FAQs on Platy Diseases/Health
FAQs on Platy Disease:
Platy Disease 1,
Platy Disease 2,
Platy Disease 3,
Platy Disease 4,
Platy Disease 5,
Platy Health 6,
Platy Health 7,
Platy Health 8,
Platy Health 10,
Platy Health 11, Platy Health ,
FAQs on Platy Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Social, Infectious (Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Genetic, Treatments,
Related Articles:
Guppies, Platies, Swordtails, Mollies by Neale Monks,
Livebearing Fishes by Bob
Related FAQs:
Platies 1,
Platies 2,
Platy Identification,
Platy Behavior,
Platy Compatibility,
Platy Selection,
Platy Systems,
Platy Feeding,
Platy Reproduction,

Platy sick...but from what?? & repro. f'
I have 3 Platies in a 10 gallon tank, all the chemistry is fine.
<Based on what?>
I just did a 20% water change yesterday. For 2 days the Mickey Mouse
Platy has been sitting at the bottom but will come up for food and will
go for it and beat the other Platies to it. The other Platies
didn't really eat it but the MM did. The MM is the pig of the
three, she eats the most. I think maybe she is stressed and constipated.
I gave her Epsom salt twice in tank
and fed her a green pea or two....she is still acting all stressed,
dorsal fin down, and stressing out way to easily, which is not normally
like her.
<Did anything pass after you used the Epsom and fed pea?>
She was the one who was the happy go lucky and like to nip and chase and
play. She looks okay on the outside, and i am thinking maybe she has a
bacterial or viral infection internally.
<What led you to this conclusion?>
No reason to think parasites, at all.
<Why not?>
Just fed them TetraColor and TetraMin flakes only, but I do admit I
overfed, to make sure that one of them got enough to eat, cuz she always
ate less, smaller bites....and this one and the 3rd one ate a lot.
<They won't starve if they are eating at all.>
..the MM ate the most. She looked bloated at first to me, but now I
realize she just doesn't feel well, she always had a lot of food in her
belly. No way can she be pregnant cuz she was less than 4 months old
when i got her..
<How do you know the age and how long have they been in your tank? Did
you get her from the breeder or from a store? Also, do you have a
male in that tank? Livebearers can breed at a surprisingly young
.still growing. I was told to only feed them peas for a few days and see
how she is doing then...but I am scared she is going to get worse if she
has an internal bacterial or viral infection.
<If the condition worsens, be ready to use antibiotics.>
She doesn't look like she has dropsy yet, as her fins are NOT pointed out.
I am scared that whatever is wrong she is going to get worse. But she
does want to eat, so that is good unless she doesn't ever poop. I was
told the peas act as a laxative.
<Again, have you seen any results from the peas? My first
inclination is that the fish is indeed gravid, preparing to drop her
Please advise.
<Monitor and note any changes for better or worse. Look for additional
symptoms, especially red markings on the skin. - Rick>
Re: re: Platy sick...but from what?? /RMF
I took my water in, and everything was normal, they checked everything..
<Mmm, not everything is check-able>
I do my small water changes once a week, religiously!
I change my filters when needed. I keep their water clean!
If the MM is pregnant, then she got pregnant at Dallas North Aquarium
before I bought her.
She did look big in pics I took on Oct. 6th.
I had read that they could not get pregnant until 4 months old which it
said that is when they are full grown to their 2 to 2 1/2 inches.
<Mmm, I disagree... can/do "become pregnant" at smaller size, younger
She was way shorter/smaller than that when I bought her on Sept. 26, she
was listed as between small an medium size...less than full grown for
sure, very obvious. The bumble bee and her were much smaller than the
Red Wagtail. I fed them too much apparently and no veggie based food or
frozen veggies and both the bumble bee and the MM got bigger and big
stomachs. I can see through how full they are. Since I got the MM, the
Red Wagtail started eating less and does not have a big stomach anymore,
normal sized.
The sick MM was/is the Pig of the tank!
I was overfeeding the MM because she ate most of the food...I had to put
out extra so the Red Wagtail could get some food.
No, unfortunately, I have not noticed any poop from the sick MM. If she
does not get better (or give birth)
Question: What kind of antibiotics should I give her, considering
I have no idea what kind of internal bacterial or viral infection she
<See WWM re... am not a fan of such use w/o real demonstrable possible
The others Platies are pooping fine and feel great, but one pooped
white, but wasn't all long and stringy. I also saw short strings of red
poop on the gravel. The one that pooped white feels great.
The reason why I do not believe they have parasites is because another
expert who has proven himself to me time and time again told me this:
"White stringy feces can be a sign of a bacterial digestive infection, a
viral digestive infection, or possibly some kinds of parasite. It
can also be an indication of an overly rich diet, consumption of
vegetable matter that did not agree with them, consumption of meaty
foods that were starting to decompose, consumption of fungus-based foods
(or moldy food), liver failure, or any of a number of other things... It
is unlikely that domestic raised fish would have any parasite (your
platies are DEFINITELY domestic raised)."
<Mmm, while I do agree w/ most of the above stmt., it may well be that
these domestically raised fish are infested... many to most are...
coming either from Florida or imported from the far east... ONLY
livestock that is captive produced (in aquariums) locally is likely to
be parasite-free>
The sick MM has had her dorsal fin up sometimes now and is swimming
normally but kind of fast, cuz she does not want to be messed with.
Then she goes back to her place.
I did buy Veggie Spirulina flake food by Aqueon at PetSmart. Only brand
there that had it for Tropical fish.
I will alternate it with the TetraColor and TetraMin when the fish are
all better.
Question: Can I feed the Veggie Spirulina flakes to the Platies after
tomorrow? It will have been 3 days without flaked food, and the two that
aren't sick did not eat it yesterday, I think they nibbled a little on
it today. If not, how soon?
<Can, and only time will tell>
Question: I think it could be Constipation and Stress, but then
again she IS wanting to eat.????
<Can't say from here... >
Please, please, please advise. I really need your help. Thank you,
<Please review what we have archived re this species... Start here:
the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: re: Platy sick...but from what??
I read online that Platies cannot possibly get pregnant at such a young
age of 2 months or so,
<Mmm, can do so shortly after this time in my experience>
Today she is feeling better, and actually had her dorsal fin up when I
fed the peas, but she is still stressed, I know why now, being bullied
by one of the other Platies, and they both like to be with third Platy,
so I think I should get one more Platy soon...I heard they do better in
<Trios... more females than males>
Her gills were pinkish/red when I got her, they did get a little redder,
and I will keep an eye on that. But, she is feeling better today, still
haven't seen any string of poop from her, but maybe she will poop today
since she ate another pea.
The reason why I wrote no reason for parasites is because another expert
told me this, when I asked him about short white poop:
"This is another case of non-veterinarian giving out not entirely
accurate or necessarily clear information.
White stringy feces can be a sign of a bacterial digestive infection, a
viral digestive infection, or possibly some kinds of parasite. It can
also be an indication of an overly rich diet, consumption of vegetable
matter that did not agree with them, consumption of meaty foods that
were starting to decompose, consumption of fungus-based foods (or moldy
food), liver failure, or any of a number of other things... It is
unlikely that domestic raised fish would have any parasite (your platies
are DEFINITELY domestic raised)."
Please respond with your comments on what i just wrote, or
recommendation for me to do next.
<Read where you've been referred... especially re "Platy System FAQs"...
am wondering if you have suitable water quality... temp., hardness,
Re: re: Platy sick...but from what?? /Neale
I took my water in, and everything was normal, they checked everything..
I do my small water changes once a week, religiously! I change my
filters when needed. I keep their water clean! If the MM is pregnant,
then she got pregnant at Dallas North Aquarium before I bought her.
<Easily possible. Female livebearers can have anything up to 6 broods
following mating, with each brood around a month apart, so for if
they're ever kept with males, it's almost certain they'll be pregnant.>
She did look big in pics I took on Oct. 6th. I had read that they could
not get pregnant until 4 months old which it said that is when they are
full grown to their 2 to 2 1/2 inches.
<Size doesn't matter for fish any more than humans. It's age that
matters. Female livebearers are capable of breeding at around 3 months
of age, males are fertile and able to father offspring at about 2 months
of age.>
She was way shorter/smaller than that when I bought her on Sept. 26, she
was listed as between small an medium size...less than full grown for
sure, very obvious. The bumble bee and her were much smaller than the
Red Wagtail. I fed them too much apparently and no veggie based food or
frozen veggies and both the bumble bee and the MM got bigger and big
stomachs. I can see through how full they are. Since I got the MM, the
Red Wagtail started eating less and does not have a big stomach anymore,
normal sized.
The sick MM was/is the Pig of the tank! I was overfeeding the MM because
she ate most of the food...I had to put out extra so the Red Wagtail
could get some food.
No, unfortunately, I have not noticed any poop from the sick MM. If she
does not get better (or give birth) Question: What kind of
antibiotics should I give her, considering I have no idea what kind of
internal bacterial or viral infection she has?
<Use a combination against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria; in
the US, the use of Maracyn 1 and Maracyn 2 is frequently recommended in
such situations.>
The others Platies are pooping fine and feel great, but one pooped
white, but wasn't all long and stringy. I also saw short strings of red
poop on the gravel. The one that pooped white feels great. The reason
why I do not believe they have parasites is because another expert who
has proven himself to me time and time again told me this: "White
stringy feces can be a sign of a bacterial digestive infection, a viral
digestive infection, or possibly some kinds of parasite. It can also be
an indication of an overly rich diet, consumption of vegetable matter
that did not agree with them, consumption of meaty foods that were
starting to decompose, consumption of fungus-based foods (or moldy
food), liver failure, or any of a number of other things... It is
unlikely that domestic raised fish would have any parasite (your platies
are DEFINITELY domestic raised)."
<Actually, it's extremely common for farmed fish to have gut parasites.
Most tropical fish come from farms in the Far East where medications
rather than hygiene are used to minimise losses. In practical terms this
means they factor in a certain number of fatalities, and price their
livestock accordingly. This ensures mostly healthy fish at a low price,
but does mean intensive farming is commonplace, and that in turn means
cross-infection of parasites is very common. With this said, though
parasites may be common, even ubiquitous in some cases, most of the
tropical fish we buy are healthy enough that any low level infections
don't cause problems. It's only when fish are stressed that the
parasites multiply sufficiently quickly to cause real harm.>
The sick MM has had her dorsal fin up sometimes now and is swimming
normally but kind of fast, cuz she does not want to be messed with. Then
she goes back to her place. I did buy Veggie Spirulina flake food by
Aqueon at PetSmart. Only brand there that had it for Tropical fish. I
will alternate it with the TetraColor and TetraMin when the fish are all
Question: Can I feed the Veggie Spirulina flakes to the Platies after
tomorrow? It will have been 3 days without flaked food, and the two that
aren't sick did not eat it yesterday, I think they nibbled a little on
it today. If not, how soon?
<Spirulina flakes are a recommended staple for livebearers, but should
not be used while treating fish for constipation because they'd have the
opposite effect. Plain algae (such as Sushi Nori) would be okay though.
Otherwise, stick with the cooked/canned peas, spinach, etc. Feel free to
stick an algae-covered rock in the tank for the Platies to graze upon;
algae is something like 90% of what they'd eat in the wild, and the
perfect food.>
Question: I think it could be Constipation and Stress, but then
again she IS wanting to eat.????
<For sure. Cooked peas and spinach will provide good nutrition for
herbivorous fish like Platies. But it does take weeks for fish to
starve, and if constipated, the focus has to be clearing out the gut
before returning to dried foods.>
Please, please, please advise. I really need your help. Thank you,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Re: re: Platy sick...but from what?? - 10/22/2012
Oh, I did read everything on your Platy site, and am just more confused.
<Your water quality test measures? BobF>
Re: Re: re: Platy sick...but from what??
<Hi Tracy>
The water is fine, we do have hard water here. PH is fine, they checked
all that. I take very good care of the water...regular water changes,
change filters, clean filter media, I am very good about taking care of
my tank water and fish. But something is wrong with her.
<The water sounds like it is not related to the problem.>
I did see her rub the side of her face against the submersible heater,
although her gills are normally reddish anyway.
<One time may be nothing. If she rubs again (called flashing) it may
indicate problems.>
I will feed her a pea again today and look for poop string.
<Look specifically for a segmented string, like sausages. That indicates
parasites. Otherwise, it should be pretty solid.>
It has been too long for her to have a big stomach like that and not
already dropped the fry. I do not even believe she is pregnant. Actually
her color is better and dorsal fin is up sometimes, but it is not even
like her to not want to play. I think it has to be constipation. Maybe
it will take another day. But I read on your site that the rubbing on
her face could be a gill bacterial infection. I also read that it is bad
to treat them for parasites or infections or anything they do not have.
<Right, treating for something that isn't a problem is not suggested.
That's how humans helped to create antibiotic-resistant strains of
I am very frustrated...and do not know what to do. There are NO fish
Vets anywhere. So i guess i am screwed until what?
I don't know.
<A fish vet would probably be pretty expensive anyway. Would it be
possible to get a photo of this fish so we can see the shape of the
Gravid livebearers often have a distinctive shape. Otherwise, I'd
just continue feeding with pea and keep a close eye on her. - Rick>
Re: Re: re: Platy sick...but from what?? - Sabrina's Go, Part A
<Firstly, Hi Tracy, I'm Sabrina. I thought I might try to clarify
things from your previous correspondences with Rick and Bob and offer my
own views as well.>
Today she came out but seemed stressed but did swim around while I was
feeding the fish peas.
<This does sound like an improvement, yes?>
Although I believe she was hungry earlier, when I fed the peas, she did
not eat any. However, her dorsal fin is up more than ever.
I wish you could just tell me what is wrong with her and what and how to
medicate with.
<You know, Tracy, I wish so, too. That would make life so much
easier! Unfortunately, like many/most things in life, fish disease
is not something with a miracle fix, or even a certain diagnosis, in
this and many cases.
The symptoms you've described.... big stomach, clamped fins,
transparent string from the vent, etc., are all symptoms, and just like
how in humans fever, upset tummy, and chills can be symptoms of cold,
flu, food poisoning, food allergy, internal infection, and more, the
symptoms you've described really can be attributed to many different
causes, from simple constipation to parasites to bacterial infection to
organ failure. There just isn't an immediate answer. Even
improper environmental conditions could contribute, which is why the
actual readings for Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, pH and hardness are so
very important. Hearing that someone tested "everything" and it
was all okay really gives us zero information about the environment the
fish is in, which is why we kept asking for that.>
Is it contagious, do I need to treat the whole tank and the other fish.
<It could be contagious, especially if it's a parasite. Or it
could be entirely not contagious, if it's simple constipation, or
(worse) organ failure causing the fish to retain fluids. Some of
the possibilities have fixes, and others (like organ failure) just
I swear, none of you experts agree on anything.
<It's not so much that no one can agree, but that there are just so many
possibilities that, even if we saw the fish with our own two eyes in our
own tanks, we might still not be 100% sure what the cause may be, or how
or even if it could be fixed.>
And since there are no Fish Vets, I amXXXed!
<There are some fish vets, actually, but they're very few and far
between. The very few I've met would probably be saying something
similar to what any one of us has said, and if you asked three different
vets, you might even get three different answers, because the symptoms
are so common to such different complaints.>
Sorry, but tomorrow is my birthday, and I have to go to the god XXXX
dentist, my beloved Stepmother of 30 years died unexpectedly 2 weeks
ago, and she was my best friend too.
<This is most unfortunate.... Tracy, I am so very sorry for your
FTW (XXXX the World...a tattoo that Tommy Lee has)
<When crap comes, it comes in waves, doesn't it?>
If it wasn't for the Silver Surfer, my dog, I wish I would have been the
one to die.
<Hon, it seems to me you're in a pretty bad spot right now. I've
been in bad spots myself, and I know what it's like for life to suck.
I won't say I know what you're going through; I don't, only you do.
But I've had my share - more than my share - of hurt, and I know I've
wished the same at times. The way your words indicate that you're
feeling is frightening, Tracy. Life can seriously suck, and it can
be really, really hard to work through it. But I do absolutely
promise you that everything always does work out, one way or another.
Try to remember that, and try to hold on to the things that are
important to you in your life - Silver Surfer, your Stepmother's memory,
anything you hold dear. And bear in mind that, as much as life can
suck at times, the awesome parts are just so, so awesome....>
I am going to get drunk, wake up with a XXXX hangover, and then have to
get my teeth drilled on. Do I deserve it. XXXX no.
<Hey, at least getting your teeth drilled is a very temporary thing.
There's totally an end in sight to that, right? You'll live
through it, and then you'll have better teeth. It's worth it.
And hangovers....
Well, drink an equal amount of water for every alcoholic beverage you
have, and maybe that'll help some, it does me. Or maybe you'll
just pee a lot.>
Sorry, but I had to vent...do not have my Stepmother to talk to anymore.
<I do hope very much that you'll find someone to talk to. You DO
deserve the support that you so clearly need right now. Losing
your Stepmother is an awful thing, and even though I totally don't know
you, I'm pretty sure your Stepmother wouldn't have wanted you to have no
support through this tragic time. Honor her memory by taking care
of yourself, and giving yourself the support that you deserve.
Perhaps you have a friend that would let you lean on them a bit, or if
not, it might be really helpful to talk to someone professional, like a
counselor or a pastor or anything like that. Even just joining a
club - like a fish club! - where there are folks that share a common
interest will help. Life DOES get hard, and you DO deserve to have help
when you need it. No one gets through life without needing help
during rough times, and you're not alone in the world. You've got
people around you to help - you may just have to reach out to them.>
<Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Re: Re: re: Platy sick...but from what?? Sabrina's Go, Part B
I have some new information:
Right now, the sick MM has a very long, about an inch and a half or so,
of white and clear string coming out her back end. Will you please
tell me what that means?
<This is a symptom that, like many of the other symptoms you've
described throughout the correspondences with the Crew, can indicate
many different things.... With all luck, it's that she's starting
to pass any gut blockage. It could mean much more dire things,
too, and without looking at some of the "poo" under a microscope, it can
be tough to say.... and may not be definitive even then. I would
say, at this point, it'd be best to cross your fingers and hope for the
Thank you, -Tracy
p.s. Sorry I had a nervous breakdown while i was emailing you
<Happens.... Do please take good care of yourself. You're
the most important person in your whole world. Best wishes always,
Re: Re: Re: re: Platy sick...but from what?? - Sabrina's Go, Part C
I do not understand how the Spirulina Veggie flakes can have the
Opposite effect than veggies such as peas and spinach??
<Often, Spirulina flakes contain quite a bit of stuff like fish meal and
shrimp meal, which are very high in protein.>
Opposite to veggies to me would be meaty food.
<Like fish meal and shrimp meal, right?>
Anyway, last night, the MM Platy had a long inch and a half string,
mostly clear, but small part white.
All the platies went to sleep.
Then, at about 11:00am the MM was all happy and back to normal and
loving on me. Yay!
<Yay! This is wonderful news! Hopefully it was just simple
I would still advise that, the next time you have your water tested (or
even better, get kits and test it yourself), have the shop tell you the
actual readings, and write them down, and then do a bit of poking around
online to see how your water compares to water that platies like.
Hopefully it really is great, but then at least you'll know.>
I think the Red Wagtail Platy does not like the peas or the Spirulina
Veggie Flakes and is upset about that.!
<She'll give in eventually, I'll bet.>
But all okay now...thank you for your support and getting back with me.
Very much appreciated.
<Once again, I'm glad the platy is doing better now, thank you for
letting us know.
<Do please take good care of yourself, Tracy. I do wish you the
Sick platy 9/27/12
Dear gang
Long time no speak! I hope all is well with you all.
<So far>
I bread <bred, unless you were cooking> a large batch of panda
platies about nine months ago. Mostly, they have done
very well. I have one female (cross breed of
panda and orange) who is showing some odd signs of ill-health
and I cannot work out exactly what the problem is (except that she may
just be weak and prone to illness). Her symptoms are clamped fins
and a worsening deterioration of the tail. She also appears to
pant with her mouth and is thinner than the others with occasional white
stringy faeces. She frequently hides by herself and is becoming
less and less sociable. I rarely treat the tank if just one or two
fish become ill.
However, I sometimes do three days of ESHA 2000 if I suspect signs of
fin-rot or any fungal/bacterial signs when normal weekly water changes
aren't enough - I've added some today just to see if she responds.
Tank is 110 litres, 3 yrs mature, fully cycled, heavily planted,
lightly stocked, 24 degrees, zero nitrites / ammonia. No new fish have
entered tank for several months - fish are fed on mixture of dried
flakes, frozen brine shrimp, Microworms and occasional peas. I
suspect it's just one of those mysterious illnesses that come about due
to weak genetics as all other fish appear fine, but I thought I'd throw
this one your way before I give up on treatment.
Dr Patrick Nunn
<Mmm, considering the age/establishment of the system, that others of
the same kind are doing fine... the most reasonable assumption is that
this one specimen is poorly due to its genetic heritage. Unlike
tetrapods (including ourselves) "lower vertebrates", fishes "do" a good
deal of their initial development as juveniles... This one is likely an
example of a "runt". Bob Fenner>
Re: Sick platy 9/27/12
Thanks Bob! And apologies for the bread - it was a late night!
<No worries Pat>
<And you, B>
Platy can't open mouth 6/28/12
Great site, I've learnt a fair bit from reading through the FAQs on
We have a 125 litre tank that currently contains 1 Bristlenose Pleco, 2
pearl gourami, 5 Amano shrimp, several snails, 2 upside down cat fish, 1
<Mmm, may be or become too aggressive for the Platies...>
2 male blue platys and 5 female Mickey mouse platys. Nitrates = 20,
Nitrites = 0, Ammonia = 0, pH = 7.The Mickey mouse platys are the latest
addition, bought 2 weeks ago and added to the main tank last week.
4 of them are doing well. However one isn't doing too good. She sits
quite near the surface with her mouth touching the surface but her tail
lower, and she does not appear to be growing at all. When watching them
eat I noticed that she moves towards the food but then just swims
through it (flake and prima being fed as well as bloodworm occasionally,
<A note re these larval sewer flies. They've been implicated in some
freshwater health issues. I'd cut them way back as food items>
looking to add more vegetable based foods). Looking closer I've noticed
that her mouth doesn't actually seem to open (I've not see it open
despite hours of watching her) and it seems to be shaped slightly
differently to the others.
I'm now not sure if she can open it. Could this be an infection stopping
her from opening her mouth?
<Might be... or perhaps a physical trauma has damaged it>
There's no sign of any whiteness or fungus
around the mouth. How long can she actually go without eating?
<Several days to a few weeks>
We've been trying to crush the flake up very small but she just seems to
have no interest at all now. All other fish are doing fine. Thank you
for any help you can give,
<Not to alarm you; but I would do a bit of reading re
Chondrococcus/Columnaris disease... though you state there is no
"whiteness" in the area, no others affected. Please see here:
Bob Fenner>
Fry tank issues and medicating fry.
Hey crew! I've written before and you are all so awesome with your
expertise! The hobby is very lucky to have you!
<Thanks for these kind words.>
I've been having issues with my platy fry tank. In the past,
I've never been able to keep fry alive for longer than a couple of
months, but I had them in a plastic breeder trap back then.
<Ah, now, fry should be released from the trap once they're about 10 mm
long, which is usually within 6-8 weeks. Water circulation within the
traps isn't great, and that causes problems with water quality if
nothing else once the fry get above a certain size.>
This time around I decided to keep them in their own tank because all my
females decided to drop fry at the same time and I ended up with like 30
of them! My set up includes a 10gal tank with two sponge filters: one
rated for 20 gals and the other for 10 gals. I've recently been losing
fry. They just seem to drop dead.
<Shouldn't do. Platy fry are very tough and easy to rear (by fry
standards, anyway) provided you're offering the right basic conditions.>
I'll check on them before bed and they are all swimming around and perky
and I'll wake up the next morning and find 1 or 2 dead or close to
Now my first instinct would be water parameters, like ammonia or nitrite
problems, but both are zero. Ph is 8.2, gH 14, kH 7, nitrate 10, and
temp 80 deg (maybe that's too high?).
<Darn right! Platies are low-end tropicals (Variatus Platies are
subtropical fish) and need to be kept relatively cool, around 22-24 C
for standard Platies (and around 18-22 for Variatus Platies).>
Now, the tank has been up and running for approximately 4 months. I
initially had problems with ammonia, (not getting over 0.25ppm) due to
my inexperience with sponge filters and maintenance, but I learned a lot
of lessons and now the tank has been ammonia free for over a month. I
seem to be losing more fry now than when I had ammonia. Maybe from the
stress? All fry seem to exhibit the same symptoms and the onset is
sudden: lethargy, frayed fins, crashed on the bottom, and loss of
appetite. I don't see any physical problems like spots or anything.
<All fry, including livebearer fry, benefit from a combination of small
but frequent meals (ideally 4-6 meals/day) and regular water changes
(10% daily is good, but the more the better, provided water chemistry
stays more or less steady). Siphon out detritus from the bottom of the
tank if you can, or use a turkey baster to pipette it out; either way,
the less "gunk" in the tank, the healthier your fry will be. Don't be
afraid to use a bare-bottomed tank -- a plain glass aquarium with just
the sponge filter and some floating vegetation (Indian fern is ideal,
but ordinary pondweed will do) for shade. You don't need (or want)
gravel, rocks, etc in a fry-rearing aquarium. Anything that traps food,
faeces or bacteria is BAD.>
Again, most times the onset occurs so quickly that they are already dead
in a matter of hours. I attempt to remove the sick ones to a small 2 gal
tank and treat with salt and Methylene blue, but they never recover.
I've been adding salt to the tank along with stress coat additives to
try and reduce stress so they do not get sick, but it seems to be in
vain. At this point, I'm not sure what else to do to prevent more fry
from dying besides keeping great water parameters by cleaning and doing
water changes more often, adding salt, and adding stress coat products.
Do I dare medicate the water in case I have some kind of epidemic? Is it
safe to medicate fry and which meds are safest?
<Both Methylene Blue and salt are safe for Platy fry. But there's no
need to use either routinely; only use them if you need to. I would use
a little salt, 2-3 grammes/litre, if the water was soft, and remind you
that livebearers need hard, alkaline water and no tropical fish should
be kept in tanks with water from a domestic water softener.>
I know to expect some fry loss, but I've lost maybe half of them. That
seems like a lot. I've started to feed them antibiotic medicated food
just in case (Minocycline). Maybe I just have to roll with the losses at
this point due to the earlier problems, I don't know. Any advice would
be most excellent! Thanks. ~Hannah~
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Platy with weird skin issue going on. – 05/13/12
Hey guys at WWW. I have an interesting case for you that I am having
trouble solving. I have a Platy that has a weird skin issue. It almost
looks like the skin is peeling off.
<Yes. It's probably Finrot, despite being on the body.>
I'm tempted to call it fish psoriasis because that is what it looks
It is occurring on top of the fish in front of the dorsal fin, and then
straight down vertically on both sides (not laterally along the sides).
It almost looks like the scales have been rubbed the wrong way and they
are sticking up and peeling off. It's not dropsy I know for sure as I've
seen it first hand. It is not occurring all over and the fish is not
bloated. I first noticed this skin thing a few months ago, when it
started at the top and crept down a little on the left side. I didn't
think much of it because I thought it had been scarring because the fish
had gotten stuck in one of my decorations a little while ago and I had
to pull him out. The spot was approximately where it had rubbed on the
decor when he was stuck. He also didn't show any signs of distress; no
flashing or rubbing.
Well after a couple of months it seemed to become more prominent and
looked more like peeling so I thought maybe it wasn't scarring after all
and maybe it was a developing disease so I thought I'd be conservative
and try some Methylene Blue and salt dips. That almost seemed to make it
worse, with the peeling now noticeable on the right side. I decided to
quarantine him in a 10 gal cycled tank. All references to skin peeling
and eroding on the web pointed to Hole-in-the-Head disease and Lateral
Line Erosion, and the recommended treatment was Metronidazole. So I used
some API General Cure (250mg Metronidazole, 75mg Praziquantel) with two
doses, 48 hours apart. It did nothing. I then thought maybe it was
bacterial or fungal so I thought I'd do a 1-2 punch with 300mg of
Kanamycin and 2.5ml of Maroxy daily with 25% PWCs. For the first few
days, it seemed to help, but unfortunately the Maroxy nuked the
bio-filter and I ended up with an ammonia spike (which is not helping
the situation!) I suspended treatment with the Maroxy so I could try to
build up the bio-filter and continued with just the Kanamycin and the
PWCs to deal with the ammonia. Free ammonia levels never made it above
.25ppm and I've been using an ammonia neutralizer and Tetra's
along with the daily PWCs, but the free ammonia will not drop below
.05ppm. Total ammonia is between .25ppm and .50ppm.
Well the Kanamycin course is nearly complete, but it did not improve
anything. Hard to know though if anything will work when the fish is
stressed from the ammonia. I thought I'd give the Metronidazole one more
shot in case it is stubborn case of Lateral Line Erosion, so I started
adding just pure Metronidazole at 200mg every other day. I just did a
second dose last night, but still no improvement. I ordered some
Nitrofurazone because I thought that since the fish was showing
improvement when I was using the Maroxy, maybe it is more fungal even
though it's not fuzzy looking. The Nitrofurazone is also not supposed to
harm the bio-filter, so maybe it would be a good next attempt. It is
supposed to come on Monday.
The Platy has not shown signs of illness really. He's a little schitzy
and hyperactive, but it's hard to tell if that is from the ammonia,
illness, or the medications. I would like to do some Methylene Blue dips
again to detoxify the affects of the ammonia, but I've been kind of
waiting to get a hold of the ammonia problem first. Any clue as to what
this could be or if I'm on the right track with treating it? I have some
photos, but they don't really show the peeling effect very well, they
just show up as white blotches. The areas are circled. Tank parameters:
PH 8.2; KH 8; GH 10; NO2 0; NO3 <5; NH3 .05; NH3+NH4 .25-.50. Thank you
in advance.
<Treat as per Finrot. Ensure ammonia and nitrite levels are zero at all
times. The Finrot infection (Aeromonas and Pseudomonas spp. infection)
is likely caused by water quality issues. Most commonly seen on Platies
in environments where the hardness isn't sufficiently high; adding some
marine aquarium salt mix can be a helpful supplement to a good quality
Finrot medication. The problem won't go away until water quality
problems are fixed, so attend to both these issues, the tank and the
fish, together.
Also remember to remove carbon, if used. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Platy with weird skin issue going on.
Thanks for the fast response! So fin rot on the body and not the fins,
so... body rot? :)
<Heh, heh...>
Just a few quick follow up questions if you don't mind. So why marine
salt mix?
<Because marine aquarium salt mix includes both salt (sodium chlorine)
and lots of other minerals that raise carbonate and general hardness,
and these other minerals raise the pH and keep it steady. Plain aquarium
(or tonic) salt doesn't contain these, it's basically just cooking salt,
so has zero effect on hardness and pH. Given how inexpensive marine
aquarium salt is, and how convenient to use, using it is a no-brainer in
situations where you want a bit of salinity *and* steady water
I was planning on putting in some plain rock salt since I had thought
the GH was high enough. Should it be higher?
<The higher the better for livebearers, and if you're having trouble
keeping them healthy, the addition of a little salt will help too. Use
marine salt mix at 2-3 grammes/litre to start with and see how you go.>
Do you think that the Kanamycin was just not helping because of the
stress of the ammonia spike, or do you think that the Kanamycin is not
effective for this disease or is it just impossible to tell which?
<Both or either. But the reality is that medicines won't help if the
underlying cause of infection remains.>
I just am a little puzzled with what would cause the fin rot, because
fin rot is usually from poor water quality and when this had started,
the fish was in a completely cycled 40 gallon tank. Parameters
were Ph 8.0; KH 9; GH 8; NO2 0; NO3 20; NH3 0.
<Earlier message said you had non-zero levels of ammonia -- that's the
My phosphates were high around 8, could that have been the stressor?
<No, but high levels of phosphate will try to push pH down, which can be
bad if the water lacks carbonate hardness to resist this.>
Or that the GH maybe needed to be higher? I finally got the phosphates
down to 2 and am still trying to eliminate them. Anyways, I will
continue to get my parameters in my quarantine tank under control. Maybe
I'll put some gravel from my main tank in there to help with the
ammonia, but it seems like whenever I do that, it causes my ammonia
levels to raise instead. I also have some Tetracycline, which is
suggested for fin rot, but I am hesitant to use it because I've heard it
can damage the nitrifying bacteria. Is this true?
<It can be. Why not use something safer? Here in England, there's a
medication called eSHa 2000 that I find works well, if that's any help
to you.>
I think I will do what you have suggested, and continue with my plan to
start the Furan2 when it arrives, and when all else fails, use the
Thanks again,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Platy with weird skin issue going on. 7/11/12
Hi Neale, Hannah again. It's been a couple months since I last wrote to
you and I'm still fighting this skin issue. I've done everything you've
suggested: I raised my hardness with a gH of 17, kH of 8, I've added
salt, and I've tried eSHa 2000. I also tried furan2 and nothing has
<Oh dear.>
I even waited a couple of weeks between treatments to try and not stress
out my fish or water parameters. It's looking worse. My ammonia problem
has resolved and has remained 0 for many weeks now. The weird thing is,
is that my fish is acting fine. He doesn't act sick. I'm starting to
wonder if this is a viral or chronic issue. In your last response, you
stated that this sickness was a result of poor water quality because of
the ammonia. What I don't think I got across very well in my previous
emails is that I only had ammonia problems in my treatment tank after I
already tried to treat the fish. The skin thing started when I had him
in my display tank where I had no ammonia. So that makes me wonder what
caused this, and if this really is an issue of Finrot/body rot.
<Sounds like it isn't. Mycobacteria spp would be the other thing to
It's incurable, so you may as well destroy the fish humanely (30 drops
clove oil in 1 litre aquarium water works well; immerse fish for 10, 20
minutes and will be unconscious in a few seconds, dead within a few
minutes, but allow more time to be sure if you don't know how to test
for death). Mycobacteriosis (sometimes, erroneously, called "Fish TB")
has a range of symptoms including red and/or white patches on the skin,
listlessness, wasting, and ultimately death.>
I have tried very hard to treat the tank with mild meds that won't
disrupt the filter, but now I may need to break out the big guns. Here
are my thoughts: One thing that I thought helped in the beginning was
Maroxy, but that completely killed the biofilter and raised my ammonia,
so I never finished treatment. If I try it again, I can always use
filter media to recover the biofilter, but in order to lock up the
ammonia that will build up while treating with this med I need to find a
product that only locks up ammonia and not remove chlorine and
chloramines since the med is neutralized with dechlorinator. The
directions say not to do water changes either so I would need an ammonia
neutralizer. Another option is that I could try another antibiotic like
Maracyn, Maracyn 2, or Tetracycline. I don't know what would be most
appropriate. I've heard Tetracycline is not very effective in high gH
situations, and I'm not fond of the icky yellow foam that seems to
linger forever. I'm leaning towards the Maroxy and Maracyn as next
options. Right now I'm extending the eSHa 2000 treatment until I leave
on vacation for a week, as I don't want to try another treatment before
I leave in case my tank crashes. Any other ideas? I feel bad for my fish
because he's been away from the other fish and I think he's lonely...and
horny haha. I think pretty soon, regardless of whether he is healed or
not, I'm just going to put him back in the main tank. I'm pretty
convinced this isn't contagious and almost convinced it isn't curable.
At this point what course of action should I take, or what would you do?
Highest regards and many thanks,
<If a fish doesn't respond to the first couple rounds of treatment, and
isolating a fish isn't an option, I'd tend to euthanise. At some point
it becomes good money after bad, and if it's in the community tank, you
risk infecting other fish. Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: Platy with weird skin issue going on. 7/13/12
Thank you Neale you have been helpful. I sure hope this isn't fish TB.
<Can we please not call this Fish TB. It isn't Fish TB, and freshwater
fish hardly ever get Fish TB. What we're talking about is a Mycobacteria
infection; Fish TB is one kind of Mycobacteria infection, but there are
others, so don't assume the symptoms of Fish TB apply to the other
Mycobacteria infections.>
He hasn't wasted or developed a crooked spine however.
<I see.>
I did have some danios die in my display tank that had symptoms of fish
TB like wasting and curved spines so it didn't shock me too much when
you suggested it. When the danios died, I decided to get a UV
<Can be useful.>
Never got around to plumbing it in since no other fish became ill, but I
think I will make time now to get it up and running.
<For sure. While these don't prevent all diseases, they reduce the risk
of many types, though not so much opportunistic bacteria like
Mycobacteria or Finrot. They are good for minimising problems with
Whitespot and Velvet following the introduction of new fish, which is
why pet shops use them.>
As for my ill fish, I will keep him isolated and try a couple other
things before I give up on him. I know fish TB isn't really curable, but
there are references for treatment using Kanamycin for 30 days along
with vitamin B6.
<Good luck.>
I already have Kanamycin and I think I will start making medicated fish
food with that. The person feeding the animals while I'm on vacation can
feed the medicated food to him and when I get back, I can try some
Maracyn and Maroxy. I guess we'll see, but my hope for him is waning. If
I let a mixture of flakes or freeze dried bloodworms soaked in water
with Kanamycin and Seachem Focus dry out so the flakes/worms can be fed
over a couple of days, will the medication still be active?
<Likely not. Use as instructed on the packaging. Antibiotics have a
limited lifespan out of the bottle, and organic material (such as food)
reduces this even further as bacterial decay progresses.>
Or what's the best way to bind the medicine to flake food for use over a
couple of days?
<Buy medicated food; else consult your vet for a specific dosage.
Antibiotic resistance is a major problem as I'm sure you know, and in
part this has been caused by "trial and error" dosing by the
non-medically trained. A vet can help you calculate the dose required
for a fish of given mass/weight, and as you will have read in Myron
Roth's piece on Mycobacteria, if you don't get the right dosage, nothing
will happen. In the UK, antibiotics aren't sold over the counter, so
this isn't an issue I have ever had to deal with; you have to go to the
vet to get antibiotics for fish, and that means you'll use the correct
dosage anyway. This holds true across most of the world as well. But in
the US antibiotics are still -- to some degree -- sold over the counter,
and this creates a very grey area in terms of antibiotic use, with
aquarists reporting all sorts of results, from great success to total
failure! This is why web pages often seem so inconsistent; unlike the
scientific literature, American fishkeeping web sites cannot possibly be
expected to provide you with good, reliable dosages. Either speak to a
vet, or use medicated food where the manufacturer tells you precisely
how much (and how often) to use.>
Again, many thanks and I'm really hoping this is just a resistant
bacteria and not fish TB, but if he starts to suffer or get much worse,
I will most likely have to euthanize.
<Indeed. Good luck, Neale.>
Redwag Platy, whitish/bluish large spot on top of body
I have been searching your site and cannot seem to find an answer.
I have a 20 gallon relatively new tank, cycled and planted with 7
different sized/shaped plants. It has a Aqueon Quietflow 30, with a
sponge pre filter. I am not using the carbon inset - instead made my own
insert and added matrix to increase the bio filter capabilities and a
little Purigen (separate in a bag). After some trial and error it is
working well.
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 10-20 (it's hard to tell with the API liquid test I have)
<Doesn't much matter precisely what. Anything from 0-20 mg/l is "low" by
freshwater standards, and good for most types of fish you'd be keeping.>
pH: 8.0
Temp: 74-76 recently lowered from around 77-79.
I have 7 zebra danios (started with 3 to cycle), 8 neon tetras, 4 red
wag platies, and 1 albino Bristlenose Pleco. The platies and Pleco were
added Saturday. I drip acclimated and did not add the store water.
This morning I woke up and noticed one of the female platies
flashing on the rocks an driftwood. I have kept an eye on her
all day. I was worried it was Ich. There is no sign of white spots.
However, there are larger whitish grayish translucent spots on the top
of her body. I don't know what to make of this. Her energy seems normal,
but I think she is rubbing on the side of the aquarium. She also seemed
to tilt her head/body to the side while swimming for awhile.
The other fish seem fine.
I just did a 30% water change and gravel vacuum.
Any clue what this could be. I am worried it could spread or get worse.
I'm new to this and any help would be greatly appreciated.
<Almost certainly Whitespot (Ick) and should be treated quickly. Could
be Velvet though. Both attack the gills first, so the fish "flash"
against rocks (effectively trying to itch themselves) long before you
see the mature white spots on the body (or the golden sheen if Velvet).
Salt/heat can work well at low levels.
Good quality Whitespot medications are available and shouldn't harm your
filter or your Bristlenose Plec (catfish and loaches react poorly to
those medications with copper or formalin in, so avoid those). I happen
to like eSHa EXIT because it doesn't harm catfish and treats both
Whitespot and Velvet. So choose whichever approach you want to take.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Redwag Platy, whitish/bluish large spot on top of body
Hi Neale,
Thank you very much for your answer. I read quite a bit about both Ich
and velvet on the website, but wasn't sure if I was missing something
because of the larger whitish patch I was seeing... some sort of fungus
or something.
<Could easily be. Whitespot and velvet open up the skin, and secondary
infections set in. But could also be Slime Disease (Costia) which looks
like white slime but is actually caused by yet another skin parasite.>
Anyway, I will start treatment this morning. If there's a chance that it
is velvet, I'm going to look for the eSHa EXIT at the store,
<Not sold in the US; only in Europe. Alternatives in the US are
available; do look for something that treats Whitespot, Velvet, and
ideally Costia.
Something along the lines of Seachem Paraguard. Avoid the tea-tree oil
stuff though.>
and if they don't have that I will use the salt method.
<Real good.>
Thanks again for you response. It's really appreciated.
<Welcome. Neale.>
Re: Redwag Platy, whitish/bluish large spot on top of body
Hi Neale:
I just did more research regarding what gravity actually means.... and
that normal water has a gravity of 1.000, so my calculations don't make
sense. I am going to redo the salt mixture measuring teaspoons.
<Do find and download my Brack Calc tool (for Mac/Windows;
grammes/ounces and litres/US gallons). Makes all this very easy. For
treating Whitespot, all you really want is about 2 grammes per litre.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Redwag Platy, whitish/bluish large spot on top of body
Thanks so much! I really appreciate your help with this. You have a
great site. I will keep you posted (hopefully) of a full recovery.
<Most welcome and thanks for the kind words, Neale.>
Re: Redwag Platy, whitish/bluish large spot on top of body
Hi Neale:
Really sorry to keep bothering you - but one of my old zebra danios
(original 3) is hanging out at the bottom of the tank barely moving. He
went downhill very fast. He seemed fine earlier. I am really, really
worried. I am trying to find something on him.. and it looks like he
maybe has a few of the same patches as the platy on the very top of him
as well... but maybe not. Just wondering if this gives you any
indication as to what this may be... or if I need to change my
treatment. Right now I
plan to continue using heat/salt for the Ich.
<Do review Slime Disease/Costia. It's quite common and can be
Use a proprietary treatment available in your country. Can be safely
used alongside salt/heat, so you can preemptively treat all three
possible problems here. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Redwag Platy, whitish/bluish large spot on top of body
Hi Neale:
Quick update. The Danio died. So sad. I was really attached to him,
because he was one of my first fish.
<Oh dear.>
Upon closer inspection I realized his scales seemed sort of inflamed
down his top... Like someone had brushed them back and they were
sticking out. He also seemed coated with some thick slime, making him
sort of opaque. He also had bright red spots on his gills and mouth
(blood I assume). The tank currently is treated with salt at 2 g/l, and
temp is close to 80 F(slowly increasing to 82 F). I read on WWW that if
it is slime coat disease the salt should be increased to 3 - 5 g/l. Will
that level damage my fish/plants/biofilter? Would it be better to track
down some para guard, do a large water change and start over?
<Worth a shot.>
I am sorry for pestering you... I just really don’t want to lose any
more fish and am at a loss on what is the best tactic
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Sick Platy
I have a question about a sick platy and was wondering if you could
<Let's see>
First, the basics: we have a 10 gallon Tetra half-moon tank with two
platies. The tank is kept at about 75-76F. The water quality is good
(about 7.4 pH, 0 ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels).
<No NO3?>
We do water changes about every 7-10 days, about 30-40%. The
water filter seems in good condition as well (and change the carbon
filter monthly). The tank has a gravel bottom and some artificial
plants, and a large rock. The two platies are the original fish in the
tank, from when we set it up about 18 months ago. Both fish are male,
and have displayed some signs of aggression towards each other from
time to time over the period we've had them, especially in the
beginning, but generally had been fairly peaceful to each other.
The problem with one of the platies (the smaller of the two) has been
manifesting for about 3 weeks, and it started with him clamping his
fins a little and not eating as much. I have been trying to make sure
that the other platy is not bullying him, so when I feed them instead
of putting the food in all at once I have been putting a little at a
time to make sure he gets to eat as well. For food I use a mixture of
Tetra Color flakes, Tetra Algae flakes, and Hikari micro-pellets,
trying to vary the diet over time - lately, I have given them one meal
a day of algae flakes, and the other meal has been one of the other
The smaller platy has been eating a little better when I feed him more
carefully, however he still seems unhappy, much more lethargic than
usual, and his fins are often clamped (though not always). The last few
days, his swimming patterns have been particularly bad, seeming to flip
sideways sometimes before recovering, or just floating. When I come
close to the tank, however, he usually seems to recover and come
towards the front or wherever my hand is (I never tap on the glass,
just move it close), seemingly to investigate or look for food. Usually
when he does that his fins also perk up as well. Also, the bad swimming
isn't constant - sometimes he does that, and other times he is
fairly active through the tank. Even when he is active, though, his
movements seem somewhat uncoordinated, moving in jerky, inconsistent
patterns. One thing that he seems to do is get close to the water
filter and let the water jerk him around - I cannot tell whether he
does this intentionally or just gets trapped in the water flow and
can't escape right away. The bigger fish is often around him, but
doesn't seem to bully him, just crowd him. The only time when I see
them touching each other is during feeding, when the bigger fish
sometimes "swats" the other with his tail - which is why I
have been trying to feed the smaller/sick platy directly, dropping a
little food at a time right where he is then.
I have not noticed any signs of parasites on his body. His scales seem
intact, as do his fins (other than being clamped they do not appear
torn or damaged by the other fish). I did notice, however, that the top
of his head seems rather transparent (he is orange with black fins and
tail), whereas the bigger platy (which is red and black) appears more
solid and with no transparent regions. The sick platy's gills also
seem a little white.
Another thing I noticed is that he sometimes has trouble swallowing,
his mouth opens fairly wide but he just bats the piece of food around a
few times then moves on. The pieces of food are easily small enough to
fit, since I crumble them before putting them in the tank to make sure
he gets something, at least.
Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated...
<Mmm, please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/platydisf5.htm
and the linked files above>
Thank you very much,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Sequential Platy Sickness/Death --
Mycobacteria? 4/3/12
Good morning all,
I wrote to you several weeks ago as a "newbie" who had
completely botched the transfer of a friend's 72-gallon tank.
Since then, I have learned more about water chemistry and fish behavior
from reading your website than I ever thought possible, so thank
you. Unfortunately, I am humbly seeking your advice once again,
but this time because after much research I am considering drastic
measures in an attempt to curb what I fear is an outbreak of
Mycobacteria infections in my platies.
Here are the relevant stats: 72-gallon tank, inhabitants are: 6 platies
(plus 2 platy fry), 9 zebra danios, 5 neon tetras, 2 harlequin
Rasboras, 1 common Pleco, and 1 kuhlii loach. The tank was
transferred from a friend's house to mine six weeks ago. As a
result of initial ignorance, we had a mini-cycle and a nitrite spike
(to about .5) within the first week. Since then, ammonia and
nitrite have been zero, nitrate never higher than 20ppm, and ph
hovering around 7.4. Last week, I finally got my GH/KH testing
kit and discovered that despite the ph, my water is soft out of the tap
(KH = 3 degrees dh and GH = 5 degrees dh). I started adding
Neale's Rift Valley Salt Mix during water changes at about 1/4
strength to slowly harden the water and the tank is now at KH = 4 and
GH = 6. I know that is too soft for the Platies, my goal is KH of
5 and GH of 11 (I don't want to go too hard b/c of the neons and
the loach).
We also had a mild Ich outbreak that was cured by keeping the heat at
86 degrees for two weeks (thanks, Bob F.!!). <Welcome> I
lowered the heat over a week and it has now been at 76 degrees for
several days. Okay, here is the problem. My platies are
getting sick and dying one by one. No one else seems
affected. I have scoured your site for hours and hours and the
best I can come up with is some sort of Mycobacteria infection.
The "post-mortem" is as follows:
Platy #1 -- died on 2/16 within three days of entering the tank.
Crashed on bottom for one night, localized swelling on one side with
small amount of "white fuzz" on scales.
Platy #2 -- crashed on bottom of tank, fins clamped, on 3/10, coming up
only to eat and occasionally flash. Three days later, internal
red "blotch" visible. The next day, localized swelling
at site of red "blotch," swimming erratically, then crashing
to bottom. Euthanized on 3/15.
Platy #3 -- crashed on bottom of tank on 3/14. No visible
symptoms except occasional flashing and fin clamping. Came up to
eat until 3/19 when she remained at bottom. Died hours later on
3/19. Never any visible problems.
Then, all was fine until 3/29 when another platy stopped eating and
started hanging listlessly at the top of the tank, then she started
hiding and occasionally flashing. She actually has a
"sickly" yellow color to her and has her fins clamped.
She now seems thinner than before (although it may just be the 4-day
fast). On Saturday, another platy started hanging out listlessly
at the top and sitting on the bottom, and yet another was swimming and
eating normally, but fin clamping and occasionally flashing.
The listless one is the only one that seems much thinner than the
others, although as of yesterday, he was still eating fine.
I have no idea what to do.
<Mmm, I wish... as too usual... that we/you could "go
back" a few weeks; treat the incoming Platies ahead of their
placement here... The possibilities of infectious and parasitic disease
are vast... One might treat the entire (present) system w/
Metronidazole and Prazi... or other vermifuge... in the hopes of
covering most all bases...>
I have a QT tank cycling, but it is not quite ready yet.
The remaining three platies, as of today, seem healthy. After
reading all the information on Mycobacteria infections, I am actually
considering pulling the three symptomatic ones and euthanizing
them. I could not bring myself to do this until I sought your
advice. I would hate to put down a fish that could be cured, but
I have not attempted to treat the tank yet as I cannot figure out what
to treat it for, and I have read your advice not to treat until you are
fairly certain with what you are dealing.
So, my biggest question is: does it sound like Mycobacteria to you
<Not able to tell w/ what is presented>
and, if so, should I euthanize the symptomatic fish in an effort
to save the healthy ones (and the two larger fry that are in the tank)?
If you think it is something else, is there any treatment you would
<I would have you read re this species diseases:
and the linked files above... till you understand your options (from at
least our points of view)>
Thanks once again for sharing your expertise, and for taking the time
to read this lengthy email. You guys are the best. I am at
my wit's end, but nonetheless am trying my best to educate myself
and act rationally rather than haphazardly throwing chemicals in the
I hope life is treating you well.
<And you, Bob Fenner>
Re: Sequential Platy Sickness/Death -- Mycobacteria?
Good morning,
It's me again. I took your suggestion and treated my main
tank with Metronidazole and Prazi. Last treatment was Thursday
4/5, 25% water change on Saturday, 4/7. The platies have almost
completely stopped flashing and appear happier. Thank you.
<Ah good>
I know that it is very difficult to figure out what exactly what is
going on in my tank and you have been very patient with my persistent
I am writing again because something happened yesterday that I think
may be a clue about the nature of the disease and I can't seem to
find anything about it anywhere.
I noticed four or five days ago that one of the (always
healthy-looking) platies had a spot on her head that looked like she
may have scraped it against something. The scales looked a little
translucent and indented if that makes sense. Yesterday, that
spot had turned black. Like a black patch or smudge.
<A healing site>
The patch is not raised or bumpy, it is flat with the skin, and
does not appear fuzzy. She is acting and eating completely normally and
appears pregnant (I can see the black eyes of the fry in her
When I saw this, I remembered that the last two platies who died had
similar areas of black on their backs, although not as
pronounced. Only the tips of their scales in the area appeared
black. I noticed the change 10 days or so before they sickened
and died. This does not sound consistent with any of the platy
disease symptoms I could find discussed in the FAQs.
My little 10-gallon tank is finally cycled and ready, so I can pull the
affected platy and treat her separately. Does the black patch
give you any other idea what might be happening?
<I think this is what you speculate. A trauma>
If not, is it worth treating her with a wide spectrum
antibiotic? Is it something that might heal on its own?
<The latter>
Thank you again for continually answering my questions. I made
another donation to your site this morning. It is something I
have been meaning to do for weeks because you have been such a help to
me. I wish I had some useful skill to offer in kind, but, alas, I
am a lawyer, so I do not.
<We're all doing what we can>
<And you, BobF>
Sunburst Platy
"Sleeping" 3/23/12
Hello! I've been reading from this site for a couple days now and
still don't have an answer for my question. I have a 1 gal
tank (I know, very very small, but it's best for my college
<Why your fish are dying…>
with 2 fish, a Red Wag Platy and a Sunburst Platy. I originally had 2
small goldfish in the tank and the lady at the pet store said that the
same tap water cleaner I used for my goldfish would work for the
platies. I'm unsure of the pH, temperature, and
ammonia/nitrate/nitrite levels, but I'm planning on getting some
things to help me with that.
<How are you keeping the water warm? You have a heater? What about
filtration? You do need a biological filter. These aren't
My problem, the Sunburst Platy (Leo) is always laying down on the
rocks, completely still as if it's sleeping.
<Dying… water too cold perhaps if you have no heater, or else
being poisoned by its own wastes if you don't have a filter. Even
if you have both a heater and a filter, the water volume is so tiny
this fish likely doesn't get the oxygen it needs and its metabolic
wastes are becoming too concentrated too quickly.>
I'm always tapping the tank to make sure it hasn't died yet and
it gets up and swims just fine.
<Tapping the glass scares the fish, so swimming merely implies it
has just enough strength left to swim away from danger.>
I did do a 30(ish)% water change the other day and it was back to
it's normal swimming behavior as when I got it. However, the next
day it was back to laying down again. It's color seems to be the
same as it was and I was told that they're both males, however I
question that. It also doesn't seem to eat, and at first I thought
that the Red Wag (Jackson) was being a pig and just hogging all the
food, but Leo just seems uninterested. I'm feeding the Omega One
Tropical Fish Flakes (same as the pet store). These are the first
platies I've ever had, but a couple friends said they weren't
too hard to take care of. Also, Leo seems to do a little
"dance" when he is up and swimming. My grandma looked it up
and said it had to do with mating and attracting females,
<Er, no.>
but there are no females (according to what I was told). Just wondering
what this means. And one more question...what would be the best way to
travel 2.5 hours with these fish back home after school? I got these
because my two goldfish died on the trip to school and don't want
to kill 2 more fish if it can be avoided.
<Compared to life in a 1-gallon vase, being carried about in a 3 or
5 gallon bucket will be positively healthy for these fish!>
Thanks for the help! -Cecily
<These fish need a bigger world.>
Hey, I just sent a message to you about 30 minutes ago and had some
more information about my Sunburst Platy, Leo. I got back from class
and noticed that he does have a white spot growing close to his tail.
Everything I've found suggests this is Ich. So I noticed you've
told some other people that salt is a good way to treat Ich, so I went
ahead and did a full water change (it needed to be changed) and added
around 1 Tablespoon of plain table salt. I'm hoping this will work,
although I know it's about a 50/50 chance of survival. There
isn't any way I can quarantine my fish, otherwise I would. Please
just let me know what you're thoughts are on this. Thanks again!
<If you only have 1 gallon, get some cut flowers. This tank is too
small for this fish. It is/they are dying. Hmm… what else, do
No magic or mystery here… your fish need more space, proper care.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sunburst Platy "Sleeping"
Thank you for the advice. I realize my tank is very small, and I did
mention that at the store before I bought them.
<Not sure I understand this. Did you buy these fish and tell the
retailer you planned to keep them in 1 gallon of water?>
The tank has a light on it
and also has a stone that has air blown into the water.
<Also irrelevant.>
I know it's not filtering the water, but I can only do so much
while I'm at school.
<No heater, no filter. That's what counts here. Not wishful
Neither the light nor the airstone have any impact on the environmental
conditions in the tank.>
Leo seems to be doing slightly better already,
<Wishful thinking.>
and Jackson has been the same as when I brought him home.
<For now. Fish can put up with dire conditions for a while -- days,
weeks depending on the species and the individual. But these fish are
on Death Row for all practical purposes, with no future at all.>
As for the cut flowers, is that suggested in place of using salt? Or is
that to help with oxygen production?
<Neither. I meant remove the fish to another, sensible, humane
And use this 1-gallon box of water (death trap for fish) as a place to
put cut flowers, i.e., use it as a vase. It's not an aquarium, so
don't delude yourself if into thinking that it is. I'm sorry I
can't offer any better help here, but you're effectively
keeping an elephant in a garage, and wondering why it isn't doing
Thanks again.
<Do please read, learn from others who have made the same bad
choices as you have. I'm happy to help where there's a point in
doing so, but there's no solution to keeping Platies in 1 gallon.
It's not possible, long-term.
You need at least 10 and really 15+ gallons for this species.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Newbie that did EVERYTHING
wrong-UPDATE 2--things were going so well...
Good evening Bob,
<Morrow Carrie>
Like a bad penny, I am back. First of all, the good news. Thanks to
your advice, we are now on day 4 without a single Ich
spot. We are on day 8 of the temp at 85.5 to
85.8. I am cautiously optimistic that Operation Kick Ich is
near success. I intend to keep the temp elevated through the weekend
just to be safe.
<Ah good>
Unfortunately, with good news comes bad. I searched the site for an
answer, but could not find anything that fit. I suspect I am not using
the right key words, so I apologize if the answer is here but eluding
The platy that had been hiding, glancing, fin clamping actually seems
much improved, but just as she was improving, another platy started
exhibiting the same symptoms. Still coming out to eat, just acting
lethargic. No external symptoms. After about four days of this,
yesterday I noticed a red "blotch" under her skin on her
side. She was somewhat transparent, so I could tell that it was
internal and along what I think was her spine.
Today when I came home from work, the internal red spot was much bigger
(maybe 2 or 3 cm around) and the area around the spot was visibly
It seemed like internal bleeding, if that is possible. She was lying on
the bottom, and would list over onto her side like she could not sit up
straight. Occasionally, she would dart frantically around the tank,
crashing into things, then fall to the bottom on her side, gasping.
Because she seemed to be truly suffering, my husband and I decided to
euthanize her. Thanks to your website, we used the clove oil method,
and my husband said it was peaceful and quick. Thank you for that.
Do you have any thoughts on what was wrong with her? Could it be a
continued effect of the initial poor water quality? Particularly, is it
likely to be contagious or should I be considering treating the
<Can't tell from here>
My water parameters have been consistently good since the nitrite spike
of 3 weeks ago. Ammonia and nitrite 0, nitrate 5, ph around 7.6.
Because of the elevated temp, we have been doing 20% water changes
every two or three days.
<Also good>
Thank you again for everything, especially the euthanasia information,
which gave us much comfort. Yours is the only site I look to for
information. It has been invaluable.
<And you, BobF>
What is wrong with my platy?
Env. 3/15/12
Hi, I am at a bit of a loss as to what to do with my sick platy. I am
new to fish keeping and so far have relied on the advise <advice>
of a chain pet-shop. Having started researching online though about
this current problem I'm worried that I have been misinformed. Ok,
so the tank is 25L
<Too small for platies, and much else>
and was set up with sand, pebbles and plastic plants 3 weeks
Everything was washed and I added aqua safe. The tank has a filter with
water jets. After 4 days I tested the water and all looked ok
(NO3 25-50,
<Too high... see WWM re Nitrates in FW systems>
NO2 0, PH 8.0, Cl2 0) I wasn't entirely sure what all this
meant so I took a water sample to the pet shop and they said it
was great?
So I bought 2 male platys. All was fine, I did a 20% water change
after a week (and every week thereafter). About a week ago my partner
(much to my dismay) came home with 2 minnows
<What species?>
and 2 danios. Everything was fine for the first few days but then we
noticed our larger male platy charging at our smaller one.
<... the too-small world>
The smaller one started to take to hiding amongst the plants where it
seemed to be getting left alone. Yesterday evening though all the fish
seemed to be picking on it. On closer examination I noticed that it had
a chunk missing from its tail fin and it has got really skinny. We
tried rearranging the plants so that they were in separate areas of the
tank (thinking it may be territorial) but it didn't really help. I
watched the tank for a while and I think it is our minnow nibbling at
Later I saw that it's top fin was missing? We removed the poorly
platy from the tank and as we don't have anywhere else we are
currently keeping him in a 5L plastic bowl (not ideal but we had no
alternative). Since he has been in the bowl I have noticed he has two
large fuzzy patches on his back end and he is passing white/clear poo?
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
<... You need to "go back three steps"... Learn what
you're about. Start reading here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/platysysfaqs.htm
then on to the linked files above.>
I want to save this platy as my son (who is very ill himself) is very
attached to him, but I an also worried about the other fish.
<Educate yourself on WWM. Bob Fenner>
Re sick platy 3/11/12
Hey again I sent a letter about my sick platys three fish have died
since I sent my last email one male and one female platy and a male
<Too bad.>
Today I noticed tiny little fish like things in my tank they are about
the size of a pencil tip and they are a clear whitish color and it
looked like they have whiskers ( not sure about the last one). At fist
I thought one of my fish had laid eggs that hatched but then I thought
what if their parasites because my fish have been dying I was wondering
if you know what they are?
<Difficult to say from your description. The common "mystery
creatures" in freshwater tanks are these: Firstly, baby fish.
These should be obvious! In the case of Platies and Guppies they're
easily big enough to see their eyes and fins. They're around rice
grain size when born, swim at the top of the tank, and grow quickly.
Next up, there are baby snails. Again, very obvious what these are!
Usually stuck to the glass, and they hatch from jelly-like clumps of
eggs. Thirdly, springtails and other small insects. These skim about on
the top of the water. They feed on tiny bits of organic matter.
You can't do anything about them, but luckily, they do no harm.
Fourthly, there are nematodes and flatworms. While there are parasitic
forms of both, the ones you can see in the aquarium are harmless
(usually). Finally, there are tiny crustaceans, usually introduced via
live foods (such as Daphnia) but can come with plants too. Also
harmless, though if introduced from a garden pond with fish in it,
there's a slim chance they could carry parasites, but trying to
kill them off would likely do more harm than good.
Given that most fish are killed through environmental causes, instead
of worrying about these animals, review your aquarium. Ensure the
filter is properly cycled and adequate to its workload, that the tank
is big enough for the fish you want to buy, and that your environmental
parameters (including water chemistry and temperature) are appropriate
to the species of fish in question. For example, Guppies and Platies
need slightly different things, so if you try to keep these again,
double-check you understand their differences, and select one or other
species rather than trying to keep both. Cheers, Neale.>
Re Fish are getting better...? Lost...
Mycobacteria f' 3/4/12
Just a little update on the fish and how they're doing.
They've gotten so much better, and they no longer seem
panicked or stressed. I do have one more little problem..
The golden female platy in my tank has become very, very thin,
and her spine is starting to curve strangely.
<Hmm… do suspect Mycobacteria infection… very common among
farmed livebearers (including Platies but especially Guppies).
Essentially untreatable; would recommend at least isolating, else
To some degree Mycobacteria infections are
environmentally-triggered, but that said, the quality of farmed
livebearers (and a few other groups of fish) is so low that these
bacteria are especially likely to become a problem.>
She also has developed little black speckles all over her body,
all of them no bigger than a fleck of pepper. She shows no
signs of illness, she's eating properly, nothing wrong with
her digestion, but it still worries me. (The angelfish also
has very tiny flecks of black on the bases of its ventral fins,
but I'm pretty sure they've always been there, since
she's white with black patches/spots)
My little sister recently purchased four neon tetra and a fancy
guppy for my tank, so to spare her feelings, I had to keep them
(and the fact that she threw away the receipt..) Despite the
addition of the fish, the ammonia stays at zero, nitrites at
zero, and the nitrates at 10-15 ppm. I also got a big piece
of Mopani, and I soaked it for five days in a separate container,
but it leached more tannins into the water when I put it in the
<And will do, for months if not years. Do check the pH;
livebearers mustn't be exposed to pH below 7, so it's
important to ensure at least moderately hard and alkaline
conditions to keep the pH in the 7-8 range.>
So there are two possibilities for the platy to have the black
flecks: contraction of disease from the guppy and tetra, or
something from the driftwood's tannins.
<Or a third possibility, that "post hoc, ergo propter
hoc" isn't true, and the Platy got sick at a time purely
coincident with the arrival of the new fish.>
All of the fish are still doing fine, but I'm just a little
worried. The black specks do not protrude or intrude on the
body, so it looks like part of her coloration. She is a
panda platy, but she is mutated, so she's completely yellow
instead of both yellow and black. She originally had little
flecks of black around her tail area, but I'm not sure if her
coloring is just coming in a little more, or if it's
something else, like a parasitic or bacterial disease.
There's also the fact that she looks anorexic, and her body
is starting to curve a little bit, her back arching up more and
her tail curving down. Do you think she could have a disease
that's making her so thin and curving her spine?
<See above, and the linked articles.>
Should I be feeding her any special foods?
<Platies are herbivores, as are Guppies, so a Spirulina-based
flake is recommended.>
I feed them all Ocean Nutrition: formula two flakes, which has a
lot of protein and vitamins for the fish, and the only one
that's getting fat off of this stuff is the baby platy.
The momma is starting to get a little bit bigger, but I don't
know if that's because I'm feeding her a little more or
because her back is starting to arch more.
All of the other fish are fine, except that the male guppy loves
to watch himself go up and down the glass every other hour, and
they're all eating fine. I'm cleaning the tank more often
to keep algae from building up, keeping the nitrates lower,
etc. I'll have them in a bigger 30 gallon tank by the
end of this spring, so I'll just have to work harder on this
tank until then.
If you could reply back, that would be great :)
Thanks again, Jenny.
<Most welcome. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Fish are getting better…? (RMF, photos consistent with
Mycobacteria?)<<Could be>>
Thank you for the reply.
I've read both of the links, and I now realize that the
infection may not be treatable, but if I were to try and treat
her, what medication should I use?
< Mycobacteria? Not really worth medicating, if it is
There should be two pictures attached, but I don't know if
they will show up. In the first picture, the black specks
didn't show up very well, but you could see that her tail is
slightly curving downwards and her back is arched more than
usual. You could also see that she's very. very thin.
The second picture kind of shows the black speckled area near her
tail which has always been there, but the new specks that have
appeared look like the specks in that area, so again, it could be
part of her coloration.
<The black specks could be anything. "Black Spot" in
pond fish is a parasitic infection, and when it happens in
aquarium fish, generally clears up by itself because the parasite
can't complete its life cycle in aquaria.
Black patches on a fish are more likely to be bacterial
infection, dead tissue, defective colouration cells in the skin
-- a variety of things.
What makes me think this is Mycobacteria is the deformity and
thinness of the fish, entirely consistent with Mycobacteria
infections of livebearers.>
I forgot to mention this, but she started getting thin a little
while ago, long before we got the new fish and the Mopani wood,
so that excludes the possibilities of the new fish or the wood
contracting the disease. I just wasn't very worried then
because she was still eating, and she seemed perfectly fine other
than that she was starting to get thin. But when her spine
started to curve like that, I got a little worried. I probably
should have emailed sooner.
But she seems to be getting better, eating a little more than she
used to and grouping together with her tank mates more, looking a
little bit bigger than she was before.
<Since Mycobacteria are opportunistic, it is possible for fish
to get better under their own steam. Rare, but possible. Treating
is difficult.
Mycobacteria are considered to be Gram-positive bacterium from
the perspective of medication, so an antibiotic that treats
Gram-positive bacteria, such as Maracyn, as opposed to a
Gram-negative antibiotic like Maracyn 2, is the way to go, and if
the fish is feeding, may help the fish's own immune system
pull the fish through.>
I read in that first link that you can treat the fish three ways:
through immersion, feeding orally, or injection. It seems
that oral would be the easiest way to treat, since she's
gulping down food just as well as the others, but I wouldn't
know how to feed her the food with the medicine. I could do it
one of the mentioned ways, food mixed in with the Jell-O, but
again, I don't know which medication to use. (are any of the
medicines listed on that first forum oral medications, or can be
used for food?) In the end, I'd probably have to
euthanize her, but I at least want to try to help her: she's
a very nice tank mate to have and she has a very good
<Do refer to the instructions on the antibiotic used.>
And thank you for the links, and I'm sure they'll be very
helpful to me.
I'll try to set up a separate tank for her, but I don't
have anything over 1 or 1.5 gallons. Maybe I can get a bare 5
gallon for her, and I'll need to buy a new filter to go with
it. I also mentioned getting a 30 gallon at the
end of this spring, so this new tank will be disease free. :)
<Antibiotics can be "hard" on biological filters --
after all, the things do the filtration are bacteria, and
you're treating with a bacteria-killed chemical! So use of
zeolite instead of a biological filter, plus regular (ideally,
daily) water changes will help.>
Thanks, Jenny
<Cheers Neale.

Re: Fish are getting
better…? 3/6/12
Actually, just one more really quick question: can you use
medicine for immersion in food instead of putting it in the
water? <If you're a vet and know how to dose
according to body mass. Otherwise, no, not if the medicine
doesn't come with instructions for doing this.>
I'm going to set up a separate 2.5 gallon, using water from
the tank to avoid any more stress from uncycled water, and have
her in there for a little while, feed her the food, then put her
back in the main tank, just to avoid any mess-ups with the water
quality in the main tank. I went to the LFS, and they
didn't have any five gallons, just 15 and up or 2.5 and
If I were to feed her the medicine, I will use the gelatin
method, blending the food with the medicine and some water,
mixing in some gelatin and freezing it. Then I can give her the
recommended dose on the box.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Sick platy after birth? Bashin's try
platy health/env 2/26/12
Hi! <Hello>I have 2 female platys that gave birth to fry a couple
of days after I got them but after they gave birth they sort of got way
deflated and inactive. <Almost assuredly unrelated.> One is super
skinny and it's belly sagged. <Not sure what you mean by this.
Sagging of any sort, is not a good sign.> The other floats in the
corner and does nothing. There are
two other male platys and three platy fry, <Should be separated if
you want them to survive> three guppies (one female and two
males), one male molly, two golden Chinese sucker fish, and a red face
tetra in a 20 gallon tank.
<Okay, that's a large number of fish for a 20. Moreover, even
though they are mostly livebearers, they do require different water
conditions. What are the tank parameters? Have you tested your
water?> What should I do about my two platy females? <Please test
your water. The symptoms sound environmental.>
Sent from my iPad
<Please search WWM regarding the specific conditions required by the
Cheers, Sugam>
Sick platy after birth? Neale's go 2/27/12
Hi! I have 2 female platys that gave birth to fry a couple of days
after I got them but after they gave birth they sort of got way
deflated and inactive. One is super skinny and it's belly sagged.
The other floats in the corner and does nothing.
<Not good. Do check water quality, water chemistry and water
Zero nitrite and ammonia are needed, and water chemistry should be hard
and alkaline (10+ degrees dH, pH 7-8). Water temperature should be
between 22-25 C/72-77 F, no warmer. Do also ensure you don't have
too many Platies.
Keep two females (at least) per male, and ideally, include some
floating plants that the females will use for shelter when trying to
avoid the aggressive/pushy males.>
There are two other male platys and three platy fry, three guppies (one
female and two males), one male molly, two golden Chinese sucker
<These do not belong in this aquarium, and will eventually cause
harm to water quality and/or your fish. Gyrinocheilus aymonieri
requires 55+ gallons, is EXTREMELY territorial once mature, and is a
pretty poor algae eater as well.>
and a red face tetra in a 20 gallon tank. What should I do about my two
platy females?
<Read. Do start here, and follow the links at the top:
Most problems with Platies come down to the wrong environment, wrong
tankmates, wrong diet, and wrong temperature. Livestock quality can be
pretty iffy too. Cheers, Neale.>
Platy has internal infection in
gills/throat 2/15.12
Hi. I purchased 4 platies from a big box pet store last
fall. One showed no symptoms, 3 would scratch themselves on
objects in the tank. One seems to have fully recovered, one
survived but seems to have a latent infection, and one died. The
one that died showed the following symptoms: became shy, stopped
eating, started breathing really fast. Once the fast breathing
started, he was dead within 24 hrs. The one that seems to have a
latent infection showed the following symptoms: scratching, looks
a little thin, sometimes has trouble swallowing rough foods (like FD
For the past few months he has recovered to the point where his
behavior is normal. The only signs he shows are some thinness and
a slightly slower rate of feeding. I suspected some sort of
Hexamita type of infection that spread to the gills in the case of the
fish that died and infected the throat of the infected survivor.
Last night everything had been stable for months. I added 1 tsp
of marine salt to my 10 gallon quarantine tank where the fish are
housed, thinking that if I raised gH it might help if it was latent
Hexamita infection.
This morning the fish that had the latent infection, is scratching a
lot, shy, has clamped fins and is not eating.
Does the rapid decline after addition of marine salt tell us anything
about the possible pathogen involved? I believe the fish will be
dead within 24 hours if I don't treat this in some way.
Thank you for any insight.
<Hello Eric. Do need some more details here. What's the water
What's the temperature of the water? If fish die within a few hours
or a day of purchase, it's VERY likely the problem was
environmental. For example, a dramatic change in water chemistry
between the retailer and your home. Or, stress caused by the trip home
(extremes of heat or cold) or social stress when the fish was
introduced (typically, bullying from established fish, including other
Platies). Disease is possible of course, but a long shot given how
quickly these fish died. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Platy has internal infection in
gills/throat 2/15.12
I just tested the pH and gH. The pH is about 7.8-8.0 which is
close to what it was before adding the salt. gH is about 71ppm,
which is probably higher than before, but not too much.
The fish acted really sick for about 2 hours then started acting
normally again. I thought it might be a water quality issue that
irritated it, but it seems to not be. Ammonia, nitrite were both
zero a few days ago. I have established biofiltration in a sponge
filter, so they should still be zero today.
Hopefully there hasn't been an acute flare up of the infection. I
still need to figure out how to deal with the chronic/latent infection
<Hmm… Platies do like hard, alkaline water. 10-25 degrees dH, pH
7-8.5 is ideal. Salt isn't essential, but if you have soft water
can be useful. Your general hardness of around 70 mg/l is quite soft,
yet your pH is quite high. That's an odd combination. Do you use
water from a domestic water softener? You shouldn't. Are you adding
a pH-up product? Again, generally you shouldn't. Do read:
Cheers, Neale.>
Sorry, should have been more clear. The fish were purchased about
3 months ago. The first one died about 2 weeks after being
purchased. He died within 24 hours of showing heavy breathing
symptoms. One other one still looks questionable after 3
I live in the New York City area. Our water is very soft with pH
around or slightly above neutral. I am not adding any pH up, but
am using small amounts of African Cichlid buffer, thus the raised
pH. Even using that, it's difficult getting the hardness up
without raising the pH a lot. I have been experimenting with
seashells, oyster shells, marine salt, and will try getting Seachem
brackish salts.
I have had tremendous trouble with livebearers. It may be
different in the UK, but where I live, it is almost impossible to find
livebearers in the stores that are not diseased. Platies seem to
be the worst. The platy tanks in Big box stores and local shops
generally have 50% -90% of the fish obviously diseased with clamped
fins, hanging at the surface, etc. I was foolish for trying
to pick the apparently healthy fish out of these tanks.
Re: Platy has internal infection in gills/throat (RMF, any alternative
ideas?) <<Sampling, microscopic exam.>>
I currently have 3 platies surviving, two apparently healthy and one
displaying some symptoms. I am concerned that the symptomatic one
will have a flare up and die, or that the other two could be reservoirs
of disease.
These are all the symptoms shown by the platies, as well as symptoms
shown by each individual fish in question. I am going with my
hunch that they were both infected with the same thing, just to
different degrees.
Dead Platy: fast, heavy breathing; refusal of food; difficulty
swallowing food.
Chronically Sick Platy: scratching; shyness/hiding; thinness.
What disease could this be that can stay low- grade, live in the throat
or digestive system, but then flare up into the gills and kill really
Hexamita? Columnaris?
<To be honest Eric, without microscopic
examination, I doubt you'd be able to pin down the
problem. If this was me, I'd either [a] euthanise the infected fish
and start over with better quality fish (e.g., purchased through a fish
club, of which I'm sure there is at least one in the NYC area) or
else [b] blitz the entire aquarium for as many internal and external
parasites as would be safe to do. For example, if all you're
keeping is Platies, switching over to a moderately brackish system (SG
1.005 at 25 C, salinity of 9 g/l or 1.2 oz/US gal) should eliminate
most of the common external parasites including Velvet, one of the key
parasites that infects the gill lamellae. Platies can tolerate water
this brackish indefinitely, but after a month or two I'd lower down
to SG 1.003. That'd be ideal for them, and using marine salt mix,
you'd take your funky water chemistry out of the equation.
Likewise, any livebearer commonly traded would be happy in such
conditions, so you could pretty much try out anything you wanted and
expect good results. Soft, basic water is a bit peculiar and isn't
something livebearers appreciate, or indeed tropical fish generally,
with a few exceptions such as Celestial Pearl Danios that come from
habitats similar to that (in this case, Lake Inle). Now, alongside the
brackish water you would treat with Metronidazole to eliminate Hexamita
and with any luck other protozoan infections of the digestive tract.
This is safe to use with marine aquarium salt, so there's no
particular risk involved here. My only worry would be that Mycobacteria
infections are sometimes common among livebearers, as you state. Fancy
livebearers are at more risk, oddly enough, than "feeders",
so there may be an element of genetic weakness involved compared to the
genetically tougher (i.e., not inbred) "feeders". Cheers,
Re: Platy has internal infection in gills/throat (RMF, any alternative
ideas?)<<Nope>> 2/17/12
Thanks for your advice Neale.
<Most welcome.>
At this point they all are behaving very normally, so it seems inhumane
to euthanize them.
The tank has platies, guppies and Pristella tetras.
<Hmm, a viable mix of species. Pristella maxillaris will actually
tolerate 1-2 grammes/salt per litre indefinitely, and anything up to
about 5 g/l for periods of a few weeks or longer. It's naturally
found in coastal habitats, including slightly brackish water, and is
far more tolerant of mineral-rich water than most other tetras, so keep
that in mind when approaching the management of Whitespot and
I can raise the salinity, but not sure how much the tetras can
<See above.>
I can try to mix up some food with Metronidazole and see if they will
accept it.
<Yes; a wise approach.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Platy has internal infection in gills/throat (RMF, any alternative
ideas?) 2/20/12
If I raise salt to 5g/l (using marine salt) for say, 6 weeks, would
that be effective on external parasites?
<Many kinds, yes. Not all.>
Then I might go back to freshwater, just try to raise gH to 200 ppm or
<Real good.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Sad Platy? 2/4/12
We bought our son a 5 gallon tank
<Too small.>
for his b'day back in Oct and 2 male Platys,( one yellow Mickey and
an orange one) we don't want babies - They got along just
fine up until about 3 weeks ago. Swimming normally, eating/playing
<Fish don't play. What you call "playing" was actually
aggression. Male Platies compete with one another for females, and they
don't compete by playing games!>
Now I noticed our yellow Mickey is hiding in the cave all day,
won't come out for food ( how long can they go without eating??).
When the orange one goes near the cave the yellow flicks his head or
tail at him, trying to push him away. The yellow has even chased the
orange one away and then retreats back to the cave.
<Aggression; trying to protect itself.>
I haven't seen any aggression from the orange one, if anything it
seems like he's trying to tell him to come out and eat! Very
occasionally the yellow will come out the cave and go hide at the top
of the tank.
We have artificial plants and one small rock cave. I clean the tank
once a week - and had my water tested a few times. The pet shop told me
that my water is in great condition - better than theirs even!
<Meaning what? Really do need the numbers here, not their opinion.
After all, they seem to have told you 5 gallons was enough water for
Platies -- and that's utter rubbish. Platies need 15 gallons,
They don't show signs of fighting, no missing tail or fins! So,
could he be depressed, or not happy in his environment?? Would a
3rd Platy help?? I certainly don't want to over crowd my
small tank.
Thank you!
<As Bob would say, keep reading! Start here:
Follow the links. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sad Platy? 2/4/12
Thank you for your quick response!! We appreciate it.
<My pleasure.>
We have never owned fish and just wanted a smaller tank for my sons
room - can you suggest some fish that would be ok in that size
<For 5 gallons? Not much. A single Betta, or else a small colony of
Shrimps or African Dwarf Frogs. But really, that's about it. Sadly,
5-gallon tanks are pretty well useless for fishkeeping. Here's some
reading to get you going.
If you think about it, 5 gallons is a bucket. Can you imagine many fish
living a happy life in a bucket?>
Should we take the sad Platy out, separate and feed him??
<These fish will need rehoming, yes. Long term chances of success
are very low; likely one fish will die within the next couple weeks,
and the other will last a few months before something goes
I love that size tank, its easy to maintain, especially for a complete
novice :)
<Actually, it's not, as you're learning to your cost! Five
gallons is a terrible size for beginners. It's difficult to stock
for a start, but also cannot provide healthy, stable conditions without
a great deal of skill and
effort (and experience!). Bottom line, a 5-gallon tank is usually a
waste of money. Much better to start with 15-20 gallons; even 10
gallons is smaller than most people will find "easy".>
Thank you!!!!
<Cheers, Neale.>
sick platy? 1/15/12
I apologize if my questions are redundant, but I've searched
through the FAQ and am still in need of some direction.
<Am hoping we can help>
We have a 6.6 gal Chi vertical aquarium which currently contains 2 red
salt and pepper platies (both male and purchased at the same time from
the same tank of a local fish/aquarium store)
<I have read your following email and seen that you realize this is
too small a volume for these fish>
, an apple snail, ~2 inches of Fluval substrate for planted aquariums,
and 3 live plants. Water temp is 78 degrees F, ammonia and nitrites = 0
ppm, nitrate = 5.0 ppm, pH = 7.6. All three animals were purchased
approximately 1 month ago and placed in our already cycled tank. I
constantly top off the water level due to evaporation, and change ~ 2
gallons of the water every couple of weeks.
Every time I add water I make sure the temperature is appropriate and
it has been treated with a water conditioner. The tank is relatively
new; we set it up and I cycled it just before buying the fish. In
addition to some natural light, I leave the aquarium light on about 12
Both platies and the snail were eating (TetraMin tropical flakes) well
up until Jan 5. Both platies would come to the front of the tank (I
find that area best for feeding due to the filter design and placement;
the flakes are inevitably pushed toward the front of the tank and then
down into the water regardless of where the flakes are originally
placed) and wait for the flakes to be pushed down into the water.
Lewis, one of the platies, was more of an active feeder while Clark,
the other platy, was more tentative and shy. Lewis definitely ate more
of the flakes, but Clark certainly ate his share and would often skim
the substrate for leftover flakes.
I was out of town until the 10th, and had a friend of mine feed the
platies every day as well as check water levels/temp and top off the
tank. For the past few days Clark has not been eating the flakes,
although he skims the glass interior for algae. He also is a bit more
shy, tending to hide close to the heater. He looks somewhat thinner,
but not emaciated. No fin clamping, no visible white spots or other
problems. Lewis, the other platy, looks considerably larger than Clark,
is much more active, and has become an aggressive feeder, consuming all
of the flakes. He has even started consuming the flakes at the water
surface instead of waiting until they are pushed down by the filter.
He's an exuberant eater but doesn't bully Clark. Clark just
doesn't seem interested in the flakes (or freeze-dried bloodworms).
I did notice Lewis excreting a long string of whitish poop;
<Mmm, could be evidence of worm, protozoan lumenal issues...>
have seen nothing from Clark. Also noticed since my return that several
times Lewis has dive-bombed a few of the Anubias leaves. Edward (the
is acting normally, although perhaps not quite as active. I've
tried different feeding strategies, but Clark just does not appear
Can you help me?
<Mmm, am hesitant to suggest other than moving the Platies to the 10
as you note in the next mail... But I would read a bit re the use of
commercially made Parasite Foods... A few companies make these... in
flake... Do search the web, ask your local fish store/s re. Bob
sick platy Part 2 1/15/12
I should mention that I just read on your site that 10 gal is the
recommended minimum tank size for platies. The 6.6 gallon tank was
originally purchased for our Betta. Since Geppetto disliked his
tankmates we left the platies and snail in the 6.6 gallon, and
purchased a 10 gallon for Geppetto. It just finished cycling a few days
ago. Both tanks were cycled using daily additions of Ammonia and daily
tests for Ammonia and then nitrites. Should I transfer the platies and
snail to the planted 10 gallon and put Geppetto in the 6.6 gallon? I
know the vertical aquarium probably is not the best for any species but
I thought it was particularly inadvisable for a Betta. Thank you for
your help!
<I would place the Platies in your 10 gallon, move Pinocchio's
maker if they can't/don't get along. Bob Fenner>
Re: sick platy? 1/16/12
Thank you very much for the suggestions! I'll move the Platies and
snail to the 10 gallon while also researching the parasite issue. Hope
that does the trick.
<Me too! Cheers, BobF>
Re: sick platy? 1/17/12
Hi Bob,
An update on the platies...I moved them to the 10 gallon 1.5 days ago.
The thinner platy (Clark) seems to be doing better in general, although
this morning I noticed that he is not so thin anymore. He looks a bit
bloated, although I still have not observed him eating.
<Perhaps he found something in the new digs to eat>
The other platy (Lewis) still looks plump, and excreted a long
string of white poop yesterday. I picked up some Spirulina pellets and
aquarium salt per the LFS. Do you think I might try adding 1 TBSP
aquarium salt (10 gallon planted tank) and see if this helps?
<You could>
Or perhaps I should avoid feeding for a couple of days in case
they are constipated?
Thanks for your help!
<I'd keep feeding. BobF>
Re: sick platy? 1/17/12
Thanks, Bob. I added a shelled cooked pea to the tank this
Maybe tomorrow I'll try salt. Your help is much appreciated.
<Ah, welcome. B>
Re: sick platy? 1/17/12
Okay, one more question. Could this be dropsy?
<Dropsy... is a condition... not a root/caused ailment. Read
Clark is now much bigger
than he was yesterday. Does the swelling associated with dropsy occur
within hours?
<Not that I've ever encountered>
No eye-bulging or pinecone scales. I'm worried....
<Will worrying change the future? B>
Re: sick platy? 1/17/12
Thanks for providing me with the link. I gave the fish a pea this
morning, and will continue to add a pea to the tank every day. Also
gave the very bloated Clark a salt dip (and added 2 tsp of aquarium
salt to the 10 gal tank), after which he perked up considerably. So
much information out there, so hard to diagnose the problem.
<Yes; near to impossible w/o necropsy... and then...>
Will see what happens, and try not
to worry. If worrying changed the future my life - and Clark's -
would be much different :-). Thank you SO much for your help and for
graciously tolerating my ignorance :-).
<Happy to help. B>
Re: sick platy? 1/18/12
A sad postscript...I just checked on Clark. He had passed away, just
like that :-(. Can you tell me what I might have done wrong?
<I cannot>
All of the water parameters in both tanks, the 6.6 gallon and then the
10 gallon, were perfect. He and Lewis were both doing great before I
left for my 5 day trip. Could they have been overfed by my fish-sitting
friend during my absence?
<Can't tell from here>
Could I have overfed them? For a few days Clark wasn't really
eating, then we switched him - and Lewis - to the larger tank, and
within 1.5 days he bloated up almost overnight and then died suddenly.
Lewis still looks good, but seems kind of agitated. I feel like
<Not your "fault"... think on the positive; what you did
to amplify this fish's life. B>
Re: sick platy? 1/19/12
Hi Bob,
Thanks for the encouragement. We treated the tank once with Parasite
Guard, and are also feeding the surviving Platy a bit of Jungle Labs
anti-bacterial food each day; PetSmart was out of the anti-parasite
formula and our LFS had only Melafix :-(.
<Not of use>
More importantly, we also purchased "Freshwater Aquariums
for Dummies" :-) so we don't have to scour the internet each
time we have a question. Is there another more detailed - and
scientific - book you would recommend?
<For general FW aquarium keeping? I strongly agree w/ Neale's
list here:
Lewis is not swimming quite as erratically, is eating well, and has not
developed bloat. Hope it stays that way.
Thanks again,
<Welcome. BobF>
Sick red wag platy? Need
data -- 1/3/12
I have a question regarding my female red wag platy. She is
strangely lingering at the top of the tank: front fins moving,
but overall, she is stationary. She is a generally active fish,
and I'm wondering if she acquired some sort of disease.
<Mmm, maybe...>
She seems normal to me in appearance, nothing resembling
Ich, etc. She has had many fry in the couple of months that
I've had her (I recovered and am currently raising four of
them), so could she possibly be birthing?
<Do you see signs of such? See WWM re Platy repro.>
But she doesn't show typical signs of that. My other sunset
platy (male) is doing fine, three other mollies and snail is
fine, and four fry are well.
Tank conditions are good and stable.
Thank you for any advice, as I am a new aquarist, having had my
20g up and running for a few months.
<... what re water quality tests? The system? Maintenance,
other livestock present? Need input... Read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/platydisf5.htm
and the linked files above for input and clues re the data
we're looking
for. Bob Fenner>
Re: Sick red wag platy?
Thank you very much for your input, Bob.
I apologize but am unable to provide stats on water
condition right now; I ran out of test strips at home. Will get a
water sample evaluated soon.
But here is some other info on my tank:
20g (planted)
1 female red wag platy (sick)
1 male sunset platy
2 male lyretail mollies
1 male Dalmatian Molly
4 platy fry (in maturation tank)
1 blue mystery snail
About the sick platy: I've noticed lately that, other than
her "treading water" in a particular area of the tank
(Aww, she just started moving around a bit more!), her belly is
swollen (not birthing- this has been going on too long), and the
area where the gravid spot should be is white and swollen also
(like the page you sent, but not quite as extreme). Belly area is
also very lightly-colored. Anything concerning so far?
<Any not-normal behavior is of concern to me>
Temp has been at 77 F, I know that's warm for these fish, so
I'm lowering that gradually.
Water changes (1/3) weekly- gravel vacuumed and algae removed
Chemicals used- Stress Coat, Stress Zyme, Leaf Zone liquid plant
Adult fish are fed Omega One freshwater flakes; fry are fed
Hikari First Bites and crushed Omega flakes at other times to
supplement. Quick question about the fry- when are they big
enough to put in the tank with the others?
<Usually twixt 1/2 and 3/4 inch overall length>
Once they don't appear to be able to fit in the big guys'
mouths? :P
Tank includes appropriately-sized heater, Penguin 150 power
filter with BioWheel, LED light hood.
Thanks again. Have a nice day.
<And you, BobF>
