FAQs on Loricariids, South and
Central American Suckermouth Cats: Genus Ancistrus, Bristlenose
Related Articles: Loricariids, Otocinclus, From Pan-ack-ay to Pan-ack-zee, A Detailed Look at the
Bizarre But Beautiful Panaque Catfishes
by Neale Monks
Related Catfish
FAQs: Loricariids 1,
Ancistrus, Baryancistrus, Genera Farlowella, Loricaria, Sturisoma,
Rhineloricaria: Twig Plecostomus, Genera Glyptoperichthys, Liposarcus, Pterygoplichthys, Sailfin Giants
among the Loricariids, The Zebra
Pleco, Hypancistrus zebra, Hypostomus, Peckoltia : Clown
Plecostomus, Lasiancistrus,
Pseudacanthicus, Scobanancistrus, L-number catfish, Loricariid
Identification, Loricariid Behavior, Loricariid Compatibility, Loricariid Selection, Loricariid Systems, Loricariid Feeding, Loricariid Reproduction, Loricariid Disease, Catfish: Identification, Behavior, Compatibility, Selection, Systems, Feeding, Disease, Reproduction, Algae

Red mouth on albino Ancistrus
Hello, I was hoping you could help me with this question as I wasn’t able to
find any similar cases and this has not happened to my Ancistrus before.
I have several albino Ancistrus that were born in the same tank and have been
healthy for a couple of years now, I’ve had other fish get sick and die but the
Ancistrus never seemed to have any problem. A female died about two weeks ago
and I wasn’t able to find the reason why, but it seemed to be the mother of the
others, that is the only one of my Ancistrus that has died so far. My question
was about another female Ancistrus, I noticed today that her mouth and gills are
bright red (much more than usual), also its stomach seems to be a bit swollen (I
am not too sure about this) and it is sticking to the glass a lot although I
think she always does this.
As for recent changes in my aquarium I have changed my filter for a bigger one,
it has a black sponge, activated carbon and I added a couple of ceramic rings
from my previous filter. The tank has a heater and some plants (both natural and
artificial) there are hiding places and the substrate was green gravel but I
added white sand some weeks ago. There are Angelfish, Tetras, and Corydoras in
the tank; one of the Corydoras had what I think was an infection (it lost its
barbels and dorsal fin, I think this scales were a bit raised around its tail) I
got him separated and gave him antibiotics for about a week of more until the
scales were looking better, the barbels and fin are still not completely cured
but the fish is now in the main tank and behaving normally.
This is about all the information I can think of right now. I hope it is enough
for you to help me, I am not able to know the nitrate, ammonia, etc. levels
because it is really difficult find aquarium specialized shops in my country,
usually they just sell fish and fish food, I will however try to find a water
test kit a soon as I can. I will attach some photos of the fish I am asking
about and also one which I just noticed has a bit of redness in the tip of one
of it’s pectoral fins (doesn’t seem too worrying but just in case). As I was
taking the photos I noticed another female (last photo) which seems to be
developing the same symptoms... this worries me a lot, to better describe the
symptom I would say it red in the whole lower part (the part that faces down,
including the mouth) of the head, and it has some extra red spots. The first
photo is makes it more visible.
<This looks to be some sort of Septicaemia. It tends to be seen on catfish and
loaches where the substrate is too sharp, but other environmental factors could
be responsible. In particular, bottom dwellers are exposed to low oxygen levels
if the filter doesn't "push" a lot of water along the substrate. This makes
diseases such as Septicaemia more common. Finrot-type infections can also occur,
and likely explain the Corydoras that lost its whiskers. Antibiotic or
antibacterial medications are required; here in England, I'd be going with eSHa
2000, but if you live somewhere antibiotics are sold in pet shops, like America,
then something like Kanaplex is what you'd want. Review the environment
before you add medication, because if something is wrong, medicine won't help.
Good luck, Neale.>
.jpeg) |
Bristlenose Plecos sick 7/8/18
Hello, I really appreciate your attention in this time of need. I have been
struggling with this and come to no solution - would not want to risk more
damage, so I feel I need experienced help. I have been into aquaria for three
months only. I set up a 150-liter tank, with two juvenile (3 cm) Bristlenose
Plecos, 6 gold barbs, 3 corys, two snails, some shrimp (of which 2 survived) and
later one xypho. I used JBL Manado for a substrate, which is just finely rough.
I have used Aquael 3 plus as a filter, one that is nominally capable of
filtering up to 250 l. First, I lost lots of shrimp due to an ammonia peak. 2
corys got fin rot, which I treated. They lost most of their barbells though.
Later, I used some sand that I got from a creek - this caused algae and
agitation in the fish, so I got it out.
Everything seemed fine, except for the algae. For that, I got two SAEs, reduced
the lighting, scheduled a siesta, and all was fine. Then, suddenly my two SAEs
died (haemorrhaging around one gill in one of them, haemorrhaging on the belly
in the other), and my other fish got sick. Since I read a slight ammonia peak,
and people told me the filter was insufficient for a substrate tank, I added an
external filter with 1 liter of Sera Siporax, and ammonia and nitrites came down
to 0. The sickness didn't go away though. Most symptoms - sudden movements,
rubbing against object, torn fins in the Plecos, redness in part of the body,
weight loss - pointed to flukes, so I treated that - first by universal
solutions with formalin and such, then with Praziquantel, taking the Nerite
snail to a smaller tank (other invertebrates are fine).After 2 weeks, after a
treatment with Prazi repeated on day 6 and 7 there is no improvement in my
Plecos (see the pictures - redness in varius spots, weights loss, ripped fins,
large reduction of movement). The corys have a slight rosiness on their bellies,
the barbs a more pronounced one, and are all unhappy. Could they have a
different parasite? Could it be bacterial? Could it be just starving (no algae)
in the Plecos and a natural behaviour in the others? I have no nitrate test, but
have lots of filtration now and a large external plant sucking up nitrates
having its roots in the water...I deeply appreciate your help. best Aron
<Looks like an opportunistic bacterial infection, likely caused by the ammonia
peak. As always, avoid 'general' cures as these simply waste time. Formalin is
toxic, while Praziquantel is specifically for treating worms, for which there's
no evidence here. The fact it's the catfish generally that are struggling is a
good clue that the problem is environmental. Rough gravel can scratch catfish
and loaches, and poor water movement along the bottom of the tank means a lack
of oxygen, which means scratches quickly become infected with opportunistic
bacteria such as Aeromonas and Pseudomonas. These cause inflammation of the skin
and ultimately the death of skin tissue, especially around the fins and
whiskers. The disappearance of the barbels on your Corydoras is an extremely
reliable sign that this is the problem. So bottom line, review the aquarium! Is
the gravel nice and smooth? Ideally, use smooth silica sand. Also remember some
'plant friendly' substrates are too sharp for catfish. Next up, ensure there's a
good strong flow of water along the bottom. Plenty of oxygen needed! Once these
issues are reviewed and fixed, then a standard issue anti-Finrot medication
(such as eSHa 2000) should do the trick nicely. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: re: Bristlenose Plecos sick 7/9/18
Dear WWM, dear Neal, thank you for the kind answer. I will look into this.
best Aron
<Glad to help, and good luck! Neale.>
Red patches on albino Bristlenoses 1/5/17
Just wondering why the light yellow Bristlenoses tend to have those red patches
on them. Is it stress or just the fact that they are albino?
<Judy, if you're talking about the pinkish-red colouration most obvious on the
underside, that's simply their blood seen through the skin. Albino and
leucistic (yellow) catfish lack skin pigment (except, obviously, yellow on the
leucistic ones) so it's easier to see beneath the skin. See the
attached photo (that hopefully Bob can use on the website) of a perfectly
healthy, but albino, male Ancistrus. But anything that looks like pink to
bright red inflammation, especially somewhere without a strong blood supply,
such as the fins or whiskers, is likely to be incipient Finrot.
While perfectly treatable when caught early on, the easiest approach is to avoid
such specimens. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Red patches on albino Bristlenoses (RMF, please see my attached photo)<Yes>
It is just a patch on top of the head.
<Do see my previous image and commentary; read; do draw your own conclusions
from there. Cannot really say anything else without seeing the
fish. Neale.>
Common Bushynose Plecos and water current
I am wondering if the common Bushynose found in all the LFS need
stronger current and the higher O2.
<As far as I'm aware, yes. In fact, good, aerated water quality is a
common and overlooked requirement for all Loricariids>
I have noticed that every other Pleco out there has this requirement, so
if this is the case keeping even the common Bushynose with angelfish is
probably not the best idea?? If this is true I have been doing it wrong
for quite sometime. Thank you
<Mmm; as long as the system is not overcrowded, well-filtered,
circulated... Ancistrus should do fine here.
Bob Fenner>
Bristlenose ID? 12/9/17
Just wondering if it is possible to ID a Pleco? There are a bunch of these
"Silver Tipped" Plecos at the LFS
Are these the Common Bristlenose or something with an L#?? I have looked
everywhere to ID them online and some people say they are common Bristlenose
that were line bred. Thank you
<Hi Judy. Identifying Ancistrus species is hard. The standard "Silver-tipped
Bristlenose" is (nominally) Ancistrus dolichopterus, but those usually have
off-white edges to their fins, particularly their dorsal and tail fins. Females
can lack these, of course, but on the male these white edges are usually pretty
obvious. Coupled with the lengthy tentacles
on their heads, male Ancistrus dolichopterus are particularly easy to recognise.
That said, I'm sure there are other wild-caught Ancistrus species out there that
are very similar, and it's probably a safe bet that the name "Ancistrus
dolichopterus" is simply a convention in the hobby for any and all species that
have this basic appearance. Ancistrus hoplogenys for example is very similar
indeed. Let me direct to an excellent article over on PlanetCatfish that covers
the thorny issue of identifying Ancistrus species of this general type, here:
On the other hand, the common generic Ancistrus sold in Britain at least is the
species often referred to as Ancistrus temminckii, though quite possibly
something else entirely, such as Ancistrus cirrhosus. This is the sort that
starts off black-grey with bright white spots, and as it grows becomes more
mottled brown-grey, the spots become less contrasty. This type of Ancistrus
generally lacks the off-white edges to its fins, and so looks a lot like a
scaled-down Common Plec. Your catfish seems closer to the 'Ancistrus temminckii'
sort of Ancistrus than the 'Ancistrus dolichopterus' sort, but that's about as
far as I'd be comfortable going! As I say, identifying Ancistrus is notoriously
difficult, there are literally hundreds of species, including some described
under trade names (i.e., L numbers) but as yet not defined as scientifically
valid species. This is even before you think about the (likely common)
hybridisation in home aquaria, though perhaps less common in the trade, where
fancy varieties of Ancistrus has not really been a thing beyond albino and/or
long-fin forms.
Still, unless the Ancistrus was wild-caught and supplied with a known origin,
I'd rate your chances of identifying a given fish as close to nil, but those
nice folks at PlanetCatfish do have an excellent forum frequented by some first
rate aquarists.
Cheers, Neale>
A male and female Medusa Pleco tank size
Just wondering if a 38 gallon tank is big enough for one male and one
female Medusa Pecos along with a singleton angelfish?
<Ancistrus species, including Ancistrus ranunculus, should be allowed
about a square foot/30x30 cm per specimen. That should include at least
one decent hiding place each. Your tank should be ample for both the
particularly if there's a decent heap of bogwood roots in there for the
catfish to utilise. The Angelfish is an odd choice for a companion
though, given Ancistrus ranunculus requires a strong water current that
replicates its fast water habitat in the wild -- conditions Angelfish
dislike. I'd perhaps be going with a tougher Ancistrus species, or even
something like Panaque maccus or Peckoltia pulcher if you wanted the
Angel; or if the catfish is what you want, a more riverine species such
as the quirky and colourful characin Anostomus would be better. In all
fairness its
oxygenation that matters, and if you manage that without a strong
current, your combo could work, but that won't be easy.>
Thank you
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Re: A male and female Medusa Pleco tank size 12/1/17
Just wondering what I would have to do with the fish tank to keep a
Medusa, L-034. I do have one male of this species now with an angelfish
and a long bubble wand in the 38 gallon. Would I need something to make
a current
along the bottom?
<Yes; the species is sensitive to low oxygenation, and its lifespan
notably shortened under such stress. Won't die at once, but will be
stressed; do read PlanetCatfish entry on this species, and other
reliable L-number websites for more. Since it's a benthic species, it's
not so much bubbles as water movement that matters. A bubble wand will
pull water up to the surface, helping with air/water mixing, and hence
absorption of oxygen. But that said, your standard issue Hillstream
biotope system is closer to the mark. Water turnover rates upwards of 8
times per hour surely necessary, and 10-12 probably ideal. Annoyingly,
this species also appreciates high temperatures and soft water, just
like other Rio Xingu species, so you have this awkward trio of
requirements including two, high oxygen and high temperature, that are
actually antagonistic to each other -- warm water holding less oxygen
than cool water. Hence Rio Xingu species have a well-earned reputation
for being difficult to keep. Low stocking and high
levels of water movement are important.>
But I know that would be bad for the angel that feeds from the bottom. I
am thinking of rehoming the Medusa and just getting the Butterfly Pleco,
L-168 instead.
<Actually needs much the same as the Medusa Plec, so six of one, half a
dozen of the other...>
I never see the Medusa as he doesn't rasp on the wood, just lives in a
decoration in the day.
<Not sure either Ancistrus nor Dekeyseria spp are much given to eating
wood. Both are mostly aufwuchs feeders, consuming green algae and tiny
invertebrates they rasp away from rocks and rotting wood. Neither
difficult to feed, e.g., with Hikari Algae Wafers or similar.>
<Welcome. Neale.>
Common Ancistrus losing interest in food 11/17/17
Hello crew,
<Hello Jacob, and apologies for being slow to reply.>
I’m writing about my ~2.5 year old female Bristlenose Pleco. I purchased her
when she was a juvenile, around 2 inches long if memory serves. She’s now about
4” - 4.25” total length. Here’s some background info about her and her
She has been in the same 29 gallon tank since I bought her and until a few
months ago, had shared this tank with 2 German Blue Rams, 8 Rummynose tetras, 5
common Otos, and about 10 Corydoras habrosus. This wasn’t a perfect grouping of
species in retrospect and I had to kind of square the circle in terms of
temperature by keeping it at about 78-79 F, which is obviously on the high end
for Ancistrus, at or above the maximum for the C. habrosus, and at or below the
minimum for the GBRs. A few months ago, the male GBR died after a fairly long,
slow deterioration during which he spent most of his time in quarantine. About a
month after that, the female GBR died rather quickly (from the time she began
showing signs of illness). Her death coincided with several of the C. habrosus
dying as well, in my estimation 5 of them dying over the course of a month (I
had lost 2 others over the years). That left the Rummynoses, the Otos, the
Ancistrus, and 3 C. habrosus. I dropped the temp to 75 F and while the die-off
was occurring the tank was treated with Praziquantel because the GBR and one of
the C. habrosus looked emaciated and I knew the scaleless fish shouldn’t have
any particular sensitivity to it. All of these fish were purchased at about the
same time and so were a little over 2 years old.
<The tank sounds fine, though German Blue Rams do need more warmth than your
Corydoras and Ancistrus, so weren't likely to thrive in this tank. Both like
soft water, of course, but for the Rams it's essential, whereas Corydoras and
Ancistrus can do perfectly well in even quite hard water. Some species of
Corydoras and Ancistrus might be a little picky, especially for breeding, but
your standard issue farmed varieties will handle anything up to pH 8, 20 degrees
Now after having a couple months pass with no further deaths or other problems,
I’ve started the process of rebooting the tank. This involved cleaning things up
in case this long-running tank had some stuff going on in the substrate, so I
completely replaced the Eco-Complete topped with sand with just black sand.
<Do check the sand is smooth, not sharp. Sharp sand can/will abrade the stomachs
and whiskers of catfish, making them more prone to bacterial infections. You
will spot reddish patches on the stomach, and shorter than normal whiskers, when
this happens.>
The tank was and is planted and has a large amount of driftwood, which is often
where you would find the Ancistrus. Typical pH is 6.5, gH is 6 degrees out of
the tap and usually 3-4 in the tank. I do 50% water changes every 7-10 days.
Filtration is an AquaClear 70 (no carbon used, just sponge and extra biomedia)
and a small sponge filter that is mostly just an insurance policy in case
something happens to the main filter.
<All sounds fine. Do check your carbonate hardness though, and if it's very low
(less than 3 degrees KH) I'd be using Discus Buffer or similar to keep the pH
steady between water changes.>
Here’s the problem: This Ancistrus loved vegetables. I usually rotate between
zucchini and broccoli stems, usually blanched but sometimes just cleaned and put
into the tank. More often than not, by the time I had closed the lid she would
be on the vegetable already. But this hasn’t been the case for the past few
weeks to a month. She has been far more reclusive and I have seen her several
times do something unusual that I’d only seen once or twice before: lying on her
back on the substrate, not suctioned to anything (but usually underneath
driftwood that she would suction onto if startled). And when I put veggies in
the tank, she ignores them.
<Odd. It might be the change in the tank that's spooked her. Loricariids are
very sensitive to changes. My Panaque is quite bold and will happily come out
during the day to feed -- if she's left alone. If I rearrange the rocks or
temporarily move her into a bucket for some reason, she will become very shy for
weeks at a time. Provided the Loricariid catfish is otherwise normal -- e.g.,
fins are whole, no red marks, and the belly and eyes are not sunken -- there's
nothing much to worry about. Just allow some time for said catfish to settle
back in.>
I haven’t seen her get near them and I strongly doubt she eats them overnight
since usually she leaves very visible bite marks, especially on the skin of
zucchini. I know there’s nothing wrong with the veggies because the Otos still
eat them relentlessly. I do put other foods into the tank for her on occasion, a
commercial algae wafer (one low on protein and with minimal meat ingredients)
and Spirulina flakes from Ken’s Fish. I think I’ve seen her show interest in
these, but she was never as enthusiastic about chasing those prepared foods even
in the best of times. There’s not nearly enough algae in this tank to sustain
her. And yet, surely she cannot go so long without eating, so she’s eating
something. I know Ancistrus may eat some driftwood, but I always assumed this
was more “roughage” than nutrition. Her stomach against the glass looks as full
as ever. I’ve attached a few photos, though I couldn’t get one with her on the
glass), to show that she seems as robust and healthy as ever from the outside.
<I agree, she looks fine. Have you tried some meaty fare? Ancistrus are aufwuchs
feeders, consuming green algae AND the small invertebrates found therein, such
as insect larvae and tiny crustaceans. Alternatively, a prawn or mussel will
often be nibbled on happily.>
I’ve speculated that perhaps the reduced stocking levels over time made her more
anxious, that the GBRs and larger group of C. habrosus had acted as dithers.
It’s certainly true that the Rummynoses were more confident with the GBRs
around. I now have a group of juvenile C. habrosus in quarantine to bring up the
<Understood, but I think Corydoras habrosus are too small and too nervous to
fulfill this role. You really want something bold and active; Pristella
maxillaris is a useful default tetra for most systems, being hardy, adaptable,
bold and attractive.>
I also just added a pair of Laetacara curviceps (well that’s what they’re sold
as, I think they are in fact L. dorsigera) since I wanted another dwarf cichlid
for this tank, these seem more appropriate for the conditions the other fish
prefer, and I hope it may help the dynamics in the tank.
<Laetacara are lovely, but shy; they're also a bit prone to Hexamita infections,
so keep an eye out for that and medicate accordingly.>
They haven’t been around long enough for me to draw any hard conclusions, though
the Ancistrus has been out and about some more and the Rummynoses are exploring
more of the tank. Still, though, she pays no mind to the vegetables.
<Maybe try something new?>
At this point, I don’t think it’s an emergency problem, but I’m at a loss for
how she’s getting her nutrition and don’t want to be overlooking some obvious
thing I should be doing to help her out. Do you have any ideas or suggestions
for what I should do going forward?
<For now, I'd wait and see. I'd look at her belly to see if it's sunken -- if
not, she's eating something!>
Thanks for all the help you folks provide,
<Most welcome. Neale.>

Re: Common Ancistrus losing interest in food
Hello Neale,
<Hello Jacob,>
Thank you for the thoughtful reply. I’ve been monitoring the Pleco and while she
still hasn’t been her old, bold self, I was just going to let things run their
course since she still pretty much looked well. I nearly sent a follow-up the
other day when it appeared she had some bloating/enlargement near the cloaca,
but it seemed to pass after about a day so I didn’t bother. She has shown some
mild interest in New Life Spectrum community flakes, though I can’t say I’ve
definitively seen her consume any. I haven’t witnessed her eating in a way that
was obvious to me. She ignored the latest bit of broccoli in the tank (still
beloved by Otos) and wasn’t a fan of the blanched kale I tried (though it drew
mild interest from the Otos).
But I’m replying because things seem to have taken a bad turn.
<I agree.>
This morning she relocated to the front of the tank and is very pale and *very*
<Yes; I would be treating with Epsom salt, 2 gram/litre; in addition, if
practical, use Metronidazole, as instructed on the packaging. The Epsom salt
will help with bloating, constipation, even egg binding; also helps with
incipient dropsy; the Metronidazole is good for a range of intestinal microbial
parasites, not just Hexamita. The two together, often done alongside a
Furan-type antibiotic, are very useful and widely used for this sort of thing.
Epsom salt is obviously very cheap and available everywhere, the Metronidazole
will require some effort to obtain outside of the US.>
She’s now laying halfway on her back right out in the open and hasn’t moved for
some time. It may not be obvious from the attached photo, but she is not
attached to the glass. I also don’t think the picture quite does the extremity
of the bloating justice. She’s never looked anything like this. It’s hard to see
from the photo, but it almost looks like she has an ovipositor hanging out,
something I noticed the other day as well. This maybe is an illusion and is
actually something else (and she’s never been around a male) but I wonder if she
could be egg-bound?
<It is possible, but rare in fish.>
Anyway, I’m not sure of the best course of action. I’m not sure if I should,
say, add Epsom salt to the tank. I could put her in an isolation tank and do the
same or another treatment, but I don’t want to stress her to death either. Of
course, at this point, lying on her back in the open is probably pretty darn
stressful too.
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Feeding a Bushynose Pleco while away
We are going away for about a week to ten days and are using a battery
powered feeder. I usually give the Pleco one of those circular crisp
things every second night. I was wondering if it is possible to crush up
the Pleco
food and put it in the feeder so the Pleco gets his food or can a Pleco
just have what the angelfish have per day. Thank you
<Likely the food for the Angel will be fine. Bob Fenner>
Medusa Plecos; stkg w/ conspecifics
Is it ok to get a female Medusa Pleco L-034 to keep with a male or would
they be territorial when not mating?
<Also known as Ancistrus ranunculus, this species is no different to any
other Bristlenose Plec. Yes, the male is territorial, but his 'patch' is
an area about 30 cm/12 inches around his cave or log, and in the average
with several square feet of living space alongside a selection of other
hiding places, the female will be just fine.>
Also there would be an ongoing problem of what to do with the offspring
which I assume would be showing up on a regular basis.
<This is one of the harder Ancistrus to breed. Sexing them is hard, when
young at least, because only mature males develop the full head of
bristles. Colouration and fins are otherwise much the same for both
They are also a bit more fussy than Common Bristlenose Plecs, demanding
softish water, warm water (25-28 C), and plenty of oxygen -- typical Rio
Xingu conditions, but not the usual conditions in community tanks.
Assuming you provided these conditions, any offspring you'd collect
would actually be quite valuable, but as I say, this isn't a species
that cranks out fry.>
Thank you
<Most welcome! Neale.>
Re: Medusa Plecos 9/15/17
Yes, thank you. The water the medusa is in does have plenty of oxygen,
is about 78-80F, but is kind of on the hard side.
<Likely not a health issue for adult fish, but the wrong hardness does
tend to make reproduction less likely. Something to do with triggering
spawning perhaps, or preventing the eggs developing normally. That said,
few catfish are really picky, and if they choose to breed, I'd fully
expect a few fry, even in a community tank -- Ancistrus fathers are very
protective and capable chaps!>
Tap water in the US always seems to be harder water. I know someone in
Canada who has tap water that one could keep Discus in, but that is
<Likely varies across your country, as it does here in the UK. A lot of
Americans in the Midwest and southwest do get water out of a chalk
aquifer or some other hard water source, that is true, but elsewhere,
like New
England and Washington State enjoy much softer water chemistry. Cheers,
Medusa Pleco and stress 7/25/17
I have a couple of pieces of driftwood in a 38 gallon with a couple of
angelfish and a medusa Pleco. Just wondering if the Pleco needs another
decoration he/she can hide in. There is a piece of PVC pipe in there,
that is about 4 inches in diameter and about 4 inches long that I put in
there today. I was thinking of getting another 4 inch piece and using
aquarium safe glue to glue the PVC pieces together to have something
longer. Do Bushynoses really enjoy a good hiding place for the feeling
that they are safe?? Thanks
<Does really depend on the tank, but generally a male Bristlenose will
commandeer a single tunnel or burrow, and that'll be his home. He won't
need another burrow provided he can use and defend this one
Additional burrows or even rocky nooks will be welcome, particularly in
a busy tank with bright light. But in quiet tanks with lots of shade and
vegetation, Ancistrus are much less retiring. The main thing is that
each fish should have at least one home so that competition between
individuals isn't serious. Cheers, Neale.>
Feeding Ancistrus ranunculus /RMF 7/6/17
<Hey Judy>
I have a black Medusa Pleco or Ancistrus ranunculus. It turns out they are
partially into meat eating besides the algae, does anyone know the best way to
feed him/her so that the Pleco can get both? Thank you
<Mmm; will ask Neale to respond separately (he's likely working/teaching in the
UK (I'm in California) at this time. Not being a fan of live bloodworms, I am a
promoter of pellets made of same, as well as earthworms.
Some folks report that brine shrimp are readily taken, and even Ghost Shrimp
(live) are attacked by such animals. Whatever format you use, it needs to get
down to the bottom where the cats are. Bob Fenner>
Feeding Ancistrus ranunculus /Neale
<Hi Judy,>
I have a black Medusa Pleco or Ancistrus ranunculus.
<A very nice catfish! Good choice.>
It turns out they are partially into meat eating besides the algae, does anyone
know the best way to feed him/her so that the Pleco can get both?
Thank you
<Good quality algae wafers, such as those from Hikari, will be 100% fine
as staple foods. If you check the ingredients, you'll see these contain fish
and/or shrimp meal, alongside Spirulina and vegetable foods. By all
means add occasional offerings of standard catfish pellets (like you'd feed
Corydoras) at night, perhaps 1-2 times per week. Between the two, these will be
a good all-around diet, alongside treats of frozen bloodworms, slivers of white
fish fillet, crushed shrimps, etc. Cheers, Neale.>
Egg-bound BN Pleco 2/8/17
I have 3 Albino Bristle Nose Plecos (2 female 1 male all of breeding age) in a
30 gallon tank that has been running for over 6 months. A few days ago my 6"
long female plumped up with eggs. They have several suitable caves to breed in,
but they have been unwilling to seal the deal. I know she is plump with eggs as
she has dropped at least 5 over the last 24 hours. This evening she has stopped
dropping eggs, and a large round bump has developed with a few bursting blood
vessels please see the attached picture. Is she egg bound? Will this kill her?
Is there something that I can do to help her
pass the eggs? The tank is planted with CO2 and lots of hiding places.
Running a Fluval canister filter. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20, Copper 0,
Salt 0, GH 8, KH 5, pH 7.0. Other fish in tank are 7 Zebra Danios and 5 Mollies.
<I'd be treating as per Dropsy at this point; i.e., 1-3 teaspoons Epsom
Salt per 5 gallons/20 litres, raising the temperature by a degree or two as
well. While I don't think she has Dropsy as such, the laxative effect
of the Epsom Salt should help her pass out the eggs. I'd also optimise diet
(more fresh greens for example) and ensure water quality is appropriate
(relatively cool, 22-24 C/72-75 F is optimal for Ancistrus species across the
long term, but regardless, high levels of water movement and oxygenation are
essential). As you seem to realise, Ancistrus breed freely giving suitable
conditions, and assuming your have a fertile male, you'd expect spawning to
happen quite readily. Do review the types of caves on offer: long, hollow tubes
are preferred, while more open caves, such as coconut shells, are less favoured.
Cheers, Neale.>
Albino Bristlenose plecostomus 2/1/17
Hello I was told by a PetCo employee to ask you about my plecostomus.
<Fire away.>
The end of December we upgraded to a larger tank. He used to be very active
always out where we could see him. since we set up the new tank he has lost most
of the webbing on his fins and he has a sore on his belly.
<I can see this. It's a bacterial infection (so I'd be using a reliable
antibiotic, not MelaFix or salt) but the question is why is it like this.
Usually when catfish show this sort of damage, it's because the
substrate is either too sharp, too dirty, or some combination of the two. What
you've got there are ulcers, you see.
I'm not a huge fan of funky substrates and
would instead always recommend smooth, plain vanilla gravel rather than anything
sharp or jagged. Failing that, a thin layer of smooth lime-free sand (such as
silica sand or pool filter sand) works well too. While sharp or coloured gravels
are often fine for midwater fish, catfish drag themselves across those
substrates, and in the process can damage themselves. Bear in mind that your
Ancistrus naturally comes from shallow streams where the water flows over sand,
boulders and bogwood. So he's adapted to smooth surfaces and has a very tender
belly. Review, and act accordingly. Fix the substrate, keep it clean, treat with
antibiotics, and all should be well.>
We check the water levels regularly and they are always fine. He lives with
three zebra danios, three Dalmatian tail platys and a Japanese algae eating
shrimp. Two of the zebra danios have died though. I'm putting stress coat and
MelaFix into the tank and he is now being more active but he still doesn't look
healthy. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for him!
Thank you
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Re: Albino Bristlenose plecostomus
Thank you for the prompt response!!
I will switch out the substrate for a softer one. What antibiotic do you suggest
and where can I get it?
<Depends where you live. In the US, various antibiotics are sold in aquarium
shops, such as Kanaplex. Outside the US, antibiotics are normally legally sold
only with a prescription, which you get from a vet. So alternatives to
antibiotics are sold in aquarium shops that work almost as well. Here in the UK,
I recommend a product called eSHa 2000 as inexpensive and reliable. Cheers,
"Medusa" Bristlenose Plecos
Just wondering if the "Medusa" Pleco is one that will eat algae and will
"clean glass" like the regular Bristlenose Pleco? The person at the LFS
said this Pleco will, but that can be just selling. Thank you
<Yes, Ancistrus ranunculus, the Medusa Plec, is indeed as good
an algae eater as any other Ancistrus. Nice fish, but a bit
fussier than standard farmed Bristlenose. In other words, brisk current,
plenty of oxygen, and good water quality. Nothing difficult; it's just
not quite as bombproof as the farmed Ancistrus. Cheers, Neale.>
New Angelfish with suspicious "plaques"?? 4/10/16
<9.580 megs of pix? Why?>
Hi, I have searched everywhere for assistance with no results so I hope you
may be able to assist. Please see attached pics of 2 of the 3 angels
I purchased at my LFS yesterday evening. One looks great but the other two
have these "plaques"....I doubt any water quality issues as I've not had
them even 24 hours. All three are active and eating. ANY he'll
would be appreciated. THANK YOU! Kristi Jones
<Two of three... In a day.... is there a Chinese Algae Eater or hungry Pleco
in this tank?
Something is eating, riding these fish.... NEED TO BE MOVED ASAP, and
treated per WWM for infectious/bacterial "fin and body rot". READ. Bob
Re: New Angelfish with suspicious "plaques"??
Thank you....no algae eaters and yes, I have a couple small BN
Plecos but only had the fish 8 hours. Will move and treat. Thanks
<Please do keep me/us informed of your progress, observations. BobF>
Re: New Angelfish with suspicious "plaques"??
Hi Bob. I think you were correct in your diagnosis. Saturday morning brought
the death (sometime during the night) of the gold angelfish and the marbled
guy had worsened in appearance (he was still quite active, BUT, he had
developed a "cottony" appearance to the plaque on his side and was nose down
to the sand on the bottom) but continued to swim around the tank. I removed
the dead fish and transferred the remaining fish to a quarantine
tank and treated with Tetracycline I had on hand. He did not improve,
unfortunately. He died late yesterday afternoon. The 3rd fish purchased with
these two is apparently healthy.
<Yes; the "tougher" of the trio... but... I'd still separate it from the
Quite active, no spots of any kind and settled in with my established
angelfish very nicely. THANK YOU for your quick response and for your help.
<Welcome. B>
Long-Fin Albino Ancistrus with a fin injury
Hello WetWebMedia,
Thanks to your wonderful knowledge I have been a fishkeeper for many years now.
My favorite fish, a full-grown long-finned Albino male Ancistrus, suffered an
injury this morning and I'm trying to determine which course of action to take.
About a half-inch tip of one of his side fin rays seems to have been completely
severed, but is still hanging on thanks to the clear fin tissue. Is it better to
net him and clip this off?
<Nope. Will detach itself. Keep a close eye out for Finrot though. Normally
damaged fins grow back without problems. Occasionally you'll see the membrane go
a bit cloudy around the wound. But if you see small red specks on the fin
membrane and a distinctive raggedy edge to the fin, then Finrot may be
happening. In itself a little bit of bleeding might not be abnormal.
But when the blood vessels become congested with bacteria and dead cells they
create reddish (often pink or even white) swellings. The lack of blood flow
means fin membrane beyond the congestion dies, and the fin gradually erodes.
This is Finrot.>
The severed end is a little less red right now, but earlier it was quite red and
other fish (discus) kept coming near probably thinking it was a worm. He's smart
so he swam away and doesn't seem to be in distress. I know Ancistrus with their
claws can have trouble being netted, so I hesitate to do that. Will it resolve
itself if left in perfect water conditions?
<Yes. Absolutely. In the wild fin damage is very common, through fighting,
accidents, narrow escapes from predators, even bites from dedicated fin-eaters.
All fish have the ability to regrow damaged fins provided the very base isn't
Or is it better to net him and clip it off, then put him in a separate tank?
<Almost never a good idea.>
The back story is, a few days ago I added four 2-year-old Discus and two less
than half-grown brown male regular Ancistrus to my long established 90-gallon
tank. The big tank held 5 adult discus (parents of the additions) my long-finned
albino & a Siamese algae eater. All seem to be getting along beautifully, but
one of the little brown male Ancistrus is
kind of aggressive, always has been... Could that little bugger have bitten this
damaged fin on a fish over twice his size?
<It's possible because they do have quite strong teeth. But it's more likely
damage from some type of misadventure. Do bear in mind "long-finned" varieties
of fish have been bred to have longer fins than they evolved to have.
Consequently the things that maintain and protect those fins aren't there. The
bones may not bone strong enough, and the behaviours needed to
avoid damage to extra-long fins aren't there either. Kind of like women who grow
long fingernails. Might look good, but not natural, and hard to keep that length
if you're doing manual labour!>
Or could it be that because I added all the tank decor from both tanks (to
change the surroundings) he somehow hurt himself. Thanks in advance for your
<Cheers, Neale.>
Albino Ancistrus solved his own problem! 7/31/15
Hi again WetWebMedia experts,
Just wanted to report that my favorite fish, my male Longfinned Albino
Ancistrus, solved his own problem of the severed fin ray. It tore off once the
transparent fin gave way, and he seems just fine. I'm so glad, I wasn't looking
forward to chasing him around with a net!
<Cool. Should heal and grow back just fine, assuming good water quality.>
So thanks again for all your expertise, you have taught me so much. You are an
unbelievable resource!!
Thanks for all you do,
<And thanks for the kind words. Neale.>
Bristlenose Catfish has strange fluid filled sacs
Sorry to bother you guys, but I've been searching the web for the past
hour trying to find out what this could be with no luck.
I had three Bristlenose catfish in my 80L tank, two common about 7cm and
one long-fin around 15cm, there's also 3 Kuhli Loaches and that's it but
let you know I had three Dwarf Aequidens in there but they died about
six months ago from gill flukes, I remedied the tank and all was fine
until now. This morning I noticed the small common female lying nearly
on her
side, an hour later she was dead. The tank had a small Ammonia spike
last week but I done a 30% water change and it's fine now, the PH can
change a little, the tap water I use to fill the tank is around 7.5 but
my tank usually stays from about 6.5>7. I use Stress coat every water
change but lately I have also been adding half a tea spoon of salt to
the tank, cause I had a Red Empress Cichlid dumped in the tank by a
friend who's tank popped, I know, no salt but it's a very small amount
and the fish is only temporarily in there till I find it a new home!
When I pulled the fish from the tank I noticed two pea sized, fluid
filled sacs at the base of her right Pelvic fin/against her stomach,
(sorry no pictures my phone is broken at the moment and had no camera)
looked very similar to what another person had put on your site, but you
diagnosed it as fin rot, but my Bristlenose fins were perfect except for
these very
large sacs at the base, they looked like they were only attached by
about 1mm of surface area, nearly like a grape hanging from the bunch.
Do you have any idea what it could be?? should I be worried about my
other Bristlenose??
<Those "sacs" are probably blisters of some sort. Physical damage and/or
certain bacterial infections can cause them, similar to the ones leading
to Dropsy, and treatment is similar. Good water quality, an antibiotic,
perhaps the use of Epsom Salt as well, will sort things out if the
problem isn't too severe. Some viral infections can cause smooth,
wax-like lumps on certain fish, but these don't usually look exactly
like blisters or grapes.
These virus-caused cysts are more like solid, if smooth, lumps. However,
very rarely in freshwater tanks, though more often in marine tanks,
similar symptoms can come about from excessive aeration, specifically,
supersaturation of the water with oxygen. Bubbles collect in certain
places, most often around the eye or in the fin membranes, and you see
distinctive little shiny bubbles. It's unlikely in your situation
because very few freshwater aquaria have anything like the amount of
filtration and aeration needed for this, but it's worth considering just
in case. I'd be more inclined towards a combination of medicine-induced
stress, secondary infection, and bad luck. Start by doing a water change
of around 30-50% and ideally use carbon if you're done with medicating
to remove any traces of the medicines you've used so far. Don't bother
with NaCl/salt, but Epsom salt, which is quite different, maybe useful
(1-3 teaspoons per 5 gallons/20 litres). Finally, a suitable antibiotic,
of the types sold for Dropsy, such as Oxytetracycline or Minocycline
would definitely be worthwhile, but random addition of copper and
formalin based medications, as well as organic dyes (Methylene blue,
malachite green, etc) is risky with catfish and best avoided if you have
access to proper antibiotics. Do also review the cleanliness of the
substrate. Catfish are very prone to
bacterial infections if the flow of water along the bottom isn't good,
and your Common Bristlenose/Ancistrus spp for example come from actually
rather cool, clear water habitats rather than swamps, so expect brisk
currents, lots of oxygen, and temperatures no higher than 25 C/77F to
stay in tip-top health. Cheers, Neale.>
Someone ate my Pleco :( 11/20/14
Hi my name is Nichole, I have a 20 gallon tank with 6 sunburst wag
platies, 3 long finned rosy barbs, 1 black kuhli loach (I was not aware
they needed to be in groups when I bought it. I will be getting 2 more.)
<Good. They are quite shy at the best of times, and probably very
unhappy when kept singly.>
and until recent a baby albino bristle nosed Pleco. I had not seen my
Pleco (Muvtuv) for about 3 days. I really started looking for him on day
3 and emptied the decor and gravel from my tank until I found him. At
least what was left of him. Someone ate him :(( Any ideas on who or why
and maybe how to prevent it in the future?
<There's not much meat on a baby Bristlenose, and what you find _post
mortem_ is pretty much just the external armour and spines. Now, the
thing with Ancistrus/Bristlenose Plecs is that they're herbivores and
half-starved by the time you buy them. Avoid ones with hollow bellies.
Look at them in the aquarium shop. Look for species that are actively
feeding, e.g., on a piece of cucumber. Ones that aren't being fed are
starving to death unless they're in a brightly lit planted aquarium with
ample green algae (and even then, it's a gamble). Older specimens (say,
8 cm/3 inches long) are more obviously healthy or starved, so it's
easier to
pick out a healthy one. Look for a chunky specimens with bulging out
eyes and a nice rounded belly when viewed from underneath. But with the
teeny-tiny babies, you really need an expert eye to pick out a healthy
so only buy from tanks where they're lively, healthy-looking, and above
all visibly eating something.>
Thank you,
Sad fishy mommy,
<Good luck with this usually excellent species, Neale.> I got a pair of juvenile normal colored bristle noses;
gen. 6/30/14
instead as they were
cheaper and I hear they don't get nearly as large.
<12 cm/5 inches is about right. A superb species for the community tank,
by the way. There's a book by Kathy Jinkings on these called
"Bristlenoses: Catfish with Character" available that's definitely worth
looking at. Lots of deep information on ecology, habitats, breeding,
etc. Just the thing if you want to learn more about the fish you own.>
While at first thin they are fattening up.
They are doing very well and eat cucumber and squash I think I've
the max on fish in my tank though I do plan on giving the ram to the
store as his mate died and just keeping the keyholes, bristlenoses and
eye tetras and bumblebee cats. Makes for a real interesting collection
fish and the bristlenoses at least wont turn into a monster that needs a
bigger tank.
<Quite so.>
I may move to another place in time and if they let me I may get another
tank for a royal but until then I'll just keep what I have.
<Sounds wise. Cheers, Neale.>
Moving Bristlenoses to another tank enquiry
I have been unable to view your FAQs as the web site is not loading the
pages and this is what happens:
<What? Try refreshing your view... The site is loading for us>
I suspect there may be some useful information about my enquiry on the
site, however I would have likely still emailed.
I have a 45 L tank with a large number of Albino bristlenoses- I
cannot count exactly how many but the number could be around 65 (with
about 50 under 3 cm.s) and the rest 5cms and above.
<Need more room than this...>
The water needs to be changed at least every 3 days to maintain no
nitrites and ammonia. Nitrates are at 40 prior to the water
<Much too high, by at least twice... See WWM re regulating>
The PH level appears to be around 6.8.
<About right>
I have decided that I would like to move the Bristlenoses to my other
tank, which is a well established 165 L tank with much better
filtration, this is an online image below, however I have sponges on
mine below the spray bar and directly under noodles and bio balls.
The 165 L tank presently houses livebearers and we have a brackish water
set up (one teaspoon of salt per litre). Nitrates remain low at 10-20
and the Ph is about 7.4.
<... Loricariids don't "like" salts>
My query is about the methodology that would be best suited. I was
wondering whether I should simply take out the livebearers and drain the
165 Litre tank, take some water (15 L) from the 45 L tank and prepare
new water to make up the rest
<I would do this "adding of new water" over days' time... Perhaps
another 20 L per day>
and put a few Bristlenoses in to see how they settle, or if perhaps I
should gradually convert the 165 L tank into a freshwater tank by
reducing the amount of salt per water change whilst keeping the
livebearers in there.
<Up to you. Either could work>
I would prefer the first method as the Bristlenose tank is always
crowded and I would like to keep breeding them but in better conditions.
Also, the local aquarium prefers to purchase them at 4cms plus, so as
long as they breed there will be a lot of them in there.
I suspect that the second method would take quite some time and I would
not want to adversely affect the livebearers. Also, the PH level is
quite different.
<IF the tank is otherwise available, I'd move the livebearers out,
switch the water chemistry to that of the Ancistrus liking>
Any advice on methodology would be appreciated as I am keen to relocate
my brood.
Kind regards,
<And you; Bob Fenner>
Re: Moving Bristlenoses to another tank enquiry
Hi Bob,
<Hey Tania>
Thank you very much for your advice, apologies for the delay in thanking
you as I was unwell last week.
<No worries>
The loading issue must have been to do with my connection at the time.
Now that I am on the mend I hope to relocate the Bristlenose brood this
week :)
As the picture below shows, it's very crowded and I fear there could be
up upwards of 70 in there as I tried to count them a few days ago- this
is them at supper time. I also discovered a particularly albino looking
Bristlenose who seems healthy and competitive at dinner time, who I hope
stays that way as it would make a beautiful adult!
<Best to be chary of feeding, change out some conditioned water daily
till you make the big move... and when you do so; to move the bulk of
their water with them to the new setting>
Cheers and thanks again,
<And you, BobF>
Temp cleaning job for Bristlenose
I have a male Betta alone in a 10 gallon. The tank has a lot of
algae. I was wondering if it would be ok to put nearly fully
grown female Bristlenose in there for about three days to do an algae
clean up then put her back in the 75 gallon? I would do a water change
before and after as it seems that even the smaller Bristlenose Pleco is
REALLY messy. Thank you
<Likely will be fine. Bob Fenner>
Baby albino Bristlenose Plecs keep dying
Dear WWM team member,
First of all, thank you for a lovely and helpful site. I have been
having an issue with a family of Plecs that I got recently. The seller,
a fellow hobbyist I met online, sold me a breeding male and 2 female
albino bristle-nose (ABN) Plecs along with their entire previous brood
(about 50 or so Plecs at about 1-1.5 cm each) and batch of eggs. The
eggs were unhatched at the time. as I did not have an aquarium I could
accommodate these fish, he sold me an aquarium he said would be enough
for these fish (a none standard aquarium that measures 26x26x40cm).
<I see>
I had a small 5 gallon tank at home and it didn't feel right putting all
the fish into the one he gave so I placed the male and the eggs in this
one, the females in the 5 gallon and the babies (live brood) to the
aquariums I have at the work place (a 33 gallon community with 12 neons
2 Bettas that has an external canister filter (Eheim 2213, circulation
102 gph) and was cycled, and a 10 gallon shrimp tank with about 20
shrimp and sponge filter that was not cycled).
I guess my issues were four-fold (hope that is ok).
<Sure; descriptive>
1. The eggs hatched in about 10 days and I was super happy and excited.
only issue was for some reason, I could see them; they were either
kicked out by the male from the cylinder pot I placed the eggs in after
the transfer or the water flow just caught them somehow, I am not sure.
Anyway, they were wiggling about with their egg sacks attached to their
A couple days later, they stopped moving. The ones that were not dead
died within the next 2-3 days. I removed the dead ones to avoid spoiling
the water quality and did water changes once a week at about 25%. The
water got cloudy at one point, but has since cleared away.
So my first question is, why did the babies die and why were they out of
the pot so early; shouldn't they have stayed in until the sacs were
<Yes to the last; though your day-count may be off, and the water
temperature so/too high as to hasten development... the cause of death
can only be speculated. From your pix it appears to be water quality
related; though nutrition could have played a role>
That's what all the information on the web seems to say and no one
mentions babies with egg sacks wriggling about the aquarium floor.
<They do so... for about four days at moderate temp.>
2. The females seem to be doing ok in the 5 gallon so far. The water
has, however, turned yellowish (I am guessing the ammonia they are
excreting and the Elodea
<Do check what, which species of Elodea/Egeria/Anacharis this is... some
are too cold water>
that they have munched on to its stem and is now turning brown has
something to do with it) and I do not know what I have to do beside
water changes to solve this issue.
<Some activated carbon in your filter/flow path...>
The 5 gallon has an internal filter, a heater, a goldfish,
<... misplaced with tropicals; should be removed>
a Betta, 2 cories, 1 baby ABN (1 cm), 1 baby spotted Plec (I do not know
the type and also 1 cm), one Plec (again unaware of the type about 4
cm), and the 2 female formerly breeding ABNs.
My second question is, will the 26x26x40 cm aquarium that the seller
said would be enough for them be really enough?
<No; this is too small>
I mean they are in a 46x20x25
and the water has turned yellow as I said above, so I am not sure what I
should/can do. I do want to breed them as that was the primary reason
why I bought them.
3. Since I took all the babies to work I divided them such that the
biggest of them (2 cm) went to the 33 gallon aquarium and the rest of
the babies (around 1 cm for the most part) went to the 10 gallon shrimp
tank. well, of the nearly 50 baby ABN's, I have lost 20 so far in that
tank, each time they were the smallest of the lot and were white in
color (as opposed to their usual gold). The bodies were stiff and rigid.
I removed the dead ones (usually they died in groups of about 3-4). I
did a water change weekly. I also moved the larger ones I could catch to
the 33 gallon tank (about 16 of them, each around 1.5 cm). Only the
smallest ones are left now. I am guessing that this is about the water
quality again and the sudden increase in bio-load (and perhaps a lack of
food in the new set-up aquarium) contributed to their demise (although I
did feed them cucumber medallions once every 2 days, it may have been
possible that the smallest ones didn't get a chance to eat it from the
larger ones. What are your thoughts?
<The same as yours stated above>
4. Just today, in the 33 gallon tank, I found one of the ABN's that I
recently put in there turned upside down at the bottom of the aquarium.
Its belly was huge and seemed to be full of green stuff from the JBL
Novo Pleco XL tablets I placed for their consumption (or perhaps
something else?). I do not understand why it died (the water parameters
are stable). I took a picture of it (attached) and hope you can provide
some insight as to this.
Is death due to overfeeding an issue with Plecs or can they tell when to
stop? Should I remove uneaten tablets and if so, when?
<I would only feed such tablet food a few times daily; not leave in
place permanently>
Oh and on an interesting note, I noticed that a very small fraction of
the juvenile ABN's had black (or maybe blue?) eyes as opposed to the
regular albino red. Is this normal or a sign of something much worse?
<Just reflection; not a worry>
[image: image.jpeg]
[image: image.jpeg]
Abdullah Bolat
<Larger system/s, better water quality (use of carbon) and only periodic
wafer feeding. Bob Fenner>
re: Baby albino Bristlenose Plecs keep dying. Neale's
further input 12/13/13
<<As Bob Fenner has suggested, the main problem here is very likely
water quality. Rearing Ancistrus spp. fry is not difficult, but like all
catfish fry, they are especially sensitive to poor water movement along
the bottom of the tank. Adding extra airstones and/or sponge filters
will be extremely useful. Remove any/all substrate so the bottom of the
tank is plain glass. Siphon regularly (ideally: daily) to remove any
detritus (a turkey baster is extremely useful for spot cleaning). Change
some (10-20%) of the water every day or two. Ensure zero ammonia and
nitrite levels of course, but *also* keep nitrate as low as practical,
and certainly below 20 mg/l. Feed 4-6 times daily, but in small amounts.
Do not be tempted to overfeed.
Remove uneaten food after 10 minutes. Use sponge filters -- the fry will
come and feed on the sponges, consuming detritus and algae without you
needing to leave extra food for in between meals. Lack of oxygen is a
common killer of Ancistrus fry -- if the fry edge towards the top of the
tank, that's a bad sign, so increase aeration/circulation and/or provide
a bigger aquarium. Don't bother with tanks smaller than 10 gallons, and
for sure try and use tanks that are bigger -- the bigger the aquarium,
the easier it is to rear your fry. Cheers, Neale.>>
Re: Baby albino Bristlenose Plecs keep dying
Thank you for the replies.
Some progress with regards to water quality; I changed the water in the
tanks and one tank seems to be clear now. The other still has a yellow
taint (I guess I need an active carbon filter to get rid of this one, or
some fresh water clams)
<Carbon, yes, can help with yellowing of water. But freshwater clams are
useless in most/all aquaria... they don't clean the water, they need
specific feeding (see maintenance of marine clams for details) without
which they invariably die in freshwater tanks.>
while the third is still a blurry murky yellow. (picture attached)
<Images do not seem to be attached/viewable.>
I removed the last living fry (now about 1.5 cm) and moved them to the
tank with the adult female BN's. Since the water they were in was
originally murky (they were in no 3) I didn't realize it before but to
my shock and horror they all had yellow spots/dots on their bodies and
<Are you sure these are not the normal yellow spots seen on juvenile
Ancistrus? Do use the search engine of your choice using the terms
"Ancistrus" and "juvenile" for images.>
These dots did not appear to be part of their color pattern as the fry
that were already in this tank don't have them and these dots also seem
to be like something is on them (sticking on them). I am horrified now
and also worried that it will spread to the ready to spawn females (I
was just about to remove them from here to the male's tank; the murky
one). What are these dots? Ichthyo or bacteria/fungus?
<Whitespot/Ick tends to look like salt grains; Velvet tends to look like
golden dusting of very fine sugar. Do look at pictures online/in books
for more.>
What should I treat the tank with, "ick" medication or bacterial? Some
pictures attached.
<Your images simply aren't coming through.>
One last concern is I have noticed that many of the fry that are dying
all have one thing in common now; a green belly that seems to be full of
food (like last week's picture of the fish I sent you or slightly less
full). I noticed that both of my adult females also have green bellies
and when ı was inspecting one of them that was stuck to the glass facing
me a couple of days ago, I saw "something" move inside her belly (not
sure if it was a worm kinda thing or just her intestine/bowel
movements). I also read somewhere that these fish are susceptible
to something similar to "green belly disease" which is a
parasitic/bacterial infection of some sort. If that is the case I'd like
to know what I can do to treat this issue?
<Almost always Ancistrus deaths come from starvation, poor environment
at the bottom of the tank, and lack of supplemental oxygenation. Disease
is rarely, if ever, the prime cause of death except as an opportunistic
infection once the Ancistrus fry are stressed/damaged in some way.
Review the aquarium/maintenance and act accordingly. Consider buying a
relevant aquarium book; Kathy Jinkins excellent "Bristlenoses" book can
be bought inexpensively online and supplies much useful, relevant
Thanks again for your time
<Most welcome, Neale.>
Re: Baby albino Bristlenose Plecs keep dying
The baby bn's are dead, they seem to have passed away 6 hours after I wrote
to you.
<Sorry to hear this.>
I don't know why the pictures didn't go through
but the dots were like grains of sand (looked like chicken pox of sorts).
<I see. Some aquarists prefer to "strip down" tanks after unexplained
problems, giving everything including the filter a thorough clean. Very
dilute bleach can work for this, but rinse thoroughly after use;
alternatively use a strong brine solution, which is almost as good at
killing germs but much less likely to cause problem if you don't rinse it
away completely. Either way, this will of course mean you'll need to
re-cycle the filter (or at least stuff it with live biological media taken
from a mature aquarium). Other aquarists take a more gentle approach, but
will do their best to clean the tank, siphon out any detritus, rinse debris
from filter media, etc. so that the aquarium is much cleaner than it was.>
I am attaching the water picture though as it seems to be a problem I just
can't get rid of.
<Looks like "green water", which tends to mean too much heat and light, too
much nitrate, too few water changes, and not enough filtration. Review, and
act accordingly. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Dead Kuhli, now BN plex
Good Evening Crew,
Long time since our last dialogue - I hope you are well :)
<Same ol', same ol'...>
Grateful if I may seek some of your infinite aquarium knowledge please?
<Fire away!>
I have a well established aquarium, c/w live plants (Amazon swords,
Anubias, fine elodea, grass etc). The aquarium is filtered via
traditional box filter, airstone and Fluval 4. Volume is approx. 160
Stock includes rummy nose/neon/bleeding heart tetras, SAE, julii Cory,
Bettas (1 male 2 female) and a mature female BN Plec.
Water param.s OK albeit pH is 6.6 - 6.8. (2 pieces of bogwood)
Vacuumed every 2 weeks, with 20-25% water changes inclusive.
<Sounds good.>
I have attempted (over the past months) adding an additional BN Plec -
males to the best of my knowledge, however, each and every time I add a
young Plec it only lasts around a week and I find it dead :(
<How big are these Bristlenoses? The very small ones sold in pet shops
(the ones an inch or so long) are often underfed and that means they're
a bit more delicate than the adults. Sudden changes in water chemistry
for example could cause very real problems, so if your retailer has hard
water, and your water is acidic (and presumably quite soft) then that
might be one
reason for the trouble.>
There doesn't appear to be any 'nipping' marks on the casualties, and
they always seem to be resting until I 'blow' them with my large pipette
whereby they are most certainly 'gone'. I have just lost 2 BN Plecs
today that I got on Saturday (trying to outweigh the law of averages by
purchasing 2!).
I am totally stumped on why I keep losing them - I drip condition them
for >6hrs prior to addition from reputable dealer. Are young BNs
particularly susceptible to stress??
<Not especially, but more so than adults. Do also make sure you haven't
been sold Otocinclus by mistake -- these really are more delicate.>
Grateful if you could provide any pointers when convenient.
Kind Thanks,
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Albino Bristlenose query; rearing young w/ parents in a
small volume 10/1/13
<Hello Tania,>
I have written to WetWebMedia before in relation to my tank, a
45 L tank with a breeding pair of Albino bristlenoses and their fry.
At present, the breeding pair and about 13 fry live in the tank.
<About the going rate when left with adults in a small aquarium.>
I have noticed a few of the smaller fry have died in the past week.
<Starvation, more than likely.>
Water tests are consistent and fine with a water change of 15 L every
4/5 days.
I have been stumped as to why some fry have died as the tankmates have
been healthy with the exception of one whom I wrote to your crew about a
while back who appeared bloated (who likely stabilised as I did not
notice any abnormalities in any of the many fry at that time shortly
thereafter and assume they that one lived on and returned to normal).
I saw the fry in the attached photo tonight sliding down the glass in a
manner whereby it appeared weakened and unable to support itself as
opposed to how they normally move their mouths when moving along the
glass. It then moved quickly diagonally and upwards before repeating the
sliding down movement.
Upon closer inspection I saw some red spots and a red colour appearing
to rest in it's belly almost as though being excreted, which appeared
slightly bloated.
Could you please advise me if you are aware of what the problem may be?
<In a nutshell, you'll get more fry surviving if they're removed as soon
as possible after hatching to their own aquarium (60 litres would be
ideal) and reared away from their parents. Provide ample food -- green
algae, and almost more than anything else, the "gunk" (= infusoria) that
grow on a sponge filter. Daily water changes are ideal, but certainly do
a decent (25-50%) water change weekly. It's the combination of ample
food and low nitrate that's the key to rearing most catfish fry.
Otherwise, if you aren't serious about rearing lots of fry, what you're
doing works well enough, and perhaps with a bit more spot feeding (e.g.,
with Liquifry or the installation of a sponge filter) you might even get
a few more surviving. Use of Methylene Blue can be useful too,
particularly at the egg stage, for minimising losses from fungal
infections. Cheers, Neale.>
URGENT- Albino Bristlenose query- further
details 10/2/13
Hi Neale,
Thank you for your reply.
I should have provided further details.
On the weekend before this past weekend, I took 60 of the smallest fry
to the local aquarium.
<I see.>
They advised me that in the first few days about 50 died.
<Ah, not good. How big were the fry? If already 1.5 inches/3.75 cm in
length, they'd be ready to travel; any smaller and water
chemistry/temperature changes could easily have caused problems.>
They all looked very healthy and not bloated at all or ill when I took
them. By last weekend, 10 or so remained. I had noticed one fry die
before I removed the 60 and did not think much of it. A few of the
smaller fry have died since then (mainly in the last few days). They are
about 2-3 cm.s.
<I see. Probably a bit small for travelling, and still delicate.>
I have not experienced any problems like this with my tank before and am
perplexed that so many have died so suddenly- I thought as the 50 or so
that died were not in my tank water at the time that it was unrelated
and was advised by the aquarium that they have received whole batches of
Bristlenose fry that have died like mine had. They have always been
rabid eaters and I have mainly used Hikari mini wafers lately to spread
out the food and minimise leftovers (please see the email copied
below from my query to WetWebMedia in late June). They are fed every
second night.
<Ah, with baby fish, multiple feedings per day, though small portions,
is the key. Assuming of course you don't have fresh green algae
available too, e.g., a bright light over a flat rock. It's very easy to
starve baby fish.
Their digestive systems hold very little food, and many breeders will be
offering six meals per day.>
I did a water change on Monday and found about 4 dead fry and a few more
last nite. Today I found another. Most look like the have bloated
bellies and are struggling for air. The ones looking the worst have a
reddish tinge in parts of their body.
I am thinking of trying a medication to treat bloat after reading the
above article and I just saw one of the bloated fry doing a white
stringy poo.
I don't think Octozin is available in Australia from some online
searches I just did.
This one is though.
Before I commence treatment, I just wanted to consult you and ask your
thoughts please.
My last email to you was at the end of June which explains the tank set
up properly. I have copied it below.
I have just done my water tests, and all is well, Ammonia=0, Nitrate=
20, PH just below 7.4 (the aquarium estimated 7) and Nitrite= 0.
Kind regards and thank you for your time and assistance on this occasion
and all the others! :)
<Let's be clear on breeding Ancistrus. On the one hand, they spawn
extremely readily, and the fathers are excellent parents, looking after
the eggs until they hatch. Unlike the adults, the fry are very sensitive
to old water (high nitrate) and to low oxygen levels. In their rearing
tank, they basically need a continual supply of food after they use up
their yolk sacs about 6 days after hatching. Usually that'll entail 6 or
more proper meals, together with a continual supply of green algae and
aufwuchs (a sponge filter is great for rearing algae and aufwuchs). Even
better is maturing a tank with an undergravel or sponge filter somewhere
it gets sunlight, so the bottom of the tank is nice and green. Anyway,
once the fry are active and feeding it is a good time to remove the male
from the breeding tank.
He'll use up food and oxygen, so isn't helpful anyway. If the tank
doesn't have adequate circulation and oxygen, you'll see the fry leave
the bottom of the tank and go towards the surface, which isn't normal at
Invariably it's important to "thin the herd" if you have a small
breeding tank. Trying to rear all the fry may be impossible in a 50 or
80 litre tank, simply because they're so sensitive to water quality and
Kathy Jinkings for example (in her excellent "Bristlenoses" book)
recommends a two-foot tank (about 80 litres) as sufficient for rearing
just 20 or so fry to a sellable size of a couple inches. Does this help?
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: URGENT- Albino Bristlenose query- further details
(repro.) 10/10/13
Thanks Neale.
The 50 that died at the aquarium were about 3cms and a few were closer
to 4cm.
<That is dad. I do suspect lack of food was the thing here, the tricky
bit for you will be providing ample food while keeping water quality
Unless you're deadly serious about breeding hundreds, you might want to
"rescue" twenty fry and leave the others with the adults. Some of those
left with the adults might survive. You might even tailor-make the
adults' aquarium so it's ideal for the fry too -- brisk filtration,
strong lighting over flat rocks (for green algae and aufwuchs), moderate
temperature (22-24 C probably ideal), and lots of oxygen. With the
twenty you pull, you can probably provide enough food for them without
too much fuss, and water quality management shouldn't be too hard.>
Thank you for your recommendations about fry rearing. I will have to
reconsider my set up as I can see it is not sustainable.
<Could well be. The thing with fish breeding is that if you want
hundreds of fry, then you have to set aside serious amounts of time and
money, even for Guppies. But if you don't mind rearing small numbers,
maybe even just getting a dozen big enough to sell, then you can do that
on a tight budget with little effort. But trying to get hundreds of fry
reared with just very
basic equipment and little money/time will be tricky, if not
I did use Myxazin for 5 days and did a water change yesterday. Nitrates
are down to 10-20. The fry survivors look healthy and I haven't found
any dead fry since last week.
<Sounds great.>
Thanks again for all your help and support :)
<Most welcome, Neale.>
Genetic defect/health query- Albino Bristlenose
<Hi there>
I have noticed in my Albino bristle nose brood that one has a puffy looking
enlarged mid-section, I was wondering whether it could be a genetic defect
or whether there was something I could do to assist him/her.
S/he has been this way for months.
I have attached a photo. If you are able to assist, please advise me of your
Thank you.
Kind regards,
<This grossly appears to be some sort of bacterial/microbial infection
(internal); but as you state it's been this way for half a year... Perhaps
genetic/developmental. I would leave this fish and all else as is. Bob
Re: Genetic defect/health query- Albino Bristlenose
Thanks Bob, this fella has been this way since s/he was quite small.
<Yes; as I understood you. Am asking Neale Monks here to respond
separately. BobF>
Genetic defect/health query- Albino Bristlenose
/Neale 7/20/13
I have noticed in my Albino bristle nose brood that one has a puffy looking
enlarged mid-section, I was wondering whether it could be a genetic defect
or whether there was something I could do to assist him/her.
<A good varied diet with fresh algae will help clear any constipation. You
might also try using Epsom salt, which is an effective laxative for fish and
completely safe. If used with an antibiotic can also help with early stage
S/he has been this way for months. I have attached a photo. If you are able
to assist, please advise me of your thoughts. Thank you.
Kind regards,
<Do read here...
Suspect constipation may be an issue, often is with herbivorous fishes.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Genetic defect/health query- Albino Bristlenose
Thanks again Bob, Neale suggested we change the feeding and we will try
some blanched skinless peas. Can't hurt to try!
<Ah yes>
<And you; BobF>
Re: Genetic defect/health query- Albino Bristlenose
Hi Neale,
Thank you for your advice. We'll give the peas a try.
<Most welcome and bon chance! Cheers, Neale.>
Pleco ID 7/11/13
Hi crew,
Could you please identify this Pleco:
It's about 3". Very active at day time. Ignores any algae wafers so far.
Sucks glass, plants or wood.
<Hello Mark. Looks like one of what's called a "White Seam Ancistrus" or
"White Seam Bristlenose". More than likely Ancistrus dolichopterus, but
possibly one of the related Ancistrus species. Looks like a male by the
beginnings of "tentacles" around the mouth. Should reach 12 cm/5 inches
or, and like all Ancistrus, is an excellent community fish that consumes
as well as some small invertebrates (e.g., bloodworms). Generally hardy
fish provided water quality is good and temperature is not too high.
There's a nice summary of this group of Ancistrus here:
Cheers, Neale.>
Bristlenose Pleco Eggs 7/7/13
Hi guys and gals!
Just after some egg advice. I have a pair of Bristlenose Plecos in a
community tank (mainly other angels, clown loaches and a female Opaline
gourami). I've had the female for about two years, and a few months ago
got a second baby Pleco. It's grown really quickly and is now a little
smaller than the original female. I thought it was also a female because
it only has a few stubby bristles -- turns out it must be a male because
tonight we discovered him guarding a clutch of eggs!
I had no intention of breeding any fish, and assumed since it was a
community tank that they would just eat each others eggs anyway. But now
they're there and now that daddy Pleco is doing his best to protect them
I'd like to do what I can to help them along.
So my question is, what course of action should I take?
<Mmm; two general lines of possibility... not much; to moving the other
livestock or the parents, eggs elsewhere>
This tank it the only set up I have, so removing them isn't an option.
Should I attempt to segregate them?
<Mmm, possibly... How large is this tank?>
Should I just leave him be and let nature take its course? The eggs are
in the rear of an ornament [picture attached] where the two Plecos have
long since established their territory, and there are many hiding spots
around the tank. I've been Googling and read that daddy Plecos are
relatively good at defending their young so I'm thinking that it might
be better to not interfere, but on the other hand wonder if the angels
might gang up on him. I've also read that baby Plecos need driftwood,
which they have in the tank already -- is there any other essentials
[aside from what I already feed the adults] I should provide if the fry
do survive?
<Best to have you read here:
The adults get regular veggie off cuts (mostly carrot and eggplant as
they seem to love it the most) and algae pellets. They also tend to chow
on the loaches shrimp pellets.
Thanks in advance for any advice,
<If you want to raise some of the young, placing a separator in this
system (if it's large enough) can be made to work. Going forward, for
other batches of eggs, young, another system can maximize the number of
young surviving. A further note; you may want to contact your local
stores to see if they will buy/sell your excess stock. Bob Fenner>
Re: Bristlenose Pleco Eggs 7/8/13
Hi Bob,
<Ms. R.>
Thank you kindly for your reply and the info.
My tank is 3ft/150 litres. I'm planning on swapping it for a 4ft tank in
the immediate future (my tank stand is made for a 4ft tank hence the
minor upgrade).
<I see>
Duly noted regarding contacting local stores. It is another concern of
mine as all the places I buy stock from in the past have told me they
only buy from breeders.
<Well; you've just become one>
My system is not large enough to house the babies if a few survive (and
I'm aware that male Plecos can be quite territorial). I plan on getting
a much larger system (upwards of 1000 litres) in future, but can only do
so when finances permit so it's not an option right now. I'm hoping
I can find someone to take the offspring - I don't care if I have to
give them away, as long as they can go somewhere they'll be looked
<Ah good; perhaps "Craig's List" or such...>
As an aside, thus far the angel fish haven't touched the eggs. When I go
over to check them out the angels usually follow me and hang around
where the eggs are, and two of them regularly hang out in that area of
the tank.
They act like they can't even see the eggs. Do you think they just
haven't noticed that they're there, or is the male doing a good job at
defending them?
<Much more likely the latter; Plecos are very outgoing/defensive
where/when reproducing>
The angels usually have no problem pushing the Plecos out of the way when
there's food involved (they'll peck at whatever the Pleco is eating, the
Pleco will give up the food and swim off, then the angel will realise it
can't eat whatever the Pleco was eating and leave the food for the Pleco
to finish).
Many thanks once more,
<Thank you for sharing; the further input. Cheers, BobF>
can you move bristle nose Pleco eggs?
<It's not easy, but if the eggs have been laid in something moveable
like a flowerpot, then yes, you can move that "nest" to another tank to
rear the catfish kittens. But the males make excellent fathers, so
unless you have a compelling reason to move the eggs, it's best to leave
them put. Even in community tanks, males are often able to rear a few
offspring successfully!
Cheers, Neale.>
Albino BN Pleco in tiny tank (temporarily) - 01/27/2013
Hello again, you keepers of fish wisdom.
<Hi! My apologies for the delay in reply, Danielle. Sabrina
with you today.>
I have a dilemma and need some advice. I purchased a 1.25" albino
Bristlenose Pleco yesterday intending to put him in a 30 gallon tank. I
did tons of research before buying, but completely forgot all about the
mouth size of the Ctenopoma acutirostre who is currently in that tank.
<Ahh. A favorite fish of mine, actually!>
After figuratively slapping myself on the forehead, I decided to not
risk it, and I put him in a 5 gallon tank, which is home to a male
Betta, 2 ghost shrimp and a couple of Nerite snails. Not an ideal
temporary home,
<Maybe not, but it also lacks a hungry Ctenopoma!>
but it's the only tank I have where he wouldn't get immediately eaten.
My question is this: how long can I leave him in there before I endanger
the lives of everyone involved?
<As long as you monitor and maintain water quality in the 5g tank, I
think you could keep him there until he's large enough to not become
Ctenopoma food.>
I want to get a bit more size on him before introducing him to the
<Yep, exactly.>
I already do weekly 10-20% water changes; should I step that up?
<Possibly. Just monitor Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate. If
your Nitrate pushes up past 20ppm, you'll want to step up the water
changes. If not, then just keep doing what you're doing.>
Or would he be better of taking his chances with a 4" Ctenopoma?
<Nah. I'd do exactly as you've done.>
<Best wishes to you and your critters, -Sabrina>
Re: Help Needed!! Loricariid ID 12/14/12
Here is an Ancistrus from 2 different angles.
My opinion is that this is an Ancistrus Dolichopterus Gold L144a
<Mmm, well; it doesn't look like the Loricariids associated w/ this name I
see on the Net. Neale? BobF>
Best regards
Re: Help Needed!! 12/14/12
Here is an Ancistrus from 2 different angles.
My opinion is that this is an Ancistrus Dolichopterus Gold L144a
Best regards
<I would (tentatively) concur with Ancistrus dolichopterus but there are
numerous varieties and closely related species. Do try PlanetCatfish.com --
they have a forum and many experts at identifying mystery catfish. Cheers,
Identifying Ancistrus 8/28/12
I bought a couple of these Plecos, a male and a female (all attached
photos are of them). At the fish store they were named a Trinidad
Ancistrus, I can not find anything about these fish. I was wondering you
would be able to help me in identifying these fish. I was just looking
for the 'L number' and species for them. I have posted on numerous
forums about them, but no
one can identify them for me. I have spent countless hours trying to
match them to pictures of different species online but keep coming up
empty handed. I looked up online for a specialist with the Ancistrus and
your name was the first to come up. Thank you in advance for any and all
help you can give me.
<Hello Heather. Ancistrus aren't easy to tell apart. Most are brownish
with off-white spots when young, so the look of a specimen doesn't help
Two species spring to mind though. The first is Ancistrus triradiatus,
which has a similar name ("triradiatus") to the word "Trinidad". The
second is Ancistrus trinitatis, a species that is found on the island of
So far as I know, the second species isn't traded at all, and the first
species only rarely. But my knowledge is of the UK market; the variety
of species in your locale may be different. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Identifying Ancistrus
Neale: Thank you so much for your response. I'm going to look into those two
kinds. Again thank you for your time and the information. I hope you have a
wonderful day!
<Most welcome. Neale.> |
Catfish compatibility 8/11/12
Hello crew,
I currently have a Bristlenose (Ancistrus sp) Pleco in a 55 gallon tank
and a clown Pleco (Panaque maccus) in another tank. Other inhabitants
are Glowlight tetras, Pristella tetra and some Platys. Would these fish
be compatible in the 55 gallon?
<Mmm, well, the Platies like harder, more alkaline, cool water than the
Tetras and Loricariids>
I'm also planning to add another Bristlenose of the opposite sex
sometime in the future, would that be ok?
<Should be; yes>
Thanks for your help,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Emaciated BGK... in w/ breeding Ancistrus in a too small
world 7/2/12
Hi there,
I'm concerned about my BGK who I've had for about a year in a 90 litre
<Needs much more room than this. Read here:
community tank (2 gouramis, 6 neon tetras,
<Not compatible...>
1 peppermint Bristlenose, 2 Bristlenose plus their fry (last count about a
) - still babies but will be rehomed before they get too big. My BGK has
always thrived but the last few days he has suddenly lost a lot of
weight and become emaciated (top of his head sunken in, really anorexic
looking). He was lethargic and seemed to be breathing heavily (not
gasping but gills working harder than they should?) - so I reduced the
water temp from 26-27 C to 24-25 C to make more oxygen available.
Also he was still eating but not as much, and not as eager as he usually
is, with his main diet of frozen bloodworm
<See WWM re these sewer fly larvae... I'd diminish or eliminate their
use... implicated in disease issues>
(he also gets a mixture of beef heart, shrimp, fish, as well as picking on
flakes, algae discs, that are for the other fish).
<Try some (live if available, frozen/defrosted if not) Tubificid worms>
I have started feeding him diced cooked prawns (human grade) and he is
eating a lot more and seems to be more himself. But I'm really worried
about his weight loss. He also has 2 white spots on his body that look a
bit 'fluffy', could this be a mild case of Ich?
<Mmm, not likely, no>
One of my neon tetras had a little case of cotton mouth(?) which has
healed, only other issue is one of the other tetras which lost an eye
(probably from BGK) -
he now swims on a slight tilt and has slightly shredded fins, assume
because he gets picked on a bit - but are otherwise fine. (Neon tetras
are tough as nails!) I have been too afraid to add any meds or salt
since GKF is so sensitive to these things. The only changes to my tank
lately have been the addition of some new plants, and the addition of
the Bristlenose fry since my adult pair have decided to mate like crazy!
The male has taken over the submarine to care for the eggs,
<This aggression is likely the root cause or at least a large
contributor to the loss of health of the Knife... one of them needs to
be moved, now>
one of the places my BGK liked to hang out until the BN banished him (he
still has a nice hollow driftwood log however - his most favourite
place). Water parameters are pH 7.4, ammonia 0, nitrate 0, nitrite 20.
Don't have a hardness test but the tap water where I live isn't hard. I
admit that I'm not an expert but I love my fish and want to do the best
for them!
<Read and heed. Bob Fenner>
Bristlenose getting bossy, comp. w/ Clown Loaches
Hi Guys, me again. Our Bristlenose has grown rather quickly in the
last 4 months from about 1 inch to 3.5 and he is starting to get a bit
bossy with some of his other tank mates, in particular the two larger
clown loaches which are also around 3 inches. He chases them around the
tank at feeding time though there is plenty for everyone, never tries to
actually catch them veers off at the last moment . We feed him a
varied diet as with them all so I'm not sure what his issue is. Now I've
read that some can suck the slime coat of full bodied fish, should I be
worried I thought they were supposed to be peaceful and only aggressive
with their own?
<If the Ancistrus is actually "riding" the Loaches, yes>
Which is why we only have one. It's a 400 litre tank,
there are two large pieces of bog wood, one each end of the tank plenty
of room, hiding places and lots of real plants. Should we move him
to another tank (if we can catch him!!!) he's pretty zippy, or is there
something I can do to calm him at feed time?
<In a tank this size, the Clowns should be able to get, keep away. I
wouldn't be overly concerned. Bob Fenner>
Re: Bristlenose getting bossy
Thanks Bob, maybe it stresses me more than the Clowns. Jasper (BN) is a
great little fellow, always out and about not a hider at all and very
entertaining. But with this chasing that only started about 3 weeks ago
it is quite stressful to watch, he occasionally does it to our Bolivian
Ram Louie who zips out of the way but then immediately goes and feeds
right by his face. Will keep an eye to make sure he doesn't ride them.
We have a 100 litre hospital / quarantine tank now that I got for
hubby's birthday so if he does get worse he will have to move in there
for the time being.
Again thanks Bob.
<A Bristlenose will be fine with Clown Loaches. They should largely
ignore each other, and the Ancistrus will retire to a cave or hollow
ornament if it feels put upon. Ancistrus aren't species given to
attacking large fish, in the way some Otocinclus do for example. So
don't see any problems here.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Bristlenose getting bossy 5/2/12
Thanks Neal, must read too much into the comments of others, like
sucking the slime coats of discus etc!! Changed Jaspers veggies last
night to Butter Squash and a carrot (usually has green varieties),
seemed to enjoy something different and pretty much left the others
alone. So maybe I just need to mix it up more so he doesn't get bored,
bet all hell breaks loose as usual though when the algae wafers go in,
everyone fights for those....thanks again Rebecca
<Oh, for sure Clowns and Ancistrus enjoy many of the same foods. But
Ancistrus hold their own well against similar sized fish. Once the
Clowns get to full size -- typically 20-25 cm/8-10 inches in captivity
-- then the Ancistrus would probably be happier kept with fish of its
own, more diminutive size. But in a sufficiently large aquarium, and if
you put some food where the Clowns can't get at it, like inside a hollow
tube, it should be possible for the Ancistrus to coexist with adult
Clowns. Cheers, Neale.>
Albino Bushynose Pleco Quarantine Duration
Hi crew,
I just purchased 5 Albino Bushy nose Plecos juveniles (1 to 1 1/2
inches) for my 240 gallon Discus aquarium. They are currently in a 10
gal quarantine tank. What do you recommend for quarantine duration
and/or any proactive meds. They seem very active and healthy. Are there
any diseases or parasites that are common with these fish?
<These are farmed fish, so they may well carry all the usual fish farm
pathogens: Whitespot, Velvet, Camallanus worms, etc. More specifically,
Loricariidae can be plagued with intestinal parasites, not necessarily
worms, but things like Rickettsia bacteria that cause chronic wasting.
To be fair, Ancistrus spp. are generally not seriously affected by
these, especially not compared to wild-caught Panaque spp., so this
isn't something to be paranoid about. Bottom line, quarantining for 6
weeks would be worthwhile, and deworming a very good idea. Beyond these,
if these Ancistrus are feeding well and not obviously underweight (no
hollow bellies or sunken eyes) I'd not worry about them beyond this. One
last thing:
Ancistrus aren't particularly happy at Discus-level temperatures, so do
ensure the water has plenty of oxygen. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Albino Bushynose Pleco Quarantine Duration
Thank you Neale for your quick response and information, I really
appreciate it.
Could you recommend a safe dewormer for these juveniles?
<They're quite hardy, so any commercial dewormer (containing
Flubendazole, Praziquantel, etc.) should work well. You'll have dewormed
your Discus, presumably, and the product you used for them will be fine
Thank you
<Cheers, Neale.>
Bristlenose Pleco and
Mollies 4/1/12
Hi everyone, very informative site here. I've looked over it a few
times and haven't found much on my particular situation, so I
thought I'd shoot you all an email. I apologize if this has been
addressed already and I missed it.
<Is indeed written elsewhere on this site. Start here:
Your aquarium is too small, and your water chemistry all wrong,
for successful Molly keeping. These Mollies have little chance of
long-term success.>
My boyfriend and I have a 10g freshwater tank set up, and for several
months had a few ghost shrimp and just a small (about 1.5 inches)
Bristlenose Pleco. The ghost shrimp are now gone, and we recently added
a Dalmatian Molly and a silver lyretail Molly.
<See above; a terrible choice for soft, acidic water
Our Pleco doesn't seem interested in algae wafers (and there is no
algae in the tank) so we feed him a slice of cucumber every few days,
which he loves. The mollies nibble at this too, but mostly they are fed
with flake food once a day.
The tank is at 0 nitrite, 0 ammonia, about 6.5 pH, between 0 and 40 KH,
between 0 and 30 GH, and about 74/76 degrees Fahrenheit (sorry for the
approximations, we only have the API test strips right now and they
include a good amount of eyeballing). The nitrate levels have
gone up since adding the mollies. It used to hover around 10, and is
now going up to 30 and 40.
We have been doing 20% water changes, which decreases the nitrate for a
bit, but within the next 24 hours it rises again.
So, my question is really more general. Of course I would like to know
if we should be doing anything differently to reduce the nitrates
further, but mainly I would like to know how to ensure that this
environment is going to be beneficial to both types of fish. Are the
water parameters good as they are,
or should they be altered?
I have read different things about what each fish needs, and would like
to be sure I am providing an environment that is a good compromise to
the needs of each species, so they can all coexist happily.
<Mollies don't compromise. You either give them what they want,
or they die. They really do need hard, alkaline water -- and ideally
slightly brackish water at that.>
Thanks in advance, and I apologize for such a long query. We love our
fish very much, as I'm sure you all do as well. Best wishes,
<Glad to help, and good luck. Neale.>
Re: Bristlenose Pleco and Mollies 4/2/12
Thanks so much Neale for the advice. I'll be sure to rectify the
situation so everybody fares well. I see another tank in our near
<Ah yes, multiple tank syndrome… no known cure!>
Thanks again for the quick response,
<Happy to help. Neale.>
White 'sore' on left side of the mouth of my
BN Pleco 3/15/12
<Hi there>
I purchased a BN Pleco yesterday and I put him in a quarantine
tank. I noticed when I got home from my LFS that he seemed
to have a white spot on the left side of his mouth.
<Mmm, yes; I see this... where a/the usual
"bristle/barbel" of these fish's would be.
Evidently damaged, worn off... too likely in transit, rubbing
against others in the bag>
This morning, it looks like the 'sore' became
open. As I am relatively new in the hobby (about 1 year), I
do not know a whole lot about diseases. I did do an
extensive search on the internet, but to no avail. Can you
identify what is wrong with the Pleco from the attached picture
and maybe suggest a cure?
Thank you very much,
<Just good care should see this fish recover... water quality,
No medicine advised, needed. Bob Fenner>
Re: White 'sore' on left side of
the mouth of my BN Pleco 3/16/12
Thank you so much, I am very relieved to know that he'll make a
recovery with time.
<Ah yes. This genus of Loricariids is very tough. Cheers,
BobF> |
Now: Ancistrus spp. ID; was: Re: spotted Tatia query
+ Cory babies 11/1/11
Hello again and thanks for rapid response. You wrote that:
"L016 is an unidentified Oligancistrus species. Black fish with
white spots. "
I am puzzled by this as I wrote that mine are 'red/black'. They
were labeled red/black Ancistrus L016. Having now looked for L016
Oligancistrus online, and finding that the pictures are not what I
have, on further research perhaps either me or the store has got it
wrong and it may be LA16?
<Do you mean LDA 16?>
I have found pictures of fish that are called calico, but those I have
are a definite red and black, or, to be fair, a dark terracotta orange,
not red, but in the calico pattern that the paler coffee/cream calico
seem to have, going by Google images. (They blend in well and are very
well camouflaged when eating the algae off the terracotta tubes that
the Tatia sleep in.)
<Well, if this pet store doesn't know the difference between L
numbers and LDA numbers, then I'd take any identification they
suggest with a pinch of salt. In any event, if you use Planet Catfish
for example, you should be able to see reliable photos of LDA 16 and
compare it against what you have. Do bear in mind many of these catfish
change colours as they mature. Yes, there is a calico version of
Ancistrus cirrhosus, which may or may not be sold under the LDA 16 name
according to Planet Catfish.>
Hopefully this will help with identification, and eventual size etc..
hopefully they will suit my 10 gall tank,
<Ancistrus all get to about 12-15 cm when mature and are territorial
rather than peaceful. Not fussy about water chemistry or temperature.
Herbivorous to omnivorous in terms of diet. 10 gallons is a bit small,
15+ would be better.>
and be able to stay with the Tatia and Corydoras, but if not, as I
said, there is another bigger home with the Synodontis if needed. (In
the bigger set-up I have one Featherfin squeaker, 3 upside-down
catfish, and 2 young yellow blue-eyed Bristlenose [are these Pleco or
Ancistrus and can you tell me the difference?])
<Ancistrus L114; again, much on Planet Catfish.>
So hopefully plenty of room for more inhabitants ie Corydoras babies,
without anybody eating each other!
I have the baby Cory cats in a tank of their own at the moment, and
getting bigger by the day. More eggs have hatched in the 10 gall tank,
but as I said, I can not save them all :-( I don't want to end up
with a house full of fish tanks wherever you look !!!
Thanks for the information.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Now: Ancistrus spp. ID; was: Re: spotted Tatia query + Cory
babies 11/11/11
Hello again and thanks again... and sorry for the confusion. I have
looked back at the store, and they have a few fish left labeled
"LDA016 red/black Ancistrus 10cm" Those left are pale and
smaller specimens (smaller than mine are now) in the colour of the
calico ones I have found images for. I am puzzled too as mine now have
bright striking colour, and seem to be going more towards black every
day. There is orange around the mouth and edges of fins, and the
I am wondering if these fish can adapt to the colours of their
environment, but can find no information particular to red/black
LDA016. (And I have not managed to find the difference between Pleco
and Ancistrus, in spite of looking all over planet catfish)
Thanks again.
<Yes, it's very likely these fish may exhibit different colours
depending on mood, ambient light intensity, colour of the substrate,
diet, and age.
In particular, younger Ancistrus tend to have darker, more contrasty
colours than older specimens. The Common Bristlenose for example is
black with white spots when young, but becomes more brownish-grey with
off-white spots as an adult. On the other hand, there are (rarer, more
expensive) species that maintain strong colouration at all ages. Now,
as for what's a Plec and what's an Ancistrus, this essentially
comes down to common Plecs being primarily Pterygoplichthys species,
whereas Ancistrus are, as you'd expect, Ancistrus species. Male
Ancistrus also tend to develop rubbery-looking tentacles on their
foreheads, and adult Ancistrus are never larger than 15 cm/6 inches,
compared with Pterygoplichthys reaching around 45 cm/18 inches in
length. In terms of general shape, Ancistrus tend to look more squashed
when viewed from above. Most are some shade of black when young with
white spots, and as they mature this colouration may fade, but
generally remains apparent to some degree. Ecologically Ancistrus feed
primarily on green algae and tiny invertebrates, whereas
Pterygoplichthys are far more catholic in their tastes, eating just
about anything they can find, including carrion and to some degree
plants. There's a good deal of variation among Pterygoplichthys,
but most are grey-brown with darker squiggles or spots. It's
important to remember that the name "Plec" (in the UK) or
"Pleco" (in the US) is generally applied to the cheap, farmed
Pterygoplichthys and, occasionally, Hypostomus species; there are LOTS
of other Suckermouth catfish out there, but these will usually be sold
under a more specific name: Golden Nugget Plec, Royal Plec, Scarlet
Plec and so on.
Cheers, Neale.>
Bristlenose Plecos - Are silk plants bad for
Hi guys. I have a question about Bristlenose Plecos (genus
<Outstanding fish.>
I was reading recently that it can be a bad idea to put royal Plecos in
with silk or plastic plants, as they will rasp pieces off of these
artificial decorations which could give them intestinal blockages.
<Panaque will certainly destroy anything they can, including the
acrylic walls of an aquarium!>
Obviously the small Ancistrus catfish are not royal Plecos, but I was
wondering if that still held true for them? I have a mixture of plastic
plants, silk plants, artificial wood, small river gravel, heaters and
plastic filter fixtures, and was wondering if any of those substances
might be harmful for these fish?
<Unlikely. Whereas Panaque have special spoon-shaped teeth that
gouge away at solid surfaces, Ancistrus are much more delicate feeders.
They're not going to damage silk or plastic plants
My other question is this: do Bristlenose Plecos absolutely require
real driftwood for long term success, or can they get enough nutrients
and roughage from algae tablets and zucchini (courgette)?
<Good question. While I can't see why you wouldn't want to
use driftwood, it isn't 100% certain they need wood to do well.
Panaque may well digest wood, but Ancistrus consume wood primarily as a
source of fibre, and in doing so avoid digestive tract problems such as
bloating. So even a small bit of wood in the aquarium is helpful. Some
algae wafers are enriched with wood, and these might be used as an
alternative, but why bother? Driftwood is cheap, and decorative, and
the Ancistrus clearly enjoy it.>
Are there any other vegetables I should consider feeding them? And if
driftwood is absolutely required, do you have any tips about reducing
tannin levels in driftwood?
<Just use a small bit relative to the size of your tank, and do
regular water changes to remove the tannins. Carbon removes some, but
carbon needs replacing every week to work, and most people don't
understand that, so their carbon is basically "dead".>
I really don't like the blackwater look at all,
<Shame, because your fish do! The darker the water, the better their
and I tried soaking Mopani would for over a month in a bucket (changing
the water daily) to try to stop the tannin leaching, but it still
overran my tank and carbon filter. I even boiled the wood a little bit,
and still couldn't get the tannins to stop coloring my tank.
<One of those things to accept in life, like not everyone is as
smart as you are!>
You guys do a great job on your site! Thanks in advance for your
<I would provide the wood. Just a small bit, but some nonetheless.
Cheers, Neale.>
Ropefish illness? Costiasis? Ancistrus
incomp. 12/11/10
Hi, you have helped me in the past with my Ropefish to beat Ich, and it
is greatly appreciated. I now have another issue with my Ropefish. I
cannot send you a picture, but it has discoloration like the Ropefish
pictured on your "Ropefish Health" link. There are three
places that are about 1/4 inch in size, one on each side of its tail
fin and one an inch up from it's tail. The scales are just slightly
whiter than the surrounding ones. I read through the first post on that
page, and I did just recently add an Albino Bristlenose to the
aquarium, so I thought maybe it was sucking on the Ropefish. However, I
am concerned because the Ropefish has been scratching violently against
a rock, but only up around it's head and the first couple inches.
It makes me think something is irritating it's gills?
Can you prescribe a course of action?
Stats: Ropefish 10 inches long. 55 gal with a HOB filter. Ammonia 0,
Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5, PH 7.8, hard water, Temp 77-78 F. Water change
15-20% weekly. Feed, almost entirely blood worms, rarely tilapia, and I
just recently fed some frozen brine shrimp. Actually, the issue and the
first use of brine shrimp were about the same time, possible cause?
Tank livestock for the last three months: "Ropefish",
One-stripe eel, 6 Giant Danios. Two weeks ago I added an additional
Ropefish 9", and the Albino Bristlenose. They were quarantined for
two weeks and showed no signs of issues then or since being placed in
the new tank. The two Ropefish do not spend time around each other.
They both seem to prefer to curl up with the eel, but only one at a
Thank you for your help.
<Hello Nick. Generally Ancistrus spp. catfish behave themselves very
well, so while it's always possible these or any other of the
Loricariidae might nibble on the flanks of Bichirs and Ropefish, I
think the likelihood in this situation is small. If you can, isolate
the Ancistrus, but my gut feeling is that Costiasis, "Slime
Disease", is more likely the issue. There are a variety of
medications that will treat Costia, though I prefer to use them
alongside seawater dips.
I think your observation about the two Ropefish curling up with the
Macrognathus aral is interesting. It clearly reveals how these Ropefish
enjoy company, but like other gregarious fish, when kept in too-small
group, their schooling behaviour can present itself in odd ways.
As/when your Ropefish gets better, do try adding one or two more
specimens. Please, do also vary their diet rather more. Bloodworms
contain very little nutrition. Use them once or twice a week, sure, but
do also feed (at night if needs be) tilapia fillet, cockles, prawns,
squid, earthworms. The more variety, the less the risk of vitamin
deficiency, and needless to say, after a few months of a monotonous
diet, it's perfectly possible for vitamin deficiency to present
symptoms superficially similar to parasitic, bacterial infections.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Ropefish illness? 12/11/10
Thank you for the quick response. Please clarify the following: If it
is slime disease, can it heal itself given good nutrition and
conditions, or will it die eventually if nothing is done? The areas
have not spread since
three days ago when I noticed it. Can the salt dip cure it by itself,
or is the medication necessary as well? Will adding salt to the
aquarium, like treating for Ich, help with the condition?
<Unfortunately, the Costia parasite needs a much higher salinity to
be killed than the Ick parasite, so no, the usual 2 grammes/litre salt
concentration used for treating Ick won't work. As stated in the
article I
linked you too, high salinities will work, but it's questionable
whether your fish will tolerate such conditions. That said, you might
try a middle ground salinity that Ropefish and Spiny Eels will
tolerate, around 5-6
grammes/litre, whilst ALSO doing daily seawater dips at 35 g/l.
Seawater dips can sometimes cure Costia by themselves.>
I have been trying to add Ropefish and another eel for some time, but I
had to setup another tank, then cycle it, then keep the new fish in it.
And one of the quarantined Ropefish died during that period. I have
patience enough to add fish properly, I just hope my fish's health
is patient enough to wait that long.
<Good luck. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Ropefish illness? 12/11/10
Since everything is on the back 2 inches of the fish, would it be
better or worse to just dip the tail into the mixture?
<No. The parasites, if this is Costia, will be all over the fish.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Ropefish illness? 12/13/10
I just did a dip, and it looked pretty rough on the Ropefish.
<It is indeed unpleasant, essentially a chemotherapy for fish. Like
chemo, it works because it kills the parasite before it kills the fish,
but yes, timing is everything, and it isn't any fun at all. The
good news is that
once returned to freshwater, the fish should recover very
After laying in the net for about five minutes back in her home, she
took a couple laps and settled under a rock. Then I saw the
Albino Bristlenose sucking all over the Ropefish. I
kept pushing it away and it would come back and suck on it again and
again. So, maybe that is the issue instead of slime disease?
<Does sound like it!>
However, as much as it looked like it wanted to suck on it, I find it
hard to believe that I wouldn't have seen this before at all.
<Not if happening at night.>
Especially since the Bristlenose was in a 10 gal quarantine with the
recently added Ropefish and I never saw it do that and there were never
any marks on that Ropefish. Could the sucker be attracted to the salt
on it, or sense that the Ropefish is currently hurting and it is taking
Please let me know what you think, because I am ready to make the
Bristlenose a permanent resident of the quarantine tank.
<I'd do that anyway, simply to zero out that variable. If the
Ropefish gets better, then that's the main thing. Whether it's
the catfish or Slime Disease is interesting but not particularly
important. Treat for Slime
Disease, move the Ancistrus, and then see what happens!>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Bristlenose with fungus? 08/04/09
<Hello Kate,>
I have a Bristlenose Pleco who has been sharing a 40-gallon aquarium
with a handful of African cichlids for the past 3 years. They normally
get along quite well; the cichlids ignore the Pleco (but maybe
there's a first time for everything...), and he usually stays out
of sight in a cave among the rocks during the day.
<Ancistrus are at risk of being harmed when kept with the more
aggressive African cichlids, particularly Mbuna.>
I had noticed that algae had been building up on the glass over the
past few days, but I assumed the Pleco was holding out for an algae
cookie, as he tends to do - he's a bit spoiled in that respect!
This evening, when I moved the rocks around to do my weekly water
change & vacuum the gravel, I was horrified to discover that the
Pleco's snout was a mottled pale colour, and that his bristles were
almost all gone. His snout also has a coating of some fuzzy white stuff
that looks like fungus. He usually scuttles out of the way when I clean
the tank, but this time he barely moved. He looks awful!
<Assuming it's fungus, which looks like white cotton wool
threads, treat accordingly.>
I had some Maracyn (about a year old - is this ok?) on hand, so I dosed
the tank with that,
<Unlikely to cure Fungus. The same goes for Melafix (tea-tree oil).
You do need a genuine anti-fungal medication.>
and I added a bit of extra aquarium salt as well.
<Don't. Salt won't help, and some African cichlids, such as
Mbuna, may develop bloating when exposed to saline conditions.>
All of the water parameters are normal.
<As in...? I need numbers, not judgments! Fungus is caused either by
poor water quality or physical damage. So, check firstly you have 0
ammonia and 0 nitrite. Secondly, think about the companions. Some
African cichlids are harmless enough when kept with Ancistrus, notably
Kribs. But Mbuna would be a very bad choice of tankmates, since
they'd persistently nip and buffet these poor catfish, causing
physical damage.>
I realize that a separate tank would probably be best, but my old
10-gallon tank is in storage and doesn't have a proper cover (and
with a new kitten in the house, this just spells disaster). Is it ok to
continue dosing the main tank? Is the treatment even worth it?
<Yes. Fungus clears up pretty well.>
The Pleco seems to be in really bad shape and I don't want him to
suffer needlessly if it's a lost cause.
<Well, the "suffer needlessly" bit assumes you're
going to euthanise a fish in a way that doesn't cause pain. See
Thanks for any advice you can provide,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Several Questions (Water chemistry;
Ancistrus) 6/7/09
Hello Crew, hope all is going well there. Kind of gloomy here; been
raining for about a week straight now.
<Too bad!>
I have a couple of questions, please. First, I use Pura pad sometimes
and Purigen sometimes in my fresh water aquarium filter. I know they
can decrease trace elements and I would like to know if you think it
necessary to buy trace elements in a bottle to add each week or if
enough are found in tap water.
<Generally, no, you'll be fine. There's little evidence fish
extract minerals from the water, and if they're given a good diet,
they should do well. The exceptions are [a] if you have crustaceans
such as shrimps and
crayfish, which do need iodine supplements, about 50% the dose given on
marine iodine supplements; and [b] plants, which need fertiliser added
to the water (or the substrate, in the case of pellets, which I prefer)
on a regular basis as described by the manufacturer.>
My second question is about Bristlenose Plecos. I know that having 2
males (if that is what I wind up with) should be able to get along in a
75 gallon tank, but does it matter if one is added first and then
another later or should they both be added at the same time so as to
not take any chances with aggression later?
<I'd put their "caves" on either end of the tank, or
at least a good distance apart, since Ancistrus really only defend an
area around 30 cm in diameter with their cave in the middle. In a tank
your size, you should be fine. Do add some females too, as these fish
breed quite readily, and the fry are great fun to rear. Selling baby
Ancistrus is very easy, since they're such popular fish.>
Thank you for all you do.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Several Questions (Water chemistry; Ancistrus)
Thank you.
<Thou art most welcome. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Several Questions (Water chemistry; Ancistrus), now
fdg. 6/7/09
Thank you, and as far as feeding goes, can I put the Plecos food in the
same place as the Corys at feeding time, or do I need to feed them in
separate areas?
<If the Corydoras are the only other bottom feeders, then they will
happily feed during the daytime. So you can then leave out algae
wafers, courgette, catfish pellets and so on for the Plecs (or
Bristlenose Cats) to eat during the night. No problems keeping them
together then.>
Do I need to put the Plecos food close to their caves?
<Plecs feed at night, and will scoot about the tank feeding wherever
they can. In fact, once settled, you'll often see Plecs coming out
of their caves in the evening, in anticipation of you feeding
Thank you again.
<Cheers, Neale.
Re: Bristlenose
Pleco, repro. 4-16-09
Thank you. Can you tell me how to sex them?
<Mature males tend to have much longer, numerous bristles on the
head than females. Juveniles are essentially impossible to tell
And does it matter the ratio of male/female?
<Not really, provided each male has his own territory.>
Also, will the Corys eat the Pleco's food or vice versa?
<Yes, Corydoras will eat algae wafers and bloodworms given the
Corydoras tend to ignore the soft vegetables though. So provided you
add enough food for everyone, and that the Corydoras and Ancistrus are
of similar size when introduced, they should get along fine.>
Thanks again.
<Happy to help, Neale.>
Ancistrus help! 3/25/2009
Hello again..
A little question about my Bristlenose Ancistrus.. I had two, one
with more bristles than the other.
<Likely a male and female.>
About 4 or 5 weeks ago they became a lot less active in the day,
co-inciding with the arrival of some adopted fish, which were two
upside down catfish, and a red tailed black shark amongst others.
My research suggested that maybe they were just getting older, as
I have had them 7 or 8 months now.
<Ancistrus are nocturnal fish in the wild, so it's
entirely normal for them to be 'shy', especially in a
busy tank.>
Anyhow, I found one dead yesterday. No signs of any lesions or
anything, water parameters were fine (nitrites 0, ammonia 0,
nitrates less than 10) I do a 30% water change every 10 days or
so, and have a 180ltr Juwel Rio with the internal filter it comes
<Hmm... if the water quality is good, then may just be
"one of those things". But I would be alert to possible
problems, and keep an eye on both fish behaviour and water
chemistry/quality readings.>
Other tank occupants are (BTW - is this overstocked? They are all
very small at present..)
<Certainly busy rather than overstocked, though the Red-tail
Shark shouldn't be here. The addition of a secondary,
external filter will help with water quality as the fish mature,
and should be on your Christmas list perhaps. Something like an
Eheim 2217 or equivalent will work well, and that's what I
have on my Rio 180.>
14 x 5 banded barb Puntius pentazona
Around 14 zebra Danios (they move too fast to count!)
5 adult platies (2 male, 3 female) 2 juvenile platies
3 x Siamese Algae Eaters
1 x Trichogaster Leeri
2 diamond tetras
3 rosy tetras
3 Columbian tetras
<Fin-nippers these, especially when kept in insufficient
numbers, as here...>
2 upside down catfish
<Gregarious, would add at least one more...>
1 red tailed black shark (NB - he is under surveillance for signs
of aggression, with plans to move him soon. He is no bigger than
the Platies and so far has shown no interest in anything other
than food, no territorial behaviour)
<Non-aggressive now because he's young. Once sexually
mature he will become much more aggressive. The Siamese Algae
Eaters will get chased, a lot. This tank is certainly below the
size recommended for Red-tail Black Sharks
because of this aggression issue.>
Around 5 weeks ago, when the Ancistrus became less active, I had
slowly lowered the tank temp to 25 C from 27C, as I had lost two
small platies and wondered if this was due to the tank temp being
too high for them. I also lost two small Danios (around 10 weeks
old) at the same time. As these were inbred (!) and all other
tank inhabitants were fine, water parameters read normal, I had
not overly worried.
<Temperature unrelated to the death of the catfish; 25 C is a
happy medium for all these species.>
The remaining Ancistrus is very inactive. Should I quarantine
It has been suggested he could be guarding eggs (he has taken to
the same place all the time, when I am cleaning the tank they he
tries very hard to stay around the same log).
<Could certainly be brooding, but they are territorial anyway,
and rarely stray far from their resting site during the
There are no external signs of illness, but I have not seem him
feeding for at least the last week. I wondered if they have just
become a bit more nocturnal, but when I found one dead..
<I'd not worry unduly beyond the comments already made
Same with the upside down catfish. I haven't seen them since
I put them in the tank to speak of. I know where they are, each
has chosen the underside of a log, and there they stay. How would
I know if there is anything wrong
with them if I cannot see them?!
<At best, Synodontis species are nocturnal fish that often
move about very little during the day, but because this is a
schooling species, this shyness is doubled if they aren't
kept in big groups. Keep six of them, and they might be more day
active. Certainly try and keep three or more specimens, and
you'll likely see them somewhat during the day. I have
in a Rio 180, and while not massively active by day, they will
scoot about when I feed bloodworms, and periodically they chase
one another about. Charming, hardy fish.>
Any advice would be appreciated, I was very fond of the
Ancistrus, they were such fun to watch.
<Quite. Perhaps buy some more?>
<Cheers, Neale.> Ancistrus help!
Hello again..
A little question about my Bristlenose Ancistrus.. I had two, one
with more bristles than the other.
<Likely a male and female.>
About 4 or 5 weeks ago they became a lot less active in the day,
co-inciding with the arrival of some adopted fish, which were two
upside down catfish, and a red tailed black shark amongst others.
My research suggested that maybe they were just getting older, as
I have had them 7 or 8 months now.
<Ancistrus are nocturnal fish in the wild, so it's
entirely normal for them to be 'shy', especially in a
busy tank.>
Anyhow, I found one dead yesterday. No signs of any lesions or
anything, water parameters were fine (nitrites 0, ammonia 0,
nitrates less than 10) I do a 30% water change every 10 days or
so, and have a 180ltr Juwel Rio with the internal filter it comes
<Hmm... if the water quality is good, then may just be
"one of those things". But I would be alert to possible
problems, and keep an eye on both fish behaviour and water
chemistry/quality readings.>
Other tank occupants are (BTW - is this overstocked? They are all
very small at present..)
<Certainly busy rather than overstocked, though the Red-tail
Shark shouldn't be here. The addition of a secondary,
external filter will help with water quality as the fish mature,
and should be on your Christmas list perhaps. Something like an
Eheim 2217 or equivalent will work well, and that's what I
have on my Rio 180.>
14 x 5 banded barb Puntius pentazona Around 14 zebra Danios (they
move too fast to count!)
5 adult platies (2 male, 3 female) 2 juvenile platies, 3 x
Siamese Algae Eaters, 1 x Trichogaster Leeri, 2 diamond tetras, 3
rosy tetras, 3 Columbian tetras
<Fin-nippers these, especially when kept in insufficient
numbers, as here...>
2 upside down catfish
<Gregarious, would add at least one more...>
1 red tailed black shark (NB - he is under surveillance for signs
of aggression, with plans to move him soon. He is no bigger than
the Platies and so far has shown no interest in anything other
than food, no territorial behaviour)
<Non-aggressive now because he's young. Once sexually
mature he will become much more aggressive. The Siamese Algae
Eaters will get chased, a lot. This tank is certainly below the
size recommended for Red-tail Black Sharks
because of this aggression issue.>
Around 5 weeks ago, when the Ancistrus became less active, I had
slowly lowered the tank temp to 25 C from 27C, as I had lost two
small platies and wondered if this was due to the tank temp being
too high for them. I also lost two small Danios (around 10 weeks
old) at the same time. As these were inbred (!) and all other
tank inhabitants were fine, water parameters read normal, I had
not overly worried.
<Temperature unrelated to the death of the catfish; 25 C is a
happy medium for all these species.>
The remaining Ancistrus is very inactive. Should I quarantine
It has been suggested he could be guarding eggs (he has taken to
the same place all the time, when I am cleaning the tank they he
tries very hard to stay around the same log).
<Could certainly be brooding, but they are territorial anyway,
and rarely stray far from their resting site during the
There are no external signs of illness, but I have not seem him
feeding for at least the last week. I wondered if they have just
become a bit more nocturnal, but when I found one dead..
<I'd not worry unduly beyond the comments already made
Same with the upside down catfish. I haven't seen them since
I put them in the tank to speak of. I know where they are, each
has chosen the underside of a log, and there they stay. How would
I know if there is anything wrong with them if I cannot see
<At best, Synodontis species are nocturnal fish that often
move about very little during the day, but because this is a
schooling species, this shyness is doubled if they aren't
kept in big groups. Keep six of them, and they might be more day
active. Certainly try and keep three or more specimens, and
you'll likely see them somewhat during the day. I have three
in a Rio 180, and while not massively active by day, they will
scoot about when I feed bloodworms, and periodically they chase
one another about. Charming, hardy fish.>
Any advice would be appreciated, I was very fond of the
Ancistrus, they were such fun to watch.
<Quite. Perhaps buy some more?>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Ancistrus help!
(selection; also Colisa chuna; toxic fumes)
Thank you Neale - your responses are always helpful and prompt
which is just great!
<Happy to help.>
I think the 'shark' will have to find a new home soon,
before he chases anyone or harasses them. My local pet shop has
some baby Ancistrus bred in the shop (very nice they are too) I
will see if he will do me a swap. Will also consider a few more
upside down catfish in a couple of weeks.
<Cool. Baby Ancistrus don't always travel well, or more
specifically, they can become starved in pet shop tanks, and so
lack the energy reserves to handle transportation and being
settled into a new home where they may have to compete for food.
If their specimens are clambering about on the glass, take a peek
at their bellies: they should not be concave. Some of the better
pet stores keep bits of cucumber in their tanks for the Ancistrus
to nibble on, in which case, so much the better.>
Sadly today I lost a little Gourami (I missed these off my list,
they are small golden or honey Gourami, also adopted from someone
just before Christmas) yesterday evening it did not feed, this
morning before school run it was struggling to swim against the
current of the filter - dead when I got back from school. No
external signs of any illness at all.
<Colisa chuna is not an easy species to keep, despite its wide
availability. Indeed, when I started keeping fish as a teenager
back in 1980s, they were considered quite "specialist"
fish because of their need for soft, acidic water. So when you
saw them, they were usually expensive. Nowadays they are mass
produced on farms, including some non-natural colour forms like
the one in your image. While they may be less expensive and
certainly easier to obtain, I'm not yet convinced they're
"easy" fish. I wouldn't really consider them
community fish, but rather better kept in either a single-species
aquarium or in a tank with very small, non-aggressive fish such
as Marbled Hatchetfish or Dwarf Corydoras.>
I tested the water again - it was as it was on Monday after the
water change, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10 nitrate.
<All sounds fine.>
Now I am a bit paranoid. Last weekend I varnished some wood
nearby, but I kept the doors to the room the tank is in shut, and
all the windows around the varnished area open. Other than this
nothing has changed.
<Ah, in theory, yes, paint and varnish fumes can kill fish.
Since Gouramis breathe air directly, they'd be especially at
risk; fish that breathe water will only be exposed to the smaller
percentage of the toxic chemical that dissolved in water. That
said, if you open windows, you certainly can paint rooms and
whatnot without expecting all your fish to die. I would recommend
leaving the windows open for at least 24 hours after using
paint/varnish though. If you were worried, this would be one of
those times where adding fresh carbon to the filter would make
sense; carbon removes organic chemicals, reducing the risk of
harm. As you may know, carbon is used for precisely this function
in gas masks for humans as well as in emergency medicine for
removing poisons.>
I am keeping a very close eye for signs of unusual behavior now.
At present everyone else is feeding well (flake and algae wafer
this morning) and all darting about merrily.
Attached is a pic of my Gourami (pre death!) He had a big bit of
dorsal fin missing when I got him (he came from another local
person getting rid of fish), which did not seem to affect him at
<Fins usually grow back in time, so unless there's Finrot
or Fungus, damage to the fins isn't something that I
personally worry about when selecting fish. If you look at photos
of wild fish from the Amazon, they've all got bloody great
chunks of fin missing thanks to the numerous fin-eating
(enjoying my new subscription to PFK and spotted your name in
<Glad you're enjoying the magazine.
Re: Ancistrus help! (selection; also
Colisa chuna; toxic fumes) 04/07/09
Hi Neale,
<Have been on vacation, forgive tardiness in replying.>
I am so sorry to keep on bothering you - but I am still
encountering unexplained deaths in my tank.. :(
Today I found my other Ancistrus dead. I am so sad - I thought
she was OK - she's been coming out in the evenings and whilst
not zipping about, was moving around more. I took a really
careful look at her - she hasn't been dead long as I have
only just found her, and I saw her moving about yesterday
evening. I cannot see anything about her at all to indicate cause
of death (I am too squeamish to dissect - and no longer have my
college kit anyhow!)
<Hmm... dissections and autopsies not much help unless you
know what to look for. Mystery deaths usually down to water
quality problems, sudden variation in water chemistry, or
extrinsic factors such as poisoning.
Simple age may be a factor, if the fish was 5+ years old.>
Yesterday I noticed a Danio in the tank with what appears to be
dropsy - I have isolated it in the QT and am treating with eSHa
2000 but I guess it is probably too late. I am baffled though, as
nitrates are around 10, 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite. But these deaths
indicate poor water quality?
I am due a water change (it has been 10 days) and always do 30% -
but the tests do not indicate a problem.. I will do more than
usual, and repeat it in a few days.
Have you any idea what could be causing this?
My tank has been running 6 months now, and I do changes of 30%
every 10 days approx. I use tetra aqua safe, mixing it in the
bucket with our tap water, adding water from the kettle to heat
as I do not have a facility to warm the water anywhere else.
<Boiling the water is redundant. Removing 30% of the tropical
water and replacing with cold water from the tap should cause
little harm to your fish. So long as the thermometer doesn't
dip below 18 C after a water
change, I'd not worry.>
I check temp with a thermometer before it goes in the tank. I
make sure that I use the mains tap, as we have a water softener
and we never use softened water in the tanks.
All the fish are behaving fine (even the one with dropsy is
eating and swimming about well)
<Well, that's a good sign.>
Help! I really do not want to lose any more fish. I haven't
put any meds in the main tank as I do not know what is causing
the problem...
(needless to say, I'm not buying new fish at the moment)
<Also sensible.>
Yours worriedly
<My gut feeling is let the system "shake itself
out". Don't add fish; do moderate water changes of 25%
weekly; be careful with things like food and removing organic
wastes like dead plants. Generally, adopt a wait-and-see
approach. A lot of aquaria "just work" with a certain
number/combination of fish; likely has much to do with water
chemistry stability, filter, etc.
See what happens for a month. If no other fish get sick, I'd
expect the tank to settle down by the end of that period. Cheers,
Re: Algae
Eaters, Loricariid, Ancistrus sexing... repro. f'
Hello again, I have read that these Bristlenose are hard to sex
<Mmm, not too so... if you can get them out, into clear view>
so if I unknowingly put more than one male in my tank will there be a
<Not if there's sufficient room, habitat for all>
Also, I have read that they breed easily. If I found myself with babies
what are alternatives to keeping them in my tank? Maybe taking to a
<Certainly so... there are even internet sales sites... Bob
Thank you again.
Re: Tank Volume, now Loricariid fdg.
1/6/09 Thanks again, and on the Bristlenose Plec, do I wait
until I get algae to put him in or does he eat regular food as well?
<Algae should only be a minor component of its diet; mostly it needs
algae wafers and soft vegetables. So pop the catfish in as soon as you
want. You'll actually get better results when algae eaters scrape
clean surfaces than by expecting them to mow back established clumps of
hair algae or whatever. Cheers,
Pleco question
<Hi there>
I wanted to ask a quick question regarding Plecos. According to what I
have read male Bristlenose have more pronounced bristles than females.
Is it easy to tell the difference even when they are small (about 3/4
of an inch long)or is it harder to tell until they are bigger?
<Much easier to discern when larger>
Mine had two bumps on either side like nostrils but totally flat the
rest of its face I say "had" because I seem to have lost it.
Pretty much tore tank apart after 3 days of not seeing it. I wanted to
get another one probably a little bit bigger to start with this time.
Also I am wondering how big they get.
<Need to know the species... there are several Loricariids, mainly
genus Ancistrus, with this common appellation... Some a few, to several
inches in length>
I have a 40 gallon long tank. If the answer is they get quite large
then which ones stay fairly the smallest of the Plecos.
Thank you
<Do peruse Fishbase.org with this common name... read. Bob
Re: Snails, now Pleco sel.
Thanks Neale, and one more question please on a different subject. I am
considering purchasing a couple of Bristlenose Plecos for my tank. I
have read that they themselves put out quite a bit of waste. Is that
<Yes; like all herbivores they produce a lot of faecal material. Not
terribly polluting in terms of water quality, but very unsightly. Think
of how messy cows and horses are, and you'll have a useful analogy.
So, you want plenty of water turnover and mechanical filtration,
otherwise the stuff will accumulate on the gravel. A turkey baster is a
great tool for spot cleaning, and if you arrange the gravel so it
slopes down to the
front, the faeces collect there and can be pipetted or siphoned
Also, would you recommend 2 or three for a 75 gallon tank and does it
matter if they are all the same sex or if the sexes are mixed
<I'd go for at least three specimens. Sexing is impossible with
juveniles, though if you buy adults, males are easy enough to pick out
Provided they are not overcrowded, males will get along with each
They're territorial rather than mean, so provided each has a cave
with some clear space around it, he'll ignore other males.>
Thanks again and have a great day.
<Most welcome. Cheers,
Bristlenose Pleco... sys.
Hello Crew, Hope things are going well for you. I would like some
advice, please. I have a 75 gallon fw tank which will be housing Corys
and angels. I am considering putting a bristle nose Pleco in the tank.
I wanted to know if the Pleco should be added before or after algae
starts forming as well as how many would be appropriate for this size
tank. Thank you for your help.
<It couldn't matter less when you add the Ancistrus, since algae
will be only a small part of its diet. You will still need to be adding
algae wafers (one coin-sized wafer per night per catfish, 5 nights per
They also need to eat vegetables, bloodworms, etc. I'd allow about
15-20 gallons per Ancistrus, though the key thing is hiding places
rather than swimming space. Males hold territories about 15 cm around
their cave.
Cheers, Neale.>
Is Driftwood Necessary?
Hello, WWM crew,
I have a 55 gallon tank with 4 ID sharks, 2 parrot cichlids, 1 Danio, 3
black skirt tetras and 1 kissing Gourami. In 3yrs, I plan to upgrade
them to a 110 gallon tank. The fish have thrived in this tank for a
long time and are doing well. In the meantime, Id like to add a Pleco.
The ones I have been researching are the Bristlenoses, clowns and
Columbian zebras. Since these are smaller species, I may get two for
this tank.
The PH is steady at 7.2 with help from the crushed coral in my Penguin
350 filter. The temp. is 80 degrees and other water parameters are
normal. I have read a lot about driftwood and I am not comfortable with
the idea of placing it in my tank. I like the look of my fish floating
on air in my tank, I use Poly pads in my filter. The color change does
not appeal to me at all.
Is driftwood a major necessity? Are there any alternatives to using
driftwood that will not stain the water and still provide the dietary
needs it provides to the Pleco(s)? I'd like your opinion on this
driftwood issue.
<In general, no, driftwood isn't necessary. But there's good
evidence that Plec-type catfish are exceptional in this regard, with at
least some specimens benefiting from the presence of wood. Panaque spp.
digest the wood, while others, notably Pterygoplichthys and Hypostomus,
use wood as a source of dietary fibre. Do some people keep Ancistrus
and Hypancistrus without wood? Sure. But without doing a major study,
we can't be sure whether they live longer (or are at least less
constipated!) when offered some wood to gnaw on. As for Panaque spp.,
including (one of the several) Clown Plec species Panaque maccus, wood
is mandatory. Water changes and carbon will both minimise water
staining if that bothers you, but I will make the point fish are
happier in stained water and certainly develop brighter colours.
Cheers, Neale.>
Plecos and Cory Cats
Hello Crew, hope all of you are doing well!
<Hello! Doing great! Merritt here today.>
I have a couple of questions, please. I have always read that when
introducing fish to a tank the least aggressive should be put in first,
then the next, etc.
Does it make a difference between a Bristlenose Pleco or Cory cats as
to which one to put in first?
<Plecos and Corys are very docile towards each other and other types
of fish, so you can introduce both at the same time if you want
Also, how many Bristlenose would you suggest for a 75 gallon tank?
<Considering the mature size of a Bristlenose Pleco, around 5
inches, I would recommend at the most two or three for a 75 gallon
And lastly, can they eat the same food as Corys if it has vegetable
matter in it?
<No, you want the Plecos to eat algae in the form of wafers or
pellets, not vegetable matter. Corys do not eat algae they are purely
scavengers, thus they should be eating a pellet made with shrimp or
some other type of meat. You want your fish on the correct diet or
health issues will occur as they age.>
Thanks for your help.
<You are welcome! Merritt
Re: Native
fishkeeping; Ancistrus repro 8/11/08 Hi Neale,
<Silvia,> So, you live in the UK. For some reason I thought you
live in America. Probably because WetWebMedia is an American site, or
is it? At least I thought so. <I am not a citizen of Athens or of
Greece, but of the world!> I know that Britain has some nice places
with nearly Mediterranean climate. <"Nearly" being the
operative word! It's perhaps better to say the UK has a climate
that doesn't change much, between about 5 C in winter to about 25 C
in summer, but rarely much above or below those values. So we don't
tend to be as cold as Northern Europe or most of the continental USA,
but neither do we get the long hot summers of, say, Australia or
Southern Europe.> When I was at Uni I went there with a group of
friends. It was a holiday with all sorts of weather and climates, from
rain and cold to sunny and hot but we really enjoyed it. <Ah, yes,
the weather is notoriously changeable. This is a factor of the
"battle" between the warm Atlantic oceanic weather system
(the Gulf Stream) and the cold Arctic weather system. Neither
"wins" for long, and at a moments notice it can change from
dry to wet. Air temperature tends not to vary much, though windy and
wet weather can add a certain chill to the climate. I've lived for
a few years in the American Midwest where the climate in winter was
much much colder. And yet, despite temperatures of -10 C or less, it
never felt as "miserable" because the air was dry and the
precipitation was snow rather than rain. English winters are incredibly
depressing, made worse by the short day lengths, in December barely 8
hours!> Regarding to the keeping, here you have it again. the native
species are not attractive enough, or is it the exotic side of it?
<Oh, we do have some lovely native fish. I have sticklebacks in my
pond, and the males turn metallic green with sapphire blue eyes and
bright red bellies. At university I kept coldwater marines, including a
blenny known as the Shanny, and it's like a mudskipper, coming onto
land when it gets too warm or just feels like a change. The problem is
that there's a lack of information re: keeping Natives.> What a
shame! I don't know what we have in Germany, but certainly not such
a diversity in marine life. <Mainland Europe actually isn't bad.
There are lots of cyprinids, many of which make excellent pets being
tolerant of room temperature and relatively small bodies of water. I
have some Carassius carassius in a fry-rearing tank and they're
fun. Sticklebacks, killifish, small minnows, loaches, etc. can all make
good pets.> And I don't know much about the freshwater side
either but I remember that friends at school told me they were going to
the local creeks and catching sticklebacks to keep in jars. That would
be the equivalent to our rainbows here. <Pretty much, except
Sticklebacks are very aggressive! Much used in behavioural experiments.
Do read 'King Solomon's Ring' by Konrad Lorenz. He's
the "father of animal behaviour studies" and a great fan of
fish, writing at length on cichlids and sticklebacks.> I had a busy
week which ended with a nice weekend. Friday night was another one of
our ANGFA meetings which was again very interesting. We have such a
wonderful wintertime. Sunny and warm, like 22 degrees Celsius/72
Fahrenheit (do you use Celsius or Fahrenheit in the UK?) during the day
and no cloud on the sky. <Anyone below the age of 40 uses
Celsius.> That always amazes me, even after 10 years. Nights are
cold with only 5 degrees Celsius/41 Fahrenheit. It is such a treat to
walk along the beach in the morning. Next weekend we are going up the
North Coast, about 3 hours drive from our place, to fish for rainbows
and such. I am not very sure about the water temperature but it seems
to me we will end up with cold feet. <Sounds fun!> So far the
Bristlenose has done a marvelous job. The youngsters are coming out
now. The Corys laid eggs again on Friday. I did a water change on
Thursday. I still use water from outside. I have a big water tank under
the sails. Original it was our outdoor eating area until we build the
big pavilion. Now one of the tanks is underneath and catches the rain
water. It is more like a big 500 litre/125 gallon bucket with a
removable lid. I get very clean water there and use it for water
changes till I run out. Than I have to switch to tap water. <I also
use rainwater, 50:50 with tap water to get medium hard water ideal for
most tropical fish.> That is often the case in winter. The surface
of the water was 22 degrees, which is the same as in the tank inside,
due to the sun but further down the temperature was down to 19. For the
fish it must have seem like rainy season and promptly laid eggs the day
after. <Correct. Corydoras in particular use sudden changes in
temperature as an indication the rainy season has started, and then
spawn.> It works all the time :) <Yep. Ditto with Danios and
quite a few other fish.> I didn't intend to harvest the eggs but
my daughter couldn't help it. She noticed my "funny"
looking female. What happened was that she hadn't closed the fins
properly while laying the eggs and two were attached to a little pebble
which she lifted when she took off to deposit them. The pebble stuck to
the glass as well. I don't worry much about the eggs. I am sure
many will not make it. But the other little kittens are all good and
very busy during the day. I hope I can keep them long enough in the
container and than tip them into the net with the Bristlenose kittens
once I removed daddy. <Should work fine.> I am not sure that
inbreeding is the only reason for the angelfish's bad parenting
skills. Learning or the lack of it might be another one. Many of them
are "hand-reared" on farms. I think the parenting skills are
partly learned skills and partly instinct. <It's a topic of
discussion among Angelfish keepers, and likely a mix of both factors.
Certainly hand rearing the fry removes the selection pressure in favour
of good parenting, so that dimwit parents produce just as many healthy
fry as well behaved parents. So over the generations, Angelfish have
lost their good parenting skills. Some aquarists do maintain that
letting them "practise" a few times does the trick, but that
was not my experience at all. And most other cichlids (wild caught at
least) seem to get it right first time, or at least very quickly. A lot
of tank bred cichlids (Kribs and convicts, for example) are also very
reliable. So it's complex. May well be Angels were never that smart
or that good at parenting to begin with! How often do you find beauty
and brains in the same body!> Cheers Silvia <Cheers,
Tank size recommended for a Bristlenose Pleco
7/25/08 Hi: I have a male Bristlenose Pleco about 5 1/2
inches. <Nice fish! Time to get some females so you can breed
them. The males make excellent parents.> I have had him in a
40 gallon community tank for about 2 years. He is starting to
uproot my plants on a daily basis. <Pretty common with all
Loricariidae once they reach a certain size. Not much you can do
about it, short of using robust plants that he can't harm
(Crypts, Anubias, Java fern, Vallisneria, etc.). You could also
try giving him hollow ornaments, since he is likely broody and
trying to make some sort of nest in case a female comes by.
Ceramic flowerpots or PVC pipes work great, but any hollow fish
tank ornament will do. If he has a place to turn into his private
nest, he'll probably do less damage in the aquarium. Worth a
shot, anyway.> I'm considering moving him to another tank.
What size tank should I put him in? Is 5 gallons too small?
<Yes, far too small. He needs upwards of 20 gallons at least,
and I'd argue not less than 30 gallons if you intend to keep
him with other fish.> Will he be o.k. in a tank by himself?
<Define "OK". He'll be bored out of his mind and
sexually frustrated, but will he die, no.> Thanks for your
help. <Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Tank size recommended for a Bristlenose
Pleco 7/26/08 Thank you for the quick response. I
will leave my Pleco where he is and try the hollow ornament. I
had two Pleco's but they both turned out to be male and this
one bullied the other one so bad I had to get rid of him. How do
I make sure I get a female? Marilyn <Sexing juvenile
Bristlenose Plecs is difficult, but adults are very obviously
sexually dimorphic. Males have far longer "tentacles"
on the front of their heads; females can have them, but they are
never as well developed. Males are also broader at the shoulder,
and tend to be longer and stockier too. Do try and track down a
copy of Kathy Jinking's excellent book 'Bristlenoses -
catfish with character'; you'll find it very useful if
you intend to breed these interesting fish. Cheers,
Question Regarding
Plecos 8/19/07 Keeping More Than One Pleco Per
Tank Hi WWM Crew, I have what I hope is a quick question
regarding Bushy Nose Plecos. I purchased an albino Bushy Nose Pleco (~1
- 1.5") a couple of months ago and it is doing quite well. I have
plenty of algae in the tank and this little guy is always busy working
the plants, driftwood etc ... I would love to add at least 1 or 2 more
Bushy Noses (not necessarily Albinos) to my tank. However, I am pretty
sure that I read somewhere that you shouldn't/can't have more
than 1 Pleco in your tank. Not sure what the reason was, but I thought
I'd get your opinion before I go out looking for additional
livestock. It can't be size since this species only grow to about
4". This is why I chose this species in the first place. By the
way, are there any other South American Plecos (they will be living
with my Discus) that don't grow too large (> 4")? Thank you
in advance for your assistance - again! Regards, Neil D'Ambrosio
Jackson, NJ < Plecos tend to be a little bit territorial. This means
that they will usually try and chase another Pleco away but this
usually doesn't result in any serious harm to either fish. The
biggest problem is getting enough food for these fish to eat. I would
supplement the tank with algae wafers if you are going to be adding
more fish. There are hundreds of Pleco species. Usually the clown
pleco's stay around 2 inches or so. Otocinclus species are very
small and very peaceful too. Go to planetcatfish.com and check out all
Unlucky Loricariids, and Why To Quarantine Plants
- 02/20/2007 Hi Crew, <Hi, Carmel! Sabrina with you
today.> I have an unusual situation which I have been dealing with
since December. Several tanks all containing assorted catfish. Just
prior to onset of illness (about 3-4 weeks prior) I added a new Longfin
B/N and an Amazon sword plant to one tank. <Quarantine,
even of plants, is essential.... I have always recommended
quarantining or dipping plants, and the one time that I chose not to, I
introduced Ich into a well-established
tank.... Sigh! These things do
happen. I hope at least the new fish was quarantined,
yes?> In a nutshell, peppermint b/n were the first to develop
lesions on head and back areas, resulting in death. 4 weeks later the
common b/n's displayed the same lesions. Have worked closely with
LFS & vets, during the last 2 months and in desperation sent
specimens and water to our Dept of Agriculture (who also work for our
Fisheries Dept). They have identified a protozoan, similar
to Chilodonella, but which they cannot positively identify. <Often
protozoan parasites are present even on quite healthy fish; this is
usually not a big deal. It's when the Protozoans
opportunistically "take over" (fish is sick, weak....) and
multiply to virulent quantities that you've got a problem that can
then easily spread to your other healthy fish. Sounds like
this is what happened.> This report came to me today and I am about
to commence treatment of formalin/malachite green in one tank
& Octozin (Waterlife) in another. This still
leaves me with more tanks & I was wondering if you may have any
ideas on a treatment (result of cross-contamination) as we are all as
unsure of the treatment as we are of the outcome. I think I will treat
at the full dose, but gradually add the meds over a few hours.
<Formalin and Malachite Green are toxic, especially to these
scaleless animals.... There is a strong likelihood that even
your healthiest Loricariids will not survive a treatment at "full
dose". I would re-thing this. The Octozin,
provided that it is Metronidazole as I suspect, is fine to use at the
full recommended dose. Try to find out if it is in fact
Metronidazole. Another option might be a salt treatment,
though Loricariids don't "like" salt, it would be much
less dangerous than a full dose of the Formalin/Malachite Green
cocktail. The method I would try, if I did this option, is
detailed here: http://www.aquariumadvice.com/article_view.php?faq=2&fldAuto=32
.> It would seem these fish are doomed otherwise
anyway. Also, any ideas on a positive ID of the invader
would be gratefully received. <If you have any means of
providing us with a microscope photograph of the protozoan, I would
gladly try to identify; I have a fish pathologist friend that would
probably be glad to take a look and tell us what he thinks.>
Regards, -Carmel <Best of luck to you and your
plecs, -Sabrina>
Bristlenose Plec dis.
9/9/06 I have a male
Bristlenose catfish, two years old he is four and half inches long. He
is in a 300 litre tank, he used to be kept with Neons, Glowlights and
platies. He was very happy, I fed him on catfish pellets, algae wafers,
bloodworms, brine shrimps and daphnia. Now he is living with tinfoil
barbs. he's not as happy and hides under the filter, he is only
getting the catfish pellets and algae wafers, as the tinfoil barbs eat
everything else first, I have noticed that he is not cleaning the tank
as well for the past week. And he has a lump on his snout in front of
one eye, I have telephoned all my local aquatic shops, no one seems to
have heard of this before, I'm very worried, to me is looks like a
cyst, apart from this his colouring and general condition is very good.
I hope you can help me, as the children are very fond of catty! Wait to
hear from you, Sue < As your Pleco roots around for food he probably
injured himself on a piece of wood or rock. The area may be infected. I
would recommend treating him in a hospital tank with Nitrofuranace or
Kanamycin as per the directions on the
Pleco with skin disease? 8/18/06 Hello,
<Hi there> I have a Bristlenose Pleco who seems to be losing his
colour. When I first got him, he was dark brown, but
now patches of his skin are a lighter tan colour (I would send a
picture, but it's very hard to coax him out into the open when
it's light out, and he hides whenever anyone goes near the
tank anyway). <Mmm....> He's in my cichlid tank,
and ammonia and nitrite are both 0, nitrate is always less than 10
ppm. This change is very recent; he was fine a couple
of days ago, and he's been pigging out on algae, but his
colour certainly doesn't look healthy. What could
be causing this, and how do I go about treating it? Thanks! <Not
likely that this is something "treatable"... either just a
behavioral/physiological change from the animal being exposed to bright
light, light colored gravel... or a fright reaction to the aggressive
behavior of its tankmates. I would not "add" something to the
water here, but consider moving this animal to other quarters to check
this hypothesis. Bob
Pleco with skin
disease? 8/18/06 Hello, <Hi there> I have a
Bristlenose Pleco who seems to be losing his colour. When
I first got him, he was dark brown, but now patches of his skin
are a lighter tan colour (I would send a picture, but it's
very hard to coax him out into the open when it's light out,
and he hides whenever anyone goes near the tank anyway).
<Mmm....> He's in my cichlid tank, and ammonia and
nitrite are both 0, nitrate is always less than 10
ppm. This change is very recent; he was fine a couple
of days ago, and he's been pigging out on algae, but his
colour certainly doesn't look healthy. What could
be causing this, and how do I go about treating it? Thanks! <Not
likely that this is something "treatable"... either just a
behavioral/physiological change from the animal being exposed to bright
light, light colored gravel... or a fright reaction to the aggressive
behavior of its tankmates. I would not "add" something to the
water here, but consider moving this animal to other quarters to check
this hypothesis. Bob Fenner>
Re: Pleco with skin disease? 8/19/06 Thanks Bob,
<Welcome Kate> Now that you mention it, I think you might be on
to something with the "fright reaction," although the
problem isn't his tankmates, who ignore him (except
when they steal his food), but it might have been my
fault. I had to remove every single rock (!!!) in the tank
to catch one of the fish the other day, and I imagine the
Pleco was quite disturbed by this turn of events. <Oh yes>
Also, the rocks in question are white (or at least
they are now that the Pleco has finished cleaning them), so maybe
it is just a "camouflage" thing. Thanks
for setting my mind at ease. Kate <Glad to. BobF>
Re: Pleco with skin disease? 8/19/06 Thanks Bob,
<Welcome Kate> Now that you mention it, I think you might be on
to something with the "fright reaction," although the
problem isn't his tankmates, who ignore him (except when they steal
his food), but it might have been my fault. I had to
remove every single rock (!!!) in the tank to catch one of the
fish the other day, and I imagine the Pleco was quite disturbed by
this turn of events. <Oh yes> Also, the rocks in
question are white (or at least they are now that the Pleco has
finished cleaning them), so maybe it is just a
"camouflage" thing. Thanks for setting my
mind at ease. Kate <Glad to. BobF>
Mysterious Bristlenose death...
African Cichlid sys. as well 7/12/06 Hi, I hope you can
help me figure out what went wrong... <Will try> Yesterday, I
brought home a healthy-looking 3.5" Bristlenose to add to my tank,
which currently houses 5 small African cichlids. <Mmm, don't
often mix... I also keep African Cichlids...> I floated the bag in
the tank for about an hour and a half, gradually adding tank water,
before releasing him. He seemed fine yesterday; he explored
his new home and found himself a cave in the rockwork. I
offered him an algae disk last night, which he didn't touch, but I
wasn't too alarmed, since I know it often takes a day or two before
new fish will eat. Anyway, this morning, I awoke to discover
him quite dead. I immediately tested the water and obtained
the following results: NH3 - 0 NO2 - 0 NO3 - 0-5 ppm pH - 8.0 <...
too high. Most Loricariids live in soft/er, acidic water. Please see
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/loricariids.htm>
Temp - 79 F I then did a 20% water change and added a bit of aquarium
salt. <And don't "like" salts...> All
of my other fish are fine. I would appreciate any insight as
to what went wrong. I would like to keep one of these cute
little guys; is there anything else I should do next time? Thanks, Kate
<I would look for a larger specimen of one of the species that lives
in similar, or closer quality water... Likely a Hypostomus or
Pterygoplichthys sp. of at least five inches in length to start with...
provide it with adequate hiding space (perhaps a PVC pipe it can get
into w/o the Cichlids... or, resolve yourself to do as I do...
hand-scrub down your tanks once a week during water changes. Bob
Very Sick Albino Bushynose Plecos Hi HELP ! I have an
emergency! I have a 10 gallon tank which I had put about
12 juvenile albino Plecos and one standard
juvenile dwarf Bristlenose in 2 weeks ago (all about 1-2
inches) - I realize this was overcrowding, but it was a
temporary setup until I could cycle my new 50 gal. --
there is sand substrate, wood, rocks, a few shells, < Lose the
shells, they only make the water harder.> and some hornwort. I
have a penguin 125 bio wheel filter and 2 aeration tubes
with airstones-water temp has been at about 70- < Too cold.
Raise the water temp to 80-82 F.> I had not done
a water change since putting the fish in the tank, and
because I realized it was overdue, I did a 75% water
change 2 days ago( I noticed there were a few dead ones
in there that had been decaying or eaten that were under
the rocks)- The fish seemed fine prior to the change, but
almost immediately after the change, the smallest ones
started dying! Then after about a day, I noticed some
were starting to get red splotches on them- at first I
wondered if I may have injured them when I dumped the new water in
the tank, but it seems that if they get the red, they
die for sure- I have enclosed photos of one
of them before he finally succumbed. All the
fish seemed to be lethargic, and the small ones were
dying one by one. They don't move until you touch them,
and then quite slowly. The standard BN is the
healthiest looking one- I did test the water
for all except ammonia- we have high alkaline water and
very hard, but all other things were in the safe zone.
Nitrate and Nitrite was 0. These Plecos were born in the state,
so I think they should be fine with the hard water/ high
alkaline-? < Depending on the state water supplies vary from
area to area. The best way to know is to test the water yourself
and not guess.> I think maybe the ammonia must have been high,
and maybe my drastic water change made them become
susceptible to a bacteria...? < Did you add a water conditioner
to remove chloramines/chlorine? These chemicals used to treat
drinking water are deadly to fish. Get an ammonia test kit and know
what you are dealing with.> Well, last night all the
rest of the fish were either lethargic or dying, so
I decided to move them into another 10 gallon that I
have had cycling for a long time that has live plants
and a few volunteer snails, but no fish. Also, I am
slowly raising the temp (what should I raise it to?)-
< See comments above.> The smaller ones are still dying, but
not as quickly- it seems that the tail
section is white to transparent looking on some of them
after they die; I have read that it may
be bacterial, and I have read that it may be treated
with salt, Fungus Eliminator, Maracyn 2, salt, etc. I
have also read that treating the tank can be a bad idea,
as the treatment can kill the good bacteria- I am
confused ! I think Plecos are sensitive to salt and a
lot of other treatments- it seems that they are not
tough like my cichlids ! Someone at the fish
store told me that my drastic water change was the
culprit, and the fish will either survive it or they won't.
I don't want to believe that without trying to save
them- there has to be something I can do
! HELP! If you can help me save these guys, I
will very much appreciate it! Are albino Plecos harder
to raise than regular BN Plecos? It sure seems like I
have had a hard time with them....... Sheryl < You
Plecos were weakened by the cold/cool water and have a bacterial
infection. Raise the water temp to 80-82 F and treat with
Nitrofuranace. What have they been eating all this time? Have you
fed them? Albinos are definitely weaker than normal colored
pleco's. Go to planetcatfish.com, find your Pleco and find out
what their needs are to be taken care of properly.-Chuck> |
Very Sick Plecos II Hi Chuck, Thanks for your input
! I have been feeding these guys Hikari algae
wafers, Sera Catfish wafers, veggie flakes, and last week
started to give them zucchini. Also a few days ago I
gave them a few earthworm pellets. SO the things that
changed within the last week were zucchini attached to a
spoon, and a few earthworm pellets- I started
them yesterday on Maracyn and Maracyn 2 combined- still
losing a few, but much slower, and I
don't see any new red splotches. I had already
started them on that medication before I got your reply, as
I needed to do something ASAP - do you think this
medication will work? thanks tons ! Sheryl < Tank raised Pleco
babies can become imprinted on a food and refuse to switch. Some
eat only algae while others will only eat wafers.
Feeding a varied diet is a good idea. Using this
medication is worth a try. watch for ammonia spikes because this
medication may affect the good bacteria that provides the
biological filtration.-Chuck> |
Very Sick Pleco's II
- 04/24/2006 HI Chuck, Thanks for your input ! I
have been feeding these guys Hikari algae wafers, Sera
Catfish wafers, veggie flakes, and last week
started to give them zucchini. Also a few days ago I
gave them a few earthworm pellets. SO the things that
changed within the last week were zucchini attached to
a spoon, and a few earthworm pellets- I started
them yesterday on Maracyn and Maracyn 2 combined-
still losing a few, but much slower, and I don't
see any new red splotches. I had already started them
on that medication before I got your reply, as I needed
to do something ASAP - do you think this medication
will work? thanks tons ! Sheryl < Tank raised Pleco
babies can become imprinted on a food and refuse
to switch. Some eat only algae while others will only
eat wafers. Feeding a varied diet is a good idea.
Using this medication is worth a try. watch for
ammonia spikes because this medication may affect the
good bacteria that provides the biological
Feeding Baby Plecos -
04/24/2006 Hi Chuck I forgot - I also fed these Plecos a few
pieces of dried seaweed in the last week. thanks ! Sheryl < I
would offer algae, guinea pig pellets, zucchini, Tubifex worms,
and some driftwood o make sure they were getting something top
Baby Pleco's Continue To Die -
04/24/2006 Hi Chuck Thanks again ! It is good then for me to
ask breeders what food the babies have been raised on.
< Yes> I am still losing these Plecos- they have
tail / fin rot as well now. Do you think I would want to switch
to the Nitrofurazone and forget the Maracyn treatment?
I feel helpless ! I thought things may be
stabilizing, but maybe not- just took another dead one
out of the tank. Sheryl < Do a 50% water change, vacuum the
gravel and clean the filter. Treat with the Nitrofurazone since
the other medication does not seem to be helping.-Chuck>
Plecos Still Die - 04/24/2006 Hi, Thanks again -
there are only 3-4 Plecos left- I have tried the
Maracyn and Maracyn 2, and the Plecos were still
dropping, so yesterday I tried something else- it is
for external parasites- it seems to be helping, along
with 25% water changes- however, tonight I notice one
fin starting to get the red streak. The stuff is
called ProForm-C ---- it drives me nuts that I
can't just get them over this stuff- it seems like
they got everything ! Sheryl <The water changes are probably
doing the most good. The medications you are trying do not have
as wide spectrum as the Nitrofurazone.-Chuck>
Feed Plecos
Guinea Pig Pellets - 04/24/2006 Hi Chuck, Maybe I will
try the Nitrofurazone tomorrow if the Plecos still
look pretty good-I figure at this point I will try
anything- these last ones still seem to have plenty of
energy, but they are still 'off' - a lot of
the time they don't even hide- they don't seem to be
eating either. BUT I still have hope for the last
few......guinea pig pellets- I have not heard of that
for Pleco food before- I bought dried seaweed at the
Japanese food store- the Plecos seem to like to pretty good. <
Fish, humans and guinea pigs can not produce their own vitamin C.
These pellets are fortified alfalfa pellets with vitamin C added.
Lots of protein and vitamins for young fish fighting a
disease.> I know it is healthy- I really appreciate
your help - your site is great - hopefully you will
post one of the photos I sent you, because I
found very little info about septicemia- I think I
found only one photo on it, but the fish was dark
colored and I could not see what the symptoms looked
like. The albino Pleco is an excellent fish for seeing
the red throughout the body that the bacteria is
causing. Thanks ! I will let you know if I finally save a few of
these guys - Sheryl < Good luck.-Chuck>
Plecos' Finally Cured!!!! 4/29/06 Hi
Chuck, I just wanted to update you on my Plecos- after all my
Plecos had died except 4, and after noticing they were
also starting to get the red throughout the body, I knew they
were also doomed if I didn't do something
different in a big hurry- one had red all throughout
the body, so I certainly didn't think he was going
to make it........ I had been doing 25% water changes
with well water from my farm every day while I was
treating with Maracyn and Maracyn 2, combined. Well,
I followed your advice and ran down and got some
Nitrofurazone- another 25% water change with the
Nitrofurazone, and finally SUCCESS !
! ! YAY! The red
splotching went away after a few treatments, and the
Plecos are starting to eat
again! The instructions on the pkg were
vague - they didn't say how many treatments to do
- I did 2 treatments- 24 hrs apart with the
water change-the Plecos seem to be better now- SO I
put my charcoal filter cartridge back in, and have
started diluting the medicated water - I also added a
little salt (1 TB), and I plan another water change
later tonight, continuing with only the well water- I
think the Plecos are happy not to have all the
chemicals in the water, finally ! Do you
think I treated them long enough with the Nitrofurazone? <Keep
the water clean and watch for ammonia spikes. The medication may
have affected the good bacteria that provides the biological
filtration. Add Bio-Spira from Marineland if you need to recycle
your tank.> Was the salt a good idea to help them
heal? < Salt will help create a slime coat on the fish, but
these particular catfish really don't like salt so I would
not use it anymore.> How often can/should I do
these partial water changes to keep the tank healthy?
< Check the nitrates. Keep them under 25 ppm with water
changes.> I want to tell you thanks for all your
help, patience, and kindly
responses! 2 thumbs up to you and your crew
and great website ! ! ! ! Sheryl < Thank you for your kind
words. We are glad we could help because that is what we are here
Loricariid, medusa cat 3/24/06
Dear WWM <Ben> Am just enquiring to whether you know
anything about the spotted medusa cat Ancistrus l225. <Mmm,
don't have this species, but have kept others of the genus> Have
obtained one and am finding good info on them hard to come by. <The
"L" numbered catfishes are much better reviewed in other
languages... Do you read German?> I Bought the cat with the
intention to have as an active algae eater, planning to swap it in the
tank for two common Ancistrus. Have found some conflicting info on it
though, some for eating algae predominantly and some for meat based
bloodworms etc., my water parameters are ph7 and temp26 which seem
fine. <Yes> If this isn't a great algae eater is there a need
to get another algae eater in the tank, I have a Sturosoma aurum
already, a couple of doras,2 flag cats, and Rainbowfish also keep 5
Kuhlis in a 280ltr tank. <Mmm, the algae question is up to you. If
you don't want one, would rather wipe, scrape, so be it. I doubt if
the present catfishes and loaches will eat much of the types of algae
that grow on the viewing panels or substrates. Bob Fenner> Thanks
for any help you can recommend. Best Regards Ben
Bushynose Pleco With Goldfish 12/05/2005 Good day. I
hear a lot about the compatibility of fancy goldfish and Ancistrus
temminckii and how it's usually a good match. But what about all
catfish within the Ancistrus family? I saw a catfish sold as "mini
pointed Ancistrus" at my LFS and I was told all within the family
have the same behavior. In other words, my fat (in a nice way) and very
slow moving Lionhead Oranda and calico Oranda should have nothing to
fear. What are your thoughts on this family and their compatibility
with fancy goldfish in general? Thanks a bunch! Ted < Go to
planetcatfish.com and check out the new Pleco you are planning to buy.
See if the water conditions are compatible with goldfish. Not all
Plecos in the genus Ancistrus have the same requirements.-Chuck>
125g Plant Tank, Inhabitants, Compatibilities - 10/22/2005 -
Sabrina Learns Hawaiian - 10/23/05 Hi, <Aloha! Sabrina with you
today, soon to be leaving Hawai'i to head back home....> Thanks
for all your help in the past in assisting me with my F/W Planted
Discus aquarium. It has been set up now for about three months and has
been doing well. I just have a few short questions. First I'll give
you the tank specs. * 125 Gallon tank- glass * 1 -Rena XP3 Canister
Filter * 1 -48" Coralife Double Bulb Compact Fluorescent Light *
1- 24" All-Glass Double Bulb fluorescent Light * 100-150 Assorted
Live Plants * 2- Large Pieces of Driftwood * 3-4" of a Mix of
Fluorite and Eco-Complete Planted Aquarium Substrate * 2- 300 Watt Via
Aqua Steel Thermometers * 6- Small/Medium Discus- about 3-4" * 6-
Lemon Tetras * 20- Cardinal Tetras * 6- "Golden Wonder"
Killies- about 2" * 20- Grass Shrimp * 50 Small Snails- I tried to
keep them out of the tank! * 2-Large Common Plecos- 6" * 1- Small
Common Pleco * 2-Clown Plecos * 6- Assorted Small Corydoras Cats
(Julii, Emerald, Panda) * 6- Dwarf African Frogs * 12- "Oto"
Cats * pH- 7 * Nitrate- 20ppm * Nitrite- 0ppm * Ammonia- 0ppm * 30%
Water Change every Saturday So, my questions are these: Can I add six
German Blue Rams to the mix? <Mm, in all honesty, I would not.>
Also, can I add six more Corydoras Cats and two more "Bushy
Nose" Plecos? <The Corys, yes, but the plecs I would be a bit
concerned about, since you already have several of two species. If you
add these, do so with extreme caution and be prepared to remove
immediately.> What is the best way to remove a green mat algae- I
think it's Cyanobacteria? <Mostly just nutrient control.... In
your case, you might want to explore the amount of light, needs of your
plants, amount of CO2 and fertilization you
use.... I heartily recommend a book called "Encyclopedia of
Aquarium Plants" by (don't laugh) Peter Hiscock (I love that
name, really I do!). You can likely gain a lot from this book. Aside
from that, it's a pleasant read.> Thanks, -Anthony <Ahuiho!
Please HELP! Breeding, losing Plecos Dear Robert, my name is
Dusan and I'm form Slovakia. I have just started breeding my Plecos
and they spawned after a short time. I was quite happy to see the eggs
in a tube. <Yes, very exciting> I replaced the whole tube with
the male into a smaller tank filled with the same water of the big one.
My first Plecos hatched and hung at the side of my tank and after 8
days I fed them first time. They grew up after 2 months to about 2 cm.
Then they spawned again. I replaced the male and they hatched OK. So it
went about 4 times. After hatching I waited 7 days after they absorb
the yolk sack. I feed them cattle heart and spinach and they're
(were) all crazy about it. But... My second fry suddenly started to die
out! After they were all gone, my first fry also died! Now I have
stopped feeding them the heart and replaced it with fish fillet. The
third fry was OK for a short time, but now they started to die too!
I'm so sad to watch them struggle for life. And the way of dying is
crazy. They swim around OK then they cannot stick to a wall (they slide
down), after they seem to eat a bit and then I find them dead (w/ belly
upward). Water conditions: dGH 4-10 ´N, 24-25 ´C (78 ´F), pH
7, no plants, no roots, aeration & filtration YES <Some friends
who breed, raise Plecos (family Loricariidae) for sale use pelleted
foods (mostly the formulated foods by Purina marketed as "Trout
Chow") almost exclusively for very young (hatchlings) to a few
months old... grading into par-boiled zucchini and other softened
terrestrial greens.> I guess you may know the answer. I would be
very thankful if you would respond as soon as you can. Thank you very
much. Faithfully Dusan Karac <Am sending your note out to friends on
the Net for their assistance as well. Be chatting. Bob Fenner>
Comments on Gold nuggets and such.... >Hi Marina
>>Hello Wayne. >Just some notes re: the lady who lost her gold
nugget and clown Plec... First of all you're right to
ask how much food made it to these plecs - I believe that the majority
of these fish (like many numbers) die of starvation due to both
inadequate and incorrect diet. Notice how so many people
complain they grow so slowly, well there's a good
reason. I have a few baby Bristlenoses I kept in a
tank and hammered with food, they're about 5 months old now and the
largest is nearly 3 inches. I remember keeping a bristle in
with some Mbuna, and that [fish] just stopped growing when it went in
there, in contrast to its brother who is now a good, fat, fully grown 4
inches. Also, as you point out the fish, esp. the gold
nugget do not feed on algae, except in utter desperation, rather they
pick up worms, bugs, critters and chew on the biofilm I
believe. These fish are fussy on water quality and also
water movement and dissolved oxygen content. Notice how this
lady's and so many hung on the filter outlet. In the
only good breeding report I've seen a powerhead was
pointing at the spawning cave! 30% a month is thoroughly
inadequate, and that LFS was pretty stupid to say so. My
fish respond well to 10, 15 percent 3 times a week. I only
gravel Hoover every 2 or 3 weeks though to maintain a biofilm of mulm
for continual chewing. I don't think these fish are too
fussy about pH within reasonable limits, but I'm pretty sure
nuggets at least are from acidic blackwater rivers (Lower xingu, but I
need to check that). There is a theory that these low pH
rivers are not terribly bacteria friendly, so fish from these areas are
all prone to bacterial infection as they simply don' have a
'bacteria unfriendly' immune system - (examples wild caught
Apistos, discus, L nos). Again, another reason for those
frequent water changes. So my bet here is a slight slip in
water quality, plus a minimal diet caused a bacterial infection and
pop. You might not even need the bacterial bit to kill a
slowly weakening fish. So I would say if you're going to
keep these fish be prepared to overfeed the tank and counter it with
frequent small water changes. >>Agreed. >I truly
wish I could help with the questions but I simply don't have an
hour a day (small children = zero time at home)
Regards, Wayne Oxborough >>Much to my chagrin (and
others on the crew who know how much we truly need knowledgeable help),
I do understand. Thank you for your input,
though. Marina
Angels and Clowns I have a 90 gallon show
tank. It is decorated with wood, a single large piece of holey
limestone, black gravel and floating plastic bamboo plants...sort of a
sparse Zen look. It has clown loaches (2"-4")... they eat out
of my hand...and Bushynose Plecos... the Plecos are actually breeding
on a routine basis. The pH is 7.2, temperature is 80 degrees, and
ammonia and nitrite are zero. It has been up and running for 18 months.
I use two Emperor 400s. I change 10% of the water daily and wash out
the filer pads in the process. I want to add a few angelfish. Are they
compatible with the clown loaches? The loaches are pretty active
sometimes. Also, would the angelfish help control the Pleco population?
My LFS gives me $2 each for them...several hundred dollars so far...
but it is a hassle to take everything out of the tank to catch them and
it disturbs the fish. >> You should be able to add some angels,
but please start with medium sized fish, the activity of the clown
loaches at night may bother the small angels. They will, unfortunately,
eat some of your baby Bristlenose Plecos. If you want to catch your
Bristlenose babies without having to take the tank apart try putting
some food (romaine lettuce, tied to an airstone) at night, with a net
underneath it. The baby Plecos will enter the net from the top and swim
down to eat the lettuce in the stream of bubbles. Use a flashlight to
see when Plecos are in your net and lift! Good Luck, Oliver
Loricariid fry Hi Bob, or whoever is in, <Don jumping at
this one!> My Ancistrus catfish are breeding all the time. Usually
the male is looking after the fry for 1 to 3 weeks until they are all
gone. Mostly probably eaten by the other inhabitants of the community
tank (different rainbows and bitterling). Every here and than I will
find a young one weeks later. About 5 months ago I disturbed him just
shortly after the eggs hatched and I took them out to raise them in a
little tank on my kitchen bench. By now they are developed into 2
different sizes: ~3cm and ~3.5cm. From the size difference and the
behaviour I think the bigger ones are the males although I can't
see the bristles jet. Am I right? I noticed that the female is already
pregnant again even though the male just let go of the others. It is
amazing, they are like a breeding machine and each time it seems there
are more eggs. What would be the best time to remove the eggs/ fry to
raise them in a different tank? I would like to give some of the
off-spring to a friend. <Wow, great timing on this one! My albino
Bristlenose just spawned for the first time a few days ago. Still
waiting for my first hatch. Mine are alone in a 10 gallon so no need to
move. But in your case I would move them a day before they hatch. Let
the father do his thing fanning them as long as possible. A day or two
after they hatch would work, but do it before they leave the cave.
Easier to move the eggs, IMO. Not sure if the size difference has to do
with sex. Mine were pretty much all the same until they were twice as
large as yours. Some may be feeding a little more aggressively than the
others. The bristles will not appear until they are 6 to 8 months old.
Hard to sex until then, but females may appear thicker when viewed from
above> As with
the other inhabitants in the tank they are breeding as well. Well, they
try. I notice the courting and sometimes I find all the fishies very
busy in one small area and having, what looks like, a nice meal in
between. I don't take them out to breed them, so I just enjoy
watching their courtship. Thanks for your help Silvia <That your
fish are breeding this often is a sign of your fine care. It is no
problem at all that the fish are eating the eggs. Very natural and
healthy food. But I'd find it hard not to set up a breeder for the
Rainbows. Don>
Suckermouth Catfish young! hi bob, today a bigger clean up
for my fish tank was due. I noticed for a while the Bristlenose catfish
male sitting in the terracotta pot underneath the filter. I have a
submerged pump with filter. because he was too long and always sticking
out with head or tail I thought I give him the pot with the big hole in
the bottom so he could fit better in. I took the pot out and noticed
something falling out. I first believed it to be old rotten leaves but
when they were wiggling around I already lost some. I put the pot with
the remaining larvae ( about a dozen) in a small tank on the kitchen
bench top where I usually raise brine shrimp. lucky that it was just
cleaned and refilled with water. now there is the bigger pot under the
filter and the male is still guarding it. I feel sorry for him that I
pinched his fry. I will probably leave him the next batch of fry and
see how they are going in the tank, especially after he stops guarding
the nest. now they are sitting in the pot and got a sponge filter and
some potted java ferns with them. I didn't expect such a thing to
happen because the temperature is going down. currently 20 degrees c. I
noticed the bitterling male displaying to his favourite girl. she
doesn't look pregnant to me but one can try anyway. back to the
Bristlenose fry. they must have hatched just before I found them. now
after about 36 hours there is still one egg. will it hatch or do I have
to remove it that it doesn't go off and foul the water? < The
one remaining egg is probably infertile and will fungus up but should
not be too big a problem.> I find the egg quite huge compared to the
rosy barb and goldfish eggs we were breeding years ago. the fry looks
big too, with their big egg yolks. they were orange yesterday but they
start to get darker now. I called "my" pet shop yesterday and
he said I have to put some driftwood in otherwise I wouldn't have
much success with raising the fry. so I went into the garden and picked
some bigger pieces of timber from my mulch ( I don't use pesticide)
and boiled them for a couple of hours. later on when they are free
swimming I will feed them brine shrimp, vinegar eels and small pellets.
do you have any suggestions? I would appreciate them. < Baby
Bristlenose Plecos should be feed algae. Put in any plastic plant or
rock covered in algae for them to feed on. Algae wafers can be used to
except that the fry soon become imprinted on a food source and can be
hard to get them to switch over. I know some people that have bred them
and can't get the fry to eat algae at all. Some Plecos species
require some wood in their diet. I don't think this species
requires it but it can't hurt to have it in there either.-Chuck>
Smallest Pleco for Algae Hello. I have a small (30
gal) tank with a few cichlids in it and need something to take care of
the algae that is quickly building. Until the cichlids were
full size, I had a couple Chinese Algae Eaters in there and they worked
great. Well, all at once, they both got eaten so it's
time for a change. I was considering a Bristlenose Pleco,
but is there something else I should consider that stays small, eats
lots of algae, and won't get eaten by my
cichlids? I've been kind of anti-Plecos since
discovering how much waste they produce so I'm hoping if I get one
that stays small, they won't produce much waste. At
least, that's the theory. Thanks for all your help and your great
site. -Mike in BFE Illinois (p.s. This is the Cubs'
year!) >>Dear Mike: What kind of cichlids are you keeping in the
30g? I ask because a 30g is a tad small for many cichlids, as they will
be far more aggressive in smaller tanks. Which makes me wonder if you
will put into jeopardy any new species you might add. Also, how often
do you do partial water changes? High toxin levels will also make your
fish act aggressively towards tankmates that in other circumstances
they would ignore. That said, I think you are better off with the
Bristlenoses, anyways. They are the best choice for your tank.
Breeding Ancistrus sp. hey Bob, Don from PA. breeding
Ancistrus sp. housing, abs tube black 6 to 8in long 1and 1/2 round
block one end you have to will to anchor it down it dose not sink.
feed( zucchini raw )put a lead weight on it green beans ( French
style)', shrimp pellets, drift wood they chew on it. lots of water
changes temp.74/76 I do not remove fry good parents. I hope this helps
your friend Don from pa. <Thanks for this Don. Your vast experience
does indeed "count". Thank you for sharing. Bob
Bristle Nose Pleco versus Golden Clown Pleco Of the Bristle
Nose Pleco or a Golden Clown Pleco, <There are actually quite
a few of the former and at least two species of the latter. Likely you
have seen our scant presentation on Loricariids:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/loricariids.htm> 1. Which would be better
at cleaning algae off the sides of the tank? <Probably one of the
Bristlenose Plecos. Please look on Fishbase.org for some idea of which
fishes this appellation applies> 2. Which one would be better at
leaving the plants alone? <The Golden Clowns or some of the smaller
species of Bristlenoses> 3. Which one is most friendly? I have a
community tank with two clown loaches and two Corydoras Julies and will
be getting four Otos. (the other fish are some guppies, mollies, a
tetra and a red swordtail. <Ahh, the Goldens.> Thank you.
Ann <You are welcome my friend. Bob Fenner>
Ancistrus temminckii breeding Dear Robert, I would like to
ask you some questions about Ancistrus temminckii and breeding. How
long do they need to be (inches/cm) before they can start breeding?
<Coincidentally have a friend in PA (Don) who breeds these
regularly, including albino ones...> Books say "a hollow in a
piece of bogwood will be chosen as the spawning site." - I
can't find a piece of wood that big, can I use a clay flower pot
(upside-down) with a hole in it big enough for them to enter? <Yes,
this is what Don uses mostly...> I guess the main question is: Do
they need a 'cave' OR a 'hole' ;where a cave has one
entrance and a hole has two? <One is fine, two is okay> If you
could reply at your earliest convenience it would be appreciated. Keith
<Glad to help... take a read through the "South American
Suckermouth Catfishes" section on the www.WetWebMedia.com site
yet? Bob Fenner>
Re: Ancistrus temminckii breeding Dear Robert, I have looked at
WetWebMedia. What object should I use for the spawning site? -can't
find large bogwood with hollow in it. <Either a small diameter piece
of PVC pipe or a clay type flower pot with a section broken on the lip
for access placed upside down. Bob Fenner> Thanks Keith
Re: Ancistrus temminckii breeding Sorry to bother you again but
what if the pot is made of clay? Should I leave only one entrance?
<Yes, this is fine. As long as there is enough room for the animals
to turn around to make it in/out. Bob Fenner> Thanks a lot for your
help Keith
Ancistrus temminckii Dear Robert, could you please tell me
all the foods that Ancistrus temminckii (Bristlenose catfish) can eat.
I have a wonderful book and it says I can feed it lettuce-I have NO
algae in my tank. BUT I want to give it some variety; without wasting
money on algae tablets at the pet store-the employee there said I
should give it those algae tablet things. But then those people
"must make a profit", I don't believe him. Can you
tell me what vegetables it can eat. Can it eat cabbage??? Will it
die if I give it a fresh vegetable diet? I haven't really
seen them rasping at the cabbage. What signs should I look for? , I
worry they will starve as my sucking catfish recently died. If
they have nothing to eat, will they start eating the aquatic plants? if
so, will this be enough? Thanks a lot >> In the wild, this
species, genus and most of the family of sucker-mouth South American
(though some are Central) Catfishes (Loricariidae) consume mainly
greenery, insect larvae and worms and wood!... In captivity they still
require daily greens (the tablets are about the best route to go, cost
wise, ease of use, and non-messiness... along with different types of
terrestrial materials like boiled/blanched/microwaved zucchini, peas,
spinach... not just fresh greens thrown in... hard to manipulate and
digest... expensive but readily taken are "human consumption"
algae as well (Nori, kombu...) and incidental and not meaty foods that
you'd otherwise feed to other types of fishes... and that wood....
something in the way of driftwood works best...
Bristlenose problems Dear Robert, my Bristlenose having been
doing ok I guess. They are eating the zucchini and cabbage. It
hasn't been boiled or cooked in anyway-sorry but I did it before I
read your email. I bought some algae tablets for them-Wardley premium
algae discs. When I put these in my Bristlenose cats liked it so they
started 'sucking' at those 'discs'. Then here's the
problem: My livebearers (guppies, mollies, platies, and swordtails)
started taking bites out of the discs. The mollies started first- I
read that they need some plant in their diet. They were very aggressive
and my Bristlenose cats are too small in size to defend their
meal....the algae discs were all consumed. The mollies were very
aggressive with the males raising their fins all the time and attacking
other fish that tried to eat the algae discs. What should I do?
<Feed them all the algae discs and even greenery-based flake
foods... it is good for them... what these livebearers principally eat
in the wild.> What signs can I look for to tell if my Bristlenose
are starving? >> <Though they are "armored"
catfishes, you can see them getting skinny, concave in the area right
ahead of their vents... keep them well fed.> Bob Fenner
Gill Flukes on Bristlenose Catfish HI, Love your webpage. I
am new to fish keeping and therefore not familiar with diseases. I have
2 separate but possibly interconnected questions. My 4.5 cm Bristlenose
Pleco (BN) male is living in a 50 ltr long tank with 3 platy and 1
Betta. The tank is cycled, heavily planted, has driftwood and
terracotta cubby houses, heater 28 degrees, filtered, gravel sub, and
30 watt light. Ammonia zero nitrites zero, nitrates, 10. pH
7. Tank established for 3 months. I feed the BN algae wafers (platy eat
em too), pea, cucumber and zucchini (sp) and the odd brine shrimp or
bloodworm might float his way also. About 3 weeks ago he was attacked
by another BN in a different tank so I relocated him to his new tank
(he one detailed above). The damage was missing skin at base of body
where tail emerges. It is nicely healing now and he is seems active and
happy (no clamped up fins). Yesterday I noticed his sucker was
pinky/red sort of uneven. Is this normal? I am assuming not. Could it
be heater burn? Could it be bacteria? Could it be a sign of gill
flukes? What do you all think? <It "could" be any of the
above. My bet would be bacterial, but it could be from something as
simple as eating algae off of a rough rock. Keep the water clean,
remove all but smooth rocks and watch her. I would not treat unless you
see it get worse. Then a good broad spectrum antibiotic> Q/2 gill
flukes. The reason why I raise this is that I think another BN died of
gill flukes but I was too slow to act. I know that not all meds are
safe with cats so I hesitated trying to work out what to use to kill
the flukes. This is a chronological list of change in
behaviour. The BN was (probably female) 3cm, isolated herself, not
hanging on the wood anymore, then, gasping at top of well filtered
aerated tank waterline, and then spending all her time on substrate
barely moving, before shooting up to top for air, and straight back
down to substrate again. Initially, there was another female same size
in there with her-which I immediately removed when the (now dead) one
isolated herself (I thought they might be having a territory/submission
issues). Again ammonia nitrite= zero nitrates 20, ph cannot remember,
my tanks are usually 7. So gill flukes seemed to fit the symptoms. I am
still not sure though what is safe on a BN to treat with? I'm in oz
so limited meds available but it seems Fluke tabs which is Prazi
(Praziquantel) or Para-cide which is Trichlorofon.
Anyone have opinions on what is safe out of these two? <Well,
I'm not convinced it was gill flukes. Possible, but unlikely in
tank bred fish. With your tough import/export laws I doubt they are
wild caught, although they may have been pond bred. More likely Ick.
Plecs have thick skin which offers them some protection, but not on the
gills. You can use a half concentration of most meds, but for twice as
long, on Plecos. If you find out it is Ick, use salt to treat.
Don> Jay