FAQs on Platy
Related Articles: Platies, Poeciliids:
Guppies, Platies, Swordtails, Mollies by Neale Monks,
Livebearing Fishes by Bob
Related FAQs: Platies
1, Platies 2, Platy Identification, Platy Behavior, Platy Selection, Platy Systems, Platy Feeding, Platy Disease, Platy Reproduction, Livebearers, Guppies, Swordtails, Mollies,

Sunset platy problem
I was wondering if you could help me with a problem I have observed in my new
I have 2 sunset platys, 1 Mickey Mouse platy and 3 male Guppies in a 45L tank.
<45 litres is 12 US gallons; a bit small for these fish.>
The largest sunset (and largest in the tank) is chasing the other Platys l,
seemingly scaring them - he is also nipping at their fins and faces.
<Aggression; what they do. If you're a male livebearer, your lifespan is limited
(bright colours, small size compared to females) so you need to drive off rival
males and mate with any females you can. Evolution ALWAYS trumps being nice!>
The other Platys are hiding from him and whenever he approaches swim away
rapidly, occasionally to be followed by him, the others swim away fast and he
slowly makes his way back to where he was.
<Indeed. Adding additional fish (2-3 females per male, at least 3 males per
species) can help settle livebearers, but you need space for that, perhaps 100+
litres/25+ US gallons for largish groups of Guppies and Platies in the same
aquarium. Not viable here.>
I'm concerned about this as I don't want my other fish to be threatened and have
an unhappy time just because of him
<Removing the bully often means the next biggest male becomes dominant.
Keeping JUST females can be easier in small tanks.>
- also, I am going to be adding some African Dwarf Frogs in about 2 weeks and
this poses even more of a concern as of course they are much more defenceless -
All of the other fish are lovely and are happy to interact and be in close
proximity with one another.
<Indeed, would not recommend keeping Frogs until you're quite sure you have a
peaceful aquarium. The frogs are finicky feeders, easily damaged, and quickly
starve in the wrong tank.>
What on earth do I do in this instance? Thanks so much in advance!
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Platies and Betta fish
Will adult platies bully Betta fish?
<Not normally, but many/most community fish have been reported to peck
at Betta's fins at some time or another.>
Will Betta fish kill adult platy fish?
<Unlikely. But Platies like cool water, which Bettas don't, so why would
you mix them?>
Thank you.
<Most welcome. Neale.>
re: Platies and Betta fish 12/12/14
Thank you Neale! :) In answer to your question. Well, I had some baby
platies born. It was inevitable with so man platies in my other tank. I
cannot rehome the babies and I know little about shipping the babies. It
would take weeks to develop the babies enough to adopt them out. I have
one empty 6 gallon tank, but more than 6 platy fry. And more are sure to
I have no one interested in taking them off my hands in my area either
So I tried to place some of the babies in the Betta's tank in hopes
Jack, my Betta male, would eat them, as a form of population control. He
ate one I gave to him that had accidentally been killed while I was
moving it. It got stuck on my hand and I could not see it until it was
too late. Jack ate this one. The other 6-7 babies he tried to eat, but
they were too fast and
got away. There are also 7 ghost shrimp in Jack's tank. They too tried
to catch the babies with no success. Today is day 2 that they are still
alive in the tank. I feed the babies micro pellets so they will not
starve. But if the babies wind up surviving in the tank, I was just
wondering if the 2 species of Betta and platy would get along. You
answered that question
<Good to know. In the situation, if these are surplus fry used as much
for live food as anything else, then you have nothing to lose. But be
aware of the potential risks.>
Other forms of population control I have used with my goldfish in my
pond involves using the fry as plant food. Plants evidently love
nutrients from dead fish. This is my backup plan for my too numerous to
keep platy fry.
<Perhaps rehome the adult males ASAP, and after a while, the females
will stop releasing fry.>
These methods seem cruel, but they are the only methods I have available
right now to control the platy population.
Also, in my larger tank I got in 4 Otocinclus today to keep my other
Otocinclus company. Which brings their number up to 5. I put some
parboiled zucchini with the outer skin removed in the tank for them. I
also added 2 pieces of Malayan driftwood in the tank for the Otocinclus
today. The wood has been cured and does not float. And I rinsed it off
before adding it to
the tank. The Otocinclus seem happy, actively swimming about from time
to time. Even the Otocinclus I have had for 1 and a half weeks seems
more active now.
Anyway, there are all the updates I have to talk about.
Thank you again!
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Mean blue platy 12/3/14
I started with two blue platies and latter learned they were both males.
One is mean to the other and relentlessly chases him around even though
there are other variety platies that are female in the tank.
<Is what they do. Strong males try to monopolise access to females so
only *their* genes are passed on, not those of demonstrably weaker males
they can bully. Evolution at work!>
I latter bought three female blue platies thinking that may help but no
such luck. There are a total of 16 fish in a 56 gallon aquarium plus
three babies. When I try to net it to put it into isolation it sees the
net before it's in the water and hides in the decorations and fake
coral. The other fish seem to ignore the net. Makes me laugh as they act
like they all know I am after the bully for being mean. This repeats
every time I try to capture the bully. He will hide till I move away
from the tank. Any suggestions?
<Adding more males makes it harder for the bully to chase just the one
fish, so trying adding more until you have some larger odd-number of
male Platies: 3, 5, etc. (for some reason odd numbers work better). Else
remove the hapless male to another tank. Be sure to outnumber males with
females, at least two females per male works best.>
I thought platies were friendly fish.
<Up to a point, yes. Very friendly to other species. But males are
programmed to be antagonistic towards one another.>
All the other platies are but this one.
<Females are more sociable but you do find the odd grumpy female too.
Cheers, Neale.>
Helpful Information on keeping goldfish and platies together
Hi. I was reading through some information on platies and goldfish. I
thought i should tell you keeping them together is a bad idea. I tried
that once. Everything was fine for a while. But then the platies started
to eat my goldfish fins!
<Does depend on the Goldfish. Not a good idea keeping Platies with fancy
Goldfish, for sure. But with regular forms, Comets and the like, if
given space, they should work out okay. Fancy Goldfish shouldn't be
mixed even with standard Goldfish, and I'd strongly recommend only
mixing broadly similar strains of fancy Goldfish at that, otherwise
stronger ones (like Moors) tend to bully weaker ones (like Celestials).>
I actually saw one of them attacking one of my poor goldfish. I had to
put the platies in a separate tank. Not only that, but platies require
higher protein than fancy gold fish, and they have to be taken indoors
from ponds in winter when temperatures reach below 70°F.
<Indeed. My experience with mixing them is indoors in the UK, and
specifically Variatus Platies, not ordinary Platies. Both Platies and
Goldfish are herbivores in the wild; Platies feed primarily on algae,
and don't need (and shouldn't be fed) large amounts of high protein
foods, though occasional treats of bloodworms and the like are fine.>
Due to fin eating alone, you should not keep platies with goldfish. Just
thought I should share this information. Thank you.
<Thank you for sharing. Cheers, Neale.>
Platy and Molly community tank issues
I have a 10 gallon community tank with 2 platy females, 1 platy male, 2
molly females, and 1 molly male. (learned the hard way about having too
many males together).
<Indeed! A good tip: with non-sailfin Mollies and Platies, just keep
females. They look the same as the males, but aggression will be
My issue is that my male platy who is a Mickey Mouse platy doesn't seem
to eat much.
<Do review "Wasting Disease" in livebearers. Typically caused by a
bacterial infection, such as Mycobacteria. Fairly common, and the
affected fish stops eating, becomes lethargic, gets thinner, and
eventually dies.
Adding a little salt to livebearer tanks is cheap and easy way to perk
them up; try 1-2 teaspoons per US gallon. This won't cure bacterial
infections but may help a slightly infected fish feel better and maybe
heal itself under its own steam. Otherwise, antibiotics may help in some
situations, though Mycobacteria infections are essentially impossible to
He is very active but during feeding time he hangs out at the bottom.
<Is he being bullied at feeding time?>
Same thing with my Balloon molly female. My male molly normally eats
anything and everything I put into the tank. I'm worried about my Mickey
and balloon not getting enough food and then my Dalmatian molly getting
over fed. Is there a way to balance out how much they each get and to
make sure they eat?
<Yes. Two approaches. One is get floating feeding rings (or make your
own from plastic of some sort). Put flake inside the feeding rings.
These trap flake in certain areas. With luck, you'll find the bullying
fish occupied at one ring, leaving the quieter fish to use another.
Second approach is to use sinking algae wafers. Break these into halves
or quarters, offering 1-2 wafers per feeding session, once per day for a
10 gallon tank. As the wafers soften the Platies and Mollies will peck
at them, and because they take hours to fall apart, there's lots of time
for all fish to have something to eat.>
Also one of my female platies who is a bumblebee like to follow my
Dalmatian molly around (basically never leaves him alone, no nipping but
always at his side). Is that normal?
<Yes. Female livebearers are sociable in the wild, not quite schooling
fish but certainly appreciating company. Since none of the livebearers
we keep are pure species (i.e., they're all hybrids of one sort or
another) it's
probable their idea of what "they are" is pretty mixed up, too. Cheers,
Re: Platy and Molly community tank issues
Molly Issues. I just looked at my tank and I noticed that my balloon
molly female (white in color) has a dark black line spot
<A line or a spot?>
near her tail and the other side has the same thing but a bit lighter.
What could that be?
<Honestly, no idea at all. Your description doesn't really provide any
clues. Any chance of a photo? In the meantime, review aquarium
conditions, look for signs of damage and/or subsequent infection, and
act accordingly.
Cheers, Neale.>
Guppies Harassing Platy 11-1-12
<Hi Karen>
So sorry to bother you guys again
<No problem>
but I just introduced 2 Platies to my 26 gallon tank containing 4 sunset
guppies and two of the guppies are all over one of the platys hard!!!
<26 gallons should be plenty of space for these fishes to share. What
else is in the tank? Is there any cover? Anywhere for the platy to take
The guppies are males and I thought the platys were too, but if I'm
wrong and if I am do I need to go back and get some female guppies?
<You tell male platies the same way you tell guppies, by whether they
have a gonopodium. That's the modified anal fin that is tube-like on the
Getting female guppies will certainly take the attention away from the
platy, but keep in mind that your tank will be swarming with guppies in
six months or less.>
A real newbie here and stressed out because the sites on platys said
they do great with guppies!!!
<They should, but those boys got to sow their wild oats, and if there
are no female guppies, they will pick whatever to them is next best
Don't want them to hurt or stress the platy to the point of killing
<Can and does happen. Also be sure the platy can't jump out of the tank
trying to escape.>
What do I do now? Thanks for your patience with me because I really do
want to learn!
<Depends on a lot of variables. Again, what is in the tank besides these
fishes? Plants? If not, consider getting some plants so the platy has
somewhere to hide. - Rick>
Platy and Guppy
problems 8/22/11
Dear WWM Crew,
<Ni hao, Jiahao!>
First of all, I'm Jiahao (I know, hard to pronounce). Second, I
have several questions pertaining to my platies and guppies.
<Go for it!>
Third, I love your website and I have learned a great deal from it. I
pretty much use your website like it's Google, but better because I
know it's reliable, fast, and will always relate to fish.
<Thanks for the kind words.>
I have had a 10g fish tank for almost a year and a half now and it was
doing fine until I added some new fish.
<Ten gallons is not a lot of space. I'd always recommend at
least 15 gallons. The extra space makes a huge difference with Platies
and Guppies.>
Up to just last week, all my fish were doing fine (ammonia-0,
nitrite-0, and nitrate-30). I thought platies were supposed to be
peaceful, but I noticed one of them started to nip the others fins.
<Males of both species can be aggressive. Sometimes the fight each
other, and sometimes they harass females who don't want to mate
with them. It's best to keep at least two females per male. With
Platies, that's not a problem because females are just as pretty as
the males. Indeed, keeping just females would be a sensible way
forward. With Guppies it's less easy to sell this idea because
females tend to be rather plain, though some females of the more modern
varieties are much more colourful than wild-type females.>
Right now I have 3 platies and a guppy. The guppy and the biggest platy
(I think male) are doing fine. It is the other two that worry me.
First, I cannot tell their gender because they both have very long,
flowy, and round fins near their pectoral fins.
<Do look at the anal fin; females should be obviously different to
the males.>
They have two fins near their gills and two more which I think are the
pectoral fins near their anus. Gender might be the problem, but I am
not sure. One of the platies' fins are ripped, almost like scissors
cut them, but there are also signs of fin rot on him. Please help and
tell me what I can do to fix this problem.
<Well, part of the problem is you've bought long-fin Platies,
and frankly, these rarely look good, especially in small tanks. You
have a species where the males are semi-aggressive, and giving them
long fins is asking for trouble! It's in their nature to
If it is gender issues, what should I do and it it's fin rot is
there any help or recommend any medication.
<If you've got just Platies and Guppies, you could try to
minimise the risk of Finrot or Fungus by adding a small amount of salt
to the water, perhaps 2-3 grammes per litre. That won't cure Finrot
or Fungus, but if the fins are basically clean and healing, salt will
have a useful tonic effect on livebearers such as Platies and
Also, will my platies/guppies eat store-bought cabbage/lettuce
that's been cleaned and softened, but uncooked?
<Worth a shot, but my guess is not. Cooked lettuce, sliced cucumber,
Sushi Nori, and cooked peas are more likely foods. Vegetarian flake
food is sold for livebearers, and worth using.>
Sorry for the long email but I hope you can help me. Thanks in
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Swordtails, comp. w/
Platies 8/8/11
I have a 46 gallon bowfront. I was wondering would it be ok to keep a
few female swordtails in there if they were sharing the tank with two
male platies, or are swordtails just too aggressive?? Thank you!!!
<These livebearers will likely mix (and interbreed) fine here, given
the size and shape of this volume. Start w/ "not-too-large"
swords. Bob Fenner>
Re: Swordtails; stkg./sel.: size and comp.
Are there actually smaller species of swordtails?
<Mmm, not really... there are ones that have been stunted, and
others that have had fab care, frequent feeding and water changes...
that can be HUGE though. There are other Swordtail spp., but these are
rarely sold/seen in the trade>
I was in a LFS the other day and I saw some female swordtails that were
HUGE. If they were hollow, you could fit eight platies inside them,
they were that big.
<Yes; have seen six inch plus specimens>
I am assuming that males would be too aggressive to keep with two male
platies in a 46 gallon? I heard they are terrors. Thank you!!
<Domesticated Swords aren't that mean. BobF>
Platies and Dwarf Neon Rainbows,
comp., stkg. 5/17/11
<Hey Jude/y>
I was wondering if Platies and Dwarf Neon Rainbows are compatible?
<Mmm, yes>
I have two male platies in a 29 gallon. Is this tank two small for the
two and a couple of rainbows? Thank You!!!
<It is not... but I would get more than a couple of each... 3, 5...
Bob Fenner>
Platies and Danios...
comp. 3/11/11
I was wondering if you mix platies and Danios would the platies eat the
flakes for the Danios instead of the algae based food that would be
also go in the tank causing constipation in the platies?? Also would
the Danios grab most of the food from platies??
<This can be a problem. So, try this: on alternate days feed either
regular flake food or algae-flake food. Danios can eat algae-flake
safely, and Platies can eat plain flake food safely, even though
algae-flake is better.
You should find this works just fine. Once a week you can also offer a
single algae wafer, of the sort used to feed Plecs. The Platies will
nibble on this all day, while the Danios will be stuck at the top of
the tank unable to eat it at all.>
The platies I have are slow and non-aggressive, but Danios are so fast
at feeding. Is it generally bad to mix fish that need different types
of food??
<In some cases, yes. The classic example is Tropheus spp. cichlids,
which need mostly greens, and if they eat even a little bit too much
meaty food, appear to become prone to bloating and other
Thank You!!!
<Cheers, Neale.>
Tiger barb /platy
compatibility 1/26/11
have read and heard tiger barbs can be "nippy" with other
fish. We have a strange anomaly in our tank! We run a 10 gallon with
two angels, five sunburst platies, two algae eaters.
<Need much more room>
A couple days ago we added four tiger barbs. the anomaly is, the barbs
left the other fish alone but the platies harassed and nipped the barbs
to death! is this species role reversal?
<Mmm, no... more a matter of established territoriality. These
fishes need much more room. Do search, read on WWM re. Bob
Red Wag Platys
Can anybody tell me what kind of fish I can house with my Red Wags?
I'm especially interested in some thing that can help keep the
bottom cleaner.
I have a small 5 gallon tank with 2 Red Wags. They appear to be quite
happy and healthy. I do regular water changes, add aquarium salt and
the Ph and everything else is fine. I would appreciate any tips you can
give me.
Thanks, Bill
<Hello Bill. Five gallons is way too small for Platies. They may be
fine now, but won't be for long. Trust me on this. Platies
realistically need about 15 gallons. The males are fairly aggressive,
for one thing, and in
any case they need more room simply to enjoy good water quality. Five
gallons is very much like keeping a dog locked in the basement. Might
survive, but hardly humane. Do please read here:
As for "bottom cleaners", no fish cleans a tank; all fish
make the water more polluted. There are some snails and shrimps that
will remove algae and pick up any small scraps of food, but that's
not cleaning anything, and even these animals make living conditions
worse. So if you're thinking along the lines of animals cleaning up
aquaria, you need to spend a little more time reading over basic
aquarium maintenance before you spend any money!
Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Red Platy/Tiger Barb... incomp. --
I had 3 Buenos Aires Tetras
<Quite aggressive at the best of times, and should be kept in a
school of at least 6 specimens. Otherwise a hardy, subtropical (not
tropical) fish for the semi-boisterous community aquarium.>
and 3 Red Platys leaving peacefully in a 16 gallon tank.
<Too small for most tetras, and borderline, at best for Platies. Not
a good choice of fish to keep with Buenos Aires Tetras. Who recommended
this combination? A salesman?>
One Platy died yesterday. Had the water sampled and it came back in
proper ranges.
<Don't give me your opinions; tell me what the numbers are.
Platies need relatively cool water, between 23-25 degrees C, and the
water must be hard and basic, i.e., 10+ degrees dH, pH 7.5-8. The water
quality has to be good: 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite. If you don't have
the values listed here, that's why your fish likely died. Pet shops
will often say any old thing; a cynic might observe because selling
fish is what makes them money, but a more charitable person will accept
that not all staff in a store will be equally well trained or
Have been looking at adding a couple more fish to the tank but, because
I have an 8 year old that takes each fish death badly, I want durable
<"Durable" depends upon choosing the right fish for your
system. Start here:
For your tank, you're nearer the 10 gallon than 20 gallon end of
things in terms of what fish will do well, so choose species suited to
a 10 gallon tank, that want the water chemistry you have, and are
suited to the temperature you're running the tank at.>
The aquarium clerk suggested Tiger Barbs
<Stupid idea. Tiger Barbs need much more space than 20 gallons, and
are far too nippy to keep reliably in a small tank with Platies. Tiger
Barbs get to a good 5 cm/2 inches long, maybe more, and really need to
be kept in a 30 gallon tank to be even halfway happy. This fish are
very, very boisterous.>
as more durable than getting more Platys. I read online that the Barbs
typically 'should' do well with Platys but not long-finned fish
like Bettas, etc.
<Sort of. All Barbs are hierarchical, and the common mistake is to
keep too few. Do that, and even the best of them will be
psychologically screwed up, and all bets are off with regard to
tankmates. It's like buying a German Shepherd and keeping it in the
basement all day. Might be a great dog, but it won't be long before
the thing goes postal. Same here. Read about the needs of the fish
you're interested in, understand the limits of your aquarium, and
then make your purchase.>
I bought two which I now see is too few for an adequate school.
<I'll say.>
The tigers are chasing the 2 remaining Platys and I am concerned they
will ultimately stress them.
Should I return the Barbs
or will the Red Platys ultimately cope ok with the constant
<Read more, spend less. Cheers, Neale.>
Are Platies and angelfish generally
compatible? 3/18/10
Dear Crew,
I have done my research on a fish and all, but I cannot find one thing
(many websites are telling me they are and aren't). Are Platies and
angelfish generally compatible?
<Somewhat, but they're not ideal companions. Platies need hard,
basic water that isn't too warm; 10+ degrees dH, pH 7.5-8, 22-25
Celsius. Angelfish prefer soft water and high water temperature; 5-15
degrees dH, pH 6-8,
25-30 Celsius. While there's a bit of overlap there, Platies
don't do well in soft water, so unless you're keeping your
Angels in moderately hard water, Platies aren't going to work. If
you keep the tank warmed to much above 25 C, the Platies will be
stressed. In short, there are much better companion species to look at
than Platies. Skip livebearers, and instead concentrate on things like
characins and especially Rainbowfish. A school of Melanotaenia
boesemani for example would work great.>
If you have a good Wet Webpage on them or another web site for
care and maintenance to that would be great!
<Much here, and follow the links for more:
Sincerely, The Fish Keeper
<Cheers, Neale.>
Platy aggression
I have a 28 g tank with 4 red wag platies and 3 sunburst platies. I
also have 3 Cory cats. I added 7 Tiger Barbs to the mix 3 days ago.
I've lost all but 2 of them. I wasn't sure what the cause was
until this afternoon while I was observing the tank closely. The
platies are attacking the Tiger Barbs, leaving the cats alone. Is this
normal behavior?
I have 4 fake plants and some structures that they can use to hide but
they don't do it. I know I should remove the remaining Tiger Barbs
but have nowhere to put them yet. Any other advice?
<Platies and Tiger Barbs are a poor combination. I'd separate
these fish.
Usually, it's the Tiger Barbs that nip at slow moving fish like
Platies, but I guess tables can sometimes be turned! In any event,
since the combination clearly isn't working, I'd return the
Tiger Barbs you have.>
<Sorry I can't offer any magic solution here. Cheers,
Are Common Fantail (American type) Goldfish
and Red Neon Moon fish (a platy relative) Compatible?
I have a 50 gal. acrylic tank (complete with 4 stage power filter, uv
sterilizer, sintered air stone, large, smooth, mostly round gravel, and
half planted with fake plants, and half open for fish to swim). I
currently have 4 common fantail goldfish living in the tank. They are a
fancy variety of goldfish. According to what information I have been
able to get, this setup should be fine for them (as fancy goldfish only
need a minimum of 10 gal. each).
<Hmm... not quite. You need about 30 gallons for the first two, and
then another 10-15 gallons for each additional Goldfish. Remember,
these fish get very big, easily 20 cm/8 inches in length, and they are
incredibly messy as well.>
However, I do have a concern regarding two new fish I just recently
purchased. I was on your very helpful and well informed site and read
the Variatus Platy is compatible with goldfish.
<Xiphophorus variatus, yes, a subtropical species of livebearer that
does well around 18-20 C, which is fine for Goldfish.>
I tried looking them up. I found they seem to be a sort of moon fish.
Moon fish seem to be a cross between the Variatus (pardon if this name
is incorrect) and platies. I am unsure if I got confused someplace or
not. I am concerned perhaps I did get confused.
<Unless otherwise sold as a particular species, all the Platies
(what you call Moon Fish) are HYBRIDS of various Xiphophorus species.
These need to be kept in a tropical aquarium, around 24-25 degrees
Anyway, long story short, I wound up getting two red neon moon fish.
Now I did some research and have found red Neons do need tropical
flakes rather than goldfish flakes.
<Actually, both Goldfish and Xiphophorus would do best on a
plant-based diet, such as Spirulina flake, alongside cooked peas,
cooked spinach, sliced cumbers, etc. Add some wet-frozen brine shrimp
and bloodworms once or twice a week, and you'd be giving them an
excellent diet.>
But if you monitor the red Neons while feeding (to make sure the red
Neons get their tropical flakes) goldfish and platy species (which the
red Neons are a member of) can be fed their proper foods at feeding
time, and can even eat each others foods, without suffering any ill
And the red Neons have small mouths. So they can only eat flakes and
other small foods. That is fine enough because goldfish like flake
foods. And I found in my research platies and goldfish both like
freeze-dried bloodworms, freeze-dried brine shrimp, Spirulina (pardon
if I spelled that wrong) flakes, blanched lettuce, and blanched
spinach. So they can share each others food with these items.
<Don't use freeze-dried bloodworms and shrimps more than once a
week; they cause constipation.>
I also found they can both tolerate a compatible temperature range of
75 to 78 degrees F (little warm for goldfish on the upper end, but I
usually keep the temperature at about 77 F and try to keep a fan
blowing on their tank to help cool it. The fan is the only other
solution I have available other than the air-conditioned, which gets
expensive to run at lower temperatures (unfortunately). But that is why
I check to be certain they can survive fairly well at the temperatures
I have to work with.
<It's a bit warm for Goldfish, but provided there is a strong
filter to ensure lots of oxygen, you should be okay. Get a filter rated
at 6 times the volume of the tank in turnover per hour; for a 50 gallon
tank, that'd be 6 x 50 = 300 gallons/hour.>
And according to what I understand and have learned, these two species
should be fine at the temperatures I previously mentioned. So food and
water temperature should be okay. And both species like to be at all
levels of the tank and prefer plants in the tank with open areas for
Goldfish will eat smaller fish I know. But I hear platies are
<But the tank is small... if your Goldfish are big enough to swallow
any fish kept with them, then those little fish will, eventually, get
Gazelles can outrun lions, but stick them in the same cage, and the
lion would soon kill the gazelle.>
And my goldfish are the smallest variety and the red Neons get to be 2
to 3 in.
<No such thing as a "small" variety Goldfish; all of them
get to 20-30 cm/8-12 inches in length. If your pet store said they were
"dwarf" Goldfish or some rubbish like that, they were taking
advantage of you.>
I figured the red Neons size and speed would help keep them from being
<Doubt it. To be fair, adult Platies are fine with adult Goldfish,
all else being equal. But juvenile Platies may be eaten.>
And both species are said to be peaceful around other fish species. So
they should get along alright.
<Assuming water quality and water chemistry is acceptable. Both
species need 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, pH 7 to 8, and a "high"
hardness of 10 degrees dH or upwards.>
If I am wrong, I do have a spare 12 gal. tank I can keep the two red
Neons in. Yet I am also aware that platies are prolific breeders and
they can change their sex.
<The sex change thing is a myth.>
And the red Neons are related to platies.
<Both are hybrids.>
If the 50 gal. setup I have in mind works, I can keep the babies in the
12 gal. tank. However, if the 50 gal. setup does not work I can keep
the adults in the 12 gal. tank and "temporarily" keep some of
the babies in another spare 3 gal. tank I have (at least until I can
get them a better tank, or find new homes for them, or both). I was not
notified platies could be prolific breeders on the site I bought the
red Neons from BEFORE I bought the fish. Fortunately I had some spare
tanks or the babies may have all perished from being eaten. At least I
can try to spare some of them from being food with the aid of the two
spare tanks I have.
Anyway, my question is this . . . Is there enough room in my 50 gal.
tank to keep my 4 goldfish and the 2 red Neons I ordered?
<If water quality is good, i.e., 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite, then the
Platies will hardly effect things at all. The Goldfish are potentially
much bigger and certainly far messier.>
And are goldfish and red neon moons truly compatible (at least in
regards to the system I have in mind)? I am worried I may have done
something that might harm the smaller Neons, or greatly upset my little
goldfish friends.
I love my little goldfish and wish no harm to the red Neons. Just let
me know if the Neons will be okay with the goldfish, or if they need
separate tanks. Also let me know if I need a larger tank for the red
Neons should they need a separate tank. Thank you for your time,
knowledge, and above all patience.
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Are Common Fantail (American type)
Goldfish and Red Neon Moon fish (a platy relative) Compatible?--
Your prompt reply did help. Thank you.
<You are most welcome.>
You have eased most of the anxiety I was experiencing over worrying
about the welfare of my fish. I have kept tropical tetras and gouramis
in the past and had a goldfish as a child as well. So I do have a
experience with fish.
<Very good.>
However, I am still a mostly inexperienced novice when it comes to fish
keeping. Your advice has helped greatly to ease most of my fears that
my inexperience may have harmed the fish. I will be watching the
goldfish and red neon moons closely in the 50 gal. tank (monitoring
water quality, making sure no one is being too aggressive, that they
get their proper foods, and that no one is trying to eat each
I will move the red Neons if it proves too stressful or dangerous in
the 50 gal. tank for them. Oh, I also forgot to mention I also have one
gold mystery snail in my 50 gal. tank. It eats the leftover food the
miss. I do not think the snail will harm the fish.
<On the contrary; watch that the Platies/Moon Fish don't
"nip" the Apple snail. They often do. This stresses and
damages the snails, eventually leading to stress, sickness, even
I just wanted to let you know about it too. Also, in regards to the
frozen brine shrimp you mentioned. There are no worries there. I have
another 2 gal. tank going with a small number of live brine shrimp in
it. I am
planning to try and raise my own shrimp. I hatched them from cysts I
bought online. I watch their water quality and make water changes when
their water is too dirty. And I make sure they have food that is
appropriate for brine shrimp. If the red Neons need fresh brine shrimp,
they will be getting the freshest possible source. Doesn't get much
fresher than live.
And since I am raising them, they should be free from most
The red Neons and goldfish could not ask for a better source of brine
shrimp in my household. So no worries about the shrimp. And I only feed
my goldfish brine shrimp (or other suitable freeze-dried meaty items
such as bloodworms) twice a week at each of the two feeding a day they
receive. The goldfish are only fed what they eat in 2 or 3 minutes at
each feeding. The snail gets what they miss, or the goldfish pick it
out from the gravel themselves. And whatever the goldfish and snails
miss I vacuum out with a gravel vacuum once a week. I do my best to
keep the water quality at its best. And as far as hardness goes . . .
Well, I live in the Arizona deserts in the U.S. The water is always
hard here and full of minerals.
I add a little PH Down (water softener) to the water for my goldfish,
to make it more tolerable.
<Probably redundant. Goldfish like very hard water, and the pH down
product won't really be helping any.>
They seem much happier, more active, and do not go up to the surface of
the water for air when I add the PH Down.
<Dubious. I'd have thought it's simply the act of changing
the water -- maybe adding cooler water -- that makes them
The tropical fish I have kept in the past also seemed to do better with
water softener in our hard desert water. Also I like to keep the
ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels at absolute 0. And I try to keep
the PH levels at levels at around 7. I dislike PH levels at 8.
<You might dislike pH 8, but it's perfect for Platies as well as
By contrast, pH 7 is the very bottom end of the tolerance range for
Platies and to some degree Goldfish.>
That is too rough on fish in my mind (unless otherwise specified by the
requirements of a fish species, such as cichlids and saltwater
Cichlids and saltwater fish seem to need PH at 8 or higher to
<Honestly, you're wrong here. This is "in your mind"
and not in actual reality. Platies like hard, basic water. The ideal
would be pH 7.5, 15 degrees dH.>
Otherwise though, PH at 8 makes me worry and feel bad for the poor
<It's fine. Don't believe me? Grab any aquarium book you
like, and review the needs of Xiphophorus species. Or see, for example,
at Fishbase, a scientific catalogue of fish biology:
So I do not keep it at that level if I can help it.). So no worries
about water quality. Thank you again for your wonderful advice. I feel
much better about the wellbeing of my fish. Thank you so much.
<Happy to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Are Common Fantail (American type)
Goldfish and Red Neon Moon fish (a platy relative) Compatible?--
Thank you for correcting me on my previous error on PH levels. I will
be watching the levels to be sure they do not go above 8 then.
<That's fine.>
And I am not knowledgeable enough for specialized care fish such as
cichlids and saltwater fish anyway. So no worries about my errors
harming them. But thank you for correcting my misconceptions and
confusion there as well.
<Happy to help. But please do read around the WWM site for
If I ever change my mind about these species, the information will
surely be most helpful. And I will be keeping an eye on my little snail
around the neon redtail moons too. The red Neons are really a beautiful
<Yes, Platies are lovely fish.>
Go to petsolutions.com online in the live fish section. They have a
picture of one there, if you want to see a picture of one.
<I see them. Here in England, they're called Sunset Platies, I
guess because the orange merging to red is reminiscent of a
Thank you so much for your very helpful advice.
<My pleasure. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: I have a new tank! (FW;
selection) 11/18/08
Hi Neale,
I have another question!
I set up my Rio180 with one of the sponges from my 60 ltr tank, let it
run for a week, but decided not to transfer my platies in as there were
new teeny fry in the tank (I have 4 babies now), instead I went off to
Maidenhead aquatics in St. Albans and bought 12 little (about 1 inch
5 banded barbs and added them to my new tank (oh, I tested the water
first, which was all good - zero everything)
<Puntius pentazona; an excellent community species, though not hardy
and a bit on the shy side.>
Day 3 after I added the fish I had a nitrite spike (0.3) so I did a 30%
water change.
Day 4 - I noticed a few tiny little white spots on their fins, which by
the end of the day had increased in number (at most maybe 6 on one
fish, one or two on some of the others). I sat next to the tank with
laptop in hand and decided it was definitely ich - so I went to the
very nice man in Amersham pet shop and he agreed that it sounded like
it from my description, and I treated the 180 with eSHA Exit for 3
<Good diagnosis and an excellent treatment, in my experience, though
remember to remove carbon from the filter, if used. I believe the Juwel
filters have a carbon sponge installed.>
Not a single little white spot remains (and I have been sat there
watching the little things as they dart about - they hide from me
mostly so a lot of watching has been done). (Interestingly I have two
friends who also recently bought at MA in St. Albans and they have had
ich brought home with the new fish as well - which is why I was on the
lookout for it)
<Whitespot/Ick is pretty well ubiquitous in the retail side of the
It's incredibly difficult to stop it moving between tanks unless
you employ strict quarantine and isolation procedures on everything
from the fish and plants through to nets, hose pipes and buckets.
Because whitespot isn't deadly if treated promptly, it's not a
major problem.>
My question is - How long should I leave it now before I can add the
platies and Ancistrus from my 60 ltr tank? I have tested water daily
and no further nitrite / ammonia spikes have been detected.
<I'd wait 1-2 weeks after the last sign of Whitespot.>
I am keen to shift at least one platy as he is being bullied - there
are two males in the tank and one is very aggressive towards the other
- if he comes out of his hiding place to eat the other chases him until
he hides again (he's managing to eat OK though, I check).
<Feel free to move the "persecuted" male at once. Lesser
of two evils...>
When the aggressive male isn't chasing him he either hides or tries
to chase the females - but as soon as the other one sees him, he chases
him back to his hiding spot. Do platies usually show such aggressive
behavior towards other males? He chases one of the females (the
largest) a lot also.
<Completely normal behaviour, I'm afraid. I'd recommend
keeping Platies in big groups, with females outnumbering males by at
least 2 to 1. Otherwise, a single male with 2-3 females works well. The
thing with livebearers is that in the wild males "fight" to
keep access to harems of female. Their instinct is to drive off any
male that comes too close. In big groups, say, a dozen, it's
difficult for any one male to become dominant. But in smaller groups,
what you describe is very common, perhaps standard behaviour.>
Once the platies are moved and settled I can look at getting some more
little fishy friends.. but not from St. Albans I think!
<Ah, wouldn't be too hard on St A's. It's a great shop
with some good staff. Whitespot isn't something I'd use to
make-or-break my patronage to a store. I'd be much more concerned
about Finrot (signs of aggression/poor water quality), dead fish in the
tanks, and things like obviously underweight herbivorous catfish or
specialist predators.>
Thanks once again for your help...
Sarah (still watching fish instead of working!)
<Some of us get to do both! Cheers, Neale.>
Re: I have a new tank! (FW;
selection) 11/19/08
Thanks so much Neale - I've moved him into the bigger tank, and
just a few hours later he is already looking happier than he has been
in weeks - he's swimming about, rather than hiding in a cave.. Now
Billy the bully (the children's name for the other male platy) has
5 females to himself...
Thanks for the advice...
<Sarah, sounds like you have everything in hand. Good luck with your
new aquarium! Neale.>
My poor platy... Gymnocorymbus, Tiger et al. Barb,
incomp., 7/26/08 I have been
searching all over to find some quick help for my poor fish.
<Oh?> Recently I got all new fish for my tank, since my
murderous black tetra ate the others I had ( a few goldfish, one
or two other tetra like himself.) <Not "murderous",
merely obeying its instinct. When stuff like this happens,
it's *our* fault, not the fish's, because we're the
ones who didn't do the research before combining species.>
I would come home one day and a fish would just be gone. I fed
them regularly, I thought, no more than they can eat in three
minutes, right? <Hmm... bit too much really. I prefer 2-3
meals of sufficient food it's gone within 30-60 seconds. This
way any loading on the filter is spaced out across the day. One
Platy for example only needs about 2-3 flakes per day to do well.
Fish pass out anything they don't need, and will eat much
more than they actually require. Provided your fish have gently
convex bellies, they're eating enough.> But that's not
my problem...anymore. No, I didn't flush him, I gave him to
my nieces and nephews to be their pet. <Cool.> I went out
and purchased three tiger barbs, a green barb, one bright orange
platy and a yellow one. Frankie. <Oh dear. Barbs are social,
VERY social. Kept in too-small a group, Barbs become aggressive
or shy, depending on the species. Tiger Barbs and Green Barbs are
both potentially aggressive species, and you'd need at least
6 of each to stand any chance of having them school peacefully.
I'd argue Barbs are only suitable for largish tanks where
they can be kept in decent groups with ample swimming space for
them to burn off their remarkable amounts of energy. Best
combined with other fast fish, such as Danios of equivalent
size.> At first, all was well. The barbs chase each other,
nobody nipped, and Frankie just chilled, swimming around
casually. <Hmm...> Now, he only moves to eat, will swim for
a few minutes, but then goes and lays down on the rocks- his
belly touching them, not the sides. He will go into the tightest,
most hidden spots available, and sit there, his gills opening and
shutting rapidly. Or her gills. The others don't nip at him
or bother him, except the dark spotted sucker fish (forgot the
technical name), he will sometimes go eat where Frankie likes to
hide. I am afraid he will get stuck or simply die. The others are
fine, but he has me worried. I looked at his tail to see if he
had any spots for pregnancy, but so far I don't notice any.
He seems just as fat as any of the others, but I don't know
how to help him :( He hides in the corners of the tank, under as
much as possible, covered as much as possible. <Almost
certainly is being bullied by the Barbs. Long term future is
poor: he is stressed, and that means his immune system is being
compromised.> I love this fish. As for what kind of
environment he has- I have a ten gallon tank, a moss ball, five
fake plants, one of which is a flat plastic 'grass' they
called breeding grass, but I don't know these things..., a
'house' they can hide in, large gravel, and a filter
which specs I don't know, but it keeps the tank very clean.
All the fish are approximately the size of my thumbprint, or
smaller. So I know they should have plenty of room. <Are you
keeping these fish in a 10-gallon tank? None of them are suitable
for such a miniscule tank. If you have no choice but to keep a
10-gallon tank, then you MUST choose species suitable for such a
system. These are NOT among them. There is no way this tank will
remain "fun" in the long term.> I'm at a loss.
Is he dying? Or is he by nature a hermit? <He's being
attacked and bullied by hyperactive, aggressive, socially
frustrated fish that aren't able to do what they really want
to do which is swim in big groups in a spacious (90 cm/3 foot
long) tank.> Oh please tell me what to do to help this guy.
<Done my best. Your move! Good luck, Neale.>
Re: my poor platy 7/27/08 Thank you
for the response, when I was purchasing the tank and fish, all I
knew was that there was supposed to be generally one-inch water
per fish, but now knowing they like to speed around, I will
reconsider mixing them. <Ah, the "inch per gallon"
rule has to be used carefully. It makes sense with very small
fish barely an inch long, like Neons or Guppies. But as fish get
bigger you have to make allowances, and you also need to consider
the activity levels of the fish. Danios and Neons may be the same
size, but Danios are hyperactive mountain stream fish that want
to swim about constantly. Neons are fine lurking under a shady
plant. So it's horses for courses. Good aquarium books will
recommend a "minimum tank size" alongside the species
description.> I was told the green barb would be fine with the
tigers, but he seems to be getting bullied too. <Tiger Barbs
are boisterous. What makes them fun in big tanks when kept in big
groups can easily become a liability in the wrong tank. It's
like dogs: a Border Collie is a great dog for someone who works
in fields, walking miles every day. But keep one trapped inside
the house and it will become aggressive and destructive. It's
in the genes. Same with your Tiger Barbs.> We will find a
larger tank for the barbs (20 gallon for six be Allright? if not
we will get a larger one) , <Look to your budget, and by the
LONGEST tank you can afford/house. Your Tiger Barbs will want
(ideally) a tank at least 90 cm/3' long, and certainly a tank
with plenty of water current. It may well be that you'd be
better off returning the barbs and getting something less
demanding in terms of swimming space. Perhaps some more
Platies?> and let my platy guys relax in the ten gallon.
<This species is a bit big for 10-gallons, but certainly
it'll be happier in that than sharing with nippy barbs!>
Now that I know, its all in finding a spot to put the new tank!
<The perennial problem.> Thank you again :) <Most
welcome, Neale.>
compatibility" or "Sentencing platies to death"
Finding Platies A New Home 4/13/08 Hello! I've got
somewhat of a moral dilemma. I've got a 300 liter tank
(150x40x50 cm) that I've been preparing for m'bunas.
Everything seems to be in order: some 50 kg of rocks with caves
a-plenty, extra filtration (2 x Eheim 2217 canister filters; one
as a bio filter, the other mechanical), a couple of Anubias and a
Java firm tied (and now mostly rooted) to a piece of ultra-boiled
drift wood. It's been cycling for two months now and the
water parameters are stable for the past 3 weeks at: ph=8.0,
dKH=8, dGH=20, NO2=0, NO3=10... So far, so good I think. On
Tuesday, I'll be receiving my fish from an M'buna
breeder. All are juveniles measuring no more than 4 cm. The
species are as follows: 10 x Pseudotropheus elongatus
"usisya" 10 x Labidochromis sp. "hongi" 6 x
Labidochromis caeruleus 2 x Pseudotropheus sp. "acei" 1
x Maylandia zebra 1 x Cynotilapia afra (This may seem like a lot
of fish, but it fits what I understand to be a proper "1
fish per 10 liters" ratio...) So what's my problem, you
may be wondering... Well, for the second month of the cycling
process, I "borrowed" 8 of my sons' platies (they
say I stole them... it's a matter of semantics, really): 4
orange + 4 silver-blue "Mickey mouse" (one of the
orange died almost immediately, the others are quite healthy,
with 3 pregnant females). They're all about 4 or 5 cm right
now. So why don't I just return the platies to my sons?
Because they shattered their aquarium last night! (long story).
I've tried, unsuccessfully, to find a new home for the
platies, so I have to make a decision: keep them in my tank even
once the m'bunas arrive, or send them down the toilet of
death. Which option is less cruel? Will they be tortured to death
by the cichlids? Can I really bring myself to flush 7 perfectly
healthy platies? Any other options that you might suggest? Thanks
in advance, David < Keep the platies in the cichlid tank until
suitable homes can be found. As the cichlids grow you will have
time to either set up a new tank or find a new home for the
platies. Over time the cichlids will take their toll on the
platies but you have a few months.-Chuck>
Re: "M'buna
compatibility" or "Sentencing platies to death"
Finding Platies a New Home II 4/13/08 Great! Thanks for the
tip! I thought my margin for action would be days or even hours
after the cichlids arrived, not months. Gives me plenty of time
to set up a new tank for the platies. <Most Mbuna don't
start to get too territorial until they get around 5+cm. At that
size they are starting to mature and stake out some turf. If you
add some floating plants they will hide out and you could
probably keep them in there even longer.-Chuck.>
Platy companions, filter maintenance
-- 1/18/08 hi there, I've written to you before and
got good advice, <Good oh.> what I am wondering is, when I'm
changing the filter sponges, which ones can I just rinse through and
which ones do I have to replace completely? <Ideally rinse them ALL
in buckets of aquarium water, and never replace more than 50% of the
filter media in any one go. Typically the mechanical media (the coarse
sponges in your system) will need to be cleaned more thoroughly, and
perhaps replaced more frequently, than the biological media (the finer
sponges). Juwel filters also have little white cotton pads you stick at
the very top of the system to trap big bits of waste, like dead leaves.
These can be replaced as often as you want. I find it cheaper to rinse
them off every week or two rather than replace them every month or so.
But it doesn't matter much.> I have a Juwel Rekord 70. also
which fish would be good tank companions with platy? I was going for
Neons next, my tank is up and running about 7 weeks. <Platies are
hard water fish, and for that reason your best bet is to mix them with
other hard water fish. That way you can tweak water chemistry, or use
salt as a therapy, without worrying. Other livebearers are ideal, but
so are rainbowfish and halfbeaks. If your water quality is good, then
certain dwarf Tanganyikan shell-dwelling cichlids can work well at the
bottom of the tank. They work surprisingly well with livebearers.>
thanks again!! David. Davy-D- <David, please please please use the
Shift key next time to put capital letters where they belong! The idea
behind this site is that the questions we answer are available for
others to read, not just you, and letters without capital letters are
difficult to read. This is especially true for those who don't read
English as their native language. Thanks! Neale.>
Beat up platy? Betta incomp.
10/12/07 Hello to whoever is answering: <And to you> I have a
Betta in with four platys. The Betta was somewhat aggressive when I
first got them ( a bit over three months ago) but then calmed down. Two
of the platys are very dark orange and almost triangular in shape. The
other two are grayish white and orange with a couple of black spots.
One of these two kept disappearing except to be fed. The last two days
he did not come out at feeding time so I removed a couple decorations
and finally found him. I netted him and put him in a smaller tank. His
fins are shredded and he looks to my novice eyes like he is
malnourished. He swims but mostly hides and with his head down. I had
developed a technique of feeding where I got the Betta in on corner and
all the platys in another as the Betta lunges at his food. His eyes
look normal, no growths, no white fuzz. I have the feeling that the
Betta started on him again right after he had a growth spurt. Anything
else I can do for the poor fish? Thank you for your help. <I would
isolate or remove the Betta here... It is likely the culprit. Bob
Goldfish Capability, actually comp. with
Platies 9/5/07 Hi there, <Sweet Melissa> I've had
two plain goldfish for the last three years. They've always been
very healthy (no diseases ever). Recently though, we had an earthquake
and a log (fake) moved and pinned one of the fish. Sadly, it died
before we found it. So we now have one plain "feeder"
goldfish in a 12 gallon Eclipse tank. The tank's temperature is
usually between 75 to 78 degrees and the pH is usually 7.2. She's
been doing fine on her own so far, but I'd like to add another fish
or two. <Will need more room...> I don't really like fancy
goldfish, and the "feeder" goldfish I find in stores always
seem to be in grotesque conditions and unhealthy. <Yes... too often
the case> I have considered getting one and just keeping it under a
longer quarantine, but I also wonder what other options I have.
I've found conflicting research about fish compatibility. What do
you think about adding two female platies? <Mmm, a possibility...
these livebearers do "like" similar water conditions... In
fact, many folks use platies in warmish outdoor ponds to nip at string
algae...> I know these are tropical fish, but they seem like they
could be compatible with a goldfish. My current fish is about 2 in. and
is pretty docile (she's been with some guppies before and did
fine). Basically, I want to add some variety to my tank, but I
don't want to jeopardize my current fish's health. Any
suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Melissa <I do
think the platies might be just the ticket here... And a good
introduction to more "tropical" systems... Bob
Fighting Platys 6/13/07 Hey
guys! <Hail and well met.> I recently set up a 20 L tank with 3
platys (male) and 1 female molly. The pet shop didn't mention
anything about ratios! <But that shouldn't matter, because you
read a book before buying the fish first, right? What, you didn't?
Oh dear. This is where it all goes wrong... Besides, a 20 litre tank is
FAR FAR FAR too small for these fishes. That's about, what, 6
gallons? That's a large bucket, not an aquarium. Absolutely out of
the question as a home for platies, let alone mollies.> My concern
is for the smaller platy. He is quite a lot smaller than the other fish
and they seem to be hassling him. He hangs around in the corner at the
top of the tank generally and seems to be chased around at feeding time
so he misses out. Also, it looks as though he has suffered a few nips.
<Yeah, well, the fish are overstocked and the males are fighting
because there's no room for them to have "personal
space". Anyway, treat for finrot/fungus unless you want to have to
deal with sick/dead fish as well as miserable ones.> I'm worried
about him. <Good.> Can you help at all? <I can't
personally, but you can help lots. You need a tank around 60 litres or
more for these fishes to be comfy. Take back some of the males if you
can and swap for some females. They aren't difficult to sex.> I
was wondering if maybe there were too many fish in the tank (but I
don't really think I can take any back!). <Yes, waaaaayyyy too
many fish.> Thanks heaps! Shannon <You're welcome.
Catfish Selection 2/28/07 Hello
WWM, <<Hello, Joe. Tom here.>> We currently have a 20
gallon aquarium with a Tetra Whisper Power Filter 20, 4 inch bubble
wand, and heater. The system has been going for about 8 weeks and
currently the pH reads 6.8, hardness 120 ppm, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, and
nitrates at 0 to 10 ppm after a 20% water change (done weekly), with
temperature at 78 degrees. <<I like the sounds of it,
Joe.>> There is currently some rusty/brownish algae growing on
the plants which I am guessing is caused by the use of the fluorescent
light for about 5-6 hours per day. <<Diatoms ("brown
algae"). Very common in new tanks and will dissipate/disappear on
its own. Nothing to worry about but rather unsightly.>> We
currently have 1 female Red Wag Platy, 1 female HiFin Platy, 2 Female
Sunburst Mickey Mouse Platies, and 1 male Calico Platy and a varying
population of babies (currently about 5) and all seem healthy and
happy. The water is treated with dechlorinator and 1 Tbs/5 gallons of
conditioning salt is added to the water. No salt is added when
replacing evaporated water. <<A Platy fan, eh? Good for you. Very
colorful and nice fish.>> My question is this. My kids would like
to add some more fish. I have told them we have room for 5 more perhaps
7 fish. I figured this would be a good population for this system. We
would like to add 2 more platies (we figure the more platies the
better) and perhaps 3 catfish. What type of catfish would you
recommend? Reading your site it seems Cory catfish and Otos are out
because of the salt or is this salt level tolerable? <<Joe, you
can reduce the salt level just a bit and the Corys would be fine. One
Tbsp./five gallons of water is tolerable for just about any fish but
cutting back just a bit wouldn't hurt. Maybe about 3/4 Tbsp./five
gallons.>> Plecos sound like they would get too large for this
tank size and I know the Chinese Algae Eater has no place in this tank.
<<Common Plecos would, indeed, get too large for this tank as
would most varieties. There are some very nice Plecos that remain
smaller but I think the Corys would be a better "fit" here,
Joe.>> So any advice on "bottom dwellers" would be
appreciated. Thank you, Joe <<Keep up the good work, Joe, and I
hope you all enjoy your new additions. Tom>>
Platy, Gourami compatibility 2/12/07
Hi, <Hello there> I'm new to tropical fish keeping and so far
( fingers crossed), everything is going fine. I've had a mid sized
silver dollar, pleco, Bala shark, sucking loach and 3 gouramis for a
month or 2 now. yesterday i <I> added 5 tiger barbs and 3
swordtail/platies. <Mmm... some of the other fishes may go after
this last...> Yesterday all was fine but this evening one of the
what now seems to be a platy rather than a swordtail ( i think from
looking at net pics), is non stop nipping at the gouramis. It seems to
be biting or kissing it for want of a better term. Is this normal or
will it cause the gouramis problems. <Might be trouble if
persistent> i'm <I'm> confused as from what research
i've <...> done on the net, platies are supposed to be
peaceful easy to keep fish, but this little bugger is causing me
dramas. <Perhaps a "rogue" individual... Happens... Can
often be cured of this habit by isolation (in a large net, floating
colander...) for a few days... or the addition of more members of the
opposite sex> I'm not 100% what type of gourami i have. Looking
at the pics on the net and your site, the look pretty much like dwarf
Gourami. <There are several "sports" of Colisa
lalia...> Would this make a difference to their compatibility?
<Could...> Thanks for your time on this Lee <Bob
Two male platies together 1/16/07
Hello: <Hi there> I have a 29 gallon tank with perfectly clean
water that is changed every week. <Mmm, not all of it I
trust/hope> I used to have six male platies, thinking that if no
females were around they would not be aggressive, but they killed my
two male guppies. Four platies died quickly, and I think it was
aggression. Two are left and since the four died I got 18 neon tetras
plus I always had about six Corydoras catfish. The two platies that are
left hide most of the time now and seem overwhelmed. <By?> I have
an empty 5 gallon tank and I am thinking of putting the two platies in
there alone together with plants and a little cave, but my spouse says
that with less room things would get bad between them. I am wondering
if the smaller tank would be better for them or should I just find a
way to get rid of them?? Thank You!!! <I think they'll be fine
here with the plants as you state. Bob Fenner> Platy Aggression
Help: Not covered. Goldfish incomp. 7/29/06 Hello! I
have a question that I couldn't find answered on this page:
--and if it's else where, I feel out of luck, I haven't been
able to find anything at all about this (Maybe I'm using the wrong
search words? *laughs*) I would greatly appreciate some input. (In
other words, I would really, really, really love help) Forgive me if I
over explain below, I figured more info might help obtain a better
answer... <Hotay> I have 2 female platies, and 2 males. They
don't fight with each other- luckily; 1 male sticks with 1 female.
This is my first time having platies, I realize now the ratio is messed
up, (thanks for that go to the store that sold them to me) but
that's not the problem. The 4 of them really are fine with each
other, hardly any chasing, the males just always tag along with their
chosen girl, and in a month I had already seen fry- The problem is that
the females, and the females alone, have recently started aggressively
harassing my very fat bellied, round, fancy goldfish. <... these
fishes shouldn't be mixed together> I'm, sadly, unsure of
the type but, they're very slow moving and I have 2 in the tank. I
doubt it matters much, but one of them is fully white and the other one
is orange and white- these goldfish are about 3 times the size of the
platies (and growing) and don't bother any of the other fish
(I've always had great luck keeping gold fish with other community
tropicals. <Please read here re: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshcompfaqs.htm>
They always just seem like the silly stupid dogs of the group, happily
looking for food in the gravel) The only problem I've ever had with
fish, besides the occasional human error accident, is that I've
never had much luck keeping guppies alive for more than a few months, I
think my water has always been too soft or something. I digress: Why on
earth are my female platies being "evil"? <Hard to say,
state... want the goldfish to move out of the way? It's too tasty
to resist?> They're really plowing into my goldfish- even from
the other side of the tank. They don't let up, even when my
goldfish are on their fastest slow little run. This isn't just a,
"Move out of my way! I want that algae tablet," kind of
thing. (Because the girls do that too, but I don't blame 'em
there.) I know most people don't keep goldfish with other fish- so
this might be a hard one for me to find good advice on. The tank I have
now is a 20 gallon long, it has a UVB florescent reptile light that the
plants love, <Neat> moderately filled with leafy and fluffy live
plants, it has these plastic mangrove roots that offer large hiding
areas under them, pea sized gravel, some larger rocks, massive amounts
of circulation/filtration (under gravel filter, a very small bubble
screen, a Fluval 1, and a out of tank turtle filter that uses several
levels of carbon and other filtration- the fish and plants seem to love
it all) The ammonia is always at 0ppm, the Ph is normally around 6.4
(it fluxed some in the beginning, but always between 6.4 and 7.2), no
nitrites or nitrates. I just added some coral and sea salt today that
took the ph up to 7 (where I think I wanted it.) It's soft water
and the temp in the house is 78 (hot here) with no heating in the tank
(don't know the tank temp. is, hoping you have some magical
mathematical way of figuring this out if it might matter.) But it feels
sort of cool, nice, to the touch. It has the 2 goldfish, 3 ghost
catfish (glass fish? also new to me), 1 Cory cat, 2 danio's, 5
neon's, 4 platies, and 1 guppy that's been 1/2 dead for a
month- (the others got tail rot, or something, from the store I think
-which is lovely- but this one survived it.) This is a newer tank,
I've only had it set up for 2-3 months, but everything has been
peachy -Until- I went out of town for a week, my boyfriend fed the fish
a lot more than I do (but the ammonia stayed at 0 is seems) and I
can't figure out anything else that would have changed. They get
flake food, about 2 pinches a day, and algae tablets here and there
(for the Cory, the others just get to it before him usually)- I make
sure I see everyone eat but I don't believe they are over or under
fed. The more gravid one is much more aggressive than the less gravid
one, but they both still bite and chase often. This did not happen when
one was very gravid before. Everything was fine, it had babies, then
got pregnant again. (and yes, I'm 100% on which are girls and which
are boys ;) The platies are now in a temp. cage. I don't want to
put them back in with the others yet, I want to try to understand
what's going on before I decide on doing anything else. I've
always had tanks with goldfish, danios, neon tetras, angelfish (weirdly
enough, they got along) Cory cats, and even sometimes guppies in them
-all together, & in tanks some might consider crowded- (I had that
whole list in just a 10 gallon when I was growing up- they all live
forever too -the two angel fish even bred. It had those 2 angels, 5
Neons, 2 goldfish, 2 danios, 5 guppies, and 1 Cory- *laughs*) I
don't consider this new tank crowded by my previous standards. They
seem to have plenty of room and even their own areas if they've
wanted to claim one. They're just the kind of fish I like and
it's seem to have worked well enough for me before. But, like I
said- this is my first time with platies, and my first community
problem. -Just wanted to give an idea of my background with fish. Very
few of mine, except guppies, and even ones bought sickly, ever die on
me- even after years and years. (it's always their new caretakers
when I have to move, *chuckles*) Thanks again, especially for your
time. ~Monica <The goldfish really has to be moved into other
quarters... Platies like about the same water chemistry, but can
tolerate much warmer water longer... goldfish are "dirty" to
a large degree... Not compatible with tropicals. Bob Fenner>
Platy Fry versus other fish! 7/23/06 Greetings
<<Hello to you, Steve. Tom here.>> I'm a relative
newcomer to the fishy world, and as I couldn't find an answer on
your site that suited my circumstances, just had to email you.
<<Does happen, Steve. Glad you wrote.>> I have a
established 54 litre planted and graveled tank with ammonia, nitrites
and nitrates seemingly under control - and it appears that my Platys
agree as two of my three females have given birth.
<<Congratulations...I hope. :)>> To make matters a little
more interesting, my Platys have a few larger tank mates, namely Flymo
(a six inch Synodontis Eupterus) and Finsbury who is a slightly
aggressive Angel Fish. <<Oh, yeah. This does, indeed, make things
"interesting". Two fairly large, territorial species in a 54L
tank, alone, would make things interesting enough.>> I've now
got 60 Platy fry lurking in a breeding trap net who are beginning to
look a little overcrowded, so I need to know how old/how big they
should be before I can release them into the main tank (unfortunately
limited space in a shared house means I cannot have a second tank to
rear the babies so they have to stay in the net in the main tank).
<<The only help I can give you here, Steve, is to recommend that
you find a new home for the little ones. No way in the world can your
54L tank support this many fish. Even if they don't become
"lunch" and, they don't drive your ammonia, nitrite and
nitrate levels through the roof, at about three months of age, or so,
they're going to want to start doing some breeding of their own.
I'd predict that you'd lose the entire lot, the Syno and
Angelfish probably included. Now, it's not unheard of that your
local fish store(s) may very well be interested in a supply of healthy,
juvenile Platys. Provided that you don't come off as being
extremely desperate to "unload" your fish, you might be able
to strike up some type of business arrangement that will beneficial for
all concerned. In any case, you've got to lower your livestock
levels soon.>> Please help! Regards Steve Couchman <<Best
of luck, Steve. Tom>>
Re: Platy Fry versus other fish!
7/24/06 Greetings (and thanks to Tom for a quick reply)
<<Hello again, Steve.>> I've attached the original
email (and your response) for your reference. <<<From us
"editors", THANK YOU for doing so.
-Sabrina>>> Firstly, yes, I will be getting rid of most -
if not all - the babies to my local fish store.
<<Excellent!>> However, my problem (which I may not have
made clear) is that my little breeding net is going to be getting
fairly cramped for the baby platys and I want to get some of the older
ones out of the net and into the main tank until they are big enough to
be sold on. 36 of the fry are just over a month old, the others a few
days; how old/how big should they be before I put them in the tank to
avoid losing them all to the Syno and Angel? <<Even the
"monthlings" are still too young to deal with your larger
fish but you could try inserting a tank divider that would give the
larger fry more room without placing them in harm's way. This would
have the added benefit of letting you observe any overt
"predatory" behavior from the Angelfish, especially, without
creating problems for the maturing fry. Depending on how mature your
Angelfish and Syno are, they might be fairly uninterested from the
beginning but absent some "direct experimentation", I see the
divider as a good, interim move.>> As of my last check, ammonia
levels were very low (with 36 fry in the tank) and has never been up to
.25. <<This is one area that you're going to have to stay on
top of, Steve. Fry, of any type, need the highest water quality you can
provide. Anything less than "pristine" - in the truest sense
of the word - is going to make them susceptible. Even when kept in a
separate breeding tank, small water changes every couple of days might
be necessary.>> I look forward to hearing from you soon. Regards
Steve <<I hope all continues to go well, Steve. Tom>>
Platy vs. Betta 3/25/06 Hi, I have a
male Betta in a 10 gallon tank and I just bought 2 platys 2 weeks ago,
a male (he's yellow) and a female (a Mickey mouse). The guy who
sold me the fish didn't tell me they could have so many babies, now
my female platy looks pregnant but the thing is, I don't really
want the babies because I don't have time to take care of them.
Also, I've read that Bettas will eat the babies plays, is that
true? <Yes... all he can catch...> My second problem is that my
Betta is being very aggressive with my male platy and the male platy is
being very aggressive with my female platy. What should I do? Mel
<Mmm, maybe try adding some decor items... live and faux plants, a
castle perhaps... Things to visually break up the environment... If no
obvious damage is being done, I would not be overly concerned
otherwise. Bob Fenner>
Gourami - Platy mix - 1/30/2006
Hi crew! If this question has
already been answered, I'm really sorry! I am a newbie fish keeper,
with a 10 gallon tank. I have a Rena Filstar i1 filter, a light and a
heater. (Both Aquarian/Rena.) I have 3 Fish: Minnie , Mickey and Pluto,
<Good names!> all Mickey Mouse Platies, (1 male, 2 female) which
I added after two weeks of cycling. <Hope this was long enough>
There are a few live plants, although I'm not really sure what type
they are; I was advised by my local aquatics store. I also have a piece
of bogwood, washed carefully before use. I have now had the tank
running for about four weeks, and the Platies have settled in nicely. I
did a lot of research before purchasing the tank etc. My first question
is about my water. I have done a water change a week after buying the
Platies, one yesterday (both about 25% - 30% ; should I be doing more?)
<Mmm, no... or not likely. Please see WWM... and learn to use the
indices, search tool: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwh2ochgs.htm> and am
about to do one today. I do not have a test kit, as the store said they
would test the water for me when I go back on Saturday. Is this bad?
<It's not as good as having your own kits... some parameters
(e.g. ammonia) are transient... change quickly... while the water
sample is being transported...> Should I buy/have bought a test kit?
<Oh! Yes> My water looked a little yellow before I changed it
yesterday - could this be the bogwood? <Definitely, yes> I washed
it before I put it in: letting it soak for 24 hours then scrubbing it.
Is this going to affect my fish? <Can, yes... the decomposition can
lead to drift in pH (downward)... for instance... too much, too fast
can be trouble... Only time, experience can/will tell though... regular
maintenance, sufficient alkalinity in your source water... may keep in
sufficient check> I have looked at them carefully, and they seem to
be OK, swimming around, eating well etc. The do not seem to have
Popeye, gasping at the surface etc. Should I be doing a water change
more regularly? What should I do? <Perhaps some activated carbon in
your filter flow path...> I've only had the little guys for
about 2 weeks, but am already very attached to them, and I don't
want to make them ill. My second question is about mixing
Platies with other fish. I would really like to have a pair of Dwarf
Gouramis in there. Would that be OK? <Should be, yes>
Thanks for your very useful website! It has been of endless
use to me in starting my new hobby. (which I love!) I have bought two
books on keeping fish and got some from the library, but none of them
have as much information as this site, and although some of them go
into complex water chemistry, none of them answer all of the simple
questions that I need the answer to! This is the Holy Grail of the fish
keeping world! From a newbie fishkeeper. P.S sorry I did
not send this from your site; I could not get it to work! <No
worries. Be chatting, Bob Fenner>
Platy Getting Beat Up 1/7/06 Hello, My
name is Heather and I have a red wagtail platy in my
tank. She is being attacked by another one of my fish (I
don't know which one) on her tail. I don't want to
leave her in the tank another day to be beaten on, but the only other
tank I have doesn't have an air supply. Will she be okay
in the airless tank, or should I buy her a new one? Help! Thanks,
Heather < Get a breeder net used to house female livebearers away
from the rest of the tank to give birth to their babies. They are
inexpensive and can be placed in your existing tank. Check with the
local fish store I am sure they will have one.-Chuck>
Platy baby help 9/27/05 First off,
your website is a lifesaver (fish saver?) to someone who did not have a
clue what she was doing with her
aquarium. <Thanks! We all start
somewhere.> I think I've read almost all your info on
starting new aquariums with live
bears. <Wow! Great!> On to my
question. What I am pretty sure are three female
platies have apparently dropped fry in my 30 gallon tank. I
know that they could have been pregnant when I bought them but that was
five months ago! <They can store sperm for up to 6
months. Now that your tank is in better shape, maybe one
decided it was time to make more.> Now I don't know
how many they had because I have only found one. Is it
possible for them to just have one fry, or were there others that are
now eaten/dead. <Either is a
possibility.> I thought I was paying close attention to
the tank and I think I would have seen lots of
babies. <You probably would have seen *lots*, but just a
few can easily escape notice, especially if they are
hiding.> I don't really have much "cover",
just three large leafy plastic plants and two caves. I
transplanted baby in a one gallon tank with bubbler but no
filtration. <That's okay if you do water changes
daily. I've had better luck in breeder nets or just
letting the little fellow hide. Feed him crushed flakes
several times a day. I'd also put some plant matter in
for cover (like Elodea) and be sure the tank is
heated.> He/she is bright orange, not see-thru, and a
little bigger then a grain of rice. Is there any way to
guess how old he/she is based on that info? <My guess is
a few days to a week.> Okay, last question, if we get any
more "surprises" how many babies can we keep in our tank when
grown: 30 gallon with large carbon filter and air stone bar as long as
the tank <Wow, lots of water movement. Is the 30 gallon a
'waterfall' hang-off-the-back-type?> Water conditions within
normal limits but needs monitored frequently due to quick
deterioration. <Normal should be 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites,
and less than 20 nitrates. You aren't overstocked, so
unless you are overfeeding, your tank shouldn't get bad
quickly.> 3 male mollies 3 female platies <Your mollies may pick
on your platies quite a bit. You have room for several more
fish in your tank. When you can't keep the nitrates
under 20 without doing more than 10-20% water changes weekly, you are
slightly overstocked.> Thank you for your patience with this
newcomer! <Thanks for your questions!> None
of my fish would have survived if it wasn't for you
website. I won't even subject you to the number of
beginner's mistakes I made! <The important thing is you're
asking questions now and are learning.> Thank you, Kara <Hope it
helps, Catherine>
Aggressive Red Mickey Mouse Platy Hi
there! This is my first try with tropical fish. I
bought a Red Mickey Mouse Platy, a Marble Molly and a Glass
fish. After 3 days, the molly died (it didn't appear to
be eating anything). I went back to the pet store and was
told both the mollies and platys need to school (why couldn't they
have told me that when I bought them, after I told them I was a
novice?). So, I bought another 2 platys. The two
(I think they are the males) began chasing and victimizing the female.
<Better to have just one male, and two or more females. The males
have a gonopodium, a modified anal fin (up under the belly) that is
pointed looking, serves as an intromittent organ. Trade one of the
males in for another female> She started hiding to try to get away
from them. She died yesterday. Today, one of the
platys appears to be doing the same thing to the other
one. My question is, WHAT is going on? I thought
they were supposed to be a peaceful fish . I don't know
if I have an overly aggressive male. I don't know what
to do with them. Should I take out the aggressive one? <I
would trade it in for a female> Will he start attacking the Glass
Fish? What kinds of fish can I put in my 10 gallon aquarium
that will survive my nasty Platy? If you could give me any
advice I would deeply appreciate it. Thank you. Laura
<Please read through the freshwater livestock coverage here:
I would try some of the smaller Danios, Rasboras, Barbs. Bob
Tasty Tail Thank you very much for being so
helpful with my last question! <You bet!> Unfortunately I
now have a new one. Last night I discovered one
of my platies had had about a third of his tail bitten off. He is my
most aggressive fish so I think he probably was harassing my Betta;
normally the Betta is very peaceful but there's only so much he can
take. Anyway, I'm worried about my poor fish and I wonder what I
can do to help him heal? I have already added stress coat and I always
keep aquarium salt in the water, although I could probably add more.
<Maintain excellent water quality and watch closely for any signs of
bacterial infection setting in. If the fish is in good
health and the water is healthy, he'll probably be
fine. Keep an eye on the Betta, as well, and consider
separating him from the other fish if he's too aggressive for
them.> I usually feed TetraMin flakes and freeze-dried blood
worms. Thanks again for all your help! <Hope your platy
has a quick recovery! -Sabrina>
Platys & Goldfish 11/03/03 Hello, <Hi,
Pufferpunk here> I'm so glad to have found your site and hope
that you will help me make a decision. For the past six
years I've maintained a 340 gallon agricultural water tank on my
patio, with a population of eleven goldfish. One fish is
about eight inches long (not including his gorgeous fan tail!) and the
others are "new" additions (comets) about a year ago and
average three to four inches. Prior, I kept two koi with
the goldfish, but within a week, both made jumping exits from the
tank. Sigh... <Sorry to hear
that. There's no way to cover the tank?> The tank has
a large filter and an immense Louisiana iris as a biological
filter. There are calm, "protected" areas
around the plant and a vigorous flow from the filter on one
side. I live in south Florida, so I've never used
heaters. The tank is set for optimum water conditions/chemistry for the
goldfish. My question is: may I add eight platys to the
tank? I've kept the platys in a tank in a house for
eight months and they are healthy. A family member is moving
in, so I can't keep the platy tank in our former guest room.
<Most fish are predatory & will eat another fish that will fit
into its mouth. Although goldfish do prefer a great deal of
plant food, I think it is up to you, how much the platys really mean to
your chancing them being goldfish food. Larger fish
(especially much larger) tend to pick on little ones.> Thank you in
advance for your expert advice on whether I should risk the platys with
the goldfish. Best regards, Celestine <Your tank sounds
wonderful. I hoped I helped with your
Aggressive male Platies. Cleaner crew. Thank you
so much for your help. It's great to have someone so
knowledgeable answer my questions in such detail and so quickly! I
don't know how I could have missed this web site for the last
1year! Thanks again <No Problem, I'm glad we can be of
assistance.> By the way, I was going to get a Pleco to help clean up
the waste of the tank and buildup of the yuckies, but seeing that I
have overcrowding already, will my glass catfish eat from the
bottom? I haven't seen him do it though. <Your glass
catfish really won't clean like a Pleco would. I would
think about adding a few large snails... They really clean the glass
and substrate quite well, and don't have that much of an effect on
the bioload of the tank. Think of them as the janitors of
the tank. I have seen my guppies pick up food from the bottom however.
<If you want to add a fish that is like a Pleco but without the size
and mess, then I say you should look at Otocinclus. It's
a cute little fish, they stay small and do a great job on
cleaning. Often called "Otos", they are the little
sucker fish that ever seems to over look. They do great in
tropical tanks, and don't get large. Not to mention,
they are pretty cute little fish. here is a website devoted
to them. http://www.otocinclus.com/