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sick sunfish named Pal 11/21/14 Leech eating fish
turtle/ fish compatibility
4/4/10 Smallmouth bass 05/21/09 Bluegill bullies turtle
Re: Cichlid Is A Sunfish 4/26/06 Thanks for responding, I am curious, however, how do you know that it is a sunfish, and not a cichlid? < I too have found these fish mixed in with goldfish and have ID them in the Baensch Aquarium Atlas Photo Index 1-5.-Chuck> 'Game fish' aquarium help 1/21/06 Hello, <Hi there> I want to first thank you for such an informative website. This one is now bookmarked. <"Book em Dan-O"> I'm setting up a 125 gal freshwater tank in our educational facility that's on a lake (yes, there are lakes in the desert-though most, like this one, are manmade!). I want to stock it with young local game fish (crappie, sunfish, small bass, shad, catfish, etc.) to show 'what's in the lake'. I start filling it next week, and I'm a little nervous about the system working the way I hope it will, since I can't seem to find a link to anyone who is successfully keeping this kind of freshwater fish. <There are such... put in the term AZA and follow...> I'm planning on using 2 Emperor 400 power filters. <Good choices> Since I'm replicating a lake, rather than a river, can I get by without a powerhead, or will I need one for circulation? <Should be able to yes... I'd have some other source of circulation, aeration on hand to apply should temperature get high...> Are two 36" Satellite Compact Fluorescent lights sufficient in a room that doesn't receive natural sunlight? <Yes> Do you recommend that I try a planted aquarium for either logistical, (i.e. dietary), or aesthetic reasons? <Yes... you and your intended visitors will appreciate this> I'm asking because I'd really rather just do fake plants and driftwood to save money on plants and additional lighting. Do I need to sterilize the driftwood (taken from the shore of the same lake as the fish) first, or just let it soak for a few weeks? <The latter... covered on WWM> I plan on running the filters for a week before introducing the fish. <Longer... and/or add a bacteria prep... Bio-Spira> Is a 1 1/2 to 2 inch depth of regular aquarium gravel ok, or do I need to add sand as well? <The gravel is fine by itself> I read in one of your articles that I should rinse old gravel in non-chlorinated water. <Chlorinated/tap is fine> If I'm going to fill the tank with tap water and then dechlorinate, isn't it ok to rinse the gravel with tap water, as well? <Yes> Where can I find information on what to feed these guys? <Mmm, a few places... NANFA is another acronym you might search/read through... re Centrarchids especially> Finally, how can I find out if there is a compatibility problem between lake fish (assuming they're all generally the same size)? <There can be definitely. Such impoundments are stocked with predator-prey relationships in mind... species/groups spawning at intervals, feeding on different sizes/age groups... basically, the larger eat the smaller... and all are aggressive to a point. Crowding lessens antagonism to a degree...> Thank you so much for your time. I hope I haven't asked so many questions that you decide not to bother with my email. ANY of these questions you could help me answer is very, very much appreciated. Amy <Better to ask. Cheers. Bob Fenner> Chilly Plec and an Ichy Bluegill? - 08/07/2005 Hi crew, <Hello, Andrew.> I have a 30 Gal tank with one 2 inch bluegill, which has ich on its tail. I've looked through your site, but couldn't find any info on salt baths as an after-the-fact treatment, <Probably because such a method is quite ineffectual.> but I've seen it mentioned briefly in some places. I don't want to add salt to the tank because the water changes would be extremely difficult. <.... Why? It's just for a couple weeks or so.> Would a salt bath be effective? <No, not really. If the fish definitely has ich, then you can be 99% certain that you have ich in the tank. Getting the parasites off the fish just to toss him back in an infected tank only stresses him enough to help him contract more.> If so, what kind/dosage of salt should I use and how long should I keep the fish in the bath? <If you wanted to put him into a clean, uninfected hospital tank after the dip, I would use water with a salinity of seawater (SG 1.022 or so) for up to five minutes. Be absolutely CERTAIN the water is of the same pH and temperature as that of his tank. Still, I don't think this is an effective or useful method at all, unless followed up by treatment of one form or another. I have only used a salt dip as a last resort for a Plec whose gills were so heavily infested that he needed relief immediately or die. I don't think it is necessary or beneficial in your case.> On a different note, I want to add a pleco to the tank for algae control and for more diversity, but I am not sure if it could deal with the temperature (as low as 65 degrees in the winter). <Just saw a talk last night on collecting fish in Argentina - there were a great many plecs in a river that was colder than that. I think it would be fine, if you're cautious.> I also am not sure that a Hypostomus (all that PetCo has) would be right for my tank because of its size. Do you have any suggested species? If so, where could I get these? <I *think* the "bulldog" or "rubberlipped" Plec is happier in cooler waters. The talk I saw did include some Ancistrus, as well, so you might look to the commonly tank-bred Bushynose. Both of these are relatively small algae eating plecs. Of course, do NOT add any fish until you're certain the ich has been eradicated, and be sure to quarantine newcomers.> Thanks, Andrew <Wishing you and your bluegill well, -Sabrina> Bluegill with Ich 8/11/05 Hello, <Hi there> I'd like to say thanks for the previous help you've given me. I have an ich problem with my bluegill right now. Its 2" long in a 30 gal tank (only fish), and I'm using 300 gal/hr Whisper filter w/ carbon. I think it would stress my fish to raise the temp over 75 degrees, which is what I have now (the bluegill is native to US and I believe it goes to cooler/deeper water when it gets hotter but I may be wrong). <Nope, you're right... rare for this fish/species to occur in warmer water> I wanted to use aquarium salts, but I wasn't sure if bluegills could handle 1ppm of salt - <They can... if in good health> I think they should. Also, could I remove the plants in the aquarium and carbon in the filters and treat with salt in the display tank? <Probably best... and I'd use a Malachite Green product as well...> If not, can my hospital tank (and in the future, QT tank) be a 5 gal plastic tub with a sponge filter? Suggestions? Thanks in advance. -Andrew <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwich.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Mixing Perciformes... N. Am. panfish and African Cichlid cohabitation 7/24/05 Hello from ND, <Back atcha from southern Cal.> What are your thoughts on keeping a Lepomis gibbosus and Altolamprologus calvus together in a planted, sand-bottomed 54G tank? <Mmm, well the sunfish is much cooler water, but both enjoy about the same water quality...> Our natural pH around here is close to 8 - my calvus loves it and pumpkinseed sunfish are native. Both fishes seem to be hardy with respect to temperature, but the pumpkinseed prefers a little cooler water than the Tanganyikan Cichlid. <I see we agree> If they could thrive in the same water conditions, would they be too aggressive toward each other? <In a large, well-fed enough system...> Thank you for your insight! Andrew <Bob Fenner> Green sunfish question? hi, I have a question on feeding a green sunfish. I have been researching sunfish and everyone is saying to treat pumpkin seed and bluegill as if they are cichlids, so I was wondering if I could do the same with a green sunfish. <Yes... a good comparison... all the Centrarchids (sunfish family) can be housed, maintained as if they were mainstream neotropical cichlids> I got some Wardley brand cichlid pellets and I am wondering if they will work? <Yes, should. I used this species for behavioral experiments in college... neat and beautiful fish> if you could respond to this or put it on the Q&A page that would rock <We respond directly and post all. Bob Fenner> -new to native fish Qs re green sunfish... teach a petfish boy to read... dear sir/madam- I was wondering how much and how often to feed a 3 inch green sunfish? I just caught it and it seems to be doing well. I also would like to know how to tell if it is a male or female. If you could help me that would be great. -sunfish lover <Please read here: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2004-27,GGLD:en&q=lepomis+cyanellus Bob Fenner> From Satanta the WhiteBear - No Worms, No Fungus, No Problems - Red-eared Slider Yata-HEY! <And to you> I keep natural aquariums, but my last was many Summers ago, before I went thru renal failure, dialysis and transplant, as well as a stroke [age 35-I'm trying to see what's ahead early. ;)] <Good gosh!> At any rate I'm starting fresh with a 30. At the moment I have a Red Eared Slider - I'm no novice with turtles having three Reds, one Green and a Musk. I use river pebble as a substrate and an undergravel [1/2 tank] as well as a floss as well, if I do my job they do theirs. What else might I use as substrate to set for plants and freshwater mussels? None of that ugly technicolored stuff they sell to people with no taste please. :D. Also considering water striders or the like. Some peachy little critter that won't bite me or the other inhabitants. I want a catfish-like a mud cat and will eventually get a few sunfish. Freshwater shrimp-soon as I make it down to catch some. ;) Any other suggestions? Thanks. WB. <Do take a look at the Native Fish Association's site: http://www.nanfa.org/. Hard to keep plants with the animal's you list... but there are some substrates that are preferable... natural, coarse, and some likely local plants I'd try with this mix... Bob Fenner> Re: No worms, no fungus, no problems... Thank you for the link-definitely a must-read for me ;ole myself. <Welcome> The plants will be the ones with the learning curve as I've kept a wide variety of animals in the past intermixed with excellent success - neon Tetras and alligator gar [[small]] and three turtles all in the same tank. <Quite a boullabaise!> I put ten feeders in with the red ear and still have eight after two months so I'm training him to ignore the live bait and eat the easy to get pellets and veggies. Thanks again for your response and the link. WhiteBear. <Again, welcome. Bob Fenner> Strange tank stock, actually, just native N. Americans Hey guys, <Jason> I have a 55 gallon tank that I have been wanting to put wild native fish in such as largemouth bass, catfish, or blue gill. The only problem is I can't find any places that sell only one or two small largemouth bass. <Likely best to "collect your own"...> I didn't know if you guys would have any knowledge on where I could get fish that normal people don't buy to put in aquariums. By the way, I love your site, I've learned lots of good info on it. -Jason, Tn <Mmm, maybe the folks at NANFA can be of assistance here: http://www.nanfa.org/ There are restrictions in many places (and for good reasons) on moving, shipping natives (for fear of their being released)... and I should say that a fifty five is smallish for such a proposed stock mix... But also want to state that natives are very interesting, beautiful and make for fabulous displays. Do contact the Native Fish folks... Bob Fenner> Bluegill Tank Hi guys, I have 2 bluegill (one is 3 in. and the other is 1.5 in.) in a 30 gal tank with a Whisper 300 gal/hr filter. I have some pennywort, a Java fern, and a swordplant. My main problem right now is that the small bluegill has tail rot from pretty bad water conditions (the tank was left with a neighbor - a bad idea). I've cleaned the tank with a 75% water change and I've replaced one of the two filter cartridges. Will the bluegill recover and/or is there anything else I can do to speed the process up? <These centrarchids are TOUGH! It will very likely recover fine... with just good water quality, feeding and time going by... You've done a good job of relating the set-up and plants... and I would NOT place salt/s, medications in this system... due to the very real possibility of loss of biological filtration, death of the greenery as a consequence> Also, I have a problem with a mat of algae that grows in about a week (I suspect it is blue green Cyanobacteria). Would introducing ghost shrimp, freshwater mussels, or more plants help with algae and keeping my tank more clean? <The shrimp may well become food, but yes, all these are reasonable control approaches> Also, I would like to introduce more fish to the system to get more of a community tank (or at least a bottom feeder), but I can't get too much info on bluegill. Are they too aggressive for other fish? Could you suggest any coldwater fish that I could add? Thanks, Andrew <They are aggressive... and unfortunately your tank is too small to add other fishes... otherwise, there are some other great native fishes (darters, minnows...) that I'd suggest... it might pinch all your plants to bits, but adding a crawdad species, specimen or two would add a great deal of interest... Bob Fenner> Native Freshwater fish Hey Bob, I have some questions concerning possibly keeping some species of native fish. The species that come to mind are bluegills, perch, crappie, and the like. <Ahh, the centrarchids on parade! Gorgeous, hardy to the extreme and very interesting behaviorally> My question is about water. I recently was in the hobby of marine fish tanks, so I have the fishkeeping experience. I understand saltwater well, but get a little iffy on freshwater. Is it more feasible to use RODI water to keep these native fish, or tapwater? <Almost in all cases tap. They like hard alkaline water by and large.> I'm not too sure on the conditions these fish are more suited to, with regards to the water I should give them. <Take a look on fishbase.org re their common names... you'll see some good/great info. on natural conditions> I want to try and replicate their natural environment, and the pH and hardness/softness of the water is the one thing I am not sure about. Resources on this topic are pretty limited, so I thank you in advance. Joe <Really? Limited? There should be some native fish sites... is NANFA not have a URL? Let's see: http://www.nanfa.org/ Read on my brother. Bob Fenner> Wild fish in tank Hi Crew, Thanks so much for the help you have already given me! I have a freshwater tank with two fish. I thought they were both bluegills, but I now think one might be a bass, as it refuses to eat pellets and it has a darker coloration than the other one which I know is a bluegill. <Very different fish. A young large mouth bass will have a very dark line along it's length. Also a longer shape then the round Bluegill. How big are they? How long have you had them?> What should I feed this carnivorous fish until it's old enough that I can tell if it's a bluegill or bass? <In nature bass and bluegills eat worms, insects and other fish. Large bass will eat anything that can fit in it's mouth. Including frogs and ducklings. Please do not offer feeder fish unless you QT them first to ensure they are healthy.> I'm currently cutting up nightcrawlers but that is extremely time consuming as its mouth is pretty small <A bluegill will have a rather small mouth, but a bass's mouth is as large as it head.> and I don't have that much time every day. <Are they large enough to take smaller garden worms whole? A diet for large cichlids should work. It may take some time for him to take "unnatural" foods like pellets and flake.> Also, I have two forms of algae in my tank: green hair algae and a brownish algae. The brown algae grows everywhere, but the hair algae only grows on my plants (Amazon sword, java fern, and pennywort). Oddly enough, on the areas of the pennywort that are under direct lighting, neither algae grows. <The pennywort is growing faster than the algae. Increased light coupled with clean water will help. Increasing the light without lowering the fish waste will result in increased algae growth.> What should I do to control this? I can't find anything on freshwater brown algae, only on brown algae in marine tanks. <How long has the tank been set up, and what size? What kind of filter are you using? Do you test for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? If not, please start. Both bass and bluegills are messy eaters and need heavy filtration and frequent water changes. The hair algae is usually the result of overfeeding. The brown is normal in a new, uncycled tank. Both are best controlled by keeping the water pristine. You may need to remove the leaves that are spouting hair algae.> Thanks again, Andrew <Don> Starting Up American natives tank Hi, <Hello there> I am just starting up a new 30 gallon tank and I wanted to put in two pumpkinseed and a few chub. I have a Whisper Power Filter Model 3 with two Bio bags which has a filtration rate of 300 gallons per hour. I was wondering if this was enough filtration, and how often I should change the water. <Should be enough filtration, though I might add a "mechanical aerator" (an airstone and pump) for aeration, circulation as well. I would develop and stick to a "five gallon bucket" or so water change every week... siphoning the gravel at this time... and replacing the removed water with the same volume stored from the week previous (tapwater is likely fine here)> Also, if I keep live plants like Elodea, should I use gravel (what size?) or sand or a combination? Thanks for your help, Andrew <Look for a coarser grade (eighth inch diameter nominal or greater) of "natural gravel"... good for your plants, fishes, and maintenance. Bob Fenner> New Native Fish Tank Hi, I was starting a 30 gallon tank and I wanted to keep two pumpkinseed <One of my fave centrarchids... a beautiful species> and a few other small fish. I am using a Whisper Filter Model 3 and was wondering if that was enough. I also wanted to know if using light colored gravel (as opposed to dark gravel) made that much of a difference. In regards to the lighting, are there any 24" bulbs that would be suitable for some java ferns, elodea, and water sprite (anywhere from 60 to 90 watts)? <You will do well to check the local fish stores here... particularly ones that deal in marine/reef systems... there are some "boosted" output fluorescents (called high output and compact fluorescents...) that will work here... though, for the types/species of plants you list, "normal" or standard fluorescents (at nominally 20 watts for a two footer) will do fine. Bob Fenner> |
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