FAQs on Freshwater Stingray Nutritional Disease
FAQs on FW Stingray Disease:
FW Stingray Disease 1,
FW Stingray Disease
2, FW Stingray Disease 3,
FW Stingray Disease 4,
FAQs on FW Stingray Disease by Category:
(Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Related Articles:
Freshwater Stingrays,
Related FAQs: Freshwater Stingrays,
FW Stingray Identification,
FW Stingray Behavior,
FW Stingray Compatibility,
FW Stingray Selection,
FW Stingray Systems,
FW Stingray Feeding,
FW Stingray Reproduction,
Avoid freshwater "feeders".... vectors of pathogens,
Thiaminase instigators... Ditto w/ Blood, aka Sewer Worm larvae
Skinny Stingray 4/21/18
My motoro stingray is a pretty active stingray but parameters in the
tank are normal (no nitrates, nitrites, ph levels are normal)
<I would prefer the values rather than a statement! To recap, nitrite
should be zero of course, and nitrate as low as practical, though zero
nitrate is in practical terms very difficult to achieve. If you are
honestly getting a zero reading for nitrate, I'd double-check you're
using the test kit right, because a zero nitrate reading in a tank with
a large,
predatory fish is so unlikely. While the precise pH value isn't
critical, it should be stable and not too high, and ideally, hardness
and pH would be towards the soft water end of their respective ranges;
maybe 2-15 degrees dH, pH 6.5-7.5.>
and there is no chance of infection or parasites.
<How can be you be so sure? Even at the retailer there's some risk of
There are constant water changes and filter changes with at least 25%
changed. He is fed everyday or every other day with more food (this does
not happen often, but there are issues that come up as they do in life,
but not enough for there to be leftovers in the tank).
He has been in our tank for over a year and a half and has been growing
steadily, so we are pretty sure there is no stress, and as he has
survived this long and continues to grow.
<I agree, this is promising.>
Our substrate is a soft gravel that My parents used years ago with
another ray who lived a long life (obviously rinsed thoroughly with
<I am sure you're aware of the debate surrounding the use of substrates
in ray aquaria. There are arguments in favour of soft sand substrates,
and arguments in favour of no substrate at all. I wouldn't say it comes
down to personal taste, but the latter approach is perhaps easier and
He is a very happy ray in all searching through gravel, finding
Blackworms, swimming around all normal ray things. My problem is that he
is too skinny.
He is fed a good diet of shrimp, Blackworms and live fish (who have been
quarantined by fish store for at least a month usually more) but he will
not gain weight.
<Live fish is already one major risk factor. Let's be clear, unless
you're home-breeding thiaminase-free fish from parasite-free parents,
then any live fish are dangerous. End of story. For a start, cyprinids
(goldfish, minnows, and their relatives) contain thiaminase and simply
should never be used as live food. No scientifically sound argument can
be made in favour of using those types of fish, and store-bought
"feeder" goldfish and minnows are simply parasite-bombs. If you've used
those, then right there is one very probable reason for the ill-health
of your Stingray. Thiaminase is an enzyme that breaks down thiamin
(vitamin B1) and when used regularly the predatory fish can/will develop
all sorts of vague, but potentially lethal, health issues. There's a BIG
scientific literature out there on this subject, but let me direct you
to Marco Lichtenberger's summary here at WWM, written specifically for
Next up, the feeder fishes bought at pet stores will almost certainly
have parasites of some sort in them, and quarantining them only means
those parasites aren't killing the host fish. Get those feeders inside
your predatory fish and things become more complicated. A goldfish
might, for example, have a degree of resistance to a certain parasite
because they evolved together over thousands if not millions of years,
but South American Stingrays may never encountered parasites common in
Eurasia, and would have no resistance at all to that parasite. Do you
see the problem here? It's not a definite explanation, but the use of
feeders is just such a wildly risky chance to take, that it is very
difficult to rule them out. Given Stingrays aren't obligate fish-eaters
in the wild, there's no real reason to feed them live fish anyway, and
most if not all experienced Stingray keepers and breeders avoid them.
Instead focus on invertebrates, particularly worms, as well as more
mixed, vegetable-rich food items that offer vitamins and fibre.
Gut-loaded earthworms and river shrimps are a good way to get vegetables
into your Stingray! Alongside these, a good
quality Stingray pellets will help round out their diet, and arguably
could make up their entire diet if you're on a budget.>
He also completely refuses to eat things like smelt, nightcrawlers and
even wild caught shrimp (as in once he smells it on your hand he will
not come near you the rest of feeding time he hates them that much) and
we have tried countless times to introduce him to other foods.
<The golden rule with fish remains this: they'll eat when they're happy
and healthy. If they're not eating, it usually means there's a problem.
It's very rarely the food itself that's wrong, but something else. Could
be water quality or chemistry, could be the lighting (Stingrays hate
bright light), could be the tankmates, if any (Stingrays are best kept
alone). But as we've discussed, there could be a deeper problem if live
feeders have been used, especially goldfish or minnows. Nobody keeping a
fish as valuable and as delicate as a Stingray should be giving them
live feeder fish.>
We have even hidden some in the foods he does enjoy and he spits out the
food he doesn't like once he figures out it is there.
<Classic food refusal.>
He is too skinny but as I said he is still growing outwards so he is
still healthy but I hate seeing him so skinny.
<I would be thinking along the lines of internal parasites, if he "eats
but stays thin" but I'd also be worried about thiamin deficiency.>
Are there any fattening foods that I can safely feed a ray?
<See above; your Stingray doesn't need more calories, but he does need
his appetite back. You need to review that aspect, and act accordingly.>
I've seen people suggest clams, muscles, and worms.
<Clams are good. Mussels can be used sparingly -- again, they contain
thiamine. Earthworms are good and safe; bloodworms and especially
Tubifex worms substantially more risky, and best avoided.>
We can try other fish but I'm not sure how he will react. Any tips or
suggestions will be much appreciated!
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
motoro rays... Fdg., nutr. dis. 7/13/10
Greetings Crew,
I have two Male Motoro rays. They are about 10' disks now. Both
have lived in a 1200 gal tank since they were 4" disk. They have a
complete Life support system, reservoir, sand filter, chemical filter
,bio filter, R.O., UV sterilizer, chiller the works! I Back wash the
system 2-3 times a week.
They live with discus and an Arowana and a few Blood Parrots they are
in an aquarium we custom built in a local Casino. Within the last week
they have slowly lost their appetites. They seem to have lost their
desire to swim.
One has been bumping into walls and is now showing a lot of trauma to
his disk. He swims upside down and has been puffing from the top. All
my water tests are perfect.! They eat krill, bloodworms and any small
schooling fish they can catch. I feel the bloods are taking advantage
of them. Though the owner doesn't want to let them go! Ughh! To my
question...I retrieved the Rays last night and isolated them in their
own tank. I don't know what to treat them with. They are swimming
about a little more today but the white (picking) areas look bad. And
still not eating. Any and all suggestions are much requested.
Thank you
<Hello Ginger. The reasons why Stingrays refuse food are varied. As
you correctly surmise, environment is the commonest issue. So yes,
checking water quality, water chemistry, and water temperature are all
Consider any possible toxins: paint fumes, insecticides, etc. Make sure
no-one has been doing anything silly to these Stingrays like feeding
them human food "treats". Next up, the use of feeder fish.
This cannot be
stressed too strongly. If you have predatory fish and you want them to
die, feed them feeder fish. Never, EVER use store-bought feeders.
Goldfish and Minnows are the worst because they not only contain
parasites but they also contain large amounts of Thiaminase and fat,
and used regularly will cause [a] vitamin B deficiency and [b] damage
to the internal organs. Thiaminase is common in some types of seafood
and fish, notably prawns, shrimps and mussels. Use Thiaminase-rich
foods no more than once or twice a week, and all the rest of the meals
must be Thiaminase-free foods. Until quite recently most aquarists had
never heard of Thiaminase, but it is now reasonably clear that this is
a major source of ill-health and premature mortality.
If you've been using feeders or not taking care of the Thiaminase
issue, the damage may be done. A vet trained in handling cartilaginous
fish may be able to offer some help, but otherwise there's little
you can do. Next up, there's monotony. Stingrays need a varied die,
and surprisingly, it needs to include some green foods for fibre.
Cucumber, cooked peas and lettuce leaves are nibbled on by hungry
Stingrays, and whether they're a major source of nutrients
isn't clear, but their value as fibre does seem helpful. Zoos often
create mixes with things liked cooked brown rice and carrots! If they
won't take greens, then live earthworms are nearly as good, having
guts filled with decaying leaves. Finally, there's harassment.
Stingrays generally mix poorly with other fish, and Suckermouth catfish
in particular can harass them. As for their injuries, if these are
nothing worse than scratches, these should heal fine assuming water
quality is good. There are no completely reliable medications for
treating Stingrays, which is why avoidance of sickness is so important.
Potamotrygon spp. tolerate salt quite well, at least for periods of a
few weeks, so in some instances slightly saline water may be helpful
for external parasites, but generally that isn't necessary. If the
Stingray can recover, it will do under its own steam. Cheers,
Re: motoro rays [RMF, any ideas on medications?] <<Furan
cpd.s RMF>> 7/13/10
Thank you, unfortunately I lost one of them earlier today after writing
to you. The other fellow is still struggling with himself. I have
offered bloodworms twice to no avail. Is there no treatment to help the
healing I could add to his tank?
<No. As stated, a vet who treats sharks and rays may be able to
help, but adding "potions" as you'd do with regular fish
won't have any positive effects at all. An antibiotic might be used
safely, but you'll need to check with your vet or the manufacturer
I have him now isolated in a 500 gallon holding tank. With a soft sandy
bottom. The wounds are pretty much all white and some dark patchy areas
on his upper side. Thank you for your time with me.
<As stated, if you have ever used feeder fish, you've basically
thrown all your chances out of the window. Feeder fish are hands-down
the single best way to kill predatory fish short of hitting them over
the head with a priest. If you've offered Thiaminase-rich foods too
often, again, the damage is already done. It really comes down to this:
if water quality is excellent, and the internal organs haven't been
damaged by Thiaminase or parasitised by the use of feeder fish, sick
Stingrays can get better under their own steam. But if the damage is
done, there's really nothing left but praying to the Fish Gods.
Cheers, Neale.>
Possible Motoro Parasite/Feeding Frustrations (RMF,
second opinion please) 3/10/09 Hello, <Hello
Kyle,> Before I ask my question I think it's important to
note that my 7 inch Motoro was purchased and acclimated 3 days
ago, so he is still undergoing the typical acclimation stress
(and the underside of his disk is reddish). Now that he has
become more acclimated and begin scrounging for food, I noticed a
small brown spot on the underside of his disk in the shape of a
butterfly, with a little raised light-colored bump in the center
of the spot. I have attached the best picture I was able to get
of the spot (my ray swims fast on the glass), but I was wondering
if this could be a parasite that hitched a ride on my ray; and if
so, where can I find instruction to remove it as safely and
stress-free as possible? <It isn't clear to me what this
is, and I'm asking Bob for advice here.> <<Isn't
clear to me either, but at largest amplification, cleaning up...
and the position of this mark... it appears to be more of a
"bruise" to me than anything else. Not parasitic.
RMF>> In case it helps, my tank is registering nitrates at
5 PPM, with everything else at 0. I have a fine sand substrate
and filtration to turn 10 times the volume of the tank. In
addition, I was wondering about feeding. I have read and heard of
stingrays on "feeding strikes" or "not accepting
food" but mine seems to be very fickle about his food,
neither accepting nor rejecting it in any predictable way.
He's nearly always blowing the sand around looking for food,
but if he does pick up a worm or small piece of raw shrimp, he
will sometimes spit it out of his mouth even if he's accepted
it from me greedily before... only then to further swim around
the tank looking for something else to eat. One example is just
an hour ago, I put half a live nightcrawler in there, and he
sucked it out of my hand hungrily, then spat it out. For the next
half hour he would gnaw at it, spit it out and then swim around
the tank, eventually eating it. So far, I have tried bloodworms,
red wigglers, nightcrawlers, and ground raw shrimp; all which
have been accepted and rejected in an unpredictable fashion.
Thank you for your time and advice, I look forward to hearing
back from you. Kyle <While these fish are finicky, one key
thing about their appetite is stress. So your Stingray may simply
be settling in and not ready to feed consistently. But it could
equally easy be an issue with water quality or water chemistry
stability, so think about these factors too. Review tankmates,
and see if there's anything that might be stressing the
Stingray. Take care not to overfeed; when we bring home a new
fish, it's tempting to keep feeding the new fish to check
it's healthy and happy. Cheers, Neale.><<Totally in
agreement. RMF>>
Re: More: re: Possible Motoro
Parasite/Feeding Frustrations (RMF, second opinion please)
Hi, guys- thank you for your help and quick responses. I tried to
see what might be stressing him, but the water seems stable,
<"Seems"? You don't get this latitude with
stingrays; the water MUST be stable. Keeping them in huge tanks
helps, as does performing very regular (ideally, daily) water
changes so that background acidification doesn't get
a chance to occur. The carbonate hardness should be reasonably
high; while soft water fish in the wild, pH variation is much
more harmful than moderately hard water.>
he has no tank buddies, and the temp is kept at 80 degrees.
<Too warm. The usual 25 C/77 F is ample for these and indeed
most Amazon Basin fish (with a few exceptions, like fish from the
Xingu River which do like things a bit warmer). The warmer the
water, the more active a Ray will become, but the cost of higher
metabolism is increased demand for oxygen and a heavier workload
on the filter. Unless you're breeding fish, it's usually
best to keep them at the cooler end of their preference range.
Not cold, by any means, but verify their preferred temperature
range from Fishbase or similar, and work from there.>
And I have decided to call that brown spot a "beauty
mark" and will continue to do so until the moment (if and
when) it appears to be a trouble spot.
I have noticed since my e-mail before that there is a small
amount of regularity in his feeding. He seems to have no trouble
accepting one nightcrawler in the morning and evening, but
anything after that he will not eat. His belly also appears to be
getting less and less red each day (although this may partly be
wishful thinking more so than objective observation)... so I am
taking that as a sign that he's getting better
It's still a little weird to me that he is spending a lot of
time blowing sand around looking for food, but won't eat
much, and then spends a lot of time swimming in the same pattern
around the glass.
<What kind of sand are you using? Anything likely to irritate?
Many aquarium sands are too sharp for benthic fish. If in doubt,
plain vanilla "smooth" silica sand is fine.>
I actually had to put a book on the corner of my tank, because it
appears as though he keeps trying to jump out that corner (I wont
worry about a tank cover until I see him trying to jump out
anywhere else).
<Normal behaviour if they're stressed. Again, this may
stop if the fish settles in, but if it persists, then review
conditions and act accordingly.
The usual problems with Stingrays are insufficient water
insufficient filtration (water turnover), and unsteady water
Is it possible, since the tank at the store was decently
decorated, that adding some small decorations would help him with
his level of comfort, or are rays not as concerned with decor as
some other fish?
<Wild fish hide by digging into the sand. Floating plants will
certainly be welcomed for the shade they provide, but bogwood,
rocks, etc are redundant and indeed undesirable if they trap
Well, it seems this 'thank you' has turned into a
"holiday mailer" so I will cut it off here. Thanks
again for all your help,
<Cheers, Neale.><<Excellent resp. Neale... content,
format wise... Have nothing further to add. BobF>>
Re: More: re: Possible Motoro
Parasite/Feeding Frustrations (RMF, second opinion please)
With regard to the substrate, it is a very fine sand. It may be
that the granules, although small, are sharp if the sand is an
<Feel the sand; smooth sand feels velvety, sharp sand feels
If upon further investigation of his habits, I determine that the
is causing him irritation, would adding a small layer of a
different, smoother sand work?
<Replace all the old sand with smooth sand. No point being
cheap here; for the sake of a few dollars' worth of sand, you
could end up with an infected Stingray. Dump the old sand in the
garden. Mixed with soil, it helps improve drainage. So no
I am trying to avoid ripping out the bio-colonies in the sand by
replacing the substrate altogether.
<No useful bacteria in the sand.>
Perhaps replacing the substrate over time, bit by bit? What would
work best for that?
<Replace all.>
Now that I read what I wrote, I realized "seems"
doesn't fit what I am observing with the water. That was my
way of saying I am checking it daily, levels are fine, so unless
there are fluctuations in the water source here in ways I
can't measure, then water quality isn't the issue. So, in
this case, seems=if something's wrong, it's going to
catch me off guard.
<Right, I see.>
Sorry to be such a bother with all these questions and trouble.
This is (quite obviously) my first ray, so I am erring on the
side of cautiousness, which may not be an err in ray-keeping at
<Very wise indeed. Do invest in one of the several books on
the topic. Some are inexpensive (like the Barron's one) and
will save much money in the long term.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: More: re: Possible Motoro
Parasite/Feeding Frustrations (RMF, second opinion please)
I thank you again for your assistance. I don't know what the
problem could be anymore, because the substrate feels soft and
smooth to me, not scratchy like some sands I have used.
<Well, that's good.>
Water quality is fine and I have been changing at least 10
percent of the water every day.
<Define "fine". The thing with Stingrays is that 99
times out of 100, problems are down to water quality and/or
chemistry issues. Obviously you need zero levels of ammonia and
nitrite, but nitrate also needs to be very low, realistically as
close to zero as is practical. The water chemistry should be
stable; ideally soft and slightly acidic, but regardless of the
hardness level, the pH should be rock steady.>
He simply is refusing to eat anymore.
<Was he feeding at the aquarium shop? What were they feeding
him? For all the usual reasons, I'd never recommend buying a
specimen that was fed feeder fish, particularly goldfish. But if
it was consuming earthworms and other safe foods, it should be in
good shape. Assuming he's eating something, and has hitherto
taken a meal every couple of days, he can be "starved"
for a week or more without problems. But the flip side is
Stingrays tend to be greedy feeders for things like earthworms
and live river shrimp when happy, but refuse to feed point blank
when stressed in some way.>
There seems to be a connection between me coming into the room or
near the tank to do maintenance and him going to hide in the
<Some degree of nervousness is common initially after
purchase, but fish generally settle down within a few days to a
week. Do review the general environment though: loud televisions,
slamming doors, busy corridors can all make fish much more
nervous than otherwise.>
I am honestly getting a little frustrated with this guy; I really
only try to feed him morning and evening. Maybe I just need
clarification on what people mean when they say "feeding
strike." Obviously, there's an element of non-eating,
but if he's on such a "strike" then why does he
spend the whole day searching for food?
<To some degree you must dissociate foraging behaviour with
actual feeding; fish will instinctively forage for food all
through their day (or night) activity cycle. They don't need
to be eating constantly though, and simply because they're
foraging doesn't mean they need to be fed.>
Most times, he finds what I give him and greedily begins to suck
it down but then spits it out or leaves it, and then goes to
<Maybe he doesn't like it? What are you offering?>
I'm afraid I am going to lose this guy, and it just feels
wrong because I have been doing everything that I have been told
either by people or by my very deep research (I did get the
Barron's book before I bought him).
<My gut feeling here is this: [1] Review environmental/water
conditions; [2] Double check them! [3] Turn the lights out for
the next few days. [4] Don't feed him for at least 3 days.
[5] Get some nice, fat, juicy
earthworms and offer one of them late in the evening on the
fourth day.>
I am sorry there wasn't much of a question in this e-mail. I
guess I figured I may have said something about his behavior that
may show something we haven't noticed before.
<Cheers, Neale.><<I do agree with your probable
prognoses... advice Neale... If none of these can be found to be
at fault, when-corrected, restore this fish to feeding, I would
return it to the store. BobF>>
Re: More: re: Possible Motoro
Parasite/Feeding Frustrations (RMF, second opinion please)
Hm... thank you for the distinction between searching and
hungriness. That has helped me a little. When I bought this one,
I was actually in the LFS looking at another stingray that they
tried to feed an earthworm and he didn't go for it, but this
guy came speeding up to it and started to eat it down; he looked
healthy and obviously hungry so I got him instead.
<An excellent way to choose Stingrays.>
He did have a little trouble eating the whole thing because
he's a smaller ray still, but he did (and still does) get the
whole nightcrawler down eventually. I have also tried breaking
the worms in half or 3 parts but he loses interest or only eats
the front-worm part. Thank the Lord I care for an African clawed
frog who will eat what my ray rejects. Other foods I used are
glass shrimp and raw supermarket shrimp, and red wigglers.
<Do try something very small, like bloodworms. Shrimp are fine
up to a point, but because they contain a lot of Thiaminase, it
is sensible to use them in small amounts, no more than 25% the
weekly food input. Earthworms are very nutritious, in part
because they are 'gut loaded' with decaying plant matter
and soil. While that sounds icky, it does mean they provide lots
of useful vitamins, minerals and fibre.>
I will try not feeding for a couple days. My only worry is that
he's already looking very malnourished from his rejection of
food (hip bones showing, dent in forehead, etc). I will do that
if he can last the couple days without food even like this.
<Well, if he's not eating, he's not eating. So whether
you put food in the water or not, it hardly matters. I'd
certainly stop offering food he shows no interest in. A day or
two starving should make little difference, though I agree, a
"skinny" Stingray is at risk.>
Water quality (ammonia/nitrite/nitrate) is still stable, nitrate
at 3 PPM and I am going to change 20% of the water again
<The nitrate is fine; the nitrite is zero though?>
I honestly do not know about PH... maybe I made an unsafe
assumption that using the same water source each time gives the
same PH.
<Ah, yes, this matters. A lot of people in the US seem to have
water that has been treated in various ways by the water company,
presumably to improve its potability. But the chemicals used,
such as flocculants, cause the pH to change dramatically within
24 hours of being drawn from the tap.
Try testing the pH of some tap water now, and then leaving the
same water for 24 hours and seeing what the pH is then. You might
be surprised. Also, do of course remember the basics: don't
use water from a domestic water softener, do use dechlorinator,
and do use a dechlorinator that treats ammonia and/or chloramine
if either are issues with your local water supply. You might also
want to check for copper in your tap water supply.
If your pipes are made from copper, it is possible for tap water
to become contaminated. Copper is highly toxic to Stingrays, and
such water supply will need to be treated with a water
conditioner than neutralised copper.><<And copper ion
presence would definitely send them off feed. RMF>>
<Cheers, Neale.>
(FW) Stingray lethargic/not swimming properly
11/5/07 I awoke this morning to my stingray in what appeared to be
a death curl, turned out he was just resting his fins on the glass and
a rock. but I changed 30% of the water as per my usual Sunday regimen,
<We share this task, timing in common> but he is extremely
lethargic and seems to be dormant after attempting to swim a short
distance. He hasn't come up on the side of the glass as he
sometimes used to. He seems to be swimming as though he's about to
die, like a regular fish with a gas bladder problem would be swimming
on its side or upside down on the bottom of the tank. I know he
isn't eating as much as he should, he's been extremely thin,
but I attempt to feed him at least 3 times a day. The only thing he
seems to readily accept is frozen bloodworms. I've been trying live
earthworms (both cooked/chopped and live whole/chopped), frozen brine
shrimp, fresh cooked chopped mussels, krill, but can't seem to get
any acceptance. I suspect the malady aforementioned is directly related
to his feeding habits, but what can I do, or is it already too late?
<This is a freshwater... Potamotrygonid... I fully suspect goiter...
an iodine deficiency here, perhaps other nutritional avitaminoses...
Please put the term "ray, goiter, iodine" in the search tool
here: http://wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/question_page.htm and
read the cached views. Bob Fenner> Thank you, Josh
Stingray issue 7/22/07 Hi there, My question is
about my fw stingray. I currently am housing 3 fw stingrays, 2 Motoros
and one reticulata (teacup). Motoros are 12 in and 6 in and teacup is 6
inches . I have had them for about a year in a 265 gal with a large
Pacu and 14 in silver Arowana. As of late the smaller Motoro has been
swimming above where the air bubble wand and filter outtake meet. Its
def out of character for her. I am using a Fluval fx5, an emperor
BioWheel and Eheim canister for filtration. One of her eyes seems
cloudy and closing. I lost the first ray I had a year ago and he showed
some similar signs. Ammonia 0 nitrate 0 ph 6.0. Temp about 82. I feed
rays jumbo night crawlers I get from bait shop and once in a while
feeder goldfish but not to much. I added Pimafix. She also has a little
red around her mouth. The swimming funny really has me thinking
somethings up. She eats and has not lost any weight. Any helpful hints.
I would really appreciate any help your site is the best. Oh and
substrate is sand very easy on them. <Greetings. As you probably
realize, freshwater stingrays are exceptionally difficult fish that are
only suitable for very advanced, highly experienced fishkeepers. When
it comes to disease, the problems are that [a] we don't really have
a textbook list of stingray diseases yet and [b] many of the
medications safe with bony fish are dangerous to cartilaginous fish.
Now, as a general rule, when fish swim into the filter current it is
usually because this is where the water quality is highest and the
oxygen concentration highest. Likewise, when fish show red patches on
this skin (signs of irritation) then again, water quality is something
to think about. In your case, you need to be reviewing a variety of
things. Ammonia and nitrite obviously (you say the former is 0, but how
regularly do you test it? try testing over a week and at different
times of the day, especially shortly after feeding). Nitrate needs to
be as close to zero as possible, which you say is the case. But water
chemistry is also important. Stingrays aren't that fussed about pH
and hardness, but they are bothered by changes. So if you're
manipulating your water supply to get the low pH and hardness levels
you have, check to see you're being consistent. Another issue is
air or water pollution: it's easy for things like paint vapours and
tobacco smoke to end up in the aquarium, and these will irritate/poison
the fish. Yet another issue is filter turnover. For a stingray, I'd
recommend not less than 8x the volume of the tank in turnover per hour
(i.e., marine quality filtration and twice that for regular small
community fish like guppies and tetras). Given your aquarium is 265
gallons, that means you need filtration around 2120 gallons per hour,
minimum. Your Fluval delivers about 600 gallons per hour, the Emperor
280 gallons per hour, and the Eheim I don't know how much because
you don't say the model. But it needs to be *at least* 1240 gallons
per hour to even make the baseline your stingrays need. Since even a
really big Eheim like the Professional 3 is only producing a
"mere" 450 US gallons per hour turnover, your tank is very
likely (almost certainly) under-filtered. Some more general advice.
Melafix and Pimafix are largely useless as treatments. While they
sometimes work for some people under some conditions, they're too
inconsistent to be relied on, and therefore of no value with expensive
fishes like yours. Another problem is diet. Stingrays feed on a variety
of animals in the wild including small fish, but never Cyprinidae. The
nearest Cyprinidae are hundreds if not thousands of miles away from
where they live. Why do I mention that? Because Cyprinidae -- things
like goldfish and minnows -- have high quantities of Thiaminase that
breaks down Vitamin B1 over time. They also contain a lot of fat. Fish
that eat them in the wild, like pike, presumably are adapted to this,
but most other predatory fish do not seem to be, and long term both
these issues cause damage. Bob Fenner has written at length on the
issue of feeder goldfish and marine predators like Lionfish. Since your
stingray is, basically, a marine fish that happens to be living in
freshwater because it got trapped on the wrong side of a newborn
mountain range, your stingray likely will react the same way to a high
fat, high Thiaminase diet as any other marine predator (i.e., poorly).
On top of this, feeder fish are the Number 1 best way to introduce
parasites and bacteria into your nice clean stingray aquarium. To be
honest, whoever advised you to feed cheap "parasite time
bombs", sorry, feeder goldfish, to something as delicate and easy
to kill as a stingray deserves to spend some quality time on the
Naughty Spot. The ideal foods for stingrays are either terrestrial
foods (like earthworms), marine foods (like mussels and prawns), or
"clean" frozen foods (like bloodworms and lancefish). All
these will be safe because they have no chance of introducing parasites
or bacteria into the aquarium likely to harm a freshwater stingray.
Over here in the UK, live estuarine river shrimp are widely used with
success and these match very closely the preferred staple diet of
freshwater stingrays in the wild: large crustaceans. As you realize,
stingrays have teeth adapted not for catch fish but for crushing
shells. Finally, the whole sand issue in aquaria for stingrays is
debated endlessly. There's some good evidence that dirty sand can
trap bacteria and cause infections. This has been observed on catfish
barbels for years (erroneously put down by some people to
"sharp" gravel wearing the barbels down). Catfish generally
shrug off such infections and re-grow their barbels when conditions
improve, catfish being, fundamentally, very hardy animals usually
adapted to swamps and other horrid environments. Stingrays do not have
this level of robustness. So double check the sand is spotlessly clean.
You should be stirring it weekly and siphoning out any detritus. Many
stingray keepers prefer to keep their rays in tanks without sand to
side-step this issue. Finally, do check the fish aren't able to
burn themselves. It is *extremely* common for stingrays to burn
themselves against the heater. The heater should be either inside the
filter or covered with a plastic mesh of some kind (called
"guards" and these often come with the better heaters
anyway). Hope this helps! Cheers, Neale.>
Hystrix Stingray Not
Eating? 1/23/07 To Whom It May Concern, <Okay> I have had a
Hystrix Stingray in a 250 gallon tank for approx. 9 months and she has
now stopped eating?? <Mmm, you tell me... Potamotrygonids, in fact
all cartilaginous fishes do periodically seem to go on feeding
strikes... generally no problem> I checked the water quality
(ammonia = 0, nitrates = 0)and have even performed two water changes
(approx. 20%) over the last 4 days, but to no avail? <Was I there
with you?> She was eating shrimp (4-5 per day), <Mmm... I
wouldn't feed this much, and not daily> bloodworm cubes,
earthworms, salmon, but is no longer accepting any of the above. The
water temp is approx 80-82 degrees and the PH is 6.0-6.2. I am unsure
what to do, but she has not eaten in approx. 5 days and is looking very
thin and weak. <Do you administer vitamins? Iodine/ide?> In the
past, she was very aggressive when eating and would accept food as
often as I would put it into the tank. Is there some type of medication
that I should add to the water? <The aforementioned supplements>
Thanks in advance for your help. Regards, Steve <Please read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/index.htm The second
tray... Batoids Disease, Potamotrygonids Feeding... Bob Fenner>
Motoro ray health 9/28/06 Can you help me with a problem I
noticed with my motoro stingray? I've had it for 2 1/2 years, and
it's size is approximately 7" round with a 6 or 7" tail.
I just noticed a depression in between its eyes (on top of its head).
He eats fine and swims fine and haven't noticed any changes other
than this depression. There appears no injury to the outside tissue.
Any idea what this may be, and is it a big concern? Any help with this
is appreciated. Rob <Mmm... most likely an endocrine/nutritional
deficiency centered around iodine... Do you supplement this animals
foods with such? Use Vitamin inserts in its foods? Please read over WWM
re Goiters of Cartilaginous fishes and Mazuri.com's site re. Bob