FAQs on ""Chinese""
"Algae Eaters": Behavior
Related Articles: Algae Eaters, Algae Control in Freshwater Aquariums by
Bob Fenner, Dealing With Algae in
Freshwater Aquaria by Neale Monks, (some) Algae (in moderation) Can Be Your Friend,
ppt presentation, Part 1, Part
2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,
Part 6, by Bob Fenner, Otocinclus, Loricariids, Siamese Algae
FAQs on: Chinese Algae Eaters (CAEs), Gyrinocheilus
aymonieri 1, CAEs 2,
FAQs on: CAE
Identification, CAE Compatibility,
CAE Selection/Stkg., CAE Systems, CAE Feeding, CAE
Disease, CAE Reproduction,
Related FAQs: Algae Control,
Freshwater "Scavengers",
Aquarium Maintenance, Freshwater Aquarium Water Quality,
Treating Tap Water for Aquarium Use,
pH, Alkalinity, Acidity, Freshwater Algae Control, Algae Control, Foods, Feeding, Aquatic Nutrition, Disease,
I have what appears to be a Gyrinocheilus
aymonieri that is heavily egg laden or so I think. 11/6/11
<Possibly, but honestly, bloating, constipation, or even
dropsy are much more probable. You should elect to treat with
Epsom salt as per constipation simply because such treatment is
harmless and will eliminate one possibility; the method is described
As these animals are somewhat herbivorous, you might also want to
review diet, as here:
Dropsy is characterised by a distinctive "pine cone"
appearance when viewed from above because the scales on the abdomen
rise outwards. It's difficult to treat unless antibiotics are
What does this fish require in terms of changes or additions to the
tank in order to birth the eggs?
<If egg-laden or egg-bound, the Epsom salt should help.>
Any advice on this would be much appreciated. Cheers Doug
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Orange Algae Eater - changed color 7/2/10
I have a reasonably large freshwater tank (120cm x 40cm x 50cm) I
keep it around 24degrees (Celsius). I have two golden algae
eaters about one year old.
<Gyrinocheilus aymonieri, I take it? The so-called Chinese
Algae Eater that neither comes from China nor eats much
They both have been identical up until now but recently one of
them has starting changing color. A brown color started on the
tail and quickly spread over most of the body and tail of the
fish (not the head). The overall effect is similar to the
appearance of my golden barbs.
<Yes. This happens. The "golden" leucistic morph
often develops dark blotches with age.>
Also in the tank is a 10 cm long Bristlenose catfish, a school of
harlequin tetras, a school of Neons, a school of golden barbs and
several zebra Danios. I realize after reading some of the advice
on your website that perhaps the golden algae eaters are not the
best tank mates for my peaceful fish (perhaps I need to find them
a separate tank when they get bigger).
<Indeed not. One of the least useful fish in the hobby! While
some remain peaceful even when mature, most do not, and they can
be quite nasty and aggressive fish. I doubt two specimens will
coexist in your aquarium for long, but stranger things have
happened. Much depends on gender I'm sure, and they only
become aggressive above a certain size, typically 15 cm/6
I am still concerned at the change of color and wonder if it is
normal or if it is sick. The other has not changed in appearance
at all.
<If there are no signs of skin damage, bloodiness, fungus or
bacterial infection, then I wouldn't worry. A photo would
help me be sure, but for now, I'd assume it's just
changing colour, as they often do. But do be aware that they
"fight" by scratching at each other with their mouths,
and they can create nasty bruises on one another. So be on the
look out for suspiciously round, mouth-shaped "love
Thanks for your advice and help
Kiri from New Zealand
<And likewise cheers from England! Neale.>
Re: Orange Algae Eater - changed color 7/20/10
Thanks so much for your help.
<Happy to help.>
I have finally managed to take some photos.
<Yes, I see. Looks like a common colour change in this
species. Will get darker with age. Nothing to worry about, except
of course that this fish will also become increasingly
psychopathic with age. Please do also remember not to send 8.5 MB
of images next time! We do specifically ask for images under 500
KB, because attachments clog up our e-mail allowance, forcing
other messages to be bounced back. Less kind people that me
simply send messages with big attachments right back without
answering them.>
The changed colour fish lives under the sunken ship and the
unchanged one lives mostly between the rock and the
<They are territorial, and will very likely try to kill each
other unless this tank is huge, 200 gallons upwards.>
Could as you say below be love bites or just age blotches. I have
attached photos. The unchanged colour fish looks orange and white
in the photo but is actually all orange.
<Cheers, Neale.>
[1].jpg) |
Gold Algae Eater Changing Color 3/14/11
I am fairly certain from reading your answers to previous
questions that the color change on this fish is normal. But, I
wanted to send you a picture just so that you could see and give
me your opinion. We went away on vacation for a week and when we
returned, we found him like this.
Previously, he was solid gold. My children are quite attached to
"Monster Fish" and I would hate for anything ill to
happen to him. He lives in a 120 g tank that is heavily planted
and stays at about 75 degrees F.
<This is quite normal. Do be sure you understand that
Gyrinocheilus aymonieri becomes rather nasty as it matures.
It's not a good community fish. Cheers, Neale.>

CAE gone My algae eater was in my tank just the other day and
last night when I went 2 feed my fish he wasn't no where 2 find in
the tank but my other 2 fish was there and the only that takes care of
them is me. I clean out my fish tank and he still wasn't in there.
He no where 2 be find. Kayla <Look on the floor, perhaps a smiling
cat... RMF>
New Golden Algae Eater Inactive 12/1/05 Hi, I have
a new tank (3 weeks old). <Check your water parameters, nitrates,
nitrites, ammonia, pH, etc.> I bought a golden algae eater which has
been very active. However, as of yesterday, he goes into hibernation
like behavior, sitting on the gravel, only changing its position once a
while. <This is somewhat normal..> He looks sick and doesn't
want to eat algae all around him. <Well if he looks sick, check the
water parameters first, I would not treat with any medication because
it does not sound like he has parasites or an infection. Is his gill
movement fast or normal? Good luck, IanB> Please advice. Thanks
My Golden algae eater, is acting weird 8/9/05 Hey, Steph
here, I have a golden algae eater, which I think is related or the same
species as the Chinese algae eater, I got my golden algae eater a few
days ago, and recently I have noticed, it has been by the glass looking
at its reflection then swimming up the glass and poking it's head
out of the water then coming back down, I know that there is enough
oxygen in the water because all my fish seem fine even my Gouramis. It
has been doing this for hours now, and wont even stop even when flakes
and algae was all around it. I want to know if this is normal behaviour
or if there is something wrong with it, your help is greatly
appreciated. <Just a very active species... actually a cooler water
fish that is even more rambunctious in tropical settings. Bob