FAQs on Platy Diseases/Health
FAQs on Platy Disease:
Platy Disease 1, Platy Disease 2, Platy Disease 3, Platy Disease 4, Platy Disease 5, Platy Health 7,
Platy Health 8,
Platy Health 9,
Platy Health 10,
Platy Health 11, Platy Health ,
FAQs on Platy Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Social, Infectious (Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Genetic, Treatments,
Related Articles: Platies, Poeciliids:
Guppies, Platies, Swordtails, Mollies by Neale Monks,
Livebearing Fishes by Bob
Related FAQs: Platies 1,
Platies 2, Platy Identification, Platy Behavior, Platy Compatibility, Platy Selection, Platy Systems, Platy Feeding, Platy Reproduction, Livebearers, Guppies, Swordtails, Mollies,

Re: Male platy with what looks like
cotton mouth plus 2 ADFs who are turning white.
One last point of potential interest. I have been leaving the
tank dark for most of the day. I was told that the medications
and supplemental bacteria are more effective in a dark tank.
<Nope. Again, your retailer exhibiting skill at marketing to
the uninformed rather than offering useful advice. Antibiotics
will work regardless of light intensity. Carbon, on the other
hand, will remove many medications from the water, so if you use
carbon, you have to remove it from the filter. Did your retailer
mention that?>
I have had the light on for about one hour in the morning while
feeding, then off to add life bearer and bacteria, then on for a
couple of hours late afternoon/early evening then off to add
<Couldn't make the least difference.>
Again, thanks for your help.
<Happy to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Fwd: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus 2
ADFs who are turning white. 2/10/10
Hi Neale,
My original message is below. Thanks again and cheers.
<Diana, you sent 32 (!!!) images and I really don't have
the time to go through them all. Please, send one or two that are
germane to the issue at hand, and I'd be happy to examine it.
Nonetheless, my basic argument
stands. This tank of yours is far too small for the livestock
being kept, and in the case of the Platy, some combination of
Finrot, Fungus and/or Columnaris is to blame. These three
diseases are caused by chronically poor water quality, so I'd
urge you to review the needs of Platies, and act accordingly. If
euthanasia is appropriate, do read here:
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus 2
ADFs who are turning white. 2/10/10
Thank you Neale, your responses are very helpful. I have a
feeling, though, that you may not have received my original email
regarding my poor sick fish and the attached pictures. I've
got your thoughts on my supplemental
emails but not yet on the real problem-namely my platy with no
mouth and his chance for survival. I have resent it.
Thanks again,
<It's the tank! The tank! It's too small! The fact the
fish has mouth fungus (Columnaris, actually a bacterial
infection) is incidental to the fact a tank this small cannot
provide the right water quality (0 ammonia, 0 nitrite) and stable
water chemistry (for Platies, pH 7.5, 10+ degrees dH) that the
fish needs. If the fish has no mouth and can't eat, then yes,
euthanasia is appropriate. But killing fish that don't
survive in this tank won't fix the fundamental problems.
Anything else in there will, eventually, go the same way as this
Platy. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth
plus 2 ADFs who are turning white. - 2/10/10
Dear Neale,
<Hello Diana,>
I have read through your website extensively looking for
help with my situation. While I didn't find exactly
what I was looking for I did notice that most readers asked
questions while giving you little or no practical
information (i.e. water reading, photos, etc.). So, as not
to waste your time I tried to be thorough and give you what
I had hoped was helpful data so that you could assess my
situation accurately. In trying to do this it appears that
I have done just the opposite as evidenced by your response
below. I am sorry.
<It's okay. But we do have limited e-mail space, and
if folks send 32 images, as you did last time, or 3 MB of
images, as you did this time, cause problems for other
people. If the e-mail space is used up by one message with
lots of photos, then other peoples' messages get
bounced back. So it's not about me being crotchety, but
more about making this a level playing field for everyone.
We do ask for people to send around 500 KB
images, right on the page where our address is
I have attached two images, one of my frog and one of my
Water readings today: 7.0ph, 0ppm nitrite, 0ppm ammonia,
temp 80 deg.
<A little warm for Platies, and the low pH suggests a
low hardness, and that's crucial for Platies. Check
what the hardness is, and if necessary, harden the
No carbon filter.
I just do not see how the sick platy can possibly survive
and after reading the article you sent I may decide to put
him down today. That leaves me with just the two seemingly
healthy fish.
<For now.>
I understand now that the tank is too small for what is
living in it.
I was obviously misinformed by the place that sold me the
<The "misinformed" bit is the key. As I've
stated, and as I'm sure you know deep down, you
don't buy pet animals without at least reading one book
beforehand. Any aquarium book would tell you what Platies
need in terms of
aquarium size, water chemistry, and temperature.>
But, this is what I have and I would like to try to give
them the best care possible in a tank that is healthy.
<Hmm... unfortunately, life doesn't work this
Until this tragedy they had all coexisted nicely for over a
<Indeed. While the fish are small, the loading on the
filter and water buffering capacity isn't too great.
But a threshold point comes where the fish have grown so
big the filter and aquarium capacity aren't enough.
Conditions start to go bad, the fish become more and more
stressed, and then various diseases get
So, in that spirit, can you advise me as to what to do
<I'd be lying if I told you there was a solution.
With the best will in the world, a 5 gallon tank isn't
adequate for Platies. Sure, more frequent water changes
will help, and check the water hardness (especially
carbonate hardness) will go towards keeping pH stable. But
still... it's little boy's finger in the leaking
Should I give the two Platies back to the store
that sold them to me and keep only the frogs?
<If you really want to keep this 5 gallon tank, then
Thanking you again,
<Happy to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton
mouth plus 2 ADFs who are turning white.
Dear Neal,
Thank you again for your help. My sick platy has died and I have
a few questions about how to proceed.
<I'm sorry he died.>
1. I am inclined to return the two other Platies to the store and
keep just the frogs and snails in my tank.
I am assuming I should continue to treat the tank with the full
12 day supply of antibiotics (tonight will be treatment #6)
before doing so.
<I'd stop treating if none of the other fish have symptoms
of disease. Overuse of medications can cause problems of their
own, and since Finrot-type infections are opportunistic and
latent in all aquaria, it's not like you can "kill
off" the disease in any meaningful way. In other words,
prophylactic treatment is pointless.>
2. Should I continue treating with the Life Bearer medication? If
so for how long? (none of the surviving creatures are exhibiting
signs of fungus or protozoa but the platy with the mouth
infection who died did)
<Only medicate if fish show symptoms of disease. If they
don't, don't medicate.>
3. When should I start water changes? Immediately or after
treatments stop? Should I change the filter material and
reintroduce charcoal?
<Water changes should be regular and as frequent as possible.
It's wise to do a 25% water change when you stop medicating,
primarily because during treatment you're not usually allowed
to do water changes. But medications
typically get broken down within a day, so the idea you need to
flush them out is a bit misleading. In any case, yes, do a water
change tonight, and then get back to the normal 25-50% water
changes per week. Do review how
filters work. Changing biological media (e.g., sponges) is
hazardous because you throw out the filter bacteria, so normally
you should simply rinse them off in a bucket of aquarium water,
and then put back in the filter. Only mechanical media (e.g.,
pads of filter floss) and chemical media (e.g., charcoal) need to
be replaced. In most freshwater tanks, charcoal is redundant. So
unless you have a problem with yellowing water or rapid pH drops,
I'd forget about carbon, and focus on biological
4. When can I give the tank a light cleaning? (plant pruning,
algae scrubbing, substrate vacuum etc.) I haven't wanted to
disturb my fish while they were healing and the tank looks a
little worse for wear.
<Clean whenever you want. It's a good idea to stir the
gravel with a pencil or chopstick just before you siphon out some
of the water, so you can slurp away some of the detritus.>
Thank you for your guidance,
<Happy to help.>
PS Per the question I had asked about my frog who looked like he
was turning white - he shed his skin. Found a perfect empty
little frog shaped skin floating in the tank this morning. Looked
a bit like a frog wet suit.
<This isn't at all normal. While they do shed small sheets
of skin all the time, shedding a lot of skin tends to suggest
irritation. It's like comparing the little bits of skin we
lose every day to an all-over sunburn!
Or more accurately, it's a way aquatic frogs deal with toxins
and parasites in the water. Not fatal or even dangerous in
itself, but if a frog is forced to react this way repeatedly,
it's stressful. So while I wouldn't lose any sleep just
yet, if the frog keeps shedding skin, review water quality and
act accordingly. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus 2
ADFs who are turning white.
Thank you.
<Most welcome. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus 2
ADFs who are turning white. 2/11/10
Dear Neale,
One last set of questions and I think I will be all set:
<By all means.>
I did a 50% water change today, replaced the filter pad, trimmed
up the plants, scrubbed the algae, "vacuumed" the sand
and added some beneficial bacteria.
<Why? Why? There's really no such thing as a potion that
adds beneficial bacteria. The bacteria are there already;
they're either happy or they're not. It's really up
to you to create the favourable conditions. Please please please
save your pennies for a bigger tank, rather than wasting it on
stuff you don't need.>
Everyone seems to be doing well.
I had added 3 teaspoons of salt to the tank last week during the
first 3 days of medication. I added 1 teaspoon today when I
changed the water. So I have about 2.5 teaspoons of salt in the 5
gallon tank presently.
<Again, why? Salt brings nothing useful to this system. Have a
read here:
Salt is one of those things shops will happily sell, but hardly
any beginners have a clue about what it can do.>
I have read WWM that Platies love salt in their water but frogs
not so much.
<Platies tolerate salt; they don't love it. There's a
big difference. I tolerate girlfriends who smoke, but I don't
smoke myself. So it is with your Platies; they'll put up with
salt at low doses rather better than most other fish, but they
don't come from brackish water habitats. At this trivially
low salinity, the salt won't inhibit Finrot or Fungus; to
that, you'd need enough salt to kill the frogs (or at least
severely stress them). So you're doing something here with no
benefits and plenty of risks.>
Should I add more salt or am I good?
<"Good" isn't the word I'd use. Diana,
please take this in the spirit of helpfulness in which it is
meant: you're reacting, but you're not understanding.
It's time to sit back, read a book on frog or fishkeeping,
read through some of the articles I've sent you to, and try
to understand what's going on. Once you understand the
situation, you'll be able to care for these animals rather
Also, I am slowly reducing the temp of the tank. What would the
ideal temp be for the Platies and frogs while they are sharing
the tank?
<25 C.>
Once I am sure the Platies are indeed healthy I will be returning
them to the store. Once they are gone and I have only frogs in
the tank what is the proper temp and should I discontinue any use
of salt?
<Yes, stop with the salt already.>
Thanks again for your help. You have been very patient with me
and I am grateful for your advice.
<I am always pleased to help.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton
mouth plus 2 ADFs who are turning white. 2/23/2010
Dear Neale,
Diana here again. My second Platy has passed away.
<Oh dear.>
I am now down to one platy who has started to show signs of the
same mouth condition that killed my first and I am not sure how
to treat it this time around. Last time I treated the tank with a
combo of Life Bearer and Metronidazole on a daily basis for 8
<Do water changes when medications are done. Remember not to
use carbon while medicating, but you can use carbon when
"cleaning up" after medicating to mop up any
Tank now has one platy and two ADFs.
PH 7.2, Nitrate 0ppm, ammonia 0ppm,
<Good. pH a bit low for Platies, but depends rather more on
the hardness than anything else. Platies hate soft water.>
temp 77 degrees
<Bit warm for Platies, to be honest, but shouldn't kill
After initial 50% water change I have performed two 20% water
changes and added no salt.
In addition I have purchased a gravel vacuum and have been
cleaning small patches of the sand on the bottom during these
<All good.>
I have also added a BioMax filter insert.
<Not really sure what BioMax might be... some type of
biological filter media? That's good.>
Thanks again,
<Happy to help.>
PS So far my frogs appear to be holding up although they are
hiding more and eating less than in the past. Understandable
considering everything this tank has been through in the last
<Yes, indeed.>
I am feeding them every other day at this point to reduce the
<Is ample of Hymenochirus spp. Stick a thin slice of cucumber
in the tank for the Platy to peck at; this'll provide some
energy, but without much protein, so water quality won't be
harmed. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton
mouth plus 2 ADFs who are turning white. -- 2/23/10
Thank you Neale.
<My pleasure.>
Yes, you are correct, BioMax is a biological filter material.
Figure this will allow me to change the flossy pad (and all the
fish poop that it collects) without throwing out my bacteria
colony at the same time.
<Yes; ceramic media lasts ten years or more, especially if
rinses regularly to keep the pores from becoming irredeemably
Are you recommending that I repeat the same round of medications
for this fish that I did for the others that died (Life Bearer
and Metronidazole)?
<No, wouldn't do any more medicating. Would suggest
sitting back, leaving things to stabilise for now.>
Or, is there another course that you feel would be more
beneficial? And, if you are recommending the same course, should
the two meds be administered at the same time or one in the
morning and one at night?
<Shouldn't make any difference when in the day you dose.
But do follow the instructions on the packet.>
Will slowly drop the water temp a bit to 75 degrees and am off to
purchase a water hardness kit today.
<Cool. If you have hard water, you probably know, because the
kettle furs up and the washing machine needs water softener, like
Calgon, added to each load. If you have a domestic water
softener, don't use that water in the
tank, but rather the unsoftened water from the drinking water tap
(it's usually recommended you don't drink softened
So grateful for your advice!!
<Good luck, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus 2
ADFs who are turning white.
Thank you. I do not have high hopes after seeing what happened to
platy #1 with the cotton mouth, it looked like a very painful
<Certainly stressful.>
And, platy #3 is already having a hard time eating, if he is even
eating at all.
<Wouldn't push it. Fish can go a couple of weeks without
food, no problems.
Much better to focus on water quality.>
I will add the cucumber and will wait and see with my fingers
<Good luck, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus 2
ADFs who are turning white.
This is silly but...
1. Should I peel the cucumber (I am thinking yes) or do they like
the peel?
<Makes no odds.>
2. should I anchor it to something or let it float?
<I use lead weights to hold it down. But Platies will peck at
floating cucumber, too.>
3. how often do ADFs need to eat? Should I be feeding them daily
or a couple of times per week?
<"A little, but often" is a good approach. Daily if
you want, but not too much, and their bellies should be gently
convex, never swollen.>
Thanks again,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus 2
ADFs who are turning white.
BioMax is the ceramic rings layer in Hagan's AquaClear Power
Filter (top layer) and also Fluval.
<Would seem to be the case. Thank you.>
I'm glad I got a chance to write because I wanted to offer
you what our NASCAR drivers often take in times of stress:
<Yikes! Sometimes I need the industrial strength alternative
though... there are only so many sick Bettas a guy can read about
without needing a (very) stiff drink.>
It'll make you an honorary Southerner.
<My mom, Chicago girl that she was, would be horrified at the
thought. But the sentiment is much appreciated!>
Charlotte, NC
<Take care, and thanks for writing! Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus 2
ADFs who are turning white.
Once again thank you. You are a wonderful source of information,
as is WWM!
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton
mouth plus 2 ADFs who are turning white. -- 02/25/10
Dear Neale,
<Hello again Diana,>
Well, just when I thought I had gotten everything squared
away...here I am asking for your help once again.
As promised I purchased a water hardness kit today, and I am glad
I did!
And, after reading the results I am beginning to see where things
started to go terribly wrong (above and beyond having too many
fish in my tank which I now know was the heart of my
My temp is 75 degrees, ph is 7.2, ammonia and nitrite still 0, GH
is 196.9 and the KH is off the chart!
<In itself, hard water isn't bad. Hard water fish -- such
as livebearers, Rainbowfish and shell-dwelling cichlids -- will
love this "liquid rock". On the other hand, there are
soft water fish -- like Neons and Rasboras -- that wouldn't
like it at all. Here in Southern England liquid rock just like
this is very common, and not an impediment to successful
But you do need to be careful about what fish you choose.>
And when I say off the chart I mean it - the highest the chart
measures is 12 drops of solution to change the water from green
to yellow. It took 28 drops for me to accomplish the color change
with my sample of tank water.
I tested my tap water and it turned in 3 drops - 53.7.
<Okay, so while your tap water is fairly soft, your aquarium
water has been much hardened. This would mean you've added
something to the water in the tank. On the whole I recommend
against that unless you know precisely what you're doing and
why. If your tap water is soft, it's best to choose fish that
like soft water, and simply do regular water changes (25% weekly
is fine) and largely ignore water chemistry. It really depends on
what sort of fishkeeping you want to do. If you just want a tank
of pretty fish for minimal effort, then test your tap water,
determine whether it's hard or soft water, and then choose
either hard or soft water species. If you want to keep specific
types of fish, perhaps because you want to breed them, then you
may need to adjust the water chemistry to match the requirements
of that species. That's usually harder work, so something
most hobbyists are better off avoiding.>
So I started thinking about what could be in that tank to cause
such a situation when I remembered that a while back I asked my
fish guy why all of my snails had thin shells with holes in them
- he suggested low calcium in the water and gave me some crushed
coral to put in the tank. It was not long after that I started
losing my snails, then my algae eater, then my 2 Platies.
<If you mess about with water chemistry, and don't fully
understand what you're doing, it is possible to stress or
kill your livestock.>
I have picked out as much of the coral that I can find and will
continue to remove any pieces that pop up during future
Additionally, I have been using Neutral Regulator to condition my
water (again as instructed by my fish guy - rather my ex fish
guy), which has been keeping my ph in the 7.0 range - not knowing
then as I do now that my fish prefer a higher ph.
<Now, this is where the wheels come off the wagon. It's
actually quite difficult to create an aquarium that's all
things to all fish. Much better is to choose fish that match the
water chemistry of your tap water, and therefore avoid having to
add anything to the tap water other than water conditioner (I
will remind you and other readers to avoid using water from a
domestic water softener because of its rather odd water
My question is this, what do I do now to get my water hardness
squared away in my tank.
<I'd do two things. Well, three really. First is establish
your local tap water chemistry. If I read your message right,
your tap water has fairly low General Hardness and Carbonate
Hardness; see the charts on the linked page to compare your
readings against these descriptions:
If you have water that isn't too hard, anything from
"soft" to "moderately/slightly hard" then you
can keep a wide range of species including tetras, barbs,
loaches, South American cichlids, gouramis and catfish. If the
water is "hard" or "very hard", then
you're better off with livebearers, goldfish, Rainbowfish,
Malawian cichlids, Central American cichlids, Tanganyikan
cichlids, and "critters" such as frogs, shrimps, and
I have found a lovely new aquarium supply store who has sent me
home with the following:
Water conditioner with no ph corrector ("Superbac")
African Cichlid Conditioner ("Nutrafin")
<The first product is useful, though no more or less so than
any other water conditioner. All you want from water conditioner
is that it removes chlorine, chloramine, copper, and ideally
ammonia (from agricultural run-off rather than your fish). Not
really sure why you need African cichlid conditioner since
you're not keeping any African cichlids, are you?>
How do I proceed with increasing water hardness and ph without
shocking the %#$@ out of my tank. And, do I need to increase both
KH and GH?
<Go slowly. Do 25% water changes once a week, and let the
water chemistry change that way. After a month, the tank should
essentially have the same water chemistry as your tap water.
Since this is fairly soft, that's ideal for soft water fish.
I'd rehome the Platy and the frog if at all possible, since
neither is likely to do well in soft water. Both prefer hard
If you explain to the nice man at the new pet store what the
situation is, it may well be that you'd be able to swap these
chaps for something appropriate to a soft water aquarium, like
half a dozen Neons.>
Also since my tank holds 1 platy and 2 ADFs what should my water
hardness and ph be to make both kinds of creatures happy.
<Now this is the tricky bit. To keep Platies happy, you need
moderately hard water, let's say about 10 degrees dH (178
mg/l calcium carbonate) with a pH around 7.5. If your tap water
is substantially below that, Platies simply won't
Last but not least I have purchased flaked Spirulina to feed my
platy and some moss to attach to a piece of bog wood that I going
to add to the tank (have boiled it for hours and have been
soaking it for weeks to try to get rid of the tannin). I saw on
WWM that my platy might enjoy snacking on the moss and I know my
frogs will love having the hiding place.
<Certainly the frog will enjoy the hidey-hole. As for the
Platy, the Spirulina will certainly be appreciated, and they do
like eating the algae and detritus that accumulates in
<Cheers, Neale.>
PS I explained to my new fish guy the tank struggles I have had
You should have seen his face when I told him that I am going
about rectifying this latest round of illness by stabilizing the
tank and improving my water quality rather than medicating the
tank to death. It was as if someone finally got it - then he gave
me two thumbs up and a high five. Thank you for your
<Sounds like you've made a new friend there! Cheers,
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus
2 ADFs who are turning white. 2/28/10
Good morning Neale,
<Good evening Diana,>
I wish I were writing with better news but I am not.
<Oh dear.>
My lone male platy is showing no signs of improvement and is in
fact slowly getting worse.
<I see.>
Like the first platy to die this one's mouth is becoming
increasingly infected and is virtually disintegrating day by
<This is likely Columnaris, what is sometimes called Mouth
Fungus. It's notoriously difficult to shift once severe, but
should respond to Finrot treatments early on. Is the Platy by
itself or with other Platies? I can't remember. If it is, or
with other livebearers, salt can significantly slow down the
progress of this infection, allowing medications to work in
Up to 10 ppt (10 grammes per litre) is recommended and widely
used on fish farms where tilapia are being reared, but I'd go
with half that for now.
Anyway, you do need non-iodised salt, but apart from that
restriction, even cooking salt will do. Raise the salinity
slowly, across a few hours. How much to add? Work out the
capacity of your tank in litres. Let's say it's a 100
litre aquarium. Make up a jug of warm water with 6 grammes per
litres, i.e., 100 x 6 g = 600 g for the 100 litre aquarium. Over
the course of the day, dribble in some of this brine a bit at a
time, maybe 10-15% at a time, with about an hour in between. By
the time you're done, you'll have added all the salt you
needed. This will be pretty gentle on both fish and
He has not eaten since we started this conversation (week or so).
He constantly trolls the surface of the water as if he is looking
for food. I have offered cucumber, lettuce and Spirulina but I
just don't think he is able to nibble or swallow anything. In
fact, I am not sure he can even move his mouth any longer.
<May well be the case. After treatment should improve, if the
bacterial infection goes away.>
Is it kind at this point to continue to wait and see?
Sadly I am feeling that he is too far gone to recover.
<Hard to say from the photo you've sent me... too small.
But if you can see the bones of the mouthparts, yes, it's
probably fair to say this isn't likely to heal.>
Water parameters are stable, temp 74 degrees, Ph is 7.4, ammonia
0, Nitrite 0, GH 5, KH 23, performing 25% water changes
bi-weekly, no salt.
<Carbonate hardness is really 23 degrees KH? Or 23 mg/l? If
the latter, that's VERY low, if the former, that VERY
My frogs are loving the bog wood but it is growing slime, which I
know from your website is not dangerous just unsightly.
<Yes, and largely inevitable if the wood hasn't been cured
properly. Fungi break down the remaining organic matter.
Eventually clears up. Fungus is off-white to grey threads, very
different to the blue-green algae that form coloured (green,
blue, red, black) slimes.>
I am trying my best to vacuum the slime off when I change the
water but it isn't very effective. I am frustrated about this
condition as I boiled the wood for over 6 hours and soaked it for
over a week.
<Seriously, it takes at least 6 months to cure wood, so
sticking freshly cut wood into an aquarium always produces slime.
Wood sold in aquarium shops should be fully cured: if it
isn't, I'd take it back.>
However, within days of wrapping it with the moss and placing it
in the tank - slime. Will this slime eventually stop
or should I remove it, cure it some more (perhaps in the tank of
my toilet), reattach the moss then replace it in the tank?
<Could do this too. But until the organic matter is consumed,
fungus will keep coming back. If blue-green algae, that's
something else entirely, and caused by other things, typically
slow water movement and direct sunlight, coupled with high
nitrate levels.>
I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
<So far, so good!>
We are having a glorious day and a nice break from the rain here
in San Francisco.
<Making me jealous. It's freezing cold, grey, and wet here
in England.>
<Cheers indeed, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus 2
ADFs who are turning white. 2/28/10
I have a 10 gallon tank. My platy is the sole surviving fish but
shares the tank with a number of plants and 2 ADFs.
<The frogs WILL NOT tolerate the salt. So this isn't an
option without moving them someplace else.>
I will do conversion for salt. Should I leave the frogs in the
The plants?
<They will be fine.>
Or, should I set up a hospital tank (it would be un cycled)
<Good money after bad, to be honest. Better to save your
pennies for a 20 gallon tank, which is the minimum I recommend
for casual (i.e., easy) fishkeeping, and reserve the 10 gallon
tank for hospital/quarantine purposes.>
Should I increase temp a bit or leave it at 74 degrees?
<Leave as is.>
KH is 23 degrees due to coral that was in the tank. Has since
been removed and I am hoping it will Decrease over time with
water changes. Tap KH is 8 degrees.
<The latter is much better, healthier.>
Thanks again. Have a nice evening.
<You too.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus 2
ADFs who are turning white. 2/28/10
I don't have anywhere to move my frogs other than a 5 gallon
tank that I already own which would have to be set up from
scratch for them to live in for the time being (I suppose I could
fill it 1/2 way with water from their existing tank which would
leave each tank with about 2.5 gal).
<A 5-gallon tank would, for the short term, do for a couple of
Dwarf Frogs.
Mature the tank "instantly" by using some of the
biological media from the existing aquarium in the filter you
place in the 5-gallon tank.>
As an alternative can I treat the platy with the fin rot meds and
no salt without removing the frogs?
<Absolutely. All the salt does is slow the bacteria down,
making treatment easier. It isn't by any means essential. But
do choose a medication that treats Columnaris, and ideally one
that treats Fungus and Finrot too, to avoid problems with
misdiagnosis (the three diseases often looking very similar).
Among US aquarists, Seachem KanaPlex has a good reputation in
this regard. Don't get mislead into buying tea-tree oil
medications that purport to treat all these diseases, as such
products are too unreliable.
Do remember to remove carbon, if used, from the filter while
Almost bedtime here in England, so signing off for now Diana. So
good luck!
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus 2
ADFs who are turning white. 2/28/10
Thank you Neal. One last quickie. If I move the frogs do you
suggest I use some of the current tank water plus filter from
tank or new water treated for chlorine and biological material
from the tank filter.
<The bacteria are in the filter media. Moving mature media
from an old tank to a new tank is a good idea. Water itself
carries little in the way of bacteria, so is neither here nor
there. It's a fine idea to put some old water in the new tank
simply to moderate any water chemistry changes (if you think such
things probable) but in terms of water quality (i.e., ammonia and
nitrite levels) "old" water has little impact.>
Sent from my iPhone
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus 2
ADFs who are turning white. 2/28/10
Thanks Neale. Good night.
<It was indeed! Thanks, Neale.>
Re: African clawed frogs...
Neale, Just wanted to thank you for helping me get through my
cycling drama.
<You are most welcome.>
My clawed frogs are happily swimming in a cycled 20 gallon low.
They are spoiled with a diet of earthworms, frozen bloodworms,
ghost shrimp, feeder guppies,
<Would avoid these "parasite bombs".>
super worms and crickets. I usually take one or two days off a
week from feeding if I see their bellies bulging.
<Are these Xenopus frogs? These are VERY easy to overfeed, and
it's often recommended they are fed just 2-3 times per
Just added a nice little clump of hornwort last week for them
Anyway, my question is about my new 20 gallon low which is
currently fishless cycling. I have read your article and many FAQ
about African dwarf frogs and was wondering about a few more
options as to tankmates. I am adding 2 dwarf frogs, 5-6 Danios,
and 5-6 small Corys (Green or Bronze?).
<Xenopus frogs are (VERY) predatory and prefer cool water, so
are best kept alone. Hymenochirus are tiny little things and can
be kept with small, gentle fish like Kuhli loaches and
Hatchetfish that wouldn't steal food or nip them as the frogs
swum to the surface. But generally with amphibians, the best
advice is keep them ALONE.>
Do you think I have room for a few more colorful hardy midwater
fish? I was going to keep the water temperature around 78
<Much too warm for Xenopus laevis. In most cases, these frogs
do best at room temperature. Xenopus tropicalis needs tropical
temperatures, but it's not sold in the pet trade so far as I
know, so unless you bought your frogs from a lab supplier, you
can safely assume they're Xenopus laevis.>
Appreciate all suggestions. Thanks again, Alex
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus 2
ADFs who are turning white. 3/1/10
Good morning Neale,
<So far, at least!>
While you were sleeping here is the plan of action I have put
into effect:
Moved my frogs into their vacation home along with the filter
material, bog wood and ferns that were planted on rock rather
than in the sand
<Very good.>
Added 18 teaspoons of salt over several hours to the platy tank
(according to WWM 6 gm.s = 1 teaspoon, 5 gallons = 18.95 liters -
god I hope I calculated that right, because it seems like an
awful lot!)
<It's the right amount. Do look at my Brack Calc
application if you're concerned or want to convert into US
Normal seawater has 35 grammes per litre, or, 4.75 ounces per US
gallon. So yes, seawater contains a lot of salt, about 22
teaspoons if I've done the maths right.>
Started phase 1 of a 4 phase dosing schedule with EM Erythromycin
which states is for treatment of fin & tail rot, open red
sores, mouth fungus (cotton mouth), bacterial gill disease and
hemorrhagic septicemia. Dose is 100mg per 5 gallons.
<Sounds about right.>
Frogs look happy and dare I say platy looks happy...swimming, not
<Although Platies aren't normally found in brackish water
in the wild, their tolerance for brackish water is considerable,
and it does have a "tonic" effect on them. Old school
fishkeeping often recommended keeping livebearers in slightly
brackish water for precisely this reason, and while not
essential, if you're having problems with them, adding a
little salt can pep them up just enough to get through the bad
times. Brackish water effectively stops Velvet and Ick too, and
reduces problems like Fungus and Slime Disease, so within reason,
it's quite a good way to keep fish, if they'll tolerate
the salinity. Unfortunately, most freshwater fish won't, at
least not indefinitely.>
I will let you know how everyone is doing. Hope you had sweet
<Weird dreams, actually. For some reason I was leading an army
of ghouls fighting some sort of dragon thing. That'll teach
me to read H P Lovecraft at bedtime, I suppose!>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus
2 ADFs who are turning white. -- 3/3/10
Good morning Neale,
<Hello again, Diana,>
I just wanted to update you on my platy and frogs who are all
doing remarkably well. The frogs seem MUCH happier in their
temporary home.
Their color has returned to a darker brown, they are hanging
about rather than hiding and the male has been acting very, shall
we say, romantic towards his lady friend - which I have not seen
for quite some time. While I started their tank out from straight
treated tap water and a bit of transferred biological media they
seem to be thriving once again.
My platy, also, is making vast improvements. He is swimming and
attempting to eat. I have been watching him closely and have
witnessed a few tiny bits of food make it through his swollen
little gullet. I am on dose 2 of a 4 dose treatment so I am
halfway through, but feeling very optimistic.
<I'm glad to hear all of this.>
Which leads me to my next question. Now that I have removed most
of the plants and bog wood into the temporary frog tank I see
that my platy tank is a dirty mess! Once my platy has recovered
is there a "healthy way" to give his tank a serious
spring cleaning before moving the frogs back to their permanent
<Sure. The best approach is to separate cleaning the tank from
cleaning filter. Leave at least a week between the two. In other
words, do your best to keep the filter running while cleaning the
tank. If you have a filter that can be removed to a bucket of
water and then restarted there, with the bucket filled with water
from the aquarium, then that's a great way to do things.
Internal canister filters for example are breeze to manage like
this. External canisters can be handled like this too, simply by
switching them off, moving the inlet and outlet pipes into the
bucket of aquarium water, and then switching them on.
Hang-on-the-back and undergravel filters can't be moved about
like this though. So if you have these filters, leave the tank
more or less filled with water, but remove the rocks, gravel, etc
to a sink or bucket where you can clean them. When you're
happy, move all this stuff back to the tank. The water will
likely get a bit murky, so a water change afterwards will likely
be necessary, but don't get too paranoid about this, and
it's fine to change 25-50% of the water if you need
I was thinking I could temporarily move the platy to the smaller
tank that currently has the frogs, bio filter media and plants
for a day or two while I remove the medicated and salty water
(which the frogs won't tolerate), give the sand a good
vacuum, scrub all the algae off the sides, clean the filter
housing and heater which are both caked from minerals and yuck
and fill it back up with clean treated water.
<Actually, this would all be overkill and a bit of waste of
time. The problem is that there's nothing you can
"kill" this way in any meaningful sense. An aquarium is
like a garden, so while you can certainly tidy it up, you
can't sterilise it. Stirring sand is not only pointless but a
bit counterproductive, since settled sand actually becomes a
quite efficient biological filter (in marine fishkeeping, called
a Deep Sand Bed). So, concentrate on tidying rocks and stuff, and
if the water is murky, do some water changes. Boosting mechanical
filtration by adding mechanical filter media (like filter wool)
will help water become clearer than ever.>
After letting the tank run a bit with a carbon filter to mop up
whatever medication is left in the tank I would move the filter
media, plants, platy and frogs back. Would this be too much or a
much needed change?
<I think overkill. Think of what "the wild" looks
like, and that's your aim. Tidying up is fine, but a deep
clean doesn't make much sense, especially if that would
entail switching off a filter for more than 20 minutes, after
which point the bacteria start dying. Always better to clean the
tank in little increments every couple of weeks with everything
running normally. Trying to have a massive blitz isn't a good
Thanks and have a lovely day,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus
2 ADFs who are turning white. 3/3/10
Thanks Neale. I am guessing that the best way to reduce the
salinity of the tank water is slowly through 25% water
Certainly need to remove the salt before returning the frogs.
How long post treatment should I wait before doing this?
<I'd expose fish infected with Ick, Velvet or Costia
(Slime Disease) to saline water for at least a week, and
preferably two weeks. After then, you should be fine.>
Your friend,
<Who needs Facebook!>
<You are most welcome. Always glad to help! Cheers,
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus
2 ADFs who are turning white. 3/7/2010
Good morning Neale and happy Sunday.
<Sunday's almost finished, but thanks!>
Everyone is still doing well in their tanks. Frogs are happy in
their temporary tank, platy is recovering in his tank. In fact, I
gave him frozen brine shrimp yesterday and he went nuts!! He is
once again able to eat and was zipping around the tank chasing
the shrimp through the water gulping them down.
The Spirulina flakes are still hard for him to get down.
<With time...>
I have now completed one full course (4 days) of the antibiotic,
and while the platy has made huge strides his mouth is still not
fully healed and continues to be a bit rough around edges and his
lips a tad swollen making it hard for him to nibble. The
instructions on the box of medicine instruct that that the
treatment can be repeated. Do you think that this would be
<I'd wait maybe 5 days, and see if the fish was showing
signs of recovery.
If he was, I'd leave things be. If the situation is no
better, or worse, then I'd do the second treatment.>
Current water readings are:
Platy tank (5 gal)
Temp 74
KH 11
GH 6
Ph 7.8
Nit 0
Ammo 0
<All good.>
Frog tank (2.5 gal)
Temp 74-78 depending on time of day
KH 9
GH 6
Ph 7.8
Nit 0
Ammo 0.25 (water change scheduled for today)
<Good; the ammonia level there might cause problems. Cut back
on the feeding in the meanwhile.>
Have a lovely day,
<Thank you! I'm actually looking forward to tonight:
unusually for England, we have clear skies, and that makes I can
set up the telescope and check out Mars. Last night it was
amazing! Cheers, Neale>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus 2
ADFs who are turning white.
Thanks again. Funny question, but do you ever use unmedicated,
unsalted water from your water changes to water plants?
<All the time. Saves a fortune on Baby Bio! And my garden
looks lovely.
Also good for pot plants (by which I mean houseplants in pots,
rather than, well, pot pot).>
Seems like such a waste to dump it down the drain on a weekly
basis if I could be using it on my back porch garden instead.
<Absolutely! The water you remove from the aquarium is rich in
nitrate and phosphate.>
Enjoy the night sky.
<I will!>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus 2
ADFs who are turning white.
Wonderful news!!
<Well, that's good. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus
2 ADFs who are turning white. 3/17/10
Dear Neale,
<Hello again Diana,>
I came home from a long weekend away and my last platy has
<Too bad.>
He seemed fine when I left Saturday morning - swimming, eating,
clear mouth and body - but dead upon my return today (and has
been dead for a while as he was basically jelly as I removed him
from the tank).
So, that leaves me with my two ADFs who continue to thrive in
their little temporary 2.5 gal tank. When I originally moved the
frogs to this temp tank I brought with them the biological filter
media and all but one java fern from the 5 gal tank. All that
remains, really, in the original (and now lifeless) 5 gal set up
is the sand and the one java.
<Not quite lifeless. Keep adding little pinches of flake food
every day or two until you decide what to do with it. Why?
Because you want to keep the filter bacteria happy. By all means
give the gravel/sand a bit of a clean, and do a general tidy up
if you want, but there's no need to sterilise the tank or
anything like that. Instead just let the tank tick over on this
maintenance dose of flake food (as an ammonia source) while you
think about what you want to use it for.>
My question is this...how do I go about transferring the frogs
back to the 5 gal tank that has had a dead fish in it for a
number of days as well as salty water from his treatment?
<For now, just gradually empty the 5 gallon tank, replacing it
with plain vanilla dechlorinated tap water. Do 20-20% water
changes every day for a week, and by the end of that you should
be done to a trivially low quantity of salt. At the same time,
you'll be lowering the salinity gently enough the bacteria
can adjust. So by the end of that week, you should be free to
move the frogs over to the new tank. Just as if you were bringing
the frogs back from the aquarium, "acclimate" them
carefully using something like the drip method. One approach is
to put the frogs in a bucket or large carton and covered with a
couple of inches of water from their aquarium. Over the next
hour, add a cup or so of water from the new aquarium every 10
minutes. This will adjust the frogs to any differences in
temperature and water chemistry, so all you need do then is net
them out and pop them in the new tank.>
Also, did the antibiotics I used to treat the platy kill all of
the beneficial bacteria in the sand or just some of it?
<Antibiotics can stress filter bacteria, but rarely kill them
completely. If you have a nitrite test kit, test some water after
a couple of days of water changes and see what you get. You
should fine a 0 level of nitrite because the filter bacteria are
processing the flake food.>
Would it be beneficial to wash the sand or better to leave it
<Err on the side of doing less rather than more. Tidying up is
fine, but deep cleaning is pointless. The bacteria that killed
the Platy are otherwise harmless, even beneficial, and part of
the ecosystem. Like much in nature, it isn't so much the
bacteria that cause disease, but rather when we as humans do
something unwise, the bacteria take advantage of the destabilized
situation and *then* cause problems. Classic Finrot bacteria are
Aeromonas, and in "the wild" these bacteria break down
dead organic matter into the chemicals like ammonia that the
filter bacteria process. Of course these bacteria try to eat
living organic matter too, but ordinarily a healthy fish's
immune system fends them off, just like our immune system does
with regard to the bacteria all over our bodies. But when a fish
is stressed that no longer works, and the bacteria overwhelm the
immune system, enter the skin, eat the cells, and cause the
This unfortunate turn of events has taught me a valuable lesson -
it is impossible fool Mother Nature.
<Correct. Or rather, Nature is going to do X, Y and Z anyway,
so you might as well use that to your advantage rather than try
and fight against it.>
When I fist told you of my plight you predicted exactly what has
happened. As hard as I fought to save my fish the damage had been
<A hard lesson.>
While I did not intend to overcrowd my tank and tax its little
ecosystem (and had been told by my fish provider that this would
not be the case) that is exactly what I did.
<Likely so.>
And as hard as I tried to make up for my
naiveté© Mother Nature ultimately won.
Thanks to you, and WWM, I now know better and will never put any
fish in the same predicament. Sadly, I have learned this lesson
the hard way. May my three little Platies rest in peace.
<Poor little chaps. But you can turn things around. I've
seen some great 5 gallon tanks stocked with frogs, cherry and
bumblebee shrimps, and tiny, non-breeding snails like Clithon
corona and Clithon diadema. Java moss is a wonderful plant for
encrusting rocks, and you can create just the most fascinating
little ecosystems using species like these. Cherry shrimps are
great because they breed reasonably easily, and watching tiny
shrimps appear and grow is just wonderful.>
Cheers and enjoy the day.
<Likewise to you, too.>
<Hope version 2.0 of this aquarium works out better. Good
luck! Neale.>
Re: Male platy with what looks like cotton mouth plus
2 ADFs who are turning white. 3/17/10
Thanks again Neale. Tidying of the tank underway. With regards to
the flake food, does it matter whether it is Spirulina or
<Either is fine. Add about as much food as you'd give the
two frogs, so that the bacteria are "prepared" for the
workload the frogs will exert.>
And, do you give any credence to the "starter bacteria"
that is sold in the fish stores?
<None whatsoever. You have a healthy, vibrant culture of
bacteria already. In real estate terms, the tank is a nice
fixer-upper, rather than an empty lot upon which you'd build
something new from scratch.>
Enjoy your evening,
<Have enjoyed it already. Finished teaching my adult education
astronomy class, was given a nice bottle of wine by the students,
and found a £10 note on the sidewalk whilst walking
home. Enjoy your evening too! Neale.>
Platy hlth., no data, reading
Hi guys,
Really need help here. My 10-month-old platy (Stella) had developed
some kind of weird disease - I've been all over the Internet and
can't find anything!
A week ago, some tiny white spots appeared just next to her lips, like
cold sores on humans.
<Likely not a Herpes virus. Sounds much more like Columnaris,
sometimes called "Mouth Fungus" despite being a bacterial
infection. Very common among livebearers when not kept in sufficiently
hard and basic water conditions. Platies are also sensitive to
continually high water temperatures. In short, you're aiming for pH
7.5-8, hardness 10+ degrees dH, carbonate hardness at least 4 degrees
KH, and a temperature no higher than 25 C, and preferably between 22-24
She seemed listless and off her food. A few days later, she just lay at
the bottom of the tank, but would sometimes struggle up and swim around
a bit.
Yesterday, she was lying almost on her side, and this morning she was
much worse - she could hardly swim, because whenever she tried she span
around slowly, though she obviously was trying to regain her balance.
Eventually, she just lay down on her side and though sometimes
fluttered around a little, she didn't move around any more.
<Again, review environment.>
She died earlier today, at around 11.00am.
<Too bad.>
The problem arises in that I have another two platys of the same age,
and although they seem healthy, so did she until recently. Obviously, I
have no desire for them to die or be in pain so please, if you have any
ideas, reply soon.
<Without any useful data, I really can't offer any help here.
But I'd urge you to check aquarium size, water quality, and water
The closest thing I can find is Ich/Ick and it says it can move from
fish to fish?
<Ick is distinctive; it looks like salt grains all over the fins of
the fish first, usually, and later on the body. Yes, it is contagious,
which is why it normally comes into a tank when you buy new fish.
Columnaris is latent in all tanks, and is triggered when the aquarist
allows the fish's immune system to weaken somehow.>
Please...any help is greatly appreciated and wished for.
THANK YOU!!!! Josie x
<Cheers, Neale.>
?... Columnaris... Platies... --
Hey Neale,
I got your email about Stella and thanks for replying so soon, but I
looked up Columnaris on Google and it doesn't look like what she
<Oh? Columnaris is variable, but typically looks like threads or
mould around the mouth. Finrot is similar, but as its name suggests,
tends to appear on the fins first. Fungus looks more like cotton wool.
All three appear on fish that have been physically damaged and/or
exposed to chronically poor environmental conditions. Really do need a
photo to diagnose diseases.>
I have checked the chemistry, which was pH 7.6, and the temperature 24
<Fine and fine.>
I don't have a tester kit for hardness dH or KH - do I need
<I'd have a general hardness kit to hand, yes. In the meantime,
ask yourself whether kettles fur up quickly in your house. If they do,
then you probably have hard water. Hard water is what Platies need. If
your kettle doesn't fur up, then you probably have soft water. Soft
water is lethal to livebearers including Platies. Remember, never use
water from a domestic water softener in an aquarium!>
My tank is 28 litres; the shop said this would be fine?
<28 litres (less than 7.5 gallons) is much too small. Half the
minimum size for this species. Your shop mislead you. Water quality
could very easily be an issue here.>
Also, I'm thinking about getting some Neon Tetras - would it be OK
to introduce them this early, and would my two types of fish get
<Yes, they get along; no, not in this tank. Do read here:
You said Columnaris occurred when the immune system weakened - I clean
the tank every Saturday properly, so how does that work?
<When fish are stressed, they become subject to infections. Just
like humans who are exposed to extremes of cold or not getting enough
Thank you so much for your help (no sarcasm intended, honest.)
<Happy to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Is my platy sick? Env.
Hi, I have a small tank, 2 gal, that I keep 2 fish in.
<Two gallons is too small for any fish. Except possibly a Betta, but
that's more about cramming a poor Betta into a jar than actually
treating an animal well. So let's be clear here, you can't keep
any fish properly in a tank less than 5 gallons in size, and the only
fish that will do well in a heated, filtered 5 gallon tank is a single
Betta. For all other tropical fish you need about 10 gallons or more.
Please read here:
Shops sell 2 gallon bowls because there are lots of people out there
who don't read books before they buy animals. Perhaps they were
beaten up by a book on the school playground when they were little or
something. I don't really know. But the point is that NO BOOK EVER
WRITTEN would recommend a person keep fish in a 2 gallon tank. Indeed,
most will explicitly tell the reader not to. It's a shame shops
sell these 2 gallon tanks, but they do.>
A couple days ago one of my fish died.
<Not so much "died" as "killed". Let's be
crystal clear here, the fact you kept this fish badly ended up killing
the animal. Does it give me pleasure saying this? No, not really.
I'd just as soon your pets lived happy lives.
I don't actually enjoy scolding people who killed their pets.
Actually, it makes me rather depressed doing this day after day,
seemingly without an end in sight. So please take this advice for what
it is, honesty rather than about being nice to you.>
It may have been old age as it didn't have any superficial
symptoms, but I didn't have any testing strips left so I don't
know what the water was like.
<Wasn't old age.>
I did a 50% water change and got strips to test the water. It reads
fine for everything except maybe slightly high on nitrites.
<No such thing as "slightly high" nitrites. There's
zero (safe) and then there's non-zero (dangerous). It's like
being pregnant; you're either pregnant or you're not, you
can't be a "little bit pregnant".>
My issue is that the remaining fish is now hanging on the top of the
<Dying... gasping...>
Previously he was up and down all over the tank. He is still very
active and tries to swim down occasionally, but as soon as he stops
making a strong effort he seems to float back up to the top.
<You are killing him.>
He'll swim around at the top, but his top fin stays resting against
the edge of the water. He is still eating fine and shows now bodily
symptoms. Is there something wrong with him or am I needlessly
<Needlessly concerned! Oh, boy, no, you should be VERY CONCERNED.
You're killing this poor fish. Despite what Fox News and MTV might
suggest, ignorance is actually a bad thing. In the case of keeping pet
ignorance of their needs ends up stressing them, poisoning them, and
then killing them. I wish I could say something nice to you, to make
you feel better, but I fear unless I write this message in crystal
clear language, you'll miss the point. Firstly, a 2-gallon
"tank" isn't home for anything except perhaps an amoeba.
It's worthless. The shop saw you hadn't a clue about keeping
fish, and sold you a piece of junk. Secondly, these fish are being
poisoned by their environment. At absolute minimum, Platies need about
15 gallons of space. They need a heater (water warmed to about 22-24
Celsius) and they need a filter (0 ammonia and 0 nitrite). Water
chemistry is important, and needs to be hard and basic (10+ degrees dH,
pH 7.5).
Unless you provide all these things, yes, you will kill your fish. I
won't say your fish will die, because that makes it sound like
Mother Nature's fault. Instead, I'm going to say you're
killing your fish, because you are.
It would be more humane to have bought the fish and then smashed its
head in with a mallet, because at least that would be painless. What
you've done is passed a death sentence on a couple of poor Platies
who are dying by
slow poisoning. Now, I really don't want you to run away from the
computer crying because I'm a horrible person. Actually, I'm a
very nice person. I'm spending my time answering your query
precisely because I like fish and
like chatting with people who keep fish. I genuinely want to help. But
it is crucially important you understand the situation here. Nothing,
no tablets, no medicines, no nothing, will save the remaining fish
without a better aquarium. Your move. Feel free to write back, blow off
a little steam, even yell at me. I won't mind. But do also rush to
the pet store and buy another aquarium. It's your pet fish I care
about. Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: Is my platy sick? 1/20/10
Neale, I appreciate your feed back.
<Happy to help.>
When I got the tank several years ago, I did do some reading prior to
purchase. I did try to understand what I was doing first. I read that I
needed one gallon per fish, so that's what I have.
<You mis-read something there. Think about it for a second. One
gallon per fish. Fine... a Whale Shark is 30 feet long, and a fish.
Think that would be happy in one gallon of water? Obviously not. Of
course, that's an extreme example. But the old (fairly crummy) rule
is that for SMALL FISH such as Neons and Guppies, you can allow an INCH
OF BODY LENGTH per gallon for water. So a 10 gallon tank would hold 10
inches of fish nose-to-tail, or about 10 inch-long fish such as Neons.
All well and good. But the bigger a fish, the more space it needs.
Something like an Oscar is about 12 inches in length, but it's the
bulk of a housecat. Obviously going to need more space than 12 one-inch
fish. Bottom line, even if you used that rule the way it was meant to
be used, you'd have to modify it somewhat depending on what you
were keeping. Finally, no book ever told you that you could keep one
1-inch fish in a 1-gallon aquarium, two such fish in a 2-gallon
aquarium, and so on. All books would have said there's a minimum
size at which aquaria work. For all practical purposes, that's
about 10 gallons.>
While I'm sure you're right that I killed my fish,
<I am.>
I'd had her for a year and a half, so I'd say I kept her from
poisoning for a good while.
<Well, sure, someone with lung cancer can live quite a while too.
Doesn't mean it's healthy. Platies should live around 4-5
years, and in that time reach a body length of about 2 inches.>
I'd had a Betta in the tank previous to getting the platys and he
lived for several years until my dad knocked the tank over.
So for lack of space, as I live in the city in a small apartment, I
will take my platy to the fish store where he can be better taken care
of and get a Betta.
<Honestly, if you don't have the space, why keep a fish?
It's never really going to be happy in 2 gallons, except in the
sense it lives. It's a marginal sort of life, at best. There are
some "Nano" pets that are fun in small tanks, such as Cherry
Shrimps and Crystal Red Shrimps, and with a clump of Java moss and a
couple other plants you can create quite a cool habitat. Over the
years, I've managed to talk other folks into carnivorous plants,
which are fun without needing much space. I know the need to have a pet
animal is often very strong, but really, where's the pleasure if
the animal isn't happy?>
Still not ideal, as you said, but I'm diligent with the water
changes, so hopefully I'll keep him happy.
<Good luck with whatever you do. Cheers, Neale.>
Platy Fish, hlth. reading, no data
I have several platy fish in my tank with several mollies. I noticed on
one of the platy fish some icky stuff on her eye. There are a couple
more spots on her body. It covers the one eye. Any ideas what it
<Mmm, a few guesses... Perhaps most likely what folks label as
"Body Fungus"... which is almost always bacterial, and
invariably linked to poor or too-variable environment. Read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner<
Platy Question, hlth., troubleshooting
Hi, I'm sure you can answer this question.
<Have you looked to see if it has been already?>
I had a Platy in a 55 gallon tank with a kissing fish,
<Better to have in pairs>
2 female guppies, 2 male guppies and a sucker fish.
<What species? Please see WWM re Gyrinocheilus>
Today I got up to feed my fish and everything was fine. But I looked
into the tank a couple of hours later, I realized that my platy had
died. Not only that but his intestines seemed to be coming out from his
gills or a hole just below them. It seemed as if his gills had been
sliced open and his guts came out. (By guts I mean a clear string with
red staining) Just a few hours earlier he seemed to be just fine,
eating, no problems.
I called a fish store out of town and he said that it sounds like Gill
I went and bought the treatment for this, but now two of my guppies
have died, but with out any signs or spots that I can see. I did all
the tests and the water chemistry is all with in range, the tank is
warmed to 80-82f and consistent. We do a 20% change every Sunday, and
check the water chemistry every other day, just to make sure.
The water we use is stored in a 10 gallon tank, which is treated with
water conditioner and ran through a filter for two days with no fish in
the this tank,
<Better to store for a week ahead, but okay>
water chemistry is also checked before replacing the tank water. Both
filters in the tanks get changed weekly and the 'floss' filter
is washed in the old tank water.
When I treated the fish tank, I took out the finer filter for several
hours because it had activated charcoal and I read that it may filter
out the medication.
<I see, good>
Please tell me what I'm doing wrong and why my fish seem to be
dropping like flies?
<Can't discern from the data presented. Need to know water
chemistry, history of introduction of the fishes, perhaps images of
I also had a team of neon tetra just disappear. One was caught in the
filter, but the other four just disappeared. I don't want to go get
other fish until this problem is fixed. Could it be a problem at the
pet shop where I bought the fish?
Also, how long can a fish survive in the bag from a pet shop to
<Depends... using oxygen instead of ambient air, several hours.
Should be able to "make it" w/o for at least an hour or
I would rather go to another city to buy my fish, but it's nearly
an hour and forty five minuet drive until we would get home. Can fish
survive this trip and the time needed to adjust the fish to the tank,
or is there another way to transport them beyond the plastic baggy we
are given?
<Best to leave in the bags... in an insulated cooler if it's
cold outside... Ask for pure oxygen if you're going to be out more
than a couple of hours... And do read here:
and the linked files above for input, ideas on the types of information
we need, possibilities of trouble here. Bob Fenner>
Ick Problem/ Dilemma 12/23/09
I got home from work today to discover one of my platys has Ick.
I'm going to visit my parents for Christmas and I leave tomorrow
afternoon. I don't have another tank to put the platy in. Should I
treat the tank for Ich ASAP
and perform a water change right before I leave? (20 hours from now).
My room mate was going to feed the fish while I was gone, but I
don't think he's going to want/ be able to perform a water
change. I will be gone for 10 days.
Thanks again WetWebMedia for the invaluable help.
<Just treat using the salt/heat method.
This will cause no problems for your Platies, and the Ick parasite life
cycle will be broken. If you're keeping Platies on their own or
with other livebearers, then you can raise the specific gravity up to
1.003 (5-6 grammes/litre). Otherwise, aim for about half that dose.
Raise the temperature to 25 degrees C, maybe slightly higher (Platies
as you know should be kept cooler most of the time, 22-24 C being the
ideal, much above that being stressful over the long term). Cheers,
re: Ick Problem/ Dilemma
So performing a 50% water change with a good gravel vacuum before I go,
treat with aquarium salt, and raise the temperature should be
And hope for the best over the next 10 days?
<Well, they will need some food. Feeding blocks are useless, but a
couple of blanched lettuce leaves and a wedge of courgette should keep
them going, Platies being herbivores. Weight these down with that lead
strip used to
hold aquarium plants in place.>
I have 3 gouramis and a Pleco in the tank, will this change
<Not really.>
Thanks again,
<Cheers, Neale.>
re: Ick Problem/ Dilemma
With a 25 gallon aquarium with fish other than live bearers (gouramis),
am I right in assuming I should add 25-30g of salt?
Thanks again,
<In US gallons, you're aiming for 2 to 3 teaspoons of salt per
gallon. One level teaspoon is about 6 grammes, or 0.22 oz. Cheers,
My poor Minnie (Mickey mouse platy)
I have done some research on your page and on Google and failed to find
some answers.
We have 3 Danios (Sam, Mary, and Melody),
<Keep in groups of six to avoid bullying and nipping, and to make
them happy. Do need lots of swimming space; the tank should be 60 cm/2
feet long.>
1 silver molly (Phineas),
<Difficult to keep; generally does best in slightly brackish water,
and certainly needs much water (around 28 C) than either Danios or
Platies (which are happiest around 22-24 C). So, when you say
"some research", let me suggest you start by researching the
needs of each fish species before you buy them.>
a rainbow blue platy (Ferb), and my little Minnie (Mickey mouse
Last week, everyone was acting normal, no problems. Eating and all.
Monday, we noticed Minnie was acting strange. Hanging out at the bottom
of the tank in the corner, not really eating, and Ferb is guarding
<They don't "guard". Be very careful about applying
human emotions to animals. Platies work in a completely different way
to us! Male Platies will harass female Platies, since all they're
interested in is mating.
Often. Females are somewhat gregarious, so if both are females, they
will spend time together.>
We went to Petco and they said she is probably pregnant.
<Practically the default conditions with Platies. However, a
pregnant Platy should be swimming about much like any other Platy. The
only thing that changes is that they become notably more plump as the
embryos develop.>
So ok, we did what we were told to do. Got a zucchini, which we were
told they love and is great for them, gave it to her and she hasn't
touched it.
<Offer a thin, blanched slice. They can't eat the skin, and
instead peck at the soft part inside. Strips of sushi Nori are good,
too. Certainly you should be feeding them Spirulina flake, not generic
tropical fish food. All of this will be in an aquarium book of fish
species, along with preferred temperature.>
We were also told to buy a plant that sits on the top of the water (as
I like to call it, the maternity ward) so the babies can hide in it so
they won't be eaten by the other fish, the more natural approach to
this whole thing.
Minnie still isn't eating, has burrowed a spot in the gravel and
chills in there.
<No, she hasn't burrowed and certainly isn't chilling.
She's sick, stressed, or harassed. Healthy Platies stay at the top
of the tank. Look at their mouths. See how they point upwards?
That's the clue. Fish with upwards-pointing mouths feed from the
surface; ergo, they're fish from upper levels of the water
I am thinking this is "nesting"?
Ferb is still guarding her and she isn't active like she has always
I did notice a small white spot near the start of her rear fin, but
it's not very big at all. She looks like she is getting bigger but
I'm a little nervous about it. What could be going on? Could she be
<Can't answer your question without actual data. Let's
recap. Platies need cool (around 22-24 C) water and an aquarium at
least 15 gallons upwards in size. The water should be briskly filtered
to keep it clean; I'd recommend
a filter rated at not less than 4 times the volume of the tank in
turnover per hour. There should be 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite. Water
chemistry is critical: these are hard water fish and need pH 7.5-8, 10+
degrees dH.
Deviations from these requirements will lead to problems. Most fish
sickness is caused by aquarists rather than pathogens, though pathogens
will happily take advantage of any opportunities you make
Cheers, Neale.>
Platy Problems 12/2/09
Hi There, I have a female sunset platy that has had several broods of
She looks pregnant again but the spot (vent?) where she would deliver
the fry, there is something protruding from her. It's orange in
<Does it wriggle? Camallanus worms are quite common with farmed
livebearers. These look like red threads (often more than one) poking
out of the anus. Camallanus needs to be treated with an appropriate
She is eliminating ok and eating ok. At first I thought that she was
going to pop out a fry but on closer inspection it isn't a fry. Can
females get fry stuck or worse yet can the sac where the fry develop
come out.
<I'm sure it can happen, but it's not something I've
come across before.>
I had another female platy have the same thing happen only what was
sticking out was larger. She didn't survive. I thought it was a
fluke or something but now it seems to be happening again. Also while I
have this email going are swordtails more aggressive than platys?
<Male Swordtails are much more aggressive.>
I had lots of babies in my tank and when I got a swordtail that all
<Likely the Swordtails simply ate the Platy fry. The two species are
not really compatible. While both want hard, alkaline, not too warm
water (around 22-25 C) Swordtails come from streams and need strong
water currents, whereas Platies come from ditches and ponds, and prefer
slow moving water. So you wouldn't keep them in the same tank; at
least you could, but one or other species would not be receiving good
I have had only the ones that I rescued from my filter. I have one of
those BiOrb tanks with the round filter in the bottom and sometimes the
babies will get sucked in.
<These "designer" tanks are almost always overpriced
garbage. Bearing in mind Platies need upwards of 15 gallons, and
Swordtails upwards of 30 gallons, these tanks likely won't be big
enough. Even if they had the right
volume, they have this stupid tall rather than long shape that is
COMPLETELY useless for fishkeeping. Swordtails for example need a tank
some 60 cm/24 inches long, at least, to have enough swimming space.
Just look at how streamlined they are! Do they look like fish that want
to be cooped up in a glorified jam jar?>
Most all that I have rescued and put in a separate baby tank have grown
The female pineapple sword that I have did have a few of her own babies
that survived but now that they are bigger I swear that they go on the
hunt for baby fry to eat!
<Yes indeed. In the wild the fry hide among plants or in very
shallow water. There is no evolutionary pressure for adults to
"know" what their babies look like, since they wouldn't
ever see them. To an adult Platy or Swordtail, anything small and
wriggly at the surface is food.>
Hopefully you will have an answer for me or have at least heard of this
condition that my platy has. Thank You Michelle
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Platy Problems
Hi there, No the mass bump or what ever it is doesn't move at
It's just there. All I had before were platys and I really like
them the best. I am going to give the swords to the guy at the pet
store that I give my babies to. They are OK but I like the platys
better. I have two other tanks that are larger and rectangular than the
one Biube, which was a gift from my husband.
<I suspect many of these designer tanks are bought as well-meaning,
if impractical, gifts.>
They all have platys in them too. The 3 tetras and couple of platys
that I had in the Biube were fine before the swords. I didn't
realize that I had bought a sword. One of the local fish stores that I
went to told me that it was a platy. I know now they just wanted to
make the sale. Not going back there again.
<Oh dear!>
So the difference between the platys and the swords are the body
<Yes; adaptation to the environment. One streamlined, the other more
I can see that with the pineapple that I have, she is much longer and
slender than my sunset. When I got her she was small and I couldn't
really tell although now I can see the difference in her babies and my
platy babies. Do mollies do ok with platys?
<They can do. Mollies tend to prefer slightly brackish water --
around 3-5 grammes marine salt mix per litre, and Platies will tolerate
such conditions perfectly well. However, Mollies do need quite warm
water, around 28 C, and this will shorten the lives of Platies. How
about looking out for Limia nigrofasciata?
This species is golden with purple vertical stripes, and the males have
a wonderfully marked Sailfin just the male Mollies. This species is
very peaceful, and like Platies, is essentially vegetarian, so the same
mix of Spirulina flake and Sushi Nori suits them very well.>
I did have one balloon belly but she was so freaked out and scared that
she didn't last long, I think she died of fright. I decided that I
wouldn't take any more chances with mollies.
<As mentioned, Mollies are sensitive, and they're much easier to
keep in slightly brackish water. Your best bet is to set up a slightly
brackish water aquarium just for the Mollies, and then choose suitable
salt-tolerant tankmates as needs be: Knight Gobies, Glassfish,
Wrestling Halfbeaks, Orange Chromides, and so on.>
I have had the best success with the platys. They come is so many
colors and mostly they are easy.
<While I like my Limia nigrofasciata even more, I do agree that
Platies are excellent fish, and perhaps the best of the
"common" species traded. They tend to be less aggressive than
Swordtails, and easier to keep than Guppies
or Mollies. Do think about buying a book about livebearers -- there are
lots more species than you can imagine. I have some Ameca splendens, a
species extinct in the wild, but as its name suggests, splendidly
coloured and while too nippy to mix with other fish, they're so
full of life you can happily keep a "swarm" of them in a
planted tank and never regret it.
Upstairs I have a tank for breeding Celebes Halfbeaks.
Once you get into livebearers, and make an effort to find the oddball
species, you'll soon become addicted!>
Thanks for your input. Michelle
<Cheers, Neale.>
Impossible platy, impossible
situation 12/2/09
I hate to barrage you with one more question, You have been so
fantastic about answering other people's questions you'd think
I'd find what I'm looking for. It's an amazing site! I love
your approach to problems, and your mater
<Me too... is actually the only "way" I know of
There's a lo-o-ong story leading up to this point, but I'm
going to cut it short and start with now:
NO3 = 0
<Likely you mean NH3, NH4OH, ammonia>
Nitrates = 0
<And Nitrites>
Nitrates = 10-20
GH = 150-ish (hard to tell on the test kits exactly)
KH = 70-90 (the API kit varies from 4 drops to 5 day to day)
pH = 7.8 (again, hard to tell with the API kit)
For both tanks. They're both Marineland Bow front, handy
"habitat-in-a-kit" tanks.
2 Platies, 1 female in the six-gallon tank, 1 male in the two-gallon
(I was originally advised to keep 3 Platies in the two gallon; six
was/is as big as I could/can fit into the human environment.) Two tiny
(8mm), cherished snails in the six gallon. I wanted the female to get
rights, which is why I moved the boy out.
<I do wish you had larger systems. Much more suitable and easier to
care for>
As little history as possible: I trusted some dip strips for testing
and wasn't changing the water as much as I needed to. This month
I've treated the female in a clean, borrowed hospital tank (nearly
a fishbowl) for dropsy/bacterial with Maracyn and Maracyn2,
Ich/parasites with 86 degrees, 2x Aquarium salt and CopperSafe. When
she seemed good, really good, for three days I moved her into the six
gal. She went south again, clamping/hiding, I immediately moved the boy
into the two-gallon, and gave away the other, more aggressive male, to
give her a break (I also gave away a pile of snails, we bought only
one, that were contributing to the overstock problem).
She's got a white cottony fluff at the base of her tail on one
Today she's darting around, I'm guessing she's flashing but
doesn't seem itchy (she reminds me of when I was delivering a child
w/o epidural and I wanted out of my own body), sometimes hovering,
often hiding. She's been listing for about two hours. Her inner
gut, in a crescent-shape behind her ribs, looks dark to me (she might
just be losing color), but that's been since she started getting
sick a month ago. Her poops look like an ordeal and are
wide. I give her peas (I mince them into fish bites with a tiny knife,
totally AR) and it doesn't seem to make a difference, and I've
already got plenty of Epsom salt in the water. She eats really well,
and has always been a good eater through all of it. She looks thin, to
me, though, and muscle-y, like a 70-year-old yoga instructor.
<Good descriptive term choices>
Do I stress her out, switch the fish and treat her with meds in the
two-gallon tank?
<Very likely so, yes>
Do I just put the snails in the two-gallon with the boy and treat the
six-gallon (it's the perfect hospital tank size, if you ask me now
that I know something about fish keeping)? Do I just leave them and
wait and see, keeping the water good now that I know how to do
<This latter is what I would do, and...>
(Yeah, you got to just change enough of it no matter what you think the
parameters are..) If I do treat her, do I treat her for the fungus
(I'm pretty sure, but if you have better ideas.) *and* what I now
think might be an internal
parasite? Other ideas?
<Just the environment. All that is concomitant w/ it being too
The boy, who's about 5 months old and used to be one of our fry, is
He's occasionally mad, and I wonder if putting the female (his mom,
of all things) out of his sight might be easier on him, or if he's
just feeling too confined. I worry about getting him too stressed out,
though, too.
In retrospect, fish are the worst pets for the 4-year-old child of a
single, formerly fishless mom.
<You may be correct here. Unlike mammals and birds, they
don't/can't vocalize when in duress, in need of help... And
when they die... is very hard on children>
I learned an invaluable life lesson about trust with these fish (not to
mention the near-online-PhD I got in water chemistry). I owe them one.
Technically they belong to my daughter, and she really does need some
kind of pet. These are the ones we've got for now.
Thanks so much for your time,
<I do consider that the doctorate investigation is of great worth of
and by itself, and do wish I had more to state per your present
situation. If it were me/mine, I would trade in the Platies and use
these small volumes for more suitable aquatic life. Do take a look
either into keeping a single male Betta, or perhaps a pair of
Paradisefish (Macropodus sp.) or other possibilities you'll be led
to by reading here:
Bob Fenner>
A few platy questions! Hlth. f'
Hi WWM Crew!
<Hello Suzanne,>
I hope you can help and promise to be to the point. I bought 4 Platies
2 weeks ago (3 female, 1 male so keeping the ratio correct).
a) One female keeps blowing bubbles on top of the aquarium which I
thought might be a bubble nest but isn't that usually males and
also if they are live bearers why would they build a nest?
<Indeed. Neither sex should be making a bubble nest. So I think this
is "gasping" behaviour.>
b) Another of my females is black and I can see very clearly a problem
with her skin, it's as though she is covered in bubbles? She's
very agitated and swimming in a full body manner quite unlike the
<Likely a secondary infection such as Finrot caused by opportunistic
bacteria; like the gasping, probably associated with water
c) Another of my females keeps laying on the bottom of the aquarium
until feeding time when she comes alive - all other times she just
stays put.
<Again, unnatural behaviour, and probably associated with water
quality problems.>
The only happy fish in the group of four seems to be the male - but
then he has 3 females to keep him company!!
Would be grateful for any help and advice you can give.
Thanks and keep up the good work - this site is excellent!!
<Thank you.>
<Unfortunately, while I'm sure your fish are sick, I can't
say anything about why. I need more information. So, to pre-empt
anything else, let's clarify what Platies need. Firstly, good water
quality. Zero ammonia, zero nitrite. Next, adequate space and
filtration. A 15 gallon tank is the absolute minimum, and
realistically, you want 20 gallons or more. There needs to be a filter
rated at not less than 4 times the volume of the tank in turnover per
hour. In other words, for a 20 gallon tank, an 80 gallon/hour filter
would be required. Temperature should be moderate, around 22-24 C; none
of the Xiphophorus species will do well if kept too warm. Finally,
water chemistry should be hard and alkaline. Aim for 10+ degrees dH and
a pH around 7.5 to 8. Note that "pH up" products aren't
what you need here; the water should be hardened if you live in a soft
water area. Use Rift Valley salt mix, not tonic salt or marine aquarium
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: A few platy questions!
Thank you so much Neale
<You're welcome.>
I'm going to carry out water tests today and make sure everything
is as it should be. I would be a little surprised if it isn't as
I've had the aquarium for 6 years and all my other fish are okay
but this could just be because they have got used to it.
In the meantime do you think the condition of the female with bubbles
might be Ich?
<Ick/Whitespot is very distinctive: it looks like salt has been
scattered on the fish. Bubbles on the skin can be caused by a variety
of other things, ranging from simply too much aeration of the water
through to bacterial infections.>
I have started to bring the temperature of the tank up bit by bit so
that it gets to 28 deg.s as I believe this helps the chemical to work
and also kills off the bacteria.
<What? This doesn't make any sense to me. Upping the water
temperature will stress those fish that don't like warm water.
Platies for example are cool water fish, and prefer something between
22-25 C. Unless you're using a salt/heat method to treat
Ick/Whitespot, there's no advantage to warming them up. As for
killing bacteria, remember, most bacteria are either helpful or
harmless. You may be dealing with Finrot, but that's something
specific, and not the same as, for example, the bacteria that cause
internal infections. Treat against Finrot bacteria; in the UK, I like a
product called eSHa 2000 that I have found effective and safe (and very
economical!). I have to confess to never finding the Interpet
anti-Finrot or anti-Internal Bacteria products any good at all, as well
as expensive to use per litre/gallon.>
Basically I am willing to try anything in an attempt to keep my little
family happy and healthy.
<The "anything" aspect is questionable. Remember, diagnose
the problem, and then treat against it. Better not to treat, and have
one fish die (or be humanely destroyed) than to treat wrongly and
poison the aquarium. Almost all medications are poisons at some
Just one more question before I close, the platys are 2 white (male and
female) and 2 black. The poor white female is being pestered by the
male constantly (24 hours a day from what I see!), should I separate
her off for a short while to give her a rest or is that normal
<Isolate the male, instead. She's already stressed, so being
cooped up won't make her any happier. As/when the tank is stable,
add more females of whatever Platy breed you like. Add some floating
plants, such as Indian Fern. Heck, if you're anywhere near
Berkhamsted you can come grab a clump of Indian Fern because I'm
always throwing out surplus stuff onto the compost heap! Indian Fern
makes a great place for female fish to rest, and also provides cover
for the baby fish.>
Thanks again Neale, very much appreciated.
<Always happy to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: A few platy questions!
Thanks Neale!
I'll drop in next time I'm passing!! I'm down in
Nettlestead, Kent so it would probably be easier to buy some
<Indeed! Do also try various fish forums. Many have buy/sell/swap
threads, and people like me who have these fast-growing plants are
usually only to happy to give away surplus plants. I have done this
myself, and likewise,
received plants this way for nothing other than the cost of
I'll keep you posted on my aquarium events if you are
<Please do. I will make the point though that the WWM forum is a
good place to chat with other fishkeepers, especially if you want some
feedback on decor, etc.>
Kind regards
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: A few platy questions! 12/4/09
Hi Neale
<Hello Suzanne,>
A very quick update....I did a partial water change (about 10%) as
thought it may be a cycling problem (new filter put in about 2 weeks
ago) and all appears to be well.
<Good news.>
The gasping/bubble blowing appears to have stopped, no further lying on
the bottom of the tank that I can see and additionally....the female
with the bubbles over her body gave birth to about 30 fry overnight! I
managed to save 6 of them from being eaten so they are in the nursery
right now and are fighting fit.
<These should keep you busy for a while! Raising baby fish is a
The strange thing is that the bubbles or white spots that she had all
over her have now gone too. I cannot believe that it was something as
simple as a partial water change so I have to believe that whatever it
was managed
somehow to sort itself out naturally.
<Most of the times we get ill, our body fixes the problem given
time. The tricky bit is making sure the environment and diet is
So for the time being, all is right with the world.
I just wanted to say, thank you for metaphorically "holding my
hand" through the last week as it was a bit stressful to see my
extended family so unwell. Just having someone around that I could
panic to was worth more than gold! Forums and websites which are
generic are also brilliant but nothing quite like having tailored
<I'm glad you see the value to what we're trying to
So thank you very much and keep up the good work for all the other
aquarists in the world - you and your team ROCK!!! (to use an
<We use that phrase here, too -- though it does sound a bit weird if
used in Buckingham Palace while addressing the Queen.>
Kind regards
<Good luck! Neale.>
Sick Mickey mouse platy 11/24/09
I have a female platy who has slowly become really skinny & stays
at the bottom of the tank when she's not eating. She seems to be
struggling to breath also. I have read thru a lot of the pages in your
website and am
extremely worried. This has happened with a previous platy of mine. She
was sick for about a month before dying. I have 4 other Platies, and it
doesn't seem that they are having any problems. I would love and
appreciate any help with this subject
Thank you, Tim
<Hello Tim. I really need more data than you're offering here.
Fish will "gasp" and go off their food if the environment is
wrong. In the case of Platies, this means the water should be clean (0
ammonia and nitrite) and the water chemistry hard (10+ degrees dH) and
basic (pH 7.5-8). Temperature should not be too high (22-24 C is
ideal). Platies cannot be kept in tanks smaller than 60 litres/15
gallons. There is a thing called Wasting Disease (a Mycobacterium
infection) that can cause problems with livebearers, but it is
comparatively rare, and most Platies get sick and die because
they're kept wrong. It's also worth mentioning that Wasting
Disease is more of a problem when fish are kept badly than when
they're kept well. So review
conditions in your aquarium, and if you need to, write back telling me
some information about you aquarium and we can discuss further. Cheers,
Platy's mouth has turned white
I have had several Platies whose mouth have turned white, their bodies
arch downward, have difficulty breathing then die shortly after.
<Almost certainly an environmental issue given these unrelated
We have a 55 gal. tank with about 25 Platies and 15 babies (range from
3months to a few days old), we have 2 female mollies and 1 calico veil
tail goldfish, 3 guppies and a Plec.
<I see. Do bear in mind these animals are not exactly compatible.
Goldfish and Platies need relatively cool conditions, 25 C tops, and
ideally 23-24 C. Mollies and Guppies by contrast want much warmer
water, around 26-28 C.
Mollies furthermore do best when kept in slightly brackish water --
yes, they sometimes do fine in freshwater, but not always. Guppies and
Platies will tolerate slightly brackish water well, but Goldfish and
Plecs only up to a certain point, so you'd need be careful how much
marine salt mix you added to the water (I recommend marine salt mix as
being much more useful than plain vanilla "tonic" or
"aquarium" salt that do nothing about pH and
Until recently, we haven't had too many problems, but in the past 4
days we have lost 4 Platies and looks like we will be losing a couple
more. I change 30-50% of the water about every week. These fish started
dying after my last change about 5 days ago. I went ahead and did a 50%
change today. I tested the water before and the Ph was very high 7.5
and so was the nitrate (high) , The nitrite and ammonia were perfect. I
don't know how the Ph got so high.
<What do you mean "high"? The ideal pH for Platies is
between 7.5 and 8. The hardness should be high, 10 degrees dH. Keeping
them in soft, acidic to neutral water is very bad for them. So what
precisely are the normal water chemistry parameters here?>
Two other questions: The Platies have started picking ( appear to be
eating the tail fins) at the goldfish - who has been with them for 2
years Why would they start this and what are they doing?
<They've discovered Fancy Goldfish are an easy meal. This is why
I (and most books) say not to mix Fancy Goldfish with anything other
than other Fancy Goldfish.>
The guppies are mating and getting pregnant but I never see any
Are they being eaten, because we always have a lot of platy fries that
<Quite possibly; Guppy fry are very small, and without things like
floating plants for cover, are easily eaten by surface-swimming
I appreciate any info and help you can give me.
Thank you
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: Platy's mouth has turned white
You have enlighten me on grouping fish. The store we got these fish
from said the mollies, Platies, and guppies could go together. The
Goldfish was my own stupid idea. He was the only one I had left from a
<I see. Well, standard Goldfish (ones with a single tail, as opposed
to double-tail fancy Goldfish) are reasonably tolerant of brackish
water, and maintenance at SG 1.002-1.003 (5-6 grammes/litre) won't
do them any harm.>
I have only used Aquarium salt. Should I go to the marine salt mix?
<If your water is already hard and basic, then as/when the aquarium
salt box runs out, then yes, switch to marine salt mix. If your water
is soft or acidic, then I'd switch to marine salt mix immediately.
The thing with marine salt mix is that it hardens the water, raises the
carbonate hardness, and stabilises the pH in the basic range. These are
all things livebearers (and indeed Goldfish) appreciate. Of course, it
also raises salinity, but so does aquarium salt.>
[My parameters are] Ammonia -0; Nitrite- 0; Freshwater pH was 7.4;
Nitrate - I had a hard time telling the color seem to between 40-80.
I'm not sure what the hardness level is but I think it is on the
high side.
<The nitrate is a bit high, and indicative of overstocking,
overfeeding, or not enough water changes. Aim for consistently less
than 50 mg/l.>
I have some fake low type grass and a couple of tall plants [for baby
Guppies to hide in].
<Baby Guppies stay close to the surface, so plants that grow along
the bottom of the tank or just have a few leaves stretching upwards
aren't of much use at all. It's floating plants that serve them
best in terms of hiding places. I'd consider things like Indian
Fern *essential* additions to livebearer breeding tanks.>
Thank You Neale.
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Platy's mouth has turned white
Thank You so much. You have been a great help. I moved the goldfish; he
seems happy already.
<Cool. Glad to have helped, and good luck! Cheers, Neale.>
One thin platy... Chatting, no reading...
CAEs... 10/4/09
My 10 gallon tank has currently 3 patties and 1 Chinese algae
<Oooh, do read on WWM, the Net re this fish... CAE's,
Gyrinocheilus are "wolves in sheep's clothing"... Not to
be trusted with easygoing tropicals>
In one group I bought a Mickey mouse, a red(?) and one that was large
& gold.
Not orange-ish but yellow, shimmery gold & beautiful. We have had
<? Easy to sex...>
for 3 weeks. The Mickey died because the previous bottom feeder got
injured & plummeted the ph before I noticed.
<? How?>
Everything stabilized for a while after I added a new Chinese. The gold
is having problems, it is ravenous, very active, has gotten skinny, and
I don't know what to do for it.
<Feed it... wafers, pelleted foods of largely greenery base... that
I do ph testing & Petco tested water for ammonia & we are fine.
The 2 reds and the bottom feeder are great. I try to feed him more but
I worry about a dirty tank, I see accumulated food in the bottom &
siphon out but I don't want to exchange water too much. any ideas
or suggestions?
<Yes... Read re set up, filtration and maintenance of FW systems on
He is definitely bigger that the other 2, does he need more food?
<Read here:
How do I do that without polluting the water. He seems like a fighter
so I don't want to give up on the poor
guy but I can't imagine what is wrong.
<I can't imagine you not following instructions before writing
us and searching our site. This is a reference system, not a chatroom.
Bob Fenner>
Re: one thin platy 10/4/09
Wow, did not know that about CAE, it was recommended over a Pleco
because Plecos get too big.
<This is why you need to read *before* you go shopping. Would you
trust a car salesman to sell you the right car for you without doing
some research first? A real estate agent? The guy in the clothes store?
Of course not.
While there are plenty of informed and helpful sales clerks in many pet
shops, there are also plenty of them who haven't the first
I definitely understand your warnings about listening to fish sales
Boy, my first foray into aquarium keeping is not so successful. So far
the CAE shows no aggression, he is very reclusive.
<Often are when small. But up above around 10 cm/4 inches, they can
become real menaces.>
His predecessor was injured when he panicked trying to get out of a
rock/cave he liked to hang out in while I was cleaning the tank. It had
doubled in size and it was a tight fit for the fish, I have since
the small rock. About the gold Platy, he eats at the top of the tank
and you recommended sinking foods. Or was that for the CAE?
<Gyrinocheilus aymonieri will do well on mostly algae wafers (such
as those sold for Plecs) plus a few catfish pellets now and again.
Platies are herbivores, and a good staple is vegetarian flake food
(sometimes called livebearer flake food) plus occasionally offerings of
something a little more meaty, such as live brine shrimp, live daphnia,
or wet frozen bloodworms (kept in the freezer). Don't waste your
time with dried (freeze dried) bloodworms, shrimps, etc. Beyond simply
being insanely expensive, such foods seem to be associated with
digestive problems, particularly constipation, and especially so in
herbivorous fish.>
Sorry, the algae eater is doing great health wise it is the gold Platy
that has gotten skinny & is ravenous.
<Farmed livebearers are somewhat troubled by "Wasting
Disease", likely a Mycobacterium infection and essentially
incurable. It's mostly an issue with farmed livebearers because
these are farmed to a price rather than a quality. So it's the
"fancy" specimens you buy from chain pet stores that tend to
have the problem, rather than more expensive wild-caught livebearers or
livebearers sold at auctions by home breeders. In any case, the
symptoms tend to be gradual emaciation, regardless of the amount of
food the fish is given. Now, before assuming this to be the case,
Mycobacterium infections probably account for a hundredth, if that, of
the sick livebearers in the world! It's easy to blame any ailing
livebearer on Wasting Disease when actually other issues are
responsible. Often, less experienced hobbyists use these fairly obscure
diseases as excuses. So, before assuming it's Wasting Disease,
focus on the other, much more probable, explanations: Platies need
hard, basic water for a start, and will never do well in soft water;
you're aiming for pH 7.0 to 8.0, 10-25 degrees dH. They don't
like to be too warm either, and above 25 degrees C (77 F) they get
stressed and sickly. Like all livebearers, they do best given constant
access to fresh green foods. Clumps of Indian Fern work great, and
they'll peck at these all day, but otherwise strips of Sushi Nori
or thinly sliced cucumber can work well, too. Like all herbivores, they
can't do well given one high-protein meal each day: their digestive
tracts are adapted to process lots of small meals across the day.
Finally, physical and behavioural stress will both cause problems.
Bullying within groups is the classic, Platies, like all livebearers,
doing best in groups of one male to two or more females, and in small
tanks, below 90 litres/20 gallons, a single male is recommended, with
2-3 females. Oh, and do check for Camallanus worms. These are not
uncommon among farmed livebearers. The red thread-like worms emerging
from the anus are distinctive, and like other worms, big populations of
them in the gut will reduce the amount of food the host (i.e., the
fish) can absorb. Anti-helminth medications should do the trick
When I searched I only saw info about pregnant & fat Platies.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: one thin platy 10/4/09
Thank you Neale, it is the worms, I have seen them!
I didn't know what they were & will try the medicine.
<Levamisole, Piperazine and Praziquantel are often recommended, but
don't always work, and Fenbendazole and Flubendazole are much
better, if you can get them.>
Thanks again, you are a wonderful resource of information and will
regularly check this site before a problem arises.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Orange platy with white substance on her side... no
reading 8/19/09
I have a 10 gallon tank with orange platys and black mollies.
<Such small volumes are difficult to keep stable, and
don't provide sufficient space for these fishes...
behaviorally or metabolically>
One female orange platy, in particular, is looking and behaving
rather strangely. Several days go, I noticed a white coating on
one of her sides.
It doesn¹t appear to be fibrous or crystalline
 slimy, almost  not like any Ick
I¹ve seen, but I have treated the tank with an Ick
Clear tank buddy to be safe.
<... a poor idea. Toxic>
Her scales don¹t appear to be protruding, and
she¹s no larger than normal (dropsy?),
<Read re on WWM>
but there are small areas of her that look like they are
³shedding² this white substance.
I¹ve inspected her as closely as I can, and it
definitely does not look like she¹s shedding
This white substance does not appear to be anywhere else on her
body in such a concentration as on her side, but her scales have
noticeably lost sheen, as if she¹s completely coated
in this stuff. She appears to be swimming normally, though she is
putting forth just a little more effort to keep herself righted
sometimes, and I¹ve caught her occasionally resting on
the bottom of the tank, which I¹ve seen the other
females do when they are pregnant. She¹s also been
keeping her top fin down and is avoiding the male at all costs
when she is usually very friendly with him. She is, however,
schooling normally with the other females when the male
isn¹t chasing after her.
I changed the water earlier today  the water was
treated normally, and I added a new Bio Bag. Approximately 2
weeks ago, the black mollies spawned, and there are 12 fry still
living in this tank. I am not actively breeding any of these
fish, so I did not remove the pregnant female  now I
have 12 baby survivors who I am looking to relocate before they
get big enough to crowd the rest of my fish out. The addition of
these new mollies has been the only change to the tank.
Any ideas
<... what re water quality tests, foods, feeding?>
as to what this may be would be greatly appreciated.
<Read here:
scroll down to the sections on Platies and Mollies... re their
systems, feeding... Bob Fenner>
Re: Orange platy with white substance on her side...
please read... 8/20/09
Hi Bob,
<Howdy Brynn>
Thank you for your quick response, I appreciate it.
Strange happenings - I arrived home not long ago to find my male
molly upside down and unable to right himself. I placed him into
a small, separate tank - his gills are going very quickly, and he
seems to be able to move his pectoral fins, but not much
<Water quality?>
The orange platy is the same as she was yesterday, though I have
noticed that one of the other orange platys is showing stringy
white feces (internal parasites I'm guessing). Should I buy
some medicated food and Melafix?
<I wouldn't... see our input re this product on
Should I remove her from the tank?
Tested the water:
Nitrites - 0.10 ppm
<Need to be zip, zilch, nada>
Ammonia - 0.0 ppm
pH - 7.6
Nitrates - 0.10 ppm
I feed these guys Tetra Algae: Vegetable Enhanced Crisps,
crushed, twice daily. Occasionally (about once a week) I will
feed them TetraColor flakes.
<You/they might do well with the addition of something other
than dried, prepared foods>
Again, many thanks with your attention to my fish. It's
greatly appreciated.
<Do you add salt to this system's water? How long have you
had these animals? What is your maintenance routine? Please
review where you were referred previously... to give an idea of
the sorts of information we're looking for. BobF>
Re: Orange platy with white substance on her
side 8/21/09
Hi Bob,
Thanks again for your response.
RE the tank and my routine: I've had the tank for 3 years now
- the mollies for the entirety of those 3 years and the platys
for 2. When I first got my tank, I did attempt to acclimate the
mollies to SW very slowly with help from the people at my local
pet store. Unfortunately, we had several die in the process.
I've kept the remainder in FW ever since.
<I see... I take it the water there is hard and alkaline from
its source?>
I do 10% water changes every week,
<Good interval... I'd increase the percentage... to maybe
thorough gravel cleanings, and once a month, I remove a few of
the plants to clean them thoroughly as well. The filter is
changed regularly.
A note about my platy - I did confirm today that she is shedding
I've attached two pictures of her (best I could get, I
apologize for the quality).
<I see... this fish is literally "falling apart"!
Finrot... bacterial... but from what sort of in/direct
I'm looking to upgrade to a 27 gallon tank from this 10
<Too small a volume to keep stable>
once everyone is happy and healthy again. I read in an FAQ about
Platies (
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWsubwebindex/platysysfaqs.htm) that
the Rift Valley Cichlid Salt Mix is great for both Platies and
mollies - do you think I should give that a shot in the new
<I do>
Many thanks.
<Thank you for your input. Bob Fenner>
Re: Orange platy with white substance on her
Hi Bob,
Not surprisingly, the platy has passed on. She completely stopped
eating but behaviorally was still fairly normal up until the
I have no guesses as to what the source of this may have been,
unless it was something on me that got transferred during a water
change or one of my cats tried to get in there for a snack or a
I will do as you've suggested and increase the percentage of
my water changes. Would you recommend beginning to add the salt
mixture with each water change or begin the drip system (as
outlined in one of the FAQs) method now?
<Yes I would do the former>
Would that help or hurt at this point? Or should I just wait
until the 27 gallon tank fully cycles to begin acclimating
<I would begin this in the present system>
Additionally, should I begin treatment with Maracyn (or Maracyn 2
or both)?
<I would not do this. W/o knowing the causative mechanism, the
addition of Gram positive and negative antibiotics will likely do
no good, and may indeed cause harm>
None of my other fish are looking/behaving oddly, but I
definitely want to head it off at the pass if I can.
Once again, most appreciative of your time.
<Do keep perusing the disease areas of the freshwater Subweb
of WWM when you have time, energy/interest. B>
Re: Platies and Gourami poorly
Hi there again!
A quick update.. I am not having much luck sadly.. Last week I
lost another Danio, and a rosy barb, both had a dropsical
appearance for a few days before they died.
I still have several Platies with white tufty bits, one is bottom
sitting a lot, and another appears to be 'wasting' as
previous Platies that died did.
The moonlight Gourami still is not eating (that I have observed)
and still has an ulcer on the lower lip. There also appear to be
slight white 'tufts' appearing on the sides of the
Gourami, although the fins are unaffected on any of the fish.
<Very odd. I fear that you do have one of these
"primary" rather than "opportunistic"
bacterial infections. These are very difficult to treat, even
with antibiotics (which in the UK you can only get from your
I have been testing the water every day and have not seen any
detectable nitrite or ammonia, nitrate is very low at between 5
and 10. I have got the U2 filter going (no detectable U2 in my
tank no, that Bono is
banished..)(sorry..) without the carbon in it.
<If ammonia and nitrite aren't issues, then consider other
factors. Could anything poisonous have got into the tank?
Insecticides? Paint fumes?>
Yesterday I completed a 3 day course of eSHa, but this seems to
have had little beneficial effect. Now we are going on holiday
late Friday, and I am very concerned - a neighbour is going to be
feeding the fish for me (they have done it before for us),
<Wouldn't feed the fish at all for a week, if that's
how long you're gone.
The risks outweigh the benefits. Fish can go two weeks without
food if they must, often longer.>
but I am really concerned to make sure that I leave the correct
instructions, and of course I can't observe or treat the fish
whilst I am away for a week.
<Indeed. Hence, not feeding the fish at least means nitrogen
cycle problems aren't something you'll have to worry
Any thoughts? I thought the fungus type stuff I am seeing would
be affected by the eSHa but it does not appear to be. It is on
the body of the fish - in one case near the eye, another near the
tail, on another it is little patches over most of the fish. I am
all out of eSHa now, should I get some more and keep on dosing in
case this helps? Bearing in mind that I treated the tank only
just over a week ago, in an attempt to get rid of this fungus or
whatever it is.
<Any chance of a photo?>
Your help is very much appreciated.
<Did you try daily saltwater dips of the infected fish? This
is quite good for removing a variety of symptoms, even if it
doesn't cure the underlying problem. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Platies and Gourami poorly 08/05/09
Thanks for the reply. I am so worried about leaving them all....
Think I need a webcam!
I have sent a couple of pics of the Platies. The Gourami was
having none of it, and since he's not coming out for food,
taking his picture was not very easy.
<Often the case...>
It has been some 5 or 6 weeks since I did some painting - as per
the last two times, one small Gourami died a few days after
painting, despite my best efforts with fresh carbon and airing
the rooms / keeping relevant doors shut (I was painting the
staircase). This issue started around 2 weeks ago I think.
<I have painted around fish tanks, and by using carbon and
switching off air pumps you can minimise the risk. Opening all
the windows should help.
But air-breathing fish may well be at particular risk.>
I will not bother with the fish feeding, as we are only gone for
a week - just make sure they have a water change before we go.. I
may ask the neighbour to check for dead ones though.
<Good plan.>
I do hope I don't lose the Gourami, he's our favourite. I
have had him two months, he arrived with the Platies which
appeared to have fin rot as soon as placed in QT, the fin-rot
that took two treatments of eSHa to clear. I wonder if they have
brought an infection with them?
<It's worth understanding that Finrot is an opportunistic
infection caused by bacteria latent in all aquaria. Fish
don't "catch" Finrot from each other; they simply
become vulnerable to these ubiquitous, opportunistic bacteria
because of environmental issues or physical damage.>
They were in QT for three weeks in all, which I figured should be
Anyhow, pictures attached - hope they are not too large. The most
obliging fish has patches around her eye and on top of her head.
The Gourami has a few similar bits on his side, which are harder
to see.
<The Moonlight Gourami simply looks as if its been fighting,
and with appropriate Finrot medication plus good diet and water
quality, this should heal nicely. The Platies also look to have
an opportunistic infection. With Platies, hardness and pH are
important, and it also helps not to keep them too warm. A
greens-based diet will be of benefit. All in all, these look like
fish that should heal properly, assuming external factors permit
<Cheers, Neale.>
Tumorous growths on a few in platy group
Dear Crew: Easy question, not life or death.
<Fire away.>
I wish to know whether Platies are particularly susceptible to
<Depends how inbred they are; fancy Platies are, as with any inbred
fish, more likely to lack the hardiness of their ancestors. Moreover,
careless breeding means that deformities are very common.>
Of the various species, only Platies have had slow-growing bumpy
growths, and it has been just a few over past two years or more. Fish
look fine, no deterioration, except for the huge growths that develop
on a very few of the mature individuals, maybe one in 20. This question
is more curiosity than worry because generally fish appear to
<If these are all descendants of a single pair of Platies you bought
way back when, it's entirely likely there's a genetic
explanation to the deformities or tumours you're seeing here. If
you've repeatedly added Platies to your tank from multiple batches
of fish, and you repeatedly see otherwise healthy fish develop these
abnormalities, there may be something odd going on.>
Conditions: Near the beach in Orange County, Southern California. Fish
are in a deep 700 gallon pond in an atrium with partial sun. Summer
temps get up to high 70s Fahrenheit. Only heating in winter is modest:
I try to keep temp above 63 degrees Fahrenheit by heating a small boxy
corner of pond and letting them huddle there. There always is some
winter die-off, yet most survive.
<Platies were, ancestrally at least, fairly cool water fish by
tropical standards, and the fish we call the Variatus Platy is
certainly as much a subtropical fish as anything else. So somewhat cool
conditions is not, in itself, a disaster. That said, fancy Platies will
lack this hardiness and inbreeding is likely to mean the Xiphophorus
hybrids sold as fancy Platies and Swordtails are best kept in fairly
warm conditions 365 days a year.>
Platies began with three pairs five years ago. I estimate they number
maybe 30-40, just guessing. There is heavy planting, papyrus (roots in
pond) and other unknown aquatic plants, rocks, structure, and large
3' tall plastic plants. Pond is heavily filtered with skimmer
filter and waterfall filter + large UV fountain. No other aeration.
Water does not circulate too strongly, but flows mostly along one
wall--fish aren't jostled or fighting currents. Don't know pH
or anything technical about water conditions.
<This is important, and Platies are hardwater fish, and under acidic
conditions will not do well.>
Water usually is clear. Twice in past few years it was slightly cloudy
so I added commercial pond bacteria mixes. I added sea salt (cannot
recall recommended proportion I added), but it is not brackish.
<So why add salt at all? Let me make this point crystal clear: tonic
salt (as opposed to the salt used in marine aquaria) does nothing at
all positive when used in freshwater ponds or aquaria. It doesn't
raise pH and it doesn't raise hardness. Waste of money. By all
means add a Rift Valley cichlid salt mix if you want, even a DIY mix
using Epsom salt, baking soda, and marine aquarium salt mix; such a mix
will raise hardness and steady pH very well.
Haven't added new fish in over a year. Population includes maybe
15-20 pineapple swords (growing segment!), 3-4 rosy barbs (haven't
<Like Platies, both of these are low-end tropicals, and Rosy Barbs
especially prefer cooler water than most tropicals, and in my opinion
would be ideal inmates for an indoor pond.>
couple of gold mollies, maybe a Pleco or two (they hide, and seem not
to live more than one and a half to two years),
<These are tropical fish, and the fact they die after a year or so,
when they should live 10-20 years, easily, is sad, and you really
shouldn't be using them in this set-up.>
1-2 white dojo loaches.
<Also subtropical fish, and ideally suited to an indoor
Also numerous Gambusia (mosquito fish, a mistake left over from
original setup).
<Subtropical fish as well.>
Plus lots of little red shrimp less than one inch long (don't know
where they came from).
<Neocaridina shrimps thoroughly enjoy subtropical
Oh, and one huge old white and red fantail goldfish. I've not had
diseases I can identify, such as Ich or fin or tail rot or anything.
Fish look good. One or two fish have died that looked bad, deteriorated
fins, but not the tumorous Platies that seem to carry one despite large
growths. So any thoughts about Platies and these growths?
<Probably a combination of bad genes and inappropriate environmental
conditions; would be tempted to remove them, and concentrate on known
subtropical species, like Gambusia, Xiphophorus variatus, Heterandria
formosa, wild-caught Poecilia latipinna from the US coastal states, or
even more fun, the Goodeid livebearers, many of which, like Ameca
splendens, Xenotoca eiseni and Characodon lateralis, thoroughly enjoy
subtropical conditions. Sure, some of these are tricky to get via your
chain pet stores, but with a bit of work they can be obtained easily
enough from fish clubs, fish forum members, regional livebearer
associations, or as special orders from better pet stores. If
you're a serious fishkeeper with a big pond, why not keep something
a bit more interesting that Platies?>
Thanks for your kind help, Miles
<Cheers, Neale.>
stressed Platies; added neon tetras
Dear WetWebMedia:
I have a 20 gal heated freshwater aquarium which has been set up for 2
½ years. It is well planted and has an Aquaclear 20-50 gal
filter. Six days ago, after doing my weekly/biweekly tank cleaning and
water change, I bought a school of 8 juvenile neon tetras (10
originally, but 2 ended up in the filter) to add to my current stock of
3 white cloud minnows (2+ years old) 1 Danio, and 6 Platies, (3 adult,
3 juvenile, all born and raised from fry in the tank. The tetras seem
very happy, after a day of schooling they dispersed and are now
exploring the tank. The minnows and Danio are fine, but after 3 days
ago the Platies started to clamp their fins and sit at the top or rest
on the bottom of the tank.
I have tested the water daily and there has been no trace of ammonia,
but the nitrates are slightly up, probably around 5 ppm. The rest of
the water readings remain the same: moderate alkalinity, and the
hardness is about 80 ppm (perhaps a bit soft for the Platies?).
<Mmm, should be fine>
Because I live in San Diego with very hard, treated water,
<Ah yes... as do I... in Mira Mesa>
I buy reverse osmosis water for the tank and mix it with a couple of
gallons of tap for minerals, and use a dechlorinator. Yesterday I took
apart the filter in case that was the problem, and noticed that the
sponge was dirty and had plant matter trapped in it, and so I rinsed it
in a separate container of tank water and replaced the carbon insert
and topped up the tank (roughly 10%), adding a little Seachem stability
along with the dechlorinator .
After the filter cleanout and small water change the Platies unclamped
their fins, but still stuck to the tank perimeters. This morning one of
the Platies was dead. The rest seem very stressed; they have good color
but their gills seem to be moving very quickly.
I didn't think that I was overloading the tank by adding the
juvenile Neons, and the resident fish didn't chase them, but do you
think that I upset the Platies' social environment so much that
they are all going to die?
<An interesting speculation... and my first guess in terms of the
change in their behavior... but death? Not likely a/the cause itself. I
fear a pathogen may have been introduced with the Neons>
They have been happy and hardy fish so far; breeding, eating well
<Good signs of health>
I will do my weekly 25% water change tomorrow and keep an eye on the
nitrates, but apart from that can't think of what else to do. Is it
the presence of the new fish, or the bioload which is causing the
<Can't say from the data presented>
If the former, will the Platies eventually adjust to their pretty new
<I do hope so>
Thanks for any advice,
<At this juncture, given what you state, have, I would continue sans
medicating, changing anything... just stay observant. Bob
Re: stressed Platies; added neon
tetras 6/21/09
Dear Bob:
You must be right about the pathogen; after writing yesterday, all the
other Platies died one by one.
The last was alive and looking very happy in the late evening, but had
white spots on his tail. I have never encountered it before, but from
reading the site, it sounds like Ich.
<Perhaps this or another Protozoan... could even be a multi-species
infestation... No fun>
He was dead by this morning. Does Ich kill so quickly?
<Can, yes>
I also did my weekly 30% water change and discovered one dead neon in
the gravel. None of the remaining fish so far have white spots (as far
as I can tell with small fish) and are behaving normally.
This is completely my fault for not following the cardinal rule of
fishkeeping and quarantining the neon tetras. I have a quarantine tank,
but I "quarantined" a dwarf honey Gourami and some zebra
Danios in it a few months ago, and my youngest daughter so loves this
tank in her bedroom that I didn't have the heart to transfer the
fish into the 20 gal tank. I suppose that even the most conscientious
fish stores unwittingly sell diseased fish,
<Yes, this is so>
and I must get (yet another) tank. Can fish be successfully quarantined
in a plastic bucket with a filter attached?
<Mmm, can... but need a heater... and some sort of cover mainly to
prevent "jumping" out>
How long should I wait before replaced the Platies; a month or so?
I obviously need to solve the pathogen problem first.
Thanks for being so helpful to those of us with "basic"
aquariums, and so patient with stupid fish-keeper mistakes. As a
university professor, I also appreciate your insistence on good
P.S You were very helpful last year when my angelfish died of
Camallanus worms, and recommended a great local fish store. I am
practically your neighbour here on Lynx Road, and walk my dog past your
house quite often. At the risk of sounding like crazy internet fans, we
would like to thank you personally sometime.
<Welcome my/our friend. BobF>
Platy with clamped fins and tail
I have 2 platys in a 10 gallon tank
<Too small for this species... maintaining good health will be
Haven't we discussed this before?>
and one of them seems to be clamping its fins and tails.
<Sounds like "the Shimmies", usually an issue with water
quality and/or chemistry.>
It can still swim around though, by swooshing its tail side to side. It
does not have other disease symptoms like weird poo or abnormal
appetite. I tested the tank water last week and everything was fine
except that the pH was high (7.8).
<Bit worried you don't actually understand what "fine"
is. The optimal pH for Platies is between 7.5 and 8, so 7.8 is perfect.
But that assumes the water is also hard (10-25 degrees dH) and there
are zero levels of ammonia and nitrite. In a tank as small as 10
gallons, ensuring pH and water chemistry remain stable will be
Is there anything I can do to help the fish?
<Buy a bigger tank...?>
<Much written about maintaining livebearers here at WWM; do please
Cheers, Neale.>
Platy problem 5/7/09
Hi, I have a platy that always has rips in its tail.
<Finrot, either from fighting or, more likely, poor water
I tried treating with antibiotics for several weeks and it only got
better to a certain point and I decided to stop because I was stressing
my other fish and killing the good bacteria on my BioWheel.
<Used correctly, antibiotics such as Maracyn should have little/no
impact on filtration; if you have water quality problems, I'd be
looking at other possible problems.>
A few days ago one black molly died of what seemed like ammonia
poisoning so for 4 days I did 1/4 water changes and all of the fish
have looked ok since. This morning I woke up and the platy that had the
fin rips had a swelling between it's anal fins that grew all day
and then began shrinking towards the end of the day and now has white
stringy poo. I did some research and it says that it may be a parasitic
<Platies do tend to produce a lot of faeces when fed on an
algae-rich diet, but if the faeces are white and stringy rather than
short and brown, then you may be looking at a problem of some sort.
Constipation is always a risk with herbivorous fish, because some
people insist on feeding them a carnivorous fish's diet, i.e.,
regular flake foods. Platies need algae-based flake as well as things
like cooked spinach, Sushi Nori, cooked peas and sliced cucumber.
Daphnia and brine shrimp have a laxative effect and are useful treats.
Chronically poor water quality can cause a variety of problems,
including copious production of faeces, via the latent bacteria and
Protozoans in the gut that multiply excessively when the fish are
However, nothing new has been introduced to my tank in 3 months so I
don't think that a parasite could have gotten in. I have a 3 gallon
<Dismal; 3 gallons is a bucket, not an aquarium; why did you think
you could keep fish in this death trap? Please read first, spend money
second; every aquarium book ever written would tell you this is too
carbon filter, BioWheel. 1 molly, 2 Platies, 1 albino Cory.
<Not nearly big enough for these fish. Platies need to be kept in
15-20 gallons, Mollies around 30 gallons, and Corydoras need to be kept
in SCHOOLS of 5 or more specimens, in tanks upwards of 15-20
Was treating with Melafix antibiotic.
<Not an antibiotic; largely useless, at best an antiseptic, and
certainly won't cure Finrot.>
Platy laying at bottom of tank right now, first time he did that all
day though.
<Need a bigger tank, proper use of medications. No data here about
water quality and water chemistry; just to review, Platies need 0
ammonia and nitrite, pH 7.5-8, and a hardness 10 degrees dH or higher.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Platy Has Swollen Anus Region/Lethargic -
Detail Correction 4/8/09
I had stated my Platies faeces turned white two days ago. Actually, I
noticed the white faeces several days ago, which is what lead me to
discover I was not feeding them properly.
<Mmm, not necessarily so... the faeces of fishes, like our own, are
principally formed of bacteria... these do change with foods, states of
health et al. of the animals. Bob Fenner>