FAQs on Mochokid, Synodontis Cats and More:
Related Articles: Mochokid Catfishes,
Related Catfish FAQs: Mochokid (Synodontis...)
Catfishes 1, Mochokid
Cats 2, & FAQs on Mochokid Cats
Identification, Mochokid Cats
Compatibility, Mochokid Cats
Selection, Mochokid Cats
Systems, Mochokid Cats Feeding,
Mochokid Cats Disease, Mochokid Cats Reproduction, & General
Catfish: Identification,
Behavior, Compatibility, Selection, Systems, Feeding, Disease, Reproduction,

Synodontis big belly
Hello crew! Hope to pick your brain a bit... I have two Synodontis
nigriventris cats that are fully grown and seem to have been healthy and
happy for the past year. I’ve watched them double in size and they eat
EVERYTHING; the larger one is so brazen that he “crawls” around the
sides and tank in broad daylight when I make my way over! I have a pearl
gourami and five cherry barbs, and I vary the diet in my tank daily...
any combo of flakes, shrimp pellets, NLS Float pellets, Hikari algae
sinking wafers, Hikari micro pellets, freeze-dried blood worms once a
week as a treat, and a feeding day off every week. The attached picture
shows my smaller Synodontis and a very swollen ”belly”, in my opinion. I
know they overeat and their bellies bulge, but is this too drastic? If
so, should I take action? I try to be very careful not to overfeed.
Thank you in advance for your always helpful expertise! —Matt from NJ
<<Hello Matt. You might simply have a female, and if yours are anything
like mine, the female looks a bit like an speckled egg with fins
attached! Periodically she thins out, so I'm guessing there's some sort
of egg laying cycle going on, but this species is rarely bred in
captivity, so hard to know the details. In any case, if the Syno is some
years old, I'd perhaps observe for the time being, and certainly avoid
overfeeding. My specimens get actual catfish food maybe 2-3 times a
week, one Hikari algae wafer per 3 specimens. The rest of the time I'm
letting them eat softened green foods (peas, courgette, etc.) as well as
algae and whatever snails they find in the tank (both major food
component in the wild). They're chunky and something like 15 years old
now, so presumably doing okay. I'm glad you're enjoying these cats,
which like all Syno species, are naturally very nocturnal, but will
become day-active once settled and happy. Floating plants are a great
way to get them visible when the lights are on! Cheers, Neale.>> |
Re: Synodontis big belly 10/5/19
Hi Neale... Great advice, thank you! I feel much better. And yes, I took
your advice a while back about purchasing these guys in the first place,
and the bigger one (not pictured) flies “crawls” the tank all day, as
you said, because of the surface cover. Thanks again. —Matt
<<Glad to have helped, and good luck. Certainly my female is positively
rotund, and it doesn't seem to have done any harm given her considerable
age. Cheers, Neale.>>
Psycho Synodontis; beh., incomp.
Hello all. First off, I love this site; I've always gotten such great
answers to my seemingly endless questions. Now for my latest long-winded
question. For the last five or six years I've had an African
cichlid tank with just the normal amount of aggression issues,
with one Synodontis hybrid (what I like to refer to as
Synodontis Petsmartus :-) who has always been able to hold his own.
However, once he reached the 6" mark, he decided to become the
tank bully. All of the cichlids cower in their hiding places
when he comes out of his cave. I've contemplated rehoming him, but he's
my son's favorite fish, and honestly he scares me (Side note/funny
story: I had to move him once a while back and used a bowl to catch him
in since his spines would have gotten tangled in a net. With a loud
squeak he jumped out of the bowl at my face and fell 5 feet to the floor
with no injury. I carefully scooped him up and put him back in the bowl
and covered it, where he continued to squeak loudly in protest.
<Now you have full appreciation for the family Mochokidae's common name:
Scared the daylights out of me and earned himself the name Nightmare, as I
had a dream that night of him trying to eat my face). So I'm considering
alternative additions to the tank to spread out the aggression, but I'm
not sure what would be the best direction. Would it be better to add
several juveniles of the same hybrid variety, or possibly a trio of
Synodontis nigriventris, or would he go after Synos with even more
<Only trialing will tell>
Or should I add more cichlids? Or target fish?
<These also>
Here's my tank info (and try not to cringe. I started this tank when I
was first getting into fish keeping and was too dumb to educate myself
properly. I now research the crap out of anything I put into any of my
tanks): 40 gallon breeder with lots of rock and pH of
8.5. Fish are: 3 yellow labs, 1 Pseudotropheus acei, 1 zebra
obliquidens, 1 black Calvus and 1 Neolamprologus tretocephalus (see, I
warned you it was cringe-worthy).
Before the Syno reached maturity, everyone got along as well as any
African cichlids can, and the only negative side effect of this
inappropriate grouping, that my unprofessional eyes can see, is that the
Calvus has never grown any larger than 5 inches. According to aquadvisor
I have room to add a few more fish,
<Mmm, no>
and I know that overstocking is ideal for cichlids to help spread out
aggression. Would this concept work for my situation?
<I would only try adding more fish life here IF getting a much larger
tank... at least a sixty... At the minimum>
I've tried him in my 75 gallon Rainbowfish/Bichir tank, but he went
after my Bichirs. The only spare tank I have is a 20 gallon tall I use
for a hospital tank, but that seems a bit too small for him, and my
<Heeeee! Don't try fitting him in there!>
who already just barely tolerates my aquarium addiction, would probably
put his foot down on having a tank for just one fish. And there's no
room for a larger tank for the cichlids. I can't put him down like a
rabid dog, but I'm tired of this fish terrorizing his tankmates. Any
suggestions for this terrible setup?
Thanks in advance,
<Really; someone or something has to go... I'd look for the larger
Bob Fenner>
Goldfish eating silversides? &
Synodontis beh. 10/19/11
Hello Crew!
So today I found out my girlfriend fed a large frozen silver side to my
10 inch goldfish. The silversides are normally for my other fish, but
she had an extra that she thawed and fed it to my goldfish, which of
course ate it.
This shouldn't affect its health should it?
<Nope. As a treat, these are fine.>
Also on another note I have a supposedly Synodontis eupterus, it has
the profile and coloring of a Featherfin, yet, it constantly hangs
upside down under driftwood or straight up and down in some plants or
in other awkward positions. Is this normal for the species or is some
type of hybrid?
<It is quite normal. Most, maybe all Synodontis like to wedge
themselves with their bellies against solid surfaces. Whether
upside-down, right way up, or somewhere in between doesn't matter
to them. Cheers, Neale.>
Featherfin catfish -- 09/26/09
I have 3 fish, tiger Oscar (6in), zebra loch (3in), and a Featherfin
catfish (6in). I've had my tank for close to 2 years. My catfish
has always had this white stripe on both sides of his body. Now I have
noticed they are getting larger and also have begun to appear on his
head. My tank has 2 filters a 50g and 30g aqua clear and I feed them
spectrum all purpose.
<Hi Mike. Synodontis eupterus doesn't normally have white
stripes on its body, so I'm a little unclear what you're
describing. However, like all catfish, Featherfin cats have naked
skins, and apart from the armoured head, the naked skin on the body can
easily be burned or scratched. So review some of the things that might
cause this. An exposed heater for example. Synodontis generally like to
nestle into crevices, and they can burn themselves by squeezing too
close to a heater. Always use a heater guard or else place the heater
outside the tank (e.g., use an inline heater, a thermofilter, or put
the heater in the sump). Synodontis tend to bicker over hiding places,
and can scratch themselves when fighting with each other or with other
benthic fish. Both cichlids and loaches might compete for hiding
places, and in doing so, scratch these catfish. Consider these issues,
and act accordingly. Cheers, Neale.>
Upside Down cat Hi, I have a fairly new tropical fish tank
(less than a year) and a small catfish. I have just noticed it swimming
upside down (it is not an upside-down catfish!). It will right itself
but every now and then it turns over. Is this normal? It's swimming
seems quite erratic. It floats around with the flow and jerks about.
Does it have a swim bladder problem? I heard this could be caused by
over feeding but seeing as it doesn't eat the food I put on the
surface for the other fishes, rather being a catfish it roots around
the bottom of the tank. Thanks, Alex <Many Synodontis catfish
swim upside down at times , even though they are not called upside down
cats. The floating and jerking sounds a little weird if it happens all
the time. If you really think that there is an internal bacterial
problem then treat the tank with Metronidazole.-Chuck>
Non-Stop Catfish - 02/16/2006 HELP! I have 2 Synodontis
multipunctatus and 1 of them keeps swimming round and round the
perimeter of the tank only stopping to rest awhile and to feed, is this
normal behaviour? < This species is found only in Lake Tanganyika.
They are a very active species and this behaviour sounds normal for
this fish.> I have a 4 foot tank that holds approx. 140 litres of
water, I do a 20% water change every week and regularly test the water
for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate all are reading fine. I have 2 filters
1 is an under gravel filter and the other a Fluval canister filter and
I syphon out the water with a gravel cleaner. I can see no signs of
disease i.e.- white spot or reddened gills no ulcers or fluffy growths
my ph is 7 and the temp is 26 degrees. I am worried that my Synodontis
is going to die from exhaustion or am I being overall worried Ann <
They actually like the pH a little higher but everything else sounds
Small Synodontis behaviour - 2/15/2006 I
have 2 what I think are squeaker catfish. <Mochokids...> They
have black and white spots that look like leopard spots the fins all 7
(including tail) are black edged with white they have to long sharp
looking barbels and approx. 4 smaller ones. One of these fish keeps
swimming round and round the tank only stopping to feed and
occasionally rest is this normal? <Yes, quite...> I can see no
signs of disease i.e. Whitespot no reddened gills and no signs of
ulcers. My tank is 4 foot long and holds approx. 140 litres of water my
ph is 7 and temp is 25 degrees. I do a 20% water change every week and
use a gravel cleaner. I have 2 filters one an under gravel filter and
the other a Fluval canister filter. I am worried that my poor fish is
going to exhaust itself and am trying to find the cause for this
behaviour. should I be worried? <Mmm, no. If there's enough to
feed on... will be fine. Will settle into a given routine, including
rest, in time... and given a darkened tunnel like space to hide in. Bob
Synodontis eupterus Featherfin catfish and Canister
filter ratings 2/23/06 Bob Fenner
First let me 'Thank You' for answering my
last question I sent you. <Welcome> I have been offered 16
Synodontis eupterus catfish about 4 inches in length. <Neat... a
community> The only tank I have available for them is a 125 gallon
which contains no other fish. The question is how long could they be
kept in such a tank with the appropriate rockwork i.e.: caves etc.?
<Perhaps indefinitely... with good feeding, regular water
changes...> That is until what length would they need to be
separated if at all. I've read numerous articles and most agree
that they can be kept in groups as they are not aggressive to each
other. A few articles claim they are aggressive when two are kept in
the same tank. <In small tanks, yes> Maybe you need more than two
so they have a pecking order similar to angel fish. <They do
indeed> Also what size filter would one need on this
size tank for both the interim and long term? <I'd have two
large outside power filters, some sort of internal circulation
(powerheads, airstones...)> I was thinking of a Filstar 3 plus a
trickle filter with a gallon of small bio balls. What about a Filstar 3
and an Aqua Clear 110? <These would do nicely> Water change of
about 25% would be done weekly in either case. <Good>
Reading answers to other peoples questions I've noticed
that you prefer the Eheim 2028 [?] over the Filstar 3. <Yes>
Could you give your reasons? <Eheims are superior in design,
construction... use less power, are the most reliable...> I realize
that the Eheim is a much larger filter but up here in Canada the
Filstar 3 can be purchased on sale for $150 whereas the Eheim costs
about $250 when on sale. Therefore for about $50 more you could
purchase two Filstars. Thank You in advance Brian
<I understand... do check the values however for flow per money for
water movement... and understand the Eheim will likely be of service
for a decade, two... A better value... Bob Fenner>
Catching A Syno Eupterus Good morning Crew!
I have a quick question. What would be the best way to catch a
Synodontis eupterus? (or Featherfin catfish, if that is correct) I
bought a couple of them about 4 months ago from Pet Supermarket (much
like a Petco) and put them in a now non-existent 20 gallon tank. They
called them "Syno cats" and the description said they would
only grow about 4". I moved them to my 29 gallon where they
disappeared for months, although I could always see their barbels and
tails poking out of the rock caves and driftwood. I put some Nori in
the tank to see if anyone would enjoy grazing during the daytime, and
much to my surprise the Featherfins came out... one is a good 5",
the other one is almost 4"! I have now identified them properly
and am sure they are Synodontis eupterus. They are so quick and
stealthy. I am pretty sure I would have to break down the tank, or at
least remove all the driftwood and rocks, to catch them. They quickly
retreat the moment they feel a vibration near the tank, or when I open
the top. I love them, they look so exotic, but I can see two of these
are much too small for a 29 gallon. Any advice on how to net them?
Their magnificent top fin looks so delicate, I am afraid it would get
caught in a regular fish net. Thank you! Nicole < This is a very
nice catfish that I have seen up to 9 inches. The dorsal fin is not as
delicate as you think. Get a large cotton net and try and lift the
catfish out of the tank and minimize the contact with the net and the
dorsal fin. You could always get a big plastic bag, place it in the
tank and chase the catfish into the bag. Then just lift him out with
the water.-Chuck>
Need information about an Upside-down Catfish
12/31/06 Hey guys, <<Greetings and Happy New Year! Tom
here.>> Hope your holiday is going good! <<And
yours as well.>> I'm really stumped here. I just
purchased a pitch black upside down catfish of some
sort. He's about 8" long and swims upside down.
<<The Mochokidae family is occasionally referred to as the
Upside-Down Catfish family even though Synodontis is only one genus in
the group. Not the only genus in the family to display this swimming
behavior.>> No where could I find any information on him all over
the web and forums. <<There's tons of information regarding
Synodontis nigriventris, which is the most common and popular
Upside-Down Catfish among hobbyists, but I would suggest that your fish
is likely another member of the family. Eight inches long would be
about double the typical size of this animal, usually topping out at
four to five inches.>> Are you familiar with this catfish and can
it go with African Cichlids? <<I don't have any first-hand
experience with this group but they're African in origin and my
research suggests that, yes, most will go with African Rift Cichlids,
West African Cichlids and African Tetras. Larger varieties may make a
meal of small fish, though.>> I hope he's not too aggressive
for my smaller 3" Mbuna. <<As does your Mbuna,
I'm sure.>> The guy at the pet store told me he was a true
Synodontis upside down catfish, but like I said, I can't find any
info on him at all. <<As I said, it could very well
be of the Synodontis group but doubtful that it's a 'true'
Upside-Down Catfish as we commonly know them.>> Help me
out...............please!!! <<If you're using Google as a
search engine, I don't know how you couldn't find at least some
information on your fish. Check this site out and see if it doesn't
give you a leg up on what you need: http://fish.mongabay.com/mochocidae.htm.>>
Thanks <<You're more than welcome and enjoy the holiday.
Re: Need information about an Upside-down Catfish
1/2/07 Thanks Tom. <<No problem, Jay.
(It is Jay, isn't it?) >> The most info I found on Google
that seems to be the catfish I have is the Asian upside down catfish or
giant upside down catfish. <<Let's go with what
we suspect to be the appropriate species: Mystus leucophasis. (I'm
torn between the usage of the scientific names and common names as both
can be confusing for our readers depending on the context of the post.)
Regardless, this guy (gal?) seems to fit the bill based on your
description.>> What do you know about this species, there is only
one article on it all over the web believe it or not. <<True
enough. Lots of 'chatter' about them in various forums but not
a lot of hard information.>> Can you share your knowledge with me
on this species? <<In this case, I'm going to
plead a certain degree of 'ignorance'. This fish has been in
the hobby for quite a while but its nature/behavior hasn't made it
very popular among most but the hardcore Catfish enthusiasts. If
we're correct in its identity, smaller tank mates don't fare
well including species such as Corys that shouldn't present
themselves as 'feeders', let alone others without the same
built-in 'defense' characteristics.>> It says
it's rather aggressive is this true? <<From the little that I
know of this particular fish, yes, it is aggressive. It seems to be at
odds with the upside-down swimming behavior which is thought to be a
trait evolved to protect it from predators. Given its somewhat
notorious reputation for devouring its smaller tank mates (not a heck
of a lot smaller, by the way), you might wonder why they bother to swim
upside down at all. (Actually, it might revert to an upside-right
position and stay that way depending on the foods that are fed. If it
-- hopefully -- dines on foods that sink, it may not continue its
upside-down swimming activity.) Doesn't mean that it won't go
hunting for other 'food', though. >> Thanks
<<You're welcome but I confess to being caught short on this
one. You might consider taking this fish back to the store. You
weren't given good information from the LFS folks to begin with
and, personally, I don't like introducing 'trouble' into my
tanks, which is what this fish sounds like to me. Best of luck however
you want to go but I'd take it back. Tom>>