FAQs on Loricariids, South and Central
American Suckermouth Cats: L-Numbers
Related Articles: Loricariids, Otocinclus, From
Pan-ack-ay to Pan-ack-zee, A Detailed Look at the Bizarre But
Beautiful Panaque Catfishes by Neale Monks
Related Catfish
FAQs: Loricariids 1,
Other Loricariid Genera: FAQs on: Ancistrus, Baryancistrus, Genera Farlowella, Loricaria, Sturisoma,
Rhineloricaria: Twig Plecostomus, Genera Glyptoperichthys,Liposarcus, Pterygoplichthys, Sailfin Giants
among the Loricariids, The Zebra
Pleco, Hypancistrus zebra, Hypostomus, Peckoltia: Clown
Plecostomus, Lasiancistrus,
Panaque, Pseudacanthicus, Scobanancistrus, Loricariid Identification, Loricariid Behavior, Loricariid Compatibility, Loricariid Selection, Loricariid Systems, Loricariid Feeding, Loricariid Reproduction, Loricariid Disease, Catfish: Identification, Behavior, Compatibility, Selection, Systems, Feeding, Disease, Reproduction, Algae

acclimatization while moving Plecos 4/6/2009
Hi WWM crew!
I have a question regarding moving two L134 Plecos from a 10G holding
tank with a pH around 6.5 to a 40G breeder with pH of 8.1.
<Mmm, well... first off... I wouldn't do this... this pH is too
high for this species. Please read here:
and the linked breeding article embedded>
They've been in the 10G for a few weeks as it was the only tank I
had that had the same pH as their source water. I am looking for some
advice on what would be a safe period of time to bring the pH up to 8.1
while moving these guys. I've heard a lot of differing advice on
other forums where people suggest shifting pH over weeks.
<I agree with this>
I find that sort of suggestion somewhat unpractical as the tank
they're in settles at pH 6.5 even though my tapwater is around 8.0
(not sure why as it's the only tank that does this)
<Some thing/s in the tank are bolstering... rock, gravel,
so adding water to change the pH probably won't work or the volume
of water required will shock the fish.
How much time should I take to acclimate these guys?
<Weeks... if you're intent here... but I would not do this.
Instead, read Neale's excellent articles on hardness et al... and
mine on pH, Alk.:
and the linked files above... And seek the source of your high pH, fix
it, and keep this species in a lower range. Bob
Searching for a L-236 1-11-2008 Hello!
<Hello, Yunachin here.> My name is Haavard Midtdal and I am
a dedicated aquarium holder. I am looking for Hypancistrus L-236.
<A very beautiful fish indeed.> Hypancistrus L-236 is a
South American Catfish that is living in Rio Iriri in Brazil. I
know it is very hard to get this Hypancistrus L-236. L-236 varies
a lot in appearance and it is very hard to get this real/genuine
specimen. Do you know about any suppliers in Brazil? I have
contacted many suppliers in Europe, but they do not have the
right specimen, just "look a likes. It would be great if you
know about this rare Pleco and where to get it. I send you a
photo of a real and genuine Hypancistrus L-236 that came to
Transfish in Germany in 1997 and was sold to Japan. Thank you
very much. <I do not know of any suppliers in Brazil and have
seen very few for sale anywhere. I have heard of them being for
sale on www.aquabid.com on occasion and also on
http://www.aquarist-classifieds.co.uk/php/s_Zebra+Plec.php ; Good
Luck, I hope you find this rare, gorgeous fish.> Best regards,
<Youre welcome, Yunachin> Haavard Midtdal Norway

aggression 1/4/08 Hello WWM Crew, This is the first time
I've written to the fresh side of your website. I have a 150
freshwater tank that has been established for over three years, and up
until this point I have had a few minor occurrences happen to this tank
but nothing too serious. The livestock that is in this tank include 7
Severums (five green, 2 gold) 2 rope/reed fish, 2 blue Acaras, 1 port
Acara, 1 very large Fire eel (18 inches), three Plecos 1common, 1
L-113, and one king tiger Pleco, and some trap door snails. Up until
about three weeks ago everything had been going just fine until I woke
up one morning to find my common Pleco swimming upside down, running
into things etc. the first thing that occurred to me was he had been
fighting with the L-113 (note, both of these fish are well over the 1
foot range) as they sometimes do The L-113 usually winning out (these
"fights" are usually nothing more than minor scuffles). After
about a day, my common Pleco settled into a spot by a sunken log
(upside down).We tried to turn him over but it just seemed to upset
him, so we left him alone. That's when a curious thing happened,
the larger L-113 Pleco shortly there after wedged himself under a
different log, and has remained there since. We have not seen our king
tiger Pleco, but that's nothing unusual since their are plenty of
places to hide and he is a bit shy. It has been three weeks ago and I
am starting to get very concerned. neither one of them has moved from
their "spot". They are still breathing because I can see
their gills moving. As far as eating I have not seen either one of them
move when I feed the rest of the troops, when they are usually very
active when food has been added to the tank. My water parameters have
been within the norm. temp is good pH is good no nitrites or ammonia
are present. I am at somewhat of a loss as to what's going on, or
what to do for that matter. Do Pleco's hibernate? Help! Thanks,
Steve <Large Loricariid catfish are NOT good at sharing.
Territoriality between specimens and between species can be pronounced,
and several species have been reported to kill weaker tankmates. Large
Panaque catfish for example will kill rasp the skin from other
Loricariid catfish they deem to be "squatters" in their
caves, reducing the victim to a bloody pulp. Large Panaque will do this
too each other too, which is one reason they aren't bred in
captivity, so far as I know; do read Ginny Eckstein's piece over at
Fish Channel for some idea of the scale of carnage we're taking
Similar reports have been noted for Acanthicus and Pterygoplichthys. To
quote Planet Catfish, a single male Acanthicus "can easily be the
most dominant fish in a 1000 gallon aquarium". Oddly, many species
live in schools in the wild, but since most (male) Loricariids guard
their eggs and fry it is entirely possible that this aggressive
behaviour would be related to reproduction in the wild. In any case,
the bottom line is that few of the big species mix well unless so
overcrowded that they cannot establish territories. This is how they
are kept at your retailer, for example, and in itself causes problems
with water quality and doesn't entirely eliminate the problem of
skirmishes between specimens. When kept in twos and threes in
home-sized aquaria, collections of large Loricariids can be distinctly
unpredictable. The bottom line is that your fish may simply be at the
age and disposition where they won't get along. While you could add
a bunch more caves and hope for the best, my gut feeling is that it is
now time to decide which one you want to keep, and rehome the other
specimens. Cheers, Neale.>
Pleco L260 w/ Fungus... real
"Fix"es 10/21/07 Hello, I have a
Queen Arabesque Pleco, my daughter has named Darling, in a 44 gal
planted tank. All of the Nitrates, Nitrites, Ph Levels are where
they should be. The temp of the tank is 79ish. There are a School
of Tetra (15 members), Rasboras (5 members), 2 shrimp, and a
Clown Pleco also in residence in the tank. Everyone else seems to
be ok. I noticed a couple of small non-symmetrical whitish fuzzy
spots on one side (only on her right side) of the Queen (located
at the tip of her tail, on the shaft of her tail and on her
side). I talked to a couple of fish guys, to get ideas on
treatment. I was told that is sounds like Fungus and told me to
use MelaFix and PimaFix (they would not hurt the other tank
mates). The tank has been in treatment for 6 days (as of
10/20/07). I also got on the web to see what I could find. My
conclusion is that she has fungus. These do not seem to be
working. Her fuzzy spots seem to be getting larger and now she
seems to have a film covering a portion of her side. She is still
active and her belly looks like she is eating. What types of
cures are there to use. I do not have a quarantine/treatment tank
to put her in. So I will have to treat the whole tank. I also
have "Ich Attack" by Kordon, which is 100% organic and
treats diseased caused by Ich, Fungus, Protozoans and
Dinoflagellates. Which I have yet to use out of fear of killing
the others. Ich Attack does not speak to its use on Plecos or
scaleless fish. MelaFix and PimaFix say they are safe for Plecos.
Can you help me please! Sincerely Steve <Steve, most of us
here at WWM consider Melafix and Pimafix a waste of time. They
may have some value against minor infections or as prophylactics
where fish are slightly damaged but not infected with Finrot or
fungus. But as a treatment against established Finrot and fungus,
they have limited and very variable usefulness. For treating
fungus I would be using a standard anti-fungal medication. I
happen to like eSHa 2000, a Dutch medication widely sold here in
the UK and in my experienced perfectly safe with sensitive fish.
I have used in several times in tanks containing things like
pufferfish as well as numerous different types of catfish
(Corydoras, Synodontis, and Panaque, in this case a Royal Plec,
but the same genus as your Clown Plec). If you can get this
medication in your country, then definitely try it out. One thing
I like about eSHa 2000 is that it treats Finrot, Fungus, and
Mouth Fungus simultaneously, removing the need to diagnose these
different but easily confused infections. There are other
medications that will also work against all three (Interpet
Anti-Fungus and Finrot, Seachem ParaGuard etc.). Ask your
retailer. If you stick with Melafix and Pimafix, I'm
concerned (read: certain) your catfish will simply die. The whole
"medications are bad for catfish" discussion seems to
be very ambiguous, and largely based on old fashioned medications
less commonly used. Many brands of medication will specifically
say "safe on sensitive fish" or similar, and these are
worth using. I can only speak from experience, which is that used
properly, medications don't seem to have harmed any catfish
I've looked after. Do remove carbon from the filter, and
don't forget to increase aeration. Have a read of the catfish
disease FAQs: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/catfshdisfaqs.htm
. Cheers, Neale>
Re: Pleco L260 w/ Fungus 10/21/07 Neale,
Thanks for the info. I am running out this morning to try to
obtain some new Meds. She has even got worse since I sent my
original email. I will update you either way on the outcome. Lets
hope it is a good one. She is a beautiful fish and a member of
the family. Thanks again and Cheers, Steve <Steve, catfish are
basically tough, so you have a wide window of opportunity to turn
things around. Treat swiftly, keep tabs on the water quality,
increase aeration, and pray to the Fish Gods. Yes, these big
Loricariid catfish can become "one of the family". My
Panaque has been with me since I graduated, which is
substantially longer than any of my girlfriends! And in their own
way, they do become tame and even friendly. So it's worth
making an effort with them. Good luck,
Pleco L260 w/ Fungus 11/4/07 Neale, After 15 plus days
of treatment with meds, it looks as if the Queen Arabesque has
come through with her fight with fungi. She seems to have a scar
on her tail were the worst patch was. However, she is eating and
totally active, with no signs of fungi for a few days. I could
not find eSHa 2000; however, I was able to pick up some Seachem
ParaGuard. It took awhile to work, but everyone in the tank seems
to be OK. Knock on wood!!! I cannot thank you enough. So thanks
again and stay well, cheers, Steve <Hello Steve. I'm glad
things are working out. I've seen Plecos recover from the
most amazing injuries. They are tough old birds! So provided you
keep the water sweet and the diet offered the fish nice and
varied, your fish should do well. Please do keep us posted! Good
luck, Neale>
Nutrition - 10/07/2007 Hi, Crew I have a 55 gallon tank with 4
cichlids in it: 2 parrots and 2 Severums and leopard Pleco (L83). My
question regarding Pleco feeding. It's hard to feed Pleco with
algae tablet since cichlid steel it easy all the time. I try to feed it
with raw vegetables: cucumber, lettuce. Is it enough for Pleco? How
long should I keep peace of vegetable in the tank? What kind of
vegetable or other food can you recommend for Pleco? Thank you for your
help, Mark <Greetings Mark. Cucumber and lettuce are NOT enough for
your catfish. The correct diet would be something like this: Some
vegetables from the following -- carrot, potato, sweet potato, tinned
peas, Sushi Nori and curette. Also a small piece of bogwood; these
catfish eat the wood and use it as a source of fiber. Catfish algae
wafers and small pieces of seafood (such as mussels and prawns) should
be fed at NIGHT, when the cichlids can't see them. Severums are
herbivorous cichlids, so MUST be given green foods as well. Peas,
blanched lettuce, Sushi Nori, and chopped spinach are ideal. Soft
aquarium plants such as Elodea are good too, and can be bought very
cheaply and simply left in the tank for a few weeks. Blood parrots will
certainly eat some plant material. Virtually all cichlids eat algae and
soft plants given the chance. Vegetables like carrot and potato can be
left in the water until they're gone. They won't pollute the
water. Soft vegetables like curette can be removed after a day or two
if you like, because they tend to make a mess. But they won't harm
water quality either. Hope this helps,
Guppy fry and Sailfin
catfish (L83) 6/12/07 Hi, <Ave!> I have several
aquariums with fancy guppies fry. I keep 1 Sailfin catfish (L83) in
every tank and they do a great work. <Very good.> However - I
have 2 questions: 1. How much salt can be added to the aquarium while
the Sailfin is there? what about Epsom salt? (due to guppies with
constipation). <I'd personally not use Epsom salts here but
instead simply feed the right diet. Guppies shouldn't get
constipated because they are so easy to feed on the right foods. Stop
using generic fish flake if that's what you're using. Instead,
use livebearer flake, Sushi Nori, thin slices of cucumber, tinned peas,
etc. The good thing is any leftovers will be scarfed up by the catfish.
Only add small amounts of animal protein, ideally "high
fibre" things like brine shrimp and daphnia. The problem with
Epsom salts is used routinely they can interfere with the normal
digestive processes of the fish. Think of Epsom salts as the equivalent
of laxatives in humans. Used to treat an acute case of constipation
makes sense, but if the person is regularly constipated, then laxatives
aren't the solution, a change of diet is.> 2. Can it be that the
Sailfin will eat live guppy fry? I'm also certain that I've
seen one do it yesterday, while it was looking for the algae wafer. It
was moved to another tank. <Potentially I suppose it's possible
but hardly likely. Under normal circumstances the guppy fry should be
at the top of the tank and swimming too quickly to be eaten by this
catfish. Possibly your catfish will eat a sick (or stupid) guppy, but
hey, that's Nature taking care of culling the poor quality
stock!> Thanks, Shay. <Cheers, Neale
Re: Guppy fry and Sailfin catfish (L83) 6/12/07 Thanks for
the answer. <No problems.> About the feeding: I mainly feed the
fry with live or frozen baby brine shrimp, Kenfish.com kens premium
growth meal (size 00 and later 01), Hikari Tropical Fancy guppy and
Hikari Tropical first bites. <All fine foods, but the accent with
these foods is on protein rather than vegetables. There's no
escaping the fact guppies are partly herbivorous, and they need some
algae in their diet. Just the same as with humans: give us a
high-protein diet and we may put on weight quickly, but our health
isn't otherwise very good.> I use automatic feeders to feed all
of the above 5 times a day, and give the baby brine shrimp twice a day
after the dry food. <OK, but do try and focus on the veggies.> It
might be that the constipation isnt really constipation. Occasionally a
fish will have a swollen up belly, becomes grey, doesnt eat (even live
brine shrimp), stays at the bottom and dies after several days. Growth
rate is good, and water is kept at 25-28c, changed every 2-3 days 50%.
What could be the cause to that? <There's always a certain
number of baby fish that don't survive. The reasons are various.
Diet is one factor. Genes are another. Water chemistry/quality a third
and fourth. At the end of the day you can't really expect every
single baby fish to make it. You seem to be doing all the right things,
so I wouldn't worry too much. Optimise water chemistry and quality.
For guppies, a fairly high pH and hardness level is needed.> Thanks
again, Shay. <Cheers, Neale>
Spawning Rio de para
Pleco 11/19/06 Hi. I've heard that the
Rio de para Pleco (L75) has not been spawned in captivity
yet. Is this true? Thanks, Kelly <Mmm, am not that
"up" on such matters with Loricariids... Would seek out your
answer through "Planet Catfish", other FW BB's that have
a good number of Siluriiform members. Bob
Re: Pregnant Aulonocara died - could it be Mycobacteriosis?
and Loricariid sel. hlth. 6/3/06 <Mmm, possibly>
<<If this was indeed Mycobacteriosis, what are
the chances her baby fry will have it?>> >Frightening to
consider... Mycobacteria are pretty much ubiquitous... can become
virulently pathogenic under "right/wrong" circumstances.
I do suspect this strain, species is still about< I've
attached photos of my pregnant female Aulonocara who died recently
hoping I could get your opinion. I thought she had an
extreme case of black spot when I got her. <Black spot... as in
Velvet? Looks more neurological...> About a
month after her first brood (which are all healthy and 2 months
old) she began looking unhealthy and a little
bloated. Mycobacteriosis kept entering my mind and I
decided I would isolate her and try to treat her for whatever, when
before I could, she was holding a 2nd time. I decided to
wait till after her hatch and lost her. The first 2
photos were taken a month or so earlier when she wasn't
pregnant. The last 2 were taken recently (one while
holding and the other right after). She started
swimming nonstop for 48 hours after moving her into an isolation
tank, just 3 days before her eggs should have
hatched. The eve before her due date I saw 2" or so
of something black hanging out her gill. It fell off and
appeared to be a black filamentous fungus (in hindsight, maybe it
was gill filament). More bits and pieces are shown on
the white nylon bag covering the intake. More trailed
out shortly after and I spotted a dead baby fry in the
tank. She was manic and still making egg tumbling
movements with her mouth, swimming in a frenzy and her gills were
all swollen. I realized something was wrong and either
the eggs had fungused or she had dead fry in her
mouth. I placed her in a Methylene Blue dip and she spit
dead fry. She seemed better and her gill swelling went
down. The next two days she refused to eat and
never rested completely. Suddenly she darted like a
missile across the tank into the walls twice and flipped upside
down. I thought she was dead, but then noticed shallow breathing so
I rushed her into another MB dip with aeration. She was
able to upright herself and swim. I diluted the dip and
kept her there for an hour or so (making sure to keep
the temperature constant). I placed her back in her
tank, added a few drops of MB and 1/2 dose of Furan
2. She died several hours later. I examined
her gills and the filaments were completely gone and she had a
gaping hole on each side under her operculum where you could see
into her mouth and out her lips. The gill areas
were completely flesh colored with no evidence of anything black
remaining. Cindy <The swelling, and raw areas could be bacterial
in nature. I do wish Chuck Rambo wasn't incommunicado. If this
were a breeding facility for Kaiserfishche/Aulonocaras, I'd
treat all with a Furan Compound... Likely Nitrofuranace, after
isolating all systems thus mal-affected. Bob Fenner> <<Is
it safe for me to treat her 9 week old fry?>> >Yes, but I
don't know that I actually would. Likely not infected to the
>point of actual disease, perhaps some acquired immunity in fact
as a matter >of exposure< <<The other female Aulonocara
that was in the same tank is mouthbrooding
again. She doesn't have any of the black markings
like the other female had. She hasn't been looking
as healthy lately and does have some fraying of her
fins. Should I treat her tank now, or wait until after
she spits her fry and I remove them?>> Cindy
Bob, off the record.. I got this Aulonocara from Cichlid
Exchange in Portland. My LFS orders from them (when they
can't get stock from African Northwest in
Seattle). I'm furious after this Aulonocara and
recently receiving a special order King Tiger Pleco from them last
month with a severe case of sunken belly (take a look at the photo
attached). >Did you bring this up with them?< My LFS told me
they'd recently received a number of Plecos from them in this
condition that died. >Not surprisingly... Not good to let
Loricariids get this thin/debilitated< The LFS
didn't put two and two together until I explained to them that
these aren't captive bred, they are wild caught. What kind of
distributor operates this way? >Poor ones... though many exotic
aquatics are still wild-collected< They must ship them out as
soon as they receive them. These Plecos don't have a
fighting chance unless they get them eating again and fattened up.
>Agreed< I spent 5 weeks trying to save this King Tiger's
life because I knew if I returned him to my LFS he wouldn't
have a fighting chance. I fed him you name it 5-6 times
a day, did daily water changes, and even ran out to the grocery
store one night at 10:00 p.m. to get eggs (to paint egg white on
rock and cover it with crushed peas, zucchini & yam), all in an
attempt to try to save him. I got him eating again
with a healthy appetite, then he suddenly took a turn for the
worse. He died yesterday, so sorry if I'm sounding a little bit
angry right now. >No worries< I appreciate all you do with
your website. I love all creatures great and
small. I believe when I adopt something it is my
responsibility to care for it as if it were my own and to not treat
pets as disposables. My cats have lived to ripe old
ages, averaging 19 yrs, because I spend the money to feed them the
best foods available and to get them the best veterinary
care. I try to do the same for my fish. >Life to you
my friend. Bob Fenner< |

Re: Imported Loricariid death/s 6/5/06
Bob, off the record.. I got this Aulonocara from
Cichlid Exchange in Portland. My LFS orders from them
(when they can't get stock from African Northwest in
Seattle). I'm furious after this Aulonocara and
recently receiving a special order King Tiger Pleco from them
last month with a severe case of sunken belly (take a look at the
photo attached). >Did you bring this up with them?< >
>I returned the dead Pleco and talked to the manager of the
fish department. He's worked there for years but
was only recently promoted to manager when the previous manager
graduated with his PHD in Marine Biology and left to pursue a
career in environmental ecology. He has a lot to learn
now that he's in charge of inventory and ordering and
appreciates that I take time to do research and share it with
him. He hasn't placed an order with Cichlid
Exchange since I got this Pleco with sunken belly and explained
to him these are wild caught, not captive bred Plecos and
that's the reason he's been having so many recent Pleco
losses. I told him what happened with my Aulonocara
and my concern that the breeder's facility might have an
outbreak of Mycobacteriosis or some other serious bacterial
problem. He said after hearing this he doesn't
plan on ordering from them again. He has had a number
of recent Aulonocara losses and some were large expensive
fish. He thought the problem might be with the
Aulonocara species in general and had even considered
discontinuing stocking them. Do you know any reputable
breeders/distributors you would recommend for Cichlids and exotic
Plecos? He could use some help now, especially after
receiving a shipment of saltwater with cyanide poisoning (? I
know nothing about saltwater) that forced him to shut down half
his tanks for a week.<< <Am referring this question of
supply to our most able Cichlid expert, Chuck Rambo. Bob
Starter FW Questions... - 3/1/2006 Good
Afternoon, <And to you> I purchased a 20 gal tank for myself for
Christmas. Just a couple months later, I have a 5 gal at work
(guppies), and started another 10 gal tank at home that I will use as a
quarantine/hospital if necessary. Amazing how addictive this hobby can
be. <Ah, yes> Being new, I was wondering if you could help me
with a couple of questions. <Go ahead> 1. I use a dechlorinator
that I add to my bucket for water changes. Then add the water to my
tank when doing my water changes. Should I be letting the water sit
with the dechlorinator in it, or is it ok to add to the tank right
away. So far, I have not had any issues, but I want to make sure
I'm doing the best I can. <Better by far to treat your new water
as detailed here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/taptrtmnt.htm>
2. My fish recently caught Ick (hence the new quarantine tank). I have
3 clown loaches, a L136 Pleco, and 2 dwarf gouramis. I've been
using Jungle Ick Guard II as it was recommended because it's more
sensitive to scaleless fish. The directions state, " Second dose
may be added in 24 hours." All the reading I've seen says to
keep medicating until days after all Ick is not visible (up to 16 days)
as their life cycle still goes on. I've been treating daily as
directed for 4 days but I'm not sure how long to go with the
medication. The white spots are almost gone, but I don't want to
hurt the fish. <You are wise here... one really needs to measure the
active ingredient/s in such "medicines" (most are
non-selective biocides)... I would rely on elevated temperature and
time going by to assure a complete cure here. Please read: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwich.htm>
3. My local fish store told my the L136 would be good for eating algae
off the tank walls. But, he doesn't seem to like algae a bit.
<Mmm, a common myth/mistake... Please see: http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/loricari/INDEX.PHP>
What's the best type of food I should be feeding him? He
doesn't seem to be eating the algae wafers I put it, and they leave
quite the mess. Thanks for any help you can provide. Adam <Isn't
the Net wonderful? Bob Fenner>
Rare Pleco disease 1/19/06
Hi! My name is Steve Fawcett and was referred to you people by Drs.
Foster@ Smith. I have several L-82 Plecos. 2 days ago I lost one. The
stomach swells to the point that the fish starts blowing out the
rectum. <Mmm...> Today 1 more fish is doing the same thing. They
still eat. The pH is 7.0 temp 82. I have only 5 fish in a 100 gal tank.
At first I thought they were full of eggs but that is not the case. I
would sure appreciate any help. I have over 150 Plecos with 20 species.
I am spawning the L-46 zebra. I have spawned them 5 times. I also spawn
the long finned albino BN. Any help would be great. Sincerely Steve
Fawcett. Pleconutbuck <Could be a parasitic, and/or bacterial
related/resultant situation... not uncommon with wild-collected
Loricariids... If it were me/mine, I'd not hesitate to treat for
both. One administration of Metronidazole/Flagyl, and a regimen of
three doses of Furan compound... to the water and food. I would take
great care (very likely you already do) to avoid cross-contamination
with wet-gear/water twixt the mal-affected system/s, fish/es. For what
you have invested, I would have freshly-dead specimens necropsied....
looked at for G.I. fauna, pathogens. Bob Fenner>
Emperor/Flash Pleco L204 I Heard that this
is a Emperor L-204 Pleco, I have looked at LiveAquaria.com and I
can 't seem to find this fish. Do you know any other place that
sells them? <L204 is correct, but the common name is the Flash
Pleco. One of the wood eating plecs. Ensure they have an assortment
of natural driftwoods in the tank. There is one for sale on
Aquabid.com right now. Don> <Editor's note: This was
easily found through Google.> |
Image "lifted" (others property), deleted
Peppermint Pleco hi let me first say what a very informative
site. I've recently purchased a peppermint Pleco L30 which I
understand will become an L31 when it matures and have tried to find
some information as I do with all my fish as I like to understand there
needs as best I can and have spent hours trawling the internet and all
I can find is pictures which as I'm sitting looking at my Pleco as
I write isn't much use to me. could you please help or tell me
where I can find what I'm looking for < Planetcatfish.com will
have everything you need.-Chuck> Darrell