Related FAQs:
Cypriniiform/Minnow Fishes,
Clouds, Shiners &
Rosies, Siamese Algae Eaters,
Flying Foxes, Hillstream Fishes,
Related Articles:
Barbs, Danios, Rasboras,
Minnow "Sharks", Bala or Tri-Colored Sharks, Siamese Algae Eaters, Loaches, Goldfish,
Koi/Nishikigoi, Glofish,
A Bad Omen for the Future of the Hobby? by Spencer
/A Diversity
of Aquatic Life
Cypriniiform (Minnow and Minnow-Like)

By Bob Fenner
Barilius sp. From Neale: "appears to be a Hillstream
trout, Barilius sp. Subtropical rheophilic fish from South Asia.
Most species get to about 15 cm in length. Good aquarium fish given
space, current and cool water." Interzoo 2010

Myxocyprinus asiaticus (Bleeker 1864), Chinese
High-Fin Banded Shark. To two feet in length. Asia: China
(Yangtze River basin).

Tanichthys albonubes, Lin, 1932. The White Cloud
Mountain Fish, or Tan's (a porter of Henry J. Fowler, the
describer) fish... A "standard" in the aquarium interest.
This delightful small minnow is hardy, energetic, and undemanding.
pH range: 6.0 8.0; dH range: 5 - 19 A social species; best kept in
groups of five or more... Wild type at right, xanthistic variety below
it and a Longfin one
below. |

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