FAQs on Bichirs, Family
Polypteridae 1
Related Articles: Bichirs,
Related FAQs: Ropefish 1, Polypterid Identification, Polypterid Behavior, Polypterid Compatibility, Polypterid Selection, Polypterid Systems, Polypterid Feeding, Polypterid Disease, Polypterid Reproduction, & FAQs on:
Ropefish 1, & Ropefish ID, Ropefish Behavior, Ropefish Compatibility, Ropefish Selection, Ropefish Systems, Ropefish Feeding, Ropefish Health, Ropefish Reproduction,

The most common/popular Bichir
species, Polypterus
Delhezi Bichir hunger strike & hunting tank mates /RMF
Hi WWM Crew,
My Delhezi Bichir was previously more than happy to eat beef heart, silver
sides, and black worms, but recently has gone on a hunger strike... I was giving
him the occasional treat of live saltwater crabs that I had been catching out of
my saltwater tank, so maybe that spoiled him into only wanting to hunt?
<Possibly a factor... I kept, fed Bichirs years back...>
He managed to snag a couple of my Congo Tetras that didn't quite grow fast
enough to stay out of "bite size" range. Ever since then, he's trying to use the
beef heart as bait for the other fish. He'll literally sit with his nose
practically touching it while lurking under the driftwood or Amazon Sword leaves
and just waits to see if any of the other
fish are dumb enough to come snag a piece.
He keeps lurking to try and catch more fish. I've tried offering market shrimp,
scallops, crab meat, silver sides, beef heart, blackworms, live earthworms, and
Massivore pellets, but he's snubbed them all.
<Very strange that this fish refuses live earthworms...>
He's in a 75g with 2 Angels, 6 Congo Tetras, 6 Goyder River Rainbows, 4
Boesemanni Rainbows, and 1 Turquoise Rainbow at the moment. The Bichir is around
9" right now. The Angels, 4 Goyder River Rainbows, and 1 Turquoise
Rainbow are all full grown and not at risk of being eaten, but the others were
restocks after I had a problem with an Opaline Gourami killing half my tank
(who's since been removed)... I got the largest I could find to replace, but no
one sells Rainbows or Congo Tetras larger than 2-3"... I knew it was a risk, but
this guy's been so mellow and easy to feed until recently that I was hoping it
would work.
Is there any way to convince the Bichir to go back to non-live foods, or do I
just need to cut my losses and pull the Congo Tetras now?
<How long has it been since you saw it eat? Does it appear thin, the stomach
"caved in"?>
Maybe if I
isolated him in a spare 20g long bare bottom tank for a short time to keep him
away from the tetras until he takes food again? Or would he just go back to his
old tricks the moment he had fishy temptations again?
<I wouldn't worry if it's only been a week, ten days, and this fish has a good
index of fitness. I'd offer it a live earthworm every two, three days and be
patient at this point>
<Welcome, Bob Fenner>
Delhezi Bichir hunger strike & hunting tank mates /Neale
Hi WWM Crew,
My Delhezi Bichir was previously more than happy to eat beef heart, silver
sides, and black worms, but recently has gone on a hunger strike... I was giving
him the occasional treat of live saltwater crabs that I had been catching out of
my saltwater tank, so maybe that spoiled him into only wanting to hunt?
<This is definitely true. Farmed Bichirs may be more than happy to take dead or
pellet foods, but if they "discover" live alternatives, this can pique their
interest. If starved for a while, they will go back to what
they know, but that's really only viable in a tank with other big fish. If they
live with even potentially edible tankmates, they may try eating those before
settling back down.>
He managed to snag a couple of my Congo Tetras that didn't quite grow fast
enough to stay out of "bite size" range. Ever since then, he's trying to use the
beef heart as bait for the other fish. He'll literally sit with his nose
practically touching it while lurking under the driftwood or Amazon Sword leaves
and just waits to see if any of the other fish are dumb enough to come snag a
piece. He keeps lurking to try and catch more fish. I've tried offering market
shrimp, scallops, crab meat, silver sides, beef heart, blackworms, live
earthworms, and Massivore pellets, but he's snubbed them all.
<It isn't unusual for predators to stop feeding for a while. Hunger makes the
best sauce of course!>
He's in a 75g with 2 Angels, 6 Congo Tetras, 6 Goyder River Rainbows, 4
Boesemanni Rainbows, and 1 Turquoise Rainbow at the moment. The Bichir is around
9" right now. The Angels, 4 Goyder River Rainbows, and 1 Turquoise Rainbow are
all full grown and not at risk of being eaten, but the others
were restocks after I had a problem with an Opaline Gourami killing half my tank
(who's since been removed)... I got the largest I could find to replace, but no
one sells Rainbows or Congo Tetras larger than 2-3"... I knew it was a risk, but
this guy's been so mellow and easy to feed until recently that I was hoping it
would work.
<Delhezi Bichirs can be good tankmates, and generally ignore fish too large to
eat. I'd expect adult Congo Tetras to be fine, having myself kept these with
Polypterus palmas for example, and it's a very similar species. But as you say,
anything the size of, say, a Platy will definitely be at risk.>
Is there any way to convince the Bichir to go back to non-live foods,
<Time; lack of food; hunger. You could also try offering half-way house foods,
such as white fish or prawn fillet wobbled in front of his snout on the end of
forceps or cocktail sticks. Bichirs have terrible eyesight, but a good sense of
smell, so should fall for this trick if they aren't spooked.>
or do I just need to cut my losses and pull the Congo Tetras now?
<Could be a good move.>
Maybe if I isolated him in a spare 20g long bare bottom tank for a short time to
keep him away from the tetras until he takes food again? Or would he just go
back to his old tricks the moment he had fishy temptations again?
<Impossible to say for sure. I would not trust him with small teammates at all.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Low-Light Freshwater DSB with a Bichir?
Hi WWM Crew!
<Hello Kim,>
I'm looking to overhaul my 75g tank from being high-light/mid-tech (I'm
using liquid carbon instead of injected CO2) to low light/low tech.
The goal is to make the tank lower maintenance since the weekly 50%
water changes, plant trimmings, and daily fert dosings are going to be
difficult to keep up on shortly (I'm pregnant with our first child, so
I'm expecting
most of my free time to be spoken for soon)!
<Completely understandable! Did much the same thing when my own daughter
arrived. Switched to a very basic system with slate chipping substrate,
a few rocks, Anubias on lava rocks, and stuck with the sorts of fish
will literally go months between water changes and not get fussed, such
as Anostomus and various catfish.>
As part of this overhaul, I'd like to swap to using a freshwater deep
sand bed per the instructions in Deirdre Kylie's article on your site.
<A nice idea!>
My only concern is that it's mentioned that digging fish tend to be
incompatible with this approach...
<Precisely. Also, not totally convinced it's the ideal solution for
tanks with big fish. Not that big fish will mess up the DSB, but that
their solid wastes and uneaten food create a lot debris, and you really
do need to siphon this out regularly. So you'd want an aquarium that's
easy to clean, hence my preference for thin layers of gravel or slate in
such situations rather than sandy substrates with lots of plants.>
Would a single Bichir (Polypterus palmas palmas specifically) cause
problems for a DSB?
<Probably not. It's a fairly small species by the standards of the
genus, and on top of that doesn't dig much. Have kept precisely this
species in a tank with a sandy substrate and it did no digging that I
I'm assuming some of the sand critters would be eaten, but I don't mind
restocking them periodically.
<Likely very regularly! The smaller Bichirs are primarily, perhaps even
exclusively, predators on small benthic worms and insect larvae.>
I wouldn't think a single Bichir would be able to single handedly wipe
their populations out... Right?
<I think you might be surprised! But it's certainly worth a shot, if you
don't mind topping up the burrowing worms every few weeks.>
I just don't want the Bichir's digging to burp a toxic amount of
bottom-level gas into the tank.
<Very unlikely to happen. Bichirs don't dig deeply like, say, Horseface
loaches or Spiny eels. At most they're poking about the debris, such as
leaf litter.>
Also, I've heard that Bichir tend to show their best colors on pink or
dark substrates.
<Overhead shade is probably more important.>
This is my first time using pool filter sand, but I've heard it's on the
lighter end of the substrate colors...
<Initially, at least. It does age after a year over two.>
Would it be too light to bring out the best colors in the Bichir? Or
would the difference be negligible?
<I found the latter to be the case, in my tank with plenty of floating
I thought about using black diamond blasting sand instead, but I wasn't
sure if it would be compatible with a DSB.
<Theoretically, but it's often abrasive, so not ideal for fish that rest
on the substrate.>
Given a choice between fish aesthetics or an effective DSB I'd obviously
go for the DSB!
<Plain vanilla smooth silica sand would be the best all-around choice.>
Lastly, what level of planting is required for a successful DSB?
<Enough that most of the sand has at least some healthy roots, as the
roots are crucial for maintaining a low, but adequate, level of
oxygenation in the upper part of the substrate. That's important to
avoid too much anaerobic decay in the top couple of centimetres. Toxic
gas forming deeper down isn't going to be released, and more to the
point, produced very quickly, so the actual risk of trouble is very
small. Doesn't really matter what plants you use, so long as they have
extensive root systems.>
I was planning on a combination of Amazon Swords, Vallisneria, Crypts,
and maybe a Red Tiger Lotus (allowing it to float it's leaves) for the
rooted plants, with a fair amount of driftwood with Anubias and
Bolbitis, possibly
some Water Lettuce.
<All sound fine, though I personally find Water Lettuce a bit hit or
miss in tanks with hoods. Amazon Frogbit much easier, and if you trim
the aerial leaves of floating Indian Ferns, that's another good choice
I'd like to have some open sandy areas however. Would open sandy areas
cause issues of gas build-up?
<Nope. The roots from your plants spread out a great deal. Something
like a single Vallisneria will have its roots extending at least 20 cm/8
inches, even before you factor in the daughter plants.>
If so, should I try to keep the open sandy areas as shallower sand?
<No real point, to be honest.>
Thanks for your help! My inner science geek is loving the idea of trying
the FW DSB out!
<I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by how easy they are. They're
really what happens to the substrate in ponds, just indoors. Cheers,
3 Polypterus species and sizes and tankmates
I have a 75 gallon tank with
1 Senegal Bichir 7”
1 Polypterus teugelsi 5”
along with
1 African Feather fin Catfish 7”
<Lovely, peaceful catfish.>
2 Turquoise Rainbows 3” each
<I'd add a few more of these.>
1 Pictus Catfish 4” and
<No threat to all but the newly hatched Bichirs.>
1 Angel fish 4.5” tall.
The tank is well decorated with many hinding spaces and a 2” sand
bottom. I have recently found a 3’ Polypterus delhezi 3”. My question
is, how long should I allow my to get before I can add him to the 75
gallon tank., and will any of the other occupants cause a threat to him?
Thank You
<I would not combine such a small Polypterus specimen with substantially
larger specimens. Once the little Polypterus delhezi grows to within a
couple of inches of the existing specimens, you should be fine combining
them. But very small juveniles, especially those with their external
gills present, are extremely vulnerable. Bichirs are snappy, and even
the smaller, more tolerant species like Senegal Bichirs can't be
completely trusted to leave smaller or weaker specimens alone. Use your
common sense here, even though the three species you mention should be
compatible, given space. Cheers, Neale.>
Dinosaur Eel 12/26/16
Last week we noticed a bump on our dinosaur eel,
<Polypterus senegalus; or Senegal Bichir. Neither a dinosaur nor an eel!>
we’ve had him for a year now, and this is the first we are seeing this.
The bump isn’t getting any bigger, but there’s two white marks on the bump,
under an inch apart, and we don’t know what could have caused it, or what it
is. Here is a picture of him and his injury, hopefully you can help?
<We can try. These look like blisters or cysts, rather than ectoparasites
like flukes (which are fairly common among Bichirs and usually treated using
anti-worm medications). So the question is how the skin of these Bichirs got
damaged or irritated.>
His tank-mates are: 1 Red Tail Shark, 1 Angel Fish, 1 Pictus Catfish,
<Pimelodus pictus? A schooling species.>
1 Algae Eater,
<Gyrinocheilus aymonieri by any chance? Or even if it's a common Plec, not
really safe with Bichirs. Any of these algae-eating fish can, will graze on
the flanks of Bichirs, especially when hungry, but at least some 'algae
eaters' are entirely opportunistic, Gyrinocheilus in particular, and these
will simply eat the mucous from fish because they can. In doing so, these
fish remove the healthy mucous that keeps the skin below safe, making it
easier for bacteria to infect minor injuries. From there, you get blisters
and such like. Other possible causes of damage are heaters (always use a
heater guard around glass heaters if you have such items in the tank) and
sharp gravel. Bichirs are quite tough animals, but because they're sensitive
to copper-based medications, treating them once they get sick is difficult.
Antibiotics are safe though.>
2 Molly’s
<Molly's what?>
and 4 Black Skirts
None of them are aggressive with each other, (until one of them is dying….)
they all have their own spaces in the 70gal tank, and never fight over food.
I’m hoping you can figure out what that is on our eel, I would hate to see
him go after having him for a year. Thank you.
<Indeed. Review the above, and write back if anything unclear. Happy
Holidays, Neale.>
Eel, bichir ID 4/8/12
Could you please tell me what kind of eel this is and what should
i feed him and how often?
<Hello. This is Polypterus senegalus, the Senegal Bichir.
It's NOT an eel, but a bichir, a primitive fish that comes
from Africa and feeds primarily on insect larvae and other small
invertebrates. Bloodworms, krill, and so on are favoured foods
but a good staple would be a mixture of tilapia fillet,
earthworms, and the occasional prawn (prawns contain Thiaminase
so should be used sparingly). They are nocturnal but will become
day-active if not stressed or threatened by other fish. Feed them
4-5 times a week, a good sized amount, e.g., a thin strip of
tilapia fillet around 2 cm long for an adult specimen 30 cm in
length. Healthy specimens should be plump-looking but not
obviously fat. I'm very worried your specimen is kept with
Lake Malawian cichlids -- I have seen this done, and the bichir
can end up with its fins stripped away. Keep Senegal Bichirs
alone or with peaceful day-active tankmates too large to be
viewed as food, e.g., Giant Danios or Swordtails. Cheers,
Greetings from Jakarta, Indonesia. Cray and Polypterus
fdg. 2/5/12
<Salutations from San Diego, CA>
Dear WetWebMedia Crews,
Greetings from Jakarta, Indonesia. My name is Ben Haryo. I have
been reading the contents of your lovely website, http://www.wetwebmedia.com, and
I thank you all for providing such a wonderful place full of very
useful information for hobbyists such as myself.
<Welcome Ben>
I happen to live in Jakarta, Indonesia.
<Have visited there, and several other areas in your expansive
Living in the tropics has its advantages, and that includes
getting exotic fishes at very affordable prices. My current
aquatic friends consists of three freshwater lobsters (I include
a picture of one here), and two "Dragon Fishes"
(that's a translation for the local name of Polypterus
Palmas.. I have included their picture here). I have two
aquariums, one specifically for the lobsters, one for the Dragon
I have a couple of questions.. I am sure you have heard these
questions zillion times, so I am sorry for the inconvenience..
The thing is, the guy who sold me the lobsters and Palmas also
sold me plenty of small fishes (I don't know their Latin
names, here we call it "Ikan Cecere", literally
"small fish") as live food.
<Appear to be some species of livebearing or egg-laying
toothed carp>
He also sold me some Neon Tetras, which looks cool as a
"contrast" to the rather dull colors of the small
The lobsters ate both the small fishes and commercial shrimp
pellets, with no bad effects at all.. in fact they have moulted
twice and grow bigger ever since bought them. But I really
curious, is this how lobsters eat in their natural habitat? Any
<Ah yes. Read here:
Also, the Dragon Fishes ate the small fishes too, and the Neon
Tetras as well (here Tetras are very cheap, with one dollar you
can get a dozen!). I read in your website that it is not very
good in the long run to feed live fishes to the Palmas. Mine
seemed to be doing just fine, they enjoy munching on the small
fishes. I'd like to hear your further advice, should I wean
them away from the small fishes, or let them be?
<Should be fine, but do read here:
Well, thank you for your time, and I wish you all a happy
Best Regards,
Ben Haryo
<And you, Bob Fenner>

first aquarium 12/19/09
Hey guys,
Great site, I wish I had found it two days ago.
I have a cycled 90 gallon tank that tests out very well (according to a
friend and the LFS). Its a sand substrate with lots of plants, rocks
and a great filter good for 150 gallon tank (I cant recall the name but
its top of the line, recommend by a long time aquarium enthusiast).
<OK, but do take the recommended tank size for filters with a
spoonful of salt. They're based on the best case scenario, i.e.,
small, guppy-sized fish, not big predators. In the case of a 60 cm fish
like an Ornate Bichir, you'd be looking -- at minimum -- for a
filter rated at 8 times the volume of the tank in turnover per hour,
i.e., 8 x 90 = 720 gallons per hour.
Anything less will eventually mean cloudy water and high
ammonia/nitrite levels. You may be fine now while the Bichir is a pup,
but Ornate Bichirs grow extremely fast, so plan on making an upgrade
soon, should that be warranted (and it almost certainly will
In it I have: two 5" Ornate Bichirs, two 7" Rope Fish and
plan on two African Leaf Fish. There is a hockey sock of Guppies,
Tetras and Cory's as well (tank cycling crew).
<Well, the Bichirs and the Leaffish will eventually view the Guppies
as food, and unless you bred them at home, that isn't something
desirable. The problem with farmed fish -- especially anything sold as
"feeders" -- is their health tends to be variable. Just
looking at farmed livebearers, the prevalence of Camallanus digestive
tract worms seems to be very common, especially in the US. Allowing
such fish to be eaten by a prized predator is likely to infect it with
parasites. So while there's a tradition among the less experienced
hobbyists to allow or even encourage their predatory fish to consume
small fish, it's something experienced hobbyists strongly recommend
against. There are things like Silver Dollars, Congo Tetras and some of
the larger barbs such as Spanner Barbs and Clown Barbs that would make
superb companions for Bichirs, so if you have the option, replacing the
smaller fish with these would be very wise indeed.>
I want a single elephant nose (but am intimidated by their difficult
reputation) or a Ghost Knife Fish as well.
<You are wise to be prudent. Neither of these species makes an
obviously good companion of Bichirs of the type you're keeping.
Polypterus ornatipinnis is a big, aggressive species usually kept only
with robust tankmates. Elephantnoses are extremely fussy feeders that
need to be kept in a tank with soft sand (never gravel) and they should
never be forced to compete for food, even with Corydoras. That path
leads to starvation.
Apteronotus albifrons is marginally easier to keep, but it's size
and sensitivity to poor water conditions, as well as its need for
strong water current and lots of oxygen, means it needs a different
habitat to Bichirs or Ctenopoma. In short, neither species is a good
choice for beginners, and indeed most moderately experienced aquarists
fail to keep them alive for long.>
Is this feasible?
<No. The Ropefish are going to have a hard life in here, and the two
Bichirs will eventually fight.>
Will the Bichirs fight? I just found out that they can get
<Yes. All Polypterus are more or less territorial, with only the
smallest species, like Polypterus senegalus and P. palmas, being
manageable in groups. The medium sized and large species tend to be far
too intolerant.>
Any and all advice is more that welcome.
Warm Regards,
<Would sit back, review what you want in the long term, and then
rehouse those fish that break the plan. The Bichir community is a
classic, and a single medium sized species alongside things like
Synodontis, Hemisynodontis, Anaspidoglanis macrostoma, Ctenopoma, Congo
Tetras, and various West African cichlids can work extremely well.
Robust South American cats like Panaque, Hypostomus, Callichthys
callichthys and Hoplosternum littorale are also good choices. The
African Knifefish (Xenomystus) is a good companion for the smaller
Bichirs, but should be okay with an Ornate Bichir; that said, if you
could get an Asian Knife (Notopterus) -- but not a Clown Knife
(Chitala) -- these would be a better size for life with an Ornate
Bichir. That said, your tank isn't huge, so choice of tankmates
will be limited. Cheers, Neale.>
dinosaur eel (Bichir), ID, gen. 11/12/07 Hi I
bought a "Dinosaur eel" from my local pet store and it
is doing great eats readily etc.... but I wondering if it can
match up with any other fish because he seems a bit aggressive
and I want to have more variety in that tank. Whenever I feed him
blood worms he grabs onto them and thrashes around crazily until
its all down. Also I was wondering if a small convict cichlid
(1.5 inch) could go with him. Or any other fish that could make a
pair. Also it is only a baby, (4 inches) and I realize it will
get much bigger. I was also wondering if I should feed it
anything else besides high quality flakes, brine shrimp, and
bloodworms. Maybe some feeder guppies? thank you. <I'm
curious precisely what fish you have. Dinosaur Eels are typically
Polypterus species, also known as Bichirs (a word for which the
correct pronunciation has been lost in the mists of time). The
most common species in the trade is Polypterus senegalus, a
uniform grey-pink fish with a whitish underbelly. It gets to
about 30 cm in length. The other common species is normally
called Polypterus palmas by hobbyists but may in fact be any one
of a handful of similar species. It's mottled grey above with
a yellowy-white underbelly. Again, maximum size is around 30 cm.
The only other fish I can imagine this is would be Erpetoichthys
calabaricus, the Ropefish or Reedfish. This is a very eel-like
animal with a green body and orangey underbelly. Maximum size in
aquaria seems to be around 60 cm, but wild fish approach one
metre in length. Unlike the Polypterus species already mentioned,
this is a "schooling" fish of sorts, and rarely does
well kept singly. Keep in groups of three or more specimens. By
contrast, Polypterus species tend to be snappy, and in some case
outright hostile towards one another. All three of these fish are
good community fish when kept with animals too large to eat.
Cichlids, catfish and medium sized barbs and tetras will work
well. Anything too small (guppy-sized) will be eaten.
Erpetoichthys calabaricus is very peaceful and shouldn't be
kept with anything aggressive, or it becomes shy. There are some
other species of Polypterus in the trade, include some very mean
and aggressive ones that are normally kept alone (e.g.,
Polypterus Bichir and Polypterus ornatipinnis). But those species
are relatively uncommon. Fishbase is a good site to visit if you
are having problems identifying Bichirs. Do a search for
"Polypterus" and look them over. The Polypteridae is a
small family, so this won't take long. All three species
mentioned here feed primarily on invertebrates, particularly
insect larvae. Bloodworms and mosquito larvae make excellent
staples. None needs feeder fish, and for all the usual reasons
you shouldn't use feeder fish unless you are breeding them
yourself. If you want to give them live foods, then the correct
food items for these fish are earthworms, mealworms, river
shrimps, Gammarus, and the like. But since they hunt by smell,
live food is redundant. Anything that smells right will be eaten.
These fish adore frozen prawns and other seafood, chopped into
smallish chunks. As usual with nocturnal hunters, only put small
amounts in the tank each night; too much food makes it difficult
for these practically blind fish to locate the food because the
smell will be everywhere. A 15 cm Polypterus only needs a two or
three chunks of prawn about the size of your fingernail, or a
single cube of bloodworms. Hope this helps, Neale.>
My dinosaur eel... Polypterid gen.
11/14/2007 Marco's go Hello, <Hi.> I
am an experienced fish keeper with 4 tanks of my own. And in one
tank I have a "dinosaur eel" and that is what the store
I bought it from said it was. The problem is I can not find a
Latin name for the little guy and need to find out more. <Have
a look here:
Each picture will lead you to a description and more pictures.
Should be possible to find the scientific name and give us
something to work with. Dinosaur eel is just a general name that
may be used for any of the Bichir species and others. Also read
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/polypterids.htm and
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/taxonomy.htm >
Right now he is only 4 inches and I know he will get to about 12
inches. <How do you know if you do not know the species?>
He is in a small little 5 gallon eclipse and is as happy as a
clam. <Tank too small�� produces lots of nitrogenous
waste and will be poisoning itself.> When it comes time to
upgrade the little fellow I am going to purchase a 15 gallon.
<Still too small�� for any Bichir.> And since he
only roams around the bottom I was wondering if there are any
compatible fish for the little guy. <Depends on the species
and personality of the fish. Cichlids and catfish of adequate
size can work, but you will need a larger tank first.> I know
he is aggressive because when I feed him his favourite foods
(blood worms) he goes crazy and attacks it and thrashes around.
If you don��t know what this "dinosaur eel"
is I don't blame you. <I��m glad to hear
that.> I can give you some description. It is a Bichir and has
a white under belly and a fanned out tail. Its head also looks
kind of like a lizard. the back colour is sort of whitish
brownish. <Please have a look at the site linked to above and
properly identify your eel. If it is mottled white and brown
compare it to pictures of Polypterus ornatipinnis.> Thanks for
your support and I love your site it has helped me a lot.
<Good to hear. Thanks, Dinosaur Marco.>
Polypterids 5/8/06 Thank you or
your informative article on Polypterids. I recently purchased one from
the LFS who didn't know all too much about them. With a bit of my
own research I decided to get one of the Senegal Bichirs for my Jack
Dempsey tank. <Mmmm, not a good mix potentially... do keep your eyes
open here> I was very worried they'd eat him up, he's the
most expensive fish I own lol. Either way, Your article had great
insight to its behavior, dietary needs and what I should expect from it
in the future as it crawls the bottom of my tank. Thanks again, Great
article! //Blair <Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Marbled Bichir repro.
7/22/06 Hi, this is Kiel speaking and I have a breeding question.
In the near future I'm getting a 55 gallon tank, and
I'm planning to try to breed my Marbled Bichir pair. I
have learned everything I need to know about breeding them,
except what size they breed at. I really need your help
on this. <Likely at eight inches (20 cm.) or so... Please
see here: http://fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=2386
see the linked topics below, the reference to Baensch and Riehl?... Bob
Ravenous Ropefish, or Sick Cichlid? -
06/01/2006 I sent you the picture of the Ropefish last week, and I
was wondering if they are aggressive towards their
tankmates. <Mm, no, not typically.... Though
they will be capable of consuming slow, small, or bottom-dwelling
critters that are not too big to consider as food.> I had two
African Cichlids in a 40 Gal, and I introduced the Ropefish about a
week ago. I woke up this morning and one of the Cichlids
(about 2"), was dead, and the Ropefish was chewing on
him. I was just trying to figure out if he could have killed
him, or if something else caused the death of the cichlid.
<Likely something else, unless this Ropefish is quite large.> The
cichlid seemed a little listless for a couple of days, then seemed to
be a lot more energetic, was eating more, and then suddenly he was
dead. He had started staying in the same area as the
Ropefish for the last day or so. Just trying to figure out
what is going on, as if there is something wrong with the water, I want
to fix it before I subject others to it. <Definitely test for pH,
ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Also remember that African
cichlids are territorial and can be aggressive to one
another. One last thing to keep in mind, African
(Malawi/Tanganyikan) cichlids and Polypterids have quite different
requirements for water. I would not consider keeping this
mix; Polypterids tend to prefer water with a pH of 7.0 or below,
whereas Malawi and Tanganyikan cichlids require a pH closer to 8.3 or
so, which is just too high for Polypterids.> Thanks you so
much! Nick <I hope all goes
well! -Sabrina>
Mixing Crayfish And Bichirs 4/09/06 Hi,
thx in advance for answering my question. I have a 40 gallon tank with
(1) 4 Australian blue crayfish, (2) gold Gouramis, (2)
pearl Gouramis, (1) Bala shark, (1) Pleco. I would like to
make a Bichir the final addition to my tank, but of obvious reasons
there may be a clash between my crayfish and the Bichir. Do
you have any thoughts on how this setup will work? Sincerely Chad <
The crayfish will try to eat the Bichir at first depending on the size
of each. As the Bichir gets bigger there will come a time when the
crayfish will molt and the soft new shell will leave the crayfish
vulnerable to attack by the Bichir.-Chuck>
Ornate Bichir 1/31/06 Hi Robert, I'm a big
fan, your website has served me very well and kept all the fish
I've ever had alive and well. I'm going to purchase an Ornate
Bichir to put in my 55 gal. I plan on putting it into my QT tank for at
least a month before adding him to the larger tank. The 55 gal has been
up and running for several months now, it's planted and uses a
Fluval 304 and a Penguin 350 BIO-wheel for filtration. All I have in it
right now is a Pictus Catfish about 5 in. The guy at the fish store
told me I cannot put anything else in a tank with an Ornate Bichir
including other Bichir/eels and catfish. In your professional opinion
do think that an Ornate Bichir and a Pictus Cat will get along or
should I find the Pictus a new home? Thanks a million, >> Hello
Phil, There are hundreds of species of fish you could keep with an
ornate Bichir. They are not aggressive fish, so the only think you have
to keep in mind is that they are predators. They will swallow any fish
that fits in their mouth, including your pictus cat if he is too small.
Good Luck, Oliver
Polypterus predation 1/31/06 I just
stumbled across your site today. Very
informative! I have dabbled in aquaria for many years, had a
fledgling maintenance business (more like a hobby playing with other
people's money as I knew nothing of business at the time and
learned a great deal about aquaria and business at my
expense). I have often thought of having a good sized
aquarium (2-300 gal) well planted, and stocked with feeder white clouds
and Neons in large quantities. I wasn't sure if the
Polypterid would be able to easily capture these small quick fish or
not. I guess it's the evil side of me that likes the
idea of the normal response of "Gee, look at the pretty fish"
followed by "What the heck is that thing?" as the
Polypterid eats one of their pretty little fish. That and I
just love the primitive look of the Polypterids and
lungfish. Any suggestions (that don't include
psychiatric help)? I noticed don't recommend UG filters
for Polypterids. What is the reasoning behind
that? I have typically used UG's with penguin powerheads
and have had good results. Would that create too much
current for them to surface and breathe? >> Dear Allen, These
fish eat at night when the barbs and tetras sleep. so they will have no
problem eating them at all. Except you will not see it eat most of the
time. Other than that it will work fine. Lungfish especially also eat
some snails in nature, so you may want to consider that as well. UG
filters are not ideal because these fish may uncover part of them, and
that would make them useless, I would recommend a strong powerfilter
instead. Good Luck, Oliver Polypterids 10/3/05 Hi there,
I'm Rohaizat from Malaysia, which country are you from ?
<The U.S., in Hawai'i currently, but have visited your
country... Pulau Redang, KL, various places in Saba> Your article
was very informative as I found from wet web media.com. How many
species of these kind do you have. <None currently, but have had
four I believe> I have 4 of them just like those in the pictures.
But a friend of mine had a foot long ornate Bichir <Wow, big>
where mine is only 5 inches. Where can I find more info regarding this
fishes, if you could help. <Mainly large, public/college
libraries> I would like to send you their pictures later if you
like. Have a nice day, anyway. Bye... Rohaizat
Roosley <Thank you for writing, sharing. Bob
Packin' In The Polypterids - 08/24/2005 Hi <Hello.>
I've just acquired the two fish above, <Polypterus ornatipinnis
and P. lapradei> both are approximately 9" and healthy looking
specimens. They are in a 48 x 15 x 18 tank <I assume this is in
inches? This is FAR too small a tank for multiple
Polypterus, even small, without severe
territoriality/aggression....> with a few catfish and a school of 8
convict cichlids as well as 2 small (4-5") senegalus. <Four
Polypterids.... in 55 gallons.... Not a great
plan. All the fish are healthy, greedy eaters, apart from the two new
Polys. I've not seen them eat yet after being in the tank for
almost a week, <Were these two quarantined prior to
introduction?> the senegalus are greedy eaters, constantly looking
like a bag of marbles and I was assured the ornate and lap where greedy
too. <Likely they are being prevented food by the existing P.
senegalus, despite the difference in size.... Possibly
fighting/getting stressed after dark....> I've tried offering
lance fish, live earth worms, blood worm, prawns and catfish pellets,
I've offered food in the day and at night when the lights are out
as they are nocturnal fish, but I've still not seen them eat.
<There is serious conflict here; these animals very likely will not
coexist with any semblance of peace.... One or all may end
up killed as they age/grow.> Any suggestions on what to do?
<Remove the two newcomers, and when the two P. senegalus (still
quite small) begin to grow and show aggression toward each other,
remove one. The only Polypterus species I've heard
regular accounts of peaceful groups is P. palmas.... and
even still, ALL Polypterids get too large in the long run for a 55g
tank. Much to think about, here, I fear.... I do
hate being the bearer of bad news. Please read here for
more: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/polypterids.htm
.> Kind regards, Ashley Etchell <Wishing you and your
fishes well, -Sabrina>
Senegal Bichirs/s Hi there my name is Jason from Auckland,
New Zealand, the other day I bought a couple of Senegal Bichirs and I
was wondering if there is any way of telling if they are short body
Senegal or normal ones, they are about 4inch. <Mmm, I am not aware
that there is any more than just the one species: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/polypterids.htm>
The pet shop that I bought them from told me that they were lung fish
but after searching the web for these fish I found that they are
Bichirs not lung fish, and that there are short and long body types.
Are you guys able to help? Cheers. <Please see the above link, and
read about the family on Fishbase.org Bob Fenner> New armored
Bichir First and foremost, kudos on an amazingly
informative website. Easily navigated, well maintained, and
chock-full of great ideas and tips. I acquired a 100gal.
tank with cabinet base and canopy a couple of years ago. It
was in pretty bad shape but with a lot of sandpaper, stain, acrylic
scratch remover, and elbow-grease it is an eye-catching addition to my
home. I initially started a cichlid tank but quickly
realized I was way in over my head. Unfortunately, this cost
me a couple of hundred dollars and approx. 15 innocent fish their
lives. I decided to go with a semi-aggressive
community tank, after a couple of months of mourning, of
course. After establishing the tank again, I
have slowly accumulated:
sharks 2
Kuhli loaches
dollar 2
sharks 1
upside-down catfish
Chaetostoma (Rubberlip) 1 mystery fish (girlfriend)
and 1
new armored Bichir. I love the Bichir but he doesn't
seem to be eating. I have tried frozen blood worms placed
directly in front of him as he is too slow to compete with the other
quicker fish (as I'm sure you know) but that didn't
take. He does seem to like the floating cichlid pellets I
had left over as long as I drop them directly in front of him, however,
I am hesitant to let him get used to these.
After perusing your website, I noticed that many offer
their Bichirs beef heart. My main questions
are: 1) How often should I feed him? and 2) What size/amount
chunks are best? (He is a young'n at only about 4-5 inches)
Also, on a side note: I have two large porous
lava rocks in the tank that have been 'infested'? with a
light-green covering, finding the majority of it where there is no
direct light. It doesn't seem to have any ill-effect on
water quality or the fish but I was still just wondering. <Just an
algae. Nothing to worry about.> I'd appreciate any
response and apologize in advance if I missed the answer to these
inquiries in the various FAQ's. <Good info on this oddball here.
Hope this helps. Don>
I Didn't Mean to Call You a Bichir! Another
lesson in how Not to Punctuate Sorry to bother you but
I don't know who else to ask.. I have this Bichir who looks
very swollen.. from bellow the head to the mid fin.. it has been
swollen for weeks now, I have 3 more Bichirs in the tank that are
doing fine.. I have a 55 gal thank.. it seems to be ok
except for the swelling.. it seems to have gone bigger too in the
last couple of days.. I've had that Bichir for more than a
year now, at least 1.5 years.. I attached a picture so you can
see what I mean.. thanks for your help. < You need to
get some Metronidazole ASAP! This bloat situation can be cured if
it is caught early. It usually happens in cichlids mainly
Tropheus and some lake Malawian fish. I think it is stress
related. Big fish are messy eaters and generate a lot of waste.
It is easy to let the wastes build up in the tank and get out of
hand unless you do some water changes. If your fish is still
alive you need to do a 30% water change now and treat the water
for ich. A Formalin-malachite green medication will work. Add a
hand full of rock salt too. Look for the Metronidazole at your
local store. Check the ingredients for it. It may not be labeled
as such. Treat the entire tank with 250 mg per 10 gallons. Use a
little extra and use 6 tablets. Remove any carbon from your
filters and if you have a Marineland filter with a BioWheel then
remove it and place it in a plastic bag with some aquarium water
in it. Leave it open and don't let it dry out. Do not treat
on the second day and repeat day number one on the third day and
every other day until the fish is cured. If the fish dies then
watch the others closely in case they don't eat. If they
don't it means that they are sick too and need treating. I
got this cure a few months ago from another website. The website
is called JDTropheus.com. They deal strictly with cichlids in the
genus Tropheus and this cure does work. Good Luck.-Chuck>

A Thank You Hello WWM Crew, within the following page,
concerning to your pages, a person called Chuck gave a very helpful
answer to a question concerning a problem that now also occurred in
my tank. I successfully saved my Bichirs using the tips published
on your website. I want to say Thank You to Chuck for his help, so
I want you to give me his email address. Sorry, If I did not notice
any contact formulas of your page, but I got to your page by using
a German internet search engine, so maybe I did not get the full
frameset of your page. The URL of the page is:
www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bichirfaqs.htm Thanks a lot for
your answer. < I am glad you were able to save your Bichirs. The
real credit should go to a Tropheus breeder who turned me on to
this treatment. You can find him on his website at
JDTropheus.com.-Chuck> Greetings from Germany, yours Dr. D.
Groll |
Senegal Bichirs problems Hi all, I have / had 2 Polypterus
senegalus 1 may have committed suicide. <Senegal Bichirs
usually are survivors given the proper living conditions. Though they
are known for jumping out of a poorly sealed tank. They need quite a
large tank to keep them happy.> I know they go after anything they
can fit in their mouth but, would that also include one of their own if
it is smaller then the remaining 1 thanks. <Senegal Bichirs are
carnivorous critters. They feed on live foods and dead meaty
foods such as earthworms, mussels and silversides. They do
show aggression to their own species, especially if you don't give
each fish a cave or something they can hide in and call their
own. It's not out of the question for one of them to
attack and kill a competitor... Though, none of the ones I have worked
with in the past had killed and eaten another Senegal Bichir.> Dave
<Hope that helped.-Magnus>
Bichirs Breeding? 7/11/03 Hi, I have a question on how to
breed Bichirs. I have two of them, one male, and one female. my
question is what size tank should I use, and is there any
"tricks" to get them to breed. also what water qualities
should I have. any other information would be much
appreciated. Thank
,regrettably, I am not aware of captive commercial propagation of these
fishes (naturally v. hormones). Will post on the daily FAQ page for
feedback from our readers though... do check back for the next couple
days by reading the FAQs. Best of luck! Anthony>
Bichir gill growths Hi Bob, I'm the guy that owns the 17
inches ornate with a torn left pectoral fins. Thanks for your reply. In
between, I forgot to tell you that a juvenile ornate specimen of mine
have 'red color horns' that resembles the Chinese saint animal
'dragon'. The 'horns' grow from inside the gills and go
upwards. And the 'horns' grows as the fish grows. I had never
seen anything like this before. No doubt it is BEAUTIFUL, but I am
worried that it might be some disease or similar. <Not likely.
Especially if this fish is small/young... they have growths that come
out of their gill areas then. Bob Fenner> Rgds, Uix
Torn Bichir fin Dear Dr. Fenner, <Just Bob, please>
Please help me. I own a ornate Bichir which is now currently 17 inches.
I love him dearly. Last night, the left hand side of the pectoral fin
of my Bichir was torn! Left with only the muscle part, the rest of the
fin is gone! I am not sure what happened....... Dr., will the fin grow
back in time??? Please tell me..... <Sounds like either a
tremendous injury (did the fish get stuck somehow?) or an aggressive
encounter with a tankmate. If the injury isn't too deep the fin
will regenerate. These fishes are tough. Bob Fenner> thanks Uix
Please help Yoshi (a Bichir) Hello, my name is
Erin. I have been active in the fish hobby for awhile, with
two 30 gallon tanks, one 10 gallon quarantine tank, a five gallon, and
12 Betta bowls. I would like to address in issue that has
arisen. <Wow!> I have had a fire eel, Astral, a Polypterus
delhezi, Yoshi, in a 30 gallon tank for around 3
months. They seem to be accepting each other just fine and
share the same hang out spots for nocturnal fish. Astral is
about 6-7 inches in length, and Yoshi is yet a baby at only 5
inches. Both take in a several ghost shrimp a day without
hesitation, and Yoshi loves his beef heart cubes. I just got
in my ornate Bichir and was shocked to see him already close to 9
inches and quite girthy. I have another 30 gallon set up
with African cichlids, but the tank with Astral and Yoshi is the one
with the eclipse hood. Have you ever known an ornate Bichir
to prey upon an Armoured Bichir of smaller size? I would
hate to lose Yoshi in such a way, he is a great fish. Thanks for
listening, and I hope to hear back from you. Erin.
<Unfortunately, the ornate Bichirs are reputed to go after others of
their species so a mix isn��t advisable. Ronni>
Ornate Bichirs nostrils Hi, I would like to know does the
tubular nostrils of a Bichir grows back in time it happen to be bitten
off by cichlids? thanks Rgds Louis <If not bitten too far back, yes.
Bob Fenner>
Adding to Bichir Tank Bob, Now that I have the Bichirs in
their own tank, is there any other fish that would be compatible with
them? <Umm, yes... other African fishes from the same regions.
Please see fishbase.org are the species you already have, and
WetWebMedia.com re freshwater fish groups. Bob Fenner> Dave
Bichirs Hi I recently just found your site. I had
a few questions about Bichirs before I go out and buy
them. I currently own a 20 gallon freshwater
tank. The only current resident in that tank is a freshwater
moray. I have added some aquarium salt to the tank to
alleviate any problems he's had with breathing. I'm
currently interested in turning this tank into a brackish water tank
and was wondering if Bichirs can cope with brackish
water. Also, what is the most active Bichir you can
recommend as I've heard the ornate Bichirs are very very
shy. Are there any other fish that would do well with these
two species? Oh and do you recommend any equipment for a
brackish water tank? Thanks for your time and I think your
website is great. Peter Kim <Hi Peter, Thank You for your comments
on the site! I would encourage you to keep fish in conditions that they
are evolved to. Bichirs are freshwater tropical African
fish. FW Morays are a Freshwater/brackish/marine
species. I would also be concerned with keeping any of these
species in a 20 gallon tank. Please type in "freshwater
moray" into the Google search at WetWebMedia.com and also see:
to read about Bichirs. Take note of the water chemistry
warning! Craig>
BICHIR I would just like to ask on how you can tell sex in a
Bichir? thank you <Mmm, please read over the materials stored for
the family (Polypteridae) posted on fishbase.org Bob Fenner>
Polypterus palmas do u know where I can buy a Polypterus
palmas or Polypterus delhezi? and do u know how much they cost?
<These Bichirs ought to be available from your local livestock fish
stores... maybe as special order items. These are amongst the more
commonly readily available species. Otherwise, I would shop around the
not-so local e-tailers WITH the input of actual hobbyist users
opinions. Perhaps start with our Chatforum:
http://talk.wetwebfotos.com/ (ask where, reputation...) and the
annotated list of suppliers on our Links Pages:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/links.htm Cost for Palmas should be in the
$30 U.S. range, Delhezi about ten, fifteen dollars more... plus
shipping and handling if ordered distally. Bob Fenner>
Compatibility I've had a Bichir 4 about a year now,
he's about 10" long and have recently purchased a Amphiuma for
the same tank. he's nearing 2' and seems aggressive to
everything but the Bichir. (he ate a gar already) should I be worried
or might they leave each other alone? <I would be/am concerned...
the Amphiuma (an amphibian to those out there browsing) will indeed at
least try to eat the Bichir... if it has eaten a Gar (family
Lepisosteidae)... I'd move them to separate quarters. Bob
Polypterus ornatipinnis Dr. Fenner: Hi. I've had 2
Bichirs together for almost a year in a 30 gal tank. The biggest one
used to attack the small one for a while but both survived. I also have
a horn Plecos and a Gourami. Three days ago I bought a 40 gal long tank
so my Bichirs could have more space since they are getting huge. The
big Bichir is about 8" long and since I moved them to the new tank
the smallest has been attacking him to the point of bleeding. I'm
very frustrated. Could you give me any advice if there is something I
could do or if I should separate them???? Juliana <I would
definitely separate these two... they are territorial in the wild and
in captivity when kept in too small a system (a forty is small)... and
they do get larger... Bob Fenner>
Re: Polypterus ornatipinnis Thank you for answering my email.
I'm in the process of setting up the second tank. Juliana <Ah,
good to read/hear. Have seen some great Polypterids around the world in
Public Aquariums... some that they've had for decades... and even
saw a Bichir on a cemetery wall in an ancient Pharaonic setting in
Egypt years back... one of my favorite groups of fishes. Bob
Polypterus I'm interested in raising Polypterus but
they're one of those obscure species the folks at the pet store
aren't able to tell me much about. I've been reading online for
info and yr page has been incredibly helpful. what I'm thinking
about purchasing is either p. palmas or the armored Bichir, as both
those are available to me. (the Ropefish is a little too big for
my tastes and personally, I don't like it aesthetically...) which
is the smaller of the two and what would be the minimum tank size
requirement if I were to just keep one specimen in the tank with no
other fish? <Polypterus palmas would be/is my choice. At a foot
maximum length it is amongst the smallest of species of Bichirs. A
twenty gallon long (30 inches long) would be the smallest of systems
I'd suggest.> also, since these are able to breathe air, am I
able to get away with just a bubble stone and one of those small
whisper aerators, or do I need an elaborate set up? <Not
really elaborate, but more shallow and well-filtered nonetheless... The
former to ease aerial access, the latter to account for their meaty
foods, messy habits. I would utilize a good outside power filter (at
least a large size hang on the back power type), and take pains to
cover any/all spots where the animal might escape... The family is
notorious at getting out of their glass houses.> anything else you
can tell me about the basic set up would be great. the food information
on the page was informative as well as the community/conspecific
interaction. thanks, -Ming > <So much to say... Get hold of
Gunther Sterba's freshwater aquarium and diversity books and read
about the "many fins"... Bob Fenner>
Polypterus I have a few questions on the ornate Bichir. What
kinds of foods do you recommend feeding them? How long is there
lifespan? How large do they grow? What the water temperature should be
and the PH? Thanks, MIKE > Meaty foods of appropriate
(mouth) size. The Polypterus I used to keep I mainly fed larval beetles
(meal worms etc.), earthworms (Oligochaete), and cut meat like cubes of
beef heart. This species (and others) live several years... the
biggest ornatissimus I've seen is about eighteen inches. Some other
Polypterids grow to more than two feet in length. Low seventies to low
eighties F. is about right temperature. pH about neutral is best in my
opinion as their water tends to go acid (which it is in the wild) with
aging. Bob Fenner
Polypterus Dear Mr. Fenner: I'm very interested to
acquire some Polypterus but I don't know where can I found some
photos of them biotope, because I love the "biotopical
aquariums". I have a 450 Liter aquarium, a 2500 liter/hour
external filter. How many Polypterus can I breed in ?? Thank you for
advanced: Xavi Well... if really interested... would encourage
you to do something in the way of a scientific literature search.
You're welcome to the input about such searches posted on the site:
Home Page ... Otherwise, an old, but still valuable source is Gunther
Sterba's works on freshwater fishes. Do a look-see through the
"used" book sources on the net for these. Bob Fenner
Ornate Bichirs Hi, I've been planning to keep an ornate
Bichir have a forty gallon tank do you thing that would suit one. Do
you know if you can keep water dogs or mud puppies with them. Thanks,
Mike > I wouldn't mix amphibians with the Bichir... they're
quite messy and too much competition for bottom space... Bob Fenner