FAQs on Freshwater Stingray Disease
FAQs on FW Stingray Disease:
FW Stingray Disease 1,
FW Stingray Disease
2, FW Stingray Disease 3,
FW Stingray Disease 4,
FAQs on FW Stingray Disease by Category:
(Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Related Articles:
Freshwater Stingrays,
Related FAQs: Freshwater Stingrays,
FW Stingray Identification,
FW Stingray Behavior,
FW Stingray Compatibility,
FW Stingray Selection,
FW Stingray Systems,
FW Stingray Feeding,
FW Stingray Reproduction,
Motoro stingrays 11/23/14
I just recently purchased two Motoro stingrays my one has a red
spot on the underside and they did look like they were shedding
but that has stopped. But now they are inactive and just sitting in the
Is there something wrong? Please Help
<Going to direct you to some reading first:
Stingrays of all types are EXTREMELY sensitive fish. They need giant
tanks, big filters, and keepers for whom money is no object. Not kidding
Without any information about your system I really can't pin down the
immediate problem. Stingrays almost always get sick because of
environmental shortcomings -- the tank is too small, there isn't enough
filtration, there's too much nitrate, that sort of thing. Minor injuries
actually heal rather well if the environment is good, so a small
"bruise" isn't necessarily a disaster if you have the right environment
(by which I mean a 200+ gallon tank, several massive external filters,
and frequent water changes that keep nitrate below 20 mg/l). On the
other hand, once bacteria set into a wound and start an infection,
treatment is EXTREMELY difficult. Most fish medications are lethal to
them. Forget about popping down to the aquarium shop and buying a bottle
of something cheap and cheerful. Such products often contain copper and
formalin, and these are deadly to Stingrays. Treatment to injuries is
pretty much limited to ensuring optimal environmental conditions,
offering a varied diet (no feeder fish, EVER), and waiting for the fish
to heal itself. Even if you contact a vet and obtain the right
antibiotics (randomly treating with aquarium shop antibiotics is a bit
hit-and-miss with Stingrays) and dose
the antibiotics properly (essentially impossible for casual aquarists
because they don't know the weight of their fish) there isn't any sort
of guarantee the Stingray will heal. So again, to stress, your two new
Stingrays are certainly stressed from being moved (they often shed some
mucous when exposed to sudden changes, even normal water changes) and
quite possibly injured, neither of which you can do much about. But now
they're in your aquarium, you absolutely must ensure they have a perfect
(not "quite good" or "pretty sweet", but "perfect") aquarium for them.
Two specimens will need a massive amount of water, shall we say 300
gallons for a pair of adults? Maybe 200 gallons for a couple youngsters
up to a disc width of, say, 20 cm/8 inches. Filtration rated at around 8
times the volume of the tank in gallons per hour turnover, so for a 200
gallon tank, upwards of 1600 gallons/hour (which is equivalent to SIX
Eheim 2217
canister filters, or even ONE-AND-A-HALF times the turnover of the
gigantic Fluval FX6 which is why Stingray keepers usually end up using
marine-grade filters with big pumps and crates of media in a sump under
the tank).
Hmm... does this help? Oh, and do rush and buy Richard Ross' book on
keeping Stingrays. Essential reading. Cheers, Neale.>
Motoro Ray Problem 5/22/14
Hi, I just stumbled across your website and
was wondering if you've ever seen the back of a stingray bubble
up like a boil? I work at a pet store and our ray tank has kept
rays alive for months before selling them and we usually sell them in
better shape than when we got them. I don't have any specific water
tests I can tell you but I'll explain the best I can. There are 5 rays
in our ray tank, when I left work Monday at 2pm everything was fine. I
came to work noon on Wednesday and one Motoro had probably ~15-20% of
its back boiled up like a air/fluid filled sack. It deflated and
refilled and deflated and refilled, then it popped and it was dead no
less than an hour later. Any ideas of what can cause the skin to bubble
up and kill so quickly?
<Aaron, there is something called "Gas Bubble Disease"
that can happen when the water is supersaturated with (for example)
oxygen. Extremely strong filtration alongside a lot of turbulence can
cause a higher than normal amount of gases from the air to get dissolved
in the water. This isn't often seen in freshwater systems but was/is
more common in marine systems and ponds where there's often a lot more
air/water mixing, e.g., by waterfalls, fountains, wet/dry filters,
skimmers, etc. Very cold water can hold more oxygen than warmer water,
which is one reason it's dangerous to add a lot of very cold water to an
aquarium or pond because of this.
Anyway, the dissolved gases go into the fish, but then bubble out,
damaging the surrounding tissues. With this said, Gas Bubble Disease is
rare, and most bubble-like cysts or pockets on aquarium fish are caused
by the release of gas by bacteria, usually opportunistic ones that have
infected a wound. While you can't be 100% sure, if the bubble on the
Stingray was associated with any red or white patches, and especially if
there are lots of bubbles on one fish but none on the others, you can
probably put your money on a bacterial infection. Since Stingrays are
sensitive to all sorts of environmental stresses as well as the usual
aquarium pathogens, you will doubtless have a long list of things to
review before considering this case closed! Hope this helps, Neale.>
please help 5/5/11
Please help me I need answers! I have 2 freshwater
stingrays mine are "A.K.A" teacup or
reticulated stingrays! At least that's what the store I
bought them from sold them to me as... I have had them for about
8 months with no problems! They were housed in 125 gallon but we
updated to a 180 gallon! About 3-4 days after moving them to a
bigger tank I noticed white blotches first on
the male on his disc below his eyes and that is the only spot on
top of him! But under him they r more... 1-2 days later I noticed
the female has the blotches all over her top as well as under! I
been doing salt water dips
<I would not do this. Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/SaltUseFWArtNeale.htm
Potamotrygonids have a low tolerance...>
(I was told to try by local pet store) which was keeping them
from spreading but it don't seem to be healing or clearing up
just keeping them from spreading.
<You need to identify and solve the source...>
Needless to say I'm not to sure this is safe for my rays! I
been told this maybe a secondary bacterial infection due to an
abrasion which in turn has caused these blotches "a
bacterial infection"? Is this true?
<Likely so; at least the former>
Also I been racking my brain trying to figure out what would have
caused the abrasion!?!
<What is in this system decor-wise? What re the
gravel/substrate? Is it soft, smooth? Or the hood/canopy
they've been jumping up against?>
From my observation I have noticed there is a chunk of my females
disc missing which I have researched and only came up with this
happening during breeding. So I believe they might have tried
breeding sometime at night (while I was sleeping). Might this be
Another thing when I bought my rays and got them home I put them
in my tank and they adapted very fast and very well...! They had
been very active ray since day one! Very very
<Perhaps stray electricity. I would be checking this as well.
Is all aquarium gear that is thus powered wired through
Since I put them in the new tank and they got this funk they have
stayed in the sand and wont come out with the light on.
<Something's(') very wrong here... What re water
quality tests?>
But in the morning when before I turn on the lights they r out
and about?!? I posted a picture of my female who is the worst
off. There are 2 of them same picture but in one I have circled
the infected area.... PS my rays r housed with 1 black Arowana, 1
<Social animals>
and 1 clown knife.
<Not really compatible.>
I have 2 very small bristle nose Pleco's that I got like 2
months ago to clean up algae we had and I have never seen them
bother my rays ever... But you never know cause it could
happen... Anyway I plan on rehome my Pleco
<... Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwraydisfaqs.htm
and the linked files above; particularly systems. Write back w/
data requested. Bob Fenner>

Question about Motoros... fdg... hlth.... env.
I have a 8 month old stingray. My question is simple. He ate well this
am i feed him ghost shrimp. Tried to change him to live red wigglers
this weekend and he ate about 3. But not he seems disinterested in
food. This evening i gave him his 10 shrimp and he didn't even
bother to catch them. I check the water and everything was normal
ph-6.0 am-0 n-0. So i know its not the water. I know they go on hunger
strikes but i was wondering should i be worried?. I looked at your web
site to see if other people have the same problem but it didn't
really answer my question. He does this i notice only when i try to
change his food. Is he just spoiled? Or is he sick?.
Don't know what to think hope you guys can help me out a bit.
<Maria, you absolutely *should not* rule out water chemistry or
water quality issues! These are BY FAR the most common reasons
Stingrays stop eating or otherwise behave abnormally. Because you have
a very low pH, 6.0, your biological filter will be working at a very
low efficiency, so nitrite and ammonia spikes through the day are
possible. In case you're wondering, biological filter bacteria
prefer pH to be in the range 7.5 to 8.5, and the lower the pH goes
below that range, the less they work, and below pH 6.0 they don't
usually work at all. A very low pH also implies minimal carbonate
hardness (what you measure with a KH rather than GH test kit) and that
means that pH may well vary through the day, so again, take pH readings
several times: before you turn the lights on in the morning, around
midday, and sometime in the evening, at least. Ideally, you would be
keeping a Stingray in water with a moderate amount of carbonate
(4-5 degrees KH) and a pH around neutral (6.5-7.5). But as you
hopefully know, making sudden changes to water chemistry will stress a
Stingray, so if you do decide to alter water chemistry, you need to do
so very carefully and in small steps. If for some reason your Stingray
doesn't particularly want to eat the food you're offering him,
then try starving him for a couple of days and see what happens.
Besides earthworms and river shrimps, Stingrays should receive a
variety of foods so that shortcomings on one are balanced by the
others. Frozen seafood often works well, and things like squid and
cockles are particularly nutritious and lack the Thiaminase found in
mussels and prawns. Small pieces of white fish are good, too, and you
can buy frozen lancefish that can be used whole. This said, earthworms
and shrimps are favourites, so be critical of environmental conditions
and fix them, rather than missing this "early warning" and
not realising something
was wrong until the Stingray got sick. Cheers, Neale.>
Stingray Issue 8/21/08 Hey Crew I recently
purchased a 5" Motor stingray. Having the experience from
saltwater fish, I asked the LFS to feed the fish in front of me, and
waited a week after arrival. Their display tank had large surface area,
but not height, so only problem was that while I was there, I never got
the chance to see its underside. After taking it home, I found out
this. There were reddening parts of the abdomen and parts of the
claspers. I immediately thought that this might of been caused by the
substrate, but the LFS has only fine gravel in there, no rocks or sharp
objects. Can the marks eventually heal? Here is a picture: <None
attached> <Mmm, oh yes to the healing... the reddening could
easily have been "caused" by other factors... time prior...
in collection, holding, shipping... likely "water quality"...
Can/will heal in time with your good care. Bob Fenner>
Another stingray question, beh., no useful info.
6/3/07 Hello again <Howdy> You helped me the other day in
confirming that my little stingray is a girl. <Ah yes> I am
hoping I can ask you another question. It is so hard to find someone
who knows what they are talking about when it comes to the little
beauties. <More commonly kept nowadays... but...> Anyways, the
little girl was really shy at first, but she has been eating well so
far. Over the last few days she has been doing loop-di-loops in her
aquarium, wanting me to rub her tummy when she is upside down. This
morning she was acting funny, with decreased appetite and it looked
like her breathing was a little labored. She is holding the tip of her
disc, the "nose" up in the water, higher than usual. It
almost looks like she hit something and is sore, but do you have any
experience with this? <Yes... can be a bad sign... Indicative of
something amiss with the system, water quality, metal-poisoning... the
presence of infectious, parasitic disease...> She is still eating,
but not quite as much as before. She is moving around, but more slowly
and along the bottom. Thank you Stefanie <... Please read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwstingrays.htm and the linked
files above. Bob Fenner>
Angel stingray -- 06/04/07 She decided to get her
wings this morning. She seemed so much better and ate when I got up,
but an hour later she had checked out. I still don't know what
happened, no fin curl at all, just the apparent injury to the
"nose". Thank you for all of your help. Stefanie <Please
read where you were referred. BobF>
Re: another stingray question -- 06/05/07 Hello
<Stef> Thank you for sending the article. You have an amazing
amount of information on your website. I am sure you have saved
thousands of wet creatures by teaching their humans the right way.
<It is our hope...> The only thing that I can see that was
different was the PH. It was running a little high, with 7.6, although
I was working on bringing it down with water changes with better water
and "PH down" every few days. <Mmm, good... Do look into
longer-term solutions here... starting with water of less alkalinity,
alkaline reserve... Perhaps an in-home Reverse Osmosis device...>
Before I bring another little ray home, I will change out most of the
water so that the PH is right, <Mmm, do this slowly... as
related...> and let it cycle again with new bacteria. I currently
have some snails in the aquarium, and they just gave me a dozen babies.
Would you like some snails?? :) <Heee! No thank you> Also, in
reading your site, you have suggested some prophylactic meds when
bringing home a new ray. Where can I get those meds and what dosage
would you suggest? <Mmmm... wish I was a bit more careful here... I
do endorse the preventative treatment for "worms" and
Protozoans for these (Potamotrygonids) and wild-collected
Discus/Symphysodon, and a few other groups, but I would urge you to
rely on the "chain of supply" to have done such medicine work
ahead of your reception, unless you have adequate, separate quarantine
set-up...> Again, thank you for your help. I am still sad the little
girl passed away, but I am hoping that it teaches me enough to make
sure the next one will live for many many years. Stefanie <Thank you
for sharing your efforts, inspiration, experiences. BobF>
FW Reticulated Stingray - Eye problem Hi, <Hello there>
I purchased a FW reticulated ray from my LFS about 2 weeks ago. He has
been doing well, apart from a small appetite. In the last 24hrs
I've noticed what looks like a small cotton ball/fuzz (looks like
pocket lint) on top of his left eye. At this point I'm not sure if
it's ich <No...> since it appears to have grown over night.
I've done 25% water changes twice a week and water quality is
normal. Any Ideas? Drew <Perhaps resultant from a scratch in
capture, moving... Maybe summat to do with the environment... size of
the system, what's in it, the substrate... or water chemistry
(soft, acidic?)... Likely transient... You have read on WWM re
Potamotrygonids in captivity? Bob Fenner>
Motoro ray with cloudy eyes Hello, I am first
time user of your service and fairly confident in my abilities as an
aquarist, but happened to be reading your section on stingrays and
thought maybe you could help me in determining whether a film (very
light) over my motoro rays eyes could be dangerous.... this condition
just appeared today and to most people would not even be noticeable...
<Anything that deviates from the norm is cause for concern, or at
least research.> I pay very close attention to my fish and as he is
one the more expensive fish I am always concerned about his safety...
<Understood! And what an incredible animal - one of my
favorites.> He is housed in a 100gal tank with a wet dry and a
magnum 330 canister he has been in there for about two years and was
treated twice for ich due to bad feeder stock that didn't seem to
have it when they were introduced into the tank... <Ugh.... Do try
to find suitable foods aside from 'feeder' fish - all too often
illnesses do move from feeders to the fed - as you have experienced.
This is often the death of large predatory fish. Either breed your
feeders yourself so you know they're safe, or find suitable
alternatives (of which there are many).> Tankmates are an albino
Oscar that was introduced very small and has never picked on him a fire
eel and a small (new) Bala shark that exhibits no signs of illness
<This really is a bit much bioload IMO - and not quite the greatest
mix of species, at least for the ray, which does best in a pH of lower
than 6.0, to even as low as 5.0, really, too low for the other species
you have. Rays really do best in species-only tanks, or at least with
fish that tolerate or thrive in such low pH as well.> the water
quality is good and the second treatment for ich will be finished in 2
days... neither time he was treated for ich did he actually show signs
but it was preventive.... <May I asked what med you used? Rays are
scaleless, sensitive fish, and many/most meds are pretty harsh on them.
If you never saw ich in the tank, I don't believe it should have
been necessary to treat for it. Cloudy/filmy eyes are usually the
result of some water parameter being out of whack - specifically, what
are your pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate readings? Extremely sensitive
animals such as these rays will show effects of environmental factors
being out of whack at even extremely low levels. A water change is
probably the very best remedy available for you.> as far as Popeye I
honestly don't know of that ever affecting a ray but I suppose its
possible... I will be paying very close attention to him for the next
few days and if there is any information you may have for me it would
be greatly appreciated... as I'm sure you well know many common
fish medications can harmful to rays and if he does have Popeye do you
think a broad spectrum like maracyn2 would be safe for him <I
seriously doubt that you're dealing with Popeye. Truly, cloudy eyes
usually clear up after a good water change or two. I'm guessing it
might be related to a nitrate problem, in this case, as you already
mentioned feeder fish and have large predators in the tank. Check your
water, fix if necessary. -Sabrina> Thank you.
Possible growth on Fresh water Stingray (URGENT)
Hello my name is Thomas Merrill. I have had two Motoro Stingray for
about six months now. Everything has been great. Today I noticed a
small red sac attached the anus of my male stingray. He is still acting
healthy and eats when ever food is presented. Attached are a couple
Photos I just took. Do you have any idea what this is, and if not do
you know where I might ask? If you do know what it is could you please
tell me about it and how I could possibly treat it? Thanks, Thomas
Merrill <Thomas, sorry to say the attachments did not make it
through (please resend). These "goiters" or tumors are not
uncommon in captive freshwater rays... and almost always can be
corrected with the addition of iodine/iodide to the animals foods.
Please look to the fish stores, online suppliers for such supplements
and administer them to the fish's foods ahead of feeding. Bob
Possible growth on Fresh water Stingray (URGENT) -
Follow-up Thank you so much for your reply. Here are the attached
files. <Mmm, on viewing the image, I'm more inclined to think
this may be a case of a prolapsed colon... I would cut back on this
fish's food and offer it only smallish meaty food items (bite size
or smaller). Bob Fenner>