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African Butterflyfish, Featherback Knifes, Mormyrids, Elephantfishes,
Related FAQs: Arowanas 1, Arowanas 2, & FAQs on: Arowanas Behavior, Arowanas Compatibility, Arowanas Selection, Arowanas Systems, Arowanas Feeding, Arowanas Disease, Arowanas Reproduction, &
Bony Tongue
Fishes, Aba
Aba Knifefish, African
Butterflyfish, Arapaimas,
Featherfin Knives, Mormyrids, New World Knifefishes,
Arowana Tank (.com)

S. formosus
Arowana Grand champion
Photo of the Arowana Grand Champ
Hi WWM. Question on Scleropages formosus, ID
Hi Guys,
I've got a question about Asian Arowanas. I notice that silvers, blacks,
both the Australian variants etc are given a different species name.
<Mmm, these are different species...>
But all the Asian Arowanas are called " Scleropages " despite the fact
that there are clearly different from one another.
<Not "that" different... these are all Scleropages formosus; one
The four main groups found in South East Asia are the greens, reds, golds
(Malaysia) and the red tail goldens (Indonesian).
<Just color variants; akin to blondes, redheads, brunettes...>
While some of them may look alike when they are young (4-5 inches or so),
they grow up to look completely different from
one another. So why are they all lumped into Scleropages ?
<Uhh, again; they're the same species. See the Net, in-print works on
the species of Osteoglossids on the planet>
I'd just like to get your thoughts on the subject. Thanks and keep up the
good work!
<Will do. Cheers, Bob Fenner>