FAQs on Spiny Fire
Related Articles: Spiny Eels,
truth about spiny eels; A closer look at these popular but problematic
Neale Monks, Husbandry of
the Barred Spiny
Macrognathus panacalus
by Marco
Related FAQs: Spiny Eel
Identification, Spiny Eel
Behavior, Spiny Eel
Compatibility, Spiny Eel
Selection, Spiny Eel
Systems, Spiny Eel Feeding,
Spiny Eel Disease, Spiny Eel Reproduction,
Fire Eel, fdg.
Hi Crew! Haven't stopped by for a while, but a question has come up and
you've always been my source for the right/best answers.
I have a year old Fire Eel, about 8 - 10 inches long in great health,
very friendly, good body weight, everything's good. I got this fish at 2
inches about this time last year and I've always fed it Hikari
Blood worms, Tubifex worms, and the occasional shrimp from the grocery
store. He/she will NOT eat beef heart, brine shrimp, or krill.
Recently, a fellow fish enthusiast has been brow beating me to start
feeding him/her fresh fish from the grocery store. I have no problem
with that, except for the old "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."
Also, I've read stories of people feeding fresh fish to young Fire Eels,
causing them to grow too fast, overtaxing their bodies with too much
protein, fouling their water, and eventually causing death. Is this
<Mmm; I do think that there can be danger in growing stock too
quickly... Health, shortened lifespan issues>
If so, what would be the appropriate age/size to start feeding fresh
<Fresh as in cut strips of muscle? IF small enough bits, at any size.
However, as you state, if the animal is happy, healthy w/ the current
regimen... I would particularly skip beef heart. Bob Fenner>
*Renee *
Fire Eel /Neale
Hi Crew! Haven't stopped by for a while, but a question has come up and
you've always been my source for the right/best answers.
<Thanks for the kind words.>
I have a year old Fire Eel, about 8 - 10 inches long in great health,
very friendly, good body weight, everything's good.
<Sounds like you should carry on doing precisely what you're doing now.>
I got this fish at 2 inches about this time last year and I've always
fed it Hikari Blood worms, Tubifex worms, and the occasional shrimp from
the grocery store.
<Sounds good. Usual reminder about Tubifex being a potential risk, and
that shrimp are high in thiaminase, so as you say, use sparingly.>
He/she will NOT eat beef heart, brine shrimp, or krill.
<And neither will I! No big deal.>
Recently, a fellow fish enthusiast has been brow beating me to start
feeding him/her fresh fish from the grocery store.
<If your Spiny Eel wants to eat some white fish fillet, provided such is
thiaminase-free, then sure, go ahead. No live feeders, however.>
I have no problem with that, except for the old "if it ain't broke,
don't fix it."
<Agreed; but as fish get bigger, chunkier meals made from less expensive
foods, such as tilapia fillet, become more economical than aquarium shop
blister packs of frozen invertebrates.>
Also, I've read stories of people feeding fresh fish to young Fire Eels,
causing them to grow too fast, overtaxing their bodies with too much
protein, fouling their water, and eventually causing death. Is this
<Overfeeding fatty foods can cause problems for fish, much as with
But excess protein is eliminated as urea because the body cannot store
amino acids, so while unlikely to "over tax" the body of the fish in any
meaningful way, there is a connection between excess protein in the diet
and poor water quality.>
If so, what would be the appropriate age/size to start feeding fresh
<Try small offerings any time you want, and see what happens. Remove
uneaten items. I'd suggest the old "wiggle on the end of long forceps"
trick to entice your Spiny Eel, but however you're feeding frozen shrimp
should work. Cheers, Neale.>
Black Ghost Knifefish Compatibility Question, w/ Fire Eel
Hello Crew!
I have a 125 gallon tank that currently houses my
7 inch Black Ghost Knife Fish and 2 Bristlenose Plecos.
I recently upgraded the filter on this tank to a Eheim Professional 3
(rated for a 300 gallon tank),
it has sand substrate and lots of big caves (4 inch PVC pipes) for
hiding. I also have a friend who purchased what he was told was a Spiny
Eel from one of the big chain pet stores only to find out it is
actually a Fire Eel
<Mmm; Fire Eels are Spiny Eels; that is, Mastacembelus erythrotaenia are
part of the family Mastacembelidae>
that has attained a length of 7 inches in just 3 months.
<Ahh; and can grow to a few feet in length; most mastacembelid species
stay under a foot>
He only has a 40 gallon tank so he wants to rehome the Fire Eel and
asked me if I wanted it. I did some research and got conflicting
opinions as to whether these two species would be compatible (the
naysayers believe the Fire Eel would eventually eat the BGK). However,
the individuals who believed they were compatible also posted some
beautiful pictures of these two species interacting well with each
other. I had planned on upgrading my BGK's tank in the next couple of
years and have already purchased a stand for a 180 gallon tank (but I
don't have the tank yet). So, I would really like to hear your opinion
of keeping these two species together.
<I do think the two can, will live together for a good long while. Fire
Eels do get large (enough) to consume fishes, but by being careful not
to "feed for growth", yours can live for a good long while with the
Knife. Bob Fenner>
Re: Black Ghost Knifefish Compatibility Question
Thank you!
Yellow weather loach w red areas on body
Very concerned. Loach has red areas, first near tail, now half of body
after severe stress w tap water high in ammonia (4 ppm) w me not finding
right away.
<Aye; deadly toxic; likely the principal source of trouble here;
particularly in more alkaline water ammonia is very dangerous>
Several days of frequent water changes, some lost fish, other parameters
normal to tank, but very hard to get ammonia down....added prime often,
know this detoxes but doesn't remove. Thus not sure exactly how bad in
actual tank. Purchased spring water for changes.
Now loach has red areas, very inactive, sure he doesn't feel good.
Don't know how to help him or if euthanasia is best. Really like this
guy, hate to see him suffer.
<Am a laggard in terms of euthanizing livestock that has a chance to
recover. This loach species is very tough>
Had an ammonia spike a few months ago, managed to save everyone. This
time more severe.
Please help. Larry is a friend. About 1 yr old, 7 in long.
<Do take a read over our archives on Dojos:
and the linked files above. DO what you can to get rid of the ammonia.
SEE as in read on WWM re; chemical filtrants are the route I would go
NOW. Bob Fenner>
Question about the Fire Eel
I have a young friend who had to re-home his Pacu because the fish was
overwhelming his 75 gallon tank (it was the only fish in the tank, but
had grown to about 18 inches over several years and kept launching
itself against the tank lid).
<Indeed. Adult Pacu are massive, and not to be trifled with. They can
become very aggressive (towards other fish) when confined, and probably
have no business at all in the aquarium hobby. Strictly a species for
public aquaria.>
He was looking for another fish for the tank and decided to buy a Fire
Eel (he bought a juvenile, currently about 4 inches).
<A lovely fish. A bit delicate, but certainly possible for the
experienced fishkeeper.>
I understand this species also gets very large, but my friend assures me
he did his research and that this species is not very active, so even
full grown his 75 gallon tank will work just fine (he has a canister
filter - I'm not sure what size tank its rated for, but it handled the
Pacu just fine).
<Your friend is a bit optimistic, I fear. Fire Eels reach something
approaching a metre (3 feet) in length under aquarium conditions,
possibly even bigger in the wild. Assuming you're speaking of US
gallons, then 100 gallons would be absolutely minimum. For sure the
75-gallon system would do for 2-3 years, but if your friend was keeping
the Fire Eel right, it's going to eat A LOT of food and grow VERY
QUICKLY. A 'tiddler' a few inches long will double in size after the
first year, and while growth rate may slow down somewhat by the time the
fish is, say, about 12 inches in length, after then it'll still be
putting on 3-4 inches a year. Bear in mind that these fish are deep
bodied, so length doesn't by itself take into account the sheer bulk of
the adult fish.>
I've known this young man since he was 12, watched him grow up, wrote to
him during his military service in Afghanistan, and I firmly believe he
will take the best possible care of the Fire Eel.
<I'm sure; he sounds a great guy -- certainly has good taste in fish!>
He understands the nitrogen cycle and what is necessary to properly
maintain it, and I'm equally sure he will do an excellent job in that
regard. But I'm not sure a 75 gallon tank will be big enough when this
animal is full grown.
<The problem is that Fire Eels, like all Spiny Eels, are very prone to
bacterial infections, and once sick, are almost impossible to medicate.
Prevention is 100% the name of the game when it comes to Spiny Eel
healthcare. Soft substrates (to avoid scratches); a little salt in the
water (1-2 gram/litre) does seem to help but probably isn't essential; a
varied and safe diet (so no feeder fish, EVER, and a range of
invertebrates and fish meats that lack thiaminase); and above all
excellent water quality (no ammonia and nitrite; nitrate as low as
practical). Water chemistry isn't a big issue, luckily, so a big tank
and ample water changes should help keep water quality good. One other
thing: make sure the Fire Eel can't escape. If it can, it will.>
He knows I ask you a lot of questions and how much help you've been to
me, but he doesn't have a home computer, so I'm asking for him. Is a 75
gallon tank sufficient for a full grown Fire Eel as the solitary fish in
the tank?
<As above; will do for the first few years, but once the fish is above,
say, 18 inches, I think something around the 100 gallon mark is surely
<Hope this helps, and if your fine fishkeeping friend wants to discuss
further, feel free to have him write in. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Question about the Fire Eel 6/17/18
Thank you!
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Fire eel frustrations !! Fdg.
I have a fire eel that has been super healthy and active always. We have
had him just under two years in which he has grown from 4" to about 16"
and gained much in the way of girth.
Here is the issue.. I can not get the bugger to eat anything but frozen
blood worms and live blackworms (I raise myself) I have tried
withholding food for nearly two weeks, more than once, and I routinely
offer prawn, night crawler, tilapia, krill, meal worms, snails and mysis
shrimp. Eaten with gusto by his Ropefish and Bichir and Ctenopoma tank
mates but never by him. He comes up to my hand and as soon as he sees it
isn't bloodworms he goes in his cave and pouts.
Any suggestions? I am very concerned about his dietary needs. Any advice
would be appreciated!
<I'd be worried too! Clearly he's okay if 2 years old, so there's no
immediate worry. But do try live river shrimps, as most Fire Eels seem
to love these. Earthworms should also be taken. Starving a healthy
predatory fish like this for more than 2 weeks isn't a big deal, so feel
free to do so. Also try soaking alternate foods in a defrosted cube of
Particularly earthworms as these are ideal, nutrient-rich foods for
these fish. Sometimes chopping the earthworms into small bits helps if
whole ones are too wriggly.
Good luck, Neale.>
Fire eel - 01/12/2013
<Hi, Michele! Sabrina with you today.>
I have a 29 gal 30"long tank with two Glo Fish and one Gourami.
<The Glo-Fish, actually a genetically modified zebra Danio, are
schooling fish and would really like to have more Glo-Fish buddies.>
Three weeks ago I added a fire eel.
<Oh.... A very interesting animal, but they get a bit too big for
a 29g tank....>
The store knew I had a 29 gal tank and gravel bottom but sold it to me.
About one week after having the eel I decided to read up on them
learn from this experience - the next time you find a potential new
fishy pal, no matter how awesome, take some time to read up on them
prior to purchasing them. It may save you some heartache.>
only to find that I should not have a gravel bottom and that my tank
size seems to be too small.
<Yes. This fish really needs a soft, fine substrate.... and
will outgrow this tank. Worse, when they find themselves in spaces
that they don't like, they decide to exit the aquarium and turn into
fish jerky on the floor. It is VERY hard to keep them inside an
aquarium, so make certain you have NO holes in the lid, anywhere, and
that the lid cannot be pushed open easily from the inside.>
Now I need to make a decision on whether I should be keeping this eel in
this size tank.
<I, personally, wouldn't, unless the animal is still quite small and you
can/will upgrade tank size. The gravel substrate is the biggest
hurdle, though.>
I have called the store I bought him from and they seem to feel the tank
is fine and say that the fish will adapt to the small tank.
<I think it's fair to say that I disagree with this. Vehemently.
No fish will "adapt" to a tank which is too small. Will it
survive? Maybe. But is it fair? Reasonable?
Conscientious? In my opinion, definitely not.
Once again, if the animal is still small, and you can/will upgrade tank
size, then I think you're okay - for a time. But not when it gets
And it WILL get big. Longer even than your current tank.
Your tank is 30 inches long, right? Mastacembelus erythrotaenia
gets about 40 inches long.
Envision what size space an animal 40 inches long will find appropriate.
I've seen some videos on YouTube of very large fire eels.... They
are very, very large.... It might be worth your while to look
these fish up on YouTube and see some of these videos yourself, to
understand truly what your animal is and will become.>
My question to you is this inhumane to keep him, I am very strongly
thinking on giving him back to the store.
<I, personally, feel that it would be "wrong" to keep a fire eel in a
29g tank, except as a very temporary home while it is a baby.>
I also know that if I decide to keep him that I would have to change the
gravel to sand and from what I hear that can cause some problems with
the tank with the cycling and I risk the fish getting ick.
<You won't risk the fish getting ick, Ichthyophthirius
multifiliis, by
changing your substrate. This is a parasite that has to come from
a fish introduction. Although you might experience interruption in
the cycle, you can combat this with frequent water changes, or by only
changing out one half of the substrate, waiting a few weeks, and
changing the other half.>
Also I bought two Pictus Catfish from this same store and put them in a
10 gal tank by themselves but they seem to be bouncing off the walls.
Again is this tank not the right size for them?
<Very correct. This active catfish needs a larger space than 10
It might be worthwhile to see if there are other, more conscientious
shops near you that might be a little more thoughtful about the lives of
the fish that they're selling. But regardless, next time you find
a fish you want, please read up on them first.>
Thank you very much for your time. This means a lot to my son and
<Thank you for your kind words, and for sharing the world of fish with
your son. He is sure to learn much about the world around him!>
<Best wishes to you and your fish (and your son!), -Sabrina>
Re... comp. Fire eel & Pictus Catfish - 01/27/2013
Thank you Sabrina for all the information.
<Glad to help, Michele.>
I have decided to upgrade my tank to 75 gal so I can keep the eel.
<Do please be aware that even a 75g tank will ultimately be a temporary
home for this very large Mastacembelid. Do take a look about via
Google searches, or maybe on YouTube, for images and video of fire eels
as adults.
They're impressive animals! Hopefully the 75 will suffice for a
I am feeding him, along with the two Glo fish and gourami frozen blood
worms every other day (1/2 cube of the Hikari Bro Pure).
<This is a good food, but the Glo-fish (zebra danios) and gourami both
will want/need some greater variety. I like Spectrum pellet foods
for their great nutritional content, but there are many options.
The fire eel may be harder to convince to eat other foods, but I have
known them to take live "red worms", very small earthworms that you can
get from bait shops. He may also take other frozen meaty foods.
If he will accept a high quality pellet like Spectrum, all the better,
but I doubt that he will. Worth a try, though!>
Again this was told to me from the store I bought him from. But I
have been asking around and I hear that I should be feeding them every
What is your advice on feeding quantity and how often?
<Daily is okay, especially for the danios and gourami. But do get
some variety into that diet.>
Thanks again,
<Best wishes always, -Sabrina>
Fire eel swollen and floating –
Hi my name is Brenden. I have had my fire eel for about half a year now
and I have never had any problems with him before. But just the other
day I noticed that he was not eating. At first I was like ok maybe he's
just not hungry. But then last night I noticed that he was not able to
swim normal and had not control of where he was swimming. Due to this
fact I took him out of the tank because I did not want him getting stuck
to the filter or causing any more harm to himself but running into rocks
or driftwood. I put him into a container that was ok size and I could
fit a small heater in it.
I used the water from the main tank to fill it up so it would not stress
him out. But getting to the point he's not moving very much anymore,
there is swelling in his stomach area, he's floating, and he's losing
his color.
I've have been keeping fish for about 8 years now, and this is the first
time I have ran into a problem with eels that I'm not sure about. I
don't know what's causing this but I may have a clue/guess. What I
think is happening is that he is having problems digesting food, which
is causing the swelling or bump on him and also causing air to build up
there. The only other thing i can think of that may has caused this is
that my old heater was not working right, causing it to heat the tank to
much and then not heating it enough, so i had to replace it, but i was
not a huge change and i saw it fast enough to fix the problem, i think.
I just hope that you had give me some help/information about what may be
going on and how to fix it, if its not too late. Stuff
about my tank: 60 gallons, have a nice fine sand in it, I normally keep
the temperature at about 81-82 degrees Fahrenheit, I try to do water
changes about twice a month or once every 2 weeks if i have the time, I
took a water sample into PetSmart and the results were Ammonia:0
Nitrite:0 Nitrate: 20-40 mg/L pH: 7.8 Alkalinity:120
mg/L Hardness: 150 mg/L Chlorine And Chloramine: 0
So everything is where it should be/ within the normal range
I also do add aquarium salt when doing water changes, i normally add it
every other water change Also when I went to PetSmart the lady
there, I know I can trust her because I've knew her for awhile and she
also keeps fire eels, said that it could be the digesting problem or
maybe due to the temperature change and she told me about how people use
small amount of Epsom salt to help with fish digestive problems so i
added a small amount of that to the container. If
there is any of stuff that you need to know just ask me.
Also I'm going to add some pictures of my eel to show you what I'm
talking about. Never mind, In the pictures I was going to show you, its
too hard to see the swelling/bump.
Also I almost forgot that he is also having seizure like things
every now and then. I hope you can help me out and
thanks for your time.
<I'm not optimistic, but do try adding Epsom salt at 1-3 teaspoons per 5
gallons/20 litres, raising the temperature to 28-30 degrees C/82-86 F,
and treating with a reliable antibacterial or antibiotic medication
(ideally, a combination like Maracyn 1 and Maracyn 2 that covers both
gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria for best possible chances of
success). Spiny Eels are very sensitive to bacterial infections, which
are often started through physical damage caused by gravel or sharp
rocks. The Epsom salt will act as a laxative and muscle relaxant, both
of which can help deal with some types of swelling. Generally, aim to
use aquarium salt (sodium chloride) in Spiny Eel tanks at around 1-2
gram/litre, even for freshwater species like yours.
Hope this helps, Neale.>
Fire Eel Feeding - 10/25/2012
Dear WWM,
<Hello, David. Sabrina with you tonight.>
I bought a fire eel about 3 weeks ago. It looked a little thin,
about 8" long but otherwise was healthy and is now in a community tank
with a 5"
tire-track eel and a few angelfish and other fish. The fire eel
hid for a few days then started to come out at feeding time, hanging
about at the surface with the other eel at feeding time. The
tire-track eel eats any and every worm that it can get. The new
fire eel is clearly hungry and interested in the worms and tries to eat
them but usually ends up spitting out even the smallest ones (or pieces
of them) which usually get eaten by the other fish. It almost
looks like it can't swallow them (although it has eaten a few).
I'm thinking of: first, trying frozen food; or second, moving it into a
small tank by itself for a few weeks to get it used to eating worms
without competition and to fatten it up a bit.
<I would actually do both of these things simultaneously. If he
was already "a little thin" when you got him three weeks ago, he's
probably urgently in need of food by now, and needs some time without
any food competition to get used to what and how you feed. This is
one of the less appreciated bonuses of quarantining new fish - getting
it nice and fat and happy, used to your schedule and feeding regimen,
before having to meet the rest of the tank and compete for food.
Quarantine: It's not just about disease any more!>
I'm concerned because I've never had problems getting spiny eels to take
earthworms in the past.
<While you have him in a separate tank (you said "a small tank" - don't
go too small, you don't want him to feel like he must escape and become
eel jerky for you to find one morning), try a variety of foods.
You'll probably have best luck with frozen bloodworms. Frozen
Mysis shrimp would be a very worthwhile food (Piscine Energetics is my
favorite brand by far).
Try the earthworms again as he begins to get used to feeding time; make
sure they're of an appropriate size for him. Small "red worms",
like little 3"-4" earthworms, would be good, I'd think. Stay away
from Tubificid worms; although Mastacembelids do eat them readily, it's
not worth the significant disease risk that they can pose.>
Thoughts appreciated and thanks in advance,
<Get him off in a tank by himself to get used to the new fare, try other
food options, and he'll be chowing down in no time. I hope.
Once he takes food from you greedily, he's ready to re-join the main
tank! You might consider varying the diet of the tire track, too.
Frozen foods like bloodworms and Mysis, if he'll take them, will add to
his diet very well.
Although small worms (and large worms, when they get bigger) are a great
food for spiny eels, most critters benefit from getting their nutrition
from multiple sources.>
<Best wishes to you, -Sabrina>
Fire Eel Feeding - II - 10/29/2012
Hi Sabrina,
Many thanks for your quick reply. I tried frozen bloodworms - both
eels acted like I was trying to poison them
<Surprising! Do try frozen Mysis, other options.... and keep
at it with the earthworms.>
(other fish were happy though!). The fire eel took a couple of
pieces of earthworm this evening so I'll wait for a couple of days
before moving it into its own tank - it's really trying, and the other
thing is that there's a good chance we'll lose power in the next few
days (eastern coast US) and I don't want to create too much disruption.
<Ahh, wise. Best of luck - keep safe, okay?>
<Best wishes, -Sabrina>
fire eel seizure
Hi I have had a fire eel for 2 years now we have had a few other fish
they did not survive I think we had to many the tank has only had her (
or so we call her Jeanie or Houdini ) for 3 months now water changes
and all she only eats red worms from a fish store today she seized
started twitch and seizing lost all her color and seemed dead I held
her in the water and kept stroking her side about 14 minutes later she
seemed to be coming out of it gaining color back her eyes are still
cloudy for about 20 minutes she
stumble around like drunk now she seems aware of everything and
swimming but not totally herself. what is going on please help Greg we
just bought new worms yesterday temp is 82
<Very strange... and frightening. I would label this behavior as you
have... some sort of seizure. Other than the usual "good
husbandry", perhaps expanding the diet or simply supplementing it
w/ the soaking in
vitamin/HUFA preparation ahead of offering, I don't know what
further you could do. Have you read on WWM re Mastacembelids? Start
and the linked files above. Does anything in your reading "jump
out" for you? Bob Fenner>
Re: fire eel seizure 11/1/11
Thank you so much Bob for replying the site was very informative happy
to say I put salt in the tank last night 35 gallon tank sea salt trying
to be safe about 3 tablespoons and put her old tube back in that is the
only thing I can think of that has change there is wood in the bottom
but not enough for her to completely hide I read on your site I believe
that light can cause erratic behavior and the tank was recently put in
front of a window maybe that caused it?
<May be... but I suspect something else... Perhaps the wood
rotting/decomposing a bit has changed some aspect of water quality. I
will say that 35 gallons is small for a larger species, specimen of
spiny eel, and that they can be very sensitive to accumulation of
metabolites. Best to super size their systems, have redundant
filtration and be VERY regular re water changes and other
today she came out of her tube and ate like nothing had ever happened
skimming the surface and nosing us for food she is a strange one I hope
her tube back in will stop what happened. what else could we offer her
aside from worms she is around 9" or so.
<See where you were referred to... the FAQs, feeding...>
I will be stopping at store tomorrow to test water and pick up vitamins
we tried moving her over to frozen shrimp and she refused along with
the other worm places is it common for them to be picky? Greg P.S you
guys are awesome
<Welcome. BobF>
Question About Fire Eel Diet
Hello, I bought a 10" Fire Eel on Tuesday. (Today is Sunday.)
Until yesterday, I tried feeding her frozen bloodworms in a cube but
she paid no heed to them. Today I went and bought freeze-dried krill.
After holding the piece of krill in front of her for fifteen minutes,
she finally lunged forward and ate the krill. She munched on it for a
few seconds, then spat it out, then ate it again, then spat it out
again. After about twenty tries, she gave up and left the krill. What
should I do? And any suggestions on hand-feeding?
<Try using earthworms. Fire Eels love them. Set up a composter if
you don't have a clean (no pesticides!) garden to collect them
from. Bait shops may sell them too. Once settled -- which can take a
couple of weeks -- Fire Eels do well on a diet of earthworms, strips of
thiaminase-free seafood (tilapia fillet, cockles), and live river
shrimp. They will usually eat prawns too, but these contain thiaminase,
so use sparingly. Wet-frozen bloodworms and krill are taken as well.
Don't waste your time with freeze-dried foods. Do review tank
conditions, e.g., no other bottom feeders should be kept with them, and
the substrate MUST be smooth sand or fine, smooth gravel. Fire Eels are
among those species that aquarists regularly kill; they are very, very
demanding and not for beginners. Do read:
Cheers, Neale.>
Fire eel compatibility 2/3/11
I have a 90 gallon tank with 10 tiger barbs and 9 glass barbs in it.
The tank has been set up since last November, and it was properly
cycled, it has two filters on it, an Eheim 2217 and a Marineland
Penguin 350B,
<Any filter like a hang-on-the-back filter that demands an opening
at the back of the tank WILL allow the Fire Eel to escape. Stick with
internal or external canister filters, and plug up all holes in the
hood with filter
wool, plastic mesh or similar.>
water parameters normal, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, etc. I was wondering if
a fire eel would be compatible with the barbs I have in there
or if the barbs would get eaten as soon as the eel gets big enough.
<Yes. Plus, if the Fire Eel is small, the barbs may nip at it, and
once Fire Eels get damaged, secondary infections usually follow
My local pet store's fish guy said a fire eel would be fine with
barbs, and they should be getting some eels in tomorrow. Will a fire
eel leave barbs alone? I have researched this and gotten mixed results.
What's your opinion on this?
<Hope this clears things up for you. Do have a read here:
Spiny Eels are usually killed by their owners one way or another.
Review aquarium security, substrate, tankmates, diet, and water
chemistry before purchase. Cheers, Neale.>
add Figure 8 Puffer to tank? 11/10/10
Hi, Crew,
I have a 90 gallon low-end brackish tank, sg fluctuates between 1.003
and 1.005. I inherited a disparate group of fish about a year ago that
I've been trying to accommodate. In this particular tank, I have
one archer (Toxotes jaculatrix), a tire track eel and a fire eel. The
eels are both 8" long. The eels seem to tolerate the salinity--do
you think this will be OK long-term? Conversely, do you think the
archer will be happy in this level of salinity? The archer seems very
happy at the moment (it's probably about 1 year old). I realize
I'm compromising a bit from either side of the salinity scale with
these fish. Next, I have a scourge of Malaysian trumpet snails in this
tank. I am toying with getting a figure 8 puffer for the tank because
1) I love puffers and I understand figure 8's are low-end brackish
and less aggressive than other puffers; 2) I don't see much in the
tank at any given moment except for the archer because the eels hide;
3) I would like to control the snail population.
Is this a bad idea?
Thanks for your help in advance. I appreciate your time.
<Hello Laura. Tyre-track Eels will certainly do okay at up to SG
1.005 at 25 C, but Fire Eels I'm less certain on, and I'd tend
to nudge the salinity down to about 1.003 at 25 C. The Archer
shouldn't mind, and that'll still be salty enough for a wide
range of species, both true brackish water fish and salt-tolerant
freshwater fish such as Brown Hoplo Catfish, Horseface Loaches and
virtually all of the livebearers. Now, as for Figure-8 puffers, while
this might work, I think you'll be disappointed at the impact
they'll have on Melanoides snails. You'd be much better off
with Assassin Snails, Clea helena, which should acclimate to SG 1.003
without problems given they're members of a marine snail family,
though I've never tried it
myself. They're cheap enough that trying them out won't be
expensive. Allow 3-4 Assassin Snails per 10 gallons if you want them to
exist in sufficient strength to depress Melanoides snail numbers. The
thing with puffers in general is that they won't eat snails if
softer, easier food is on offer -- and that can sometimes mean the fins
of other fish. Plus, the small size of Figure-8 puffers makes them easy
prey for adult Archer Fish, Tyre-track Eels and Fire Eels. Obviously an
adult Fire Eel will need a tank bigger tan ninety gallons, so you may
be planning to rehome him as/when he gets above a certain size. But an
adult Archer fish could swallow a Figure-8 puffer in one gulp! Do not
underestimate how predatory Archer fish -- sure, they enjoy eating
insects, but they are dedicated fish-eaters as well. Finally, do
understand that Melanoides snails are not in themselves harmful, but
they are indicators of aquarium conditions rich in organic matter. It
may well be that your tank is less clean than you think, and you're
overfeeding your fish far more than you suppose, and if you have a lot
of algae, then adding fast-growing plant species might make a
difference. Treat snails as a symptom, not a problem, and it's much
easier to effect a long term
solution. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: add Figure 8 Puffer to tank? 11/10/10
Thanks, Neale!
I sure wasn't thinking about the Archer going after the Puffer, so
thanks for that! (I actually saw the Archer eat one of the snails the
other day, but I figured that was an anomaly.)
I'll check out Assassin Snails. Luckily I don't have algae in
this tank, but I am trying to find the right amount of food/feeding
times for the eels.
I've probably been overfeeding the eels. They seem so temperamental
and unpredictable. I understand they shouldn't eat every day and
will sometimes go for a couple of weeks without eating, but this makes
me nervous! I don't want them to starve. I probably just need to
calm down about it!
By the way, I searched but couldn't find how long it takes for a
fire eel to reach full size--do you know?
Thanks again,
<Hello Laura. Fire Eels growth rate varies with age, but specimens
under a year old can add about an inch in length per month. Growth
slows down a bit after that, but you can expect yours to be at least a
couple of feet long within 18 months, and nearer three feet by the end
of the second year. If the Fire Eel was stunted for whatever reason
while it was younger, it will grow quite slowly, and may never reach
its full size, fish growth rate being determined by age, not the need
to reach a certain size. This is why some people find their Fire Eels
get really big, really fast while others find their Fire Eels quite
slow growing fish. A bigger problem will be aggression: all the
Mastacembelus species are territorial, and Fire Eels and Tyre-track
Eels are unlikely to coexist in a relatively small tank, Fire Eels in
particular being notoriously grumpy fish. Look out for unusual white
marks on their bodies indicative of fighting. Sometimes juveniles get
along well, even sharing caves, but do be aware than this situation may
not persist. When feeding predators, the "art" is providing
enough that their bellies are gently rounded, but not obviously
swollen; if the latter is the case, you fed too much in one sitting!
Earthworms are the best food for Spiny Eels, but they sometimes escape
into the sand, and when they die there, you'll get lots of nitrate
and phosphate in the water you don't want, as well as food for
Melanoides snails. Best to feed little but often, rather than gorging
the fish a few times per week. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: add Figure 8 Puffer to tank? 11/11/10
Thanks, Neale, this is very helpful indeed. I think I may start looking
to re-home the fire eel now.
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
new Fire eel, Neale's go
Hey guys, I just got in a new 7inch fire eel and it looks ok, but I
noticed that while it was in the fish store they had it in gravel and
any time I would go look at it b 4 taking it home it would be buried in
their regular size round gravel. In my tank I've got white and back
sand, and sum plants and stuff for him to hide and feel more
comfortable. my question is, is there a reason he is not burying
himself in the sand but keep chilling at the top of the water in the
plants? I've read that ppl talk about this but they say their eel
is on its side or upside down. mine is not its just up there not really
doing n e thing. don't get me wrong at night he moves around and
stuff. but .. how come no burrowing?!? it that ok or what?
thanks for the help guys at WWM :)
Bless! Brad
<Hello Brad. If you have plants at the top of the tank, especially
floating plants, it is very normal for Spiny Eels to tangle themselves
up in those plants. In fact spawning seems to take place in floating
plants. So if your chap otherwise looks healthy, and better yet, is
eating, I wouldn't worry about it. Cheers, Neale.>
new Fire eel, BobF's turn
Hey guys, I just got in a new 7inch fire eel and it looks ok, but I
noticed that while it was in the fish store they had it in gravel and
any time I would go look at it b 4
<Please, no "net speak">
taking it home it would be buried in their regular size round
<... please read here:
and the linked files above re Mastacembelids>
A/the choice of substrates with spiny eels is crucially
In my tank I've got white and back sand, and sum plants and stuff
for him to hide and feel more comfortable. my question is, is there a
reason he is not burying himself in the sand but keep chilling at the
top of the water in the plants?
<Likely this gravel is too coarse, sharp... painful to its
I've read that ppl talk about this but they say their eel is on its
side or upside down. mine is not its just up there not really doing n e
thing. don't get me wrong at night he moves around and stuff. but
.. how come no
burrowing?!? it that ok or what? thanks for the help guys at WWM :)
Bless! ..Brad
<Brad, in future, please run your missals through a spelling/grammar
checking ahead of sending.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Sick Eel with White Patches
Thanks, unfortunately the eel did not recover and had to be
<Sorry to hear this.>
This was an extremely fast-moving infection, especially for such a
large fish (3'). From zero symptoms to dead in 3-4 days.
<Indeed, very fast.>
Nitrates were tested at 30 or less (per color scale) every month or so,
but it is a 400 gallon tank with only 3 fish and 2 (now 1) eels so the
biological load is light. Has about 250 lbs of live rock in the main
tank and a bioball filtration system in the sump. Water changes 40
gallons every 10 days. I don't have a PH score right now but most
likely it is fine given this maintenance.
<Yes, sounds OK.>
Both eels came from LFS about 6 months ago that was trying to get rid
of them due to lack of demand. Neither one can be described as
aggressive eaters in the sense they will dash out and grab at food,
have to put the food on a stick and put it near their mouth before
another fish grabs it. So they got plenty food but maybe not the
strongest to start. Maybe that is why the LFS was getting rid of them.
I will watch the remaining one and continue to monitor tank conditions
and consider the hospital tank at the first sign of trouble.
<I'd also add vitamins to its food regularly (at least once a
week) to replace anything lost due to freezing and thawing processes.
Cheers, Marco.>
Fire Eel Sick 10/21/10
I have a Fire Eel whom I have had for a couple months now.
<Nice fish.>
He just recently started to have these white spots appear on him and is
losing the color in his rostrum.
<Oh dear.>
They appear to be discoloration and are not on the outside of his skin.
I'm pretty sure that it is not Ich but I'm not sure what it
<Fire question. Do you have gravel or sand? Gravel damages the skin
of Spiny Eels, and since they use their nose to dig into the substrate,
the nose is often the first part of their body to get damaged. Small
specimens are particularly at risk, and while large spiny eels --
upwards of 45 cm/18 inches -- might be okay with smooth, fine gravel, I
personally would never, ever keep a spiny eel in a tank with gravel.
It's just too risky, and the evidence gravel damages them is
He recently fell on the carpet and was out of the water for a short
period of time.
<Exposure to air is in itself not a disaster, provided the fish is
quickly returned to the tank.>
I got him back in the aquarium quickly, but right after that is when he
started to show signs of an illness.
<Yes, likely damage to the skin. As with gravel, drying can cause
damage to the skin, and the longer the fish is exposed to air, the more
serious the risk of damage. Spiny eels are incredibly sensitive to this
sort of thing, and once the skin is damaged, opportunistic bacterial
infections aren't far away.>
The tank is kept at 80 degrees Fahrenheit with a small amount of
aquarium salt.
<How much? I'd add at least 2-3 grammes/litre, just as if
treating Ick.
This won't stress the other fish, and will be a preemptive strike
against Ick.>
Nitrates are at 10 ppm, Nitrites at 0 ppm, hardness is 75 ppm (soft), 0
chlorine, low alkalinity, and 6.8 pH. 45 gallon tank with a 20 gallon
sump (I know I will need to get a larger tank once he grows).
<I'll say! These fish are gigantic. Average specimens in aquaria
are about 75 cm/30 inches.>
Tankmates include a Featherfin Synodontis and an Ornate Bichir both of
which are small.
<Okay. Potentially good tankmates, though I'd tend to favour
salt-tolerant species simply because spiny eels do better when salt is
used regularly.
Siamese Tigerfish and some of the cichlids make good companions because
of this.>
Tank has lots of hiding spots. Feeding the Eel and Bichir earthworms
and the Featherfin sinking carnivore tabs. Could the disease be velvet,
or something else entirely? If so, what should I do? Thanks in
<Unfortunately, my guess would be a bacterial infection, and I'd
treat with an antibiotic. Spiny eels are finicky fish and difficult to
maintain if you don't do EVERYTHING right. Do be sure to read
everything you can about these fish, and act accordingly. Both Marco L.
and myself have kept these fish and written articles about their
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Fire Eel Sick - 10/21/10
Thanks for the quick reply,
<No problem.>
I have sand in the tank so it shouldn't scratch him when he buries
<The sand is smooth, right? Not sharp? Bear in mind that some sands,
for example Tahitian Moon Sand, are abrasive, and these must not be
used with Spiny Eels.>
He was only out of the water for thirty seconds max so hopefully his
skin didn't dry out to much.
I have put in two tablespoons of salt in the tank already so I will add
some more.
<As per dosage.>
What medications would you recommend to treat him with?
<Antibiotics are safe, but otherwise avoid medications where
possible, especially copper and formalin.>
Should I start a hospital tank to treat him?
<Would leave him in situ.>
Thanks again.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Fire Eel Sick 10/24/10
Thank you very much!
I have done as you said and will go out to get some antibiotics today.
The sand is smooth so it will not hurt him. I deeply appreciate the
Best Regards,
<Glad to help Ben. Good luck! Cheers, Neale.>
Fire eel question (Bob, some questions about your Spiny Eel
piece)<<Ok>> 10/19/10
Hey Guys,
I was at my LFS and came across some amazing Fire Eels.
<Beautiful fish, though very difficult to keep for a variety of
A fish that I had only ever seen in videos on YouTube. I knew right
then that I wanted to bring one of them home with me. I've got a
8'x2'x2' tank, crushed coral substrate and smooth black
river rocks making caves with 6, 5" Fronts, 2 4" blue
dolphins, 1 9" black Arowana and 2 4" Altolamprologus.
<Here's the deal. Hard water isn't a major problem as such,
but crushed coral will probably raise the hardness and pH well above
the comfort zone for these essentially soft water fish. They really
need something in the range 5-20 degrees dH, pH 6-8. Yes, there are
spiny eels in both Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika, but not Fire Eels! Any
of the Malawian or Tanganyikan species would get along fine with all of
these fish, except the Arowana, who has no business being in a hard
water community at all, and in
any case, will soon start seeing the smaller fish as food.>
<<And crushed coral is a very poor/unsuitable substrate for
keeping Mastacembelids>>
In the research that I've been doing over the weekend I think the
Fire Eel would do ok in my tank with the fish I have now.
<Not quite. The tank is big enough, and Fire Eels have certainly
been kept with Arowanas, particularly the relatively peaceful South
American Arowanas. On the other hand, the water chemistry required by
Malawian and Tanganyikan cichlids is far towards the hard/alkaline end
of what Arowanas and Southeast Asian spiny eels appreciate. In short,
not a textbook combination of species.>
Question 1) will it?
<Does depend on water chemistry, about which you've said
nothing. Also, the substrate needs to completely smooth, I'd
recommend smooth silica sand, or failing that, very fine, rounded
gravel. Crushed coral and/or coral sand is right out. Any rocks need to
be smoother than smooth, baby's bottom smooth.
Anything with any sharp or even rough edges is putting your Fire Eel at
severe risk of death. The danger is, as I hope you understand, damage
to the skin. Once scratched, these fish are astonishingly prone to
bacterial infections. They react badly to copper and formalin, and even
antibiotics have a poor track record when it comes to treating sick
fish. Obviously, this predisposition to disease is another reason why
"feeder fish" should never be used, and diet has to be very
carefully controlled to include lots of thiaminase-rich foodstuffs.
Earthworms are the single best food around for spiny eels.>
the eels at the store are about 6" to 7".
I have a cover on the tank now but are they really that adapt at
<Yes. If they can escape, they will. DO NOT delude yourself
Those are the basic questions I have, my main concern would be the
small white blob spot on the tail of one of the eels. From what
I've read it could be Ick, as the eels had just got to the shop a
day before, and if so adding salt and increasing the temp in the tank
would help kill the bacteria?
<Salt/heat will treat Whitespot just fine. As for bacteria, there is
some argument, e.g., in Baensch vol. 1, that maintaining slightly
brackish conditions improves the health of Fire Eels and indeed Spiny
generally. I kept my Tyre-Track Eel in brackish water for several years
alongside mollies, Rainbowfish and other salt-tolerant tankmates.
Baensch recommends 1-2 teaspoons per 2.5 US gallons, or about 6-12
grammes per 10 litres. This is a very low dosage, far below what is
officially brackish water and not enough to stress freshwater fish in
most cases, but do observe your other fish and see how they
However in one of the articles I found on your site,
Bob Fenner said "Should any of the spiny eels in the system
exhibit red areas, particularly near fin origins, or white, blotchy
markings, leave all of them. They are likely to be soon dead."
<Bob is on the money here. Fire Eels and spiny eels generally are
extremely prone to these bacterial infections, and if the retailer has
done stupid things like keeping them in tanks with gravel, or has fed
them feeder fish, then all bets are off. You might take a gamble on a
healthy specimen alongside one or more sickly ones, but for the best
chance, pick a healthy fish from a batch of healthy fish.>
What is this 'white blotchy marking' on the tail?
<It's essentially Finrot, some sort of Pseudomonas or Aeromonas
infection of the skin. You're looking for patches of white mucous
initially, followed by reddening, dead white skin, cloudiness of the
eyes, and then death as the disease progresses.>
is it really that bad,
is there nothing I can do about it
<Antibiotics may help with minor infections, and maintenance in
slightly salted water is probably a plus. But once a spiny eel gets
really sick, they are notoriously difficult to treat.>
so I can bring one home and nurse it back to health, or should I just
stick to admiring these fish on YouTube Videos? Thanks for your help
guys! :)
<Do be sure to read everything you can about these fish, and act
accordingly. Both Marco L. and myself have kept these fish and written
articles about their needs:
The bigger species of Mastacembelus are perhaps less sensitive to
substrate type than the smaller Macrognathus, but apart from the
rock-dwelling Malawian and Tanganyikan species, all spiny eels should
be kept in environments as free from sharp edges and rough surfaces as
Bless! Brad
<Cheers, Neale.>
Unhappy Fire Eel 7/28/06 Hello,
<Hi Steve, Pufferpunk here> I'm glad I found this site and I
hope you can help me. <I'll certainly try!> I
bought a Fire Eel about a week ago. He is about 8 inches
long. He ate very heartily the first 3 days I had him (hand fed frozen
krill) but now hasn't eaten for the last 2 days. He also
seems less like a healthy eel. What I mean by that is that
in the beginning, his head was always sticking out of his cave, now he
won't stick his head out at all. <That pointy nose
of his is for digging in the substrate for worms. Try live
blackworms to get him interested. He will also eat
bloodworms & eventually large night crawlers. > My ammonia and
nitrite are 0 and my nitrate is about 80 ppm. I know that is
too high and will probably begin doing water changes twice a week at
least. <Woah! No "probably" about
that! I'd do 25% daily (starting today), till
they're down <20. After that, 50% weekly is
recommended. Be sure to clean up any dead plant material
& be sure to clean every inch of the substrate, especially under
decor.> I also have a problem with my water turning soft, thereby my
pH drops. I have driftwood in the tank because my Plecos
need it and I was told this would continue to make the water
soft. <Stick to soft water-loving fish then, like the
Plecos & your fire eel. Angelfish, rams & lots of
other neat fish like soft water too.> About every 3 days I add pH
stable which raises the water hardness and also the pH as a side
effect. Currently, pH is about 7.2 and KH is about
3. None of my fish are aggressive so that is not an issue.
<Bad idea, adding products like that. All your doing is
causing a constant fluctuation of pH. VERY stressful on your
fish. Leave the pH alone & keep fish that will thrive in
soft water.> Besides rectifying the water quality, how can I get him
to eat again? He still "smells" the food when I
try to feed him and he'll also grab a piece or two but then spit it
out. I know he wants to eat but won't. Also,
any suggestions on being able to stabilize my pH and water hardness on
a more long term level (as opposed to having to add chemicals every few
days)? <All answered above. Get those nitrates down, try
live worms. I hope you have a HUGE tank, mine grew to
2', before I had to rehome him--tired of replanting my whole tank
every morning! ~PP> Please help, I really don't want
to lose this guy. Thanks, Steve
Fire "Eel", Eye Damage - 10/12/05 Hello
<Good morning.> I hope you can help me to help my Fire Eel. When
we were cleaning the tank 10 days ago, my eel got a fright and decided
to have a 100mph swim round the tank! <Yikes! Hopefully this
system is not too small for him to feel secure....> I think he must
have hurt himself as I have now noticed that his one eye is totally
white (looks blind) and he has a patch above the eye which seems to be
getting whiter by the day. <Definitely a concern.... Probably
did scratch/damage himself during his speedy stint about the tank.>
He is also off his food, not having eaten for three days (very unusual
for him). <And not a good sign....> I have bought some
Potassium Permanganate (Condy's crystals), but don't know if I
can use this as he is 'scaleless' and I have been told to be
careful of medications as not all are suitable for eels. <You are
correct. Do not use this.... Very, very caustic - will more than likely
kill the eel, and can be hazardous to deadly even on stronger fish.>
Please help. I am worried about my fat boy! <Bob's
recommendation (and I agree wholeheartedly) is to add aquarium salt
(the stuff marketed for freshwater aquaria, not marine salt), perhaps
at one or two tablespoons per ten gallons, possibly also add Maracyn I
& II (erythromycin and Minocycline) as a preventative.... and of
course, maintain optimal water quality. Try feeding stinky, attractive
foods like bloodworms (live if you can get 'em) or even
redworms/tiny earthworms you collect yourself from an area
uncontaminated by pesticides/herbicides.> Thanks, -Wendy <Wishing
you well, -Sabrina>
Fire Eel Issues - 04/05/2006 I have a fire eel
(approximately eighteen inches) in a freshwater tank - think he might
about 15 years old - not sure. <Nice!> A couple weeks
ago he stopped eating, became lethargic (not sure I spelled that
right), <I believe you did.> and appeared to have labored
breathing. I dosed the tank with Maracyn II for five days,
<Why?> and then another five days with Maracyn.
<Again, why? Did you see symptoms of anything aside from
the heavy breathing/lethargy? Did you have reason to suspect
a bacterial infection?> I have only used Mardel products on him
including CopperSafe and occasionally Maroxy. <....
should try not to use medications unless you know there's a disease
that must be treated....> He has a couple injury sites that have
turned white. <Disturbing. How did he become
injured? Tankmate squabble? Escape attempt?>
After the second week of antibiotic treatment, he improved, regained
his appetite and was swimming like usual. Last night, he
stopped eating again. I'm not sure what to do this time
around. I/m afraid he might be dying from old
age? <In all honesty, this is possible....> I am
doing 20-25% partials every 5-7 days. <Ammonia, nitrite,
nitrate, pH readings?> He has a small area of whitish skin on the
side of his face. Please give me some suggestions. Linda
Itoh Hello, I wrote to you a little earlier and I need to add a symptom
I just noticed with my fire eel - his stomach is bloated.
<The bloated belly and refusal to eat are troubling.... I
would first check (and correct, if necessary) his water
quality.... Next, there are a number of things to
consider. First, simple constipation. Foods high
in roughage content may help with this (adult daphnia, adult brine
shrimp....). Secondly, these dropsical symptoms may indicate
an internal bacterial infection; if that's the case, there may be
little you can do, depending upon what, exactly, is troubling
him. You might consider trying to feed with an antibiotic
medicated food, though this will (obviously) be difficult if the fellow
refuses to eat.... Maintaining optimal water quality and
hoping for the best with foods to help reduce constipation may be your
best first start.> Linda Itoh <My best wishes to your eely
friend, -Sabrina>
Fire Eel Issues - II - 04/22/2006 I have not been
doing well with my fire eel. His belly is still bloated and he is not
eating. <Yikes!> I have been doing water testing and
the results as of last night were: ph 7.5, copper .5 to 1.0,
<I still don't understand what you are treating with the
copper? Our correspondences haven't let me to believe
that you are dealing with ich or other parasites....> nitrite .09,
<This should test as zero.... likely you need to do more
frequent water changes right now; the copper has destroyed your
biological filtration.... And again, why copper?> nitrate
(I am still having problems figuring out) I am using tetra test NO3 and
color in test-tube matches 25mg on color chart with kit; <Mm,
it's in parts per million, no?> however if I divide that by 4.4
I believe that number is 5.68, is that good or
not? <You've lost me here; why are you
dividing? Is it not displayed as parts per million,
or....? And what about your ammonia readings?> I think he
has an infection and needs to be treated with antibiotics.
<.... this is possible, but not seeing the fish, not having all the
data, I really can't tell you what he might need at this
point.... If you do suspect an internal bacterial infection,
Kanamycin or Nitrofurazone in food is my
recommendation.... or at least orally if not in food, if in
any way possible.> I have only used Mardel products in the
tank. The white injury sites are from him trying to cram
into a castle which is too small for him now which I have not taken out
yet because he is so panic stricken when I work in the tank I'm
afraid he is going to jump out. <If there is an item in the tank
responsible for the injuries to the animal, PLEASE get it out of there
IMMEDIATELY. Replace it with more decor of a more desirable
nature, large enough not to damage the poor fellow. This is
imperative; if he's getting wounds from this castle, it needs to
go, pronto, in favor of something that won't wound him.> Some
years ago I was working in the tank and he took off like a rocket right
out of the tank, in the air, and landed on a tile floor. He
did recover but has not been the same since.
<Yeeee-ikes! I can imagine! Sneaky little
fellows.... give him more appropriate hiding spaces, things
to make him feel secure, things that won't wound him.> I also
have been using well water for the past 3.5 years which I treat with
StressCoat when I partial. Please give me some
suggestions? <This bloating and refusal to eat is
hopefully something that can be passed.... I would add a
tablespoon or two of Epsom salts (Magnesium Sulfate) per ten gallons of
water; this may very well help him pass any
blockage. Secondly, I would absolutely quit with the copper,
unless you are treating for ich or some such.... adding
copper is shooting yourself in the foot right now, with regards to
water quality. If you are highly confidant of a bacterial
infection, I would recommend treating with Kanamycin and/or
Nitrofurazone, again, preferably orally and preferably in food.>
Right now, I am just doing partials about every 4-5 days.
<You may need to increase this to *daily* with the copper in your
tank destroying your biological filtration.... Be testing,
*daily*, for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH....> Thank
you. Linda <All the best to you, Linda, and don't get
disheartened. Spiny eels are resilient fellows, and
hopefully yours, aged though he is, can pull through
this. Wishing you
well, -Sabrina>
Fire Eel
Issues - III - 04/23/2006 Sabrina, thank you for your response with
regard to my fire eel. I had been treating the tank
with copper because the injury sites were not healing like they have in
the past. <Copper really isn't very useful for
aiding wounds in healing....> I did about a 30-35% water change
yesterday and my copper level today is 0.5. I plan on not
adding anymore copper. I was thinking if I maintain a
therapeutic level of copper it would keep him from getting
parasites. <Mm, for the most part, you're not so
likely to see parasite issues pop up unless you introduce them;
it's bacterial complaints that you need to have concern over.> I
have always maintained a level of copper in the tank for as long as
I've had him. <With regards for parasite prevention, a more
useful and less toxic substance to use is just aquarium
salt. Spiny eels don't much like it, but tolerate it FAR
better than copper.> Today my nitrite is 0.3 mg/liter, and NO3 is
50mg/l. I am using tetra tests with color charts measures
reading in mg/l. <I see. mg/L is the same as
ppm (parts per million). Thus, you have .3ppm nitrite and
50ppm nitrate. You most certainly need to do some hefty (or
heftier) water changes; spiny eels don't appreciate high
nitrates.... I would quickly strive to bring this much
lower; 20ppm at a maximum, less if possible.> The only test chart I
see with ppm's is the copper chart. I am thinking I need
to another partial today; but I just don't know.
<Yes, absolutely.> My ammonia is 0 according to the
tetra test color chart reading from 0 thru 5.0. <Get the nitrite to
zero, and the nitrate down.> Interestingly, after I did the 30-35
partial he actually ate some food last night;
<Ah! Good!> but still looks very uncomfortable, and is
still bloated. I thought the bloating was due to a bacterial infection
which is why I'm thinking he needs antibiotic. Can you
tell me where I can Kanamycin in the oral form? <You
might have to mix it yourself, or take a look at http://flguppiesplus.safeshopper.com/234/cat234.htm?590
- they have an antibacterial medicated flake with Oxytetracycline,
which might also be effective.> The only antibiotic I keep on hand
are the Maracyns. I did not put Epsom salts in the
tank yesterday because of the partial and he seemed to have gotten some
relief from it. <The Epsom cannot cause him harm, even
if he were in perfect health, and may help *immensely*.> I'm so
distraught over the possibility of him not making it through
this. <Get the nitrate down.... Discontinue
copper.... Add Epsom.... Maintain impeccable
water quality (ammonia and nitrite at ZERO, nitrate less than 20ppm and
preferably closer to 5ppm).... Wait a few days, then begin
with antibiotics in food if no improvement is seen. At
least, that's what I would do.> Thank you for your
help. -Linda <All the best to
you, -Sabrina>
Fire Eel
Issues - IV - 05/13/2006 Hi Sabrina, <Hi, Linda!> I'm
writing again with regard to my bloated fire eel. He is
hanging in there; but he is obviously not comfortable. I
added the Epsom and have discontinued the copper since April 25th no
copper. The copper level is holding at 0.25 ppm, <I
continue to urge you to get this to zero.> 0 ammonia, 25 mg/l
nitrates, <Really needs to be lower still.> <0.3> nitrites,
<Needs to be zero. ph is holding at 8. <Yikes!> I
have read that fire eels like a lower ph so the 8 concerns
me. <Yes, me too, a great deal.> However, at this
point I'm so frustrated with what to do, maybe the pH8 is not a
significant problem. <Mm, it is a problem, I
think. Many/most fishes are very tolerant of a wide-ish
range of pH, but spiny eels really should not be in a pH this
high. Dangerous.> After our last email conversation he
was not eating so I put Maracyn II in the tank for 10 days, he starts
eating and swimming around. He will not eat flake food,
shrimp, bloodworms or earthworms. <Disconcerting that he
won't take worms....> He eats shrimp pellets and algae
wafers. Since I stopped the copper his welt-like blisters
are getting white-ish and he is scraping along the bottom of the
tank. <Still signs of irritation, perhaps at the
nitrite, nitrate, copper, or that very high pH - or something else in
the water, even.> I have done partials every 2-4 days, however he
seems really stressed after a partial. I am on well water
here and I did a hardness test on it - 14 dGH - and 13 dKH.
<Kinda high, there.> I have always used water right from the
well, and am now wondering if I should be using water from the tap
which is ran through a softener. The tap water reads 1dgh and 12 dKH.
<I would advise against the softened tapwater; this can be even more
trouble than it's worth. The very hard, high pH of the
current water, though, is troubling. I would like to suggest
that you try doing a couple of water changes (carefully, and spaced
apart in time) with some water from a Reverse Osmosis filtration unit
or even store-bought bottled water - I don't know where you are,
but many places have water stores where you can fill up a 5g water jug
for a buck or so with straight RO water. Just BE CAUTIOUS of
this, as the pH of the purified/bottled water will be much, much lower
than the pH of the tank - you do NOT want to lower his pH too
quickly.> My aquarium readings as of yesterday are 18dgh and 10 dKH.
I had to have my husband help me with these tests. Very complicated for
me. <And very kind of your husband, too - thank him for
me.> Seems like he has skin problems since we moved from city water
to well water. <Bingo....> I'm probably just
grasping at straws at this stage. <I very strongly feel
that the bulk of this animal's problems are
environmental. I would actually hold of from medicating at
all (aside from the Epsom salt, I would use that again after your next
water change). I would like to see this critter VERY slowly
(as in, 0.2 a day) go down to below a 7.0 pH with as close to zero
nitrate as possible (below 20ppm at the least), zero ammonia, zero
nitrite, zero copper, and lower hardness with the use of RO/bottled
water. I really think a more accurate environment may be the
whole key here.> I have purchased Maracyn Plus Biospheres
Antibacterial (Sulfadimidine and Trimethoprin). Do you think
this would help with the skin welts?<Mm, I would hold off on
medicating this animal any more than absolutely necessary at this point
and see how an improved environment affects him.> Please give me
your thoughts. <You've got 'em now, and I hope
they help some.> Thanks, -Lyn <All the best to you and
your eely buddy, -Sabrina>
Fire Eel Issues - V -
05/15/2006 Hi Sabrina, <Hi, Linda!> I'm writing with an
update on my fire eel. After I read your last reply, I
did a small partial - only five gallons of aquarium water - did I
replace with store-bought bottled water. I'd like to
explain something to you that my husband explained to me before I give
you the numbers. I have been testing the PH with a tetra
test kit that reads from 5,0 thru 10,0 and the aquarium water has been
reading an 8,0. He brought in the ph kit for our pool water
that reads in tenths from 7.0 thru 8.0. We tested the
aquarium water (before small partial) to see if it matched my ph of
8. It did not - it read 7.6. <A big
difference.... I would test this against another aquarium
test kit, perhaps at your local store; many/most stores will test your
water for you for free.> We did the partial and the ph on
the tetra kit read 7.5 and the pool kit read 7.4. <This
is a difference that could be charted up to human
error.... is very close.> This was on May
14th. Tonight, I just did the ph readings and they are
unchanged. The nitrites and nitrates are also
unchanged. The dGH is still 18 but the kH is down to
8. <One last time. Ammonia and Nitrite MUST
be ZERO. Nitrate MUST be as low as possible; below 20ppm at
the least, preferably even at or below 5ppm for this sensitive
animal. These things aren't options, but criteria on
which your eel's life hinges. The pH is next in line of
importance.> The magnum filter was clogging up pretty good so I
changed that tonight. <Likely a/the "source"
of high nitrate in your tank.> My fire eel has stopped eating again
- 3rd night in a row - since I stopped the Maracyn II - he has stopped
eating. <This could very well be coincidence, to be
quite honest. These animals can sometimes stop eating once
in a while.> I feel like I need to treat him with something
especially since he has stopped eating again. <Bob and I and a few
other folks were just talking about this tendency in aquarists; a
desire to throw a medication at a problem.... This is a
very, very unfortunate tendency, and probably kills more organisms than
it saves.... Granted, I do not know you or your pet, but I
still feel that throwing medication at the fellow's condition when
there are KNOWN problems with the water that must be corrected is
folly.> What would be in the Maracyn II to make him eat?
<Can actually be coincidence.> I can't determine if he is
breathing easier or not since the partial - I don't think
so. IF he starts to look worse and I decide to medicate him,
would it be safe to use the Maracyn Plus Biospheres? <I
can't recommend either, to be honest. Not until the
water quality is rectified. Fixing the water quality is
*imperative*.> In your last reply, you had suggested doing a couple
of water changes carefully spaced apart. <Mm, as far as spacing them
apart, what I'm most concerned about is not decreasing the pH too
quickly.> Do you think another water change should be done in the
next day or two, or more towards the end of the week? <I
would say NOW, and urgently so, until that nitrate reading is down.>
And, I'm thinking another 5 gallons of bottled water and 5-10
gallons well water. By the way, with regard to CopperSafe -
I was reviewing my emails with you guys and noticed the very first one
a Bob Fenner replied to and I got the impression he was okay with using
CopperSafe. I was just wondering about the difference of
opinion. <I am actually sitting with him now, he's
right next to me.... We've talked, and he does agree
that maintaining copper on spiny eels is not a good
idea. They just don't do well with many
medications. If you like, a direct quote from his
Mastacembelid article: "Spiny eels don't respond
well to toxic dye and metal medications." http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/matacembelids.htm
. I do believe he misunderstood that you had intended to use
copper as a constant preventative in the water.... I
believe, and I feel that he does too, that this is a bad idea.>
Thank you for your reply - again. Lyn <Please do go
ahead and read over the article and the FAQs file linked to it, if you
would.... hopefully you might find some other piece of
insight that would be of help to you. Wishing you
well, -Sabrina>
Fire Eel fdg.,
sys./comp. 4/1/06 Hi Crew! <Michael> Hope all is
well in Wet Web land. I have a feeding issue with my 12" Fire
Eel. I purchased him 8 days ago from my LFS and since then I
have not been able to get (him or her) to eat. <Happens...
Mastacembelids don't like changes... and being "moved" is
a biggie> (We will assume its a he)............. I have
tried feeding him frozen bloodworms with no luck and have just tried
frozen krill even though I could not find any documentation supporting
krill to feed him. <Some will take... but takes training on to>
He is in a 94 gallon corner tank with plenty of caves housed with a red
empress, Hap Ali, sunshine peacock, yellow lab, pike cichlid, <These
are aggressive species...> and 2 cats (4" and not sure the
type). All fish are between 4-5 inches. I
understand that there is some good competition for food for him and
have found ways around that. I have tried using a feeding
stick to spear the krill and have used the stick which acts like a
turkey baster as well to blow the bloodworms by him. He has
had ample time to eat both. My latest attempt today was to
put the bloodworms in a shot glass and to lay the glass in the tank
(and yes, I took the Jack Daniels out of the shot glass first).
<Heee, good idea to both> The bloodworms stayed in the glass and
the cichlids left the food alone. I left that in there for a
half hour and watch patiently to see him not eat. I have read and
re-read your archives and understand that they can go on hunger strikes
for weeks at a time but I guess I would really value your input on my
situation. Aside from not eating he does look healthy and acts fine.
Thank you in advance for your assistance! Michael J. Bukosky <I
would try some live worms... likely "black Tubifex" if you
could find, or other... placed in a container as you've done
here... but really, the best scenario is going to be to place this fish
in a less-agonistic setting... completely covered top, with
"soft" rounded substrate, diffuse lighting and soft/er, more
acidic water than some of the fish you list prefer. I would do this
move if this spiny eel does not feed within another week. Bob
Earthworms 'N' Eels - 03/07/2006 This
is just a note for those eel lovers or those wanting to embrace the eel
so to speak. <.... I might pet one, but hugging is maybe
not quite in my plans.> A couple of years ago I bought 4 eels for my
hundred gallon aquarium. Two fire eels and two tire
track. Sadly someone left the lid on the tank askew and I
lost one a couple of weeks ago. <Aww! So
sorry to hear this!> It was about 18 inches long. I still
have three left that are about that size, one is a good 23 inches
long. They share the aquarium with a sun catfish, a drift
wood cat, a tiny (but extremely swift) zebra loach, a very fat clown
loach which I bought at the same time (he's a good 10 inches long)
a spotted perch, a dojo and a pair of spotted catfish that act like
they're on crack. I love my eels but let future eel
owners be warned, they'll eat you out of house and
home. They pick at flake food in the morning, ah but at
night they go through 3 of the large cubes of frozen blood
worms and whine for more. I'm thinking that
someday in the future I will find just one very enormous eel in that
tank, all other fish having become snacks. Do you know if
eels might eat fishing worms?
<Yep. Especially at that size. I recommend
culturing your own, to be sure they are in good health and
nutrition. Google "vermiculture". You
can start with worms in your own yard, provided you haven't used
any pesticides, herbicides, etc.> I'm curious but haven't
tried offering any. <I'm sure they'd love
'em. Try small worms, not big fat Nightcrawlers.> I
was kind of hoping that the larger worms might just fill the tanks up a
bit quicker. Luckily I can say that none of them have had an
ailment in the years I've had them. (knock on wood) and I don't
want to encourage anything a live food might bring in.
<Agreed.> So if you have any information on earthworms for eels
please let me know. It would be much
appreciated. <I say give it a try - I've seen
even smallish (<8" or so) spiny eels take small worms.>
Thanks Jo <All the best to you, -Sabrina>
Fire eel 11/3/05
Dear Robert, I wrote to in
July with regard to my 10 year old fire eel (in 90 gallon tank) that I
have always treated with the Maracyn and CopperSafe. You recommended I
get a copper (ion) test kit to monitor the copper level because
StressCoat (which I use all the time) can remove it over time. I
purchased a freshwater kit by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals which reads from
0.25 thru 4.0. My measurement today is .25. Is this a treatment
level? <Yes... tween 0.15 and 0.30 ppm of free cupric ion>
My old kit by Aquarium Systems (which I cannot find replacement packets
for) read 0.15 thru 0.2 on the chart and it stated that this is a
therapeutic treatment if maintained for 10-14 days. I also would
like your opinion on this: my fire eel has these blister like, or more
like welts, on his sides. He has had these for sometime - they are not
new. It reminds me of a hive like a human would get on their skin. And,
he has grown up with a Pleco that appears to have an uncanny affection
towards him. It's like their glued together, though I suspect the
Pleco is sucking the slime off of him. <May be> Again, this has
been going on for years. Your comments, please. Thank you. Linda
I. <I would keep an eye on the Pleco... try to keep it weaned away
from the eel... perhaps with algae wafers... offered toward the
evening/lights out. Bob Fenner>
Fire Eels, Cestodes, and Praziquantel -
Hello Crew! I have a 2 1/2 foot Fire Eel that appears to
have tapeworms. He appears very healthy and gregarious in all respects,
but periodically he discharges some white, flat, many inches long,
substance which appears to cause him some discomfort, resulting in
thrashing about the tank to dislodge it. Does not appear to be normal
waste or a normal way to evacuate based on the discomfort involved and
the color. <Could indeed be tapeworms.... or other worms.>
I have not been able to isolate any of this substance as the rest of
his tank mates devour it immediately, <Ugh.> which of course
means they also have worms if that is what they are.
<Agreed.> He is fed live worms and I know they can be carriers of
tapeworms which has caused my concern. <Good concern.> I know he
shouldn't have any medications with copper, and I was also
concerned because he is scaleless, or nearly so anyway. Some of his
tankmates are also loaches and Botias, so I have to worry about them as
well since he is too big to quarantine and they and the rest of his
tankmates would probably have to be treated as well, anyway. However,
all his tankmates also appear to be quite healthy. What medication or
treatment would you recommend? <Praziquantel would be my first
choice, followed by Levamisole or Piperazine.... There are a number of
products available for aquarium use, one being "Prazi-Pro".
Any of these medications (or others for Cestodes) will need to be
administered via food, I believe.> Thank you for your time. He is a
sweet little fiend, and I don't want the worms to cause him
problems in the future. I wasn't able to find anything by
performing a search for this item in your website. <Glad to
hopefully be of service.> Marcia <Wishing you well,
Fire eel, copper use 7/22/05 Dear Robert:
<Linda> I have had my fire eel about 10 years and he is about
18-19 inches and very well rounded. <How nice... great pets, very
intelligent> He is very aggressive and spooks easily and has had
several injuries to his body over the years. Only on one
occasion did I almost lose him - my local aquarium shop said it sounded
like an infection in his gills - heavy breathing - not eating or
swimming. I treated the tank with Maracyns I and
II and CopperSafe and he recovered. I have used
these products ever since, and having read on your webpage that eels
are sensitive to copper I wonder if I should stop. <Mmm, no... just
"be careful"... not to over-expose> I recently moved ( and
the fire eel) to a new home which is on well water and I regularly
treat the water with StressCoat and CopperSafe. May I have
your opinion on this treatment plan. Thank you. Linda Itoh
<Mmm, I would get, use a copper (ion) test kit... and know that
StressCoat will remove/precipitate copper. Bob Fenner>
Poorly eel... Ps. Sorry for such a long
email, but I thought I'd tell you as much as I
could,,, also forgot to add, All the other fish seem ok... And the
eel never seemed to eat anything... I got some maggots from the
local fishing shop.. the other fish liked them, and the eel showed
more interest in them than bloodworms, or anything else I'd
been trying to feed him, and looked as if he was trying to eat one,
he made a move towards it, but didn't get it in his mouth,,, so
I'm not entirely convinced he's eaten too much since I got
him.. (about 3 weeks ago) hope you can help.... Sami <This spiny
eel is extremely mal-affected by a bacterial infection... though
often termed fungal... A very quick administration of antibiotics
to the system (Chloramphenicol if you can get it, Spectrogram
(product) if not... at double dose... 250 mg. per five gallons,
addition of a teaspoon of aquarium salt per five gallons... in a
separate treatment system, attention to water quality while
there... offering Tubificid worms as food... Might save this
specimen, but doubtful at this stage. Bob Fenner> |
Fire eel purchase in the GWN >I would like
to buy a fire eel but I do not find any store of fish which has some
can you help me please >>> What city do you live in? It is
hard to find you a store without knowing where you live. Oliver sorry,
I'm living in Montreal >> Try Nature Pet Center on Newman
in Ville LaSalle, they can likely order it for you if they do not have
them, speak to Robert. If not, maybe Big Al's Aquarium Services on
Boul. Des Sources. Speak to Daniel. Keep in mind that fire eels will
get four feet long... Good Luck, Oliver.
Fire Eels
Hello- I came across a
website that had your email address and some information on the fire
eel. A friend of mine recently purchased a fire eel and would like to
get some more info. Would you happen to know how one goes about
determining the sex?? <Not able to do... externally... as far as
I'm aware> Also, is it ok to put more than one eel in your
aquarium?? <Yes... a docile (though does get large) species toward
fishes bigger than mouth-size, including other Mastacembelids. Bob
Fenner> She would really appreciate any info you could give on the
subject. Thank you, JB Hampton
Purchasing some spiny eels I was thinking about purchasing
some spiny eels from an online store. Is it wise to have a striped
peacock, a Zig Zag, and a fire eel all in the same tank? <Not
problematical in terms of them getting along, feeding/foods, having
different habitats if this is what you mean> Also, the site I was
planning on ordering from said that spiny eels eventually needed 29
gallon tanks... but I read about people having to put them in 100
gallon tanks, what's the minimum size I can have for one and does
it affect what size of tank I need if I have one of each of the
aforementioned spiny eels? <Mmm, at least a hundred for the Fire
Eel... gets quite large over time, in good health... the others could
live in 29 gallon systems (well-covered!). Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/matacembelids.htm
and the Related FAQs (linked, in blue, at top)> I read
that the eels will eat crustaceans, so I assume a blue crayfish would
be a bad tank mate... Is it wise to order
online? Or would you suggest going to a local breeder or
distributor? Thanks in advance. <Both sources could
work... or be trouble. The spiny eels are quite tough if cared for
well, and doomed if not... Seeing them ahead of purchase is definitely
a bonus, better start if you can find, order them locally. Bob
Black Shark and Fire Eel - Out of the Frying Pan and Into the
Fire! Hello, hope you can help me! <I will indeed
try.> I have been looking for quite a while and trying to decide
what to purchase for my tank or if I need to buy a larger tank if it is
needed! I am wondering if a black shark 2" long and a
fire eel 9" long will be good tank mates? <No, black sharks
(Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) are said to be very hostile
fish. I've read many sites saying how their red tailed
Black Sharks have really hurt some tank mates. I would think
that it would pester a fire eel.> I know that black sharks are
aggressive, but are they to aggressive if they grow together! <They
will eventually be mean... their nature won't allow them to be nice
forever. No sense putting an eel through that. Here is a
quick bit of info on the black sharks. http://aquarium.wendellarhoads.com/blshark.shtml
They seem to list what had happened to their tankmates.> I have
heard and red that Balas, red tailed sharks, or rainbows and good
possible tank mates, what about black sharks?
<larger rainbows wouldn't bother an eel at all. The
others you run a risk.> Would a lot of hiding places for the eel
make a difference or keeping the black shark well fed make a
difference? <It would help, but wouldn't take care of the
underlying issue that the fish would be mean to the eel. I
suggest that if you want these two fish, you think about having two
separate tanks for them. Then you can enjoy both without
worry. Good luck -Magnus.> Help
Needed!!! Thanks CHO, IA
Puffers I have one question, but first here is my tank
set-up. 20 gallon tank with whisper filter and heater (it always stays
at 76.5 degrees) inside are two dwarf puffer and three Buenos Aires
tetras. I want to add a fire eel. Can I? What I mean is can I add the
eel with out It killing the puffers? <No, I wouldn't add that to
the tank, I really think that a fire eel will try to eat the dwarf
puffers. Even if it doesn't eat them, it will surely
stress the tiny things out. I would suggest setting a tank
specifically for the eel if you really want to get one.>
Fire eel diet Hello, I have been reading your website for a
while, it's wonderfully informational. I purchased a Fire eel a
while ago. She is now about a foot long and is living in an
over turned decoration for her own personal cave. Her half of the
aquarium is covered in a healthy layer (4") of black moon sand, to
not scrap her belly if she ever decides she wants to
burrow. The tank mates are 3 fire red dwarf Gouramis, 2
Opaline Gouramis, and an angel fish. The eel loves ghost
shrimp, can't seem to feed her enough, but my pet stores can't
seem to keep up with just my purchases per week. Two Eel questions:
(1) Feeding: What consists of a good
healthy eel diet? What are all my options? <Many
things... ideally natural food items like worms (including earthworms,
grubs (larval beetles) like mealworms, ghost/glass shrimp... small bits
of cut meats, fish flesh> How can I keep my eel healthy and full but
not break the bank? <Culture (not you! the food)... and collection
in the wild. Do look into growing night crawlers, meal worms et al.>
How much of these options should I feed her? <At a foot in length...
maybe every other day, enough food to where the fish appears
"full"... not bulging> Should I stock a
smaller aquarium of just shrimp or something for her and feed her daily
like the other tank mates or keep her on a feast a week schedule (I
understand that's more like what their natural feeding habits are)?
<Better to not feed too frequently or too much... (2)
Future: Ideally or acceptably, what size tank should she be
in when she is full grown? <This may come as quite a shock... but a
few hundred gallons. Take a look on fishbase.org re this Mastacembelid
species... It does get quite large eventually. Bob Fenner>
A Very Good Fishy Story (well-adjusted Fire Eel) I have a
fire eel, quite a crazy and yet good story, just though I'd share
it. I bought a fire eel the other day in Fort Wayne, IN,
from a retailer who had it in an aquarium with green terrors, jack
Dempseys, Flowerhorn cichlids, African Synodontis, and an EXTREMELY
AGGRESSIVE banded Headstander. Fort Wayne is about 5 hours
from where I live, and due to traffic, it waited 6 hours in a bag for
me to get it home. When I got it home, it acclimated
instantly. I have read stories on your website about them
getting diseased easily and those refusing food, but mine is completely
disease-free, and ate so much beef heart that his stomach swelled to
the size of Chicago. He is fat and happy, and even likes to
come out and lurk around during the day. Just thought
I'd share the story. <Thank you for sending this along. Bob
Why does my fire eel have yellow markings? >Hi,
>>Hello, Marina tonight. >I have had a fire eel (now about
9") for almost a year. He was about 4" when we got
him. He used to live in a 25 Gallon Eclipse (eel proof) until I bought
the new 90 gallon tank back in March. Quick cute story- thought I lost
him last winter. Went missing for about 2 months. Turns out
he was living in the hidden compartment eating bloodworms as they got
sucked up the tube. No worse for were, but bigger. Didn't suspect a
problem until the water level on the filter was way too high. Anyway,
he lives with a couple of zigzags, a black ghost, a golden Gourami, 4
pearl Gouramis, 5 red Serpae, and a tiger barb. Normal for the tank is
flake, frozen beef heart and frozen bloodworms. The big question.
Whenever I see a photo of a fire eel it has red markings. Mine is dull
yellow. Any ideas? Thanks in advance either
way. Great site! >>I've seen them both ways, and
have always assumed that it's just a variance on
coloring. Try this link for some ideas http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/matacembelids.htm
>>I hope this helps. Marina