FAQs on Platy Disease Treatments
FAQs on Platy Disease:
Platy Disease 1,
Platy Disease 2,
Platy Disease 3,
Platy Disease 4,
Platy Disease 5,
Platy Health 6,
Platy Health 7,
Platy Health 8,
Platy Health 9,
Platy Health 10,
Platy Health 11, Platy Health ,
FAQs on Platy Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Infectious (Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Related Articles:
Fishes, Livebearing Freshwater
Related FAQs:
Platies 1,
2, Platy Identification,
Platy Behavior,
Platy Compatibility,
Platy Selection,
Platy Systems,
Platy Feeding,
Platy Reproduction,
Hard alkaline water? No ammonia or nitrite... less than
20 ppm of NO3?
Seasalt mix (not NaCl) can be of use.
Red wag platy; hlth. 12/3/14
Hey folks, I have a 20 gallon tank that's been up and running fabulously
for almost a year now. The tanks only inhabitants are one red wag platy
(age unknown) and one 6 month old blue wag platy. The red wag platy has
developed a white gash on the side of her head that is now flaking.
She's hiding in the corner of the tank barely moving her fins and hasn't
eaten in 3 days. Its not ick from what I can tell, it's one singular
spot right above her eye. I thought maybe it was some kind of bacterial
infection so I did a week of Melafix to no avail. She seems to be
getting worse and I don't want to lose her. Any ideas of anything I
could try?
<Melafix isn't a very reliable medication. In this case, I'd add a
decent amount of salt (if there aren't any plants, as much as 5-6
gram/litre would be an excellent start) as this perks up livebearers.
I'd also use a proper antibiotic. Various on the market, depending on
where you live. In the US, the combination of Maracyn 1 and 2 seems
popular. Do review aquarium conditions generally. Platies are fairly
hardy, more so than, say, Guppies, but they are prone to bacterial
infections and fungal infections in soft water. Would encourage you to
These white-gunk-on-my-fish scenarios are far from uncommon. Cheers,
Sequential Platy Sickness/Death --
Mycobacteria? 4/3/12
Good morning all,
I wrote to you several weeks ago as a "newbie" who had
completely botched the transfer of a friend's 72-gallon tank.
Since then, I have learned more about water chemistry and fish behavior
from reading your website than I ever thought possible, so thank
you. Unfortunately, I am humbly seeking your advice once again,
but this time because after much research I am considering drastic
measures in an attempt to curb what I fear is an outbreak of
Mycobacteria infections in my platies.
Here are the relevant stats: 72-gallon tank, inhabitants are: 6 platies
(plus 2 platy fry), 9 zebra danios, 5 neon tetras, 2 harlequin
Rasboras, 1 common Pleco, and 1 kuhlii loach. The tank was
transferred from a friend's house to mine six weeks ago. As a
result of initial ignorance, we had a mini-cycle and a nitrite spike
(to about .5) within the first week. Since then, ammonia and
nitrite have been zero, nitrate never higher than 20ppm, and ph
hovering around 7.4. Last week, I finally got my GH/KH testing
kit and discovered that despite the ph, my water is soft out of the tap
(KH = 3 degrees dh and GH = 5 degrees dh). I started adding
Neale's Rift Valley Salt Mix during water changes at about 1/4
strength to slowly harden the water and the tank is now at KH = 4 and
GH = 6. I know that is too soft for the Platies, my goal is KH of
5 and GH of 11 (I don't want to go too hard b/c of the neons and
the loach).
We also had a mild Ich outbreak that was cured by keeping the heat at
86 degrees for two weeks (thanks, Bob F.!!). <Welcome> I
lowered the heat over a week and it has now been at 76 degrees for
several days. Okay, here is the problem. My platies are
getting sick and dying one by one. No one else seems
affected. I have scoured your site for hours and hours and the
best I can come up with is some sort of Mycobacteria infection.
The "post-mortem" is as follows:
Platy #1 -- died on 2/16 within three days of entering the tank.
Crashed on bottom for one night, localized swelling on one side with
small amount of "white fuzz" on scales.
Platy #2 -- crashed on bottom of tank, fins clamped, on 3/10, coming up
only to eat and occasionally flash. Three days later, internal
red "blotch" visible. The next day, localized swelling
at site of red "blotch," swimming erratically, then crashing
to bottom. Euthanized on 3/15.
Platy #3 -- crashed on bottom of tank on 3/14. No visible
symptoms except occasional flashing and fin clamping. Came up to
eat until 3/19 when she remained at bottom. Died hours later on
3/19. Never any visible problems.
Then, all was fine until 3/29 when another platy stopped eating and
started hanging listlessly at the top of the tank, then she started
hiding and occasionally flashing. She actually has a
"sickly" yellow color to her and has her fins clamped.
She now seems thinner than before (although it may just be the 4-day
fast). On Saturday, another platy started hanging out listlessly
at the top and sitting on the bottom, and yet another was swimming and
eating normally, but fin clamping and occasionally flashing.
The listless one is the only one that seems much thinner than the
others, although as of yesterday, he was still eating fine.
I have no idea what to do.
<Mmm, I wish... as too usual... that we/you could "go
back" a few weeks; treat the incoming Platies ahead of their
placement here... The possibilities of infectious and parasitic disease
are vast... One might treat the entire (present) system w/
Metronidazole and Prazi... or other vermifuge... in the hopes of
covering most all bases...>
I have a QT tank cycling, but it is not quite ready yet.
The remaining three platies, as of today, seem healthy. After
reading all the information on Mycobacteria infections, I am actually
considering pulling the three symptomatic ones and euthanizing
them. I could not bring myself to do this until I sought your
advice. I would hate to put down a fish that could be cured, but
I have not attempted to treat the tank yet as I cannot figure out what
to treat it for, and I have read your advice not to treat until you are
fairly certain with what you are dealing.
So, my biggest question is: does it sound like Mycobacteria to you
<Not able to tell w/ what is presented>
and, if so, should I euthanize the symptomatic fish in an effort
to save the healthy ones (and the two larger fry that are in the tank)?
If you think it is something else, is there any treatment you would
<I would have you read re this species diseases:
and the linked files above... till you understand your options (from at
least our points of view)>
Thanks once again for sharing your expertise, and for taking the time
to read this lengthy email. You guys are the best. I am at
my wit's end, but nonetheless am trying my best to educate myself
and act rationally rather than haphazardly throwing chemicals in the
I hope life is treating you well.
<And you, Bob Fenner>
Re: Sequential Platy Sickness/Death -- Mycobacteria?
Good morning,
It's me again. I took your suggestion and treated my main
tank with Metronidazole and Prazi. Last treatment was Thursday
4/5, 25% water change on Saturday, 4/7. The platies have almost
completely stopped flashing and appear happier. Thank you.
<Ah good>
I know that it is very difficult to figure out what exactly what is
going on in my tank and you have been very patient with my persistent
I am writing again because something happened yesterday that I think
may be a clue about the nature of the disease and I can't seem to
find anything about it anywhere.
I noticed four or five days ago that one of the (always
healthy-looking) platies had a spot on her head that looked like she
may have scraped it against something. The scales looked a little
translucent and indented if that makes sense. Yesterday, that
spot had turned black. Like a black patch or smudge.
<A healing site>
The patch is not raised or bumpy, it is flat with the skin, and
does not appear fuzzy. She is acting and eating completely normally and
appears pregnant (I can see the black eyes of the fry in her
When I saw this, I remembered that the last two platies who died had
similar areas of black on their backs, although not as
pronounced. Only the tips of their scales in the area appeared
black. I noticed the change 10 days or so before they sickened
and died. This does not sound consistent with any of the platy
disease symptoms I could find discussed in the FAQs.
My little 10-gallon tank is finally cycled and ready, so I can pull the
affected platy and treat her separately. Does the black patch
give you any other idea what might be happening?
<I think this is what you speculate. A trauma>
If not, is it worth treating her with a wide spectrum
antibiotic? Is it something that might heal on its own?
<The latter>
Thank you again for continually answering my questions. I made
another donation to your site this morning. It is something I
have been meaning to do for weeks because you have been such a help to
me. I wish I had some useful skill to offer in kind, but, alas, I
am a lawyer, so I do not.
<We're all doing what we can>
<And you, BobF>
Platy has internal infection in
gills/throat 2/15.12
Hi. I purchased 4 platies from a big box pet store last
fall. One showed no symptoms, 3 would scratch themselves on
objects in the tank. One seems to have fully recovered, one
survived but seems to have a latent infection, and one died. The
one that died showed the following symptoms: became shy, stopped
eating, started breathing really fast. Once the fast breathing
started, he was dead within 24 hrs. The one that seems to have a
latent infection showed the following symptoms: scratching, looks
a little thin, sometimes has trouble swallowing rough foods (like FD
For the past few months he has recovered to the point where his
behavior is normal. The only signs he shows are some thinness and
a slightly slower rate of feeding. I suspected some sort of
Hexamita type of infection that spread to the gills in the case of the
fish that died and infected the throat of the infected survivor.
Last night everything had been stable for months. I added 1 tsp
of marine salt to my 10 gallon quarantine tank where the fish are
housed, thinking that if I raised gH it might help if it was latent
Hexamita infection.
This morning the fish that had the latent infection, is scratching a
lot, shy, has clamped fins and is not eating.
Does the rapid decline after addition of marine salt tell us anything
about the possible pathogen involved? I believe the fish will be
dead within 24 hours if I don't treat this in some way.
Thank you for any insight.
<Hello Eric. Do need some more details here. What's the water
What's the temperature of the water? If fish die within a few hours
or a day of purchase, it's VERY likely the problem was
environmental. For example, a dramatic change in water chemistry
between the retailer and your home. Or, stress caused by the trip home
(extremes of heat or cold) or social stress when the fish was
introduced (typically, bullying from established fish, including other
Platies). Disease is possible of course, but a long shot given how
quickly these fish died. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Platy has internal infection in
gills/throat 2/15.12
I just tested the pH and gH. The pH is about 7.8-8.0 which is
close to what it was before adding the salt. gH is about 71ppm,
which is probably higher than before, but not too much.
The fish acted really sick for about 2 hours then started acting
normally again. I thought it might be a water quality issue that
irritated it, but it seems to not be. Ammonia, nitrite were both
zero a few days ago. I have established biofiltration in a sponge
filter, so they should still be zero today.
Hopefully there hasn't been an acute flare up of the infection. I
still need to figure out how to deal with the chronic/latent infection
<Hmm… Platies do like hard, alkaline water. 10-25 degrees dH, pH
7-8.5 is ideal. Salt isn't essential, but if you have soft water
can be useful. Your general hardness of around 70 mg/l is quite soft,
yet your pH is quite high. That's an odd combination. Do you use
water from a domestic water softener? You shouldn't. Are you adding
a pH-up product? Again, generally you shouldn't. Do read:
Cheers, Neale.>
Sorry, should have been more clear. The fish were purchased about
3 months ago. The first one died about 2 weeks after being
purchased. He died within 24 hours of showing heavy breathing
symptoms. One other one still looks questionable after 3
I live in the New York City area. Our water is very soft with pH
around or slightly above neutral. I am not adding any pH up, but
am using small amounts of African Cichlid buffer, thus the raised
pH. Even using that, it's difficult getting the hardness up
without raising the pH a lot. I have been experimenting with
seashells, oyster shells, marine salt, and will try getting Seachem
brackish salts.
I have had tremendous trouble with livebearers. It may be
different in the UK, but where I live, it is almost impossible to find
livebearers in the stores that are not diseased. Platies seem to
be the worst. The platy tanks in Big box stores and local shops
generally have 50% -90% of the fish obviously diseased with clamped
fins, hanging at the surface, etc. I was foolish for trying
to pick the apparently healthy fish out of these tanks.
Re: Platy has internal infection in gills/throat (RMF, any alternative
ideas?) <<Sampling, microscopic exam.>>
I currently have 3 platies surviving, two apparently healthy and one
displaying some symptoms. I am concerned that the symptomatic one
will have a flare up and die, or that the other two could be reservoirs
of disease.
These are all the symptoms shown by the platies, as well as symptoms
shown by each individual fish in question. I am going with my
hunch that they were both infected with the same thing, just to
different degrees.
Dead Platy: fast, heavy breathing; refusal of food; difficulty
swallowing food.
Chronically Sick Platy: scratching; shyness/hiding; thinness.
What disease could this be that can stay low- grade, live in the throat
or digestive system, but then flare up into the gills and kill really
Hexamita? Columnaris?
<To be honest Eric, without microscopic
examination, I doubt you'd be able to pin down the
problem. If this was me, I'd either [a] euthanise the infected fish
and start over with better quality fish (e.g., purchased through a fish
club, of which I'm sure there is at least one in the NYC area) or
else [b] blitz the entire aquarium for as many internal and external
parasites as would be safe to do. For example, if all you're
keeping is Platies, switching over to a moderately brackish system (SG
1.005 at 25 C, salinity of 9 g/l or 1.2 oz/US gal) should eliminate
most of the common external parasites including Velvet, one of the key
parasites that infects the gill lamellae. Platies can tolerate water
this brackish indefinitely, but after a month or two I'd lower down
to SG 1.003. That'd be ideal for them, and using marine salt mix,
you'd take your funky water chemistry out of the equation.
Likewise, any livebearer commonly traded would be happy in such
conditions, so you could pretty much try out anything you wanted and
expect good results. Soft, basic water is a bit peculiar and isn't
something livebearers appreciate, or indeed tropical fish generally,
with a few exceptions such as Celestial Pearl Danios that come from
habitats similar to that (in this case, Lake Inle). Now, alongside the
brackish water you would treat with Metronidazole to eliminate Hexamita
and with any luck other protozoan infections of the digestive tract.
This is safe to use with marine aquarium salt, so there's no
particular risk involved here. My only worry would be that Mycobacteria
infections are sometimes common among livebearers, as you state. Fancy
livebearers are at more risk, oddly enough, than "feeders",
so there may be an element of genetic weakness involved compared to the
genetically tougher (i.e., not inbred) "feeders". Cheers,
Re: Platy has internal infection in gills/throat (RMF, any alternative
ideas?)<<Nope>> 2/17/12
Thanks for your advice Neale.
<Most welcome.>
At this point they all are behaving very normally, so it seems inhumane
to euthanize them.
The tank has platies, guppies and Pristella tetras.
<Hmm, a viable mix of species. Pristella maxillaris will actually
tolerate 1-2 grammes/salt per litre indefinitely, and anything up to
about 5 g/l for periods of a few weeks or longer. It's naturally
found in coastal habitats, including slightly brackish water, and is
far more tolerant of mineral-rich water than most other tetras, so keep
that in mind when approaching the management of Whitespot and
I can raise the salinity, but not sure how much the tetras can
<See above.>
I can try to mix up some food with Metronidazole and see if they will
accept it.
<Yes; a wise approach.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Platy has internal infection in gills/throat (RMF, any alternative
ideas?) 2/20/12
If I raise salt to 5g/l (using marine salt) for say, 6 weeks, would
that be effective on external parasites?
<Many kinds, yes. Not all.>
Then I might go back to freshwater, just try to raise gH to 200 ppm or
<Real good.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Possible Ich?
I woke up this morning and noticed one of my platies has a
white spot on her forehead and I'm not exactly sure what
it is... I was looking online and it looks like Ich but there is only
one spot and it is much bigger than the pictures I've seen... I
don't have an extra tank to turn into a and wont have the money to
buy one until Friday... She shares the tank with Mollies/Balloon
Mollies, an albino Pleco, more platies, a neon tetra, zebra Danios,
snails and (the thing I'm most worried about) around 20-30 baby
mollies and platies in a breeder net... So here's my question, will
that treatment be okay for all my fish (minus my snails I'm going
to put them in their own bowl for a while to make sure) and if not what
can i do? And i just moved some of my bigger babies into my "Baby
Tank" a little over a week ago so should i be worried about them
getting infected too? And would the salt/heat treatment be safe for
them too? I know it might not work but its the only option i have at
the moment...
Thank you,
<I would not treat this system... Not likely this is Ich... and more
harm to be potentially done w/ the medicine application. Please read
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwich.htm
and the linked files above... Bob Fenner>
Where do you purchase antibiotics for Sunburst
Platy 9/15/11
<What country are you in? In the United States, you can buy a few
antibiotics, like Maracyn, at your pet store. In most other parts of
the world antibiotics are only available through your vet.>
(was pregnant lost babies--and what is the name of the barrier to buy
at PetSmart?)
<You can put newborn fry in "floating breeding traps". Do
NOT place pregnant females in breeding traps! This stresses them, and
stress leads to miscarriages.>
now sick on its side--not exactly sure if the Cremecicle Lyretail Molly
has been intimidating her--is this a semi-aggressive fish?
<Mollies can be aggressive.>
or do they get along?
<Mollies and Platies need rather different conditions, so are best
not kept together.>
She has lost a lot of weight after losing her babies because I
didn't know I had to separate her (barrier name--is it called
breeding barrier?) Her gills looked like they have been chewed on and
her eyes seem popeyed. She hasn't been eating. I want to save her
life. What antibiotic do you suggest for these symptoms?
<I don't. I need to know more about the aquarium. These symptoms
imply poor care and the wrong environment.>
Should I put another Sunburst Platy in there and what sex to cheer her
<No. Don't add ANY new fish until you have established why the
fish you have is sick. Should a fish get sick and diet, wait AT LEAST
six weeks before adding more fish.>
Is the Cremecicle Lyretail Molly ok with her and a black molly as
Any suggestions? Water tested fine today.
<What's "fine" in your thinking? I need numbers from
the test kit, not your interpretation. Meantime, read:
Cheers, Neale.>
Help with treatment plan for Platies/Corydoras
About a month ago Neale and Bob were able to provide me with some help
regarding my 40 gallon freshwater tank that houses Platies and
Corydoras and set me on a sane path after I panicked and made matters
Originally, I was having issues with my KH rapidly dropping. Attached
below is a portion of that correspondence in case it helps with
history; however I believe I have sorted that out with switching to RO
water and using crushed coral. I have been able to raise the carbonate
hardness slowly and currently it is holding at 4
<Degrees KH, presumably, and good for a wide range of tropical
and my pH at 7.6.
<Also suitable for a very wide range of tropical fish.>
I also was able to get my ammonia and nitrites to zero (they had been
<Likely as water chemistry stabilised, water quality improved as
well, the bacteria being sensitive to water chemistry changes,
particularly pH drops.>
If you remember, I had done massive water changes and subjected my fish
who had been living in a chronic acidosis state to acute alkalosis then
acute acidosis (rapidly dropping pH) and back again. On 12/14 I stopped
the massive changes and began the smaller 15-20% daily changes with R/O
water buffered to raise the pH slowly. All of my fish had developed fin
rot and mouth fungus at this point. I medicated with Tetracycline for 4
days and although I initially lost all my Platy fry under about 1 month
old and my remaining Peppered Corydoras, my adult platies, fry over
about 1 month old and Albino Corydoras survived and they rot cleared up
and they started to heal.
Fast forward to 3 days ago (also current readings):
40 gallon tank
Live plants (multiple all true aquatics)
DH 10
KH 4
pH 7.6
AM 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10
<All sounds fine.>
My Albino Corydoras spawned for the first time in a year or so and the
Platies were very active and then I started noticing a problem - one
Platy was hiding in a corner. At closer look, she seemed to have some
gill damage and damage on top of her head and I attributed this to
maybe not being able to recover from previous ammonia damage and the
infection that followed the acute shifts in water chemistry. She died
yesterday and 2 more adult Platies started hiding in a corner and
another is not hiding yet but is not as active. One of the ones hiding
has very red gills but the other two have no visible (to me) signs such
as damage, gasping, red gills or spots. I thought maybe I hadn't
treated them long enough and they still had some type of bacterial
infection so yesterday I started Maracyn treatment because it treats
for similar infections as the Tetracycline but doesn't turn the
water that red color (and is not photosensitive).
<I would agree with you that a stress-related bacterial infection
such as Mycobacterium could be responsible. These will create sores and
cause infected fish to become lethargic, to breathe heavily, to hide
away, and eventually to die. Dead patches of skin commonly appear as
white flakes, much like sunburned skin on humans.>
Upon further observation, one other Platy that is very active has white
spots flaked on its body. I looked at pictures today and it appears to
be Ich. When the original issues with water changes and the fin rot
were going on, about 4 of my adult Platies had this similar appearance
but it seemed to clear with the antibiotic and I attributed it to being
fin rot (this is my first time dealing with either condition).
<Finrot is generally very distinctive, beginning with cloudy patches
in the fin tissue and pinkish blobs on the fins, the cloudy patches
being dying cells and the pinkish blobs blood vessels congested with
bacteria. After a few days the fins erode from the edges inwards,
making the fin look ragged, often with the bony rays persisting for
longer, the end result being a bit like a cobweb.>
Now through reading, it seems that ICH is only visible for one week and
it's possible that they were suffering from both infections and
ICH. I'm just not sure. I haven't introduced any new live stock
to this tank in well over a year, but as with the bacterial infections,
I now somewhat understand ICH is latent in tanks and ready to attack
the weak.
<Ich/Whitespot can certainly trigger bacterial infections because
the open wounds caused by the bursting white spots as they mature allow
"bad" bacteria to get into the fish. On the other hand,
stress can allow Whitespot and bacterial infections to become
established independently of one another. So figuring out which came
first is hard. By the way, there's very little scientific evidence
that Whitespot can lie "latent" in tanks because the
free-living stages need to find a host within a day or two, at least at
tropical temperatures. What *may* happen is that low level infections
persist unnoticed for months, and only when something goes wrong do the
fish show high enough numbers of cysts to be obvious. Either way,
treating proactively will break the cycle. Since the salt/heat method
is harmless to fish, shrimps, filter bacteria and plants, this is a
no-brainer for me -- treat with salt/heat, if only to cross Whitespot
off the list of possibilities.>
These fish have been through HELL over the last month and I'm not
exactly sure what I'm dealing with as so much has happened and
I'm scared to continue the Maracyn or treat for ICH especially with
the Corydoras in the tank. Can you advise the best way forward?
<Mycobacterium infections are essentially incurable, but Finrot and
Whitespot should both respond well to prompt treatment. Do read up on
these three, and act accordingly.
Thank you,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Help with treatment plan for Platies/Corydoras
Hi Neale. I hope your weekend is treating you well. Thank you for all
your assistance.
<Glad to help.>
I've read through the articles and I agree that ruling out Ich is a
good idea; however '¦
I increased the temperature to 84 degrees over a day and a half and
added the brine mixture (2 teaspoons of aquarium salt per gallon mixed
in warm water put in the filtration flow path). I know you state the
salinity is trivial for Platies but after adding about half the
mixture, my Platies began to show sensitivity (hiding at the bottom and
top of the aquarium).
<I doubt the salinity is the issue here. Platies can, do live in
brackish water much more salty than this.>
Since they've been subjected to fluctuations in pH and ammonia and
nitrite, unstable conditions, recovering from fin rot, could they just
be less able to handle any change at this point?
<Seems unlikely. It's important to remember the difference
between correlation and causation. Just because one thing follows
another, it doesn't mean the first thing caused the second thing.
If the Platies were sick or stressed already, then they might have
gotten worse whether you added salt or not. Just make sure you're
adding the right amount of salt, and that you're doing it in the
right way. I'd turn the heat down a bit -- Platies come from quite
cool habitats, and I'd not warm them above 28 C/82 F.>
The dilemma I face is that although they don't seem to like the
salt, the one Platy who was hiding originally, came out today to swim
for the first time in days today which is encouraging. While the other
Platy with white spots has lost several of the bigger spots but is more
lethargic which is encouraging and not so encouraging. My ammonia and
nitrites are rising yet again (it seems the good bacteria doesn't
like the changes either). The last dose of Maracyn was last night so I
can up the water changes to reduce these levels more. I'm hoping
without the strain of medicine and better control of ammonia and
nitrites levels, the Platies will handle the current salinity better. I
just want to make sure that my decision to not reduce the salinity is a
good idea considering the Platies are showing sensitivity to it. I feel
like we're (the fish and I) are damned if I do and damned if I
don't at this point. I don't know which is the lesser of two
<Would use the salt/heat method regardless.>
All but two fish are showing interest in food, the original sick one
and another that I believe is severely constipated. I know I
shouldn't be feeding them per the ammonia and nitrite, but I was
trying to get the constipated one to eat a pea.
Also, in my reading of Ich, I've learned it can transmit on
anything wet but I couldn't find instructions on how to handle
transferring new plants into a tank per this possibility?
<Treat plants as potential sources of Whitespot. Quarantine any
plants taken from tanks with fish in it, or for that matter from tanks
likely to be on the same water circulation system in the pet store.
Plants bought online from aquarium plant growers should be safe
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Help with treatment plan for Platies/Corydoras
Okay, great. I've turned the heater down to 82 F. I didn't
think the plant quarantine all the way through. I was thinking that you
would never be able to tell if the plant had Ich on it but if
quarantined, there wouldn't be a fish host to continue the
Once again - thank you.
<Yes, if the free-living parasites are unable to find a host within
a period of time, they die. At tropical temperatures, that's about
24-48 hours. At room temperature, it may be several days longer. But
I'd isolate plants for 7 days, at least, to be fairly sure they
weren't carrying Whitespot parasites.
Cheers, Neale.>
Brackish water and Guppies?
Yesterday, my favorite very unique Platy showed the very
beginning signs of sickness that leads to rapid death.
<I see. One problem with farmed livebearers is a certain
tendency towards Mycobacteria infections, typically associated
with red sores on the bodies, wasting, and then death. Not much
you can do about that. But otherwise livebearers tend to be quite
tough, if given the right conditions. In the case of Platies,
cool, moderately hard, basic water is what you want; 22-24 C, 10+
degrees dH, pH 7-8.>
I have had many fish that have died and know the signs. But
loosing this platy would of sent me over the edge so I took a
bold step and added 2 gallons of Spring water that I put 1
tablespoon of aquarium salt in each.
<Okay. Now, do understand that while salt can help, it's
not a miracle.
Among other misconceptions, recall that salt doesn't do
anything to raise hardness. So if you have soft water, salt
isn't what you want, at least, not on its own. Marine
aquarium salt mix is somewhat different because it includes other
minerals that do raise hardness and pH, and 5-6 grammes/litre
would be easily tolerated by Platies and indeed all other
livebearers too.>
Unfortunately this was my first time using salt so I was unaware
to make sure it was completely dissolved and melted.
<It's not a big deal, so don't panic about this. A few
grains of undissolved salt won't kill your fish.>
I than added an air stone to help circulate more oxygen into the
<Good. In summer especially Platies can easily be overheated
25 C/77 F is really at the top end of their comfort zone, and
they're far healthier kept cooler than that.>
This is a 10 gal tank that has been cycled along time ago.
<A bit on the small side for Platies, to be honest. Stress
between fighting males, or males harassing pregnant females, can
lead to "unexplained" deaths.>
All I have in the tank are 2 platy's and 1 guppy. Let me back
up and say that I lost an additional platy that was in this tank,
only a few days ago.
I did not have any nitrate/ammonia test strips at home so I had
to make a quick guess.
<You should have these two test kits: pH and nitrite (nitrite
with an "i", not nitrate with an "a"). If you
give me these two pieces of information, I can be A LOT more
Well the moment I added the salt & air stone the platy I love
came out of hiding and looking sick, and started to soar all over
the tank, and is doing just fine. I was so excited as this is the
first time I have been able to reverse a death. However the guppy
after only one night in the brackish tank, has taken fatally ill.
The last time I saw him this morning he was shaking under a rock,
and now I have come home 6 hours later and he is nowhere to be
<The amount of salt you added, 1 tablespoon/3 teaspoons per US
gallon is not that much. I actually prefer weights because not
everyone's spoons are the same sizes! One level teaspoon of
salt should be about 6 grammes, which is very easy to remember. A
tablespoon will be three times that, i.e., 18 grammes. Normal
seawater contains about 35 grammes of marine salt mix per litre,
or about 6 teaspoons. One US gallon is 3.8 litres, so that's
133 grammes per US gallon. The reason I'm telling you all
this is to point out that your roughly 18 grammes of salt per
gallon, or 4.7 grammes per litre, is about one-seventh (14%) the
salinity of normal seawater. That's well within the
tolerances of Guppies and Platies. So there's no reason at
all to imagine the salt killed either fish.>
I have not removed everything yet to find him. As the tank was
just cleaned and set back up and the air stone is just
<Okay. But you really do need to test the pH (to see if the
water chemistry is right for livebearers) and the nitrite (to
make sure water quality is good). You want a pH around 7.5, and a
nitrite level of zero.>
Questions: Is the salt compatible with guppies (brackish
<Yes. In fact Guppies are arguably happier and healthier in
slightly brackish water. Certainly they do better in such
conditions than they will do in soft water.>
And how long can I leave the guppy "lost" or dead
before I have to find him?
<If he's alive, you should see him within the next day or
two. Check he hasn't jumped out, swum into the filter, got
stuck behind objects inside the tank, etc.>
Will disease travel throughout the tank if not removed
<Depends on the disease. Many are opportunistic, and they
exists in most aquaria all the time. They only cause problems
when we, the aquarists, stress our fish and weaken their immune
If I find him, alive but sick, is there anything I can do for the
poor guy.
<Depends on what's wrong with him. You haven't really
supplied me with any useful information on water chemistry or
water quality. Without lists of symptoms, or a photo (no bigger
than about 500 KB!) I can't say anything at all about
If I take him out of the brackish water the tank I put him in
will not have cycled water in it?
<And that would be bad.>
I appreciate your help.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Update: Brackish water and Guppies?
In response to some of your questions below; first let me state
none of my fish are female livebearers.
All 3 fish are MALE 2 small Platies and 1 guppy, so I thought a
10 gal was more than adequate.
<Not the case, unfortunately. Males will squabble in tanks
this small.>
I was able to test the water today and it appears the Nitrate is
in caution (20ppm) the nitrite is perfect! (0) The hardness is
ideal (300ppm). The alkalinity is high (300ppm) and the PH is
between 8-8.5 Please tell me what I should do to correct any of
<Nothing. That's all fine for livebearers.>
The guppy (which I found) is real lethargic sitting behind the
filter canister, the platy that seemed to come back from the dead
yesterday has been hiding under a rock ledge, and my other platy
who has not showed any sign of distress is now inside the tunnel
<Could be stress from fighting. But my gut feeling is
Mycobacteriosis, sometimes called Wasting Disease. This is very
common among livebearers.
For some reason juveniles don't often show the symptoms, but
as the fish mature they start to waste away, getting thinner and
often exhibiting poor colouration and sores on their flanks.
It's essentially incurable and very contagious, so it's
important to euthanise infected fish and isolate the affected
tank from any others in your house, e.g., by not sharing nets or
Water quality seems fine, and water chemistry shouldn't be a
problem either.>
Help! What do I need to do? Can I save them??
<Sorry I can't offer any better advice. A photo of the
ailing fish would really help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Update and photos 9/3/10
I appreciate all your advice, but still you keep making reference
to livebearers, which I thought were only females?
<Nope. "Livebearers" is the word given to species
that produce fully-formed young rather than eggs. Both male and
female Guppies and Platies are livebearers. Just the same way
both men and women are placental mammals, even though it's
only women who get pregnant.>
and my fish are male. They never fight. Because their is nothing
to fight over.
<If you say so.>
No females ever in the house/tank. I have attached some pics
however I am afraid they are not clear enough very hard to
<Indeed. With respect, blurry photos don't help me at all.
I can't really tell anything about the fish from that photo.
Do use the "macro" setting on your camera, and
you'll find close-up shots easier to take.>
The yellow one is the guppy that is very sick, sits by back of
filter, but will come out and swim all around and eat. The orange
platy appears to be fine. The white spotted Platies (very rare
gorgeous fish) is the one I love the most.
His color is very brilliant white not faded at all. but his gills
are red and look a little swollen but seem to have always been
like that. These 3 fish have been in this tank for at least 6
months if not longer. Other fish have passed on but it never
affected them.
<Do understand that Guppies and Platies should live 3-4 years.
If they only live for a year, then something may be amiss with
the aquarium or the way you are keeping them. Review the needs of
livebearing fish:
Also review the basics of fishkeeping:
Be under no illusion about this: 99% of premature deaths in
aquaria are caused by the fishkeeper doing something wrong. In
the right conditions, fish are much less likely to get sick than
most other pet animals.>
This gut feeling you have about Mycobacteriosis does it affect
and will they still be so eager to eat, as mine are?
<Generally no. So that's a good sign. If Mycobacteriosis
isn't the issue, review Finrot, which affects the fins and
skin and looks like red or white patches. Finrot is almost always
caused by either physical damage or poor environmental
conditions. It's easy enough to cure if caught early, but you
do need to provide the right living conditions for them to
They come running out of hiding and scarf the food down. Very
strange. I also thought maybe the airstone bubbles/noise could be
spooking them or is stressful, hence making them hide.
<Possibly; Guppies dislike strong water currents, but at the
same time, one small airstone shouldn't be a big
Won't more salt be helpful to stop the infection from
spreading so quickly?
<No, salt doesn't have any effect on Finrot or bacterial
infections. Marine fish can get Finrot, and they're kept in
seawater! Anyone who tells you salt helps cure bacterial diseases
is an idiot.>
Or other bacteria kill stuff?
<If by "bacteria kill stuff" you mean an antibiotic
medication like Maracyn, or an antimicrobial product like eSHa
2000, then yes, that can help.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Pix too poor to be of use |
Re: macro pics 9/4/10
I am going to try one more time. I have attached 3 pix of
Butter Cup the yellow guppy. I know it still may be hard to
see the coat of his body.
<Still impossible to see anything. If the image
isn't sharp, it's useless. Try, try, and try again,
I'm afraid! Don't point the camera directly at the
glass because then it acts like a mirror; angle the camera
so you're pointing slightly below or above the fish.
The flash won't bounce off the glass so badly.>
His fins look good to me no rot, however his gills are
severely deformed and I think you can notice that a bit in
the photo's, can you see it?
<Not really. But anyway, if the deformity to the gill
covers have always been there, then the chances are
they're not the cause of sickness. If the gills have
suddenly become deformed, then that's another issue,
and most likely an issue connected to water
Other than a slight bent posture which he always had that I
thought was odd, the gills are the only thing looking
really wrong. In the first pix as luck has it, there is a
pretty good shot of Paprika the spotted platy with the
orange tail. She looks okay to me, except as you can see
the pix her gills are very red. Is this normal?
<Not normal. You shouldn't normally see the red gill
filaments at all. In some cases inbreeding means that the
gill covers are deformed and the gill filaments are more
obvious. While such fish might be marginally more delicate,
there's no particular reason deformed gill covers
should cause sickness. But as stated before, if the gills
have suddenly become deformed or more obviously red, then
that's a problem.>
One more issue I do have a lot of direct sunlight from a
sky light just above the tank, sometimes during peak time I
will shade the tank with a towel. However I do have a lot
of algae. I try and clean it off often. However I am
wondering if algae can cause sickness?
<No, but overheating if temperature goes up dramatically
can stress fish.>
What is the best way to control Algae?
<Read here:
Usually the addition of fast-growing plants under bright
lighting is required. The addition of algae-eating Nerite
snails may help, but every time you add an animal to an
aquarium you make water conditions worse. Shops will sell
you algae-eating fish, but mostly these are more trouble
than they're worth, especially the cheap "Chinese
Algae Eaters" and common Plecs.>
Lastly, if your advice is still euthanasia. Which is the
most humane way? I heard to drop the fish in ice cold
water, I also heard let it freeze slowly to death in the
<Not quite.>
the Internet says to smash its head with a hammer. I am
afraid I could not do that one. If we are sure. I don't
want to see the little guy suffer, so please let me know
your preferred method.
<Do read here:
Once again Thank you very much, I appreciate all the advice
you are giving me.
<Always glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Platy help, dis.
1/14/09 Hi- <Hello.> I have a platy that I have had
since I started my tanks over two years ago. He was doing well until
about two and a half months ago. He developed a white growth over one
eye and part of his mouth. <Do check water quality and water
chemistry. What you are describing is very common among livebearers, in
part because they are acutely sensitive to nitrite/ammonia but also
because drops in pH stress them intensely.> I originally moved him
to a quarantine tank and treated with two rounds of antibiotics as well
as two rounds of Lifeguard made by Jungle labs. <While the infection
is likely bacterial, it isn't always easy to know if it is standard
Finrot or what we call "Mouth Fungus", a bacterial infection
also known as Columnaris. "Lifeguard" is one of those
jack-of-all-trade medications that actually isn't all that reliable
or effective in many cases. I'd instead focus on (in the US at
least) running first with Maracyn and if that doesn't work with
Maracyn 2, as between them these will deal with all the likely
bacteria. In the UK and Europe I'd go with eSHa 2000, an
antibacterial that works well against Finrot and Mouth Fungus.
Regardless, it is critical to figure out the likely cause of the
infection, because these sorts of things are almost always
environmental at root. Platies need cool (around 23-24 C) water that is
spotlessly clean, has a high pH (7.5-8.2), and above all else is nice
and hard (15+ degrees dH). They tend to get sick in tanks where the pH
varies and the hardness is low. High temperatures also stress them; at
least once ancestor of the domesticated Platy is a species called
Xiphophorus variatus, a subtropical rather than tropical fish. Warm
water contains less oxygen, and this stresses fish, reducing their
immune system effectiveness.> He did not improve much and was
unhappy by himself. I put him back in my twenty gallon tank that he
shares with a molly, platy. ghost shrimp and guppies. <Ah, these
will all appreciate hard, basic water, so managing that aspect
shouldn't be difficult. But I will make the point that Mollies tend
to prefer a little more heat than Platies, though this isn't
critical. To be honest, I'd be adding a certain amount (3-6 g) of
marine salt mix per litre of water in this system. Marine salt mix will
raise the carbonate hardness, ensuring stable pH and the right level of
hardness. While Platies aren't brackish water fish by any means,
they will tolerate small amounts just fine, and the benefits of
elevated hardness and pH will be useful. Do note that "tonic
salt" or "aquarium salt" has no effect on pH or
hardness, so adding these to this aquarium would be a waste of
money.> Whatever this is has progressed to the point that I
can't even see his eye any longer. It doesn't seem to affect
any of the other fish Please help Angie <Hope this helps,
Platy with white mass on head
12/30/08 Hi, One of my orange Platys has a white mass above
one of its eyes. It does not seem to be affecting its movement and it
is eating normally, but the mass is getting larger. None of the other
fish have acquired this, so I am assuming that it is not contagious.
Any help on what this may be and possible treatment would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks! Megan <Most likely an opportunistic bacterial
infection of the type often called "slime disease" for want
of a better name, or perhaps Mouth Fungus (actually caused by a
bacterium, Flexibacter columnaris). In any case, relatively easily
fixed using a reliable antibiotic or antibacterial; in the US I'd
recommend Maracyn (or Maracyn 2 if that doesn't work) while in
Europe and elsewhere antibacterials such as eSHa 2000 will work. Salt
and tea-tree oil potions will have minimal/zero impact, though dipping
the fish for 2-20 minutes in full strength seawater can be a useful
supplement (not an alternative) to the treatments recommended above. As
ever, the basic cause is water chemistry or water quality issues.
Obviously zero ammonia and nitrite levels are essential, but as with
livebearers generally it is also critical for the water to maintain a
steady, basic pH (7.5-8.0) thanks to a high level of carbonate
hardness. Cheers, Neale.>
Platy question 05/21/08 I have an established
46 gallon freshwater tank. One of my platy's had babies about
two weeks ago... much to our surprise and delight, and everyone is
doing great. <Congratulations.> For the past few days, Momma
fish has been hanging around the top of the tank, and it looks like
she's looking for food. I sprinkled some right in her
direction, and she did not eat; she calmly swam away to one of her
regular hang outs and came back after everyone else was done
eating. <Before doing anything else -- try something else! Wet
frozen bloodworms are real favourites with livebearers, so try
those. Flake foods go stale after 2-3 months, and you'll notice
fish show less and less interest. Old flake food also loses its
nutrient content, so the fish aren't really benefiting from it
either. Platies are herbivores in the wild, so make sure
there's some green algae in the tank. Algae can be offered as
algae flakes or strips of Sushi Nori too. The algae provides both
the right nutrients and lots of fibre. Constipation is a real
problem with herbivorous fish, and a lack of fiber can cause all
sorts of problems.> She is not typically very social and usually
spends a lot of quiet time on her own. She looks healthy, color and
gills are good. <Then don't worry too much.> The water is
perfect, chemically speaking. <Meaning the water is around 25
C/77 F; nitrite and ammonia are zero hardness is high; and pH
around 7.5-8.> She does not have a new gravid spot, and she
looks fine as far as anything obvious. I'm just concerned about
her hanging around the top... sort of a new location for her.
She's not "gasping"... just hanging out. Any
thoughts? <I'd offer different diet first, and only if she
ignores those start worrying.> Thanks in advance for your help!
I have emailed you in the past, and took your advice on leaving my
beloved 4-year old African Dwarf frog in his own tank. I got him a
new buddy and they seem to be a match! You are appreciated! <You
are most welcome, Neale.>
Re: platy question
05/21/2008 She has been nibbling at the algae on the
glass, driftwood and plants. She usually is a bottom feeder, and
the other two platy's are more surface feeders, so it's
hard to know what she usually eats. She's just suddenly gained
my attention (because I'm a paranoid new fish owner). I will
try some blood worms for sure and see how that goes. <Very good.
Being observant is a good thing, but there is a fine line between
being cautious and being paranoid!> As for my water, the
temperature is 78, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are all zero, but
my pH is about 7.2, and that is where it has stayed all along. Is
that okay? <The pH is fine, provided your water is hard as well.
Platies like hard water.> I have 4 male guppies, 5 harlequin
Rasboras, 5 golden tetras, 8 neon tetras and 3 platy's (plus
the babies I can't really get a head count on yet). Everyone is
growing, active and healthy. I run two Marineland Penguin
200's, and I change the blue filters every four weeks. <All
sounds fine. Whilst I'm not a fan of mixing soft water fish
with hard water fish, you can 'strike a happy medium', and
if everyone is happy, that's the main thing.> Also, I wonder
why my schoolers don't always stay in their group. <Too few;
schooling behaviour only reliably engages in groups of at least six
specimens, and typically you need at least 10 specimens for the
full effect. Buying four of these and three of those sounds like a
good idea, but if you want a "pretty" aquarium, buying a
dozen or twenty of just one species at a time works so much better.
The fish will school, so that the Neons for example move about in
one big, glittery group rather than randomly hiding around the
tank. Lots of aquarists make this mistake (myself included!)
because at heart some of us are stamp collectors rather than
artists. If you want to "collect" fish, you get lots of
species; if you want to create "aquatic art", you keep
lots of specimens of just one or two species.> The Neons and
goldens do at times, but often, they seem to swim around and hang
out with some of the other fish. Everyone seems calm and
happy...just curious about that behavior. <Normal, and not in
itself too bad, though I have to say you should try and have six of
any schooling species just so the fish feel comfortable.> Thanks
again. <Cheers, Neale.>
Re: platy question
05/22/08 Thanks again. I have never had any of the people
in my aquarium shop talk about water hardness. <A common
problem. My guess is that people (retailers and hobbyists alike)
focus on pH because it's easy to understand. A simple number
between 6 and 8 for the most part. But hardness comes in two
flavours, regular and carbonate, and there are a whole bunch of
ways to measure it. Unfortunately for the aquarist, hardness is
*far* more important than pH when it comes to freshwater fish.>
I feel bad that I was not educated. I see from some websites that
Neons and Golden Tetras like 1-10 hardness whereas Platy and
Guppies like 10-25? Is there anything I can do about this? Or
should I leave well enough alone? <Leave well enough alone. Most
fish are fine at a steady pH and hardness; what they don't like
is changes. Soft water fish tend to do better in hard water than
hard water fish do in soft. So yes, Neons will acclimate to harder
water than they'd experience in the wild. They won't breed
in it, but that's perhaps no big deal.> After the tank
finished it's cycle, we added back to our population. I had
lost almost all of my Neons to Ick, but that crisis has been over
for about 6 weeks. So, we added 6 Neons on Saturday and one has
died. One of my oldest guppies died the day before, but he had been
looking a little weak for a few days; his tail looked a little
shorn and he was a lot smaller than the other four guppies. I would
LOVE to add 5 more Neon's to total up to a dozen, but I'm
afraid of overpopulation. <I personally find mass-produced Neons
a bit of a gamble, and always recommend people go with Cardinals,
which are primarily wild-caught. Cardinals are a little bigger and
need warmer water to do well, but they're hardier and less
prone to Neon Tetra Disease. Alternatively, give up on Neon-type
things altogether, and opt for something like the Celebes
Rainbowfish (Marosatherina ladigesi), a yellow-and-neon blue fish
that thrives in hard water and will even tolerate a bit of salt. I
mention this because Platies tolerate salt well, so you can use a
small amount of salt to completely wipe out Ick/Whitespot.> I
have a very good water test kit now, and my water is still stable
after adding a total of 13 new fish over the weekend to my original
10. <Great!> Is there ever a time when you add fish and all
of them actually survive? <Yes. Here's some tips. First, buy
fish suitable to your water chemistry, water temperature, and
experience level. Secondly, buy fish with a mind to their
hardiness. Avoid "cheap" fish for example, and look for
"wild type" rather than fancy versions of things like
Angelfish and livebearers. Very young fish are often more delicate
than more mature fish, so avoid those too. Finally, take care to
acclimate new fish to your system. A good idea is to put the new
fish into a bucket with the water they came in. Over the next hour,
add a cup of water from the tank every 5-10 minutes. This allows
the fish to adjust to differences in water conditions. Once
you're done, remove the fish with a net and put them in the
aquarium -- don't put the "old" water from the shop
in your tank because it's likely to contain a lot of ammonia
and quite possibly parasites too.> I am afraid to add more! As
stated before, I am running two Marineland Penguin 200's in my
46 gallon bowfront. Lots and lots of artificial plants to give
adequate cover. What's the best/safest way to add to my Neons
to encourage schooling? <Assuming the new fish are healthy, my
tips above should help, and once settled in, they will school
automatically.> And finally, will the golden and neon's
school together, or do I need to keep each population up
individually? <Fish usually only school with their own
species.> Much appreciated! <Cheers, Neale.> |
Symptoms not yet described in
platy 9/16/07 <<Good morning. Tom
here.>> My daughter has ten gallon tank with 3 small platys: red
Dalmatian female, red wag female, and Mickey mouse male as well as a
Dalmatian molly female and a red Dalmatian molly, although he's
more yellow than red. <<Okay.>> The red Dalmatian molly
started having difficulty eating and now has white to clear stringy
feces. Also, my daughter insists she looks blacker around the mouth.
Tonight we added malachite green and a natural antibacterial. We are
concerned we overdid the malachite green. Have we harmed them?
<<Given the characteristics of Malachite Green, this is
completely possible but difficult to qualify/quantify on my end without
knowing the specifics/dosages.>> Also, we fed frozen bloodworms
which the red Dalmatian ate! <<A good sign, certainly. In the
case of very sick fish, even favorite foods are typically
ignored.>> However, we slipped and a fair amount went in the
tank. How harmful is one overfeeding? <<Not very provided the
uneaten food is removed to prevent contaminating the tank water. Again,
though, overfeeding is a somewhat subjective term. Was this a matter of
a few extra bloodworms or were enough dumped into the tank to feed 20
fish? I think you see what I mean.>> Is there anything we can do
about these problems? <<The overfeeding doesn't constitute a
'problem'. Just a mishap that can be easily remedied with some
clean-up. As for the Malachite Green, I'd place activated carbon in
the filter immediately to remove the medication. This chemical
wouldn't have been my choice based on what you described regarding
the fish. Intestinal issues would be better treated with a medication
such as Metronidazole particularly if the fish will still eat.>>
We have checked water quality and it has remained stable since we
established the tank and it cycled (around Christmas). She syphons
weekly. <<Very good on both counts. You might find that large
water changes on a weekly basis will do as much for your Molly as
medicating, anyway. The other fish will be stressed by the medication,
as well, which is never good. Something you'll want to be aware of
is that Mollies do better in brackish water conditions than in a pure
freshwater environment. Their immune systems will be greatly bolstered
in brackish conditions which can head off potential problems before
they arise.>> I searched for an hour, but just couldn't find
the answers to these questions, although they are likely there. Thanks
for your help! She is very attached to these fish. <<I
understand. Remove the medications as I suggested and simply observe
for a short time. We don't want to be too conservative but the fish
were hit with a toxic medication -- possibly overdosed with it - and
I'd like to see things settle out for a bit before subjecting them
to another round of anything. Stay on top of the water changes. Best of
luck. Tom>>
Re: Symptoms not yet described in
platy 9/16/07 Tom, <<Ladies.>>
Thanks so much for your quick reply!! Obviously I was very tired when I
wrote as I meant it was the red Dalmatian PLATY who is under the
weather. <<I confess that a Red Dalmatian Molly was a new one on
me. :) >> I'm assuming treatment is much the same.
<<Correct.>> So far, all are swimming and do not seem
stressed. My daughter fed flakes last night as we read the bloodworms
should not be fed daily. <<Also correct.>> She reduced the
amount due to the slippage of the night before. The platy just kept
spitting them out. Would you recommend bloodworms again since she ate
those? <<If she's eating the bloodworms, I'd stick with
these for the time being. Better that she's eating any type of food
than to concern yourselves over what type just now.>> Also, we
will try the Metronidazole as you suggest. <<Good.>> Would
you also recommend discontinuing the MelaFix? Can it be used in
conjunction with the Metronidazole? <<Since I don't believe
the Melafix will be effective, I'd prefer that you discontinued its
use. There are certain instances where two medications used in
conjunction with one another can be extremely effective. In this case,
I don't feel you'll see any benefit from using both. Better for
the fish to use only one medication at a time.>> One last
question, please. She is using the heater that came with the tank and
it is very hard to regulate. <<Not uncommon. Many heaters are
difficult to regulate, first off, and most that come 'packaged'
with tank kits are 'economy' units.>> Is there a heater
you recommend for a ten gallon tank? <<A 50W Ebo Jager heater
should serve just fine. A small locking pin on the dial allows you to
'calibrate' the thermostat for a precise setting. May not even
be necessary but it's a nice feature if you find the dial off by a
degree or so.>> I must say we are very excited to have discovered
this site. My daughter takes animal care very seriously and is great at
research. This site is a find! <<Wonderful to hear and thank you
for your kind words! Best of luck to you both.>> Susan and Sarah
Re: Symptoms not yet described in
platy -- 10/18/07 Tom and/or Esteemed Crew Members:
<<Susan and Sarah. My apologies for not getting back faster than
this.>> Last month my daughter and I inquired about a female red
Dalmatian platy whose appetite has greatly diminished and who appears
to have difficulty eating (unless it's blood worms, but even then
she doesn't snatch like her tank mates). She swallows a worm, but
spits pieces of flakes back out and no longer snatches. At the time I
wrote, other than poor appetite, her only other symptom was clear,
stringy feces. We treated with Metronidazole (sp?) as recommended.
<<Okay.>> She seemed to improve for a short while, and then
became symptomatic again. We re-treated twice with the same results.
Now she is symptomatic again, only this time her middle appears
grayish. Her head and tail are still reddish orange. She does appear
more lethargic than usual. My daughter siphons regularly and the water
quality is fine. The only other issues we know of are an algae bloom in
spite of weekly algicide. <<Don't use the algaecide. Algae
blooms occur but it's best not to treat this chemically. Despite
manufacturers' claims, it's still a chemical being added to the
tank and not the best way to go for the fish. You might look at other
reasons for the bloom such as exposure to direct sunlight, nitrate
levels, etc. Almost always, there are better ways to deal with this
sort of thing than exposing the fish to chemicals.>> We use
aquarium salt and added some slime coat as well. At this point the
filter has been off for almost 1 week due to medication. Is there any
thing else we should do? <<Yes, on a couple of counts. First,
turn the filter back on. Activated carbon should be removed -- if used
-- but the filter shouldn't be turned off completely. (Still very
necessary for mechanical and biological filtration.) Second, stop all
use of the aquarium salt and slime coat additive. Platys prefer
'hard' water but there's a bit too much going on in the
tank right now. Stick with the regular water changes and don't be
shy about these. A couple of 50% changes each week would be
fine.>> Are we doing something wrong? <<Other than turning
the filter off, no. Please understand that fish can/do get sick. We
don't always know whether the cause, in this case, is bacterial or
fungal. The Metronidazole was a good choice of medication given the
symptoms. We can't even disregard the possibility of
'genetics' here. You aren't doing anything 'wrong'
at all. There are just some ways to do it a little more
'right'. We, me included, originally started out believing that
'this, that and the other thing' must be good for our pets
because 'they' say it is. Experience and research often teaches
us otherwise. Fresh, clean water is always the best.>> Please
help, as my daughter (11 years) is quite attached to "Poppy".
<<I totally understand.>> The other fish seem just fine (a
male Mickey mouse platy, a female red wag platy, a female Dalmatian
molly, a male red Dalmatian molly ?(appears more yellow than red,
somewhat aggressive guy). <<Glad to hear that all the other
'guys' are fine. (Funny about names, isn't it? The Red
Devil Cichlid, for example. Never seen one that was red. Always yellow
to a yellow-orange.)>> This is a ten gallon tank. <<I can
tell you that smaller tanks need more attention. Less stability with
water conditions/quality than larger tanks tend to be. I'm betting
that your regimen is good, based on what you've shared here. Stick
with the water changes on a very regular basis and stay away from the
'additives'. (Fish did fine without them until we put them in
aquariums.)>> We truly appreciate your assistance and thank you
for your time. Susan and Sarah <<You're welcome and I'm
sorry, again, that you had to wait for this. Tom>>
Another sick platy, hypochondria, iatrogenic
troubles 7/12/07 Hello. I have read and read and
read ... I've seen the symptoms I'm interested in listed
here and there in all kinds of different scenarios but never see
them specifically addressed in a way that helps me narrow down
what might be wrong with this fish and one that I lost several
weeks ago. So I'm asking ... very timidly ... first: I have a
20 gallon tank with a power filter that I recently gave a
thorough cleaning. <How thorough? A note to others who will
read this re the danger of subtending biofiltration with too much
at one time "cleaning"> Biological filter is
established ... nitrites and nitrates zero. <And ammonia?>
Gravel substrate. System is nine weeks old. I use aquarium salt 1
TBS per 5 gallons per instructions on package, <I would NOT
routinely add this... see WWM re the use of salts in FW>
replace it with water changes, and currently have CopperSafe
<... why? Not advised> in my tank which I have replaced
with water changes. I was using the copper safe because of velvet
which took many fish over a short period of time about five or
six weeks ago. I change 20%-25% water/gravel vac once weekly.
Temperature is 80 degrees F. <A bit warm for
Poeciliids/livebearers... If there are no other livestock that
require such high temp. I would allow this to drop to the mid
70's F.> I have one male fancy guppy very healthy, one
very healthy and beautiful female sunset platy who gave me ten
fry one week ago, one female black molly ( who I plan on moving
to a separate tank as soon as it is finished cycling, but who
actually seems to have been somewhat trained by
'time-outs' in a breeder box, to stop bullying the other
fish), and one female Mickey mouse platy who gave me 20 fry four
weeks ago. I still have all of my fry in this tank in breeder
boxes in the w/artificial plant cover. I am in the process of
making arrangements for them. I feed the fry Hikari first bites
three times daily, and the adults crushed flake twice daily. The
problem is with my Mickey mouse platy. She and the molly had some
white patches show up a week and a half ago. <... likely
environmental in nature... the changes you list, the exposure to
copper, salt> On the molly, it was white showing up inside her
mouth and one small patch on top of her head. On the platy, it
was two milky looking spots on one side, but hard to tell if they
were injuries or flat or raised ... I have stared at that fish
for so long so many times. The guppy was chasing her around
nibbling at her spots, whatever they were. They seemed more
raised than what was showing up on the molly, but I treated with
triple sulfa. Molly completely better, one of the spots on the
platy is gone, but one near her tail is still there and seems to
have wrapped around under her so that it is on both sides of the
same part of her tail. Her fins are clamped and she is starting
to hide. She really only comes out to eat, and she swims
'jerkily' ... mostly normal, with a flick here, and dart
there ... doesn't seem to be scratching on anything unless
she's doing it while hidden. But I penned up the guppy in a
vacant breeder box to stop him from nipping at whatever is on
her. I don't have a QT tank ... if the molly keeps up her
good behavior maybe I'll just turn the tank intended for her
into a QT tank. So ... before I dump more chemicals into my tank,
I just wanted to see what y'all had to say about her.
<"Don't dump more chemicals into the tank"> I
was going to try another round of triple sulfa since it seemed to
get rid of one of her white patches. But with her jerking, I just
wonder if it's something parasitic - which confuses me
because I thought CopperSafe takes care of that. Her feces have
looked whitish and cottony (?) I guess is the best description. I
had a platy die several weeks ago who did this same thing. I
could never really see any patches on her, but the guppy used to
nibble her sides, too, and then she started jerking, then hiding,
then wasted away. It took about a month for her to die from the
first signs that something was wrong. Is this likely something
parasitic that I need to medicate my tank for ? Or is it more
important to remove her and medicate her ? I realize I am in need
of several additional tanks ... I'm doing the best I can to
get more. If not parasitic, what does it sound like ? I also
should mention that she seems to be turning transparent. No film
of any kind, just especially around her 'face' she's
'see-through'. I don't remember her looking like that
when I got her. I already have '1rounded tablespoon per five
gallons' Aquarium Pharmaceuticals aquarium salt in my tank -
should I add any more ? Should I raise the temperature any ?
<No, no> I would love to hear your diagnosis and
suggestions. I just don't know what to do next. <Can
diagnose nothing with the above information. Do you have the
means of sending along some digital pix?> I have almost
reached 30 days of the CopperSafe, so I was going to stop
replacing it with water changes soon. Given my sick fish, should
I keep it in my tank, and if I should stop, do I need to do
anything special to remove it from my tank, or just let it
diminish over time with water changes ? <I would use activated
carbon here> Thank you so much, Jennifer <No more
"treatments, salt"... BobF>
Another sick platy (additional info)
7/12/07 This is additional information to an e-mail I sent a
few minutes ago (forwarded below) Come to think of it I do
remember seeing a slight cloudy film in the place the guppy was
nibbling at on my first platy (red wag) who died in this way. And
on the same side and area of her body. I guess at the time I just
wasn't sure if the guppy had caused the irritation by picking
at her, or if he was picking at something already there. (this
was waaaaaaaay back in the beginning of my fish weeks) <Your
problems are highly likely environmental at root... Your fishes
need stable, optimized conditions... Bob Fenner>
Another sick platy (additional info 2) 7/12/07 I had
finished the triple sulfa treatment (previous letters forwarded
below) five days ago, and I just noticed this morning that there
is white appearing inside the black molly's mouth again.
It's not cottony of puffy, just visible. Update on the Mickey
mouse platy ... I put her in the breeder box so I could watch
her, let the guppy go free. She is not eating, has definitely
lost weight, her fins are clamped, but she actually seems more at
ease in the breeder box. She still has the previously mentioned
filmy patch on the underside of the fleshy part of her tail. (I
am not currently treating for anything because I was confused as
to what to do next) She is still jerking and darting every now
and then. All of the other fish are happily and merrily going
about their fishy little day ... beautiful fins, healthy weight,
normal behavior. Should I not worry about the white inside of the
molly's mouth unless he starts to act sick ? <Depending on
the species, this Mollienesia should be housed elsewhere (in a
separate system, and it kept under more brackish conditions...
Please see WWM re> The more I think about it the more it seems
that the platy must have two different things going on ? One
external, one internal or secondary ? Please help, Jennifer
<Please read: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/mollies.htm
and the linked files above. RMF>
Re: 'another sick platy' photos
7/13/07 Here are some pictures. I think I followed the rules.
I hope it might help you help me identify what is wrong and
whether or not I need to do anything. I don't mind not doing
anything. But when you see white stuff growing on your fish, and
you've had many die because of that before, when you did
nothing because you thought it would be ok, it might lead one to
try a treatment. Love, the hypochondriac iatrogenist <OK,
excuse me for coming into this part-way through! The photos are a
bit blurry and to be honest I can see much of anything. But going
back through Bob's comments. I agree with him you don't
need salt. A little salt won't harm a platy, to be sure, but
it doesn't do anything good. Platies need hard/alkaline
water, but contrary to myth, salt doesn't add anything in
this regard. You need to get a bit of coral sand or crushed
oyster shell and add this to the filter, to act as a chemical
filter medium. As it dissolves (slowly) it raises the pH and the
hardness. Your Platies will thank you! He's also right about
temperature. Mollies alone of the common livebearers appreciate a
little extra warmth, but certainly not 80F. Very few aquarium
fish want that. 75 to 77F is adequate and in fact healthier.
Letting things cool down slightly in winter is also beneficial.
One species of Platy, Xiphophorus variatus, is actually a
*subtropical* species and enjoys 68-70F, but since all the
Platies sold are hybrids, this is academic really. Now, when it
comes to "white patches" these can cover a variety of
things. Excess mucous production because of environmental stress
is common. This looks like off-white slime. Fungus can also cause
something similar, but it is usually distinctly thread-like, like
cotton wool. Then there are the various "slime
diseases" caused by any number of pathogens and problems.
These mix excess mucous with sheets of dead skin. As Bob has
said, adding chemicals *without* knowing the exact problem is
dangerous. Imagine as if your medical doctor just randomly pulled
stuff off his medicine shelf without checking out your symptoms
first! Most medications are more or less toxic themselves, and
work by killing the pathogen before they manage to kill the fish
(just like most human medications, it's only the dose and
duration that separates a medicine from a poison). So, until
you're sure your Platy is actually sick, don't treat him!
Observation and water tests are always the things to do before
reaching for a medication. Your Platy looks fine from what I can
make out from the photos. If you can send something that's in
focus and zooms in on the bit you thing "is bad" then
we can have another look. But otherwise concentrate on water
quality, water chemistry, and diet (Platies are herbivores and
need lots of greens to do well).> How come all of the other
people who write in having done just about the same things I
have, don't get those nice labels ? <Luck o' the draw
I guess.> And somebody actually kindly answers their
questions, giving them lots of comfort and information in the
process ? ; ) <There's a time for good bedside manners,
and then there's a time to wrestle someone down to the ground
and prise the bottle of pills out of their clenched, clammy
hands. Here's a news-flash: Most of the time, fish don't
need treatment. They have very robust immune systems. The fact
they thrive in such overcrowded, polluted conditions compared to
the wild as even a well maintained aquarium is a testament to the
fact that fish are extremely adaptable animals. All you as the
keeper need to do is provide conditions that approximate to what
they enjoy in the wild. In the case of Platies (and most other
livebearers) that means a tank with a moderate water current,
lots of oxygen, a high level of hardness (ideally 15 dH upwards),
a decent level of carbonate hardness (ideally 10 KH or more), a
high pH (7.5-8.0), and a moderate temperature (75 F). Diet should
be at least 50% algae or plant based -- either livebearer flake,
Sushi Nori, or green kitchen scraps of various kinds like lettuce
or cucumber. The rest of the diet can be regular flake or better
yet frozen bloodworms and other insect larvae. But that's it!
Livebearers are generally very, VERY easy to keep animals if you
manage to get all those things line up nicely. Experienced
fishkeepers hardly ever treat their tanks because their fish
don't get sick in the first place. There's no magic
involved or even anything difficult. It really is a "follow
the numbers" hobby where stuff works if you do everything in
the correct way. Good luck! Neale>

Wasting platy... hypochondria, a/the
"western" ethic/syndrome 6/21/07 Hello
!! I've read a lot on your website, but still wanted to see what
you would say about my platy. <Okay> My tank is 4 weeks, 3 days
old. The Ph and hardness tested consistently for three weeks, so
I've gone to checking only ammonia (nitrate/nitrite test strips).
(Is that ok ?) It is a 20 gallon tank. <Ok...> I would never add
fish again more than one at a time or without preventative MelaFix
treatment <I wouldn't rely on this homeopathic
"remedy" for much> (currently I have no quarantine tank)
but I have had up to 14 fish in my tank (following guidelines for
adding fish that came with my tank) and now I'm down to 5. The last
one to die was about a week and a half ago. My tank has been medicated
with MelaFix and CopperSafe. <Why? As in "what for"?>
I'm finished with the MelaFix for now, the CopperSafe has been in
for a week and a half to two weeks. I had removed the active charcoal
and that left only my biological sponge filter during the MelaFix
treatment, and in ignorance, because of all of the disease, <Of what
nature?> I did away with my sponge and now have had a new one for
only four days. The ammonia seems already to have peaked and fallen,
perhaps because of the old water/beneficial bacteria already present in
the tank in the rocks and on artificial plants etc. ? <Likely so>
So ... currently I have three platys, one guppy, and one black molly.
One of the platys just gave birth to 20 fry which I have in a floating
plastic breeder box (with artificial plant cover inside) in the same
tank. They are a week old and I haven't lost one yet despite my
'cycling trauma'. I have had aquarium salt added since almost
the beginning - recommended amount on container, and the temperature is
between 76 and 78 degrees F. With water changes, I have added back the
correct amount of salt and now CopperSafe. Any suggestions you have
regarding the fry or anything about tank maintenance are welcome ...
<Yes... to wait for another few weeks...> I've done regular
water changes and as I said, I think I'm towards the end of my
second 'cycling' ... my nitrates are at 20 ppm, nitrites at
1ppm, decreasing. <... these are toxic values... See WWM re> So
... my main question is about one of my platys. It started hiding about
three weeks ago when the first few fish died. And has hidden
increasingly until I'm not sure it has even been eating. It used to
come out at feeding times, but has stopped. yesterday when I realized
how much it seemed to have wasted, I put it in an empty breeder box. It
keeps itself 'upright' (not fallen over on it's side) by
resting in the grate at the bottom of the breeder box. It will swim to
the top to feed when I put food in. But spends the rest of the time
resting on the bottom. Breathing is definitely labored. I can't see
any external signs of disease. Just the hiding, severe wasting, and
also I noticed the few times it did swim freely in the tank, it
twitches and jerks. <Likely just the poisoning from the
nitrite...> I got some medicated food today - in case it is internal
parasites. But I wondered about fish tuberculosis. <... please... NO
more medicating... You're poisoning your system, the
livestock...> None of the other fish seem ill in the least - they
are all the healthiest they've been since I've had them - the
molly even seems to have come back from the brink of death after the
MelaFix treatment was finished and the CopperSafe was added (but has
white gills - is this normal? <No, and are not white gills... would
be dead... Maybe the branchiostegals are what you're seeing>
nothing hanging out of gills, just white) Since the other fish seem so
healthy and this one has been acting strangely for so long - can I
assume that all will be well with parasite treatment ? <... what
parasite?> Or do you think it's fish TB and the whole tank is
doomed ? Do I need to take immediate action of any kind (besides trying
the medicated food) ? My mom is bringing me a two gallon tank this
weekend which I was considering for a short time for the fry. Should I
make it a hospital tank instead ? Or is that too small ? <I think
you're subject to the general ethic of the "west"...
"buying things" and hypochondria... Best to just wait, let
all re-center here... Focus on the world you've made, are making...
read re getting rid of the nitrite and nitrate...> Thank you very
much - I am so very grateful for your site and for all of your
knowledge and experience. Jennifer Whiteford <Read my friend...
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsubwebindex.htm Bob
Re: wasting platy Dear Mr.
Fenner, Thank you so much for answering my mail. Believe it or not
I've read most of what is contained in the link you sent me, I just
can't go back in time and make it so that I did everything
'right' to start with. <I see> Sorry I gave incomplete
information about why I had medicated my tank. I started out with two
fish for cycling my tank, <Not a good practice... often
over-stresses the stock... Introduces pathogens... sound familiar?>
but added five more fish a week later, and six more fish the week after
that. I realize that is a recipe for disaster. And it's hard to
remember precisely when what happened to which ones now, but I
medicated my tank first of all with Melafix <Correction...
"Melafix" is not a medication...> because the first few
fish that died (died right after adding the first several new fish to
the tank and was also one of the new fish - all had been well up until
then) had whitish clearish tissuey stuff hanging off of them (which had
to have been extremely fast-growing because it wasn't visible until
the fish were nearly dead) and the person at the fish store, looking at
my dead fish, recommended that's what I use. Then even with the
MelaFix treatment, several more fish died <...> and the
conclusion I was coming to was velvet. <...> My black molly
seemed to be following suit <... doesn't live in the same water
quality as...> with the others and one person at the store who I
consider very knowledgeable, listening to how some of the other fish
were acting when they died, and listening to how my molly was behaving
recommended CopperSafe to treat for velvet. <My friend, please stop!
Do investigate a bit further than my and this stores opinions... you
are responsible for the life here> I think most of the fish did have
velvet. What I had been reading about fish diseases matched up with
what the store clerks said both of these times, so I went ahead with
the treatments. So the answer to your questions ... treating for what
... Mela-fix for what looked like a bacterial/fungal infection (I also
had some fin and tail rot), and CopperSafe for velvet. <...> I do
realize that my fish were more prone to disease because of the nitrites
and the cycling and the stress of how quickly everything was done.
<Oh? Then why do you continue to expose them? Why did you keep
adding more?> From now on, I'll go with my gut and with sound
scientific information and not what impatient husbands and children and
simple pet store instructions say. <Yay!> I apologize for being
one of those irresponsible, uninformed people, but I've done all I
can so far to better myself and will continue. <Good resolve>
Even though all of my other fish seem to be thriving, the fry also, you
really think it's the nitrites making this one platy behave so
extremely and waste away so much ? <This and/or the treatment/s>
Definite 'No' to the medicated food ? <For what? Unless
you're very sure of what you're treating... I would NOT
continue to further damage these animals with chemical exposure>
Even though the nitrate/nitrite levels are even lower this morning than
reported in my e-mail last night, do you think I should just water
change as much as it takes to get everything to zero, or allow the tank
to finish cycling ? <Please see WWM re...> What sort of situation
would call for sterilizing a tank/starting over ? I can't get over
feeling like everything is tainted with that first whitish-clearish
tissuey stuff. I think all of the disease ( though I do recognize my
part in it) came from a bad 'batch' of fish that were already
sick at the store. It's funny how looking back I had a negative
feeling about every too-quick decision I've made, and now I have
the info. for why. The fish that I was concerned about even before they
started to show symptoms and had an unexplainable 'urge' to
take them back or get them away from the other fish ... I'm
learning a lot not only about how to do this right, but about listening
to myself. If I could do it all over, I certainly know exactly how I
would do it and what not to do again. Can a two gallon with a bubbler,
but no power filter be used as a quarantine tank ... like ... in the
far future when I add fish one at a time and only after I've kept
them outside of my main tank for several weeks ? Or is it imperative
that I get a larger tank ? I'd like to have two tanks running for
fish that need isolation ... either because of illness or because they
are new. I have limited space, so given the limits, I'd just like
to know the most responsible way I can do that. Thank you so much for
your time and patience and such a quick response, Jennifer Whiteford
<Have just skipped down. Please peruse WWM re FW set-up, cycling,
disease... env./induced. BobF>
Re: wasting platy Haha ...
hypochondria. I saw that. I wish. Thanks < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypochondria. B>
Re: wasting platy (no response
necessary) This has been a month-long process now. I thought I was
acting responsibly in the beginning, but I was not and had no way of
knowing it . I found your website two weeks ago and have found many
answers here. I did find even more last night and today. In the already
messed up situation I found myself in from adding too many fish too
quickly, not allowing the tank to cycle completely etc, I think
I've done the best I could do. <Good> The Mela-fix didn't
seem to fix anything or save any fish and I wouldn't use it again,
wish I had found this site and read about it sooner, but I do think the
velvet diagnosis was accurate and the CopperSafe has halted that,
brought the molly back. I have also discovered now that she's well
that she picks on my platys entirely too much and shouldn't be in
the same tank with them. I have read that they prefer brackish water
and that unless they are in a really big tank, they shouldn't be
with platys. The people in the pet store assured me that these fish
would be fine together. Like I said ... I didn't know not to trust
anybody back then. I'm learning. <Also> Now that I have my
wasting platy in a breeder box, she is feeding and pooping. She seems
like she feels better and is swimming around a bit more. With her in
the box, I can see her very closely while she is holding still and I
see some white things, not stringy, sticking out from her gill covers,
can't tell if it's peeling ON them, or something coming from
inside them, and either she is peeling or has some white things
attached to her side. I will continue to study her and look up more
info on parasites to try and determine which thing it is. Peeling or
critters. I'll reference your site for how to treat it if it's
critters. I'm guessing something besides 'medicine'.
<Yes... good, consistent water quality, nutrition... Unless there is
an obvious, identifiable pathogen, I would avoid chemical
treatments> I see now that a two-gallon isn't an ideal QT but
might be ok for a short time for one of these small fish with the
addition of a heater. I also did find where many people asked about
white gills on a black molly and it is well established in your
articles that this is just part of the fish, not their actual gills.
<Yes> I was hoping anybody besides you would have answered my
mail because it is well-documented how you insist on punishing people,
<Mmm, no interest, value in such> but that's ok - I can
handle that. I do apologize because I guess my e-mail was unnecessary
now that I have answered my own questions with more research and
further observation. Sorry to have been 'one of those people'.
<Mmmm?> I'm a slow processor ... ( Although I think a chatty
person who enjoys giving other people helpful information whether or
not they 'deserve' it might have responded well to my emails.)
Love your site, and your crew, Jennifer <Thank you, BobF>
Platy Tank, hlth.
4/18/07 <<Tom here. (Didn't catch your name from
your post so I'm sorry I can't 'personalize' this a
little more. ;) >> I have three platies in a five gallon tank.
There are two females and one male. Two days after buying them from
Petco, the gold twin bar platy had a white spot on her tail fin. She
feeds fine, but she keeps her fins clamped and doesn't move very
much. I think she might have ick. <<I'd be more concerned
about the clamped fins now than a single, white spot.>> The
temperature is at a constant 77 degrees.
<<Okay'¦>> She is chased sometimes by the other
two fish and might be stressed out. <<I can practically guarantee
it.>> Should we exchange her? <<No. With our help,
hopefully, we'll get her back on her feet (fins?). The store will
only destroy her in, Lord only knows, what fashion. Let's give her
a chance.>> Should we put salt in the tank? How much if so?
<<Good way to go. If you can elevate the tank's temperature
to the low-80's, please do so 'slowly. Also, purchase some
'aquarium' salt at your pet store (Kosher salt from the
supermarket will work well, too). Remove about one gallon of water from
the tank. Dissolve one-and-a-half to two tablespoons of the salt into
fresh, dechlorinated water and add this to the tank. >> We have
two plants that might have spread ick. Or is that possible?
<<First, your plants most certainly could have been carrying the
parasites. Second, and unfortunately, the salt is likely going to do
them in -- the downside of treating with salt. It's a safe and
effective way to treat some of the problems that occur with fish but
plants don't fare well with it.>> Respond as soon as
possible! <<I'll take that as a desperate plea for assistance
rather than an order. ;) Post back with my name if you need further
help/clarification with anything. Tom>>
Re: Platy Tank, hlth.
4/19/07 Tom, <<Hello, Elisabet. A pleasure.>>
We are heating the tank now. Thanks for the help. <<Good, and
happy to help.>> We decided to remove the plants and put them in
a separate container. <<Excellent.>> Then we would add salt
to the tank until everyone was happy again. <<Yes. This will take
bit of time, however. You can research this but, in a nutshell, if
we're dealing with Ich, it's life cycle is 'sped up' at
higher temperatures (what we're trying to achieve). The salt is
effective only when the parasite is in the 'infant' stage, i.e.
looking for a host fish to infest. (This is true of any treatment that
fights Ich.) In the meantime, the salt will also assist the fish in
breathing and help in dealing with external wounds the fish might have.
(Ich will leave wounds on the fish as the cysts- the 'white
spots' - drop off.)>> Then after a few water changes of
adding no salt the salt level would drop and we could add the plants
again. Would that be OK? <<Certainly. The salt remains unless you
perform water changes so you'll need to actually change the water
in order to get the salt level down. (Some folks think that simply
adding water lowers the salt level. Not so. You have to remove some
tank water and replace it with fresh, unsalted water.)>> Elisabet
<<I'll be here if you need more assistance.
Re: Platy Tank, hlth.
4/19/07 Tom, <<Hello, again.>> The red female
platy is very, very aggressive toward the other, sick
one. She constantly chases her and bites. Maybe she needs
some more tankmates? <<Not uncommon in the animal
world, Elisabet. What seems "cruel" to us as humans makes
perfect sense to animals. Your healthy Platy sees the sick one as a
"weakling", one unable to protect or procreate. Isolate the
sick Platy if at all possible. Beyond that, we're going to have to
let Nature take its course. Not what you want to hear, I know.
wasting platy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypochondria I know what
hypochondria is. I even know what Munchausen is. lol <I see> I
have gotten your point. People who don't have perfect water and
haven't read volumes before they get fish have no right to ask any
questions. I'm reading, I'm reading. Can't read any faster.
<Heeee! Take your time, no rush! RMF> Re: wasting platy
Giving medicated food. Peeling maybe from scratching ... severe weight
loss, hiding, jerking, white stringy poop ... On my limited experience,
I don't know how else to be any more sure of an internal parasite
besides slicing the fish. <Unfortunately, the state of our
understanding, abilities currently...> And sorry, I just don't
believe I'm poisoning my fish. The fry would have been long gone or
suffered in some way. Haven't lost one. Creation is pretty darned
resilient. ; ) Thanks for everything, Jennifer <Agreed... or else
"it" wouldn't be here. Cheers, BobF>
Platy Disease?
5/22/07 In the beginning for my 10G tank I had quite a bit for
problems. All the fish died but left behind they're little babies,
guppies and platies. I added some Hets and white clouds a while back.
Nothing was wrong and everything proceeded very well with the babies. A
few days again I added a small Pleco. <Mmm, most
"members" of this common name get way too large for such a
small volume> I began to notice small white specks on the tails of
my platies but not the guppies. I thought ick so I did treat them for
three days. <With what?> It didn't seem to get better or
worse but at the end of the three days, last night, I noticed a problem
with one of my baby platies. It has a small bit of white on the tip of
it's black tail. The thing that got me the most is that the platy
is spiraling and flipping in the water. It's back tail doesn't
move as it swims. The platy's still eating, catching food that
falls by it or spiraling to the top and eating there. When the
platy's not doing this it stays vertical with it's tail facing
up. It seems like the fish has no/very little control over it's
movements. Any suggestions? <... Depends on what your water quality
readings are... The "medication" you used may have killed or
stalled your biofiltration... it could have poisoned the young
outright... There are often troubles with young fishes... Please read
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/platydisfaqs.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Platy thin and lethargic
3/31/07 I noticed that my platy is suddenly very thin and looks
like she is having problems opening her mouth. She does try to eat, but
doesn't seem very successful. When I first set up the tank I'd
had some ammonia problems <Trouble...> and she developed purple
gills that have never cleared up. <Yes, possible> Am I having
more ammonia problem or did she give birth or is there some other
problems? I have 5 others, 3 female and 2 male that are doing fine.
Thanks! Julie <Mmm, that others of the same species are fine is
indicative of your having no endogenous problem... perhaps this one
fish was damaged by the transient ammonia exposure... Only time
can/will tell here. I would not try to "treat" these fish
with chemicals. Bob Fenner>
My Mickey mouse platy! No useful
data 3/16/2007 Hello I have a Mickey mouse platy that is
exceptionally thin, I noticed it yesterday and I am planning to bring
it to a local pet store tomorrow, its gills are red and its really
thin. Could you tell me what it is or is it going to die? Will it
affect others in the tank as well? <Possibly... Please read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/platydisfaqs.htm and
the linked files above... You provide no useful information re water
quality, set-up, maint., feeding... BobF>
Re: My Mickey mouse platy! (follow-up
information) -- 03/17/07 <<Hi, Derek. Tom this
time.>> Oops, so sorry about that, well there's a little
algae, temperature is 78, pH and everything is fine. Well, there was a
bullying platy; took him out after symptoms occurred. Could it possibly
be Hexamita and Spironucleus? <<Could but there are other
diseases/conditions that could cause this as well. The problem here is
linking the reddening of the gills together with the 'wasting'
of the fish. Not a 'silver bullet' but I would try adding some
aquarium salt to the quarantine tank. This would help alleviate
problems the fish may have with breathing by improving the gill
function. In so doing, it will also help alleviate stress on the fish
and could, potentially, get your Platy eating.>> And could this
possibly spread throughout the tank? He is quarantined now, and I am
hoping you could help me with this. Thanks! <<The fact that this
Platy was being 'bullied' helps and, at the same time, hinders
making a hard diagnosis here, Derek. Frequently, a sick fish will be
picked on by its healthy tank mates, i.e. the 'illness' came
first. In other cases, the bullying, itself, can keep a fish from
feeding adequately, or at all, and bring on stress-related symptoms.
Medicating without knowing what to medicate for would likely be a waste
of time and money. The aquarium salt is a safe route to take and, in
combination with quarantine, help us to eliminate some possibilities.
With a bit of good fortune, both will bring your pet around to good
health again or, at the least, narrow things down for us. Best of luck
to you and your Platy. Tom>>
Re: My Mickey mouse platy! (follow-up
information) 3/18/07 <<Hello again,
Derek.>> Thanks, well the aquarium salt I bought didn't work
well and it is dying currently. <<Sorry to hear this,
Derek.>> Could I possibly tame the bullying platy because it is a
rare fish and I don't want to just kill it. Got any tips?
<<One possibility is to purchase a plastic breeding container and
sequester the 'bully' in it while keeping it in the tank. Some
folks have used clear plastic bags filled with tank water and floated
these the same way you might when acclimating a new fish. The point of
this is that the other fish can swim around the tough guy without
getting bullied and your 'roughneck' finds that trying to
fin-nip or chase is futile. Unless he's a complete rogue, one or
two of these sessions is all he'll need to discontinue his bad
behavior. Animals rarely pursue activities that don't yield what
they perceive as a 'positive' result. Doesn't always work
but I think it's worth a try before giving up in him.
Platy troubles 9/25/06 Hi.
Some background first, so bear with me- Our first platy died a month
ago. Suddenly and without warning. Nothing looked externally wrong with
him and our water checked out fine, so we didn't think too much
about it. Sometimes fish just die. <Yes... often without apparent
cause> That was stupid. So last week we noticed that one of our
other platys was acting strange. Sitting listlessly in the corner,
breathing hard, pooping white stuff, <Bad signs> but still
eating. Other than that he looked fine. And again we checked our water
and it was fine. After spending exhausting hours searching the net
trying to figure out what the heck was wrong with him, I decided to try
to treat him for internal parasites because it was the closest I could
find to his symptoms. Put him in a hospital tank and gave him Parasite
Clear. Tried to feed him medicated food, but wouldn't touch it.
That's when it got ugly. He started to poop out this horrible white
poop- for hours! It was awful. Then when he was done, he died. I felt
horrible. Now I was worried about the rest of the tank, which was
acting and looking just fine. So I took my water and fish to the LFS.
My water tested fine as I suspected and they couldn't find any
external signs of disease. <Would need microscopic exam... including
feces...> So their recommendation was to treat the entire tank with
erythromycin, <?! No... what will an antibiotic do?> thinking
that it was probably an internal bacterial infection. <Extremely
rare...> They swore up and down the meds wouldn't kill my
African dwarf frog and snail. So I went home and then I noticed that
one of my platys had lost a patch of color on its head. Not fungus, or
a growth, or anything like that- the scales were still there, the color
was just gone in that one spot. Frustrated I went ahead and used the
antibiotic, but my questions are this- 1. Does this seem like a
bacterial infection? I couldn't find anything on your website with
exact symptoms. <... no> 2. Am I using the right antibiotics?
<There isn't any... in this scenario, that are
"right"> 3. Am I hurting my frog and snail? <Not
helping them... though low toxicity...> I know snails usually
can't handle most meds. And will they catch whatever it is, or
should I just take them out. <Better to have/house elsewhere for
now> 4. My ammonia has spiked dangerously in the last 12hrs of
putting in the meds, <... yes... killed off nitrifying
bacteria...> is it okay to do a water change? Or will it make the
antibiotic less effective. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
<Where to start here? I would have done what you did initially...
treated sequentially with an anti-protozoal (Metronidazole/Flagyl),
then a vermifuge... likely Praziquantel... Too many
"adopted"/imported pathogenic problems nowadays... w/o
serious attention paid (by importers, wholesalers AND retailers... let
alone end-users... i.e. hobbyists) to quarantine, isolation of new
livestock... Too much to re-state here... Please, if you have earnest
interest, read starting here:
and the linked files above... do this when you have time, can be
calm... BobF>
Sick Platy - 06/07/2006 Hi, <Good evening.>
I've had a high-fin blue platy for around 9 months now. She is in a
tank with a smaller yellow platy and around 15 fry who are getting big
enough to go to the pet store. <Neat!> It is a 10-gal tank. About
two or three of the fry are the size you would see for sale in a pet
store. I think overcrowding is becoming an issue with the fry
maturing. <Err, yeah, at that size I'd say so.>
Recently, the blue platy has been lethargic and seems to not want to
eat flake food (sucks it in and spits it out). She was eating some
dried brine shrimp, but now will not. Just tonight, she passed some
strange orange transparent feces. it looked a bit like a transparent
sack of orange goo. <This may just be the brine shrimp
passing, but I suspect more. Urgently test your water
quality - ammonia and nitrite should be ZERO, nitrate less than
20ppm. If these are not so, do water changes right away to
fix them.> She also has 5-6 spots on her tail fin only, and they
seem to be getting fuzzy. These spots showed up a few weeks ago when
the behavior started, and I thought it might be a fungus; I used Fungus
Clear tablets and the spots went away (at least I couldn't see them
anymore)....but they have returned. <Possibly a fungal infection,
maybe bacterial.... I would remove this fish to a separate,
dedicated quarantine tank for treatment and treat with Kanamycin or
Nitrofurazone.> I can't find any mention of the strange orange
feces on the net, any thoughts? <I suspect that this was
just the passing of the brine shrimp coupled with the fact that the
fish is ill. I would definitely quarantine the fish at the
least, and consider treating as above.> Thanks, -Brian
<Glad to be of service. Wishing you
well, -Sabrina>