FAQs on Giant Sailfin Plecos, Genera
Glyptoperichthys, Liposarcus, Pterygoplichthys:
Related Articles: Loricariids, Otocinclus, From
Pan-ack-ay to Pan-ack-zee, A Detailed Look at the Bizarre But
Beautiful Panaque Catfishes by Neale Monks
FAQs on: Glyptoperichthys, Liposarcus, Pterygoplichthys, Sailfin Giants
among the Loricariids 1, Large Plecos
2, FAQs on: Large
Plecos Identification, Large Plecos
Behavior, Large Plecos
Compatibility, Large Plecos
Systems, Large Plecos Feeding,
Large Plecos Health, Large Plecos Reproduction,
Related Catfish FAQs:
Loricariids 1, Otocinclus,
Other Loricariid Genera: FAQs on: Ancistrus, Baryancistrus, Genera Farlowella, Loricaria, Sturisoma,
Rhineloricaria: Twig Plecostomus, The Zebra Pleco, Hypancistrus zebra,
Hypostomus, Peckoltia : Clown
Plecostomus, Lasiancistrus,
Panaque, Pseudacanthicus, Scobanancistrus, L-number
catfish, Loricariid
Identification, Loricariid
Behavior, Loricariid
Compatibility, Loricariid Selection, Loricariid Systems, Loricariid Feeding, Loricariid Reproduction, Loricariid Disease, Catfish: Identification, Behavior, Compatibility, Selection, Systems, Feeding, Disease, Reproduction, Algae
... and about that Pangasiid.
Sucker 12/26/16
Dear find
I have a sucker fish from 2 year I have brought 2 sucker but one died with
in 6months and other one is energetic and eating much but he/she is not
growing in size
My question is if sucker is 2year old what will be its size?
Thank you
<This is a juvenile Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus or some very similar
species. It should get to 45 cm/18 inches in length. Certainly 20 cm/8
inches within 1 year, 30 cm/12 inches by the end of the second year. If this
catfish is not growing, despite being well fed, it may have intestinal
worms. Treat with something like Praziquantel or Levamisole. Hope this
helps, Neale.>
<Oh! Enil, this is a friend of Neale Monk's; another WWM volunteer. I'd like
to add that the albino Pangasius catfish in your photo will get VERY big...
and could cause trouble in terms of waste production, possibly ingest some
of your other livestock. Please read here re:
and the linked files at top. Bob Fenner>
Pleco donation 7/13/05 Hello WWM crew! <Hi
there> I am looking for ideas on where to donate a Pleco that is too
big. I want to find him (his name is Harley) a good home. I wish I had
known when I got him how big he would get. He is about 14" long
and we've had him for several years. We have a 50 gallon tank and
he is cramped in there with other fish. We don't have enough money
to buy anything bigger. Do you have any suggestions of safe homes or
places where there would be a mutual benefit? Thank you for any help
you have to offer, Rain and Harley <Mmm, you could try a local
public aquarium if there is one... Or the local tropical fish society
(likely listed on the Net)... maybe place an advert. at your local fish
stores, or even ask them for a trade for a couple of smaller
Plecostomus. Bob Fenner>
Re: Donated Pleco 7/14/05 Thank you for taking the time to answer
my question. I had not thought of the aquarium. I tried the zoo, but
they said they don't take animals that don't have known
histories. I appreciate the thoughts - Rain and Harley <Thank you
for your concern, sharing. Bob Fenner>