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Fancy guppy... beh. 7/26/2009 Guppy problem need help soon... - 4/6/07 Hi, <<Hello, Shilpi. Tom here.>> I have a 3 gallon tank.. I have 2 Guppies one male, one female... 1 Neon Tetra... 1 Gold Algae Eater (Scavenger)... Yesterday, I saw the Gold Algae Eater going and sitting on the male guppy (Do not know if it was biting the fish or what was it probably up to?) So, I moved gold algae Eater from the tank to a different place... but the next day I saw the male Guppy with white round spot (kind of fungus) on its fin near the gills.. and the in a couple of hours it was dead... I removed the dead male guppy from the tank.. but I am afraid that remaining 2 fishes might get infected. Please tell me how to treat the tank so the other fishes are safe (I also think that my female Guppy is expecting babies)...... <<Shilpi, a Gold Algae Eater is a color variant of the Chinese Algae Eater, a fish notorious for feeding on the slime coats and flesh of its tank mates. You don't mention how old the CAE is but this murderous behavior usually manifests itself as the fish approaches adulthood. The wounds inflicted are round matching the shape of the CAEs mouth. These wounds are also terribly susceptible to fungal infections since the protective slime coat is missing. Now that I've shared the bad news, the good news is that the fungus that developed on the wound of your Guppy was already present in the tank, anyway. Your healthy fish weren't, and likely wont be, affected by it. You took care of the problem by removing the Algae Eater.>> Thanks, Shilpi <<You're welcome, Shilpi. Best regards. Tom>> Losing Guppies 5/9/07
Hi, please say you can help my son has 2 male mollies, 2 platies, 3
guppies well 2 now and 1 male Siamese fighter. The first guppies we
found dead yesterday with hardly any tail but all the others were ok
now today one of the other guppies has had nearly all its tail eaten
can you please help me by telling me which fish you think is killing
them so I can remove it thanks Gemma <Most likely the Betta.>
<Chris> Male guppies don't reach full size
06/19/07 Hi there, <Hello Kym> I have a communal tank (2 foot
by one foot by 1.5 foot) which has begun to produce generations of
fantail guppies (there are tetras, bristle-nose catfish and a miniature
gourami in there otherwise). The female guppies grow to full size, but
it appears that the males never grow as large as their fathers.
they're happy and healthy and live as long as the others, but never
seem to grow to full size. Can you illuminate me? <This is
absolutely normal with livebearers. Contrary to the myth, breeding
livebearers isn't "easy". Sure, getting babies isn't
difficult, but producing quality stock requires a lot more effort. Put
simply, the fry to need to be kept apart from the adults in their own
tank so they are able to eat more and enjoy optimal water quality.
Meals need to be 6 times per day, and half those meals should be
algae-based, such as Spirulina flake. Water changes should be performed
every 2-3 days, at least 10-25% each time. Nitrates must be kept low,
but also various "metabolites" have to be diluted. These are
chemicals fish produce incidentally to their normal metabolism. In
aquaria these chemicals tend to stunt the growth of fish. Social
behaviour is also important. Adult males will bully juveniles, and in
doing so the resulting stress inhibits growth (in most social fish, the
dominant fish tend to grow bigger, while picked-upon fish stay
smaller). The bottom line is that it is almost impossible to get
full-sized Poecilia spp., whether mollies or guppies, when the babies
are left with the adults, unless the tank is really big and has plenty
of hiding space. Your tank isn't nearly large enough, so what
you're getting is small numbers of stunted guppies. That's fine
just for fun, but if you're serious about breeding, setting up a
10-20 gallon tank just for fry is the way to go.> Thanks, Kym
<Good luck, Neale> Dead pregnant
guppy 8/16/07 Hi, <Hello.> I had a pregnant fancy guppy
who was in fine health. I put a new male fancy guppy in the tank with
her 2 weeks ago, he was quite active and a bit aggressive which is why
I chose him, as my previous male guppy had been picked on by my tetras.
(I have 3 balloon mollies, 2 painted tetras, 1 Pleco, and these 2
guppies). <Surely the better solution would have been to remove the
tetras? Painted tetras are, I believe, albino Gymnocorymbus ternetzi
that have been injected (into the muscles) with fluorescent dyes.
Do you realise that this is done without anaesthesia and large numbers
of them die in the process? It also weakens their immune system.
It's possibly one of the nastiest and more venal aspects of the
fishkeeping hobby, and if I could, I'd run up to the guys who do it
and inject their muscles with massive amounts of fluorescent dye and
see if they liked it! Please please please do not support this evil
trade, and do not buy painted fish. In addition, Gymnocorymbus ternetzi
are notorious fin-nippers. A guppy is a swimming buffet as far as they
are concerned.> The male had always 'bothered' the female
and constantly swims by her side (maybe trying to mate??). She has
given birth before (by mating with my previous male) and been fine
afterwards. <Yes, he's partly trying to mate, but he's also
"guarding" the female to prevent another male from mating
with her. This way, he monopolizes what, in his mind at least, is a
limited resource: fertile females. Now, guppies should ALWAYS be kept
either as single sex groups or in mixed sex groups where the females
OUTNUMBER the males by at least 2 to 1. No-one listens when experienced
fishkeepers tell them this, because they think it's cute to have a
boy and a girl, and the boys are prettier anyway. And then, they end up
with stressed or dead female guppies.> I did a 30% water change 36
hours ago and they all were acting fine. She may have had a slight
decrease in appetite, not too sure. I did not see any signs of health
problems with her. She was a big slower due to her swollen belly. In
any case, I came home today to find, sadly, my pregnant female guppy
dead with her tail and fins bitten off. <Well, the Gymnocorymbus
ternetzi may well have eaten her fins, and the Plec will eat a dead
fish given the chance.> I was expecting her to give birth within a
week or so. (I'm so sad she died!). <Yes, I understand, and
I'm sorry for your loss.> 1) Is it possible the male killed
her?? If so, how can I prevent this in the future? I'd prefer not
to get him more females as I am afraid of overloading the tank.
<Yes, the male could well have stressed her. In a small tank
(anything less than 20 gallons in this case) the female would have had
no place to hide. He would stress her by chasing, and also preventing
her from feeding properly. While male guppies generally don't kill
the females outright, what they do is make it more difficult for the
female guppies to stay healthy.> 2)The male guppy is now swimming
alongside the mollies and bothering them... Is he trying to mate? Does
he need a female guppy's company? <Yes, he's treating the
mollies as if they were guppies. Mollies and guppies are members of the
same genus, Poecilia, and will even (occasionally) hybridise. Both
guppies and mollies should be kept in groups. They aren't schooling
fish as such, but they are sociable.> I'm very upset about her
death, and would really like to prevent it from happening again. Any
advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! <My advice is that you
go buy or borrow a book about Livebearing fishes. Or at the very least
read some of the articles here at WWM (see here:
) on the subject. Lots of people get even the basics wrong. These fish
need hard, alkaline water. Some (mollies for example) need brackish
water to do reliably well. All are more or less herbivorous, so at
least half the diet should be green foods, not standard flake. Get
these things wrong, and livebearers won't do well. Simple as that.
Cheers, Neale> Guppy with Popeye 2/1/06 Dear wet web media, <Leslie> I have a Guppy that has had Popeye for approximately 2 weeks. We had some aggressive Serpae tetras at the time, and I assumed it was due to the nipping they were doing. <Maybe> Immediately upon noticing the condition, I moved him to a fish bowl I have. It was the best I could do for a QT tank. I treated him with Epsom salts per your instruction in the FAQ section of your website. The eye has improved some, and he has started to eat (he wouldn't eat at first). There was a red ring under his eye for about a week, which has gone away, but I have still left him in QT because the LFS told me that Popeye is sometimes caused by a parasite, <Mmm, very rare actually. If one sided, a trauma or aggression almost always... if bilateral, typically environmental in cause> which eventually comes out from behind the eye. If it was a parasite, I did not want that released into my main tank. Basically, it has been two weeks and his eye is still bulging. The swelling has not gone down much. Should I treat him with something else, or should I just let him be. Thanks, Leslie <Mmm, some expense involved, but antibiotics can be attempted... Covered on WWM... search under Popeye, Freshwater. Bob Fenner>
Mmm, FW guppy
damage 9/10/06 Hi. <<Hi, Joanne. Tom>> I hope you
may be able to answer this question for me. <<I'll
give it my best, Joanne.>> I have a 180 litre tank in
which I currently have 11 Neons and 18 assorted
male guppies. The tank is heated, has an internal filter,
airstone and fluorescent lighting. My water quality is good
and I have had no problems. <<11 Neon Tetras and 18
Guppies in the U.S. equivalent of a 48-gallon tank?
Joanne, if I weren't happily married, I'd kiss you!
We spend so much time telling hobbyists to get larger tanks
for their pets that it's a breath of fresh air to have
someone write in that has provided room to spare for their
"charges". Well done!>> The fish shoal and
seem happy, until now. Last night I realized I was missing
one of the fantail guppies. I have 6 of these. The fish
in question I had always classed as the alpha male as he had
the most beautiful tail! <<"Alpha-ness" is
more behavioral than physical but I understand your
thinking...>> I eventually found him hiding and his tail
was virtually gone. <<Uh oh...>> What remained
was in tatters and he was obviously scared, seemed to be
shaking and he died minutes later. <<Sorry to hear
this, Joanne.>> I haven't been able to find any
info that says the other guppies would fight without females
present. <<Not likely that you would, Joanne. In the
world of Guppies, the females do the 'selecting'.
The "boys" will show off and try to attract
the attention of the females but an Alpha female is known to
kill a male, or males, that she deems unacceptable for
breeding.>> This only happened after I had added some
more guppies 2 days before. <<It's
possible/plausible that the males may have fought over the
"right" to breed, whether, or not, females were
present. The new additions may have triggered this response
but, frankly, this is speculation on my part.>> Is it
possible they did this? <<Highly unlikely,
though not impossible, that one, or more, of the new Guppies
did this. Typically, the "established" fish have,
or display, dominance over fish that are subsequently added
to the aquarium. (Timing can be very important when adding
fish.)>> If so, do you know why and, can I prevent
this from happening again? <<An educated (and I use
the term loosely) guess is that the established Guppies viewed the new
fish as potential breeding partners. The
"subordinate" males went after the most likely
candidate (the He-Bull, in a manner of speaking) in order to
increase their standing with the "females". Since
the "predominant" male is most likely to be chosen
to mate with a female, it makes sense, from the fishes' points
of view, to get rid of the biggest competition. Whether, or
not, utilizing a tank divider to keep the new fish separated
from the older ones is really academic. In a sense,
you'd be trying to cheat "Nature". (You might like to see
a Great White Shark live harmoniously with a seal but, it
isn't going to happen.) Bob would have a more eloquent
explanation but the fact is that, in some cases, Nature must
run its course.>> Thank you in advance Joanne x
mail... Male? guppy tail 10/4/06 Hi, <Hello there> I have been successfully "in line" breeding my guppies for a while now. I am now on about the 4th generation of father to daughter and now brother to sister breeding and so on... <What it takes to "fix" a line...> the cross colors become more brilliant down the line!! I have a male who is my favorite, and both his father and mother have already died. Recently my step son did the ultimate no-no (without my supervision) and stuck our isolated Betta into the community guppy tank. My first reaction was to get the Betta out of there. After a quick observation, I noticed that my Betta was content, and there was no aggressive behavior <Happens... but...> in the tank. I did not have time to get the Betta out, as I was just leaving for work and could not afford to be late!! My son was also going to school, so I had no option but to leave the Betta in the tank, until I got back home. If I could only buy extra time!! That evening when I got home, my favorite mail guppy was missing his beautiful fancy tail. <Argghhhh> It was bitten almost down to nothing, and completely gone. The skin/body is still ok...there is just a small nub of a tail that is left. Is there any chance of his tail growing back? <Mmm, not much if it is all the way down this far> If so, how long does it take to grow, and what can I do to help him survive without his tail?? <The usual "good care"... water changes, frequent feedings...> Will the colors change if it does grow back? <Possibly... but I doubt if it will regenerate. "Only time can/will tell"> He is rather a small guppy, one of my younger. I just hope I can save him, because his parents are gone, and he had an amazing tail color, unlike his brothers!! Of course I took the Betta out ASAP, and had a talk with my step son about the Betta who is better off alone (he thought the Betta was "lonely") my step son is only 5. Please, any input would be greatly appreciated! Lisa <Wishing you all well, Bob Fenner>
Bully Guppies? 9/11/06 Hi. <<Hi, Joanne. Tom>> I hope you may be able to answer this question for me. <<I'll give it my best, Joanne.>> I have a 180 litre tank in which I currently have 11 Neons and 18 assorted male guppies. The tank is heated, has an internal filter, airstone and fluorescent lighting. My water quality is good and I have had no problems. <<11 Neon Tetras and 18 Guppies in the U.S. equivalent of a 48-gallon tank? Joanne, if I weren't happily married, I'd kiss you! We spend so much time telling hobbyists to get larger tanks for their pets that it's a breath of fresh air to have someone write in that has provided room to spare for their "charges". Well done!>> The fish shoal and seem happy, until now. Last night I realized I was missing one of the fantail guppies. I have 6 of these. The fish in question I had always classed as the alpha male as he had the most beautiful tail! <<"Alpha-ness" is more behavioral than physical but I understand your thinking...>> I eventually found him hiding and his tail was virtually gone. <<Uh oh...>> What remained was in tatters and he was obviously scared, seemed to be shaking and he died minutes later. <<Sorry to hear this, Joanne.>> I haven't been able to find any info that says the other guppies would fight without females present. <<Not likely that you would, Joanne. In the world of Guppies, the females do the 'selecting'. The "boys" will show off and try to attract the attention of the females but an Alpha female is known to kill a male, or males, that she deems unacceptable for breeding.>> This only happened after I had added some more guppies 2 days before. <<It's possible/plausible that the males may have fought over the "right" to breed, whether, or not, females were present. The new additions may have triggered this response but, frankly, this is speculation on my part.>> Is it possible they did this? <<Highly unlikely, though not impossible, that one, or more, of the new Guppies did this. Typically, the "established" fish have, or display, dominance over fish that are subsequently added to the aquarium. (Timing can be very important when adding fish.)>> If so, do you know why and, can I prevent this from happening again? <<An educated (and I use the term loosely) guess is that the established Guppies viewed the new fish as potential breeding partners. The "subordinate" males went after the most likely candidate (the He-Bull, in a manner of speaking) in order to increase their standing with the "females". Since the "predominant" male is most likely to be chosen to mate with a female, it makes sense, from the fishes' points of view, to get rid of the biggest competition. Whether, or not, utilizing a tank divider to keep the new fish separated from the older ones is really academic. In a sense, you'd be trying to cheat "Nature". (You might like to see a Great White Shark live harmoniously with a seal but, it isn't going to happen.) Bob would have a more eloquent explanation but the fact is that, in some cases, Nature must run its course.>> Thank you in advance Joanne x <<I hope I've been of some help, Joanne. Tom>> Tail fin decrease in guppy Hi. I have a major problem with one of my male guppies. He is a green cobra guppy. Anyway I just bought him yesterday at the local pet store and he looked very healthy. When I woke up this morning I noticed about 90% of his tail fin was gone. I believe he is going to die soon. Please help me so if he dies I know what to do in the future. P.S I predict that one or two of the females in my tank ( 20 gal.) is responsible for this Tell if this prediction is Correct. < I don't think so. A power filter intake tube may have caught his tail. Barbs and Bettas can do this kind of damage too. I suspect it may be tail rot caused by a bacteria infection. Isolate the fish and see it gets worse. If it does then it is rot and you need to treat it with antibiotics like Furanace or Erythromycin.-Chuck> Sick Guppy 3/21/04 Hi, I have a sick guppy that I don't know how to treat, I'm not even exactly sure what is wrong. Hoping you can help me. I moved him to my 10 gal. QT tank 4 days ago because I noticed his poop looked funny. Sometimes it comes out clear, stringy, and with some white globs. Which I've read is indicative of internal parasites. <Yes, those can be the symptoms, along with eating & still skinny or not eating at all. The problem is, guppies aren't wild-caught fish & rarely come with internal parasites.><<Au contraire. RMF>> Sometimes it comes out like a tan/orange color and is very thick and curls up when it is a long string of it. It is so thick it actually looks like it would be very painful for him to pass it. It doesn't appear to be a worm or anything though. It's odd because I have had him for about 4 months now and he has always been very healthy and hardy and active. Even survived an Ich outbreak (due to buying infected fish without QT first) in my main (46 gal.) tank without getting one spot. This was before I realized the importance of a QT tank, and treated the Ich outbreak in my main tank. How could he have gotten sick? Could it have been from stress from my tormentive Mollie? <Could be.> I read that food laced with Metronidazole would be an effective treatment. However, I could not find any so I bought some Parasite Clear fizzing tablets made by Jungle. I treated once, and then did a 25% water change. He then seemed to be eating more and his poop looks like it is trying to return to normal but it has still got some areas of clear, white string in it. He is swimming around a lot more now, seems like he feels somewhat better. His tail was also looking a little ragged it had one rip in it, but I thought if I cured him his tail would cure itself. But now his tail is getting worse. It is becoming more ragged and has two blood spots in it. Twice now I have even seen a little bit of blood float off into the water when he moved. I have some Fin rot medication should I use this? And should I treat with the Parasite Clear again? <Internal parasites can only be treated internally, by treating the fish's food. By the fact that the Jungle product made your fish feel better, I don't think this is the problem. I really think your molly is the problem--they can be quite vicious. Your guppy felt better because the molly wasn't bothering it anymore. Starting treating you guppy with a combo of Melafix & Pimafix for it's tail. I'd find a new home for the molly.> Thanks so much! Stacie <You're welcome & good luck. ~PP> Sick guppies Hello, I'm having a problem with guppies dying. They are in a community tank (20 gal) with a couple mollies, two white clouds, a SAE, and a 1-inch fw puffer (adult size, no worries, he doesn't even try to eat the baby guppies). >>Hello :D I think will eventually have a problem with keeping puffers and guppies together. Puffers are notoriously aggressive fin nippers, and will start shredding tails at some point. The mollies can also be quite aggressive. What is the scientific name of the puffer? (Tetraodon travancorius?) These are two species that I would NEVER recommend to put with guppies, as generally, guppies should be only kept with non-aggressive fish.<< Oh, and there are currently two adult male and two adult female guppies (the number of small guppies varies with time, of course... maybe three tiny guys right now). This problem has been going on for a couple of months, and I'm at the end of my rope trying to figure it out/solve it. The symptoms are rapid breathing and progressive loss of energy, and a decreased interest in food. Some of the fish occasionally flick against the bottom. Only the guppies show symptoms/die. >>Normal, since guppies are the least resilient fish you have in the tank.<< I've treated the tank with Maracyn and Maracyn 2, thinking that this is an infection of the gills, but no success in eradicating it- every few weeks another fish starts having breathing problems. I have added aquarium salts to the tank (tsp/gal), having read that that will help with the breathing and should make an inhospitable environment for the infecting agent... not inhospitable enough, apparently! I have checked my water quality for pH and ammonia- 7.4 and 0 ppm (comes out of the tap at 7.2ish). I change the water regularly (every 1 to 2 weeks). >>You will need to treat with an anti-parasitic medication, like Super Ich Cure, or Quick Cure. I like Quick Cure because the Formalin in it helps against gill flukes. Remove your carbon, of course. Your pH is a tad low for mollies, and perhaps the puffer, too, depending on the species of puffer you are keeping. You have tested ammonia, but what about nitrite and nitrate? We really need to know this. Nitrite is just as toxic as ammonia, and a nitrite spike can last quite a long time. How much water do you change? What percentage, that is..<< Part of the reason that this has gone on so long is that only one fish at a time ever shows symptoms then dies, so I've thought that I had cleared up the problem previously, only to go through the same agonizing process a week or so later. Also, a friend who has many years of fish experience told me not to worry, that the guppies that were dying were probably just old... >>I doubt this.<< I won't take advice like that again from anyone who regards my fish as just a food source for bigger fish! It's now affecting fish that I know are only 7 months old. Please help if you can! I feel so awful watching them get sicker and sicker, not knowing what else I can do for them! Thank you! Sarah O PS I think I comb through your site about once a week, learning a bit more about aquaria and fish each time. It's a great resource, thank you for providing it! >>As I mentioned, go to your local fish store and buy an anti-parasitic medication. Your fish have gill flukes, a parasite. -Gwen Guppies dying We have a 120 gal. tank with
guppies, Neons, catfish, platies, rainbow or red tailed sharks, and
algae eaters. In the last 5 days 6 of our guppies have died. All of the
other fish are doing fine. We had a female die giving birth 5 days ago,
only 4 made it. Ever since then guppies have been dying everyday. Why
are the guppies dying and not the others and what could the problem be?
<It could be any number of things. The first thing to do is check
your water quality. I'm assuming the dying guppies are showing no signs
of disease? Sometimes this will happen for no explainable reason. I
have noticed with my own Guppies that every once in a while they will
go thru a period that I will lose several in a row even though
everything is fine. Ill go thru a week or so period losing a bunch and
then it will stop and I wont lose any for months. I still haven't been
able to figure out why this happens. Sorry I couldn't give you more
info! Ronni> Guppy problems First, thank you VERY much for
taking the time to review this. I looked online all night
and was nothing but confused by the end of it. I'm a new
guppy owner and am very inexperienced. I have a 20 gallon
tank with about 25 guppies, 1 apple snail, 1 Chinese algae eater,
<Keep your eye on this last fish... can become predaceous>
6 neon
tetras. |
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