FAQs on Mochokid, Synodontis Cats and More:
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Related Catfish FAQs: Mochokid (Synodontis...)
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Synodontis big belly
Hello crew! Hope to pick your brain a bit... I have two Synodontis
nigriventris cats that are fully grown and seem to have been healthy and
happy for the past year. I’ve watched them double in size and they eat
EVERYTHING; the larger one is so brazen that he “crawls” around the
sides and tank in broad daylight when I make my way over! I have a pearl
gourami and five cherry barbs, and I vary the diet in my tank daily...
any combo of flakes, shrimp pellets, NLS Float pellets, Hikari algae
sinking wafers, Hikari micro pellets, freeze-dried blood worms once a
week as a treat, and a feeding day off every week. The attached picture
shows my smaller Synodontis and a very swollen ”belly”, in my opinion. I
know they overeat and their bellies bulge, but is this too drastic? If
so, should I take action? I try to be very careful not to overfeed.
Thank you in advance for your always helpful expertise! —Matt from NJ
<<Hello Matt. You might simply have a female, and if yours are anything
like mine, the female looks a bit like an speckled egg with fins
attached! Periodically she thins out, so I'm guessing there's some sort
of egg laying cycle going on, but this species is rarely bred in
captivity, so hard to know the details. In any case, if the Syno is some
years old, I'd perhaps observe for the time being, and certainly avoid
overfeeding. My specimens get actual catfish food maybe 2-3 times a
week, one Hikari algae wafer per 3 specimens. The rest of the time I'm
letting them eat softened green foods (peas, courgette, etc.) as well as
algae and whatever snails they find in the tank (both major food
component in the wild). They're chunky and something like 15 years old
now, so presumably doing okay. I'm glad you're enjoying these cats,
which like all Syno species, are naturally very nocturnal, but will
become day-active once settled and happy. Floating plants are a great
way to get them visible when the lights are on! Cheers, Neale.>> |
Re: Synodontis big belly 10/5/19
Hi Neale... Great advice, thank you! I feel much better. And yes, I took
your advice a while back about purchasing these guys in the first place,
and the bigger one (not pictured) flies “crawls” the tank all day, as
you said, because of the surface cover. Thanks again. —Matt
<<Glad to have helped, and good luck. Certainly my female is positively
rotund, and it doesn't seem to have done any harm given her considerable
age. Cheers, Neale.>>
Confused yet pleased, Mochokid cross
Good afternoon Crew, a few weeks ago a bunch of guys I know got
together and organized a deal from a wholesaler. I know that this is
often an unwise course of action (we have seen a lot of DAA, for a
bunch of "this guy is totally fly by night" type reasons).
Live and learn for those guys I guess.
I didn't order much myself but one fish caught my eye and I ordered
it on a whim (and a love of the SYNODONTIS family).
It was advertised as a SYNODONTIS ANGELICUS x OCELLIFER crossbreed or
hybrid. I was not familiar with this practice, and was curious what
such a beast would look like.
<Hard to imagine it'd be better looking than either of these two
species, but who knows. Certainly both these species are very
attractive, particularly when young. I'm generally not wild about
hybrids, but in the case of species that aren't likely to breed in
aquaria, and aren't likely to get back into the wild, that's
more a philosophical bias than a meaningful argument against their
creation. That said, identifying true species is hard enough sometimes,
so if these the hybrids become too widely traded, and their parentage
is lost amid a plethora of trade names, we could end up with a
situation where unwitting aquarists end up with Synodontis that they
cannot identify and cannot plan their aquarium around. Sadly,
that's the situation with about 95% of the "African
cichlids" sold in US pet stores.>
Still young the cat is built longer and leaner than I am accustom
<Both its parents are streamlined, fairly fast-water Synodontis
rather than lake or ditch dwellers, hence the shape. And of course, the
accent on good water quality and a strong water current.>
colored with a rich golden tan and black dots. Active at night he takes
no guff from the rest of the night shift, eats well and dashes from
cave to cave in what seems like a sensible manner for a young cat in a
big community tank with some shady characters.
<Paul Loiselle once described Synodontis as having a Moses-like
approach to repaying transgressions in kind! Certainly they tend to be
well able to hold their own alongside cichlids, loaches and
I'm thrilled with the addition, he punches above his weight, looks
good, generally rounding out the bottom of the tank well.
What do you know of this practice?
<Very little. S. angelicus has been bred over the years,
commercially, using hormones, as have one or two other commercially
worthwhile species.
So my guess is that this is someone's idea of a bright idea. None
of the Synodontis are easy to breed, so those guys doing it
commercially (often in Eastern Europe, for some reason) are doing so
using hormones. At least one
other hybrid is traded, S. angelicus x schoutedeni, and hybrids do
occur in the wild too, apparently. A little time on Google searching
"Synodontis" and "hybrids" will turn up a modest
literature, both scientific and hobbyist. On the whole
"serious" fishkeeping writers tend to be hostile towards
hybrids because in terms of collecting interesting species, they're
meaningless. But at the same time there are lots of more casual
hobbyists who enjoy them. Whether these fish are worthwhile or, as you
say, malarkey, ultimately depends on your point of view.>
Are you familiar with this particular Hybrid? Have I been sold a bunch
of malarkey and am just looking at a SYNODONTIS that I'm unfamiliar
<Could well be a hybrid if so described.>
Thanks in advance,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Breeding Lake Malawi Catfish 7/7/05 Hello, I was
interested in breeding S. njassae and I am in need of a protocol to
follow. Do you have any idea where I can find this
information? I Googled, but I did not find detailed
information. Any help would be appreciated. < This fish
is not being worked on by aquarists because there is more money in
breeding other species from Lake Tanganyika. Look for articles on
breeding Syn petricola and Syn multipunctatus. Other areas to check
would be Planetcatfish.com.-Chuck> Vanessa