FAQs on ""Chinese""
"Algae Eaters": Stocking,
Related Articles: Algae Eaters, Algae Control in Freshwater
Aquariums by Bob Fenner, Dealing With Algae in
Freshwater Aquaria by Neale Monks, (some) Algae (in moderation) Can Be Your Friend,
ppt presentation, Part 1, Part
2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,
Part 6, by Bob
Fenner, Otocinclus, Loricariids, Siamese Algae
FAQs on: Chinese Algae Eaters (CAEs), Gyrinocheilus
aymonieri 1, CAEs 2,
FAQs on: CAE
Identification, CAE Behavior,
CAE Compatibility, CAE Systems, CAE Feeding, CAE
Disease, CAE Reproduction,
Related FAQs: Algae Control,
Freshwater "Scavengers",
Aquarium Maintenance,
Freshwater Aquarium Water
Quality, Treating Tap Water for
Aquarium Use, pH, Alkalinity,
Acidity, Freshwater Algae
Control, Algae Control,
Foods, Feeding, Aquatic Nutrition,

Both evil |
Question about nasty Chinese Algae Eaters!
8/11/08 Hi there, <Megan,> I recently bought a 28
gallon tank from my neighbour. Excited to get started, I went and
bought myself six guppies (who now have babies! Woohoo!), six
neon tetras, two small Gouramis, <Colisa lalia by any chance?
Do read my writings on this species elsewhere on WWM -- extremely
poor quality stock in the trade, and serious problems with viral
diseases mean that you must choose your specimens with the utmost
care.> and four barbs. <And what, pray tell, are these
Barbs? Do be aware that many barbs (e.g., Tiger Barbs) are
notorious fin nippers when kept in too small a group
(realistically less than a dozen) and your Fancy Guppies will be
mincemeat once they get started.> I have live plants in my
tank and I bought one algae eater to begin with. <If this is
Gyrinocheilus aymonieri, this is too large for your tank (up to
35 cm/14") and extremely aggressive.> After a couple days
I thought my algae eater was looking a little lonely. <They
don't get lonely. They are territorial. Please be extremely
careful about transposing human feelings onto animals. This path
leads to all kinds of problems! Instead, research the animal and
then act accordingly. Trying to cater to an animals social needs
is absolutely the right thing to do. But those needs are not
necessarily the same as ours. In fact they very rarely are.> I
don't know much about algae eaters but I thought, what the
heck? I went to the pet store and got three more of what I
thought were the same type. A couple days later, my neighbour
came over to visit and made a terrible discovery - I'd
purchased three Chinese algae eaters. <Oh dear, yes, this is
Gyrinocheilus aymonieri, possibly the single worst commonly
traded fish in the hobby.> Now, one of them is growing rapidly
and becoming very aggressive. The other two are growing, but not
as fast. My neighbour seems to think the fourth algae eater (my
original one) is of the same family, but we can't find it in
books anywhere. It's almost albino looking - pale in colour
and other than that, very similar looking to a Chinese algae
eater. <Likely the "Golden" morph. If it has the
same shape and look, but is just sort of yellowy-pink, that's
the beast. Gyrinocheilus aymonieri also have very distinctive
gill covers, with small holes at the top that allow the fish to
breath in and out through the gills. As you probably know, most
other fish breath in through the mouth, and out through the
gills.> The pale algae eater isn't growing nearly as fast,
however. I don't know what to do with them, so I want to know
if you have any suggestions. I've tried just giving them to
people, but no one seems to want them, and I can understand why!
<Yep.> I can't bring myself to kill them unless
it's completely pain free, and I've noticed on your
website there are a couple different ways of doing so. <If in
doubt, consult a vet. With large fish, the simple methods
recommended for use with Neons and the like may be inappropriate.
Large fish will need to be sedated first, then destroyed.> But
before I take that route, I want to know if there is anything
else I can do, and if you can give me any more information on
them. <These are actually acceptable fish in certain
situations, e.g., big cichlid tanks. They really need systems 750
litres/200 gallons upwards, where they are dynamic and attractive
fish. So if you've called the local tropical fish shops and
they won't take them, try joining some tropical fish forums
and bulletin boards, and advertising on their
"trade/swap/freebie" sections.> I really don't
want them hurting my fish, especially my beautiful little
Gouramis who are peaceful. <Indeed.> Any help would be
appreciated! Thanks Megan <Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Question about nasty Chinese Algae
Eaters! 8/11/08 Hello again! <Hail and
well met.> Okay, so instead of trying to explain visually what
everything looked like for proper identification, I decided to
send pictures... probably would have been a smart move in the
first place eh? <Right, the golden barb is Puntius sachsii, a
species that gets to about 8 cm/3" in length. Like all barbs
its sociable, so the more you have, the less likely it is to
cause problems. But this isn't a particularly nippy species
and with luck you should be okay. The algae eater and the golden
algae eater are both Gyrinocheilus aymonieri, the big, nasty
bruiser I was talking about last time around. The Gouramis are
Colisa lalia, in my opinion and utter waste of money. You appear
to have two males, one of the "Red" variety and one of
"Powder Blue" variety. Same species, same problems.
I'm not saying they're bound to die after a short
miserable life, but a lot of the do. Do a Google search for
'Dwarf Gourami Iridovirus' to learn more.> Thanks for
the information on my algae eaters. I hate it that pet stores
employ people with little or no knowledge about the species
they're giving you. I asked specifically for two small, calm
algae eaters. I assumed even though I didn't know much about
them, the people they had working there probably would. I recall
the girl giving me a confused face and then saying "Oh,
yeah, these are what you want then!" <Agreed. Problem is
that people often buy fish without researching them, going by
price/colour first, and provided there's a market, retailers
will stock them.> Note to self: Just because the fish is small
at the time it's bought, doesn't mean it can't grow
to over a foot long. And, also, those Chinese algae eaters
don't look any different then an ugly old trout when they
grow up. <They're not ugly fish when they're grown up.
They're rather handsomely marked. But they certainly
aren't community tank fish.> I forgot to mention that I
only asked for two and received a little freebie in my bag -
bringing me to three plus one mystery fish. <The photo labeled
"Mystery Guy" is a golden morph of Gyrinocheilus
aymonieri. The same species as the fish labeled "Evil".
Notice how I use Latin names? Avoids all complications because
this way everyone knows precisely what fish is being discussed.
While you might think using Latin names is awkward, it actually
dramatically simplifies fish shop shopping.> Argh.
<Quite.> Anyways, I am going to call the pet store today
and see if they will take them off my hands. And your idea about
the forums was a great one! So I guess my next question would be
what can I get to replace them that's going to be calm and
friendly and preferably not cost me my next month's rent?
<If you want small algae eaters, then the safest bets are
Nerite snails (harmless, don't breed, don't damage
plants); Cherry Shrimps (colourful, small, but will be killed by
fish medications, as will snails by the way); and Bristlenose
Cats (Ancistrus spp.).> I have attached a couple pictures. One
of my Gouramis, my barbs and my mystery algae eater. Thanks for
your advice, it's all really useful! <Cool.> (PS - I am
a sucker for placing human attributes on animals - I'm
constantly thinking "oh, he looks so lonely!", when in
fact the fish would rather be alone and I just assume it needs
"friends".) <Note I'm not saying animals
don't have feelings or don't like people. Animals surely
do have feelings, just not the same ones as ours. Likewise many
animals enjoy human company. Goldfish for example positively
thrive when looked after well and attentively, as do most
cichlids and pufferfish. Cheers, Neale.>
Gold sucking catfish... ID, dead
4/6/08 Hi! This is my first time here but I've read a lot of
the Q's & A's to help me with my family's new hobby,
and I have learnt so much - thanks! My query is since starting my own
tank with balloon mollies and platies in October I had a gold sucking
catfish, 'Sticky', that did wonders for keeping all clean, then
he/she went belly up in February. I got 'Sticky II' who
unfortunately only lasted not even 2 months and also ended up belly up.
I do have salt for the mollies, but minimal because of the platies. do
a 25-30% water change fortnightly, and not being educated in gallons
the tank is 60x30x28cm. The ph is around 7.6, and ammonia, nitrites etc
are all always no danger. Sticky added character and looked good so
what can I do to make life good in my tank for another or should I be
looking at getting a different type of algae eater? I know mollies and
platies are algae eaters but the difference in the tank's
cleanliness is definitely noticeable. Thanks in advance, Tania
<Tania, the short answer is that if you've tried to keep the
same species twice and both times failed quickly, it's best to
forget about that species for now. Wait another 6-12 months when your
skills have developed some more. Take the time out to identify the
species in question ("gold sucking catfish" could mean
anything). I fear you mean the golden morph of Gyrinocheilus aymonieri,
one of the worst fish in the hobby. In any case, identify the fish,
read up about it, and concentrate on maintaining your aquarium as it
is. Algae eaters don't actually make that much difference. Using a
sponge or scraper once a week will do a million times better job, and
without any extra loading on the filter. By the way, Platies are fine
with a little salt, provided you raise the salinity slowly. 5 grammes
per litre (about SG 1.002) would be an ideal balance between the needs
of your Mollies and the tolerances of your Platies. If you wanted an
algae eater for a slightly saline environment, I'd heartily
recommend things like Florida Flagfish, Amano shrimps, and/or Nerite
snails -- all much smaller and more effective than any catfish. Cheers,
Guppies and Chinese Algae Eaters 4/8/07 Hi,
<<Greetings, Matt. Tom with you.>> Just having a read
through your website. Very helpful. <<Glad to hear it,
Matt.>> I have a 25 litre tank with both male and female guppies
as well as 4 golden Chinese algae eaters. Fairly small, the largest is
2 inches. The shop said it would be fine however your site is giving me
some doubt! <<Again, I'm glad to hear this. Even without
going into my usual diatribe on CAE's, Matt, they grow too large
for a 25-liter tank.>> Will the guppies be fine as they should be
too small and fast to be latched onto by a CAE? <<Just responded
yesterday to a reader who found exactly the opposite to be
true '¦sadly for one of the Guppies. Nearly identical
circumstances, coincidentally. In short, your Guppies are not safe at
all.>> There doesn't even appear to be algae in my time
<<tank?>>, should I consider giving them the flick?
<<Immediately, if not sooner than that.>> If so what other
bottom dwelling fish can live in fresh water tanks at room temp.? As I
mainly got them as they are something different! <<Oh,
they're different all right! Personally, I'd look into a few of
any of the Corydoras varieties of Catfish. Personable little fish that
get along well with nearly all fish, certainly with your Guppies. Mine
are kept at 78 degrees F. so you'll want to do some careful
acclimating if 'room temperature' is far below this.>>
Cheers Matt <<Best regards, Matt. Tom>>
Sick Convicts?... CAE... 5/2/06 Hi!
<<Hi, Sharon. Tom>> I recently purchased 2
female convicts for a 37 gallon tank. They will be the only
inhabitants except for a Chinese algae eater later on.
<<Sharon, you had me right up until the CAE. Do NOT add this fish
to your aquarium! In my opinion, they shouldn't even be sold. They
grow to a fairly large size and develop a "taste" for fish
skin as adults, latching on to fish and sucking "juices" from
tankmates - to death. The Siamese Algae Eater is, by far, a better
choice but is a little more difficult to find.>> My question has
to do with coloring. One of the females has beautiful dark
stripes and coloring.. She has a little pink on her side.
The other female is a bit smaller with drab stripes but with the female
pink on her side. Is this because she is a juvenile?
<<Likely but not all fish are created "equally". Some
are just a little slow to develop. Also, it just might not happen. Time
will tell here.>> Thanks. Sharon <<Welcome.
Tom>> Thanks! I did not realize that about a
CAE. I appreciate your help! <<Glad to be of
assistance, Sharon.>> <<Tom>>