FAQs on Platy Diseases/Health
FAQs on Platy Disease:
Platy Disease 1, Platy Disease 2, Platy Disease 3, Platy Disease 4,Platy Health 6,
Platy Health 7,
Platy Health 8,
Platy Health 9,
Platy Health 10,
Platy Health 11, Platy Health ,
FAQs on Platy Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Social, Infectious (Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Genetic, Treatments,
Related Articles: Platies, Poeciliids:
Guppies, Platies, Swordtails, Mollies by Neale Monks,
Livebearing Fishes by Bob
Related FAQs: Platies 1, Platies 2, Platy
Identification, Platy
Behavior, Platy
Compatibility, Platy
Selection, Platy Systems,
Platy Feeding, Platy Reproduction, Livebearers, Guppies, Swordtails, Mollies,

Platy Swollen Anus Region/Lethargic (Resending with
Smaller Pic)
I'm so sorry about the previous message with huge photos.
I'm trying again.
<Err... from one extreme to the other... This photo is tiny!
Can't speak for Windows, but on a Mac running OS X 10.5,
simply open your image in Preview, start by outlining the
important part of the image using the
Select tool from the menu bar. Command-K will crop the image
down. Then choose Adjust Size under the Tools menu, and then
select something sensible in terms of image size, e.g., 72 dpi,
around 400-600 pixels up and across.
I presume Windows and other operating systems have similar tools
and programs.>
Hi. I have a Platy that has a red swollen anus with what appears
to be something stuck in the opening that seems to be keeping the
region open.
<Could be a variety of things, but Camallanus worms are most
likely. These look like red threads that poke out of the anus.
Unlike most other worm infections that cannot become established
under aquarium conditions, Camallanus can, by using the
ubiquitous near-microscopic crustacean hosts present in the
She is not swimming (staying at top or bottom of tank) for the
past couple of days. I'm trying to figure out if this is
constipation or some type of bacterial infection and how to
<If Camallanus, that's a nematode worm infection, and
you'll need a specific medication, Levamisole hydrochloride.
Ask your retailer specifically for this, and use as indicated on
the packaging. The common
worm medication Praziquantel, e.g., PraziPro, DOES NOT work on
Camallanus worms, so don't buy this; you specifically need
I've made some changes to my feeding the tank recently. I
realized I had been feeding the Platies improperly (no greens,
regular flake food). I had noticed they had whitish color faeces,
some normal brown and some that are brown and white. So five days
ago, I switched them to Spirulina flake as a staple. About four
days ago I gave the tank 1/2 cube of frozen brine shrimp and
three days ago I made the mistake of dropping in two algae wafers
for the catfish and did not remove till I got home from work.
<Nothing here sounds dangerous.>
By that time, all my Platies had gorged themselves on the wafers.
So I stopped feeding the tank, except for a few peas a couple of
days ago.
Yesterday I did try feeding the lethargic Platy a mushed pea from
She took a bite, spit it out and swam off. One of my other
Platies gobbled what I dropped and that Platy seems to have
bloated right back up.
<If the worms are the problem here, the food is not really a
factor, though as ever, a sensible diet and good water quality
improve the chances of recovery.>
40 Gallon
12 Corydoras (added 6 of these in past week with no
6 Platies (1 is two months old) (added 2 of these in past week
with no quarantine)
pH 7.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 20
Temp 78 degrees (recently adjusted this from 75, but I may have
just been confused that this can help if they are
<Slightly on the warm side for Platies and indeed Corydoras;
both species prefer slightly cool conditions, around 24 C/75 F
being ideal.>
The particular Platy that is swollen in her anus region is the
one Platy that my one male Platy obsesses over. I put him in a
breeder net yesterday for a few hours to give her a break as she
obviously is not feeling well and he has since backed off. My
concern is my Platies have some type of infection or parasite and
she, being weakened by the constant male attention, is getting
sicker at a faster rate and my others will soon follow. She is
not passing any faeces that I can discern. This morning she
started to shake back and forth from time to time.
The other Platies are active but their faeces is still off and on
<Wouldn't worry overmuch about this, but mucous-rich
faeces are whitish in colour and can indicate parasitic
infections causing irritation to the intestines.>
Can you advise from the information I've given and the
pictures of her what you think is going on and how I should
Thank you,
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Platy Swollen Anus Region (for Neale, bigger pics)
I'm so sorry Neale, I know this is annoying. I'm annoyed
with myself. I recently uploaded Picasa and don't know what
I'm doing with it, I can't look at any photos except
through it. Anywho, here is a bigger pics at 480 pixels.
<Pictures are a fine size... but the Platy itself is a bit
small within those photos to see much. I'd recommend you
Google "Camallanus" and have a look at what you find.
Compare with the Platy swimming about. Camallanus worms are quite
common among livebearers for one reason or another.
Presumably the way they're raised on farms?>
If they don't give you a different idea than the worms,
I'm off to find the specific meds.
<If Camallanus seems likely, do medicate as mentioned last
time around.>
Thank you so much.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Platy Has Swollen Anus Region/Lethargic
Hi Neale. Third time is a charm. I learned how to crop. I
included one picture with several Platies so you have the
pleasure of seeing their poo.
<I see...>
Looking on the internet, I don't think she looks like the
pictures of "Camallanus" I found. I don't see any
red stringy worms at all. It almost seems to me to be an injury?
I feed the tank some flakes and she tried to eat some.
<Now, this is helpful. This looks like a prolapsed anus. Does
occasionally occur in fish. Essentially a reaction caused by some
type of bacterial or protozoan infection of the gut.
Metronidazole (for Protozoans) and Nitrofurazone (for bacteria)
seem to be the drugs of choice here, used together. This direct
treatment of the pathogens in the gut should clear up the
problem, allowing the anus to recover. Epsom salts at 1 to 3
teaspoons per 5 gallons is a useful supplement, acting as am
muscle relaxant.>
The LFS I went to did not have Levamisole and I was given some
Paracide D (from their reserves, they didn't charge me). I
looked it up though and it says it is toxic to fry (I have
several 2 day old fry right now) and more of a last resort. I did
find a Jungle medicated food that has Metronidazole and
Levamisole but it was empty when I opened at home. Maybe a good
thing since I really don't know what is going on.
Trying to remain calm,
<Hope this helps. For what it's worth, this syndrome tends
to heal quite
well, at least among large fish such as cichlids. Good luck,
Re: Platy Has Swollen Anus
Region/Lethargic 4/9/09
Hi Neale, Thank you so much.
<Most welcome.>
Should I treat all the fish for the bacteria and Protozoans or just
<Treat the whole tank. Won't cost any more, and will save
you having to set up a hospital tank.>
If one fish has these things, do all the fish?
<Certainly possible, though the degree of "catchiness"
I'm sure varies between different bacteria and protozoan
All the other fish are still having funky poo, in my not expert
<Ah, may well be the beginnings of what's happened to this
particular Platy fish.>
And if I treat the main tank, will the Epsom salts be okay for the
Corydoras temporarily?
<Won't cause any problems at all. Epsom salt is widely used
as a therapy, and in the short term at least, seems to be tolerated
very well by most fish. Corydoras are hardy fish anyway, and
provided they're not too warm, they seem to put up with almost
<Cheers, Neale.> |
Urgent - pls help...I have a
male platy, who has been listless, no data of use, reading --
04/07/09 lying at the bottom of the tank, and has clamped
fins. when he moves, it's in strange little movements, not
swimming. I moved him into a smaller container (tiny 1 gallon) as an
emergency solution,
with aeration and a heater, and medicated his water
<With what?>
for parasites, and he improved slightly, but after about 24 hours, he
went back to being listless. he is eating, but is getting very weak. I
decided to put him back into the larger tank (25 gallons)
and see if he improves. I have dosed a second time with parasitic
medication. I have no other fish that are listless, but have lost a few
fish over the last month. is this parasites, or could it be Ich.
<... Ich is a parasite>
I do change the water regularly, and have several live plants, and a
good quality heater and filter system. the tank is well
any help would be greatly appreciated.
<As would useful data... Need info. re the make-up of this system,
tankmates, history of operation, water quality tests, foods,
Please read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Identify illness... FW
Hi, I'm afraid I don't have time to go thru all the research to
find what I'm looking for, sorry.
<Oh? Let me cut to the chase here: On the page where you got our
e-mail, there's a link to an article on common problems, here:
Item Number 4 on that list of problems is likely relevant here.
There's also a quick guide to diagnosing disease, here:
The reason I'm explaining this is that everyone thinks their time
is valuable and their needs are important (I really should press on and
make my breakfast) so if you're anxious for a quick solution rather
than a fun
chat with a fish expert, 5 or 10 minutes spent on the site could well
have led to the answers you needed. We have a Search tool, and simply
looking up Platy and Finrot would have come up with lots of useful
information as well.>
A platy that I've had for 1 1/2 years, has become sick. A couple of
white spots, some grey spots, top fin is frayed (rot).
<Treat for Finrot/Fungus, using something like eSHa 2000 or Seachem
ParaGuard but not Melafix, Pimafix, or salt.>
eating, spending time on bottom, breathing hard.
No sudden changes in water values, stress caused in Dec/Jan when new
tank set up, transferred from 10 gal to 29 gal. Gradually added pearl
Gourami and silver tipped tetras (5 of them, 4 gouramis). 2 other adult
platys, a few juveniles. Ammonia at 0. other values within normal
limits, except pH and hardness on low sides. Live plants.
<Not sure what "normal limits" are. Ammonia is zero, which
is good, but also nitrite should be zero as well. Just as critical is
the pH/hardness; livebearers invariably need hard, alkaline water. The
addition of "tonic
salt" or "aquarium salt" won't do anything to raise
either pH or hardness, so while some people recommend this, it's
actually pointless. You should have a pH around 7.5-8, and the hardness
should be above 10 degrees dH, and ideally 15+ degrees dH. Often
it's easiest to add a certain amount of Malawi cichlid salt mix.
Luckily for you, I did have the time to go through all the research and
dig up a recipe. Since you have other fish in the tank, I'd
probably use one-quarter to one-third the dosages recommended for
Malawi cichlids, though the Platies themselves would positively thrive
at the full dosage. So per 5 gallons/20 litres add:
1/4th to 1/3rd teaspoon baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
1/4th to 1/3rd tablespoon Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate)
1/4th to 1/3rd teaspoon marine salt mix (sodium chloride + trace
Alternatively, you could go buy some Malawi salt mix, and add it at
1/4th to 1/3rd the recommended dose quoted on the packaging. Test the
water with your water chemistry test kits to see how things look. Note
the use of marine salt mix isn't the same thing as cooking salt or
tonic salt; marine salt mix contains other things besides sodium
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: identify illness
(Platypoecilia; health) 4/1/2009
Thank you for getting back to me- FYI, I had spent about 45 minutes
trying to research info on fish diseases the night before, including
your site, but after awhile, it got confusing, especially since it is
so hard to
identify what is actually wrong with my the platy.
<Ah, good to see you did some research. Wasn't clear from your
message, and before my first cup of tea, I'm a little cranky and
sometimes go off on tangents...>
(My days have been exceptionally long this week so not much extra
<Sorry to hear that.>
I thought he might have fin rot, and some spots, but none of the
descriptions I've read really seem to match.
<The thing with Finrot is that it's a catch-all description, a
bit like what we'd call a "fever" or a "virus".
Essentially Finrot happens when otherwise harmless, even beneficial,
bacterial in the environment are able
to overwhelm the fish's immune system. Just like us, fish have an
immune system that constantly kills off bacteria that come into contact
with their body. In the case of fish, the first symptoms are usually
bloody patches on the fins where veins have become blocked by dead
blood cells and dead bacteria; signs of the "war" of sorts
that's going on.>
Maybe I need a magnifying glass. I printed your email and took it to
the fish store, which is PetSmart. They didn't have any of the meds
you suggested.
<Too bad; do try shopping online, or reviewing a phone directory for
other aquarium stores in the neighbourhood. Actually, the brands
don't matter, provided the medication is appropriate.>
I had originally bought Lifeguard all in one, but read it's not
that effective.
<Indeed not; one of those "jack of all trades, master of
none" medications.>
So today bought API brand Fungus cure (Victoria Green and Acriflavine)
and Mardel brand Maracyn(erythromycin)
<Both should work here, and indeed should be safe to use together.
Excellent choices.>
I also bought Oceanic brand Natural Sea Salt Mix. Not sure if
that's going to work.
<This is a salt mix for use in marine aquaria. It is also superb for
use with livebearers, which will thrive in the raised pH and hardness
levels, and for whatever reason also seem to benefit from a slight
salinity. But do
note that other types of fish may be less tolerant. Guppies, Mollies
and Swordtails will all be fine with a little salt, but soft water
fish, such as Neons and South American catfish, may be (will be) less
happy. Do get
back to be if you have questions about the other fish in the system, if
there are other species.>
My guess is I won't save this platy, but do want to get the pH and
hardness right.
<Precisely. But I hope your Platy will recover.>
All the other values were WNL.
<Be careful here; some test kits suggest 0.5 mg/l nitrite or ammonia
are "safe"; they're not.>
thanks again
<My pleasure, and good luck. Neale.>
Re: identify illness
(Platypoecilia; health) 04/03/09
Neale, now that I have a little more time, thank you very much for your
<Most welcome.>
Having been on many other fish websites, I have found this one to have
the most useful information.
<Nice of you to say this.>
And really appreciate the time everyone takes to respond to individual
emails...how do you all do it?
<It's a team effort, and Bob's created something here that
we all believe in.><<Siaynoq! We share! RMF>>
But since you are offering, 2 more questions. How does one gently
euthanize a fish?
<Do see here:
Also, I do have 3 pearl Gourami, 5 tetra and 1 Siamese algae eater.
Will they be affected by the increased pH etc? (I know you mentioned
the tetra's wont' but I don't like them either (too darty
around the tank... silver tipped tetra). The Gourami I would like to
<Provided the pH stays at or below 8.0, you should be fine with most
any community fish. There are one or two exceptions, such as Cardinal
tetras and Ram cichlids, but for the most part, fish are more fussed
about a stable pH than its precise value. On the other hand, if you
raise pH and salinity at the same time, e.g., by using marine salt mix,
that will stress freshwater fish in the long term, and isn't
advised. Do contrast Malawi
"cichlid" salt mixes (which raise pH and carbonate hardness)
with marine salt mixes (which raise pH, carbonate hardness, and
salinity). With Platies, you want to raise pH and carbonate hardness;
it's carbonate
hardness that steadies the pH and makes livebearers across the board
feel happy. Raising the salinity won't harm livebearers, but it
will stress other types of freshwater fish (with a few exceptions) so
I'd always
recommend using a Malawi salt mix rather than marine salt mix for
general community tanks. Usually a 1/4th to 1/3rd dosage of Malawi salt
mix is ample: you're not trying to create full Lake Malawi
conditions, just
something a little harder and more alkaline than normal.>
Thanks, have a great weekend.
<Likewise, enjoy yours. Neale.>
White spots on Platy,
I have 6 Platies and I have noticed little white spots on 3 of them.
the spots are really small but are on the fishes tail, and on one of
the fish it is nearly all over. What is this? And what can I do?
<Sounds like freshwater Ich, Ichthyophthirius multifilius.>
Is this white spot problem and do I need to treat it with
<Most likely some treatment is needed, see here for options
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwich.htm .>
The fish do not seem to be acting any different?
Re: White spots on Platy,
Chris thank you for your reply. The article was useful.
I have anti white spot plus treatment and have added this to the
aquarium. Is this potentially damaging to the fish that might not be
<Not familiar with this product and can not determine what is in it
from their website, does the packaging list its active ingredients? All
fish in the tank are infected, some are just not symptomatic. If this
is potentially dangerous treatment or not I could not tell you, however
treating the main tank is generally a bad idea, especially if
invertebrates are involved.>
In terms of the disease spreading, is this likely and can it be
<No, an aquarium is about the perfect environment for
Ichthyophthirius multifilius, once it is introduced it quickly infects
all fish in the tank.>
I mean by isolating the fish, by say putting them in a breeder net
would this prevent the others from getting it?
<Would not stop this microscopic parasite.>
Or do you need to isolate in a different tank?
<Ideally all fish would be removed from the main tank to a hospital
tank for treatment while the main runs fallow, denying the parasite its
host and breaking its lifecycle.>
Also how quickly should it take before I notice the white spots to
<Usually cycles off in a few days, but will reappear again without
proper treatment, often more virulent than before.>
Sick Platy 3/20/09
One of my orange platy fish is sick and I was wondering if you could
help me diagnose the problem. He is about one and a half years old and
he was one of my older platy's babies. I began to notice that he
was not acting as he usually does early last week; he was hiding a
<Do, as always, review environmental conditions. The vast majority
of fish problems come down to environment rather than disease.
Specifically, check the tank isn't too warm (Platies prefer 23-25
degrees C), that the water is hard and alkaline (10+ degrees dH, 5+
degrees KH), and that the water has a
basic pH (7.5-8). Also check water quality; ammonia and nitrite should
both be zero. Consider whether there are any possible toxins that could
be poisoning the fish; paint fumes for example. Diet is another
Platies are herbivores and need a diet rich in greens. Herbivore flake
is a good start. Don't use standard fish food more than a couple of
times per week, or constipation is a likely result. Finally, consider
behaviour; male Platies are aggressive towards one another, and in
tanks 20 gallons or smaller in size, they won't tolerate one
another. Bullying will occur, and eventually the weaker male will
become stressed, and from there, it's a short step to disease and
After a couple of days of he seemed to get better; he began swimming
around more and hiding less. Yesterday, however he became much worse.
He began lying on the bottom of the tank on his side and gasping for
But when I fed them that night he got off the floor and began to eat.
He seemed to struggle while he was swimming, sort of like he
couldn't keep his balance or was tired, but it was at the normal
<All very nebulous. Could be anything. Review what I have stated
above, and then get back to me.>
Today I fed them and again he got off of the bottom of the floor and
tried to eat but he didn't seem to get any food. It was like he was
trying to find food but couldn't or when he did find food he would
try to eat it and not be able to get it into his mouth. After a couple
minutes he gave up and went back to lying on the floor of the tank.
Today, just recently, I put him into a breeding net so I could get a
closer look and to make sure the other fish didn't bother
<Breeding traps tend to increase stress, and I've rarely seen a
sick adult fish come out of one better than it went in!>
I tried to find as many observations that could help I could and
I'll try to describe him as much as I can.
-He seems very thin, but he has always been pretty thin to begin
-When he lies on his side his head is elevated and the rest of him is
lying flat on the ground, crooked looking.
-He seems to have trouble breathing.
-His dorsal fin is no longer up but instead it is flopped over when he
lying down/ down when he is swimming. All other fins are normal.
-He has a pine-coned appearance where his scales are lifted on the top
of his body but not on the sides/bottom. I know this is a sign of
Dropsy but he is not bloated which I read caused the lifting of the
-All of the other fish seem to be acting normally.
Thank you so much for your time.
<Nothing much I can suggest without you first giving me data on the
environmental issues discussed above: tank size, water
quality/chemistry, social behaviour, temperature. Tell me these things,
and I can try and help
some more. Cheers, Neale.>
2 of my male Platies died
hello my name is mark. I wanted to ask for your opinions as I woke this
morning to find 2 of my Platies had died. I am worried as another 2
seem to be acting strange also, they seemed to float at the top of the
tank and seemed to hardly swim around. the tank now (after the deaths)
consists of 4 Platies, 5 zebra Danios and 3 fancy goldfish and a black
moor. there is no aggression in the tank and everyone seems to get on.
I did recently move the fish to a new larger tank and wondered whether
the new gravel or something could be a problem? please could you help
as I want to save any more deaths. regards mark
<Hello Mark. Platies are livebearers, and that means they need hard,
alkaline water. In soft/acidic water they are delicate and
So that's the first thing to check. Water quality needs to be good,
zero ammonia and nitrite in particular, and water temperature should be
moderate; about 24 degrees C (75 F) is about right. Danios and Goldfish
will enjoy similar conditions, so you're lucky here that your mix
of animals should all get along. You don't mention the size of the
tank though. Unless this tank is above 30 gallons in size, you're
unlikely to have adequate conditions to maintain these fish properly.
Let me have some details on the size of the aquarium, temperature,
water quality and water chemistry and we can discuss in depth. In the
meantime, review livebearer care generally, here:
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: 2 of my male Platies died
Neale, thank you for your fast reply. my tank is roughly 100litres -
its 32" long I think and 16" high and 12" deep.
<On the small side for Goldfish plural, and certainly in combination
with other fish. Once Goldfish get above about 10 cm/4 inches, they
become seriously messy fish that play havoc with water quality.>
I have not checked the water as I'm not sure entirely how I should
do this.
<Test kits. At minimum, have a pH test kit and a nitrite test kit. A
carbonate hardness ("KH") test kit is useful but not
although do have tap water conditioner and flora boost aquarium
treatment which I have used to try and settle the water.
<OK. The flora boost is a waste of time though, given Goldfish eat
and likewise I have added aqua tonic salt.
I have only had the Platies in this tank for 4 days but before they all
were fine in a smaller tank of 63 litres.
<Borderline useful for Platies.>
of the remaining 4 Platies 3 are female and 1 left is male, and I fear
that this male (again male) is acting strange and seems to float at the
top of the tank, it doesn't seem to go down often though is quite
keen to fight for food, though it floats and allows the filter to just
force it backwards.
<Hmm... could be constipation I suppose, since these are herbivores
that should receive lots of greens. Cooked peas and spinach are the old
favourites, but algae-based flake food is good too. But I'd suspect
water quality issues because of the Goldfish.>
any more suggestions? kind regards mark
<Do read the WWM page sent last time, and in particular have a look
over the pages about Platy health, diet and maintenance. Cheers,
Re: 2 of my male Platies died
Thanks again Neale. I will try and get these nitrate and ph test kits
<Nitrite. With an "I". Nitrate is something else.>
With regards to the fish acting strange now, would you advise removing
it from the tank, I do actually have a small tank which has 12 platy
fry in it, though my worry would be if this fish would eat the
<Hmm... if he's sick, chances of him eating a baby fish are
Are males prone to eating fry? and do females also eat them?
<Varies. If well fed and in a tank with plenty of floating plants,
most babies are ignored. But no, they have no "parental
instinct" at all since in the wild the baby fish move away from
where the adults are. So there's no need for them to evolve an
instinct that tells them not to eat a baby fish.>
Its just the fish is floating around at the top of the tank and I
really worry tomorrow morning it will be next. thank you for your
<Not much to be done now. Perhaps move the sick male if he's
been harassed by the other fish, or pushed around by the water current.
Otherwise leave him as he is, observe, pray to the fish gods. Cheers,
Platy fish excreting white stuff
2/14/09 Hi Crew; My platy fish is excreting a lot of white
stuff from his/her lower region. They are like strings about and inch
and a half long that do not fall off right away. It looks like it could
be waste but it is white and there is a lot of it. The fish looks
bigger so she could be pregnant. This has been going on for about two
weeks and I have no idea what is wrong with the fish. He/she seems
active and healthy. Thanks for your help! Joni <I'm assuming
that the white stuff you are talking about are faeces. Under certain
situations, such as gut irritation, the intestine produces excessive
amounts of mucous, and these bulk out the faecal material, producing
long, pale stringy faeces that often hang from the anus. My guess is
that's what you're seeing here. The commonest problem with
Platies is a failure to understand their needs. These are herbivores
that should be fed ample green materials. Algae-based flake (Spirulina
flake) is a good staple, augmented with things like Sushi Nori, cooked
or tinned peas, cooked spinach, and thinly sliced cucumber. Avoid
feeding them standard flake foods and do not feed them freeze-dried
anything, except maybe once a week, tops. Wet frozen bloodworms and
live daphnia are both good supplements to their diet, live daphnia
being an especially good laxative. Cheers, Neale.>
Platy help, dis.
1/14/09 Hi- <Hello.> I have a platy that I have had
since I started my tanks over two years ago. He was doing well until
about two and a half months ago. He developed a white growth over one
eye and part of his mouth. <Do check water quality and water
chemistry. What you are describing is very common among livebearers, in
part because they are acutely sensitive to nitrite/ammonia but also
because drops in pH stress them intensely.> I originally moved him
to a quarantine tank and treated with two rounds of antibiotics as well
as two rounds of Lifeguard made by Jungle labs. <While the infection
is likely bacterial, it isn't always easy to know if it is standard
Finrot or what we call "Mouth Fungus", a bacterial infection
also known as Columnaris. "Lifeguard" is one of those
jack-of-all-trade medications that actually isn't all that reliable
or effective in many cases. I'd instead focus on (in the US at
least) running first with Maracyn and if that doesn't work with
Maracyn 2, as between them these will deal with all the likely
bacteria. In the UK and Europe I'd go with eSHa 2000, an
antibacterial that works well against Finrot and Mouth Fungus.
Regardless, it is critical to figure out the likely cause of the
infection, because these sorts of things are almost always
environmental at root. Platies need cool (around 23-24 C) water that is
spotlessly clean, has a high pH (7.5-8.2), and above all else is nice
and hard (15+ degrees dH). They tend to get sick in tanks where the pH
varies and the hardness is low. High temperatures also stress them; at
least once ancestor of the domesticated Platy is a species called
Xiphophorus variatus, a subtropical rather than tropical fish. Warm
water contains less oxygen, and this stresses fish, reducing their
immune system effectiveness.> He did not improve much and was
unhappy by himself. I put him back in my twenty gallon tank that he
shares with a molly, platy. ghost shrimp and guppies. <Ah, these
will all appreciate hard, basic water, so managing that aspect
shouldn't be difficult. But I will make the point that Mollies tend
to prefer a little more heat than Platies, though this isn't
critical. To be honest, I'd be adding a certain amount (3-6 g) of
marine salt mix per litre of water in this system. Marine salt mix will
raise the carbonate hardness, ensuring stable pH and the right level of
hardness. While Platies aren't brackish water fish by any means,
they will tolerate small amounts just fine, and the benefits of
elevated hardness and pH will be useful. Do note that "tonic
salt" or "aquarium salt" has no effect on pH or
hardness, so adding these to this aquarium would be a waste of
money.> Whatever this is has progressed to the point that I
can't even see his eye any longer. It doesn't seem to affect
any of the other fish Please help Angie <Hope this helps,
Female Platy Problem
1/2/08 Hello; First off, my lovely wag platy gave birth to 9
babies about a week ago (three were stillborn, so six are happily
swimming in my fry tank with three other fry from my mm platy).
<Stillbirths are typically caused by stress, for example by males
chasing pregnant females. Or worse yet, Breeding Traps!> She is in a
20 gallon long with three other Platies: 1 mm female, 1 sunburst male,
1 sunburst dwarf male; and 1 swordtail male. Three small fancy goldfish
share the space, as does one small clown Pleco. <No such thing as a
"small" Goldfish; only a juvenile. Do understand that by the
time these fish grow even by themselves they will massively overstock
as 20 gallon system. By that I mean the water will be cloudy, water
quality will be poor, and the fish much more prone to disease than
otherwise. For Goldfish, there's really no logical argument for
keeping them in anything under 30 gallons. Do always remember even
fancy Goldfish top 20 cm / 8 inches in length.> Other than the
goldfish bullying the Pleco a bit for his algae wafers (I generally put
two in; one for them, one for him), all seem fine with each other.
We're setting up a 20 gallon tall soon, and will move the swordtail
to that one with additional stock. <"Tall" 20 gallon tanks
are a waste of money. Remember, stocking depends on the surface area at
the top in contact with the air. A tall tank has a smaller surface area
than a long tank of identical volume. Moreover, Swordtails are
high-speed fish from rivers, and do best in tanks with lots of swimming
space. The only advantage to a tall tank is it is easier to decorate
with tall plants. Beyond that, they are a total waste of money.> I
do 25% water changes every Saturday, have an undergravel filter with
two box filters, a small variety of live plants and driftwood. This
tank has been set up (minus the swordtail) for about 4 months. I check
the water after each change. Our well water has pH of 7.8, moderately
alkaline. <Sounds fine for livebearers.> The problem with my wag:
she's still plump, and her belly looks 'squared off' by her
anal cavity. She is hiding, which is not normal behavior for this
particular girl. This was her second birth in my tank (the goldfish ate
the fry the first time, I'm guessing). She keeps one anal fin
clamped to her body and is swimming quite slowly, and generally keeps
low. <May well be stress; remove male livebearers (whether Platies
or Swordtails) to another tank. Do also look out for signs of excessive
mucous production, for example cloudiness on the face or flanks. Treat
with a combination Finrot/Fungus medication such as eSHa 2000. The
addition of marine salt mix at ~5-6 grammes per litre will benefit most
livebearers by raising carbonate hardness and salinity slightly. Common
aquarium or tonic salt is a far inferior treatment and not worth
bothering with, frankly. The Clown Plec cannot be kept in the tank
while salt is being used, but the Goldfish won't mind.>
Otherwise, she appears healthy; her fins/scales appear normal, her eyes
are clear. This morning she did not come up to eat. She has proved, in
the past, to be an active, personable fish, and I'm trying to
figure out what will help. Most I've seen about plump platy females
on-line suggest pregnancy; could it be she's still pregnant,
despite giving birth a week ago? <Yes; sometimes livebearers release
fry over an extended period of days, even weeks.> Or is it a case of
dropsy? <Scales will be erect if so, with distinctive "pine
cone" appearance to fish when viewed from above.> Also, if this
is the problem, would it hurt the fry to move her to that tank. (Fry
tank is 3 gallons, with plenty of free-floating Anacharis, Amazon
swords, driftwood, filter, 3 ghost shrimp) Thank you for your help and
your incredibly informative site; it's usually the first site I go
to for answers. This is the first time I was unable to find one in your
FAQs! -hly <Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Female Platy Problem
1/2/09 Thanks for the quick response Neale; <Most
welcome.> I was quite concerned this morning, and did move her to
the fry tank. I'm keeping the lights low to reduce her stress; she
actually appears slightly relieved (if that expression is possible on a
fish). <Yes, shade, even darkness, is what most fish prefer.>
I'm keeping an eye on her for the rest of the day, and if there
appears to be continued trouble, I'll be trying the method you
suggested. Would the salt be hazardous to the fry? <Not harmful in
the least. Platies tolerate salinity up to SG 1.005 rather well
(that's about 9 grammes per litre) but 3-6 grammes per litre is a
good therapeutic dose for fixing all kinds of problems, including Ick
and even some fungal infections.> I *think* it could be she's
not done giving birth, but was uncertain if Platies could hold for that
long! Now that she's in the smaller tank, I see she's still a
bit distended when viewed from behind; possibly explains the
"squared off" appearance of her belly. <Indeed. Watch, and
provide shelter so she's safe from nippy or aggressive
tankmates.> Thanks for the goldfish advice as well; I'm already
considering future set-ups to happily house them in the near future. As
for the 20 gallon tall, I'm in near agreement, but the entire
set-up is inherited. <Ah, I see. Well, you work with what you have!
But do understand a "tall" tank may contain fewer fish, and
preferably smaller species, than a "long" tank. So long as
you understand the constraints, you won't go far wrong with either
type of tank.> We'll be more mindful when housing it; I've
been surfing the WWM site quite frequently for our options! -hly
<Cheers, Neale.>
Platy with white mass on head
12/30/08 Hi, One of my orange Platys has a white mass above
one of its eyes. It does not seem to be affecting its movement and it
is eating normally, but the mass is getting larger. None of the other
fish have acquired this, so I am assuming that it is not contagious.
Any help on what this may be and possible treatment would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks! Megan <Most likely an opportunistic bacterial
infection of the type often called "slime disease" for want
of a better name, or perhaps Mouth Fungus (actually caused by a
bacterium, Flexibacter columnaris). In any case, relatively easily
fixed using a reliable antibiotic or antibacterial; in the US I'd
recommend Maracyn (or Maracyn 2 if that doesn't work) while in
Europe and elsewhere antibacterials such as eSHa 2000 will work. Salt
and tea-tree oil potions will have minimal/zero impact, though dipping
the fish for 2-20 minutes in full strength seawater can be a useful
supplement (not an alternative) to the treatments recommended above. As
ever, the basic cause is water chemistry or water quality issues.
Obviously zero ammonia and nitrite levels are essential, but as with
livebearers generally it is also critical for the water to maintain a
steady, basic pH (7.5-8.0) thanks to a high level of carbonate
hardness. Cheers, Neale.>
Dead platy
12/2/08 Hello again Neale. Hope you and your fishy friends are
well. Here I am again..! Last time I contacted you I had treated my new
tank for Whitespot, and had moved a harassed male platy to my new tank.
A week ago I moved the remaining Platies in to the new tank.
Immediately the other male started harassing the male that I had moved
into the tank earlier. He once again took to hiding away, and would
come out a bit but very wary of the other one - once I actually saw
them fighting - fins up, swimming in circles around each other taking
nips at each other. I haven't been able to get out and get some
more females, but really 5 should be enough for the two of them? That
said two are quite small still. Anyhow - today I found one of the males
dead. He was kind of trapped between some bits of (plastic) plant. I
tested the water and nitrite is at less than 0.3ppm, zero ammonia, and
less than 20ppm nitrate. Yesterday he seemed OK, when he came out he
was swimming about and eating, fins up (until he saw the other male,
when he'd swim as fast as he could and hide) Could he have been
harassed to death? There were no signs on the body of anything at all,
a bit of a nip out of one fin (which could have happened post death I
think) I am very reluctant to put my new additions in the tank (5 zebra
Danios) in from the QT until I know there are no problems. Most other
fish are fine. Only exception being one female platy who is also
subject to harassment and frequently has her fins clamped and hides.
She comes out for food and has her fins up then, but clamps them when
the male is around. Frankly I think he's a bully! On the plus side
we have a lot of fry! Can they be harassed to death? Wondering in a
fishy manner... Sarah <Hello Sarah. Male Platies certainly can be
aggressive towards one another. Mixed sex livebearer groups are
honestly easiest kept either as one male with multiple females, or else
in big groups (10+ specimens) of both sexes, albeit more females than
males. Only a few species are truly gentle and gregarious, and none of
the common species are! If you have 5 adults, with 2 of them boys,
you're really not going to have peace and quiet unless the tank is
big (30+ gallons) enough for them all to spread out. Can they fight to
the death? Not directly, but certainly long term stress through one
bullying the other can weaken another fish such that it doesn't get
enough to eat, or becomes more sensitive to disease. I do regularly
state this, but once again we'll make the point: livebearers are
not "easy" fish despite their reputation. They're among
the fish aquarists most regularly have problems with! The elevated
level of nitrite is worrying, so I would go back and check what the
cause might be -- too many fish, too much food, or inadequate
filtration are all on the list of possibilities. If you have a lot of
fry, do rear them as best you can, and then sell them on but keep at
least some of the females. The more females in the group, the better
they get along. Wild Platies essentially operate with females forming
schools and males fighting over access. When we try to keep them as
pairs or families, that's when the wheels come off the wagon!
It's just not how they're wired. Wild Platies are smaller and
brightly coloured, and consequently die younger than the females -- so
everything about their psychology is about fighting rival males and
mating with anything female in range! Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Dead platy
12/2/08 Hello! Just a quick one now as I have a small person
in the bath..! I thought the nitrite was low - less than <0.3mg/l is
the actual reading (getting muddled with my ppm / mg/l). This is the
lowest on the scale on my Tetratest chart... I think I will get two
more good sized more female Platies to pacify my male. We have maybe
10+ fry and they seem to get bigger and bolder by the day. Tank size is
180 litres (no idea in gallons) Thanks again for your super fast
response. I do like the Platies, they have personalities... :) Thank
you... Sarah <Hello again Sarah. I don't really understand your
test kit: ordinarily there's either zero (safe) and everything else
(not zero, not safe).180 litres (about 44 US gal.) is a good size for
Platies, and you could easily keep a dozen or more alongside whatever
fish you have in there. Cheers, Neale.>
Xiphophorus maculatus (health, diet)
I am just wondering if stringy feces are always sings of internal
parasites. I have a Platy that has string like feces, but the she is
acting as normal as she ever has! Thank you very much! You are always
so helpful and the first I come to for my fish advice!
<While it possible that your Platy has a parasitic infection (such
as Hexamita) that is irritating the gut wall and causing extra mucous
to be produced, and so resulting in stringy faeces, that wouldn't
be the first thing I'd worry about. No, instead review diet:
Platies are herbivores, meaning they eat mostly plant material. In the
aquarium this can be either algae (e.g., Sushi Nori) or else
algae-based prepared foods (e.g., Spirulina flake). Most tropical fish
foods (flakes, pellets, etc.) are formulated for carnivores, and lack
the correct balance of fibre and vitamins herbivores need. How
herbivorous fish react ranges from constipation (the probable issue
here) through to extreme bad health (things like Head and Lateral Line
Erosion). So, make sure you are using herbivore flake and not standard
tropical fish food. And yes, herbivore foods are perfectly safe for use
in mixed community tanks, and things like tetras and Corydoras will
come to no harm at all eating them. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Xiphophorus maculatus (health, diet)
Thank you Neal. One last question, does this mean theoretically I could
feed my Platy vegetables?
<Yes, though some vegetables are better than others! Cooked spinach,
blanched lettuce, thinly sliced cucumber, tinned peas and cooked rice
often work well with herbivores. Any "sea vegetable" sold in
an Asian food market should be good, too, for example Sushi Nori.
Herbivorous fish used to standard foods may turn their noses up at
vegetables at first -- leave the veggies to soften up for a couple of
days and don't feed the fish for the interim. All this said,
standard issue herbivore flake or wet frozen foods may well be more
balanced and easier to use.>
I have seen this in forums and such! Thanks! Marion
<Cheers, Neale.>
Platy with ?internal parasite
Hello, I am new to the fish hobby this year, but I have loved all the
learning that being an aquarist has and continues to include! I
recently bought three female platys to go with my male platy (a white
tiger named Michael Phelps). The three "golden girls" went
into a 10 gal QT since they are new with a heater, cycled sponge filter
that is extra from another (healthy) tank, and bare-bottom with some
decor for hiding in. PH is neutral, Amm, Nitrite, are 0, Nitrate 5,
temp 78.5'F. They are the only three fish in the QT. Behaviourally,
they are normal - active, feeding, one is definitely bossy, but the
other two don't seem too stressed by it, no ragged fins, no
apparent issues (to my novice eyes).
<All sounds fine, but I'd recommend turning the temperature down
a little. Platies come from quite cool environments and thrive best
between 22-25 C (72-77F). It's very common among fishkeepers to
assume all tropical fish need the same temperature -- they
My husband and I watched the tank at the LFS for a while before
selecting them. Unfortunately, when I got them home, I noticed white
feces in the tank the next morning.
<Not necessarily a problem. If fish have been eating a lot of plant
material, the faeces are often very pale. Mucous in the faeces caused
by irritation can also make them look pale.>
I started researching right away, and it seems that usually this is
caused by internal parasites. I had some Jungle parasite clear, which I
dropped in the tank after watching to confirm that they were pooping
white after being feed color-rich foods (algae wafers, bloodworms).
After 5 days of Jungle Clear every other day, they were still behaving
normally, but I had seen each of the three poop white, the bossy one
the most. Also with her, her anus appears bright white on her sunset
body (no other white spots/Ich). I don't know if this is nature or
a symptom. My next step was to find a LFS with Prazi Pro after doing
further research on the web. I have dosed with Prazi and even soaked
some blood worms in 1-2 drops, which they ate, as many sources say that
foods are the best way to clear internal parasites.
<You do need to be a bit more specific. "Internal
Parasites" covers a lot of ground: you and I doubtless carry a
few! Prazi Pro is specifically a treatment for "worms" (or
more accurately, helminths). If the parasites involved are not
helminths, then Prazi Pro will have no effect. Camallanus is the
parasitic helminth that most commonly causes problems with domesticated
livebearers. If you don't observe the tell-tale red worms emerging
from the anus, and aren't witnessing dramatic weight loss despite a
huge appetite, I'd tend to assume the problem isn't caused by
I am only in day 2 of the Prazi bath, but I noticed that the bossy lady
continues to have bright white poop this morning. Also, I would like to
mention that the poop is not always white, it is normal coloring
(green, brown, tan) at times, but they excrete white feces at least
1x/day. What I haven't been able to find online is the life
expectancy of the platy if they are infected, if they continue to eat
and behave normally (active, no weight loss or other symptoms), is the
white poop definitely a symptom of illness or just natural?
<Depends on the diet. Platies are herbivores, so their diet should
be primarily algae-based flake, algae wafers, and sliced soft green
vegetables such as cucumbers. Regular flake food and things like
bloodworms should be used sparingly. Under such a regimen, their diet
should be, frankly, mostly green-brown.>
When would I be able to determine that it is just natural and that it
is safe to move them from QT to their permanent home (a spacious 29 gal
that, with them, will have 5 platy and 1 LARGE beloved apple snail
named Mr. Bubbles)? What about the issue of the white anus?
<I'd actually be wondering about Hexamita, a protozoan that is
quite common among ornamental fish. It is best treated with a specific
medication called Metronidazole:
Outside of the US you will need to get this with a prescription, though
some over the counter medications exist, such as eSHa Hexamita in
Europe. Hexamita parasites irritate the gut lining, causing excessive
mucous production, producing characteristic white, stringy faeces.
It's a common problem with cichlids, and may in fact be ubiquitous
among ornamental fish, only becoming a problem when conditions get bad.
Among cichlids it commonly appears when they are exposed to high levels
of nitrate.>
It is a prominent white dot on the bossy one and mild on the other two.
According to what I have read it would be red if it were inflamed, is
that true? Finally, what about salt?
<Platies do not need, or want, salt.>
Can I use Prazi and salt at the same time?
<Both are irrelevant here in my opinion. Salt is certainly not
required, and Prazi Pro only if you have some reason to confirm a
helminth infection, which I do not believe is the case.>
All the info on Prazi says not to use with other meds, is salt
considered at medicine?
<Salt is not considered a medicine in this context.>
Would a salt dip help an internal problem?
I can still return the golden girls to the LFS, as they have a
prolonged return policy, but I am already attached. I appreciate your
time and attention and any tips you can give me to help make sure the
platy are healthy and that nothing bad is introduced to my 29g tank.
Thanks in advance, Sara
<Do review Hexamita, Metronidazole, and act accordingly.
Do also review the needs of Xiphophorus maculatus and ensure you are
providing the correct conditions and diet. Besides water conditions,
Hexamita problems are triggered or exacerbated by poor diet,
particularly when herbivores aren't given their greens.
Hope this helps.>
Further details about the feces: they at times hang on for 1-3 inches,
at times break off very short (I think I have been overfeeding them a
little bit in my exuberance to make sure they are healthy and my
obsession with seeing what color they are excreting). I have not
noticed any movement in the feces, occasionally there is almost a
single fine thread to be seen at the end of the feces. I have looked at
them when they are sleeping (not moving) and do not see any worms
hanging from the anus (I read that Camallanus worms hang out at rest,
so I don' t think they have that). The diameter of the feces
changes each time they excrete, sometimes it is thin/stringy, other
times thicker, there don't seem to be a lot of air bubbles or other
issues (feces fairly uniform in color/texture). Hope this helps!
<Cheers, Neale.>
Platies (health; environment?)
I had two Platy's, one male, one female. The female just dies
yesterday, and I believe it dies in labor by its behaviors the previous
day, but am not sure.
<Very unlikely; fish don't go into "labour" in
anything like the same way as humans. The baby fish just come flying
out the hole there, with little stress on the mother. On the other
hand, the females are easily stressed when pregnant by bullying males
and poor water quality. So those are the things to check.>
My male Platy has been acting strangely. It has been darting around the
bowl and when I put any food in the bowl at all, the fish darts for the
food and practically inhales it. He has been acting this way for about
a week, so both before and after the death of the female.
<I'm a bit concerned by the word "bowl" which is
anathema to sensible fishkeeping. Platies CANNOT be kept in bowls. They
need filtered, heated (around 22-25 C) tropical aquaria at least 20
gallons in size. The water must be hard (10+ degrees dH) and basic (pH
7.5-8.0). Platies cannot be kept in "Nano" tanks 10 gallons
or smaller, and they cannot be kept in unheated tanks. So, review the
environment: that is by far the most likely reason this fish died.
Almost always, mystery fish deaths come down to environment. Darting
about looking nervous is a classic symptom of a fish that feels
stressed by its environment. If you're confused about the habitat
you've created for your fish, get back in touch, describing the
system, and we'll comment on whether or not it's
I am just wondering if this seems typical of any diseases or illness. I
appreciate your help so much. Your team is very knowledgeable, rapid in
response, and overly helpful!
<We're glad to help!>
Have a wonderful day! Marion
<Cheers, Neale.>
Sunburst Platy no longer has a bulging belly
Hi, I have a 30 gallon tank with 2 sunburst platys. I used to have 3,
but one recently died. I noticed that over time, the one that died
developed a "flat" belly. It used to be plump and happy. The
other two during the time were plump and happy as well. But now, a
second platy has developed the "flat" belly and is starting
to wrinkle up. Any idea what this is and how to resolve it? Thanks!
<Hello. Nine times out of ten, when a succession of fish sicken and
die, especially where the symptoms are as generic as this, the issue is
water chemistry and/or water quality. Your 30 gallon tank should be
perfect for Platies, so overcrowding isn't an issue (assuming
that's all that's in there). But Platies are sensitive to
ammonia and nitrite, so we have to make sure that this tank has a fully
cycled filter. Cycling _isn't_ leaving the tank empty for a week
before adding fish, but providing the filter bacteria with a source of
ammonia. If this is a brand new tank and you've added Platies as
your first fish, then you have to be extremely careful what you do.
Don't feed more than one very small meal per day. Change 25-50% of
the water every day or two. Use a nitrite test kit to ensure the
nitrite level stays as close to zero as possible, and certainly no more
than 0.5 mg/l (sometimes written 0.5 ppt). Cycling a brand new tank
takes about 4-6 weeks, after which you will see the nitrite stays at
zero, and you can switch to changing 25-50% of the water weekly. Next
up, water chemistry. Platies need hard, basic water; aim for pH 7.5,
10-20 degrees dH. In soft water areas, adding a small amount of marine
salt mix (not "tonic salt" or "aquarium salt") will
make your Platies much healthier and less disease-prone. Finally,
temperature is an issue. Platies need warm but not hot water; around
22-2F degrees C is fine. Do read here:
If you're still unable to figure out what's wrong, get back to
us with data about your system (in particular nitrite and pH) and
we'll talk further.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sunburst Platy no longer has a bulging belly
Thanks for the reply. I did a test with a 5-1 test strip by Tetra and
the following are the results:
Nitrate - 50ppm
Nitrite - 0ppm
Hardness - 180 to 280ppm
Alkalinity - 50 to 100ppm
pH - 6.4
Temp - 80F
<Ah, here's at least part of the problem: the water is acidic.
Platies need basic water. You need to find a way to raise the carbonate
hardness or stabilise the pH ay around 7.5. Various commercial water
additives will "buffer" the pH at 7.5 for you, and if you
prefer not to get involved with water chemistry manipulation, that
might be the way forward. If the only fish in the system are
livebearers, you could also add a small amount of MARINE salt mix (not
tonic salt or aquarium salt). Marine salt mix contains lots of
carbonate, and this raises the carbonate hardness and the pH. At a dose
of up to 6 grammes per litre you should fine the pH shifting upwards
and staying there.>
I also did nitrite and ammonia level tests with the API freshwater
Nitrite - 0ppm
Ammonia - 0ppm
<All fine.>
The tank is not new. I've had it running successfully for over a
year with these Platies. These Platies have been with the tank since I
got it last Aug 2007.
<The problem with water chemistry is that it is a problem that can
get worse over time. All aquaria have background acidification, and
this is causes by a variety of biological processes including the
production of nitrate and phosphate in the filter, decaying plant
material, and the CO2 given off by the plants and animals in the tank.
It's very unpredictable in some ways, which is why regular pH
testing is important. Moreover, the impact the "wrong" pH has
on fish doesn't always manifest itself instantly, although it can.
If exposed to slightly acidic water over months, Livebearers may not
show immediately signs of sickness, but their overall healthiness
declines, until something else forces itself past their immune system,
causing problems. In any event, acidic water isn't appropriate for
these fish, and without fixing that, it's impossible to guarantee
their health.>
I perform a 40% (12gallons) water change every month. I use API Stress
Zyme and Stress Coat with each water change. It uses a Filstar XP1
filtration system with the BioChem Zorb every 3 months and BioStars
which I do not disturb during the filter cleanings (done once a month).
Of the items that you mention, my pH is on the low side.
My water temp is on the high side (how do I cool the tank?),
<Difficult without a chiller, but opening the hood and placing a fan
nearby increases evaporation, reducing temperature. Making sure there
is no direct sunlight on the tank, and increasing ventilation in the
hood are also important. If all else fails, you can freeze a plastic
container filled with water, and then place the (closed) container in
the tank like an iceberg. Works quite well.>
and I've been using "aquarium" salt (1tablespoon each 12
gallon change).
<Aquarium salt is plain sodium chloride. This has zero effect on
hardness and pH for reasons you doubtless recall from inorganic
chemistry at school. The functions of NaCl by itself on freshwater fish
is obscure and much debated in the hobby. It certainly has no function
at all as a regular additive, but it can be used to treat certain
diseases and to detoxify certain poisons (specifically, nitrite and
But do I need marine salt given that the water hardness is on the high
<Remember, hardness and alkalinity are different things. General
hardness (GH) has very little to do with pH. It's all about
osmoregulation; the balance of water and minerals inside and outside
the fish. Alkalinity (almost identical to carbonate hardness, KH, for
practical purposes) is the ability of *certain* mineral ions in the
water to mop up acidification. It is perfectly possible to have lots of
minerals in the water (high hardness) but not much of the specific
minerals like carbonate and bicarbonate (alkalinity/carbonate hardness)
that neutralise acid.
Adding marine salt mix is a cheap-and-cheerful way to up the
alkalinity. It isn't very efficient (most of the mineral content is
sodium chloride, not carbonate hardness salts like calcium carbonate)
but because livebearers have a high tolerance for salt, this isn't
really a problem. If you want to raise the carbonate hardness
efficiently, you need to use something like Malawi cichlid salt, albeit
at a low dosage. A standard Malawi salt mix per 5 gallons is something
like this:
* 1 teaspoon baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
* 1 tablespoon Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate)
* 1 teaspoon marine salt mix (sodium chloride + trace elements)
Because you're not keeping Malawi cichlids, you'd need to use
only a fraction this dose, perhaps 1/4th the amount. Basically play
around until you get the pH/alkalinity you're after. You won't
do any harm because these minerals are non-toxic at these dosages and
much loved by livebearers anyway. It goes without saying these three
ingredients are very cheap, and using them thus will cost literally
pennies per water change.>
Are the Platies just getting old?
<Quite possibly.>
I want to replenish the tank with a few more Platies, but if there is
something wrong with my setup, I want to fix it before I do that.
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Sick platy 9/1/08 I just bought some
fish yesterday, and came home to find out one was sick. I should've
noticed it before, but it's too late now. The fish has no appetite,
it swims around aimlessly, sometimes staying at the bottom and other
times at the top. Scales on one side of the fish look like they are
about to come off; they are angled in a funny way. It seems to be
breathing rather heavily, and bumps into things. Could you please help
me out on what this is and what to do about it? Thank you so much!
<Hello Savannah. The fish is clearly very ill, and the symptom you
describe where the scales pop up from the body is known as Dropsy (or
more technically, oedema). It isn't a disease but a symptom, and
implies organ failure. When small fish get to this point, a cure is
very difficult to recommend. Use of an antibiotic such as Maracyn may
help if there's a secondary infection, and Epsom Salt (dissolved in
a jug warm water, and then added to the tank, at a concentration of 1
tablespoon per gallon of water in the aquarium) reduces the osmotic
gradient between the fish and the water around it, and this can reduce
the swelling.
But fundamentally you need to figure out why the fish got sick. Organ
failure is obviously serious, and tends to be caused by chronic
environmental issues rather than a sudden outbreak of disease. So
review water chemistry and water quality. Platies need a biggish tank
(certainly not less than 20 gallons) and there must be zero ammonia and
zero nitrite at all times. They must have hard, basic water: pH
7.5-8.2, hardness 10-20 degrees dH. In soft water areas the addition of
a certain amount of marine salt mix (as opposed to that silly
"aquarium salt" and "tonic salt" people sell) will
both raise the hardness and the salinity, usually sufficiently to keep
livebearers happy; in this case, about 3-6 grammes per litre will do
the trick (5-8 oz per gal). Dropsy isn't catchy as such, but the
causes can obviously affect more than one fish, so you need to find out
what's going on quickly. A photo, plus information re: tank size,
water chemistry, water quality would help us confirm/explore the
underlying problem(s). Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sick platy 9/1/08 Thank you,
Neale. I just bought the fish yesterday from the store, and I won't
be back.
<Ah, I see. Visiting all the pet stores in your area is always worth
doing before spending any money. While standard "bread and
butter" tropicals likely all come from the same wholesalers, there
are differences in how these fish are maintained.>
After returning yesterday to talk to the sellers, I saw several dead
fish in the tanks. I will not be buying there again.
<Do see here for my thoughts on how to spot good retailers:
Unfortunately, the fish died. I still have some other fish, but they
seem to be doing fine. Thank you again for the help!
<Good luck with them!>
<Happy to help, Neale.>
Life or death situation, Platy hlth. mostly, reading
08/23/08 Hi Neale, <Is marked "out till Tuesday", so
I'm responding in his stead> I'm sorry I keep emailing you,
and in my defence I've cruised your site and also Googled and
Googled for hours. I know my fish are sick- there's no question
about that. But I can't figure out what they're sick with. They
seem to have only one symptom and that symptom has various diseases it
could go with and also different sites have different symptoms,
different cures, meds. To make matters worse, only three of my fish are
really sick- which made me consider water quality a factor/ stress, yet
the pet store tested my water and nothing was abnormal or wrong-
<Note... for what there are tests for... Not much> the water was
soft though. I know I should keep the water slightly harder for live
bearers- could this have cause my problem? <Could be a factor,
yes> I Googled this as well and have become confused. What would you
recommend I use to bring up dissolved mineral content? <Likely a
commercial product... see your LFS re> The three fish that are
desperately sick display different symptoms, or possibly stages, of the
same disease- or so I believe. My one largest fish is a girl platy that
is high-finned and gray; her weight and body cavity appear to be
normal; she is extremely stressed after being moved to my hospital tank
and I cannot decide if she is really displaying a loss of appetite or
just stressed. I removed her from my main tank because, although her
gills are not red, she breaths rapidly and circles the surface/ hides
for long periods of time. The last one that did this died- so this is a
serious disease of some sort. The other girl that is sick is gold platy
and she has red gills and looks extremely emaciated. This emaciated
girl looks to be on the brink of death and I've had one platy
display very similar symptoms and die. Previously I chalked up this
death to unusually high ammonia levels from poor maintenance on my
part. But this past problem has been long since rectified and my
ammonia is all but non existent. <Mmmm... have you read...?> The
third sick platy is a gold twin side bar boy who was recovering from a
loss of body cavity fluid. Almost all my fish began to display some
loss of body cavity fluid after the high ammonia levels. This problem,
as I've said, has been rectified and my fish are all somewhat
normal again- except three. I considered that they may be just taking a
while to recover, but they seem to be deteriorating further- which
makes no sense. The third sickly platy is oddly shaped because he's
lost the front half of his body fluid, but not the back. He also
appears to have red gills, but he is slightly translucent and I asked
you before about him and you said that he was biologically engineered
to be as such. <Something very amiss here> On top of my platy
troubles are my beta troubles, for they have an extreme case of velvet/
Ich (I can't decide which). I had a recent outbreak of fleas
<?!> with my betas and then the Ick sprang up. The reason I
mention my betas is because I had a sorority of four and after two
died, I had to split the last two up due to one being well and the
other extremely sick and because it's a common rule not to keep
only two girls together. So I put the well one into my platy tank, but
the well one also is displaying similar signs to my three sick Platies.
To be honest, at certain times all my fish appear to be breathing- not
rapidly, not when surfacing for air, but just randomly using their
gills for minutes, hours on end, when I know they shouldn't have
to. My beta especially shouldn't be breathing as hard as she is.
This makes me think it's the water making my fish sick, but besides
the harness level, everything is fine! I had the full test done:
nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, chlorine, harness, alkalinity...! <Very
doubtful> My only other conclusion is that one of the new Platies I
added had some kind of spreadable disease. <Quite likely> My
sickly beta is in the hospital tank, due to no other viable room at the
moment. She appears still sick and floating at the top of the water. I
hope my other fish I put in there don't get velvet, but at this
point anything is better than having contagious fish mixed in with my
healthy ones; plus I don't want the ammonia levels to skyrocket if
all three of them decided to die. I know that prevention is the key.
Had I known that you are supposed to quarantine fish before you put
them in your tank, I would have. I also would have kept my heater in
the beta tank- someone told me it was unnecessary so I took it out.
<Put this back in... and stop stressing... Re-direct your energies
into reading... on WWM re these issues> I'm losing my mind and I
don't know what to do anymore. I've considered gill flukes,
gill bacteria infection, certain types of dropsy, and even stomach
worms. I can't treat for them all...is there a sure fire way to
dismiss one or more of the disease mentioned? <Mmm, strictly
speaking, not w/o sacrificing some of the animals, using a microscope,
culture...> Do you happen to know what my fish have? <No> Is
there something in the water I didn't test for? <Likely so>
Is it truly the hardness making my fish sick? <Not of, by itself,
no> there are no visible parasites so far as I can see, but not all
gill flukes are visible are they? <Not to the naked eye, no> I
had been treating my betas for about a week and then two died and the
one got well and the other became extremely sick...what am I doing
wrong? <Can't discern from the data presented> Please, please
help me! I fear all 10 of my Platies may die and the last two betas I
have left may follow them. I need help. And I'm sorry to have
bothered you. I really am. Thank you for your time. <Start reading
here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/platydisf5.htm and the
linked files above... We need the types/categories of data presented in
this correspondence to help you... Do read the same re Betta
splendens... Bob Fenner>
Swim bladder didn't inflate; Xiphophorus, repro.,
hlth. 8/14//08 Hi, I bought some sunset fire wag Platies (a
male and a couple of females). They mated and now I have some fry. Most
of the fry have developed normally although they seem to grow at
different rates, but one baby's swim bladder never inflated. His
growth rate has been very slow, but he's such a little trouper. I
don't see him "fading" at all; his condition seems quite
stable, but I'm wondering what the future holds for him. He's
become my sentimental favorite, so it would kill me to lose him; still,
I want to do what's best for him. Any suggestions? Betty <Hello
Betty. It is quite common for fancy livebearer fry to be deformed in
various ways. They are extremely inbred, and demonstrably less robust
than their wild ancestors; for example wild and "feeder"
guppies (mongrel guppies, essentially) can be adapted to seawater
without problems, but fancy guppies will die if you try this. The
situation your Platy is exhibiting is known as "belly
sliding" and is incurable. Whether or not you destroy him is up to
you, but he isn't going to get better and he isn't going to be
able to do Platy-like things. Mixing him with other Platies would
probably be a bit unfair, but I suppose he'd be happy enough in a
quiet tank with a soft (e.g., smooth silica sand) substrate that
didn't scratch his belly. (Remember, he's not evolved to live a
life on the bottom, so he could be damaged by sharp sand or gravel.)
Cheers, Neale.>
Can you help me? Platy hlth. 7/22/08 WetWebMedia, I'm
new to your site and I understand that you don't want
questions that have already been answered. I took the time to
look at Neale Monks' chart and I'm still unsure as to
what plagues my platy. <Oh?> I have a 10 gallon tank with 6
platys. <To be honest, a bit small for this species... likely
to be prone to poor water quality and pH instability.> All the
fish are looking healthy and fine, except one. He is a large male
platy- a twin sidebar- and the biggest fish in the tank. When I
got him from the store he was perfectly healthy. I've had him
for about a week and half and he was fine right up until the
drastic Ph drop. <Ah, and there it is: small tanks experience
pH crashes more easily than big tanks. Either you aren't
doing enough water changes (I'd recommend 25-50% weekly) or
else you have water lacking in carbonate hardness. If the latter,
I'd recommend grabbing some marine salt mix -- not
"aquarium salt" -- and adding 3-5 grammes per litre.
The carbonate salts in marine salt mix will provide extra
carbonate hardness, inhibiting pH drops. Platies will tolerate
the slightly brackish conditions very well.> Most of the fish
showed signs of Ph sickness, but I brought the Ph back up slowly
and now all my fish are seemingly fine, except the big fish. I
think he has some kind of internal parasite, because when he
swims he seems to be using his head instead of his tail to move.
He looks as if he's literally shaking his head at everything-
I know this can't be normal. <It's not a mystery
parasite; this is standard issue "Shimmies" or similar.
A generic reaction to stressful conditions in livebearers. Most
often seen with Mollies. No real cure as such, but if conditions
improve, it should get better by itself.> He didn't do
this when I first bought him. I would consider maybe water
quality, temperature issues, but the other fish are fine. <Not
everyone succumbs to stress at the same rate: not humans, not
fish.> They're happy and normal. No one else seems to be
getting what the big fish has- it doesn't appear contagious.
On top of the constant 'wagging' motion of his body, he
also can't seem to recover from the Ph spike. First he was
floating at the bottom, tail clamped, now he's floating at
the top, tail clamped. Other fish will swim past him and bump him
and he won=E 2t move or react sometimes- something is definitely
wrong. Maybe I read over the list of symptoms and simply
didn't know what to look for? I'm sorry for troubling
you. Can you please help me? <Do first check the pH. It should
be 7.5-8, and it should stay there week in, week out. Use marine
salt mix (Instant Ocean, Reef Crystals, etc.) as an additive as
described above. Will help considerably. Also keep up with your
water changes. Your Platy will recover if conditions are good.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Can you help me? 7/23/08 Neale, Thank you for your
advice. <Most welcome.> I'm going to try the marine
salt out. I already have dissolved aquarium salt in the tank, so
does this mean I should change all the water before I put the new
salt in? I don't want to over-saturate the water with salt.
<No need. Add the marine salt mix to each bucket of water (at
the dosage stated, taking care it dissolves before use). So when
you take out a bucket or two of water this weekend, replace with
a bucket or two of water with 3-5 grammes/litre marine salt mix.
Always be careful not to overdose. If you're not good with
sensible measurements of mass and volume, I have a software tool
(for Mac and Windows) that helps you calculate salinity and
convert between Metric and US units.
http://homepage.mac.com/nmonks/Programs/brackcalc.html > Can I
ask you one more question? <Fire away.> Around the same
time I bought the large male platy in question, I also bought a
smaller male who is yellow and slightly see-through. When I first
bought him I noticed he had some red around his gills, but I
chalked this up to his natural coloration. <Likely just the
blood in the gill filaments being visible through the gill
covers. Quite a common "thing" on fancy versions of all
sorts of different fishes.> While researching the symptoms of
my fish in question, I came across information that stated red
gills could be an indication of ammonia poisoning. I had never
heard of ammonia poisoning before and didn't even know that
fish secreted ammonia through the gills. Is it normal to buy a
yellow twin side bar platy and see red coloration around the
gills? <Don't worry about this. If the fish had Ammonia
Poisoning, it would be obviously very sick -- e.g., skittish,
gasping at the surface, clamped fins, etc.> I don't mean
to be paranoid, but the coloration around the gills seems to have
darkened. I'm worried my ammonia levels could be out of whack
because I don't have equipment to monitor ammonia.
<I'd highly recommend buying those little dip-strip test
kits. Over here you get 25 strips for about £10, but
you can slice each strip down the middle to make twice as many.
These have ammonia, nitrite, pH, hardness, and sometimes other
useful tests -- all on the one strip. While expert fishkeepers
will make the point they're less accurate than the tests with
liquids and plastic bottles, I think these dip-strips are
indispensable, especially for beginners. In general, if you
don't have nitrite in the water, you likely don't have
ammonia, so I'd not be worried anyway.> This should be my
last question- I don't mean to bother you. <No bother.>
Again, thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Can you help me? 7/23/08 Neal, Thank you so much.
You need not reply back and your questions have been very
helpful. I will do all you suggested! Thank you! <Glad we
could help. Cheers, Neale.>
Another sick platy question
6/16/08 Hello all, <Hi> I'm very nervous that this
question has been asked and answered, but I've been reading and
reading and can't seem to find this combination of circumstances.
Please accept my apologies in advance if I've just missed
something. <No problem, promise this won't hurt much.>
I'm new to aquariums and realize that I've already made some
mistakes. That being said, I have a 29 gallon aquarium that had been
set up for about 3 weeks. I now realize that it is not cycled and I
maybe shouldn't have added the fish yet. Ammonia, nitrates and
nitrite all test at zero. I can't seem to get my PH below 7.6,
although it isn't fluctuating. it's 7.6 consistently. <Is
fine for Platies.> In residence are 3 fancy guppies, 5 ghost shrimp,
1 Cory cat, 2 Mickey mouse Platies, 3 banana plants and 4 small sword
plants. The substrate is glass beads and store bought river rock, like
the kind used in table-top fountains. I also have a rock structure that
has hidey places and is aerated. All were washed thoroughly before they
were added. <Ok> My problem...one of my Platies is definitely
sick. I think it's a female. She isn't eating, even when I
dropped food (flakes) right on her, she stays at the bottom of the
tank, her mouth moves constantly like she's gasping, her vent is
very red (she's a gold MM), her fins aren't clamped. Today, I
noticed what appeared to be thin, white lines (about 3 of them) running
through the MM pattern on her body and it looks like someone took a
bite or two out of her tail. <May be stress marks, and weak fish are
often picked on by tankmates, I would try to move her to a hospital
tank.> So I have two questions... I think I need a hospital tank.
<Yes> What is the minimum size I can have (not much space) and
does this tank need a heater and filter (I'm thinking yes)? <I
would go with a 10g, and yes to heat and filtration.> And can I
treat her for something now, in the tank with the others, or should I
euthanize her? <I would get the hospital tank going and go from
there, and would not treat the main tank in any way.> I'm afraid
the gasping means that she's suffering. <It is definitely a sign
something is wrong, perhaps just environmental, try some water
changes.> Thank you in advance for any help. Cindy <Welcome>
Sick platy for 4 months -
06/08/2007 This fish is driving me crazy! She is a Mickey platy and
I have had her in my hospital tank for at least 4 months now because
she has yet to get "better" and I still haven't got any
idea exactly what the problem is. I was thinking "whirling
disease" because the one symptom that has remained constant the
whole time is "spinning". she doesn't spin all the time
but every few minutes at least....and usually when it begins she starts
spasmodically darting all over the tank hitting off all the walls like
a pinball machine. It all started at least 4 months ago when I noticed
she was acting ill and one of her gills appeared to be
"hemorrhaging" internally. That since has recovered and she
has had different symptoms throughout the months ranging from not
eating, to hiding, to wading at an angle, to swimming on side, light
body colors, erratic swimming, hanging at the top, gasping at the top,
weakness (the filter throws her across the tank even still and the
gravel siphon sucks her up and she can't even fight it)...BUT, for
the last few weeks she has been eating again and her spinning
doesn't last as long and she is swimming around more normally.
However, she does have fits of darting and pinging like a pinball on
speed and she almost seems blind because when I fed her this morning
she swam quickly along the top rippling across the surface missing the
food the majority of the time. Since she has been in my QT tank and I
have had to treat not only my sick fish but also my dads (he
doesn't have a qt tank) she has been "treated" with every
med under the sun at least twice (because I was treating whatever fish
was in there with her for what I knew they had) I know that she has to
have an extremely weak immune system by now and I wouldn't be
surprised if some of her current symptoms are not stemming from the
"overdose" of medications but I still haven't figured out
what this "spinning" and erratic swimming is from. I thought
for sure she would've been dead by now but she's hanging on
strong and I am currently trying to determine is I should just go a
head and put her back in one of my main tanks?? Does anyone have any
clue what is wrong with this fish and/or how I can treat it? Thanks
again for this invaluable resource to us novice fish-keepers- you guys
are the BEST :) Respectfully, Grace <Hi Grace. I'm not really
very sure what's going on here. Whirling Disease is a name applied
to the disease caused by Myxosporea parasites. These parasites are not
common among indoor ornamental fish because to complete its life cycle
the parasite needs to pass through both a fish and an aquatic worm.
You're most likely to infect fish by feeding them live Tubifex
worms, a common host for the Myxosporea parasite in question. If you
haven't used Tubifex worms, then the chances of Whirling Disease
being the cause of the symptoms you're observing is practically
nil. Another problem that can cause unstable, erratic swimming is the
disease we call the Shimmies, essentially a neurological complaint and
most widely reported from Mollies. The Shimmies is triggered by
improper maintenance, though aquarists argue whether water quality
(including nitrate) is the key thing or water chemistry (specifically
carbonate hardness and salinity). In any case, this isn't something
typically associated with Platies, though I dare say that if they were
maintained in soft, acidic water or exposed to high concentrations of
nitrogenous wastes, you might well get analogous symptoms. Given the
difficulty in establishing either the disease or the responsible
triggering factor, the best I can suggest is you start by reviewing
environmental conditions and then expand outwards to check things like
diet and tankmates are appropriate. Platies need water with a high
carbonate hardness and a basic pH. Salt isn't required, though some
people consider it to be helpful; certainly they don't need more
than 1-2 grammes per litre. Water temperature should be moderate,
between 24-28 C, though Variatus Platies are subtropical fish and
prefer slightly cooler conditions, 18-25 C. Platies need a primarily
greens-based diet, and meaty foods (including standard flake food)
should be used sparingly. Instead concentrate on "livebearer"
flake (algae-based food) and simply augment with small meaty items like
bloodworms and daphnia from time to time. As with other herbivores,
they're prone to constipation when given too much meat and not
enough vegetables, and this can cause problems with the swim bladder.
Sorry I can't offer much more specific advice. Cheers,
Mickey platy disease, need data -- 06/02/08
Hi, we have followed all of the instructions we could find on
trying to cure our fish and so far we have not been successful.
in the past month he has developed these white stripes/dots and
nothing we used has been able to get rid of them. We tried fungus
and parasite clear from jungle and repeated the process as
instructed. since our beta died he has been the only fish in our
ten gallon aquarium. we want to give him a girlfriend but we
think it would be good to wait until he is better. <Agreed>
Attached is the best photo we were able to take of the fish. the
curious thing is that he does not have any signs of fin rot,
clamped fins, or decreased activity. Also he has been eating
normally... please help us with this little dude... thanks Carlos
<These markings... could be due to some "difference"
this fish has with water quality conditions... Do you use
tapwater, treated in some fashion? Is this system thoroughly
cycled? What re ammonia, nitrite, nitrate readings? The whitish
areas could be due to a protozoan infestation as well... Bob

Platy question 05/21/08 I have an established
46 gallon freshwater tank. One of my platy's had babies about
two weeks ago... much to our surprise and delight, and everyone is
doing great. <Congratulations.> For the past few days, Momma
fish has been hanging around the top of the tank, and it looks like
she's looking for food. I sprinkled some right in her
direction, and she did not eat; she calmly swam away to one of her
regular hang outs and came back after everyone else was done
eating. <Before doing anything else -- try something else! Wet
frozen bloodworms are real favourites with livebearers, so try
those. Flake foods go stale after 2-3 months, and you'll notice
fish show less and less interest. Old flake food also loses its
nutrient content, so the fish aren't really benefiting from it
either. Platies are herbivores in the wild, so make sure
there's some green algae in the tank. Algae can be offered as
algae flakes or strips of Sushi Nori too. The algae provides both
the right nutrients and lots of fibre. Constipation is a real
problem with herbivorous fish, and a lack of fiber can cause all
sorts of problems.> She is not typically very social and usually
spends a lot of quiet time on her own. She looks healthy, color and
gills are good. <Then don't worry too much.> The water is
perfect, chemically speaking. <Meaning the water is around 25
C/77 F; nitrite and ammonia are zero hardness is high; and pH
around 7.5-8.> She does not have a new gravid spot, and she
looks fine as far as anything obvious. I'm just concerned about
her hanging around the top... sort of a new location for her.
She's not "gasping"... just hanging out. Any
thoughts? <I'd offer different diet first, and only if she
ignores those start worrying.> Thanks in advance for your help!
I have emailed you in the past, and took your advice on leaving my
beloved 4-year old African Dwarf frog in his own tank. I got him a
new buddy and they seem to be a match! You are appreciated! <You
are most welcome, Neale.>
Re: platy question
05/21/2008 She has been nibbling at the algae on the
glass, driftwood and plants. She usually is a bottom feeder, and
the other two platy's are more surface feeders, so it's
hard to know what she usually eats. She's just suddenly gained
my attention (because I'm a paranoid new fish owner). I will
try some blood worms for sure and see how that goes. <Very good.
Being observant is a good thing, but there is a fine line between
being cautious and being paranoid!> As for my water, the
temperature is 78, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are all zero, but
my pH is about 7.2, and that is where it has stayed all along. Is
that okay? <The pH is fine, provided your water is hard as well.
Platies like hard water.> I have 4 male guppies, 5 harlequin
Rasboras, 5 golden tetras, 8 neon tetras and 3 platy's (plus
the babies I can't really get a head count on yet). Everyone is
growing, active and healthy. I run two Marineland Penguin
200's, and I change the blue filters every four weeks. <All
sounds fine. Whilst I'm not a fan of mixing soft water fish
with hard water fish, you can 'strike a happy medium', and
if everyone is happy, that's the main thing.> Also, I wonder
why my schoolers don't always stay in their group. <Too few;
schooling behaviour only reliably engages in groups of at least six
specimens, and typically you need at least 10 specimens for the
full effect. Buying four of these and three of those sounds like a
good idea, but if you want a "pretty" aquarium, buying a
dozen or twenty of just one species at a time works so much better.
The fish will school, so that the Neons for example move about in
one big, glittery group rather than randomly hiding around the
tank. Lots of aquarists make this mistake (myself included!)
because at heart some of us are stamp collectors rather than
artists. If you want to "collect" fish, you get lots of
species; if you want to create "aquatic art", you keep
lots of specimens of just one or two species.> The Neons and
goldens do at times, but often, they seem to swim around and hang
out with some of the other fish. Everyone seems calm and
happy...just curious about that behavior. <Normal, and not in
itself too bad, though I have to say you should try and have six of
any schooling species just so the fish feel comfortable.> Thanks
again. <Cheers, Neale.>
Re: platy question
05/22/08 Thanks again. I have never had any of the people
in my aquarium shop talk about water hardness. <A common
problem. My guess is that people (retailers and hobbyists alike)
focus on pH because it's easy to understand. A simple number
between 6 and 8 for the most part. But hardness comes in two
flavours, regular and carbonate, and there are a whole bunch of
ways to measure it. Unfortunately for the aquarist, hardness is
*far* more important than pH when it comes to freshwater fish.>
I feel bad that I was not educated. I see from some websites that
Neons and Golden Tetras like 1-10 hardness whereas Platy and
Guppies like 10-25? Is there anything I can do about this? Or
should I leave well enough alone? <Leave well enough alone. Most
fish are fine at a steady pH and hardness; what they don't like
is changes. Soft water fish tend to do better in hard water than
hard water fish do in soft. So yes, Neons will acclimate to harder
water than they'd experience in the wild. They won't breed
in it, but that's perhaps no big deal.> After the tank
finished it's cycle, we added back to our population. I had
lost almost all of my Neons to Ick, but that crisis has been over
for about 6 weeks. So, we added 6 Neons on Saturday and one has
died. One of my oldest guppies died the day before, but he had been
looking a little weak for a few days; his tail looked a little
shorn and he was a lot smaller than the other four guppies. I would
LOVE to add 5 more Neon's to total up to a dozen, but I'm
afraid of overpopulation. <I personally find mass-produced Neons
a bit of a gamble, and always recommend people go with Cardinals,
which are primarily wild-caught. Cardinals are a little bigger and
need warmer water to do well, but they're hardier and less
prone to Neon Tetra Disease. Alternatively, give up on Neon-type
things altogether, and opt for something like the Celebes
Rainbowfish (Marosatherina ladigesi), a yellow-and-neon blue fish
that thrives in hard water and will even tolerate a bit of salt. I
mention this because Platies tolerate salt well, so you can use a
small amount of salt to completely wipe out Ick/Whitespot.> I
have a very good water test kit now, and my water is still stable
after adding a total of 13 new fish over the weekend to my original
10. <Great!> Is there ever a time when you add fish and all
of them actually survive? <Yes. Here's some tips. First, buy
fish suitable to your water chemistry, water temperature, and
experience level. Secondly, buy fish with a mind to their
hardiness. Avoid "cheap" fish for example, and look for
"wild type" rather than fancy versions of things like
Angelfish and livebearers. Very young fish are often more delicate
than more mature fish, so avoid those too. Finally, take care to
acclimate new fish to your system. A good idea is to put the new
fish into a bucket with the water they came in. Over the next hour,
add a cup of water from the tank every 5-10 minutes. This allows
the fish to adjust to differences in water conditions. Once
you're done, remove the fish with a net and put them in the
aquarium -- don't put the "old" water from the shop
in your tank because it's likely to contain a lot of ammonia
and quite possibly parasites too.> I am afraid to add more! As
stated before, I am running two Marineland Penguin 200's in my
46 gallon bowfront. Lots and lots of artificial plants to give
adequate cover. What's the best/safest way to add to my Neons
to encourage schooling? <Assuming the new fish are healthy, my
tips above should help, and once settled in, they will school
automatically.> And finally, will the golden and neon's
school together, or do I need to keep each population up
individually? <Fish usually only school with their own
species.> Much appreciated! <Cheers, Neale.> |
Question about Sunburst
MM Platy 5/16/08 I have searched and searched the FAQ and I
have not found what my platy is going through. I have no idea if he has
dropsy or Ick or anything of that matter. I noticed he has not been
eating and he sits at the bottom of the tank. <Usually a bad sign.
Check the water quality (i.e., nitrite) and water chemistry
(hardness/pH) is appropriate before doing anything else. Almost all
fish sickness ultimately stems from water issues. Platies are also very
prone to constipation, so make sure you are providing them with enough
"greens". Plain vanilla flake/pellet food isn't
acceptable in the long term.> His body is not pinecone shape, but
the gills where he breaths from are protruding out something nasty.
<Heavy breathing can mean a variety of things, from acidosis and
nitrite poisoning through to velvet and bacterial infections. So in
itself, whilst very alarming and serious, not an immediate clue to the
specific problem.> On one side he has a very very dark colored spot
where I am assuming his stomach is. <Not sure, but possibly a wound
or cyst; in any case, treat with a reliable antibacterial or antibiotic
suitable for use with Finrot, for example eSHa 2000 or Maracyn.> I
contacted 2 pet stores and they both say he must have swallowed a rock.
<Daft.> No other fish in the tank are sick or showing signs of
the same thing he is doing. <Quite possibly "yet"... so
treat the situation as a wake-up call and review environmental and diet
issues before doing anything else.> Plus I have about 50-60 Platy
fry in a breeder Tank I am worried about. <Indeed.> What do you
think is wrong with him???? <Without a photo, difficult to say.>
Adrienne <Cheers, Neale.>
Platy's that seem
swollen... hlth. 4/29/08 I have 4 platy's in
my fish tank and have noticed that two of them are very swollen in the
front part that is darker normally. It is still dark but just very
swollen. At first I thought maybe they were pregnant but I do not see
any dot's inside like I have been reading is the tell tale sign
that they are pregnant. <May just not be "that" pregnant
as yet> Is there any disease that this could be or is it most likely
that they are pregnant? They are very larger and almost look goofy
swimming around. Please give me any advice that you can. Thanks, Dan
<Could be a few other possibilities. Read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/platydisfaqs.htm and the linked
files above... to see the sorts of data we're looking for, learn
through others experiences. Bob Fenner>
Platy with a swollen gill
Hi crew, I set up my first aquarium approximately 5 weeks ago.
<How was it cycled?> It is a 28 gal tank. We started with 3
sunburst Platies (2 females, 1 male) and two days later had 6
babies swimming around. The water circulated really well and
everyone was doing fine, so we decided to get 3 red eye tetras.
<Mmm, can be nippy> They seemed really stressed and two
were bullying one and wouldn't let him out of the corner of
the tank. After more research, I realized we needed more tetras.
So this weekend we purchased 3 more red eyes. They have all since
settled down, although we now only have 3 baby Platies. We also
bought some new live plants and put them in the tank on Sat.
<Good> The water has been great, until this morning when
the ammonia level went to 0.25 and the nitrates climbed to 20
ppm. The nitrite level was at 0, pH was 7.6, alkalinity 120, and
our water is hard. The temperature has been stable at 78-80. All
the fish seemed healthy and active and eating well, except one of
the female Platies. She was hovering about 1-2 inches from the
surface of the water and her left gill was bulging out. She was
breathing through this gill heavily and seemed to be mouth
breathing. Not knowing what else to do, I did a 30% water change.
<Good move> Approximately 5 hours later she seemed much
better. Her gill is still bulging, but only slightly, she is no
longer mouth breathing, and is swimming around the tank normally.
Was this a case of ammonia poisoning or something else?
<Possibly just the ammonia> Is there anything else I should
do for her? Thank you so much for you help. Katy <Not much
else I would do here at the present set of circumstances. Very
important to note that many "fish medicines" are quite
toxic, none have zero negative effects... and your system is not
stable... not thoroughly cycled. I would just hold off, be
observant. Bob Fenner>
Re: Platy with a swollen gill
4/16/08 Hi Bob, Yes I did receive your response, and thank
you so much. I will continue to watch and monitor. The water this
morning was better: pH 7.6, nitrates 10 ppm, nitrites 0 ppm and
ammonia 0.25. <Ah, good. But the ammonia must need be zero as
well> The platy is still doing well despite the swollen gill.
She is no longer mouth breathing and she is acting like her old
self. It has been so hard to obtain reliable information on fish
and how to properly take care of them. You and the crew provide
an invaluable service, thank you. Katy <Welcome our friend.
Help with platy, hlth. -- 4/12/08 I am contacting you as I
just cannot work out what is wrong with my platy mom and you
certainly appear to be the best experts on the Web. Any help
would be greatly appreciated as she is my favourite pet together
with her mate. I estimate she is around 9 months old. I have sent
a photo as there are whitish spots on her tail that I cannot
identify as Fungus or Ich. I have searched the web for photos of
both but not found anything that really compares. They are
individual spots that started appearing several weeks ago and
have continued to multiply slowly, and join up in spite of
treatment. Other than the spots on her tail she is happy, eating
well and continues to have healthy fry. <The photo is too
small to reveal much of anything. But the description of the
disease suggests either Finrot or 'Mouth Fungus' (which,
despite its name, is a bacteria than can affect other parts of
the body than the mouth!). So unless you can send a detailed
picture of the tail, let's run with this idea. You'll
need to treat with a Finrot medication. I happen to like eSHa
2000, but Maracyn also works well, I'm told. Melafix and
Pimafix, on the other hand, are useless for this sort of thing.
You will also need to check water quality: almost always, these
bacterial infections follow on from water quality problems. Check
ammonia and/or nitrite. If you have either in the water, then
that's your immediate problem. There is no "safe"
level of either, other than zero.> I had one juvenile platy
that had a small fungus like spot a few weeks back. I put him
into a more highly salted tank with my mollies but when the
fungus reappeared I put him in a hospital tank with fungus
eliminator and he has responded very quickly to treatment. The
only other issue was with one Gourami that died from what
appeared to be a fungal infection a couple of months back but he
was a new addition to the tank. All other fish in the tank,
including small fry seem happy and healthy. <Ah, the plot
thinnens. When you get a succession of sick/dead fish, almost
always it is water quality to blame. Review stocking level,
feeding, and filtration.> Tanks is 30 gallon, cycled for
several months using a fishless cycle and eventually Bio-Spira.
<Bio-Spira is redundant if you've truly done a Fishless
Cycle.> The normal parameters are Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0 and
Nitrate normally around 20. <Sounds okay, but do check the
ammonia and nitrite levels within 10-20 minutes of feeding, and
then again an hour or so later.> I usually keep the
temperature close to 80 degrees. <A little on the warm side.
By default, aim for 25 C/77 F.> The water is moderately hard
and alkaline. <Good.> I use the kit with the test tubes and
drops to monitor regularly. <Good.> As I have been
medicating there is now trace ammonia - < .25 so I have been
doing additional water changes. Prior to the problem I was
changing around 25% weekly. <If you are using (most)
medications as directed, the filter should be unaffected, so this
connection of statements is faulty. If you're detecting
ammonia, it *isn't* because you're adding medication.
It's because something else is amiss: changes in water
chemistry, overstocking, insufficient turnover, etc.> Tank
contains a pair of adult Platies plus around 10 3/4" to
1" young Platies and mollies, home grown, and less than 10
smaller platy and molly fry , newborn through 1/2". <Do
always remember baby fish add to the loading of the tank. More
fish = more ammonia = more filtration required. People often
overlook this, and wonder why their initially healthy livebearer
tank experiences a steady increase in pollution levels. So if you
have lots of new baby fish, you almost certainly need to be
adding a second filter.> I initially thought my platy may have
Ich. I spotted a couple of fish flashing occasionally so I
increased temperature and added extra salt. The tank now has 1
tbs per 5 gallons similar to my molly tank but this did not help.
<It won't. Salt has no real effect on bacterial
infections: the bacteria are latent in all freshwater and marine
aquaria, and under normal circumstances play a vital role in
filtration (effectively), breaking down organic matter into
smaller molecules the filter bacteria can work on. It's when
fish are weakened somehow (e.g., by ammonia) that the bacteria
are able to get into the fish, and then cause disease.> I
tried quick cure for about a week. There was no more flashing but
there was no improvement of her spots. She never flashes. Finally
I tried the Jungle fungus eliminator and my tank eventually
crashed but as there are only 2 fully grown fish I have not had
severe problems with water. Still the spots remain. I showed a
photo to the guy in my LFS who is an experienced fish keeper but
he was not sure. <Hmm...> I really do not want to lose her
but do not know what else to try. There have been a couple of
additional spots this week, still only on her tail. The scales on
her sides always look much like the photo. She continually
expands and contracts due to being pregnant and giving birth but
is always fat and happy. I do not want to isolate her in a
hospital tank as she is totally terrified of the net compared to
the other fish and I do not want to stress her. <No need to
isolate said fish. Treat the tank with anti-Finrot medication,
and also upgrade filtration (or remove fish) so that the ammonia
level is consistently zero.> If you have any idea of what this
may be I would be really grateful. I am thinking of maybe just
not trying any more meds as long as she is happy. Sorry the photo
is not better but it is possible to make out the spots almost
like a band on the tail towards the base. The ends of the tail
fin is not spotted or ragged. Also I noticed that there are dark
areas on her body towards her tail that did not used to be there.
I was hoping that was just a change in coloring. <Again,
consistent with secondary bacterial infections.> Many thanks
for any help you may be able to offer. Lynda <Hope this helps,
Re: Help with platy 04/14/2008 Neale, Thanks
for your quick reply. I was away for the weekend and just got
back and tested the tank. There was 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite and
Nitrate was 20 so whatever caused the ammonia reading last week
seems to have gone. <Well that's good news at least.> I
do not have a better photo as she refuses to pose for the camera
but I am now going to do a partial water change to reduce nitrate
a bit and start treatment today with Maracyn. Also I am going to
start reducing the temperature down to 77. <Steps in the right
direction.> I will try and take some of my larger healthy
babies to the LFS this week. They took 15 of my original fry, all
the ones that I could catch at the time! They always isolate
donated fish for weeks so there should not be a problem with
them. <Good.> I will have to work out how I might be able
to add another filter to my platy tank as it has one of those
eclipse filtration systems with the filter attached to the hood
and a bio wheel. <I see.> It is really difficult keeping
the number of fish down and I only have 3 adult females in total.
<With Platies, one approach is to simply remove the males:
since both sexes look the same in terms of colours, you don't
lose out.> One of my female mollies had around 25 babies on
Sunday and the other had babies this weekend so my molly tank is
now overrun with Dalmatian mollies! The tank is only moderately
planted as I thought the reason too many babies were surviving in
the original tank was because there were too many places to hide.
The babies do not even attempt to hide now and the adults still
cannot catch them! <Hah!> I do not understand why people
have problems raising livebearer fry and need nets etc. I have
the opposite problem. I only started fishkeeping last year and I
do absolutely nothing other than occasionally add a tiny amount
of those Hikari bytes when there are newborns as I would feel bad
if they starved. The only way I can reduce the number of babies
is to donate them to the LFS. <People who fail to rear broods
of common livebearer species like Platies typically have too many
predators in the tanks. But the size of the tank, what plants are
present, how often the fish are fed, and a variety of other
factors are relevant too.> They do not grow as fast as the
ones I keep so I have been trying to keep them longer until they
get a bit bigger before I donate them. Petco also told me that
they have an adoption tank so I may try that. Once again thanks
so much for you help. I will start the treatment right away.
Lynda <I'm pretty confident in your fishkeeping skills and
the timeliness of the treatment for the sick Platy, so the sick
fish should recover without further problems. Do remember to
remove carbon from the filter before using any medications. Good
luck, Neale.>

Mystery Platy Deaths... chemical filtrant involvement?
3/15/08 I have a platy problem. I've lost 3 Platies in three
days. First, here's my tank setup: 55 Gal Freshwater Community Tank
-- Been up and running for about 18 months now. Population (Before
Deaths): 5 Bleeding Heart Tetras 3 Orange Platies 4 Yellow Platies 2
Zebra Danios 2 Glowlight Tetras 2 Peppered Cory Cats 2 Otocinclus No
live plants, a few rocks, some driftwood, and some aeration. Water
Parameters (as of a few days ago): Temp -- 74F pH -- 7.4
Ammonia/Nitrites -- 0 ppm Nitrates -- 7 ppm KH -- 5 deg Phosphates --
0.5 ppm <Water quality and compatibility should be fine...> A few
weeks ago, I started controlling Phosphate levels, in an attempt to rid
brown and black algae. <Mmmm, how?> My water supply has high PO4
levels (about 2 ppm), so I started putting Phos-Zorb in the filter. It
brought PO4 levels down to about 0.25 ppm, but since then has started
to rise due to regular water changes (~20% water/week). <Mmm, you
might want to just filter the incoming/change-out water> A couple
days ago, I noticed an orange platy couldn't swim 'he
would just sink to the bottom, but remain vertical. He died later that
day. Last night, I noticed a yellow platy with similar symptoms, but he
would swim up for food. He would also stay at the bottom, and/or hide.
His fins were severely nipped, so I figured he probably got beat up and
was just injured. This morning, I found that yellow play dead. I also
noticed another yellow platy hiding, but did not appear
injured 'just hiding. I found him dead later this afternoon.
I'm afraid there might be some sort of parasite or something
killing off my fish. All other fish appear OK. <Mmmm, what fish/es
if any, are new/er to this system... How recent?> I feed the fish
tetra flakes every day, with the occasional day of freeze-dried
bloodworms. All 7 Platies listed above were purchased about 8 months
ago. <Oh! They themselves are not likely a/the source then> Any
help would be appreciated. Thanks, Aaron <I would remove the
Phos-Zorb product, seek other means for algal control... Perhaps just
some floating plant... Please read here re:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwalgcontrol.htm and the linked
files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Mystery Platy Deaths 3/17/08
Thank you for your help. Here's a follow up: I've had one more
platy die since I originally e-mailed you...same symptoms as the others
- not eating, staying at the bottom of the tank... always hiding. I did
some research on fish disease and couldn't find any definite
culprit. Of my remaining fish, none have nipped fins, nor do they have
any body sores or cloudy eyes. Their fecal matter appears a normal
brown, their fins aren't clamped to their bodies, and their
swimming behavior seems normal. I got to thinking and I may have an
explanation for the recent deaths. A few weeks ago I placed a piece of
(slightly older, slightly microwaved) zucchini into the tank to help
feed the Otos. The Otos did occasionally feed off of it, but it was
mostly the Platies that would eat it, so I gave up placing zucchini in
the tank. I'm thinking that there may have been some bacteria in
the zucchini and that is how the 4 Platies that have died may have
gotten sick. I've never had to deal with a multi-death issue like
this, so I'm trying to think of every possible explanation.
It's (obviously?) <Mmm, am never sure of this> not water
conditions, and the other fish that did not feed off of the zucchini
got sick. Thanks again, Aaron <Maybe... BobF>
Puzzling Platy... hlth? No useful data 03/11/2008
Hello, <Mich> Today, I bought several Platy's from the store
for my brother. He called me shortly after he was able to release them
from the transport bag. He released them into a 45 gallon prepared tank
with other Platy's residing without difficulty. I have Molly's,
but he thought maybe I could explain what had happened to his fish. One
of the Platy's, less than half an hour after release, suddenly
excreted white material from it's vent; and appeared to be dying
very quickly. Hours later it has died, but I have never seen this
before. Do you have any idea what may have caused this? If so, are the
other fish in danger? Should we contact the store to let them know it
has happened? <... could be "something" or not... I do
encourage you to consider, read (on WWM) re quarantine of all new
livestock...> There are several varieties of fish in the tank, plus
the Platy's. I don't know if you can help, but any ideas would
be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Michelle <... read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/platydisf5.htm and the linked
files above. Bob Fenner>
Platy with damaged tail after being
attacked (Guppy, Betta) 3/5/08 Hi there At the weekend I bought
a Siamese Fighter Fish which attacked my female platy for a day
until I found someone else to give the Fighter a new home. Then my
male guppy started attacking the poor platy! (the guppy was also
bought at the weekend) so I have sectioned the guppy off in his own
special area of the tank to avoid the platy any more damaged or
stressed. The platy's tail and fin are very damaged and frayed
from the Fighter fish and although she is now swimming about
happily, I am concerned about fin rot setting in. There is a white
line appearing along the edge of the damaged tail - I wanted to ask
if this is this fin rot or the healing process? I have just ordered
some Melafix online - is this safe to use even if it's not fin
rot (as a prevention) and is it safe to use it with the other fish
in the tank? (4 neon tetras and the guppy)? I've attached a
couple of photos - you can see the white line on the close up
picture - looks like the tail has a white lining but there are no
other signs of white spots on her body. Thanks in advance.
Christine <Hello Christine. Male livebearers are aggressive,
especially when kept with insufficient females and in tanks that
are too small (by their standards, if not yours). While lots of
people *think* they can keep Guppies and other livebearers in tanks
20 gallons or smaller, the reality is that all too often males
behave in a very aggressive manner. In the wild, male Guppies would
be creating an "exclusion zone" around themselves,
driving away rival males so that they have exclusive access to the
females. All fine and dandy in the wild, but in aquaria a recipe
for disaster. In any case, there's nothing you can do to stop
the Guppy behaving this way. Yes, your Platy has early stages of
Finrot, and yes, it needs treatment. I personally consider Melafix
an inferior product for this sort of thing: it just isn't that
reliable. It's low cost as "New Age" recipe appeals
to some people I guess, but given it doesn't always work
I'd sooner recommend something reliable. Maracyn, for example,
or eSHa 2000. Do remember that whatever treatment you use, you must
remove carbon from the filter before use. Cheers, Neale.> |

Question re: anti-parasitic
medicated fish food for Platys 2/24/08 Hello Crew, I have
spent hours reading the FAQ's and your responses (my
favourite being the one with the lady and her boyfriend having
issues with breeding and Don spitting out his coffee) and have
found them entertaining and informative. Now I have a question,
which I hope you will answer. I have a 35 gallon tank, which has
been in operation for about 3 years, so is well-cycled. I do
regular water changes and periodically test the levels of
nitrates, ph, and ammonia. All seem to be consistently within
acceptable ranges. This tank is planted with a large number of
artificial (plastic) plants, as well as live plants. There is 1
to 2" of gravel, 3 ornamental logs for hiding places, an
undergravel filter, an outside 3 stage power filter, and a bubble
bar. 6 weeks ago, my son helped me by bringing over his gravel
vacuum and vacuuming the gravel in this tank. This resulted in a
50% water change. The livestock in this tank includes one elderly
Pleco, whom I inherited with the tank, about 7 inches in length,
2 pearl Danios, 3 blacklight tetras, one of which is very large
(platy sized), 2 Glowlight tetras, and my favourites, 2 adult
male platys, and currently only 1 adult female platy. There have
been no new introductions of fish for the past year, although
there are about 15 juvenile platys of ages varying from 2 to 5
months. I feed twice a day, with premium flake food and
supplement with blanched romaine lettuce which seems to go over
very well with the platys, old and young. This past week, I lost
an adult female Mickey Mouse Platy. She was one of the original
introductions, so I was sorry to lose her. Her history includes
being placed in a nursery net within the main tank, when I was
quite sure she was about to give birth. She had the gravid spot,
and I could see the dark eyes of the babies. She was very unhappy
in the nursery net, so after 4 days with no results, I released
her into the main tank. That was probably a year ago, and while
she never lost the gravid spot, the dark eyes disappeared and
there never were any babies. The one male platy who is always
'on the make' seemed to know she was of no use to him,
and would chase her away. For several weeks before her demise,
she did have what I have seen described on your site as
'whitish stringy poop'. Up until 2 days before she went,
she was still eating, and swimming normally. During those last 2
days, she was hiding, and not coming out to eat. Today I noticed
this 'whitish stringy poop' from the second, less
aggressive adult male Sunset Platy. My question is, should I be
concerned about a parasitic infection, and should I start feeding
the anti-parasitic medicated fish food? Is it safe for the
juvenile platys and the rest of the fish? Should I abstain from
feeding the blanched romaine lettuce while feeding the medicated
food? I do realize my current ratio of 2 adult male platys to 1
adult female is not ideal, but the 2nd male is not particularly
amorous, although by their colouring, I do believe some of the
juveniles are his descendants. I also have a 2nd tank, populated
with a school of Cardinal Tetras, and one small, skittish Pleco.
My intention is to move some of the juvenile platys to this tank
as they mature. Thank you, for having such an informative site,
and for your anticipated response to my long-winded email.
Aprilwine <Anti-parasite food is usually safe for juvenile
fish. In this instance I wouldn't bother unless I saw any
other fish producing abnormal faeces. Do also switch to
high-fibre foods for a while -- algae, daphnia, brine shrimps,
tinned peas, etc. Won't do the other fish any harm. Anyway,
this'll help clear out the insides. But if you do see other
fish with odd faeces and/or signs of emaciation, then by all
means switch to something anti-parasitic. While constipation is
rather more common in livebearers, parasitic infections do
happen, and are worth bearing in mind when fish start looking
off-colour. Camallanus worms are probably the most commonly found
intestinal parasites in livebearing fish. Cheers,
Re: Question re: anti-parasitic
medicated fish food for Platys 03/04/2008 Thanks Neale, I
have been feeding supplementary peas (frozen, slightly cooked,
skinned) and they seem to go over very well. The adult Sunset
Platy seems to be back to normal, and all seem to be doing fine.
I appreciate your advice. <Greetings. It's good to hear
everything is working fine! Platies certainly benefit from a
"green" diet, and I think you'll find that over the
long term you'll have Platies that are more active and have
brighter colours than would be otherwise. Thanks for letting me
know the good news; it's rare we hear that our little
"patients" have got better! Cheers,
Dying, sick platys and others 2/11/08 Dear Crew,
<Julie> First of all, THANK you for the fantastic site and
the great work you do. I have come to your site so many times to
find answers to some of my more straightforward problems. It is
the best on the web! <Thank you for your kind words> Alas,
I am having some serious problems now, and I'm not sure why.
Please forgive the length of this email, but I know that you like
to have as much information as possible. <Yes> I have two
freshwater tanks: - 55 gallon tank -- has 5 black skirt tetras, 4
harlequin Rasboras, 5 white clouds, 2 dwarf Gourami, 1 Pleco, 4
albino Corys, 6 platys (3 female, 3 male), 4 glass cats, 4 cherry
barbs (brand new), some live plants, a lava rock, a driftwood
(bought at high end aquarium store) and a sand/gravel substrate,
Fluval filter, heater and power head. Current readings: pH=7.8;
Ammonia = .25; <Mmm, should be zero> Ni <Something
missing here?> - 10 gallon tank -- 3 dwarf African water
frogs, 5 algae eating shrimp (very small), 4 male fancy-tailed
guppies. The problem all began with one of my female platys
(let's call her "Greenie"). She was in the 50
gallon tank, hanging with her mate, "Hi Fin," Hi Fin
was getting exhausted and mean chasing all the other males away,
so I moved them both into the 10 gallon. After a water change of
about 20%, and decent water conditions (Amm and Nitrites at 0,
nitrates a bit high, around 40), <Too high by about
twice...> she looked stressed and listless. This did not
improve, so after a few days, I moved them both back into the 55
gallon, hoping that she was just reacting poorly to something in
the 10 gallon. Meanwhile, I moved an aggressive male platy
("Bubba") who kept bugging Greenie. Put Bubba in the 10
gallon tank. Bought Bubba a mate ("Li'l Red") and
put her in the 10 gallon with him. Greenie did not improve.
Rather, she was flashing a lot, getting weak, having trouble
staying level, hanging out on the bottom or at the surface,
hardly moving much, not eating. All bad. Hi Fin stayed close by
her side. Things continued to deteriorate and, not knowing what
else to do, I moved her back to the 10 gallon (stupid, I know).
She continued to do poorly. At that point, she had developed a
sore on her head -- scales gone, looked like the white flesh
beneath. To be honest, I was very surprised she had lasted this
long since she has been sick for well over a week (flashing,
doing desperate flip circles at the surface, etc.). I finally
moved her to my small QT (about 2 gallons), and treated it with
some Myacin. <Maracyn, Erythromycin...> Meanwhile, back in
the 55 gallon tank, Hi Fin was looking morose -- hiding under the
drift wood. This was unusual for him since he is a pretty
dominant platy and usually survives just about everything. I did
a cleaning of my 55 gallon tank. Vacuumed up some good yuck from
the sand, took out about 5 gallons, replenished with 7.5 gallons
of tap water that I treated with Amquel+. The next day, I went to
my LFS. From the description I gave them of the platy, they
thought it was a parasite. I bought some Copper medication,
<NO!> and treated the QT appropriately for its size. Since
Hi Fin was still morose, I put him in the QT too. On that same
day, two of my albino Corys bit the dust. <Yikes> This
morning, I noticed that pretty much **all** the platys were
listless, in both tanks. Also, my Pleco was now dead, as was
another albino Cory. I realized I would have to move all of the
platys, and probably the cherry barbs (who were looking a bit
listless themselves), to the QT. Only problem is it is too small.
So I removed the frogs and shrimp from my 10 gallon, leaving in
the 4 fancy tail male guppies. I did a 50% water change on my 10
gallon. I removed all of the platys and cherry barbs from all of
the tanks, and put them in the 10 gallon (with the 4 guppies).
Treated the 10 gallon with copper, and treated the new water with
Amquel+. I got rid of the copper-treated water from the QT,
cleaned it well, refilled with Amquel+-treated water, and put the
frogs and shrimp in that. <Good> By the way -- before I did
the 50% water change on the 10G, it had a 7.2 pH, Amm=0,
Nitrite=0, but high Nitrates -- around 80 (!!! -- due to Tubifex
for frogs, Grrrr). GH was at 9 drops. Immediately after the water
change, pH was 7.5, Nitrates had gone down to 40, GH was up at
11-12, but the Ammonia went up to .5!!! <Yeeikes> I waited
about 45 minutes, retested the ammonia -- it had dropped a tad,
but still above .25. <The ammonia may be anomalous... there
are types of test kits that produce false positives with Amquel
and other such products...> So here are all my questions: 1.
What the heck is wrong with the platys? I do not notice any white
spots, other than the big sore on top of Greenie's head. So I
don't think it's Ich. I haven't noticed any white
poop, so don't think it's internal parasites. Could it be
external parasites? Some bacterial infection? <Could be
these... Tetrahymena, Costia, Epistylis... maybe a bacterial
involvement... Only way to tell definitively is through
microscopic analysis> 2. What's with the bottom feeders --
Corys and Pleco -- dying? Associated with the very modest water
change? <Possibly... there was something anomalous in the
tap/source water that day. Hence my/our proviso/encouragement for
folks to store/save water a week or so ahead of use> Or with
gunk being pulled up from under the sand/gravel, and possibly
eaten by them? <Maybe> Or are they more sensitive to
whatever is ailing the platys? Parasites? <Possibly> 3. How
come the ammonia levels in my water went from 0 to .5 just by
adding tap water treated pretty thoroughly with Amquel+. <See
above> If anything, shouldn't there be no ammonia? (By the
way, a LFS said ammonia may have increased because my cleaning
might have stirred up stuff on the bottom. I've never heard
this before.) <Can/does happen. Best to do so only while
siphoning...> Thank you to the whole crew for your kind
assistance. You guys rock!!! Cheers, Julie <I do hope whatever
the root cause here has abated. I do encourage you to read on WWM
re Nitrate control, keep this under 20 ppm. and to store your
make-up water... and quarantine all incoming livestock... Perhaps
reading of other instances of Freshwater Disease Troubleshooting
will lead to revelation:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwmystdisfaqs.htm Bob
Re: Dying, sick platys and others - UPDATE
2/11/08 It is now a few hours later, and the fish in the 10G
are distressed, probably from the ammonia that hasn't gone
down. I took out about 35% of the water and replaced it with the
water from the 55G tank, which has only a tad of ammonia. The
levels remain high -- hovering around .5. <Yikes... Do NOT
feed anything> Could the Mardel CopperSafe be causing
anomalous readings? <Yes... the copper could have poisoned
your nitrifying bacteria period... See WWM re the use of
copper...> Or could the ammonia have spiked literally
instantly on an Amquel+-treated water change? <Yes... BobF>
Re: Dying, sick platys and others - UPDATE
2-12-08 Wow -- thank you all for the amazing feedback.
It's now the next day. Ammonia levels in the 10G tank have
dropped to slightly over 0 (maybe 0.1?). Definitely less than
0.25, which is the next increment from my test kit. Nitrates are
down too -- around 20'ish. <All good news> I'm
pleased about that. The fish are looking a bit better. I fed them
a bit of flake food (sorry -- hadn't seen your email about no
feeding yet) and was very happy to see that all but one was
eating quite heartily. The cherry barbs are looking great, as are
the guppies (who were never sick in the first place). The platys
are still a bit low-energy. One platy looked to be nearing the
end. I put him back in the 55G tank in the hopes that he would
improve. Alas, he's not looking too good. And this morning,
one of the black skirt tetras in the 55G tank is in distress.
There **may** be white spots on him (Ich) though it is hard to
tell. None of the other fish in the 55G are showing distress or
white spots. Should I remove him and put him in the 10G (that has
the copper)? <Mmm... I'd be reading... on WWM re Ich...
and waiting at this point, starting to raise the system
temperature... All fishes will have to be treated if...>
Warmly and gratefully, Julie <BobF>
Platy Fry Dying 2/8/07 Fish Guru's,
<Hello> Please help, we are losing our beloved babies...
<Uh-oh> We have had a well-established 30 gallon freshwater tank
with several livebearer fish (Platy/ Swordtails) for over 6 months now.
In this time the platy's have had two brood, the first producing
over twenty fry, and the 2nd producing 16. Each time we have moved the
fry to a well-established separate 3-gallon tank (with a undergravel
heater and undergravel filter with a carbon head - no filter media).
<Cycled?> And much to our disappointment the fry have slowly died
off, with only two or three remaining from each brood. <Not unheard
of, especially with some Platies that are bred for specific traits like
color or body type. Weak fry are often produced.> We perform
frequent water changes (30% approx. every 10 days) and the water
quality is good (PH 7.6, Nitrite 0, Ammonia 0). <Good> The water
stays at a constant 79 degrees (we have an acrylic tank, so we have to
use an undergravel heater which has no temperature settings). What
could be killing them? <Genetics, improper food, low O2 are some
guesses.> They never look ill, we just notice there are a few dead
every week or so? <Have experienced this with some fry batches, some
are just weak and don't survive.> Is the PH too high? <Should
be fine.> The local shop has said ignore the ph (for the most part).
<As long as it is stable is fine at its current level.> Is there
something else I should be testing for? <Not really.> I thought
that the under gravel filter was enough air flow for them, but maybe I
need an air stone? <Would not hurt for sure.> Thank you in
advance for your help oh wise ones. Mike <Unfortunately animals that
breed as often as livebearer fish often do not produce the strongest
offspring, and I think that may be what is going on here. Add some
circulation and see if the situation improves. Higher water temp means
less O2 so that may help.> <Chris>