FAQs on Guppy Reproduction,
Breeding 2
Related Articles: Guppies, Poeciliids:
Guppies, Platies, Swordtails, Mollies by Neale Monks,
Livebearing Fishes by Bob
Related FAQs: Guppy Reproduction 1, Guppies 1, Guppies
2, Guppy Identification,
Guppy Behavior, Guppy Compatibility, Guppy Selection, Guppy Systems, Guppy Feeding, Guppy Disease, Livebearers, Platies, Swordtails, Mollies, |

Hey Baby! It takes two (guppies) to tango. |
Do dwarf chain loach eat (Guppy) fry
Hi Neale!
Hope you had a good Christmas :)
<Yes, thank you!>
Was just wanting to ask if dwarf chain loaches eat guppy fry?
<Unlikely, but potentially possible. Keep the two species together is
probably depends a lot on how easily the Guppy fry can hide (e.g., among
floating plants) and how crowded the tank becomes. Loaches feed at
night, of course, and will consume anything they come across. But
they're not skilled fish-eaters by any means, so while you might lose
one or two fry, if you shepherd fry into a breeding trap and keep them
there for the first couple of weeks, larger fry should be safe enough.>
I have a Ramshorn snail issue in my 130L guppy breeder tank and I heard
Dwarf chain loaches eat them so was considering getting some. Haven't
been able to find much info on if they are ok with fry and guppies tho
so was wondering if you knew?
<Fish fry will be eaten by anything that can catch them, but adult
Guppies are more likely to consume them than loaches.>
<Welcome. Neale.>
Re: do dwarf chain loach eat fry 2/29/20
Hi Neale!
Thanks so much. I got 4 and put them in my QT tank. Hopefully they
eat some lol. Otherwise Ill have to get assassin snails.
<Clea helena; a fine addition to most tanks.>
Iv not seen any of my fish eat guppy fry so I guess Iv been pretty
<Likely so, or simply, the output of fry is sufficiently great that
even allowing for parental cannibalism, there's enough left over for
them to be noticeable.>
I was wondering if clown killifish/clown Panchax eat guppy fry?
<Abso-fracking-lutely. Any of the Panchax-type fish are ferocious
predators, albeit of very small, bite-size prey. Cheers, Neale.>
Sexes guppies 7/31/19
I have a female guppy who looks like it for be a male chafing my one male I know
is make almost to rough all the time how can make sure of what sex the bigger
guppy is can to help me? The big ones is what I don't know.
Tracy Nilson
<The shape of the anal fin is definitive in Guppies... Males have tubular
gonopodia (for gamete transmission), while females have fan shaped anal fins.
Your pix show two males and one female (the one w/ fecal material attached). Bob
Re: Sexes guppies
I wood like to send a few more pics if that's ok to help me with there sexes
<Kosha; howsit? What shape is the anal fin here? Fan or tube? BobF>
Re: Sexes guppies
Thank you
<Welcome Kosha/Tracy. BobF>
The hole 8/24/19
Here is a beer picture of the how it's getting bigger
<Yes, this female guppy is giving birth... parturition. BobF>
Re: The hole 8/28/19
Giving birth?? What when she's still big
<Yes; guppies, Poeciliids can/do give birth over a period of hours to days.
Re: The hole 8/29/19
Thank you
<Welcome. B>
Guppy age at 1/2 inch; repro.
I have scoured the web simply trying to find out if guppies at the size
of 1/2 inch are capable of breeding, or at what size they will become
viable for breeding. It seems like a simple question and yet I can not
find any age to size ratio chart to know how old they are at 1/2 inch.
<Half an inch is a bit small; three-quarters of an inch (overall... not
fisheries/standard length) is more about right; though the fish might be
stunted and capable of giving birth. Bob Fenner>
Female Guppy/Birth problems 4/21/17
My female looks like she is ready to explode. Her fry look backwards.
The dark part is in the front of her chest cavity instead of toward the
back. A reddish stripe is starting to appear on her chest. I had
her in the breeder
and she was floating vertically with her mouth open and at the bottom of
the breeder. Her cord is flowing and it looks like a baby was
protruding from her last night. When I went to check on her this morning
I saw nothing in the birth canal, cord is still flowing. Since she was
still pointing toward the bottom. She couldn't get upright. So I let her
back out of the breeder and she went to the bottom of the tank. She then
tucked herself under a shell so she is in the normal position. I'm
hoping the fry will turn around. have you ever encountered anything like
<Yes. Unfortunately very occasionally livebearers have problems giving
birth. Stress (e.g., from males in the tank) may be a key factor, but
it's hard to say for sure. Guppies are ovoviviparous, meaning that there
isn't a real placenta between the female and her young; what happens is
more like the eggs stay inside her, protected, but not actually
connected to her.
Sometimes the eggs don't develop properly, and the embryos die, and
while they should be reabsorbed, they instead decay, ultimately killing
the female as well unless she can expel them. There are fish with true
placentas, the Goodeids for example, and they're called viviparous fish.
In any event, with your female Guppy, if something goes wrong, sometimes
the eggs are released prematurely, to be eaten up by scavengers and
snails in the tank. More often the eggs hatch, but the fry develop only
for a short time, and premature fry are born. These are unable to swim
or feed, and again, get eaten up. It's pretty rare for almost 'full
term' fry to be born prematurely, and if you can find and net these into
a breeding trap, after a day or two they swim about normally and all is
well. Regardless, there
shouldn't really be anything like an afterbirth in Guppies because
there's no placenta, so anything else emerging from the cloaca could be
faeces, dead tissue from failed embryos, who knows? Watch; isolate the
fish from stress; and hope for the best.>
Should I try to take the cord out with some tweezers or let it be?
<The latter; you could also try adding Epsom salt (a useful laxative for
fish) to relax the muscles around the birth canal and speed up the
delivery. Actually trying to pull anything manually would be very
traumatic for all concerned. Do read here:
Epsom salt is widely sold online and in drugstores.>
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,
<Good luck, Neale.>
Female Guppy/Birth problems 4/21/17
My female looks like she is ready to explode. Her fry look backwards.
The dark part is in the front of her chest cavity instead of toward the
back. A reddish stripe is starting to appear on her chest. I had
her in the breeder
and she was floating vertically with her mouth open and at the bottom of
the breeder. Her cord is flowing and it looks like a baby was
protruding from her last night. When I went to check on her this morning
I saw nothing in the birth canal, cord is still flowing. Since she was
still pointing toward the bottom. She couldn't get upright. So I let her
back out of the breeder and she went to the bottom of the tank. She then
tucked herself under a shell so she is in the normal position. I'm
hoping the fry will turn around. have you ever encountered anything like
<Yes. Unfortunately very occasionally livebearers have problems giving
birth. Stress (e.g., from males in the tank) may be a key factor, but
it's hard to say for sure. Guppies are ovoviviparous, meaning that there
isn't a real placenta between the female and her young; what happens is
more like the eggs stay inside her, protected, but not actually
connected to her.
Sometimes the eggs don't develop properly, and the embryos die, and
while they should be reabsorbed, they instead decay, ultimately killing
the female as well unless she can expel them. There are fish with true
placentas, the Goodeids for example, and they're called viviparous fish.
In any event, with your female Guppy, if something goes wrong, sometimes
the eggs are released prematurely, to be eaten up by scavengers and
snails in the tank. More often the eggs hatch, but the fry develop only
for a short time, and premature fry are born. These are unable to swim
or feed, and again, get eaten up. It's pretty rare for almost 'full
term' fry to be born prematurely, and if you can find and net these into
a breeding trap, after a day or two they swim about normally and all is
well. Regardless, there
shouldn't really be anything like an afterbirth in Guppies because
there's no placenta, so anything else emerging from the cloaca could be
faeces, dead tissue from failed embryos, who knows? Watch; isolate the
fish from stress; and hope for the best.>
Should I try to take the cord out with some tweezers or let it be?
<The latter; you could also try adding Epsom salt (a useful laxative for
fish) to relax the muscles around the birth canal and speed up the
delivery. Actually trying to pull anything manually would be very
traumatic for all concerned. Do read here:
Epsom salt is widely sold online and in drugstores.>
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,
<Good luck, Neale.>
Manipulating guppy fry sex ratio 10/24/16
Once again, I thank you for the excellent information on your website.
<And thanks for the kind words.>
I breed guppies and recently noticed a steep decline in the percentage of males
to females. I previously got 2 - 2.5 females per male, but now it is closer to 5
females per male.
This is a problem because I sell to a store and they always want an equal number
of the sexes and if this trend continues I won't be able to supply enough males
for their order.
I've looked online and found some scholarly articles and unscientific personal
accounts that suggest warmer water produces more males than females. It appears
80-82 F should give me the males I need.
<Have read the same thing, but doesn't seem to be a hard-and-fast rule (as one
paper puts it, there's "no consistent sex bias"). Plus, there's also some
evidence that while exposing gravid females to increased temperatures diminished
the number of female fry, it also increased the risk of the pregnant female
dying, so you'd have to be careful. Some experimentation is surely necessary
here for establishing the ideals under aquarium conditions -- would suggest
28-30 C as the maximum, and with increased aeration to reduce oxygen stress.
Make sense?>
But what is lacking are specific details on when to apply the warm water.
Before pregnancy? During? After?
<Before and during. Sex will be presumably "fixed" at or a few days after
fertilisation, but since you can't establish when that takes place, best to keep
males and (virgin) females together at the elevated temperature. Take care to
acclimate fish to higher temperatures across several days.>
If there is truth to the hot water claims, please tell me how to go about
boosting my number of males.
<Other authors have put the sex ratio down to differential survival rates.
For example, if males are smaller at birth than females, cannibalism or
starvation could easily favour the females. This is a big issue with cichlids,
because the males are often bigger than females after hatching, so hog food,
grow faster, and therefore can hog even more food, starving the females. Review
your breeding and rearing strategies, and determine
whether rearing smaller groups, perhaps separating by size, and/or providing
better, very small foods (such as brine shrimp nauplii or even infusoria) might
be better than the one-size-fits-all approach of finely powdered flake food that
works for casual livebearer breeding.>
Thank you!
<Most welcome, Neale.>
tiny black spots on bottom of breeder
I have a preg. guppy in breeder box. She does/did not
look that preg. so I cleaned the tank, yesterday. When I finished there
were 2 fry. One lived, one died. Now this afternoon there are about 10
tiny black spots on the bottom of the breeder. She do not look like fry
but I guess they could be. She has been in the breeder for 2 weeks. How
long should I leave her in it?
<No time at all. Despite the marketing, you're not meant to put Guppies
inside the breeder boxes. Or at least you can, but it won't help. Those
boxes stress the female Guppy, usually leading to miscarriages, which is
probably why one of your two fry died. They were born prematurely.>
Yes, if I sound like a beginner, that is because I am one!
<Not a problem. Here's the deal with Guppies: All you need to do is
ensure two things: females outnumber males, and the tank contains plenty
of floating plants. The first thing is important to reduce stress. Males
are horribly pushy, and if you keep "pairs" of Guppies, the males will
harass female Guppies, and again, miscarriages will happen. The
recommendation is at least two females per male, which is easy to do
because the females are usually sold cheaply. Anyway, that's step 1.
Moving on to step 2, you need somewhere for newborn fry to hide because
Guppies sometimes eat the fry.
Guppies evolved in environments where newborn fry swam among plants or
into very shallow water where the adults don't go. So they haven't
evolved the ability to distinguish between wriggly black midge larvae
(that they eat)
and wriggly black fish fry (that might be their offspring). You need to
do something to even the odds! Floating plants help, and the fry will
instinctively hide among them. Once they're there, you can then use a
small net to scoop them up and then put the fry into the floating
breeding box for a couple of weeks. That's enough time to grow them on
to a size they'll
be safe with adult Guppies. That's what the breeding traps are really
Make sense? Once in the trap or box, you can easily feed the fry finely
powdered flake food and they'll do very well.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: tiny black spots on bottom of breeder
Thank you.
<Welcome, Evelyn.>
FYI little spots were black at night, but during day they are beige.
<Fish do indeed change colour by day and night. But...>
They are really little ball shaped fry? Go figure! EB
<Do bear in mind that aborted/miscarried embryos will look like small
fish with their tails wrapped around their bodies. If the "spots" aren't
moving, I doubt they're viable fry. Cheers, Neale.>
Help my Dalmatian molly is swimming funny and guppy problems
I have 1 male Dalmatian molly and 1 female gray molly, 1 Lyretail molly,
and 4 cobra guppies. My Dalmatian molly is swimming as though he can't
use his tail, so he's only swimming with his front fins, this hasn't
happened to any of my other fish. His tail, I don't know if this helps,
but his tail colors, where it is white, looks sort of bluish. What
should I do to help him use his tail again?
<This sounds like the Shimmies. It's a neurological disorder brought
about by environmental stress. No treatment, but it will get better if
the environment improves. So, let's recap what Mollies want. Firstly,
space. At least 100 litres/25 gallons. Next up, high hardness and a
basic pH. Liquid rock is ideal! Aim for 15+ degrees dH, pH 7.5-8.2 and
you'll be doing fine.
Thirdly, low nitrate. They are extremely sensitive to this compared to
many other common fish. Anything above 20 mg/l will stress them in
freshwater conditions, and nitrate should certainly not be above 40
mg/l. And finally,
salt. This isn't 100% essential if you have a high hardness and minimal
nitrate, but if you don't, adding marine aquarium salt is crucial.
Something like 5-6 gram per litre (about 4 teaspoons per US gal) is an
ideal starting point, but really anything up to full strength seawater
(35 gram/litre) is fine. Do note of course that most freshwater fish
won't tolerate salt well. Guppies and other livebearers will thrive at
the 5-6 gram/litre salinity, but things like barbs, Corydoras, etc.
won't. Most plants aren't happy about salt either, though some species,
including Java ferns, Vallisneria and Anubias will all be just fine at
this level of salinity. Do your research and act accordingly.>
Another question, I had 2 red cobra guppies, all of which I thought were
male, but one of their abdomens were growing and a dark spot was
appearing on it's lower abdomen, which made me think it was pregnant,
but it soon
died. My other red cobra guppies abdomen is starting to grow, do you
think it's going to die? or do you believe it's pregnant, I have my
<Pregnant Guppies are usually distinctive in shape, and in other ways
behave totally normally. Since gestation is about a month, you should
see females recover their normal, non-pregnant shape quite quickly. Just
to remind you, the "gravid spot" isn't a patch of colour that develops
in the skin, it's simply the uterus pressing against the skin and thin
muscles of the abdomen around the vent, to such a degree you can even
see the baby fish when they're close to being born. Obviously, only
females ever become pregnant, so if you have males swelling up as well,
then something's amiss.
For what it's worth, the use of marine aquarium salt as outlined for
Mollies will de-stress Guppies as well, and they're often farmed in
slightly brackish water precisely because it reduces the risk of
It's not a cure-all, and if yours have worms, Hexamita infections, or
whatever you'll need to medicate accordingly. But if they're simply
suffering environmental stress, marine aquarium salt is useful. One last
thing: double check you've got at least twice as many females as males
if you're keeping both sexes together. Male Mollies and Guppies are
highly aggressive towards each other and very, very demanding towards
the females.
So the more females, the happier everyone in the tank will be. This rule
holds true for all types of livebearers, by the way, not just Mollies
and Guppies. Cheers, Neale.>
re: Help my Dalmatian molly is swimming funny and guppy problems
Ok so far with what you have said it's already done, my pH is 7.6, my
nitrite and nitrate levels are 0,
<Something wrong here. Zero level nitrate is all but impossible. Even
the ocean has measurable nitrate! So go back and use your test kits
again, then write back. Perhaps use another test kit... will make the
observation those
dip-strips are, at best, approximate.>
and there is aquarium salt in the water.
<Marine aquarium salt. Not freshwater salt, sometimes called aquarium
What's the difference? Plain vanilla tonic salt, of the kind sold to
freshwater aquarists, is basically sodium chloride, cooking salt without
the iodine. Marine aquarium salt is a whole mixture of minerals
including sodium chloride but also, crucially, calcium carbonate, which
raises the carbonate hardness (as the name suggests!) which in turn
buffers against pH changes. Aquarium salt, or tonic salt, is really used
only for treating Whitespot, where it makes a useful way to raise
salinity without raising pH or hardness, and that's very important if
you're keeping tetras and other species that dislike high hardness. So
it's a temporary addition to the tank for use across a couple weeks.
Marine aquarium salt, on the other hand, is something used to create
specific water conditions. It's used long term, perhaps indefinitely in
the case of livebearers. There's really no comparison, but unfortunately
retailers are more than happy to sell aquarium salt as a (bogus)
cure-all to less experienced aquarists, along with 10 gallon tanks,
tea-tree oil, and other things that have little/no value in the hobby.
With all this said, if you have the aquarium salt now, using it
alongside baking soda can create a reasonable alternative. If you add
about 5-6 gram (1 teaspoon) baking soda alongside each 5-6 gram (1
teaspoon) of aquarium salt, you should get about the right ratio. Use
your test kit to check if you're unsure, or better yet, set the aquarium
salt to one side and just use the marine salt mix (generic brands from
PetCo and the like are fine). Let me know what your existing hardness
level is before
you do anything though. Stating the pH is actually pretty unhelpful even
though pH is something lots of people remember from school. Hardness is
the thing that affects fish; not pH. Fish react to changes in pH, yes,
but so
long as its stable, most freshwater species have a wide pH tolerance.>
I will research the shimmies further more, thank you, but is there a
book that has all the aquarium fresh water fish and there diseases and
<There are some excellent books out there. I think the easiest to read
and understand is probably "The Interpet Manual of Fish Health" even
though it was written over 20 years ago. It covers all the basics,
explains the importance of water chemistry and quality, and offers up
useful treatments alongside plenty of nice and clear photos. Being an
old book, secondhand copies can be had for pennies. But a lot of books
on the topic have been written over the years, and I'd encourage you to
visit your local bookstore or library, have a peruse, and see which one
appeals to you. In any event, the Shimmies is rock-solid in our
understanding, and is almost always a symptom of environmental stress.
To save me rehashing what I've written before, let me direct you to an
article on the subject I wrote for FishChannel.com a while back...
Basically, it goes away providing you fish the fish's environment. Your
problem is to identify what's wrong with the environment before the fish
Guppies 6/28/15
Can water temperature determine the sex of baby guppies ?
<There is some evidence to suggest so. Bob Fenner>
Guppies /Neale 6/29/15
Can water temperature determine the sex of baby guppies ?
<While frequently mooted among hobbyists, a quick dip into Google Scholar
suggests there's little/no evidence for this, no. Cheers, Neale.>
Female guppy pregnant had 2 fry and now a big red lump!!!
Help 12/26/14
Hi, my female guppy just had 2 fry last night and she Seemed to be
pushing out a large red bump. This morning The lump is outside her body
but under her skin- the Size, shape and color like a raspberry She is
getting tired.
Tail dropping Please help - could she have had a prolapse?
<Sounds like it. Very difficult to treat. Adding Epsom salt to the water
can help, as will reviewing aquarium conditions. To recap: Guppies need
hard, basic freshwater or brackish conditions (10+ degrees dH, pH 7-8;
optionally with a little salt added). Ammonia and nitrite should be
Do read here about prolapses:
Also here about a different livebearer exhibiting a similar problem
where the reproductive system becomes infected:
Good luck, Neale.>
Re: Female guppy pregnant had 2 fry and now a big red lump!!!
Thanks for your reply.
The fish did not make it overnight - she was very tired. :( I did put
aquarium salt the first night when I saw her distressed.
<Ah, do understand Epsom salt and salt-salt (such as aquarium salt)
aren't the same thing.>
Here are some pictures for you to see just in case - I just want to make
sure this is not something my other fish can catch.
<Nothing attached. But no matter: these situations are not catchy,
though the underlying stress that led to one fish getting sick and lead
to the same thing in other fish.>
Looking closely at the thing. It looks like it had some eggs that did
not developed and by the end of last night it got little white dots on
<Indeed. Do review my comments on the Halfbeak in the link sent
I completely cleaned my tank today with a 50% water change just in case.
I wanted to ask you about the carbon filter - I was told never to
replace it or change it. Today when I lifted it up it was covered with
yuk- slimy
grayish yuk. I cleared it under running water and put it back in. Is
that ok?
<Carbon removes organic compounds from the aquarium, including most fish
medicines. On top of that, it only works usefully for about a week after
being added to the aquarium. Unless you change carbon every week or two,
it's a waste of space in your aquarium. Replace with more biological
media unless you need to specific benefits carbon provides. Contrast the
freshwater situation with the marine, where carbon is very useful
Make sense?>
I have a 10 gallon tank and had 2 adult females and 10 fry. The fry are
now about 1 inch long and they are mainly boys. Which I think were the
ones that got the female adult pregnant.
<Stress likely a factor; when female livebearers are harassed by the
males, miscarriages and other uterine complaints are commonplace. Do
remember to keep at least 2 females per 1 male. Best to rehome surplus
males as required. Or add males (no females) to community tank
elsewhere, reserving females for the breeding tank. 10 gallons is a bit
small for Guppies, but
doable if just one or two males and a half dozen or so females. Adding
floating plants will be useful, too, by providing shelter for the
Now I have the 1 female adult, the 10 fry of 1 inch and the 2 baby fry
from the girl that just died
Thanks for your help
<Cheers, Neale.> Re: Female guppy pregnant
had 2 fry and now a big red lump!!! Help
Sorry about the photos. Here they are.
<Grim. Yes, I'd put this down to some sort of uterine problem. Pretty
rare with livebearers, but kind of like breech births in humans, these
sorts of problems do happen. Hard to say what the underlying problems
are. So as usual, genetics, water chemistry/quality, and external stress
factors such as diet and male Guppies could be considered.>
I will buy a heater for a spare tank I have and will remove the 3 girls
left before they get too stressed too.
<Sounds prudent. Unless you have a burning need to breed your fish, it's
often easier to keep just the one sex. I like the female Guppies to be
honest, their personalities are often sweeter and they are usually that
bit hardier than the males.>
Which biological media do you recommend?
<Doesn't really matter. They're all good nowadays. So go by your budget.
The premium brands (such as Eheim Biomech or even Siporax) do work well,
have long useful lives (decades, even) but budget brands are pretty
reasonable. For many folks, things like Fluval Bio Max is the sweet spot
between price and effectiveness. But honestly, even medium-fine gravel
can do the trick! If all else fails, stuffing compartments loosely with
filter floss works nicely.>
Here are the photos
<Cheers, Neale.> |
.jpeg) |
Re: Female guppy pregnant had 2 fry and now a big red lump!!!
Thanks a lot for all your helpful advice and knowledge!! I have medium
gravel in the aquarium and will be getting some bio media today.
I took the adult female out this morning. She seems to be pregnant (gasp) I
can see pink eggs. I do hope she does not go through the same. I did not
realized the little guys could reproduce just yet. And they are her fry so
now I am worried.
<Male Guppies become fertile between 2-3 months of age. In the wild this is
a non-issue: they'd be far too small to get past the adult males and attract
the females. But in the confines of the aquarium their regular social
behaviour doesn't work. Much the same as why the eat their fry. In the wild
the fry instinctively go into very shallow water where no other
fish go. So adult Guppies don't need to avoid eating their babies because
they wouldn't encounter them, and instead snap at any small mosquito-like
morsel they come across. But in the aquarium, such morsels are likely to be
their fry.>
My daughter enjoys seeing the fry being born and taking care of the babies.
She thinks fish are awesome as they can swim as soon as they are born while
we humans cannot walk for months! (Her words) so I did let them breed a
couple of times.
<Fish are somewhat more nuanced than that. Even something like Angelfish
produce fry that take some days from hatching until they can swim, during
which time the adults look after them. Indeed, Angels and other cichlids
usually extend broodcare for some weeks after that even. Other fish are
planktonic for weeks or months before becoming true free swimmers. Herring
and Cod would be like that, as well as most reef fish (Nemo included!). It
is indeed relatively rare for fish to be born as fully formed youngsters,
something like 10% of fish doing so if you include sharks and rays (most of
which give birth to live young). Fish reproduction is astonishingly diverse.
A few even produce "milk" for their offspring, famously Discus,
where the fry graze special mucous from the flanks of the mother and father.
I'd heartily recommend getting something like a Dorling Kindersley book on
fish or sharks for your daughter to peruse. Of all animals, few exhibit such
extreme diversity. Don't even get me started on intrauterine cannibalism in
sharks! Terrifying, bizarre and brutally efficient.>
I had a couple of males and the 2 girls. The boys died if a case of itch and
the girls and 13 out of the over 70 fry did too. I was quite attached to the
girl who died and the one isolated fur having survived the itch that killed
almost all my fish :(
I will let you know how it goes with her pregnancy :)
<Good luck! Neale.> |
Guppy Raising in Yangon, Myanmar
I have been trying to teach the village girls how to raise Guppies to
cater to the growing aquarium trade in the country. I bought them this
huge urn that can fill at least 50 to 60 litters of water, buy some
Guppies and add plants for shelter.
It has been a failure. I am not able to give you any readings on the
water but the urn was filled with well water. We are about an hours
drive from town and I personally know of folks in the city who have no
problems with their livebearers. Do you think well water is not suitable
for Guppies?
<Could well be problematical. Guppies require hard, alkaline water w/
little metabolite concentration. See WWM re their requirements Per.
I hope you can see the photo as I have been having some problems sending
this email out
Female Guppy issues - 11/21/12
Dear WetWebMedia,
<Hi, Simona!>
About a month ago, I wrote to you as my female guppy, Missy, had some
sort of discoloration from her silver-ish patter on the lower part of
her belly and you could see through that transparent bit her red eggs
she has in the belly. You advised she might be pregnant. Now, that
region is gone dark and she spends all her time at the bottom. She used
to feed eagerly and come up to the top swimming happily and now it's
just like she is stuck at the bottom, she just shakes there and stays in
the same spot, semi hidden most of the time. Is she labouring?
<This is very possible.>
What can we do to help?
<Maintain perfect water quality - 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, less than 20ppm
Nitrate - with appropriate water changes. Provide lots of cover
(floating plants are great) for the female to hide in, or optionally
remove her to her own tank if you wish. She needs to feel safe, so
lots and lots of places to hide is key.>
We bought algae based flakes and are alternating those with the normal
flakes. The male is always next to her but come up when called for
feeding (we signal feeding by tapping the tank!).
<This all sounds good.>
What can we do, I wouldn't want to cannot make the labour, if this is
what the issue is!
<Other than making conditions optimal for her, there's not much you can
do but observe and wait. With luck, she'll have a good delivery
and you'll see some baby guppies soon! Do be aware, if you do not
remove the babies as they show up, they will be eaten by the adults, so
if you want to keep some of them, either remove them to their own tank
to grow up in, or provide tons and tons of plants for them to hide in.>
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
<Seems to me like you're doing well thus far.>
Thank you very much in advance for your time and help.
<Always glad to help.>
Kindest regards,
<Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Female Guppy issues, continued -
Dear Sabrina,
<Hi again, Simona!>
We need help ASAP, PLEASE!
<I just figured out how to make the webmail system we use work reliably
on my phone.... doesn't make typing on it any easier though.
But here I am.>
Missy, laboured today 21 fry!!
<Nice! There may be more yet to come.>
The male helped her while she swam vertically, biting her belly
to let the babies out.
<Uhh, he's not helping her.... More likely he's
discovered that she's releasing snacks into the water, sort of a guppy
vending machine.... If he isn't leaving her alone and she can't
get away reliably, best to either move her into a tank by herself or
separate the two some other way. You can even use plastic
needlepoint mesh like you might get at a craft store as a makeshift
HOWEVER, five hours have passed and she still looks like she may have
one or two fry inside her belly (there is still some darkness),
<Not surprising. This can take hours, maybe even the better part
of a day or two.>
so she is still vertical, trying to hold on to plants and the male still
around her, but I'm worried those fry may be stuck or dead
<Likely she's trying to hold on until she instinctively feels the fry
will be safe/r.... With the male constantly harrying her to drop
more "snacks", she will be likely to hold out longer, get more
AND IT'S PARAMOUNT SHE SURVIVES. We are not fish breeder, we love our
Miss, she did great, laboured 21 babies, now we WILL DO WHATEVER IT
<Get her some peace from the male. She's done great so far, and
will probably continue to do great - IF she can do what she needs to do
in safety and comfort.>
please, any advice would be hugely appreciated.
<Take some deep breaths! Likely she'll be fine, and likely you
will, too.
Guppies give birth, this is natural.... Nature is being nature,
Life is being life, new lives are coming into the world, right before
your eyes.>
Thanks, Simona
<Best wishes to you and your fishes this Thanksgiving week!
Female Guppy issues, continued - 11/25/2012
Thank you so much for the advice. So, we removed the male for a couple
of days. Just put him back today. We counted more than 25 fry at the
Missy is not well. She cannot swim properly, she breaths heavily, swims
vertically and her belly skin looks very loose.
<Some of this may be just recovering from her first pregnancy, some
perhaps from the harassment from the male.... The loose belly skin
is normal after giving birth.>
I really don't know what to do to help her... I can take the male out
again, no problem,
<Definitely do so. Sounds like she's having a very hard time
The male is going to be constantly pestering her. She needs to be
as safe and comfortable as possible right now.>
but she has plenty of hiding places.
<Very good, but even better if it's impossible for the male to mess with
her at all right now (by removing him to a separate tank or dividing the
existing tank).>
The issue is that she cannot swim, she rests on the bottom or hanging on
the plants all the time, what can I do?
<Give her time, and hope. There's not much else to be done for her
right now, aside from letting her rest.>
Please, help! I have read it might be a bladder issue,
<Though resting on the bottom can be an indicator that there's trouble
with the swim bladder, that's not always the case. In Missy's
case, she's just given birth, and has a slightly aggressive male to
contend with. There may have been complications or damage from the
pregnancy, or maybe she really does just need rest. The only thing
to do right now is make her safe and comfy, and hope. With luck,
in your good care she will come around. My fingers are crossed.>
I am alternating standard flakes with algae-based flakes, so that should
be OK??
<Yes. If she is eating, that is an excellent sign.>
I am just so worried about her!
<I do understand. Just give her time, be patient, and hope.>
PS. I also don't know what to feed the fry, I have been giving them just
the algae-based flakes...not sure that's good...
<Sure. Livebearer fry, for the most part, are easy to feed.
Just crumble the flakes to a fine powder between your finger and thumb
and sprinkle it in, or even sink some if needed. They should do
fine. You can expect for some of the fry to be eaten by the
adults, and some to just fail to thrive, but I expect you'll have a few
squeak by. If you keep them separate from the adults, you might
have all of them live and grow up. Won't that be great? Life
is so beautiful.>
Guppy failed pregnancy
Guppy Gravid? Disease? - 10/27/2012
Dear Crew,
<Hi, Pat. Sabrina with you tonight.>
One of my female guppies who became pregnant has not birthed. She is now
showing signs of dropsy.
<Can you describe exactly what you're seeing? A photo would help a lot,
if possible.>
I believe she is nearly 7 weeks since mating her with a male and she is
very large.
<They can get quite impressively huge prior to giving birth. It may be
that less time has passed since her eggs were fertilized, unless it's
been 7 weeks since all contact with a male. The mating 7 weeks ago may
have been unsuccessful and so perhaps she is gravid from a more recent
Or perhaps the temperature is cooler, or for some other reason she's
taking longer.... Here is a link to a pictorial essay on YouTube posted
by user AquariumCamera that shows the progression from not gravid until
ready to give birth:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMU5wEsLX7w As you can see,
they can get really, really big.>
Should I perform euthanasia on her?
<I wouldn't, unless you are 100% certain that she has some irreversible
disease and you suspect that she is suffering. Are you very, very
certain that she is diseased and not just very heavy with fry?>
Will her babies have died?
<If she is in fact sick with something that would cause dropsical
symptoms, then this is a possibility, yes.>
Kindest regards,
<To you as well.>
Re: Guppy failed pregnancy
Guppy Gravid? Disease? - II - 10/27/2012
Dear Sabrina
<Hi again, Pat.>
Many thanks for your reply.
<Glad to be of service.>
The guppy is extremely pine-coned and getting more so by the day.
<Ahh. I see.>
Her body has been in the square / box shape for three weeks (the same as
previous females when they are about to birth that I have kept). She can
only be 7 weeks on as I put her in with a male only for a few minutes
and she lives with twelve of her sisters. I should have also said that
she isn't such a young female and perhaps here lies the issue (perhaps 2
months old now). The tanks are kept around 23 degrees Celsius / fully
planted / 3yrs settled and nitrite/ammonia free.
<All good.>
My main concern here is to prevent her from unnecessary suffering
<I do agree.>
(the usual sign for me is when they stop eating).
<I use this same rule of thumb with the fish at the lab in which I work
- we have Nothobranchius furzeri, which have an extremely short
lifespan, and so we do see fish "get old" and die very often. When they
stop showing an interest in food is when I will euthanise them.>
Any advice would be appreciated.
<I would separate this fish from the rest of the tank, and keep it
entirely isolated. There are some possible causes of dropsical symptoms
that could be contagious - parasites, bacteria.... But if this fish is
pretty old, it may just be a simple case of things "shutting down" -
organ failure - due to old age. I would consider euthanising her if she
ceases to have any interest in food, or if she seems to suffer. You will
know far better than I, as you've had her and observed her.... You know
what is "normal" for her, and what isn't. When you feel it's time, I
believe you will be right. When a fish gets to the "pinecone" stage
(scales sticking out from the body pinecone-fashion) there is rarely any
chance of recovery. While she continues to eat and doesn't seem to
suffer, I would just give her the best care she can have.>
<Best wishes to you, Pat. I'm sorry for your guppy, and I'm glad that
she is in your excellent and observant care. -Sabrina>
Guppy Gravid? Disease? - III - 10/29/2012
Dear Sabrina
<Hi again, Pat.>
Thank you so much.
<Glad to be of service.>
All your advice is aligned with my own thoughts and indeed, she has been
separated from the others for three weeks already.
<Ahh. Very good.>
I did have a young platy go the same way recently from the same tank
(although a male of about 1 year).
<Possibly "old age", but do keep an eye on things. If you see this
happen again, there may be worse things at play. Hopefully this
second event is just coincidentally similar, which is not at all outside
the realm of possibility.>
The rest of the tank family appear fine (about 12 female guppies and 10
male platies) so I am inclined to think that the platy was just
genetically weak rather than any bacterial / parasitical issue.
<Or old, or any number of things that could cause kidneys or liver to
fail.... Any possibility of recent-ish toxic events?
Medications used, anything like that? If definitely not, then
yeah, I'd chalk this up to coincidence for now.>
I'll continue to monitor as you suggested and if she stops eating, do
the clover and then vodka treatment.
<Clove oil, not clover *grin*. One can euthanize with clove oil
alone. My own preference is MS-222 (Tricaine), which is less
easily available in comparison to clove oil, but "better" in my
experience. If you do seek it out, just BE SURE to pH adjust AFTER
mixing up the MS-222 solution as this anesthetic will lower the pH
dramatically. Sodium bicarbonate will do for raising the pH back
to match the tank water. General rule of thumb is to wait until 10
minutes after cessation of all opercular (gill) movement. I wait
an hour or more, just to be safe.>
All the best to you and your fantastic team!
<Thank you for your kindness, Pat, and thank you for doing your best for
your guppy girl.>
<Best wishes to you, -Sabrina>
Guppy Gravid? Disease? - IV - 10/30/2012
Dear Sabrina
<Hello again, Pat!>
Just to update you. I put our guppy down today as she had
developed a rather large red bulge around her back fin/anus and the
dropsy was quite full on.
<Sad to hear this.... my sympathies.>
She was nibbling at food but I sensed she wasn't going to recover
<I am sure I agree.>
and I think the dead babies may have been causing some internal problems
(hence the nasty red lump that was extruding).
<I do doubt that there were dead babies.... I think these would
have passed. I think it likelier that there were other, unfixable,
problems, and I think you handled this entire issue as perfectly as
I think it was the most humane thing to do.
<I agree. Completely.>
I looked into MS-222 / Tricaine but it is only available on
The clove oil and vodka did the trick.
Thanks for all your support.
<I am sorry for this loss, but also know she could not have had better
care. Thank you for all you did.>
<Warm regards, -Sabrina>
Female Guppy issues (repro.)
Guppy Problems? - 10/18/2012
Dear WetWebMedia,
<Hello Simona. Sabrina with you tonight.>
Firstly, I would like to compliment you on such an amazing and much
needed resource for the fish world.
<Thank you for these very kind words.... we do appreciate it.>
I plead guilty right away of what I have seen posted many time on
your website, thinking keeping fish is easy, while it turns out
not to be so!
<Surprise! But hey, here you are, reading, researching, caring
enough to learn.... Kudos.>
I bought a male and a female guppy from a guy where I work. They
were basically newborns when I got them, about 6-8 mm long. I put
them in my 20 gallon aquarium and sadly, the male was sucked up by
the filter after a week.
<Yikes! Surprisingly though, sometimes a baby fish will survive
this. If you haven't yet, do check inside your filter.>
Totally our fault and we felt so bad about it, and about the fact
that Missy was now alone, then we got another guppy of a slightly
different subspecies
<Just a different selectively bred color variant, I'm sure>
(beautiful, yellow with bright colored spots!)
<Sounds pretty!>
for her. He should have been the same age, but in the three weeks alone,
Missy ate like crazy (yes, just tropical fish flakes, sorry, we
will get some algae based flakes ASAP!) and grew so much! Now, they have
been together for a month. He is still tiny, she is getting bigger and
bigger, so much so that now she is over 10 times his size.
<It's actually normal for adult female guppies to be very significantly
larger than adult males. Though I'll admit 10 times the size
sounds a bit much.>
He chases her everywhere but this doesn't really worry us as she is so
big and he is so small we feel he is harmless.
<Sounds fine. Just watch for signs of stress, and make sure there
are sufficient places for Missy to "get away" and chill out for a while,
if she needs. Floating plants, decorations with hidey-holes,
whatever works.>
I feed them morning and evening by tapping the glass, they come up and
then Missy starts eating every single flake, but he loses interest
pretty soon, or he is such a gentlemen he lets her eat first??
<You might consider trying to feed them on opposite sides of the tank,
if possible.>
I am sure already to this point we are doing so many things wrong, but
the worrying thing is yet to come. Missy has some sort of discoloration
from her silverish pattern on a part of her belly and you can see
through that transparent bit her red eggs she has in the belly, and she
seems to have been shot with blood in that point of the belly.
<Hmm.... Do bear in mind that a gravid female does change color in
that area.... Usually it will go from sort of peachy to a much
deeper, darker shade.... So it may possibly just be that she's
going to give birth. I actually just found a pictorial essay on
YouTube posted by AquariumCamera that shows the progression very well.
See here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMU5wEsLX7w&feature=plcp In
each picture, look for the "gravid spot" - that darker area anterior to
the anal fin - and compare this with Missy. Is this normal
progression toward giving birth what you are seeing on Missy? Or
is it quite different? If so, are you able to get a picture?>
We really care about them, we would like them to breed but with him
being so tiny I am not sure that would happen, but at the same time, I
don't want her to get sick. Please, any advice would be more than
<As above, hopefully this is just the normal beginning of new lives.
If not, do try to get a photo, or try to describe what you're seeing in
as clear detail as you can manage.>
Thank you very much in advance for your time and help.
<And thank you for reading, researching, sharing, caring....>
Kindest regards,
<Wishing you and your guppies well, -Sabrina>
Wiggling Guppy 10/6/12
Hi Crew!
<Hi Olivia>
I currently have 3 guppies; 2 female and 1 male. About 3 weeks ago, I
noticed that one of my guppies was pregnant, so I moved her to a
different fishbowl to avoid harassment from the other fish. This has
been in effect for about 3 weeks. Then yesterday, the female guppy was
acting aggressively toward the male, so I moved the male to the other
fishbowl with my pregnant female, as she doesn't seem to be due anytime
<You are keeping guppies in fish bowls?>
They seem to be doing fine. Then, about an hour later, I noticed that
the female had a small gravid spot, and although her stomach looked a
bit large, but not nearly as large as my other pregnant female, and she
was wiggling around like she was in labor. She has been doing this since
last night. Any advice?
<Females will have a gravid spot at a pretty young age. It doesn't mean
much in and of itself. I don't know what you mean by "wiggling around."
Would you please clarify. what that means. As far as advice, I'd suggest
getting a proper aquarium with filtration and heater if you are
currently keeping these fish in bowls, and stop moving them around so
much. It stresses the fish.>
Thank you for your time and what a great website!
<Welcome - Rick>
Guppy just gave birth, and has
placenta-like string hanging. 2/18/12
Hi, my guppy just gave birth today, and it looks like there are about
20 fry. The babies seem to be doing alright, but there is a string of
gray/white placenta looking stuff hanging out from the mom. She has
been lightly swimming around with it for the last hour or so, and it
almost looks as though there are babies in it, like tennis balls in
those long skinny nets. I looked through the site about all the
birthing questions but did not see anything about that. I don't
know what it is, and I don't know what to do about it. Please help.
I am debating between seeing if it will work itself out or if I need to
attempt to pull it from her. But I am really worried that it will harm
her more than help her for me to pull it away, as it is still attached.
Thank you for any help you can give me.
<Hello Faith. There's not a huge amount you can do, and you are
right, pulling the thread would be a bad idea. Use of Epsom salt at 3
teaspoons per 5 gallons/20 litres will act as a muscle relaxant and
increase the chance of the female expelling this object under her own
steam. Cheers, Neale.>
Fat Guppy 11/18/11
Hi, I've got a female guppy which is huge, and her stomach is
starting to look square. She has no black spot as she had 7 babies
about a week ago.
She did slim down after giving birth, but is huge again. She is still
eating and swimming around, but sitting on the bottom of the tank a
little more. What's wrong with her. Please help.
<Likely nothing wrong here... but do cut back on the use of dried
(especially flake) foods. Bob Fenner>
Pregnant female guppy in
distress 10/18/11
To whom it may concern,
I have a very pregnant female guppy in total distress. I have not moved
her or cleaned her tank recently because she is very close to giving
birth. She looks like she is in labor and has looked so for the last 3
<Yikes. Now, I should point out that Guppies don't go into
labour in quite the way humans do. They're ovoviviparous rather
than viviparous. In other words, they hold eggs inside themselves, and
the eggs hatch, and the babies squirt out. The babies aren't
connected to their mothers in any major way. So labour should be pretty
quick and easy.>
She is floating in the tank at the top or at the bottom depending on
her mood. She is not eating she is also not active and I have seen her
look as if she is contracting but she is having no success. I am very
worried about her along with 3 other pregnant guppies in the tank with
her. The other 3 guppies are currently okay. She is my best
breeder/mother and I am worried I am going to lose her.
<How old is she? Fancy Guppies don't live for a terribly long
time. 3-4 years is about the average.>
There are no boys in the tank and no fry to speak of. Is there any way
I can help her?
<You could try the Epsom salt trick. It's a muscle relaxant and
might help. 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons is about right.>
Is there anything I can do? I have noticed she has had one bowel
movement and it was whitish and stringy. What can I do for this? Will
peas help? I was also wondering if an Epsom salts bath would help but I
am worried about hurting her.
I am not so much concerned with the fry at this point I just want to
save her. I am afraid to isolate her and cause her more stress. Please
help I have scoured the net and I can find nothing to help and everyone
I talk to thinks I am crazy because it is 'just a fish'.
Thank you for your time,
<With small fish like Guppies it's really hard to deal with
these sorts of sudden, acute situations. Epsom salt might help. I
assume that water chemistry is basically sound: hard, alkaline water. A
little aquarium salt can be useful for Guppies. Temperature should be
middling, 25 C/77 F or so. Water quality should be good. But honestly,
I'm not optimistic. Clove Oil is useful for painless
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Pregnant female guppy in distress (update)
I would just like to let you know that she gave birth to about 20 fry,
8 lived the others where deformed and death occurred quickly. The Epsom
salt did the trick and she is happily finished delivering. Lucky as she
has so earned her name will not be going back to the boys tank any time
in the near future as she has earned some long term R&R. Thank you
very much for your quick response as I am sure it saved her life.
<Thank you Nikki for the kind words, and I'm very glad this
story has a happy ending. More or less, anyway. I agree; keep her away
from the boys for at least a month so her body can recover. If nothing
else, some time to rest and fatten up would be very useful. Cheers,
Need help with my Guppies
Guppy deaths/fry care - 10/16/11
Hi <Hello!> I'm new to your website and I love it. <Glad you
find it a useful resource.> Well I purchased a male and a female
guppy about a month ago the male only lived 4 days but the female was
still alive. <What kind of tank do you have them in? Have you
figured out why the male did not make it?> Bout <About> 2 days
ago I notice she had given birth to 12 babies I went to da <the>
store and purchased a bigger tank but this morning when I went to feed
them I found her dead. What could be the reason she died and will her
babies survive. <The answer to your question lies in the conditions
you have provided for the fish. Fancy guppies are not exactly beginner
fish. They tend to be a touch sensitive in my experience. If there is
no external sign of disease, the problem likely lies with the water
chemistry and environment in your tank but without information on the
same, I can only suggest that you read more about the care of this fish
here -
Please also read the related FAQs linked at the top of the page. If you
tank is fully cycled and your water parameters measure up to those
suggested, they fry will likely be okay. You may want to consider First
Bites or the like for feeding since adult food is likely going to be to
large to start with - Sugam>
Poecilia reticulata; repro.
Hi, my female guppy gave birth to 10 fry yesterday and I was wondering
what exactly these fry need so they grow up nice and healthy.
<Not much! Start by reading here:
Your main problem will be cannibalism; other fish, including adult
Guppies, will view Guppy fry as food. In the wild newborn fry hide
among floating plants, and a clump of Indian Fern (Water Sprite) will
make a HUGE difference to your success rate. Otherwise, move the fry to
a floating breeding trap for the next 3 weeks, after which point they
will be big enough to be safe with adults. Guppy fry can feed on finely
powdered flake food, but you may find things easier using a special
baby fish powder like Hikari First Bites. Good luck, Neale.>
Re: Poecilia reticulata; repro. 9/5/11
Thanks, I keep the fry in a separate tank. I find that the mom's
gravid spot hasn't gotten any smaller and she is getting chassed
around by my two males, what do I do?
<As the article makes clear, you can't keep too many males with
females. You must have at least 2 females per male, and preferably more
than that. Otherwise, the males will constantly harass the females,
often leading to miscarriages, fin damage, even sufficient stress to
cause death. The aquarium also needs to be suitably large; I'd say
15 gallons is the absolute minimum for a mix of males and females.
Floating plants also help by giving the female hiding places. The
"gravid spot" is of limited value when it comes to telling
whether a Guppy is pregnant or not, so while sometimes useful,
don't put too much confidence in it. Male Guppies certainly
don't care, and will chase any female they see, whether pregnant or
not, and attempt to mate with it. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Poecilia reticulata; repro. 9/5/11
at the pet store were I got them, they come in pairs 1 male one female
so I didn't have much of a choice,
<Unfortunately this is a common way of selling them because lots of
people prefer the males to the females. As you're learning, this
isn't the ideal way to keep Guppies.>
I'll give my friends the male fry when there older and keep the
females to make it more balanced. What should I do in the mean time so
that the female doesn't get harassed?
<Do see re: size of tank, floating plants. Otherwise, there are no
magic solutions to this. Cheers, Neale.>
Pregnant Female Guppy-
Hello, I have a pregnant female guppy I bought about a week ago from a
pet store. I'm about 80% sure I bought her pregnant; her gravid
spot is really dark. Yesterday, I noticed that she was separating
herself away from the other guppies and I saw her pooping out some
white circles, could they be eggs? She's also not eating and
staying still/hiding a lot. Her breathing is rapid too. She lives in a
20 gallon tank with 2 other guppies (1 M, 1 F), a platy and 4 black
skirt tetras. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 nitrate. I put her in a breeding
trap to monitor her if she poops out anything else.
Her gravid spot certainly isn't dark anymore. She has a weird bump
at her anus now...I don't know how to explain it so I'll just
attach some pictures. My questions are, did she abort her babies? Is
she trying to hold whatever's inside her? Or could it possibly be
internal parasites? Thank you Daphnee
<Hello, Merritt here. From what you have described it sounds like
she is aborting her pregnancy and the white circles are the eggs. She
looks healthy from the pictures and I would keep an eye on her. A
suggestion for your system would be to add another female due to males
harassing females if they do not have enough to mate with, thus he
could have harassed her to abort. Did he keep chasing her around and
bothering her? Separate her from the others and just keep a good eye on
her. Good luck. Merritt>
Re: Pregnant Female Guppy 8/21/11
I have not seen the male guppy chase or harass her or the other guppy.
I saw him go after the platy once or twice but that's it. I'll
still keep your advice in mind. Today I noticed that she pooped long,
somewhat clear poop. Could these be internal parasites? Also I noticed
some areas of red in her...
Thank you so much for the help
<The white stringy poop is a sign of internal parasites, go to your
local LFS and pick up medicated fish food. That will fix the problem
and could have been the cause for her to abort the pregnancy. The red
could be pigment or other problems, lets just focus on the internal
parasites first.
Good luck! Merritt>
Mollies breeding with
Guppy?? 8/18/11
Good Day to You All,
<Hello Tracy,>
I just came across your site, and I am pretty new to having an
Hopefully it's an easy answer for you.
<We can only hope!>
I have 2 Golden Balloon Mollies (what I think are female) and 1 Fancy
Tailed Guppy, male. Any chance they can mate and have fry that
Because just this morning, I found a new baby fish living under the log
in our aquarium! He is often all over both of the Mollies. Thanks so
much for your help!
<Yes, Guppies and Mollies can cross breed. It's fairly common in
fact, but the offspring are usually infertile, so nothing much comes of
it in the long run. The offspring might be called Gollies or Muppies as
you prefer!
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Mollies breeding with Guppy??
Thanks so much for the quick response! So do you think there was many,
but were eaten??
<Hard to say. Guppy/Molly crosses don't seem to happen as often
as you'd expect them to, so it might be such crosses produce small
broods anyway.
But in a community tank situation many fry will be eaten, so even if
the female releases 50 fry, you might only see one or two by the time
you get around to looking for them. Adding floating plants helps a lot
by providing cover for newborn fry. Once you find them, remove the fry
to a floating breeding trap for 2-3 weeks. After that, they'll be
big enough to set loose with their parents. If you have predatory fish
like Angels or large tetras, then "trap" the fry for longer.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Mollies breeding with Guppy??
Thanks Neale!!! Your knowledge and help are much appreciated!
<You are most welcome. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Mollies breeding with Guppy??
Ok, I apologize for this dumb question, and I promise it's the last
How do I get this little thing out without hurting it?? It's
currently hiding between the rocks and the log we have in the aquarium.
Do I just use the net??
<Yes, that can work. But often it's easier to use a net to drive
very small fish into a small container like a Dixie Cup or similar, and
then decant the fish from there into the breeding trap.>
Thanks in advance, and I won't bother you again about it!! ;-)
<Is not a problem. Good luck, Neale.>
Guppy fry dying 5/19/11
Hi there,
I've had around 50 guppy fry born in my tank a few months ago, as I
was away when they were born by the time I knew they were there they
were already big enough to survive in a tank with the adults, so they
have all always been in the same tank together. However whilst some of
them grew as expected and are now nearly the size of the adults, about
30 hard hardly grown at all, and are still only a couple of cm.s
<I suspect you mean millimeters... This disproportionate growth is
natural... in order for all to grow more quickly you need to do very
frequent, even continuous water changes (or have a very large volume)
and feed several times daily. These are done in the culture industry,
the commercial fish breeding business>
I figured the size of the tank considering the amount of fish was
restricting their growth, so set up a new tank,
<The size/volume of each?>
heated the water to 26 degrees, exact temperature they'd always
been kept at in the other tank, treated the water prior to putting them
in with AquaSafe, which neutralises chlorine, chloramine and heavy
metals apparently instantly, left it for a few hours being oxygenated
and then put around 25 fry in the tank. The next morning a few had
died, I wasn't expecting this but guessed it was the stress of the
move. Now, 24 hours later, I can only see about 8 fish actually moving,
it looks as if the rest have all died- please help! I don't know
whether I should move them back, or what to do next, the ph of the
water in the new tank is on the high end of 7, which is exactly the
same as it is in the original tank. I don't know what could be
killing the fish or how I can help, please respond as soon as possible.
Thanks so much.
<Mmm, likely "some" aspect of water quality at play
here... probably nitrogen cycle wise... Would have been a good idea
(and is still now) to move a good deal of the "old" system
water to the new tank (not used all new), and some of the gravel,
filter media, even just siphoned mulm. You need to test for Ammonia,
Nitrite... and read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Guppy aborting pregnancy?
Dear Crew
Happy bank holiday (if you are indeed in the UK)
I have five female guppy that I raised from birth (I assume that is the
correct expression in the fishy world?).
They are now 6 or 7 months old. I separated them from their brothers at
about 2 months old. All five have been consistently large for the past
three or four months - one (I assume) gives birth every mid-month and I
rescue between 8 and 13 from the plant cover.
<Sounds about right.>
Three in particular are huge and have been for months. They appear to
square off but I never see any birthing or any fry and they appear to
stay huge. I have again assumed that perhaps they are carrying eggs but
are not fertilised. Am I correct?
<Nope. Female livebearers don't so much store eggs as arrest the
development of embryos. Guppies can consequently mate once but produce
two or three batches of offspring. There is also some evidence Guppies
can mate with more than one male, and have more than one batch of
embryos developing at different rates from each of those
To add to the mystery, one of the female guppies who was massively full
of eggs/fry went into labor today but just expelled large eggs which
appeared to be clear although somewhat yellow.
<Likely embryos at a very early stage.>
They just dropped to the bottom or were eaten by the other guppy
So am I correct to assume here that she has aborted?
I understand from your website that this is commonly due to bad water
conditions or stress.
<More often than not. But if the aquarium is otherwise optimal for
your Guppies, then there could be genetic issues at work too.>
My water conditions are all good (fully cycled 100 litre tank,
ammonia/nitrite 0ppm, nitrate 5ppm). The guppies did not appear to be
stressed. The only change that has taken place in the tank is the
withdrawal of 6 split-fin rainbow fish (moved to another tank) and the
addition of 6 pigmy Cory and 2 small panda platy. If she is aborting,
could this then be due to the fact that her eggs are unfertilised?
<Or at least the embryos are not viable, yes.>
Can they store up eggs, become huge and then release them?
<It is certainly possible for livebearers to suffer from a variety
of pregnancy problems. I have seen this with halfbeaks once or twice,
with the female swelling up once the embryos died, began to rot, and
eventually caused the death of the mother. Sounds as if your Guppy was
much luckier.
Halfbeaks are rather touchy compared to Poeciliidae, but still, the
same basic physiology is going on here.>
Any further advice here?
<Not really.>
Will they stop producing eggs after a while?
<Female Guppies tend to become fertile around 3-4 months of age,
then produce successively larger broods for the next 6-8 months, after
which point their fertility declines somewhat. Wild Guppies supposedly
produce batches of up to 100 fry, but the inbred "fancy"
forms seem to be much less fertile, as you'd expect by comparison
with other types of animal breeding.
Batches of 12-20 fry do seem typical.>
I've trawled the net and cannot find good information on why they
appear pregnant but hold on to these eggs.
<Do consider constipation and dropsy, as well as developmental
Your assistance in this area would be much appreciated.
kindest regards
<Cheers, Neale.>
guppy with long gonopodium 2/24/11
Dear Crew
Hope you are all having a great week so far.
I noticed that one of the 6 moth old male guppies I have had
since they were born has suddenly developed an elongated
gonopodium - I believe he may be a Ribbon . (See pic
All seemed fine until this evening when I was doing a water
change and checking on inhabitants of the tank.
He is still trying to mate with the females in the tank but am
not sure if he will be able too. (Females maybe too scared
Should I move him into an alternative tank?
The tank he is currently (95 litres, lightly planted) in has 5
males 6 females and one male Colisa labiosa
I have another tank (AquaTropic 80 (110L) planted tank ) with 7
neon tetras and 2 male Colisa labiosa - I was going move 3/4 of
the male guppies into this tank.
Many thanks in advance.
<Hmm'¦ wouldn't do anything particular here. Such
deformities are not uncommon among Guppies, partly because
they're much inbred. It's quite normal for some members
of a batch of fry to have deformities, and in the wild these
would obviously fail to survive and wouldn't get to produce
offspring, so their faulty genes aren't carried forward.
Under aquarium conditions things are a bit different, and weaker
fry can often survive, so over the generations, the quality of
genes in Guppies has become more mixed. While I wouldn't
breed from this male, so long as he can swim about and feed
normally, I'd just leave him alone. Cheers, Neale.>

Re: guppy with long gonopodium
Hi Neale
Many thanks for this.
Will follow your advise - although this morning al was back to
normal as far as I can tell.
<How odd. Sure it wasn't fin damage? Or faeces?>
Guppies are very strange indeed.
<Indeed they are. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: guppy with long gonopodium
Hi Neale
Will 4 male guppies in a tank as mention in previous email be ok or
will this cause a problem?
<Four male Guppies will need at least 15 gallons. Do be aware
that male Guppies fight, and they're also prone to being
nipped, even by species such as Neons that don't otherwise
harass community fish. Keep an eye on fancy Guppies, and act
accordingly when choosing tankmates. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: guppy with long gonopodium 2/24/11
Thank Neale
Hope you are getting time to enjoy the sunshine (if you are in the
The tank is 110L and heavily planted but will keep an eye on the
for fin nipping from Tetras and Goramis.
<Real good. Cheers, Neale.> |
mysterious guppy pregnancy 2/23/11
I tried to search through the majority of your guppy questions but
couldn't find a similar question to this one:
So here is the deal: About (let's say) 7 weeks ago we had a tank
catastrophe. We had maybe four guppies in the tank and four of them
mysteriously died. I'm thinking the temperature changes must have
got them because while our heater had it's light on, I found out it
wasn't actually putting out heat and the room gets pretty cold at
night. So, all guppies died except one female who was obviously
pregnant. I figured her pregnancy saved her (super female hormones
right?). I added salt, Melafix, and a new heater and she has done
spectacular since then. About 3 days after the fishy catastrophe she
gave birth. She ate all but five and for five or six weeks they have
done great and I have enjoyed watching them grow (very slowly). For
maybe two weeks I have been thinking the one lone female survivor was
pregnant again but I thought..."no, there are no males in there
but some tiny-tiny fry". Well to my surprise, tonight I went to
check up on the tank and poof! there are EIGHT new baby guppies! How on
earth did that female get pregnant again? Could she retain sperm from
the male for that long? She can't make herself pregnant but I
can't imagine a fry that is barely longer than my pinky nail is old
enough to impregnate an adult is it? Did the mysterious deaths of the
others and her survival turn her into a super-guppy?
Thank you!
Confused and mystified guppy owner of 14!!!!!!!
AKA Cheryl
<Hello Cheryl. When Guppies mate, the female reserves the option to
freeze the development of some of her fertilised eggs. She allows
batches of them to develop into fry, each batch taking about a month to
mature. By the way, it is quite common among fishkeepers to state that
Guppies "store" sperm and thereby allow the female to
fertilise successive batches of eggs, what biologists call
superfetation. In fact they do not do this, and the sperm are all used
up at the time of mating to fertilise just the one batch of eggs.
It's just that the embryos don't develop at the same speed:
some develop immediately, while others, as I've said, are held
back, so that the female can produce a succession of broods across a
few months. Guppies seem to produce 2-3 broods per mating, though
possibly more, but the details are complex, and the female will tweak
the size of the brood and the size of each fry at birth to prevailing
conditions, particularly how well she's been feeding. The less food
in her environment, the fewer but larger each fry will be that she
produces. Male fry take about 2-3 months to reach sexual maturity, at
which point they'll have an obviously well-developed gonopodium
(modified anal fin) for directing sperm into the female.
Mother/son crosses do occur if the males aren't removed, but
obviously inbreeding like this is unhelpful and one reason Guppies are
delicate and prone to deformities. It's a good idea to isolate
males after 2 months in a breeding trap. Trade them in for males from
other mothers, or swap with your Guppy-owning friends. I hope this
helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Pregnant guppy 2/10/11
I have a female guppy who is at present giving birth. She is in her own
38L breeder tank, the problem I have is that she has been in labour for
over 24hrs now.
To me it looks as if the fry are so compacted that they can't come
out, when she swims you can actually see the fry's eyes inside of
She also has a few scales sticking up around her back end. I instantly
thought dropsy, but it is localized around her rear, and she is very
full of fry.
I basically would like to know is there anything I can do to help her,
and if she were to die from trying to give birth, could the fry be
<Best to just be patient at this point... NOT move this fish, NOT
place chemicals in the system>
Thank you In advance.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner who encourages you to read through here:
and the linked files above>
Swamp guppies; env., soc. beh., repro.
Hi, I have two established male swamp guppies and a few days ago
introduced two pregnant females. The two boys and one girl are in good
health but one female is showing signs of stress, she has hidden since
entering the tank and is now in the open, at the bottom of the tank,
finning and breathing rapidly in one spot. She has a very dark grey
colour and abdomen is very large. I have done a water change this
morning so water quality is ok. Is there anything I should be doing? I
this a sign of her giving birth? Advice would be appreciated, Many
<Hello Louise. Swamp Guppies (Micropoecilia picta)
are tricky fish to keep successfully. One problem is that they really
do need brackish water to do well. There are some wild populations that
occur in freshwater, but under aquarium conditions slightly brackish
water, from 5-6 grammes marine salt mix per litre is necessary to
maintain them consistently well. A second problem is that the males are
highly aggressive and will pester the females. Do not keep fewer than
two females per male, and be sure to use lots of floating plants
including Indian Fern. Do both these things and you should find your
specimens pep up. In plain freshwater Swamp Guppies seldom last long,
and harassed females are prone to miscarriages and stress. Cheers,
Re: Swamp guppies 11/09/2010
Hi Neale, many thanks for your prompt response, I'll try what you
suggest, thanks again, Louise.
<Glad to help. Good luck, Neale.>
Question. : sex ratio temperature guppies...
Hi, I love your site lots as it's extremely informative!
<Ah yes>
However I can't find ONE answer... well I was reading the questions
and answers because I was bored... so I came across this question
saying that if the temperature affects the female-male ratio in baby
<Yes... many species of organisms actually>
And the answer was yes... but what I wanted to know was the temperature
for a male and a female... do you know?
<Mmm, yes... higher temperatures result in increasing proportion of
males... and vice versa. Try your search tool with the string: sex
ratio temperature guppies...>
And also, I've got 3 adults=> 2 females and 1 male, 20 or so
fry=> Just given birth by the larger female today (Yay!), 2 mature
"young" adult (around the size of the adults' mouth)=>
I manage to save that ONE because I was away on holiday and my friends
helped feed them but they never checked if they were pregnant... and I
came back just in time... well I found 5, 1 survived.
In that batch of 5... all of them grew to FEMALES and then 3 died... I
didn't have any males.
So I would like to know the temperature for more male guppies!
~Jenny... a.k.a. a mad guppy person :D
P.S. I never submitted a question before so do I get a reply to this
email when it's answered and does all questions asked get posted on
the site?
Thanks again!
<... yes. Bob Fenner>
No babies 9/7/2010
I have a 20 gallon tank and have 2 males and 3 female
guppies. I bought them pregnant so I know that it is
possible for them. I haven't seen any babies in 8 months. There is
plenty of plants for babies to hide, but the guppies are not pregnant.
Everyone has a pink spot. I keep the heater at 78 degrees. Is there
anything I can do?
<Hello Sarah. You have to be patient. But in the meantime, check you
really do have males and females. Are the females swelling up
periodically? The "gravid spot" is pretty unreliable, so
forget about that. But when females are close to giving birth, their
bodies swell up dramatically. After the fry are born, they pop back to
looking skinny. If you're seeing this happen repeatedly across a
roughly 4-6 week cycle, then your females are getting pregnant and they
are giving birth, so the question is where the fry go.
Yes, the fry do get eaten. Plants at the TOP of the tank are what are
important; plants in the middle and bottom levels are irrelevant.
Really, it's floating plants you need, such as Indian Fern. Cheers,
Re: No babies 9/7/10
Yes I am sure that I have 2 male and 3 female guppies.
<Okay, that's a start. Try adding more females. Males harass
females, and in doing so, cause stress and miscarriages. This is very
common, especially when the females are within a few days of giving
birth. The result is stillborn fry that end up on the floor of the
aquarium. In mixed sex tanks, you should ALWAYS have at least two
females per male. No excuses!>
They were sold in different tanks that were clearly labeled.
Since I bought the females pregnant I do know that they get really fat
if they are expecting.
<Should be pretty apparent. The gravid spot is nothing to do with
pink or any other colour. Here's the deal. Guppy females have
relative thin muscle walls around the back half of the abdomen on
either side of the anal fin.
When they are within a couple of weeks of giving birth the uterus
becomes so expanded it pushes against this thin muscle wall. You can
see this as a dark region around the anal fin, and in some cases, the
silvery bodies of the fry may even be visible. But understand that this
is all that the gravid spot it. It isn't a colour change in
pregnant females.>
None of the females are fat, The spot is always pink. I have plenty of
plants in my 20 gallon aquarium.
<Floating plants? Other kinds of plants DO NOT count.>
What can you tell me about the water conditions. I think it is related
to that.
<Guppies need moderately hard to hard, slightly basic to basic water
chemistry; aim for 10-30 degrees dH, pH 7.5-8.5. Although not
essential, the addition of around 1-2 teaspoons (6-12 grammes) of
marine salt mix per US gallon (4 litres) is an excellent supplement,
especially if you have soft water. But unlike egg-laying fish, you do
not need a specific water
chemistry to get livebearers to breed. If the adults are healthy, they
will breed.>
<Most welcome. Cheers, Neale.>
Baby guppy problems and others 6/21/10
Well first of all, hello.
<Hi! Melinda here today.>
So I have a 15.6 gallons fish tank with heater and filter. I've had
this tank for about two months now and I had a rather shaky start.
<Did you cycle this tank? Many times, folks have a really hard time
starting out in the hobby because they don't understand the
nitrogen cycle, and so they constantly have problems due to the buildup
of toxic ammonia and/or nitrite. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwsubwebindex/fwestcycling.htm.
There are WAY too many negative effects of poor water quality to list,
but it's pretty safe to say that if your fish are ill, and
you're not testing your water (you want Ammonia and Nitrite levels
of zero; Nitrate under 20), then the first thing to do is test the
water and rule out poor water quality as a cause of fish
I started out with 3 guppies (1 male and 2 females) Unfortunately, the
male died within a couple of days.
<Please do read re: cycling. It's possible to get a sick fish
from a store, and also, some fish just don't make the trip home
unscathed. But, the stress from a move plus an ammonia spike equals
almost certain death, especially in small fish.>
Later, one of my remaining females had babies (about 20 of them) and
got pretty vicious. She injured my other female who then got
cotton-like fungus.
<I would check water quality. The cotton-like fungus could have had
nothing to do with the other guppy, but rather, was Finrot. Also, This
tank is really quite small for guppies, especially if you're
attempting to raise fry, which are going to be more susceptible to
complications due to water quality. Please do read here on guppies:
and the linked files above.>
I bought a treatment and it worked but most of her tail was gone so she
died in a couple of hours.
<Really does make me think Finrot.>
The last female died too. She had red pots all over her body and her
tail seemed to be shrinking or something and had a brown line all
around it.
<Bacterial infection, Finrot.>
But the babies survived. So I bought other fishes to put in with
<Why would you purchase more fish without first determining the
cause of the last three fishes' deaths? Plus, there are already 20
fish in your sixteen-gallon aquarium.>
(A Corydoras and one I believe might be a flying fox. Some confusion
about that one)
<Corydoras are a schooling fish, please read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwsubwebindex/Catfshbehfaqs.htm, or to get
more specific information, type in "Corydoras" in WWM's
Google search engine. As for the Flying Fox, please do read here:
The photos may help you determine whether what you have is a Siamese
Algae Eater or Flying Fox. If your fish is a Flying Fox, it may turn
out to be too aggressive to be kept in this small aquarium with
peaceful fish.>
I stopped putting salt after I put in the Corydoras. Should I start
<I would not use it.>
Later on, I bought 4 ghost shrimps. I thought the would be eaten but no
all of them are still alive.
<Who is going to eat them? You've got a Cory and a tiny Algae
Eater -- not much chance of predation. Of course, anything that's
dead is food.>
I also bought an apple snail but it died within a few days (I'd
like to know why).
<Likely poor water quality -- in effect, the same reason as all your
other fish are dying. Please do read here on apple snails:
Since then, I bought 4 black tetra's and 2 'loaches
<Are these Black Skirt Tetras or Black Neons? The Black Skirts need
more room than you're offering, but the Neons would work, assuming
you're not keeping the water too warm.>
(Sorry my native language is French and I don't know their name in
English but they're snail eating fishes. Yes. Snail problems).
<I am currently attempting to learn French, and I couldn't
achieve anything near what you've achieved here, so no complaints
from me. Your Loaches will (if they live) outgrow this system, and also
require pristine water quality, as well as lots of water flow. The
snails should be easy to remove by placing a piece of lettuce on a rock
with a rubber band. Place in the tank, then remove the next day. It
should be covered in the little buggers. Manual removal is going to
work best for you due to the small size of the system and its current
instability. The last thing we need to do is keep adding fish. In
addition to growing quite large (at least ten inches or so), Clown
Loaches (which happen to be some of my favorite fish) are schoolers,
and really need the company of four or five buddies to feel
When they arrived, the black tetra's ate one of the 6 remaining
baby guppies, so I put them in a breeding net. another one died,
probably killed by another baby. So I now have 4 remaining (and an
adult one my sister bought because she though he was gorgeous). 2 of
the babies are pretty small and the other 2 have gotten pretty big. One
of the big ones started chasing the smaller ones around so I decided to
put him/her (pretty sure it's a her thought) out of the net and
into the tank. It went rather well, still alive after a week but the
black tetra's are getting rather insistent about their nipping
(they don't chase her around but sometimes it looks like they
attack her though they don't really do so viciously) Could they be
more aggressive when hungry?
<These are some of the nippier tetras (I'm guessing now that
they're Black Skirt Tetras. They don't belong in this small
tank, and they don't belong with guppies. Please do read BEFORE
I feed 3 times a day (I also have special food for my bottom
<Likely too much. Please test your water and compare your results to
what I list above. There's a good chance that, left alone, this
system has cycled by now. However, overcleaning your filter or a number
of other things can cause the cycle to start right back over, so
it's important to know what your fish are swimming in, especially
if they're dying.>
So, since they seemed to be chasing her a little more, I decided to put
her back in the net and see if she would be aggressive again. But the
moment I put her in the net, the other big baby guppy (Almost sure
it's a male that one. He got very colorful while the others only
begin to show colors) stared at her for a while then started an
obsession with her and wouldn't leave her alone, so I put her back
in the big tank where, at least, she isn't constantly followed and
nipped at. So I'm now wondering if he's just aggressive. He
doesn't seem to be attacking either of the smaller fishes. So my
question is: why does he act that way (sorry about the maybe not so
useful information above. It's just in case)? Should I buy another
breeding net (one that I can separate in sections) or just wait
<This fish don't "go" together. Please read.>
I also have another question. My water is kind of yellow. I know the
cause, I bought some Voodoo brand wood to place at the bottom (it says
on the label it can color the water for a while and the clerk at the
pet shop told me it would fade after about 6 months of water changes).
The fishes seem to like it (especially my snail eaters and my flying
fox?) but, unfortunately, the snails too. there are a lot of snail eggs
on it so I'm wondering if it's a good idea to keep it? I also
have a plant (a real one) that the snails seem to love as well. I was
also wondering if it would be a good idea to buy a 'boule
russe' (Russian moss ball in English I think)
<The yellowing of the water is caused by tannins from the wood, and
you can add fresh carbon to the system's filter and remove the
coloration. If you don't mind it, it won't hurt the fish to
leave it in, and I'd start by taking the wood out and cleaning the
eggs off before placing it back in the tank. I would first determine
why your fish are dying and adjust stock so that it's appropriate
for the tank size you have prior to making more changes. I'd do
manual removal of the snails. There's a lot to do to get this
system "right" before you continue to stock it, either with
plants or fish.>
Sorry if there are grammar mistakes but English isn't my native
language so I sometime have some difficulties with it. Thank you for
taking the time to read.
<Not a problem. Please do write back if you have any more questions
after reading.
Guppy fry, fdg. 6/16/10
Hi Guys and gals
Thank you creating such a great and informative site.
I have 20 guppy fry that are about 2 weeks old and doing well.
I have set up a nursery tank with live plants and have placed then in
As recommended on most sites I have been feeding them every couple of
hours. However I am due to go away for the weekend and was wondering if
I can get away without feeding them of this period? If not would a
feeding block do?
Many thanks in anticipation
<Hello there. No need to feed them if you're just gone a few
days. If you want, put a slice of cucumber in the tank and they'll
nibble on that. Feeding blocks are a bad move. They pollute more than
they help. Cheers, Neale.>
Female guppy -- 05/21/10
My female guppy for the last three days has been releasing this
orangish fluid from her anus spot. I thought she was going to have her
fry and I put her in a 2 way breeder. Nothing happened for 24 hours so
I let her back into the community aquarium and she has been active and
still is releasing that orange fluid again. What could this be? Thanks,
<She could have been miscarrying, which is common when female
livebearers are stressed. If you don't have twice as many females
as males, the males will harass the females, and this easily stresses
them. Miscarriages often
follow. Adding some floating plants such as Indian Fern will help, but
if you have too many males, this problem can be persistent. Moving
females into breeding traps or nets -- despite the advertising -- is
even worse. By all means put the fry in the trap once they're born,
and they'll be safe there for 3-4 weeks until big enough to set
loose with their parents. But don't ever put the adults in there.
Cheers, Neale.>
My guppy just had babies 3-4 weeks ago.
<Well done!>
She had 20-30 of them and I let her stay with them in the breeding tank
for a day and then removed her.
<Generally, it's a good idea to move the fry, if only for a few
weeks, into a breeding net where they're safe from the mothers.
Don't put the mothers in breeding nets or traps -- despite the
marketing, these things stress and can kill expectant mother fish. But
if you put some floating Indian fern in the breeding tank, you'll
spot the babies hiding after they're born, and can easily scoop
them into the breeding trap or net, and raise them there
A week later she died. The babies have been growing a little but
haven't shown much color yet. I have a friend who would like some
of my babies to add to her fish tank at home. I was wondering how long
till I can give some away to her.
<Oh, they can be moved safely almost at once. But obviously if
they're small, other fish will eat them. It takes about 3-4 weeks
for baby Guppies to get big enough to be reasonably safe from other
Guppies. If mixed with other, more predatory fish like Angelfish,
you'll need to grow them on for longer, perhaps 3-4 months.>
Then, a week ago my "mixed" breed fish (according to the fish
store) which I am absolutely positive is all or mostly a platy, had
babies. She had around 5-8 of them. Within a week I only had 3-5 left.
I added them in with the guppy babies and they are doing great.
<Good; rearing Platies and Guppies together shouldn't really be
a problem, though Fancy Guppies do prefer slightly warmer water than
Platies, 28 C vs. 24 C.>
She had some babies that were a little....messed up (two were hooked
<Common with livebearers -- implies inbreeding, among other
and they died a few days after they were born.
The female also took about 5 minutes between each baby. My guppy had
one after the next. I was wondering why she had such a hard time, took
so long and why she didn't have many babies.
<Various reasons. Stress and diet are key factors, though the sizes
of each brood of fry can vary with the age of the mother too, older
mothers usually having bigger broods.>
When can you tell male from female and how big should they be right
<It should be obvious after about 2-3 months when the males develop
their colours and especially their tube-like anal fin.>
<Do read:
Cheers, Neale.>
Guppies, repro., growth
We've recently gotten a few guppies, and we just had our first
batch of fry born. My question is this ... How long should the fry be
kept separated from the adults ? We aren't trying to show breed
this is just something to help teach our daughter to manage the
responsibility of pets.
Thank you, Nita.
<Hello Nita. Depends on the size of the other fish, but assuming you
just have adult Guppies, then if you keep the fry in the breeding
trap/net for about 3-4 weeks, you should be fine. The addition of
floating Indian Fern will dramatically improve their odds. Cheers,
Lots of Guppy Trouble 3/21/10
<Hello Madison,>
I am twelve years old and have been taking care of a tank full of
Guppies for at least a year now and last night discovered an odd
appearance in my clear pregnant Guppy.
My friends and I noticed some fry in the tank first and knew it was
her, since she was the only female that far along in her term, but when
we spotted her she appeared to have a fry coming out sideways?
<Can happen. Unlike humans, Guppy mothers aren't connected to
their babies via an umbilical cord. Some fish do have umbilical cords
-- Halfbeaks for example -- but not Guppies. Instead, all the Guppy
moms do is hold their
eggs inside them, and when the eggs hatch, the babies swim out. This
means that the baby Guppies are not all pointing one way, as with human
babies, when they're inside their mother, but all jumbled up,
depending which way
up the eggs are.>
We caught a few fry and after watching her for an hour straight went to
bed. Five hours later we checked on her and she still had this
"fry" coming out sideways, but she had birthed two more fry
into the fry tank. About 26 hours have passed since we first noticed
this and I have been searching for answers.
<It sometimes happens that a fry gets stuck. The reasons for this
are varied. It is notoriously difficult to solve this problem. The fry
is probably dead (stillborn). You could try lifting out the mom and
very, very gently seeing if you can slide the fry away from the mother.
But do not use any kind of force at all: if you're too rough,
you'll risk damaging the mom by causing internal bleeding. If the
mom is feeding and swimming normally, you can see what happens without
interference from you. But the problem is that the foetus obstructs the
anus, and that means the mother can't defecate. Within a few days
that will cause pain and eventually death. I have lost a female
Halfbeak from precisely this problem. See the photo here:
I have a 10 gallon tank with one Molly, a sucker fish,
<Gyrinocheilus aymonieri by any chance? A very big (to 35 cm) and
aggressive fish that should not be in this tank.
The only good algae-eaters for a tank this size would be Nerite
They are small, harmless, don't breed, and tolerate hard and even
slightly brackish water very well. In fact the Molly will quickly get
too big for this aquarium. I prefer keeping Guppies in bigger tanks
than 10 gallons because the males are very aggressive towards each
other and pester the females.>
and plenty of peaceful Guppies. I try not to change my water too often,
for fear of depriving my little friends of nutrients.
<No, their are only poisons, not nutrients, in the water. Change 25%
every week or two.>
Today we decided that it might be better for one of my friends to take
some fry home for her tank, just in case there's something in the
water of mine.
She took four of the six fry so I'd still have some to observe just
in case. The temperature of the tank is always a steady temperature at
about 78 or 79 degrees and the Ammonia Alert thing that sits in my tank
says that it is still safe at about .02 ppm.
<That's not "safe" as such. Anything above zero is
stressful, and implies the tank is either [a] overstocked; [b]
under-filtered; and/or [c] overfed.>
I don't have another tank that I can put fish into, so for now
I'm having her stay in the fry tank.
<Don't put females in breeding traps. These stress the female,
and can cause miscarriages. Stock the tank with floating Indian Fern.
She will hide there. When you see the fry, move THEM into the breeding
trap for 2-3 weeks.>
I'm letting her out for a while every hour or so to make sure she
gets plenty of exercise, but she just seems to hide among the plastic
<Yes. The males will pester the females. Keep two or more females
per male.>
I also have a young but fully developed male Guppy that has always been
yellow with black spots like a leopard. Today I noticed he has a red
mark about where the "cross mark" would be between his eyes
and his gills, so just about at the top of his head. I have observed my
Guppies many times, often just watching them go about their business
while I listen to music, etc. and I have never noticed this before.
Could it be a parasite? If so, what do you think it is?
<No idea. Could be incipient Finrot, connected with poor water
A problem I have also observed is that my fish seem to have their fins
being nibbled on. This problem was persisting before we got the sucker
fish and I'm starting to think that my Molly is aggressive because
it seems to
chase my guppies around the tank whenever they come near the bottom or
go near it.
<Yes, Male Mollies will attack male Guppies and they will also
harass female Guppies. Mollies and Guppies shouldn't really be kept
together, certainly not in such a small aquarium.>
Before I though it was my Red Tails but they died peacefully a few
months ago. I feed my fish very slowly, making sure that no food is
made excess to dirty the tank.
I hope you have an answer for the sake of knowledge and for the lives
of my little friends.
<Please do start by reading here:
Re: Lots of Guppy Trouble -- 03/24/10
Hello again,
Yesterday night my Guppy died. I think there was something different
going on, because after I sent you my previous email she began floating
in a 'headstand' position. After she died my mom set her out on
a paper towel
and began poking ever so gently at the large red bulge that originally
appeared to be a fry coming out sideways. At first a yellowish liquid
came out with what appeared to be eggs in it. She tugged on the bulge
and a few minutes later separated it from the Guppy. As soon as she
pulled the lump away the Guppy went flat. It appears that her insides
were, in fact, the lump. There was what appeared to be a little blood
and some more yellow liquid that leaked out in the separation, but
other than that nothing.
"It delivered 6 fry and then it looked like it had a bubble. Then
it looked ragged and it tripled in size. It was floating funny in a
sort of headstand until it died and it swam weird. A couple hours later
it died and I laid it out on a towel. When I squeezed it's belly it
squirted out this milky white stuff with little bubble things in it. I
think the skin is what looked jagged. When I pulled the bubble thing
pulled out it's innards were gone."
That's what my mom recalls from our 'fish autopsy'.
Our aforementioned 'algae eater' is a Picasimus, actually.
I'm just a little fond of calling it 'Algae Eater', I
suppose. As it turns out, our 'Molly' is actually a Bleeding
Heart Tetra, unlike what we were told. I have no definite answer if
it's a male or female, but I'm pretty sure it's not
what's nibbling on my other fish's fins, mostly because it has
bite marks on it's tail as well.
My Tetra generally just floats at the bottom and darts up for food. We
got the Tetra at the same time as my first few Guppies and they seem to
get along very well. Actually, all of my fish seem to have nibbled on
tails, which makes me worry a little. Do you think my Picasimus is what
is eating their tails?
<Hello Madison. No, I don't think the Plec (likely
Pterygoplichthys pardalis) is the immediate problem here. That said,
your Plec will become simply huge and very quickly, if it is the common
Plec, Pterygoplichthys pardalis. We're talking 45 cm/18 inches
within two years. Unless your tank is at least 210 litres/55 gallons in
size, return this fish PRONTO! Now, there may be two things going on
here. A single Bleeding Heart Tetra is an unhappy Bleeding Heart Tetra.
Unhappy tetras tend to be nippy tetras. So one reason for ragged fins
may be a frustrated Bleeding Heart Tetra. In any case, that species
needs a MUCH bigger aquarium than 10 gallons; 30 gallons upwards is
more realistic. The other reason for raggedy fins is Finrot, and Finrot
is very common in immature, overstocked tanks. Take some time to read
our articles about stocking tanks.
Cheers, Neale.>
Baby guppies!! More chatting, sans reading...
Melinda, my female guppy just gave birth to 20+ babies.. But the good
thing is that I just hatched a bunch of brine shrimp bad thing is that
I they are in a 8 gallon tank.. I think that's too much...
<This is too small for any guppies, much less multiple
But I don't see anymore... I saved as many as I could.. The babies
are in a breeding trap...
<They stand a good chance of being eaten in the tank, but traps
aren't great either -- please read on WWM. Ultimately, the best
systems to rear guppy fry include a lot of floating plants, ensuring a
large number can escape predation by adults in the tank, rather than
attempting to separate the young, or small, filtered systems which the
fry can be moved to.>
I didn't put the mother in because I didn't know which one was
the mother I have 2 female very pregnant females..
<Good... shouldn't be placed in the trap at all.>
And non of them look any slimmer... It's only been like 20 min.s
since first birth.. What should I do?
<Please read on WWM:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwsubwebindex/guppyreprofaqs.htm and related
pages above. Should you choose not to actively "care" for the
fry, you can be assured more will be along shortly, if there is a male
present. In this size system, I'm not sure that you have many
options... should they live, the tank would be even more
And it's almost time for bed, should I just let nature take
it's course for now on?
<These fish should be in a more suitably-sized system, along the
lines of twenty gallons, and more fish would only lead to a
more-overstocked tank.
It is up to you; the breeding trap isn't a great place for the baby
guppies, but it will keep them from being eaten. As for food, try
crumbling flake food into tiny pieces and see if they'll eat that
until your prepared food is ready. Whether you keep these fish is up to
you, really, but please do take the time to read about guppy care and
ensure that you're providing all that your guppies need.>
Thank you!
<You're welcome!
guppy mother -- 02/12/10
one of my 4 female guppies had 2 babies I have the babies in a breeding
net and wondering how can I tell which one is the mother I have had
these mother guppies for about a week and have babies already xD
anyways how can
I tell which female is the mother. thank you!
<You can't tell, really. A female Guppy who has given birth
recently will look a lot "thinner" than she did before, but
that's about it. Any sexually mature female that has been with any
male will likely have been inseminated. If you want to breed Guppies of
a particular sort, you need to start with virgin females. Cheers,
guppies and tank stocking. Repro.
Okay the first one is about guppies I got this little lady and
she's in a all girls guppy tank and she has a gravid spot .... is
she prego or are there just eggs?
<The gravid spot isn't particularly reliable. It isn't a
colour marking that switches on when a Guppy is gestating. Rather, it
is a part of the body that usually lacks strong pigmentation, and when
the uterus expands through pregnancy, the uterus wall presses against
the thin skin around the back of the abdomen, and a dark region, the
gravid spot, appears. Whether or not the gravid spot is visible or
reliable depends on the colouration of the fish in question, its size,
and its age.>
I put her in a tank with some males and she had the gravid spot before
I put her in is this possible?
<If she's ever been with a male since she became sexually
mature, yes, she's probably carrying young.>
second question ... I have a Raphael catfish in a 20g and thinking
about adding 2 angels and 1 Redtail or rainbow shark would this
<No. Red-tail and Rainbow Sharks are highly territorial, and need a
tank at least twice this size to settle down properly without
terrorising their tankmates.>
thanks !!!
<Please do "thank us" the way we like it best, by using
proper English. It's appreciated by us and by our other site
visitors, not all of whom have English as their first language. Cheers,
Baby Dalmatian Mollies & Guppies --
I am a new fish owner and I have a question regarding my baby Dalmatian
<Do start by reading here:
Mollies are easy to keep under some conditions, particularly in large
tanks with clean, slightly brackish water. But they are VERY disease
prone when exposed to less than perfect conditions. They are a bad
choice for beginners.>
I have been trying to figure out their ailment but I get a myriad of
possible diagnosis.
They were given to me since they were freshly born along with two baby
guppies and I was happy but I don't have experience with owning
fish. They have been doing good for 2 months and a half. During that
time I have successfully changed the water in their tank etc.
<OK. Now, since Guppies and Mollies do well in slightly brackish
water, the next step is a no-brainer. Add about 3-5 grammes of marine
salt mix (not tonic salt, but the stuff used in marine tanks) per litre
of water. This is very cheap to do, but will save you lots of heartache
in the long term.
Next step is crank the heater up to about 28 C (82 F). While wild
Mollies and Guppies are tolerant of cooler water, the store-bought
fancy varieties (like Dalmatian mollies) are extremely sensitive to
cooler conditions. Keep them warm!>
Recently, I have changed living locations within the past 2 weeks (high
calcium water) and have changed their water with the faucet water
treated w Chlor-out. My friend also gave me a new tank and gravel that
have been used.
<How big is this tank? Newborn fish shouldn't be kept in
anything less than 38 litres/10 US gallons. Sounds a lot, I know, but
you need the water volume to minimise variations in quality and
chemistry. In smaller tanks, most of your fry will be killed by poor
water conditions. Trust me on this. Adult Guppies need at least 15
gallons, and adult Mollies at least 20 gallons for the smaller Shortfin
Mollies, and 30 gallons for the Sailfin Mollies.>
I washed out the tank, rinsed some of the gravel. I put my fish in this
past weekend and two of them immediately starting
"itching'" and acting funny. Because of my inexperience,
I wasn't too concerned... But apparently, it may be some type of
parasite. A day or two went by, and one of them died. I inspected it
looking for white spots, nothing. The fins did look shorter, and the
mouth was sticking out.
<Likely Finrot. Review water quality, and act accordingly. Let's
be clear here, virtually all "mystery deaths" are because the
aquarist [a] didn't use a big enough tank; [b] didn't keep the
water sufficiently well
filtered; and [c] didn't keep the fish sufficiently warm.>
Yesterday, I have noticed that another one is having trouble swimming,
it looks bloated, has a bit of gunk in one eye, sometimes it swims
really fast, a bit aggressive at times. As the day progressed it
worsened. Its jaw was sticking out like the dead one, and because of
this it has not been able to eat. It kept swimming in circles and even
sinking head first or rolling over. I placed it in another bowl to
observe it better with the same water taken from the tank to keep it
from shock. It swam bumping into side of the container and was
lethargic. This morning I found it dead.
I recently found out that the tank had fish that had died in it before!
I don't know what were their symptoms but I know it was a big mistake
not having cleaned the gravel. I feel so terrible!
<Learn from your mistakes. Read about Mollies, and set up a tank
suited to them.>
I cant tell you much about water conditions, I don't have a filter yet,
or a fish tank warmer so the water has been cold bc it we have been
having 30 degree weather.
<Madness! These are tropical fish, and WILL NOT live in an unheated
tank, any more than a Polar Bear would be happy in the Sahara. Get your
act together!>
Until I get a tank warmer, I have sometimes used a Ziploc bag filled
with warm water and placed it in the tank to warm up the water- My fish
stay close to it. :)
<Smiley face or not, this is a pointless (and clearly ineffective)
way of looking after your fish.>
My guppies are not showing any symptoms but I am afraid they may be
<I agree. All will soon be dead.>
How do I help my fish?
<Read. Make a list of what you need. Go shopping. Set up
<Cheers, Neale.>
Hello. I have a question 12/10/09
First off let me say that I love your site!
Have you information or paper about the effects of nest colour
on guppy reproduction?
<Nest colour? Guppies don't make nests. They are ovoviviparous.
Females select males for mating based on a variety of factors. There is
an extensive literature. Search for terms like "mate
selection", "mate choice", and "Poecilia
reticulata." Cheers, Neale.>
Hello. My name is Mehdi Taati. My friend in three separate trials
researches about the effects of vitamin C, E and different salinities
on guppy reproduction. Have you article or information about these
<Hello Mehdi. We help people keep tropical fish; we aren't able
to provide help for students doing projects. Your university library
should have access to scientific journals like Copeia and the Journal
of Fish Biology that carry articles on these types of topics. Cheers,
Ich with guppies and newborn fry 11/28/09
Hi there,
<Hello Sharon,>
I read your thread about Ich and it looks like we should be considering
salt as opposed to "Ich Attack" for our fish.
<Yes, salt/heat is generally safer than standard medications. Since
Guppies are very tolerant of salt, you can keep them in brackish water
conditions and consequently never get Whitespot/Ick or Velvet.>
Here's what we have in our 10 gallon tank:
<Not wild about 10 gallon tanks for Guppies, given how aggressive
the males become.>
2 male guppies (separated by divider) 2 female guppies, 2 upside-down
catfish (male side),
<Tank is too small for Upside-down Catfish; these get to about 8
cm/3 inches in length, and are quite boisterous things.>
8 - 3 week old fry on male side and 3 - 3 week old fry on female side.
This morning we noticed a cloud of newborn fry (both sides). The
problem is we think we have Ich - some of the older fry have what look
like little crystals on their bodies & tails. They are acting fine.
However, one of our adult females, who looked as if she had been sick
for a while but was coming around, just died. We had noticed what
looked like the scales on her back were standing up and shining white,
but it was probably Ich.
<Remove the Upside-down Catfish to a tank of appropriate size. Then
raise the salinity in the Guppy-only tank to SG 1.003 at 25 degrees C
(about 6 grammes salt -- or better still, marine salt mix -- per
litre). Run the tank like this forever, if you want: your Guppies will
be hardier and happier, and unlikely to get sick unless you do
something really silly. The catfish will not tolerate this amount of
salt. If you choose to do the
salt/heat method with the catfish, you'll have to use much less
salt; something like 2 to 3 teaspoons of salt per 3.75 litres /1 US
gallon. Should still work, but less quickly and perhaps less reliably,
and won't
have quite the same tonic effect on the fish.>
Since we have this influx of newborn fry, I am unsure how to treat - if
"Ich Attach" will kill them.
<Yes, will work. Some risk to the fry, but not substantial. Even if
some fry die, you'll have a billion more before you know
And if you recommend salt instead, or along with it, can you describe
how to do that (container, how to deal with divider)?
<See above; also read WWM re: Ick.>
We have a filter that waterfalls water back in and a heater (temp is in
the mid-70s). I am not sure the filter is able to work efficiently due
to the divider in the tank.
<Your suspicions are correct: by definition, anything that divides
the tank up also reduces water flow.>
We've removed the carbon filter because we noticed the Ich
(that's what the aquarium guy told us it may be) and were going to
treat. I'd used tea tree oil 2 days in a row a few days ago but did
not add today when I saw the newborn fry.
<Tea-tree oil products are largely preventatives rather than cure,
and have zero impact on Ick anyway.>
thanks for your help!
<Cheers, Neale.>
Guppy fry stopped coming??? - 11/07/09
Hi there, your site is amazing and I am THRILLED to have found it,
thanks so much for helping all of us owners and all our fish! I am sure
you have saved many lives.
<Thanks for the kind words.>
I have already searched your site for several hours and can not seem to
find an answer yet, although similar time period of a day or two but
not over a week.
I will give you background. I have a 10gal with 2male & 1 female
(angry little thing so she did not get to be with the other pregnant
guppies, 2 balloon mollies, 2 albino Cory cats, 8 Red Cherry
<That's a busy tank. I'd say overstocked.>
I have separated the 3 other female guppies into a 14gal tank (with 5
ghost shrimp) so they can have their fry. They are in a large breeding
net, which I made out of netting, the kind that is used under wedding
gowns, with holes large enough for the fry to get out but small enough
for the mothers to stay enclosed.
<Would tend to recommend against "nets" or
"traps" of any kind; usually work the opposite to what people
want. By stressing fish, they promote miscarriages. Things like shrimps
and snails crawl into the nets, eat the foetuses, and the result is
mysteriously vanishing baby fish. Much, much better to place floating
plants in an understocked tank, let the fry swim into the plants, and
then use a net to catch them and place them in a trap.
That's what I'm doing at the moment with my Halfbeaks, which
are also livebearing fish (albeit much different to Guppies in terms of
This also allows the gentle current and aeration from the filter to
flow through the tank. They have plenty of swimming area and seem to be
doing well, active and eating well. The question is I found 2 fry in
the 14gal tank a week ago and none since then.
<Eaten or stillborn; could be either.>
These 2 babies are doing well, already trying to eat the adult flakes
instead of their "first bites".
<Wouldn't worry too much about this.>
Although the mothers all seem fine, do you think they are all ok?
<See above; most "failures" with livebearing fish are to
do with how the fishkeeper prepares for the Big Day. In an understocked
tank (e.g., two females, one male in a 10 gallon tank) Guppy fry will
be able to hide among floating Indian Fern and Amazon Frogbit with
ease, and if you check the floating plants two or three times per day,
you'll find the fry and net them out safely.>
When will they start having babies again?
<Gestation period is about 4-6 weeks, depending on various
What would the signs be if they aborted?
<Female looks slim again, but no babies...>
They all still look very pregnant! Each of my tanks have plants for the
fry to hide in, but the tank with the fry the leaves are broader and I
can clearly see there are no babies hiding in there, they are brave
little things anyway!
<Plants must be floating plants, or they're no good.>
I do not have salt in my tanks because I usually sell the babies to
other local community tank owners and I have always been told if a fish
goes from a salted tank to an unsalted tank he may not survive.
<This advice is garbage. Guppies shouldn't need to be kept in
slightly brackish water, but it is often easier to do so, especially if
you live in a soft water area (pH less than 7, hardness below 10
degrees dH). Very little marine salt mix (not "tonic salt" or
"aquarium salt") is needed, 5 grammes/litre should be ample
(about SG 1.002-1.003). This is a cheap and easy way to raise pH and
hardness (which, incidentally, plain salt, such as tonic salt,
doesn't do). This has no bearing at all on what happens when you
move the Guppies to another tank. Wild-type Guppies can be acclimated
to seawater conditions for heaven's sake! So adding or removing
very low levels of salinity is neither here nor there. But that said,
if you move Guppies from a slightly brackish aquarium to a soft, acidic
freshwater aquarium, yes, they'll get sick. That's not because
the brackish water conditions are bad, but because soft, acidic water
is bad!>
While I am here I may as well ask my other questions, instead of
playing email tag! I have been trying to feed my fry Microworms but
they don't seem to have a clue they are supposed to eat them, for
that matter neither do any of the adult fish!
<Waste of time with these fish. Algae and finely powdered flake is
Although I know my fry do not need this food I have talked to serious
breeders who say it helps in the growing of the fry and the faster they
grow the less likely they will be to get diseases.
<Debatable. I rear Halfbeaks and Limia nigrofasciata on finely
powdered flake and wet-frozen foods such as wet-frozen brine shrimp;
small live daphnia also go down well. Halfbeaks are certainly *a lot*
more difficult to breed than Guppies, while Limia are virtually
identical (if genetically far less inbred and so less prone to
Anyway is there a way to send a clue to the fish these worms are to
Should I just continue to drop in a few once a day until they get the
They are SO small and do not seem to pollute the tank, probably sucked
into the filter.
<Use an air-powered sponge filter in the fry-rearing tank. A very
common mistake is to assume fry don't make much mess. While this is
true up to a point, you're still adding a lot of food, most of
which doesn't get eaten.
Fry are also many times more sensitive to water pollution than the
Hence serious breeders often change a portion of the water *daily*, and
invariably connect good numbers of fry to providing excellent water
quality. Healthy fry are at no risk of being sucked into an air-powered
sponge filter; indeed, they often peck away at the algae and other tiny
life forms on the sponge.>
We have a male Betta, we adopted, would he even possibly be ok with
these other fish?
<I wouldn't mix them, but you can certainly try. Male Bettas end
up being pecked by other fish though. Keep Bettas in 5 gallon tanks
with an air-powered sponge filter and a heater. Avoid Betta Bowls and
other "micro habitats" -- just review the e-mails we get
about sick Bettas and you'll soon see why!>
I think the male guppies may be an issue even though they are about
1/5th his size, so should we even try?
<I wouldn't, but in theory, it can be done.>
Last one, I promise! Of my 2 balloon belly mollies, I believe one is
female and one male based on their anal fins. The male is missing his
two fins in front of the anal fin, this doesn't seem to harm him
any as he swims and eats fine but I am wondering in the long run will
this harm him?
<May be damaged or deformed, perhaps by Finrot or physical damage.
Some breeders deliberately cut off the anal fin from the male to
prevent buyers from breeding that particular variety.>
Also if he reproduces with the female will the fry have this trait? He
looks almost exactly like the molly pic you have on this page
(first pure white one about 4 down)
Thanks you so, so much. This will be in my top site for info from now
on! I will also remember to donate and would encourage any reading to
donate as well!
<Glad to be of help; good luck. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Guppy fry stopped coming??? -- 11/07/09
Thanks so much for all the info,
<My pleasure.>
I think I may make some of those spawning mops and just let whatever
fry survive live in there!
<Certainly worth a shot. Floating plants cheaper, easier, better
more hiding places, provide food by trapping/culturing algae and
infusoria, remove nitrogenous wastes from the water.>
Just so you know I am a caring pet owner,
<Have no doubt.>
the fish are usually more evenly spread between the two tanks but when
I thought my moms were about to pop I did some shuffling, usually my
tanks are not overpopulated :)
Thanks again, you guys do a really good thing!
<Thank you for saying so.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Guppies, repro. - 10/25/09
Well I'm fairly new to freshwater aquariums, and about a year ago I
bought a ten gallon tank without any understanding of how difficult it
is.. So I got really into it, but it was extremely hard to
<Indeed, small tanks are difficult to look after. For beginners,
something in the 20 to 40 gallon size range is ideal.>
Instead of struggling I bought a 130 gallon tank, which is of course
much easier to keep stable. One thing I really enjoy is breeding fish,
but now that I have my new large tank I can't seem to get babies! I
did everything right as far as I know. I set it up in mid July with
liquid ammonia and even added a liquid bacteria supplement. I added
some fish from my first tank in August and let them settle in. Finally
about five weeks ago I went and bought two male guppies and around
five-six females (sorry can't get an accurate count) along with
some other fish (will list at end).
<Well, the "other fish" can be part of the problem. To
most other fish, a newborn guppy is a snack. If you add some floating
plants, such as Indian Fern, you'll at least give the newborn
guppies somewhere to hide for a while. I find it you do that, it's
easy enough to rescue whatever baby fish you find each day, and move
them into a breeding trap or another aquarium (your old 10 gallon would
be ideal).>
Recently in the last week or so one of my guppies appeared ready to
burst, so I put her in a maternity tank.
<Now, what do you mean by "maternity tank"? Putting
pregnant fish in floating breeding traps and nets is usually a bad
idea, so don't do that.
The stress leads to miscarriages, and even if the babies are born,
there's nothing to stop the mother eating them. In the wild,
newborn fish swim into very shallow water or hide among floating
plants, so they're well away from their parents. Consequently,
adult guppies haven't had to evolve a maternal instinct, since they
don't normally see their offspring. To an adult guppy, a baby fish
is simply a morsel of food!>
The next morning she appeared normal in size with no babies. This
happened more than once, still without any babies. Why aren't my
fish getting
<They probably are.>
And is that a sign that I'm over feeding?
<Not really.>
As for all the fish:
Platys: 2 male, 4 female
Mollies (Not by choice, they are left over from first tank, but seem
happy): 1 male, 2 female
Guppies: 2 male, 5-6 female (4 babies in a maternity tank free from
fish store)
Ghost Shrimp: I bought ten, who knows how many I have White Tetras
(don't remember which kind they are white with long fins and
tails): 3Grey Tetras with two black stripes (same thing, don't
remember, long fins and tails): 3
Rainbows: 7
<The Tetras and the Rainbows will certainly eat baby fish, and the
livebearers possibly so.>
Before I end I just thought you should know that I totally respect what
you guys are doing. I was reading some of the defensive and angry
emails you guys put up with, and I don't know how you do it. So for
all those I hope this compliment makes you feel better. : )
<Thank you for these kind words.>
<Go buy a clump of Indian Fern, and let it float in the tank.
It'll grow quickly, thereby lowering nitrate levels, and provide
shade, so it's a useful plant anyway. Every morning, look over the
plants, and you'll eventually see baby fish swimming about. Scoop
them out, and pop them into a breeding trap or into the 10 gallon tank.
You'll need to rear them for 3-4 weeks if you want to put them with
adult livebearers, perhaps longer if you're going to keep them with
tetras and rainbows, since these are more overtly predatory. Cheers,
why wont my guppies give birth? 10/25/2009
hi I'm Liz,
i have three female guppies and two of them have black gravid spots iv
had them for a month and a half and the two with the dark gravid spots
wont give birth. their gravid spots are just as dark as when i first
got them
and they are both huge with babies. do you think that they have had
babies but ate them before i saw them? i check on them a few times each
day just to check if they've had their babies but i haven't
seen any. i have them separated from my male guppy. please help me,
they don't look sick but they aren't having babies, I'm
<Hello Liz. There are at least two possible problems here. One is
the very common mistake of putting pregnant females in floating
breeding traps or nets. Don't do this! It stresses the females,
leading to miscarriages, and the miscarried fry could easily be eaten
by snails during the night.
Secondly, even if the babies are born, the female may well eat them.
Females have no maternal instinct at all: in the wild, the babies would
swim into shallow water or hide among plants, so the adults have not
had to
evolve any ability to recognise their fry. From the adult's
perspective, anything small and wriggly at the top of the water is
food! This leads me to the second problem. Do you have any floating
plants? Indian Fern is
ideal. Besides providing shelter for females where they can hide from
males, it also provides cover for newborn fish. Check the floating
plants daily, and assuming the tank is reasonably big enough fry will
hide away safely (for Guppies, a breeding tank of 10 gallons is
adequate, or 20 gallons for mixed male/female collections). Every day
you can pull out the babies, put them into another tank or a breeding
trap, and raise them separately from the adults for a few weeks. Once
around 20 mm or so long, they can be mixed with the parents safely.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: why wont my guppies give birth?
hi its Liz again thanks for the help,
<My pleasure.>
before i emailed you i searched the Internet for hours. i have my
females in a separate tank and i have a third tank set up for when the
babies arrive.
<Is this second tank big enough?>
i have plants in with my females for the babies to hide in.
<Floating plants? Plants at the bottom aren't much
i have another question. since i put the girls in another tank the
biggest male has gotten has gotten a bit aggressive towards my other
fish. is this normal?
if not why do you think he's doing it?
<Male Guppies are aggressive, hence my recommendation to keep them in big tanks
with tankmates unlikely to be bothered by them. The best tankmates are things
like Corydoras catfish that completely ignore them, or Danios, which are too
fast to be bothered by them. Other livebearers, on the other hand, particularly
females, may be pestered by them. Cheers, Neale.> Re: why wont my guppies give birth?
hi Liz again,
yes I'm pretty sure the second tank is big enough, its 10
i have both floating and bottom plants. thank you for telling me that
its normal for males to be aggressive and my other fish are Danios and
<I'm surprised the male Guppy is causing either species
particular problems. Usually, these make good tankmates for
your advise was great and i saw my female give birth today
unfortunately i also saw her eat it 3 seconds later but that's
<Can be.>
thanks again for the help.
<Happy to help. Good luck, Neale.>
Re: my guppy fish
Help!! 6 of my baby guppies have died!!! :( -- 09/19/09
They are in a 2.5 gallon tank with a heater and a sponge filter... I do
daily 50% water changes, or 50% water changes once every 2 days...
<This may be too much>
I've tested the water and it shows 0 ppm of ammonia, nitrite and
10ppm of nitrates... the remaining survivors are in a breeding trap in
my main tank... My angelfish are constantly trying to eat them
<What they do>
but that is the best thing I can do... What shall I do??? Can I rear
this fry in the breeding trap till they are old enough to not be
<Read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: my guppy fish 9/25/09
hello there,
My guppy fry are 2 weeks old now, they had grown tremendously over the
period of 2 weeks.
My problem is that most of them had died. They seemed to die of one by
<Have you fed them enough?>
I tested my water parameters and its shows 0ppm of ammonia, nitrite and
10ppm of nitrate. the ph is 6 because they are in a 47 gallon
high-lighted co2 injected tank.
<The pH is far too low! Aim for pH 7.5 to 8. I'm sure we've
discussed this before. If the tank only contains Guppies, then the use
of MARINE aquarium salt mix (not common aquarium or tonic salt) will
work fine, at a dose of about 6 to 9 grammes per litre. If there are
other, non-salt-tolerant fish in this aquarium, then use a Rift Valley
cichlid salt mix such as the one described here:
For livebearers, use at about 50% the recommended dosage.>
They are currently in a breeder trap. 10 out of 24 died in a separate
2.5 gallon tank a week ago (the water has no ammonia, nitrate with a
little bit of nitrate) so I moved them to my main tank. I don't
know why they are dying, I feed them baby brine shrimp, Microworms, and
crushed quality flakes. Their bellies are fat and healthy, they are all
active but they just suddenly die of. Before they die, their gills seem
to enlarge and their bellies get skinnier. They are listless and
can't balance properly.
What is wrong?
<Water chemistry.>
I think that there is a disease in my tank because my harlequins and
angelfish have white spots on their fins. I'm 100% sure that its
not Ich because I had it before and these white spots are not tiny but
rather big.
<Incipient Finrot. Check water quality. At pH 6, biological
filtration will be working very poorly. Again, use a Rift Valley
cichlid salt mix at 25-50% the dosages described in that article to
harden the water in a community tank.>
I don't think they are fungus either because its not fluffy.
Instead it looks like that the fish's fins suddenly turned white
and it spreads over the body. The angelfish have spots on their fins (
not as small as Ich but not too big either). The fins of harlequins are
strange, the disease seems to effect only one fin. It turns one of
their fins white, whether its the dorsal or the other fins. One or two
of the harlequins have the white stuff spreading over their body. Any
suggestions on what is happening??
<Fix water chemistry, quality. Treat as per Finrot.>
please!! thanks!!
<Cheers, Neale.>
re: my guppy fish 9/27/09
hello there,
I had added some baking soda and magnesium sulfate (gH booster) to my
This had increased the ph from 6/below to 6.6... I will aim for 7-7.5
in the next few days.
I'd moved the remaining guppy fry back to the 2.5g tank that is
constantly monitored for ammonia and nitrites... About the Finrot
outbreak in the main tank, what antibiotics do you recommend for
<Anything other than Melafix.>
I have no idea what to use. Should I treat with MelaFix and Pimafix or
Maracyn and Maracyn 2??
<Personally, I prefer medications such as eSHa 2000 or Seachem
Paraguard, but people speak well of Maracyn.>
Do you recommend both or something else? should I treat with tonic
<Salt won't help bacterial infections.>
One of the harlequins have the 'Finrot' white fungus or
bacteria covering its body from the infected fin. It is struggling to
swim, its perfectly healthy but when it stops swimming, its body will
flip so it must constantly swim to balance or it will turn upside
down!! Will it recover if I give it antibiotics?
<Seachem Paraguard and eSHa 2000 treat Finrot, Fungus and Mouth
Fungus (Columnaris) so they should help.>
I tried to euthanize it but its just too fast!! It still eats normally
and acts like if nothing happens. The white area is swollen up. Any
help please?
thank you so much!
<Cheers, Neale.>
re: my guppy fish... Neale's out 9/30/09
helo there,
my 47 gallon tank have a ph of 7.5 now. I fear that it will drop back
to 6 over time as that's what it always do. In my 2.5 gallon tank,
the ph is already 7.5 (ph of tap water) and I added half a piece of
cuttlefish bone to gradually maintain that ph.
<Worth trying... but this form of CaCO3 is not very water
Should I still need to add marine salt? If so, is the brand
'Instant Ocean' recommended?
<I would and yes>
I've currently added 6 teaspoons (6 grams each) of tonic salt to
the small guppy fry tank with one fry remaining. I was very
disappointed with the stuff that the pet stores in new Zealand has to
offer. Even the fish specialist stores doesn't sell
<Likely proscribed there>
So I bought Melafix
<Worthless... Please see WWM before writing us>
and tonic salt. Hopefully they would work... the other solution is to
buy antibiotics online but that would take 2 weeks or more to arrive
here and it would've been too late. I treated as per instructions
with Melafix and
14 teaspoons of tonic salt (1 tablespoon is 3 teaspoons) to my 47
The recommended dosage
is 27 teaspoons of tonic salt. Should I do so?
<? What is this "tonic"? Most are of little value,
Also I need to treat the tank with Melafix for 7 days before a water
change. Will the plants and fish be ok if I leave the salt in full dose
for 7 days?
<... depends on what is in this product. "Fix"es have been
known to interrupt nitrification/cycling...>
I have Otos and cories which I am worried about as they are both
catfishes. Do you have any other methods of curing my fishes??
I'd noticed that after the treatment yesterday, all of the severely
infected fish (3 in total, harlequins) started producing huge amounts
of mucus or slime coat over the infected area. They still clamp their
fins. Is the slime coat helping them? the other fishes are infected
also but show no reactions at all.
please help me!
<Please learn to/use the search tool on WWM, the indices. Start
reading here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/guppydisfaqs.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Where are my baby Guppies? 8/18/09
Ok please help me, I have been reading up on your website lately, but
haven't found the info I really needed, (maybe not enough looking)
but I have two female guppies and one male, about a week ago, one of
the guppies was pregnant.
<Almost certainly the case. If female livebearers are kept with
males of their species -- or even closely related species -- they will
very likely be pregnant. Embryos can be stored for several months, and
it takes as long as 6 months after her last mating for a female to
require insemination once more.>
You could tell because its stomach was huge! was in an breeder tank at
the size of 10 gallons,
<To be honest, while you can keep Guppies in 10 gallon tanks, I
don't recommend it. Multiple issues... one is that males are
aggressive and harass the females, leading to miscarriages. Another is
the risk of cannibalism; adults don't recognise their offspring for
what they are, and will sometimes eat them. In bigger tanks floating
plants can provide just enough shelter that the babies are safe until
you can find them and isolate them.>
but due to ammonia spike in my larger tank, I had to move about 7 fish
into the tank, these fish are rather small, still young, but after
moving those fish back into the bigger tank my guppies stomach shrunk,
I knew it didn't have babies, well I hope, because I never saw
them. I check on my fish more than 10time a day, feeding them, sitting
in bed just looking at them, etc. but now the guppies has no signs of
pregnancy whets-so-ever. Please explain.
<To breed Guppies, you need to consider both pregnancy and delivery.
The female needs to feel secure so she doesn't miscarry. A spacious
tank with lots of floating plants helps greatly. After they are born,
the fry need somewhere to hide. Again, floating plants help. Try Indian
Fern and Amazon Frogbit for two easy-to-keep floating plant
also I have black molly/Mollie, and a Sailfin Molly, I don't know
the sexes but I'm pretty sure the black is a female.
<Females have triangular anal fins; males have crooked, almost
tubular anal fins.>
I am unable to see the gravid spot, however, because the molly is
really dark.
<You cannot see the "gravid spot" on Mollies, or indeed
any of the larger livebearers. Remember, the gravid spot is merely the
fact you can see the uterus pressing against the muscle wall of the
body. This is only possible on small livebearers, such as Guppies. On
bigger fish the muscle wall is too thick, therefore the gravid spot is
not obvious.>
also its stomach has grown greatly in the past week or so, if able can
u send me pics or links to see pics of pregnant mollies, thank you so
much for you help
<Cheers, Neale.>
Female Guppy - Believed to be pregnant, interesting
"poop" 7/19/09
Thank you for all the useful information available on your site.
I am new to having fish and am looking for a few answers.
I have a 26 gallon bow front aquarium with the following
1 Cory Catfish
<Really should be kept in a group; they're schooling fish!
Singletons are pretty miserable. Get four more.>
3 Pearl Danios
<Likewise, a schooling species.>
2 Rasboras (I think that's their name; they have a black
triangle on their side)
<Again, a schooling fish.>
4 Guppies (2 Male, 2 Female at the suggestion of our local Pet
<A bad suggestion, mostly made because they want to sell them
as "pairs"!
Male Guppies are notorious with regard to "sexual
harassment" and persecute the females when kept in small
tanks. We always recommend at least twice as many females as
males, and personally, I keep three females per male livebearer.
Reduces stress, and the females are much happier.>
**We had two guppies (both male) when we first set up the tank
and one of them started getting really big on the underside. I
took it to the shop before it died and they said it was "a
genetic issue seen in fish from chain establishments i.e.
PetSmart". About a week later he expired. We didn't
think anything more was wrong.**
<Never come across this.>
We have had the tank set up for about two months. All of the fish
except the 3 Guppies and the 3 Danios have been in the tank since
we first set it up (well within 2 weeks of set-up). The water was
tested by the shop prior to adding these last six fish. The
results were as follows:
pH 7.4
Ammonia 0 ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm
Nitrate <10ppm
GH 8 dGH
KH 4 dkH
We did not do a partial water change before adding the new fish,
at the recommendation of the store.
<Strange recommendation! A 25% weekly water change is always a
good idea, whatever else you're doing.>
Now, five days later, we have noticed that both females look
pregnant. I talked with the shop and they said they probably are.
I am concerned that the female guppy may be going down the same
road as the guppy we did have that expired. However, this one is
female and that one was male.
Today I went back to the shop and had the water retested. The
results were pH 7.6
Ammonia 0 ppm
Nitrite trace (? - said nothing to worry about, siphon the gravel
and do a 25% water change; probably due to overfeeding getting
used to the number of fish)
<Any nitrite is worth worrying about. Can't say I'm
terribly impressed with this pet store so far. Siphoning gravel
made sense in this situation when people used undergravel
filters; as the gravel got clogged, turnover dropped, and
filtration efficiency declined. If you don't have an
undergravel filter it is still a good idea to keep the gravel
clean, but that won't make much difference either way with
regard to ammonia and nitrite, since most of the filtration is
going on in the filter.>
Nitrate 20 ppm
GH 8 dGH
KH 3 dkH
<A bit on the soft side for Guppies, but if they're happy
so far, no big deal.>
They recommended doing a partial water change and siphon of the
Since we thought the female guppy was pregnant and possibly about
to give birth, we placed her in a 3-Way Breeder inside the main
tank to protect the fry.
<Do understand females *hate* being in these things, and they
can cause miscarriages. Much better to stock the tank with Indian
Fern and other floating plants. The fry will hide among these
plants, and you can then net them out each day and pop them into
the breeding trap. After about 3-4 weeks they should be big
enough to work with most smallish community fish.>
Shortly after doing this we noticed she started "pushing
out" reddish, light brown round stuff. Sorry for the lack of
explanation but it's hard to describe. Whatever it is, it
does not appear to be moving at all and has fallen to the bottom
of the breeder.
<Think these are merely faeces, and not stillborn embryos,
which tend to be silvery.>
The other fish in the tank have come up to try and eat it (which
they obviously can't do through the plastic). At first we
assumed it was poop, but she has excreted about four more of
these things. Kinda like little sausages? I know I may be over
thinking things, but I would rather ask a stupid question and fix
something if need be than to let fish die. Anyway.
while taking pictures to send, some of the "stuff" fell
out and another fish ate it.
Do you have any idea what this might be?
Also, how often should I feed the fish in my tank?
<"A little but often" is a good rule; a portion of
food the size of a fish's eye is about right for one meal, if
offered 2-3 times a day. In any case, add food such that it all
vanishes within 30 seconds or so. Feed catfish at night, in the
case of a school of 5 Corydoras, one or two Hikari Algae Wafers
or similar 5-6 times per week should be ample. Regardless, the
aim is that your fish are gently rounded but not bloated.
Overfeeding doesn't kill, it's the water quality problems
that occur if uneaten food gets sucked into the filter that
causes sickness. So if your fish look healthy, and you have 0
ammonia and 0 nitrite, you're fine. For what it's worth,
your female Guppy looks healthily fed. With Corydoras, look at
their bellies, and check that the belly is slightly convex rather
than concave.>
I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for your help.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Nematodes? RMF |
Preg guppy with sac 6/6/09
I have a pregnant guppy that has what looks like an amnio sac hanging
I have been watching her for 3 days now, no fry and the sac is not
changing. Not going back in or dropping off. What is it?
<Likely a prolapsed uterus, or something similar.>
Should I be worried?
What can I do to help?
<Not much; if at all possible, leave the fish in a tank on its own,
and observe. If the fish can feed and defecate normally, there's no
great urgency, but if the fish can't do either, in all honesty,
I'd recommend
painlessly destroying the fish.
I have seen this before in Halfbeaks, and though it takes some days to
kill the fish, it does, and I can't see how pulling or otherwise
manipulating the fish would help without causing trauma and pain (the
uterus being
attached to the inside of the fish).>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Nitrate/baby guppy problem 05/29/09
Hi Crew, it's me again....
We have a nitrate problem in our 28 gallon.
<Nitrate is best removed from freshwater tanks simply by [a] not
overfeeding the fish; [b] not overcrowding the aquarium; and [c] doing
more water changes. Fast-growing floating plants are also good at using
up nitrate, but that should be viewed as a supplement to frequent water
changes, not an alternative.>
Our ammonia is at 0, nitrite 20 mg/l, nitrate 40...so the pet store
recommended a bacterial supplement that claims to be 'for fresh and
saltwater aquariums'. Will this work?
<No. Nitrate is broken down by anaerobic bacteria, such as those
that live in live rock (in marine aquaria) or stagnant mud (in ponds).
It is not easy to create these conditions in a freshwater aquarium, so
denitrification (the breakdown of nitrate to nitrogen gas) rarely takes
place quickly enough in freshwater tanks to make any
We have a male Betta, my only remaining Neon Tetra, 3 Glo-Fish, 3 Giant
Danios, and an African Dwarf Frog. Our 10 Ghost shrimp and 5 Mystery
snails all died...and my Betta, who used to easily eat 20-30 pellets
(!) a day, now only gets 4 or 5..those giant danios...:)But anyway
he's usually a bundle of energy and now he's lethargic and
fights with his own reflection. Plus his eyes look clouded. We
got him almost 7 months ago so could these be age-related cataracts?
And my baby guppies (they were born on April 7th) are in the 2.78 L,
there's only 2 of them and both look pregnant. One just died...so
should I move them to the 28-gallon in a breeder net with our nitrate
<I can't see Guppy fry doing well in 2.78 litres of water.
Seriously, that's not an aquarium; it's a soda bottle.>
Yes, we have live plants-Umbrella, Amazon Sword, Peacock Fern, Aqua
Fern, and White Ribbon. The Amazon Sword ones-and only those ones-are
dying. Why?
<Probably not enough light. Umbrella Plant (Spathiphyllum wallisii),
Peacock Fern (Selaginella willdenovii), Aqua Fern (Trichomanes
javanicum) and White Ribbon Plant (Dracaena spp.) are all non-aquatic
plants that will die kept underwater within a few months. Any retailer
who sold you these was CONNING you out of money. So I wouldn't
trust him/her on anything. There are many retailers who sell
these plants to inexperienced fishkeepers. These plants ALWAYS die and
NEVER last for long underwater. Total waste of money. The reason
they "look" healthy is that their leaves are stiff, being
adapted to living on land where gravity is more of an issue than
underwater. So it takes a long time for them to look dead. But
DIE THEY WILL. Take them out, put them in houseplant soil, and stick
them on a windowsill. Enjoy them for what they are: houseplants! As for
your Amazon Sword, these are demanding plants that need strong lighting
(at least 2 watts per gallon, ideally 3 or more watts per gallon) and a
substrate containing iron and other minerals; plain gravel will not
do! Usually when people fail to grow these plants, it's
because [a] there isn't enough light; and [b] they stuck the plants
into plain gravel without considering their need for
Please help...
<Cheers, Neale.>
Sorry another question this time about our fry
How fast do they actually grow?
<Males reach sexual maturity within about 3 months. Females a bit
longer. Should be sellable size within 4-6 months. All written
elsewhere at WWM; e.g., here:
We have 40+ fry in a separate tank. They are doing great and growing
really well. Yet Only the other day I noticed 6 more baby guppies in
our main tank. They must have been have been born before I put my
female into her breeding net. Yet these babies are a lot bigger than
the ones in the separate tank any idea as to why?
<Different batches of fry.>
I've decided to leave the fry that are in our main tank well alone
as they seem to be doing so well so thought I would let nature take its
course. Any way thanks in advance and I absolutely love your site
<Happy to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Guppy Breeding 4-14-09
I have 1 male and 2 female guppies. What should I do to make sure the
baby guppies are okay and that the parents do not eat them? I have a
3.5 gallon tank and the water quality is good.
<Hello! Well, guppies usually don't eat their fry but I have
seen it happen. The best prevention method is to remove the fry from
the parent tank into a separate grow out tank. If you don't have
the space, you can
easily leave them in the main tank and add extra plants for hiding
Some might get eaten though. Here are some links on guppy breeding,
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/guppyreprofaqs.htm ,
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/poeciliids.htm Good luck! Merritt
Guppy Breeding, school paper? 4-16-09
Also, are there environmental influences that determine the sex ratio
of fry- such as salinity, hardness, pH, or temperature?
<Hello Again! Regarding guppies the influences of hardness, pH,
temperature and salinity has not been proven to determine sex ratio.
There have been scientific experiments to test the theory but none have
proven it. You are welcome! Merritt A.>
Guppy Still Pregnant? Or Sick?
Hi, and thanks for such a great site! I just
[cid:image002.jpg@01C9B87F.04BC3390] it!
Well on March 31st I knowingly got a pregnant female guppy (from
PetSmart) who just gave birth to 22 healthy fry, no deformities (though
one was killed by one of my Neon Tetras). But I think I can still see
eyes in her stomach! (I saw her give birth and had to catch the fry 1
by 1!) Does that mean she is still pregnant?
<Perhaps... sometimes deliver over several hours time>
When I caught the fry, I fed her frozen brine shrimp and that totally
messed up my water quality. (My 2 Neons are gasping at the surface, so
I'll do a 50% water change now.)
She gave birth soon after a water change, so could this water change
make her drop the babies she's retaining (if any)?
Please tell me if crushed Top Fin tropical-fish flakes are a good idea
for the fry?
<Should work>
Thanks a bunch,
Livebearer Lover.
P.S. Our water here is rather soft...but I can't add Epsom salt...
<Mmm, please read here:
and the linked files above re how to adjust/increase the water hardness
in a safe manner. Bob Fenner>
More female guppy fry than male! 4/4/09
Hi guys,
I've had three batches from difference female guppies. However, all
the fries are female. How could this be possible? Is there a method to
balance the female/male ratio?
<Mmm, not if you don't have any males... But there are means of
changing sex ratios of new batches of young...>
I love my male guppies and I want to keep their traits. Did you guys
experience anything like this and what is the usual ration for
female/male fries?
<Mmm, use your search tool with this string: changing sex ratios of
live bearing fish young
Mainly temperature and exposure to steroids...>
Thank you and hope to hear from you soon!
<Bob Fenner>
Poecilia repro; Mystery fish (Rasbora borapetensis); Apple
snail repro, aestivation 03/29/09
Dear Crew, I'd like to ask if my tank is suitable for breeding
guppies. I have a 40 gal. tank, 3-4 platies, a few Danios, and 8-10
mollies. Just a few days ago, I recently purchased 4 male guppies and 3
female. I also purchased 5 snails. I do have a separate tank about 35+
gal., but I've never really used it for breeding.
<Well, the 40 gallon is certainly plenty big enough for breeding
livebearers, though Danios are very good predators and will take any
small fry they can find.>
Every time a get fry in my tank, we don't usually scoop them out.
They're pretty good at hiding, and we usually notice them when
they're 1-2 weeks old. Up until now, I've never been concerned
about the other fish eating the fry, because they get fed about 3 times
a day. But now, I'm thinking that I should transfer some of my fish
to the other tank, or at least those
I suspect are going to reproduce. Should I? It's never been a
problem before.
<Up to you; floating plants will protect some fry, and it's
really only a big deal if you actually want to rear the fry and sell
them on. If this is the case, moving the fry to a breeding tank as/when
you find them is a good idea. If you get a production line going, and
have just a single variety of Guppies (or Platy, or whatever) then the
offspring should be good enough to
sell. Retailers tend not to want cross-breed fry, e.g., from Black
Cobra males and Green Snakeskin females. On the other hand, if all you
care about is the occasional fry surviving, then by all means let
nature takes its course.>
Also, I was wondering if you could identify my Danios.
<Not Danios.>
When I bought them, my dad thought they were pretty cool, so we
purchased 4-5 of them. Now, I'm having a little trouble breeding
them, so if I knew what they were called, it might help. I'll
attach pictures of the fish.
<These are Rasbora borapetensis, known as the Black-line or
Red-tailed Rasbora. A nice fish, gets to about 5 cm long, needs to be
kept in groups of 6+, and prefers slightly soft/acidic water (pH 6.5,
less than 10 degrees dH). Water temperature should be relatively cool,
22-26 C recommended. Not particularly easy to breed, and certainly not
compared to Danios. Rasboras generally are fussy about water chemistry,
and won't breed at all if it isn't right.>
One more thing. I'm worried that my Golden Mystery Snails won't
reproduce that well. Once, about a year ago, there was some
reproduction, but eventually, the snails all died away.
<Absolutely typical.>
What should I do to keep the population alive?
<Allow the Apple snails to aestivate for 3 months of the year. Apple
snails are adapted to a seasonal climate, and during the summer rest
for three months buried in mud. Kept at tropical temperatures all year
long they simply "burn out". This is why you ALMOST NEVER see
full size Apple snails in aquaria. Adults can be the size of tennis
balls, but the ones in fish
tanks are usually a lot smaller.>
Should I know how to tell the difference between a male and a female to
add one or two if there isn't enough for reproduction?
<Sexing isn't easy, though the penis on the male is apparent if
you know what to look for. AppleSnail.net has some pictures.>
Thanks for reading the questions. I'll be looking for a reply soon!
<Hope this is soon enough! Neale.>
Fry Deformities 3-25-09
Hello! I have not been able to find the answer to my question anywhere.
I had a female guppy give birth about two weeks ago. We have about 16
fry that seem to be doing really well. The only concern is that about
four of them are oddly shaped. They look like the letter "V"
with their body dipping down in the middle. The actual torso area is
tilted whereas the other fish have a straight torso. Is this a defect?
They are growing and seem to be otherwise healthy. Any answers you have
would be a great help.
Thank you,
<Hello Jennifer, Merritt here today! What you are describing is a
genetic deformity that occurs in many live bearing fish. Other types of
deformities range from being shaped in a upside down "u" or
not having an operculum (gill covering). Since the fish are swimming
fine and are healthy you should not have to "cull" them.
Culling is the process of destroying fry that are not genetically
correct or healthy. You are welcome! Merritt A.>
Fry tank algae eater 1/31/09 Hello, I
need your advice on an algae eater for a 10 gallon fry tank. I have a
Fancytail guppy fry tank that has 15 babies that are a one and a half
weeks old. At any given time there can be babies ranging in age from
newborn to 2 weeks old and I don't want to use an algae eater that
can or will harm or eat them. Thank you in advance of your advice...
Cindy <Cindy, the short answer is a few snails, ideally Nerite
snails. Anything else (e.g., fish) will pollute the water too quickly,
reducing the growth rate and health of the fry. Do not even think about
Otocinclus or adult Ancistrus; they'd be totally inappropriate for
this system, though you could rear some juvenile, 1.5 inch-long
Ancistrus in there if your retailer sells them (some do). Shrimps might
be an option, but honestly they eat the same green algae than the
Guppies should be eating. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Fry tank 1/31/09 How many do you think I would
need and what size should I look for, and oh, are they easy to find?
<I find 1-2 Nerite snails per 10 gallons is about right. They are
very industrious! All are fairly small, about the size of your
thumbnail, at most. Are they difficult to buy? Depends on where you
live, I suppose. Here in England most of the better aquarium shops have
them. You can also buy them online. Cheers, Neale.>
Mollies Breeding With Guppies? ~ 01/09/09 Hi, I
have a 12 gallon tank with 3 Mollies, (one female and two males I know
its not recommended-just my luck) and 3 male Fancy Guppies. My female
Molly has had many babies before with the other Molly males. (I have
watched them mate) I recently looked into the tank and one of the fancy
guppies was mating with my female Molly. (for a couple hours) I am 100%
sure it was that because of past experiences. So I have some questions:
1) Can Mollies and Guppies successfully mate? (like successfully
fertilize?) <Mmm, no, not as far as I'm aware... there are
members of the family (Poeciliidae) that can produce via young from
crosses... e.g. guppies and platies, but Mollies (now Poecilia spp.,
formerly Mollienesia) do not cross successfully with guppies (Poecilia
reticulata), though they can interbreed amongst Molly species> 2)
Can the Molly give birth to hybrid babies? <Not from crossing with a
guppy> 3) And if so, can the babies survive? They wont have
deformities? 4) If so, with they have traits of both parents? (Female
Molly is a Dalmatian Molly and the Male yellow fancy guppy. he is just
white and yellow) 5) Is this common? Do you know of any surviving
hybrid Molly/Guppies? <The behavior of reproduction is common
amongst the common Poeciliid livebearer species, but ... the young
produced from species crosses tend to be more feeble, not survive for
long> Thanks so much! <Do please write back if you
"hear" otherwise. Bob Fenner>
Re: Mollies Breeding With Guppies? 1/11/09
Will do. I'll tell you if anything happens... Thank you Hannah.
Poecilia reticulata (health; repro) 11/05/08
Hi I have two pregnant female guppies, one of which perplexes me, the
other of which I need some advice. As to the confusing one, she is
about 2 cm thick in her pregnancy- I hope this paints a picture, I just
don't know how else to describe it, but her gravid spot is still
pinkish. I have the temperature around 75 degrees, so I wonder is this
has anything to do with her slow development? Then the other female has
a very dark gravid spot, and she looks like she wants to be left alone,
but the males keep bugging her (I have 5 females and 3 males). Should I
put her in the breeder net to see how she does there? Also, if I should
put her in the breeder net, should I be worried about her bullying the
fry that are already in there? They are already about a cm long, so I
know she can't eat them anymore. Thanks, Nate <Nate, not every
swollen Guppy is necessarily pregnant, and in some cases internal
parasites, bacterial infections, or organ failure can all cause
swelling. It's important to note that the gravid spot isn't a
"thing" that happens when the fish is pregnant: it happens
because the internal organs (which are dark) are pressed against the
wall of the abdomen. In other words, both pregnancy and dropsy can
cause a gravid spot to appear. So above all else I'd be checking to
see if other issues could be at work. Review water quality and
chemistry, for example. Do also review diet; Guppies are mostly
herbivores in the wild, and unfortunately in aquaria some hobbyists
forget this and give them regular flake food. What Guppies (and most
other livebearers) need is an algae-based flake staple augmented with
high fiber foods such as live daphnia now and again. Constipation can
easily occur otherwise, and needless to say this can cause dropsy-like
symptoms. At 1 cm in length the juvenile Guppies should be safe with
adult Guppies. I'm not a big fan of breeding nets for most
livebearers, but female Guppies at least may be confined in them for
short periods without undue problems. Cheers, Neale.>
Poecilia (reproduction)
My guppy pregnant guppy looks close to giving birth and I read that a
higher water temperature could speed up the maturation of the babies
inside her. The only problem is that I don't have an extra heater
(I found a 2 gallon tank to put her in.) Is there anything that I can
do to help raise the temp a little
<Nope. That's the job of the hearer. A two-gallon tank isn't
viable for keeping Guppies, so wasting time, money trying to
"fix" this situation is completely pointless. The female
Guppy will likely eat any babies that emerge, and besides, water
quality and stress will be working against you. Do understand female
Guppies view anything small and wriggly at the surface as food, whether
mosquito larvae or baby fish. In the wild, baby Guppies immediately
swim into floating plants and shallow water where bigger fish cannot
go. If you want to "rescue" the baby Guppies you have to
understand this, and not work against it, because you'll fail. As I
say repeatedly on WWM, keep Guppies in a 20+ gallon tank, stock with
lots of floating plants (Elodea, Hornwort, Indian Fern), and then
remove baby Guppies to a breeding net or 8-10 gallon tank with a heater
and sponge filter as you find them. That's how this job has been
done, is done, and always will be done. Cheers, Neale.
Some Pregnancy Problems, guppy
Good Evening,
<Good morning,>
I have a female guppy that I got two weeks ago.. She was large then,
but she has almost doubled in size since and her gravid patch is now a
deep maroon color. She started to become sluggish, her anal fin kept
moving a lot, she stayed in one spot at the top of the tank, so I
thought that she was about to give birth and put her in the net
<Hmm... while I agree she's close to delivering her young,
I'm dead against breeding nets for confining females in most
instances. They do tend to stress the fish, worst case causing
miscarriages, and I don't know any experienced fishkeepers who use
them in this way. It's much better to stock the tank with floating
plants (*anyone* can keep Indian Fern alive, for example) and let her
hide there. Better yet, the baby fish hide among the leaves so you can
scoop them out and *then* put them in a breeding net. If the female is
in the breeding trap, there's nothing to stop her snapping at the
baby fish she's just given birth to.>
When She got there, she displayed the same behavior for the first day,
and stopped eating, I thought nothing of it, as I know this to be an
additional sign that the pregnancy is nearing its end.
The next day, she still had not given birth, and had begun to dart
around inside of the net. I took her out for fear of stressing her too
much and she seemed to calm down.
<Good call.>
Then, she started moving about at a normal rate, as though she
wasn't pregnant at all. It has now been two days since I took her
out and she has resumed eating. I was wondering if you had any
explanation as to why she looked like she was about to give birth, and
then resumed behaving normally. Do you have any advice as to when she
will give birth or what I should do in the mean time?
<There's nothing much to do. Your job is keep her healthy and
well fed. She will deliver the babies as and when. Put floating plants
in the tank and let Nature run its course. Check the plants in the
morning, and with luck you'll see some baby fish! Simple as
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Guppy Pregnancy Questions 10/14/08 Hi, I
have emailed you yesterday because I have a pregnant guppy who I think
is coming very close to birth. I did as one of your staff told me to
and took her out of the breeder net that I had her in. <Indeed.>
Then, she started to move around and explore a little. Now, she seems
to be trying to avoid the male and the other female a lot (I have two
females, and two males), <With livebearers, you should have (at
least) TWICE as many females as males. Otherwise the males harass the
females.> but she can't get away from them. I was wondering what
you think that I should do about them bugging her because I think she
might be getting stressed out? <Yes, she will be stressed. Stress
can lead to miscarriages. Add more females of the species to
"dilute" male aggression. Stock the tank with floating plants
(Indian Fern is ideal) so females (and fry) can hide. No magic
solutions beyond these, I'm afraid. Much written about Guppies here
at WWM; start here:-
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwsubwebindex/guppies.htm Cheers,
Re: Pregnancy Questions 10/14/08 Hi again, I
know about how I am supposed to have two females for every one male,
but so far, that has not been a problem because one of the males that I
have doesn't bother the females (I don't know why, but he just
leaves them alone) do you think that I still need to get some more
females? <Yes. Cheers, Neale.>
Guppy fry question -08/27/08 Hello WWM Crew,
First of all, let me say that this is the most amazing, informative
site! <Thanks for the kind words.> Two questions for you: I have
a 5 gallon tank which is well planted, I keep the water perfect with bi
weekly water changes and I feed them good quality food. <Bit small
for Guppies, to be honest...> My fish seem very healthy and hearty!
In this tank are 2 males and I think 5 females. I say this because two
of the females along with one of the males came from a batch of fry
that we had in March foam a mother guppy who died after giving birth.
One is obviously a male but the other two I can't seem to tell
their gender. They have gray bodies with a short ,but iridescent tail
and I can't figure out if their back lower fins are pointed or
rounded. They do hold them up against their bodies, which are slender
like most males are. They are about 5 months now... shouldn't I be
able to tell by now? <Male Guppies will be sexually mature within 3
months. Sexing Guppies should be fairly easy; if the anal fin isn't
a simple triangle, it's a male! Males also tend to be smaller and
less deep bodied, and should have brighter colours, particularly on the
unpaired fins. Breeders take this approach: if they can't confirm
its a female, they remove it from the tank of "virgin" female
Guppies and eliminate it from any breeding programmes.> My other
question is another one of my females had a batch of 41 fry on the 27th
of July which makes them about 4 weeks old now. They are in a separate
tank without any other fish and seem to be thriving just beautifully. I
noticed this morning before feeding them that the females bellies were
very rounded as if they had just eaten... I also noticed about 7 much
smaller fry in the tank... am I crazy to think that these are new fry??
<Well, if there are baby fish there, and just the one female, then
yes, they're hers! Guppies tend to produce batches of fry every 4-6
weeks, but this will vary depending on things like diet and water
temperature.> Please let me know. Oh, just to let you know, this
same mother just birthed another 40-something fry on
Saturday.....Holy-Moly.... <At some point you will need to restrict
the numbers of fry; rearing huge numbers isn't practical unless you
have a lot of ~10 gallon tanks to keep them in and to separate off
males from females. Pet shops want quality, true-breed rather than
mongrel Guppies or deformed fancies, so you also need to be sensible
about selecting good specimens of a single variety. The mantra for any
fish breeder is that it isn't quantity but quality you're
after.> Thanks for your time, Yvonne <Cheers, Neale.>
guppy not having babies -- 07/14/08 i got a guppy and she has
had babies before but i am never awake to catch the babies they are
usually all gone so i bought a trap put the preg guppy in it to get
babies i put her in when she looked really fat and the gravid spot was
dark black and its been 3 days and has not had babies what could cause
this?. <Likely she's eaten them. The "gravid spot"
isn't a terribly reliable indicator so don't get too hung up on
it. The best way to ensure good broods of livebearer fry is to fill the
tank with floating plants, such as Hornwort or Elodea. Every morning,
look for fry, and remove them to your breeding tank. With most
livebearers, batches of fry are delivered 4-6 weeks after
insemination.> another thing is i read that some fish breed during
the rainy season so they might have babies if u simulate rain or change
the temperature is this true? <Not for Guppies, no.> also is
there a sign when she will have her babies like will she swim at the
bottom of the trap or some thing pls help me thanks <Not this easy,
I'm afraid. There's an art to breeding all fish, even Guppies,
that comes with experience. And please, hit the Shift key periodically
next time and try and put capital letters in places where most of us
expect them. Call me an old fuddy-duddy, but when I see people who
don't use capital letters, I assume that they're either five
years old or else had a bad experience with a personal pronoun at some
dive bar in Vegas. Basic grammar is in fact the only thing we ask from
people who send in questions, right on the page where you found our
e-mail address. Cheers, Neale.>
re: guppy not having babies i
have her in a trap that the babies slide through a v and its been
three days what should do it looks like she is going to explode and she
is still eating. and i do not have a tank to put her in due to the fact
i cannot buy plants <Please check your grammar and spelling before
submitting questions to WWM. See here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/question_page.htm You
won't just be helping us to help you, you'll also be making it
possible for us to share this discussion with others around the world,
which is the whole point of the site. Cheers, Neale.>
Questions!! Guppy repro., ant control
6/3/08 Hey!! <... okay> I have a couple of questions for you.
First of all, my friend is having trouble with breeding the guppies
that I gave her. With my guppies, I've noticed that right before
they give birth, they form point at the anal fin. <Mmm, I usually go
with the darkening of the area of the vent (from the young's eyes),
a lightening of color at the vent itself> She thought she saw a
point forming so she put her guppy in her breeding trap. After 5
minutes, the point went down and the guppy did not give birth. She has
released the guppy into her tank again and now it looks more like
it's pregnant. Is the reason for this to happen because she
stressed the guppy out????? <Likely so... not good to move
livebearers so close to parturition> Also, I e-mailed you guys a
couple weeks earlier about my tank being infested with ants. I
can't find the way that they are entering in. Every time i suck
them up with the vacuum, they come back within a hour. Any other
advice? <Boric acid granules around the outside of the tank, and
Silicone lube on cords, airlines will form an impenetrable barrier>
Oh....I almost forgot. My dad bought those plastic ant traps to put up
but we don't know where to put them. <Mmm, if they're just
sticky types most anywhere... if pesticide-laden not anywhere near the
tank... for fear of poisoning.> Thanks!!! -Sarah <Welcome. Bob
Guppies, Reproduction
5/6/08 How fast do they reproduce and are they livebearers
<All your answers can be found here in an excellent article by our
very own Neale Monks.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/guppies.htm >
Guppies/Breeding 3/31/08 I am new to this website
and I love it. <Thank you.> This morning my momma guppy gave
birth this morning to 20 or 21 beautiful healthy babies and one
miscarriage. How do I know when to take her out of the tank and when
she is done. She hasn't eaten any yet but she has tried. The little
guppy babies are actually amazing swimmers and quite fast as well.
<You can take mother out now. Generally, all fry are released within
a few hours. You may be interested in reading here.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/guppies.htm James (Salty
guppies... Lucy, you got some 'splaining to
do! 3/30/08 Hello , I was wondering if you can help I'm new to
the aquarium business and I have had a tank set up for 10 days and went
and got some guppies yesterday ,I bought 2 females and 6 males
<Disaster waiting to happen... always keep more females than males,
or just males by themselves. When too many males to the females, the
females get harassed constantly, effectively being gang raped every
single day! Not nice. If there are twice as many females than males,
then the females get some respite. Hiding places will help, and
certainly you shouldn't keep males and females together in tanks
smaller than 20 gallons.> and by the evening I could see that one of
the females abdomen was huge and had a very dark spot at the bottom
,which I thought doesn't take a genius to know that she was having
babies but I thought maybe it was too quick the way her abdomen swelled
,when I checked this am the abdomen has gone down and the dark spot
isn't as prominent, I've been looking in the tank for any
babies but I cant see any, but I can see hidden at the bottom back of a
artificial plant a thick cotton wooly type mass attached ?
<Don't really understand what you're saying here. Lack of
grammar isn't helping. Anyway, when pregnant, yes, females will
swell up somewhat. Often (but certainly not always) a dark patch around
the anal fin becomes apparent. Gestation lasts about 6 weeks, plus or
minus a bit depending on environmental conditions. Guppies don't
lay eggs, and if you're seeing anything "fluffy" in an
aquarium, that's likely fungus. This means you have poor water
conditions, likely from overfeeding, overstocking, or
under-filtration.> I am confused as to whether this could be
anything a nest ? or is it likely that the babies have been eaten ? ,I
have little neon tetras ,zebra & leopard Danios Pakistani loach,
and a Cory catfish in the tank also .many thanks look forward to
hearing from you Rhiannon <Cheers, Neale.>
Pregnant guppy not swimming, not much needed
data... 3/14/08 Hi, <Betsy> We have a guppy who
is very pregnant. Yesterday she started laying on the side of the
breeder tank. She is still breathing and will swim every now and then.
Does this mean she is in labor or is she sick? <Perhaps a bit of
both... but... not good behavior> Hope you can help with our
questions! Thanks Betsy <I would NOT move this fish (too easy to
damage), but would take great care in feeding very little, and would
add a bit of "floating grass"... See WWM, search tool, with
the term... Myriophyllum, Ceratophyllum, Anacharis/Elodea/Egeria...
Please read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/guppyreprofaqs.htm and the above
linked files for more background. Bob Fenner>
Guppy fry -- 03/10/08 hi, I have looked all over
for information on the growth rates of guppy fry and when they will
begin to show colour and I have found conflicting answers. I have read
one article that said they will show colour at 60 days and others that
have said 6 months! mine are about 3 months old and seem to have
stopped growing completely and only show a tiny hint of colour. the two
guppy mothers were a yellow guppy (silver body and a yellow tail) and a
tequila sunrise guppy, which both mated with a dark blue and orange
male. I was wondering how long it usually takes to show colour on their
tales (they all appear to be females but I've also read that males
can look like females until they are full grown)? I was also wondering
how old they should be before selling them because I definitely
don't have room for them all. thank you! Michelle <Hello
Michelle. Females Guppies take around 3 months to reach sexual
maturity, males a little less. You should be able to sex males after
about two months, but this varies depending on how fast they are
growing, and this depends how much they are eating and how warm they
are being kept. Shops are not interested in Guppies until they are at
least 3 months old, and likely larger, because they have to be big
enough *not* to be eaten by other fish. Stores aren't generally
wild about mongrel Guppies either, which is why breeders always keep
one strain to a tank. I'm a big fan of mongrel Guppies though --
they have been scientifically proven to be hardier and more adaptable
for a start -- but I may as well be honest and tell you that you may
have problems getting rid of your stock. Finally, please remember we
usually only answer messages written properly, i.e., with capital
letters where they should be. I was feeling kind this morning, but next
time please show us at least some respect by making the huge effort of
holding down the shift key when starting new sentences. Cheers,
Pregnant obsessed male, Guppy 12/30/07
I have a male guppy that has picked up a very odd habit. Out of all six
females he is currently with, he obsesses over a single pregnant one.
<Hmm... not really odd. She's presumably bigger than the others,
but whatever, male Guppies harass female Guppies. In the wild the males
get eaten by predators very quickly, so the females get a break. But in
the aquarium... we recommend providing lots of floating plants and
swimming space to keep things as tolerable as possible.> Three of
the females I bought from a breeder are virgin, never been pregnant
before girls, but he has absolutely no interest in any of them, even
though they actively seek him out. The one he constantly chases after
and tries to breed with, is the largest and very pregnant, one there.
<Annoying perhaps, but happens.> He's stressing the poor girl
out pretty badly and I'd hate to see her miscarriage my line of
green cobra fry. I want to move her badly, but the only other tank
currently in working condition is my fry grow up tank with is populated
by about 20, 3 day old fry. <Why not move the male to another tank,
or even confine it to a SPACIOUS breeding net (not a small breeding
box.> The third tank of mine, my supposed emergency tank, got
knocked out of commission thanks to an overzealous cat 2 days ago.
<Oh.> Is there anything I could possibly do in the community tank
to make him give her a break? <Not really. Bigger tank, more
females, more plants... all these things would help. But as fond of
Guppies as I am, they aren't very smart, and nothing you can do
will re-educate him!> Or does this particular male have a preggo
obsession? <Looks like it, yes. Cheers, Neale.>
Weird guppy breeding mystery 11/26/07 Hey,
<What?> I just got home yesterday from WVA and my older brother
took care of the fish. Well, when I got home, I checked my pregnant
guppy. Her belly was gigantic but her black dot wasn't completely
black yet. <The "Gravid Spot" is a very unreliable
indicator of pregnancy. It's a clue, but not the clincher.> So I
decided to wait a couple of days till I would put her in my breeder. I
found out today that her belly shrunk in size and her black dot was
pink again. I didn't find any babies. <She probably ate them.
Breeders really don't work all that well. Next time stock the main
tank with floating plants like Hornwort. Each morning, check for
babies. They'll hide there away from the other fish. Collect the
babies, and move to a trap or another tank.> -Help!! I'm
confused!?!? -Sarah <Hope this helps, Neale.>
Sexing Guppies 10/2/07 Hi, How long
does it take to tell the gender of baby guppies. <Guppies are quite
easy to sex (as well as fast growing) and it should be clear within the
first month. Certainly by the end of the second month you should have
the boys and girls separated if you intend to keep the females as
"virgins" for a proper breeding program. Cheers,
Guppies, repro., Myxosoma -- 10/28/07
hi, i just emails you about the different color swordtails. this time i
have a different question about fancy guppies. <OK.> one of my
mollies died from whirling disease so i got a male and a female fancy
guppies. <Never heard of "whirling disease". Check water
quality and water chemistry. Livebearers need HARD and ALKALINE water
to do well. Mollies (arguably) need slightly brackish conditions; they
are certainly easier to keep in brackish water. So adding around 3-9
grammes of marine salt mix per litre helps them enormously. Other
livebearers are fine with this amount of salt, but most other tropical
freshwater fish are not. This is why I don't recommend Mollies for
beginners or for community tanks.> the pet store also gave me a baby
because all the others were eaten. my female guppies is pregnant but
the male is chasing away all the males in the tank (actually all the
males and a tetra that i cant tell) but he is also what seems to be him
trying to impregnate all the females. is it possible to have a guppies
mate with a tetra, molly, swordtail, or platy. <Obviously there are
two things going on here. Yes, male Guppies are promiscuous, and will
try to mate with every female Guppy in the tank, and often with other
small livebearers of similar type. But Guppies are also territorial;
the males try to dominate a patch of water, and will drive away any
potential rivals. In small aquaria this often manifests itself as
aggression towards the other fish in the tank.> please help me. he
seems to be very territorial with the males too. <Not much I can say
except this is normal for Guppies. This is the importance of
researching fish beforehand, so you know the potential problems.
Throwing a bunch of species together and hoping for the best isn't
wise. Your local pet store doubtless sells cats, dogs, mice and
rabbits. But put them all together in one cage and there'd be
carnage! Just so with fish: just because your pet store sells a variety
of fish, doesn't mean they will all get along together. Cheers,
Neale> <<Hi Neale. Though there are several causative
mechanisms for the descriptor "Whirling disease", one in
fisheries is prominent: Look for the term/organism Myxosoma
cerebralis... Cheers, BobF>>
Re: Myxosoma -- 10/28/07 Cool! Learned something
new today. But be that as it may, I can't see anything relating
Myxosoma to Poecilia (Mollienesia) spp. Presumably more likely to be
"the Shimmies" in Poecilia (Mollienesia) spp., and that
definitely is brought on by improper water chemistry, poor water
quality. As ever, please edit, fix my replies as you see fit. Cheers,
Neale <I do agree with your assessment. BobF>
Pregnant Guppy 10/20/07 Hello, I love your
website and have found it very helpful. <That's good!> I am
fairly new to the whole guppy fish thing and am experiencing my first
pregnant fish. I currently have a 30 gallon community tank and my
newest additions where 3 female guppies (unfortunately one recently
pasted away) My biggest female guppy is pregnant, or appears to be so,
she has the swollen belly with now a square-ish body and the black spot
right behind her abdomen. <That's the so-called gravid spot.>
When I purchased her, she was already pregnant, but it was hard to tell
if she was pregnant or just fat. <If she's been with males,
she's pregnant.> The reason I say this is because she is silver,
but she has a black tail and orange fin. The black starts mid-abdomen.
<Don't get too hung up on the gravid spot. It isn't very
reliable, and its visibility depends on the size of the fish and
it's colouration.> I recently noticed that she was watching
herself on the side of the tank as she was swimming, she wasn't
eating when I fed the other fish. So I put the breeding box in the
tank, and place her in it, turned the overhead light off and let the
fish be. I do have a black light behind the tank so I could still see
her. A few hours after I put her in the box I noticed that she started
shacking and appeared to be pushing. <Not a big fan of breeding
traps. The problem is they often stress the females, leading to
miscarriages. Guppies are usually fine, but Mollies, Swordtails and
Halfbeaks go nuts.> I left her alone, this morning when I woke up, I
checked on her and there where no babies, but she was all silver now.
The color had completely faded from her tail and fin. <Hmm...
I'd personally take her out the trap. The mother's health comes
first. Eventually the babies will come out, and if you have some
floating plants (even pondweed, like Elodea) then some babies will
survive hidden there long enough for you to gather them up each day and
put into the breeding trap (or breeding tank).> After I put my son
on the school bus and got ready for work, I checked on her before I
left for work and she was starting to get some of the color back. Am I
wrong in thinking she was in labor and should I let her out of the
breeding box and is the color changes normal? <Fish change colour
for a variety of reasons, but stress is one of them.> Thanks Katie
<Hope this helps, Neale>
Pregnant Guppy Died 9/11/07 Hi there I not
too sure if you could help me out here, I have had a few pregnant
guppies over the last 12 months and we have only managed to save a few
of the fry (not been able to get the time right for putting them in the
breeding net). But this week the latest pregnant guppy died - she got a
lot larger than the others did and started swimming at a funny angle
with the head pointing upwards (I have been told that this could be
sign she is about to have to her babies) so I put her in the breeding
net. About a hour later I went to check on her and she was still
enormous, would not eat her food and just sitting on the bottom of the
net. I honestly thought that she was on her way but about another hour
later I went to check on her and she was on her side dead and there
were loads of red lines on her tummy. We checked out water and it was
fine so we ask our local fish store to check it and they said it was
fine but could not give us any advice on what had happened with her, if
you don't mind I would really like some advice as we still have
another pregnant guppy and I DON'T want to lose her as well? Thanks
in advance Mandy <Hello Mandy. From your description, it's
almost certain that the embryos in her uterus died and began
decomposing, and fungal and bacterial infections set in, eventually
killing the fish. Why this happens I cannot say, but genetics may be a
factor, as are likely diet and water quality. Putting aside genetics,
which you can really only fix by selecting stock more carefully, look
at diet and water chemistry. Guppies need green foods. Lots of people
forget this, and just give 'em plain old flake. That's not good
enough. At the very least, they should be given algae-based flake
INSTEAD of tropical fish flake. There are lots of brands, sold as
Spirulina flake or livebearer flake. Guppies will also take a variety
of green foods from the kitchen: squished tinned peas, sliced cucumber,
spinach, Sushi Nori, and so on. Next up, water. Fancy guppies are just
not hardy, and people are often surprised when they die when kept in
"ordinary" aquaria. Wild guppies are practically
indestructible, it is true, but not fancies. So you need to keep a
close eye on the water quality and chemistry. Zero ammonia and nitrite,
obviously, are important. But large, regular water changes are
non-negotiable too. 50% a week would be a good starting point. Guppies
absolutely must have hard, alkaline water. A pH around 7.5-8 plus
hardness of 15 degrees dH upwards are required. Some people like to add
a little salt to the water in guppy tanks. This won't do any harm
(guppies can live in seawater!) and marine salt mix at least will help
raise the hardness and pH if you live in a soft water area. Salt also
has a mild therapeutic effect on livebearers particularly, reducing
their sensitivity to nitrate. On the plus side, what you describe
isn't "a disease" and won't be caught by the other
guppies. All I can suggest is you optimise conditions for the remaining
fish as far as possible. Avoid using breeding traps -- they stress the
females. Instead, use the traps to isolate baby guppies once you've
found them. Filling the tank with floating plants (hornwort is ideal)
is the best approach. This gives the babies someplace to hide. You can
then remove them every day as you find them, and put them in the trap.
Don't "trap" baby guppies for more than a couple of
weeks, and remove them to their own aquarium as soon as possible.
That's the only way to rear substantial numbers of healthy,
full-sized fish. Cheers, Neale>
Re: Pregnant Guppy Died 9/11/07 Thanks very
much for the quick reply: the water quality is fine the LFS checked it
also for me no ammonia, nitrite or nitrate I checked the hardness using
strips I it says GH 120 mg/L and KH40 mg/L but I have no idea what that
means though - I feed the fish Tetra Pro colour once daily one day a
week they get live blood worm and a couple of times a week I put in a
couple of Algae wafers and then about once a fortnight I put in a few
fresh peas which they really seem to like. I do have a lot of plants in
my tank but I don't what any of them are called so I am going to go
to the fish store and see if they have any of that hornwort and whilst
I am there I will look for some livebearer food - however would this
cause problems for the Rams? I do only do a 15% water change every week
so I guess I will need to do more in future then however I do add salt
at every water change as I have been told that fish really do need it
Regards Mandy <Greetings. Your water is not ideal for guppies.
Assuming that the general hardness is quoted in mg/l of calcium oxide
(10 mg/l CaO = 1 degree dH) then your hardness is borderline between
slightly soft and moderately hard. One degree of carbonate hardness =
~18 mg/l calcium carbonate so you have about 2.5 degrees on the KH
scale, which is a very low level of carbonate hardness. You need to
kick these up a bit for long-term success with livebearers. I'd
suggest adding crushed coral to a box or canister filter, but any
aquarium book will reveal some of the other options available. Moving
onto diet. Colour-enhancing food is fine as a treat, but that's not
what these fish need. They are algae-eaters and insect-eaters, and you
need to respect that. Make NOT LESS than 50% of their meals algae-based
flake food. Spirulina flake is ideal. This is really non-negotiable
with livebearers. Colour-enhancing food doesn't really have much of
an effect on their colours, and frankly a healthy diet will bring out
the best colours too. Just as with people, beauty comes from the
inside. Your cichlids will happily eat algae-based food, and in fact
most cichlids are at least in part herbivorous and the change will do
them good. Hornwort (Ceratophyllum spp.) is easy and cheap to obtain.
It's sometimes sold as pond plant. Yes, you need more water
changes. You are correct about salt, most fish don't need it. But
in some (few) cases, salt can be helpful. If you live in a soft water
area (as you seem to) adding marine salt mix to the guppy aquarium
helps. Never, EVER use domestically softened water in an aquarium, by
the way. One last thing: rams and guppies are completely and utterly
incompatible. For one fish to stay healthy, the other must be exposed
to the wrong conditions. Rams need warm (28-30 degrees C) water with
very low hardness (< 6 degrees GH, < 5 degrees KH) water with a
high level of acidity (pH 5-6). Guppies want moderate temperatures
(24-26 C), hard water (15+ degrees dH, 10+ degrees KH) with an alkaline
pH (7.5-8.5). Guppies have a high tolerance of salt (up to seawater
salinity) while rams have virtually none at all. There is no way, in
the long term, to keep these fish healthy in the same aquarium. Zip.
Zero. Nada. Nix. When kept too cold, rams become prone to Hexamita,
hole-in-the-head, and other diseases. When kept in acidic water,
guppies are prone to Finrot and fungus. And I could go on. Please, take
some time to read about the requirements of what different fish need to
coexist together in the same tank. Just as penguins and elephants have
different needs, so too do different species of fish. Cheers,
Re: Pregnant Guppy Died 9/12/07 Thanks again - I
had no idea about this difference and the man at the pet shop knew what
fish we had - will really have to make a decision now - thanks again
Regards Mandy <Indeed all fish have particular needs. Establish what
water chemistry you have "out of the tap", and then choose
fish to suit that. Any aquarium book will list hardness and pH
requirements. When you choose fish that *like* your water to begin
with, everything about the hobby becomes an order of magnitude easier.
Cheers, Neale>
Dead pregnant guppy 8/16/07 Hi,
<Hello.> I had a pregnant fancy guppy who was in fine health. I
put a new male fancy guppy in the tank with her 2 weeks ago, he was
quite active and a bit aggressive which is why I chose him, as my
previous male guppy had been picked on by my tetras. (I have 3 balloon
mollies, 2 painted tetras, 1 Pleco, and these 2 guppies). <Surely
the better solution would have been to remove the tetras? Painted
tetras are, I believe, albino Gymnocorymbus ternetzi that have been
injected (into the muscles) with fluorescent dyes. Do you realise
that this is done without anaesthesia and large numbers of them die in
the process? It also weakens their immune system. It's possibly one
of the nastiest and more venal aspects of the fishkeeping hobby, and if
I could, I'd run up to the guys who do it and inject their muscles
with massive amounts of fluorescent dye and see if they liked it!
Please please please do not support this evil trade, and do not buy
painted fish. In addition, Gymnocorymbus ternetzi are notorious
fin-nippers. A guppy is a swimming buffet as far as they are
concerned.> The male had always 'bothered' the female and
constantly swims by her side (maybe trying to mate??). She has given
birth before (by mating with my previous male) and been fine
afterwards. <Yes, he's partly trying to mate, but he's also
"guarding" the female to prevent another male from mating
with her. This way, he monopolizes what, in his mind at least, is a
limited resource: fertile females. Now, guppies should ALWAYS be kept
either as single sex groups or in mixed sex groups where the females
OUTNUMBER the males by at least 2 to 1. No-one listens when experienced
fishkeepers tell them this, because they think it's cute to have a
boy and a girl, and the boys are prettier anyway. And then, they end up
with stressed or dead female guppies.> I did a 30% water change 36
hours ago and they all were acting fine. She may have had a slight
decrease in appetite, not too sure. I did not see any signs of health
problems with her. She was a big slower due to her swollen belly. In
any case, I came home today to find, sadly, my pregnant female guppy
dead with her tail and fins bitten off. <Well, the Gymnocorymbus
ternetzi may well have eaten her fins, and the Plec will eat a dead
fish given the chance.> I was expecting her to give birth within a
week or so. (I'm so sad she died!). <Yes, I understand, and
I'm sorry for your loss.> 1) Is it possible the male killed
her?? If so, how can I prevent this in the future? I'd prefer not
to get him more females as I am afraid of overloading the tank.
<Yes, the male could well have stressed her. In a small tank
(anything less than 20 gallons in this case) the female would have had
no place to hide. He would stress her by chasing, and also preventing
her from feeding properly. While male guppies generally don't kill
the females outright, what they do is make it more difficult for the
female guppies to stay healthy.> 2)The male guppy is now swimming
alongside the mollies and bothering them... Is he trying to mate? Does
he need a female guppy's company? <Yes, he's treating the
mollies as if they were guppies. Mollies and guppies are members of the
same genus, Poecilia, and will even (occasionally) hybridise. Both
guppies and mollies should be kept in groups. They aren't schooling
fish as such, but they are sociable.> I'm very upset about her
death, and would really like to prevent it from happening again. Any
advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! <My advice is that you
go buy or borrow a book about Livebearing fishes. Or at the very least
read some of the articles here at WWM (see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwlivestkindex.htm ) on
the subject. Lots of people get even the basics wrong. These fish need hard,
alkaline water. Some (mollies for example) need brackish water to do reliably
well. All are more or less herbivorous, so at least half the diet should be
green foods, not standard flake. Get these things wrong, and livebearers won't
do well. Simple as that. Cheers, Neale>
Re: dead pregnant guppy 8/16/07 Update: I
decided to try and dissect the female to see if I would see any
eggs/embryos in her, and when I dissected near what I thought was her
gravid spot I did not find anything (however, it was a messy, not too
accurate dissection... I don't usually keep a mini dissecting kit
around =)) Anyways, I found some pale yellowish gel-like liquid, and
other organs/intestines... nothing resembling offspring, although
I'm not too familiar with fish anatomy. Is it possible she
wasn't pregnant? I noticed her 'gravid spot' getting larger
and darker in the past couple of weeks, and she definitely looked more
swollen this past week. I did not see what she looked like the last
time she was pregnant, so this was my first time observing what I
thought was a pregnant female. <Interesting. To be fair though,
after a couple of hours in a tropical aquarium, decay of the insides of
a fish is significant, and you won't see all that much. So it's
difficult to explain things from your observation. Female guppies when
kept with male guppies are almost always pregnant, but at the early
stages of gestation the fry are very small and difficult to see.>
Also, could the water change have been too stressful for her? I had my
hand in the tank to move around some of the plants/decorations and fix
the filter orientation. It took about a half an hour. <Water
changes, done properly, aren't a problem. Even a 100% water change
is fine. What matters is that the pH and hardness of the new water and
the old water are very similar, and the temperature difference is small
(a sudden drop in temperature by a degree or two is harmless, and even
therapeutic, prompting many species to spawn).> Thanks again for
your help! <Good luck, Neale>
I need some answers... Guppy repro.
8/12/07 First of all - I am really new at having livebearing fish.
I have a 10 gallon tank with 2 Mickey mouse platys, one yellow molly
and 3 guppies - 1 male and 2 females. One of my guppies, became
pregnant, I don't know if by MY male or one at the pet store, but
that doesn't really matter I guess. Anyway, I ordered a brand new 5
gallon fish tank off of eBay, because they had a pretty purple one, and
I wanted it... I was going to use it for the fry when she had them. But
I misjudged how far along she was and it hasn't arrived yet. So the
other day, I was getting sick of waiting for it and knew she was going
to pop any day, and I went out and got a breeder tank with a nursery in
the bottom. The minute I got home, I cleaned it and put it in the tank
with the pregnant female inside. Within 10 minutes, there were 4 fry in
the bottom. <What timing!> The next morning I woke up, and there
were still only 4 in there, so thinking she was done giving birth, I
released her back into the tank with the others. The fry are doing
well, but the mother still looks VERY pregnant, and her gravid spot is
still very black. What does this mean? And what should I do?? <Very
likely this female will have more young... I would place her back in
the breeder tank... and feed frequently, small amounts, add a sprig of
real or artificial "grass" (like Myriophyllum, Parrot
Feather...) to discount cannibalism... and enjoy! Bob Fenner>
Baby Guppies - 08/11/07 My guppy just had her
babies last night and this being the first time having any kind of baby
fish, I am very excited! I read somewhere that feeding them cooked egg
yolk is good for the babies when you have nothing else, is that true?
<Mmm, can be... better for most folks, times to simply grind up fine
some flake or pelleted foods... feed frequently, but small amounts... a
few times daily> Because they seem to love it and are very happy.
There are 4 of them but since I wasn't watching her have babies I
don't know how many she ate. The most important question I have is
out of the 4 of them, 3 are happily swimming around and are healthy,
but the 4th one is curled up in a ball and is swimming in circles kind
of fast, so it shows he has just as much energy as the other 3. I want
to know if that's something he/she will grow out of it and develop
normally. It's kind of sad to watch. Thanks!! ^_^ <I do hope
your little fish rallies... Nothing to do here but hope really. Bob
Guppies, repro. 8/6/07 < Hi Linda,
Twothless here with you> My granddaughter was given three male
guppies and two female guppies in a jar, can you believe that?
<Certainly. You can win a Goldfish in a bag at Fairs/Carnivals.
It's sad that these poor animals are subjected to torture due to
ignorance. But, I digress.> Well, I bought her a ten gallon tank
with filtering system, gravel, plants, sea shells, a castle. I wanted
the best for these little guys. I got up last week and saw something in
the water and realized someone had babies, lot and lots of babies,
I'm counting 20+. So, not knowing anything at all about these guys
I found your site and read several hours, great site by the way, and
found that I needed to get the babies safe, so I bought another 10
gallon aquarium and moved the adults to the new one. The babies are
growing, eating and are playful little guys, they are doing great. My
question is, hmm, well, the three male guppies will not quite chasing
this one large female, it seemed cruel to me that they just won't
let her alone, so I have taken a small minnow bucket my husband had in
his work shop and he cut the top off and I sank it in the aquarium so
that she has her own little house to live in. It gives her half the
tank and what I feel like is some much needed rest and privacy. The
males can't get to her, ha ha. I am not going to put yet another
aquarium and I would like to know if I should give up a couple of the
males, which I would hate to do, they are real beauties, or in time
will the leave the female alone? I can't put her back in with the
babies yet, they are only a week old. I just feel like its cruel for
her to be chased by the males all the time. They didn't bother her
before, why won't they leave her alone now? What would you do?
<Good question! I would utilize a breeding net/frame for the babies.
They hang on the tank and the holes are too small for babies to fit
through. The mother should be fine back in the main area with the
males. However, the ratio needs to be at least 3 females to every male
so that no one female gets too stressed. So, raise a couple female fry
to add to the main population to keep a good ratio. Put the rest of the
fry, and all ensuing batches, into jars and give them away to
children... Hahaha, I'm kidding! The fry will either need to be
given to a local pet shop or some other scenario will need to be worked
out. I keep guppies in my turtle pond but I let nature run it's
course. Guppy breeding is pretty well known and they are well adept at
controlling their own populations through many contrivances. Good luck
with your new Guppies!>
Platies and guppies? Crosses 8/4/07
Hey there WWM crew, I couldn't find an answer to this question on
the site nor anywhere else in my books or other online sources, so
maybe you can still help me out. The other day I saw my female guppy
mating with my male platy, and a female platy trying to mate with just
about everyone and anyone. Is this normal first of all? <Mmm, yes...
Poeciliids are wanton this way> And secondly is it possible that my
female guppy may get pregnant with a half platy half guppy group of
fry? Thank for your continuous help! Sincerely, Erica <And yes, can
occur... Please read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/livebrrreprofaqs.htm and some of
the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Best Tank to move fry to 7/29/07 Hi Jamie!
Twothless here.> Hello! My name is Jamie and I am very glad to have
found your site. We started our hobby with my son who saved up his
money to buy a 48 gallon bowfront tank. He purchased (among others) two
green cobra female guppies and one black-tailed red male guppy. As can
be expected, we have had a guppy fry explosion. =) In order to better
(and more safely) house the babies, we purchased a cycled ten-gallon
tank locally, and added the fry - The 15 or so one-week-old babies that
had survived "Natural Selection" - to the ten-gallon tank.
It's now about five weeks later, and we have the original 15
six-week-olds, about 7 three-week-olds and probably thirty to forty
(they are hard to count!) or so two-week-old groups of fry. The last
batch we moved the second female into the ten-gallon to deliver, so
they all survived delivery. I purchased a second tank - 29 gallon
cycled tank from a private party with the notion of trading the fish
that came with it and moving some of the babies into that tank...
however, we've since grown attached to the fish that came with that
tank... apparently, this is how the "addiction" begins! After
that lengthy introduction, my question regards the now six-week old
babies. We have a LFS we plan to bring them to, but at their age
they'd be sold as feeders, so we'd like to grow them larger
first. I would like to separate the females from the males and move
them to another tank (since the two original girls should have another
batch in a week or two. We are doing partial water changes two or three
times a week right now on the baby tank. The fry are fed often and I
think the six-week olds should just about be old enough to cut back a
bit. Plus -- the thought of 15 breeding guppies (although most of them
seem to be boys at least that we can tell) is a scary thought! Would
either of our tanks be a good location or should I be looking for
another tank? We do plan to bring the male guppy to the LFS (My husband
is friends with the owner) to give the girls a break (and us!) after
the next six months. Although, that plan may change if we find a green
cobra male locally. 48 gallon --- Semi-planted, lots of hiding spots -
friendly tank. The Columbians and the Blue Powder Gourami can get a
little grumpy around feeding time, but otherwise they all get along
well) Currently houses the following: 12 Neon Tetras 2 Cardinal Tetras
2 White Cloud Minnows 2 Glo-Light Tetras 2 Columbian Tetras 1
Long-finned Zebra Danio 2 Kuhli Loaches 1 Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami 1
Flame Dwarf Gourami 2 Ghost Shrimp 2 Green Cobra Female Guppies 1
Half-Black Red-Tailed Male Guppy (Will be brought to LFS) 1 Common
Pleco (about 5" -- Purchased before we knew how big they get -- we
will have to make a decision about him soon) 29 Gallon - Semi-Planted
with Driftwood - This was bought as an established tank. The fish all
get along with each other, although the larger SAE will chase the
smaller one occasionally. The Clown Loaches are pretty inseparable)
Currently Houses the following: 2 Otos 2 Large Siamese Algae Eaters
(one 5"-6"; one is 3-4") 2 Clown Loaches (One 5" or
so the other is 3 or 4") 1 Boesemanni Rainbow Fish (About
3"-4") Any thoughts that you have on this would be very
appreciated. There is another 20 gallon tank that I am looking at
locally (is there a twelve-step program??) for a good price... but of
course, it comes with a Black Tip shark <Bala Shark?>(which we
would absolutely trade in -- we don't have any aggressive fish), a
Kuhli Loach, (we would keep! We love these little guys!) an algae eater
(hopefully not another one that gets big), Skirted Tetra, and a couple
of others that she can't identify. < Well, you certainly ARE
pushing the limits of stocking densities there. But, if your a nitrAte
testing water change freak like I am, then all is well... Well, if
you're asking which tank I think the fry would be better off
maturing in, I would say the larger of the tanks. It seems to have an
environment conducive to the guppies growth and reproduction anyway.
So, why change what seems to be working, right? Your only problem now
is how are you going to keep the young males from flying in under the
radar and sowing his seed. -Twothless> Thanks very much for your
time! Jamie <No worries! Good luck with your fry and... ahem....
addiction. -Paul
Birthing without a mate? Guppies
7/28/07 My daughter's guppy gave birth to 4 live guppies on May
20. We purchased her pregnant from a pet store. She was removed from
the babies immediately and has been alone since. On July 24 we found 3
new babies in the tank with the mother! There has not been any other
fish with her since the birth and I am trying to figure out how this
happened? Is this common and is she done? Yikes! <Greetings. Yes,
this is normal. Guppies practise something called
"superfetation" which means that they can divide up the
fertilized eggs into several different batches of embryos. Each batch
develops at a different rate, allowing the female to give birth to a
succession of broods following a single mating.. Their close relatives
the dwarf Mosquitofish can actually stretch this out to no fewer than 6
broods from a single mating! Anyway, welcome to the wonderful world of
livebearers! Cheers, Neale.>
Is my guppy pregnant? 7/16/07 Hello, I
have recently purchased two Blue Neon Guppies. One male and one female.
I was told that the female is pregnant and should drop fairly soon. But
It has been a week now and she hasn't seem to have gotten any
bigger or smaller. Is there any other way to tell besides the gravid
spot whether she is in fact pregnant? <Mmm, not practically, no>
I cannot seem to get a clear picture as of yet but I will try extremely
hard to do so. All I can say is she is much bigger then the male but
not as bloated as some of the pictures you have on you web site of
pregnant guppies. I am really interested to know if you have any other
information for me. Thank you for your time Stephanie Hall <Patience
my friend... all in good time. Livebearers don't "like"
being moved... give her time here. Bob Fenner>
Small guppies pls help -- 07/03/07 Hi
<,> my problem is i <I> had brought a mix of average
size guppies about 1 year ago, but when they had babies they came
out very small and have stayed like it... They have now having
babies of their own, and id like to know if the babies will be
normal size or really small, and as to why they are so small...
<Mmm, could be either... perhaps the smallness of the F1
generation was due to mainly environmental factors,
nutrition...> Will having average size babies be a problem for
the female guppies? <Mmm, no, not likely... will/would just have
fewer> My fish tank is quite large and all tests are fine.. Am
at a loss please help.. In reading some of what other people asking
u <you> about how to tell preg guppies i took a close picture
of a light large preg guppy, which clearly shows her babies i hope
this might help other guppy keepers.. Thanks pls respond soon dawn
<Thank you for your image... Will indeed help others. Please run
your correspondence through a grammar, spell checker before
sending. Bob Fenner> |
Guppy fry and Sailfin catfish (L83) 6/12/07
Hi, <Ave!> I have several aquariums with fancy guppies fry. I
keep 1 Sailfin catfish (L83) in every tank and they do a great work.
<Very good.> However - I have 2 questions: 1. How much salt can
be added to the aquarium while the Sailfin is there? what about Epsom
salt? (due to guppies with constipation). <I'd personally not
use Epsom salts here but instead simply feed the right diet. Guppies
shouldn't get constipated because they are so easy to feed on the
right foods. Stop using generic fish flake if that's what
you're using. Instead, use livebearer flake, Sushi Nori, thin
slices of cucumber, tinned peas, etc. The good thing is any leftovers
will be scarfed up by the catfish. Only add small amounts of animal
protein, ideally "high fibre" things like brine shrimp and
daphnia. The problem with Epsom salts is used routinely they can
interfere with the normal digestive processes of the fish. Think of
Epsom salts as the equivalent of laxatives in humans. Used to treat an
acute case of constipation makes sense, but if the person is regularly
constipated, then laxatives aren't the solution, a change of diet
is.> 2. Can it be that the Sailfin will eat live guppy fry? I'm
also certain that I've seen one do it yesterday, while it was
looking for the algae wafer. It was moved to another tank.
<Potentially I suppose it's possible but hardly likely. Under
normal circumstances the guppy fry should be at the top of the tank and
swimming too quickly to be eaten by this catfish. Possibly your catfish
will eat a sick (or stupid) guppy, but hey, that's Nature taking
care of culling the poor quality stock!> Thanks, Shay. <Cheers,
Re: Guppy fry and Sailfin catfish (L83)
6/12/07 Thanks for the answer. <No problems.> About the
feeding: I mainly feed the fry with live or frozen baby brine shrimp,
Kenfish.com kens premium growth meal (size 00 and later 01), Hikari
Tropical Fancy guppy and Hikari Tropical first bites. <All fine
foods, but the accent with these foods is on protein rather than
vegetables. There's no escaping the fact guppies are partly
herbivorous, and they need some algae in their diet. Just the same as
with humans: give us a high-protein diet and we may put on weight
quickly, but our health isn't otherwise very good.> I use
automatic feeders to feed all of the above 5 times a day, and give the
baby brine shrimp twice a day after the dry food. <OK, but do try
and focus on the veggies.> It might be that the constipation
isn't really constipation. Occasionally a fish will have a swollen
up belly, becomes grey, doesn't eat (even live brine shrimp), stays
at the bottom and dies after several days. Growth rate is good, and
water is kept at 25-28c, changed every 2-3 days 50%. What could be the
cause to that? <There's always a certain number of baby fish
that don't survive. The reasons are various. Diet is one factor.
Genes are another. Water chemistry/quality a third and fourth. At the
end of the day you can't really expect every single baby fish to
make it. You seem to be doing all the right things, so I wouldn't
worry too much. Optimise water chemistry and quality. For guppies, a
fairly high pH and hardness level is needed.> Thanks again, Shay.
<Cheers, Neale>
Guppies, repro. - 05/01/07 Hello. My name is Sharon
Goglin and I'm 11 years old. I bought a female guppy and a male
guppy. <Hello, and welcome to the hobby.> I can't tell if my
female is done having babies but she still looks pregnant. She only had
2 the first time but I can't find the gravid spot because the
female has a clear body and you can see through her. I don't know
if it's the inside of her, or the gravid spot. I don't think
I'm over feeding them. Because I feed them right when I wake up and
when I go to bed. If it will help, I can send a picture of her.
<Females guppies are almost always pregnant when kept with males.
The gravid spot isn't easy to see sometimes, so don't put too
much significance into it. The number of baby guppies
varies. But your biggest problem is that adult guppies will eat the
babies if they catch them. Always put lots of floating plants in the
aquarium so the babies have someplace to hide. Look for them each day,
and when you find some, scoop them out and put them in another aquarium
or into a breeding trap instead the main aquarium.> PS - Also one of
the baby guppies back is shaped in a weird way. It's head is
normal, but the tail slants diagonally upward. How can I fix this?
<Yes, it is very common for guppies to have deformities at birth.
Breeders usually kill these babies or feed them to larger fish. They
can't be "fixed" In nature, fish produce lots of babies,
and let Natural Selection eliminate any that "don't make the
grade". Thanks, Sharon <Cheers, Neale>
Superfetation 3/30/07 My son bought a female
guppy nearly two months ago, and within the first week she had 8
babies. She has been kept in a tank by herself for the time since,
and yet she just had three more babies tonight. As they are live
bearers, I am not sure what is going on, and I came across
the term superfetation, and wanted to know exactly what all
this meant? Will we have any more babies to deal with?
<Mmm, plainly put, this is the capacity to store viable sperm in
(this case female guppies') reproductive tract. A useful strategy
for when it "takes two to tango" and there are no males
about. You may indeed have more young from this "lone"
female. Bob Fenner>
Have a stocking question, platy repro. 3/16/07 Good
evening, I find your website most helpful, although overwhelming at
times as I am a beginner at all of this. <"A few steps... at a
time..."> We have a 10 gal. tank for our 7 year old
that we established in October. Heated, has filter and
currently has 2 male guppies and one male platy and one female platy
who has gifted us with 13 fry over the past 4 weeks (we got her the
beginning of January already pregnant~surprise! we thought
she was a male). The male platy is not doing so well and is
behaving much like the previous 2 male platys did before their demises
in December and January. We plan on giving the fry to our
local Preschool's tank when they are big enough. The
guppies are pretty aggressive so I know we need to get another female
or two in there to help with that <A good idea> but are afraid
another female platy will come into our home already
pregnant. Is there another breed we can bring in to balance
the female/male ratio to minimize aggression but also prevent us from
being a nursery? <Mmm, not really... all potentially
interbreed...> Of course this is assuming that the male platy
doesn't make it. I know the female can store sperm for 6
months so we are prepared to "parent" until she is done, but
would prefer not to become full-time breeders. Thanks for a
great website! Bridget <Am curious, wanting to help with the
anomalous losses... If you'd like, please write back re your
system, water quality tests, maintenance routine matters, behavioural
notes. Bob Fenner>
Guppy Question, beh., repro. 1/19/07 Hi,
<<Hi, Goldie. Tom here.>> I don't really have a
problem, just more of a question. <<We do that kind of thing,
too. :) >> I have two guppies, one male and one female. The
female is pregnant. I've read a lot about guppies, and I'm
confused by the behavior of my fish. The male keeps hiding and swimming
away from the female. Also, the female is the one that keeps attacking
the male. Everything I've read says the males are the ones that
like to nip at other fish. I'm confused. I'm positive about the
gender of my fish, so I know I don't have them confused. I
haven't seen anyone else write about this, so I was concerned. Is
this normal behavior? <<This can be completely normal, though not
typical, as you've already determined for yourself. In larger
groupings, this behavior might not be quite as apparent but, in a
one-on-one situation like you have, it's pretty sure to get your
attention. I would normally suggest a ratio of one male to three-four
females to keep a male from stressing a lone female to
death '¦sometimes literally. In your case, you have an
'alpha' female in with a fairly timid male. Might actually
prove advantageous in your case but it's not unknown for a dominant
female to pull a 'reverse' and badger a male to death.
Hopefully, she'll simply keep him 'at bay' but keep an eye
on them to make sure it doesn't get more out-of-hand than
that.>> Goldie <<Tom>>
Re: Happy Guppies - how to
keep males from harassing the females. 1/10/07
Thanks, Jorie, for the reply, it was very helpful. <I'm glad -
that's what I am here for!> Here is more info on my situation.
<OK> I also have three Swordtails (7 months) that I have raised
from babies. The one male is separated from sister females
at this time and he is peaceful. If I put him in with his
sisters, would he behave as badly as the male guppies do with their
sisters? <This is largely a matter of each fish's
individual personality.> Or do you think he can live a perfectly
happy life without his own kind? <Absolutely, yes he
can. If you don't want to breed the Swordtails, I'd
leave well enough alone and keep him where he's at. No need to look
for more problems, right?!> He is growing nicely where he is in the
35g. <Sounds as though he's doing well there.> My 20g tank is
full and established with one large female guppy, 3 Gouramis and the 2
growing sister swordtails. It is a peaceful
tank. My 35g is the one out of balance with the annoying but
beautiful 3 male guppies, 2 tired sister guppies, and the one growing
male Sword taking the rest of the brunt from the male
guppies. Any further suggestions with balancing my fish/tank
setup? <I think you can either move the two stressed
female guppies into the 20; they are small enough that they
wouldn't significantly alter the bioload. You may have to move the
male sword, then, as well, if he is continued to be picked on by the
male guppy. Or, as you say below, you can add some more
female guppies to the 35 - you certainly have room for 4-6 so
more. With livebearers, provided that you have the room (and
I think you do), a good male: female ratio is 1:3, or even
1:4. Also, the Gouramis should control the fry population, I
would think - have they not been eating the fry? That would/should
solve the overpopulation concern you cited in your earlier e-mail.>
I am thinking some more fish for the 35g to establish a better
community so that the male guppies can't annoy everyone all at
once, and the fry population stays in check, as you said. <Sounds
very reasonable. Just be sure to QT all new fish - I've
learned this one the hard way, trust me! Also, if you can add more
plants/decor for the females to find cover in, that may help
also...> I also thought about moving the fish I have around but
can't figure anything that would work any better and would be
afraid of losing the fish from the move. Any suggestions on
new fish for the 35g that would work nicely to balance things
out? <The additional female guppies should help the
problem out quite a bit, if not entirely...> What would you
do? <Probably add some more female guppies
to the 35, as discussed above. Also, add some more decor
and/or plants. I think this should do the trick!> Thanks again, MDM
<You're welcome - good luck, and enjoy picking out the new
girls!! Jorie>
Pregnant guppy harassed by pervs?? 1/2/07 Hi crew.. <Hey
PanSy, JustinN with you today> I've recently just gotten some
guppies from an uncle, and they seem to be active and eating well. It
seems that I've got at least one pregnant female and I just
discovered that there are at least 2 others always following closely
and even nipping at her constantly (see photo.. sorry that was the best
I could take using my camera phone). Should I separate her from the
rest? Thanks... Yours sincerely, PanSy <This is very typical
behavior for guppies. They are typically kept in groups of 3-4 females
per 1 male to break down this taunting and aggression. Hope this helps
you! -JustinN>
Fins of guppy fry 12/19/06 Hello there, I'm
pretty new to fishkeeping and got an aquarium a few weeks ago. I bought
some guppies which in turn produced some young. Around three weeks
after their birth I noticed that most of these have almost nonexistent
tails which peter out into a sharp point without ever being broader
than the tail bit that has some skeleton in it. <Ahh!
"Throwbacks" of a sort likely here... more like their genetic
predecessors> I also noticed that the ones that aren't any
particular colour seem to suffer less from this than the ones that have
a dark, almost black back half of their body. <Interesting, eh?>
Some of the ones that have particular small tails are also missing the
dorsal fin or have very small ones. The tails don't look
particularly ratty and are on the whole quite symmetrical which lead me
to believe that it mightn't be fin rot but perhaps some genetic
thing. Also the adults in the tank seem to be perfectly fine. The
affected young ones seem quite happy and are eating
well The only difference is that they have to move an
awful lot to get from point A to B in the tank. They are slightly
smaller than the fish with normal tails perhaps due to the extra energy
they need for swimming? <Perhaps> I was wondering if they could
be males whose fins still have to develop into something fancy. Or
perhaps they are genetically malformed ones? <A distinct
possibility> Or after all some disease I haven't heard of. Have
you got any ideas about what might be going on? Thanks very much,
cheers, Silke. <As you are finding... guppies don't generally
breed very "true"... especially of mixed parentage... Along
with this notion is the fact that more first broods have a higher
percentage of such mixed young... And finally, don't be so sure
that these young won't develop better finnage with time... Enjoy
the process and thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
My guppies...
repro. mostly - 12/04/06 <<Hello, Craig. Tom with you
this afternoon.>> I have just started out so this question might
seem a bit strange as I do not know a lot about aquariums but, I am
learning. <<Never ending, Craig. Not a day goes by that I
don't learn something new.>> I have 160 liter tank. I have 3
male guppies and 6 female guppies. I was about to clean out my tank the
other day and noticed that my guppies had had babies. To my surprise, I
have now 15 fry. The problem is after I found all the fry I noticed one
of my female guppies was swimming vertically but was going strong.
She's done this for about 5 days on and off, still eating and
swimming about but then she was lying at the bottom of the tank still
breathing, just not moving. Can you help me with this matter. It would
be a great help. <<Craig, your Guppy is what is known in the
hobby as a 'livebearer'. In short, what this means is that the
fry are born inside of her and she gives birth to them 'alive'
as opposed to her laying eggs that are fertilized by a male and later
'hatch'. Sadly, the mother doesn't always recover well from
giving birth this way. Not uncommon among these types of fish (Mollies,
Swordtails, Platys and Guppies being the most common) but sad
nonetheless. I would guess that the female you refer to is the
'mom' in this case and it's doubtful that there's
anything that you can do for her. What you can do, in the future
(because with Guppies, there will be future fry!), is to find a way to
isolate the female after she's given birth. This will give her the
time she needs to recover without being bothered by the males and
stressed. (Male Guppies don't care about her condition!) You also
need to do some research so that you can tell when one, or more, of the
females is pregnant, i.e. the 'gravid spot' (right behind her
belly), so you can deal with this situation when it comes up again.
Lots of information on our site and I urge you to do your
'homework'.>> Thanks, Craig <<Sorry that I
couldn't be more helpful here, Craig. Like it, or not, (and I
don't, quite frankly) there are situations that come up that
there's little we can do about. I'm afraid this is one of
those. (P.S. Take some time with your capitalization and punctuation
when we hear back from you, which I hope we will. Saves us a little
time in editing for our readers from around the world.) Best regards.
Growth of Guppy Fry -
10/18/06 Hi... <Hello there - Jorie here.> When do the babies
start to get there color, 'cause I've had my guppies
for about a month or so and they don't seem to be growing very
fast? <Livebearer can take 6-8 mos. to fully develop. Be
aware that the fry are more sensitive to poor water quality than their
parents are, so for proper growth and development, it is paramount to
keep the water clean. Also, what type of food are you
feeding them? I use Hikari's First Bites for my baby
mollies...seems to provide them with all the nutrition they
need. Jorie>
Guppies And Bettas -
10/14/06 Hi. I have had my Betta [Sushi] for 2 or three months. I
have recently moved him into a 10 gallon tank. The tank has mirrored
glass walls so when he sees his reflection he gets bigger, I know why
but is it healthy? < After a while he should get used to it and
settle down.> And I have tried to turn on the filter but every time
I do his fins get sucked into it. I am scared that his fins will be
damaged so I shut off the filter. Do you recommend sponge filters? <
Look online or at you local fish store for a pre-filter sponge. They
are usually sold for power heads but many will fit some outside power
filters too. They clog pretty quickly so you will have to take them out
and clean them weekly. Sponge filters are great. they just don't
look so good in a display tank.> In addition to this I just got
three guppies, 2 females and one male and put them in the tank with my
Betta. The females don't swim around much, they just sit at the
bottom. Is it because my Betta is in there? < Sitting on the bottom
doesn't sound right, they may be ill.> Also my female guppies
are as big as the male, which is pretty small. All the things I've
read about female guppies say they should be bigger than the males. And
I want to breed my guppies but not sure how. I know if my female, if
pregnant, and has her fry in the tank the Betta will eat them. I plan
to take out the Betta if one of my females have fry, but will the male
eat them. Thanks for your time Shelby, age 12 < The females should
be bigger than the males. Get the water temp. up to 80 F and feed them
high quality food and they will grow up in no time. They are
livebearers, so when a female is pregnant and ready to give birth she
should be removed to her own tank. In the tank you can get a livebearer
trap from the LFS. This will allow the fry to swim away from the female
and hopefully not get eaten. All the fish will eat guppy fry, so raise
them until they are large enough to go back in with the
Female guppy, repro. issue - 09/14/06 I recently got my
tank all set up again, I had mollies before and had several batches of
fry from them. I now have guppies. One of my females was getting huge
so I set her up in a breeder tank with some floating plants in it to
give the fry a place to hide. <Good> She had 7 fry two days ago,
and I separated her out into a floating breeder tank so that she
wouldn't eat the babies. My question is, her belly although a lot
smaller than before is still very dark, and looks how it did before
having the other babies. She doesn't seem in distress and is eating
and swimming just fine. But is it possible for guppies to have fry in
batches over a few days? <Possible, yes... but unusual for
parturition to last this long> I don't want to put her in with
the rest until I'm sure she's done cause as it is the other
fish are trying to get the fry through the netting. I would greatly
appreciate any help you can offer. thank you Laurie <I would leave
this female where she presently is. Bob Fenner>
Bully Guppies? 9/11/06 Hi. <<Hi,
Joanne. Tom>> I hope you may be able to answer this question for
me. <<I'll give it my best, Joanne.>> I have a 180
litre tank in which I currently have 11 Neons and 18 assorted male
guppies. The tank is heated, has an internal filter, airstone and
fluorescent lighting. My water quality is good and I have had no
problems. <<11 Neon Tetras and 18 Guppies in the U.S. equivalent
of a 48-gallon tank? Joanne, if I weren't happily married, I'd
kiss you! We spend so much time telling hobbyists to get larger tanks
for their pets that it's a breath of fresh air to have someone
write in that has provided room to spare for their "charges".
Well done!>> The fish shoal and seem happy, until now. Last night
I realized I was missing one of the fantail guppies. I have 6 of these.
The fish in question I had always classed as the alpha male as he had
the most beautiful tail! <<"Alpha-ness" is more
behavioral than physical but I understand your thinking...>> I
eventually found him hiding and his tail was virtually gone. <<Uh
oh...>> What remained was in tatters and he was obviously scared,
seemed to be shaking and he died minutes later. <<Sorry to hear
this, Joanne.>> I haven't been able to find any info that
says the other guppies would fight without females present. <<Not
likely that you would, Joanne. In the world of Guppies, the females do
the 'selecting'. The "boys" will show off and try to
attract the attention of the females but an Alpha female is known to
kill a male, or males, that she deems unacceptable for
breeding.>> This only happened after I had added some more
guppies 2 days before. <<It's possible/plausible that the
males may have fought over the "right" to breed, whether, or
not, females were present. The new additions may have triggered this
response but, frankly, this is speculation on my part.>> Is it
possible they did this? <<Highly unlikely, though not
impossible, that one, or more, of the new Guppies did this. Typically,
the "established" fish have, or display, dominance over fish
that are subsequently added to the aquarium. (Timing can be very
important when adding fish.)>> If so, do you know why and, can I
prevent this from happening again? <<An educated (and I use the
term loosely) guess is that the established Guppies viewed the new fish
as potential breeding partners. The "subordinate" males went
after the most likely candidate (the He-Bull, in a manner of speaking)
in order to increase their standing with the "females". Since
the "predominant" male is most likely to be chosen to mate
with a female, it makes sense, from the fishes' points of view, to
get rid of the biggest competition. Whether, or not, utilizing a tank
divider to keep the new fish separated from the older ones is really
academic. In a sense, you'd be trying to cheat "Nature".
(You might like to see a Great White Shark live harmoniously with a
seal but, it isn't going to happen.) Bob would have a more eloquent
explanation but the fact is that, in some cases, Nature must run its
course.>> Thank you in advance Joanne x <<I hope I've
been of some help, Joanne. Tom>>
Mmm, FW guppy damage 9/10/06 Hi. <<Hi, Joanne.
Tom>> I hope you may be able to answer this question
for me. <<I'll give it my best, Joanne.>>
I have a 180 litre tank in which I currently have 11 Neons
and 18 assorted male guppies. The tank is heated, has an
internal filter, airstone and fluorescent lighting. My water
quality is good and I have had no problems. <<11 Neon
Tetras and 18 Guppies in the U.S. equivalent of a 48-gallon tank?
Joanne, if I weren't happily married, I'd kiss you!
We spend so much time telling hobbyists to get larger tanks
for their pets that it's a breath of fresh air to have
someone write in that has provided room to spare for their
"charges". Well done!>> The fish shoal and
seem happy, until now. Last night I realized I was missing
one of the fantail guppies. I have 6 of these. The fish
in question I had always classed as the alpha male as he had
the most beautiful tail! <<"Alpha-ness" is
more behavioral than physical but I understand your
thinking...>> I eventually found him hiding and his tail
was virtually gone. <<Uh oh...>> What remained
was in tatters and he was obviously scared, seemed to be
shaking and he died minutes later. <<Sorry to hear
this, Joanne.>> I haven't been able to find any
info that says the other guppies would fight without females
present. <<Not likely that you would, Joanne. In the
world of Guppies, the females do the 'selecting'.
The "boys" will show off and try to attract
the attention of the females but an Alpha female is known to
kill a male, or males, that she deems unacceptable for
breeding.>> This only happened after I had added some
more guppies 2 days before. <<It's
possible/plausible that the males may have fought over the
"right" to breed, whether, or not, females were
present. The new additions may have triggered this response
but, frankly, this is speculation on my part.>> Is it
possible they did this? <<Highly unlikely,
though not impossible, that one, or more, of the new Guppies
did this. Typically, the "established" fish have,
or display, dominance over fish that are subsequently added
to the aquarium. (Timing can be very important when adding
fish.)>> If so, do you know why and, can I prevent
this from happening again? <<An educated (and I use
the term loosely) guess is that the established Guppies viewed the new
fish as potential breeding partners. The
"subordinate" males went after the most likely
candidate (the He-Bull, in a manner of speaking) in order to
increase their standing with the "females". Since
the "predominant" male is most likely to be chosen
to mate with a female, it makes sense, from the fishes' points
of view, to get rid of the biggest competition. Whether, or
not, utilizing a tank divider to keep the new fish separated
from the older ones is really academic. In a sense,
you'd be trying to cheat "Nature". (You might like to see
a Great White Shark live harmoniously with a seal but, it
isn't going to happen.) Bob would have a more eloquent
explanation but the fact is that, in some cases, Nature must
run its course.>> Thank you in advance Joanne x
Mmm, FW guppy damage 9/10/06 Hi Tom, <<Hi,
Joanne.>> Thanks for your reply. It was nice for someone to
appreciate that I was trying to keep my fish happy by having a large
tank, rather than people telling me I need more fish in there!
<<First, you're most welcome. As for your tank, you have
plenty of "fans" here at WWM! If more folks followed your
lead our mail would be cut by 30%, at least.>> I wanted to update
you, since the sad demise of my favourite guppy I spent a lot of time
sat in front of the tank watching their behaviour, sad I know.
<<Not true! I can't pass either of mine without stopping to
check things out.>> I did notice a newer addition behaving quite
aggressively towards some of the other guppies. After half an hour of
tail nipping I separated him for 10 minutes and then reintroduced him,
mainly as he didn't seem pleased and I felt bad about it!
<<Sure he wasn't pleased. You took away his "chew
toys". Interesting that one of the new additions appears to be the
culprit. That certainly wasn't my take on the situation, was it?
Unusual, but I should be used to fish doing things out of character by
now. (I believe they do it to embarrass me.) :)>> He had calmed
down and since then the guppies have resumed their playful existence,
much to the delight of my 9 month old daughter! <<Excellent. Good
move, by the way.>> I must add also that I 'lost' 5 of
the newly introduced guppies. I had bought them from a store I had not
been to before, nor will be returning to as the assistant who netted
the fish did not seem concerned for their welfare and I wish I had
walked away as instinct told me to. <<I think we've all had
purchasing experiences like that. I certainly have,
regrettably.>> I have never lost a fish before as I
always take the utmost care of them and found it quite distressing. My
tank readings are optimal so I know it isn't a water quality issue
and can only assume that they came from a bad batch or were stressed
beyond recovery. <<Considering what many fish go through before
coming into our hands, it seems nothing short of a miracle that more
aren't lost.>> I will wait a few weeks before adding any more
and will stick to my regular stockists in future. <<A wise
choice.>> I also wanted to say that I have found this site
invaluable, the best by far on the net! Thanks again Joanne
<<Nice chatting again, Joanne, and thank you for your kind words.
Keep up the good work! Tom>>
Deformed Baby Guppy - 09/07/06 Hi,
<Hello> Just wondering if it is common to have a baby guppy that
has a Siamese twin? <Not sure I've heard of that, but I know
guppies can be born deformed with some frequency...don't know if
it's the constant breeding that causes it or what, but it can and
does happen.> Actually, I'm not sure that is what it is. But the
guppy has a smaller guppy growing from its underside and is 5 times
smaller than the other; it appears to still be alive. Will
this fish live? <I doubt it. In the fish breeding
business, destroying "undesirable" babies is referred to as
"culling", and it is done fairly often, from what I
understand. In general, when euthanizing a fish, there are a
few acceptable, humane methods you can choose from - I personally use
and recommend using pure clove oil: put the affected fish in its own
container of tank water, then add a generous amount of clove
oil. The oil has anesthetic properties, and it basically
slows the fish's respiratory system down and "puts it to
sleep" peacefully. Make sure you've allowed the
clove oil to work long enough to do its job, then dispose of the fish.
Other methods of killing a fish humanely include smashing its head into
a hard surface, etc. I think you can see why I prefer the
clove oil. Freezing and flushing are definitely *not*
acceptable methods, as studies have shown that fish indeed feel
pain.> What should I do to take care of it? <See above.>
Thanks <Never an easy thing to do, but it is for the
best. I assume, however, that you have other guppy babies to
enjoy and watch grow, so please do this! Best regards, Jorie>
Guppy Fry 7/30/06 Hi! <<Hello,
Rachel. Tom>> I have my first ever fry of guppies. My female
turned out to be pregnant when I got her. <<Congratulations. What
you experienced isn't, in the slightest way, unusual for those who
purchase Livebearers like Guppies, Mollies, Swordtails and
Platys.>> I put her in her own tank once I figured out she was
pregnant. A couple of weeks later she had 18 babies. Unfortunately, she
died the next day. I don't really know why. Everything was fine
with the water and I haven't lost any of the fry (they are now 2
weeks old). <<I'm sorry to hear that your female died. This,
too, is not unusual, though. Likely, this was her first birthing and
appears, from what I know, to be the one females will succumb to most
often. Seems somewhat odd to us since females that give birth multiple
times have, typically, increasingly large numbers of fry with each
successive event.>> Anyway, my question is when do I need to
separate the males from the females? I'm going to find them new
homes as soon as I can, but I don't want anyone getting surprise
babies like I did. I am also not sure as to how old they have to be
before I can sex them. <<Both of your questions really go
hand-in-hand, Rachel. When the fry have matured to the point that you
can, in fact, tell a male from a female, you need to separate these to
avoid the "problem" you had. With the other three groups of
Livebearers I mentioned, sexual maturity, almost invariably, comes by
the third to fourth month of their lives. With Guppies, as you learned,
this is not so easy to "lock down". Some interesting studies
have been accomplished in the wild where natural predation occurs and
it appears that sexual maturity can be, at least loosely, linked to the
species of predator that the Guppies must contend with. Where Killifish
are the primary predators, sexual maturity in Guppies seems to be
"accelerated" since the Killifish have a "taste"
for the immature fish ergo, a "breeding" Guppy would be less
inviting. On the flip side of the coin, in regions where Cichlids prey
on, and have a preference for, mature Guppies, sexual maturity/activity
can take longer to develop. (Why rush the chance to be
"lunch"?) The difference in timing might be only a week or,
two, but that's a long time to a Guppy. All this being said, at
about ten weeks, your Guppies will, almost certainly, be sexually
mature and active. While possible that this might occur sooner, I
don't see it to be as likely. Since it's the female that does
the selecting for mating, the chosen male must meet her
"standards" in coloration/development. Not much of a chance
that this will occur in only a matter of a few weeks.>> I have
read many pages on the internet and it seems they all have different
opinions about this. <<No hard and fast rules on this one,
Rachel, frustrating as it may seem.>> Well, thank you very much
for your time and help. Rachel <<I hope I have helped a little.
Good luck. Tom>>
I've got a dwarf puffer that
I've had in a guppy tank for some time now.
7/13/06 <<Why in a guppy tank? Guppies eat so
quickly compared to DP's, and DP's are notoriously vicious for
their size.>> Yesterday, I walked past the tank, and I noticed
that the dwarf puffer had a fry coming out of its body. I
quickly did a bit of research, and I found that dwarf puffers lay eggs,
not birth live. Yet there are about 3 or 4 babies swimming
around the tank, each with barely-there puffer spots. <<???
DP's certainly do lay eggs. That's quite confusing
indeed!>> My question: How is this
possible? Could it be that it's not a dwarf puffer, but
a different type? <<No.>> I've owned many dwarf puffers
over the past few years, and they always look the same as the one I
had. Is it possible that maybe a guppy gave birth to fry,
and this puffer ate a baby whole, and it didn't break down in the
puffer's body and he passed it as it was when he ate it?
<<I'm not sure. I do know that live Artemia have
been expelled out of some fishes' digestive tracts, but I've
never heard of this happening with DP's. What exactly
does the fry look like?>> I've never seen anything like this,
nor have I heard of anything like this happening, but none of my
guppies have even looked pregnant, much less given birth before. Help!
<<I wish I had more information for you. Are you
certain the fry was coming from its body? Study it closely and make a
definitive ID; DP, guppy, or neither. Lisa>>
Guppies no longer breeding
6/15/06 I have a 30g guppy tank. I started w/ 5 guppies and they
multiplied to probably 70 or 80. I got a marine Betta for my 160 reef
tank, and started feeding the babies to the Betta. however, I still
constantly had a large amount of babies until recently. The guppy
population has been reduced to about 20 now. It doesn't seem like
they're reproducing like they were. In fact, it seems like
they have stopped producing at all. Could it be a natural reaction to
me taking the fish out constantly? <Interesting... but no> Like,
"Oh, they keep getting rid of us, let's not give them anything
to take out!"? or maybe they're all bred out and I need to
introduce some new stock? <This is a distinct possibility, yes>
They're basically mating with family members now. The males
don't seem to chase the females as much anymore. Are they all sexed
out? <Perhaps in a manner of speaking... too old> Nothing in the
tank has really changed, everything is how it should be. I've tried
raising the temp (81f) I've done a water change every week for a
month. I haven't tried salt yet. I just discovered that here on
your site, so I will. Other than that, any
suggestions? Thanks!!! <I would investigate more frequent
water changes, improved nutrition, and try adding some new stock... Bob
Lethargic Post-Pregnancy Guppy,
Capitalization - 06/07/2006 Hello, my female guppy gave birth
yesterday, I removed her from the tank, but now she is
floating/swimming upside down. <Not a good sign....> She is not
dead, I still see her breathing. Seems to be tired and weak,
and she has a small blood spot on her head. I don' t
know what to do. If you know of anyway to help her please
let me know. <Without knowing anything about the system
she's in (tank size, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, temperature,
tankmates....), there's not much I can say. I can only
suggest that you test ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate urgently, and
maintain ammonia and nitrite at ZERO, nitrate no higher than
20ppm. If these levels are not right, do water changes to
fix them. Remember to use a chlorine/chloramine neutralizer
and match the temperature and pH of the new water to the temp and pH in
the tank.> Thanks <Also, for any future emails, please remember
to capitalize "I" and the beginnings of
sentences.... Our volunteers really don't have enough
time to correct these. Thanks! Wishing you
well, -Sabrina>
Guppy Pregnancy, and He
Loves Our Site! - 06/01/2006 Hi, first of all I love your
website! <Awesome!> But I do have a couple of
questions that I have been looking for. First, my female
guppy, Sunshine, has giving birth to at least 19 fry, I say
at least because that's how many I have caught & she had them
sometime memorial day weekend, and unfortunately I was not there, so I
noticed them on Memorial Day). A long time ago, sometime in
April (April the 8th to be exact) I purchased her from PetSmart and I
purchased a male too, but then he unfortunately died, and then about a
month later I purchased another male and female and the male
disappeared and the female died later Memorial Day, so I thought the
first male got Sunshine Pregnant, but I don't know.
<I agree, either the first fellow or another that she was with prior
to your purchase.> But she still looks as big as she was before my
fry were born and her gravid spot is starting to turn black, but for
some reason it is a little orange, can you help me? <It is possible
that she's not quite done having baby fish yet.> The reason I
think she still be pregnant is because the females can
"store" sperm. <Indeed they can; however, they only have
one "batch" of fry at a time, so it's a little early yet
for her to be on another "batch" of babies. Some
livebearers, like Heterandria formosa, will store sperm and will have
fry in varying stages of development pretty much all the time, and only
give birth to one or two at a time.> Thanks for all your help, and I
love your website. <And we love our readers.> One
more question, is there a way I can join your website so I can ask you
questions there instead of email?? <We do have an interactive web
forum ( http://www.wetwebfotos.com/talk
), but as far as the site is concerned, it just works through
email.> But if that is not possible then e-mail is
fine! I love your website! <Heh! Thanks very
much for your kind words.> Thanks, Josh S. <Wishing
you well, -Sabrina>
Guppy Pregnancy, and He Loves Our Site!
- II - 06/06/2006 Another question, The babies are in a smaller
tank right now, the tank is about as tall as a license plate (maybe an
inch shorter), not including the light, about as wide as two inches cut
off from a license plate, but its in a hexagon shape, sorry if so
confusing. Are the babies all right in that? Probably not, probably too
small, but anyway I have to clean it out about every 3 to 4 days,
because it doesn't have a filter, and I was thinking, is it going
to kill them? <Ultimately, it may. They
should be in a larger space with very, very clean water.> I might
start putting the babies in the breeder net in the weekend, advice
please. <I would load the main tank with plants (java moss works
great) for the babies to hide in and let them fend for
themselves. Some of them will get eaten by the adults, but
some will survive, and they'll be stronger and healthier in a
bigger tank.> Also when I look at the momma fish sometimes she looks
orange, and then other times she looks black, is there any thing to
worry about? <Probably not; this is probably just her coloring.>
Thanks for your help, -Josh <Wishing you
well, -Sabrina>
Guppy Pregnancy, and He Still Loves Our
Site! - III - 06/06/2006 Also, I don't know if I asked you this
in the last e-mail, but can I put the baby guppies in the breeder trap?
<Not for long.> For like a weekend, <Maybe. Use the
net-type, though.> I think raising baby guppies in a breeder trap
until there big enough is cruel. <Me too.> Thanks
Again, and I love your website! -Josh <I'm glad we
could help out, Josh! Wishing you
well, -Sabrina>
Guppy that breeds like a
bunny 5/31/06 My husband and I bought some fish for our tank
6 weeks ago and were accidentally given a female guppy. I put her in my
10 gallon tank with 2 pygmy catfish. Two weeks after we brought her
home she gave birth to 9 fry. Four weeks later we have 7 healthy fry.
Tonight we came home and she had given birth again to around 25 fry.
How is she still getting pregnant? <Mmm, can/do store sperm in their
tracts...> There are no other guppies in her tank besides the 4 week
old fry. Are guppies capable of breeding at 1 week of age? <Mmm,
nope> If not, how did she get pregnant again, and how many times can
we expect this to happen? We do not have a net for the fry. We keep
lots of plants in our tank and two structures from them to hide in and
it has seemed to work so far. Any suggestions on what to do to stop it?
<Possibly let "nature take its course"... predation... to
limit numbers> We have a second 10 gallon tank with red phantoms and
a 30 gallon talk with ghost fish, knife fish, danios, tetras, angel
fish and another type. Thanks! <Or... if not considered distasteful,
feed some of the young to these other fishes. Bob Fenner>
Weird fish chest-better grammar, etc. Guppy
repro. 5/24/06 Dear WWM,
<Vincent> I am a young beginner at fancy guppy
breeding. My fancy guppy seems to be nice and fat, and her gravid spot
is huge! I really think she is pregnant, but I am also a bit worried. I
had her in a breeder's net for about a week, and then I took her
out again when she didn't drop. Soon after I put her in her old
tank with the other two, a male and a female, her chest started to drop
down to make her stomach a box shape. The next morning I saw her, and
her chest was reddish with a pink ball inside it. I could see it real
well. Right under this ball, I saw that her scales were sticking out.
Also, my other female has been with the male for weeks now but she
doesn't seem pregnant. What could that mean? I'm really worried
about both of them. Help! Thanks. -Brendan- <Could indicate a few
things... a "missing" by your of actual parturition
(birthing), with the young consumed by the adult fishes, or a
"skipping" of the process... perhaps resorption. I would not
add chemicals here, but rather continue your close observations of this
fish's behavior. Bob Fenner>
Guppy Reproduction,
Gender of Fry, Hybridizing With Mollies - 05/22/2006 Hi, I have a
female guppy who about 8 weeks ago gave birth to her first ever batch
of fry. She gave birth in the main tank so sadly I only was able to
save 7 of the fry. Then a few weeks later she was pregnant so I put her
in a breeder. She gave birth to 23 fry this time!!!! My concern is all
30 of the fry she has given birth to are female. I've looked
everywhere even Pet-Co and can't find an answer. Can you help?
<Though it is possible that some water parameters (temperature,
primarily) can affect the gender of the fry, yours may just be too
young yet to have developed into males. All baby guppies
look female for a while; the males will develop stronger coloration and
the gonopodium as they grow. Please read here for
more: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/guppyreprofaqs.htm
.> P.S. on your site it said guppies and mollies can't have
babies, that's a lie. I had a male guppy and female molly mate and
they had funny lookin' fry. <Though highly uncommon, it may be
possible that the two could hybridize. Fry from such a pair
will more than likely be sterile - just like crossing a horse and a
donkey gives you a sterile mule. Wishing you
well, -Sabrina>
Bad female behavior 4/29/06 I have a
question....Will pregnant females keep attacking the males guppies till
they finally kill them? I have a 10 gallon tank that did have 3 females
and 1 male...Twice I have had to put another male in there because this
1 female keeps killing them...What should I do?... Thanks
<<Seclude your Alpha female with a tank divider or move her to
another tank. This isn't an uncommon situation but I must say that
I'm surprised that she's this assertive/aggressive. Her
behavior is unlikely to change, however. Tom>>