FAQs on ""Chinese""
"Algae Eaters": Compatibility
Related Articles: Algae Eaters, Algae Control in Freshwater
Aquariums by Bob Fenner, Dealing With Algae in
Freshwater Aquaria by Neale Monks, (some) Algae (in moderation) Can Be Your Friend,
ppt presentation, Part 1, Part
2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,
Part 6, by Bob
Fenner, Otocinclus, Loricariids, Siamese Algae
FAQs on: Chinese Algae Eaters (CAEs), Gyrinocheilus
aymonieri 1, CAEs 2,
FAQs on: CAE
Identification, CAE Behavior,
CAE Selection/Stkg., CAE Systems, CAE Feeding, CAE
Disease, CAE Reproduction,
Related FAQs: Algae Control,
Freshwater "Scavengers",
Aquarium Maintenance,
Freshwater Aquarium Water
Quality, Treating Tap Water for
Aquarium Use, pH, Alkalinity,
Acidity, Freshwater Algae
Control, Algae Control,
Foods, Feeding, Aquatic Nutrition,
Gyrinocheilus aymonieri isn't
suitable for tanks less than 55 gallons, and even then, just one
specimen alongside semi-aggressive, fast-moving tankmates, such as
Central American cichlids |
Not with:
Nor Discus, Angelfish |
The Trouble with Trumpet Snails...get it? MTS control, CAE
incomp. 1/16/13
Dear WWM crew:
In case you didn't understand my subject line, I was making a reference
to the original Star Trek episode entitled The Trouble with Tribbles,
which dealt with tiny, cute creatures whose abundant reproduction cycle
became a danger to the entire Enterprise, which I'm worried might be the
case with Malaysian Trumpet Snails in my fish tank!
<Ah yes. Am very familiar w/ both>
Like many other people who have contacted you, I have recently
discovered--for the first time--snails in my 12-year-old aquarium.
I went from being excited at the new discovery, to confused as to how
they came to be in a tank with no live plants, to frightened of a snail
plague, to semi-knowledgeable from researching yours, and other,
websites, to, finally, acceptance. I have identified the snails as
being Malaysian Trumpet Snails, or MTS, and I can only guess they came
with the only addition to my tank of 12 years: a Chinese Algae eater I
bought at Petco about 6 months ago. I did not find anywhere on
your website where you say that snails could hitch-hike into aquariums
from buying fish, but I haven't added anything else.
<Can "come in" thus; as well as with wet foods, most anything wet>
After many hours of research and study on the MTS (most of which was on
your website, so thank you!), I have decided that they could be an asset
to my tank, but that over-population is a DEFINITE concern in the
So, the least drastic response I could come up with was to remove all
the snails I could find and place them in a separate 'tank' (I use the
term loosely, because it is actually just a glass vase with rocks and
some decaying lettuce in it). I want to keep an eye on them for
awhile to get a better idea what I am up against.
<Mmm, well; they/MTS do regulate their own population... to resources
I vacuum 50% of the gravel twice per week in my established 55-gal. tank,
and remove any additional snails I find, and add them to their own
My question is one that I seem to be unable to find the answer to on
your site or on the internet, despite much searching. I may have
overlooked it, but what I am wanting to know about is the very small,
beige, rice-like specs that are all over the snail 'tank'.
<Likely gastropods/snails... do they "crunch" when squished against the
glass, evidencing a shell of some sort?>
I have watched the snails at length to try to figure out if these specs
are their young or if it is their feces, etc. Or perhaps it is a
combination of both, because there seems to be two different things: One
is very definitely shaped like a piece of rice, and the other seems to
be more amorphous. Both are the same color, kind of an off-white.
It appears that the amorphous mass of 'stuff' comes out from the tip of
their 'trumpet', which is leading me to think it is their waste.
My research shows that they bear live young, but even with my magnifying
glass I cannot make out if these rice kernels are mini, baby snails.
If I understand my research correctly, they carry their young in some
sort of 'pouch' type thing around their head area. (A clutch?)
I do see that these rice kernel things are most often all around their
head area, but also can be kind of hitch-hiking all over their shells.
I read that they can have up to 70 young at a time, so I am thinking
that is what these specs are. But even more of these rice-like
specs are at the bottom of their 'tank', under the rocks/gravel. I
have probably at least 10 adult MTS in their 'tank' and numerous other
'juveniles', if that is the correct term.
If these specs are indeed their young, then there are hundreds, and more
likely thousands of them under the substrate (as I can see the
underneath through the glass-bottomed container). If I am correct,
and these are their young, then I will probably not return the whole lot
to my bigger tank, for fear of an infestation. Can you help me
identify if these specs are indeed their young?
<You'll have to provide image/s... either "blown up" from a photo, or
one taken through magnification... a 'scope>
I would imagine that in my original tank the filter, the gravel vacuum,
and the other fish help keep the number of MTS young to a more
manageable number, but I'm not sure I am willing to risk that! My
tank gravel is natural, so it makes it a challenge to find and remove
the snails, and I would hate to have to use any poisons or even remove
and replace all my gravel due to snail overpopulation. According
to my research I do not have any fish that will eat the snails and/or
predatory snails in my tank, and my tank is too full to take on any
other predatory life forms at this time.
(I have a 12-year-old, 22" Pleco, 5 schooling Danios and 1 Chinese Algae
Eater that I shouldn't have added. Had I read your site instead of
listening to the Petco employees I would not have added the
Algae Eater at all!
<Ah yes>
Yes, he cleaned the algae, but he is very hyper and nervous and zooms
all over the tank whenever I approach or try to clean the tank.
But, until my Pleco became ill and I was forced to seek out your
website, I did not know there was such a wealth of knowledge available
to me other than the pet stores!) I would also like to let you
know that mostly due to your prompt and knowledgeable responses on this
site, I was able to bring my sick Pleco, Elwood, to a full recovery.
I followed your advice and his recovery was slow, but he is doing
wonderfully once again. I have also added some things to my
aquarium upkeep routine now that I did not know to do prior to learning
them from your correspondences. I can't thank you enough for
helping me return Elwood to health, I am SO grateful for your help!
I guess how I handle these snails is really based again on what is best
for Elwood, as he is my main concern. I even regret getting the
algae eater because he treats Elwood like a piece of aquarium furniture.
He has to always be laying underneath Elwood, and will wedge himself
into the smallest spaces to keep himself under Elwood's belly.
Even when Elwood lays on the bottom to eat the algae eater wedges
himself under him, or when Elwood is 'resting' in the corner of the tank
I can always find the algae-eater pushed up against his underbelly.
It is very odd behavior. I have tried adding hiding places for the
CAE of all types to keep him away from Elwood, but he prefers to
cling to my Pleco.
<Likely eating part of its slime coating. I would remove this CAE when
the opportunity affords itself>
Elwood seems fine with this and shows no signs of being stressed by it,
which kind of surprises me, since Elwood is so mellow. Have you
ever heard of an attachment like this?
<Yes; way too common... the CAE feeding on the slime coat; often
damaging, killing other fishes>
I would appreciate any response you could give to me regarding the specs
in the MTS 'tank' and maybe even your thoughts on my CAE's strange
relationship with my Pleco. Your site is invaluable to me, as we
have no local pet stores and the Petco in the closest city is a limited
information source at best. Thank you, in advance, for your time
in reading my message and for any information you may have for me.
Sincerely, Teresa
<The MTS I wouldn't sweat. As stated, their populations achieve stasis
in time. The CAE I'd remove, return. Bob Fenner>
My Chinese Algae Eater, mis-stocked w/ goldfish
in too small a world 12/1/11
Just 2 days ago I bought a CAE along with a weather loach as a addition
to my tank. My tank has approximately 30l and already holds three
single-tailed goldfish.
The pet shop I bought the CAE and the weather loach told me that
the CAE won't be aggressive to my goldfish and will be comfortable
in cold water. I guess they were wrong. It was my fault I didn't
research the CAE first before buying it and now I have things
complicated. The CAE is just about 3 cm long and already turned out to
be aggressive. After I researched the CAE and read the WWM forum about
him I decided to take action immediately.
I couldn't stand the thought that the CAE might be that
aggressive. I noticed that one of my goldfish has a pink, almost
red gill on one of the sides and was swimming a bit uneven. It looked
like something sucked to it and it wasn't there before. From what I
then researched, I assumed it was the CAE so I moved him into my
emergency aquarium and decided to bring him back to the shop tomorrow.
I'm writing to you for advice not only on the CAE and the goldfish,
I'm writing because I'm a beginner fish keeper and need a lot
of advice. Firstly, did I do the right thing about moving him into a
different aquarium and what should I do if the pet shop won't have
him back?
<Mmm, t'were it me, destroy this fish. Humanely. See WWM re
How could I ensure he has a safe trip back to the pet shop?
<Place in a chemically inert container w/ a half a pint/litre of
water or so...>
Secondly, if the goldfish was hurt by him what should I do?
<Nothing really; other than provide good water quality and
And thirdly, is the weather loach suitable for my tank?
<Yes; though this volume system is too small for all... or will
shortly be so>
In the past I already had about 3 fish tanks but sadly, all are gone.
So I'm writing to you for advice about my current tank because I
don't want my fish to end up like my last few. Firstly, the first 2
fish in my tank were from my mothers work after an accident. The tank
smashed and my mother brought them home, it was about 3 months ago. The
2 fish are both single-tailed goldfish and from what I researched, are
about 1 year old. 2 months ago I bought another single-tailed goldfish
to keep them company and they're all getting together fine. 2 days
ago I bought the weather loach and the troublesome CAE. My tank
doesn't have a heater but I'm currently searching for the
cheapest option but I do have a filter. I have 2 plastic plants, one
small decoration and one driftwood with fake flowers. Is my tank big
enough to hold my 3 goldfish
<Sadly, no. Please read here re:
and the linked files above>
and the weather loach (which I named Steve)? (I'm bringing
the CAE back to the pet shop so I'm not counting him)
I'm a bit concerned about the weather loach... Again, it's my
fault I didn't research it before buying it and listened to the
shopkeeper. I noticed that one of the goldfish picked at him once but
it didn't do it after that. Still, I'm worried about the
weather loach and I'm not sure if I should turn him back along with
the CAE or not. Should I give him a bit more time? From what I read
about the weather loach, they can grow quiet big but they aren't
aggressive, I just wanted to make sure because this is one of the only
sites I trust really. Is it normal for the weather loach to suddenly
stop in mid-water for a few seconds?
I noticed him do that quiet a lot and I'm a bit worried... Do the
weather loach need a specific temperature?
<... please learn to/use the search tool on WWM... your answers are
all archived there>
I don't have a heater yet but I can make some heat from a red
lamp from my lizard (who's gone now, she caught a deadly disease
and sadly didn't make it). The red light gives out quiet a lot of
heat but I'm not sure if it would be suitable for an aquarium, any
<If the temp. doesn't vacillate a great deal where the tank is,
it should be fine w/o a heater>
I need some help with finding out the gender of my goldfish.
<Not important.>
I searched and searched for any useful advice but I only found really
advanced ones. Could you please give me some useful and easy to read
advice for a beginner?
<Yes, become familiar w/ WWM. See here:
scroll down to the tray on Goldfish>
It would mean a lot. My gold fish are about 8-10 cm in length,
could you tell me the age of them?
<Not really; they're likely stunted. NEED to be moved to larger
quarters STAT!>
There's this particular goldfish I'm worried about. A few
days ago, a red line formed at the top of her head were her brain is,
what can it be?
<Environmental stress...>
She swims normally, has a normal appetite and isn't bothered
by that thing at all but I'm still worried about her. I don't
have a picture of her because she wouldn't stand still. But if you
need a picture I can always try harder to take one. The third goldfish
seems normal.
I'm attaching a picture of my tank and the injured by the CAE
goldfish. If you can't see the photos please say so. If you have
any more additional advice, please, I need as much as I can get.
Thank you for reading this,
A concerned person.
<Convert your concern to action. READ re your aquatic charges, meet
their needs, and you'll have long-term pets w/ little maintenance.
Bob Fenner>
Re: My Chinese Algae Eater
Thank you for replying. I will take action as soon as I can.
<Tres bien! BobF>
Betta sickness? 4/23/10
Hey there!
I have a male Siamese Fighter. He lives on a 30 liter, heated tank,
together with an Albino Chinese Algae Eater
<Yikes, big mistake there! Gyrinocheilus aymonieri is a bad fish. It
is neither from China nor a good algae eater. It grows very fast, and
gets to 35 cm/14 inches in length. Within a year it will be half that
size, at which point it will be psychotically aggressive. Under no
circumstances can this fish be kept with a Betta, unless the two of the
were both dead and preserved in formalin. I'm not messing about
here. Get this fish out of there!>
and an Apple snail
<A dubious choice too, but we'll let that pass for now except to
say that when it dies prematurely, which it will, a rotting snail
carcass will greatly mess up water quality in a tank this
and he is fed tropical fish flakes and every other day frozen
He has been very happy and lively for the past 9 months. But, 4 days
ago, I noticed that his belly is bloated.
<Does happen with Bettas. Likely a mix of dietary issues, genetics,
and lack of exercise (just like humans, without exercise, the guts
can't as easily move food along and out.>
I did some research on the internet and came across 2 possible
The one is Dropsy, but his scales isn't raised and he is still
acting normal, so I don't think it is Dropsy?
<Nor do I. Given good environmental conditions, Dropsy is actually
very rare.>
The other possible answer is that he is constipated. One of the
websites said that if a Betta is constipated, I shouldn't feed him,
as this can occur from overfeeding, and that it should be better in 2
days. So I have
tried that, but after 4 days, he is still bloated.
<Indeed. Starving is part of the answer in the sense of not giving
high-protein, low-fibre foods. But you also need to replace those foods
with low-protein, high-fibre ones. Also, adding Epsom salt to the
aquarium helps relax the muscles, so that the laxative foods work
better. Do read:
In short, 1-3 teaspoons of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) per 5 US
gallons plus the use of cooked peas and live daphnia/brine shrimp
should do the trick. Don't use any flake, frozen or dried
Can you please give me advice, since I don't want to lose my
<There's a good chance he'll recover just fine.>
Thank you very much,
<Good luck! Neale.>
Please help! I cant diagnose what's wrong with my
goldfish. The usual lack of reading, data
Please help me.
<Will certainly try.>
I've been having a lot of problems with my goldfish recently.
<Almost always come down to the environment; or more specifically,
the fishkeeper making unwise decisions.>
And can't seem to find a solution to my problem.
<Let's see if we can do any better.>
I used to have just 3 goldfish (of which I have had for a few years)
and all were healthy.
<Don't forget these fish grow. Since they live for up to 30
years, and in that time get to more than 30 cm in length from babies
only a few mm long, as the years pass, the workload on the filter and
aquarium gets greater. A tank that works for a couple of baby Goldfish
3 or 4 cm long will be hopelessly overstocked by the time they're a
couple of years old and pushing 10-15 cm in length. Hence the
observation that everything was fine for a few years, but now
everything is going wrong. So let me direct you to this article that
summarised what you need to know:
Deviate from the recommendations there, and you'll be setting the
stage for trouble. I draw your particular attention to aquarium size,
filtration, diet, and water chemistry.>
Till one day one of them died and I decided to get 3 of those goldfish
that are like janitor fish along with 6 other goldfish.
<No such thing as a "Janitor Fish". Anything anyone sells
you to "clean up" your aquarium is a con trick. I'm
guessing these are the golden morph of Gyrinocheilus aymonieri, a big,
aggressive, tropical fish that has NO business being kept with
One of the janitor fish died that night and later on in the week I lost
3 more of my new fish. Then the smaller one of my old fish started to
look sickly with a darkening face and died. Then another of the new
fish died leaving only 2 new ones left and my large old one. I soon
realized, that my big old fish had white spots on its head as well as a
reddening tail, as well as a few bites on its body from the gold
janitor fish.
<As is their wont. Gyrinocheilus aymonieri is a very bad fish for
tanks like this for multiple reasons. In some cases, yes, they will
attack slow-moving fish and feed on the mucous. This is most common
when the aquarist has no idea what Gyrinocheilus needs to eat, so the
poor Gyrinocheilus is half-starved, and forced to try out other ways of
But they are also aggressive fish, and will buffet (rather than bite)
I then went to some fish specialists and they told me that my big fish
was sick with white spot disease and that the gold janitor fish were
biting him because he is ill.
<Doesn't sound much of a diagnosis to me. Whitespot (Ick) is
very specific, and looks like salt grains on the fins and skin.
It's easily treated, and generally shouldn't kill fish. Bloody
sores, shredded fins and so on are likely to be Finrot, and this is
indeed triggered by physical damage (as well as poor water
They gave me some medicine called TCD to treat it and to separate my
janitor fish and gold fish. I did as I was told and the next day I came
home to find that all my fish had bloodshot red vein like looking tails
and fins, and the fins started looking shredded as if it was
disintegrating and getting shorter.
I called the specialists and they told me to take out half of my water
and replace it with a new batch.
<Is this really what they said? Or what you think they said? Sounds
pretty dumb to me. Water quality is critical to avoiding Finrot, but
once established, you have to medicate, and if you're doing that,
you DO NOT do water changes until the course of medication is concluded
(see the instructions that came with whatever medication you're
I did so and since then their fins and tails seemed to stop
Apart from my big old one as he now almost has stubs for fins and his
tail is so red and shorter. I am really worried as this is my oldest
fish. And the white spots that were on its head have now seemed to
scabbed over or something as the spots look slightly brown. Another
worrying thing is that my big old fish has scratches all over its body
and his face is darkening to an almost purple red colour and some
scales seem to be missing and the fish looks paler than usual. In
addition to that all of my fish including my big old one have started
doing some crazy swimming in continuous patters.
The big one keeps swimming round the whole tank and under the filter
where it gets pushed by the water and another fish keeps swimming up
and down and the other just stays still. I find this very strange and
<I'd say!>
I really love my fish and I have done some research but I cant seem to
diagnose what is wrong. And another thing is that the water has gone a
milky colour even though I changed it a day ago.
<Bacterial bloom... again, tends to imply chronically poor
I don't know whether or not I should keep medicating them.
<Don't know where to start answering this! You have a huge
problem here.
Likely an overstocked tank that is inadequately filtered, so if
that's the case, you'll need to upgrade the tank and upgrade
the filter. If you are dealing with Finrot, you need to treat
appropriately (e.g., with Maracyn, Paraguard, eSHa 2000 but not junk
like Melafix or salt). You have to follow the instructions on those
medications *to the letter* paying particular attention to things like
when to do water changes and whether you need to remove carbon, if used
(carbon removes medications). Obviously, Gyrinocheilus aymonieri cannot
be kept with Goldfish, so these species need their own, appropriately
large, aquaria. Three Goldfish need, let's say, 30 gallons, and
Gyrinocheilus aymonieri isn't suitable for tanks less than 55
gallons, and even then, just one specimen alongside semi-aggressive,
fast-moving tankmates, such as Central American cichlids.>
Please help me and my fish.
<I want to, but I'm not a mind reader or a miracle worker. I
need data on the size of the tank, filtration, water quality, and water
I would really appreciate it.
<I'm always happy to help so far as I can.>
Thank you.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Sick goldfish, CAEs - 3/5/08 Hi, I have a
question and wondering if you can help. I have a big goldfish that is
4+ years old. We got him at a carnival. He lives in a 20 gallon tank
with two mollies and an algae eater. He has been sick for over a week.
Usually I can get him better, but this time looks bad. He has been
swimming upside down and sideways, and now his eye is bloody and
clouded. He is also missing scales. I'm thinking maybe the other
fish "picked on him" when he was sick? Now he is laying on
his side at the bottom of his "sick tank". He is barely
moving. Is there anything I can do? thanks Rachel <Hello Rachel.
First, tell me what the "Algae Eater" is. The common or
Chinese Algae Eater (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri) is a fish that becomes
increasingly aggressive with age. Adults often attack their tankmates,
and many specimens have been observed to scrape the scales and skin
from slow moving fish. They are simply not acceptable tankmates for
community fish. I'm concerned because the missing scales could
easily be caused by this. In any case, whatever you do, you will need
to do the following: - Check water quality (a 20 gallon tank is too
small for Goldfish once they get above about 8 cm/3", so I'm
guessing that's at least one factor). - Use a combination
Finrot/Fungus medication such as Maracyn or eSHa 2000. When you use
medications, be sure and remove carbon from the filter if you've
been suckered into using this stuff. Do read the article linked below
for more Goldfish basics; if you're not doing everything outlined
therein, that's probably where you're going wrong. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/goldfish101art.htm
Cheers, Neale.>
Algae fish sucking on goldfish 10/3/07 We have 2
goldfish and an algae fish. They have been in the same tank for about 6
months. Today the algae fish was attached to one of the goldfish and
now the fish is floating on his side at the top of the tank. It seems
like you can see through him and his fins look flat and torn. My
question is do you think he was sick or did the algae fish kill him?
Also, should we worry for the other goldfish? Thanks, Denice <Hello
Denice. What you describe is actually very common. Under no
circumstances should "algae fish" -- by which I assume you
mean Gyrinocheilus aymonieri -- be kept with goldfish or any other
large, slow moving species. Apart from eat the mucous from the skins of
large fish, as they get bigger they become increasingly hostile, to the
point where they can, do batter tankmates to death. Despite their
widespread sale in aquarium shops, these ARE NOT GOOD AQUARIUM FISH.
Most aquarium books say as much, so please let me remind you of the
importance of researching a fish BEFORE buying it. The guys in the pet
store often have no clue, and ultimately only care about making a sale.
If you can, return the fish to the store. They are, of course, tropical
fish, and unless your goldfish aquarium is heated to around 22-24 C,
your specimen of Gyrinocheilus aymonieri will not last for very long.
Cheers, Neale>
Guppy problem need help soon... - 4/6/07 Hi, <<Hello,
Shilpi. Tom here.>> I have a 3 gallon tank.. I have 2 Guppies one
male, one female... 1 Neon Tetra... 1 Gold Algae Eater (Scavenger)...
Yesterday, I saw the Gold Algae Eater going and sitting on the male
guppy (Do not know if it was biting the fish or what was it probably up
to?) So, I moved gold algae Eater from the tank to a different place...
but the next day I saw the male Guppy with white round spot (kind of
fungus) on its fin near the gills.. and the in a couple of hours it was
dead... I removed the dead male guppy from the tank.. but I am afraid
that remaining 2 fishes might get infected. Please tell me how to treat
the tank so the other fishes are safe (I also think that my female
Guppy is expecting babies)...... <<Shilpi, a 'Gold Algae
Eater' is a color variant of the Chinese Algae Eater, a fish
notorious for feeding on the slime coats and flesh of its tank mates.
You don't mention how old the CAE is but this murderous behavior
usually manifests itself as the fish approaches adulthood. The wounds
inflicted are round matching the shape of the CAE's mouth. These
wounds are also terribly susceptible to fungal infections since the
protective slime coat is missing. Now that I've shared the 'bad
news', the good news is that the fungus that developed on the wound
of your Guppy was already present in the tank, anyway. Your healthy
fish weren't, and likely won't be, affected by it. You took
care of the 'problem' by removing the Algae Eater.>>
Thanks, Shilpi <<You're welcome, Shilpi. Best regards.
Problem CAE 9/19/06 Greetings Crew,
<Hi Jessica, Pufferpunk here> I've been reading some of the
postings on your website concerning the Chinese Algae Eater. Having
learned that this fish is not suitable for community tanks, I called
the store that I purchased my CAE from in hopes of getting a refund or
some kind of store credit. The guy that helped me said that the store
doesn't do refunds. What should I do with the fish? I'm keeping
it in a small 1.5 gallon tank at the moment, but I really don't
want to keep a fish that isn't going to permanently inhabit my
larger tank. Also, while it was in my larger tank (it stayed in there
for about half a week), it kept swimming up & down the walls
quickly, scaring my Platies & Dwarf Frogs. What should I do? I
don't want it to die, but I don't want to keep it... Please
advise!! =( <Forget about getting any $$$ back & just
give it to them. It will die in that bowl. Even a
pest fish has the right to live. Search around for a true
Siamese algae eater or get a dwarf Pleco, like the
Bristlenose. ~PP> Thanks, Jessica
No one has a answer... I do: Read... on WWM re
goldfish sys., CAEs 5/15/06 I have asked a lot of
people about these fish and the condition they
have. I had a Fantail, a common
Goldfish. For a few days my Fantail wasn't
very energetic, but when I purchased 8 new babies <?> including
two algae eaters she perked up. <... Chinese Algae
Eaters? This species is incompatible... Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/algaeeatersart.htm
and the related FAQs file linked at top> Anyways just few days one
of the babies started to get black spots on it fins and then
it moved to its side and with in a few days it died. Then my
Fantail died, the one other baby fantail had black fins when
I purchased it the it went to almost a solid black before
dying. It has spread to another fish and I know that it does
not have much longer to live. I have changed
water and moved the bigger one out and into a big fish
bowl. <... what re water chemistry?> No one seems to
have an answer. <You don't provide sufficient information...>
I have put a fungus treatment in the water and everything
else is fine. They eat very well right up till
the end and they swim all the time. If anyone
has any idea why this is happening then please let
me know <Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshsystems.htm
and the linked files above. Your goldfish are likely suffering from an
improper, vacillating environment. Bob Fenner>
Re... goldfish dis., CAE, incomp. - 05/16/2006 <I didn't
catch your first E-Mail, but I'll take a crack at this one.>
Everything with the water is just fine. I just
cleaned everything and took out the younger
goldfish. The algae eaters are not exactly trying
to suck on the other fish at least yet. But I believe
that you are right they are the CAE. I will be
removing them ASAP. <If they are CAE, they will try to munch on your
Goldfish, just a matter of time.> But I
still don't understand why they got black blotches on them (
young goldfish). <Water quality! Likely you
have high levels of Ammonia in your tank. If you don't
know about cycling, read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm
> And now my big goldfish has fin rot but I found a good
remedy to cure that up with a peroxide dip. <I don't
know if this will hurt your fish, but I don't think it will
help. I wouldn't do it.> A fish farmer I
know told me about this dip and he says that it
works. Exactly what causes fin rot? <Almost always water
quality. The only real "cure" is to start doing
big water changes (30 to 40 percent) every day, maybe even twice a
day. I believe that your tank is cycling. Please
read the article linked above.> And is
it common for a black moor to have one small fin on the side? I was
thinking that she/he was in a crowded tank at one time and
could not develop properly. Thanks for your reply.
<Probably a genetic abnormality, nothing to worry
about. As for your tank, you really need to read about
Cycling, get your hands on a test kit and keep your Ammonia and Nitrite
levels below 1.0 PPM! In the future, please give a little
"back-story" in your E-Mails -- you may not get the same crew
member responding to each E-Mail. Jason N.>
Chinese Algae Eaters Eating Bettas Fins. - 03/18/2006 Hello
,I have a 5 gallon eclipse system cycled tank (3 months old), cycled
with Bio-Spira. All the levels in the tank are great (ammonia,
nitrites) ph 6.8 constant temp. of 70 degrees. To my problem, I started
with a Male Betta, love these beautiful fish and built the tank for
him. Tank has been doing great fish have been doing great, till today.
Came home from work and the male Bettas' fins are mostly missing.
The spines are still there for the most part but the "fleshy"
part of the fins are gone. I have him isolated and using
Melafix on him. He comes up for air but is pretty hurt, lays/floats
sideways. In the tank I have him his tankmates are, a female he has
been with for 3 months (they get along well, no flaring), a julii eye
catfish, 2 medium Neons, a small American frog and a shrimp. Last week
I picked up 2 inch algae eaters with sucker mouths. I thought they
would be good for the algae growing on the glass. I would like to know
what you think the culprit is. I am very sad that this
happened to my buddy and am hoping to nurse him back to health , but
would not like something to attack him again (if it was an attack). It
does not look like fin rot, no discoloration at all, just as if
the flesh was sucked off the spines. Any help would be
appreciated. Sincerely Stephanie < While algae eaters do eat some
algae, they will not pass up a meaty meal like the slim on larger
slower fish or on the long flowing fins of Bettas. They are the ones
who caused the problem.-Chuck>
Chinese Algae Eater question 3/15/06 Hiya! I made
the mistake of putting a Chinese algae eater in with some goldfish,
unfortunately I did not do my research first and believed the fish shop
when they told me that CAEs get on well with goldfish. <... not
eventually> He terrorized the goldfish and I have since removed the
badly behaved CAE and put him in his own tank, but wondered do CAE
thrive alone or prefer company? <Appear to be social animals...>
Are there any fish they aren't aggressive towards? <Mmm,
as-mean, fast, aware...> I have 2 other CAE in a tank with goldfish
and so far they are behaving themselves, but if they start terrorizing
the other fish could I put them in with the other CAE or are they also
aggressive towards their own kind? Thank you for your help :) Laura
<Are co-mutually aggressive. Generally get along as long as
there's sufficient food. Bob Fenner>
Chinese Algae Eaters (CAE's) 12/16/05 G'day
from Australia. I have 3 CAE's - 4-6" in length
- in a 500 litre tank with cichlids ranging from OB Zebras;
Convict; large Bala Shark and large Silver Dollars. The
CAE's show aggression towards each other, but haven't notice
them attacking the other fish. They still seem to be eating
algae - will I have a problem down the track? Trevor < On big slower
moving fish like discus and angelfish they have been known to try and
feed off the slime from the sides of the fish. If you don't have
any problems now then I doubt you will have problems in the
CAE and Shubunkins 9/3/05 Hello, I have recently
purchased a 8 cm long Chinese Algae Eater as an addition to my 20
liters freshwater aquarium, which also consists of 2 Shubunkins.
<Too crowded...> I would like to know whether the conditions
are in my tank enough for the CAE and also about his behavior with
the other fish. Attached, please find a photo of the fish tank. I
replace about 30%-50% of the water weekly, and add one spoon of
Terra Aqua's Easy Balance conditioner during every water
change. <Good> The tank also holds one Elodea plant and a
plastic ornamented structure to supplement the CAE. The CAE seems
to like the castle shaped structure as a dwelling, and it
constantly sits upon it and hides within it. <Typical> It
regularly scrapes possible algae on its outside as well on
different parts on the tank. I place a thin slice of cucumber in
the tank once per week (as seen in the picture) to allow the fish
to eat in case there is not enough brown algae present in the tank
(I always see the CAE cleaning the different parts of the aquarium
and gear). The Aquarium is equipped with a sponge air filter as
well as an internal air pump which circulates the water (its
electric cord can be seen at the right hand side of the photo). The
Shubunkins do not seem to be bothered too much by the CAE, and they
wander around freely in the tank, although sometimes the algae
eater swims after them and nibbles at their tail (or appears to do
so) when the goldfish are close to its cucumber or castle dwelling.
Otherwise, they all swim and hang out next to one another without
too much trouble. The CAE does not present a systematic hostile
attitude towards the Shubunkins. <Good... but do keep an eye on
it... can develop> Considering the aforementioned above, I would
like to know if it is possible to keep the aquatic system under
these conditions without removing the CAE. Plus, is one cucumber a
week plus the algae in the tank enough for it? <Yes, all sounds
very good... though will be too crowded for space with time,
growth. Both types of fishes enjoy about the same water
quality...> As far as I can tell, the fish do not appear to be
overcrowded or distressed by the situation as it is now, and they
are quite vibrant and lively. I will appreciate your knowledgeable
advice on the matter at hand. Best, <Thank you for sharing. Bob
Fenner> |
An Undeserved Bad Rap? CAEs - 08/25/2005 Everyone gives CAE a
bad name. I have three CAEs and they never kill my other fishes for 4
yrs. I have 27 gal tank. I believe 10 gallon tank is the problem which
may drive CAE crazy. <Proper stocking density, proper tank size, and
proper tankmates are all at play....> It is the owner who should get
the bad name, not CAE. <For not researching and selecting good
tankmates, I agree. -Sabrina>
My poor goldfish... CAE incompatibility 7/27/05 I have a
10gal tank with 2 small fantailed goldfish, and an algae
eater. None of them are more than 3". <This system
is too small...> My problem is that I thought the algae eater would
eat the algae and goldfish poop, I have since done the research I
should have and know this is not the case. Unfortunately the
algae eater has started attacking the goldfish. <Likely a Chinese
Algae Eater, Gyrinocheilus... are frequently trouble, particularly with
goldfish> How do I condition it to eat the pellets and
algae? Is that even possible? <Highly unlikely. Take it
out> I was thinking of using my hospital tank. Please let
me know. I don't have the space or budget for 2 tanks,
but really don't want to give up Coco (he's the only fish
who's coloring looks right to my red-green color blind
son). Also would adding an apple snail to this tank be okay
or would that just create more problems? Thanks for your time. Phil
<The snail is an excellent substitution. Bob Fenner>
Re: Sick Fantail, possible predatory CAE... Hello
again Bob, <Darlene> I was just reviewing our previous email
exchange and was wondering what you meant by "Typical... this is
likely a CAE, Gyrinocheilus... can be dangerous, ride goldfish in
time.."? I was wondering because my lovely little chipper fantail
seems to have lost his tail in rather short order. Does the
Gyrinocheilus hang on the goldfish's tail or eat the tail?
Curiously yours, Darlene <Yes to keeping your eye on Chinese Algae
Eaters... you will likely see the one fish riding your Goldfish
that's affected if it is the culprit. If so they need separating.
Bob Fenner>
Getting rid of a Chinese Algae Eater We
have (what I suspect is) a Chinese Algae Eater. We got
him when he was small (on the recommendation of the employees at
PetSmart), but he is now more than 4" long (see attached
picture). I think he is killing our other
fish. A few have died because of mysterious wounds and
right now a black skirt tetra that we have had for a year has a
nasty wound on his side (see picture). How do I get rid
of the Algae Eater??? I don't want to flush him and
end up putting him into the rivers here. Should I give
him back to the pet store? Please help----I don't
anymore of our fish to die because of him. <I would definitely
trade in this CAE... it is likely a/the killer here. Bob
Fenner> |
