FAQs on Freshwater Stingray Disease
FAQs on FW Stingray Disease:
FW Stingray Disease 1,
FW Stingray Disease
2, FW Stingray Disease 3,
FW Stingray Disease 4,
FAQs on FW Stingray Disease by Category:
(Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Related Articles:
Freshwater Stingrays,
Related FAQs: Freshwater Stingrays,
FW Stingray Identification,
FW Stingray Behavior,
FW Stingray Compatibility,
FW Stingray Selection,
FW Stingray Systems,
FW Stingray Feeding,
FW Stingray Reproduction,
Potamotrygonids are extremely sensitive to many types of
medications. Salts, metals, formalin, and most dyes should be avoided.
Fungus on Reticulated Stingray
Picked up new pair of Reticulated (Teacup) Stingrays, the female
developed a small fungus on the barb. There were no caps used at the LFS
they were purchased from, however it could have already been there just
unnoticed when purchased.
They are currently in a 55 gallon quarantine tank, once fungus is
removed they will be moved into a 225 gal with a fx5 canister and 55
gallon sump.
My question is, how to treat this fungus outbreak? I've done what I feel
to be inferior research, even though its been extensive. I've never
owned rays before this. I started a Pimafix regime, read online it was
ray safe. Been 4 days and there has been no improvement visible to the
naked eye. Can I continue usage and add salt? Should I finish the week
of Pimafix, and if not better try salt?
What are your recommendations?
Thank you for your time, hopefully you can help me,
<Hi Devin. Since you're keeping stingrays, money is presumably no
object, as you already (hopefully) know that these fish are very
expensive to keep well. Basically, prevention is 99% of what you can do
so far as stingray health goes. Once they're sick, then you really can't
rely on anything bought from an aquarium shop -- including Pimafix. On
the plus side, if you can get these fish into optimal conditions
immediately, and by that I mean your 200+ gallon system (with mature
filter, naturally) then your stingray may well heal spontaneously.
That's often what happens with very minor wounds. Paradoxically, most
fungal infections happen secondarily to bacterial infections, so the
recommended treatment (e.g., by Richard Ross, whose book/s you must
surely have read) is injectable antibiotics that get rid of bacterial
infection so the fungal infection can fade away. That's where the money
no object aspect comes in. Call a vet specialising in fish, because
you'll need reliable advice here. Obviously you can't randomly add
antibiotics to the water because these have the real potential to cause
stingrays harm. Again, Richard Ross goes into all this. You can't use
traditional medications like Methylene Blue or Malachite Green either as
these tend to be quickly toxic to stingrays. As for Pimafix and Melafix,
some folks have used them successfully, others find they do more harm
than good (WWM owner Bob Fenner for one), and as a very general comment,
time wasted with these sometimes-useful, sometimes-harmful medications
is time you could have used something with a much higher probability of
working at less risk, so on that basis alone I'd skip them. The use of
salt is an interesting idea. The Potamotrygonidae have some tolerance
for salt, likely given their marine ancestry, as evidenced by laboratory
work as well as
aquarium hear-say, so in itself it shouldn't cause any undue harm to
these strictly freshwater rays. Salt can and does slow down the spread
of fungal infections (though rarely bacterial infections) and may
provide some degree of support to a fish with an otherwise functional
immune system that can drive off a mild infection given that little
extra help. But salt is rarely a "silver bullet" in itself, so do review
aquarium environmental conditions and any potentially damaging objects
in the tank (including tankmates), and act accordingly. But as I say
above, at the end of the day calling a qualified vet is the best/only
reliable approach for medicating stingrays, and something you presumably
budgeted for before purchase, so the minor expense shouldn't phase you
(and in any case, will be trivially small compared to the cost of those
thousands of gallons of reverse-osmosis water you're going to be getting
though during water changes every year!). Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: Fungus on Reticulated Stingray (Bob, is Pimafix/Melafix useful on
Elasmobranchs?)<<Is not. RMF>>
Without explaining too much into detail, lets just say the area I'm
located isn't... stingray friendly.
So vets aren't an option unfortunately. I may be able to call in a favor
to a friend who works at a aquarium.
<Ah, next best thing. As I said, provided conditions are optimal in the
aquarium, minor wounds can/will heal under their own steam, but if the
infection spreads/shows no sign of clearing up, then treating stingrays
is troublesome. As Bob says in the subject line of this message, Melafix
and Pimafix are not reliably useful when treating this group of
Thank you for your time, I appreciate the rapid response.
<Most welcome. Do also procure Richard Ross' book; will be money well
spent. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Fungus on Reticulated Stingray (Bob, is Pimafix/Melafix useful on
Elasmobranchs?) 8/8/13
I found a copy of the book, will be purchasing. Didn't know the
literature existed till I found this website.
<Good purchase. Richard Ross is "the man" when it comes to stingrays.>
Again I appreciate your time and your response, I have one more question
for you. Promise, this will be the last.
<No need for promising such; we're happy to help.>
The LFS I purchased the rays from has done their best to help me. I
called them yesterday about possibly procuring some injectable
antibiotics and overnighting them to me, and she didn't know what I was
talking about. I explained to her what you had sent me in previous
emails, and what I had found online (which contradicted her original
treatment plan -Melafix/Pimafix), should sent me an email a few hours
later talking about a treatment called Maracyn 2.
<Yes. Widely sold in the US, not necessarily elsewhere. In any case,
it's simply Minocycline (Maracyn 1, if you're curious, is
while Maracyn Plus is Sulfadimidine and Trimethoprim. Both Maracyn 1 and
Maracyn 2 are relatively mild and seem well-tolerated by most/all fish,
and worth a shot, though can't promise anything.>
I looked it up and found some personal reviews by other ray keepers on
monsterfishkeepers.com. Was wondering what your thoughts were before I
might try this treatment is Pimafix and salt prove to be unsuccessful
(as of this morning still no signs of improvement).
<I would rate Maracyn 2 far above Melafix and Pimafix; you can certainly
use the Maracyn 2 alongside salt if needs be.>
The 225 is not quite cycled, or they'd have been moved already, should
be another few days at the least before that tank is ready.
<Sounds like you have a game plan. Good luck, Neale.>
Re: Fungus on Reticulated Stingray (Bob, is Pimafix/Melafix useful on
Elasmobranchs?) 8/8/13
You've been a wonderful help, I appreciate the feedback.
<Glad to help.>
Good news, water tested out last night, tank was cycled. I put the
pair of rays into the tank and fed slightly on the heavy side. Both ate
their fill and I turned the lights off. This morning I went in to check
them, the fungus is completely gone.
I'm treating the tank with the Maracyn 2 and some salt to make sure,
keeping it at 50-60% of recommended dosage.
<All sounds very positive.>
But, in regards to your reply, for my knowledge bank, you wrote that
Maracyn 2 is Minocycline, Maracyn 1is Erythromycin, and Maracyn
Plus is Sulfadimidine and Trimethoprim. What is, doesn't have to be well
defined if you can keep it basic, the differences? The Maracyn 2 box
proclaimed to treat bacteria which caused certain ailments, are the
other two for the same?
<Okay, here's the deal. All these are antibiotics. They kill bacteria.
But no *one* antibiotic kills *all* kinds of bacteria. Some kill one
sort well, another a second sort, and so on. Kind of like how the air
force has a dozen kinds of airplanes, but there's no one airplane good
at everything, so depending on the mission, you choose a particular
airplane for the task.
You wouldn't use an F15 for a job where a Hercules would be better, or
vice versa. The tricky bit when choosing which antibiotic to use is that
you cannot say which antibiotic would be ideal without first identifying
the bacteria your fish has -- which obviously needs a microscope, a
tissue sample, a Petri dish, and about 4 years medical training...!
Anyway, aquarists either go with the Maracyn 1 and 2 combination at the
same time, which kills off many kinds of common bacteria, or try one and
then the other a week later if the first didn't work. Some aquarists
will have a hunch about which Maracyn works better for a certain
complaint in a certain species, but without a microscope and appropriate
study, they really are making educated guesses. I don't personally have
any experience with these
because Maracyn products aren't sold in the UK; by law, if you want to
use an antibiotic on a pet animal, you need to consult with a vet, which
removes the uncertainty but of course limits your range of quick, cheap
options. Anyway, going with the Maracyn 2 makes sense if you've found
some fish keepers for whom this works well. Hope this makes sense!
Cheers Neale.>
Re: Fungus on Reticulated Stingray (Bob, is Pimafix/Melafix useful on
Elasmobranchs?) 8/9/13
It did make sense, and again I appreciate your time. No matter how much
research I conducted, I still feel as if I have an inferior knowledge
base when keeping these beauts.
<They you'll really enjoy keeping these fish and reading Richard Ross'
book alongside the aquarium, and a few months from now, you'll be
telling me what to do!>
Have a good one! If I ever have any other ray related questions, I will
be sure to shoot an email out to you.
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
please help 5/5/11
Please help me I need answers! I have 2 freshwater
stingrays mine are "A.K.A" teacup or
reticulated stingrays! At least that's what the store I
bought them from sold them to me as... I have had them for about
8 months with no problems! They were housed in 125 gallon but we
updated to a 180 gallon! About 3-4 days after moving them to a
bigger tank I noticed white blotches first on
the male on his disc below his eyes and that is the only spot on
top of him! But under him they r more... 1-2 days later I noticed
the female has the blotches all over her top as well as under! I
been doing salt water dips
<I would not do this. Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/SaltUseFWArtNeale.htm
Potamotrygonids have a low tolerance...>
(I was told to try by local pet store) which was keeping them
from spreading but it don't seem to be healing or clearing up
just keeping them from spreading.
<You need to identify and solve the source...>
Needless to say I'm not to sure this is safe for my rays! I
been told this maybe a secondary bacterial infection due to an
abrasion which in turn has caused these blotches "a
bacterial infection"? Is this true?
<Likely so; at least the former>
Also I been racking my brain trying to figure out what would have
caused the abrasion!?!
<What is in this system decor-wise? What re the
gravel/substrate? Is it soft, smooth? Or the hood/canopy
they've been jumping up against?>
From my observation I have noticed there is a chunk of my females
disc missing which I have researched and only came up with this
happening during breeding. So I believe they might have tried
breeding sometime at night (while I was sleeping). Might this be
Another thing when I bought my rays and got them home I put them
in my tank and they adapted very fast and very well...! They had
been very active ray since day one! Very very
<Perhaps stray electricity. I would be checking this as well.
Is all aquarium gear that is thus powered wired through
Since I put them in the new tank and they got this funk they have
stayed in the sand and wont come out with the light on.
<Something's(') very wrong here... What re water
quality tests?>
But in the morning when before I turn on the lights they r out
and about?!? I posted a picture of my female who is the worst
off. There are 2 of them same picture but in one I have circled
the infected area.... PS my rays r housed with 1 black Arowana, 1
<Social animals>
and 1 clown knife.
<Not really compatible.>
I have 2 very small bristle nose Pleco's that I got like 2
months ago to clean up algae we had and I have never seen them
bother my rays ever... But you never know cause it could
happen... Anyway I plan on rehome my Pleco
<... Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwraydisfaqs.htm
and the linked files above; particularly systems. Write back w/
data requested. Bob Fenner>

Reticulated Stingray 6/27/09
I have some questions regarding my female reticulated stingray.
She is about 5.5-6 inches in diameter.
<Still a pup!>
First off, I should mention that I am the aquatics manager at a
local pet shop. I am very knowledgeable about freshwater fish
(still learning about salt which I don't have at my store).
Water parameters: Ammonia 0 PPM, Nitrite 0 PPM, Nitrate 10 PPM,
PH 8.0, using API liquid test kit.
Temperature is 80F.
<All fine, though the pH is a bit on the high side.>
I live in an area where our tapwater is pretty hard and alkaline,
(about 140-150 PPM). I will soon begin doing water changes with
RO water to dilute that down.
<Very good.>
The tank is a 140 gallon with 2 Aquaclear 70's and a Magnum
350. I don't use any carbon filtration currently.
<While carbon is generally redundant in freshwater tanks,
there's probably an argument for using it in Stingray tanks,
at least as a precaution, and provided it wasn't used at the
expense of biological media.>
I currently have only 2 pieces of driftwood in the tank with fine
Tankmates include 5 small (for now) angelfish, 3 clown loaches
(also small for now), 3 German blue rams, and 1 black ghost
knife. I feed once daily with HBH rainbow color flake food, New
Life Spectrum Thera+ 1MM sinking pellets, and my choice of live
earthworms, krill (frozen), bloodworms (frozen), and brine shrimp
(also frozen). I also put in about 10 or so ghost shrimp and
replace them when they are all gone (she really has to work to
catch them!) I alternate the earthworms and krill every other
She loves the live and frozen both, and I think she may eat some
of the pellets, but its hard to tell.
<All sounds very good.>
Ok so on to the question. I ordered her for my store about 4
months ago.
By the time I get fish here, they have already been acclimated to
the type of water we have here in MO. I instantly fell in love
with her and decided to buy her. It took me 2 weeks to get her
eating anything (at the store, where I might add I have almost
identical water quality in my systems).
She slowly went from worms only to the variety I have her on now.
After about 5-6 weeks, I noticed some unusual bumps had appeared
on the top side of her disc.
<Potamotrygon species do develop additional spine-like
structures called denticles on their bodies, usually around the
middle of the back towards the region where the tail and body
disc meet. These denticles look like little teeth and should be
arranged in longitudinal rows, making it quite easy to tell these
normal structures from the symptoms typical of underweight
They almost seemed to appear overnight (or in a very short time).
They are almost symmetrical only appearing about 1/2 an inch from
the outside of the disc on both sides from head to tail. Each
bump (about 2-3 MM in diameter)
look to be made up of 3-5 smaller bumps all pushed together
(kinda like a bunch of grapes). They are semi-transparent but
retain some of her skin color (which I should mention, has always
been a little on the pale side compared to some of the other
specimens I have seen). These bumps don't ever move and have
not increased or decreased in size since I first noticed them.
However about 3 weeks ago, another set of bumps (about the same
size as the others) appeared just behind her left eye (once
again, seemingly overnight). She is a great eater and her
behavior has not changed any through all of this.
<Again, I suspect that this is all normal ontogeny.>
She seems as active as I have read they will be, she actively
forages for food, and pounces quickly when she finds it. I have
had her home for about a month now.
<Usually, lack of appetite is the first sign of problems, so
if she's eating, that's good.>
Earlier this week I treated the tank with Quick-cure in the hopes
to rule out external parasites. I did 2 treatments, but on the
third day I noticed that my water was a little cloudy, and there
was no change whatsoever in the bumps. She did however darken in
color a little on the second day.
None of the other fish in the tank have shown any sign or
symptoms of illness, and if it weren't for the bumps I would
call Chloe (that's her name) a perfectly healthy and active
stingray. Is this anything you have seen or heard before
regarding FW rays (or any FW fish for that matter)?
What can I do to make them go away and improve her color other
than get the PH and alkalinity down?
<Before doing either of these things, do make sure you can
keep them both stable; Stingrays are more bothered by water
chemistry that changes between water changes, rather than the pH
not being precisely optimal for the species.>
Is this problem going to threaten to kill her? I thank you very
much for your time. I have referred to your website countless
times both at work and at home to answer questions that I
don't know. I have been researching this problem for months
now and can't find an answer. This is the best pic that I
could get to turn out. The darker spots closer to the outer edge
of the discs are the ones I am referring to.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Reticulated Stingray
How much water would you suggest I change out at a time and how
often to achieve my final water, which I hope to hold at about
60-70 PPM with a PH of 6.7-6.8.
<In theory, you can change as much water as you want per water
change, provided pH and hardness stay constant. But in practise
it's wisest to do relatively modest changes, around 25% per
day, one or more times per week, as required to keep nitrate
levels at the low levels you're after. If you're also
changing the water chemistry from one set of values to another,
this is even more important, so do small, frequent water changes
that nudge the pH and hardness levels rather than dramatically
change them. Cheers,