FAQs on Platy Social Disease
FAQs on Platy Disease:
Platy Disease 1,
Platy Disease 2,
Platy Disease 3,
Platy Disease 4,
Platy Disease 5,
Platy Health 6,
Platy Health 7,
Platy Health 8,
Platy Health 9,
Platy Health 10,
Platy Health 11, Platy Health ,
FAQs on Platy Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Infectious (Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Related Articles:
Fishes, Livebearing Freshwater
Related FAQs:
Platies 1,
2, Platy Identification,
Platy Behavior,
Platy Compatibility,
Platy Selection,
Platy Systems,
Platy Feeding,
Platy Reproduction,
Per the size of the system, hiding/decor, individuals
involved; you want more females than males...
Sunset platy problem
I was wondering if you could help me with a problem I have observed in my new
I have 2 sunset platys, 1 Mickey Mouse platy and 3 male Guppies in a 45L tank.
<45 litres is 12 US gallons; a bit small for these fish.>
The largest sunset (and largest in the tank) is chasing the other Platys l,
seemingly scaring them - he is also nipping at their fins and faces.
<Aggression; what they do. If you're a male livebearer, your lifespan is limited
(bright colours, small size compared to females) so you need to drive off rival
males and mate with any females you can. Evolution ALWAYS trumps being nice!>
The other Platys are hiding from him and whenever he approaches swim away
rapidly, occasionally to be followed by him, the others swim away fast and he
slowly makes his way back to where he was.
<Indeed. Adding additional fish (2-3 females per male, at least 3 males per
species) can help settle livebearers, but you need space for that, perhaps 100+
litres/25+ US gallons for largish groups of Guppies and Platies in the same
aquarium. Not viable here.>
I'm concerned about this as I don't want my other fish to be threatened and have
an unhappy time just because of him
<Removing the bully often means the next biggest male becomes dominant.
Keeping JUST females can be easier in small tanks.>
- also, I am going to be adding some African Dwarf Frogs in about 2 weeks and
this poses even more of a concern as of course they are much more defenceless -
All of the other fish are lovely and are happy to interact and be in close
proximity with one another.
<Indeed, would not recommend keeping Frogs until you're quite sure you have a
peaceful aquarium. The frogs are finicky feeders, easily damaged, and quickly
starve in the wrong tank.>
What on earth do I do in this instance? Thanks so much in advance!
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
platy problem. Mis-mixed
lvstk. 7/4/11
I have a nine and a half gallon tank. In it I
have one Balloon Molly, one Glass Tetra, two Tiger Barbs,
one Sunset Platy, one Guppy, and one small Algae Eater
that I don't know the name of.
<Mmm, these fishes aren't compatible... the molly needs
hard, alkaline water, perhaps w/ some salt... the Tetra is salt
intolerant... the Barbs too nippy and the Algae Eater likely a
CAE, a tremendous bully; read here re: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/CAEsComp.htm
The mess/mix of fishes you have here is untenable... won't
Recently, the carbon insert in my filter (Elite Hush 10) had not
been changed when it was supposed to. So the filter was running
without a clean new carbon insert for a few weeks. A few days
ago, it was changed so now everything is running fine. I do
regular weekly twenty percent water changes and remove the
debris/food/stuff from under the rocks when I do the water
I do a forty percent water change every month. I'm using
Nutrafin Cycle, Nutrafin Waste Control, and Nutrafin Aqua Plus
after the water changes. I also use Jungle Correct pH every
couple of weeks. My fish are fed regular staple Nutrafin Tropical
Fish Flakes in the morning at nine AM. At night (nine PM), they
are fed Nutrafin Tropical Fish Pellets.
<Mmm, I'd feed earlier... to assure all gets eaten before
"lights out">
I also give my fish a Nutrafin Staple Food Tablet (in case my
algae eater isn't getting enough algae) and Nutrafin Brine
Shrimp Flakes (for a treat) and Sally's Frozen Freshwater
Frenzy (for a treat). In my tank, I tend to add a small amount of
aquarium salt every once in a while because I hear it keeps the
fishs' immune systems up. I try to keep the tank temperature
at around twenty-five to twenty-six degrees Celsius but since
it's summer, it's been getting to twenty-six to
twenty-seven and sometimes twenty-eight.
When the temperature gets higher, I turn on my air pump so the
fish get more oxygen. I started my tank last October. I cycled
for one week and I have had four fish in total die.
<Best to cycle w/o livestock present... see WWM re>
One Molly died from fungus that he had from the store I bought
him from, one Corydoras died from suspected bullying but I was
out of town when it happened (but we did have someone watching
and feeding our fish), one Tiger Barb died from unknown causes,
and one Chinese Algae Eater died from unknown causes but possibly
from not enough algae (which is why I'm keeping a close eye
on it with my newer algae eater). The last fish died in April,
which was the Algae Eater. My fish all seem pretty healthy except
for my Platy. My Molly had fungus a few months ago but has fully
recovered from it. Lately (past week or so), my Platy was staying
in the back bottom corner of the tank behind the heater and fake
wood/plant. So I did a water change and got the filter set up
properly (with new carbon) and she seemed fine until today.
Today, I notice that her anus is swollen and looks like something
white stuck in it.
<This is just part of her anatomy, the
I can't see any worms of any type. Also, I've had her
since I started my tank so I don't think it's possible
for her to be pregnant. I have attached two photos. I'm sorry
that they aren't very good but my platy is afraid of my
camera for some reason. I didn't use flash or anything and my
other fish are fine with it so sorry. She seems to be swimming
fine but I noticed once when she twitched a little bit. Should I
try giving her some peas or adding aquarium salt?
<Mmm, not the last... as stated, not good for the
I looked on Google and couldn't find anything like this
problem that had a solution or a cause.
<Really the best advice (what I would do) is to have you make
a list of all the species you have here, and search in books, on
the Net for their requirements... in terms of water quality, size
of system, number of individuals that should be placed together
(i.e. whether the species is social), and any other pertinent
notes. Then, figure out what you really want to and can keep...
in this 9.5 gal. system, any other that you intend to set-up.
Again, long term, what you have here won't work. Bob
Re: platy problem.
<"Again, long term, what you have here won't work.
Bob Fenner>"
I don't have a problem with my tank. I know what my
fishs' requirements are. I'm maintaining a community tank
just fine. I only gave you my tank information because your
three-step question-asking process asked for it. My problem is
with my Platy! I'm pretty sure that my Platy's
"colon" sticking out of her body is not part of her
anatomy. I take care of my fish and I love them and I noticed
that one didn't look the same as the day before. Also,
I've noticed that she isn't eating much and I haven't
seen her poo since she's been like this. We think it might be
some sort of "rectal prolapse". Do you know anything
about THAT at least??
<... Yes; please use the search tool with the term and
species. B>
I've tried feeding her peas but she hasn't eaten anything
other than some of the Sally's Frozen Freshwater Frenzy
(which is like all my fishs' favourite thing to eat that I
have given them).
New platy hardly moving 5/22/11
<Hi there>
I got two new Platies yesterday. One is chasing the others and acting
normal, the other is at the bottom or hanging at the top. Could this
platy be on his way out already? The sitting at the bottom is a
<I do agree. Healthy livebearers don't "sit" at the
At the store they keep the Platies in a warm tropical tank and keep a
Betta with them. IT is to warm for them. What does it usually mean when
a platy is at the bottom?
<It's not feeling well>
I remember I got a couple of Platies months back at a different store.
They swam around like crazy after being put in the tank and both were
dead the next morning. That was odd. Thank you!!!
<Mmm, well, this is also disturbing. Is this system cycled? Do you
have/use water tests for aspects of ammonia, nitrite...? Please read
Umm, can't log on here (am out of the country). See WWM re
Systems, Disease. Bob Fenner>
Forgot to mention 5/22/11
I forgot to mention that the water chemistry is great, temp is 70 with
a little marine salt for hardness. I did I water change yesterday, and
one every week.
<Mmm, no need for the salt... Read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
New platy now normal and water hardness question
The platy that I purchased recently is acting normal now. I removed all
four males (I have males only) for five minutes, putting them in a one
gallon. After I put them back in the 29 gallon and moved the
decorations around, the new platy was "normal" swimming
around. I think he was being bullied and I reset the pecking order, I
Anyway we have a water softener here and our water is very soft. A few
tablespoons of marine salt and the testing strip reads for hard water
which Platies like. My question is would it be better to add Epsom salt
or baking soda or both instead of the marine salt, if so how much for a
29 gallon??
Or just keep using the marine salt for water hardness?? Thank you!
<Please read Neale Monks' excellent input re here:
One thin platy... Chatting, no reading...
CAEs... 10/4/09
My 10 gallon tank has currently 3 patties and 1 Chinese algae
<Oooh, do read on WWM, the Net re this fish... CAE's,
Gyrinocheilus are "wolves in sheep's clothing"... Not to
be trusted with easygoing tropicals>
In one group I bought a Mickey mouse, a red(?) and one that was large
& gold.
Not orange-ish but yellow, shimmery gold & beautiful. We have had
<? Easy to sex...>
for 3 weeks. The Mickey died because the previous bottom feeder got
injured & plummeted the ph before I noticed.
<? How?>
Everything stabilized for a while after I added a new Chinese. The gold
is having problems, it is ravenous, very active, has gotten skinny, and
I don't know what to do for it.
<Feed it... wafers, pelleted foods of largely greenery base... that
I do ph testing & Petco tested water for ammonia & we are fine.
The 2 reds and the bottom feeder are great. I try to feed him more but
I worry about a dirty tank, I see accumulated food in the bottom &
siphon out but I don't want to exchange water too much. any ideas
or suggestions?
<Yes... Read re set up, filtration and maintenance of FW systems on
He is definitely bigger that the other 2, does he need more food?
<Read here:
How do I do that without polluting the water. He seems like a fighter
so I don't want to give up on the poor
guy but I can't imagine what is wrong.
<I can't imagine you not following instructions before writing
us and searching our site. This is a reference system, not a chatroom.
Bob Fenner>
Re: one thin platy 10/4/09
Wow, did not know that about CAE, it was recommended over a Pleco
because Plecos get too big.
<This is why you need to read *before* you go shopping. Would you
trust a car salesman to sell you the right car for you without doing
some research first? A real estate agent? The guy in the clothes store?
Of course not.
While there are plenty of informed and helpful sales clerks in many pet
shops, there are also plenty of them who haven't the first
I definitely understand your warnings about listening to fish sales
Boy, my first foray into aquarium keeping is not so successful. So far
the CAE shows no aggression, he is very reclusive.
<Often are when small. But up above around 10 cm/4 inches, they can
become real menaces.>
His predecessor was injured when he panicked trying to get out of a
rock/cave he liked to hang out in while I was cleaning the tank. It had
doubled in size and it was a tight fit for the fish, I have since
the small rock. About the gold Platy, he eats at the top of the tank
and you recommended sinking foods. Or was that for the CAE?
<Gyrinocheilus aymonieri will do well on mostly algae wafers (such
as those sold for Plecs) plus a few catfish pellets now and again.
Platies are herbivores, and a good staple is vegetarian flake food
(sometimes called livebearer flake food) plus occasionally offerings of
something a little more meaty, such as live brine shrimp, live daphnia,
or wet frozen bloodworms (kept in the freezer). Don't waste your
time with dried (freeze dried) bloodworms, shrimps, etc. Beyond simply
being insanely expensive, such foods seem to be associated with
digestive problems, particularly constipation, and especially so in
herbivorous fish.>
Sorry, the algae eater is doing great health wise it is the gold Platy
that has gotten skinny & is ravenous.
<Farmed livebearers are somewhat troubled by "Wasting
Disease", likely a Mycobacterium infection and essentially
incurable. It's mostly an issue with farmed livebearers because
these are farmed to a price rather than a quality. So it's the
"fancy" specimens you buy from chain pet stores that tend to
have the problem, rather than more expensive wild-caught livebearers or
livebearers sold at auctions by home breeders. In any case, the
symptoms tend to be gradual emaciation, regardless of the amount of
food the fish is given. Now, before assuming this to be the case,
Mycobacterium infections probably account for a hundredth, if that, of
the sick livebearers in the world! It's easy to blame any ailing
livebearer on Wasting Disease when actually other issues are
responsible. Often, less experienced hobbyists use these fairly obscure
diseases as excuses. So, before assuming it's Wasting Disease,
focus on the other, much more probable, explanations: Platies need
hard, basic water for a start, and will never do well in soft water;
you're aiming for pH 7.0 to 8.0, 10-25 degrees dH. They don't
like to be too warm either, and above 25 degrees C (77 F) they get
stressed and sickly. Like all livebearers, they do best given constant
access to fresh green foods. Clumps of Indian Fern work great, and
they'll peck at these all day, but otherwise strips of Sushi Nori
or thinly sliced cucumber can work well, too. Like all herbivores, they
can't do well given one high-protein meal each day: their digestive
tracts are adapted to process lots of small meals across the day.
Finally, physical and behavioural stress will both cause problems.
Bullying within groups is the classic, Platies, like all livebearers,
doing best in groups of one male to two or more females, and in small
tanks, below 90 litres/20 gallons, a single male is recommended, with
2-3 females. Oh, and do check for Camallanus worms. These are not
uncommon among farmed livebearers. The red thread-like worms emerging
from the anus are distinctive, and like other worms, big populations of
them in the gut will reduce the amount of food the host (i.e., the
fish) can absorb. Anti-helminth medications should do the trick
When I searched I only saw info about pregnant & fat Platies.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: one thin platy 10/4/09
Thank you Neale, it is the worms, I have seen them!
I didn't know what they were & will try the medicine.
<Levamisole, Piperazine and Praziquantel are often recommended, but
don't always work, and Fenbendazole and Flubendazole are much
better, if you can get them.>
Thanks again, you are a wonderful resource of information and will
regularly check this site before a problem arises.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Dead platy
12/2/08 Hello again Neale. Hope you and your fishy friends are
well. Here I am again..! Last time I contacted you I had treated my new
tank for Whitespot, and had moved a harassed male platy to my new tank.
A week ago I moved the remaining Platies in to the new tank.
Immediately the other male started harassing the male that I had moved
into the tank earlier. He once again took to hiding away, and would
come out a bit but very wary of the other one - once I actually saw
them fighting - fins up, swimming in circles around each other taking
nips at each other. I haven't been able to get out and get some
more females, but really 5 should be enough for the two of them? That
said two are quite small still. Anyhow - today I found one of the males
dead. He was kind of trapped between some bits of (plastic) plant. I
tested the water and nitrite is at less than 0.3ppm, zero ammonia, and
less than 20ppm nitrate. Yesterday he seemed OK, when he came out he
was swimming about and eating, fins up (until he saw the other male,
when he'd swim as fast as he could and hide) Could he have been
harassed to death? There were no signs on the body of anything at all,
a bit of a nip out of one fin (which could have happened post death I
think) I am very reluctant to put my new additions in the tank (5 zebra
Danios) in from the QT until I know there are no problems. Most other
fish are fine. Only exception being one female platy who is also
subject to harassment and frequently has her fins clamped and hides.
She comes out for food and has her fins up then, but clamps them when
the male is around. Frankly I think he's a bully! On the plus side
we have a lot of fry! Can they be harassed to death? Wondering in a
fishy manner... Sarah <Hello Sarah. Male Platies certainly can be
aggressive towards one another. Mixed sex livebearer groups are
honestly easiest kept either as one male with multiple females, or else
in big groups (10+ specimens) of both sexes, albeit more females than
males. Only a few species are truly gentle and gregarious, and none of
the common species are! If you have 5 adults, with 2 of them boys,
you're really not going to have peace and quiet unless the tank is
big (30+ gallons) enough for them all to spread out. Can they fight to
the death? Not directly, but certainly long term stress through one
bullying the other can weaken another fish such that it doesn't get
enough to eat, or becomes more sensitive to disease. I do regularly
state this, but once again we'll make the point: livebearers are
not "easy" fish despite their reputation. They're among
the fish aquarists most regularly have problems with! The elevated
level of nitrite is worrying, so I would go back and check what the
cause might be -- too many fish, too much food, or inadequate
filtration are all on the list of possibilities. If you have a lot of
fry, do rear them as best you can, and then sell them on but keep at
least some of the females. The more females in the group, the better
they get along. Wild Platies essentially operate with females forming
schools and males fighting over access. When we try to keep them as
pairs or families, that's when the wheels come off the wagon!
It's just not how they're wired. Wild Platies are smaller and
brightly coloured, and consequently die younger than the females -- so
everything about their psychology is about fighting rival males and
mating with anything female in range! Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Dead platy
12/2/08 Hello! Just a quick one now as I have a small person
in the bath..! I thought the nitrite was low - less than <0.3mg/l is
the actual reading (getting muddled with my ppm / mg/l). This is the
lowest on the scale on my Tetratest chart... I think I will get two
more good sized more female Platies to pacify my male. We have maybe
10+ fry and they seem to get bigger and bolder by the day. Tank size is
180 litres (no idea in gallons) Thanks again for your super fast
response. I do like the Platies, they have personalities... :) Thank
you... Sarah <Hello again Sarah. I don't really understand your
test kit: ordinarily there's either zero (safe) and everything else
(not zero, not safe).180 litres (about 44 US gal.) is a good size for
Platies, and you could easily keep a dozen or more alongside whatever
fish you have in there. Cheers, Neale.>
Platy with damaged tail after being
attacked (Guppy, Betta) 3/5/08 Hi there At the weekend I bought
a Siamese Fighter Fish which attacked my female platy for a day
until I found someone else to give the Fighter a new home. Then my
male guppy started attacking the poor platy! (the guppy was also
bought at the weekend) so I have sectioned the guppy off in his own
special area of the tank to avoid the platy any more damaged or
stressed. The platy's tail and fin are very damaged and frayed
from the Fighter fish and although she is now swimming about
happily, I am concerned about fin rot setting in. There is a white
line appearing along the edge of the damaged tail - I wanted to ask
if this is this fin rot or the healing process? I have just ordered
some Melafix online - is this safe to use even if it's not fin
rot (as a prevention) and is it safe to use it with the other fish
in the tank? (4 neon tetras and the guppy)? I've attached a
couple of photos - you can see the white line on the close up
picture - looks like the tail has a white lining but there are no
other signs of white spots on her body. Thanks in advance.
Christine <Hello Christine. Male livebearers are aggressive,
especially when kept with insufficient females and in tanks that
are too small (by their standards, if not yours). While lots of
people *think* they can keep Guppies and other livebearers in tanks
20 gallons or smaller, the reality is that all too often males
behave in a very aggressive manner. In the wild, male Guppies would
be creating an "exclusion zone" around themselves,
driving away rival males so that they have exclusive access to the
females. All fine and dandy in the wild, but in aquaria a recipe
for disaster. In any case, there's nothing you can do to stop
the Guppy behaving this way. Yes, your Platy has early stages of
Finrot, and yes, it needs treatment. I personally consider Melafix
an inferior product for this sort of thing: it just isn't that
reliable. It's low cost as "New Age" recipe appeals
to some people I guess, but given it doesn't always work
I'd sooner recommend something reliable. Maracyn, for example,
or eSHa 2000. Do remember that whatever treatment you use, you must
remove carbon from the filter before use. Cheers, Neale.> |

Was Missing Guppy, now bitten
Platy 9/1/07 Hello, Thanks for your advice. I never did
find my guppy. I have another problem now. One of my first Platy's
caudal fin has been bitten (a bit at the top and a bit at the bottom).
I first noticed this yesterday but there is even more missing today. I
think the culprit is a yellow/black guppy which was added around 3
weeks ago. I say this because it does seem to follow the platy around
and on one occasion I have seen it try to bite. Would it be a good idea
to remove this guppy from my collection? The bitten platy seems to be
swimming but I don't want it to totally disappear. I don't know
if the behaviour I have described is pretty normal in an aquarium.
Thanks, Seema. <Hello Seema. Sometimes fish do bite one another, but
then get over whatever aggression or curiosity was behind the action.
So for now, I'd leave things be, though treating pro-actively with
anti-fungus/Finrot medication (or even Melafix) would be sensible. As
always, when keeping livebearers, aim to have at least twice as many
females as males. Livebearer males are all more or less mutually
aggressive, and fighting between them is normal. Platies are usually
the most tolerant, guppies a bit less so. Swordtail and molly males are
very aggressive, to the point that unless you have a large tank these
species are "one male per tank" animals. Because these
"species" are all hybrids in terms of aquarium stock,
behaviour tends to be less cut and dried than I suggest here, so you
can easily end up with placid mollies but psychotic platies. Females of
all species tend to get along quite well. So if you have problems with
nipping and fighting, concentrate on getting females of whatever
species you're interested in. One last thing. Do consider the
tankmates. Even "good" tetras like Neons have been known to
nip other fish given the chance. Many fish view the scales and fins of
other fishes as potential food. So watch the dynamic of the aquarium,
and see if any of the other species might be responsible. Sometimes the
shape and size of the bite-mark can be a clue: a small, circular bite
might match the dainty mouthparts of a Neon rather better than a guppy,
which has a broad, flat mouth. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Missing Guppy -- 09/01/07
Thanks for your reply. I bought some eSHa 2000 treatment for fin rot so
hopefully this will fix the problem! Cheers, Seema <Very good. Hope
it all gets fixed up. Cheers, Neale>
Re: Missing Guppy - 9/3/07 The
platy died last night! I was so sad.... <Sorry to hear that. Make
sure you understand what went wrong, and give the tank a week or two to
settle down before adding any more fish. Once you're sure
everything else is healthy, and you know precisely how to prevent this
problem happening again, then go buy some new fish. Rushing out to buy
a replacement is usually where people go wrong... without knowing what
their mistakes were, they end up with the inevitable result they
imagine fish are flimsy and die easily! Cheers, Neale>
Sick Platy - 04/17/07 <<Hi,
Megan. Tom with you.>> Ok, I have read and read through a lot of
Q and A and my problem seems to be unique??
<<Let's see if we can 'un-unique' your problem for
our many other readers.>> I have a 10 gal, set up for about 6
months now, never had any problems at all until recently. I
do water changes 25% every two weeks with 1/2 RO water and 1/2 tap
water. <<Sounds good.>> I do home tests and
take my water to the stores and my nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia are
all at 0; pH 7.5. <<Also good, Megan.>>
Anyways, I recently added an APISTOGRAMMA to my tank and that's
when the trouble started again (second round). One day my
Cory died. Weird, he's been in the tank the whole time,
always happy. Then I noticed my female platy was stressed.
I've had her since she was born. I noticed the
Apistogramma was picking on the platies, mostly on my one male so I
took him back. <<This can happen and you dealt with
the situation appropriately. These Cichlids really prefer water
that's much lower in pH than what you have. It's possible that
those kept at the store were acclimated to levels more to their liking
and, when introduced to your tank, it kind of went into a
'tailspin'. A neat fish but has some preferences that
you'll want to look into if you get the urge to try again.>>
I decided to get one more female platy for the tank in case that was an
issue as well. <<Wise'¦>> As soon as I
added the new platy the male went crazy after her, chasing her
everywhere around the tank. The older platy is so stressed
she barely has fins....really skinny too. Then tonight I
spied a little bit and it seems like this "peaceful" male
platy is even picking on some of the other fish. <<I don't
give fish enough mental credit to apply psychology here, Megan, but I
might surmise that your male Platy had his 'domain' threatened
by the Gramma (not to be confused with Grandma :) ). With the
'threat' removed, he might have taken to reclaiming his territory 'to the detriment of his other tank mates. What we
need to do now is 'get his mind right'.>> Total in the
tank right now is 3 platies, one male two female, 2 thread fin rainbow
fish, 1 Oto and one honey Gourami. Arghh, that's all I can think of
to say...I love this platy. I saw her come out of her momma...really
want to save her. <<First, we need to get the male isolated
without really 'isolating' him. If finances permit, visit your
LFS and purchase a breeding net or box and put Mr. Attitude in it for a
day or two. You can even do this with a plastic bag filled with
aquarium water but this is really not the better option. Next, I'd
consider the addition of some 'aquarium' salt to the tank to
help relieve some of the stress on the other fish. I'd think that
about one tablespoon of salt for the entire tank should suffice here.
Can't say that a bit of luck and some 'Divine Intervention'
won't come in handy with your female Platy but we've got to get
the stress off of her quickly.>> Thanks a ton, Megan
<<Hopefully, this will help, Megan. I wish you and your Platy the
best. Tom>>
Re: sick platy ATTN: Tom
4/19/07 <<Hello, Megan.>> Thank you very
much for your reply, but it was too late. <<Very
sorry to hear it, Megan.>> She was basically dead this morning so
I isolated her, and now she is gone. :*( She was a really
pretty fish. I am planning on taking her into my LFS and see
if there was anything else wrong with her besides stress.
<<They might be able to shed some light. Worth a try,
certainly.>> Anyways, I think the male platy has lost his
aggressiveness, but maybe I am just not seeing it. Do
you think that I should still isolate him? (I have a breeding
box.) Or should I just let things go?
<<I'd let it go for now, Megan. In fairness to your male,
behaviors can get out of whack when there are sick/dying fish involved.
I'm not an expert in this area but I suspect that because a weak
fish can be an inviting target for predators, it places the
'school' at risk as well. In the wild, the fish would be driven
away, if possible, or it may be killed outright by other members of the
school to preserve the integrity/safety of the rest of the group. In
any case, I wouldn't isolate him unless his 'bad' behavior
resurfaces.>> Also I want to get a new female platy to even
things out again and was wondering how long I should wait, or if I even
need to. <<Honestly, I wouldn't wait, Megan. The
longer that fish have to establish territories in an aquarium --
including the whole aquarium! -- the more aggressive/protective they
become. It makes it hard, if not impossible, to introduce new tank
mates without problems erupting. You might even consider a couple of
females to spread out the male's potential
'interest'.>> Thanks again for the advice, Megan
<<I'm sorry the story didn't have a happy ending this
time, Megan. Sometimes things just move too quickly to give us a chance
to help. All we can do is to keep trying. My best to you.
Re: sick platy ATTN: Tom
5/10/07 Hi Tom, <<Hi, Megan.>>
Help! My fish keep dying and I can't figure out
why. Everybody I've ever talked to says I am doing
everything perfectly and it just doesn't make sense. So
I have decided to tell you each and everything about my tank, it's
water, and it's problems. You might want to get a snack
because I am desperate and this might take a while. (ha...)
<<Well, I've told folks before that it's pretty hard to
give us too much information so, let's go'¦>> Ok, I
have a ten gallon Marineland tank with a Penguin filter. The
filter uses Black Diamond Premium Activated Carbon, this is the only
filtration I have in the tank. I also have one air
stone. I treat my water in advance in 2 gallon increments
and then store it in gallon buckets. I use half Reverse
Osmosis water and half tap water. The bucket I mix it all
together in is old and probably had soap in it at one time or
another....I didn't even think about that until recently and am
going to get a new one whether that is the problem or not. <<When
in doubt'¦ Actually, I think it's very good thinking on
your part. Will certainly eliminate a possibility.>>
In the water I put a variety of goodies: -Seachem Neutral Regulator for
pH - adjusts high or low pH to 7.0, also removes chlorine, chloramine
and ammonia <<I'll get back to this one'¦>>
-Doc Wellfish's Aquarium Salt (about 2.5 teaspoons per 2 gallons)
<<Way too much salt, Megan. If you choose to use aquarium salt in
a maintenance regimen, this should be two to two-and-a-half teaspoons
per five gallons of water at most.>> -Seachem Prime - removes
chlorine, chloramine, and ammonia. Detoxifies nitrite and
nitrate. Provides slime coat. <<Excellent product but
it negates the need for the Neutral Regulator. We/I strongly advise
against chemically regulating pH in aquariums. First, it's rarely
necessary given the typically broad range of pH levels that most fish
will acclimate to. Second, there can be a very fragile, even unstable,
relationship between acids and alkalis and the buffering compounds that
keep these from crashing or skyrocketing. As a case in point, a young
man I spoke with a short time ago was using a pH reducer in a tank
where he had aragonite as a substrate. Aragonite constantly leaches
calcium carbonate into the water and will hold the pH quite stable at
about 8.0. His chemical treatment reduced the pH to 7.0 temporarily but
he found it rising very quickly in just a day or so. In short, his fish
were on a pH 'roller coaster' ride. Not good at all.>>
-Seachem Stability for new tank stabilization (my tank is about 8
months old, should I stop using this?) <<Stop using it. You'd
be wasting your money.>> -Top Fin Tap Water Dechlorinator
<<Already doing this with the Prime. Again, stop.>> -Top
Fin Water Clarifier <<Ditch it. If you've got
'cloudy' water, there's a root problem to be addressed.
This product won't do that.>> -Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Stress Coat <<Redundant.>> I realize there is a lot of
stuff in there that rids of chlorine and chloramine, but there is other
stuff that each chemical helps with and I have been told multiple times
that this shouldn't cause a problem. <<Way, way too much
going into your tank here, Megan. Reduce the salt as I've suggested
and cut out everything other than the Prime. Something is causing a
potentially serious problem in your tank and this is a good place to
start.>> I feed my fish a variety of tropical fish foods
including pellets or flakes once daily, and frozen brine shrimp about
once a week in place of the other food. <<Good.>> I also
test my water with Red Sea Fresh Lab home testing for pH, NH3/NH4 and
NO2. My pH stays between 7.0 and 7.4, my nitrite is at 0 and
my ammonia is at 0. I get my water store tested every once
in a while as well with the same results and the quote "your water
is perfect! I don't know why your fish are dying!" -
helpful..... <<Please understand that your readings (though I
don't see any for nitrates) are 'spot on' where we like to
see them. (The shift between 7.0 and 7.4 in pH is,
chemically/mathematically speaking, a bit large but shouldn't be
that big of a problem.) In themselves, these readings give us a fair
idea of what's going on in the tank. They aren't,
unfortunately, the whole story by any means. There's something
wrong and we're going to try to figure out what that is.>> It
seems to me that they just kind of keep dying. I just
thought this was normal until recently when I read one of your advisees
on your message board telling someone that fish shouldn't be
"dying off" which mine seem to be doing.
<<I would have to agree. There's a reason why fish are dying
in an otherwise 'healthy' tank -- keeping in mind that it will
be a lot healthier when we cut back on the amount of chemicals going
in. :) >> Not one after another but maybe one every week or then
none for a month and then one dies and then none for 2 weeks,
etc.. I mentioned this to someone and he suggested I try
medicine for internal parasites. <<Doesn't seem likely to me
but I can't really fault the fellow for suggesting
'something'.>> I started this after my last platy died
that I wrote to you about. It is Jungle brand anti-parasite
medicated fish food. You feed the fish this 3 consecutive
days out of a week with no other food on those days for 4 weeks. I just
finished the second week out of this treatment. After my
last platy died that we discussed I bought two more female platies and
I thought one was pregnant. She was happy with her fins standing up
straight, then last night she was hiding and wouldn't eat, and this
evening she died. (Also the other new female I
thought was pregnant too, but now her fins are down and her anal fin
looks like it might be maturing into a male?? I've read
about this but I was certain she/he was pregnant.) <<Fish can
fool you, Megan. (Heck, they fool me all the time!) In any event,
everything still points to water conditions. (I'm starting to
repeat myself, aren't I?)>> In my tank I have always had
platies, plus a mixture of other fish while I had to keep replacing the
dying fish... (Corys, gouramis, rainbows, Otos, Rasboras, 1
Apistogramma, and I think that is what I have stuck
with. Also, at one point in time a snail appeared in my tank
out of nowhere. I liked them at first and had quite a few but then
someone suggested that they might be why my fish are dying so I picked
them all out.) <<I'm not a snail 'fan' myself but I
don't think they were the problem, either.>> One other thing
that I just thought of is my gravel. I was trying to be
thrifty when I started this tank and was given used gravel and a heater
from a strange man with a lot of fish tanks in his house. <<That
might describe a few of us here at WWM! Not me, of course, but we might
have some candidates! :) >> Both were rinsed thoroughly with hot
water before use. <<Probably what I would have done,
Megan.>> Ok I think I might be done...?!?!?!?! Please
try hard to think of any and everything I can try to fix my
tank. I am very close to just giving my fish back to my LFS
and starting over completely, although I would rather not.
<<I'd rather you wouldn't start over, either. All that
'cycling' and such. First (digressing a bit), there's
nothing wrong with carbon media in the filter except that it's only
effective for a few weeks and, then, should be replaced.
('Cleaning' it does nothing.) Second, if you've cleaned
your Bio-wheel, have you rinsed it in 'used' aquarium water?
Tap water will obliterate the beneficial bacteria, for the most part.
(Getting back to basics beforehand, if you will. Readings may be zero
but with so much going on, chemical-wise, it's difficult to know
the state of your beneficial bio-colonies.) I repeat myself here,
Megan, but cut out all but the Prime and reduced salt. As in human
terms, we need some type of 'control factor'. Right now, I
don't believe we have any. Continue to monitor your water
conditions regarding ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and pH. In particular,
do NOT 'jump' on a reading that's out of whack unless
it's to do a water change. No chem.'s.>> Thank
you very much, if there is anything I left out or you are curious about
let me know and I well write back immediately! Thanks again,
Megan <<What about vacuuming the gravel during water changes?
Deep cleaning will help rid the tank of built-up detritus/mulm.
(Contributes to nitrates.) How about the frequency of the water
changes? Too frequent, under the present protocol, would be as
problematic as waiting too long. (This will be remedied, however.)
Obscure, but if you have live plants in the tank, make sure that you
prune/remove any dead foliage. Plants absorb 'bad stuff' and
re-introduce it back into the tank when they die. If you've got
'cloudy water' issues, this is typically due to a bacterial
bloom. Better to do a massive water change than chemically treat this.
Keep me posted, Megan. Tom>>
Re: sick platy ATTN: Tom
5/14/07 Hi Tom, <<Hi, Megan. Sorry about being
tardy with this. Spent a long weekend with the boys playing every
square inch of four beautiful golf courses in northern
Michigan.>> Thanks for your advice!!
<<You're quite welcome.>> I was curious if I should
take all these chemicals out of the water changes immediately or if I
should do like one at a time?? <<Water changes will take care of
this, Megan. No need for any extraordinary measures here.>> Also,
I am still a little confused about the pH thing but if you say the tank
will be fine without the regulator then I am definitely willing to try
it. <<I understand your confusion about pH. Not the
easiest concept to grasp. In simple terms, it's just not a good
idea to 'toy' with your water's natural pH level. Better to
accustom/acclimate your fish to what you have than to attempt to adjust
the pH chemically.>> I clean my tank - with a gravel
vacuum - once every other week, and I move the fake plants and
decorations around to give my fish a new scenery once a month during
the water change. I figured doing this would help get any
nasty stuff that is piling up under the decorations as
well. <<Good thinking on your part here,
Megan.>> I started using the water clearer when I introduced a
piece a driftwood I bought from Petco and it turned my water yellow.
<<The 'yellowing' is from tannic acid leaching from the
driftwood. Same thing occurs when folks use peat moss in their filters.
It creates what is known as a 'black water' environment common
to areas in the Amazon basin, as a 'for instance'. It also
tends to acidify your water, dropping your pH levels. (Pretty close,
analogy-wise, to the example I gave you about the fellow with the
aragonite substrate though on the other end of the pH spectrum.) The pH
regulator tends to push the pH back up to neutral while the tannic acid
is trying to bring it back down to acidic levels. Depending on what
'naturally occurring' buffers your water has in it, such as
calcium carbonate, this could also be trying to drag your pH above
neutral into the basic region of pH. Could be lots going on that would
be tough to put a finger on without an 'in depth' water
analysis.>> I also believe that is where the snails came
from. (It came out of a tank they had there.)
<<A real good bet, Megan.>> Anyways I took the wood out
because the water never really went back to clear so I guess I
don't know why I kept using the clearer. <<Even more reason
to discontinue its use.>> The filter should be
replaced every two weeks?!?! I did not know that, I think maybe I have
been changing it every month or maybe longer, and I have never cleaned
or rinsed the bio-wheel, it says not to. <<The carbon media is
effective for only three to four weeks so once a month is a pretty good
schedule for you. As for the Bio-wheel, my concern is that you
don't rinse it, if you had any intention of doing this, in tap
water. Leaving it alone is fine 'as long as it doesn't
start taking on a life of its own. I heard from one guy who hadn't
touched his in something like three years. His wife was becoming a
little nauseous with the 'aroma'. :) >> A
couple other things I forgot to mention: Worms. About 2
months ago I was looking at my tank and noticed some white lines
"crawling" around on the filter, the area where the water is
spit out. They were about 1/4 of an inch long. I
freaked out and took out the filter and noticed on the blue spongy part
there seemed to be like a million of these things!! However, they
weren't moving and maybe these ones were just poop. I am
certain the ones I first saw were moving and alive
though. Super gross, but every body told me they were
helping the tank and just to leave it be, maybe feed my fish
less. I have been feeding them less and haven't seen any
worms since, but it is so hard to know exactly how much to feed.
<<The advice you received was correct. The little worms were
likely Planaria. Harmless to your fish but indicates that there was an
excess of nutrients in the tank. Modest feeding and vacuuming your
gravel will keep these at bay.>> Also, in the recent summer
months the temperature in my tank has been crawling up and up and
up. I've noticed it mostly around 82 degrees F, and was
told this wasn't an issue, maybe lift the lid when the lights are
on if I am at home. Then last night I got home after a day
where it was about 90 outside and my tank was at 86
degrees!!! I put a fan on, directed at the tank and lifted
the lid. (I get nervous about taking the lid off in case a
fish jumps out.) Then this morning it was down to 77 with
the fan still on, the heater in the tank was on
too. Arghhhh! Is there always going to be a new
issue? <<Generally, you can direct the air flow across the top of
the tank without lifting the lid. This should keep from dropping the
temperature too quickly which is more problematic than a
'quick' rise in temperature. Neither is advisable, of course,
but lowering it too quickly is the bigger risk. (I share your concern
about the fish trying to run away from home!) For what it's worth,
I'd rather see the water cool enough to bring the heater on. Hard
on the utility bills, perhaps, but easier on the
pets.>> Thanks again, Megan <<No problem,
Megan. By the way, there won't always be 'new issues'.
You'll get things settled out in short order. We tend to get
ourselves into trouble by over-tinkering rather than simple,
properly-scheduled maintenance. The less you can do while keeping
things nice and stable, the better. Keep up the good work!
Flakes on Platy... CAE
4/11/07 Hi!! I think I may have a problem but I'm not
sure. I know for a fact it shouldn't be normal
though. Mind boggling enough for you there?
<Not yet... all you've stated thus far is your
reaction...> I recently noticed about maybe 4 days ago
or more that one of my female Mickey Mouse Platies may have Ich, but!
when I did research on your webpages and saw pictures of other peoples
fish with it. I didn't know if it was Ich
anymore. She looks as if her scales are dry and just needs
lotion. <Yikes...> Now the Webpages describes it as white
spots. The pictures also show white spots. She
doesn't have just the white spots. Like I said before
its more of a just needs lotion type thing. None of my other
Platies or Guppies or my two Glass Fish have it just her. <I would
separate this specimen, pronto> Now my tank does need to be
cleaned.. I recently bought a sucker fish for it. I have
white rocks. Just my luck its easier to see the uneaten food that gets
collected at the bottom. Should I just go ahead and clean
out my tank? <? Not entirely... weekly water changes with gravel
vacuuming are recommended...> Set tank up right at end
of December or very very beginning of February. More
water and solution has been added to it for when the water level starts
going down a bit. <Mmm, not a good practice... solids
accumulate...> So my final question is, is there more
than one type of Ich? Any advice will be appreciated.
Em <Can't definitively tell anything from the simple
description... Might be Columnaris... Likely improving the environment
will do about all the good you can here. Please read:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwmaintindex.htm Bob
My Paraplegic Platy 10/22/05 Hi there, <Hi Catherine
here!> I have a 10 gallon tank that contains 1 huge blue Gourami, 4
zebra Danios, and now 2 platys. I started out with 4, three of which
really looked pregnant, but I guess are not. 1 I found dead and the
other just disappeared. I want to blame my Gourami, but am trying not
to. Anyway, there are now 2 platys. 1 seems to be doing very
well. The other one as of late, who used to look pregnant, is now
awfully thin. I try to feed it alone even, but it barely eats. As of
today I have noticed it in the oddest of places in my tank, and realize
that it is balancing on leaves, caves, etc. because it is looking
paralyzed. I am so sad about it. I separated it tonight into a bowl and
fed it alone again but I don't know what to do. Thin and
paralyzed, this is my problem. Now if it dies, do I buy a couple more
as the 1 will be all alone? Or do I buy Danios, which seem happy and
healthy. My Gourami is about 4 inches long and pretty thick. It is not
very aggressive either, and the little guys seem to do well with it. So
it is the platy I worry about. What should I do? Thanks for your time.
Tracey <You have a teeny tiny tank for soooo many fish. Both the
Gourami and the Danios would really prefer to be in a 30 gallon.
Remember, fish poop. This makes waste which is toxic to the fish. You
don't provide ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. However, I
suspect that if you test your water these will be high. This is
probably stressing your fish and the platys are most susceptible.
The solution: big water changes frequently until you get a larger
tanks. About 1 tablespoon of either Epsom or Marine salt per gallon of
water may also help your platy perk up. As far as the isolated platy,
I'd keep it isolated until it is looking better in case it really
has a bacterial infection. I assume this "bowl" is heated and
filtered. If not, your fish probably won't do very well in it. Look
around WWM for more info on your fish. Catherine>
My Platy Follow-up 10/25/05 Hi Catherine,/Crew Do you really
think my tank is too small? I have 1 blue Gourami, 4 danios,1 (sigh)
platy and 2 of those Otocinclus (I think) algae eaters. They don't
look cramped at all, but do you think they are? If I want a larger
tank, my husband says I have to give the fish away. That I don't
want to do, especially because I like the danios a lot. I could get a
tank of 10 danios and be quite happy with just those. So do you
really think the fish are crowded? <Three things can make fish
crowded, in my opinion. 1) There are so many fish in the
aquarium, that you cannot keep ammonia at 0, nitrites at 0 and nitrate
under 20. Violation of any of those conditions is stressful/toxic for
the fish. 2) The fish don't really have enough room to swim
around. A 4 inch fish in a 10 gallon tank is a fairly tight fit,
especially a fat fish. 3) The fish like to swim fast and
don't have enough room. This may be the least important
consideration. However, the danios like to school and dart around the
tank. They'd probably prefer 30 gallons, but they'll be okay in
10, assuming the water quality is excellent. Look at www.liveaquaria.com for good
suggestions for tank sizes.> Thanks, Tracey <Anytime,
Red Platy A Loner?
7/22/05 Greetings. I have read your site with interest, and find
it a tremendous resource. <Thanks, I've been reading it 5+
years, and the amount of info here never ceases to amaze
me. I'm just glad to add a bit to the pool, if I can>
After reading over the advice given previously to others about Platy
aggression, I returned one of my two males to the LFS, as I was unable
to add any females of the species to the tank for fear of overcrowding.
While this is not a pressing query, I would like your opinion about
whether the remaining Platy is happy: After I removed the aggressor,
the Platy came out from hiding, swims about the tank most of the day,
mingles with the White Clouds, is eating heartily, and seems to enjoy
swimming past a small plastic "imitation Platy" I placed in
the tank. Could a single Platy actually be content, or am I reading
contentment into his actions? Perhaps all the swimming and eating is
actually unhappy behavior. I've asked him if he's happy, but so
far, no reply. *winks* <While it would probably prefer some more
platys, especially female platys *wink back at ya* it should live a
long and happy life without company of the same species. And
yes, I do hate how platys give their owners "the silent
treatment"; biting the hand that feeds it seems to me!> Thank
you. <My pleasure> <M. Maddox>