FAQs about Ariid Catfishes, aka Columbian,
Silver-Tipped-... "Sharks"
Related Articles: Marine, Brackish & Freshwater Catfishes
(Columbian, Silver-Tipped, Black Fin... "Sharks") of
the Family Ariidae by Bob Fenner, Columbian Shark Catfishes
and other Ariidae by Neale Monks,
Related FAQs: Ariid
Cats 1, Ariid Cats 2,
Ariid ID, Ariid Behavior, Ariid Compatibility, Ariid Selection, Ariid Systems, Ariid Feeding, Ariid Reproduction, Marine Catfishes, Catfishes in

Ick Cure 10/12/19
Good Moring,
Can I use ick cure in my tank that has a Columbian catfish in it.
<The API product? I would NOT use Malachite Green on scaleless
Instead, a real cure can be effected here by raising temperature,
and possibly adding sea salt. Please READ here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Ick Cure /Neale 10/12/19
Good Moring,
Can I use ick cure in my tank that has a Columbian catfish in it.
<I can think of absolutely no reason why you would have to. None at
Columbian Shark Catfish are brackish to marine catfish, any above SG
1.002, Whitespot/Ick parasites simply won't survive. The free-living
stages will be killed immediately, which means, at tropical
temperatures, infected Catfish moved into brackish or marine
conditions should be completely free of Whitespot/Ick within a week
or so. Conversely, if you're keeping the Columbian Sharks in a
saltwater system, moving them temporarily into low-end brackish or
even hard freshwater should kill off the marine Ick, Cryptocaryon,
within a few days as well. Oh, and if you're keeping Columbian
Sharks in a plain freshwater tank, then don't. Just don't. Add the
salt, and the Whitespot will go! Cheers, Neale.>
Columbian catfish with stomach bulge
Hello, I have a 120 gallon tank with 2 Columbian catfish about 8 inches
<Nice size tank for these brackish/marine catfish!>
I also have 2 rainbow fish, an albino rainbow shark, 3 baby Bala sharks
and a gourami.
<Bit confused why you're keeping your Colombian Shark with freshwater
You do realise that Colombian Sharks will not be healthy (or happy) in
freshwater? Adding enough salt to keep the catfish happy will kill the
freshwater species. Furthermore, anything bite-sized is potential food.
While not aggressive or nippy, these catfish *are* carnivores.>
1 of the catfish has developed a lump in its stomach overnight. He is
eating and swimming alright. I feed him algae pellets, flakes,
bloodworms, and shrimp pellets. Everyone else in the tank looks fine.
I'll attach a picture. Please let me know if there is any way to help
<Time. Predatory catfish are prone to overeating if you let them. Best
kept with fast-moving brackish or marine fish that eat different things.
Monos or Damselfish, for example. These catfish don't need feeding every
day, or at least, not heavy feeding every day. They will regurgitate
excess food if overfed, polluting the water.>
Thank you for your help,
<Will direct you to some urgent reading...
Easy catfish for communities of medium sized brackish and marine
species, but frequently stressed (and ultimately killed) by poor care.
Cheers, Neale.>
Injured Colombian Shark Catfish
I've read through your catfish info, very helpful, but could use your opinion on
this little guy/gal. I just got a new little one (about 2") and it's got a boo
<I see this>
There's a huge, for its size, hole in its side. I've been treating with MelaFix
& stress coat (not daily) for 5 days but it just doesn't seem to want to heal
up. Today it's looking noticeably fluffy around the edges.
The behavior isn't strange, it's happily cruising around the quarantine tank and
is eating a little bit. It does look skinny to me and I have no idea if it's the
injury messing with its appetite or it just wasn't getting enough food before I
got it.
Do I need to be worried about some nasty infection setting in here or do I just
need to be more patient?
<Mmm; IF this fish is eating; I'd be less worried>
Attached: Image capture from video of the injured spot. It's a little blurry.
Would be easier if these guys held still for a second but go go go is what they
Water parameters:
Salinity: 1.005
pH: 8.0
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 5ppm
GH: 100ppm
Kelley Grant
<All these values are good. I'd pick up the feeding frequency, amount and try
not to worry. Bob Fenner>
Columbian shark (silver tip catfish); stkg., sys.
Hi I have recently fell for the Columbian sharks and despite all the effort to
keep them for years on end I am determined to keep them. I purchased 2 juveniles
currently about 3 inches long they are in a freshwater aquarium at this current
moment but I am in the process of picking up 2 more juveniles and a
larger tank intended to be just for them.
<Glad you're getting more than two. These catfish really are happy in groups.
They will thrive in hard, alkaline freshwater for many months, but as you
appreciate need brackish or marine conditions eventually.>
I am wondering how to set up the tank properly and also how much time I have to
get them into their brackish environment before anything happens to them
<In short, if they're less than 3-4 inches in length, they'll be fine in hard,
alkaline freshwater. The harder the better. Soft water is not acceptable for
long. Provided they're swimming about happily and feeding greedily they're doing
okay. But at some point you'll notice them "treading water", often close to the
filter outlet. This is highly suggestive of fish trying to swim towards a
stronger current like a big river, and is usually thought of as their migratory
instinct. This is the time to make sure
they're in brackish water. Doesn't have to be wildly brackish at this point, SG
1.003-1.005 is fine. Then, every couple of months you can up the salinity a bit
as needed, to at least 1.005 and ideally something closer to 1.010. There's a
good argument for moving them into marine conditions eventually as they work
nicely in FOWLR systems and the various marine fish kept in them, such as
Snowflake Eels, Damsels and Wrasse. Of course they also work well in regular
brackish systems with Scats, Monos, Archers, Sleeper Gobies, and various other
oddball fish.>
currently they are housed in a 30 gallon tank just them and a very small clown
<If he's very small, he's dinner.>
and I also was hoping you could inform me of any signs to look for on their
swimming patterns or actions that would indicate that something is wrong with
<See above. Treading water implies they want more space, more current, more
salinity, or some combination of these.>
your help would be greatly appreciated none of them places who sell these fish
know anything about them aside from their cost
<Do have a read here:
And follow the links on those pages. These catfish are very peaceful, very easy
to keep, and very beautiful. I can't think of a single fish more like a shark
than these cats, yet unlike real sharks they're hardy and low-maintenance.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Columbian Shark Catfish; hlth., sys.
Hi Neale,
I wondered if you could take a look at these pictures and tell me if I he
white spots and face of my smaller cat shark seem something more than
scratches from the ornaments in the tank?....
<Nope, scratches from the ornaments and/or gravel. While nothing to be
overly worried about, smooth gravel, ideally a fair amount of marine
aquarium sand mixed in, makes a better substrate. In any case, raising the
salinity will usually eliminate parasites (which I don't think these are)
and even mild brackish water tends to keep Finrot and Fungus at bay except
in the worst cases. As an aside, when kept in marine conditions, lowering
the salinity works just as well for eliminating marine parasites.>
Also, my bigger one does this thing where he stares at me treading water
than open and closes his mouth like in the photo...seems ok, right?
<Well, common behaviour anyway. Shark Cats are migratory. They're actually
amazing fish for lots of reasons, for example, did you know some scientists
believe that they use a primitive sort of echolocation like dolphins? To be
fair others argue that they make these low level sounds for communication
instead. Either way, it's cool. But my point is that these fish have a lot
more going on inside them than the average aquarium fish! Strong water
currents are important to their psychological well being otherwise they go
"stir crazy". Adding one or two powerheads or internal filters is a great
way to boost the water current and make the tank more exciting. Make it so
the fish don't have just one place with moving water. Adding companions of
their own kind (which you're doing) and even other fish (such as Monos)
that keep them on their toes will help. Saltwater fishermen consider Shark
Cats "bait stealers". These are fish with intense curiosity and insatiable
appetites, moving in and out of rivers all day (and night) and never for a
moment just sitting there doing nothing. When I was in Belize I watched
them mooching about the canal at the end of the hotel garden begging for
food, but at the same time anything that moved suddenly would send them
down into the depths. If it isn't obvious, I absolutely adore these
catfish, and would encourage you to spend a little time online learning
about the Ariidae generally to better keep, and more thoroughly enjoy,
these catfish as pets. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Columbian Shark Catfish 9/8/15
So, SO glad to have found you. The "Expert" at That Fish Place in Lancaster, PA
(they are supposed to be all that) tried convincing me that while they may do
better in marine, they can completely adapt to freshwater, just as their
"Mollie's" have done. He embarrassed me quite a bit I front of other customers,
so conceded. I was increasing the salinity slowly, but as a result, began to
decrease to obtain a freshwater habitat again. Well, he's wrong. Period. These
guys started acting exactly as you've shared on your site. They most definitely
need salt. Thank you!!
<Glad to help. All the best, Neale.>
Thanks for the information on Silver Tipped Sharks
Sadly my silver tipped shark "Bluto", expired today after a valiant
<Too bad.>
I think fungus overtook him and had I read the information on this site
earlier I am sure he would still be alive.
<Could well be the case.>
While I was putting aquarium salt in the water each time I changed it, I
am sure it wasn't enough to make it brackish.
<I see.>
Further, the tank was too small and I likely didn't clean it as often as
I should have.
I had him for 3 and a half years and about 6 months ago his annoyance
with fungus began. He was a big, beautiful healthy fish and my
favourite. He will be missed. Thank you for sharing your knowledge
about these good natured and lovely fish.
<Among my favourites.>
If I get another one I will know how to take better care of him once he
becomes an adult.
<Hmm… do read:
Cheers, Neale.>
Help black tipped shark catfish dying
I have a 60 gallon bow front and 2-7" shark cats. I have had these
2 for a little over a year. Today when I arrived home from work they
were both nearing death with scratches on them and what looks like a
slime covering their body. All of their fins were shredded, swollen
anuses, a film over their eyes, and these guys have been in great
health up until today. About 3 weeks ago I lost my first fish in years
in this tank. He was a 7" electric blue acai cichlid. I am
concerned about what is causing this. I did a 50% water change, added
some salt, and dosed the tank with Melafix. Symptoms
are unnoticed until they are floating and I watch my fish nightly.
Thanks in advance for any help.
<Hello Dash. Need some information on this aquarium, in particular,
water chemistry and salinity. Shark Catfish are brackish to marine
animals, so you need quite strongly brackish water for them to do well.
Given you have a freshwater cichlid with them, my assumption is that
you've tried to keep them in freshwater -- something you
shouldn't do. Furthermore, adding "some salt" doesn't
really tell me very much about the salinity. The specific gravity
should be SG 1.003-5 for juveniles up to about 10 cm/4 inches in
length, and above that, you really do need around half-strength
seawater (SG 1.010) to fully marine conditions. Get and use a
hydrometer, and then test the salinity. Do read:
Do also review your choice of medication; Melafix isn't much rated
as a cure, despite it's cheap price and attractive marketing. At
best, it's a preventative, something to use if a fish is damaged by
transit or fighting
but not yet infected or sick. My guess would be these fish are sick
because of a poor environment, and until you fix their world, they
aren't going to get any better. Cheers, Neale.>
My Columbian shark refuses to eat
Hey there guys,
I've been reading your website quite a bit for the past few months
to learn more about my fish, and it's really helped me a lot.
However, I haven't found a satisfying answer to a serious problem
that I hope you can help me resolve. Three weeks ago, My house lost
power during Irene for about a day and a half. My tank is a 75 gallon
brackish setup (s.g. 1.008 at the moment, increasing it by about 0.001
each week with water changes) with two Columbian Shark catfish; one is
8 inches and the other is about 4.
<They are notably gregarious, and it's not impossible for the
fact there's just two of them to be causing some degree of
Ever since we got our power back, my bigger catfish has absolutely
refused to eat, and his behavior has changed (though the smaller one
seems completely fine). Rather than swimming peacefully with his
tankmate, he thrashes around the tank frantically in tiny circles and
is easily spooked. He also keeps opening his mouth really widely, as if
he is yawning.
<Does he swim into the outflow from the filter? This often happens,
and may indicate a migratory instinct. Big tanks, strong filters, and
higher salinities all seem to help. Adults are more or less marine
Also, his anus appears to be slightly inflamed and reddish,
and he is beginning to look emaciated.
<Doesn't sound good.>
I have done everything I can possibly conceive to help persuade him to
I did a 50% water change that week on top of my usual weekly 1/3 water
change and tested the water, but I haven't detected any ammonia or
Nitrate is about 40 last I checked, but that was before I did a 1/3
water change a few days ago. I gave him frozen bloodworms and squid,
but he refused that too.
<Try bits of white fish fillet and prawns, these are favourites. And
just before a water change, try small bits of oily fish like salmon and
mackerel, as these seem very popular but they are messy.>
I put activated carbon back in my filters this week after I read about
the possibility of bad water being fed into the tank from the filters
after the outage. So far, no change. Is it possible there is a toxin
still in the water that is bothering him?
Or maybe he has an infection or parasite?
<If you haven't added any new fish, then it's unlikely. I
assume you don't use feeder fish, because they're an obvious
source of trouble and should never be used. Do try raising the salinity
substantially. As they approach adult size, these ariids would swim
pretty much to the sea, inhabiting estuaries and coastal waters, and
adults never seem happy in anything less than SG 1.010 at 25 C. Next
up, you might consider an Epsom salt treatment for constipation, 1
tablespoon per 5 gallons, ideally alongside a dewormer.>
If so, what medicine should I give him? Could he have swallowed some
gravel and it's lodged in his GI tract?
<Conceivable, but unlikely.>
If so, is there anything I can do to get it out or help him pass it
(like a laxative)?
<Epsom salt plus unshelled crustaceans such as whole krill and whole
brine shrimp; these strict carnivores are unlikely to take peas, but
it's worth a shot. Do bear in mind the whole Thiaminase issue with
carnivores, and it's crucial their diet is balanced and doesn't
include too many Thiaminase-rich foods.
I'm running out of ideas and I'm desperate to help him however
I can.
<Have asked Bob for advice here; he may have seen similar with other
marine predators. You may also want to contact the folks at
PlanetCatfish; again, someone there may have encountered this with
predatory cats such as Pimelodids. Cheers, Neale.>
Columbian sharks acting very strange...
I am an owner of 2 Columbian sharks that I have bought about 3 months
<Nice fish. Often badly maintained, but in the right tank, very
pretty and peaceful. They are highly sociable though, so I'd
recommend keeping at least three. They do grow quite fast, and will
eventually get to about
20-30 cm/8-12 inches in length. Wild fish are supposedly a bit
I bought them from a small tropical fish store where the owner seemed
to be very helpful to me as to setting up the tank.
The sharks are about 4 1/2 in. now and have been in brackish water the
whole time.
<Define "brackish water" for me. I ask because some people
think it means adding a teaspoon of salt per gallon. It does not. In
broad terms, these catfish are more marine than freshwater fish, so
they need quite a lot of salt to do well. Juveniles are fine around the
SG 1.005 at 25 degrees C mark, or about 9 grammes of marine salt mix
per litre (about 1.2 oz. per US gal.) but specimens above half adult
size will need about twice as much salt, around SG 1.010, or 15.5
grammes marine salt mix per litre (about 2 oz. per US gal.). Let's
be clear about how much salt this is. One level teaspoon of marine salt
mix weighs roughly 6 grammes, so even at the low end, that's 1.5
level teaspoons per litre. There are 3.79 litres to the US gallon, so
that's about 5.7 teaspoons per US gallon, or a little under 2
tablespoons per US gallon. In fact you shouldn't just be weighing
or spooning salt mix this way, but using a hydrometer as well to check
the specific gravity. A basic floating glass hydrometer costs around
$5, and used properly, is perfectly adequate for this sort of
The owner of the store told me that I do not need to keep track of the
pH levels as long as I change the water once every month, which I have
been doing consistently.
<Hmm... in general, yes, if you do regular water changes, pH changes
should be relatively minor. If you're using adequate marine salt
mix -- not tonic or aquarium salt -- then again, pH should be
controlled automatically by
the carbonate hardness in the marine salt mix. But monthly water
changes aren't generally recommended. It's better to do weekly
water changes around 20-25%, wherever possible.>
Recently, I bought an algae eater fish to go into the tank because the
algae was becoming a problem. It has been doing fine.
<If you have an algae eater in this tank, you ARE NOT adding enough
I also had an Ick problem, but just recently cleared that up.
<If Ick/Whitespot can live in this tank, you ARE NOT adding enough
Salt is used to treat Ick, so the sheer fact you had Ick at all implies
the salinity is far too low.>
I feed them 1 cube of frozen blood worms a day, and they seem to like
those very much.
<Yes they do, but they need a more varied diet. Add good quality
catfish pellets to the mix, plus a variety of seafood (cockles and
strips of white fish like tilapia being especially nutritious). Prawns
and mussels are enjoyed, but these contain a lot of thiaminase, so
should be used sparingly.>
Just when I thought my sharks are nice and healthy, they start to act
very strange.
<This is a VERY hardy species that usually survives all kinds of
disasters, but it's behaviour is a very good clue to its
They are both continuously swimming forward towards the glass and
won't stop until they eat. Sometimes, one sits in the bubbles(from
the oxygen making thing) under the heater. That one also likes to go in
a corner and put his nose in the corner of the tank while swimming
straight up. Is this regular behavior? Or are they sick??
<They're trying to migrate downstream, towards the sea. Make
sure the tank is salty enough, big enough, and equipped with enough
water current for them to feel at home. For a trio of specimens,
I'd be looking at a 350
litre/75 US gal. system with a robust filter rated at not less than 8
times the volume of the tank in turnover per hour, and ideally more
current than even that. The specific gravity should be at least 1.005,
which is lethal to freshwater fish like Plecs and Gyrinocheilus
"loaches", so remove the algae eater. If you want algae
eaters in this tank, a mix of brackish water Nerites and large Sailfin
Mollies will do the trick nicely.>
Thank you for your time!
<Do try to get a look at my brackish water book. Your local library
should be able to get a copy, even if you don't want to buy it.
There's a whole chapter about brackish water catfish. Cheers,
Re: Columbian sharks acting very strange... 2/18/10
To answer your answer of the brackish water, the place I got them from
told be to put 1 tablespoon of non iodized salt per gallon, do I need
to increase the amount?
<Yes. Read my message, It'll tell you how much MARINE SALT MIX
to use. Not non-iodised salt, tonic salt, aquarium salt or cooking
salt. Marine salt mix, as you'd use in a marine aquarium. This is
crucial, because brackish
water isn't brine. It's not water with a bit of salt added.
It's a mix of freshwater and seawater, and the marine salt mix
doesn't just add sodium chloride but also alkalinity and pH
buffers. It's very different stuff.
Goes without saying that adding enough marine salt mix to make
Colombian Sharks happy will stress/kill any freshwater fish and plants.
Remember, these catfish are marine fish that tolerate freshwater for a
while. Not
freshwater fish at all. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sciades seemanni and Mono Questions
So the other Sciades Seemanni did die.
<Sorry to hear that..>
The bulge in his stomach went away and he was swimming fine for a day.
Then the reverse happened, his stomach started to look sunken in. One
hour he was fine and dead the next. I think it was due to the quality
of fish.
<Possible, or else it was maintained in freshwater conditions for
too long.>
I made the mistake of buying the fish at PetSmart. They must have had
problems before I got them home.
<Does happen. Like many brackish water fish, if maintained in dirty
water, or kept in soft water conditions, these catfish can become very
weak. Look for lively specimens with bright colours, especially white
bellies, and avoid any with sunken eyes or unusual dark
A couple days ago I went to a better fish store and picked up a new
catfish. I acclimated him over 10 hours and he and the original cat in
my tank are doing great.
The big cat I have had for 2 years is tons more active and you can hear
both fish grunting.
<Neat, isn't it! Do look at the upcoming 'Conscientious
Aquarist' that should be up on this site within the week.
There's a whole article on the Ariidae catfish. Some scientists
believe these catfish are not just communicating, but echolocating,
like dolphins.>
Thanks for the help!
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sciades seemanni and Mono Questions, hlth, env. of
cats 3/17/10
I read the article about the Seemanni in the magazine. It was very
<Good to hear.>
I do have one other question for you. I did a major cleaning in my tank
before adding the smaller cats. The large Sciades Seemanni had a cloudy
eye for a day and then it cleared up.
The cleaning stirred up the tank and was fairly intense so it probably
stressed the cat.
<Perhaps. These are estuarine fish, so in theory, they're pretty
good at adapting to sudden changes. But that said, if the tank is
rather small, and you're moving your hands about the tank a lot,
then they could feel pursued.>
I do not know if it was the cleaning or the addition of 2 small cats
but the large cat rarely eats.
<Likely stress rather than company.>
He used to eat anything and everything, now I can barely get him to
take silversides and krill. He has eaten a couple of krill in the past
2 weeks and only a few mixed pellets. The small ones are eating fine.
The large one does not seem stressed but I can put a large silverside
in front of him and he wants nothing to do with it. He used to go crazy
for them. Any ideas as to what is going on?
<Remind me again what the salinity is. Almost always, when brackish
water fish go off their food, it's because they're not happy
with the environment they find themselves in. At minimum, check the pH
and the specific gravity.
For a subadult Colombian Shark, you should be well above SG 1.005, and
realistically around 1.010. The pH should be firmly in the basic range,
7.5 to 8.2 being ideal.>
He is eating enough to survive...maybe, but maybe only a 5th or 10th of
what he used to. Thanks guys. I only recently found WetWebMedia.com and
am loving it. It is a great resource.
<Happy we can help. Cheers, Neale.>
White scar? 1/10/10
Hello. I recently lost my Columbian sharks (my mother left a
window open in below freezing weather when she was fish sitting).
I cleaned, and re-cycled my tank for a week. I just (last night)
purchased 5 new sharks
<I hope you have a large system>
(I decided they were the only fish I was going to keep). They are
about 2 inches each, I felt bad at the petstore because they had
these 5, about 10 pufferfish and 3 or 4 Monos in a 10 gallon
tank. I bought all the sharks. I have them in a 30 gallon tank
right now (and they are the only fish I have in there) and will
be upgrading to a 90 gallon marine tank in about a year. They
seem to be very happy with the swimming space for now, its quite
a lot more then they are used to.
My question, I purchased these guys last night, and one of them
(I named him Doug) has a large white spot on his back, I thought
it was a scar
<I think so too>
(its not Ich) Last night the spot also had a white line down to
his belly. upon closer inspection it looks like a few of the
other fish have the start of a similar condition. The white line
on Doug, seems to have all but disappeared, the spot is there
I didn't know if this is a skin disease, I thought maybe it
could be Columnaris?
<Not likely>
I've never had a fish with that before and looking at
pictures online didn't help since the sharks are scaleless
fish. I wanted to fix this problem as fast as possible, it would
be silly to quarantine him since the rest of them have all been
exposed and probably need treatment as well.
<Mmm, no... maybe a bit of sea salt... but not other
My best guess is they didn't have marine salt in the water at
the petstore, or not enough salt. I started the tank (for these
guys) at 1.005 gravity and wanted to increase it gradually.
Should I increase it faster (I don't know if that would help
the skin problem). I'm trying to include a picture this
morning (as an attachment).
<At this size (the fish), I would not increase the
Thanks for your opinion.
<Please give this area a read:
and the linked files above, particularly Health/Disease. Bob
Columbian Sharks in need of help!
11/16/07 Hi, my name is Francis. <Hello Francis,> I have
been reading through your site and I am quite angry at the pet
store where I bought the Columbian Sharks. I bought 3 of them
almost a year ago as they are beautiful sharks. The guy at the pet
store told me I needed Aquarium salt in the tank to keep them
alive, after reading your site and the conditions they need I'm
not happy with the pet store as they didn't inform me about the
fact that when they start growing into adulthood they need to be in
a marine tank and that they can grow up to 24" in length, but
I don't care how big they can grow I just wanted to know that
when I bought them I would have all the right conditions to keep
them healthy in their new home. <Colombian sharks (Sciades
seemanni) really don't need a marine aquarium. Half-strength
seawater, around SG 1.010, is more than adequate. Space, water
quality, carbonate hardness, and plenty of water current seem to be
more important. In the wild these fish migrate in and out of the
estuary and far upstream into freshwater. They are not as
completely marine when mature as some of the other Ariidae such as
the Gafftopsail catfish Bagre marinus. But being migratory, they
need to swim, and you want to have masses of strong pumps to
provide plenty of exercise. The powerheads used in marine tanks are
ideal, but otherwise install filters with around 10 times the
volume of the tank in turnover per hour.> This being from a
'reputable' big name pet store who claim to train their
employees on everything they need to know about the fish that they
are selling so they can help the customer choose the right fish for
the conditions of the tank that they are going to be living in.
<Sadly an all too common experience.> Everything was going
fine until about 2 months ago l lost one of the sharks and then the
remaining 2 started developing almost like scars on their skin both
top and bottom. I have been searching since then to find out if its
a disease or not but none of the diseases I read describe these
particular marks on the fish. I have added 2 pictures I took to see
if maybe one of you guys or someone you know have come across a
symptom like this. One shows the under side of the sharks and the
other shows the sharks from the side. <I have never seen
anything like this. At a guess, I'd suggest a secondary
infection caused by improper water chemistry. Raising the salinity
and using an antibiotic or antibacterial would be my
recommendation.> I really like these fish and do not want them
to die so I'll be going out to buy them a new tank which I can
setup as a marine tank. They are currently in a 55 gallon tank with
3 cichlids, 2 pictus catfish one spotted and one striped.
<Hmm... while some cichlids are salt-tolerant, most Pimelodidae
are not, and P. pictus certainly isn't. So, the way forward
here would definitely be to re-home some/all of these fish and then
raise the salinity of the tank to at least SG 1.005, and ideally
1.010, over the next few weeks (to give the bacteria time to
adjust). If you let me know the cichlids, I can tell you if
they're salt tolerant or not.> I thought at first that it
might be the cichlids or the other catfish attacking the sharks but
I setup a camera linked to my computer to record the activity in
the tank 24 hours a day for the past week but neither the cichlids
or the catfish bother the sharks. <Most animals tend to leave
Colombian sharks alone. They make a clicking noise when alarmed,
and that is off-putting to a lot of fish.> Anyway sorry for the
long winded question but any help at all to save these guys and
find out what's wrong with them would be greatly appreciated!
<Can you tell me something about the water chemistry at the
moment?> Thanks
<Cheers, Neale> |
Colombian shark - emergency treatment 09/28/07 I was just in
contact with you about a filtration issue in a 75-gallon freshwater
tank. Regardless, inside are 2 8-inch Colombian sharks, for whom I am
preparing a brackish tank all their own. The tank is not ready at all,
and a very sudden illness has floored one of my sharks... <BioSpira
(bacteria from the LFS fridge if you are in the USA) or a filter
(alternatively only some filter material) from another brackish tank
can be used to instantly cycle the tank.> I'm scared to death,
as it all happened so fast. 2 days ago I noticed a notch out of his
tail fin, like a small nip, with no white ridge, and a clean white bare
spot on his head, like he was rubbing against something. He was
swimming very sluggishly, so I turned off the light and fed a bit of
shrimp (a fave food), which he totally ignored. The next morning he
appeared to have a SERIOUS tail rot affliction, so I set up my
10-gallon hospital tank and purchased Maracyn-Two in preparation. Sure
enough, this morning he was gasping for air at the bottom of the tank,
with a red-ringed white lump on the underside of his head (next to his
outer whiskers), frayed tail fin, and a semi-bloated belly. During the
middle of the night, he woke me up splashing around, and he rammed
full-force into the tank hood... I was horrified. I prepared the H-tank
and sat up for a couple of hours with him, but he barely moved - just
gasping for air with the occasional gill convulsion. I'm almost
sure it's a bacterial infection. <I agree.> But as I treat
him with Maracyn-Two, I would like to know if you have heard anything
similar. <Sure. Such can happen to all fishes in the wrong
environment. First, their immune system declines, then bacterial
infections occur.> I have also added 5 teaspoons of marine salt to
the hospital tank, in hopes to comfort him. <Add more, Id start with
3 grams per litre.> I have half-dosed him on the medication for now
as not to shock him. <Id dose antibiotics as recommended or use them
as daily 1-2 hour baths at 5-10 times the concentration.> Thank you
for any advice you may be able to give me. <Sorry to hear about you
catfish. Does not sound good. Hope he pulls through, but your
description sounds like a severe infection. At least you have increased
the salinity, set up a hospital tank and used antibiotics. That is more
than most people would have done. Id increase salinity further and dose
antibiotics as recommended.> Tank parameters: 75 gal; 20 ppm
nitrates (I do weekly 50% water changes, it fluctuates between 10 and
20); 0 ammonia/trite; very hard, very alkaline well water; 78 degrees.
The hospital tank contains 30% of that tank water plus 70% new water.
~Meech PS - I have a side question. What are your opinions on these two
products: Melafix and Wonder Shell? I have heard weird, differing
opinions on these and would like sound judgment (I do not use either).
<Melafix basically is oil of the tea tree. Some swear on it, but I
would not rely on it in severe cases. There is a medicated version
Wonder Shell containing malachite green, that is probably the only
active ingredient. The rest is different salts that may slightly harden
up the water. No real wonder in my opinion. Good luck. Marco.>
ID Shark Question, hlth. 5/25/07 Hi there.
I am really hoping that you can help me. I have an
ID shark, who is over 14 inches long. <A good size for this
species> I know that he's gone blind, which I
understand is common with these fish. <Mmm, no... not if kept in
proper conditions...> However, he appears to be
able to see shadows, and will throw many a fit in the
tank (We have a 90 gallon) and knock things
around. Tonight however, he threw such a fit, and
smashed into the heater, and broke it. He has a
cut just before his eyeball (it actually looks like its
protruding outwards now) and his whole body is very scraped
up. My husband said that after this
happened, he freaked out so bad, and
smashed himself against a rock. He now also has a
dent on the top of his head, to the side of his
eye. He now cannot swim, and is just laying
at the bottom of the tank, either upside down, or on
his side. He cannot right himself at
all the other fish have picked up on his
weakness, and are now starting to pick at
his wounds. I don't know what to
do. Is he done?? <Perhaps, if you don't move
this specimen elsewhere> I don't want the
other fish to keep stressing him out, but I also don't know how of
if we should put him out of his misery. Being so large
and all. My husband actually held him for a
while, above the air bubbles to get some extra oxygen to him, but
this didn't help either. He does try to swim at
times, but then just ends up in a corner somewhere upside down or
side ways. Can you give me any advice on
this? <You have read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ariidcats.htm
The linked files above?> I know with previous ID sharks that I had,
I know that when their time was up, they started to change color,
or lose their blackness and turn white. He is
still black. But we are wondering if its possible
that he's damaged his brain somehow, and now is just
nothing???? Because if he is, then I cannot
see keeping him alive as his quality of life would be no good.
(Yeah, I really do care about all my fish and care about how they
feel!!) <Good... so you have this fish in totally marine conditions,
no nitrogenous anomalies...> So we don't know what to do
here, and if putting him out of his misery is the
only option, how could I go about doing so?
<Posted> I cannot put him into a large net to keep the other fish
away from him, because I know that if he starts to come around, he
will freak even more if he is constricted like that, and it could
end up hurting him more. Please email me back with your
ideas/views. Thank you so very much in advance. Brenda
Johnson <Read on my friend, read on. Bob Fenner>
Ichy Columbian Sharks 1/29/07 <Hi,
Pufferpunk here> I have 2 Colombian sharks, 3 Bala sharks, 3 rainbow
sharks and a black ghost knife in a 125 gallon tank. My
problem is that I believe that my Colombians have contracted Ich from
the pet store. (I've only had them 1
day). How can treat them for Ich? Should I
isolate them in a separate tank to treat? Will the medicine
hurt the other brother and sisters? <This is why you should ALWAYS
quarantine your fish before adding them to your main
tank. Now you have opened a big can of worms. The
parasite could infect all your fish & the entire tank needs to be
treated. DO NOT USE MEDS! the Columbian sharks
& the BGK have no scales & could die from most Ich
meds. Raise the temp to 86 & add 1tbsp
salt/5g. Do huge (80%) water changes, every other day, for
the next 3 weeks, while thoroughly cleaning the gravel. Be
sure to replace the salt you remove. Treat the tank with
Melafix for any secondary infection the parasite may
cause. Add a few airstones, to increase
O2. Another problem you have here, is those Columbian sharks
are brackish water fish that prefer marine conditions as
adults. They can also grow to 18". Good
luck. ~PP>
Arius seemanni dis./injury,
beh. 8/1/06 Hey Guys, I think your
web site is great and I have learned a lot from you guys. Anyway I have
a Arius seemanni he is about 6.5in and mostly just swims around the top
of my tank. <Is a social species... should be kept in a small
grouping> The other day he jumped out I was luckily there and put
him back into the tank, he immediately started swimming like nothing
happened. I did notice that his eyes where kind of foggy and he seemed
to bump into stuff more often. <Likely "rubbed" its
eyes... damaging them> But as of today 6/28 his eyes look good and I
was told he had an infection. What do you think? <I would
do nothing in the way of chemical additions here... Likely will
self-cure...> Also he is in full saltwater and all the water
parameters are perfect. He has no other catfish friends and
I was wondering if he would be happy and school with coral catfish?
<Mmm, no... Birds/catfishes of a feather/fin flock/school
together... Better to have others of the same species... even if they
start off considerably smaller in size> If so how many should I get?
thank you for your and knowledge Joe <Bob Fenner>
Fin trouble? Ariid Catfish dis., env.
7/28/06 Hello! <<Greetings, Lou. Tom>> I
have a black tipped shark whose dorsal fin is getting very ragged.
<<Not playing "semantic gymnastics" here, Lou, but
I'm assuming this is a Black Fin Shark (Columbian Cat Shark) rather
than a Black Tip Shark, which is strictly a saltwater beast that grows
to 10 feet in length. If I'm in error, do keep your hands out of
the tank! :)>> He behaves normally and eats VERY
well. He just looks like he's been in a
battle! <<Operating off of my original premise, this
is a brackish water fish that, ultimately, requires marine conditions
in adulthood. You don't mention the sizes of your fish or of their
tank, which might lend a little more insight but, unless you're
already aware, these "puppies" get big! Since they, almost
invariably, get along very well with their own kind, I don't see
fighting among each other as the cause here unless stress is a
factor.>> We noticed it when we returned from a two week vacation
and it seems to be getting worse. Any ideas? <<Did
anyone "fish-sit" for you during your vacation? Frequently,
non-fishkeepers make boo-boos while tending someone else's pets
that can lead to a variety of problems.>> Our water is testing
fine. <<"Fine" isn't a lot to go on but
I'll take that to mean ammonia/nitrites are at 0 and nitrates are
below 20. Anything other than this isn't fine.>> He does have
a buddy that's another black-tip, could the other fish have injured
him? <<Again, I don't see this as likely outside of very
extenuating circumstances. If you're currently adding salt to the
tank, you might try upping the dosage a bit as well as increasing the
temperature slightly. If you aren't adding salt, please start. Not
only will this have a therapeutic effect but your fish absolutely
require it to survive.>> They are always together. <<These
fish enjoy each other's company, certainly.>> You have been a
big help in the past! Thank you in advance for any help with
this! <<Glad to hear we've been able to help before, Lou,
and, hopefully, I've given you some things to look at now.>>
Lou <<Good luck. Tom>>
Re: Fin trouble? Ariid Catfish dis., env.
7/28/06 Thanks, Tom! <<Any time, Lou!>>
Yes, they are black fin sharks, sorry for the goof. <<Not that
big of a "goof", Lou. Just got back from my favorite fish
store and even they had these listed as Black-tipped Sharks. My first
reaction was, "Uh-oh!", until I saw the fish and recognized
them for what they were. Whew!>> The person who
"fish-sat" was experienced, so our tanks were
well-monitored. I will try adding a bit more
salt. <<Good. At this stage you should be looking at
a salinity level in the range of 1.011-1.017. Probably best to keep it
on the low side to begin with and gradually increase it.>> The
temperature is between 80-82. Should it be higher or is that
okay? <<This is fine for now, given the circumstances. I'd
back off on this after a bit of time, though. The warmer temperatures
will either work, or not, in helping the fin to regenerate. If after
about a week, you don't see white markings around the damaged areas
that indicate healing is taking place, "s l o w l y" lower
the temperature back to the 76-78 degree range.>> It certainly
doesn't seem to bother the shark, but he doesn't look as good
as he used to! <<Gorgeous animals at the juvenile stage. Will
fade out as they become adults, though. Kind of a shame, really. Still,
they are impressive.>> The sharks are about 7 inches and are in a
55-gallon for now. (We plan to move them to a much bigger
one after some remodeling is finished.) <<You're
my hero! I've yet to read a post from anyone who had a clue as to
how to house/care for these fish. Perhaps I'm not reading enough
but I prefer to think I was fortunate to "snag" your post.
Well done!>> Thanks again! Lou <<We'll be here should
the need arise. Keep up the good work. Tom>>
Treating an Open
Wound on a BW Fish 7/12/06 <Hi, Pufferpunk here>
Thanks for such a wonderful website. <You're welcome!> I have
an 11 inch Colombian cat shark in a 55 gallon tank. <Hmmm... sounds
a little tight.> He's been doing pretty well but apparently he
bumped his side against a rock and now has a deep wound where his fin
connects with his body. <Not enough swimming room for him in
there.> He usually heals quite quickly but it has been a few days
now and there is no sign of improvement. I thought the Scat might have
been picking at the wound so I put the scat in a breeding
trap to give the shark a chance to heal. <Awww, poor scat!> This
was two days ago and nothing yet. I have been doing water changes
regularly and have put Epsom salt (1Tbs/10gal) to aid the healing
process to no avail. Is there anything else I can do to help the wound
heal promptly? Thanks again for your assistance. <I would add
Melafix to the tank. Be sure to keep the water pristine
(lots of large water changes). At that size, your cat should
be in saltwater by now. If not already in high-end brackish
water, his immune system is compromised, causing slow
healing. He is also a schooling fish & requires a much
larger tank. ~PP>
Re: Wounded Fish in BW Tank 7/14/06 Hi there! <Hi,
Pufferpunk again> I just made a 3/4 water change and I'll watch
him closely before medicating. <I'd add Melafix now.> I
understand this is a small tank for the cat shark but at this point I
can't afford the bigger tank. <Did you do any research on this
species before buying/? I have a very low fish population in the hope
that this would help. Also, I have 2 Aquaclear 70 filters, which I
have a question about. I am using both the carbon and ammonia control
inserts. The Aquaclear package reads that the inserts are only for
fresh water aquariums, is this true? If so, then what sort of
filtration system should I be using for this brackish tank? <Forget
about using the carbon or ammonia removers. Water changes
are the best ammonia removers. Carbon isn't necessary on
FW tanks, unless removing meds with it. Those 2 filters
should suffice, as long as the sponges are rinsed weekly, with tank
water. I usually add an Eheim canister filter to tanks over
50g. I like to stack my AC filters thus: sponge on bottom
(mechanical filtration), 1" filter floss in middle (to
"polish" water crystal clear) & BioMax on top (for
biological filtration--rinsed about 1x/month). AC got wind of this
method & started selling BioMax with their filters. If
you can get the SG up to around 1.018 or higher, add a protein
skimmer. You won't believe the gunk it pulls
out! ~PP> Thanks again for your assistance
Columbian sharks... in
gen. 6/5/06 <Hi, Pufferpunk here> So we have read the
many postings that you have about protozoa infections but we are not
understanding some of it or we are not doing something right. We have 4
(previously 5) Columbian sharks in a 75 gal. tank. <Since they can
grow up to 18" each, you may need to upgrade to a much larger
tank.> 2 are about 5 in. and 2 are 4in. With them we have 10 guppies
that we bread and raised, <Will eventually be eaten by the
sharks> a Pleco and 1 (previously 2) Chinese algae eaters. We
noticed what looked like a spider web on 1 shark and 2 days later he
died and was covered in white web looking stuff. Went to pet store and
found a picture of protozoan symptoms-put AP-Plus Cure -Ick in as
directed-3 days later they started eating again and seemed all better.
Then about 1 wk. later they stopped eating again and got lethargic and
were digging their noses in the rocks again-1 of the Chinese algae
eaters died and 2 guppies. We started putting the medicine in again 3
days ago but they are not responding this time-1 shark even has slime
on him that just showed up today AFTER 3 days of treatment. Please help
- what do we do??? Do we need to super clean out the whole tank and
replace the gravel? We fear that will over stress them and they may die
from that??? The little fish seem to be OK except for the 2 that died 2
days ago. Our pet stores don't have any other
meds. <Columbian sharks are brackish water fish
that require marine conditions as adults. I'm afraid as
long as you are keeping them in freshwater, their immune systems will
be compromised, causing disease & short lifespans. I
suggest putting them into the proper conditions for healthier, long
lived fish. substrate should be crushed coral or aragonite,
to keep the pH around a steady 8. Your FW fish will not
appreciate BW conditions, especially the Pleco. ~PP>
Ich and Black fin sharks - 5/17/2006 Hi,
<<Hi, Jennifer. Tom here.>> I have a problem that I
can't seem to resolve and I'm not sure if it too late for my
fish. I have a 10g tank with 2 black fin sharks (about 2-3
inches), 2 platies, and 1 Pleco. I had 3 BF sharks, but one died
(stress I think..) Also, had 3 platies but 1 died. (I think from being
attacked by the other fish because one day 1 of it's side fins was
half gone and it's tail fin was pretty beat up
looking. Anyhow, I noticed some bubble looking spots on the
2 BF sharks and went out and purchased an Ich treatment. The
guy at the fish store said they use it all the time and it works
fast. So I followed the 3 day process, and they seemed to
look a little better. I skipped one day as directed and am
repeating the process. This is day three and they look way
worse than before. I also haven't seen them eating and
one looks as though it's mouth is fuzzy.
<<Hazarding an educated guess, Jennifer, the white spots you
first noticed were the beginning stages of Columnaris. I wouldn't
discount Ich, of course, but the "fuzzy" growth around the
fish's mouth is Columnaris. I'd recommend you begin treating
with Melafix immediately. Once this bacteria affects the organs of the
fish, antibiotic treatment is in order and you're not set up for
that.>> None of the other fish are affected by the Ich, just the
sharks. Could this be something else? Are my
sharks pretty much goners and if so should I put them out of their
misery? I have no idea what to do. <<Treat with
Melafix and, if this takes care of the problem, find a new home for
your sharks. In the proper environment and correct conditions, these
fish grow to be VERY large. They're also not "true" FW
fish but, rather, will require marine conditions as adults. Your Pleco
is going to need a larger tank than what you have now, as well.
Depending on the variety of Pleco you have, these, too, can grow quite
large. Much to learn before any more purchases, Jennifer. This site is
the best place to start.>> Jennifer <<Tom>>
Ich and Black fin sharks 5/18/06 <<Tom>>
Thanks, I'll try the Melafix. Yesterday I did a water
change again and they seem to be back to eating like they were before
(chasing off the Platies and skimming the water surface aggressively
for food). Hopefully this is a good sign. <<Yes, it
is, for now. This will change as the fish mature, though, as they will
tend to stay toward the bottom of the tank.>> <Umm... this
"good time" will not last... this catfish is a brackish to
marine species... will die soon unless moved to more suitable
conditions. Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/ariidcats.htm
and the linked files above> I know the Sharks are going to get
rather large as well as the Pleco and will purchase a much larger tank
in the future. They are living in a brackish tank right now,
I'll have to look into marine tanks and read up on the care of
those. <Oh! Sorry re... thought these were in
freshwater... Loricariids/Plecos don't like/tolerate much salt...
Bob Fenner> <<Sorry that you seem to be getting
"double-teamed", Jennifer. Both Bob and I assumed your fish
were in FW and, of course, he's right about the Pleco not
tolerating "salty" conditions for long. (I apologize for the
apparent conflict in information.) By way of explanation, we receive a
number of questions regarding this fish - the Shark, specifically -
and, admittedly, it remains to be one of my "pet peeves"
among those who sell/distribute these to "unknowing"
consumers. In the end, however, it is we, the aquarists, who need to
research and be informed prior to purchasing. It sounds like you're
aware already of what will need to be done, which is great. Hope this
hasn't proved too confusing for you and we look forward to hearing
from you in the future. Tom>>
Re: Ich and Black fin sharks - 5/18/2006 Thanks,
I'll try the Melafix. Yesterday I did a water change
again and they seem to be back to eating like they were before (chasing
off the Platies and skimming the water surface aggressively for
food). Hopefully this is a good sign. <Umm... this
"good time" will not last... this catfish is a brackish to
marine species... will die soon unless moved to more suitable
conditions. Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/ariidcats.htm
and the linked files above> I know the Sharks are going to get
rather large as well as the Pleco and will purchase a much larger tank
in the future. They are living in a brackish tank right now,
I'll have to look into marine tanks and read up on the care of
those. <Oh! Sorry re... thought these were in
freshwater... Loricariids/Plecos don't like/tolerate much salt...
Bob Fenner>
Injured Silvertip Hi there~ I have a
baffling mystery. This evening when I was feeding my fish I noticed my
[smaller] Silvertip shark had a red dorsal fin. Upon closer view I can
clearly see it's filled with blood. None of the other fish were
picking with him and he doesn't appear to have any bites out of any
of his (I assume a he) fins. This is so disheartening! I removed him
from the tank he was in (all the fish in there are semi-aggressive and
I didn't want them to start messing with him) and put him in the
smaller community tank. There is some swelling on his body around the
base of the fin and no blood is oozing out. I can't imagine what
happened. None of the rocks are out of place and he hasn't been
swimming erratically and bumping into anything. The fin is almost
completely upright but I can't help the feeling that it might be
broken somehow. He is doing his best to swim and stay upright but I
think he is getting tired. He will swim then ride the current and then
swim some more. I don't know if he's going to make it but
I'd like to try. Two out of six total Silvertips remain. I've
had a hard time with these guys. The only thing I have at the moment to
treat him with is Bio Coat. I put that in the water of the smaller tank
before transferring him. Is there anything I can do? Some tank history:
60 gallon - 1 Betta, 1 Pleco (brown with spots), 2 Parrots, 2 Black
Stripped Silver Dollars, 3 Tiger Barbs, 4 Barbs (Orange), 7 (Forgive me
I don't know the name of these guys) clear (as in see through) with
neon edging (each one has a different color: pink, green, orange,
yellow, blue, purple, and black)...whew, if you know their name that
would be great. For now I just call them Mr. [then their color], and 2
Silvertip Sharks. I originally had 2 spotted puffers (yellowish/green,
black spots with a white underbelly) but they were very aggressive
towards my Silvertips (that's how I lost the first one).
<<These "sharks" are actually brackish to marine
catfishes... the puffers are brackish to marine as well... RMF>>
Now they have their own 10 gallon. (2nd) 10 gallon - 1 Pleco (same as
above only much darker), 1 Black Skirt, 1 Scissor Tail, 3 Neon Tetras,
4 Goldfish, and a mysterious snail that appeared out of no where. This
is the tank I put the injured Silvertip in. I apologize for the
lengthiness of this email. I did search for a possible answer ahead of
time...came close but no hits. I am a new fish mommy and love every
minute of it. I even managed to nurse one of the Silvertip Sharks back
to health after it had gotten picked on by the puffers only to have it
die from high Nitrate stress. Very sad!! I don't want to loose
another one if I can help it. I truly appreciate you taking the time to
read this...trust I have tons more questions but first my wounded fish.
Thanks, ~Nad <<Hello. What do your nitrates measure in both
tanks? Both your tanks seem overstocked to me. Also, neon tetras and
goldfish absolutely do NOT belong in the same tank. Way different
lifestyles, temp requirements, feeding, pH, etc, there. When any
species of fish is kept in the wrong environment, it leads to stress,
and eventually, disease. You should try to decide who to keep and who
to part with. If you remove the goldfish and return them to your LFS,
it would be easier to keep the 10g as a hospital tank where you can
treat the shark. You could move the Neons etc into the 60g temporarily
until the shark is cured. A dose of Melafix or some salt should help
him out if the infection is mild. If not, he may need something
stronger, like an antibiotic, I can't tell without seeing him. You
will need to use good judgment to decide that. Also, please do
sufficient water changes in order to keep your nitrates low and your
fish healthy! Use your test kits! :) -Gwen>>
FW minnow shark/actually brackish water catfish
(env.) disease Hello- I need a little help here. We have a 75
gallon freshwater tank. We have had what I think is an ongoing problem
of some sort of disease. I have already had 2 Iridescent Sharks die.
They begin to stop eating get really skinny and then just swimming all
weird. Top of the tank bottom and middle. I'm a little confused I
just don't see why its only the Iridescent Sharks, no one else
seems to be showing any signs of disease. The first 2 died within a few
days of each other, now it has been about 3 weeks since we
have had any problem and now we have it starting all over again. The
tank includes 2 Bala sharks, 1 gold shark, 1 silver shark, 1 cigar
shark, 2 glass cats, 1 ghost knife, 1 coolie loach, and 2 iridescent.
We are running a Aqua Clear 500 and a Aqua tech 20-40. plus 2 Aqua
clear 4000 power heads, for under gravel filtration. The tank has been
running since June 25th of this year. When we set up the tank we
started it with A miracle and a 700 gph pump (little giant). In about
September we noticed a crack in the sump and immediately replaced it
with the filtration that is on it now. About 3 weeks the filter crashed
we first noticed the first iridescent swimming disoriented, and then he
stopped eating, then died, The 2nd one followed shortly there after. We
suspect the tank recycled causing stress to induce these deaths. It has
now been about a month and we seem to be having the same problem again
with another iridescent only this time there seems to be damage and
some sort of spot on the top fin. If there is anything you can do to
help or maybe give us an idea of what this might be please contact me
by e-mail. < First of all we need to evaluate the overall health of
the tank. For that you need to get some testing done. Measure the
ammonia and nitrites. They should be zero all the time. Any readings
mean that the nitrogenous wastes are not being completely being broken
down by the bacteria and you will need to address that. Secondly is get
a reading on the total nitrates . They should be less than 25 ppm but
some fish may not be able to handle even that high of a reading and you
iridescent sharks may fall into that category. They may not die out
right but instead succumb to diseases for which they never recover
from. The nitrates can be reduced by servicing the filter regularly and
by doing weekly water changes. The amount of water is determined by the
fish and how they are being kept. For general purposes we usually
recommend about 25% per week.-Chuck> <<Is an Ariid catfish...
not freshwater... RMF>> Jamie
Sick Columbian Catfish 3/24/06 Dear WWM
crew, <Hi, Pufferpunk here> Thanks so much for your wonderful
website. I have learned a lot from it. <Great to hear!> I was
wondering if you can help me with the following: I have 2 Colombian
cat sharks each about 10.5 inches long in a 55 gal. tank. <Since
they can grow as large as 18", I'd suggest a 90+g for
them.> Other fish in the tank include 3 Monos and 2 Plecos.
<Monos grow to about a foot & will require another 120
gallons. Plecos have no place in brackish water at
all.> I have been having trouble keeping the level of nitrates
down and 3 of our scats died. <Scats too? You
don't mention the size of your fish but scats grow as large as
a dinner plate. All of the species you mention (except
the Plecos) will require marine conditions as they mature.> I
had the tank in the basement and decided to bring it up to the
living room to better monitor the tank. When I changed its location
I made a 50 percent water change to lower the level of nitrates.
<50% water changes should be done on a weekly basis.>
However, since we moved the tank one of the cat sharks has been
sick. First I thought it was Ich because I saw some little white
dots. Now I am not so sure. <That does sound like Ich.> Its
skin looks almost like it has a thin discolored membrane over it.
Its color is dull compared to the healthy cat shark; its body color
has changed from gray-silver to gray-purple and its fin is always
down. This morning I also noticed that the fin has a white spot and
it looks raw and wrinkly. It almost looks like a fungus. He stays
at the bottom very still and his eyes are clear. He seems to be
breathing quickly. He has been in this condition for about 4 days.
I have treated the tank with Ich medicine, I changed some of the
water last night (the nitrates are still high). <You should
never medicate your entire display tank. Sick fish
should be medicated in a quarantine tank; so that all the fish
aren't subjected to the meds, the disease isn't spread
further, the fish isn't stressed by it's tank mates
(because of it's weakened condition) & you don't do
harm to your biological filtration with the meds. That
way you can also do large water changes on a smaller tank.>
Also, I should say that one of the Monos had a sore in its mouth
that I was treating with penicillin (4 days). Now the treatment has
stopped and the sore is not as bad. So there was some penicillin in
the water as well as Ich medicine. The temperature in the tank is
73F, salt water level is 1.002, the Ph. 7.2, alkalinity moderate
(80), hardness (very hard), nitrates 160 (still
unsafe). <Are you using marine salt? The
water is way too cold--should be 78-82 degrees. To treat
Ich, you should raise the water temp to 86-87
degrees. Your SG should probably be around
1.010. Nitrates should be under 20. Sounds
like you haven't been doing enough regular water changes in
there. Are you rinsing the filter & cleaning the
gravel regularly? I should also mention that pH for BW
fish should be around a steady 8, usually done by using aragonite
or crushed coral as substrate.> I should also mention that about
3 months ago he jumped out of the tank and was on the floor for
about 10-15 minutes before we found him. <Definitely
stressful. Stress=lowered immune system.> It took a
while to recover and he was never as perky as before. He kept to
the bottom of the tank most of the time but he was in good overall
health. I really would appreciate your advice. I don't know
what to do and it seems to me that time is running out for my
"little" Colombian cat shark. Thanks a lot for your
assistance. <Start out doing 20% water changes daily, until your
nitrates are under 20. Add Melafix for the shark's
skin & the mono's mouth. If there are still Ich
spots, raise the temp. Keep adding marine salt, getting
the SG up .002/week until it is around
1.010-1.016. Continue doing 50% weekly water
changes. Find homes for the Plecos. Start
saving for a much larger tank. By then, they should be
ready for SW. ~PP> |
Ill Colombian cat shark ... Bob's go 3/25/06
Dear Bob, Thanks so much for your wonderful website. I have learned
a lot from it. I was wondering if you can help me with the
following. I have 2 Colombian cat sharks about 10.5 inches long in
a 55 gal. tank. <A bit crowded...> Other fish in the tank
include 3 Monos and 2 Plecos. I have been having trouble keeping
the level of nitrates down and 3 of our scats died. <A bummer...
need much more room> I had the tank in the basement and decided
to bring it up to the living room to better monitor the tank. When
I changed its location I made a 50 percent water change to lower
the level of nitrates. However, since we moved the tank one of the
cat sharks has been sick. First I thought it was Ich because I saw
some little white dots. Now I am not so sure. Its skin looks almost
like it has a thin discolored membrane over it. Its color is dull
compared to the healthy Catshark; its body color has changed from
gray-silver to gray-purple and its fin is always down. <Bad
signs> This morning I also noticed that the fin has a white spot
and it looks raw and wrinkly. It almost looks like a fungus. He
also stays at the bottom very still and his eyes are clear. He
seems to be breathing quickly. He has been in this condition for
about 4 days. <All easily just symptoms of nitrate poisoning>
I have treated the tank with Ich medicine, I changed some of the
water last night (the nitrates are still high). <How high is
that?> Also, I should say that one of the Monos had a sore in
its mouth that I was treating with penicillin (4 days). <Uhh...
you need to fix these fishes environment... too crowded,
polluted... they don't need medicines> Now the treatment has
stopped and the sore is not as bad. So there was some penicillin in
the water as well as Ich medicine. The temperature in the tank is
73F, salt water level is 1.002, <Needs to be higher for the
Ariids at this size... remove the Plecos and raise>> the Ph.
7.2, alkalinity moderate (80), hardness (very hard), nitrates 160
(still unsafe). <Yikes... very toxic> I should also mention
that about 3 months ago he jumped out of the tank and was on the
floor for about 10-15 minutes before we found him. It took a while
to recover and he was never as perky as before. He kept to the
bottom of the tank most of the time but he was in good overall
health. I really would appreciate your advice. I don't know
what to do and it seems to me that time is running out for my
"little" Colombian cat shark. Thanks a lot for your
assistance. Anouk Patel-Campillo <Well, elevating the salt
content (after removing the Loricariids) will forestall nitrate
poisoning for a bit... but these Ariids and Monos need to be in
larger quarters... at least twice this size... and to be exposed to
no more than 20 ppm. nitrate maximum. End of line. Bob
Fenner> |
Re: ill Colombian cat shark
3/28/06 Dear PP, Thanks so much for
your response. Since I wrote you last, we put the sick Colombian
cat shark in a hospital tank took out the carbon and administered
Aquari-sol for velvet disease (it supposedly also works to cure
Ich). <Is it safe for scaleless fish?> The cat shark seemed
to get better almost immediately (that was Friday). He was very
active and started eating, he stopped flicking against rocks and
was breathing normally. However, his fin was still disintegrating.
I bought the Melafix you suggested and have given him one dose as
of now. What worries me is that the powdery white dots he has on
his skin seem to be proliferating and his side is showing some
peeling. <The parasite could have damaged his skin or the meds
could be doing the same thing. Keep dosing with Melafix
daily.> The hospital tank specifications are: temperature 78
degrees and raising slowly; <Get that up way higher--around
86.> pH between 7.2 and 7.8; <Why such a fluctuation of
pH? It should stay steady--around 8 for BW
fish. Fluctuation of pH is very stressful for
fish. In your main tank it's best to use crushed
coral or aragonite substrate, to keep the pH around a steady 8.>
alkalinity: 120; hardness: very hard (although I have been making
20% water changes with spring water); nitrates are up from 40
(before put the cat shark in) to somewhere between 60
and 80. <Keep doing 20% (or more) daily water changes till the
nitrates are <20.> I don't know why this is happening.
The only thing I can think about is the food that I give him or the
few feeder fish I had in there for him to eat. In any case I took
out the feeder fish. <Great to hear--they are poop machines
& not good food for your fish. Do not overfeed your
fish--only enough food to be completely eaten in 5 minutes.> I
am hoping that with the daily changes of 20% and the absence of the
feeder fish will help in getting the nitrates down again.
<Definitely should help.> The SG is about 1.004. I assume I
have to make small but steady increases until the tank reaches
1.010. Is that right? (We are using Oceanic Natural Marine Sea Salt
Mix). <Correct. Actually, at their size, you could
aim even higher.> In the main display tank we moved the 2 Plecos
to a fresh water tank and it now has one cat shark (10.5 inches
long) a mono (about 4 inches nose to tail) and 2 smaller Monos (1.5
inches nose to tail) and a few feeder fish. <Either move the
feeders in w/the Plecos (if that's all that are in there), or
find other homes for them. They do not belong with your
BW fish.> We took out the ammonia remover from the filter and
have been doing 20% water changes every day. The tank
specifications are as follows: temperature: 78-80 (lowers to 76
when we do the changes); <Try to match the temp
better--shouldn't be more than 1 degree either way, form the
tank water.> PH between 7.2 and 7.8; <Again I repeat: It
should stay steady--around 8 for BW fish. Fluctuation of
pH is very stressful for fish. In your main tank
it's best to use crushed coral or aragonite substrate, to keep
the pH around a steady 8.> Alkalinity has decreased to 40;
hardness (very) -although I use spring water-; Nitrates down from
160 to about 80!; SG levels: 1.004. Although overall the conditions
in the tank seem to be improving, I noticed that although the big
Mono's mouth seems to be getting better he is showing some
powdery white dots on his eye (same as the sick shark) and a bit on
his tail. I am very concerned that I may have not taken out the ill
shark out of the display tank on time to spare the others. I am
also worried about having to put the Mono with the ill shark in the
hospital tank! Especially because the shark seems to be in such
poor shape. What should I do?? I understand I can't medicate
the display tank but I am not sure putting the Mono in the hospital
tank is such a good idea given the more extreme condition of the
shark. <Treat the tank w/large (50-80%) water changes (cleaning
the substrate), salt & heat.> And, yes we are starting to
save for a larger tank...do you think the fish can wait a year or
so before being transferred into a larger tank? <Really hard to
tell. I think the sharks would definitely need a larger
tank now. The Monos are schooling fish (5-6) & will
require at least a 300g tank for a school of 1'
fish. Rarely are these beauties housed correctly. =o{
> Also, we have been doing regular water changes but we recently
moved to this area and we have had lots of problems with the
quality of the water since. <What's wrong with your water
exactly? There is no way to get out of weekly water
changes--best thing you can do for your fish!>
Also, I think we may be over feeding our fish. On a
given day we give them a square of brine shrimp and bloodworms in
the morning and bloodworms and tablets at night. Is that too much?
If so, can you tell me how much I should be feeding them?
<Bloodworms are fine but brine shrimp are not very nutritious at
all (mostly water). Be sure to rinse all foods in a
brine shrimp net. All the juices in those cubes are
definitely adding to your nitrates. Try freeze-dried
plankton/krill & flakes too. ~PP> |

Columbian Shark--Died... =o{ 3/29/06 Dear
PP, I am sad to say that our cat shark died yesterday. <I
thought it might have been tough to save him...> I am afraid I
did not react quickly enough to save him. I had him for 3 years
and got him when he was less than 2 inches long. <So sorry for
your loss.> I think the parasites damaged his internal organs
and in trying to save him I probably over medicated the poor guy.
<It's difficult to medicate scale less fish.> The good
news is that the Mono does not have the white dots in his eyes
anymore. I think the water changes are helping. <Of
course! As the great Anthony Calfo says, "The
solution to pollution, is dilution!"> The nitrates are
down to 60 and the pH is stabilizing. The problem with the water
here seems to be that it is high in heavy metals (that is why it
is so hard, I guess) and we were concerned about this. Since we
moved to this area we have lost a lot of fish including a great
looking moray eel that we had for a year and a
half. The fish stores here are always having to
quarantine their fish. When we figured out that something may be
wrong with the water we started using spring water, which is low
in heavy metals but also low in pH. Most likely the fluctuation
in pH is due to the spring water we are using. Now I am mixing
both tap and spring water. I assume that the fish can deal with
the heavy metals? <Not necessarily. Why not start
using RO water? You can buy your own system for pretty
cheap on EBay. Then start getting your SG up, so the
salt can replace what the RO has removed, for something
livable. Also, use crushed coral or aragonite as
substrate, to keep the pH around a steady 8 for BW fish.> We
administered some water conditioner which supposedly takes care
of this problem. <Hmmm, what's that? I
can't imagine anything other than a pH buffer, which will
only work temporarily & cause large fluctuations of your
pH. VERY stressful for the fish to constantly try to
adjust to the fluctuations!> One last question: with every
water change we have been replacing salt in the display tank as
indicated on the instructions and adding a bit more to raise the
SG level. However, when we measure it with the hydrometer it
always reads the same, 1.004. Why is this? <It really takes a
lot of salt to raise the SG. Around a cup of salt/5g
to raise the SG .005 (rough estimate). Only raise your
SG .002/weekly 50% water change (or daily, in your case, till
your nitrates are under 20), so you don't harm the beneficial
bacteria in your tank.> Anyway, thanks again to you and Bob
for your help. This experience has been quite educational.
<There are great articles on water chemistry here: http://www.thepufferforum.com/articles/libraryTOC.html Good
luck with your remaining fish & that huge tank in your
future! ~PP> Best regards, AP
Death of Columbian Shark 1/26/-6 Hi- <Hi,
Pufferpunk here> I had a quick question about my recently deceased
Columbian Silvertip Shark... I have had him for the past 5
months in a 23 gallon tank, and he's been growing and healthy and
very active--he was around 6-7". <For a fish that large, which
loves a lot of space for it's constant swimming, that tank sounds a
bit too small. As these fish can grow up to 18",
eventually a 90g tank or larger is recommended for
them. They are also schooling fish.> About a week ago, I
noticed he seemed more "antsy" than
normal--usually he swam always in the corner near the
filter-head against the current, but recently he started
swimming around the entire tank in a slightly restless
state, and I noticed that he had stopped eating. I put in
some feeder guppies for him (a usual treat) to see if that perked his
appetite, but no luck. I did a 1/4 water change last week,
water parameters all good, water has always been slightly brackish, and
heater has been constant at 78 degrees. <How often do you do water
changes? What does "slightly brackish"
mean? Are you using marine salt & testing with a
hydrometer? It would be helpful to know the water parameters
of your tank, but as the fish is gone, they would have changed by
now. Always a good thing to know though: ammonia, nitrites,
nitrates, pH & SG.> Last night, I came home to see him gasping
on his back in the rear of the tank. Physically, he looked fine,
although I can't tell if there was something slightly off with his
skin/color on either side of his top fin (I couldn't tell if it was
just markings, or something else--very subtle, and nothing I could
identify as a bacteria/fungus). I took him out and put him in a
hospital tank with some tetracycline, but by morning he was gone.
<It's not a good idea to medicate for an undiagnosed
problem--could do more harm than good. 1st thing I would
have done was test the water & do a large (50%) water change, or if
it's been a while, 2 25% water changes in 2 days.> I really
loved keeping him, but now I'm afraid to get another
one, since I feel clueless as to why his health declined so
fast. Any clue to what could triggered his
death? There's a golden algae eater in the tank that would bully
him sometime, but nothing too vicious... All my
other fish seem fat and healthy (knock on wood): Pleco, Cory cats,
danios, male Betta, tetras and golden rams. <None of
which like any part of brackish water. With a 6-7" fish
added to that mix--way overcrowded! Start doing more
regular, larger weekly water changes & testing your
water. ~PP> Thank you for your time- I really
appreciate your advice! *Daisy
Sick Hexanematichthys seemanni
9/20/05 Hi Bob, <Erik> One of my 3 Hexanematichthys Seemanni
is very sick. He has lost most of his color and keeps hiding behind a
rock and just sitting there. <Not good> As a precaution I have
moved him to a 10 gallon hospital tank and medicated with Melafix,
<Don't do this...> although I have no idea what could be
wrong. Fins appear to be in good shape and there are no signs of
fungus. Tank water is fine, 0 Ammonia and Nitrite, about 20-40 ppm
nitrate, 82 degrees and PH is about 8, specific gravity is about 1.008.
I have a Needlenose gar, a milk spotted puffer, 3 sharks and 5 mollies
in a 55 gallon. (I know I need another big tank eventually, everyone is
still a juvenile except the mollies and they are getting along fine.) I
keep 3 platies and my feeder minnows <Here we go> in the hospital
tank to keep it cycled. Any idea what it could be? His fins are clear
now and his eyes are clouded over. Thanks, Erik in Oceanside <Is
very likely something to do with the "feeders"... or
something else this fish ate. I would remove it back to the main tank.
The Melafix is more toxic than helpful. Bob Fenner>
Re: Sick Hexanematichthys seemanni Bob, <Erik> I had
already done that, <Added the "Fix", yes... I
understand/stood that> I wasn't planning on leaving him there
for long. <Ah, good... too small a volume... hard to keep water
quality optimized, stable for this size, type organism> If MelaFix
is so toxic, why is it on the market and being recommended as a general
medication by Petco for fish? <... "folks will buy it"...
you can see my, other WWM Crews input re this AP product by
searching...> The guy there told me MelaFix was a good general cure
for most fish ailments. I thought it was worth a try. <My friend...
why don't doctors prescribe "leaf extracts" for human
ailments? I do enjoy hot tea (having some right now) though...> The
gar eats nothing but live minnows. I only put them in the main tank one
at a time to be sure they get eaten, they don't handle the salt
well at all, a few hours and they go kaput. If he doesn't eat it
right away it comes back out as he is obviously not hungry. <Mmm,
I'd try training this fish onto other dead meaty foods, strips>
I'm sure the shark didn't eat any minnows. Other than that they
get live bloodworms, tropical flake and frozen krill. I also put
emerald green in for the mollies once in a while. <I see> Anyway,
he seems to be doing much better, some of his color has come back and
he's back to his normal activity level. <Ah, very good news>
Why the "Here we go" comment? Do you have some objection to
feeder fish or is it the way they are being kept? <Do have
objections... again... please don't write, use the indices, search
tool... Bob Fenner> Thanks as always, Erik
Re: Sick
Hexanematichthys seemanni... actually, "feeder" effects...
causal relations, first order operations 9/26/05 Bob, <Erik>
The shark is fine, and in a new home now. <Ah, good> My feeder
fish problem is solved, so to speak. The gar died last night, as did my
milk spotted puffer. I bought a new decoration for my tank at Petco,
the Miracle Beam city scape of Los Angeles. It was on clearance for
five bucks. I was already thinking about dropping $40 on the miracle
beam light system, so I thought this to be a cheap alternative, even if
I didn't use the city scape it's self, just the light. My wife
fell in love with it and made me put it in the tank last night. I woke
up to an otherwise healthy dead gar and puffer. My nitrites were
through the roof but ammonia was still zero. This is in a completely
cycled tank with previously zero nitrites and ammonia with anywhere
between 20 and 50 ppm nitrates. I had just tested everything yesterday.
I was doing 25% weekly water changes and PH was about 8.0. Here's
and odd side note, when I tested the ammonia after the death of my two
favorite fish, the water in the test tube didn't change color but
did get extremely cloudy as soon as I added the solution, any ideas?
<... some sort of chemical/test gear interaction... perhaps from the
water change... I strongly encourage folks to pre-treat, store new
water for a week...> The only thing I can think of is that the
ornament has a magnet in it to hold the light on the outside of the
tank (you back the piece up to the tank wall and the light is actually
on the outside of the tank). I think a piece of the PVC that houses the
magnet was broken, allowing exposure of the metal to the brackish water
in my system. So far as I know, metal corrodes in salt and water, so it
must have leeched something toxic into the system to kill two otherwise
hardy and healthy fish and destroy my nitrifying bacteria. <Yikes...
not good if so... there are ferrous/iron test kits... The nitrogenous
readings could be "just" from the dead/dying fishes
though...> Have you ever heard of such a thing? Am I way of base and
the problem lies elsewhere? <Impossible to tell from here. Again,
the "feeder" issue... these pond-raised fishes et al. are
reared, shipped, kept in deplorable conditions... invariably have high,
diverse parasite loads (I used them for years as such sources for
demonstrations of fish pathology)... this is very likely the root cause
of troubles here...> In any event, I have taken the three remaining
brackish fish, my silver tip sharks, to the LFS and have decided to go
with a straight freshwater semi-aggressive tank. I completely emptied
my tank and started from scratch. I bought some bio-Spira and some new
live stock after completely cleaning everything associated with the
tank as thoroughly as I could. If such and ornament is not meant for
salt water, then shouldn't they have to post some warning on it? If
it's toxic to fish, shouldn't it be off the market? <I have
not a clue here> Erik in Oceanside <Bob Fenner, in Mira Mesa, but
out to HI tomorrow> Arius seemanni Hello! I have just
recently found your site and your faq responses are amazing so I
thought of you first when I started having problems with my new 55 gal.
tank. <thanks kindly> Right now the tank is cycling,
it's about 20 days in and the only fish in the tank are one Black
Molly and Two Arius seemanni. <an interesting mix... not quite
compatible either... these "sharks" grow to nearly
24"!> The sharks were not originally intended to be in the tank
during cycling but I have had them for a year and a half and they have
outgrown their tank horribly and the larger one was actually injuring
himself when he got excited so I thought moving him up right away was
necessary....I think I may have moved too soon. I have been religiously
testing the ammonia levels at the LFS and the woman regularly tells me
that the ammonia spike is coming and although my levels aren't
toxic just yet I should watch the fish carefully and change 20 - 25%
water at least once a week. <agreed> Ok so the problem. I
have followed her directions and in all actuality ammonia doesn't
seem to be the problem. But my largest shark is looking bad... his
color has drained to a light silvery splotchy color and over the last
few days he has slowed down a lot and is having trouble swimming. He
sits on the bottom is awkward positions. His breathing is a bit labored
but certainly not the worst I've seen. He also looks to be
developing a case of hemorrhagic septicemia, but I suspect that it is
not his primary problem but rather something that developed from his
weakness. Neither of the other two fish are showing any kind of signs
of illness. I can only think of one thing that has changed since I set
up the tank. <actually... symptoms like this are common in
stunted fish and fishes kept in tanks that are too small... it may be
the case here. There is no such thing as a "healthy" stunting
of a fish in accordance with their tank size.> I have been
adding salt slowly to bring up the SG, which is now at around 1.011 and
this subsequently killed off all of the white cloud I had in the
tank <very good!> and my only choice for feeder fish were
guppies :( The larger Arius is really the only one that actively takes
live food and it's a possibility that he was the only one who ate
them could that be why he is the only one who is affected?
<possibly> I'm going to treat for the septicemia right away,
but I don't want to lose this fish, his friend will be lonely so if
you have any ideas on what I have done wrong I would appreciate it :(
Sincerely, Rachael PS Sorry this is so long! <no worries... and
aside from tank size you seem to be well informed and certainly
empathetic. Lets treat the fish in a QT tank if possible with a Furan
based medication. Best regards, Anthony>
Columbian Shark Acting Weird 1/13/04 <Hi, Pufferpunk
here> Hello, I am kind of new to this fish stuff but it is
fun, <Welcome to my passion--fishkeeping! I
hope it will become your passion too.> I have a 55 gallon tank and 2
small Columbian sharks, and a couple other small fish in the tank with
them, I.e. a red tail shark and a couple of small catfish. <I can
already see a problem here. Columbian Sharks are brackish
water fish, that prefer saltwater as adults.> But my
worries are about one of the Columbian sharks, its belly is
huge and it seems to swim in circles and not ever able to gain any sort
of equilibrium and maintain normal patterns like the other
Columbian, All other fish are fine and water is of good
quality. It is like the shark is doing back flips and other
acrobatic maneuvers...I am just worried and would hate to see it die or
suffer. <Is it possible to quarantine this
fish? I think it might have internal
parasites. It is a common thing with wild-caught
fish. If it's eating, try treating it with Discomed, by
Aquatronics. If you can't separate it, all the
fish will have to eat the medicated food.> Thank you so much and I
Love your site I have learned a lot. Dennis Barnard
<You're welcome & keep learning--Pufferpunk>
Arius seemanni (shark catfish) with cloudy eye (10/14/03)
Hello WetWeb crew! <Hi! Ananda here today...> I just
had a quick question, I have a pretty good sized Arius seemanni,
he's maybe 6 or 7 inches and because the tank is a reef tank and
he's a little rough, he gets small scratches and scrapes from time
to time, he heals up very quickly, but it looks like he may have
scratched his eye recently. <Ack. I'm glad he's
in a tank with some salt, but scrapes and injuries are going to be par
for the course in a reef tank... these guys are shoalers and need some
open space to swim around in.> A day or two ago it started out as a
very cloudy, but splotchy looking deal, but now it's uniform
throughout his eye but slightly more clear...it is possible he has a
disease resulting from the scratch (I ask just because it's changed
form slightly) or is it more likely that this is just his healing
process? <Could be a developing infection. You might
consider setting up the quarantine tank for him for a bit and
medicating with an antibiotic... on the other hand, since it's
likely to be difficult to catch him, you might just observe him for a
few days and see what progresses. Do keep the water quality pristine,
and wear aquatic gloves when you put your hands in the tank to prevent
any of the bacteria on your hands/under your fingernails from getting
into the tank. Also feed him high-quality foods, perhaps an antibiotic
food if you have one that he will eat.> His behavior is completely
normal otherwise. <That's always a good sign.> I
appreciate your expertise! Thank you SO much for your time!
Rachael Loose <You're welcome. --Ananda>
Sick Columbian Shark (09/14/03) <Hi! Ananda here
today...> I just started a new tank, also my first
tank. The pet store that I bought everything from was no
help in setting up the tank. <Not at all unusual,
unfortunately.> After asking many questions all they said was to add
salt to the tank. Well after about two weeks I thought
things were settling down after a phosphorus bloom, and learning more
about keeping a brackish tank then I ever thought I'd need to
know. <Okay... if you haven't read it yet, hunt up
Neale Monks' "Brackish FAQ". A Google search should show
several hits; some sites have it in html, others have it in PDF.>
The ph is steady at about 7.1-7.2. <Hmmm. Kinda low for brackish,
but steady is good. What's your source pH, and what's your
s.g.?> The nitrite level is high (5), which I've been told is
normal until the nitrogen cycle completes and the biological filtration
develops. <Ack! But too high for your fish. Do a water
change ASAP!> Also the natural sea salt was added according to the
directions. However after realizing I might need a specific
gravity tester, the tank shows almost freshwater results. I
have been adding salt slowing over the past day to try and bring it
up. I've heard that Columbian sharks like increasing
salinity as they get older, so I'm starting fairly low with a
1.006ish specific gravity. (increasing to 1.015 gradually over a
year) <Sounds good. Just use slightly brackish water for
top off, and/or use slightly-more-brackish water for water changes.>
I can't understand the disappearance of the salt that was mixed in
at the start. Could the filter remove it? <Unlikely. How
much salt did you add, or how high a specific gravity did you shoot for
at first? Also, what kind of hydrometer are you using? If it's a
floating thermometer-hydrometer, it will give you readings that are not
accurate for your tank temp -- they're calibrated for 60 degrees F,
and you need a chart to convert its reading to get the reading it
should be for your tank temp. That's why I'm not fond of those.
Well, that, and the fact that they're fragile -- I've broken
two of them! For brackish, you either want a SeaTest hydrometer (made
by Aquarium Systems) or a refractometer.> Unfortunately the fish
were in the tank through my inexperience and changes to ph, salinity,
and chlorine removal. They have all held up very well until about three
days ago. The Columbian Shark sits in his favorite corner,
but no longer swims, just lays on the bottom. His dorsal fin
is also tucked back and no longer up like usual. He perks up
just fine when it's feeding time, and seems to eat
normally. But then goes back to laying. There are
no noticeable marks, scars or growths. I'm hoping
it's just the changes and that he'll be back to normal soon,
but better to be sure. Thank you very much for your
time. -Dan <It's the nitrite. You could take him out
and put him in a quarantine tank, doing daily water changes to keep the
ammonia down. Or you could leave him in the main tank and do water
changes to keep the nitrites down -- though that would have the
unfortunate side effect of lengthening your cycle. I'd go with the
quarantine tank -- it doesn't need to be anything fancy; a sturdy
plastic container will work. Do check the WWM site for info on
quarantining and tank cycling... there are also a few pages about the
Columbian sharks. I am very glad you have him in brackish water. And do
check out the brackish forum on the WWM chat forums: http://wetwebfotos.com/talk/...
Arius seemanni Venom (3/7/04) Hi, <Steve Allen today>
I have a aggressive Arius seemanni and I have read that
they have anticoagulant venom. My question is, what would happen if I
where to be bitten <the venom is actually through the dorsal
spines>, would this pose a risk to my health (could I get sick/die),
and what should I do if she does bite me? <I found little about this
on the internet, suggesting there have been few cases of actual harm.
You might w ant to do more research on the web or through a university
library. Anticoagulant venoms aren't really likely to kill you, but
there could be a lot of localized bleeding. If you got a lot of venom
in you, it could possibly cause serious problems. In your position,
I'd keep my bare skin out of the tank. Get some puncture-resistant
aquarium gloves and keep an eye on him. If something happens, cal your
doctor immediately. > Thank You-Joey <Hope this helps.>
Distressed Arius graeffei Hi guys!! <Hi there> I
recently added 2 Arius graeffei to my 60"x18"x20"
tropical tank society of approx. 25 fish and 14 yabbies. <Yikes...
pretty crowded> Unfortunately, these fish won't
relax. There was a third fish at the store when I purchased
the 2, and was wondering whether the neurotic behaviour of the
purchased 2 was due to potential emotional stress due to separation
from their friend/family member. <Not IME... this is just one of the
more diurnally active, make that ACTIVE catfishes> The pair
haven't settled down after a couple of weeks, and I was wondering
whether this was due to the pair being of the same sex, or because of
the absent 3rd Arius graeffei. I have constructed roomy rock caves for
habitat in the aquarium for their lair, but still no
peace. Their behaviour distresses the ecosystem, and I
can't put up with it for much longer!! <Maybe time to trade them
in> Please help me with some advice and experienced stories before
these two Arius graeffei learn to swim in salt water.. <They may do
so... naturally> Kind regards, Aaron and Matty T <Bob
Columbian Sharks and Java Ferns Sorry to bother you guys
again, but I have two questions I couldn't find on your site. I
have two Columbian sharks. They are both still pretty young (about 5
inches). <You'll need about 100 gallons of brackish water to
keep these large fish into adulthood.> I've noticed recently
that their fins are a little torn, the smaller shark more than the
bigger one. I doesn't look at all like it could be fin and tail
rot, besides they are both really healthy. They are inseparable and
I've never seen them be violent to one another, I was wondering if
they could be doing this to themselves since they are the most
aggressive fish in the tank. <Possible> (33 gal with the two
sharks, Pleco, African leaf fish, leopard leaf fish and fire eel)
<The eel may be causing a ruckus at night> Don't worry we are
eventually moving the sharks to a brackish tank. <Salt will help
heal as well as start adjusting them to their adult requirements. Host
of reasons for tattered fins. Aggression, very high or low pH, ammonia,
very high nitrates etc..> Second question, we have sand as our
substrate and have live plants I think they are java ferns. The pet
store told us that if the plants are submerged directly into the sand
eventually they will start emitting toxic gases that are undetectable
and will kill our fish. Because of this I put the plants in little
plastic cups filled with gravel and submerged those in the sand.
<Will not help> I was just wondering if this was necessary. I
couldn't find any info on the net. <Java Fern grows from a
"stem" that grows horizontal to the substrate. The fronds
then grow up along this stem. If it is buried in *any* substrate it
will die and decay. This will result in more ammonia entering your
cycle. I know of no other "gas" that decaying Java emits. I
planted mine on driftwood. Just cut a sliver, leaving it attached to
the wood. Then use this sliver to clip the base of the fern to the
wood. That will hold it in place until the roots grab the wood.
Columbian Sharks (Arius seemanni) 9/26/04 Hi
There, <Hi, Pufferpunk here> I was just on your website and I
found a lot of interesting information about the Columbian
Shark. I do have a question that I did not find an answer to
on your site. I just bought two small (2 inches or so)
sharks and I believe they are Columbian sharks. They are
very silver almost metallic grey and very sleek. They have very long
whiskers and look identical to a real shark. <Have you
read this? http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ariidcats.htm) Now, my
question is: why would they be swimming upside down? They
are not just floating there in they water but actually swimming quickly
at the top, upside down!? <Are they upside-down all the
time? Are they gasping for air? Or do they
straighten out after a while & swim normally?> Sorry, I actually
have one more question in regards to these sharks... Is it okay to have
them in a tank with goldfish? I know it sounds funny but
They are in my 40 gallon with a large (8 inches at least) pond goldfish
as well as a 3 inch feeder goldfish and two 2-3 inch fantail
goldfish. They seem to be doing well with them so far but
how long will this be okay? <Absolutely not! GFs are Very
messy, high waste-producing cold water fish. Your
"sharks" are actually tropical, brackish water fish that
prefer saltwater as adults. They also grow 14-18" &
require a huge tank. You never mix tropical fish with GF.> If you
could please answer this I would greatly appreciate it. <I suggest
either setting up a separate BW tank for them (expecting to need a very
large tank in the future for these fish), or return
them. ~PP> Thank You !! Ashley
Columbian sharks Dear crew I would be very grateful for some
advice. I have two Columbian sharks which are about 5"
long, just recently one has started just lying on the
gravel a lot it also has a very large belly. Should I be concerned.
The water is fine & although it is a fresh water
tank I add one teaspoon of salt for every two gallons of
water in a 90 gallon tank.
new year
<James, I would add some Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate), at one
teaspoon per five gallons here, in the hope it will alleviate the
swelling. I also encourage you to get/use a hydrometer... to measure
the specific gravity of the water... I do hope your other livestock can
tolerate brackish water... and that you have plans to graduate these
catfish to full marine in future. Bob Fenner>
Columbian Shark Question I have 3 Columbian sharks, about 4
inches in a 29 gal. tank. I've done a lot of reading on
forums such as this about them and thought I was doing things
well. I just recently did a water change and changes some of
the tank decor to make more room for them. Now I just
noticed one of them has a white, growth looking spot on his tail fin.
<Possibly fin and tail rot?> They usually lay on the
ground from time to time but now they do it A LOT. I'm
guessing that that is just because they are getting used to their new
surroundings. But I have no idea about the white, growth
looking thing. Any help would be great. <I
suggest you check out the saltwater FAQs. My best guess is that it
might be Lymphocystis see the picture here to see if maybe
that's what it is? http://www.wetwebmedia.com/viraldislymph.htm.
If it is there are FAQs to tell you how to handle it or write back and
we will work you out a game plan Adam. Good luck, MacL> Thanks Adam
Arius seemanni please help! Hi! My name is Rebekah
and my husband's name is Chris. <My name is Paul Maud'dib...
actually, call me Bob> We got a 10 gallon fish tank over
a year ago and our first two fish were Arius seemanni, or
shark catfish. No one told us they would get so big, we were
new at this! We just got them a 29 gallon
tank. They were both doing very well and very
active. They seem like best friends and always swim
with each other. Tonight we were horrified to
look in our tank and see one of our shark fish dying!
<!> We had to leave and when we came back he was dead, absolute
stiff as a board. The other shark left seems
quite sad. Our question is
what happened? He was so healthy and
active! We don't want to lose our other
shark. Let me tell you the symptoms and I hope you can help!
My husband heard a loud commotion in our tank and saw the catfish
really freaking out. He was shooting around the
tank at lightening speeds! Then he started to convulse
and swim upside down and his mouth kept opening and closing
and he almost seemed to be gasping for air. It didn't
take him long to die. He turned really white and the tips of
his black fins turned almost a clear white. Like
I said, he was very stiff when we removed him.
<Frightening> Where did we go wrong? We were so sad to
loose one of our first fish we ever bought! And
does the other catfish need a friend to replace the dead
one? Thank you so much for any help! Bekah and Chris
<Some sort of catastrophic injury happened to just the one
specimen... Likely it either crashed into part of the decor or rammed
up into the hood/top... this does happen... more so in smaller systems
than larger. Bob Fenner>
Iridescent Shark 7/19/05 Heya Bob. I
have 2 iridescent sharks in my tank. I know it is a very bad choice of
fish for a small aquarium but since they are already living there for
so long, I cant bare to kill them. Besides no one wants such a huge
fish. I realize they are super hardy fishes. They got Ich and killed
whatever was in the tank but survived the ordeal. However their noses
were badly injured and did not recover after 1 year. They are rubbing
their noses against the glass tank as if to swim thru it. The skin on
the nose is GONE and I can see the red flesh and whitish stuff (perhaps
the bone?). The other shark has a red pus on it. Sort of like a pimple
that is about to burst, very red and in a bag. What can I do to treat
their condition? Very heart-aching. Thanks and I look forward for your
advice. >>>Greetings! Jim here. You've neglected to tell
me how large your fish are, and the size of your tank. Quite frankly I
hate to read emails like this. Am I to understand then that you
can't bear to kill them, but you have no problem keeping them in
such cramped surroundings that they cannot remain healthy? You can help
then along with antibiotics, but frankly this will not be enough. You
need to find homes for your fish, and stock your tank with
appropriately sized animals. Cheers Jim<<<
Iridescent Shark 7/20/05 > Heya Bob. > I
have 2 iridescent sharks in my tank. I know it is a very bad choice of
> fish for a small aquarium but since they are already living there
for so > long, I cant bare to kill them. Besides no one wants such a
huge fish. > I realize they are super hardy fishes. They got Ich and
killed whatever > was in the tank but survived the ordeal. However
their noses were badly > injured and did not recover after 1 year.
They are rubbing their noses > against the glass tank as if to swim
thru it. The skin on the nose is GONE > and I can see the red flesh
and whitish stuff (perhaps the bone?). The > other shark has a red
pus on it. Sort of like a pimple that is about to > burst, very red
and in a bag. > What can I do to treat their condition? Very
heart-aching. Thanks and I > look forward for your advice.
>>>>Greetings! Jim here. > You've neglected to tell
me how large your fish are, and the size of your > tank. Quite
frankly I hate to read emails like this. Am I to understand > then
that you can't bear to kill them, but you have no problem keeping
> them in such cramped surroundings that they cannot remain healthy?
You can > help then along with antibiotics, but frankly this will
not be enough. You > need to find homes for your fish, and stock
your tank with appropriately > sized animals. > Cheers >
Jim<<< Hello Bob Sorry about the missing details. Thanks for
the advice <Welcome... have you read our accumulated FAQs re this
species: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ariidcatfaqs.htm
and the linked files above? BobF>
Re: Iridescent Sharks 7/21/05 Hi Bob. Yes I
did do a search using the search engine found in the web for
iridescent, shark and nose. Read the articles with the combination but
I did not find one that describe the condition or the suitable
treatment. So I emailed you regarding this. Maybe the articles are
dated too far back cos I did not go thru all the results from the
search engine. I have also read the FAQ, FAQ2. <... so, these
animals are in brackish to a marine setting... Bob
Please read!!! Sick FW (actually more like saltwater)
Catfishes... I'm sure you get a lot of email, and probably
don't have a lot of time. <Same amount as everyone my
friend> I have a freshwater aquarium with two Arius Jordani
(Jordan's Catfish) <Ah, yes... that minor prophet of democracy,
first pres. of Stanford, none other than David Starr J. himself> they
both started getting white splotches. I first treated the tank for
fungus. It cleared up part way. I figured maybe it was a secondary
infection and read up on Ich. <Good so far...> I have
treated them for Ich. One of my catfish has a white spike protruding
from his side. <Yikes... likely an intraneural bone... not
good... and possible evidence of a very aggressive bacterial problem...
internal> He is not as active as he normally is. I don't know if
he will survive. I had an ammonia problem not to long ago but that has
been fixed. This all started occurring soon after the ammonia reached a
safe level. <Actually, as you know... before, with the ammonia
problem... or what actually "caused" the ammonia
problem...> I might not be able to save this catfish, but I am
really concerned with finding a solution to this. It might get my other
catfish too. I have heard great things about your knowledge of fish and
I am at a total loss to explain it. The catfish has also lost one of
his whiskers, he seems to have an infection around his upper lip also.
Like I say I may not be able to save this catfish, but I need to fix
the problem so it does not happen again. Any feed back would be greatly
appreciated. And thank you for your time. Sincerely, Luke <Thank you
for writing. Please do quickly read over the section on "Hole in
the Side Disease" under the "Pond Index" on my site:
www.WetWebMedia.com and avail yourself of the proposed solutions
there... I would make my own antibiotic laden food, keep water quality
optimized and stable, slap on an ultraviolet sterilizer in the filter
flow path if you have one (otherwise check with your marine aquarist
friends to see if they have one "laying around"), add some
salt (see the WWM site re) to the water, keep changing the water/gravel
vacuuming regularly with pre-made, stored freshwater... Do think you
have a gram negative bacterial hyperinfection here... and it can be
stopped. Bob Fenner>
Please read!!! Thank you for the prompt reply! :) It was
highly informative. I sure hope it has been caught in time to be beaten
back. Again I appreciate your response immensely! Thank you, -Luke
<You're welcome my friend. Life to you. Bob Fenner>
Sick Arius seemanni Hi Bob We have 3 Arius seemanni in a 46
gal. hexagonal tank with 10 African cichlids, 3 tiger barbs, 3 golden
barbs, 4 cherry barbs, and 2 common places. <wow... what a truly
bizarre mix <G> of fishes from Africa, Asia and South America.
Really, you have fishes needing three different water qualities here:
African for hard, alkaline and mildly brackish... neutral Asia water
quality preferences... and soft acidic south American demons (Pleco).
It is difficult if at all possible to maintain all such fishes in good
health in the long run under such compromised water quality> The
water is brackish. ph 7.8, ammonia-norm, nitrate-norm temp -80. we have
two fake plants and lots of brook rocks, and crushed coral on the
bottom, <all conducive to the African cichlids> a magnum
350 filter, and two 6" air stones. <is the magnum the
only biological filter?!?! If so... it is very poorly suited and
undersized for the job. Really just a good mechanical and chemical
filter instead. Do add much better biological filtration (like an Eheim
with ceramic noodles and course foam or a wet/dry filter> The
catfish have developed white spotty lumps all over their bodies and are
not active as when we bought them a week ago they also have not eaten
for about a day. Do you know what this is and if so what can we do
about it? <hmmm.... likely a bacterial infection, but do review the
archives on disease to see if a photo or description can help:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/mardisease.htm> Thank You, Jenessa
<best regards, Anthony Calfo>
Iridescent sick? I am a newbie. I recently got a
paradise fish, red flame dwarf, algae eater, 1 Bala and 1 ID
shark. <... this last fish is a brackish to marine
catfish...> For the first while the ID shark was fine, but now I
noticed he's been hiding more often in the castle, I was concerned
cause he generally will come out and play with the Bala for a while at
night and lately he hasn't. So I fished him out of the castle
and got a look at him and it appears he's changed colour a bit, I
don't know if its the water, or what but his side looks a little
yellowish where it should be silver and I cant be sure but I think the
bottom of him has changed in colour too. <IS the water> I
don't know if he's still eating, I tried to see if he would
take food and it looked like he did and he was swimming around quite
well when I fished him out and he even stayed out for a bit , but its
his colour I'm concerned with. Does he sound sick to you? The
rest of the fish are fine. If he is sick, what can I do about it?
<Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ariidcats.htm
and the Related FAQs (linked, in blue, above)> He's only about 2
to 3 inches long and they are all in a 10 gallon tank right now.
<...! Too small a system for the Bala, this catfish...> I have a
mini filter, and I use clarify to keep the tank healthy, I also use a
treatment which de-stresses the tank and cleans out the chlorine.
<Good> I feed them flakes and blood worms. There's also a
"bubble unit" to add extra air in the water. <A good
addition> The tank looks clean , but I'm not sure of the levels.
<Me neither... but these fishes are environmentally incompatible...
the "shark" needs brackish water... and if it lives, full
marine... and you need a bigger tank altogether> Please help the ID
is one of my fave fish and I was really looking forward to growing him
large. <Ahh, then study my young friend... read about your fishes on
WWM, Fishbase.org Much to know.
Bob Fenner>