FAQs on Pangasiid Cats,
Mainly the Iridescent/ID
"Shark"... Disease/Health
Related Articles: Pangasiid Catfishes,
Related FAQs: Pangasiid Catfishes 1, Pangasiid Catfishes 2, & FAQs on:
Pangasiid Catfishes Identification,
Pangasiid Catfishes Behavior,
Pangasiid Catfishes Compatibility,
Pangasiid Catfishes
Stocking/Selection, Pangasiid
Catfishes Systems, Pangasiid
Catfishes Feeding, Pangasiid
Catfishes Reproduction, Related Catfish
FAQs: Identification,
Behavior, Compatibility, Selection, Systems, Feeding, Disease, Reproduction, Minnow Sharks 1,

small tear 11/29/17
My iridescent catfish is 6-8 inches long, lives in a 125 tank
with two parrot heads. Sharky got excited the other day and
scratched himself on a sharp edge on a decoration.
<Ah! Very common; and will state for the record here that this fish will
outgrow this system in time>
There is no blood, or discharge and I have removed the offending
decoration. All water parameters are correct and he seems fine but
should I do any preventive care on his scrape?
<Maybe; but I would not do much; lest some aspect of water quality,
biological make up (nitrification e.g.) be impugned. Perhaps some salt
addition as detailed by Neale here:
Normally he is very mellow but the vacuum bumped the tank stand making
him bang around and get hurt.
Thanks for any ideas. I plan on keeping him and he will live in a 300
gallon tank with current mates.
<Ahh, good! This fish will very likely be fine, self-heal in days to a
few weeks. Bob Fenner>
Red patch near gills of ID Shark
Hi Team,
I have a albino (white) id shark. I suddenly noticed a red patch like mark which
kind of looks like a wound on both the sides of the fish near the gills. I
haven't seen this before in him. I added some Melafix to the tank last evening
when I saw that he was looking little dull than usual.
Please advise.
Thanks and regards,
<Hello! I'm assume you have an albino Iridescent Shark, Pangasianodon
hypophthalmus. This potentially huge fish struggles to survive well in
home aquaria -- adults are routinely over 70 cm in length, and can reach almost
twice that size. Like a lot of big fish, one sign that they're cramped (i.e.,
kept wrong) is the appearance of something called "Gill Curl", where the gill
covers (opercula) become deformed. When this happens, the red gill filaments
underneath the gill covers can be seen. As well as making the gill filaments
more vulnerable to physical damage, gill curl affects the
ability of the fish to pressurise the inside of the gill chamber, reducing its
ability to extract oxygen from the water. In short, your fish looks like it has
red wounds around its gills, and because its getting less oxygen than it needs,
it becomes steadily more lethargic. Does this sound plausible? Without a photo
it's obviously hard for me to say 100% what's going on here, but Gill Curl would
be my number-1 guess. How is Gill Curl treated? Primarily by fixing the
environment. Iridescent Shark need thousands of litres of water. We're talking
ponds, not fish tanks.
Substantial water changes will help, and increasing water circulation can add a
bit more oxygen to the tank, improving things some more. But fundamentally it's
all about getting the environment right: 2500+ litres (upwards of 650 US
gallons); robust filtration with a lot of current; neutral water chemistry; no
sharp or hot objects in the tank likely to
cause scratches or burns. While the Girl Curl itself might not actually get
better, it won't get worse, and as the fish grows, the deformed part becomes
less and less significant. Note that no medication is needed or helpful. Hope
this helps! Neale.
Oh, and by way of a post scriptum -- Iridescent Sharks are not aquarium
fish, and for other readers out there, unless you're planning on farming
Iridescent Sharks, don't buy them! Juveniles sometimes get out of the
fish farming business and end up in aquarium shops, and when they're small,
they're undeniably cute. But given their adult size, and extremely rapid growth
rate, they're virtually impossible to keep properly or healthily.
Peaceful predators they may well be, and ideally suited to big fish communities
at zoos and public aquaria, but as home aquarium fish, they're useless. NM.>
IID shark ... env. dis.; no rdg.
> Hi, I'm hoping you can help me. I've had two ID sharks for the past 15 years.
10 days ago I noticed a little white spot on the back of his neck.
In time it seemed to spread and I went to the fish store to see what they could
offer for treatment.
<... almost assuredly physical damage on this Pangasiid Cat... VERY commonly
injure themselves in captivity... Get way big... need hundreds, thousands of
> They recommended Melafix
<Worse than worthless. Don't write us w/o reading on WWM first>
and I administered 75ml per my 150 gallon once a day as of 6 days ago. I am
noticing the abrasion to the skin is worsening,
I really am stuck as what to do.
<READ re the health of this family on WWM>
The fish has also lost a lot of weight but he does continue to eat and swim. He
isn't acting as though he is sick but his skin looks like its
worsening. I'm not sure if you will get this email in time or at all but in have
enclosed a few pictures in its stages
> Any help would be greatly appreciate
The first day I noticed something
I noticed it spread and went to the fish store to seek treatment Five days into
using the Melafix and it's worsening
This is where I'm at today
I feel helpless and I don't think the guys at the fish store can help
<Read. Bob Fenner>
.jpeg) |
catfish emergency 2/19/14
Aloha, Just wanted to say to your site is awesome and thanks in advance.
I need your help with my Pangasius catfish. He was
given to me a month ago and is housed in 2000 gal reservoir connected to
three separate 150gal aquaponic grow beds which act as a filter. System
has been running for years with other smaller(12in) Pangasius, Pimelodus
catfish, Aulonocara cichlids and blue tilapia. I've never detected any
nitrate in reservoir despite seeing visible fish waste on bottom. The ph
runs a little high around 8 and we have quite a bit of water hardness.
This is an outdoor set up and I live in Maui, Hawaii, so temperature has
been running from 60's to 70's, but it has been unusually cold and
dropped to high 50's at night. The weather has warmed up and tank is now
running 67.
<First time for everything... an email describing and appropriate
habitat for Pangasius catfish! You have my respect!>
Upon moving this new large very healthy 24" panganguis in,
within days what looks like Columnaris set in around mouth, presumably
from a transport injury.
<Quite possibly. Very common issue with this species.>
I've been doing frequent water changes and have stopped feeding the
entire reservoir but the infection has progressed to almost cover
his eyes, although the eyes are clear, whiteness is started to surround
eye socket. I don't know what else to do.
<Medicate as per Columnaris; likely an antibiotic, but I'd use an
anti-fungal medication alongside, so you can cover all the
possibilities: Columnaris, Finrot, and Fungus, all of which can look
extremely similar and frequently co-occur. Phenoxyethanol can make a
good "bath" for dipping infected fish into, but doing this with a large
fish that doesn't want to be in a net and consequently thrashes about
may be difficult.>
He is the only affected fish in reservoir. The other panguis are
spotless and I've never seen aggression from any species. I thought I
could separate him into to 300gal tank and medicate but the trauma may
not be worth it.
This fish is very tame, he would let me touch him and maybe apply
medication in main 2000gal. Please let me know your advice. Thanks
<Definitely worth medicating. Success will depend upon the correct
dosage, so consulting with a vet will be time/money well spent, and this
is even more true if you decide to euthanise a fish this size. Cheers,
Re: catfish emergency 2/21/14
Wanted to give you guys an update on my Pangasius.
About 24 hours after my original email, the infection had spread to
cover eye sockets and by all the air gulping I thought the infection had
spread to gills. I was definitely considering euthanizing this fish. I
was able to contact a vet with some fish experience, there aren't a lot
here on Maui but I found an awesome vet.
He thought the fish could be saved with vision intact hopefully.
<So do I.>
He recommended separating into 300gal res. Moving the fish wasn't as
traumatic as I imagined. I attempted to scoop him with a 20 gal plastic
container. Sounded good in theory, but he jumped out (luckily back in
pool). So I netted him and administered an injection of baytrol <likely
Baytril, RMF> and also added a solution to reservoir called SDM (or
that's what he wrote on invoice). I'm instructed to inject the fish once
a day for 5 days. Also my vet only charged $16.00 to cover the cost of
meds and no fee for his service, I'm extremely grateful.
<I'll say! Sounds like a very good vet to know.>
I'm hoping he pulls thru, and have been feeling like a failure as a fish
<On the contrary, I think you've been unlucky. Your descriptions of your
Pangasius aquarium is refreshingly appropriate, and you've made the
effort to get hold of a vet who can offer some useful assistance. These
are two things we hear about on WetWebMedia all too rarely.>
My next question is my 300gal has water that has been sitting out for a
few weeks, had a pair of giant gourami in there for a week or so. I
transferred Gouramis to another tank a week ago did a 50% water change
and tank has been running with just a circulation pump 285gph(added a
few airstones once catfish went in) and no filter.
<Will need some sort of filter.>
So I'm going to hook a large trickle filter and do daily water changes.
Do you think this will be a problem?
<Could work depending on the size of the trickle filter. Otherwise
something like a Fluval FX6 might do the job. The water changes will be
important too, if not daily, then certainly frequently enough to dilute
nitrate and, if necessary, any ammonia the filtration system can't cope
with. Biological filtration is a definite plus, and you could "clone"
any existing filters by donating up to 50% of their mature media and
putting that mature media into whatever new filter you choose to use.
The alternative is zeolite, which works well, and instantly, but is
expensive where big fish are concerned.>
I'm concerned of ammonia spikes etc but I had start meds asap.
<Used as directed, aquarium antibiotics generally don't cause problems
for filter bacteria (do recall than each antibiotic affects only a
certain set of bacteria species, not all of them). Use an ammonia test
kit every day or two though, just to be sure.>
Also are daily water changes too much and what percentage would you
<Daily water changes are fine, but I'd do them before adding that day's
medication, otherwise all you'll do is dilute the medicines. Provided
water chemistry and temperature are kept roughly the same for old and
new water, you can change as much as you want. After all, a fish in a
river is moving through 100% new water all the time! But realistically,
most aquarists will find changing 50% at a time the safest option
because even if temperature and water chemistry aren't *quite* the same,
the change won't be too bad for the fish.>
How much water flow should I provide?
<At minimum you need about 4-6 times the volume of the tank in turnover
over hour simply for adequate biological filtration, but for larger fish
like yours, the more the better in terms of oxygenation, etc. Ideally,
you'd go with something like 10 times the volume per hour.>
I've always wondered after doing water changes and adding dechlorinator
(I use one that uses sodium chloride, aloe and polyvinyl something) is
that bad for our fish and what's a good way to dechlorinate water (I have
let chlorine off gas by letting it sit out)?
<Aerating water to drive off chlorine works fine; the problem is that
most modern water supplies have chloramine as well, and aeration does
little/nothing about this. Provided you use a decent water conditioner,
this isn't an issue to waste much worry on. You know you can use pond
dechlorinator? For big fish, or cheapskates like me, this can end up
saving you a lot of money! Just be careful when dosing, because pond
dechlorinator is more concentrated than aquarium dechlorinator.>
Also any advice is appreciated. Thanks for the great site. Brandon
<Most welcome and thanks for the kind words. Neale.>
Re: catfish emergency 2/25/14
<Am responding here and will be putting your query in Neale (Monks)
in-box as well: He resides in the UK; hence his response may be delayed
in this time frame>
First wanted to thank you for taking time to answer my questions and
here is the update to the update regarding Pangasius. He's responding
well to meds. He has gone from moving slowly to actively patrolling his
300gal hospital tank and seems to be healing. I'm on day 4 of 5 of
Baytril. Do you think I should add salt once meds are completed?
<I would not; unless there is some, are some specific reason/s to do so.
Most all freshwaters have a modicum of salts in them...>
I am wondering about feeding. This fish hasn't fed in a month that I know
of. He has been living outdoors and may feed on insect larvae and pond
plants but no floating or sinking pellets and no tank mates. This fish
is by no means skinny and has come from a Koi pond(before he was given
to me 30 days ago). When would be a good time to try to start feeding?
<IF there's sufficient biofiltration capacity, now. A high quality
pellet brand would be my choice (Spectrum, Hikari or such>
As far as filtration I hooked up a trickle filter 265gph with 130gal of
media and I had an extra cascade 1500(395gph) canister laying around so
hooked that up. I've been doing 50% water changes every other day
as well.
Any suggestions on filtration would and suggested amount of time in
hospital tank would be appreciated.
<Just so all is monitored... alkalinity, ammonia and nitrite in
Should I be worried about parasites?
<? Why? Has this animal been exposed?>
I haven't had any issues in the past but we had a huge blood worm
hatch(I think is midge larvae and not normally a parasite as far as I
I wouldn't think this a problem but do you think it has any affect on
bacterial infection and or recovery.
I received a call from someone who wants to give me an albino
channel catfish about 12". Do you think they would coexist with
Pangasius and Pimelodus well?
<Could likely in time... though cool water... fine behaviorally to mix
if there's room>
Keep up the good work and thanks Brandon
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: catfish emergency. Neale's addenda 2/25/14
<<I would not add anything to Bob's excellent comments but will say this
about the Channel Catfish: they grow huge. In the wild they get to 2, 3
feet in length, and even in aquaria you can comfortably expect sizes
approaching those after a few years. While actually quite peaceful and
perfectly happy in tropical water (I kept a juvenile about 12-14" long
with Gibbiceps Plecs, Jaguar Cichlids, Spotted Gar and similar jumbo
fish) they are easily big enough to eat small fish, and in tropical
conditions grow faster than in coldwater. The Pangasius is not at risk,
but the Pimelodus pictus would be, perhaps fatally for both parties if
its sharp pectoral and dorsal spins jam in the mouth of the Channel Cat.
So approach offers of "free" Channel Cats with care. They're pond fish
really, not aquarium fish.>>
Re: catfish emergency 2/28/14
Greetings WetWebMedia crew, Just wanted to clarify an earlier
email in regard to the addition of the channel catfish to my
2000gal res. Which is filtered by 450 gal aquaponic grow beds at 900gph.
I have never detected any nitrate(or ammonia for that matter)since day
one and have stocked this pond heavily with tilapia in the past.
Currently housed are 2 Pangasius (about
14in), 2 Pimelodus blochii( about 12in),
<A splendid species.>
4 Aulonocara cichlids
<Should be okay, but eventually may be small enough to eat. Bear in mind
a 3-foot long Channel Catfish can eat pretty much any fish in its
and 6 blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus). In addition I have a sick
Pangasius (24in) housed in hospital tank due to a bacterial infection.
This fish was given to me recently and broke out in a infection
24hrs after receiving him. No other fish have been affected, even the
other Pangasius.
I plan to return him to this tank as well. So I was planning to add
channel cat to that tank. Do you think this would crowd tank?
<In 2000 gallons these fish should have enough space.>
Thanks for the help. Brandon
<Most welcome, Neale.>
Re: Re: catfish emergency 2/28/14
Greeting WetWebMedia crew, I'm becoming concerned about my Pangasius. He
has completed 5 days of Baytril and has shown a lot of improvement. The
Columnaris infection on head has been sort of peeling off(white pieces
of flesh) and normal colored skin is starting to fill in, although there
is some redness. His activity level has picked up a lot.
The problem is one eye has failed to recover it remains fuzzy white with
a patch of fuzzy white on tip of caudal fin. I'm wondering if
this is maybe fungus.(would send a pic but my camera is low resolution).
The other eye has regained some pigment and he seems to be able to see.
This fish is being housed in a 300gal hospital tank and I've been doing
50% water changes every other day. I haven't been running a
heater(I do live in tropics but tanks running 66F). Do you think I
should, if so what temp(for a fish recovering from bacterial infection
etc.) Should I start another round of meds or will infection heal
on its own. Also would salt be helpful. Thanks for your time
<I would just keep water quality up... not re-treat. These sorts of
repairs take many weeks to months. BobF>
Re: Re: catfish emergency
<I would just keep water quality up... not re-treat. These sorts of
repairs take many weeks to months. BobF>
<<I agree with Bob, but would make the point that a vet with experience
of treating fish can often help -- in a cost-effective way -- with
large, valuable pond and aquarium fish. Fish do have astonishing
abilities to heal themselves when water quality is excellent. A few
years back I kept Hatchetfish, and one of them flew into the sharp metal
reflectors behind the light. It looked like a whole fillet had been
removed from its flank.
But after a few weeks the would was clearly healing, and after three
months the fish seemed pretty much normal except for having irregular
markings where it should have had a couple of straight lines. So have
faith, use medicine as directed, and keep the water spotlessly clean.
Cheers, Neale.>>
Re: catfish emergency 3/7/14
Greetings WetWebMedia crew,
I noticed some sort of insect larvae (looked like a small dragon fly
<Unlikely to be a dragonfly larva. But Anchor Worms are a possibility in
pond fish, though extremely rare in aquaria.>
attached to the wound of my Pangasius. I tried to syphon the insect but
it escaped. I don't think this is a normal parasite but in my fish's
weakened state may be more vulnerable to attack.
<Indeed. But fungus and even strips of decaying tissue can be mistaken
for parasites.>
The other possibility is that the insect could be beneficial, feeding on
dead tissue. This is a large fish(24") and has been recovering
from a Columnaris infection(I've corresponded a few times in the last
week or two in regard to the Columnaris infection).
My other problem is he is still not feeding. I've only tried floating
and sinking pellets.
<Will when healthy. If unhealthy, won't want to eat, and trying to force
it will mostly make things worse.>
I do have on hand a wide assortment of livebearers of all sizes, cichlid
fry, red wigglers (composting worms) and Neocaridina shrimp. I
normally don't live feed any of my fish but under these circumstances
I'm thinking of using these guys. I could also purchase brine shrimp.
This fish is not skinny and has been living in a 2000gal outdoor pond
with ample insect life (blood worms etc) and plant life,
<Ah, the plot thinnens. Do look up Anchor Worms.>
but hasn't fed in a month, to my knowledge.
<In a pond will likely have access to a variety of additional foods
including insects, algae and decaying plant matter. Unlikely to starve.>
(this fish was given to me 30 days ago and broke out in Columnaris
infection 24hrs after arrival and hasn't fed since introduction).
Any suggestions?
<See above.>
He has been healing nicely in a 300gal hospital tank as side from
The fish seems active and the white tissue surrounding head and tip of
caudal fin have disappeared. Although there are patches of red
I've noticed if I shine a flash light he shies away, I'm hoping his
vision is in intact. I've been doing 50% water changes every other day
and he seems to really respond to that.
<When fish perk up after water changes, it's a good sign environmental
stress/stresses are to be blame.>
Do you think I should be worried? Thanks for all the great information,
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: catfish emergency 3/7/14
Thanks for the response Neale. Although the insect larvae was definitely
not an anchor worm. I'll try to capture and photograph. Thanks, Brandon
<Real good. Now aware of any insects that latch onto fish as parasites,
though some will of course eat (very small) fish as prey, e.g.,
Dragonfly larvae. There are some crustaceans and leeches though that may
parasitise fish, of which Anchor Worms and Fish "Lice" (Argulus spp.,
for example) are the most common. Cheers, Neale.>
Iridescent shark with bleeding tail... Bonsai? Banzai!!!
Hi WWM Crew,
My 15 yr old
<? How small/stunted is this fish? It should be about three feet long>
Iridescent shark's fins started getter shorter. Within the last few weeks,
it's tail looked red on the inside of the fin. Now it's
very red inside, bleeding more, white spots on the fin, he swims with
his tail hanging like it's too heavy. In the last few days, the
fish has been very irritable, splashing around and darting back and
forth in the tank. The fish was eating well but has started to not
eat. Water parameters are within normal range. Tanks mates are one
other ID shark and a rotkeil Severum. I think it started from a water
quality issue. The fish are very messy and living in a 55 gallon
<... much too small>
I recently removed 2 other ID sharks from this tank and the
remaining 2 grew an extra 2 inches since.
<... ah yes>
I try to change the tank often but being busy has me changing them less,
at least once a week. Usually I try to do it every 3 days.
<... whatever it takes to provide decent water quality. These fishes
have suffered, are suffering for the ill-effects of metabolite
accumulation... Living in their own filth>
I started medicating
<Of no use... "it's" the environment>
him in a 30 gallon established tank with Maracyn and Maracyn2 thinking
it was bacterial or fungal. This combo usually works well on my
sharks, but it's been a very long time since I've had to use medications
of any kind.
Do you have any suggestions of what I could do further?
Regards, AL
<... see WWM re Pangasiids. Bob Fenner>
Iridescent shark with bleeding tail
/Neale, addenda, clarification, re-emphases
<<Hello Audra. Not a huge amount more to add to what Bob's
Pangasius catfish really don't do well in home aquaria, and sooner or
later they seem to sicken in some way. Eye damage is very common, but
fin problems like you're seeing are far from unusual. I am impressed by
these fish having lived for 15 years, so obviously you must be taking
good care of them at some level, but as you have seen, they will keep
growing given the chance. You removed one of the fish, that reduced the
"loading" on the tank, and the remaining fish, no longer stressed by an
overloaded environment, grew that bit more. Now they're bigger, and
between the two of them they've "filled" the tank, and once again you
have an environment that's stressing the fish by being overloaded. In
some ways it's a vicious circle. You may well be able to treat this
round of (likely bacterial) infection using Maracyn 1 and 2, but
ultimately, as Bob says, it's the environment, and it's a matter of time
before their health goes bad again.
What to do? The obvious answer is to upgrade the aquarium. These fish,
in all honesty, need tanks measured in (big) hundreds of gallons and
realistically few people have that kind of space. Rehoming may be
possible, but often zoos and public aquaria have their fill of these
monster catfish and won't take them, and pet shops may feel the same
way. It's a tough one to solve, and there's no silver bullet short of
not buying them in the first place. Short term: medication and more
frequent water changes, but long term... bigger tank or rehoming.
Cheers, Neale.>>
RE: Iridescent shark with bleeding tail /RMF
Hi Bob and Neale...
The fish is 14 in. long. I bought him when he was a baby, he's never
been in a tank larger than a 55 gallon. I am one of many that thought
they were the cutest things and allowed the pet store to sell me, not
one, but four of these beautiful creatures. Two are 15 yrs old the other
two are 8 yrs old and about 12-14 inches each. They use to be half the
size of the older ones just 6 months ago. So to clarify, I have 2 IDs in
each tank, 1 older and 1younger in each.
I would love to get them a larger tank but not doable in a 2nd floor apt
with questionable floor strength. I hope to still do this when I
My tanks are pretty clear but I know that this is not an indicator that
all is well, although my water parameters are always good. I
recently upgraded the background to one of those 3D backgrounds. It has
been a challenge to keep the tank clean though. I am medicating to
treat his tail which looks better today. The blood has burst open the
wound. So now I am hoping to heal the tail with good water quality
and the recommended doses of both Maracyns. He's still not eating.
<Keep changing the water, using carbon...>
I'm doing my best to keep all of them alive and happy as long as I have
them. I am educating anyone I know that is thinking of getting one on
refraining from buying them. Considering how long it's been, they
are getting the best of care. I just don't want to give them too
much attention worrying and medicating them the wrong way, is all.
They are the sweetest fish I have and it's been a pleasure having them
for all these years.
for your input.
Regards, AL
<And you; BobF>
RE: Iridescent shark with bleeding tail /Neale
Hi Bob and Neale...
The fish is 14 in. long. I bought him when he was a baby, he's never
been in a tank larger than a 55 gallon. I am one of many that thought
they were the cutest things and allowed the pet store to sell me, not
one, but four of these beautiful creatures.
<Oh dear... But I agree, they are lovely animals, and surprisingly
peaceful for their size.>
Two are 15 yrs old the other two are 8 yrs old and about 12-14 inches
They use to be half the size of the older ones just 6 months ago. So to
clarify, I have 2 IDs in each tank, 1 older and 1 younger in each.
I would love to get them a larger tank but not doable in a 2nd floor apt
with questionable floor strength. I hope to still do this when I
My tanks are pretty clear but I know that this is not an indicator that
all is well, although my water parameters are always good.
<Good. But with these fish there are things you can't easily monitor
that will affect health. Physical damage, for example (often the way eye
damage starts) and the amount of stress they're exposed to by being
unable to swim "properly" (and this weakens immunity, making Finrot more
I recently upgraded the background to one of those 3D backgrounds. It
has been a challenge to keep the tank clean though. I am
medicating to treat his tail which looks better today. The blood has
burst open the wound. So now I am hoping to heal the tail with
good water quality and the recommended doses of both Maracyns. He's
still not eating.
<Would not worry about that too much. Concentrate on treating the
As/when he's better, he'll eat.>
I'm doing my best to keep all of them alive and happy as long as I have
<I appreciate the bind you're in.>
I am educating anyone I know that is thinking of getting one on
refraining from buying them. Considering how long it's been, they
are getting the best of care.
<I don't doubt. These fish were farmed for food, and presumably these
youngsters were among the few that get into the aquarium trade and
consequently have a chance of living a longer life than the farmed ones.
Still, it is like keeping a farm animal like a sheep as a pet. Doable,
but not easy, even if it seems a nicer option for the animal itself.>
I just don't want to give them too much attention worrying and
medicating them the wrong way, is all. They are the sweetest fish
I have and it's been a pleasure having them for all these years. Thanks
for your input.
Regards, AL
<Welcome, Neale.>
Tank Upgrade II - Emergency, Fish Sick! - 01/10/2013
Pangasiid 1/11/13
Hi again Sabrina (or whoever else answers this email),
<Sabrina here, back from Idaho, relaxed, and ready for fish stuff!>
First of all let me thank you profusely for your advice last time - you
gave me some really useful information. To answer your questions: yes I
did boycott that shop,
<Neat! If you're feeling bold enough, you might consider
explaining why to the proprietor of the place. Sometimes ignorance
can be cured by a bit of a nudge from a kind and well-informed customer,
and sometimes stupidity can be cured by explaining a lack of the dollars
you're not spending there.>
I haven't actually bought fish since the Pangasiid was dropped into my
I buy aquarium supplies from the small pet shop or the larger out of
town fish stores. Thanks for explaining the pH drop - I couldn't figure
it out before but what you said makes sense.
<Glad to help, Jo.>
Unfortunately despite all your good advice I'm afraid now I have a new
problem on my hands, the fish are sick and I'm not sure what it is! :(
For some reason I had the bright idea to move the old smaller tank to my
bedroom so that the larger tank could go in pride of place in the living
room - this meant I would have to set up the larger tank temporarily,
move all the fish over, empty the smaller tank, move that to its new
place in the bedroom, then refill and move the fish back.
<Sounds reasonable....>
I did this with (what I thought) was minimum stress on the fish, and all
was well for the next week. In this week I set up the large tank in the
living room where the smaller tank had been. Then during this week I
noticed a small white lump (slightly larger than a grain of salt) on the
Pangasiid's tail fin. I thought it might be where the shark had caught
himself on something in the tank and made a little tear in the skin or
something so I did a 25% water change and then decided to wait to see
what (if anything) happened. The other fish looked fine at this point,
except for the Garra who started occasionally flashing (not enough to
suggest ICK and the white lump on the shark's tail was not ICK like at
all - it looked soft like damaged skin).
<Good observation - this is very telling.>
I didn't think anything major was wrong and I thought if something was
then I'd have to wait for some solid symptoms to show up anyway before I
could diagnose so I waited.
<This was the best, smartest move possible. Even if you are unable
to resolve this problem, waiting for "real" symptoms is often far less
damaging than randomly medicating.... Good job on this.>
The next few days the shark's tail cleared up (the little lump
disappeared) and the Garra was still flashing but rarely so I thought
there was probably nothing serious wrong. All other fish were fine at
this point.
<So far, so good....>
Then Thursday morning I started filling up the large tank in preparation
for moving the fish over to their new home. When I had it almost ready
in the afternoon I noticed the shark had grey filmy patches on his head
and dorsal region (they started on the sides of his head but were soon
covering his back near his dorsal fin). It didn't look cottony or
filamentous - just kind of slimy or velvety.
<Good description.>
He has no cottony growths near the mouth. He was still swimming
normally. I also noticed the Garra had become pale and it's sides looked
patchy like there were missing scales. It was flashing more than before
too. I decided to move the fish over to the larger tank and treat with
salt in case it was a parasitic or Columnaris infection (I still don't
know exactly what it is but I suspect Columnaris) as there are
documented cases where salt has cured both of these infections and I
don't have any medications (except for an "internal bacteria" treatment
which is out of date and I suspect won't work on gram negative bacteria
anyway) at home.
<Salt was (is) a decent choice, without knowing for sure what you're
dealing with.>
I moved the smaller fish but the shark flipped out when I tried to move
him and ended up getting scratched on the container I was attempting to
catch him in (he jumps out of nets - large plastic food containers are
the easiest way to move him) he now has shreds of the white patch
hanging off him on one side - I assume these shreds are a mixture of
mucus and damaged skin?
The skin underneath is pigmented and too dark to see whether it is
reddened or not. His fins had started to show a reddish tint by this
<Many possibilities....>
I decided to leave him in the smaller tank and treat him separately from
the other fish (he's the worst affected anyway).
<Actually, I would consider treating all.... but more on that
I started adding salt to his tank. I know that salt is meant to be bad
for catfish but I treated him for an ICK infestation when the tank was
first set up with salt + heat with no problems (he didn't seem to
even notice the salt) and anyway this study:
http://www.int-res.com/articles/dao/21/d021p171.pdf shows that
concentrations of 1000 - 3000 mg/l NaCl can be used to treat gram
negative bacteria Edwardsiella ictaluri in Channel Catfish.
<Salt is less harmful than many other treatment options, so I still
don't think this is a bad move.>
My plants will probably suffer
<Likely will. Tough ones, like the java ferns, may survive.>
but I suppose they can be removed and placed in a bucket or something...
I've added 6 teaspoons of sea salt (I have no aquarium salt left) in 3
hours, 1 teaspoon at a time dissolved in a couple of litres of tank
water and then poured into the tank. The tank is currently half full
(holding about 48 litres of water) as half of the water was moved to the
larger tank this morning. Did I add the salt too fast?
<I don't think so.>
Should I change some water out with freshwater?
<Depends upon how you choose to move forward.>
His fins are now more red and started looking streaked with blood - one
of his eyes is also bulging and streaked with blood - is this
<Yikes. Possibly.>
Or possibly reaction to the salt?
<Also possible.>
I don't want to lose this fish despite him having been foisted on me -
he's the only one of my fish with a name and probably my favourite.
<And, even if he is a potential river monster, he still deserves your
best efforts. I'm glad you're trying.>
Water is at 6.0 pH,
<Be absolutely certain of this. I mean, really absolutely certain.
Test with a new test kit of a different sort, if possible, to make sure
that your test isn't old and mis-reading. A sudden low pH will
cause these symptoms, identically (as will many other things - more
ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 10ppm (A lot of water was changed
during the moves - in hindsight this along with being caught and dumped
into new surroundings is probably what caused the fish stress and made
them sick).
<Entirely possible.>
I lowered the tank temperature on both tanks from 24C to 23C as I read
that temps over 24C will make Columnaris infections more aggressive
<Can, yes.>
and all my fish are hardy enough to tolerate the slightly lower temp.
I'm not entirely sure that it IS Columnaris to be honest,
<Me neither.>
it just seems like the most likely cause of the filmy white patches -
<Most likely? No. But equally likely as many other
if you can suggest other diseases and their treatments I'd appreciate
More symptoms are as follows: swimming very slowly and tends to stay
very near the bottom swaying side to side unless I'm near the tank (then
he swims up and down the front glass but very slow). Doesn't seem to
have problems 'breathing' - but I suppose that's because he can gulp
atmospheric air.
He makes "coughing" motions occasionally. No interest in food at all
(even food soaked in garlic oil which normally gets him to eat). Seems
to have trouble maintaining balance, erratic swimming.
<All of these symptoms can be the result of many different things,
including a toxin or irritant in the water, a sudden pH drop, many
different protozoan parasites (Costia, Ichthyobodo, Chilodonella,
Trichodina, Oodinium....), many different bacterial complaints
(Columnaris, Vibrio....) or, really, anything else at all that would
cause irritation and therefore increased "slime" production. As
for what to do.... That's the hardest part of all. First,
eliminate or rule out toxins and irritants in the water. I include
such concoctions as Melafix and products that claim to increase slime
coat "protection" in this category. If you are not certain whether
some irritant might have been introduced, do water changes and filter
vigorously with fresh activated carbon and Polyfilter if you can get it.
If you do not have access to a microscope of suitable magnification to
see parasites or bacteria from a skin scrape (and/or lack experience
"finding" bacteria in a skin scrape - much more difficult than finding
parasites) then.... you have a frustrating decision to make.
Keep treating with salt and hope, or switch to a "real" medication and
take a (perhaps dangerous) "shotgun" approach in attempt to address both
protozoan parasites and bacteria. If it were me/my fish (and I
have been in this boat, with these symptoms) I would use Kanamycin
sulfate and Metronidazole simultaneously, in the water and (if possible)
in food.>
A few pictures are attached - sorry for the poor quality, I had to use
my iPod as my digital camera is missing and I'm too tired to start
looking for it now :( Hopefully you can see the bluish grey filmy
patches on his sides and head?
<I do, yes. This is from increased slime production from one of
those many possibilities.>
There was a very white patch just behind the dorsal fin too but it seems
to have faded somewhat after salt addition.
<Given that information, I can say I honestly do not know whether I
would continue with salt or switch to Kanamycin sulfate and
Metronidazole. I do wish I could be more helpful, but this is a
very difficult decision to make. Whichever route you choose, I do
not think there is a "right" option. Also, for what it's worth,
stuff like this sometimes does "just happen". Fish carry many
different neat things with them. Even our lab fish have some neat
bacteria in their gut flora. All it takes sometimes is a stressful
event to bring on troubles like this. I don't think you've done
anything wrong.>
Thanks for reading and replying!
Sorry to write another long post!
<No worries. Thank you for being so clear in your descriptions and
providing so much useful information.
<I do hope that you will see some improvement soon, whichever route you
opt to take. Best wishes to you and your finned friends,
Tank Upgrade III - Emergency, Fish Sick! - 01/12/2013
Hi Sabrina,
<Hi, Jo! Nice to hear back from you.>
Thank you so much for your help and kind words, unfortunately he died
this morning :(
<I am terribly sorry to hear this! Poor little guy. Try to
think of the bright side, though; at least you won't have to upgrade to
a swimming pool to house him. Once this problem is passed, you
might consider other, smaller catfishes since you liked him so much.
Catfishes of the genus Tatia are among my favorites, and stay quite
He was lying on his back on the bottom of the tank with his body covered
in a white film and skin was milky looking but there was no fuzz so
definitely not a fungus.
<Fungi are actually a little uncommon as fish diseases go.>
Possible bacterial but after what you've said I'm thinking may have just
been poisoning of some kind.
<Protozoan parasites are still a distinct possibility, as are some nasty
bacterial issues. Do keep watching the rest of your fish, and bear
in mind that many/most fish carry around lots of interesting "stuff"
that typically never becomes an issue unless/until they have some sort
of stress or damage that allows the parasites or bacteria to become
I did do a 20% water change last night but I suppose that wouldn't have
been enough to remove toxins.
<A bigger water change probably won't hurt.>
I can't think where any toxins would have come from though, and why the
other fish wouldn't be affected also.
<The Garra was....>
I don't think the pH suddenly dropped but my test strips are not very
<Then this isn't ruled out, I think - do please test against another
test of some sort, perhaps one of those shops will test for you, as
well. Bear in mind that you need a test kit that tests LOWER than
6.0, because if 6.0 is the lowest that the kit "shows", it will not
allow you to know if it's equal to 6.0 or below 6.0.>
so it's possible (I've run out of the liquid drop test), I could go to
the shop and buy a new test kit just to check that pH wasn't the cause.
<That or see if a shop will test for you, to ensure your strips'
The other fish are not showing symptoms of pH stress though (except for
maybe the flashing by the Garra?).
<Yes. Can be a symptom.>
Could a raise in pH have caused the same thing?
<If the raise is drastic enough, yes. But going up in pH is a
little easier on a fish than going down.>
I removed the bogwood when I moved the tanks around a week ago and put
it in a bucket of tank water (to preserve the java ferns until I can find
a new anchor for them) because when I pulled it out I noticed the
bogwood was starting to look a bit melty and pieces were disintegrating
off the ends.
<Just finally starting to rot, I'm sure.>
Removing the bogwood shouldn't have raised pH too quickly though surely?
Perhaps the removal of tannins allowed a disease to take hold...
I don't know what to do now - whether I should treat it as poisoning and
do a water change on the large tank
<I would do this, and observe.>
or go to the shop and buy some medications in case it's disease.
<That's your call, of course.>
I still don't know what kind of disease it could have been, parasites
are unlikely
<Well, not as unlikely as you might think. As above, fish carry an
awful lot of stuff around with them. Most freshwater fish in our
hobby are produced in Singapore and other places in large tanks/ponds
where they most certainly can pick up any number of interesting issues.
Wild fish also bring in a lot of strange stuff. Parasites can be
harbored in the gills for the entire life of a healthy fish.
Bacteria can be on the skin, in the gut....>
as I haven't introduced any new fish and though I bought new plants a
month or so ago I rinsed them in tap-water and then quarantined them for
2 weeks
<VERY good. Many/most folks don't go to the lengths of
quarantining plants. I am very glad that you do. I hope
other readers might gain inspiration to do so....>
before putting them into the tank so all but the most resistant
parasites should have died by then without a host.
<Yes, I doubt your plants brought anything after this suitable
I will buy a new pH test kit (a separate liquid drop kit) so I can get
more accurate readings on pH anyway.
<Good idea.>
I'm worried the other fish are going to get sick next and I still don't
know how to treat it... I suppose I'll just have to keep an eye on them
and keep the water clean for now.
<This is what I would do.>
Thank you again, its so helpful to have experts to ask about these
<Well, thank you for writing in, Jo, and sharing your experience with us
and our readers.>
<My best wishes to you, -Sabrina>
ID Shark swimming upside down, lump on side by fin
Good Morning!
I did some research on your site, and found some stuff about the bump on my
shark's side, but I'm not sure it's the same thing that we have going on
here. Thought it might be better to outline what is happening in my
I have 2 Iridescent Sharks, about 5" long;
<This Pangasius catfish gets MUCH larger>
one fancy goldfish (my son HAD to have one, it was the first fish in our
tank and now I can't make myself get rid of her!); one very small Pleco (the
kind that looks pre-historic, sort of tan in color); and one random orange
fish that came with the tank. I originally had all these fish, minus
the orange one, plus 3 ghost catfish,
<The ID cats will swallow these in time>
and one more ID shark, in a 20 gallon.
<Way too small... I'd trade out the ID cats, now>
The sharks started growing and after researching, I found that they needed
a lot more room. My friend was getting rid of her 30 gal, so I
switched to that.
<Still way too small>
(I know it's still not big enough .I do plan to expand more). And my son
took my Pleco when I switched tanks, so I introduced a brand new, teeny tiny
Pleco which is the one that I currently have. He was less than an inch when
I got him, he's now
about an inch and a half. After switching tanks, the 3 ghost catfish
completely disappeared.
I mean, they were just gone with no traces, no remains were ever found.
Then, one of the ID sharks got a hole in his side.
I treated the tank with Melafix,
and the hole went away. A few weeks later, I noticed some fuzzy white
stuff on the side of one of the ID sharks, so I treated with Ick Guard, a
half-dose, and within days the fuzziness was gone.
One of the sharks has since died, I was out of town at the time so I didn't
get to see if there was anything strange going on with him-hubby flushed
him. It's been about a month since anything strange happened. until
this morning. One of the ID sharks is swimming upside down.
<Might be the medicine exposure...>
He is struggling to flip right side up, and can't quite make it before he
gives up and flips upside down again. He also has a lump on his side,
right next to his fin, that is a little bigger than his eye, and next to the
lump, there is what looks like the start of a new hole but is sort of orange
in color.
<Likely "ran/swam into something"... a mechanical injury>
Ok update. I just went to the tank to take a picture of his side, and he is
now dead. Holy cow, that was fast! I'm pretty sure he was fine
last night,
I didn't notice the lump but it's possible that I missed it. anyways, I've
attached a pic of the lump. I'm concerned for my one remaining ID
What treatment should I start, aside from a 25% water change?
<Nothing... I'd just measure/monitor water quality>
I don't see anything out of the ordinary on the remaining ID shark, but I
want to be proactive and see if I can save the last one.
Tank info: I have a 30 gal, running at around 76 degrees, TopFin
filter system (the little white cartridges that you pour charcoal into).
NO gravel, just about half of the floor of the tank is covered with those
decorative tank rocks that look like flat marbles.
<Not useful for biofiltration>
I change the water about once a week (sometimes every other week - I
travel a lot), doing a 15% water change and treating the new water with
Tetra Aqua Safe (per label instructions) and 3 tsp canning salt per 7-1/2
gallons of water. I've also attached a pic of the tank.
There is a green sort of fuzzy growth on the inside of the tank, not a lot
as I scrub it off every time I change the water, and the Pleco really gets
after it too. I think this is a left-over problem from the prior tank
owner, but I've been afraid to treat it since I've been having so many other
problems in the tank. I would have to say that the problems started
when I changed tanks. I have had these fish for a couple of years,
without any issues, until I switched to the "new to me" tank.
<Likely just coincidental>
Thank you so much for your help! Your website is wonderful!
<Again, the issue is highly likely simply environmental... No "treatment"
will remedy the blister... other than good water quality and time going by.
Bob Fenner>
Re: ID Shark swimming upside down, lump on side by fin
Thank you!
<Ah, welcome. BobF>
Pangasius catfish, hlth., rdg.
hello there, I have just today purchased a Pangasius catfish. he
is around 9". My question is I have just noticed one eye is
much larger than the other (the other is normal sized) do you
think it is an infection?
<Mmm, not directly, but perhaps indirectly. Unilateral
swellings of eyes are most often "due" to physical
injury... The fish swimming into something hard... Very common
behavior w/ Pangasiids... Do read here:
and the linked files above>
or could it be a defect in the fish as the LFS did not mention
anything to me, as I said I only got him this morning so I know
its not my aquarium that has done this. I have attached a photo
of the large eye. any advice is welcome. Thanks Ysabella
<Mmm, do keep reading... these are social species; most get
very large... actually, no; most die prematurely from being kept
in too-small environments. Bob Fenner>

Re: Pangasius catfish
hlth. 11/12/11
hi again do you think the eye can return to normal?
<Oh yes. Pangasiids are quite resilient... >
what type medicine I can put in the tank? (if anything)
<I'd use nothing... Just assure good water quality
(frequent partial water changes, sufficient
aeration/filtration/circulation), nutrition...>
I have a 500 litre tank but as I am now aware it will be far too
small in the long run however
, I'm not going to return him to the LFS I got him from as he
was in a small 75 litre tank will 4 Pacu.
thanks for your help. Ysabella.
<A pleasure. BobF>
Dinosaur Bichir 11/22/10
Dinosaur Bichir (gigantic fish crammed into 55 gallons; blind
Iridescent Sharks; the usual)
Hi, I have a Dinosaur Bichir
<Polypterus senegalus, an excellent aquarium fish.>
that I got along with 2 Iridescent Sharks and two Balas and a large
<In 55 gallons! Not a chance. Iridescent Sharks (Pangasius
hypophthalmus) get to at least 75 cm/22 inches in captivity. They also
grow extremely rapidly. Do please use Google and see how large these
fish get. The photos will astound you! Bala Sharks (Balantiocheilos
melanopterus) get to a good 30 cm/12 inches long, and require a good 55
gallons PER specimen.
As for the Common Plec (Pterygoplichthys pardalis), these get to about
45 cm/18 inches within two years and while a singleton might be crammed
into 55 gallons, the result would be a murky, messy aquarium.>
They were all in a 55 gallon tank when I notice all the fish but my
Dinosaur Bichir got Ick. I got the tank cleared of Ick and the next
week one of the Iridescent Sharks had an eye missing.
<Unfortunately extremely common when Iridescent Sharks are kept in
tanks too small for them. They bash into the glass, damage their eyes,
and the result is blindness. This is so very common that it goes beyond
a joke. Seriously, when I hear someone has an Iridescent Shark in
captivity, I ASSUME that the poor catfish will be blind. Let me be
crystal clear here -- Iridescent Sharks are NOT fish for the home
aquarium. They're a food fish, with the size and growth rate
you'd expect for a food fish. Anyone who buys one of these fish
either [a] hasn't done any research at all or [b] has a 500 gallon
aquarium in which to keep it.>
I watched the tank closely and didn't see and fish fighting however
all the fish but the Dinosaur Bichir came down with a bacterial
infection. Finally got the infection under control and then noticed
that my Dinosaur Bichir was eating the fins of my sharks.
<Hmm actually pretty uncommon behaviour. Polypterus senegalus feed
almost entirely on insect larvae and worms, and don't normally bite
larger fish. They are territorial though.>
I switched the food to bloodworms hoping this would help not only with
her trying to eat my other fish but with tank water clarity. I have
tried for 6 months to get the tank clear and it seems like it just wont
balance out.
<Of course not! You have fish for a 550 gallon tank in 55 gallons of
water! Seriously, this is NEVER going to work. You need to sit down,
think about what you're trying to achieve, and then take back the
MANY fish you can't keep. In 55 gallons you could safely keep the
Bichir, perhaps a Bristlenose Plec, and then a nice school of Silver
Dollars or Australian Rainbowfish. That'd been lovely. Everyone
would have swimming space, and you'd have a tank that was healthy,
pretty, and easy to keep. What you're doing at the moment is just
plain unworkable.>
I have live and fake plants and plenty of hiding spots. I decided that
maybe the common denominator was my Dinosaur Bichir so I took her out
and put her in my 40 gallon tank which I new everything was balanced
and has a bushy nose Pleco in.
<Both eminently compatible species ideally suited to 40 gallons of
Within 2 days my 55 gallon tank is sparkling clear however the 40
gallon is horribly cloudy. Why do my tanks do this is there something
wrong with my Dinosaur Bichir ? the ph levels are spot on however the
nitrate/nitrite and ammonia levels always are high in the tank with the
Dinosaur Bichir.
<Overfeeding, overstocking, under-filtering likely a combination of
all three.>
Is there anything that can be done about this?
Also my Dinosaur Bichir seems to prey on the injured or weaker fish
even though she is eating plenty of blood worms, should I get her some
feeder fish?
<Of course not. Feeder fish are possibly the worst thing you can
feed predatory fish, second only to poison. Polypterus senegalus should
be given a staple diet based around insect larvae and worms: earthworms
are excellent, bloodworms mostly water so less nutritious though
useful. Slivers of tilapia fillet and shelled cockles are also
excellent and thiaminase-free. Once a week you can also offer chopped
mussels or prawns, but these contain thiaminase so must be used
Thanks Misty
<Misty, Misty, Misty I've rolled my eyes a few times while
reading this. I'm detecting lots of enthusiasm but not too much
research! But don't worry, I was there once. There's an art to
keeping big fish and oddballs, and that art depends upon planning. The
Bala Shark and the Iridescent Sharks have to go, you have no way of
keeping them. I'd lose the Plec, too. Then sit back, think about
what you're trying to create. Feel free to write back if you want
some tips on stocking. In the meantime, read here:
There's a nice photo of a 75-gallon tank set up for Polypterus, a
school of Congo Tetras, and some other African oddballs. Lovely,
isn't it! Cheers, Neale.>
Iridescent shark seizures 6/21/10
Hi There...
I searched your site, couldn't find an answer to my question. My 4
year old iridescent shark has been having seizures the last several
days. At first I thought it was the lighting, so I've kept it off,
no fix. The only thing I've changed in his environment lately is I
started feeding his tank mates a different type of flakes. Can you tell
me, is there anything I can do to help him stop having seizures? Should
I go back to the old food?
Thanks in advance for your reply...
<It's unlikely to be seizures as such, and more a fright
reaction. Unless your aquarium measures thousands of gallons, your
aquarium is too small. Seriously. I'm not kidding. Pangasius
hypophthalmus ARE NOT suitable for
home aquaria. They get to about 120 cm/4 feet long within a year or
two, and they live in groups, and they migrate up and down rivers.
Under home aquarium conditions they almost never adapt, and most
specimens die
prematurely for one reason or another. At the very least, they end up
damaging their eyes by throwing themselves into the glass walls of the
tank. Stunting is common, and despite the common myth, doesn't mean
the fish has "grown to the size of its tank" but instead
means the fish has been chronically stressed for a long time. If yours
is less than, say, 75 cm/30 inches, your catfish is stunted, and that
means it is probably being kept badly. In short, you need to make sure
the tank is very, very large, has an extremely strong filter [8-10
times turnover per hour] and that there are no aggressive tankmates
likely to spook them. Do not EVER keep this species singly; it is just
as social as a Neon tetra or Tiger barb, and will be just as stressed
if kept alone. I honestly wish I could say something more helpful, but
I really can't. These fish DON'T adapt to home aquaria, and
usually end up damaging themselves precisely in the way you're
describing. I doubt the change in food was the trigger, but possibly
the tankmates are behaving differently and that's alarmed your
catfish. Who knows. Without being told something about the size of the
aquarium or its tankmates, I can't really say anything more
detailed. I know I'm being super-negative here, but these are fish
that shouldn't be in the aquarium trade, and there's really no
excuse for shops to stock them or people to
buy them. Every aquarium book ever written has something like
"don't buy this fish" written down under the Pangasius
catfish name! Cheers, Neale.>
Saprolegnia on shark (RMF, second
opinion?) <<Nada to add>> 4/26/09
Hi crew! Please help me! I am trying desperately to save my
iridescent shark.
<Yes, I can see from the photos he's in a bad way. A very
difficult species to maintain, and I fear the problem here is
more about his environment than anything else. Iridescent Sharks
are food fish, and they simply don't do well in home aquaria.
While they can be kept in aquaria if you have lots of space, 55
gallons isn't enough. Moreover, they are difficult fish to
mix with other species. Despite their size, they are
super-nervous, and perhaps surprisingly, should be kept in
schools of 3 or more specimens.>
He is 5 years old. Was staying in an established 5 year old tank,
55 gallon, with two kissing Gourami and a Pleco. Don't
exactly know how he got hurt, maybe fight with Pleco that is a
foot long.
<Not so much a fight, but I do wonder if [a] the Iridescent
Shark bruised himself or otherwise develop a light infection; and
then [b] the Plec took advantage of this and started rasping away
at the infected tissue. Plecs are notorious for
"latching" onto injured, moribund or otherwise
slow-moving fish that are exuding blood or mucous into the water.
While I'm not 100% sure, this is my guess here.>
My shark is 10 inches.
<Way too big for this aquarium. Even if the Plec exacerbated
the situation, the primary cause of the wound or infection was
surely some combination of water quality and/or physical damage,
e.g., jumping into the hood or bumping into ornaments. Heater
burns are another common cause of mortality and injury among
The next day noticed the patch of cottony fungus, identified as
Saprolegnia. I set up a10 gallon hospital tank at 80 degrees.
<Can't possibly keep this fish in 10 gallons. I'm
surprised it even FITS into a 10 gallon tank!>
I treated water with 1 tsp water conditioner (Jungle Start Right
with Allantoin, a skin protectant), 1 tsp of Wardley Ick Away
(malachite green), 1 tsp. of Melafix and 1 tsp of Jungle Fungus
Clear Tank Buddies
(Nitrofurazone, Furazolidone, potassium dichromate).
<Random medicating is usually not a good idea. Remember, while
Fungus isn't especially difficult to treat, it's a
secondary infection that results from poor water conditions and
injury. In a case like this, you need the fish to be in optimal
water conditions, and even on his own, 55 gallons would barely
provide that, let along 10. You also need to treat with something
very specific for severe fungal infections; I'd recommend
something along the lines of Seachem KanaPlex. Melafix is useless
once fungal infections are established (I'll allow it might
have some preventative value) and Ick medication is clearly
The only other items in the tank are the heater and an air stone.
I have been feeding him Jungle Anti-Bacteria Medicated Fish Food,
but he does not seem to be eating anything.
<Don't feed him at all until he's in a tank offering
optimal water conditions: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, low nitrate, pH
stable around 6.5-7.5, and moderate hardness.>
I clean up the food that he does not eat each morning. His eyes
are clouded over, maybe he can't find his food.
<Not a good sign; usually implies (if both eyes are cloudy)
some type of secondary bacterial infection. Again, KanaPlex
should help.>
He has been in this treatment for 5 days, with no improvement,
seems worse.
His body is almost completely covered now.. I am sending you
When will this treatment start to help?
Or am I doing something wrong?
Please help me!
<Done my best. While I've seen fish come back from worse
(they really are amazing sometimes) this does depend on optimal
environmental conditions, which I fear you're not providing.
Seriously, this is a fish that needs a tank twice the size of
what you have, if not more, and a whopping filter with massive
water turnover and plenty of supplemental aeration. Iridescent
Sharks are classic riverine fish with little tolerance for
stagnant water. Adults are routinely 60-70 cm long under aquarium
conditions, and wild specimens twice that, weighing about the
same as a family dog. Big fish.
Cheers, Neale.>
plant, a casualty, and a mis-diagnosis? Mmm, mis-mix of FW
lvstk., disease period 2/26/08 Good
afternoon crew! Hope it's warmer where you are than here!
<Was about to wish you the same!> As requested before
submissions, here are my tank parameters. -30 gal tank w/ side
mounted 30-60 gal waterfall filter (carbon, filter sponge,
ammonia) -Nitrate 0, <Mmm, none, zip?> Nitrite 0, Hardness
approx. 120-150ppm, Chlorine 0, Alkalinity between 120&180ppm,
pH 7.6, Ammonia 0.2-0.3 <Not good...> -tank temp avg.
76-78F -20W tank light for plant growth & vibrant fish color
-25% water changes with gravel siphoned once weekly. Here is my
stock. -2 fantail goldfish. One the size of a quarter, one the
size of a nickel -3 golden wonder killifish about 1 1/2 long -3
red wag Platies size of a nickel -2 white skirt tetras quarter
sized -1 iridescent shark 3 inches long <... quite a mix... am
sure you've heard/read re Goldfish "like" for
cooler (and harder, more alkaline) water than the tetras,
Killies...> -tank has been established for a very successfully
with only 2 deaths (I don't believe this is overstocking and
there is sufficient dwelling spots like fake coral, rocks, caves.
Please correct me if I'm wrong) Here is my situation. I
reluctantly & recently purchased 2 plants (a very small bunch
of Anubias, and what I believe is Fanworts) <The former are
very tough... depending on what the latter are... not so much>
for the purpose of providing more territory & safety for my
recently turned aggressive killifish (only aggressive to the 3 of
each other, not the other species). I read nightmare stories of
people bringing in sick plants to their aquarium & all their
livestock gets wiped out, <Rare, but happens. Much more often,
the plants just die> but I felt it was necessary, and could
provide some positive benefit. I think the negative side may be
the case with me. I noticed 4 closely clumped white spots on the
rear fin of my white skirt tetra. Over the course of 2 days the
spots either all disappeared, were smaller, or on a different
spot of the rear fin. No other fish were experiencing this. I
treated the tank for Ich because the white spots were Ich sized,
have had other Ich experience, and I know how Ich works & its
life cycle. I used a Methylene Blue treatment for 3 days, 25%
water change per day, removed carbon, and turned water temp to
80-82F. The problem did not get better with the treatment for the
tetra, and in fact my 2 fantail goldfish seemed to have suffered
from treatment, one gravely. <See above... don't like
too-warm water... and the ammonia... trouble> Both goldfish
developed frayed edges on their rear tails like a minor case of
fin rot. The little guy seemed like he was "panting",
and overnight he suddenly died. My waterfall filter provides
plenty of oxygen bubbles, so I don't think it was from lack
of oxygen. <Mmmm> The other goldfish still has a finely
frayed rear tail, and the tips curl inward now like a woman's
hair with rollers. His breathing looks normal. No other fish seem
to be infected or reacting problematically at this time. My
question is should I be treating for a fungus or parasite
treatment instead of the Ich? What am I doing wrong, please lead
me down the path of success! Tim P USA <... Really... need at
least two systems here. One for the goldfish, maybe with the
Platies... the other for the tropicals. IF this is a parasite, it
may well be a Trematode/fluke... Please see WWM re the System
needs for all you list, how to treat for FW worm complaints...
Bob Fenner>
Re: Infected plant, a casualty,
and a mis-diagnosis? 2/27/08 Thank you Bob for the info
regarding the worm complaints. Just an update on my tank situation & to
add to this distress, my iridescent shark now has something completely
different than I've ever dealt with. The shark also has very white frayed
edges on all his fins like fin rot. <Mmm, environmental... the treatment
effects... perhaps the disruption of nitrification> Also his slime coat
seems to be very over active, to the point where its making his black
shiny body look like a velvety grayish to the point where it could look
mossy (not to the extent of cotton fungus, and doesn't look like velvet
disease). His gills seem to be a bit gasp. I will treat for flukes as you
recommend but I don't see any worms. <The "spots" that keep recurring,
moving... are "worms"... flukes/Trematodes... See the Net, WWM re> I
suppose I will treat it as a parasite, not a fungus. <See... WWM... re>
Though reading the articles on this site are very informative, I'm afraid
to choose a wrong diagnosis. I will isolate the Goldfish & the Platies in
a different tank, however do you recommend this after treatment since they
have all co- existed for more than a year together, and may share the same
diseases? Again, thank you for all your help, it makes a difference. Tim P
<And send along some clear, well-resolved pix if you can. Cheers, Bob
Re: Infected plant, a casualty, and a mis-diagnosis?
Bob, As you've requested, here are a few photos of my
iridescent shark. Notice the white slimy frayed fin edges, and
he's also glazed over with the white-slimy kind of bumpy
mucus which actually looks fleshy & torn-like. This isn't
fungus is it? He's even has mucus hanging off his whiskers.
Normally he would hang out under the rock at the bottom of the
tank in the dark, but now I find him normally swimming around up
top or near the top below the tank light. His swimming does not
seem to look labored, and he is not breathing heavy. I treated
the tank with Binox, hopefully I'm not fighting a cause
that's already in the grave. Goldfish seems to not be getting
any worse, maybe even better. No other fish seem to be infected
at this time, with the exception of the Killie with the 1 white
spot on its rear tail. The original problem tetra has no spots.
Is the anti parasite medication still the course of treatment
needed? Again, thanks so much. P.S. Please feel free to use these
photos on your site for educational purposes. It's the least
I can do for you educating me, and hopefully this can help
others. New water parameters . . NO3-0 NO2-0 Chlorine-0 Hardness
150ppm Alkalinity-180ppm pH-7.8 Ammonia- .1 to .2 Thanks Tim
<Hello Tim. This fish has Finrot and/or Fungus. It's in
terrible shape. Both these diseases are more environmental than
anything else, and the fact you have Ammonia in the aquarium
clinches the deal as far as I'm concerned. Let's make
this crystal clear: Pangasius sp. catfish are NOT AQUARIUM FISH.
Do please see the Planet Catfish page on this species to see how
big they get:
Never have been, and never will be, worth keeping. They just
don't do well in aquaria, even if you can handle the fact
they reach upwards of 1 m in length. You need lots of water
movement and good water quality, since these are riverine fish.
They're also schooling fish and tend to be extremely nervous
when kept alone, thrashing about the tank when the lights go out
or whatever. Your tank is loaded to the gunwales with rocks and
such, and these are utterly incompatible with Pangasius: when the
catfish swim, they bump into the rocks, get damaged, and then
infection sets in. They are riverine catfish that need a tank
that is basically composed of two things: [1] a huge box filled
with water and [2] a massively powerful filter producing 8-10
times the volume of the tank in turnover per hour. They don't
want plants, rocks, seashells, bogwood... nothing! As if to
underline this point some more, scientists recently established
that at least one species of Pangasius (P. krempfi) actually
swims out of rivers and into the sea once it grows up! Finally,
you appear to be keeping a notorious fin-nipper, Gymnocorymbus
ternetzi. This species is precisely the kind of fish you
wouldn't combine with these nervous catfish. These characins
will nip the Pangasius, damaging the fins and sending the poor
animal into paroxysms of fear. So, short term: treat with a
combination Finrot/Fungus medication. I have found eSHa 2000
works excellently well with catfish and other sensitive species.
Daily salt water dips might also be useful, but I fear they'd
be too stressful for a catfish this nervous. Long term: needs
rehoming. Wrong tank, wrong tankmates. Hope this helps,
Neale.> |

Please Help My Sick Iridescent Shark 1-11-2008
My Iridescent Shark was lying lifeless at the bottom of the tank this
morning; I thought he was dead so I tried to move him. He began moving
aggressively hitting his nose/mouth in the gravel and on the tank glass
top so I could not move him. When I returned for work he was lying
motionless again I tried to move him and the same thing happen. It took
me three hours to get him out the tank to the hospital tank. He has
busted his nose/mouth and is now not moving only breathing. Does he
have a diseases, how can I treat him, will he die? <Pangasius
hypophthalmus is unfortunately not an aquarium fish. These are
schooling fish that reach a maximum size of 130 cm in the wild (though
60-100 cm is more typical in captivity). When kept in aquaria that are
too small for them, or when kept singly, they often exhibit precisely
the symptoms you describe. There's really no "fix" as
such, beyond [a] getting it a couple of pals and [b] providing
sufficient swimming space. Realistically, this means they need an
aquarium 1000 l/250 gallons in size. Few people have this sort of tank!
Long term, your fish will keep bashing its head on the glass or hood
until it damages itself, and once that happens, Finrot and fungus set
in the fish will die. The best case scenario is to contact your local
public aquarium or zoo and see if they have space for your fish. But
sadly many public aquaria are overwhelmed with these fish and can't
house any more. Ultimately your fish probably doesn't have much of
a future. Why, you ask, do people sell these fish -- because there are
always people out there who buy these fish without researching them
first. Cheers, Neale.>
Iridescent Shark Eye Problems 12/23/07
I'm glad to have found your website, but unfortunately I have not
found any cases similar to that of my Iridescent shark. I live in
Florida, and during the winter the temperatures of the aquarium do not
drop below 20 degrees Celsius, currently the aquarium has that
temperature. <Well, this is a little cool for Pangasius
hypophthalmus, which is presumably what we're talking about here.
Something closer to 24-25 C would be better, and would keep the immune
system operating properly, reducing problems with secondary
infections.> The first day that a cold front came through my area
the temperatures lowered to the temperature it has now (20 degrees
Celsius), this first day, though, the iridescent two sharks that I
have, their skin ( I guess I could say since they seem to not have
scales) seemed crack as if it were frozen, but they weren't frozen.
<Not 100% sure what this is, though skin damage is entirely
possible, and certainly some types of secondary infection can cause
thread-like wounds on the skin, essentially blistering.> Anyways,
the next day one of the sharks had one cloudy eye and the other had
both of its eyes cloudy. <Extremely common with this species.
Pangasius hypophthalmus is a hyperactive and nervous fish, and when
alarmed thrashes about the tank. Following this, the delicate eye
surfaces get damaged and infections set in. If not precisely what
happened here, the result is the same: an opportunistic secondary
infection that needs to be treated using an appropriate
anti-Finrot/anti-Fungus treatment of your choice (though I'd
counsel against "mild" treatments such as Melafix).> The
shark with both cloudy eyes also had red streaks under at the base of
the pelvic fins. All the fins of both fish (dorsal, caudal, pectoral,
pelvic, etc.) also became torn, and are all stringy. <Definitely
Finrot. Treat as above.> The worst part, I consider, is that the
shark with both eyes cloudy seems to be blind and can't really find
its food (flakes). <Eyesight won't cause starvation, since these
catfish, like other catfish, hunt for food primarily by taste/smell. So
if healthy, they will find suitable food easily enough. But given they
are sick, not treating the infection will lead to more serious
problems, and ultimately death.> As for the aquarium, I maintain it
very clean and the treatments I use are Aqua Safe (neutralizer), algae
destroyer weekly, and Easy Balance weekly (chemical balancer). I clean
the aquarium yearly, with 25 to 50 % water changes every two or 1 and a
half months and monthly filter clean/change as well. <Hmm... for
these fish I suspect your water maintenance regime is inadequate. 50%
water changes WEEKLY would be the minimum. These are riverine fish that
grow to over 1.3 meters in length (over 4 feet) and produce enormous
amounts of waste. In fact, I'd consider them utterly inappropriate
for home aquaria. That said, lots of people keep them and enjoy them,
and maximum size in aquaria tends to be around the 30 cm/12" mark,
which isn't too bad. But it is an inescapable fact that most
Pangasius hypophthalmus end up deformed, scarred, or dead from
secondary infections due to maintenance in too-small an aquarium. They
do need big tanks with minimum decoration (danger or scratches) but
plenty of floating plants to give a sense of security.> The Aquarium
is well-oxygenated and I feed them daily. Currently, the heater is on
and it maintains a stable temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. I also
vacuum the gravel monthly with the siphon. <Warmer water will be
essential to proper immune response; but you will also have to add some
sort of antibacterial (e.g., eSHa 2000) or antibiotic (e.g., Maracyn
II).> I really hope you can help me in determining the disease of my
iridescent shark, and informing me of any possible way to treat it. If
you need any further explanation, pictures, videos, or description
e-mail as soon as you can, this is very urgent and I've had these
fish over seven years and I would greatly appreciate your help. Thank
you for your time. <Hope this has helped, Neale.>
Iridescent shark 7/21/07 hello, I
have two iridescent sharks in my aquarium I had to empty my tank and
clean it out. I got it second hand and I guess I should have taken the
rocks out and replaced them first. I transferred the fish into a
temporary tank, well to tell the truth it was an ice cream pail. but
when I returned them to the aquarium they were both very red (as I am
sure you know these are silvery and black normally). one of them
instantly began to swim and carry on like normal and he got his color
back in no time at all ,however the second one just stays laying at the
bottom and swims around lazily along the floor he has not turned back
to his normal color. did I shock them in the move and will he pull out
of this? all the other fish in the aquarium have also resumed their own
happy fishy lives. <Greetings. I hope that you work at a public
aquarium or have a gigantic aquarium in your basement. Iridescent
sharks -- Pangasius hypophthalmus -- are possibly the worst aquarium
fish in the trade. In fact, practically all fishkeeping writers and
experts consider them totally unsuitable for home aquaria. Here's
why: maximum size is 1.3 m (over 4 feet). They are schooling fish. They
grow extremely fast. They are extremely nervous and often damage
themselves by swimming into things when alarmed. You have discovered
this. As they mature, they will become more and more nervous as they
feel confined. Yes, their colours will return once they recover from
their state of alarm, but once frightened again, you'll have to go
through the whole process again. Almost no useful information is
provided by retailers when these fish are sold. In terms of basic care
they are herbivores, and need lots of green foods. They live in huge
river systems, and so expect a strong water current and lots of
swimming space. Minimum aquarium size is something like 4000
litres/1000 gallons. Remember, these things can get to the size of
small dolphins! To be fair, most specimens seem to stop growing around
the 60 cm/2 foot mark, but even then, given their activity level and
the fact they need to be in a school of 6 or more specimens, you still
need a simply ginormous aquarium to keep them properly. It is really a
food fish and widely farmed, and unfortunately a few specimens seem to
find their way into the aquarium trade. Any retailer stocking these
fish and not telling you what they turn into is being grossly
irresponsible, in my opinion. On the plus side, they're not fussy
about water chemistry and are harmless towards fish too big to eat.
They also taste very good. Cheers, Neale>
ID shark woe I have been doing some reading and it seems I
should not have an id shark in a 33 gal tank. He is about 7 inches and
I love him but should I give him away to someone with a larger tank?
boo hoo? If I give him back to the fish store won't they just sell
him to the next ill-informed hobbyist? <I would move this
fish... to a larger system... it will be "unhappy", too
likely to jump out, harm itself dashing into the side of your 33>
They told me my tank was fine when I suggested it may be too small. I
think he may also have fin rot. What should I do about that? Melafix or
Maracyn II. <Best to move it to a larger, clean system... allow it
to self-heal, quick!> Anywho if you could set me up with a good list
for a freshwater community tank which already houses 1 Pleco, some java
fern and some corkscrew Val I would greatly appreciate it as the local
fish store people seem to know squat ( they also told me 6 comets would
be fine with my id shark, a school of neon tetra and two black Kuhlis
in a 33 gal tank). <What? Goldfish in with tropicals? No... do take
a look through the survey articles on freshwater posted on
WetWebMedia.com> It is frustrating when the people I turn to give
bad advice. You are now my knight in shining armor. <Not too
shiny> I e-mailed you yesterday with some info if you recall but
will do so again. 33 gal tank DynaFlo 3 filter 3 way cartridge filter
temp mid 70's <Be chatting, Bob Fenner>
INFECTED IRIDESCENT SHARK I have an Iridescent Shark that is
3 to 4 inches long. Last week a "bubble" appeared on his
side. It really looked more like a blister. When I came home from work,
it had "popped" and now he has a hole in his side. This
doesn't look like any of the ulcerative type pictures on your site,
it is literally a hole. I watched him, and noticed a small bit of air
inside the hole that slowly gets larger until a line of bubbles comes
from his side. He isn't acting different, but surely this isn't
normal. I can get some pictures. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks,
Audra < You shark has a bacterial infection that sounds like it
needs to be treated. Make sure the tank is clean by doing a 30% water
change and vacuum the gravel. Clean the filter too. Check the water.
Ammonia and nitrites should be zero. Nitrates should be under 25 ppm.
Treat the tank with Nitrofuranace as per the directions on the box. It
may affect the good bacteria that break down the fish waste so check
for ammonia spikes. You may need to add Bio-Spira after treating to
establish the good bacteria back in your tank.-Chuck>
A black iridescent shark question I have a black iridescent
shark approximately 6 inches long. I noticed yesterday that it looked
like he had a festering sore right behind his left-sided fin; now today
it looks like an actual hole. I called the local pet store, but they
weren't sure and would do some checking - any ideas what it is and
what to do for it??? I did a water check and everything is
right on where it should be. He's in a 55-gal tank with
another iridescent black shark, platys, Dragonfish, Dojos, clown
loaches, and has been since May of this year. Thanks in
advance. <Hi Cheryl, Can you give us the actual readings on your
water? Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH. Also, what is your water
change schedule? Your sharks problem may have to do with high nitrates.
That's a lot of "soon to be large" fish in a 55 gallon.
As adults the sharks will reach over four feet! You'll need to plan
for there long term care. The clown loaches will hit eight inches or
more. With this many growing fish it's common to have your nitrates
spike quickly. Long term high nitrates can cause skin
problems. Also, I'm not sure what you mean by
"Dragonfish", common names being what they are. Do you have a
link to a picture? Don>
Iridescent shark We have an iridescent shark that has out
grown our 55 gallon tank. It was 3-4 inches long when we got it, and is
now 14-15 inches long. It kept running into the sides and
was not able to turn around with out getting skittish. Had
made several jumps to the top and scraped chunks out of the
skin. One night it actually jumped out of the tank onto the
floor. We bought a 125 and that was very hard on the
shark to move it. The fins got caught in the net, but
everything has healed.
<<Better by far to "scoop out" such fishes w/ large
(doubled) plastic bags... you can get used from a fish store or use
thick trash bags... Do dump out most of the water before lifting!
Our problem is, since we have moved the shark, it has not
eaten. It has been about a month now. We have fed
tetra flake food, sinking pellet food, which is what it ate all of the
time, krill, Tubifex worms. Temp is about 75, changed the
water last night and the nitrate was a little high, but still not
eating. Have platys and Cory cats, which was in the other
tank with it also. Any
suggestions - HELP we have put a lot
of money and effort into this shark and do not want anything to happen
to it. < Try raising the water temp to 80 degrees F. They come from
fast moving waters so make sure the filter is adequate for the tank and
pumping at least 400 gallons per hour. Make sure that the water has
zero ammonia and nitrites and that the nitrates stay below 25 ppm. I
think I would add an airstone to increase the aeration of the water
too. Try keeping the light off for awhile and let him get use to the
new tank. You fish may have sustained some internal injuries during the
move. If the above suggestions don't improve things in about a week
then I would recommend treating the tank with Metronidazole. This will
be expensive in a big tank but I don't think I would risk moving
him again.-Chuck> Thanks SSimpson
Burned ID Sharks No one seems to be able to help me answer my
question. I have two small ID sharks in a 10 gallon tank. They have
both had Ich before but it is long gone. In the past week I noticed red
marks on the back side of them. They are starting to go away, but now
my one shark is covered on one side and all along his tummy and
underside with clear bubbles, that almost look like boils?! He is still
active and is still eating but I am concerned with how quickly it
spread and that my other shark might get it. What is it, how do I get
rid of it, and will my sharks die? <Sounds like either the medicine
itself burned the fish or that it killed off your biofilter... I would
add a teaspoon of salt to the water, test for ammonia and nitrite and
be careful about not over-feeding till it recycles. Bob
Re: Burned ID Sharks Well, now the shark still has the boils
but they have filled up with blood. There are no red marks left. Just
the boils that are now full of blood? Any idea what the boils are or
how to get rid of them. One is right in his gill and worries me?!
<Mmm, sorry for the delayed reply (have been on a liveaboard out of
the country)... only time and improved, steady water quality, decent
nutrition will show if your minnow sharks will recover. Bob
INFECTED IRIDESCENT SHARK I have an Iridescent Shark that is
3 to 4 inches long. Last week a "bubble" appeared on his
side. It really looked more like a blister. When I came home from work,
it had "popped" and now he has a hole in his side. This
doesn't look like any of the ulcerative type pictures on your site,
it is literally a hole. I watched him, and noticed a small bit of air
inside the hole that slowly gets larger until a line of bubbles comes
from his side. He isn't acting different, but surely this isn't
normal. I can get some pictures. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks,
Audra < You shark has a bacterial infection that sounds like it
needs to be treated. Make sure the tank is clean by doing a 30% water
change and vacuum the gravel. Clean the filter too. Check the water.
Ammonia and nitrites should be zero. Nitrates should be under 25 ppm.
Treat the tank with Nitrofuranace as per the directions on the box. It
may affect the good bacteria that break down the fish waste so check
for ammonia spikes. You may need to add Bio-Spira after treating to
establish the good bacteria back in your tank.-Chuck>
FW minnow shark disease Hello- I need a little help here. We
have a 75 gallon freshwater tank. We have had what I think is an
ongoing problem of some sort of disease. I have already had 2
Iridescent Sharks die. They begin to stop eating get really skinny and
then just swimming all weird. Top of the tank bottom and middle.
I'm a little confused I just don't see why its only the
Iridescent Sharks, no one else seems to be showing any signs of
disease. The first 2 died within a few days of each
other, now it has been about 3 weeks since we have had any
problem and now we have it starting all over again. The tank includes 2
Bala sharks, 1 gold shark, 1 silver shark, 1 cigar shark, 2 glass cats,
1 ghost knife, 1 coolie loach, and 2 iridescent. We are running a Aqua
Clear 500 and a Aqua tech 20-40. plus 2 Aqua clear 4000 power heads,
for under gravel filtration. The tank has been running since June 25th
of this year. When we set up the tank we started it with A miracle and
a 700 gph pump (little giant). In about September we noticed a crack in
the sump and immediately replaced it with the filtration that is on it
now. About 3 weeks the filter crashed we first noticed the first
iridescent swimming disoriented, and then he stopped eating, then died,
The 2nd one followed shortly there after. We suspect the tank recycled
causing stress to induce these deaths. It has now been about a month
and we seem to be having the same problem again with another iridescent
only this time there seems to be damage and some sort of spot on the
top fin. If there is anything you can do to help or maybe give us an
idea of what this might be please contact me by e-mail. < First of
all we need to evaluate the overall health of the tank. For that you
need to get some testing done. Measure the ammonia and nitrites. They
should be zero all the time. Any readings mean that the nitrogenous
wastes are not being completely being broken down by the bacteria and
you will need to address that. Secondly is get a reading on the total
nitrates . They should be less than 25 ppm but some fish may not be
able to handle even that high of a reading and you iridescent sharks
may fall into that category. They may not die out right but instead
succumb to diseases for which they never recover from. The nitrates can
be reduced by servicing the filter regularly and by doing weekly water
changes. The amount of water is determined by the fish and how they are
being kept. For general purposes we usually recommend about 25% per
week.-Chuck> Jamie Iridescent Shark Question I have had my
Iridescent shark about 2 months. He recently got a infection
(tail and fin rot) and I treated the tank and I think I have got
rid of the parasite; overall, his appearance looks good, but he is
acting depressed. My fish will not eat, or hardly even
move. I even got him some other fish friends and he won't do
anything. The new fish are not acting the same as him. Does
he still have a parasite? I use a water neutralizer and stress
coat because he is such a nervous fish. < Try a 30% water change and
service the filter. Check the water temp. and make sure it is around 80
F. Try some live or frozen food to get him interested in feeding
Iridescent Shark Patchy I have an iridescent shark and
approximately one week ago, he developed a white raised pimple-like
bump surrounded by a small white patch on his right side just below his
head. I have seen Ich before and this does not look like it. He is the
only fish in the tank at this time. Over the past few days, the bump
seems to have gone down slightly but the white patch underneath seems
to be getter larger. He does not seem as active as he usually is. Any
ideas on what this could be; could he have injured himself somehow? Any
help would be appreciated. R. MoDavis <<Dear R; It's
hard to say. First I will ask you to test your water, this is always
the first step when problems arise. Make sure ammonia and nitrites are
zero, and nitrates are low, say 20 to 60ppm, give or take. Next,
temperature must be stable, around 78F is fine. How big is the shark,
and how big is the tank? How often do you do water changes? Why is he
the only fish in there? Curing the problem could be as simple as adding
some Melafix. But if other fish have died in that tank recently due to
water quality problems, Ich, or bacterial infections, you will need to
do some work to save this shark. Let me know. -Gwen>>
Salinity & Fuzzy Skinned Sharks Hello and thank you in
advance. <Good morning!> In February I purchased a 35
gallon hex freshwater tank. It is populated with the
following: 3 tiger barbs, 2 rosy barbs, 2 Gouramis, 2
iridescent shark catfish, 1 Pleco, and 1 glass fish (the other 3 died
yesterday and today). All fish except for the glass fish are
'original' members. When setting up my tank, I was
told 1 tablespoon of salt per gallon but on your site I read that it
should be 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons. Which is correct? I
also have a salt hydrometer, what is an acceptable salinity level for a
freshwater tank? <It should be one Tbsp per 5 gallons or even less.
1 per gallon is way too salty!> In addition, last week (prior to
introducing the 4 glass fish) I noticed that the 'sharks'
looked fuzzy and it has gotten worse. <You added new
fish when the current ones were looking ill? Never a good idea my
friend.> Last night I ran to Petco and read about different diseases
and determined that the 'sharks' have a fungus. I
treated the tank last night with fungus medicine. I
don't remember the name but I had to open up the capsules and
release the contents into the tank, turning the water
green. I am suppose to wait 48 hours and repeat the medicine
then wait another 48 hours and put the carbon back in and change 25% of
the water. Prior to putting in the medicine, I removed the
carbon as directed. Within a few hours of medicating the
fish, 2 of the glass fish died and another this
afternoon. They (glass fish) have only been in the tank
since Saturday, could they have been ill prior to putting in my tank or
could the medicine kill them? <The Glass Fish probably died from
medication overdose. Fish that have small or no scales are extremely
sensitive to medication and should only be given half doses.> How
deadly is a fungus and why aren't the other fish
affected? Any help you can give would be appreciated, my
daughter is distraught that her fish are dying and I don't think
the 'sharks' are going to make it. <The deadliness will
depend on exactly what it is. Check here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwfshparasites.htm
to see if you can find out exactly what it is and treat
accordingly.> FYI, I have a Fluval 300 and keep the temp around 78
degrees. Every 3 weeks I change approximately 6-10
gallons. I check the PH level every other day and keep the
tank at 7.0 (neutral). What am I doing wrong if I even am?
<This all sounds good. Ronni> Jennifer
Re: Salinity & Fuzzy Skinned Sharks Ronni: <Hi
Jennifer> Well, I no longer have the fungus in my tank and my
shark's body has cleared up BUT we now have another
issue. The tiger barbs and Gouramis are now picking on the
shark b/c he is on his own. He now has some missing scales
and I am afraid of infection setting in causing his
demise. Unfortunately, I am unable to remove him into a
separate tank. He has been hiding under an archway to
protect his back and he is eating well. Would a salt dip
help? If so, what should be the water/salt ratio? Thanks in advance.
Jennifer <A salt dip may help heal his wounds but he's still going to
get picked on which will cause more wounds. You really need to isolate
him, provide more cover and more shark-mates, or get rid of him.
Re: Salinity & Fuzzy Skinned Sharks Ronni: The link you
gave me I had already checked and the fungus symptoms are exactly what
the sharks have. Unfortunately, we lost a shark this morning
and I expect the other shark to expire before evening unless I am
extremely lucky. <I'm sorry> I noticed this morning
that my 2 rosy barbs have one eye that is puffy (with the sharks that
was the last thing to be affected). Should I continue the
medicine for the remaining fish to eliminate this disease???? <The
best thing to do is isolate the fish that are showing symptoms into a
separate quarantine tank and medicate them in there. If that isn't
possible, treat your main tank with a half dose of the medication.>
<You're welcome! Ronni>