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FAQs on Marine Ornamental Fish Culture

Related Articles: Marine Ornamental Fish Culture, Reproduction,

Related FAQs: Hormonal Manipulation of Fishes,

Some very nice grow out tanks by Red Ewald co.

University of Florida  Grad. student aquaculture oppty.       5/8/18

one quick question about marine fish: Accounts of breeding...      6/2/14
Dear WetWebMedia folks:
Sorry to bother you I'm sure you receive an enormous volume of email.
<Mmm; not so much>
I'm wondering if there is a scientific or academic entity that keeps track
of all the marine fish and inverts that have been bred in captivity?
<Mmm; here and there... have been efforts; compilations>
either by scientists or hobbyists? Is there a scientific or academic entity that would like to hear about new marine fish being tank bred?
<A recent book by a friend... in German... Better by far to join up w/ the several "marine breeders" associations (like MBI). You can find a bunch of them on the grand arbiter of all truth and wisdom Facebook>
I've asked around among reef enthusiasts I know, and no one seems to know. I
am aware of one "hobby" site that has a database, but I am also aware that it is incomplete.
Thanks very much,
Cynthia White
Vancouver Island
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>

Aquacultured ornamentals from Indonesia      5/31/13
Farm bred Mandarin fish. They are producing them out of a government owned facility in Ambon. 
 <And the Blue Devil as well I take it. Outstanding. B>
Re: Aquacultured ornamentals from Indonesia      5/31/13
The breeder told me that if you feed the Mandarins well ,they will spawn on a daily basis.
<Yes; marines by and large are very "easy breeders"... it's raising young up to sale-able sizes, marketing them that is hard>
 I am actually quite surprised that they bothered to breed something so common like the Blue Devils
<Better quality from controlled upbringing here. B>

Rising Tide in Wash Post    4/16/12
Yes, it’s oversimplified – but maybe it’s the start of something bigger.
Outstanding Judy! Congratulations on the recognition for your efforts. BobF

The hot trends 6/20/11
We had an interesting discussion on our WetWebMedia Facebook last night and this morning. As captive breeding in marine fish becomes more viable on a large scale, we are starting to see an abundance of "designer" fish via selective breeding and unnatural hybrids...what some are calling the "guppy-ization" or "flowerhorning" of ornamental marine animals. It's not a subject we've ever really had to address as many of the animals on this side of the hobby are still collected in their natural habitats. However as it becomes more trendy I think I'd like to pen a piece (with some opinion) of how these processes relate to conscientious/responsible fish keeping for WWM, I've already ruffled a few feathers just by bringing the subject up for discussion (an employee at ORA one of the companies that sales these designer clowns for upwards of $500 at times). So my question if you think this is worth being addressed or discussed, as I've run into quite a few hobbyists recently who are confused about the price points (vs. "normal" clowns) and genetic history of these artificial hybrids (as some do occur in nature). One of the companies has even posted that "There is potential in utilizing artificial means of fish propagation to create hybrids, through the use of hormones or strip spawning, but we have yet to take such drastic measures." So I guess my question is if the risk/reward/backlash from people profiting off of this would be worth writing. And if this is a worthy idea, I'd like to even post this in the dailies so I can get responses from home/small scale hobbyists, an informal pole and get some quotes for the article.
> Hello Adam, Bob,
> I do think this is a worthy topic worth discussing -- perhaps as an article in WWM Digital as a way of launching a thread in the forums that people could chime in on. Actually, feedback on articles might be a great new category for the WWM Forum, so people could read the magazine or new WWM articles generally, and then comment on the forum. I'd like to see more synergy between magazine and the forum, to be honest. You'll have seen that TFH and PFK both do this. But I digress...
> I don't have any particular opinion on this, and do suspect that because most marine fish don't breed readily in captivity the scope for "fancy" varieties is fairly limited. That said, I have no doubt at all that long-fin, albino, and balloon clownfish are very likely going to turn up in the aquarium shops soon.
> Cheers, Neale
I do concur w/ your statements Neale. BobF

Saltwater Fish Breeding Hi my name is Andrew <Hi Andrew, my name is Mac> and I am doing a project breeding salt water fish. <Sounds like a great project Andrew.> I was wondering do you know what type of fish is easy to start of breeding. <There are many saltwater fish that have never been bred yet, Andrew. But there are some that have been bred for a while now. Many species of Clownfish and some of the Dottybacks come most readily to mind. <Let me refer you to a couple of different places. There is a thread http://www.fragexchange.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=50, that is all about clownfish breeding with step by step documentation. I hope you'll check it out. Also, if you'll take a look at the Clownfish book by Joyce Wilkerson and Martin Moe's book on Breeding Dottybacks. There is also a great thread on this site that talks about breeding fish, look here. . . http://www.wetwebmedia.com/reproduc.htm. This site mentions other types of fish that are being bred as well. Good luck and let me know how it turns out. MacL> Upcoming volume on captive produced marines for the ornamental interest, IMAC Bob: I am happy to provide some images for use in your keynote address at IMAC. If you use any, I would appreciate you mentioning ProAquatix. For starters, the attached zip file contains photos of some of our bred species. Additionally, if you would like I can provide larger versions of most of the photos that you see on our website www.proaquatix.com (I manage the rights to most but not all of the pictures used). If there are certain species or processes in particular that you are particularly interested in speaking about, please let me know and I will see what I can do. If you would like more photos, please let me know what email size/mailbox space limitations you may have. Thanks, Whit Hazelton <Got them Whit, Will review, credit to you. Bob Fenner, WetWebMedia> ProAquatix 6020 99th Street, Sebastian, Florida 32958 Toll-Free 1.888.SALT.H20, Tel 772.581.8066 Fax 772.581.2693, www.proaquatix.com

The breeding book project Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2004 17:22:59 +0200 Dear friends, finally, after two years of hard work, it is done. Our book is completed and publication is scheduled to the end of September / beginning of October. At this stage I would like to thank all authors for their enthusiastic participation in our book project. Enclosed please find a (low resolution) scan of the cover as well as a list of the chapters and authors participating in the book project (unfortunately in German; if you have problems to understand the German, please do not hesitate to contact me). The Birgit Schmettkamp Publishers will contact you in near future because of the royalties. Once again let me thank you very much for your efficient cooperation! I hope that we can keep in touch to further discuss the progress in breeding corals and fishes. Best wishes Dieter Dr. Dieter Brockmann Gartenweg 3 89079 Ulm - Wiblingen Germany <Outstanding! Congratulations Dieter. Might there be a chance for an English transliteration of the work? That is, if it is deemed as profitable to do so. Bob Fenner>

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