FAQs on
Black Ghost
Knifefish, Apteronotus (Sternarchus) albifrons, Disease/Health:
Related Articles:
New World Knifefishes,
Notopterids/Clown Knifefishes
Electrogenic Fishes,
Related FAQs: BGK Disease 1,
BGK Disease 2,
BGK Disease 3, BGK Disease 4,
Knifefish Disease,
FAQs on
BGK Disease by Category:
FAQs on:
BGK Behavior,
BGK Compatibility,
BGK Selection,
BGK Systems,
BGK Feeding,
BGK Reproduction, &
Knifefishes 1,
Knifefishes 2,
Knifefish Identification,
Knifefish Behavior,
Knifefish Compatibility,
Knifefish Selection,
Knifefish Systems,
Knifefish Feeding,
Knifefish Reproduction,
Electrogenic Fishes,
Notopterid Knifefishes
White spot treatment> Black ghost knife fish.... Killing them cluelessly
Hi, Need your help.. I have order 2 black ghost knife fish, will be
receiving them on Thursday!!
<.... best kept singly. SEE/READ on WWM re this species>
But noticed one of our goldfish
has white spots!! I want to give them treatment, but I know BKG are very
sensitive to treatment!!
<THIS is also gone over and over.... READ>
Will the medicine affect them when they arrive on Thursday??
<Just elevated temperature. READ>
I really don't want them to die and I don't have another tank to put them in??
<I want you to read, READ, READ. USE WWM. Bob Fenner>
Please help.. Kind regards
HD Ghost knife Ich photos for you
Hi there,
I've found your site super informative, unfortunately though none of the
information I've found has helped my poor Ghost Knife. I injured myself
at work (dislocated shoulder, torn ligaments) and was unable to get home
for 2 weeks. Had a friend feeding my fish. After 2 weeks I came home to
find my bristle nose fry dead and my blue Acara fry dead. All had lost
colour, bloated and were at a furry stage of decomposition.
I've been heat/salt treating the BGK for 3-4 days now,
<How high is the temp.? Mid to upper 80's F.?>
and its only getting worse. The 3 Kuhli loaches and 5 Elec yellows don't
show Ich symptoms, but don't look well either. Unfortunately I don't
have a med tank for any of them. My second tank is full, and SUPER
Hopefully these hi res photos will be of some use on your website.
<Thanks for sending them along. Bob Fenner>
Re: HD Ghost knife Ich photos for you
Just wanted to send you an update. After 30c temp and salt additions to
the water had no effect, I started to notice my Kuhli Loaches getting
sick. One died (found him stuck to the filter) and my Electric yellows
would not stop scraping themselves. I decided to medicate, using VitaPet
Multicure at half strength. after 10 days the BGK has completely healed
(fin is yet to grow back, but has healed) and my Kuhlis are more lively
than ever. The yellows now are back to normal. They weren't eating much
when sick, now they eat anything and its been weeks. My BGK goes nuts
for Cichlid crisps
and Algae wafers. The active ingredients in Multicure are 0.400mg/ml
Malachite Green, 4.0mg/ml Methylene Blue, 2.00mg/ml Acriflavine. 2.5ml
per 20litre every 3 days.
Hope this is of some use :)
<Thanks for the update Sam; yes, quite sure this'll be informative to
Methylene Blue and Acriflavine are both relatively mild and I've used
them with sensitive species like Puffers. On the other hand, Malachite
Green can be quite nasty, but if it worked for you, great! Salt/heat
usually works very well with Ick, so do check you use the method
correctly. It's a much less toxic approach for dealing with Ick, though
it's less effective at low concentrations when treating Velvet, and the
two diseases are easily confused. Cheers, Neale.>
Black Ghost Knife Problems 9/21/10
Dear Crew,
I have a BGK that is in serious trouble. I have had him for about a
month now in a 40 gallon tank with a few other fish. The tanks water
levels are great.
<Test values please>
For the last two weeks my BGK has been getting what looks like
Protozoan Parasites. One day he is fine and the next just covered. I
have been treating him with Quick Cure
<Yikes... very toxic... I would not expose this or other
Knifefishes, scale-less fishes to formalin. Do please read on WWM re
treatments. Very likely, if the other livestock can/will tolerate it,
elevated temperature
alone will rid the system of parasitic Protozoans>
but its not getting rid of the problem. Now he is getting tired I'm
guessing and has been "laying down" he is still eating and
will get up and move around. I got home today and its the worst it has
been, its chunky
white and grey stuff now. What do I do? Also none of the other fish are
being affected by this and so I'm scared to keep treating the whole
Please help fast, I don't want to lose him!
Thank you so much
<Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwichremedyyes.htm
and here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bgkdis.htm
and write back if you have questions, concerns. Bob Fenner>
Ghost knife fish and White spot/Ich?? 4/20/10
Hello, iv a young GKF around 3-4inchs in length, I've noticed that
it has lots of tiny White dots along it's body, I suspect White
<Is certainly possible if you recently added some new fish to the
so far the rest of my fish aren't displaying signs and appear
<For now.>
and happy.
<So far.>
My tank us 80litres and I have 2 pearl Gourami's, 5 Endler's guppies,
2 Pygmy puffers and 2 bumblebee gobies, they have lived in harmony for
many months with my previous GKF until he died several months ago.
<Black Ghosts can live 15 years, and should certainly live more than
10 years. This should be a warning sign. Do understand in no uncertain
terms that your aquarium is a disaster waiting to happen. Puffers will
nip the Guppies and Gouramis, the Gobies will eventually be Knifefish
food, and the Knifefish will reach a length of up to 60 cm/2 feet given
good conditions, though 45 cm/18 inches is more typical. Read.
Among other things, you must understand that Apteronotus albifrons, the
Black Ghost Knifefish, lives in well-oxygenated, relatively cool
streams and shallow rivers. It needs excellent water quality, lots of
space, a strong water current (which your Guppies and Gouramis will
loathe) and a water temperature no higher than 25 C/77 F. In your
aquarium, these Knifefish have a life expectancy of months, not
The shop I bought my new GKF had an outbreak of Whitespot allegedly
weeks prior to me buying him, I'm afraid he has brought the disease
with him.
<More than likely.>
The shop advised me to use Methylene blue due to it's copper
property and safeness for the GKF?
<The salt/heat method would be safer here.
I used about 2/3rds of the dosage as I was afraid it would make him
I'll, his fin now is beginning to look ragged.
<Finrot likely here; again, the salt can help here, but
fundamentally, it's a water quality issue, because poor conditions
are allowing secondary infections to get into the wounds the mature Ick
parasites leave in the skin.>
Iv increased the temp slowly to 30 degrees to help finish off the
Whitespot but I'm at a loss what to do next as I've now read
the Methylene blue us ineffective??
<Far too toxic to use with these fish.><<Really Neale? Are
you sure you're not confusing this w/ Malachite Green?
Any advice what I should do to save my little GKF would be
<Read, learn, act thoughtfully. Praying to the Fish Gods
wouldn't be out of line either.>
Yours hopefully
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Ghost knife fish and White spot/Ich??
Yes, you are correct, I was thinking of malachite green (or copper, or
formalin, any one of which would be risky with Apteronotus spp.). So
far as I know, Methylene blue has limited value against Whitespot/Ick
anyway, so
shouldn't be used in this situation.
Cheers, Neale
"<Far too toxic to use with these fish.><<Really
Neale? Are you sure you're not confusing this w/ Malachite Green?
Any advice what I should do to save my little GKF would be
<Read, learn, act thoughtfully. Praying to the Fish Gods
wouldn't be out of line either.>
Yours hopefully
<Cheers, Neale.>"
black ghost knife fish... mis-stocked, Ich... no
reading 7/13/09
Hello! I have a 30 gallon tank, and some fish
including a BGK. The BGK has been in the tank for one month, and happy
until last night. I realized that his entire tail is gone, and he also
has white spots on him.
I looked it up and found that the white is the Ich disease. About a
week ago I added two tiger barbs
<Nippy, and a social species... needs to be kept in larger,
odd-number groupings... You haven't read...>
in the tank and I believe they ate his tail right off. Will his tail be
<Likely not>
I have an orange Plec, a flying fox, and a leopard cat fish which the
BGK gets along with well. I also have an albino tiger barb, and a
"regular" tiger barb. Like I said before I think the barbs
ate the BGK tail. Should I get rid of the tiger barbs?
<These fishes should be housed separately>
If in fact I do rid the tank of the barbs, can I put a clown loach in
the tank to replace the tiger barbs?
<... see WWM re>
When I found the Ich on the BGK, I decided to treat the tank.
<With? Many stock medications for FW Ich are toxic to Knifefishes et
Currently I am only giving treatments with half the dosage because of
the catfish.
<And the knife... I would have simply elevated the temperature...
Again, you haven't read...>
I have read two different instructions on treating the tank with Ich,
and I am not sure how I need to treat the tank. Should I treat the tank
everyday for 14 days, or every 48 hours for one week?
Thank you for you time!
Erin Eyler
<Read: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwich.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Freshwater Question... Knife disease How long
does it take for Ich to kill fish? <Sometimes mere hours from the
appearance of "spots", other times "never", the
infestation existing as recycling generations...> I have a BG
Knifefish and I thought it Had Gotten Ich a couple of months after I
got it. It has been 4 months that I see Some symptoms( green-like flour
on him, yellow head stripe). When I got him his stripe was white I have
raised the temp to 84, did many water changes and used medication at
half strength. All water parameters are fine and the only other thing
is that he is not that active from when I had him for the first 2
months( he is in a 30 gallon tank, about 5.5" long). His tank
mates are a 3" Blue Gourami and a 4" Pictus cat( The cat
showed symptoms but when I raised the temp. they disappeared). <They
are VERY susceptible> I am Planning to move the 3 of them to a 55
gallon in the future (when should I get the 55 to move him into)?
<Whenever you can afford it> What could this be ( Can you give me
all the info you can)? <Perhaps "nothing" in the way of a
biological disease... maybe another type of (internal) infestation...
could be largely "untreatable"... If you have treated the
system as you describe, I doubt if this is/was "Ich"> Do
BGK eat fish like angels, rams, Butterfly fish? Finally my friend wants
to know, How many rams can you put in a 29 gallon tank? <This
Knifefish does not consume any but the smallest of fishes... A twenty
nine can house two pair of Microgeophagus. Bob Fenner> Jahner
Black ghost knife with Ich Hi I have a Black ghost knife fish
who is a new addition to my tank - though I have owned them in the past
and have learned the * hard way* that these fish need a lot of
individual care. <And don't "like" Ich medications>
through research and experience, there has been a great learning curve
for me - My tank is 29 gal with only 5 other fish who have
been stable and healthy ( 2 are Discus and healthy). <This tank is
way too small for even just the Knife... or one Discus> 2 days ago,
I bought a 4 inch BGKF who has a great personality but the aquarium
shop I got him is only 75% reliable - has a fair number of
unhealthy fish)- my tank has been quite healthy and I do 30% H2O
changes every 2 wks w/ gravel vac. <I take it you did not quarantine
this new addition> Today, my BGK started to show a
number of Ich spots - I killed my last BGK with Rx in the main tank for
another sick fish - <Very common> (ironically - the 1st discus I
got had a good case of hole in head!) I bought this fish because I
loved the personality of this fish... - I need to *save him* - what
should I do? all readings on my tank are normal ; ph is 7.8, Soft H2O,
lots of hiding places sterilizer always running. Peggy <Please read
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwich.htm and
the Related FAQs (linked, in blue, at top) and:
I would use half doses of AquariSol, elevate temperature to the
mid-80's F... And get a larger system for this life ASAPractical.
Bob Fenner>
Parasitized Knife? Questions about life have a Black Ghost
Knifefish (4.5") that I suspect has Ich or velvet because I see a
light (dull white) flour-like on one part of his body. He also
has it under his gill area, his head stripe is also yellow? <Do come
this way> Is this Ich or Velvet? <Could be either or neither>
His tank-mates are an angel and a Gourami at the moment. How long does
it take them to grow to their final height? <Years> How long
should I wait to upgrade from a 29 to a 55 gallon tank. <As soon as
practical> I also have a common silver angel that's tail
fin is torn, I suspect a newly added Blue Gourami did it, will he be
fine or is medication needed? <Not needed> I'm curious, how
long do fish live without water? <Some species for hours... others
for minutes> Also my Birthday is coming up (12/25 how exciting for
me) <Yes, happy birthday!> and I am trying to persuade my parents
to buy me a 65 gallon tank to start my first saltwater tank. Do you
know any words that can help me convince them, because I love fish and
I always wanted my own saltwater tank? <Perhaps tie the request with
a wish of their own. Pledging yourself to study diligently maybe> I
mean this is my only hobby and I also want to become a Marine biologist
(will be taking a marine biology class in my senior year of high school
which is in 2 years) Can you help me with everything listed above?
Thank You and Happy Holidays Sincerely, John Queens, New York <Mmm,
do make the effort to look into volunteer work at Public and private
aquariums... perhaps even working a bit for a local fish store. Bob
Ghost Knife sick - please help Good Morning
- I came across your FAQ on the Knife fish and was very
appreciative. I read through much of what you had and it was
helpful but not sure if what my fish has is Ich or not so not sure
to use the info your site kindly provided. Hoping you can help as I
really love my fish and am very worried. Here's the stats... 55
Gal tank - PH is 7.8. <A bit high for the fishes listed...>
Tank established for 8 months. Put in feeder goldfish about 3 weeks
ago to feed Arowana and two weeks later my fish are dying.
<Not... an uncommon problem... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/goldfshfd.htm
this practice, feeding feeders, is a HUGE source of aquarium
livestock mortality> Have removed feeder fishes from tank
altogether. <Too late> Water tested by local shop and
hubby and both said it tested very good just pH a little
high. Just lost my Yo Yo Loach and Arowana with no visible
signs of sickness. Yesterday morning I checked my tank to see
my Black Ghost Knife with white spots all over - but not like
I've seen Ich before - like little salt sprinkles. These white
spots appear to be more flat looking and more grouped. Please see
attached picture. <Does look like Ich... though could be another
parasite... most all are treated similarly> He is eating and
acting normally. Was told to do following treatment but have
seen no change as of yet; raise water temp to 82 degrees, use
AquariSol 12 drops per 10 gal, add sea salt 1 teaspoon per 10 gal
and remove charcoal from filter and use PimaFix 1 tsp per 10 gal.
I'm worried that I'm overmedicating. <Might be... as
Knifefishes are intolerant of the poisons that are used to treat
such infestations... I would raise the temperature to mid eighties
F., not use the PimaFix (it's of no use), and use half doses of
the AquariSol (a copper sulfate solution)> Should I be doing
water changes? <Yes> Will that amount of salt hurt my
BGK? <No, should help more than hurt> I'm worried
he's not tolerant enough for it. Any suggestions are greatly
appreciated. Thanks so much! Jennifer Welker <Have
you read the article and FAQs on Ich on WWM: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwich.htm
The FAQs are linked (above, in blue)... Bob Fenner> |

FW Ich, Ghost Knifefishes, Treatment Hello, I have a 20
gallon tank and I have a black ghost knife fish in it with
Ick. I have heard that you cannot use Ick treatments when
there is a black ghost because it will kill them. <These fish are
sensitive to many medications> I remember hearing
somewhere that you are supposed to raise the temperature
instead. Can you tell me how high to raise the temp. Or can
you give me a better solution. This is a very expensive fish
and I like him a lot so any help you can give me so I don't lose
him would be appreciated. <Raising the temperature will
likely effect a cure. If your other livestock can handle it, do raise
it to the mid- 80's F. You can do this all in one day (do make sure
you have adequate aeration... higher temp. results in higher metabolic
rate and less gas solubility). And in a couple of weeks, when you are
sure the Ich is gone, do lower it slowly (about a half a degree per
day) to the upper seventies. Bob Fenner> Thank you, Jeneane