FAQs on Corydoras Cat
Disease 2
FAQs on: Corydoras
Catfish Health 1, Cory Disease 3,
Cory Disease 4,
FAQs on Corydoras Catfish Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Social, Infectious (Virus,
Bacterial, Fungal), Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Genetic, Treatments,
Related Articles: Callichthyid Catfishes, Summer loving: cats in the garden, kittens in
the kitchen by Neale Monks,
FAQs on: Corydoras Catfish 1,
& Corydoras Catfish Identification, Corydoras Catfish Behavior, Corydoras Catfish Compatibility, Corydoras Catfish Stocking/Selection, Corydoras Catfish Systems, Corydoras Catfish Feeding, Corydoras Catfish Reproduction,
FAQs on: Panda
Corydoras, Pygmy Corydoras spp.,
FAQs on: Callichthyids
1, Callichthyids 2,
FAQs on: Callichthyid
Identification, Callichthyid
Behavior, Callichthyid
Compatibility, Callichthyid
Selection, Callichthyid
Systems, Callichthyid
Feeding, Callichthyid
Disease, Callichthyid
Reproduction, Catfish: Identification, Behavior, Compatibility, Selection, Systems, Feeding, Disease, Reproduction,

Bronze Cory Help!!! 10/17/09
First off I want to say that your site has been a great deal of help.
As a first time fish owner I have used your site as a resource in
having a happy and thriving tank.
<Thanks for the kind words.>
I have had my 35 gallon fresh water tank since end of April. I followed
the beginner guidelines in circulating the tank before I put in any
fish. Right now I have four Rosey barbs, a rainbow shark, Pleco, and
three bronze Corys and so far haven't had any problems until
<Sounds an interesting mix. While the Rosy Barbs and the Corydoras
both appreciate somewhat cool water, Rosy Barbs can be "fin
nippers" and work best in large groups (six or more specimens, a
mix of males and females) so they busy themselves chasing one another
around rather than other fish.
Rainbow Sharks can be feisty, and the Plec will get far too large for
this aquarium. So you will have some problems to fix before too
Icky, one of my Corys went missing this week. I searched the tank and
he was no where to be found. Today, we did a 60% water change and put
in some Columbian drift wood. After picking up a rock that was, until
today, thought to be a safe tank decoration - out zooms icky the Cory
catfish looking pretty rough. For the first couple of minutes of being
free from his confines he was laying on his side. After a little more
time passed he's sitting in his natural stationary, but upright,
position. It looks as though the barbs made a meal of a few of his
fins, and he has several spots that have been worn from trying to
wiggle out from beneath the rock.
<Yes: Rosy Barbs will indeed nip at fish. For whatever reason,
Corydoras are "sitting ducks" where nippy fish are concerned.
I find that whereas Plecs and Synodontis keep out of the way, every
time I've kept Corydoras with, say, Puffers or Ameca splendens,
they've had their dorsal fins nipped.>
It looks as though he's on the track of pulling through, but you
never know with fish. Do you have any advice on how to treat this
<Beyond clean water, I'd not do anything else apart from
separate them.
Corydoras fins heal very quickly, and like many catfish, they're
likely to react badly to copper or formalin, so I wouldn't use
either unless I absolutely had to. So move the school of Corydoras to
an aquarium of their own, something 20 gallons upwards, and let them
settle down and be happy.
Rosy Barbs sound like a poor choice of tankmate here. You might even
get rid of the Rosy Barbs; when all is said and done, they're big
fish (up to 15 cm/6 inches) not suited to 35 gallon tanks.>
I'm worried that icky may not make it.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Bronze Cory Help!!! 10/17/09
The Rosey barbs and the Corys get along, they really mind to themselves
or get chased every once in a while by the shark. Luckily the only
issue we have had with the barbs is that they chase and nip at each
<What they do. If kept in large groups, six or more, and ideally
more females (yellow-green) than males (pink) then they tend to settle
down. In the right tank, a spacious subtropical system, they're
superb fish.>
We are fairly certain that the reason why icky the Cory cat has had a
good amount of his fins nipped off is because he was literally stuck
under the rock but the barbs could still get to him.
<Whether he got stuck under the rock, or was hiding to avoid being
nipped, is difficult to answer. Both explanations are
Right now the rough looking Cory looks as if he is acting normal, but
he really looks rather rough.
<Indeed. Usually, Corydoras heal very well. The common species like
Bronze and Peppered Corydoras have become so popular precisely because
they are so durable.>
We know of the issue with the Pleco out growing our tank. We have a
home for him when he gets big enough in a 300 gallon brackish cichlid
tank at a restaurant that we frequent.
<A home perhaps, but a bad one. Plecs ARE NOT brackish water
There is also a home for him at the Koi fish pond at the local
botanical gardens.
<Unless this Koi pond is somewhere tropical, then that's not an
option either. These fish die when exposed to water temperatures below
20 C (68 F) for any length of time. In the US for example, Southern
Florida is the only place where these fish are likely to survive
outdoors in an unheated pond.>
We've made sure that he will have a place to go when we can no
longer care for him.
<Hmm... not impressed so far with the options.>
Looks as if we'll just have to wait and see how icky fairs. Keep
your fingers crossed for us! Thanks for the tips!
<Happy to help.>
Also, about the barbs - we'll definitely consider trading them in
for more suitable tank mates. Any recommendations??
<Depends, and the thing with many schooling fish is that if you
don't keep enough, many species can become nasty, even Danios. One
of the single best schooling fish species in the trade is the X-Ray
Tetra (Pristella maxillaris). This species is very hardy and very
peaceful; it is also rather pretty. I don't care much for the
albino form, but it exists if that sort of thing amuses.>
Much appreciation, Kristin
<Cheers, Neale.>
Corydoras with a Possible Problem? Env. --
Hello Crew -
You have been very helpful to me in the past, and I am hoping that you
can help me again. This time, my issue is with some Corydoras catfish.
I have three of them in my community tank, along with three platys and
three mollies in a 23 gal tank. Two days ago, I woke up to one of my
platys laying on the bottom of the tank dead, though she was behaving
normally and eating just fine the day before. This upset me a lot, but
I scooped her out and proceeded to put the rest of the fish into a
bucket temporarily so that I could scrub out their tank since I did not
know what had killed her.
<Mmmm... you may have "killed" your biological filter
I scrubbed the tank walls down, vacuumed out the gravel thoroughly, and
rinsed and wiped the ornaments thoroughly, paying special attention to
the ornament that I found her lying half-against. I even changed the
carbon in the filter, just to be safe. I put in my dechlorinator and
stress coat (because I ended up changing about half of the water and
cleaning the ornaments, and figured the slime coat might be altered
some) according to the directions listed on the backs of the bottles.
Honestly, I do not know if any of this has to do with the issue I am
having, but I wanted to give you as much information as possible.
Yesterday, one of the Corydoras catfish started acting oddly. Usually,
all of my Corys stay basically at the bottom, swimming around and
foraging, and occasionally come to the top for air and swim right back
down, as they should do. But yesterday, this Cory started swimming
around close to the top of the tank. Not consistently - he still goes
back down to the bottom and stays there most of the time, but I have
never known any of my Corys to go to the top for any longer than their
little breath-trips before.
Worried that he might have something wrong with him, since the behavior
was irregular for him, I took him out, and put him by himself in a
goldfish bowl (1.5 gals). I know that is not the best place for him,
but I have no other tank to put him in where I can isolate him,
<I would return this fish to the main system. Not likely to live in
the bowl, and very unlikely has anything "catching">
and I have been keeping the bowl very clean, and the temperature and pH
steady at 78 degrees and 7.4 pH, and I have kept the water level low in
there so that there is lots of water surface for him to get air from. I
have been feeding him one Hikari Sinking Wafer at morning and night,
and he does not seem to be touching them, though he swims around like
normal now and does not head for the top as he did in the community
tank. And now, back in the community tank, the other two Corys are
acting the same way as
he was.
<Yes; environmental>
I have not moved them because I do not think there is room for the
other two in the bowl with him. None show signs of any disease I am
aware of (Ich, parasites, etc) - no white spots, no clamped fins, and
the two in the community tank are eating fine. Is there something wrong
with my Corys,
or am I freaking out a little too much?
<The water... system... is almost assuredly "at fault"
And if there is something wrong - what, and what do I do?
<Look into boosting biological filtration. Read here:
and the linked files above till you understand>
Thank you for any answer -
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Sick Corydoras 8/18/09
Hello everyone. I was hoping you could answer a question for me.
<Fire away!>
Today, I noticed one of my Cory cats acting kind of strange. It was
kind of flipping out, scratching each gill simultaneously on the
substrate while swimming. Seems healthy, swimming normal now. Does not
have any marks on him, spots etc. Have you ever seen them do this
<Does happen, yes.>
I tried doing a search on your site and did not see anything.
<Do review possibly sources of toxicity: paint fumes, insect sprays,
Corydoras, being air-breathers, are peculiarly sensitive to these
Naturally, also review the usual things. You should have 0 ammonia, 0
nitrite, and a steady pH. Catfish are stuck at the bottom of the tank,
so poor water circulation is another problem. Corydoras want shallow
water (no more than 30 cm deep), low to moderate tropical conditions
(22-24 degrees C for most species), and brisk water circulation (around
4-6 times the volume of the tank in turnover per hour).>
I do want to point out that back in June I had a bout with
(probably velvet or Ich), which is gone now (had a temp drop and
noticed this the next day). Treated with high temp (87 degrees 11 days)
, extra salt (11 days), Maracide (10 days) and Melafix (7 days).
<Some medications stress catfish more severely than other fish, and
using more than one medication makes things doubly risky. For Ick, the
salt/heat protocol is the way to treat catfish.>
I hope this is not making a come back. All fish look fine, except for
one neon with a little fin damage.
<Do review water quality; fin damage, i.e., Fin Rot, is a classic
symptom of opportunistic bacterial infections.>
Tank - 40 gal, measurements amm - 0 nitrite 0, nitrate 15 to 20, PH
I have done 2 - 25 % water changes per week since beginning of June. 2
Aquaclear 50s on tank, so I don't think it is water quality.
Fish - Neon Tetra - 12
Colombian Tetra - 4
<Hyphessobrycon columbianus; a fin-nipping species... could be
nipping the Neons, Guppies, etc.>
Bleeding Heart Tetra - 4
Corys - 5
Peacock Gudgeon - 1
L183 Starry Night Pleco - 1
Clown Pleco - 1
Fancy Guppies (male) - 3
Maybe I am being too cautious. I appreciate any input you could give
<Cheers, Neale.>
Cory cat question, hlth. mostly
First here the specifics of my tank:
nitrates/nitrites= 0
pH= 7.2-7.4
Temp- about 70-75 degrees F
<While this low-end range is idea for most (though not quite all)
Corydoras catfish, it is a bit low for most other tropical fish, so do
be careful what you add. Platies, Otocinclus and Cherry Shrimps should
thrive in cool, well-oxygenated water, but Bettas, not so much.>
Light- fluorescent for 12 hours a day total (timer is set for 2 hours
on then a half hour off during the day so the bulb and ac/dc converter
don't over-heat)
Plants- 6 small, broad leafed plants and driftwood
Size- 12 gallons
<Bit on the small side for adult Corydoras and Platies.>
Inhabitants: 1 male Betta, 3 female platy's, 1 small otty, 3
spotted Cory cats, a couple of cherry shrimp (I just noticed some
babies too), more snails then I would like (and are constantly
<Keep your tank clean. Snails convert waste, particularly uneaten
food and dying plants, into baby snails. The cleaner the tank, the less
the snails can breed. Adding something like Clea helena (the Assassin
or Snail-eating Snail) also works wonders. They're widely sold in
England, and perhaps elsewhere.>
water change: 25% every 7-10 days, I treat the water with a water
conditioner before adding it and match the temperature.
All fish have been together for about 2 months and get along very well
(no biting or chasing, no one has damaged fins, all are active and eat
I had a 4th Cory who about a month ago (1 month after I got it) became
sick. I first noticed it would stay by itself, it lost weight, and its
tail fin was slightly clamped and a little red at the base. I treated
the tank with an anti-fungus agent containing Nitrofurazone,
Furazolidone, and potassium dichromate as per the directions.
<Why did you treat for Fungus? Were there symptoms of fungal
Just to recap: Fungus looks like tufts of short white threads. It's
often compared to cotton wool. If you don't see this symptom, then
Fungus isn't likely, and use of anti-fungal medications is a waste.
Do always remember medicines are poisons! Overuse, or careless use,
will cause harm.>
There was no change in the fish and he/she became increasingly
lethargic and started having labored breathing (the tail was still
clamped and the redness was spreading from the base towards the tip of
the fin). I retreated the tank after 4 days and a water change (as per
the product's directions) and there was still no change in the fish
and all the other fish showed no symptoms. Finally, after about a week
the fish died. The tail had white fuzz on it, it was very red and there
was some marked degeneration when I found him in the morning.
<Now, white fuzz, which can be Fungus, will often appear when a fish
has died, or is close to death. Fungus is part of the natural, healthy
ecosystem in your tank. Among other things, it breaks down fish faeces
into the chemicals the biological filter can process. But the flip side
is that a moribund or dead fish is every bit as delicious to fungi as a
lump of fish faecal material. The fungi just eat whatever they can
find. In your case, this Corydoras may well have been sick because of
something else, and the fungus was just an opportunist that jumped onto
the fish as it was dying.>
I figured this was just a weak fish but then 3-4 days ago (its been
about a month since the above fish died) another Cory has the same
symptoms and all my other fish look completely healthy (I haven't
added any new plants or fish in the interim). I tried the same fungus
killer and it hasn't made a difference. The fish is getting worse
and I doubt he'll be alive by tomorrow morning but I am worried
that this will keep happening to my other fish and I do not know how to
treat the water.
<First of all, what is the water quality? Corydoras must have clean
water, so 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite are critical. Secondly, the water
must have too-extreme a set of chemistry parameters. Aim for pH of 6 to
8, 5-20 degrees dH. It doesn't matter precisely what the values
are, just that they are stable from week to week. Corydoras are
otherwise very hardy, but in tanks with poor filtration they frequently
become the first fish to get sick. This is because the bottom of the
tank is the bit with the least oxygen and the worst water
I did a massive water change after the first fish died.
<Don't change more than 25% in any one day, unless you are 100%
sure the new water has similar temperature, pH, and hardness.>
I was thinking of treating the whole tank with an Ick-clear product to
cover my bases if its a more resistant fungus
<No, no, no... medication doesn't work this way. All you're
doing is randomly adding one medicine after another. Instead, identify
the disease.
Check water chemistry, water quality, and water temperature to factor
out environmental issues (which cause some 90% of the fish diseases
aquarists encounter). Then, if you are sure the disease requires
medication, select the right medication for the job, and use precisely
as instructed. Do not use more than one medication at a time, and
always remove carbon (if you use it) while medicating. Don't do
water changes while the course of medication is being used (this
applies to those that require several doses across several days). When
you're done, do two or three 25% water changes across the next
couple of days to flush out any remaining medication *before* adding
any new medications (or additional courses of the medication used first
time around).>
Other than that I do not have any ideas, please help!
<Cheers, Neale.>
As a side note, is there any safe product to combat snails that will
not kill my shrimp Also, I don't plan on replacing the 2 fish that
died because I think the tank was slightly over crowded even though the
water was within healthy parameters.
<See above. Never, ever add anti-snail medications to an aquarium.
They do far more harm than good. Cheers, Neale.>
Albino Catfish?? 6/26/09
I have what I think is an Albino catfish, it hasn't been well for
the last 3 weeks now.
<Do you mean an albino Corydoras or an albino Ancistrus Bristlenose
For the first week it was "tornadoing" and spinning in
circles, couldn't swim straight if he tried.
<Often a sign water quality is seriously bad: check the pH is
stable, somewhere between 6 and 8 but not varying much; also check that
nitrite level is 0 and ammonia level is 0. Can also occur when water
that is too
cold (barely above freezing) is added to a tropical tank, or when the
water contains some toxin that hasn't be treated with an
appropriate water conditioner, such as chlorine, copper or
It didn't seem right to me but I was told this was the nature of
the fish to be a little crazy.
Now for about the last 2 weeks it hasn't moved from the bottom of
the tank laying on its side.
It is still breathing but doesn't seem able to really move.
<Outlook is grim.>
It seems completely normal in that it isn't bloated or discolored
at all, it seems its just gone lame?
<More likely you're doing something wrong (or rather, not doing
something right) in terms of maintenance. Let's assume this is a
Corydoras catfish.
These are schooling fish, and it's cruel to keep them in groups of
less than 5 specimens. They need a reasonable amount of space, 20
gallons or more for a group of 5. They need warmth, but not too much,
around 24 C/75 F being ideal. The water should be clean, 0 ammonia and
0 nitrite, and the filter should be working briskly enough that
there's a good strong current.
The water used in the tank should have a hardness between 5-20 degrees
dH, pH 6-8. You shouldn't be using water from a domestic water
softener or heaven forbid de-ionised water by itself. All water should
be treated with a dechlorinator before use.>
Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
<Need more information than you've offered, to be honest, so
can't help much at all than to suggest what you might be doing
Kind Regards,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Strange nub near gills
I have an established 30 gallon tank that I recently added 3
Sterba's Corys to. They all seem happy and healthy (eating,
bumbling and foraging), though the largest one has a strange orange nub
growing near his gills on one side (same color as his fins). I
don't have a quarantine tank so I'm hoping it's not
something contagious, and if it's something that can be cleared up
I want take care of it before it progresses. I don't know of any
parasites that would show up as that bright orange color. The gill
cover doesn't appear distended, and otherwise has normal
coloration. Water parameters and ph are normal, substrate is fine
gravel, and there are plenty of hiding places among the plants and
logs. They seem to be
adjusting with minimal stress, and I'd like to see them remain
healthy and happy. Do you have any suggestions as to what might be
causing this nub?
Could it just be some sort of benign tumor, or should I be treating the
tank for something else? I didn't find any specific information
online, and I'm hoping you might have some insight.
Thanks for your help,
<Hello Eve. I've not come across this problem with Corydoras,
and it isn't one for which I can offer much useful help. If the
thing is clearly a cyst or benign tumour, i.e., looks like swelling
rather than an attached parasite, then there isn't much you can do.
If the animal is otherwise healthy, then you can ignore it. It
certainly can't be cured (removed) without veterinarian help. A
more serious problem is if the thing is a Microsporidean parasite such
as Glugea, which I'm dealing with at the moment with some
Sticklebacks. This looks like a swelling divided up into a few small
"bubbles", and is very distinctive; see for example the
advanced case show here:
Most parasites require an intermediate host not present in aquaria, so
do not spread, but Glugea, like Ick, can spread from one fish to
another. As such, it is best to remove infected fish, and ideally
euthanise them (described elsewhere on WWM).
Cheers, Neale.>
Sterbai Corydoras with White Lump on Nose
Hi There
Two days ago I discovered that two of my five Sterbai Corydoras
had lost their barbells and both have a white lump on the tip of
their nose. The lump appears to be solid, see attached
I've removed them from the community tank and put them into
my 25L holding tank. As per the LFS (here in Australia) I have
begun treatment with Tri-Sulfa tablets. I've also added an
airstone to the tank, in case they need extra oxygen. The other
Corys and community fish appear to be fine.
Prior to the Corys getting sick, my community tank details
1. Water parameters
Temp: 28C
PH: 6.8
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 5
2. Tank set up
Size: L 36' (92cm) X W 14' (36cm) x D 19' (50cm)
Substrate: As seen in above pic, small round smooth gravel
Filtration: Aquaclear 50 (HOB)
Furnishings: 2 logs (aquarium decoration bought at LFS), 2 slate
rocks, a terracotta pot, a terracotta plate, 1 large piece of
driftwood, 3 Amazon sword plants
Tankmates: 2 Bolivian Rams, 1 SAE, 6 Dwarf Neon Rainbows, 6 Neon
Tetras, 9 Ember Tetras
Tank has been established for 11 months.
Does anyone on the Crew know what this is, and have I begun the
right treatment?
Thank you in advance for any advice on this matter.
<Deanna, the treatment is very simple. Take out the gravel;
put in smooth (not sharp!) silica sand or an aquarium sand
expressly suitable for burrowing fish (many aren't, e.g.,
Tahitian Moon Sand).
What you are describing is extremely common. All that happens is
that the Corydoras burrow into the gravel, or try to at least,
and they damage their snouts. Bacterial infections set in, and
the whiskers rot away. Corydoras shouldn't be kept in tanks
with gravel, though a lot of people do so (and yes, they all have
Corydoras with missing whiskers). Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sterbai Corydoras with White Lump
on Nose - Follow Up Question 4/14/2009
Thanks for your prompt response Neale. The choice of substrate did
cross my mind, and I will change over ASAP. Should I continue with
the Triple Sulfa treatment in the quarantine tank because they
still have a lump on their nose, or can I move them back to the
main tank?
<Hello Deanna. By all means carry on treating against Finrot,
but in all likelihood these fish will get better by themselves. So
finish the course you've started, but once done, simply wait
for the Catfish to heal. Cheers, Neale.> |
Dying Cory cats Hello all, been a
while since I've emailed. Thanks for your continued advice. I have
a problem with my Julii Corys that has me puzzled. I have a very well
established 29 gal tank that I run RO water in since my local water is
extremely hard. I have several species of Corys including, until last
week, 9 false Julii Corys. The tank is well planted and water
conditions are excellent albeit a bit on the acidic side. This never
has been a problem and the fish have thrived. However last week I lost
two Corys unexpectedly. They each went from perfect to dead very
rapidly. I've never seen such healthy-looking dead fish. Similar
behavior for both: hovering at the water line making bubbles to
exhaustion, then losing balance, then gasping, then dead within a
matter of a couple hours. This morning I've noticed a third Cory
starting the same pattern. I've done two 50% water changes and
added an additional water stone thinking perhaps the O2 content was low
given the gasping. I've added some pH stabilizer each day over the
last few so now I'm around 6.8. (I usually add some aquarium salt
during water changes to augment the RO). Thinking perhaps swim bladder
problems but can't imagine why multiple fish affected
simultaneously. Any thoughts or suggestions? Appreciate you, Dean
<Dean, do please check circulation in the tank. Corydoras are
extremely sensitive to poor circulation. While they do gulp air if they
need to, they are essentially fish that rely on dissolved oxygen. If
you have, for example, a hang-on-the-back filter it is entirely
possible that water circulation from the bottom of the tank (where the
catfish live) to the top of the tank (where oxygen gets in) is poor.
The fact the cats are spending time close to the surface suggests that
this is the problem. Also check the substrate is clean (it should be
given a bit of a rake through every couple of months, at least) and
that the pH is stable between water changes. Another misconception with
Corydoras is that they tolerate/prefer warm water. They most certainly
do not! The maximum temperature for most species is around 25 C (77 F)
if you want them to do well. Ideally, slightly cooler, around 22-24 C
(72-75 F). Finally, do spend some time reviewing the basics. If
you're adding salt to a freshwater aquarium, you're doing
something considered (at best) obsolete and at worst harmful for the
last few decades! There's no need to add salt. If you are using RO
water, that should only be a portion of the water added to the tank.
Unless you are keeping something very specific that needs super-soft
water, then a 50/50 mix of RO with hard (non-softened) tap water is
perfect. That'll give you a hardness around 10-12 degrees dH, pH
7.5, an absolutely ideal level for Corydoras and a wide range of
community tropicals. Very soft water causes all kinds of problems, and
for the vast majority of aquarists there are more risks associated with
very soft water than benefits. Moreover, adding salt -- by itself at
least -- to RO water, and assuming that makes it water acceptable for
keeping freshwater fish is not correct. By all means use it dilute the
hardness of tap water 50/50, but never, ever keep fish in a 100% RO
water, even if you're adding a little salt. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: dying Cory cats Thanks for the advice Neale, fish seem to
be doing well. Appreciate you. <Glad the fish are well, and thanks
for the kind words. Cheers, Neale.>
Have irreparably harmed my Cory?
3-5-09 Hi. I moved some slate from my 20 gallon to my 40
gallon tank last night. Later on, I noticed my 3 Peppered
Corydoras were not moving and my smallest was laying on his side.
My other 3 Albino Corydoras along with Platy and 2 fry seemed
okay. Am and Nitrites 0. I did 40 percent water change prior to
bed. Upon waking this morning, all Corydoras were listless and I
thought the smallest one was dead at the top stuck in a floating
plant. Am and nitrite still 0. I scooped him out and tossed a
good foot into a bucket. He wasn't dead. I immediately tossed
him back in the tank (so I thought). I went and prepared some
water for another change, came back and found him on the side of
the tank ( still breathing). I panicked and put him in a bucket
with some tank water and a couple drops of Methylene blue and an
airstone while I changed the water and added a Eheim liberty 200
filter to further help conditions in the main tank. All the other
Corydoras have perked up. The other is back in the tank floating
at the top on it's side, it did go back down to the bottom
for a few minutes and now it's back up top, barely breathing.
I don't want to make the mistake of considering it dead
again, but I don't want it to suffer. Should I euthanize this
fish? Wait a bit? I feel like I'm in a fish horror story and
I'm the bad guy which I guess I am. :( Gina <Hi Gina.
Adding Methylene Blue without good reason is never a good idea.
If you see unhappy fish, it's almost always an environmental
issue, possibly poisoning. The latter is often a problem if
you've been doing painting or anything else that releases
fumes into the air. Because Corydoras are air-breathers,
they're particularly prone to this type of poisoning.
Assuming water quality is good, I'd check the temperature,
pH, hardness, and that water circulation is adequate (i.e., the
filter isn't running slow), and that there's nothing
rotting in the tank that could be using up oxygen. Change 50% of
the water now, and 50% early the next morning. Essentially try
and flush through lots of clean water. Have you added anything
new? Plants? Fish? If so, consider Ick and Velvet as possible
stowaways, and act accordingly. Corydoras are pretty robust, and
I'd not count them out too soon, but do observe closely for
the next few hours. A photo would help us identify problems.
Cheers, Neale.>

Re: Have irreparably harmed my Cory?
3-5-09-09-09 Hi Neale. The only thing I did was caulk up
some holes in my wall a few feet from the tank the Cory is in. I
don't know if that factors in. <Hmm... certainly possible
if any types of solvent were involved. By default, when doing
home repairs nearby your fish, keep windows wide open and a good
strong flow of air through the room. Obviously moving the fish to
another room is even better, but not always possible.>
I've attached a picture, he seems worse today (not attempting
to move away). I've done the water changes as instructed and
all other fish in that tank seem okay. I did add some rock to the
Cory's tank that I had bought for a redo on my 10 gallon tank
that was left over. <What kind of rock? Some rocks are safe in
fish tanks, but many aren't.> It was in the 10 gallon for
a few hours before I moved it. <OK.> I mention the 10
gallon (in a different room) because I woke to find my six new
Kuhli Loaches (had about 3 days) were all dead. <Suspect these
were in bad shape before purchase: they are VERY underweight. If
you look at them, their heads are bigger and thicker than their
bodies. Since the skull doesn't shrink with starvation, but
the muscles around the body do, this is usually a sign the fish
is starving. In fact a healthy Kuhli will have a chunky body and
usually a distinct "shoulder" behind the head where its
body is obviously more robust that the head. So in this case, you
may have come home with weak fish, making things difficult.> I
had recently redid the tank for them (rocks, sand). I added a
Eheim Aquaball and kept the sponge filter in the tank. When I
came home from work last night, one was floating at the top in a
plant (usually stays on bottom during day) but eventually moved
down. I thought it was because I had put my Betta in with them
and he bullied him. So I removed the Betta. <Bettas and Kuhlis
normally get along fine.> Then at bedtime, turned off the
lights, threw in an algae wafer (new bag bought last night) and
checked on them before bed and they were swimming and doing
figure eights, very active. Then all dead this morning. Am 0
Nitrites 0 Nitrates 20 PH 6. I've been struggling with low PH
and had removed all driftwood from my tanks and all have had
several water changes, the PH doesn't seem to be moving.
<A sudden pH change certainly can kill fish. Is the pH 6 all
the time? Or does it go up and down? If you have a pH of 6,
it's likely you have soft water. I'd recommend fixing
that by raising the carbonate hardness. Various ways to do that:
commercial pH buffers (7.0 would be ideal); adding a small amount
of crushed coral to the filter; or adding a 1/4th to 1/2 dose of
Rift Valley cichlid salt mix (not normal salt!) to each bucket of
water. Do see here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWsubwebindex/fwsoftness.htm Oh, and
do make sure you aren't using water from a domestic water
softener; that's very bad for fish. Only use drinking-quality
water.> I just bought and set up the 40 gallon tank ( I
don't know if you remember our conversation last week ) and
now I'm thinking of chucking it all except the Betta and a 5
gallon. I don't understand what happened the last couple of
days at all and don't want to do anything until I do.
<I'm not 100% clear what's going on, though I suspect
the sick Corydoras and the dead Kuhli loaches are separate
issues. Now, do remember that the bigger the tank, the more
stable it will be, so keeping a 40 gallon tank will be miles
easier than a 5 gallon, all else being equal. So don't get
too disheartened! But please, go slowly, and do feel free to ask
as many questions as you want. I think once you understand the
issues behind soft water and pH changes, you'll be able to
see the dangers you need to avoid. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Have irreparably harmed my Cory?
(RMF, would appreciate input)<<Ok>> 3/9/09
Hi Neale. Thanks for all your help. <Most welcome.> The pH
in my 20 gallon tank that has been running for 2.5 months is at
6. I added Seachem's Neutral Regulator with a 25 % water
change Sat night and again Sun Morning. It doesn't seem to
budge the pH. <Hmm... this is a very low pH for a community
tank. While not in itself a disaster provided you stick with soft
water fish only, it would be the wrong place to keep hard water
fish like livebearers. My gut feeling would be that if you
can't beat 'em, join 'em. Choose only fish that will
enjoy these conditions.> I'm reluctant to add it directly
to the tank as I wanted to raise the pH slowly. <Correct. You
should never add these chemicals directly to the tank. Instead,
add them to buckets of water. Alter the water in the bucket, and
then use it to replace a bucket of old water in the tank. Over
the weeks, the aquarium will gradually shift from whatever the
conditions are in the aquarium to the conditions you are creating
in each bucket of new water.> With the water changes, the pH
will move up towards 6.4, but within a few hours drops back to 6
(the lowest my test goes). <Implies a variety of things,
though most likely a combination of high stocking (lowers pH via
organic acids, nitrate, etc) and lack of carbonate hardness in
the water (nothing to inhibit pH decline). Certain materials,
notably bogwood, will also lower pH.> I get the same readings
and results in the 5 gallon tank that has the Betta. <OK, does
sound as if you have very soft water. This is tap water, right?
Not from a domestic water softener? You should never use water
from the latter.> I purchased one of those test strips for
alkalinity. <OK.> Currently in the 20 gallon (which houses
3 Platies, 1 fry, 6 Corydoras (the sick one is swimming around
and looking for food a bit now) : pH 6 Hardness 120 (which reads
as moderate not soft? Also, I do have build-up around my faucets)
<<This could be salts, not of Ca, Mg... not contributing to
hardness... RMF>> Alkalinity 0 Nitrite and Nitrate 0
Ammonia 0 My tap water comes out (tested from inside and outside
sources, tested immediately after drawn and then after aerated
for 24 hours) pH 8 Hardness 120 Alkalinity 120 (sometimes looks
more like 180) Ammonia 2 + <<?!. RMF>> Currently in
the 40 gallon which was filled with conditioned water, pH 8, 4-5
days ago and has been running with Eheim filtration with
temperature set at 80 degrees. The Alkalinity in the 4 days has
dropped from 120 (180?) to 80. pH from 8 to 7.6. I added a full
dose of Seachem's Regulator on Saturday to this tank.
<I'm getting a déjà vu feeling here! For
one thing, you're using strips, and these seem to be less
reliable than liquid test kits, so if possible have your local
aquarium shop test some water and compare it to the results you
get. But secondly, there seems to be a thing with the water
supplied to some (American?) households where the water chemistry
rapidly changes of its own volition within a few days. For
whatever reason, it isn't something I've come across in
the UK, so can't speak about from personal experience.
Essentially it means that there's a combination of additives
and minerals in the water that over a few days change
sufficiently that water chemistry alters dramatically. Take a
look here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebindex/fwhardnessfaqs.htm Go
specifically to the thread "pH/Ammonia Issue (RMF, never
come across this, any ideas?)" and you'll see than Bob
and I went over and over a similar issue with another a
fishkeeper.> <<I have re-read... and have encountered
such issues, vacillating GH, KH in tap/mains water supplies... As
stated in the cited string above, there are municipalities that
at times will run more of a few types of mainly
"flocculants" (though other chemicals can/do have this
and other "anomalous" effects)... And there are many
cases of "bad readings", particularly for strip-type
tests... and other endogenous factors can certainly cause wide
and rapid shifts in hardness and pH... as is gone over...
RMF>> I've read that certain conditioners for chlorine,
Chloramine and ammonia will pose false positives for ammonia
depending on the test kit used. <Correct. Test the tap water
prior to adding anything. Any traces of ammonia will be dealt
with via your additives, so shouldn't be an issue.> With
Kordon's AmQuel as I can get the ammonia down to 0 for water
changes (using twice the dosage amount, but reads for 1 ppm
removal, since my tap comes out at 2 ppm, I'm assuming this
is correct?). <Can't do any harm.> With Seachem's
product, which says it treats for all the same, I can't get
the level down to 0, in fact it doesn't budge the ammonia at
all. <Your ammonia test kit will detect "false
positives" from certain other chemicals, such as Chloramine
and apparently Nessler's reagent.> Nor does it seem to
adjust the pH based on my drip test (neither on water drawn and
conditioned and tested immediately nor tested 24 hours later
after being aerated). Another conditioner I tried this weekend
will drop the ammonia to .25, but no less, no matter how much I
add. Am I over dosing the conditioner? Am I correct to not add
any water to my tank unless it reads 0 for ammonia? <<Yes!
Best to treat, store "new" water outside the system...
for a week if you can. RMF>> Can you best advice on how to
stabilize my pH from here? Or ideas on to the cause and/or how to
further test to determine what is going on? I've recently
upgraded all filtration and moved the biological filtration to
the new. However, it seems useless since my pH is so low. <OK,
here would be my advice. Put the strip test kit to one side for
now. I'm assuming it's an all-in-one strip, right?
Let's assume these are mislead/unreliable when used with your
tap water. Leave them for checking nitrite/nitrate levels at
which they'll be fine and dandy. Good enough for making sure
your water changes and filtration are doing their thing! Buy a
carbonate hardness test kit and a pH test kit. These are the two
critical ones for water chemistry. The general hardness test kit,
though it sounds useful, actually has somewhat limited usefulness
despite being "general". It doesn't really tell you
anything about the ability of water to resist pH changes; only
how much non-carbonate "stuff" is in the water. Since
these minerals have near-zero impact on pH buffering, this
isn't informative. Now, your carbonate hardness kit will test
specifically for the carbonate and bicarbonate content of the
water, and THIS is the stuff that keeps pH from changing. The aim
for most freshwater fishkeeping is get a carbonate hardness of
around 5 degrees dH (about 90 mg/l calcium carbonate equivalent).
This amount should buffer against any reasonable amount of
acidification between weekly water changes. If you find you
don't have this amount of carbonate hardness, you'll need
to add some to each new bucket of water. A good Malawi Cichlid
salt mix will do the trick, though obviously there's no need
to use the full dose. The usual ratio is: 1 teaspoon baking soda
(sodium bicarbonate) 1 tablespoon Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate)
1 teaspoon marine salt mix (sodium chloride + trace elements) For
a Malawi aquarium you'd add this to each 5 gallons/20 litres,
but since we likely won't need nearly so much, try using
one-fourth the amount to begin with, and if that doesn't
work, one-half. So initially, 1/4th a teaspoon of baking soda,
1/4th tablespoon of Epsom salt, 1/4th teaspoon marine salt mix.
This is clearly not an expensive way to go! But it works really
well, and should fix the pH at around 7.5 plus or minus a little,
and get you a carbonate hardness around the level we want.
General hardness will be somewhere around 10 degrees dH, but it
really doesn't matter that much. Add these salts to buckets
of water prior to use, and ideally, leave the water overnight and
then test the water chemistry (pH, carbonate hardness) again the
first few times, just to see how things pan out. With luck, the
Malawi mix will compensate for any funniness in the water as
supplied by your water company. Problem solved.> The tanks
have river rock, sand, slate, gravel, but nothing that I
haven't bought at a LFS. <Cool.> Thanks again for any
insight or instruction you can provide. Gina <Hope this helps,
Neale.> <<I do agree with your "all fits"
advice above... Starting with most any/all source water, the
simple mix/addition should serve to bolster hardness, fix pH well
enough... RMF>>
Re: Have irreparably harmed my Cory?
(RMF, would appreciate input) 3/10/09
Thanks, both of you.
<Most welcome.>
I've treated 5 gallons of tap water with Amquel and 1/4 tsp
of each baking soda, Epsom salt and marine salt. I'll let it
sit overnight with an airstone before I do a water change.
<Quarter TABLESPOON of Epsom salt! Not teaspoon. No big deal
this time around, but try and get it right next time, eh? Oh, by
the way, one tablespoon is three teaspoons, so a quarter
tablespoon would be 3/4ths of a teaspoon.>
I got a carbonate hardness test as well. I already had liquid
tests for pH and all the others. Although the numbers are a bit
different, it seems to show the same trend as the strip test.
The 20 and 5 gallon tanks register a pH of 6, 0 mg/l.
<Low; biological filtration operates best around 7.5-8, and
below 6 stops altogether. So unless there's a darn good
reason, a pH of 7 or slightly above is the ideal for community
The 40 gallon tank that was conditioned with Amquel and has been
running fishless at 80 degrees with a pinch of food added daily,
registers 50 mg/l and a pH of 7.2. This is after 5 days. My tap
comes out 90 mg/l and a pH of 8. I have had a bucket of untouched
tap water running with an airstone for close to two days and it
still has the same readings. So I'm assuming around 4/5 days
my carbonate hardness drops by half? I'll guess I'll keep
testing the tap water and 40 gallon tank to see how fast it
continues to drop.
<If you add the carbonate hardness "recipe"
suggested, my prediction will be that water chemistry in terms of
pH will remain essentially stable between water changes. The
higher the carbonate hardness, the less pH will drop. Hard,
alkaline water (like in a hard freshwater aquarium) basically
doesn't change at all, or if it does, by tiny amounts. See
how the one-fourth dosage I've recommended works out; if it
doesn't work, up the dosages to one-half dosages per bucket
of water. Even at full dosage, it's would be ideal for things
like livebearers, though soft water fish such as tetras might
I'm assuming I won't see a jump in the pH or carbonate
hardness with the Cichlid mix overnight ( in the treated change
water) as it takes several days for it to drop.
<Correct. And with increasing carbonate hardness, the rate at
which pH drops will slow down.>
Does that mean, it might be several days before I see a change in
my 20 gallon tank?
Is a 20% water change with the new mix, every day, too quick a
Should I go slower than that?
<This should be fine.>
Also, Bob, had put a ?! next to my tap water ammonia reading of
<This is for your tap water, right? Before treated with
dechlorinator? The _maximum_ allowable level in drinking water is
0.5 mg/l, in the United Kingdom at least. Ammonia usually gets
into drinking water via things like agricultural run-off. Do
check with your water supplier what the ammonia content of the
water supplied to you should be, and ask whether this reading is
normal. There could be a problem. If you're detecting the
ammonia AFTER adding dechlorinator, you're probably detecting
Chloramine after treatment with dechlorinator. Provided the
dechlorinator treats Chloramine, you can ignore this "false
positive" reading for ammonia.>
It's steadily at 2. Is this abnormal?
<Yes; check with your water supplier.>
I shower in the stuff and my dogs drink it.
<Ammonia isn't especially toxic to humans at low doses
(our bodies produce the stuff all the time) but it isn't
normal to get this amount in drinking water. If you add water
with ammonia at 2.0 mg/l to the aquarium, you're basically
dumping a lot of pollution in there. While the filter will fix
that problem reasonably quickly, for a short while at least the
fish will be exposed to a serious toxin.>
Eventually I would like to store water a week ahead as suggested,
I tried it at the beginning of all this but after week the tap
water still registered ammonia at 2. But at this point, I've
read so much, I feel like I have too much information and not
enough understanding.
<<Ahh! A beginning for enlightenment. RMF>>
<The addition of carbonate hardness to each batch of water
should make the water chemistry problem go away. Trust me on
this. As for the ammonia, that's a weird one. Some products
such as Kordon AmQuel will remove ammonia from tap water, making
it safe to use. Do see here:
Once your water is hardened and then treated for chlorine,
Chloramine and ammonia, it should be ready to use. I can't
see any further problems with your fishkeeping, and hope it will
be a LOT SIMPLER after this.>
I'll keep you updated on if this works for my system. If it
does (fingers crossed) does this mean I should eliminate my
Corydoras from my tanks since I am using a salt mixture to steady
the chemistry? :(
<Nope. The amount of carbonate hardness is low enough not to
bother Corydoras, and the salinity trivially slow. To put this in
context, seawater has 35 grammes per litre salt, which is almost
6 teaspoons per litre, or about 22 teaspoons per US gallon. The
one-quarter teaspoon is as nothing by comparison.>
Thanks again,
<Cheers, Neale>
My Cory Has No Tail -10/26/08 I just realized that
one of my Corys has no tail. <Significant...> Will it grow back?
<Depends on how deep the damage has gone.> The poor thing
can't swim. I feel horrible for him. I don't know how or when
he lost it. I tried putting food right in front of him so he could eat,
but he didn't go after it. Is there anything I can do for him?
<Mary, it sounds like he lost it for one of two reasons: pH or
nitrogenous waste troubles. Both would explain the loss of fin and
sluggishness- have you recently done water changes, or tested pH, NH3,
NO2, NO3? if any of these are out of line, do some 25% water changes a
couple times daily STAT...with time and good water quality, hopefully
the fish will recover.> Thank you for your help. Mary <No
trouble. Benjamin>
Re: My Cory Has No Tail - 10/26/08 Hi Benjamin, First, thank
you for your reply and suggestions. I just recently had to treat for
Ich. (Jungle Ich Treatment did first treatment about a week and a half
ago and then again two days ago with a 25% water change before the
second treatment.) I had added some new fish to my tank and got a
horrible outbreak of Ich. I have 6 Corys, including my little tailless
one, and one black Sailfin Molly left in my tank - it is a 36 gallon
tank. (I lost two speckled Mollies and two Swordtails from the Ich -
all 4 fish were females.) I did do a water check with a master test kit
and all levels are fine. Do you think the tail loss could be from the
Ich meds? I have set up a hospital tank (3 gallon) in case I need to
medicate. Thank you again! Mary <Hello Mary. The Ick medication
wouldn't have caused the loss of a fish's tail. Let's be
quite clear on something: Ick should never, ever be a cause of death
among fish. It is very easy to cure, and because the symptoms are so
obvious, it's easy to diagnose. In a tank with livebearers
(guppies, swordtails, mollies and platies) raising the temperature to
28-30 C and adding 2-3 teaspoons of tonic salt per gallon will stop the
problem within days, and after a couple of weeks the fish will be
perfectly healthy. Livebearers all tolerate salt extremely well, and in
the short term even Corydoras will put up with it. There are also
numerous off-the-shelf medications, though most of these contain copper
and formalin, and some fish, notably loaches, react badly to them.
Anyway, the only reason Ick medication "fails" is because the
user didn't take the carbon out of the filter. I'm dead set
against the use of carbon in most freshwater tanks, not least of all
because of this easy mistake. If your fish die despite treating for
Ick, then two things are going on: either you left it too late to treat
them, or else the Ick is merely a symptom of stress caused by something
much more serious, for example poor water quality or the wrong water
chemistry. I mention this because people often make mistakes with
Swordtails and Mollies. Swordtails are riverine fish that require cool
(around 23-25 C) water with lots of current and oxygen. A small
aquarium (anything less than 30 gallons) isn't acceptable, and even
in the right tank you need perfect water quality and generous
filtration. If the fish aren't having to work hard to swim against
the current -- you're not providing your Swordtails with enough
water current. I'd recommend a filter offering upwards of 6 times
the volume of the tank in turnover per hour. Don't waste your time
with those stupid hang-on-the-back filters, but instead use a decent
internal or better yet external canister filter that will really move
the water about. External canisters are ideal because they suck water
in from one end of the tank and push it out the other, really getting
the circulation going. Next up, Mollies. These are, despite
advertisement to the contrary, not community tank fish. Yes,
they're beautiful and peaceful, but they need brackish water to do
well, at least when kept by the average, non-expert aquarist. The
problem is that Mollies are hugely intolerant of pH changes, nitrite
and nitrate. Adding marine salt mix (not "tonic salt" or
"aquarium salt") provides bicarbonate/carbonate salts that
buffer pH and sodium chloride that detoxifies nitrite and nitrate.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/mollies.htm So despite Mollies
being mostly freshwater fish in the wild (though they are also found in
estuaries and even the sea) in aquaria they are simply best treated as
brackish water fish. For this reason, based on my 25+ years of
experience in freshwater fishkeeping and in depth study of brackish
water fish, I routinely tell people to keep Mollies in their own tank
away from freshwater fish such as Corydoras. Some hardy Corydoras
species may tolerate very low salinity (say, 3-4 grammes per litre) but
it won't do them any good. Oddly enough, the catfish Hoplosternum
littorale is a close relative of the Corydoras and naturally occurs in
brackish water, and as such makes an ideal companion for Mollies.
Mollies can also be kept very well in true brackish water communities,
and as such mix great with other livebearers (which generally tolerate
salt well) as well as a wide variety of small to medium sized brackish
water fish such as Knight Gobies, Glassfish, Limia, Halfbeaks, etc. I
hope this clarifies things. Cheers, Neale.>
Corydoras deaths 10/6/08
Hi Crew,
I have to say that I love your site, every day after work I check out
the new FAQs. You've saved me from all sorts of horrible LFS
<Glad we could help.>
I have a 75 gallon planted tank which has been running for about 8
months now. I have 432 watts of T-5 lights sitting over this but the
heat from them does not change the temperature of the tank noticeably,
it sits at 26 C day and night. I tend to change out around 10% of the
water every week. I do have an Eheim canister filter on here but
it's wholly underrated for this tank. Only does 116 gallons per
hour according to the box, likely much less since it's got ceramic
tubes and a filter pad inside. It's mainly there just to keep the
water slowly moving around.
<Would recommend beefing up the filtration a bit, if only to keep up
with the growth of your fish and ensure adequate water circulation. To
be sure, vigourous plant growth can have a strong filtration effect,
but you don't want to rely on it.>
Everything I test for seems good: pH is 7.5, hardness is about 250 GH,
Ammonia and Nitrite are at 0, Nitrate barely registers, maybe 5ppm.
<All sounds great.>
This is with most of the Flourish line of fertilizers being added a
couple of times a week based on their recommended dosages. Plus there
are some fertilizer tabs buried under root feeding plants. Substrate is
about 3' deep at the front, sloping up to 4' at the back. The
bottom half is a mixture of Laterite and Seachem's Fluorite, while
the top is cheap rounded gravel, 3-4mm in diameter. I have various
Crypts, Swords, mosses, Hygros and Val.s as well as Java Fern, Water
Lettuce, a couple Rubra lilies, a Lace plant, Banana Plants,
Glossostigma, Riccia and a mystery Cabomba like plant. I am not
currently adding CO2 but several of these plants have oxygen bubble
streams coming from them in the afternoons anyway.
<Quite so; CO2 improves good tanks, but you can certainly make good
tanks without CO2.>
Fish include one very happy Plecostomus, a Striped Raphael Catfish, 10
Otocinclus, 6 SAE, 2 Madagascar Rainbows, 3 Turquoise Rainbows, 2
Redtail Rainbows, 2 'Pink' Rainbows which are probably some
hybrid, 6 Threadfin Rainbows, a bunch of Sunrise Platies and a dozen or
so Mystery Snails. Nothing has been added for a month or more. The
Threadfins court each other, the snails lay eggs and the Platies are
always pregnant. The point of all this is that everything is growing
and all fish are colourful, active and have nip free fins.
<Would be surprised if the Plec doesn't start causing problems
eventually: at 45 cm in length and happy burrowers, they're pretty
hard on plants.>
A week ago I added a small school of 10 Corydoras. I bought them as
Peppered Corys but they look more like julii or trilineatus.
<Peppered Corydoras should be easily distinguished from C. julii or
C. trilineatus simply by colour: Peppered Corydoras are grey, not
black. C. julii and C. trilineatus are routinely confused in the hobby,
but luckily can be kept in the same way.>
I should say that they were not quarantined first as I no longer have a
quarantine tank. Every time I set one up I just end up with a nursery
tank or another community tank after a while. At the LFS they seemed
fine, no damage or dead fish to be seen. For the first day or so they
followed each other around the tank ignoring and in turn being ignored
by everybody else in the tank. On day two I found a dead one. On day
three I found another dead one. I tried changing water and retested
everything I could but found no problems. After six days I only had
three left, one of which was floating around on its side. None of them,
living or dead had any strange colours, swelling or damage that I could
see. Even though I couldn't find any problems I thought that for so
many to die in such a short time the problem must be environmental, so
I took the 3 survivors and put them into a neglected 20 gallon tetra
tank. This tank had much lower lighting and no Laterite or Fluorite.
Everything but Nitrate registers the same as my 75 gallon, Nitrate is
way up at 80 ppm. Far too high, I know. The day after I transferred
them all 3 survivors were happily following each other around the tank.
This was a couple of weeks ago and they're all still alive.
<Interesting. Corydoras are generally hardy animals, but they
sometimes respond poorly to abrupt changes in water chemistry. My gut
feeling is that you failed to acclimate them adequately; indeed,
because of the way you maintain your tank, leaning on plant growth
rather than filtration, the water chemistry (particularly pH) may vary
strongly through the course of the day. Although a secondary issue,
your water temperature is slightly higher than the 22-25 C preferred by
most Corydoras.>
I've dug through your articles and FAQs but can't seem to find
my problem.
I have read that these fish prefer lower hardness and temperature than
I have but also that they can quickly adapt to a wide range of
<Correct; but like most fish, while they can be maintained across a
range of conditions, they don't necessarily adjust to substantial
changes rapidly. In other words, while anything between pH 6 to 8 is
fine for maintaining a school of Corydoras, if you take a Corydoras
from pH 8 and dump it in pH 6, you will likely kill it.>
This seems evident by the fact that 80 ppm of Nitrate didn't faze
While the water is probably 45 cm deep there are plenty of plants they
can, and do, rest on.
<Ah, another good point. This is far too deep for Corydoras.
Depending on the size of the catfish, you are best with under 30 cm for
juveniles and up to 40 cm for adults. Anything above that is not
compatible with their biology. In the wild they live in very shallow
streams. Much better to go with Brochis spp. Corydoras are clumsy
swimmers, and expecting them to perch on plants as they swim up to the
tank is unreasonable. They have a "breath" reflex whereby
they dash upwards to the surface and then back down again to the sand
quicker than a flash, I suppose to avoid being snapped up by
None of them dashed for the surface all that often either. I didn't
once spot anybody picking on these fish. Even after death, before the
snails moved in anyway, all fins were pristine, gills were not reddened
and the eyes were not cloudy.
While I vacuum the gravel every few days there is still plenty of
detritus to pick through, plus I toss in a few Hikari Algae wafers
every evening before lights out.
I see that sand is their preferred substrate but none of them had
abbreviated or missing barbels, red bellies or anything I could see
that would betray cuts from sharp rocks.
<Yes, sand is preferable, but clean gravel shouldn't be an
I apologise for this long email but I would really like to figure out
what happened to these guys before I try adding any more. Any help you
could give is much appreciated, thank you.
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Albino Cory - red scrape marks on belly 8/12/08 Hi
- I am completely new to this. I'm keeping my boyfriend's tank
while he's out of the country. He's had the tank for a while
now. It's a 20 gallon tank with Fluval filter. Population of tank:
plant 2 rosy tetras 3 diamond tetras (2 new) 2 white fin tetras (new) 1
albino Cory cat 4 black mollies and some baby mollies <Please do
consider upping the numbers of the schooling tetras, and the Corydoras
certainly shouldn't be kept alone. Not a fan of mixing Mollies with
Tetras.> I recently lost a diamond tetra and do not know why. I
replaced it with 2 new diamond tetras. The existing one is very active,
abnormally so. He now swims around a lot, in circles. Actually, all
others seem to be very active as well. Not like before. <Diamond
tetras are schooling fish, and on their own they do become neurotic,
not to put too fine a point on it.> Water conditions; pH = between
7.4 and 7.6 KH = 30 (according to the conversion on the test kit = 1.68
dH GH = 120 (moderately hard according to test kit) Nitrite = 0 ammonia
= 0 <OK. 30 degrees KH is NOT 1.68 degrees dH, so something is amiss
there. Sounds like you have quite hard, basic water though. Fine for
most fish.> Problem: albino Cory seems to have something that looks
like red scrape marks on his belly. He swims to the top and seems to
avoid lying down on his belly. Today I saw that he's laying on
plant leaves on his side. What's wrong with the tank? Please help!
<Usually when bottom-living fish show odd scars or blisters on their
bodies, particularly their bellies and whiskers, it's to do with
poor conditions. Specifically, they're in contact with the ground,
and sharp gravel that damages them and bacteria on the gravel gets in
causing an inflammation. Corydoras absolutely must never be kept in
tanks with sharp gravel or sand produced as a by-product from glass
manufacture (e.g., Tahitian Moon Sand). Those hideous painted (blue,
red, etc.) gravels are usually very bad choices as well. You should use
fine, smooth pea gravel, or better yet, smooth silica sand. Run your
hands through the substrate. If it feels silky smooth, it's fine;
if not, then it's not good for your catfish either. The substrate
must be kept clean as well, at the very least by stirring it each time
you do a water change and the muck that comes out being siphoned away.
Do see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwsubwebindex/nicebottoms.htm
> Diana PS - I did try searching the forum but couldn't really
find a match for my issues. Thank you so much for your help. <Hope
this helps, Neale.>
Albino Aeneus Cory with Unknown Affliction --
8/8/8 Hello there. I was referred to your site by a friend
and I hope you can help me out. I've been
keeping/breeding/raising tropical aquarium fish for a few years,
but have yet to come across anything like this. A couple months
ago, I noticed one of my Albino Aeneus Cory females was getting
very plump in the chest. Since this normally occurs prior to
spawning, I thought nothing of it. However, the area kept getting
larger, so I started monitoring her more closely. Since the group
had not spawned recently, I attributed it to being egg-bound, or
possibly constipated/having a blockage. I have upped my tank
maintenance, fasted, and generally just made things as perfect as
possible. Last weekend the group spawned, and she was right there
with them, basket full of eggs and all.....she's not
egg-bound. I have also seen her passing waste, so she's not
constipated/blocked. Unfortunately the 'bubble belly'
remains. I have seen her with the light behind, and her chest
area honestly looks hollow, like a water bubble. I don't
believe it's air as she has no issues with floating and
I've never seen her fight to stay on the bottom. Other then
the large chest which makes her rest funny, she is a typical
Cory. Roots around in the sand, eats and schools with the others,
darts to the surface for a gulp of air and general acts perfectly
normal. I'm attaching two pictures of her in hopes you can
help. Please note, she has always had the kink in her tail so
that is not a new issue. Thank you in advance for any help/advise
you can give. Worried Cory Mom :) <Unless someone has a better
idea, I'd put this down to a tumour. Not uncommon among
ornamental fish, and possibly related to either dietary or
environmental inadequacies. Given these are albino fish,
they're also likely to be inbred and genetically weak (if
nothing else, albinism makes animals more vulnerable to damage
from UV light, but that's not going to be a problem indoors).
If the fish is otherwise healthy, I'd not worry overly much,
but be prepared to painlessly destroy the fish if it shows signs
of suffering. Cheers, Neale.>

Leopard Corys in trouble 6/6/08 Hi! Thanks
in advance for the help and support. I have a new 180L tank which
I cycled with the fishless cycling method. There are no ammonia,
nitrites or nitrates (I guess my plants are using up the
nitrates?). <Possibly, though you need VERY fast growing
plants in GREAT ABUNDANCE for this to be true.> When
everything was ready I bought six Corydoras julii, but I made a
mistake. One of them was whiter than the others (from when he was
at the store) and I thought he was just a little different. It
turns out he was sick. He wouldn't team up with the others
didn't have much of an appetite and eventually died after a
week. <Oh dear.> The others seemed ok at first but now (4
days after) I see another one standing still, being pale and his
eyes bulging out a little. <Hmm... do check water chemistry
and water quality. Corydoras spp. are generally EXTREMELY robust,
and assuming water conditions are adequate, they rarely get sick.
Corydoras will ADAPT to almost any water chemistry, from very
soft to very hard, pH 6 to pH 8. But what they don't like is
sudden changes in water chemistry. So check the pH is stable. If
you have rapid acidification, for example because your water is
soft, then the catfish will get sick. Similarly, while Corydoras
will tolerate poor water quality for short periods, in part
because they can breathe air, they will eventually sicken if
things don't improve. So double check the nitrite and/or
ammonia concentrations.> I asked at the store where I bought
them but their answers weren't very convincing. They said
this happened because there isn't enough oxygen in my water.
<Likely not an issue, because Corydoras can breathe air. While
they don't like stagnant water, they can tolerate it for
short periods. You will sometimes notice them swimming up to the
surface to gulp air. Normally they do this every few minutes, but
if you see them doing this very frequently, then you may have a
problem.> However I have two filters one built in and a
canister filter) and they seem powerful enough (the canister is
440l/h). <That's a turnover of about 2x the volume of your
tank per hour. My recommendation for any normal community tank is
a turnover of 4x the volume of the tank (i.e., 180 x 4 = 720
litres per hour). This is the minimum safe level to ensure all
the water goes through the biological filter often enough all the
ammonia and nitrite is removed.> They said I should buy an air
pump but it just doesn't sound right. <I agree.> Anyway
I asked at another store and they said it maybe some kind of
parasite and gave me a medication called Hexamita to blend with
their food, but there hasn't been much of a change.
<Hexamita is a protozoan, a disease causing organism in fact.
So double check the name of the medication.> My pH is 7.5 GH
and KH both 9. I do two 40% water changes a week and I always use
a water conditioner. My temp is around 25C. <All sounds well
within the tolerances of Corydoras spp.> There is only one
sick Cory right now (since the other one died) but I'm afraid
the rest might get sick too. <Do review water
chemistry/quality. Consider upgrading filtration. A photo of the
sick fish might be helpful; when fish go white, it often implies
external secondary infections, so treating with something against
Finrot/Fungus might make sense. I use eSHa 2000 with success, but
there are other medications out there you might use.> Sorry
for the length of this question but I am very new at this. They
are my first fish and I have done everything I can for them to be
ok. I really really don't want to lose them and I just love
their digging and dancing all around. <You are talking to a
dedicated fan of the genus Corydoras! They are lovely fish, and
handsomely repay extra care.> Thanks again Elisabeth
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Leopard Corys in trouble 6/6/08
Hello! It's me again! I just wanted to say thanks for the
quick answer. I think what you guys do is fantastic and has
helped improve the lives of many fish all around the world (for
example I am from Greece). And also a special thanks to Neale the
Cory fan... <You're most welcome, and good luck with your
fishes! Neale.>
Sick Cory cats? 4/8/08 Hi crew, hope all is
well. I recently (Thursday) added 2 Corydoras Schwartz's to
the 3 I already had in my 20 gallon freshwater tank. They came
from the same small LFS and I was told they were the last of the
group the first 3 came from, so I added them to the same tank (I
know my first bad move). <Certainly can be...> I have had
the others for over a month with no issues although I lost one
the day after, but I truly think I was just inexperienced and did
not acclimated correctly. So now I have 5 and they have been
acting so cute, shoaling and everything! <Cool!> Last night
I noticed a white looking area on one Cory's head which runs
down behind the 'mask' to form a V when you look down
from above. Actually a couple of them seems to have a
'V', but only one has the area on top as well. I am not
sure at all if this is normal markings, as I don't remember
it from before. <Does vary, but there are also look-alike
species... often the problem with Corydoras.> I watch them
every day and night. I love the way they appear to wag their
tails like puppies. <Preaching to the converted... I enjoy
keeping, breeding Corydoras very much. More sheer fun than any
fancy-pants reef fish!> From all my reading last night and
today I can't find anything like this so I am sending you
some pictures hoping you can either tell me what to do ASAP, or
put my mind at ease. Hopefully the latter. These pictures are the
best I could get, these buggers are quick! <Too small really
to tell... would prefer one decent sized photo around 400 px
square rather than these.> I am pretty sure the one with the
white on the head has been here for better than a month as he
doesn't hide from me. The new ones run when I come up to the
tank, while my others obviously know I am the food God and love
to see me coming at dinner time. I did have some Algae issues
from over feeding but I did a 50% water change and severely
restricted light for a week or so, and I am still keeping short
light times to discourage a reoccurrence. I was feeding 3 Hikari
wafers a night! <My Corydoras love these too. Corydoras eat a
lot of algae in the wild, and this aspect is often overlooked by
fishkeepers.> But now I only feed 1 every other night with 1
little HBH shrimp pellet. I break all of these up into little
pieces or they play tug of war with them! <I'd say one
Hikari algae wafer (around the size of a small coin) per night
for 5 catfish is about right. Maybe skip one night so they can
earn their keep cleaning up the tank a little. While it is
certainly true big catfish do best when fed only a few times per
week, I'm not sure this is true for Corydoras which are
simply so much more active.> The other nights I feed 2 1/2
shrimp pellets. These are little pellets, nothing like the Top
Fin ones that are huge! They eat everything in under an hour so I
feel they are not being over fed since they nibble a lot and play
during feeding. Once or twice a week I throw in a couple of brine
shrimp or blood worms(frozen). They seem very happy although I
have one that hides a lot in the tree stump. This one is the
biggest and I think she is a female, but that is not one with any
white and I watch her more than the others for any sign of
disease since she does hide. She just always has. When I had 3, 1
of the others would stay with her constantly, but now she stays
alone mostly. <Corydoras frequently divide into subgroups,
with one female to one or more male. The males will follow the
female about. If they're happy, you'll often see some
species of Corydoras spawn even in community tanks. Not sure
Corydoras schwartzi spawns in aquaria though.> Not sure of
these kind of dynamics but I can only guess it has to do with the
make-up of the group. Here are my
parameters:ammonia-0nitrite-0nitrate-Under 20chlorine/Chloramine
0GH-150KH-180pH-7.8 <All fine. Do keep the temperature on the
low side though, ideally around 22 C and certainly no more than
25 C.> I do 20% WC's weekly along with vacuuming with
battery powered Penn Plax vacuum. <Slightly more water
changing would be recommended. 25-50% is my preference in
freshwater tanks. Cheap, easy way to ensure good health.> I
only use prime for my water conditioning, although I do add Bio
Spira with new fish. <Redundant; a mature filter will adjust
to reasonable increasing in stocking virtually at once all by
itself.> It is a twenty gallon tall tank with a Penguin 150
filter. The only thing I can come up with besides that these are
normal markings (then why don't they all have them) is that
it could be a fungal or bacterial infection, or rubbing I have
read about in wild collected specimen. <Fungal infections
should look distinctly odd in texture, typically white and
fluffy. While not uncommon on Corydoras, they are usually
associated with serious physical damage and/or poor water
quality.> Gee, that would mean my LFS lied to me. While I am
sure not all that uncommon, it would really upset me as they have
the best looking fish around and they are a small independent
store that even carries Bio Spira. Thanks so much for you insight
and this site, people like me who just don't have the
experience to recognize these things appreciate all of your hard
work very much. I spend a lot of time researching so I can only
imagine how many years it took you to learn all you know. Thanks
for sharing it with us. Debbie <Need a better photo to say
anything sensible about the "white" patches. Cheers,

Corydoras Concerns... hlth, acclimation... 2/18/08 Hi Crew,
<Mike> Thanks in advance for your assistance with my question.
WWM is a fantastic forum and reading the Q&As has become one of my
regular daily activities. Keep up the great work! <We're
trying!> I'm experiencing some problems with some Corydoras I
acquired last Friday and am unsure how to proceed. The specs: 10 (U.S.)
gallon quarantine tank. PH = 8.0 <Yikes! A bit high for most members
of this genus...> NH3=0 NH2=.3 mg/l <Super yikes... very toxic.
I'd at least be trading out prepared water, really discounting
feeding... Reading on WWM re reduction...> NO3=0 Temperature=79F
<Mmmm, what species of Corydoras are these? Some prefer cooler,
warmer water...> Filtration = Whisper 10i in-tank filter Sequence of
events: 1. 2/9: Tank set up. Water 50/50 from established main display
tank and fresh - seeded with a pinch of fish food to start the cycling
process <Good> 2. 2/14: Bio-Spira added. <Good> 3. 2/15:
Received delivery from Drs. Foster & Smith containing 5 juvenile
Carnegiella strigata and 5 juvenile (what were supposed to be)
Corydoras trilineatus 4. Acclimated livestock by floating for 45
minutes and 2 hours of gradual addition of tank water to the shipping
bags. <Mmm... I should make a few comments here... re measuring for
incoming ammonia, pH to some extent... there are other preferred
acclimation techniques for situations where animals have been boxed up
for hours... vs. short trips from a LFS... Posted on WWM> 5. Upon
release into tank noticed one of the Corys was struggling to maintain
proper swimming orientation. Observed what I thought to be inflammation
of the gills (gills appeared "bruised" reddish/blue) and
clamped dorsal fin. Suspected a parasitic or bacterial infection of the
gills. <Ahh! Very common... "burn" from the aforementioned
accumulated ammonia, rapid change in surrounding water... the pH
changing the "format" of the ammonia inside the fishes
bodies, being much more toxic> 6. 2/16: Hatchets doing fine and
taking food. All Corys foraging for food, but no improvement in the one
showing distress. 7. 2/17: Morning: Hatchets doing fine and taking
food. 1 Cory dead. 1 Cory showing distress (swimming erratically,
struggling to maintain proper orientation, clamped dorsal fin). All
surviving Corys displaying apparent gill "bruising"
coloration. Researched on FishBase and believe specimens are Corydoras
julii not trilineatus (based on spotted vs. reticulated head markings.
A gill "bruise" appears to be normal coloration for julii,
but not trilineatus). 8. 2/17: Afternoon: Hatchets continue to be doing
well. Cory that was showing distress in the morning continued to
degrade. Euthanized to end suffering. Surviving 3 Corys beginning to
show distress, dorsal fin clamping. I've done a partial water
change with water from my display tank (PH=7.3, NH3=0, NH2=0, NO3=0)
<Good> reduced the tank temperature to 78 F (FishBase indicates
julii likes a slightly cooler environment than trilineatus) and
continue to monitor NH2. <Also good> Any idea what might be going
on with these poor little guys and/or suggestions what I can do to help
them? Thank you very much for you assistance. Mike <I do think they
may have just suffered too much "shipping stress" and the
mentioned gill burn... I would contact the fine folks at Dr.s F and S
with your report, the likely incorrect species ID on their part, and
ask for credit/replacement. Bob Fenner>
Cory Help... sel., hlth. 2/1/08 Hi! I have
recently bought one albino Cory for my 20 gallon aquarium. Along side
the Cory in the tank are 3 marble mollies, a balloon molly, 2 white fin
tetras, and a zebra tetra. <No such thing as a "zebra
tetra" -- do you mean a Zebra Danio? Small minnow with
longitudinal gold and purple stripes.> My problem is my Cory is
acting extremely weird. He swims up and down radically and never stays
in one spot too long. Sometimes he just frantically swims around and
around in the aquarium. I feed him using fish flakes and sinking
pellets. But it seems as though he doesn't eat this food. I have
had him for 4 days now. Could he be acting strange due to the presence
of the other fish? Or is there something else that could be a
contributing factor to this? <He's lonely, scared, and miserable
-- and likely wondering why he was bought by someone who doesn't
research their fish first, usually an omen of doom for unfortunate
fish. Corydoras are *schooling* fish, and have to be kept in groups.
Four is the minimum really, and you need six or more to see them at
their best. So go to your retailer and buy some more. Albino Corydoras
are usually Corydoras paleatus, so you can mix them with regular
Corydoras paleatus (known as "peppered Corydoras" in the
trade).> Sincerely, Michael <Cheers, Neale.> <<Well done
Neale. RMF>>
Sick Cory, env. dis. 12/9/07 Hi crew!
<Becky> I am having trouble with my peppered Cory catfish, Spike,
and don't know what to do. I have had him over a year, and he has
always seemed to have a reddish fin. <Ahh, a sign of something
incompatible with this fish and its environment... chemical, physical,
social...> But recently, it has gotten bigger and the skin is
falling off. I have had this happen in this area before, and have
treated it with just Melafix and it has gone away, but always seems to
come back. His fin has become obsolete, he can't use it. Other
areas of skin on his body seem to be falling off as well. I haven't
heard of or seen anything like this. <The clue that the Melafix
product had an improving effect leads me to speculate that the water
quality is incompatible here. Corydoras live in soft, acidic waters by
and large. What is your water like?> I have tried AquariSol and
adding a little extra aquarium salt to my tank, <And Callichthyids
do NOT like salts in their water...> but they don't work. My
other fish in the 10 gal. tank all seem to be ok, except for Spike.
<What are the other fish species? This is a very useful clue... as
the others likely have dissimilar water quality tolerances> I
isolated him in a smaller tank (1 gal) but he acted very weird, so I
moved him back into the tank. Any clue what it could be/ what
treatments I should use? Thanks, Becky <Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/callcatdisfaq2.htm
and the linked files above. Your answers are there. Bob Fenner>
Re: Sick Cory, env. dis.. NealeM addenda to Callichthyid dis., env.
12/9/07 Hi Robert, <Neale> More a bit of information than a
correction really. Where you said today that "..Callichthyids do
NOT like salts in their water..." that's only true up to a
point. <Oh?> It is certainly the case that Corydoras do not come
from brackish water. But there are true brackish water Callichthyidae.
Hoplosternum littorale actually seems to prefer brackish water, growing
more slowly in freshwater than brackish. It tolerates up to 16 ppt.*
Unlike Callichthyidae generally, it is absent from soft/acid waters. I
only learned about this a year or so ago, so it never made it into the
brackish book. Shame, because it strikes me that this hardy and very
robust catfish would be a superb addition to tanks with mollies and
such. <Mmm, thank you for this> Apparently also thrives perfectly
well in polluted, hydrogen sulphide > rich waters where other fish
show signs of ill-health. I thought I'd share though. No need to
publish this or anything. I happen to revel in these exceptional
members of either freshwater or marine families that "break the
rules" and do precisely what you'd not expect. I felt
you'd be amused, too. Cheers, Neale * See 'Biology' section
here for references: http://nis.gsmfc.org/ >
nis_factsheet2.php?toc_id=188 <Thanks again. Will accumulate/post.
Re: gray spots on Orange Neon Cory 12/7/07
Hi, I have yet again another problem with my Corys. <Oh?>
Last week my 30 gallon female Betta/ Cory tank experienced a bout
of something that was best described as Epistylis. I was in
contact with Neale and with his great advice and help I think we
cleared that problem up. All is well in that tank.
<Good-oh.> Neale suggested as a general rule for all my
tanks to do 50% WC per week, which I have started doing. I was
only doing 25%. I treated the Betta/Cory tank with Jungle's
Tank Buddies for Fungus and then after two treatments of the
Fungus meds, added Pima Fix for the Cory with healing fins and
barbels and I have noticed regrowth on both areas. Should I do
more Pima Fix and for how long? Something else? <I'd keep
using it until the fish are 100% healed. Pimafix is pretty mild
stuff and unlikely to cause any problems.> I am also running a
55 gallon community tank with two dwarf Gouramis, two gold
gouramis, 1 blue three spot and 1 Opaline Gourami, 5 Schwartzi
Corys, 6 Orange Laser Corys, 7 scissor tail Rasboras, 1 pair
black mollies, and a pair of orange platies. <Ok.> The tank
has lots of live plants, Fluorite bottom about 3/4 deep, an HOB
filter and a sponge filer rated for 40 gallons. After I removed
the carbon, as suggested, I placed 3/4 cup of Zeolite in the HOB
filter for ammonia and left the coarse sponge like screens in for
filtration, OK? <Zeolite is almost as useless as carbon.
Zeolite removers ammonia. Nothing else. That's all it does.
If you have a biological filter that is working properly, the
Zeolite isn't adding anything useful to your filtration
system. It's just as waste of space and money. Zeolite is
primarily for tanks where biological filters can't be used,
e.g., soft water tanks at pH <6, or hospital tanks set up at a
moment's notice.> Water parameters are temp. 80-82
degrees, Ammonia 0, nitrate 0 and nitrates 0. PH is about 7.2
before and around 7.5 right after WC. <Ooh, a little on the
warm side. Aim for 25C/77F. Corydoras especially don't like
overly warm water.> Here's the problem. Two of the Orange
Laser Corys have what look like gray patches on their heads. The
patches are not perfectly round, one has a crescent shape patch
and the other's is sort of oval. Both have a lighter, as in
color and thickness, patch near one gill. These appeared after
the 1st 50% WC, which I am careful about as regards to matching
water temps. <Water changes shouldn't cause any problems
if done properly. Water temperature isn't really a factor,
because Corydoras LOVE cool water splashed into their tropical
tanks. It's how you get them to spawn. But you do need to
check you're using a suitable dechlorinator, for example one
that removes Chloramine if you live somewhere that Chloramine is
used.> The patches are not like fibers, about 1/4" in
diameter, though irregular. They are not moving, I'm sure not
Velvet, certainly not Ich. Do I have a fungus or a bacterial
infection going on? <Sounds like it. Treat with combination
Finrot/Fungus since we don't know if it's a bacteria or
fungus at work here.> I treated the tank with Jungle's
Tank Buddies for Fungus as I did the other tank since the color
of the spots appeared, initially, the same as with the other
Corys in the 30 gallon tank, but the results were totally
different. The Orange Corys appeared to be responding to
treatment, but then the gray soft ( as in non reflective or
velvety) appearance of the spots seems to dissolve, for lack of a
better way to explain it, and then the spots or patches seem to
be concave as if there was just a wound left underneath. BTW, I
treated twice, as per directions which were four day treatments
with 25% WC between applications. The spots were concave after
the first treatment, but no improvement and no change in the
lighter affected spots near the gills. <Hmm...> I am at a
total loss as to what to do now at the end of the second
treatment. I have looked everywhere for an accurate picture of
the condition on the web and nothing seems to match exactly. It
could be sap, it could be Columnaris, it could be?????? But, now
it doesn't sound like Epistylis! <Could be Columnaris
(a.k.a. "mouth fungus") but could be something else,
too. Use a combination Finrot/fungus medication and chances are
good it'll clear up, even if you don't know what the
precise problem is.> I should mention that the tank also had
something else going on in it and the Jungle Buddies fungus cure
worked in conjunction with medicated food. The largest Blue 3
spot Gourami had two red spots, one near the anal fin and one on
the head. Hence the medicated food and they have now healed.
Bacterial infection due to poor water quality? <Most
probably.> One of the Dwarf Gouramis had what looked like it
might be the start of a spot near it's mouth and that has
also disappeared. More like an abrasion, but never got red or
raw, just scales that didn't look "right".
<Quite possibly damage from fighting.> None of the
Schwartzi or other Orange Laser Corys have shown any signs of the
spots and all but one Orange Cory is still very active and
eating. No signs of fin or barbel damage in any of them,
including the two affected. <Good. Treat and wait.> I have
been to three LFS and bought whatever I can lay my hands on,
Help! I think I've read so much on the web and your site that
I'm now paralyzed with indecision as to my next move!
<Combination Finrot/Fungus medication is the way to go.>
Thanks for any advice and especially this site. It is so
informative and the first place I go to now when I have any
questions regarding fish, aquariums, plants, you name it. It is
the best out there. Polly <Glad we can help. Good luck,
Re: gray spots on Orange Neon Cory
12/07/2007 Hi Neale, <Hello Polly,> Sorry I didn't
write back immediately. I did another 50% WC, instead of the
recommended 25% on the Jungle Fungus Tank Buddies and dosed the
entire 50 Gal tank again. This will be the third round of meds.
<Sheesh... that's a lot of medication. I'd be
switching brands, if that's an option for you. I've
learned the hard way that sometimes one medication works where
another fails. Mostly this is with Whitespot/Ick, but perhaps
worth considering here.> The spots on the two orange Corys are
now whiter and a bit ragged looking. One Cory is lethargic and
the other is still active an eating. None of the other Schwartzi
or orange Corys are affected with any signs of this condition.
<White stuff is usually dead tissue, whereas grey stuff is
mucous. So given this is white stuff, I'm guessing we have
necrosis going on, meaning that things are pretty bad. If this
was me, I'd be thinking about saltwater dips as a supplement.
These are basically baths made with aquarium water and 35 grammes
of salt (any kind, really) per litre. You dip the fish for a
period of time, once per day. The idea is the salty water cleans
the wound and destroys the fungi/bacteria causing the problem. It
can work very well, but Corydoras are not especially
salt-tolerant, so you'd have to do this carefully. Perhaps
dipping at first for 1 minute, and seeing how things go. If the
fish is fine, try two minutes the next day. Salt-tolerant fish
can stand up to 20 minutes, and this does a great job, but in
this case, I'd be limiting myself to no more than 3-5 minute
dips.> I didn't mean that the spots appeared after the WC
and the WC was the condition was probably already working
it's black magic on those two Corys and the WC was most
likely a lifesaver for the others in the tank, who certainly
would have become infected too had it not been for the WC. Sorry.
<Agreed. Water changes normally only do good.> How many
times should I stick with this med if it doesn't appear to be
working? And, what antibacterial med should I use with it? Should
it be after this treatment or in addition to the treatment? ( the
Jungle Fungus med does state that it treats both, but I don't
see any signs of improvement on the Corys. ) <Stop using one
medication when you start with another, unless it *expressly*
says you can use in combination with some other named medication.
My gut feeling is you're going to need a Maracyn-type
systemic antibiotic to fix things here. Such drugs are available
over-the-counter in the US, or you can get them through a vet.
Maracyn is Erythromycin, each Maracyn tablet is apparently 200 mg
Erythromycin and meant to be used one tablet per 10 gallons of
water. So if you can't get Maracyn itself, an appropriate
concentration of Erythromycin should work just as well. I'm
not a vet though! So take this suggestion for what it is, my best
guess!> I just spent an hour looking at each of the fish in
the 50 gal tank and noticed that one of the yellow Gouramis is
not tolerating the treatment too well. She/he is hanging out at
the top of the tank in the corner and not interested in food. It
was active and hungry this morning. The red/blue dwarf Gourami is
not looking too active either. His abrasion, or whatever it was,
is healed, but now he looks like he's growing a little double
chin below his mouth! Nothing is red or raw, but it is worrisome
to me. <I'd stop feeding, and also do something to
increase oxygen concentration. Slightly lowering the temperature
will help (to 74F/23C) as will adjusting any filters or air pumps
to maximise circulation of the water. Lowering the water level
slightly so that the spout of water from the filter makes more
splashing can help, too, by driving off CO2 and improving oxygen
absorption.> The reason I had the Zeolite in the filter was
that I had to remove the carbon and thought it might control any
ammonia during the first two treatments. Now I realize that with
the sponge filter and the plants and other items in the tank,
they will take care of the ammonia problem. Is that right? Sorry
to be so dense. <Yep. Healthy filter bacteria do a better job
than Zeolite anyway. But if you've had a lot of Zeolite in
the filter, potentially the filter bacteria will be
under-developed, so do check for signs of ammonia. That'll
correct itself within a few days though, because you should have
at least a semi-healthy population of filter bacteria. So
it's not like cycling the tank from scratch.> You asked if
I was conditioning the water. Yes, I use AquaSafe, but recently
read that it might acidify the water more than other products. Is
that true? <No idea, and can't imagine it'd be that
big of a deal.> Is there something that is better for hard
well water for conditioning in your opinion? <No. It's
mostly about Chloramine, which some water suppliers add to the
water. A few dechlorinators don't treat it properly, and you
end up with extra ammonia. I'm not aware of any specific
problems with well water.> I also age the water for at least a
day and have four 5 gal buckets, and 5 or 6 gallon containers set
aside. <Probably redundant, but certainly not doing any
harm.> I keep reading different people's methods for their
WCs and wondered if it's OK to heat a bit of tap water,
condition it and add it to the aged/conditioned water to heat it
up? <There's nothing wrong with mixing hot/cold water
right from the tap. Dechlorinators usually treat copper from the
pipes. The only bad water is water from a domestic water
softener. Fish don't like this stuff at all.> I had to do
that this morning to do the 50% fast WC before I caught the 10 AM
boat to make a doctor's appointment. Now I'm wondering if
it has anything to do with the two gouramis not doing so well
tonight? <Unlikely, and in any case should settle down. I once
added almost ice-cold water to a tank filled with parent and baby
cichlids. I was in a rush, and not thinking. The fish went crazy,
rolling onto their sides as if stunned. An hour later they were
fine. Fish are actually quite robust animals, and when we see
problems, it's usually because the problem has beaten their
immune system and blown into something serious. Provided you keep
the fish healthy in the first place, they almost never get ill.
Honest!> Also, really stupid question now, how is it people
use Python systems straight from the tap and add the conditioner
at the same time and get that right? <The basic idea is you
add the dechlorinator to the tank first, and then add the water
so it instantly mixes with the dechlorinator in the aquarium
water. I'm old school. I use a plain vanilla hose pipe and
suck the water out to start the siphon.> Is that a good
practice, or are they doing it out of necessity with large tanks
or multiple tanks? <Lots of people like them. I'm not one
of them though. I tend to mix rainwater with tap water, or salty
water with tap water, to create specific water conditions. So
Pythons aren't terribly useful for me.> right now to age
is impossible and I was just wondering if I could do it too
without adding more problems. <Should work fine. Ageing water
isn't terribly important these days, especially if you use a
decent dechlorinator and have lots of circulation in the tank to
mix the old and new water properly. Anything that makes water
changes easier is a good thing, because you'll do more of
them in less time and with less frustration.> Thanks again,
and I'll keep you apprised of what happens next. PS.
Angelfish still looking good, just did their weekly 50% WC
tonight, bought them their own 28 gallon tank and will move them
out of the 12 next week. <Very good.> Polly <Cheers,
Re: gray spots on Orange Neon Cory 12/9/07
Neale, <Polly,> OMG, we're into metrics...I don't
do metrics well, too old for the change over! lol Nearest I can
figure out, with a dilution of that percentage for Corys and
rounding off, would be 35 grams to 1 litre = 2 tablespoons per
1/3 US gallon H2O, would that be best? Is that right even?
<Ah, metrics are actually easier for this kind of thing,
because normal salinity, 35 parts-per-thousand, is identical to
the concentration in weight measurements, 35 grammes per litre.
As it happens, I have a little computer program designed for
calculating salinities and switching between metric and US units,
called "Brack Calc", which you can download and play
with at the link below. By my reckoning, normal seawater salinity
is about 4.7 ounces of salt per US gallon.
http://homepage.mac.com/nmonks/aquaria/aqua_soft.html You'll
have to experiment yourself and see how that works out in
teaspoons.> Both Corys doing badly now and I fear the worst.
Should I do a 50% WC on the 55 gal tank to remove the Jungle
Fungus Buddies med and do the E-mycin treatment instead, or let
this treatment run the remaining three days of it's course?
<Change water and switch medication. Nothing to lose,
everything to gain.> Isolate them and do the E-mycin in the QT
tank? <Leave them be. The stress of moving them won't
help.> Or, continue treating the 55 gal since there might
still be something contagious there? <I'd treat the
quarantine and the display tank.> I know what you said last
time, and that was the entire tank at this point, so am leaning
in that direction, but want to hear you say that's right.
<I almost always treat tanks rather than specific fish, except
for things like saltwater dips, and even then the dip is to
assist the medication, not replace it.> I'm going to
change the positioning of the HOB filter and sponge filter to
change the direction of the water flow a bit and then add an air
stone near the bottom of the tank to increase the oxygen and
movement. I used to have one there before this all started to
turn sour and took it out as it ticked off the dwarf red Gourami,
"Il Duce", who has been using all his spare time
building floating plant islands and building bubble nests, also a
great pain in the butt when it came to constantly clearing the
slots in the bottom of the filter uptake, but he would have his
way. <Hah! We see who wears the trousers in your
household...!> I tried to control this plant yanking obsession
of his by taking a piece of tubing and turning it into a floating
circle for him, plopping his plant material in it and floating it
in one corner away from the filter, but he plays with it too much
and the other gouramis like stealing his plants for their own
islands. We now have three floating islands for the gouramis!
Does keep the floating stuff in check, but the air stone pushes
them around and they are not happy. Tough love is called for I
think. lol <In the old days people use to break Styrofoam cups
into segments, and Gouramis seemed to love building nests under
them. They (the cup fragments) float really nicely, curve
upwards, gathering plant bits underneath them. Worth a shot.>
The blasted heater is hard to adjust and I am going to swap it
out for a different heater and see if it can more closely control
the temperature level. Why is it that you can find a heater that
works perfectly, from one company, buy another of the same brand
and get totally different results??? UGH! <Heaters are often
annoying. I find that some designs -- those with rubber caps over
the entire adjuster-end of the device -- often become stiff with
age. The effect of water and/or hardness I suppose. I prefer the
ones where the adjuster knob is free from the rest of the cap. In
any case, one old trick is to use two under-powered heaters for a
tank. That way, if one gets stuck, it isn't powerful enough
to boil the fish. Conversely, if one fails completely, the other
heater will keep the tank from getting dangerously cold. So if
your tank needs 150 W heater, get two 75 W heaters instead.> I
had lowered the water level a bit after that fast WC yesterday
and figured I would leave it that way for awhile to increase some
splashing, and really a good rationalization since I didn't
have the time to add the remaining two or three gallons before
the boat time. <Cool.> Thanks for the info on the Python
and WC ideas. Indeed, not worrying about ageing the water makes
life easier and better with more WCs for the fish. <Agreed.
Fishkeeping should be a low-impact hobby. If you're spending
more than 45-60 minutes a week on maintenance, you're doing
something wrong. The whole point of the thing is to relax,
watching the colourful beasts swimming about merrily (or
violently, if you're keeping cichlids).> Thanks, Polly
<Good luck, Neale.>
Re: gray spots on Orange Neon Cory 12/10/07
Neale, <Polly,> lost the two orange Corys in the night.
<Ah, too bad.> I hadn't changed out any water or the
meds as of last night and when I got up this morning and checked
the big tank, found the two dead Corys and the other orange Corys
were acting distressed. One was "running" up and down
the side of the tank and hid if I came within sight! The others
didn't flash or swim up and down, they just hid on me too. I
reckoned that the meds might be stressing them. Took out 10
gallons of H2O and then added that and the water I hadn't put
back in two days ago. Makes about 12-13 gallons in to dilute some
of the meds. Is it possible that it took two days for the meds to
distress this much? <Possible. Unlikely, but possible. Most
medications are more or less toxic to fish, and we use them on
the basis that *most* of the time they kill the infection before
they seriously harm the fish. But some fish are peculiarly
sensitive to certain medications. I've not personally
experienced this with Corydoras, but it may happen with some
species and some medications I've not kept/used.> I see a
bit of brightness, as in orange or reddish, near the gills of one
of the orange Corys, which is hard to detect with their coloring,
but the others aren't showing any signs of red at all, just
hiding on me in their little cave. <I REALLY need a photo to
understand what's going on here. We've pretty much run
through the list of common infections & their treatments.>
The other fish seem to be normal, just a bit curious as to all
the new water coming in and old going out, but otherwise OK. The
5 Schwartzi Corys are still oblivious to anything different
happening, are acting normal and eating, nothing unusual on their
bodies or in coloration. No fin or barbel loss, redness, nothing
that I can see with the naked eye or the magnifying lens and
flashlight. This is true of the orange Corys too. No fin or
barbel loss either, no spots or patches of fungus like things.
<Good.> The only thing I can imagine is that it was too
much medicine going in and I should have done either a lighter
dose or perhaps pulled the two affected out of the tank and
waited to see what would happen???? I tried to dose with the
amount of water actually in the tank rather than the tank's
potential capacity. <Sometimes it is worth doing half-doses of
medication. If the infection is slight, half-doses might help
with reduced risk of problems. But if the infection is serious,
you usually need the full dose to get the desired results.> I
have to believe something else is going on in this tank and there
is something I can't see, or one is a carrier of something in
there with the rest. What else can it be? Could they have some
little parasite that is in the gills that is undetectable? <I
really don't know. Without seeing a photo of the fish in
question, it's very difficult to be sure what's going
on.> OR, is this a progression of a disease which is just
taking out the weaker fish in sequence? <Certainly possible.
This is precisely how Neon Tetra Disease works through an
aquarium, knocking off a fish at a time, usually once every few
weeks.> I'm totally baffled by this. The orange Corys came
through the Ich outbreak without any of them catching a spot,
have been looking really good until this hit all at once.
Probably not all at once, you're saying, but brewing away in
the depths of the tank and had I done the 50% WCs all along this
wouldn't have happened. <Ick is usually a very obvious
disease, and if it becomes fatal, it is obviously serious with
white spots all over the fins and flanks. So we can probably
discount this. Ick can make fish sensitive to secondary
infections, and it is possible that this has happened here. Since
"secondary infections" covers a lot of ground, it's
difficult to identify the pathogen without access to a
microbiology lab. Pseudomonas and Aeromonas are the two commonest
bacteria, but there are many others.> Should I still try the
E-mycin or just do more WC tomorrow? <I'd try the
Erythromycin at this stage. Do two big water changes before
though, to flush out as much old medication as possible. Maybe
50% tonight, then 50% tomorrow morning, and then dose the tank.
Do take care to siphon up any detritus in the tank while
you're at it. The 'cleaner' the tank, the better the
antibiotic will work.> I'm starting to wonder if the Dwarf
Gouramis had something up with them when we introduced them to
the tank about three weeks ago. <Dwarf Gouramis are fish I
would never, ever keep. They are notorious carriers of viral and
bacterial infections, to which they usually succumb very quickly.
Whether said infections can jump to catfish I do not know.
Anything's possible I suppose, but I haven't heard this
particular thing happening before.> They were Qt'ed for
two and a half weeks, showed no signs of anything, but were
stressing each other out so much that we finally added them to
the big tank. They have been doing OK, but might have carried
something in as yet undetected. <Indeed. Hard to say.>
Thanks for the quick reply, once again, Polly <Cheers,
Re: gray spots on Orange Neon Cory 12/11/07
Neale, <Polly,> I have tried all day to get a picture of
the Corys, but they aren't cooperating one bit. When they do
come out they are in constant motion and once the flash on the
digital goes off, they go into deep hiding. <Oh.>
Interesting thing is that they look and act normally, when they
come out of their cave and rock hidey holes. This is only when
they don't see us and they were frantic to eat when I fed the
tank! Could I have cleaned the tank bottom too well? LOL Doubt
it, but its not nearly as bad, which didn't appear that bad,
to begin with. ( also, we've kept their end of the tank
without lights for most of the day to make them more comfortable
about coming out.) <No, don't worry, clean is good!> I
shined the flashlight on all the oranges, when I could sneak up
on them, and they all look the same color in the gill area. Think
it's a trick of the light with their Neon orange coloring.
Depending on how they turn, the gills look reddish or gold. Now I
think I must have panicked and they don't have a gill
problem. They all look exactly the same in the gills.
<Good.> My mother, whose chair is right next to the tank,
has been watching them closely all day and she thinks they are
more out and about than yesterday, none have "run" up
and down the tank side, flashed or done anything unusual except
the hiding. She admitted to dropping a little food into the tank
to see if they'd come out and sure enough, they rushed out
from under their cave, ate and then swam right back in when they
were done. The Schwartzi are not acting this way at all and they
all ate together, including our large blue 3 spot Gourami who
loves the algae pellet too. That didn't upset them either.
<Very good. I'm glad your Mom is getting involved. The
more people who recognise healthy fish/behaviour, the better.
It's like having more spies! You get a heads-up on problems
when someone else in the family says, "Gee, that Catfish is
looking a bit odd this morning".> The Schwartzi and the
oranges used to like to hang out at the end of the tank with the
sponge filter and I've changed the sponge filter to the other
end of the tank. It seems unlikely that that could be the
problem. I haven't read that they are territorial. The
Schwartzi are now more at the sponge filter end of the tank. The
oranges in The Cave. <Corydoras aren't remotely
territorial. They live in schools of hundreds of fish in the
wild, often mixed species groups but not always. Some species
won't school together, and simply ignore each other.>
Still no marks or spots or growths on them and no deterioration
on barbel, fins or tails. Just this weird behavior. Could they be
so stressed from the loss of the two other Corys? <Stressed is
perhaps not the word, but Corydoras do become more nervous/less
day-active when kept in too-small a group.> There were 6 and
now are four, but there are still the 5 Schwartzi Corys who they
eat with during their feeding frenzy. <Ah, I'd aim for at
least 6 of each, ideally more.> This brings up the question of
whether they are getting a proper diet. I give them half of an
algae pellet every day and every other day a few shrimp pellets.
They scavenge for any leftover food from the top feeders and I
have cut back some on that food as I thought we might have fed
them too much. They are fed twice a day and sparingly. Could
their diet be deficient? <No. It's almost impossible to
starve fish because they have very, very low food requirements.
Most of what we eat is effectively "wasted" on
thermoregulation (I think it's 80% of the calories, but
I'd have to check). Most fish do not control their body
temperature this way, instead relying on the warmth of the water
to keep them at the right temperature. All they need per day is
enough food for movement and growth. Literally a single flake
will supply this for a small, inch-long tropical fish. Anything
else is a bonus. Corydoras also eat a lot of plant material in
the wild, and will graze on algae and decaying plant matter.>
I'm totally baffled by this turn of events, think I will not
add any other meds to the tank right now and wait another day to
see what happens. Is this wise or should I really do E-mycin to
the entire tank without any other indications? <If we think
the gills are normal, and the fish show no other symptoms, it may
well be time to leave things be.> If this is just some stress
related behavior I really don't want to add to it. I'm
going to do another big WC tomorrow and hope that they aren't
even more reclusive, but it will make the water conditions even
better and I'm hopeful that it will make them more
comfortable. <Water changes are good!> Will try and get
some pictures, but don't know if they'll be more
cooperative or not. Thanks again, Polly <Good luck,
Possible sick Cory cat-
frayed fins 11/14/07 Hello, <Hello,> I have tried
searching on the form and internet but a little stumped as to
what it could be or whether the symptoms are early signs or even
symptoms at all. Five days ago I got 2 small (0.5 inch) panda
Corys into my new tank. <Glad you're buying your fish a
few at a time for your new tank, but Corydoras should always be
kept in groups. Ideally at least 5 specimens. They are shy,
schooling animals and in too-small a group will never be happy.
So plan on getting three more later on; trust me, once you see
your *school* of catfish scooting about the tank and happily
playing in the water current, you'll understand why this is
critical.> The tank was setup about 3 weeks ago seeded with
aquarium gravel from an established tank and fed with fish food
over several days to get the cycle going. <A good plan, though
gravel doesn't have as big an effect as taking media from the
filter, my own preferred way to "jump start" a new
tank.> Did a 30% water change before putting the pandas in. I
originally bought 3 but 1 one them died the next day, it had
internal hemorrhaging in its belly when I found it dead. <Ah,
not good. Internal bleeding rarely happens for no reason. I
suspect that rather than internal bleeding (which would be
invisible to the naked eye unless you dissected the fish) what
you are seeing is a secondary bacterial infection that caused the
skin on the belly to become inflamed. In which case, water
quality was almost certainly the issue.> The other 2 Corys
looked ok until this weekend, 1 of them started showing a frayed
top fin with white edges. He seems paler all over as well. The
back fin has 2 white streaks on it with 2 small red spots on the
edges of the fin (sorry no pic). <Sounds a lot like Finrot.
The white streaks are dead skin, and the red spots are sites of
inflammation.> He is active and eating a little but not as
active and eating as when I first got him. Water is: ammonia 0
nitrite 0 nitrate 10 ph 7.6 Temp 78 F <A bit too warm. These
catfish come from waters close to the Andes and generally
experienced fairly cool conditions. Between 20 and 25 C has to be
considered the ideal. Anything above that places heat stress on
them, which in the long term does them no good and shortens their
lifespan. When selecting tankmates, be sure and choose other
species, such as Danios, that inhabit similar conditions rather
than, say, Cardinal tetras, which need warmer water.> I know
the ph is high for them but I read that they can adapt. <The
pH is largely irrelevant, providing it is stable. Corydoras are
fine across pH 6.0 to 8.0. What they don't like is variations
in pH.> They were at the LFS for one week in their tank water
so I figure they would be ok. The water is super hard here as
well. <Shouldn't cause any problems either. While
Corydoras panda naturally inhabits slightly soft and acidic water
in the wild, like most Corydoras it will adapt fine to hard,
alkaline water.> The white lines are not defined spots, so I
ruled out Ich, and the white frayed fin does not look cottony, so
not sure if its fungus or what. The edges are all rough though,
like the fin is blunted, its not sharply defined anymore and it
has gotten worse since the weekend. <Finrot. Almost certainly
caused by poor water quality, either at the retailer or in your
tank. In either case, treat with commercial Finrot remedy at
once.> My other panda seems fine with clearly defined fins and
color. I have a feeling though the affected panda is sick since
not as active. what is going on since my water parameters seem ok
and will it get worse? <Corydoras panda is thank you very much
for your help sincerely, Terri <Hope this helps,
Re: possible sick Cory cat- frayed fins
-11/14/07 Hi Neale <Hello Terri-Ann.> Thanks so much
for your wisdom. Now I feel horrible because I spent so much time
doing research and I thought it would be ok to get panda Corys!
Well m a little confused about what you said in regards to my
Temp at 78 F: >>>A bit too warm. These catfish come from
waters close to the Andes and generally experienced fairly cool
conditions. Between 20 and 25 C has to be considered the ideal.
Anything above that places heat stress on them, which in the long
term does them no good and shortens their lifespan. << As
78 F is 25.5 C is this not ok for them? Its only 0.5 degrees
outside their ideal range? <You might be fine, especially if
you make sure there is good water circulation in the tank and add
aeration in summer if the water gets substantially hotter than
this. One of the big problems with Corydoras that isn't
understood is many, many species are either subtropical or
low-end tropical fish. Relatively few (if any) come from the
piping-hot water conditions favoured by Discus, Rams, Gouramis,
etc. On the plus side, Corydoras are air-breathers, and can adapt
to what is (to them) overheated water conditions. Still, it's
one more factor that can stress them if conditions aren't
perfect to start with.> I feel terrible because I'm
thinking I should have gotten a different Cory, one from warmer
waters. The reason I would like to keep them at this T is because
I plan on adding 1 Betta and 4-5 Rasbora or tetra species. My big
planted tank at home (29 gallon) hasn't been setup yet but
was planning to put warmer south American species (Apistos,
Neons, bronze Corys and Otos) in there as well, so my pandas cant
be moved there either. what should I do? <Funnily enough,
neither Neons nor Bronze Corydoras like warm water: both come
from low-end tropical conditions. Neons come from waters at
20-25C (68-78F), while Cardinals want water in the 24-28C
(75-82F) temperature range. So while we often think of them as
interchangeable species, they actually come from completely
different thermal regimes. Keeping Neons too warm is one reason
many people have trouble keeping them alive (and conversely,
keeping Cardinals too cold makes them sensitive to disease).
Bronze Corydoras come from the subtropical parts of South
America. While fine at 25C (78F) they aren't a viable choice
for the 28-30C (82-86F) range favoured by some Apistogramma as
well as Rams, Discus, etc. Temperature is a much bigger problem
than many aquarists realise, and before putting fish together you
do need to establish whether their thermal tolerances
overlap.> >>>;Glad you're buying your fish a few
at a time for your new tank, but Corydoras should always be kept
in groups. Ideally at least 5 specimens. They are shy, schooling
animals and in too-small a group will never be happy. So plan on
getting three more later on; trust me, once you see your *school*
of catfish scooting about the tank and happily playing in the
water current, you'll understand why this is
critical.><<<< I know that they should be kept in
groups, so thought 3 as a minimum would be ok (will be getting
them another panda friend in a month). Is this ok? I believe I
have a very overstocked 10 gallon tank even with a future planned
3 Corys 1 Betta 5 Rasbora <Well, I'd skip the Betta to be
honest. If nothing else, it might get nipped by the Rasboras. But
if you want a Betta, then go for it. All these should be fine at
25C (78F). Bettas are more sensitive to cold air than cold water.
So make sure you have warm, humid air over the tank (i.e., use a
lid or hood of some sort). Three Corydoras is certainly possible,
but they'll never be as much fun as in groups. I'm
watching my school of seven Peppered Corydoras (four parents and
three of their offspring from last year). Watching them chase
each other, rub whiskers, and, for the last few days, lay eggs
all over the tank is part of the fun of keeping them. And trust
me, until you've bred Corydoras, you haven't kept fish!
Their "kittens" are sickeningly cute.> what do you
think? I don't think I can put more Corys in there!
<Agreed. Go for 3 now, and when you get a 20 gallon tank, add
three more.> Now about the Finrot issue: Yesterday I did a 40%
water change treated with dechlorinator. The affected fish also
seems a little bloated. What is going on??? How can this be an
issue of water quality since I checked all my parameters before I
put fish in and even now the water parameters seem ok???? <Not
sure. Do check the ammonia or nitrite level 30-60 minutes after
feeding. Sometimes these go up after meals: the problem isn't
that the filter doesn't work, but that it is overwhelmed. In
any case, provide water quality and chemistry are good, and you
do water changes on a regular basis, then treat the Finrot and
see how things go.> 1) I just bought both Jungle Fungus
Eliminator and Mardel Trisulfa, which one do I use? The Jungle
med has sodium chloride in it, is this safe for Corys?
<Corydoras aren't wild about salt. They'll put up with
it at low doses, but they don't need it. These medications
certainly are appropriate (though I have no personal experience
of them).> 2) do I isolate him into QT tank? Will this stress
him more than if I leave him in the 10 gal and treat the whole
thing? I'm worried that the 10 gallon is new and don't
want to mess with the bacteria, also I don't want to move the
Cory again, he was just transported from the LFS 5 days ago and
they need to be with other fish. <Leave him be. Treat the
tank. Be sure and remove carbon from the filter. Lots of people
make this mistake, but carbon REMOVES MEDICATION!> 3) Do I
even medicate at all? Or just do 30% daily water changes? I'm
just worried since I read at how rapid fin rot can attack the
whole fish. <Treat for Finrot, do water changes when course of
medication finished (usually you have to leave the medicine a few
days to work).> Hopefully you can get back to me ASAP as I
will wait for your advice before I treat... thank you very much
for your time, take care.. cheers Terri <Hope this helps,
Re: possible sick Cory cat- frayed fins -11/14/07 Hi Neale
thanks for your quick response! I did as you suggested and
treated the tank right away with Jungles Fungus eliminator. Now I
have checked both the Jungle website, the internet and the
instructions and cant find a clear answer. Will this type of med
kill my good bacteria in my filter? If not is it just antibiotics
that kill the good bacteria? What other meds for sure kills good
bacteria? <No, these won't harm the filter bacteria.
Assuming you use aquarium medications in the way you are
instructed, they're completely safe.> Can I feed my Corys
will they are medicated? <Yes, but you might want to make 100%
sure you aren't overfeeding, and certainly don't give
them more than one meal per day.> The tank looks like a yellow
stained mess, so I'm not sure about feeding regime and adding
food when they are being treated. <The colour from the
medications tend to dissipate quickly. They don't do any long
term harm, and the fish don't care.> Also on the side, I
am feeding the 2 little guys half a shrimp pellet every 1-2 days,
but it takes them forever to eat it. Usually by overnight its
gone. Should I be letting the food pellet sit for only 10 minutes
and then take it away from the Corys? <The golden rule is feed
nothing that isn't gone after 10 minutes. I'd stick with
that. Use softer foods or foods in mouthfuls they can swallow
easily. Wet flake works fine with Corydoras, and there are plenty
of catfish-specific foods. I'm not wild about dried shrimps
and other dried animals as staple food items. They don't have
terribly high levels of nutrition, and seem to cause constipation
in fish given them too often. Use as a treat, maybe once a
week.> They seem to like to come back to it and nibble on it
all day long. <Indeed. If you must give them
"nibbly" food, opt for something vegetable based, as
this is unlikely to cause water quality problems (less protein).
Sushi Nori or sliced cucumber would be ideal. Corydoras eat a lot
of plant material and algae in the wild, something we overlook in
aquaria at out peril.> Thanks so much Neale, you're
awesome! <Aw, shucks!> cheers Terri <Cheers,
Albino Cory and fin rot -- 10/18/07 Hi
Bob-- <Well, it's Neale right now; hope that'll do.> I
hope you are doing great. As always, let me please start with thanking
you for the WWM web site and opportunity to share my concerns /
problems / questions with other aquarists. <Cheers!> I do have a
question about and a problem with fin rot in Albino Cory. <Ah,
Finrot... almost always an issue with water quality. If it ever gets
caused by other stuff, that's news to me. So, always review water
quality while treating Finrot.> Few months ago my little Albino got
that disease. In the aftermath of that fin rot my Albino lost its
dorsal and pectoral fins... ;--( I acknowledge I was afraid to medicate
the fish assuming that changing water will be much more beneficial than
dropping medication... Perhaps, I was wrong. <Indeed you were wrong.
It's a 2-step process. Water changes are essential to maintaining
good water quality. No question. 50% weekly is my recommendation. BUT,
while using a medication, you can't do water changes. Water changes
would (obviously) dilute the medication, reducing its efficacy. This is
also why you remove carbon from the filter (if you're using it, and
you shouldn't be in my opinion). Carbon removes medication,
reducing its efficacy as well. Regardless, it's not an
"either/or" situation -- you do water changes to prevent
problems, and use medications (stopping water changes) when problems
arise. When the medication course is finished, resume water
changes.> On a regular basis, every Wednesday and Saturday, I change
30% of my 25-gallon tank water... The pH range reads between 6.8 and
7.0. The water temperature is ca. 76 F. The ammonia level is 0. <All
sounds reasonable. I personally find Nitrite more informative than
Ammonia though; ammonia can come from inorganic sources (e.g., tap
water) and its absence tells you nothing about the Nitrifying bacteria
that turn Nitrite into Nitrate.> I keep lots of plants (Cabomba
& banana) and make sure the water circulation is quite fast (I have
one Emperor filter + one small Hagen filter for 10-gallon tank and 2
oxygen stones). <10 gallons a little on the small side for Corydoras
paleatus (which is likely what you have).> I am not sure what I am
doing wrong, but there must be something I do not get right... I
noticed that my Albino started loosing its caudal fins (I observed the
fin became quite ragged and 1/2 "eaten"). <How often do
you clean the substrate? It's often said that dirty substrates can
promote secondary infections on benthic fish. No idea if this is true
or not, but stirring the gravel every few weeks before doing a water
change can't do any harm, so long as you don't uproot the
plants.> At this point I have to acknowledge that I am clueless ;--(
and desperately looking for help, before the entire caudal disappears.
<I see.> Do you think that I should place Albino in a hospital
tank and treat it for the fin rot? <No, Corys like to be in groups,
and keeping them alone will stress the fish in question. Besides, you
may as well treat the tank.> If so, what is the best medication
(least harmful) I could offer to that little fish. <Corys are fairly
tolerant of medications compared with more sensitive catfish. So any
combination Finrot/Fungus medication will work here. Ideally, get
something safe with sensitive fish and/or invertebrates, but it really
doesn't matter too much. I happen to find eSHa 2000 very good with
sensitive fish, but as far as I know it's only sold here in Europe.
Mardel Maracyn is one alternative you might consider.> Sorry to
"bother" you with my question... I hope you will be able to
guide me toward the right answer. Thanks much in advance for your
feedback. Anna <Hope this helps, Neale>
Re: Albino Cory and fin rot -- 10/18/07 Thanks much, Neale. I will
try the medication on my display tank... Though, I am bit worried about
my plants ;--( and beneficial bacterias if I do the process in the main
tank. <Used properly, modern medications won't harm filter or
plants. Just read the instructions carefully, and follow them to the
letter.> I forgot to mention that I do clean gravel 2 x a week --
along with water changes (first gravel, than water). I noticed that my
pH changes with - or + 0.2 value. That looks like a lot. <Hmm...
that's not a dangerous change in itself, but it's the rate of
change that matters more. Is this across one week, or six weeks, or
what? If on a weekly basis, I'd be slightly concerned, but if over
six weeks or more, I wouldn't be too bothered. All aquaria become
acidic over time. Water changes reverse the pH drop, and increasing
carbonate hardness (KH) slows the pH drop down. For a standard
aquarium, a hardness of 5-10 degrees KH should keep the water chemistry
stable between water changes. 50% water changes weekly should reverse
any pH drops before they become serious.> Maybe I feed the fish too
much ;--( <Always a possibility. Review the articles on feeding fish
here at WWM or in your aquarium book. As a rule, one or two pinches of
food per day are fine, and each pinch should be so small that all the
food is eaten in 2 minutes. Catfish should be given their own portion
of food, preferably at night. For a small school of Corydoras, a small
pinch of sinking pellets or a single Pleco algae wafer per night will
be fine.> Perhaps, this may be a reason why my Albino got sick ;--(
<Overfeeding compromises water quality; poor water quality causes
fish to get sick.> Anyway, I will try Maracyn. Hopefully it will
help. <Yes I hope so too; good luck!> Again, thanks much for your
help. I greatly appreciate your insights. Greetings from NYC, Anna
<Cheers, Neale>
Re: Albino Cory and fin rot 10/20/07 Thanks much, Neale. I got the
answer -- I feed my fish too much ;--( The pH changes occur within a
week! The cycle becomes apparent -- too much food increases acidity.
Water changes drop that factor, which increases again over the course
of a week due too increased amount of food in the gravel. I am going to
read more about proper feeding. Thanks much for your help. ;--) ANNA
<Ah, yes, overfeeding can cause acidification. But also check other
factors. Bogwood is a notorious acidifier of aquaria, especially if it
hasn't been "cured" properly before use. Anyway, do try
halving the amount of food you use, and see how that changes the pH.
You might consider adding a chemical buffer to the system to prevent pH
changes. Small amounts of crushed coral or crushed oyster shell places
in the filter will do the trick nicely. As these dissolve, they raise
the carbonate hardness (measured in degrees KH). For a standard
community aquarium, you want a KH around 5-10 degrees. In a small
aquarium, half a cup of crushed coral should do the trick, perhaps even
less. You don't need masses, since you're not after a hard
water aquarium like you'd use for a Tanganyikan cichlid tank. But a
little extra carbonate hardness, just enough to inhibit rapid pH
changes, would be a cheap and effective "insurance policy".
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Albino Cory and fin rot 10/21/07 Neale -- T H A N K Y O U so
very much!!! ANNA -- I will follow your instruction. <Cool. Good
luck, and enjoy your fish. Cheers, Neale>
Mysterious Sterbai Corydoras Death --
09/29/07 Hi, <<Good morning, Katie. Tom here.>> I
currently have a 10 gallon aquarium housing 4 rosy barbs, four Sterbai
Corydoras, and one Panda Corydoras. Tonight when I came home, one of my
four Sterba's had sadly passed away. <<Sorry to hear
this.>> None of my fish are showing any signs of sickness and the
Cory was alive and well this morning when I went to work.
<<Certainly nothing that we like to see, Katie, but, with Corys,
this isn't particularly uncommon. Their diminutive sizes along with
their normal behavior, i.e. lounging on the bottom of the tank, hiding
out under plants/decorations, frequently makes it difficult to
'spot' trouble.>> I have had the tank running for a year
and all of the fish are the original inhabitants of the tank (cycled
before they moved in), except the Panda Cory which I moved into the
tank about a month ago (from another tank in my house, which it had
lived in for three months). I have no idea why the Cory died as he
looked very healthy up to the point where he was, well, dead. Although
none of my Cory's are extremely active like other people mention,
they do their share of swimming around or lounging on the driftwood in
the aquarium. The tank has about 3 watts per gallon of light, but the
tank is planted and covered with so they can hang out away from direct
light and the lights are on a twelve hour timer. The substrate is sand
with a bit of Fluorite mixed in for the plants. I have noticed on all
my Corydoras, the barbels are not entirely developed and shorter than
the pictures of the Corydoras I find here. (Could this be because of
the Fluorite chunks?) <<I consider the notion that Corys
'wear down' their barbels on certain types of substrates a bit
of an 'old-wives' tale', Katie. Barbels, almost invariably,
deteriorate due to bacterial infections (much like fin rot), not by
being worn away on sharp edges of materials. (How long would you walk,
haphazardly, on sharp stones in your bare feet before the 'light
bulb' went on? Not long, I'm guessing!)>> I am giving you
the stats below with the hope that you can help me explain and prevent
further Cory loss. Any info you can give would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Katie Measurements taken when I spotted the dead Cory: Ammonia:
0 Nitrites: 0 Nitrates: 20 ppm <<A little high here given a
planted tank. No cause for alarm, obviously, just a bit surprising to
me.>> ph: 8 Temperature: 78 degrees Diet: dry flakes at 12 hour
intervals (from fish feeder), sinking shrimp pellets, frozen brine
shrimp, frozen blood worms (once weekly) <<All looks/sounds
pretty good, Katie. One thing that we haven't touched on is water
changes. These are largely responsible for keeping the nitrates in
check and, digressing back to your nitrate levels, I'm wondering if
these aren't a symptom of a problem. Sand, in particular, can trap
tiny particles of food and detritus, leading to the buildup of pockets
of gas (hydrogen sulfite) which is produced by the bacteria feeding on
the trapped solids. This isn't such a problem, if at all, in tanks
containing certain varieties of fish such as Cichlids, as a common
example, because they sift through the substrate routinely and allow
the gas to be vented before it becomes problematic. Your Corys only
superficially scavenge at the bottom, however, so they won't be of
much help in 'disturbing' the sand enough to avoid this
potential issue. Since I keep a fairly large number of Corys of
different varieties myself, I can speak to the concern that a lot of
hobbyists may have about vacuuming the little rascals up in a syphon
tube during water changes. Mine think it's grand fun to dash around
the tube looking for goodies that they couldn't reach themselves
until I've stirred things up. (They don't listen very well,
either!) The upshot here is that between the plants/roots and nosy
little fish, you may not be getting the substrate cleaned up as well as
it could be. This, in turn, may be creating a less-than-healthy
environment for your Corys. (A rather lengthy ramble over something
that I'd have passed off as 'just one of those things' if
you hadn't mentioned the shortness of the barbels on the other
Corys.) Honestly, I can't tell you that this had anything to do
with the death of your Sterbai but I think it's something
well-worth addressing where your concerns are involved. Hope this
helps. Good luck to you. Tom>>