dwarf honey Gourami, 2 female and 1 male
split-fin rainbow fish (about to join the other 7 in the larger tank),
1 cherry shrimp and a nursery net with 13 x 2 week old guppy fry.
I acclimatised them over an hour, bag in water and slowly
added/replaced the bag water with the tank water checking Ph levels all
the time (bag had ph7.4 roughly RO and my tank is ph 8) - was this too
Thanks, Patrick
<Platies, and livebearers generally, do this "Shimmying"
thing when stressed. It's apparently neurological and goes away
when things improve.
Sometimes the fish itself is suffering from a virus or something else
you can't really identify, but more often than not it's an
environmental thing -- water hardness and/or pH typically being too
low. Social stress, i.e., bullying, can be an issue too. Review, and
act accordingly. Raising the temperature by a couple of degrees and, if
you tankmates allow, add a small amount of salt, say, 2 grammes/litre
(this shouldn't harm Corydoras unduly as a short-term thing).
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: New platy shakes and hides 5/1/11
Hi Neale
Thanks so much for coming back to me on a Sunday!
<No problem.>
Poor little fella was hiding behind some bog wood for ages with one eye
surveying the front of the tank. I popped a bit of brine shrimp in and
he eventually took a few nibbles at the bits floating past him
(obviously a good thing!) and soon after, ventured out and had a little
swim around before returning to the seclusion of the bottom of the tank
amongst some plants, one eye watching the surrounding tank. He
didn't appear to be shimmying this time, so perhaps he has calmed.
I reckon it might be shock that caused it. I'm going to hold back
from the adding of any salt due to the dwarf honey Gourami in the tank.
I may just raise the temperature a little, currently 24 degrees. I
understand 25 degrees is a little better for them. I'll watch him
carefully and report back any problems.
<All sounds good.>
Thanks once again! And enjoy the bank holiday tomorrow,
<Plan to do so!>
best, Patrick
<Cheers, Neale.>
platy behaving 'unusually'
I currently have an 85L freshwater aquascaped aquarium (60% floating
plants are incorporated) containing 2 female platys, 1 female molly, a
female Bristlenose catfish, cherry shrimp, a glass catfish and a male
with regard to the only glass catfish,
<A social species>
I purchased it from the store having been the only one kept in the
platy/molly mixed aquarium and will only school with these fish and
despite my investments in a larger tank (145L) and some additional
specimens, will have it no other way-(he/she hid in the java ferns and
driftwood for 6 months, no signs of chemical/temperature imbalances and
proper environmental factors including native plants and slight
current. The other specimens did remarkably well) Now that I have moved
the fish back to the 85L, it displays its natural behaviour and is
constantly darting around the upper levels of the aquarium schooling
with the platys/molly.
I have always anticipated breeding the platys but the male will only
pay attention to the glass catfish (as he is doing at the moment) and
shows no interest in the female platys. To be honest I am adequately
baffled by this behaviour. I have ruled out many factors such as the
maturity of the females and the fact that the other tankmates may be
eating the fry although I have not seen a single female pregnant in the
last year or so disregarding their few batches of fry after purchase as
they were in a mixed gender tank. No fry despite the fact that
temperate/chemical balances are at their prime and constant throughout
the year. There are also no environmental factors that need attending
to for these fish. I am considering the possibility that he may be
sterile although this cannot be a viable explanation if it cannot be
witnessed or proven that he actually diverts his attention to the
If you have any advice or thoughts about this situation, they will be
greatly appreciated.
with regards,
<Mmm, well... this "male" may not actually be
(functionally) such... I'd likely add another male here; this
volume is sufficient to house all. Oh, and another couple Kryptopterus
bicirrhis... Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Sunset Way Platy behavior
We have a question on the changed behavior of our sunset wag platy. I
have done a lot of research; however, I cannot seem to find a definite
answer. The aquarium, my son's, is a 20 gallon aquarium that he has
had for six months now. We do our best to change a 1/4 of the water
each week as we were advised to do,
but to be honest, we don't always get that accomplished. However,
"Sunburst" has been thriving until just the past week. Our
son has a small assortment of tropical fish with only one sunset wag
platy. We have lost a couple fish and introduced some surprise baby
mollies four months ago.
Other than that, Sunburst's environment has been very stable. She
has no spots that she shouldn't have either.
This past week, she has been hanging out at the bottom of the tank and
behind the coral
<Mmm, this may change your water quality in undesirable ways,
scratch/cut some livestock>
and other decorations. We see many of the other fish swim around her
and appear as if they nip at her.
<Good observation, relating>
She moves but always goes back to a hiding place. Tonight, I moved her
to a breeding tank after I saw that the other fish weren't leaving
her alone.
My question is, is she just being bullied or could she be pregnant?
I'm not sure how since we have no swordtails or other platys. If
she is being bullied, what do we do to remedy that for her?
<Restore this fish to health... it should get along if the other
fishes are compatible species, sizes>
We don't want her picked on at all!
We appreciate any insight you can give us. I hope I gave you enough
detail. If not, please let me know.
Thank you,
<Do peruse WWM re Platies period... Something you've not related
could be at play here. Bob Fenner>
Re: Sick Platy - Please Advise, fdg. beh.
Apologies for the additional email - one more addition. The sick fish,
I noticed, has been regurgitating a bit of his food in the beginning of
each feeding.
<Not atypical... a normal behavior... Many fishes have
teeth/triturating processes in the buccal cavity... pass items back and
forth to break up, soften>
I usually break down the flakes into small bits, and he seems to take a
bunch in, then spit some back out, then continue feeding. After about
three times of this pattern he continues to feed without further
regurgitation. I don't remember specifically looking for this
pattern before he became sick, though, so I cannot say for sure it
started recently - but I did not notice the other platy doing the same
thing, so I thought I should mention it, just in case it is
Thank you again,
Alex Marin
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Platy flashing 1/13/11
Hello Bob,
I'm not sure if you remember me, but I emailed not too long ago
before concerning an Otocinclus with a goiter issue.
<I do recall>
I have been meaning to thank you for informing me about my Oto's
condition, but I have not yet replied
to that email since I have been working to cure his goiter problem.
I've found a case online involving a Sting Ray that was cured of
its goiter problem overtime through strict attention to diet.
Others have reported to have fish goiter problems that never went away
although their fish lived a healthy
and normal life span. In my case, however, my Oto's goiter seems to
have stayed the same size despite my iodine supplements.
<Does happen, as you state/report>
I have also tried adding Nori to the tank, and although my other fish
enjoy it, the Oto's don't seem to
touch it nor the cucumber or squash slices I put in. Aside from that,
my Otos and all the fish I quarantined upon bringing home (with the
exception of one tiny Danio) have survived the quarantine process and
have been moved to my Main tank that is 55g. The Otos now happily
search the tank for algae, and I will continually add iodine
supplements until my Oto is cured.
I apologize for not getting straight to the point, but I felt a little
unsettled about not having thanked you,
<You have just done so>
so I seized the opportunity since I am now emailing again regarding
another issue.
So here goes. I have a Sunset Wag Hi-fin Platy that has been acting
strange lately. She has been spending most of her time at the surface
of the tank, hiding behind the heater. Every now and then she will dart
around as if swimming laps and flash against the same two java fern
leaves. Her actions seem like a routine of hers now since I've been
watching her for a few days and she seems to repeat almost the same
actions in almost the same exact locations as usual.
<You are observant; a good quality>
She seems to have clamped fins when she stops swimming, but she seems
perfectly normal when she swims, other than the fact that she darts
around and flashes. She has also showed some mild aggression toward
another platy I like to call her "sister" since I got them at
the same time and they used to enjoy each other's company... Every
now and then she would chase her "sister" (a Reg Wag Hi-fin
platy) away if nearby. At the same time, I have a Male Sunset Wag
Swordtail that occasionally chases my flashing platy, in which she then
retreats to her usual hiding spot behind the heater.
<Mmm, yes; these fishes, species can interbreed>
She has a healthy appetite, and isn't shy during feeding time.
She also has no problem swimming to the bottom of the tank to search
for food, and looks physically healthy. But most of the time, she seems
to isolate herself and hide and resume to her flashing tendencies. I
searched around, and found a similar issue regarding a flashing platy
in which you suggested:
"<Tough to say... sounds like your system is stable (biological
filtration established), the hardness, pH okay... might be that the
fish are just "settling in"... becoming acclimated to your
captive conditions (many
livebearers are imported from soft, acidic... filthy water from Asian
fish farms...), but they may well be harboring some sort of "platy
specific" biological disease...>"
Other information I may add: Tank size 55 gallon, Ammonia 0, Nitrites
0, Nitrate 0, PH: 7.1, Planted tank, Filtered with Penguin Bio-wheel
350 and Tetra Whisper EX 20.
The 55g has been running for Five months and was set up through
fishless cycling.
I also must add, that I have been away on vacation for 3 weeks, and my
boyfriend has also been away so we resolved in using 7-day feeding
<Mmm, yes. These are improved over previous years/decades, but still
of dubious value... and sources of pollution>
Since my boyfriend was vacationing within distance, he returned every
week and a half to do a water change and put a new block of food in for
the fish.
The first time he returned, he noticed that there was excessive algae
growth and the fattest platies I had at the time (a breeding pair of
Mickey Mouse platies) had lost their dominance, lost weight and were no
longer as plump as they used to be. He reported that at that time he
noticed some clamping in the flashing platy I am emailing about. The
following week, he returned to find the female Mickey Mouse platy and
another Hi-Fin Mickey to have passed. He reported that the flashing
platy seemed fine. It was when I
returned that I noticed her strange behavior, whereas her
"sister" remained perfectly normal. I've had cases where
numerous fish in that tank were flashing due to what I attribute to
high DOC levels or changes in water chemistry. But in this case, no
other fish have flashed at all, except this one...
I apologize for the very long email, but I wanted to be thorough. I
have started to theorize and think about fish psychology due to this
case, and now wonder if it's quite possible that fish may harbor
mental instability or illnesses like humans do...
<I do think you're onto something here>
Anyhow, thank you so much for you previous and future help!
<I might move some of the decor about in this 55; perhaps add some
other plant material. My fave genus in general: Ceratopteris; though
Anacharis/Egeria/Elodea will do. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
My Platy changes colour - 7-14-10
<Hello Bianca,>
I have only been keeping fish since February this year (2010) at
present I have 9 platy (3 males and six females) and 2 albino barbs (to
young to tell their gender).
<Albino Barbs are of course Tiger Barbs, Puntius tetrazona. This
highly gregarious species is notoriously aggressive when kept in small
numbers. It is the classic "fin nipper" of the hobby. Keep at
least six, and ideally ten or more.>
My tank is a 75 litre tank.
<Too small for Tiger Barbs, and barely acceptable for
In the time that I have had the tank I have only had 6 fry live (I am
sure that there have been at least three different birthings from
different females. Some females have died in the time I have had the
tank). Is there a reason why the fry numbers are so low?
<Eaten by the barbs.>
I am led to believe that the females should have between 20-100 fry per
<Under good conditions, yes. You aren't providing good
conditions though.>
There have always been a few plants and a ship wreck in the tank to
provide shelter.
<The only plants used for shelter by Platies or newborn fry are
floating plants. If the plants aren't at the top, they're
useless in this regard and may as well be on the Moon for all the good
they'll do. The instinct for newborn fry is to swim to the
I have recently purchased 4 living plants bringing the total number of
plants to 9; I have also added some driftwood and another fake grass
looking hiding place for them.
<If these aren't floating, you wasted your money. Plus, not all
"living plants" live underwater, and unscrupulous retailers
can see newcomers to the hobby a mile off, and sell them all kinds of
terrestrial plants that quickly die underwater. Learn the Latin names
of aquarium plants, and buy only plants you can positively identify.
The cheaper the plant, the more likely it is to be a terrestrial plant
that will die underwater.>
My PH levels are fine
<Doubtful; Platies and Tiger Barbs have completely different
requirements in terms of water chemistry. Platies need hard, basic
water; Tiger Barbs need soft, acidic water. What's "fine"
for one will be stressful for the other.>
as well as all the other levels so I am wondering if the other fish are
just feasting on the fry before I can spot them. Despite doing weekly
water changes it is usually around a few weeks before I am aware that
any fry have been born.
My biggest reason for emailing you is I have an adult blue female
Over the past week she has been a little strange. She has been
displaying all the signs of being in labour (hiding a lot, eating only
when the food comes to her, and wriggling around a lot. Another female
showed these same signs just before she gave birth.) The only thing is
this female fish did not look pregnant. The most bizarre thing is that
she went from a deep blue colour to a blue grey colour. She has since
gone back to her deep blue colour and does look a lot skinnier than she
did last week (although she did not look pregnant then.) I remembered
that when I got her in February she turned the same bluish grey one
night and was back to her usual blue colour the next day. It was not
long after that that I noticed some fly in the tank so I am wondering
if perhaps she changes colour when in labour or giving birth? She is
happy and healthy in every way. She usually chases off the other fish
when they come near her.
<When stressed fish can alter their colours. Do review conditions in
your tank. In short, for Platies you're aiming for cool water,
22-24 C, that is hard, around 10-25 degrees dH, and at pH 7.5-8. You
must have at least two females per male. Lots of floating plants, e.g.,
Indian Fern. Tiger Barbs do well across the same temperature, but their
maximum hardness is about 15 degrees dH and they will do better at 5-10
degrees dH; the pH should be
about 6.5-7, and certainly no higher than 7.5. Both species are largely
herbivorous so should be given mostly plant-based foods, e.g.,
Spirulina flake. Unlike Platies, which prefer gentle water conditions,
Tiger Barbs need a decent water current. Minimum tank size for a school
of Tiger Barbs is around 110 litres; keep at least six unless you want
them to cause trouble and nip at everything. Cheers,
Platy Male Harassing/Nipping Platy Female
Dear WWM:
I have a 20 gallon tank with two plastic hiding places, seven small
live plants, one shrimp, one snail and six-and-a-half fish: three
Platies, three Pepper Corys, and a small baby Platy. One Platy, Summer,
a female, is new.
The tank set-up is two months old and we introduced Summer just four
days ago. Since then, our male Platy, Mickey, takes every opportunity
to chase Summer and nip her, no matter where she is in the tank.
<Typical behavior for most livebearers>
At first I thought this was a courtship ritual; after all, we got
Summer after being told that we should have two females for each male
Platy; but it appears that Summer is being unduly harassed and even
kept from getting food. For what it¹s worth, our other
female Platy, Red, appears to be pregnant (again  the baby
is hers as well). The Corys (we call them the Pepperjack Family) seem
to be doing real well.
So that¹s our set up. Have I got the right mix of fish types
and genders; if not, what would be better; and if so, what else can I
do to help Summer catch a break from Mickey¹s
<Put the male in a breeding net, a floating plastic colander... give
him a "time out" for a few days>
While I¹m writing, I had a few other unrelated aquarium
questions that I¹m hoping you can help with. My heater,
TopFin 100 Watt unit, heats the tank to 82-84 degrees F even when set
to the lowest setting. Is that OK?
<Mmm, not really... is too hot>
Can I fix this?
<Return it to the store, likely PetSmart, you bought it from or
contact the manufacturer and have them exchange it.>
Should I take out the heater and let the temperature fluctuate from
about 74-82 during the day?
I know that you recommend a breeder net for pregnant fish, but given
that Red had one baby survive already, and given that we have limited
time and resources, do you think it will be ok to let her be? Or must
we invest in a
breeder net or some other solution?
<Some to all the young will be consumed by other fish depending on
how crowded, hungry they are otherwise>
Finally, we were thinking to add a few more aquatic friends to the tank
after the summer, once the plants and fry had grown and the nitrogen
levels would likely more stable. Do you have any additions for some
that would make particularly good additions to our tank?
<Yes... read on WWM re>
I don¹t want to overstock the tank so I¹m
concerned about schooling fish, but perhaps some schooling fish has
lesser bioload?
<Small Rasboras, Danios... there are many choices>
In any event, it would be nice to have some fish that liked to swim a
lot in the middle of the tank, since the
Pepperjack Family spend most of their time on the bottom and the Platys
like to either rest near the bottom or swim at the top.
Thank you for taking the time to read this email. I hope you will help
advise a novice aquarium fan and I thank you also in advance for your
My best regards,
<And you, Bob Fenner>
Re: Prior Platy Email 5/25/10
My apologies for sending 3.5 MB of images. I meant to send smaller
images, per your specifications on your webpage. Please find those
attached. The attached files are collectively under 1 MB.
<Thanks Seth. BobF>
Female platy behavior 5/15/10
My female Mickey Mouse Platy is pregnant but she chasing the male away
whenever he gets too close. Is this normal?(my mom said that all
pregnant ladies can get temperamental)
<It isn't the female being "temperamental". Male
livebearers, including male Platies, want to mate with the females all
the time, even when the female is pregnant. This is stressful -- and
probably annoying! -- for the female. Understandably, she either tries
to hide or attempts to chase him away. If severely stressed, females
can miscarry, so this is quite a serious problem. To avoid problems,
you must do the following: [a] Make sure the tank is big enough for the
Platies, not less than 15 gallons, and preferably at least 20 gallons.
[b] Include some floating plants at the top of the tank for the female
to use as hiding places. [c] Always, always, always, keep at least
twice as many females as males. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: female platy behaviour 5/15/10
can I put the female in a separate tank by herself or will she get
<Provided the separate aquarium is big enough for her, not less than
8 gallons, a single female can be kept on her own for a few weeks until
her babies are delivered. For long term care though, Platies should be
kept in tanks not less than 15 gallons. They don't need to be kept
with their own kind, but female Platies are certainly happier if kept
with other females.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: female platy behaviour -- 05/21/10
I brought the female into our classroom (I'm in grade 8) and she is
all alone except for two mysery snails and a few plants. she seems a
lot happier and she is getting fatter every day lol.
Thanks for the great advice.
<Glad to help. I'm sure you mean "mystery" snails
rather than "mysery" snails, though perhaps
"misery" snails would be funnier! Cheers, Neale.>
New Platy's... sys., hlth., beh.... reading --
I am really new to fish. Went from a one gal with 2 guppies to a 10gal,
after one guppy died in the 1 gal.
<Ok, to start with, 1 gallon isn't enough for fish. Period. As
for a 10 gallon tank, that's risky with Guppies. The problem is
that males are feisty, and in 10 gallon tanks tend to chase one another
and harass the females. I'd say 15 gallons is the minimum for
"easy" Guppy keeping. Do read here:
This will give you some ideas about stocking small tanks. A 10 gallon
tank might look big, but it's really tiny, and a very difficult
tank to start with.>
One original guppy is still around, did great through the cycling of my
new 10 gal which is in it's 5th week. I was told ammonia is gone
nitrates are gone but the better one nitrites ( I believe it is) are
still there.
<"Better" isn't really the word; nitrites are less
immediately poisonous than ammonia, but nitrite is *still* very
Guppy is doing fine. Then I added 3 platys 2 sunset with black tails,
and one white with black spots and deep Burgundy tail. My guppy
immediately relentlessly followed one sunset platy all around to the
point, I wanted to pull my hair out.
<See above. As I said, Guppies in 10 gallon tanks don't often
The platy appeared very stress. My original thought was to remove this
guppy back to the one gal tank with underground filter and no
<Death sentence. Do read here:
For more on Guppies.>
But as I thought more about it. I decided to isolate the extremely
stressed platy and buy the crazy guppy a guppy friend to play with.
<No, not playing. Chasing, fighting, attempting to mate -- all these
things are possibilities.>
Both guppies are calm friends now, and the white and other sunset platy
are calm friends but they hide and sleep alot, and only swim around
during and after eating's which are normally 2x a day. One very
important detail is
that all the 5 fish , 2 guppies, and 3 platys are males.
The one sunset platy that is in isolation has really calmed down. She
seems to be okay with her hiding rock and small fake plant. But she is
rather large and the tank is pretty small 1 gal, with little room for
A major concern for long time keep is no heater part.
<Will die. That's why she's "calm", she's
I had done tons of internet reading and picked the local fish store
owner's brain, and we were both thinking the only reason the guppy
could of been all over her was perhaps she was a sick fish.
<Your pet shop person is an idiot. Fish don't chase one another
because they're sick. Male Guppies will attempt to mate with
females of virtually anything plausible. Platy females are similar
enough in shape and size to female Guppies, so I bet that's what
was going on. Keep at least 2, preferably 3 females of each species per
male of that species. Otherwise, don't mix the sexes (though that
won't stop the males chasing each other).>
This guppy has annoyed relentlessly the previous other 4 sick fish that
have died during my earlier cycling weeks. Or perhaps these two were
fighting for the Alpha male position in the tank.
<Sort of. Male livebearers are smaller and more brightly coloured
than the females of their species. Their lifespans are therefore short.
So while they are alive, the males desperately try to mate with
everything, and at the same time, try to drive away any males that
might mate with the females in their bit of the pond. So, they're
programmed to be [a] aggressive and
[b] violently promiscuous.>
The isolated platy shows no sign of being real sick. Other than being
very large, perhaps a bloated tummy, but does occasionally have those
long white strings coming out of her, that I am not sure whether it is
poop or parasites. No real unusual behavior. Other than he hated being
chased by the guppy. Question: Should I leave him in this small but
cozy and very comforting 1 gal tank all alone?
<Cozy isn't the word. She's dying.>
She is eating well and appears ok other than not enough swimming room,
with no heater. Do you think that after a while I should try and
introduce her back into the 10 gal tank? and if so how should I do
<See above.>
One retailer told me I should of taken out the bully guppy for a while
and when I added him back, he would of been the new fish in the tank,
and perhaps would of behaved better. The only reason I chose the platy
because I knew the guppy was not sick, and I thought perhaps something
was wrong with the platy, as the guppy did not bother or chase the
other two new platys, just this one smelling the belly area and the
string. The 2
guppies are now fine, The sunset platy in 10 gal tank, has same white
string from his production organ area, sometimes extremely long. Takes
some time, it could take a day, and than falls off. He hides under fake
and looks so dead when he sleeps I find myself hitting him with the net
in the middle of the night to make sure he is alive. My favorite platy
the white one with some black specs and a great tail that looks like
the color of paprika (hence his name) always, always hides, in the
caves. But will always come out for food, swims around during and after
feeding, very timid to all fish in tank, and runs and hides when I
approach tank in any way.
Very hard to get a good look at him. He appears shorter than most
platys with his body somewhat a triangular shape rather than long as
the sunset platys are. I wish he would not hide. He is a gorgeous fish
to look at. Is
this hiding a sign of a bigger problem?
These platys were all brought home only 4 days ago, and I am sure they
are still getting actuated. They have seen their buddy leave the tank,
for isolation, and have no idea where he went, and have been introduced
to the new guppy just yesterday. It really is very peaceful with just
the 2 guppies, who always stay at the top, and the 2 platys who are
usually hiding all the time. I am wondering if I should be proactive
and have any concerns, such as treatments?
<The problems here are your bad choices.>
Should I add salt to either tank as a preventive measure encase their
are parasites or Ick? (occasionally the red platy will rub himself on a
plant or rock in the 10 gal tank. I am wondering if the one I removed
might have infected the 10 gal tank?
<Don't medicate unless you positively identify a sickness.
Adding salt won't do any harm, but there's no real point
either. See here:
should I treat him with anything, as no real signs other than white
occasional strings on both red platys. The pet store owner said I can
get preventive cooper drops one drop per gal that will not hurt healthy
fish, regardless if their is bacteria, or parasites in tank or not.
<Again, stupid "advice" from your pet store. Why not read
an aquarium book instead?
Some of these cost pennies bought used from Amazon.>
In all the reading I have done never have I heard anyone say they use a
preventive med to ward of parasites before they begin? Any truth or
helpfulness to this?
Or is the brackish tank the way to go? Not sure if I should use Epsom
salt, or aquarium salt.
<Totally different things. Do you have soft water or hard water? If
soft water, then using Rift Valley cichlid salt mix can be very useful
(and home-made, very cheap). Brackish water using marine salt mix is a
good option for Guppies and Mollies, but less so for Platies and
Plain vanilla aquarium salt (sometimes called tonic salt) is for use as
a medication, and serves little/no purpose as a daily additive.
This is the first site I have been able to write on. I pray to God one
of you will feel like this is worthy to answer.
<We're happy to help.>
I am extremely sensitive to pets. I am liking this hobby more than I
thought I would. But the sadness of all the death really ruins the
beauty of keeping fish. I am starting to appreciate the long life of my
dogs, that I always felt was too short! lol
<Actually, for their size, fish live longer than cats or dogs. I
have a catfish about the size of your hand who's 16, 17 years old,
and she's not even half full size. Angelfish will easily get to
10-12 years. Well cared for Goldfish routinely reach 20-30 years, and
there are lungfish in zoos well over 70 years old.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Male Platy Behavior, sex-ratio sel.
<Hello Andrew,>
In a previous email, I mentioned how I had a platy mysteriously
disappear from my tank.
I have since added more platys (female). I used to have 3 blue Mickey
mouse platys (1m, 2f) before the disappearance and now have 4
2 blue Mickey mouse platys (1m,1f)
a sunset wag platy (f)
and a blue wag tail (f)? (here is an image
The female blue Mickey mouse platy is now showing outward signs of
pregnancy (typical).
<Quite. But do be sensitive to both constipation and dropsy,
diseases that can cause similar external symptoms.>
The male blue platy constantly follows her around the tank, and takes
no interest in the other 2 female platys. He will also chase the other
2 platys away from her, especially during feeding time. Will this cause
undue stress on her/ the other platys?
<Yes, it will stress her, and will increase the risk of
miscarriages. Do make sure you have lots of floating plants, ideally
covering 75% of the surface. Indian Fern is the default and idea.
Females will hide here, and the males will harass them far
Should I attempt to exchange the two wagtail platys for more female
blue platys?
<Anything that ups the number of females relative to males helps. Do
bear in mind all these varieties interbreed, so you'll end up with
fry that don't have one particular colouration. You might not care
all that much, but if you plan on selling the fry, selling one
particular variety will go down better with the shop.>
Thanks again for your invaluable help,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Chipped Tank Question (Now: Xiphophorus
disappearance) 12/19/09
Hello Again Bob,
Its been a few days now since I switched tanks, and all is going well.
My ammonia and nitrites are up slightly, but this was to be
<Indeed. If you can, add a clump of fast-growing floating plants to
the tank. These use up ammonia and nitrite as they grow, and can make
an appreciable different. Floating Indian fern is ideal. They also
bring lots of "good" bacteria on their roots, speeding up the
cycling process.>
What wasn't expected was the apparent loss of one of my platys. I
had 3 in the previous tank, and I KNOW I netted them all into the new
tank. I've checked the old tank, no platy.
<Jumped out? Jumped into a filter?>
I pulled up all of the rocks in the new tank, no platy, and searched
through all the plants. There is a small gap on the top of the tank,
but its smaller than the gap on the previous tank. I've searched
all over the floor too, the bucket I used to transfer water.
<Cats/dogs will certainly eat stranded fish... and small children
can do all sorts of surprising things.>
The only thing I haven't searched is taking everything out of tank
and going through the gravel, but I don't think its likely the
platy is buried in the gravel. How does a fish does disappear like
this? If the fish has died and I can't find it in the tank (its
only a 25 gallon), should I be concerned?
<In a mature aquarium, no, one (small) dead fish won't make much
difference either way (though removing dead fish is wise for a variety
of reasons).
But if the tank is new, not fully cycled, or is otherwise showing
non-zero ammonia/nitrite levels, a dead fish could be the reason, and
would certainly make a bad situation worse.>
Thanks again,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Platy sys., beh. 12/12/09
Hello crew! I have had my Mickey mouse female platy for a while alone
in a 10 gallon brackish aquarium.
<Bit in on the small side for Platies. Females will be fine, but the
males can be a real pest in tanks this size, harassing any and all
Without space to spread out, the poor females get no peace.>
Well about 2 weeks ago I added 1 female molly, 1 male molly, and 1 male
<Platies are borderline additions to a 10 gallon tank; Mollies and
Swordtails simply don't belong.>
I have noticed her chasing all of them but mostly the male swordtail,
is this normal?
<To some extent, yes. While it's normally the males that chase
the females, the opposite sometimes happens, more often in tanks that
are too small.>
She seems to be making him restless and she is wearing him out. So I
put her in a 5 gallon aquarium by herself. Should I take her back to
the petstore? Or for Christmas I'm getting a 55-80 gallon aquarium
do u think if I put her in there with other fish she would be ok and
leave the other fish alone or should I go with taking her back to the
store? Thanks a lot.
<In the bigger tank, I suspect everyone will be happy. Platies and
Swordtails don't need brackish water, though at SG 1.003 they will
do just fine, and this will also ensure the Mollies are in perfect
health. Keep groups of each species, and they should essentially do
their own thing.
Keep two or three times as many females than males; ideally, keep just
one male Swordtail because they can be VERY aggressive. Cheers,
Aggressive male Platy 10/29/09
I'm fairly new to having an aquarium, but have spent countless
hours the past few months setting one up.
<Welcome to the hobby.>
I've been searching for a few days on the web and through your site
looking for a little more definitive answer to a small problem I have
with some Platies. I have yet to find more of an answer than
"typical male Platy behavior."
I have a 12 gal tank, about 2 months old.
<A bit small for Platies; I'd say 15 gallons, and really 20
gallons, is what you want here. Males are aggressive towards each
other, but they also harass females unwilling to mate with them. Since
female Platies in aquaria are pregnant virtually all of the time if
kept with males, that means the females are unresponsive almost all of
the time as well. In other words, the males tend to be somewhere on a
scale between wife-beater and all-out thug. Cute to be sure, but not
"nice" animals.>
It's fairly heavily planted (artificial) in the back and sides and
a couple small rocks.
<If it isn't floating, it isn't counting. Livebearers seek
shelter at the top of the tank. Floating plants are ideal. You can
stick all the rocks you want at the bottom of the tank and they
won't be used. In any even, a rock is too easy for a male to swim
around. Floating plants provide a more complex habitat that breaks up
the lines of sight rather better. It also provides somewhere for fry to
hide from their parents.>
It had finished cycling roughly a month ago and hovers around pH ~7.5,
nitrites ~0, nitrates ~40ppm depending on when last w/c occurred, and
somewhat hard water. It currently houses 5 assorted Platies and 2
Peppered Cory Catfish. No plans to expand much more than an additional
Platy or two, possibly from fry. Of the Platies, only 1 is a male, Gold
Twin Bar. The others are female; Red Wag, Sunburst, and 2 Gold Twin
<A bit generously stocked for a 15 gallon tank...>
My observations:
As of perhaps a week ago (shortly after discovering a single Platy fry
in the tank which has since disappeared) the male has become
increasingly aggressive towards the slightly smaller, and definitely
pregnant, gold female.
He ignores the red wag and the sunburst, and spends most of his time
hanging with the other gold female who seems to enjoy his company. She
also is starting to show signs of being pregnant again, as well as
possibly the sunburst. I can't tell on the red wag, but likely
<If the female is with a male, she's pregnant. Don't imagine
you can tell by looking for the gravid spot; that applies to guppies
and smaller livebearers only, and in turn merely means the uterus is
being pushed against the muscle wall. It isn't a "sign"
that gets switched on when a fish is pregnant.>
Sometimes the male just swims slowly up to harassed female as if
interested in her, then she darts off when she notices.
<I bet!>
Most times though he will openly dart at her as if to nip her,
especially during feeding after the flakes are almost all gone and when
only some bottom food is left. As of today, the harassed female has a
split top fin, likely from being chased so much, so the male was
isolated into a 2.5 gal hospital tank, at least for a couple days.
<Can't stay in there for long, you know.>
I have never noticed him chase any of the other females, even covertly
watching them.
The Question(s):
I guess it's several questions I'm asking that might be one
simple answer.
Is the above situation normal?
Should I leave them alone?
<See above for what you should be doing.>
Perhaps add another male to take attention off the harassed female
(still have a 2:1 ratio of females to males) or another new gold female
to at least split up his grieving?
<Adding another male in a tank this small will almost certainly
result in the present male chasing the newcomer, and likely damaging it
in the process. It won't dilute the aggression towards females one
iota. Adding more females is always worthwhile though, assuming the
tank is big enough...>
Maybe just replace him with a different male?
<May be an option. No guarantees, and since the species is prone to
this behaviour, there's no reason at all to expect a magic
<Cheers, Neale.>
Male Platy Strange Behavior -- 09/04/09
We have a Platy that has been exhibiting some very odd behavior for the
last week and we are stumped. He has been laying on the bottom of the
tank for a good while but will get up and swim around when we go by or
when it is time for food.
<Usually, when Platies and other livebearers sit on the substrate,
it's a bad sign. These fish are strongly associated with the
surface of the water in the wild, hence their upwards-pointing mouths.
The reasons for sitting on the bottom are varied, from chilling and
constipation through to swim bladder deformities and bacterial
infections. Fry with malformed swim bladders, known as "belly
sliders" are quite common. But if a fish suddenly starts to sit on
the bottom that hitherto swum normally, then you may have a serious
problem. As always, review water chemistry, water quality, and
temperature. Look for signs of bullying (damaged fins) or constipation
(unusually long faeces or bloating).>
He eats just like he always does (picking out only the green flakes,
very picky),
<These are herbivores, and should be fed an algae-based flake as
their staple.>
he is not bloated nor is he any skinnier than before. When he goes to
the bottom of the tank he falls rapidly but he seems to settle in
before he lays down, he will find a comfortable spot and then lay on
his side, <On his side? That's usually a very bad sign. But if
he's eating still, then things are mysterious: fish that roll onto
their sides are usually at death's door, and eating isn't
something they do.>
and when he is swimming it doesn't seem like anything is wrong at
all, he has perfect control and grace.
<May be a swim bladder problem. Constipation is the number 1 cause
of this, and switching to a high fibre diet, e.g., crushed cooked peas,
daphnia, and live brine shrimp, may help. Don't feed flakes for a
couple of weeks. Will do your other Platies no harm, and indeed most
fish will benefit from such a diet once in a while.>
He is in a 55 gallon tank that we have had for 1 1/2 years, we do a 10
gallon water change every 2 weeks, and do water tests on the opposite
weeks of water changes (maybe too often but we want them healthy). Our
tests always come back at 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and PH of 7.8-8.0 (we
ran the tests again just prior to sending this e-mail with the same
<All sounds fine.>
In the tank we also have 2 silver dollars, a Pleco, an Otocinclus, 2
red eye tetras, and 2 female platys.
<Apart from the Red-eye Tetras, all these fish are herbivores, so
switching to a high-fibre diet for a while is a very good idea. The
Red-eye Tetras will likely eat some of these foods as well, so no risks
Right before this happened we had a female platy that gave birth but
died shortly after (we had recently moved her into this tank because
she was being harassed by a male platy we had in another tank).
<Likely unrelated; but do remember that Platy males can be
aggressive, and the use of floating plants is very beneficial in terms
of providing females with hiding places and resting spots.>
We also had a large number of female platys from a few prior births
that we removed, to keep the population down in the tank. We could not
find anything that could describe what he is doing as a disease. Please
help us to figure out what is wrong with him. Thanks. Joe and Amber
worried parents.
<Provided the fish is still feeding and not showing signs of Dropsy
(i.e., bacterial infection of the abdomen) I'd not be too alarmed.
Try using high-fibre foods for a couple of weeks, and see if that
Cheers, Neale.>
Possibly Stressed Platy (and some non-aquatic plants
to boot!) 7/30/09
I'm having so much trouble with my platy it's a golden
Mickey mouse and I think its pregnant but I'm just not
<If she's in a tank with males, or has been in the last 3
months or so, yes, she's pregnant.>
She's fat and has been for a while; her poop sometimes is
dark and always seems to be swimming next to my male guppy. Today
I stuck her in my breeder so I can get a closer look at her but
when I stuck her in the male guppy started to act nuts swimming
around the breeder trying to get close to my Mickey.
<Male Guppies are notoriously promiscuous, and will attempt to
mate with not just Guppies but other related livebearers,
including Platies. This may indeed stress the female Platy, hence
my advice to keep livebearers in groups with at least twice as
many females as males. So if your Platy is shy, attempts to hide,
or shows signs of nervousness, then think about adding some more
female Platies and/or female Guppies.>
She always eats but when I don't feed her she is near the
back of the tank always I just want to now on what I should be
looking for.
<Well, Platies aren't especially hard to keep, and
provided water quality is good and she's getting an
algae-based diet (these fish are herbivores) there's really
nothing much to worry about. The common problems are feeding them
regular fish food (they need livebearer/algae flake) and keeping
them in soft/acidic water conditions (they need hard, basic
water). By the way, adding salt to the tank isn't helpful, so
if you're doing that, don't!
They need hard water, not brackish water; see WWM re: water
chemistry for more.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
hard to take a picture she keeps moving I think she's camera
<Can't help but notice your retailer conned you into
buying Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana). This is of course a
LAND PLANT and WILL die underwater. So whip it out before it
pollutes the tank, and treat as you would any houseplant: stick
it in some soil, provide good light, and keep the soil moist but
not wet.
You might want to review any other plants in your tank; my
experience is that the folks who buy one non-aquatic plant are
the folks who buy all the others!>
Platy pooping a lot 5/1/09
I noticed that my platy(red wag) seems to keep pooping today. Is this
<Just like any other animal: what goes in, has to come out! If they
eat a lot of fibre-rich food (as they should) then yes, they do produce
a lot of faeces.>
The poop is like a long string and is a dark color. The platy looks
healthy and is swimming around fine though. Am I overfeeding it?
<Possibly; is it fat?>
I only put in a pinch of fish flakes once a day and I have 2 platys in
the tank. The other platy (marigold) is smaller and I am worried about
it not eating. It seems to be taking in the flake but spitting it out
<Try something else. Fish have taste buds, and sometimes they
don't like certain brands of flake. Flake food oxidizes over time,
and the fats go rancid, and that puts off most fish. For Platies,
I'd recommend a combination of Spirulina flake and a high-quality
micro-pellet such as Hikari Micro Pellets.>
I am not sure if it is taking really small bites out of the big flake
or not eating. It is swimming around fine and looks healthy to me too.
Should I be worried about the fishes?
<You should always be concerned if fish aren't eating. Review
water chemistry, water quality, social behaviour and act
<Cheers, Neale.>
Colour Issues when Breeding Platies
I wanted to ask whether male platies are attracted to the more
colourful females?
<Male Platies will mate with anything female, given the chance, and
tend not to be selective. Female Platies on the other hand certainly
are selective. The basic rule in biology is this: sperm is cheap, and
males can
make more sperm throughout their lives. But females are born with a
finite number of eggs, and each egg is expensive to mature (the yolk,
for example, is an energy store). Females may also be responsible for
broodcare as well, which means energy is spent protecting any embryos
produced. So females parcel out their eggs very carefully, and only
fertilise their eggs with sperm from the best males they can find.
Interesting, with Guppies at least, females definitely do go for the
brighter coloured males. The theory
is that because bright coloured males are "handicapped" in
terms of being easily seen by predators, any males that survive
*despite* being brightly coloured must be especially fast, healthy or
clever. In other words, they have good genes. When teaching this to
students, I make the analogy of bright red sports cars. Such cars are
of no practical or economic value, quite the reverse in fact, being
expensive to run and able to carry few passengers or cargo. But
precisely because they're "bad" cars in terms of
usefulness, the advertise the owner has disposable income. In other
words, a man with a bright red sports car is advertising to females
that he has good genes that meant he's acquired wealth and status.
Hence, he will be more attractive to females than a man with a more
practical, inexpensive motor car. (Apologies to female readers out
there who disagree! And men with practical cars! I'm sure my
analogy isn't true...)>
I have 5 female platies and 3 males. Of the females, one is a very
bright orange/yellow/red colour whilst the other 4 include 3 who are
orange with black fins and one which is grey colour. The two males, one
completely red and the other orange/silver/blue only chase the one
female who is very bright coloured.
<An interesting observation.>
Why do the male platies only chase this one platy?
<Is she larger? Males will usually pursue only sexually mature
females, and given the option, they might go for bigger females, or at
least females who are big enough to advertise sexual maturity.>
They pay no attention to any of the others. And the males seem quite
competitive and if not chasing the bright female they seem to be
chasing each other away.
<Males are indeed competitive. Typically male livebearers compete
with one another for access to *all* the females in a certain patch of
area. Again, this is typical animal behaviour: females are choosy,
males are
competitive. For males, because they have virtually unlimited sperm,
the best thing they can do is mate with as many females as they
possibly can, and to do that, the best approach is to drive off any
rival males.>
I would like to start breeding the platies, and was wondering whether I
should move some of the other females into my breeding tank with the
red male and hope something happens. Any advice on how to initiate some
<Platies, and indeed livebearers generally, are kept differently
depending on whether you are a serious breeder or just want to add them
to a community tank. In a community setting, a ratio of one male to
females is ideal, and if you do that, aggression and persistent chasing
should be minimal. Since all varieties of Platy will interbreed, if you
want to produce quality fry of a particular type, you'd keep virgin
in one tank, and males of the same variety in another tank. When
breeding, you'd select a male and one or more females, and leave
them together for a day or two. Then separate them again. With luck,
the female will produce fry. To prevent inbreeding you'd separate
the male and female fry after 2-3 months, because by that time they
males at least would have their gonopodia developed and could start
interbreeding with their sisters.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
My Platy Hates Me? 4/1/2009
Hi Ya'll. I have a fish behavior question.
<Fire away.>
I finally was able to move my fish from their 20 gallon to their new
lovely cycled 40 gallon.
<Great! A 40-gallon aquarium is a great size, and from personal
experience, my favourite in terms of balancing cost with water
chemistry stability and choices of fish.>
In the process, I had a hard time rounding up the last Platy.
<They're fast little guys aren't they! Swordtails -- would
you believe it -- are even faster.>
I grew impatient and instead of counting to 10, chased him all over the
tank for a while really freaking him out. This was 5 days ago and he is
still hiding from me.
<Try using two nets, or one net and a plastic container like a
Use one net to force the fish towards the other net or the
If he sees me approaching, he hightails it to a hiding space and just
won't come out. He also spends the majority of his time when out
running up and down the sides of the tank (I have developed stealth
observing skills). He also spends a lot of time letting the air from a
stone rise him to the top of the tank and swims down furiously to be
lifted again. It's quite entertaining if I wasn't so worried
about him.
<Don't be.>
He didn't do the constant tank running previously in the 20 gallon
and none of the other Platies do so (except when he does but they bore
of it quickly). I have been able to get a good look at him and he seems
to look okay and is eating and swimming fine (when not going up and
down the sides).
Does this type of thing pass? Did I mentally damage him?
<No. These fish have brains that would make the average MTV reality
show starlet look like Albert Einstein.>
Possibly physically damage him? He used to be so gregarious with me and
the other Platies but now he's a loner.
<He's fine. As/when you catch him, he'll immediately get
frisky once he sees females. Wild Platies have three thoughts: eat,
mate, and fight with other males. They aren't particularly sociable
(whereas the females are) and frankly if they have any thoughts at all,
they aren't at the same level of "smart" fish like
cichlids and puffers.>
I know I suck.
<No you don't. If it makes you feel better, I'm supposedly
an expert, but the last time I tried to empty a fish tank out, I
managed to bury a fish under a few inches of gravel. He survived, but
he was cross for a while.>
Oh, and I had previously written for advice on my pH and carbonate
hardness rapidly dropping. I was able to fix the carbonate hardness by
using the mix you suggested at 1.5 tsp Epsom Salt, 1/2 tsp Baking Soda
and Marine salt (see below) but ended up having to add a 1/2 tsp of
Seachem's pH Regulator to get the pH to steady.
I mention it as a follow up on what worked for me and just in case you
see something horribly off with adding the Regulator.
Thanks in advance,
<Happy to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: My Platy Hates Me? 04/03/09
Thanks so much Neale for the information, reassuring words and
Always a pleasure.
<Happy to help.>
He started coming around last night and now will approach the front of
the tank with the other Platies when I'm around. I'm really
enjoying the 40 gallon!! With your help, everything is stable so
I'm not having to do
water changes all the time.
<See, when we say get a 20, 30 or 40 gallon tanks, not that cute
little 5 or 10 gallon system, we mean it! Bigger tanks really are
better, easier, and in the long run, cheaper because you're not
dealing with sick and dead fish all the time.>
Now that I know my Platy will be okay, I can sit back and actually
enjoy the hobby for once!
<Precisely. Once a tank is stable, it should be very low
Beyond water changes every week or two, and the occasional wipe-down to
remove algae from the front glass, there really isn't much to
On a side note, when I'm snorkeling off the coast of Mexico this
Summer, I highly doubt I'll be able to get the picture of that
giant 4 foot worm you posted a few weeks back on the FAQ out of my
<I'm sure it won't bite!>
Yikes!! :)
<Enjoy your holiday; I'm jealous already!>
Thanks Again,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Hiding. Platy beh. 2/25/09 I read
some of your questions and answers but none answered my question. I
have a tank with guppies, 3 sunburst wag platys, two snails, and a
bottom feeder. One of the female platys is always hiding even when I
clean the tank until I removed her hiding place this time. She may be
pregnant but not far along. She does not appear to have ick or any
other illness. She has started hiding a couple of weeks ago. She is now
smaller than the other female. We bought them about a month ago. The
only other change in her tank besides extra hiding spots is the death
of my adult female guppy from dropsy (she was pregnant as well, I
thought). None of the other fish or snails are acting abnormal. I am
not sure if I need to be concerned. <Wouldn't be immediately
worried provided she is feeding normally and doesn't have signs of
ill health or damage. The main reasons fish hide are these: Firstly,
the tank is too small. This frightens them and they hide. Platies need
a tank upwards of 90 litres (20 gallons). Anything smaller is
inappropriate. Secondly, bullying. Male livebearers are nasty bullies,
and will force themselves on any female in sight. You should always
keep twice as many females as males when keeping Guppies and Platies,
otherwise the females have a nasty life constantly being harassed by
males. It's different in the wild because there's more space
and to some degree the males are dying young because they are eaten by
predators. So this behaviour simply ensures the males get to mate a few
times before they die. But in the aquarium the males have things too
easy, and are just really aggressive towards the females. Hope this
helps, Neale.>
Re: Hiding... platies, guppies 2/25/09
It does kind of help thank you. The only thing I am concerned about is
I never see her eat but she must some how because she is still alive.
<Yes and no... fish can last a long time without food, or just by
nibbling algae in the case of herbivores like Platies. But still, if
your fish doesn't eat her (Herbivore!) flake each day, then
something is up.> The male is not pursuing the two females as much
as before. And she didn't appear to be bullied by any of the fish.
<Hmm... Did you ever experience/observe bullying at school? Often it
happens, and yet if you ask the teachers, they'll swear blind they
didn't see any evidence of it. Just because you don't see
bullying, doesn't mean it isn't happening. With fish, bullying
can be other than chasing/fighting. It can be subtle use of colours,
postures, even electric fields in the case of things like
Knifefish.> My tank has been pretty peaceful now that all the
females are pregnant. I believe even my snails have mated. A few of the
male guppies still pursue the female guppies. Could it be the stress of
the guppy males chasing the guppy females? <Yes.> Maybe there are
too many fish? I have twenty something guppies and three platys and two
snails and one bottom feeder in a 29 gallon tank. <I would start
thinning out a bit. I tend to rehome the males quite briskly, and
certainly offspring should eventually be rehomed to avoid
inbreeding.> Thanks, I will keep an eye on her (as well as I can).
<Good luck, Neale.> Thank you for the advice and insight. I
really helps. <We're happy to help. Enjoy your fish,
Platy behavior 10/27/08 Hi I have
a ten gallon tank with 2 diamond tetras, 3 neon tetras, 1 sunset platy,
2 apple snails. <Apart from the Neons (which should be in groups of
6+) none of these animals belongs in a 10-gallon tank. You're going
to have problems keeping them in the right numbers and with the
appropriate water quality. Diamond Tetras in particular get quite big
(5 cm) and are very active, quite boisterous fish when mature.> One
sunset platy died and I added 2 mickey mouse platys, 2 guppies and a
albino African frog. <Do first of all check water chemistry and
water quality. At minimum, get back to use with the pH and nitrite
readings. Usually when fish die for no obvious reason, the cause is
water quality or water chemistry problems. This is especially the case
where less experienced hobbyists are concerned.> The sunset platy
started lying on its side when by the mickey mouse platy was by it
(only). What is it doing? Is it trying to make nice? <No, fish
don't work that way.> Should I get another sunset? <Not a
priority. Neons and Diamond Tetras are both schooling species and
keeping them in such small numbers as you're doing is cruel.
However, your tank isn't at all suitable for 6 Diamond Tetras.
I'd be more concerned about upgrading to (at least) a 20-gallon
system that worrying about anything else.> Thanks Karen <Cheers,
Re: Platy behavior (Environment?) 10/28/08 Then
what? Why is the platy going to its side when by the others only?
<When there's a flu outbreak or a cold spell, not every human
gets sick simultaneously. Lots of factors come into play, such as age
and genetics. Just so with fish: sometimes bad conditions are tolerated
by some, while others succumb quickly. Though there's a one in ten
chance that water conditions aren't responsible, virtually all
sickness in common aquarium fish kept by less experienced fishkeepers
come down to water conditions. So I need to know the water chemistry
(at least the pH) and the water quality (at least the nitrite
concentration). These are the two test kits every aquarist should have,
without fail. So I'm assuming you have them. Use them, and get back
to me. From there I can get a snapshot of the aquarium environment.
Once I know about that, I can more constructively comment on what's
wrong with the tank, cross off some possibilities, and give you advice
on what to do next. A photo is also very helpful. Cheers,
Re: Platy behavior (Environment?) 10/29/08 Ammonia
- 1.0 <Well there's your problem. This concentration of ammonia
will swiftly stress and kill most any fish. Your tank is either
overstocked, under-filtered, or over-fed. Possibly a combination. In
addition, immature tanks that have not been cycled correctly can/will
experience an ammonia "crisis" that lasts around 4 weeks
until the biological filter is mature. During that time a great many
fish end up dead, hence the preference for "fish-less
cycling" methods. Review, and make appropriate adjustments to
stocking, filtration, and feeding.> Nitrate - 10, Nitrite - 0,
Chlorine - 0, Ph - 8.4 <Likely "case closed", and worrying
about other issues until you've fixed the ammonia problem isn't
useful. Platies are hardy enough fish, but any aquarium with detectable
ammonia levels has serious problems that will, sooner or later, kill
anything adding to the tank. Hope this clarifies things, Neale.>
Odd platy behaviour 10/12/08
I have a 60ltr Juwel Rena tank that I was given 2nd hand. I had it
empty for about 2 weeks, then bought 6 platies from a local fish shop.
One platy died within a week, another 10 days later. Both were red
platies from the same tank in the shop and I wondered if they had been
poor stock as they had both been gasping a lot around the bottom of the
tank, and not wanting to eat for about half a day, before they
I had tested the water and found nothing untoward. However, not being
sure why they died I decided to leave it a good month or so before
getting anything else.
Now, 7 weeks since the last one died, I have a very sad little platy.
She had been quite perky, then she had some fry (well, one day she was
fat, the next she was not, no sign of the fry until two weeks later, we
have one very sweet perky little chap swimming with the others, coming
up for food etc)
From the day she had the fry about three weeks ago she has been very
shy and hiding, only coming out from behind an ornament for food. She
seems paler, and much smaller (but then she has no fry in her now) She
has also taken on some very odd behavior in the last two days, swimming
vertically against the tank wall between the wall and an ornament
propped against the wall, in a just about fish sized gap, almost, but
not quite scraping on the wall. She is there all the time, so I decided
to remove her today to my quarantine tank (newly heated, one previous
occupant of a goldfish, who has since located to my cold water
<I see>
She has no obvious signs of anything on her body (no white dots, red
gills or anything), will eat a bit (not as much as the others, but
she's always interested) and her fins are not clamped. Since I put
her in the QT she has hidden under the only ornament in there and has
not come out (I have not tried to feed her yet). I just checked the
water in the main tank (10 days since water change, am about to do
another one now) and Ammonia is 0.3,
<Mmm, quite toxic. Needs to be addressed>
nitrite at 0 (<.03, lowest on the scale), Nitrate at about 10. Test
kits are all vial style rather than strips. We have hard water here (I
haven't tested it, but I draw water for the tank from the main stop
tap as our house water is softened artificially) and the tank temp is
set at 26-27 C (79-81) (is this a bit too warm?)
When I fished her out into the QT tank so I could observe her a bit
better (before she hid) I notice she seemed a bit 'bent' (!) -
she has a gentle curve in her spine, not noticeable unless you look at
her from above.
<Good observation>
Any ideas?
<See below>
The other platies left in the tank have also been a bit subdued lately
- I have had the light on a lot and notice that they seem happier when
it is off so I will try not to turn it on so much (I work from home and
I like to watch them instead of working!) There has been another batch
of fry appear this week - most however have probably been eaten as I
have not seen them much. Right now they are fighting over an algae
wafer - even the little one is with them (he's about 8mm long now
and quite bold)
I really want to sort out what may be wrong, I'm keen to get some
more female platies as now I have two males and one female, which is
not a good ratio.. but don't want to get any more until I am sure I
don't have a problem. I have been offered an angel fish by a friend
(he's being picked on by the other angel fish in her tank) but I
need to be sure that the tank is Ok (and that he will be Ok with my
<Mmm, perhaps while small... Could be too aggressive with
One other thing. In the mornings I have noticed some very very tiny
white worm like things swimming in the water and on the glass. They are
maybe one or two mm long, almost hair like, and swim in a curled up
motion. Could they be a parasite?
<No, not likely. There are many such "wee beasts" that
"occur" in aquariums... "spontaneously" it seems at
Your help would be very much appreciated. Your website is the most
useful resource I have come across, especially the disease
Thank you
<Well... it might be that the initial platies were "spent"
(near their natural life spans) when you purchased them... or that in
their observed weakened state they perished from the additional
stresses of the move to their new home... or one of a few other
possibilities, including pathogens. If it were me, mine, I'd stick
with (for the platies) the young, and raise them here... adding other
peaceful, compatible species to go along with. Perhaps some Corydoras
catfish for the bottom, some small danios, rasboras for the upper
water... Many possibilities. I'd pass on the Angel... as it is too
likely to get too big, agonistic in this small volume. Bob
Re: odd platy behaviour 10/12/08
Thank so much Bob for the quick response.. my female is still being
odd, so is still in the QT..
I have passed on the angel, despite really liking the look of her,
she's gone to another friend setting up a 5ft tank.. I am working
hard on my husband to get a much bigger tank by Christmas (you should
see my Christmas wish list already)!
<Heee! Good to have wishes>
Retested ammonia and it is registering a zero. Tested again, still
zero. I think maybe my sons help (he's 4) with testing yesterday
may not have helped.
Will get a few little Danios next week, and keep on pestering for a
bigger tank (all we need to do to make space is get rid of the wine
rack, apparently this is an issue!)
<Mmm, there are many creative ways to stack such bottles... I
Thanks again. Back to children's bath time (I am told that the
children should come before the fish...)
<Ah, yes. Cheers, BobF>
Pregnant female red wag platy
being mean to male? 4/8/08 Hello, I purchased a pair of Red
Wag Platies from PETCO a few weeks ago, one male, one female.
Much of the equipment in the tank is second hand, (including the
12 gallon tank itself) so I don't know brands, but I do know
that the aerator (I'm sorry I do not know if I spelled that
right) is fully independent (requires no external pump) and is
made for the tank, and that the filter is a medium Whisper
filter. I also have a heater and a thermometer in the tank. Now,
as to the fish in the tank. There are 3 Danios (One Giant, one
Long tail Zebra, and one Long tail Leopard), a Black Skirted
Tetra, 3 Corydoras (One is spotted, one splotchy, and one
albino), and a Black Mystery Snail. <An interesting collection
of fish, in the sense of not being sensible or recommended.
Danios are schooling fish, and expect/need to be kept in groups
of their own kind. Six zebra Danios (Danio rerio) for example.
When kept in insufficient numbers it is not only cruel, but also
asking for trouble. Have seen these fish become aggressive and
nippy when kept thus. The tetra Gymnocorymbus ternetzi is a real
troublemaker. Apart from being a schooling fish (again, six or
more!) it is a confirmed fin nipper; will likely nip the Apple
snail too. A dead snail = water pollution on a massive scale. And
I cannot stress to strongly that Danios, and especially the Giant
Danio (Danio aequipinnatus) require a lot of swimming space.
Danio aequipinnatus gets to about 15 cm/6" when mature, and
can (and will) eat small fish, including of course any livebearer
fry but potentially small tetras, Danios, etc. Danio
aequipinnatus needs an aquarium at least 150 cm/60" in
length. Small Danios need something at least 60 cm/24"
long.> Anyway... <Hmm...?> All was going well until
about 3 days ago when I noticed a small white spot on the female
Platy's vent. I immediately started looking online and found
that the white spot is supposedly the gravid spot for the Red
Wags, which of course made me get all kinds of excited because I
had thought she was pregnant a week ago. <No, no, no. You
can't reliably see the gravid spot on Xiphophorus spp., and
it certainly isn't white.> Today, I noticed that she has
been refusing the male's affections and running from him,
until about an hour ago. Now instead of running away from him,
she keeps a bit of distance while having a bowel movement and
then lets him get real close, only to swim away real fast and hit
him in the face with it. (Is this normal rejection type
behavior?) <Who knows?> The other thing she has been doing
is hiding in places where he can almost reach her with his
gonopodium, but not quite, which has been driving him nuts! I am
beginning to wonder how long it will be between the gravid spot
appearing and her birthing the fry. <Gestation period is
between 4-6 weeks, give or take a bit depending on environmental
factors.> So, I guess to sum it up, I have two questions. 1:
Is torturing the male a common pregnancy pastime for the female?
<Not a pastime, but rather the result of evolutionary
pressures acting on the males and females in different ways. Male
livebearers are small and colourful, and consequently likely to
get eaten young. So they are anxious to breed as often as
possible before that happens. Females livebearers (at least in
the wild) are bigger and camouflaged, so live longer. They select
their mates carefully because they are committing a lot of energy
and time to each batch of fry. They will attempt to reject males
they consider unworthy.> 2: How long between a gravid spot
appearing and the birthing of fry? <It isn't reliably
visible on fancy Xiphophorus spp. so don't worry about it.
Unless your tank has lots of floating plants, the Danio
aequipinnatus will eat all the babies within minutes of birth. So
this discussion is completely academic. Do not put female Platies
in a breeding trap. It is too small for them, and likely stresses
the fish, leading to miscarriages. Read the many articles here at
WWM on livebearers and fish breeding. Cheers,
Re: Pregnant female red wag
platy being mean to male? 4/8/08 I noticed that in your
response you stated that the giant Danio will get to 6 inches in
length at full maturity, and you said that he will eat the fry.
Currently he is only around 2 inches in length and has the
smallest mouth out of all the fish. <Do see here:
http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=10829 Danio
aequipinnatus, maximum size 15 cm, minimum aquarium length 100
cm. Fishbase is a scientific database, and not something put
together my amateurs! I don't make this stuff up to scare
people!> I also read that you said my tank setup was not
recommended or sensible, but it was actually recommended by the
store manager. <Who you going to believe, a guy who wants to
sell stuff, or a guy trying to help on the basis of 20+ years of
fishkeeping and a degree in marine zoology?> We've had all
these fish for a couple months (aside from the platies) and they
haven't fought since I removed a catfish that was getting a
little too territorial (I'm sorry I don't remember the
breed), he died of an internal bacterial infection soon afterward
which I discovered was living in the rocks of our second tank
(quickly replaced those). <Bacterial infections don't
"live on rocks" any more than Bubonic Plague
doesn't hide at the bottom of closets. So again, if this is
something the guy in store told you, treat with extreme caution.
Internal bacterial infections are not common in aquaria, and
mystery deaths are almost always down to other, usually
environmental or dietary, factors. But we can discuss this
another time.> The tetra and the Danios usually swim in
circles around the decor as a school (I don't see how their
numbers are cruel as they seem very content with their
situation), the Corys and the snail usually sleep inside of it,
and the platies seem to think they own the tank because they
pretty much do as they please. <Swimming in circles isn't
entirely normal. What they're doing is likely chasing one
another or expressing displacement behaviours. It is exceedingly
difficult to put human values on animal actions. The best we can
do is ask: "Is this what these fish do in the wild?".
If this isn't the case, then we can assume something is
wrong. I call that cruelty, but you can call it something else if
that makes you feel better. The bottom line though is that when
fish are maintained in this way, they become unpredictable.
Stress can allow them to be more prone to disease, while
frustrated behaviours can release aggression, fin nipping, and
other negative behaviours.> But your response arose new
questions, such as, how long will it take for the giant to fully
mature? (Considering the store tank said he would be fully grown
at 3 inches or I wouldn't taken the suggestion in the first
place.) <A year or so, I'd guess.> Also, how long is
the snail's average lifespan? <Apple snails can live
several years, but in aquaria they tend to last, on the average,
less than a year.> I know that my aunt had one in a 10 gallon
tank (packed full of tetras and Neons) that lived for 6 years.
Hers was a plain apple snail though. I don't know if
there's much of a difference between that and the black
mystery. <Not really. It all depends on the environment. More
often than not, Apple/Mystery snails get nipped by fish, so
combining them isn't 100% recommended. Sure, it can be done
(I've done it) but it isn't something that works every
time.> When hers died, it was stinky, but not all that messy.
Though we did a 25% water change anyway. Back to the platies, I
was wondering if I need to provide cover from the Corys so that
they can't reach the fry? <Corydoras won't eat
livebearer fry.> Also, there's a one gallon tank in our
basement which only lacks a heater. If I set that up, would I be
able to move the female there for birthing, and if so how soon
should I move her? <I'd not do that. Floating plants are
the trick here, and then you put the fry into the breeding trap
for a couple months.> One last thing, the female platy (being
a show off as she is) let me get a good look at that spot, it
seems that the white is actually just transparency from the vent
being enlarged. Is it normal for it to dilate that early? <No
idea, to be honest.> Thank you Neale (regardless of your
pessimism) for the warnings. <Not pessimism. Rather, I try to
give advice that will work in all cases. Sometimes you can play
fast-and-loose and get away with it, but for beginners,
recommending the cautious game is perhaps better.> I will try
to talk the landlord into allowing a bigger tank, but for now
(until I have the money for a larger tank) they will have to live
with what they already have and enjoy. <I raise livebearer fry
in 5-10 gallon tanks on windowsills. Lots of algae and space for
them to grow. Sell the fry from a few batches, and you easily
make up your expense! I got £40 (about $80) for one
batch of halfbeak youngsters!> Victor <Cheers,
Platys... beh. 4/6/08 Hello, Ever
since my female Platy died my male platy has been chasing all of the
baby platys around. He just does this constantly, occasionally he stops
to eat but that is about it. He chases one for a couple of seconds,
stops for a couple of seconds, and then chases another one. He
doesn't appear to be hurting them ( they are about half an inch
long). He never used to do this, he would just swim with my female
platy, but since she died which was about a month ago, he has been
doing this constantly. Thank You, Megan <Megan, this is pretty much
what male livebearers of all types do. In the wild males are smaller
and more brightly coloured -- and consequently much shorter lived than
the females! So the males have to mate as often as possible before they
get eaten, often after only a few months of life. This means they fight
with potential rivals (other males) and try and mate with any potential
partners (any females). Evolution has given them this instinct, and
there's nothing we can do to short circuit it. The best you can do
is add a couple more females (at least) so that his energies are spread
out and he's unable to harass any one fish. Cheers, Neale.>
Mollie and Platy beh. 12/28/07
Hello, First, tank detail: The livebearers: 1 Dalmatian balloon
molly <... Have you read on WWM re?> 1 Red Wag (?) platy
The grumpy: 1 Bumblebee Goby <Mmm, this is a brackish water
animal> The amphibious: 1 African Dwarf Frog The clean up
crew: 2 Ghost shrimp 1 Kuhli loach 1 Otocinclus They live in a 5
gallon (18.9 litre) tank (let it be known now that I am aware the
tank is small, but I am diligent with the water chemistry), with
extremely closely watched parameters, and large water changes at
least once a week. <Good... hopefully not too much change with
the water...> Tank temperature is generally in the mid-high
70s, <You have a purposeful heater?> with incandescent
light to promote algae growth for the oto. Nitrates slightly
high, <How high is high?> all else is normal, absolutely no
ammonia in the water. Medium blue substrate, small terra cotta
pots for hiding spaces, as well as clear marble aquarium decor.
Includes three types of live plants, the one in question being
the pongol sword, which looks exactly like this:
<Mmm... am compelled to state that this, aka Spider or Ribbon
plant is NOT aquatic... See the Net re> Here, finally, comes
the question: I first noticed this behavior with my molly: it
seems to be scratching itself against the sword, the broad
portion of it. However, it does this with ONLY the sword. It does
not scratch against the gravel, filter, or the other plants or
aquarium walls. Just now, I noticed the platy doing the exact
same thing. Again, only with the sword, nothing else in the tank.
What is going on here? <Some scratching is natural... not
indicative of disease...> Do they just like the way it feels?
Neither of the fish appear to be infected with anything, all of
the creatures are eating healthy, and they are all active. I have
one more question, this one should be easier: my platy has the
tell-tale dark spot of the preggers female. But it also has the
gonopodium. Did I receive a hermaphrodite? <Not likely... but
it may be changing, or expressing itself as one or the
other...> Thanks in advance, Alex. <Do see Neale's pc.
re Mollies: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/mollies.htm And
elsewhere on WWM re Brachygobius, and start dreaming and scheming
(if you haven't already) for another or larger system... you
need it. Bob Fenner>
Re: Mollie and Platy beh.... Kings and Queens of
De Nile 12/29/07 Thanks for your reply, I have, in
fact, been looking out for a better system, but for now, I think
this could do. <Mmm, not with the mix of species you have>
The molly appears to be quite happy, and because every time I
change the water, I also rearrange all of the plants and
decorations (much to the dismay of the loach) so the molly may
not get bored for a while. I don't actually have a heater,
but the bulb seems to be doing well enough on its own. If the
temperature ever steadily drops beyond what the fish can handle,
I will buy a heater. <Uhh... you need one now> And about
the platy hermaphrodite... <Serial...> yep, she had babies.
Had to fish out around twelve of the little buggers. I'm
keeping them in a half-gallon tank (it's all I have now) and
feeding them ground shrimp pellets. I haven't had a chance to
get more suitable food, but I may be able to wing it with
hard-boiled egg yolk and minced bits of worms. I'm currently
lighting their tank with an old-style desk lamp... you know, the
ones that get extremely hot to the touch. I'm positive the
goby type that I have in the bigger tank is the one that can live
in freshwater. <Please send along an image> About the
sword.. I had suspected as much, but the molly and platy seem to
enjoy it so much, I may just keep it. Regards, Alex. <I'd
keep reading. BobF>
Re: Mollie and Platy beh.... More chatting, now
re Tetras 12/29/07 Thanks for the continuing
suggestions, you'll be pleased to know, I gave up the molly
and goby in favor of tetras. Much easier to deal with. <Hmm...
oddly enough, doesn't always work out this way. Cardinal and
some other tetras can sometimes be disappointingly short lived in
very hard (20+ dH) water, whereas gobies and Mollies in hard
water with a little salt added are very, very durable. But still,
if you don't want to keep a brackish system, then there's
no mileage in trying to keep brackish fish in plain
freshwater.> I'll look in to a heater... what's the
optimal temperature for this tank to be at? <Unless otherwise
stated, tropical fish should be kept at 25C/77F. A degree or two
either way won't make much difference, but most tropicals
will weaken and die below 20C/68F. Conversely, keeping fish above
28C/82F can cause problems with oxygen starvation and short life
spans.> Can you suggest a good temperature to keep the baby
fish? It's around 80F in the tank, I brought it down a little
because I'm afraid of frying the fry. <Nope, keep the fry
at the same temperature as the adults.> Regards, Alex
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Mollie and Platy beh. 12/29/07
Thank you very much for your help and suggestions, guys. I am
hopefully well on my way to having a happy tank. <Very
good.> I have rummy-nose tetras.. so far, they seem to pretty
much stick to themselves. <These are excellent fish. There are
at least two different species sold as these, but in either case
provided they are given soft, acidic water conditions they are
quite hardy and long-lived. Tend not to do well in hard, alkaline
water though. Do keep in groups of at least six, or they pine
away.> About the heater: I hate to sound to skeptical, but are
you sure it is required? <It's really as simple as this:
if the climate in your house is identical to that of the
Brazilian rainforest, then no, you don't need the heater. But
if your house gets colder than the Brazilian rainforest, then you
need a heater. In other words, a daytime variation between a peak
at ~25C/77F in the day and a low of ~20C/68F at night will be
fine. When kept at the wrong temperatures, fish either die from
suffocation/heat exhaustion (if too hot) or immune/digestive
system failures (if too cold). Your move.> I keep the light on
in the tank at least 10 hours of the day in order to promote
algae growth, and the temperature through that alone hovers
around 78F (I have one of those 'ballpark' strip
thermometers). <Doesn't matter what sort of thermometer
you use, so long as its accurate to within a degree or two. Given
a basic, LCD stick-on-the-tank one costs very little (they come
as free gifts on all kinds of fish kit) there's NO excuse for
not using one.> I NEVER let the water drop or rise out of the
70s. The fry tank is now at the same temperature. <If this is
so, then fine.> I can't remember where I read it, but
during my reading up on how to care for livebearers, it was
mentioned that the fry enjoy high-protein diets. <Garbage.
Livebearers (with a few exceptions like the Pike livebearer) feed
almost entirely on algae and mosquito larvae. Both of these are
low protein foods, algae more so than mosquito larvae, but
mosquito larvae are still only something like 4% protein. The
vast majority of dietary problems with livebearers come from lack
of fibre -- greens -- rather than lack of protein. All this will
be explained in any book on livebearing fish, of which there are
many.> Somewhere it was also mentioned that hard-boiled egg
yolk works. I mashed a small portion of an egg yolk to a pulp in
a small dish of water and fed it to the fry, and they ate with
gusto. <This is an old-school treat for fish fry, and does
indeed work well. But it's a treat, maybe once or twice a
week. For the rest of the time, algae, Algae, ALGAE! There are
plenty of algae-based (often Spirulina) flake and dried foods in
the shops, or else you can use algae-covered rocks from green
ponds or chop up Sushi Nori bought cheaply from an Asian food
market.> Should I continue this diet? <As a treat, sure,
but it isn't required.> Should any greens be involved?
<Yes! Livebearers are omnivores, just like us. And just like
humans: without meaty foods, they're fine; but without green
foods, they get sick and die!> Thanks for all the help! -Alex.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Mollie and Platy beh.
12/31/07 Thanks very much for the heads up about the fry!
I'll start adding greens immediately. And thanks very much
for all the other information! If I have anymore questions, I
will be sure to contact you. Regards, Alex. <Glad we could
help. Cheers, Neale.>
Platys, young, beh. 12/18/07 Hi I have
2 Mickey mouse platys and one dark orange platys and now MANY babies of
both breeds but only from the one female, there are like 50 babies from
2 different litters in a 225 gal long tank, I have recently given my
mother about 12 of the babies and 2 days ago and now I have noticed
that most of them are staying at the top of the tank most of the time
including the adults. I do not know if this is normal or not please
help..... thank you.. <Greetings. It is entirely normal for baby
livebearers to stay at the top of the tank. The more Platies you have,
the more they will school together, and what you are watching is a
bunch of happy, sociable Platies doing their thing! Cheers,
Strange behavior with platies, lack of data, no
reading, children 12/12/07 Hi, <Rozelynn> My
brother and I have "introduce" our two male platies after
quarantine (I bought him the new fish after his molly died and I
didn't know how to tell male from female). The new one is about
half the size of our first one. The smaller one flattened it's fins
and started swimming backwards while floating at a 45 degree angle at
the larger one. After about 3 minutes they where doing this to each
other. Neither was biting at the other. Is this normal and what are
they doing? Thank you Rozelynn <Can't tell... not enough
information included here... Re the make-up, history of your system,
water quality, tests, feeding... Please read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/platybehfaqs.htm and the linked
files above. Bob Fenner>
Long strands of platy poo 9/3/07 Hi,
<<Hello, Lori. Tom here.>> I have a female Mickey Mouse
Platy living in my 20 gallon tank with two Peppered Corys, one Zebra
Danio, one black guppy, four two month old Platy fry, and four one
month old Platy fry. <<Nice.>> She is going to have another
batch soon (in the next two weeks.) Ever since I got her, about six
months ago, she has produced long strands of poo. They are red, green,
or brownish in color, and are up to about six centimeters in length. I
feed my fish two to three times a day Nutrifin Max Color Enhancing
food, and I feed my fry, Hikari First Bites. Please help me, I
don't know whether or not to worry. <<No worries, Lori. If
the feces were white, we'd likely have a problem. Otherwise,
she's pooing what she's eating. Keep in mind that
'color-enhancing' foods like the Nutrafin product contain items
like red-algae (pigments) as well as other natural additives that are
meant specifically to bring out the colors in fish. These also
'enhance' the color of their fecal matter. The length may seem
a bit disarming to you but this isn't out of the ordinary, really.
I've got a Sailfin Pleco that appears to produce
"spaghetti" on its diet largely of algae wafers and zucchini.
Nothing whatsoever to be concerned about.>> Thanks again, Lori
<<You're welcome. Tom>>
Platy Behaviour Problem 7/3/07 Hey WWM,
<Hello> I know I've just recently asked a question, but
I'm hoping you can help out with a issue I've been having with
my platys as I couldn't find a similar Q&A online. <Will
try.> I have 3 platys (2 female & 1 male) in a 10 gallon tank
along side other community fish. The male loves to follow around my
female white calico (fish #1) continuously. <Typical behavior.> I
purchased the second female which is an orange sunburst (fish #2) to
help take some of the attention off female #1 so she isn't always
stressed out, as she doesn't exactly appreciate the constant
attention from the male. <I would think not.> But the male is not
only uninterested in fish #2, he aggressively chases her around the
tank whenever in eye sight, then goes right back to following fish #1.
<May not interest him, or may be a juvenile male which can sometimes
look very much like a female.> I'd like to get fry from both
females if possible as they're beautiful fish, but don't want
my fish to suffer through the breeding process. Should I consider
buying more platys? <If possible, more females.> If so how many
and of which gender? <Female> I can still fit in 3 more fish
comfortably within my tank, and would rather not go above that. <A
light stocking load makes the tank much easier to manage.> Any input
would be amazingly helpful. Thanks for your time! Sincerely, Erica
<Get some more females if possible, chances are he will show
interest in at least some of the new ones and give your current fish a
break.> <Chris>
Re: platy behaviour problem 7/4/07 Hello
again, I did get some more females for the tank, one extra male did end
up getting in the bag without our noticing, so the ratio has become 2
males to 4 females. As for the fish being an immature male, that is
very possible no doubt, I have looked at the lower fins, and it is a
female from what I see, there isn't a gonopodium, but rather a fan
like extension. How long does it take a platy to develop into
adulthood? The other platys I just purchased also look somewhat small
like the sunburst platy I have. The male Mickey Mouse platy and his
victim the white calico are much larger and rounder in the belly. Is
this by chance a different strand of platys? Thanks again for all your
amazing help and input! Erica <Hello Erica. It sounds as if you are
sexing the platies properly. Any aquarium book will show pictures, and
a little time on Google will help too. Anyway, 2 males to 4 females is
a good ratio. Platies become sexually mature within about 3 months. All
platies are the same two species (Xiphophorus maculatus and X.
variatus) and both species and all varieties interbreed. In fact all
the "fancy platies" sold are probably hybrids. Anyway, this
means that when they crossbreed you end up with "mongrel"
fry, as with dogs and cats -- offspring that don't conform to any
one breed. That's why if you want to breed sunset platies, you only
keep sunset platies in the tank, and virgin female sunset platies at
that. So rather than getting a new variety of platy, what you're
likely getting are crossbreeds. This isn't necessarily a bad thing,
but crossbreed fry are sometimes difficult to sell (pet shops want
varieties they can label as something special and sell at a premium).
Be sure and have a look at the MANY platy and livebearer articles we
have here, at: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwlivestkindex.htm
. Cheers, Neale>
Platy Male Aggression -- 07/01/07 First,
Thanks for al the fantastic information. This site has been extremely
useful to a new platy lover. I've had my 15 gallon tank for a
little over a month now. After two weeks I added my first three platies
- one male and two females. Everything was going very well, so three
days ago I added three more platies - again one male and two females.
The males, however, don't seem to be getting along. <Mmm, can be
a bit of aggression... but you do have sufficient room here...> The
newer male has become dominant pecking at the other male who now pulls
his fins in and floats backwards (away from him) whenever he
approaches. If you have any advise on how to decrease the aggression it
would be appreciated... should I add another male to take the pressure
off the one who is getting picked on? Thanks very much for your time
and advise! -Lisha <Actually... do try this first... Catch the
"alpha" male up in a net of size, or place in a
"breeding net" or trap hanging in this tank (or a small
floating/plastic colander... like those used for straining cooked
pasta...) and leave it there for a week or so... this will keep it
separated, but allow a new social dynamic to be forged... See if then
it will "get along" with all. Bob Fenner>
Mean Platy 5/21/07 Hello guys, and thanks
for your site. I have a question about a platy who
seems to have some behavioral problems. I have a 20
gal tank with 2 female platys, and 3 peppered
Corys. The larger of the two platys is a bit mean,
though, and seems to enjoy chasing the other platy around the
tank. <Mmm, quite common... better for most all fish species to be
kept in odd numbers... to give one of the other "beta" ones a
chance to rest... And with livebearers, to arrange that there is a
ratio of more females to males...> No fins have been
nipped so far, but I am worried that she's stressing out the
other fish. Mean platy is also pretty aggressive at feeding time,
and she's particularly fond of the sinking tropical wafers I
have for my Corys and I'm worried that they're not getting
enough food. <Can be a concern... though these "armored
cats" do have potent defenses...> I've been thinking of
adding a male platy to see if that will help with mean platy's
behavior (you know, give her something to do other than steal food
and chase her platy friend!). <A good idea> Also, I've
been planning to introduce a blue gourami at some point -- do you
think it's likely that the gourami will be harassed, or will a
gourami be big enough that the platy will leave it alone? <I do
think the latter> Should I introduce a pair, or a single
gourami? <Mmm, two would be my choice here> I've included my
tank stats below, for your info. Thanks in advance for your help!
Nicole - 20 gal glass tank with power filter - Temp set at 76 F - set
up for about 2.5 months, first six weeks without fish (I was doing
a fishless cycle with household ammonia) - the platys were my first
residents, introduced 4 weeks ago - the Cory cats were added 2 weeks
ago - current levels: ammonia = 0, nitrite = 0, nitrate = 5ppm, pH =
7.4 <Thank you for sharing, writing so well... completely and
clearly. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Skittish, clamping, lazy platies 5/14/07 Hi guys,
<Sinafey> We've been having a problem with our platies for
about 10 days now. They're extremely skittish whenever
somebody even walks by their tank or we turn on the light in the room
or tank (going as far as trying to bury themselves in the gravel), are
clamping, and just laying on the substrate of the tank all day except
for feeding time. <Interesting... fright contagions are one of my
fave behavioral traits to study, discourse on...> We've also
noticed discolored spots on several of them, usually on their
heads. It's not raised like fungus, and is just one
large spot so doesn't look like ick. On two of them
it's right on top of their heads, and one has it right above her
top lip. <Perhaps related to the behavior... but what came first
let's say? Is it the nervousness that has led to the physical
traumas or vice versa? Or are they even related?> Tank specs are: 55
gallon, Nitrates: ~10, Nitrites: 0, KH: 80 (moderate), PH: ~7. <No
ammonia?> We have about 19 Platies, 3 Emerald Green Otocinclus cats,
and 2 African Dwarf frogs. We've had problems
maintaining our PH (it keeps wanting to drop) so we dilute a small
amount of baking soda in tank water and are adding it slowly after each
water change. <This should be fine> Doing this has given us
moderate alkalinity and has kept our PH pretty steady at about 7 for
the last several months. Since the fish have looked sick
we've been doing at least a 25% (usually closer to 30%) water
change about twice per week. <Good practice, percentage...> About
2 days ago my fiancé got Maracyn and we've been
following the dosing instructions on the box. <The antibiotic
Erythromycin? For what?> If anything they seem to be laying around
on the substrate more, and we noticed that one of the younger platies
got a spot on it's head as well. I know it might be too
early to tell if the meds are helping, but it doesn't look
promising. Any idea what may be causing our problem? <Mmm, yes...
likely either "something else" environmentally... or the
beginnings of a parasite... Flukes possibly, even ich, Velvet... Have
you introduced any new livestock (sans quarantine) or live foods,
plants in recent days, weeks?> We love these fish and have been
doing everything that we can to make them better, but it just
doesn't seem to be working. Thanks so much for your kind help,
Heather <Best to keep up with the water changes, including bicarb
additions, and be observant at this juncture. Bob Fenner>
White lines on Platy?? - 03/24/07 Hi
there, I am new to the aquarium hobby and I have now found your
wonderful website. <And you, us> Ya'll are so great to
have sooo much information and such friendly people
here. I promise, I have searched your site all over to
try and answer my query and even tried to join the chat boards but
it said that registration is closed at the time. So, I
am hoping that perhaps you could help me?? <Will definitely
try> I have a 30 Gallon tank with two zebra danios, five neons,
one tiger barb, <Mmm, do watch this... are social animals... but
even in groups, can become nippy...> two x-ray fish, three red
wag platies, one albino catfish and two unknown orange fish with
brownish blackish mottled markings. We just recently
brought home two of the red wag platies and the two x-ray fish from
the local pet store (four days ago) but I didn't know about
this quarantine stuff so I just acclimatized them to the temp of
the tank and then put them in. (I will have to acquire a
QT now from somewhere.) Anyway, one of the platies was
pregnant we believe due to the big round bloated belly she had but
now she has these white lines going up and down her sides that make
her look like she has ribs and is emaciated ... yet still bloated?
<Mmmm, maybe> I hope that made sense. I have a
photo that I cropped and tried to adjust the contrast to make it
easier to see the lines. Oh, the photo has two fish in
it but I just zoomed in on the lines I spoke of. Please can you
tell me what this is?? I added MelaFix for the first
three days to try to soften the move for them and hopefully not
make it so stressful. When I saw the white stuff I
thought it was Ich so I've been treating with Rid Ich (for two
days) but the lines are still there. What is your
opinion? Many grateful thanks for any help you can provide,
Christina <Not to be anthropomorphic, but these look like
"stretch marks"... areas twixt underlying musculature,
where lines of scales have been pulled apart ("advanced fishes
like this have ctenoid scalature that can/do show such
"articulation") under some circumstances). I would not be
concerned re the lines here... Should grow back together
post-parturition. Bob Fenner> |

Platy colour change 2/12/07 Hello! <Hi there> I
have a fish problem that I have not encountered before. I have a ten
gallon tank with 4 female platies and 2 males. I've had this tank
for 2 years and have only had the occasional fungus problem. Well, one
of my orange males is turning a dark brown colour and is hiding in the
corner and won't eat. I have no clue what this is, he's just
under a year old and never seemed to be stressed out or anything. Thank
you in advance for your advice! Shelley <... water quality? Tests
for same? Filtration? This reads as a likely environmental disorder.
You have read re Platies on WWM? Bob Fenner>
Unusual(?) Platy Behavior 1/27/07 <<Hi,
Deborah. Tom this afternoon.>> Our tank: 12 gallon, 6
neon tetras, 5 platys, 1 incredibly lethargic algae eater (can't
even remember what it is). Water tested regularly and all
parameters always good. <<If the 'algae eater' is a
Common Plecostomus, or a variety of the Plecostomus species, you
won't see a lot of 'action' from this fish. Can grow very
large, however. A 12-gallon tank won't suit this guy for
long.>> Platy History: Got 2 dwarf sunsets (one male?,
one female? Can't really tell because they are so small
and don't stay still long enough for me to observe tail fin very
well). Then later the tetras. Female(?) platy
died. Got a "Minnie" Mouse platy. She
proceeded to have at least 7 babies (3 survived. All female
I think). <<Talk about an 'instant' family, eh?>>
Current behavior concerns: Momma Minnie has been hovering
either near the surface or on the bottom. Not as active as
usual. <<Not uncommon after livebearers give
birth.>> Swimming backwards about half the time when she does
move. She tends to get long strands of poop which hang for a
while (gross!) which are usually sort of grayish. They are
now white. She doesn't look preggers (not fat like she
was before she popped out babies). Should I be
concerned? <<Unfortunately, yes. White feces are not a good sign.
In almost all cases, feces should be dark in color. I say
'almost' because lighter colored 'poop' can also occur
with perfectly healthy fish. It's the other behavior, in
conjunction with this, that suggests that she's not well. If you
can isolate her, please do so. Juvenile 'livebearers' don't
always fare well after giving birth. Many (most?) can be fry-producing
dynamos but others, sadly, don't survive. In a lot of cases,
Deborah, the 'mother' needs rest that she doesn't get if
left in the main tank. A single, healthy female can be unbelievably
stressed by the pursuits of a single male, occasionally to death. A
weakened female isn't going to have a good chance at all, if any.
Separate her if you can and keep her water conditions optimal.
Additionally, though I don't recommend crowding the tank you have,
you really want to have more females than males (3:1 or 4:1) to keep
'Don Juan' from sharing too much of himself with any single
female. (Yes, Platys can/will breed with other varieties of Platys. I
knew you wanted to know. :) )>> Thanks! Deborah <<I'll
do a little finger-crossing for your Platy, Deborah. I'm afraid
that's about all we can do right now. Wish I could be more hopeful
for you. My best. Tom>>
Good morning... I have a question regarding platy mating
behavior. - 12/29/06 <<Hello, Linda. Tom
with you this afternoon.>> I have a question regarding platy
mating behavior. <<Okay.>> I currently have 5
adult, 1 juvenile, 1 fry in a 37 high tank along with assorted tetras
(11 total tetras). I've noticed that the one adult male
platy will only mate with the largest female. The juvenile
male platy will mate with the others but not the larger
female. Is this an alpha male, female behavior?
<<Undoubtedly. Depending on the female's disposition, this
may be the only male she'll allow to approach her. Not at all
unheard of.>> I'm getting ready to start a 55 gallon
livebearer tank and will move all the platy's into the new
tank. It will be interesting to see if the behavior holds in
the bigger tank. <<I suspect it will, Linda, at least
until the juvenile male matures. That might be when things get
'interesting'. :) >> I do intend to add other
livebearers, probably swordtails and guppies along with other platys.
<<I foresee quite a collection! Quarantine, if I may, will
definitely be in order here, though. Good for you if you've already
planned this.>> Tank water parameters are ph 7.4, nitrates 0-5,
nitrites 0, amm 0. <<All good'¦>>
Other than the alpha mating behavior all the fish are fine and act
completely normal. <<Well, for the fish, the mating
behavior is normal. Survival of the fittest and all that.>> I
don't make a point to save the fry. A few survive and
prosper on their own. <<Understood.>> I do
25/30% water changes every two weeks. Any comments will be
appreciated. <<It sounds to me like you have everything in fine
order, Linda. Other than my comment about quarantining new fish before
adding them to the 55-gallon tank, I can't think of anything that
immediately jumps out at me concerning your plan. As an aside, I
noticed that you didn't mention Mollies as part of your livebearer
stocking plan. I suspect that you're already aware of the fact that
these are considered to be a brackish water species though my head
swims (pun intended) from the agreement/disagreement aspect of this.
Freshwater? Brackish? Marine? And not one comment about this from a
Molly. :) >> Thanks, Linda Ritchie <<Good luck in your
venture, Linda. An enjoyable and prosperous New Year to you.
Aggressive male platy 11/18/06 Hi there,
<<Hello, Rebecca. Tom with you.>> We just started up an
aquarium after a while and just got two male platys. They are the only
ones in the tank. We have had them for about a
week. I just noticed yesterday that one of them is being
very aggressive towards the other one, chasing and nipping at the other
when he comes anywhere in the vicinity. Any thoughts on why?
<<Provided that your water parameters are good, he's probably
just 'protecting' his territory. Not uncommon for fish to stake
out a claim on 'their' part of the tank and chase others off
when they venture into that area. Could also be that he's showing
the other who's 'boss' for potential breeding purposes.
Back to my initial statement, check your water conditions (or have them
tested at the LFS). If your parameters are out of whack, i.e.
ammonia/nitrite levels are detectable, it can bring out aggressive
behavior in a fish due to stress. Otherwise, I'd just keep an eye
on him to make sure his aggression doesn't get out of hand. If it
does, you'll have to find a way to isolate him for the sake of the
other Platy.>> Thanks! Rebecca <<You're welcome,
Rebecca. Good luck with your 'guys'. Tom>>
Odd platy behaviour 11/01/06 Hi,
there, <<Greetings, Julia. Tom>> Thanks to your advice way
back in April when I set up my first tank, the fish have been doing
well and I've had a huge population explosion amongst my platies.
<<Usually Platys don't need our advice. They just have
population explosions on their own. :) Glad to hear everything has been
going well, though.>> I've noticed in the last ten days that
one of the females has started acting quite strangely though and its
not behaviour I have seen before so was hoping someone might have some
thoughts. <<I might have some. Let's go on.>> She has
become exceedingly shy, but not in the usual pre-birthing sense. She
spends a lot of the time either at the top of the tank or near the
gravel. I've watched and she doesn't appear to be gasping.
I've had a few ich and fungal outbreaks since set up but there are
no telltale signs of sickness on her at all and her gills look fine.
The entire population has been well for quite some time now.
<<Good to hear that the others are doing well.>> She does
look slightly L-shaped, instead of the usual straight stance her back
fin appears to be pointing downwards and her bottom fin is permanently
erect. She also tends to shy away from food at feeding time waiting for
the others to finish before she goes for food of her own. <<This
could be neurological, Julia. A bent spine, if you will, can be an
indication of a few different problems but, when connected to a
disease, there would typically be outward symptoms/signs, as well. I
would rule out a viral infection -- one known to affect the brain/spine
-- since none of the others are affected. Piscine tuberculosis
(Mycobacteriosis) can cause this problem but would have additional
outward indications such as sores/lesions on the animal's body.
Physical 'trauma' such as one might expect from vaulting out of
the tank onto the floor isn't the case here. I might conclude that
she's simply 'predisposed' to an inherent condition
that's led to this.>> For background this is 126 litre
community tank of mainly platys, but a few zebra danios (10) and
harlequin rasboras (6). I am advised that stocking is well within
ethical limits. <<I'd never accuse you of being
'unethical', Rachel. I reserve that term for lawyers and
politicians'¦and used-car salesmen'¦and, well, never
mind. Seriously, though, I do understand that folks in the UK don't
necessarily hold with what we Yanks feel are 'appropriate'
stocking limitations. I feel that you're past the limit but I
can't argue with success, either. If it isn't broken, don't
fix it.>> I complete a 30-50 litre water change every week and
feed a mixed diet of flake food, spinach and frozen and freeze-dried
bugs. <<Excellent. Now if we could get everyone to be as
conscientious'¦>> Any thoughts on this would be
gratefully received. Many thanks Julia (UK) <<Hopefully, these
have been, Rachel. Sorry that I couldn't offer more on your Platy
but I don't know that there's much that you can do at this
point in time. My best to you. Cheers, Tom>>
New FW
Tank Questions 10/5/06 platy beh... Hi again,
<Hi> Sorry to bother you! No problem.> I
have a few more questions. (Actually more than just a few! Sorry
again!) So here it goes. All of my 4 fish have died but 1. <Why?>
She is a red wag molly. It is a 10g fw tank. What fish do I
add? <Nothing until you know why the others
died.> Should I get my own test kit? <Yes> I am
afraid to have anything to do with the local pet store! So far they
haven't done a thing right! <Not good.> When we went in the
other night all the fish were dying! It seems they don't know
anything! But they're the only pet store in town. (Besides
Wal-Mart!) My parents aren't going to drive me to Owaso every
week! <Mail order is a possibility.> Also
how much water do I change? <!0-20%> How often do I
change it? <Weekly or bi-weekly.> Thanks, Kyleigh <Time to
start reading. Start here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwset-up.htm
> <Chris> New FW Tank Questions Part II 10/5/06 Hi,
<Hi again> Thanks for your help! <Sure> I know that 1 of my
fish died because it got stuck under a bubble decoration. The other 2 I
am 99.9% sure died of stress. <Do you know what caused the
stress.> But what 2 fish do you recommend to go with a
red wag molly in a 10g FW tank? <2 or 3 more platies, they are
social and appreciate the company of their own kind.> <Chris>
Platy Problem, actually beh. 9/26/06 Hi again, guys,
I have two questions about my platies this time (I have 1 red wag &
1 blue). The first question is about my male platy (at least, I think
he's a male). <Easy enough to discern...> When I first got
him about a month ago, he was very docile & always swam together
with my female platy. After a week or two, he started being extremely
aggressive toward the female platy, running into her side constantly
& bumping into her tail. <What they do...> At first I was
kind of scared about that, but the female's tail was wholly intact,
& he eventually stopped terrorizing her after about a week. During
the week or two following that, my female platy became very plump
(doubling in size), & the male followed her wherever she went. They
almost swam as one being because they'd go everywhere together. ...
and I thought that everything was peaceful & alright because they
were getting along so well. BUT, just today he started getting
extremely aggressive toward her again, & she has a little slit of
the middle part of her tail missing. He won't stop leaving her
alone, & I'm starting to worry about her. My questions are: Why
is he being aggressive with her on & off? <Nature... need more
room, more break-up of the environment... a different sex ratio (also
natural)... more females> Did he bite her tail, & if
he did, why is such a perfectly-cut piece missing (why doesn't the
cut from her tail look jagged, like a regular bite), & why did he
do that? <Mating behavior... favored through space and time>
Also, is my female platy pregnant? <Likely so... is a more or less
constant state...> Does his aggressive behavior have anything to do
with this if she is pregnant? <Mmm, yes> I've enclosed
pictures showing my platies. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that when the
male platy was being aggressive the first time, I thought that adding 2
mid-sized Pristella tetras would distract him; <Good idea... might
help> unfortunately, he leaves them alone entirely & never
bothers them at all. Also, I definitely know that the pristellas
didn't harm the red wag because they always mind their own
business, & they're extremely shy. Thanks, guys. Hope to hear
from you soon. Save my fish!!! lol --Jessica <See WWM re Platy
behavior... Systems... Reproduction. Bob Fenner>
Re: Listless Platy behaviour 9/10/06 Hi Tom, and
thank you for taking the time to write back. <<Hi, Gina. Happy to
do so.>> I'd like to learn more about "cycling",
and I had a feeling the tank was too small, but the advertisement on
the box make them sound so ideal; I thought that'd be the perfect
size to start out a small boy with a few pet fish.
<<Might have been if they had been a little more informative,
Gina. I completely understand your thinking but too many of these
outfits "prey" on the uninformed.>> And I think the box
said 5 fish was the limit. <<"Five what?",
would be the question, Gina. I highly doubt the box was very
specific...>> He has been disappointed with our "mortality
rate", and I feel terrible. <<Not to worry. You've found
us and we'll do the best we can for you.>>
I did note that when we fed the fish today, there were some fuzzy white
strands growing on the filter. <<Likely a bacterial
growth of some kind.>> This happened before. After
these appeared in the past, the water would get very cloudy and the
fish would eventually die. <<Definitely a bacterial
growth ('bloom' actually). Green colored water is the result of
an algae 'bloom' while whitish colored water is, typically, the
result of a bacterial 'bloom'. (The substrate, if not rinsed
off, and some decorations, may contribute to this but I don't think
this is the case with you.)>> Even when I cleaned the tank, the
process would repeat itself. <<Did you rinse the
filter media? This should be done in water taken from the tank. Never,
outright, replace the filter media since it contains the beneficial
bacteria necessary for biological filtering. Also, never wash it in tap
water. Doomsday for the 'good guys'!>> If our platys
don't make it, can we keep the Pleco in the tank by himself, or
does he need companions? <<The Platys would do
better, alone, in this particular tank than the Pleco will. Your Pleco
will - potentially - grow too large for a two-gallon aquarium. Heck,
he'll grow too large for anything shy of a 40- to 50-gallon
aquarium. His common size will be 9- to 10-inches. Best case? 14
inches, and better. (No, I'm not making that up!) Find the room, if
possible, for a 30- to 50-gallon tank. Cycle it properly. (I'll be
here to assist.) Teach your son that fish need lots of room. They come
from rivers, lakes and oceans in nature. (No, I'm not being
'hard' on you. You made a good choice based on what information
you had. Now, it's time to learn.>> We are really quite
attached to him (no pun intended)! <<Well, let's keep him
'attached', Gina, and, yes, I took that as a pun! Not a bad one
at that. :)>> Thank you in advance! Best Regards,
Gina <<If the "cycling" gets too tedious, give me a
yell. I'll attack it from any direction you like.
Missing Platy 8/31/06 Dear Chuck! I am very sorry
to bother you again, please forgive me. I did not mention this in
my last email, it just didn't seem very important. One of my
other platies was acting a bit funny, hiding, and laying low, I
actually thought she was pregnant, well Chuck...I can't find the
fish anywhere, I mean it, I have looked every where, is it
possible she was eaten?! I have 3 flying fox, and 1 female betta,
and what appears to be only 5 platies left, Is that possible? I
haven't noticed any aggression to this fish, or anything weird,
they have all been eating normally, and I don't see any signs of it
being eaten...my toddler thinks he went for a walk! I hope
he's right, here's to hoping. Could that really happen?
She was one of the biggest platies, I don't like to
point fingers, but if I had my guess it was probably Benjamin, he is
chasing another of the females, who is hiding in the zoo med, I think
he has to go Chuck, do you think a pet store will take him
back? You guys have the greatest web site going, I spend
alot of time reading all the info, thank you for taking the time
to answer my questions, and I promise to try and not bother you again,
not today anyways, haha!!!! Charlie < Look around the
base of the aquarium stand with a flashlight and see if it jumped. If
not, it could have died and been eaten by the foxes. Tell your story to
the pet shop and see if you can trade him in or at least exchange him.
Since you were not able to pick him out then they should take some of
the responsibility.-Chuck>
Aggressive male platy behavior
8/31/06 Hi guys! <Well hello there - this is
Jorie.> Wow! I've been going round on the web looking for some
answers and thought I'd give you a shot. Here goes.
<We try our best to help here...> I have a 20 gal. community tank
with 6 neon tetras, 1 sunset gourami, 4 rasboras, and now I'm down
to 1 huge male Mickey mouse platy, 1 female Mickey mouse platy, and 1
red female platy. The enormous male platy has killed every
other platy (both male and female) that I have put in this tank and
some other fish, too. <I've seen this happen; mostly
livebearers are pretty docile, but the males can get *very* territorial
sometimes. In fact, I have one male molly who is currently
in "time out" (i.e., his own 2 gal. tank) because he was
terrorizing another male molly in my 29 gal. brackish tank.> I have
a 10 gal. tank that has only a male betta and a blue gourami who had to
be separated from the sunset gourami so I am afraid if I put the mean
platy in there he will get beat up. <I'd be more afraid for the
betta with his beautiful fins. But, you might be OK, since
none of these fish look at all like each other. You could
give it a try, but keep a close, careful watch.> What's going on
here? I keep reading how friendly this breed is but that is not what I
am witnessing here. Oh, and we are on our second batch of platy fry,
but from a different momma fish, he killed the first momma as she was
delivering. <Yikes - the platy in question sounds like a terror
indeed. As mentioned above, male livebearers (guppies,
platys, mollies) can at times be quite territorial. I'd
say give the 10 gal. a shot (make sure to give everyone plenty of cover
(e.g., decorations, plants, etc.), but do monitor all three fish
closely. Hopefully that works. If not, I'm
afraid the platy in question may be destined to live alone in a 2 or 3
gal. tank. Don't know if you have a small spare tank
lying around (do make sure to provide it with filtration, a heater,
etc. etc.), but if not, the Eclipse/Marineland brand if fairly
reasonable in price, and includes built-in filtration. When
the time comes, that's an ideal single male betta home - just in
case you want to plan for the future:-) Any help with this situation
would be greatly appreciated. <Hope I have.> Thanks in advance.
<You're welcome. Good luck with the meanie, and
everyone else! Jorie>
Male Platy wants To Breed All The
Time 8/28/06 Hello, I hope you can help. I
recently bought a ten gallon tank, and moved my male and female platy
into it, until then they had been in a gallon tank, and were very
happy, but he started attacking her, she was not mating with him, and
she had become reclusive. I moved them, and bought 5 more
platies, 2 female Bettas, and was told at the pet store that I could
not pick my platy's sex. < Change pet stores. You are the one
buying the fish, you should be able to pick out the fish.> My
thoughts were of course, that it would distract 1st. platy (Benjamin),
my 3 year old son, Benjamin named him, ha! from further
attacking Maggie, 2nd platies, but it has gotten a lot worse, she
isn't eating, is wobbly, and he actively pursues her, the other 5
platies appear to be this ratio, 3-2 for the girls, one of these males
is particularly larger then all the other fish, but seems only to peck
a little, not overly aggressive, I have moved my male Betta into the
gallon tank, and one of the female Bettas is sick and I have her in the
Betta tank that Sunshine used to live in to hopefully get
better. What can I possibly do with this
fish? Right now he is in a big bowl of water that I set up
for him, although the water has been conditioned, there is no filter,
or bubble stone, or heater. I feel he will eventually kill Maggie if I
leave him in the community tank. Any ideas would be greatly
appreciated! Thank you very much for your
time. Charlie < I would reduce the water temp of the main
tank to the mid 70's. At the upper temp range these fish are very
active. Add some floating plant material or a floating ZooMed Aquarium
Log for the picked on fish to hide. Floating material is very important
for fish that have been beaten up or chased. Near the surface is where
the food is so they won't starve and can regain their strength. As
a last resort you could trade him in for a smaller
Re: Aggressive Platy Gets To Go Home 8/28/06 Dear
Chuck! Thank you so much for your speedy reply, I have returned
Benjamin to the community tank and am off to a different pet store
to get these excellent things you have suggested, I have no doubt that
they will be most helpful. I love Benjamin, he is a quirky, and
incredibly energetic little fish, and beautifully coloured, I would
hate to lose any of them, and my son keeps asking me, " Mommy, why
is Benjamin in the fruit bowl?" Thank you again for the
information, I will let you know how it goes, I was in a panic today, I
am so glad that I have found you! Have a most excellent
evening!!!! Charlie and Benjamin! < I hope things work out.
I'm sure it will be better.-Chuck>
New Fish 8/20/06 Hi, <<Greetings, Susan.
Tom>> 3 days ago I got 6 platies, in a 10 gallon tank. They seem
to be very aggressive with each other. Only two of them, but before it
was only one. <<New environments/conditions can bring this type
of behavior out in some fish, Susan. A little early to tell if this is
a "permanent" situation, though. My Sunburst Platies go
through "phases" where they'll exhibit this type of
behavior only to quit and go back to their normal activity, which is
looking for me to feed them. :)>> I feel bad because the other
fish seem to be scared of them now. <<Again, Susan, a bit early
to tell.>> The two fish are both females (I have 2 males and 4
females) and one of them seems to be picking on only one, and the other
one is picking on the rest. But they won't pick on each other. They
all seem fine, they look fine, I don't know why they're doing
that. <<Could be establishing a "pecking order", of
sorts. Other factors may be involved here, however.>> And another
question: I'm not sure if one of my aggressive females is pregnant,
but she had a bit of a bigger belly then some of the others, and she
has a blue gravid spot. <<With 'livebearers' such as
Platies the females, almost invariably, are either pregnant or on their
way to being so. Females are capable of storing the males' sperm
inside of their bodies so they needn't mate every time in order to
give birth. A single female, isolated from any males, can give birth
three or four times (perhaps more) once she has mated. The fact that
your female has a larger belly with a darkening gravid spot indicates
that she's, almost certainly, pregnant.>> She has a blue
color to her, so is it just a beauty mark or something? The
"gravid spot" is inside of her, so is it possible that she
is? <<I'd say this is not only possible but probable. On a
sidenote, females close to giving birth won't be very tolerant of
other fish, particularly the males. They prefer solitude and quiet
(understandably) while the males have only one thing - besides eating -
in mind, if you see where I'm going with this. Boys will be boys...
:)>> Thank you for your time. Please respond as soon as possible
this is very urgent for my fish. -Susan <<Keep in mind that all
of your fish may look a lot alike but, won't necessarily behave
alike. A dominant female may be showing the others, male and female
alike, that she's going to "rule the roost" especially
where mating is concerned. Usually, it's the males who pester the
females practically non-stop but you might just have a couple of ladies
who don't "play that game". Not at all uncommon, really.
Keep an eye on them. If you have one that seems to pick on the others
just because she likes to, she might have to be isolated. In the
meantime, I wouldn't be too concerned. Best regards.
Sunset Platy, bumpy 6/11/06
My sunset platy has little red bumps all over him/her. Is this normal?
<Mmm... just color is fine...> I have not figured out its sex
yet. There was another, but then it died. The surviving one showed no
signs of pregnancy until now. <... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/platydisfaqs.htm and
the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Sluggish Platy 5/29/06 I have a red high
finned platy and for the past couple of days now she has been laying on
the bottom of the tank and leaning on rocks. The other platies in the
tank appear fine swimming around, but she is not swimming around. I
also have noticed some of her scales are missing. We have tested the
water in the tank and everything seems fine. Do you have any
suggestions in what could be wrong with her? Jennifer Campbell
<Could be a couple of things. She might be getting picked
on, pregnant, or sick. If you see here getting picked on she
may need to be separated from the others and given a chance to
recover. If sick there is not enough evidence of the illness
to treat properly, but keep an eye on her for more specific
signs. And lastly if pregnant it will pass after birth.>
Normal platy behaviour? - 05/09/06 Hi, Tom
<<Hi, Julia.>> Thanks again for all your advice. <<My
pleasure.>> Quick update to say that my pregnancy guess was
correct and seven days in and we have our first, exceedingly tiny,
sunset platy baby. <<Beautiful. Glad to hear it!>> The
advice on this site about putting them in the breeding net to save
worry is spot on. Having finally caught up with him it's nice to
know where he is! <<The little rascals are "devilishly"
hard to keep track of unless you do this.>> Here's hoping he
survives okay. <<Trusting he'll do just fine.>> Thanks
again Julia <<Any time, Julia. Tom>>
Platy Blowing
Bubbles - 05/05/2006 I have a female platy who is blowing bubbles
at the top of the tank like crazy. Do you know why she might be
doing this? I have 3 females and 2 males, and only 1 female is doing
it. Jennifer Campbell <Jennifer, how long has this
behavior been going on? Is the fish you described otherwise acting
normal (e.g., eating, swimming, etc.)? I've read about people
claiming their platies do this, but haven't ever seen mine do
it. Having said that, there are a couple of mine that love
just hanging right below the surface. As long as the rest of
her behavior is normal and the water parameters are all good (ammonia,
nitrite and nitrate), I don't see any problems. If you
haven't recently checked these parameters, however, do so, because
it could be a sign of her gasping due to low O2 content,
etc. If all is well environmentally, I'd chalk it up to
bizarre fish behavior - they all seem to have one "quirk" or
another...they really are quite pet-like! Good luck,
Normal platy behaviour? 4/30/06 Hi
there, <<Hello, Julia. Tom here.>> I'm struggling to
find a concise explanation of normal platy behaviour. <<There are
variables involved, Julia.>> Yesterday, after five weeks of
setting up an aquarium with plants only and preparing the water etc. I
introduced my first four fish: one male red platy and three females (of
which two are sunset). The tank is 80cm x 35cm x 45 deep. My nitrates
are 0, pH 7.5, ammonia is, I think, 0 or very close and nitrates vary a
lot between 5 and 20. I already accidentally overfed them this morning
so had to hoover out the gravel to remove some of the food.
<<Oops...>> For the most part the fish seem to be happy.
They are rotating between hanging out together, or dividing into a red
camp and a yellow camp. I have two concerns. Every now and then they
scoot up and down the side tank at high speed, which looking at other
edits here, appears as though this might be cause for concern. It lasts
for a few minutes at a time before they wander off and nibble algae or
chase each other about the tank. <<Simply adjusting at this
point. New "confines", etc.>> The second concern is
that one of the sunset females hides quite a bit. She is frequently
sociable but periodically goes and hides in a bogwood 'cave' or
at the back of the tank at the base of one of the plants. Again, should
I be worried? <<No. She's adjusting, too. Without knowing how
mature your Platys are, I wouldn't rule out the possibility of
pregnancy.>> The male seems quite lively varying between keeping
the females company or chasing them around. <<Now, this, I would
categorize as "typical". (No offense, guys.) :)>>
I've only see one female give him a bit of a warning peck but it
didn't look too aggressive. <<Not at all unusual.>>
Lastly, all of the fish have at some point developed a small white spot
only for it to clear up again within an hour or so. <<Can't
rule out Ich but I wouldn't jump all over this. Keep a close eye on
your fish, though. Good water conditions and healthy, stress-free fish
are far less likely to be susceptible.>> I haven't even had
them for 24 hours yet so had put this down to new environment stress.
Is that likely or, do I need to do some emergency work now?
<<It's too soon, Julia. The "ideal", of course, is
that our new pets become, immediately, "at home" in their new
environment. We forget the stress of netting and transporting them, not
to mention putting them in an aquarium that is foreign to them. Give
them, and yourself, a little more time. Your concern is understandable,
however, I think you're putting pressure on yourself somewhat
prematurely.>> Many thanks, Julia (UK) <<You're
welcome. Tom (USA)>>
Re: Normal platy behaviour? -
5/2/2006 Dear Tom <<Hi, Julia.>> Thanks for taking the
time to answer this. I had thought it most likely that as the fish are
new, they just have some settling down to do, but I didn't want to
make an assumption and accidentally kill the poor little fellas within
a few days of moving them in! <<Best to wait and observe during
the first few days. The sooner the fish are stress-free, the less
likely things are to go wrong.>> All the ich-like spots have gone
and the female is still hiding out about 50% of the time but
is feeding well. There is every possibility that she could
be pregnant as she is likely to be at least four months old and was
living in a mixed sex tank when I purchased her. <<We can try to
bring them up responsibly but kids these days... :)>> One last
question - how long do they live on average? <<Three to five
years is the "average". My experience with these fish is
between three and four years. Interestingly, and ironically, at higher
water temperatures, the immune systems in fish are stronger, leading to
healthier/happier pets but their metabolisms are also increased which
tends to shorten their lives somewhat. I, personally, think the
trade-off is worth it.>> Many thanks again, Julia <<My best
to you and your new friends, Julia. Tom>>
Molly and Platy Behaviour -
05/06/2006 Hi there, <Hi - you've got Jorie here tonight>
I don't know what to do with my fighting mollies & platies. I
have a 10g tank. I had 1 male platy, 1 unknown platy (no
female or male fin), and 1 female black molly. I wanted to
breed the fish, so I bought a black lyretail molly back in
February. The 2 mollies have been getting along all
right...although he chases her incessantly. <Livebearers, esp.
mollies, are notorious for this. Generally, you should keep
a 1:4 or so ratio of males to females, or the males will likely bully
the females to death...> About a month ago, I bought another male
platy (thought it was female, but just not developed
yet). The new male platy is somewhat aggressive and will not
let the other male near the "unknown" platy. There
was a lot of fighting starting and fin nipping, with my original male
platy starting to hide out, so I moved all 3 platies to my 35g
tank. I thought having more room and being in a different
setting might change things a little (take out some of the
aggressiveness in my new platy). Didn't
work. So, then I moved my original male platy back to my
10g. <You said "you moved three platies". Bottom
line is you have too much testosterone in that tank! With a 10 gal. you
really should only have 1 male livebearer in there, with perhaps 4
girls. What all do you have in the 35 gal.? Perhaps the male
molly can be moved there?> Now, in my 10g are the 2 mollies and 1
platy. Yesterday, I noticed that the mollies were starting
to fight with each other. I thought this might be some kind
of mating behaviour, but after today I'm not sure. The
male molly is constantly following the female around with his mouth
sniffing?? nipping?? at her belly. <That's what the boys do to
the girls...all day long. This is why you can't have a
1:1 ratio> But yesterday, it's like she had
enough. They curve their bodies and swim in circles nipping
at each other. A few times, I saw (seen?) the female grab
hold of one of the male's fins and not let go...dragging him and
jerking on him. Before the 2 fish decide to kill each other, I moved
the male molly to my 35g today. <Perhaps you can just have a few
females in the 10, and put the males into the 35...> So, now I have
a female (bullyish) molly and a skittish male platy in my 10g tank,
<I'd watch this combination closely> and the male molly, male
platy and unknown platy in my 35g. <Sounds good.> Any ideas on
what kind of behaviour is going on here? <Yes - horny male
livebearers! This is what they do...> Why would this
aggression start now...after being together for 3 months? <Perhaps
they weren't sexually mature until recently.>
I'm not sure where to move what fish and how to
possible get any of my fish breeding without overstocking my 10g.
<Your livebearers will breed wherever, whenever, so don't worry
about that! But, whether or not the fry will survive depends on what
else is in the tank. I don't know what all you keep in
the 35 gal., but perhaps let the fish you want to reproduce be in
there, and make sure there's plenty of hiding spots for the fry,
incl. floating plants if possible. Also, you could catch the
fry as soon as you see them born and let them grow in the 10...I did
this for a while playing the game of "musical livebearer
tanks...Bottom line, you cannot have more than 1 male livebearer, molly
or platy, in your 10, and you need to have a few girls in there so that
the sexual aggression is fairly spread around. Even Also,
make sure there's ample hiding spots. Alternatively, and
probably the better idea (as mentioned above) consider just keeping
females in the 10...trust me, if you have a few girls in there, it
won't be long until you see fry, as the females can hold sperm up
to 6 months!> Help please!! Donna <Hope I have! Best of luck,
Molly and Platy Behaviour - 05/07/2006 Thanks for
the super quick response! <You're welcome - we try our best!>
What do you mean by watching the male platy and female
molly?? <I just meant to make sure the "bully"
female doesn't go after the "skittish male"...just to
keep an eye on everyone, which you already seem to do!> Until I can
get some female platies to add to my 35g, I don't want to move this
platy because the other male platy is nipping at him. <You should be
fine - I was only concerned because of how you described the two fish
you currently have in the 10 gal. respectively as a "bully"
and "skittish". As long as there is no aggression,
everyone should be fine as is for the time being.> In my 35g, I have
2 penguin tetras, 1 white tetra, 1 pleco, 1 snail, 10 neon tetras, and
10 harlequin rasboras, a lot of artificial plants, and a few rocks.
<Sounds good - pretty small fish with lots of swimming room I am
sure they appreciate!> I plan on eventually changing the
substrate in this tank to fluorite, removing everything artificial and
adding live plants, more rocks/caves, and a couple
"centerpiece" fish as recommended by someone else on your
site the other day. They suggested either German Rams,
Kribensis, and/or Cherry Barbs. Although, I'm not so sure about
some of these with the mix I have. <The barbs could potentially be
problematic, but the rams are peaceful, not to mention bright and
colorful. Just be sure you have provided lots of hiding
places and plant cover for them, if you go this route. The Kribensis
a/k/a purple cichlid a/k/a pink cichlid is also relatively peaceful, so
that should be OK as an alternative "centerpiece" fish.> I
had originally wanted to go with 2 clown loaches, but was told they
would be too big for this tank. <OK - I think I was confused and
thought the clown loaches were already in the tank. Yes, I
agree on them truly being too big for a 35 gal. - they can grow over
12" long...> Donna <Hope I've clarified things a bit.
Best regards, Jorie>
Male platy attacking female
3/24/06 <Tom with you this morning> I have one male platy and
two female platies in a 10 gallon tank. <Okay> The male platy has
been chasing and bothering the two females. The male has caused a
little damage to one of the female's fins. Is this a sign of
attraction or is it just aggression? <Most likely establishing
dominance. Interestingly, a dominant female can/will do the same to
males> The aggression had just started yesterday. I've had the
male for six days now. <Keep an eye on the male and be prepared to
separate him if need be. A possibility, among others, would be to
purchase a divider and seclude the male in a small section of the tank
away from the females for a time. Can take a little of the
"starch" out of an overly assertive fish. Tom>
Blue platy turned orange? 3/2/06
Hello. I purchased 2 blue platies back in
September. They seem happy and healthy. My
concern is that one of the platies has turned orange, what's that
all about? I would very much appreciate it if you could
solve this mystery for me. Thank You <Ah, many platy (and other
live-bearing toothed carps, family Poeciliidae) have less than
"fixed" strains... Yours is exhibiting a bit of "throw
back" legacy genetically. Not to worry. Bob Fenner>
Platy Behavior 1/14/06 Hey guys, <Daria> I've
looked all over your website but haven't been able to find an
answer to my question. I'm not sure whether its much of
a problem but more of an odd behavior with one of my Mickey mouse
platies. I have four male platies in a 10 gallon tank, ammonia, nitrite
at 0 and nitrate between 5 and 10ppm. One of the Mickey mouse platies
likes following the smallest one of the four and rubs up against it,
making me almost think he's trying to mate, but the other fish is
also a male, so I was hoping you could explain the behavior to me.
<Mmm, just "friendly" or perhaps "searching"
behavior. Not unusual> He is not the dominant male in the group and
is often the most skittish one, even though he is the largest and seems
to have some kind of attraction to the smallest platy. Sorry to take up
much of your time, since this really is not a live or death situation,
but the Stevie (the smallest fish) seems to be bothered by this and
spends a lot of time hiding behind the plants, although there are no
other visible problems with him. thanks for your time, Daria. <I
might place a bit more "cover", decor, or live floating plant
in here to give all a bit more space to hide in, to. Bob Fenner>
Platy problems... actually normal behavior - 01/12/2006
Hi, my name is Andy. I am new to the aquarium thing, and I have
purchased three platy's, two female, and one male. the male tends
to follow the females around but not bite at them.
<Normal...> but they run from him , he keeps following and it
seems the females are afraid of him. What should I do? <Mmm,
nothing> or is he just trying to mate? <Yep> Please give all
the info you have to give. thanks
dearly Andy <No worries Andy. Bob
Platy fry colors 12/14/05 Hello! I have A LOT
of platy fry in my tank, two of which are about 2 months old, and about
15ish that are about 2 weeks old. I was wondering how long it takes for
the fry to get the same vibrant colors as the adults? <Two to three
months generally> The female that gave birth to these guys is
orange. The two older fry are kinda light brown with a vertical black
stripe down the middle and some of the young ones are really pale,
almost white and some are brown. They look so plain compared to all the
other fishies. They are all growing fine and all look really happy.
They are such brave little guys to swim around with the adults. Thanks
for your help! Shelley <Feeding small amounts more frequently, being
diligent re water changes, using foods with carotenoids, Spirulina can
help "speed up" the coloring wait time. Bob Fenner>
Unusual Platy Behavior 11/11/05 In my 9 gallon tank I
have 1 male Red-tailed Albino Platy, 1 female Twin Goldbar Platy, and 1
female Sunset Fire Platy. These are the only fish in my tank. For the
past 2 and a half weeks my Sunset Fire Platy is acting very unusual,
she spends all of her time lying on the bottom of the tank, unless
it's feeding time and then she eats just like the other fish. She
has a long, almost transparent trail of slime coming from her anal fin
that trails behind her when she swims during feeding. I have tested the
water and the results read that my water is perfect. I figured if this
was Dropsy she would have died by now. What should I do? Thank you for
your time and
Sincerely, Jonathan <Mmm, "perfect" is a subjective
evaluation... non-informative (like the prez). I would do the
"usual" remedial efforts of changing water, adding a level
teaspoon of "aquarium salt" per five gallons of system water,
replacing the activated carbon in your filter. Bob Fenner>
The Super-productive Capabilities of the Platy 10/22/05 New
tank owner was left with the house we just purchased.
<What?> I went out and bought 2 gold platies, and I did not
know they were live bearers (did not tell me this when I purchased
them). So now I have 3 half inch new ones, 4 smaller than that, and now
I just found 3 more little ones under grass and rock I have in tank. I
went to the pet store where I purchased these platies and they told me
to lower temp in tank or shut off thermometer? Is this correct? I just
want them to quit breeding. They were also surprised they all survived!
They have survived. And I only have a 10 gallon tank and that is all
that I want. Help! What should I do to stop them from having any more
fry? <If you don't want babies, don't have livebearers.
Sorry, I know that's not very helpful. Honestly though, turning off
the temperature may work, but only because you are making them stressed
and sick. My suggestion is to work out a platy for something else
exchange at your fish store. You could also keep males only, but they
may pick on each other. Congrats on healthy fry -- it's a good sign
your tank is healthy.> Thank you for your time and help.
<Sorry I can't prescribe platy birth control.
Red Platy A Loner? 7/22/05 Greetings. I have read your
site with interest, and find it a tremendous resource. <Thanks,
I've been reading it 5+ years, and the amount of info here never
ceases to amaze me. I'm just glad to add a bit to the
pool, if I can> After reading over the advice given previously to
others about Platy aggression, I returned one of my two males to the
LFS, as I was unable to add any females of the species to the tank for
fear of overcrowding. While this is not a pressing query, I would like
your opinion about whether the remaining Platy is happy: After I
removed the aggressor, the Platy came out from hiding, swims about the
tank most of the day, mingles with the White Clouds, is eating
heartily, and seems to enjoy swimming past a small plastic
"imitation Platy" I placed in the tank. Could a single Platy
actually be content, or am I reading contentment into his actions?
Perhaps all the swimming and eating is actually unhappy behavior.
I've asked him if he's happy, but so far, no reply. *winks*
<While it would probably prefer some more platys, especially female
platys *wink back at ya* it should live a long and happy life without
company of the same species. And yes, I do hate how platys
give their owners "the silent treatment"; biting the hand
that feeds it seems to me!> Thank you. <My pleasure> Holly
<M. Maddox>
Platy behavior 7/16/05 Hello people one of my platies has
been hovering over the gravel in my 20 gallon hexagon fish
tank. Can you tell me what is wrong?
from, Joe <Perhaps nothing... please read
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/platybehfaqs.htm and
the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Lethargic Platy 7/5/05 I have read through some of your FAQs
to find some answers to help my lethargic platy. I have 5 sunset
platys, 2 male and 3 female, they have been happy in the tank for 3-4
months. I've done regular water changes over the period and have
had no other problems. The Platys share the tank with neon tetras,
clown loaches, plecs and Corydoras. A couple of days ago 1 of the
females began behaving in an odd manner, she seems to be resting atop
the filter for most of the day, swimming at the top of the tank to eat
but her swimming seems to be a difficult task, also she has become very
thin, whilst the other platys seem perfectly happy. Any ideas?
<Perhaps an internal parasite, maybe a genetic pre-disposition...
you do feed a mix of nutritious foods... with greenery included I take
it, considering the other livestock you list... Perhaps the one platy
is "just" old. Bob Fenner>
Baby Fries and a lonely Platy 07/02/05 I looked through
the FAQ and I didn't see these questions answered. Sorry for the
lengthy e-mail. <No worries> My first question pertains to a
lonely Platy. I set up my tank last Tuesday and added 3 platys to it. 2
of the platies have died since (the latest this morning). The two
platies that died looked sick and I knew they were going to go. My last
platy looks healthy, but stays at the top of the tank in the corner. It
isn't gulping for breath so I wonder if it is staying there because
it is lonely. I am hesitant to add anymore fish into the tank until the
water cycles through in about 3 1/2 weeks. I have a sucker
in the tank but I highly doubt this is the type of companionship the
platy wants. Should I add more fish? <... no... please read here:
My second question is about platy fries (sorry if this was already
answered!) <Just fry... fries are made from potatoes> 2 days
after setting the tank up I had about 12 baby platies and spent all of
Friday removing them from the tank into a plastic bowl (about 1.5
gallons) with an aeration tube. Should I buy in a bigger tank and how
often should I do water changes? Thanks! Andrea <These questions are
all answered as well as several other important related matters... on
WWM... Please read there. Bob Fenner>
Aggressive Male Platies Dear Crew, I was not aware of how to
figure out the sex of my platies until I noticed the aggression that
was taking place in my tank. After a bit of research I
discovered that the majority of them were male...a bad
thing. Of course, I should have known that Wal-Mart knows
nothing about fish and done the research myself
first. Unfortunately, now I am stuck with too many male
platies. As far as I know they all get along except for one
very aggressive male who picks on all of the others. He is
larger than the rest and seems to feel he is the dominant
one. Is there anything I can do to stop him from being
aggressive? If not how can I get rid of some of the males so
that this does not continue to happen? Wal-Mart will not
take them back:( Thanks, Frustrated <You can try giving him a time
out. If you have another tank you could put him in for a few days he
may have a new attitude when he re enters as the new guy on the block.
But I doubt it will work, long term. Best to find the extra males new
homes. Maybe trade them at a different pet store. Don> New Tank
With Platies I'm a new, though unofficial,
fishkeeper. My 9 year old son wanted fish so we got a 20 gal
tank, cycled it, and added 3 platys - one blue, one red Mickey and a
white platy with a red spot. I think they're all girls,
but the red one nips at the others, is not as active, and stays on the
bottom of the tank. She has no spots or discoloration, and
a moderate appetite. I was searching the internet to find
information on platy behavior and after a long time found your
sight. You have been very helpful already. Based
on the information here, we'll do a water test, and verify
gender. I'll be checking in often. Thank you.
Cathy M. <Good luck with your new tank and on behalf of the WWM Crew
we thank you for your kind words.-Chuck> New Tank Platy I am
new to aquariums. I have a twenty gallon tank which I have cycled for
three days and added BioSpira. pH is normal around 6-7, ammonia,
nitrite and nitrate are all low, temp sits at 78-79 so I added two
platys and three phantom tetra today. One of my platy's, a female
is sitting in the upper corner while the other, male, is swimming
everywhere. It seems to have something brown hanging from under its
tail fin. "Guessing fecal material of sort." Earlier in the
day she was swimming everywhere, now she's not. Any ideas? Nick
<If you just added them today, that would seem normal. It takes some
time for some new fish to adjust to their new conditions. It could also
be that the male has been aggressively trying to breed, stressing her
out. You should always have more females than males to spread out the
aggression. But let's touch on water quality first. It is not good
to have low ammonia and nitrites. Both MUST be at zero. If you are
showing any at all, then water changes are in order. Do as many as are
needed to keep both as low as possible. The BioSpira will add the
bacteria needed to control both, but will need some time to adjust to
your bio load. Do not add any more fish until both remain at zero
without a water change. Also, to say your pH is "around 6-7"
is like saying the water temp is between freezing and boiling. A 1.0
difference in pH is huge! But the important thing is to keep it steady,
not hit a target number. Doing frequent partial water changes will
correct any spikes in ammonia and nitrite, and later control nitrate,
as well as keep your pH matched to your source water. Don>
New platy hiding Hi--I am new to the platy world and have two
questions about normal behavior and temperature. I have a new 3 gallon
tank which ran for about 5 days before we added one male platy.
<Mmm, do you know about "cycling", establishing biological
filtration in aquariums? Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm
> He has been in the tank for about two days. He hides most of the
time (he has some good spots in which to hide) and only comes out to
eat. He seems healthy and eats well. After he eats, he swims around a
bit, then goes back into hiding, usually until the next feeding. Is
this normal "new" fish behavior? Could he just be lonely?
<Normal to an extent, and Platies are indeed social creatures... but
I suspect your tank is toxic due to not being cycled principally
here> Also, we moved his tank after one day because he was in a warm
room and I was worried his tank might be getting too hot (don't
want any boiled fish!). What is the temperature range for platys? (We
don't have a heater in the tank right now.) Thanks! <Most
anything in the high sixties to high seventies is ideal... more
important that the temperature not vacillate much than it be an actual
temp. A shame you have such a tiny, changeable world for you and your
fish/es to deal with... I would save up and get a "real
aquarium"... Do read re proper/adequate FW set-ups, maintenance on
WWM... Your passion will drive your actions. Bob Fenner>
Re: new platy hiding Dear Bob, <Joy> First, let me say
thanks for taking the time to respond to my question. I appreciate the
fact that you provide this service free of charge. However, I find it
incredibly insulting that you do not consider my tank to be a
"real" aquarium, just because it's not some 200 gallon
monster. <Mmm, a ten would, will do...> "A shame
you have such a tiny, changeable world for you and your fish/es to deal
with... I would save up and get a "real aquarium"... I
think you need to consult your Webster's to review the definition
of an aquarium. It doesn't specify a certain size requirement.
<I have no such need... you can read books on aquarium keeping, my
articles posted here and there... for free... sigh> Just because we
have not spent hundreds to thousands of dollars on fish and a tank does
not give you the right to scoff. We all have to start somewhere, right?
<Am not scoffing... just offering my input...> My 7 year old son
is autistic and he worked very hard to get this aquarium. He is very
proud of it and I will not have you make a mockery of it, intentional
or not. Just in case you do care, I cycled the tank for a week and
tested the water with a Mardel Master Test Kit (pH, Hardness,
Alkalinity, Nitrite, Nitrate, Ammonia). Everything is within normal
parameters, so I do not consider the tank to be "toxic". Our
little platy is no longer hiding...he is doing great. And don't
worry...I won't be bothering you with any more questions about my
"pseudo aquarium". Sincerely, Joy Buchanan <Back to your
world... good luck, good bye, good riddance. Bob Fenner>
Overactive Male Platy We have one male platy in our 30 gallon
tank with 4 females, along with 4 female barbs and 1 male barb. The
male barb became very aggressive towards the females last week so we
removed him for a couple of days, then returned him to the tank and
he's pretty cool now. <Good> The male platy has now become
very aggressive towards the other platies, and now all the other female
fish. Should we remove him for a while or is he just being amorous?
<I would try the periodic "time out" again... for a few
days> We removed him for a bit but he seems more aggressive then
ever. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Nel <All sounds like
you're doing things right... Your system is large enough, you have
good sex ratios for your fish species... Likely you're right...
they're just overly frisky. Bob Fenner>
Mickey Mouse Platy Hi there <Hello> I've been
reading lots of stuff on Mickey Mouse Platys but I still don't
think I know what is wrong with my fish, only that its
sick. It is hiding in one of the plants at the bottom of the
tank and hasn't been eating since yesterday. It has been
swimming around but at times almost seems like it cannot move forward
and moves backward. I've been watching it today and its
developing a white "stain" around its gills, its not raised
and it doesn't look like Ick either. <Could just be
"bummed out"> We have a 55 gallon tank which has been
running around a week. We have 2 blue dwarf Gouramis, 2 red
fire Gouramis, 2 Mickey Mouse platys, 2 phantom tetras and a 7 inch
Pleco. They all came from two separate 10 gallon tanks which
we have been running for about 2 months. We transferred all
the ornaments, some gravel and have one of the filters running in the
new tank because I thought that the bio filter might help the tank
cycle quicker. <Good thinking> We have a large filter running
that also came with the tank. The water temp is 80 degrees.
Any suggestions will be helpful. Thanks. Alison <I would still use
your test kits to check water quality... Bob Fenner> Platies
losing color Hi, just have a quick question for you. I have a 20
gallon aquarium with 3 red wag platies, 4 zebra danios, and 5 albino
Corydoras. Lately I've been noticing one of my female platies,
losing her color on the bottom of her belly, also she sometimes flicks
herself against rocks as if she is trying to scratch herself. I've
check for signs of the protozoan Ick, there are no signs of that in my
tank. I change at least 50% of the water in the tank weekly.
<Impressive!> The water changes seem to help, so I'm assuming
it has to do with the water quality and the ammonia and nitrite levels.
Is there anything else I could do to make her more, I guess
comfortable? <Platies like alkaline water with some salt, at least
one tablespoon per 5 gallons. Please see here,
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/poeciliids.htm, for additional
information and follow onto the blue linked FAQ files.> Also will
her color come back? <If the cause, whatever that is, is
corrected.> Thank you for your time, Cara <You are quite welcome.
-Steven Pro>
Aggressive Red Mickey Mouse Platy Hi there! This
is my first try with tropical fish. I bought a Red Mickey
Mouse Platy, a Marble Molly and a Glass fish. After 3 days,
the molly died (it didn't appear to be eating
anything). I went back to the pet store and was told both
the mollies and platys need to school (why couldn't they have told
me that when I bought them, after I told them I was a
novice?). So, I bought another 2 platys. The two
(I think they are the males) began chasing and victimizing the female.
<Better to have just one male, and two or more females. The males
have a gonopodium, a modified anal fin (up under the belly) that is
pointed looking, serves as an intromittent organ. Trade one of the
males in for another female> She started hiding to try to get away
from them. She died yesterday. Today, one of the
platys appears to be doing the same thing to the other
one. My question is, WHAT is going on? I thought
they were supposed to be a peaceful fish . I don't know
if I have an overly aggressive male. I don't know what
to do with them. Should I take out the aggressive one? <I
would trade it in for a female> Will he start attacking the Glass
Fish? What kinds of fish can I put in my 10 gallon aquarium
that will survive my nasty Platy? If you could give me any
advice I would deeply appreciate it. Thank you. Laura
<Please read through the freshwater livestock coverage here:
I would try some of the smaller Danios, Rasboras, Barbs. Bob
Platy Poop <Morning! Ryan with you> I have a group of
about 15 baby Platies in a separate tank. Although I have heard that it
is best not to overfeed your fish, I still think that I feed them
considerably well. However, I have noticed that several of them often
have neon green turds, which is the color of my aquarium rocks. Can you
tell me why they are eating the paint off of the gravel in addition to
their food, and is it harmful? They seem perfectly fine to me, but
somehow it doesn't seem right. <I don't think they're
intentionally eating the paint, they're probably nibbling algae
from the rocks, and getting it inadvertently. This can't
be healthy, and could cause some serious internal problems with your
Platies. Or, they could be fine- But I would play it safe-
get a substrate that's more natural. Gravel or small
stones will be aesthetically pleasing and provide a natural setting for
your fish. Good luck! Ryan> Thanks, Natasha
Aggressive Red Mickey Mouse Platy Dear Crew, <Hi! Ananda
here tonight...> I am new to the aquarium hobby and have purchased a
20 gallon tank start up kit from the local pet store. I have an
assortment of platies in this tank that include a neon orange Mickey
mouse platy, a sunset wag platy, a blue Mickey mouse platy ( all
platies listed before hand are females) and a male red Mickey mouse
platy. I have had all these platies for about two months now and have
had two sets of fry, from the neon Mickey mouse and the sunset wag, and
am working on the next set. They all got along together in the
beginning and now, after the sunset wag dropped her fry, the male red
Mickey mouse platy will chase her all around the tank nipping at her
tail. <"Flirting", tough-fish style, possibly. Male
livebearers have two things on their little fishy minds: food and
making more livebearers.> She hides in the plants that I have in the
tank and clamps her fins close to her body all the time. She has also
lost a lot of weight and almost looks sick. <Stress from being
chased.> The male platy will leave all the other platies alone. Is
there something about having a wag platy in with a male Mickey mouse
platy that is wrong? I thought that platies were supposed to get along
with each other. <Generally, yes. It sounds like this fish has more
of a one-track mind than most.> Please help!!! Jim
Hooper <The next time one of your females drops a bunch of fry, you
might isolate her for a few days so she can recover her strength away
from the Mickey Monster Mouse platy. Then when she goes back into the
main tank, isolate the male in question and rearrange the tank so he
won't feel quite so territorial about everything. --Ananda>
Hiding Platy Hi there, <Hi! Ananda here today...> I
have three platies. I'm not sure exactly what they're called,
but they're gold with red fins and black edges on the upper and
lower parts of the tail (comets?). <I've heard that color morph
called a "gold wag" platy... not that I can fathom how they
come up with "wag" as a descriptor!!> Two are male and one
is female. <Um. You want to reverse that ratio... pair o'
females per male is the usual.> The female has been hiding for about
three days. I know she's alive, but she rarely comes out even to
eat. I don't think she's pregnant or sick. Her belly is not
"bloated" and she doesn't appear to have velvet or
ich...From researching other questions posted on your website, it
appears she may be stressed from being chased. <Yup, that's the
most likely possibility... most fish have about three thoughts in their
head when it comes to other fish: "Can it eat me?", "Can
I eat it?", and "Can I mate with it?" But when it comes
to male livebearers, I think the order is reversed!> Is there
anything I can do for her? Should I buy one or two more females? <A
pair of females, IF you have the tank space... how big is the tank, and
what else is in the tank?> I am a novice at this hobby, so I
appreciate any advice you can give me. Thank you! <You're quite
welcome, and do check out the freshwater forums on the WetWeb chat
forums: http://wetwebfotos.com/talk ...
Hiding Platy Hi Ananda, <The insomniac is back...>
Thank you very much! I bought four more platies yesterday (3 female, 1
male). I now have 4 females and 2 males. The hiding female came out
within minutes after her new friends were added to the tank. Nobody
appears to be stressed now! <Glad to hear it. Next time you get
fish, though, do please consider quarantining the new arrivals for at
least two or three weeks first, to make sure they won't bring any
nasties to your tank....I shall cross my fingers that your new platies
are healthy.> Thank you so much for your help. <You're quite
welcome. --Ananda>
Re: Hiding Platy Hi again! <Hi! Ananda back at it
again...> Like I said, I am a novice! <As we all have been, and
sometimes still are!> I've been told to do the following to
prepare them for my tank...Let me know if I shouldn't do this. So,
far we've had pretty good luck. Out of 32 fish, 4 have passed. At
that time, the PH was very low, temperature was only about 72, and the
ammonia was high. That was about a month ago...The conditions have
improved since then. Now, the PH is about 6.9, temperature is 80 and
ammonia is undetectable... <That pH is a little lower than I'd
like for livebearers, but they should be okay... just make sure it
stays steady.> Anyway, this is what we were told - -Put the plastic
bag in our tank for about 15 minutes to allow the temperature to adjust
-Then, put the fish in a bowl and add 1/4 cup of water from our tank
every 15 minutes for an hour <So far so good... I tend to add more
water a little more frequently if I know the store's water
parameters are a close match to my own.> -Then, add the fish to our
tank <I would prefer "Then, add the fish to the quarantine
tank"!> We're not able to quarantine them for 2 or 3 weeks
right now, because we don't have another tank. We will consider
getting one though. Especially because we just had an ICK incident with
one of our Sailfin mollies. She's okay now. But it would have been
better to put her in a hospital tank. Lesson learned! <A quarantine
tank doesn't need to be a tank, per se...many people have
successfully used Rubbermaid or Sterilite containers.> Thanks
again...I'll stop bothering you now! <Come bother us on the
freshwater forums of the WetWeb chat forums! http://wetwebfotos.com/talk >
You've been very helpful!! <Thanks, and you're welcome!
Platy problem? I have just brought 4 platys for my new fish
tank consisting of 2 males and 2 females, but what's really
puzzling me is that they keep swimming along the top of the
surface. They occasionally swim near to the bottom and then
go back up to the surface again. What am I doing
wrong? Please help me! <You mentioned that it's a new
tank - has it cycled yet? How big is the
tank? Have you tested for pH, ammonia, nitrite, and
nitrate? If you don't have test kits, your local fish
store should be willing to test a sample of your water for
you. Did you use a dechlorinator for the
water? Please read the following article, hopefully
you'll learn a lot of things to help you: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwtips4beginners.htm
Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Aggressive male Platies. Please help! In my 10 gal tank, I
have 4 male Platies, 2 female Platies, 2 male guppies, 1 blue Gouramis,
1 glass catfish. I don't want to get a bigger tank and I
can't take the male Platies back to the store any more. <they
won't even take donated fish? Most love free fish,
though some don't take peoples fish cause they are afraid of poor
health conditions.> But my 4 male Platies are Very aggressive
towards each other and everyone else! <they are
aggressive due to the small space, and the fact that there are less
females than males. it's better to have more females
then males in a tank. At least 2 females per male is how it
should be.> Can I take out 2 Platies to go in my gold fish tank
which can go to 60 degrees at night? will he live. <Check
the water parameters, so the fish will not go into some sort of pH
shock from going to a warm tropical tank to a coldwater tank with
typically higher waste output fish like goldfish. You will
have to adjust the fish slowly to cooler tank if you do decide to move
them. I would suggest placing them in bags and slowly drip
the new goldfish tank water into the bag allowing them to adjust to the
tank. Give it like 20-30 minutes of dripping the water in to
the bag before releasing them. Now remember these fish
aren't found in these conditions in nature, so this mix really
shouldn't be... But, these fish will survive in this
tank. I suggest that you start looking around for new homes
for these fish. Either give them to other fish people, or
set up another tank down the road. It's really not best
to have fish in conditions that is not specifically designed for
them.> I also have a 5 inch shubunkin in the goldfish
tank. My male Platies are about 1.5 inches including the
tails. <They shouldn't bother each other. Just make
sure that you keep up on water changes, and the filtration is going
okay. Good luck. -Magnus>
Platy sex change Hello, We
have a ten gallon freshwater tank with over 30 fish, ranging in age of
5 months - 5 days, black mollies and sunset platys, and only one of our
fish is store bought, due to reproduction and dying out. I noticed
something very strange with one of our 2-month old female
platys. She was the biggest, most beautiful female platy in
the tank, and she has a very pretty light golden orange
coloring. Something very very strange happened: over the
past week, I've noticed that she has acquired the anal fin,
gonopodium, that is characteristic of MALES!! How strange is
that?! What is going on? And I do know that
before, she did not have the male sex organ. She always a
female until recently. Also, her coloring is more similar to
that of the other 2-month old females than the coloring of the
males. The males have yellow heads and they become orange,
then red further down to the tail. This fish has nothing of
the sort. Have you any idea of what is going
on? Any ideas would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks. ~Confused aquarium keeper <<Dear
Confused; Hello. Chances are that you bought this platy at a young age,
and she has finally matured sexually. In other words, she didn't
change, she was probably a "he" from the beginning. It's
hard to say without seeing the fish beforehand. It could be you
didn't notice the gonopodium. At any rate, I have heard tales of
people's swordtails and platies changing their sex, I would again
put that down to juvenile fish becoming sexually mature. Keep in mind
most platies sold in stores are just a few months old. Also, I would
like to address the fact that you have 30 fish in a 10 gallon tank.
This amount is excessively high. I would highly recommend you buy a
nitrate test kit, and start keeping track of your nitrate levels.
Nitrates should be kept around the 20-60ppm range. Higher nitrates mean
you need to do more frequent partial water changes. You should not have
any fish "dying out". Healthy platies can live for 5 years or
more. Please do your water changes twice a week, approx. 25-50%, until
you can give some of your fish away, or buy them a bigger tank.
Otherwise you will find that you are continuing to lose fish, and
eventually everything in this tank will sicken and die off. Sorry to be
a party pooper, but the long-range forecast for such an overstocked
tank is not good at all. -Gwen>>
Dawn Platy Swimming
Behavior Hello Bob, <<You mean Gwen, right? :P>> I have
a 10 gallon tank. About 4 weeks ago we purchased a female and male
platy (light yellow fore body with orange tails). About 2-3 weeks ago,
the female grew and now has her belly of fry. Recently, the guppies
began picking and nipping on her, but they leave the male alone. My
question is, she has developed some odd swimming waddle. She has been
moved to a birthing net because of the guppies to relieve some of her
stress. However, she sits on the net ever so slightly and waddles back
and forth. I have also noticed that she is posturing her fins close to
her body. Her tail which she use to span is now very narrow. Do they
have symptoms of labor? Such as an odd swimming pattern? Lack of
motion? Increased bowel movements? <<Sounds more like a parasite
problem. Have you had your water tested lately for ammonia, nitrites
and nitrates? Please do some water tests and let us know. For the time
being, do a small water change, raise the temp to 82F, (gradually!) and
add one teaspoon of salt per gallon of water, and see if she improves.
If she starts to show signs of ich, (like white spots on her fins or
body) you may need to advance to a medication such as Quick Cure.
Please get back to us with your test results. -Gwen>>
Strange platy behaviour...is it mating behaviour? Hello and
sorry to bother you, I have tried several times to register so I can
ask on the forums but can't get it to work, <I have copied this
message to our administrator Lorenzo> I am very new to this hobby
and therefore have no idea if the behaviour of my platies is normal or
not. I have had them almost 2 weeks in a 10G tank that I will use as a
QT when my 25G has finished cycling. The 10G they are in has cycled (I
used some Bio-Spira, it must have helped) as ammonia and nitrite
readings have been at 0 for several days now, nitrate is about 5.
<all good> anyway.... just today my female platy has taken to
resting on the sucker that holds the heater to the wall of the tank, so
she is between the heater and the wall. She is actually resting on the
plastic sucker. The male meanwhile is circling round and round from the
top of the heater to the bottom and back up almost constantly. Is this
some sort of strange mating behaviour? <no... stress of some
kind perhaps. If the temperature is comfortable (75-78 F), then do a
water change and add some non-iodized salt (1 TBN per 5 gallons of tank
water) to help relieve them> Is the female just hiding from his
unwanted attentions? <that is common and quite possible> As
I have no experience I can't tell if she might be sick or just
hiding. She hasn't done this before. <tough for us to say from
general symptoms described. DO look into a local aquarium society
(search online and query big message boards for help finding one...
good local fellowship and information)> I was planning on a water
change this afternoon, I am just aerating the water at the moment.
<excellent intuition... when in doubt, do a water change> Please
let me know if this is normal. I really am growing attached to Ed and
Carol and want to know if there is anything I should be doing for them!
Maggie <you are very much on the right path, it seems... best of
luck! Anthony>
My Platy is barely eating > Hello, <Hi Tim, nice to
meet you, MacL here tonight to help you.> > I have had a 10G tank
running for 5-6 days. <Great brand new tank and very exciting.> I
bought 1 molly and 3 platies after the tank was running for 2 days. The
question I have is about one of my platies. I have no idea if this
platy is a male or a female. Every time I feed my fish (I turn off the
filter before start) all the other fish start eating except for this
one. <Its possible the other fish are bullying it or its possible
that the platy might not be well.> it stays at the bottom. <Not a
good sign Tim, have you looked at it closely? Does it have any spots or
dots on the fish?> It will only go up once or twice to get food.
<But it is eating some?> My dad says it only was overfed once and
that's it, but I am still worrying. <Its hard to learn the right
amount to feed and very easy to overfeed Tim.> I hope you can answer
my question with just the information I gave you. I just didn't
know I had to check my nitrate levels and stuff. <Tim I think you
are on the right track, you are watching your fish and that's
what's important. Look for signs of bullying and take a small water
sample to your local fish store to have your water levels checked. Also
you might want to invest in an ammonia test kit. If you see any signs
of anything like dots on your fish let me know, it might possibly be a
fish disease that is fairly common called ich.> Thank you. Tim >
<Good luck Tim, MacL> Thank you for your help but my platy just
died this morning. it was bullying from another starburst platy.
don't feel bad you did your best. I will always refer to your site
for any other questions. I'm sorry for your
loss! MacL