FAQs about "Freshwater" Morays Eels
Related FAQs:
FW Morays 1,
FW Morays 2,
FW Morays 3, FW Morays 4,
FW Morays 6,
FW Moray ID,
FW Moray Behavior,
FW Moray Compatibility,
FW Moray Selection,
FW Moray Systems,
FW Moray Feeding,
FW Moray Disease,
FW Moray Reproduction,
Marine Moray
Related Articles:
Freshwater Moray Eels by Marco Lichtenberger,
Freshwater Moray Eels by Bob Fenner,
Moray Eels, Other Marine Eels,
Re: bumblebee grouper in freshwater? Plus now, FW Moray
Hello Neale!
Thank you for the detailed and fascinating reply.
<You're welcome.>
I understand your explanation. We Indonesians are blessed to live in the
tropics; and many of our native fishes which are "common animal" for us, are
often "luxury pets" for people in another part of the world.
People in Europe and USA would have to be more careful in choosing the best
tropical fishes for their system, and ensuring that they buy only the animals
which are compatible with the aquariums they have. Otherwise, it's
money wasted, and precious live fish wasted :(
<Quite so. If you're experimenting with a common brackish water fish, one that
would just as likely end up on a dinner plate, then seeing how it would do in a
freshwater tank is understandable. Of course nobody wants to
kill a fish slowly across weeks or months, so if the fish stops eating or starts
getting sickly, then switch it back to brackish water conditions.
But if it's fine, then I don't see the harm.>
And certainly any fish that could grow bigger than one meter, like those poor
groupers, are not ideal pets :( better let them swim free in the ocean..
<In this case, yes, probably best.>
It is fascinating to read that individual variations does matter in the survival
of brackish/marine species in freshwater.
<Among all species, actually. Just think about humans -- all one species, but
with very slight variations that make individuals better at handling different
levels of UV exposure, oxygen availability, ability to digest milk as adults,
ability to resist diseases like cystic fibrosis and malaria -- all sorts of
minor genetic changes that evolution can work with. Nothing big enough to stop
us all being humans, but things that mean a person well suited to one part of
the world would be less well suited to another. This is the golden rule of
biology -- the more variation, the better it is for the species. Doesn't matter
if you're a human or a fish!>
As a matter of fact, I know a fish enthusiast who kept Gymnothorax
Polyuranodon in freshwater for many years, with no apparent bad effects to the
eel (I tried to buy it from him many times, never succeeded). He did
not buy the eel from a fish shop, he bought it directly from a fisherman who
fished the eel out of a river in Cilacap, South Java.
<There may well be regional populations of this Moray better adapted to living
in freshwater. But if the ones traded internationally are from estuaries near
the big cities, then those are the ones aquarists in Europe and the US will have
to deal with. This is known for some Archerfish species, including species
ordinarily thought of as brackish water fish known to breed at sea, but in some
cases with landlocked populations that clearly don't do this. Because those
landlocked populations are never traded, the standard advice to keep Toxotes
jaculatrix and T. chatareus in brackish water aquaria is good advice -- unless
of course you happen to live local to a true freshwater population and can
collect them yourself!>
Perhaps this is a case of a lucky eel, because I read in the web, sad stories of
morays who became stressed (some even died) after being kept in freshwater.
<Indeed; they commonly stop feeding, and after a few weeks or months, just die.>
I attach the picture of his eel with this picture.
<Do I see an Anabas climbing perch in there? Neat fish; never had the chance to
keep one, but on my wish list!>
He mentioned that he does not use any chemical formula, not even marine salt, he
just put the eel in the aquarium (together with some Anguilla bicolors), and use
the water taken from a nearby river, mixed with tap water.
<Not so easy if you live in England!>
Well, again thank you for the discussion, and I wish you a wonderful weekend!
Best Regards,
<Thanks for writing and sharing these photos. Cheers, Neale.>
Gold dust eel... Non-FW moray
Hi there,
I am very lost. My first time to have a gold dust eel. I'm not sure what's
happening to it. Pls help me.. what should I do..
<? Need data... is this fish being kept in brackish conditions? Water
quality test results? READ here:
and the linked files above (FAQs); re systems, feeding... Disease. Bob
Gold dust eel /Neale
Hi there,
I am very lost. My first time to have a gold dust eel. I'm not sure what's
happening to it. Pls help me.. what should I do..
<Hello Winnie. Judging by the Stingray, your Gold Dust Eel is in a freshwater
aquarium. He WILL NOT LIVE in a freshwater aquarium. These are brackish
to marine species. Given your obvious expertise if you're keeping
Stingrays, let me immediately direct you to some reading:
I'd also be dosing with an antibiotic, but once in brackish or marine
conditions, your Moray has a good chance of recovery. Unfortunately, in
freshwater tanks they INVARIABLY stop feeding eventually, and over time, lose
their vitality and energy, eventually dying from a bacterial infection, osmotic
stress, starvation, or some combination of these. The precise salinity doesn't
matter too much, but 25-50% normal marine is about right, i.e., about SG 1.005
to 1.010. Cheers, Neale.>
Some help... FW/BR Eel/s bet 8/26/15
Hello,hi my name is Terry and I have a friend whom works at PetCo, and first let
me say I really don't like PetCo nor how they don't teach there people right...I
am a animal lover and I know alil about a lot and animals are my thing and I
know there isn't a true 100% freshwater Eel and that PetCo sells a Eel
(snowflake Eel) itz a snowflake 100% Eel not that all white one,with black
flakes and yellow tint but tha other somw white with like black spots and they
are sellin these animals a frehwater Eels...well I tryed 2 educate my friend
whom says he has been doin this for 12years that there is no true 100% Eel that
is freshwater and that snowflake Eel isn't either 1 freshwater...well u said
that I am wrong and that he don't know where I get my info but I am wrong,I said
with a lol that he is wrong and I said I woulda bet him 100.00s with a slight
pause he lol and said no but he said if I showed him a book backed with science
pro that ima right and he's wrong (book) that he'll pay me back and buy my
snowflake Eel I said oka ur on...
Now I do all my readin and kept readin and stay readin and know my stuff...what
I need from u guys even tho it states right here that he is wrong on ur page can
u give me a name of a book or somethin else so he can c it and read it 100% and
that I am right,
<Well, you could start with the book I (Neale Monks) edited, 'Brackish Water
Fishes' published by TFH. Or you can try the Aqualog book 'Brackish Water
Fishes' by Frank Schaefer. Both discuss the several "freshwater"
morays in depth. You can also visit the relevant page on my Brackish FAQ to find
links to the Fishbase pages for each of the three traded species, here:
While all three species occur in freshwater at certain times in their life, none
spend their entire life in freshwater, and all become sickly if kept in
freshwater tanks indefinitely. Indeed, it's probable that the three of them
migrate into and breed in the sea only (that's what all other eels do).>
not just 4 my benifit but tha well bein of those animals and that he can listen
and learn somethin 2 pass it on...plus I've been wantin a snowflake Eel and set
up a 65gallon tank,with live rock,dryed live rock,coralife super skimmer 65g,I
plan on up gradin my skimmer and at somme point make,build a 40g wide tank I
want 2 start coral and frags...
I want 2 get deeper in2 tha saltwater trade just 2 have a small piece of heaven
sea world right here at home and give them a beautiful home.
Thank u sincerly Terry...
<Hope that this helps. Cheers, Neale>
re: Some help... BR eels not FW
Thank u for all...
It don't matter to my friend I guess, he keeps telling me he'll take me to our
public library and show me that ima wrong...lol
<Indeed, LOL.>
I told him about u Neale monks and ur back ground I looked u up and wrote
everything down 4 him, and gave him his scientific evidence that he was wrong
and u held all tha truth...it did no good he still say I am wrong that u are
wrong..lol that's funny, I don't believe he even read anything...
<A common problem.>
I told him ill even show him are emails, hard headed I guess...I don't
understand why he believes in a library book that some other dude wrote but
willnt believe urs...
<Some folks don't want to have their minds changed. Even when deep down they
know something is wrong. They still hold onto what they think and feel because
it's easier than to change their mind and admit they were wrong.
Sometimes people just have to learn things the hard way, in this case, with
sick/dead fish. Shame on them, but at the end of the day, "you can take a mule
to a well but you can't make it drink".>
I don't know what 2 do he with my friend...
<Have your friend email us if wants, and I'd be happy to chat. Meantime,
encourage him to strive to become a Master Fishkeeper, someone who reads up on
the science and visits the library alongside wanting to develop the practical
skills. We can all be better fishkeepers! Cheers, Neale.>
re: Some help... (Bob, Snowflake Eel???)
Mr. neale,I am stoked, I got my baby snowflake Eel today, she I call her is
about 7inch beautiful color and I also found out how to tell what type of
snowflake Eel one has by color ...but at any rate, I have a issue my Eel was
shipped over night to me from thatpetplace.com and when I opened it up and seen
her I loved her from that moment, I have a issue though she seems to be
twitching a little bit head shakes and I wanted to know is that normal
and is there a issue I need to worry about???
<Not normal, no, so would investigate. Check water quality, chemistry and
salinity. Morays are quite hardy but they do get stressed by handling. Would
have you read here:
Do follow the links at top... especially the ones on disease, behaviour and
systems. Unhappy Morays will try to jump out, and they're also among the first
fish to suffer from external parasites, so there are some immediate
risks/considerations. Good luck with this lovely fish. Cheers, Neale.>
I recently bought a marble moray eel ("freshwater)
<Uhh, BR>
who seemed to be doing great until I found it dead today
after work.
<Quite common; most specimens are "lost mysteriously". Not an "aquarium
hardy" species>
All water conditions are perfect, the tank has been up for a little
under a year, and I have a great deal of salt in the water since they
are brackish creatures. She didn't stop eating, she wasn't having
labored "breathing", and her color was beautiful. I found her belly up
on the floor, and her stomach seemed to have been opened with lots of
attached little beads hanging out. Any idea of what could have happened?
<Read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Gymnothorax Tile: Slime coat and compatibility concern
Hello. About 3-4 weeks ago after much consideration I purchased a
Gymnothorax tile from the fish store I work at. We kept them at about
1.010-1.013 salinity, and had them for several months before I decided
to bring mine home.
He is currently in a 29 gallon tank, that will be upgraded within 2
months to at least a 50 breeder. He is roughly 8". Tank was running as a
freshwater tank for one year, and I converted it to brackish using
marine salt. Salinity is 1.014. Ph: 7.8, Ammonia: 0, Nitrite: 0,
Nitrate: 20. Temp is 78 degrees Fahrenheit, and is currently running on
an Eheim ECCO and a sponge filter. I do 20-25% water changes twice a
week. Considering running a Hydor circulation pump at the surface, but
not sure if it will be too much water flow.
<I've kept and keep various moray eel species (including G. tile) in
tanks with turnover rates of more than 30 times per hour. I don't think
the eels care at all. A strong surface current does increase gaseous
exchange, which will benefit the system in general. The fine sand,
however, might develop ripples.>
Fine sandy bottom with plenty of PVC caves, thinking of adding lace rock
and creating more natural caves. He has one tank mate, a Batrachomoeus
trispinosus, another so-called 'freshwater' fish.
<A very interesting species.>
These two were in the store tank together for approximately 4 months.
The eel gets fed 3 times a week. I have been feeding him krill, clam
strips, and lance fish so far. Thinking of adding ghost shrimp harvested
from my freshwater tanks and earthworms to his diet.
<Sounds good to me. I'd mostly replace krill with some other, larger
crustaceans in the future and add vitamins about once a week if mostly
frozen food is fed.>
He seems good appetite and activity wise (active at appropriate times),
but when he comes out to feed I've noticed what appears to be sand
sticking to the slime coat of his belly. If I stick my hand in the tank
and lightly touch him, it comes right off, but I'm curious if he could
be stressed and producing extra slime coat?
<I don't think so. I suppose this is due to an interaction of the
specific sand with slime. I have seen this happen mostly with relatively
new sand.
Maybe the sand has not developed proper biofilms since you brought the
salinity up.>
I didn't notice this in the store, but the sand I chose is very fine and
soft, and the sand we had in the store was, I believe, a denser sand
marketed for African Cichlids. Otherwise, his color is an even dark
grey, with some minor speckling if you look closely farther down his
body. No white or faded patches. Any idea what could be causing this? Is
there even reason for concern?
<I don't think so and believe this will cease with time.>
Also, is the Batrachomoeus trispinosus compatible long term? or even
short term for that matter? If yes, will he handle a full marine
conversion the eel requires in the future?
<Please note that Batrachomoeus trispinosus sometimes seems to be
confused with Potabatrachus trispinosus due to the same species name, a
similar genus name and a somewhat similar overall appearance.
Potabatrachus trispinosus is a tiny freshwater fish (2-3") while
Batrachomoeus trispinosus gets a foot long and can be caught offshore
and in reefs. It's basically a marine fish which also inhabits higher
salinity parts of river deltas. They can eat enormous prey items. I
believe it will depend on the size of the two fishes, their growth if
long term success is possible.>
Thank you for your time, Catherine
<Welcome. Marco.>
Gymnothorax tile help 4/5/12
Hello, I have bought a Gymnothorax tile about 2 weeks ago from a private
listing. After getting to their house to pick up my new pet, I realized
that he/she was living in horrible conditions. It was in a 10 gallon
tank half full, with no salt, poor filtration, and horrible water
conditions. After getting him/her home, I did a major tank clean (I know
not the best idea, but his/her water was really that bad I had no other
option), added water conditioner and let him be for a couple days. I
then slowly started adding Instant Ocean marine salt, I do not know the
exact measurements, I will be getting a hydrometer tomorrow,
<Yes, you'll need that.>
but I have added about 1 cup less than a half of a box (I was told that
I should do half the recommended dose) that was specifically measured
for a 10 gallon tank, which is what he is still currently in.
<Much too small. You should also get a larger tank in the near future.>
I have upgraded his filtration system to 2 filters made for 10-30
gallons, and added a heater. Right now his tank is about 28 degrees
<24-26°C is enough. The water will carry more oxygen at lower
temperatures, which should help a little in this small, uncycled
He is currently on a steady diet of shrimp, they were feeding him cubed
ham which after doing research I found was a big no-no, I will be
introducing silversides into his diet tomorrow.
<Silversides can be fed regularly, but should not be the main part of
the diet. It's important to get the diet mixed a lot. See
Ok with all that being said, my Gymnothorax tile has been acting very
strange lately. He seems to be struggling to breathe on and off
throughout the day, flipping upside down and laying there for a
few seconds, and then violently thrashing his tail back and forth
creating craters in his sandy bottom. I am new to owning this species,
and have done all the research that I can, but I just can't figure out
if his behavior is normal.
<Likely an environmental problem due to the small and probably still
uncycled system.>
Will he/she be ok, and is there something that I am doing wrong? Please
<The best for its survival would be to get it into a larger, well
established marine system until you can provide a sufficient one. If you
instead of that wish to use your current tank, get a test kit for
ammonia and one for nitrates in addition to a hydrometer and more salt.
The test kits will show when you should change water (basically you are
cycling the tank with a fish in it now due to the major tank clean). Any
ammonia measurement >0 or nitrates above 20-25 ppm are a reason for a
water change. Also, keep the water surface moved with what filters you
have available. When you reach marine salinity (check with the
hydrometer) you can add well cured live rock to help with the
filtration. In the mean time you should get a larger tank and start
cycling it without fish. Later you can transfer your moray and the live
rock to the larger tank and get rid of the small one or use it for
something else.>
Thank you for your time, Stephanie
<Good luck. Marco.>
Re "Freshwater" Moray Eel Two Questions, fdg., sys.
Hi again, this is Alyson (the one with the "piggy"
Gymnothorax tile) Since we last spoke I have been
feeding him lesser and lesser each day to get him used to
eating every other day. He is doing fine, keeps "begging" but I just
don't look at him lol.
<Sounds good.>
I did have just two more additional questions....I was planning on
purchasing another Gymnothorax tile and I have read on your site that
they can live together and normally don't show any type of aggression
towards one another.
<Yes, this works best if both (or more) are introduced to the tank
together, but adding another one generally works, too, with this
I was just wondering if I do actually purchase an additional eel should
I look for any "hints" that two are being aggressive towards one another
<There may be an initial 'fight' at first contact, since one has
established its territory, but if there are enough caves it should be no
Rearranging some rocks/caves (without turning the tank into a cloudy
mess of course) before adding the new one can also help.>
and also my specific gravity is already at 1.020-1.021....would this
hurt the "new eel" moving him into that high of a level so soon after
purchasing him?? (that's assuming the idiotic pet store has him in full
freshwater, which they normally do)
<Acclimation can be rather quick. If you want to be on the safe side try
this: Put the new eel with the water it was transported in into a bucket
(add a small airstone if you have one at hand) with lid. Add tank water
over about one or two hours until about 70-90% of the water in the
bucket is tank water. You can use a cup or an air hose with a loose
knot. Then, add the eel to the display or if available quarantine tank.
The acclimation procedure can be combined with a small water change,
since you have to replace the tank water you added to the bucket if you
wish to avoid adding water from the store to your tank.>
I appreciate all of your help and hope to hear from you soon! Thanks
<Welcome. Marco.>
Re: Another issue Marco :(, G. tile
Hi again Marco, it's once again Alyson.
<Hello there.>
I feel so bad for pestering you with my questions/concerns :( I
live in North Carolina, USA (do not know where you are located),
<Southern Germany, near Heidelberg.>
but I can not find vitamin supplements anywhere for my eel's food. There
are 6 pet stores and no one has them and don't even know what I'm
talking about (Haha I know right), so my question to you is there a
brand/site that you can recommend so that I can order it over the
internet for my eel?
<Vita-Chem Marine is not bad. A few drops on the food once or twice per
Also, the only pet store in my city that has live rock is a very "dirty,
sick animal type place" so if you can also recommend a good, trustworthy
site to order live rock from? If so, that would be awesome.
<I don't have personal experience with online US live rock sellers, I
prefer to see the rocks in the store. But I will leave the email in the
inbox if someone else has a good online source.>
I know in previous emails you have advised me to get a skimmer, trust me
I am definitely saving up for one lol.
<Very good, this will help with waste removal and oxygen supply. Also
keep the water surface moved to help with the gaseous exchange.>
I still only have the one Gymnothorax tile, but I ordered another one
and it should be in Tuesday so wish me luck.
Once again, thank you so much for all of your advice and help, although
my eel is still laying his head sideways I am going to take your advice
and not worry about.
<I guess as long as the water is ok, that's just some stress from the
Thank again and cheers to you too! :)
<Welcome. Marco.>
Hi Marco, another question 5/1/12
Hey again, hopefully this should be my last question for awhile ( I know
you're probably thinking thank goodness lol). Since I cannot locally get
the vitamin supplements for my eel's food, I was looking at your site
and saw some things about being able to add baby and/or human vitamins
to fish food.
<Yes, this can be done, although personally I rather use products
developed for aquarium use.>
I spent all of today searching the site to see exactly (if so) what
types of things to look for if I choose to go that route. I definitely
need to add vitamins to Eely's food because although it's a variety, it
is mostly frozen. If it is ok and safe to add baby and/or human
vitamins, what should I look for and avoid when purchasing?
<Prefer sugar free liquid products high in thiamin.>
Also, how do I go about adding it to an individual feeding?
<Add a few drops after the thawing process and before feeding. If you
feed larger foods (little fishes such as silver sides or clams, mussels,
shrimps) you can also use a syringe to inject the vitamins into the
And by the way, my new Gymnothorax tile should be in tomorrow (yay).
<Seems it's time to feed the old resident and rearrange some caves to
avoid most territorial behaviour.>
Anything you know on supplementing human vitamins for "fish" vitamins
would be awesome, if not I will have to order some online. Thanks again.
<Hope this helps. Marco.>
Re: Hi Marco, another question, BR 5/2/12
Hi again Marco, yeah I think I am just going to play it safe and order
some vita-chem. marine over the internet. As far as preparing for the
(still waiting for the pet store to call to say it came in) Yesterday I
bought some more "caves" and what not and rearranged the tank decor so I
am hoping that will help with the "new arrival" Thanks again for
all of your help!
<You're welcome and I hope everything went well. Marco.>
New issue with eel laying with head sideways
Sigh....I thought for sure the last email I sent you would be
the last lol.
<Oh... well.>
In previous emails I mentioned that my eel was laying his head sideways
out of his cave. Well today he was very active, swimming around,
exploring the new tank decor. That is when I noticed between his right
eye and nostril, also his lower jaw, was very pale. The patches were not
white nor did they look like a "fungus" of any kind. The patches are not
on the other side of his face, but the reason that I am concerned is
that when he did finally go back into his cave, he was rubbing against
it on that same side.
<I guess this may occur due to the movement, stress, new and after only
5 days of cycling quite fresh tank... a skin irritation. Better check
your water parameters.>
I was searching your site and saw something about "white spot disease,"
but the pictures I saw didn't look like what is happening in my case. To
be safe, should I treat for Ich??
<No. Not until you know it is Ich (Cryptocaryon irritans). You would
notice heavy breathing and white, salt grain like spots. Healthy eels
practically never get it due to their toxic slime coat.>
Other than his "scratching" he seems perfectly fine, happy with his new
decor and such on, but once again any advice would be helpful. Thanks
<Check your water, ensure there is enough oxygen in the tank. Good luck.
Re: once again, another problem :( - 5/12/2012
Hi again Marco, I guess I had forgotten to mention that before placing the "sick
eel" in my community tank, I did put it in a quarantine tank 1.To get it used to
some salinity and 2. To watch how it was....It seemed relatively fine in the
quarantine tank. In regards to the "swollen throat" I either jumped to
conclusions thinking it was bacterial or was right. It was also very skinny (I
know it had probably not eaten in a while since he was in captivity maybe making
his throat seem slightly bigger?). After watching him in the quarantine tank
(not showing any signs of sickness) that’s when I decided to move him to the
community tank.
Quarantine is rather a matter of weeks instead of days (or hours).
At first he was swimming around exploring for about 5-6 min and then he just
nose dived into the sand and laid side ways. He appeared to have stopped
breathing, that’s when my eel went up and nudged him. So, I immediately removed
him and put him into the hospital tank and treated him with (you're right I
misspelled) Maracyn. I believe it was just too late. He started getting paler
and paler and eventually died. Maybe it was bacterial or maybe it was that in
combination with stress and starvation I don't know and I'm sure him being kept
in freshwater for a long time at the LFS didn't help either. But in response to
"putting a sick eel into my tank" I believe I took every precaution before
adding him. I quarantined him first and he didn’t not show any signs of
wwm: You had
the suspicion and I think you were right for quarantining the eel. Won't argue
here, though, since this case is closed, all that can be stated is: If you think
a fish might be sick don't buy it and if you still do buy it quarantine for some
weeks it until you are sure it is healthy.
I was a veterinary technician for many years (we didn’t deal with fish though
lol) so I take great care of all of my animals.
wwm: See
above for proper times for quarantine. Here's also a good description of a
quarantine protocol: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/QuarMarFishes.htm
My eels are like my children and I would never do anything to intentionally hurt
them. They are in my home office, so I watch them all day, constantly checking
PH, ammonia etc. I just want to make sure I am doing everything I possibly can
to ensure they are healthy and have a healthy environment (I guess that’s why I
bother you so much with my concerns). As far as my baby eel goes, he has learned
not to go into a cave that Eely is in lol and I actually got him to eat 2hrs
after purchasing him. Another question is since he is a baby should I keep the
water brackish until he grows and then turn to full marine?
wwm: Can
perfectly live in marine water even at small sizes.
I read that the juveniles live in brackish and as adults they migrate to full
marine so if I could get your advice on that.
wwm: A
theory that to my knowledge never was substantiated by usable evidence.
I am still saving for a skimmer (boy, they aren't cheap), but not knowing much
about skimmers, can you use them in brackish or just strictly full salt?
wwm: Most
start working quite well at brackish salinities, but at higher salinity the
surface tension of the water will be higher, so it become easier for stable
bubbles and foam to form and more organic material will be removed.
Thanks again. Best wishes, Alyson
Once again, another problem :( - 5/11/2012
Hi Marco,
wwm: Hi
I dont know if you remember when I said I ordered a new Gymnothorax tile to add
to my tank. Well, it took until yesterday to show up. My local pet store had
three, one that was the same size as my G. tile and two babies....Well as I was
looking at the "bigger one" I wasnt happy about his throat. It seemed swollen
(which led me to believe maybe bacterial infection) and he was not hiding like
most eels do. Well, against my doubts I purchased the larger one so that there
wouldn't be a "size to size" issue.
wwm: The
best option would have been to purchase none of them, but the sick fish is
mostly the worst choice.
Needless to say, the eel lasted about 30 min. It was very sad to watch, even my
eel was nudging it trying to "wake it up". He was still breathing very shallow,
so I immediately moved him to my hospital tank and tried to treat him with
WWM: Don't
know this one. You probably mean Maracyn.
, but I believe it was too late. So (I know exactly what you are going to say
WWM: Like,
why did you buy a sick eel and put it in the display tank possibly introducing
pathogens instead of the hospital until it heals or dies.
I purchase one of the baby G. tile. Yes I am aware at the bullying that could
happen between my larger one and the new one. So far so good. There was an
initial fight when the baby tried to go in "Eely's" home and I broke it up.
There was no signs of damage to the new eel and in response to that, the baby
later on, went up and nipped the bigger eel's tail lol (once again no injuries).
WWM: Doesn't
sound too bad so far. Keep an eye on them.
My problem is that after removing the "original new eel who died" my nitrates
skyrocketed. I did a 50% water change, but still no change. PH is at 8.0 and
ammonia is at 0...Any ideas???
WWM: I don't
think this is directly connected to the new eel. The short term solution for
high nitrates is water changes, the long term solution is to improve filtration.
When you reach marine salinity, a skimmer would likely be a good investion.
Until then I think water changes are your best option. Also read here
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nitratesmar.htm and in the linked FAQs.
Once again thanks a lot. Best wishes, Alyson
WWM: Good
luck. Marco.
Re: think i fixed nitrate prob. but still more questions
Thanks again Marco, I will monitor these "spots" on the baby eel and if
anything changes in regards to that I will definitely contact you (with
Hope you have a good one.
<Will try.>
As always best wishes, Alyson
<Okay. Marco.>
finally got pics 5/19/12
Hey Marco, I was finally able to pics.....they're not the best in the
world, but I tried. It seems to have spread. I know they are a little
dark, but it was the best I can do. If you can tell what these patches
may be, please let me know as soon as you can.
<Can't tell for sure from the pictures. Does almost look like healing
scratches from bite marks or sharp decorations, which would not need
treatment. I think with the fish in front of you you'll see if these are
possible scratches.>
He is still acting normal, but now since it seems to be spreading, I am
thinking it is more likely a disease. Please let me know your thoughts
on this.
<If this truly keeps spreading (and only then) I'd get the hospital tank
up running and treat with Maracyn (preferably Maracyn 2, since at higher
salinities many bacteria seem to be gram negative) suspecting a
bacterial infection of the skin.>
I have looked on the WetWebMedia site looking at diseases (especially on
eels), but I can't pinpoint what this is according to the pic on your
site. I will be waiting for any advice you may have. Thanks again.
<Also, keep the water quality high (tank looks still quite "fresh"),
have the surface of the water well moved and feed vitamin enriched food.
Good luck. Marco.>
Re: finally got pics... G. tile, ongoing
chatting 5/20/12
Thanks for getting back to me Marco. I know those weren't the best
pictures in the world, but I don't know if you could tell by them, that
the spots didn't look granular like Ich, nor was is filmy like a fungus.
<Both would look completely different.>
The spots are just the same color the eel's belly is. So I'm with you
thinking the spots maybe scar tissue. Got a couple more questions
though, the same eel (the baby) loves to hang on the filter and on the
tops of the plants that I have in there. He acts normal and usually does
that after my big eel chases him. He just hangs there and watches
curiously as opposed to watching from a cave. I'm assuming he does that
to be on the safe side so he doesn't run into the big eel. Would that
make sense?
<Yes, I think you need more caves. Create narrow caves like properly
sized aquarium hoses covered with rocks, lots of rocks (prefer
calcareous material like limestone, dead reef rock). If caves are the
better option they will be used. If a cave has a much larger diameter
than the eel like many aquarium decoration products, it will not be
considered as a top notch living quarter.>
Also I purchased a baby vitamin supplement to add to the food and was
wondering if I provided you with the information if you could say if it
was safe to use or not? The product is Enfamil Poly-Vi-Sol
Vitamin A 1500 IU
Vitamin C 35 mg
Vitamin D 400 IU
Vitamin E 5 IU
Thiamin (B1) 0.5 mg
Riboflavin (B2) 0.6 mg
Niacin (B3) 8 mg
Vitamin B6 0.4 mg
Vitamin B12 2mcg
*Ingredients* Glycerin, Water, Ascorbic Acid, Polysorbate 80, Vitamin E
Succinate, Niacinamide, Ferrous Sulfate(as a stabilizer for Vitamin B12)
Natural and Artificial Flavor, Artificial Caramel Color, Vitamin A
Palmitate, Thiamin Hydrochloride, Riboflavin-5-Phosphate Sodium, Vitamin
B 6 Hydrochloride, Vitamin D3 Vitamin B12
<Not as ideal as a specific product for fishes, but according to its
composition I think it should do its job.>
This product says it is sugar free,
<Glycerin is a polyol compound.>
but I will wait to hear if this would be a good supplement to use or
<I think a few drops can be added to the food after thawing and should
improve the vitamin supply and not cause problems.>
Thanks again for your time!
<Welcome. Marco.>
Re: finally got pics 6/3/12
Long time no email Marco lol. Last we spoke I had sent you some pictures
of the patches on my new little eel. I am just writing you to tell you
that I am almost 100% positive they are healing scratches.
Although it is "spreading" the eels get into a minor quarrel at least
once a day. The reason I am quite sure it is healing scratches/scar
tissue is because one time when they got into a scuffle my big eel
nipped at the top of the little one's head and the next day he had a
spot on the top of his head. I know you said in earlier emails that if
they are healing scratches that I do not need to treat it, I just want
to make sure that I don't need to get some kind of substance with aloe
in it to maybe help??
I don't know lol. Even though my big eel is a bully, this little guy is
feisty and will sometimes go right up to my big eel and nip him in the
face and swim off. It's actually quite humorous because my big eel will
not even retaliate.
<I think this is territorial behaviour and would recommend to add more
or different caves as suggested in an earlier email, preferably pvc
pipes. This species (G. tile) usually does get along with its own kind
very well.>
I want to thank you again for your input on the pics I sent you
previously, and like always what you suggested "does almost look like
healing scratches from bite marks" was absolutely right. As for my
earlier nitrate problem, I'm thinking my tank maybe "established" now???
Because I have had 0 nitrates and 0 ammonia for a good almost 3 weeks
now so unless something major happens in my tank, you probably won't be
hearing from me.
<Sounds good... the water parameters of course. Nitrates probably will
rise again slowly with time.>
Once again, thanks for all of your help
<You are most welcome.>
and if you get paid for working for that site, then you need to get a
raise lol.
<We do this for free.>
Take care!
<You too. Marco.>
Recently purchased freshwater snowflake eel 9/11/11
Hello all, yesterday I picked up a freshwater snowflake eel for my currently
freshwater tank. The petstore told me I might have some problems getting the eel
to start eating. Which is fine, both yesterday and today he was very active
swimming around everywhere. To my understanding, he was getting used to the
tank. Later today he seemed to have stopped moving and started settling in, but
then I noticed he was lying on his back. Since I first noticed this it has
continued. He still swims around for bits at a time but then he comes back down
and when he does he is occasionally on his back or side and I'm not sure why. Is
this a sign of illness, is this normal? If illness what can I do? His breathing
doesn't seem particularly heavy or fast or anything. But I've had him for a day
so I'm clearly not experienced to make such a judgment. I'm hoping I'll hear
that he's fine and its just something he'll do but if not please let me know how
can I can better care for this creature. Thanks for all your help.
<Hello Aria. The "freshwater" Snowflake Eel is in fact a brackish water to
marine species, and the pet shop should have told you this. Indeed, you should
have hopefully learned this before buying such a challenging pet.
The most common species traded is Gymnothorax tile but there are one or two
others sold from time to time. They all have very similar needs. What you
describe -- not wanting to eat -- is extremely common when these eels are kept
in freshwater conditions or brackish water that isn't salty enough.
You need at least 25% normal marine salinity, i.e., about SG 1.005 at 25 C/77 F
for a young specimen, and for long-term care, about 50% normal seawater salinity
or greater, i.e., SG 1.010-1.025 at 25C/77 F.
Once settled down, they feed readily on small live foods like river shrimps, and
quickly take good wet-frozen and fresh foods such as cockles and tilapia fillet.
Minimise the use of Thiaminase-rich foods such as prawns, shrimps and mussels.
Do not use feeder fish at all.
Morays are nocturnal feeders and prefer shady tanks, but given time, will feed
during the day. But to start with, place small bits of food in the tank during
the evening with the lights out. Don't overfeed.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Recently purchased freshwater snowflake eel 9/11.5/11
Hey, I know they are brackish, I should have indicated that prior. When I said
it is currently freshwater what I meant was that I was going to acclimatize the
tank to brackish once I got the eel.
<Would get this fish into brackish water ASAP.>
I have a couple of dragon gobies in the tank intending it on being a dragon
goby/eel tank.
<Dragon Gobies need brackish water, and won't live indefinitely in freshwater.
Surprisingly perhaps, Morays aren't good community fish, and often bite fish
they can't actually kill. Be very careful when keeping them alongside other
fish. Has been done, yes, but "your own mileage may vary".
Would prefer an Echidna species to a Gymnothorax species if that was your aim;
Echidna spp. feed primarily on invertebrates rather than fish, so are less prone
to biting.>
Sadly, this morning, my eel seemed to have passed, lying on his back not moving.
Clearly something was wrong as of last night. I will admit, I am not well versed
in tank maintenance but I thought I new enough to be trustworthy with these
<They are actually very easy to keep. But they DO NEED brackish water, and
keeping them in freshwater even for a few weeks DRAMATICALLY reduces your
chances of success. The irony is that in marine aquaria most moray eels are
considered very hardy fish!>
My Goby's have been in the tank for two months now and they are fine and
thriving, as far as I can tell. My question is, what could have gone wrong to
cause the eel to get sick and die within two days of purchase, and how could I
have reacted to treat the guy?
<Maintained too long in freshwater. Weeks, months at the retailer, and then
weeks, months at your home. All too stressful.>
I want another eel but as I'm sure you'll suggest, not to get one until I can
resolve my tank issue, so please, any help would be greatly appreciated.
<Do read Marco's piece; it covers everything you need to know. These are really
very hardy animals, but upon purchase acclimate to brackish water conditions
immediately. No less than SG 1.005, and preferably 1.010.>
Like I said, I thought I did my research but I guess not enough.
<Good luck next time. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Recently purchased freshwater snowflake eel 9/11.5/11
I've been going through the posts you've sent, and I appreciate all the help
you've been providing so far. If you don't mind, I do have a question or two.
First off, if I add salt into the tank what are the chances my eel (who is
actually not dead but just moving very little to not at all) will turn out
<May help; certainly can't harm.>
If salt isn't enough what else can I do? Further, my understanding was to do a
slow acclimatizing of the tank. At what rate should I be increasing the salinity
of the tank?
<The problem is the filter bacteria rather than the fish -- these brackish water
eels and gobies can acclimate to seawater from freshwater within an hour. They
have to, when the tide comes in! But filter bacteria need to be gently coaxed
into brackish/marine mode, so you have to go slowly here. If your tank is a
freshwater one now, you can raise the salinity to SG 1.003 today without any
risk to your bacteria, but after that, you'll need to make small changes weeks
or months depending on how big the change. If you look on my web site there's an
application called Brack Calc that converts specific gravity to salinity
(including grammes of marine salt mix per litre) for any given temperature (25 C
being normal). Use this to estimate how much salt to add to your aquarium. For
example, let's say you remove 50% of the water in the tank, and replace with
water at SG 1.006, i.e., 10 grammes marine salt mix per litre of water. Because
you've changed half the water in your tank, you have half SG 1.000 and half
1.006 in the aquarium, for an overall salinity of SG 1.003. Perfect! Use a
hydrometer if you have one to check, but weighing out the salt is close enough
for this.>
Thank you so much, I have been looking online for tips as well as emailing you,
I just really want my eel to live.
<Marco L. has written extensively on these eels, and there's much here at WWM
you'll find useful. Good luck, Neale.>
Re: Recently purchased freshwater snowflake eel 9/11.5/11
<PS. the link is:
It's free, and works on Mac and Windows. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Recently purchased freshwater snowflake eel 9/11.5/11
Thanks, I found it. I'm pretty sure my eel is officially dead. There are black
spots now on his stomach and he's not moving at all. Unless you advise
otherwise, I will be removing him from the tank soon. In doing a water change I
added sea salt
<Marine aquarium salt, not "sea salt" used for cooking or tonic salt/aquarium
salt used in freshwater tanks. Must be marine aquarium salt mix, like Instant
Ocean, Reef Crystals, or similar.>
to my tank (as suggested by the store) and the salinity of my tank looks to be
just under 1.004.
I know you said its safe to bring it to 1.003 right away, should I be concerned
by this slight elevation?
Also, at this point, how much should I be raising the salinity per week or two
weeks or whatever?
<The aim would be to go to SG 1.005 in two weeks' time, then leave it there for
a few months. After, say, six months, or sooner if your Moray stops eating (a
common problem when it isn't salty enough for them) incrementally raise the
salinity, for example from 1.005 to 1.006 in two weeks, then 1.006 to 1.007 in
another two weeks, and so on. This gives time for the freshwater bacteria to die
back and the marine bacteria to multiply. By the end of the year, it'd be nice
to have the tank at 1.010.>
And now that the salinity is being raised do you think I can get another or
should I wait?
<You might want to leave the tank with just the Dragon Gobies for a couple of
weeks just to make sure ammonia and nitrite levels are zero. No point adding
MORE livestock if the filter bacteria aren't happy. Go slow. Better to delay
adding new fish for two weeks than to buy your Eel tomorrow and end up with a
nitrite spike and sick fish.>
Also, I got the pet store to check my water levels and according to them
everything is ok.
<Would, at minimum, own a nitrite test kit and a pH test kit, plus the
Let me know if I'm on the right track and if not how to properly orient myself.
<Do read, go slowly. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Recently purchased freshwater snowflake eel 9/12/11
Thank you so much for everything. Your website and what you guys do is awesome
and of great help. Just to clarify, the sea salt I got was instant ocean sea
salt, I assume that's still ok since you seemed ok with the salinity level my
tank is now. Once again, thank you so much.
<Glad to help. Yes, 1.004 should be fine for now, but as/when you get a nice,
healthy, fat-looking Moray settled in and feeding, you will want to gradually
inch that upwards towards 1.005 for the first 6-12 months, and somewhere between
1.008-1.012 thereafter, or sooner if the Moray goes off its food. These are
really very straightforward animals to keep, provided you understand their need
for brackish water and a diet with not too much Thiaminase.
Cheers, Neale.>
"FW" Moray> Eel Project 9/12/07 I tried sending this to Bob Fenner but
the e-mail was sent back as having the wrong address. <Ah, yes Trevor... We had
to switch ISPs, and no longer have the individual email addresses... I am
sending this note to Marco Lichtenberger here, as he is the person who knows the
most re this group... of anyone I've had occasion to meet! Bob Fenner> <<Thanks
for the kind words, Bob.>> This is Trevor. I e-mailed a couple of queries
because I've been having problems with my Gymnothorax tile. I've decided not
only to do research on my pet even more in-depth, trying to mimic his/her
natural habitat but also do my senior project on it. <<Nice.>> The project will
be based on a brackish-water aquarium best suited to moray eels. A species tank.
I need permission that you would agree to help me if I have questions. <<No
problem. >> My project requires that I will have a community consultant. All you
would have to do is answer a few questions if I had them. <<Sure.>> What I need
is confirmation that you would assist me in my attempt at this project and
educate people about this kind of eel that I commonly find in fresh water at the
pet shop (Petco) near my house. <<Okay.>> This would educate whoever reads the
booklet. The eels are ordered in at about five at a time. I assume they're quiet
popular because usually only one is left at the end of the week. <<Could also be
dead/escaped/in the filter. Asked for if all the 'freshwater' moray eels in
another shop are actually sold, a clerk answered to me: 'Sometimes they just
vanish'. Guess a little bit of education could help here, too'¦>> This is how I
purchased mine. One might imagine what the eels would face if the people kept
them in fresh water for their entire lives, along with an incorrect tank setup.
With all of this comes a form I need filled out. This is as it appears on my
paper. Community Consultant Name: Business Address: Zip code: Day Telephone:
Other Telephone: Senior Project Topic: Gymnothorax tile setup. <<I am not living
in the USA, but Germany, hope that's not a problem. My name's Marco
Lichtenberger, contact information can be found on the page
www.geo-lichtenberger.de.vu under the point 'Impressum & Kontakt'. I'd prefer,
you send your questions to WWM and will assuredly get an answer, so thousands of
WWM readers will have the possibility to read about these eels in addition to
your senior project. Cheers, Marco.>>
Moray growth cycles 7/16/06 I was looking for information
on moray eel growth. I bought a "freshwater" snowflake eel of the Gymnothorax
tile variety that I have placed with my albino moray which due to information I
have researched I am assuming it is Echidna rhodochilus. The moray "trademark"
of opening and closing its mouth to breathe is not happening with my albino. The
snowflake is breathing in such a manner and I was told by the owner where I buy
my fish food that he was a very beautiful and healthy moray as I had just bought
him from another shop and went to get some food from my favorite shop on my way
home and showed them. Does anyone know the growth cycles of morays? <Mmm, yes...
there are some very nice/useful graphs/charts of time versus SL (standard
length) for many species available on fishbase.org> I know they are born in one
form called leptocephalus and around 3 yrs. change into elvers. Are there
species of moray that do not breath the same way or do they eventually over time
grow and change into breathing this way? <Mmm, some "gasp" more than others in
general...> They are both approximately the same length except the snowflake is
flat on the sides with fins to the tail while the albino is more or less round
behind the neck with a tail that comes to a point with no fins which seems
closest to the pics I have seen of the Echidna rhodochilus of the various morays
I have so far researched. <Mmm:
unfortunately this is one of the species that does not have "Growth" data on
FishBase... Rats! Neither is there such presented for G. tile... These are
typically slow growers in the wild and captive conditions (actually, likely less
than one percent live a year... due to unstable, unsuitable environment mostly).
Bob Fenner>
Re "FW" Moray growth cycles... dead 7/20/06 Thank you for
your help but I have some bad news the snowflake died on me and I am assuming he
died of starvation along with a possible disease. <... not uncommon... You did
(finally) read on WWM re these so-called freshwater eels?> I kept track of the
number of ghost shrimp and guppies accounting for X amount to be eaten by my
albino and still had more than I should have had. I had a butterfly goby that
lived less than 2 weeks and followed similar patterns before the final event and
both had skin the same condition after death. I did not see either one eat. The
goby I have now has been with me a while. <... this tank is too small... one
more time> The albino is a 2nd chance for me as I bought one prior and it died
but due to water quality as the aquarium was new and not enough bacteria to
break down the nitrate cycle. I tested the water 2 days ago and it tested really
well for very low levels of nitrite <Should be zero, zip, non-existent> and I
have an ammonia sensor that has not rose above good levels. <I don't like these
"sensors"... not accurate> Is there anything else I need to check for? <...
read...> I am considering getting another snowflake if possible but am thinking
I should wait until I have a much larger tank for the shear reason that I hear
when they are moved they tend to stop eating. <Bingo> I had this albino eating
within a day of getting him, at least upon visual verification. I feel
comfortable with this guy to go 55 then up to larger as the albino is still
small and thinner than my pinky finger and he seems so easygoing that eating
will not be one of his problems. <Still... need more space> I will need 2 large
tanks since the albino is brackish because I also have an ornate Bichir that is
right around 2" <Wow! Tiny> now and want to get a Ropefish for his tank mate and
have recently moved and need to decide if the 2 large tanks will be placed
together or separately. If I leave things as they are with the 3 fish in my
brackish tank and 55 is good I would have them together but if I need something
bigger for the albino I will have them placed in different places. I am planning
on starting on getting the 1st tank on the successful sale of the old house to
have money to get the best. I appreciate all your help. <Do investigate, plan
before purchasing livestock... Bob Fenner>
Re: brackish/marine moray growth cycles 7/19/06 Thank you have been a
great help so far and I appreciate the quickness of your response. I have read
various recommendations for aquarium sizes for eels. I have read that for my
albino I would be lucky if it made it to 18" and 24" max and for the snowflake
it may reach between 24' to 36". What size aquarium would you recommend. <Please
read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwmorayeels.htm and the linked
files above> Do you think 55 would be ok with what I have and maybe adding a
catfish? <Mmm... no, not likely a good mix> I would not mind adding another
butterfly goby and bushfish and maybe if you could recommend some brackish
catfish for the clean up crew for a total of 6 fish and which size would you
recommend for these? The bushfish maybe to only problem because they may become
lunch as they do not get big but the butterfly has venom to protect him. I know
that 10 gallon is way too small especially with the addition of the snowflake
which I happened upon by shear accident and happened to be not much bigger than
my albino except on the sides. I have been keeping extra tabs on water quality
and am using a bio wheel filter which I can actually witness how good they are.
<Read... keep a close eye on water quality, get a much larger system... Bob
Why To Research BEFORE You Purchase - A Perfect
Unfortunate Example - Not so FW eel... 06/14/2006 I have a fresh water tank
and just bought a snowflake eel. It's a 55 gal. tank and I read on your website
that they should have at least 1.005 salinity in the water.
<Please.... learn about your animals BEFORE you purchase them.... I see this
going somewhere I don't like....> My first question is that I have many
freshwater fish in the tank like a discus, 2 pictus catfish, 2 paradise gourami,
a blue and gold gourami, 2 Plecostomus, African butterfly fish, tinfoil barb,
Bala shark and two angelfish. <A slightly incompatible mix to begin with - that
tinfoil will outgrow the tank and should be in a group/school, so will the Plecs
outgrow the tank (eventually - they'll be fine for a good long while), the Bala
is a schooler that should be kept in a group and which will also outgrow the
tank (much faster than the Plecs), and the discus, a very shy, retiring animal,
really isn't compatible with any of these, save perhaps the gourami and the
pictus. It's unlikely to become bold enough to get enough food in this group.>
Will raising the salinity as you say to 1.005 or 1.010 bother or be fatal to any
of these fish? <Fatal.... to all.... The snowflake is entirely incompatible in
this system. Your current animals CANNOT tolerate the amount of salt the eel
will need as it grows. It should, as an adult, end up in fully marine
conditions.> Secondly how do you go about raising the salinity up to this point
1.005 or 1.010 without stressing the fish. <Forget stressing.... you'd
ultimately kill the current inhabitants if you do this. 1.005 for a couple
weeks might only damage them, but beyond that will come to a point that they can
no longer survive. Truly freshwater fish are NOT brackish fish, and brackish to
marine fish, like your eel, are NOT freshwater fish. These animals are simply
and completely incompatible.> I saw that you told someone not to exceed jumping
.002 at a time. So I guess really my question is can you tell me step by step
how to raise the salinity in my tank without hurting my fish, <Can't.> and if
you could please tell me step by step what I need and how to do this because I
will admit I am clueless about this. <Read.... Research.... And most of all,
NEVER buy an animal without first learning its needs and considering whether or
not you can realistically fulfill those needs. These are lives.... living
things.... please treat them as such.> Thank you. I would really appreciate if
you could answer this E-mail as soon as possible thank you. <We answer all as we
can. Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Eels and Dragonets do not mix'¦. 10/5/05 Hello I'm
asking if there is a chance that my 13-inch white cheeked moray eel
could have eaten my dragon goby. <I am not familiar with the common name
dragon goby; by any chance do you mean a Dragonet or a Mandarin goby?
Perhaps (Synchiropus splendidus)? If this is your specimen then perhaps
yes the eel could have eaten him, as they (the dragonets) are slow
moving and nocturnal. As for the eel while they usually rely on
crustaceans for food, a Dragonet would have been an easy target.> I have
noticed that my dragon goby is missing, because he usually wanders
around the tank. But the pet store that I bought him from said that the
moray would not eat a dragon goby and that my fish was probably hiding.
<Eels are predators.> I have searched high and low for my dragon goby
with no sight of him not even fins or anything you find as leftovers to
a feeding. <If this fish in question is a dragonet, it's possible that
it dies of other reasons. They are notoriously hard to care for with the
majority of them starving in captivity.> I think it might have been my
moray because of the lack of evidence that my dragonfish would have left
like fins scales etc.. I really want to know for sure so I can see about
getting a refund on my fish at the store. <Well, good luck with that.
Adam J.> <<Mmm, these are brackish to marine animals, Gymnothorax and
Gobioides... don't mix. BobF>>
Treating Parasites with Scaleless fishes 7/10/03 I just recently
e-mailed you guys (and gals) about the feeding of a freshwater moray eel (I
found this in fact, it is Gymnothorax tile). Now, I have another problem. My
tank came down with ICH. But, I don't want my moray to die or have a reaction
to the medication I use, so which of the following would be better for me to
use: QUICK Cure, Ingredients: 25% Formaldehyde, 75% Malachite Green or Maracide
(ingredients: Tisaninomethane, Dibromohydroxymercurifluorescein, Aniline
green)? Or something else that I don't have? <Neither are wholly safe for this
eel... it would be best to separate the eel from other fishes with a hospital
tank and treat accordingly> On your website, you said that organic dyes were
poisonous to morays, so is Malachite Green an organic dye? What about
Aniline green? Is that an organic dye too? <yes to both> Thanx So much for your
help, Adam <use straight Formalin in a bare-bottomed tank if you must treat the
eel. Best regards, Anthony>
Eel ID (02/24/04) Hi I attached a photo and I wanted
to know what eel this is. Mostly I want to know how big will it get like in
thickness and length or other information thank you. <Hi! Ananda here
tonight... the file name seems to indicate the species: Gymnothorax
polyuranodon -- though it does not look quite like other photos I've seen of
that species. If you think the file name is not indicative of the species,
and to find out more basic info, head on over to Fishbase: http://www.fishbase.org ...just type
"Gymnothorax" in the Genus field and check the results. --Ananda><<Is G.
tile. RMF>> |
"Freshwater" moray eel (03/11/03) Hi, my name is Nate and I've had a
"freshwater" moray now for about six or seven months. <Hi -- Ananda here, seeing
those quotes around "freshwater" and hoping you do indeed have it in brackish
water...> He ate very vigorously for about six and a half months, now he will
not eat. I read a lot on the internet about them and their feeding habits, and
it's has only been about three weeks since he last ate. <Do also check our
articles/FAQs on these fish:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwmorayfaqs.htm> That's not my main concern
though; he now has developed white splotches on one side of his body near his
tail. The water has been tested and seemed to be completely fine. If you have
any idea or advice it would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.
<Could be a number of things. Without specific numbers for any of your water
quality parameters, or more info about the tank, it's impossible to be certain
what the problem is. I would do a water change on general principle, and perhaps
change the tank salinity a bit. Do look for photos of ich and compare to what's
on your fish. If you have ich, check the WetWebMedia site for treatment info. If
it isn't ich, a photo and detailed tank and water quality stats would help us ID
the problem. --Ananda>
Yellow finned eel ID I emailed a while ago about a
new unidentified eel I had gotten, and I finally have pictures to aid in the
ID process. He's about 8 or 9 inches long, about as wide as a pen or a AAA
battery at his thickest point. He eats like a pig, and will come searching
around the tank if I pour in a little of the water I used to thaw krill or
prawn with. (Even if I stick my fingers into the tank after touching some)
<I think what you have is Echidna rhodochilus Bleeker 1863, "Freshwater
White-Cheeked Moray". You can see this animal on our site here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwmorayeels.htm> I found a white
color variant Siderea thyrsoidea (white eye moray), and want to add it to my
tank very much, but as it is probably close to a foot in length and maybe as
big around as a nickel or larger, but I worry that my little yellow finned
beauty will be eaten. <A valid concern. This latter animal will grow much
more quickly than your current one> He is currently in a 38, and I can
quarantine the white eyed in my (hopefully "eel proof") ten gallon a little
longer than normal until I get my 75 up and running in a month or two, but
do you think they will bother each other even in there? <Too likely so to
suit me> It will be mostly dwarf lionfish; a dwarf zebra lion, a dwarf fuzzy
lion, a Fu Manchu, 3(?) leaf fish, a cockatoo Waspfish, and the two eels. I
have some shrimp in the 38 with the little guy, and he hasn't bothered them
yet. I worry that my current little guy will get too big and eat the white
eye moray in time too, since I don't know what he is (hoping not a Longtail
moray). Scott Michael's Reef fishes book states that white eye morays are
not a threat to other eels, and regularly share holes with them, but it
doesn't really say what kind of size difference is a safe margin for that
statement. I would really like them both, and I worry that because my LFS
does not get white eye morays in very often and I can't seem to ever find
them on the internet, <Look up both these species on fishbase.org> that I
won't see another one, especially a white one. If I really need to, I can
even keep the white eye in my 10 until my 75 is up, then keep him in there
and my little guy in the 38, but I'd like to put them together. From the
pictures, do you have any idea what my little guy might be? I have more
picture, and although they're blurry, I can send them if you need them.
Thanks, Valerie Hess p.s. I have already tried fishbase.org and I looked at
EVERY SINGLE eel picture they had, but it didn't help. <Mmm, use their
"Google Photos" patch on the (double lift click the image on their species
identification pages) extended photo/s pages. Bob Fenner> |
Just got a "freshwater snowflake eel" Ok at the risk of sounding like
an idiot...I just got an eel...the guy I bought it from said it was a freshwater
moray snowflake eel, he seemed to know what he was talking about and was fairly
helpful...the eel is about 6-8 inches long and in a 10 gallon tank... water is
entirely fresh and clean...I got some frozen silversides from the guy I got the
eel from and was wondering if this is a good food for him? I threw a few in
there, about an inch square cut from the package, I let it thaw and then dropped
them in front of his hiding place (a plastic decorative aqua-gator with hollow
belly and mouth open) he didn't move for them...I have fish gravel rocks on the
bottom and a filter that I got from Wal-mart...I guess I just need to know
exactly what steps I need to take to make this a happy healthy eel that isn't
going to die on my fiancé©.....she will be crushed....please help me....I know
that all this is probably in the FAQ but I wanted it personally...if you could
send a reply to my e-mail address I would be extremely grateful....thanks a
lot.....Mike <you are correct my friend. There is so much to say, and at times
we are pressed so dearly for time to try to keep up with e-mailed queries that
restating covered topics can be difficult. The eel species needs to be ID first
as a true fresh, brackish or marine species. The 10 gallon tank is obscenely
small whatever it is. Diet will depend o species again, but is likely to include
crustacea (live shrimp (ghost/grass), crayfish, krill, cocktail shrimp frozen).
If it seems to respire fast it may need salted water indeed. Please browse
articles and FAQs starting here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwmorayeels.htm Best regards, Anthony>
Gymnothorax polyuranodon Hi Anthony! I <Cheers my friend... and an
update: THIS JUST IN: Bob Fenner was recently spotted in a quiet inlet
snorkeling with what appeared to be a cluster of helium balloons tethered to his
back. When asked what the deal was with the helium balloons, he claimed that he
had difficulties securing proper diving gear in this remote location. However,
the beer cans strewn about the boat deck and piled up against the helium tank
near the tape recorder tell a different story. Look for a Christmas album from
Bob this December> just bought a 'freshwater eel'. Noted in past FAQs that you
have recommended addition of salt to the water so that they might survive in the
long run. <yes...depends on the species. Many are born in freshwater and
venture out to the sea. As such, they really cannot be considered freshwater.
Brackish is often better. Your species is actually a more freshwater tolerant
animal. Still... some salt would be nice. Do read more:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwmorayeels.htm> But if I have Bichirs in the tank
will the salt affect them? I read that they are true freshwater species. What
about fire eels that are a foot long? Will the salt affect them as well? Do fire
eels need salt?? <the fire ell is an "Asian" fish (Sumatra, Indochina, Thailand,
etc) that prefers soft, acidic water... nothing like your Gymnothorax
polyuranodon. Essentially... one of the two is going to be compromised with
regard for pH, alkalinity and salinity to a lesser extent. Still... they are
hardy... it may not be much of a problem. I must admit that I wouldn't mix
them... but if you do not intend to try to breed them you may be just fine> I
keep dwarf puffers in the tank as well. 15 of them actually. They are pretty
small at the moment. I heard someone say that if these puffers are swallowed,
they will actually inflate such that the aggressor will have no choice but to
spit the puffer out. My concern is if the puffer makes it into the stomach and
then inflates. Will it kill my eels? <certainly, but is more likely that
their toxic flesh will kill the eels first...hehe> My grouper (abt 12cm) ate one
of my puffers and then looked like he wanted to puke it out... But by then he
had already swallowed it. He looked pretty uncomfortable after eating the
puffer... I am monitoring the situation and will let you know if the grouper
makes it through the night! =P <please do> Thanks so much for your advice on
medicating fire eels. You are much funnier than Bob. Hahaha... (no offense meant
to Bob of course) Well I look forward to your insight once again. Thanks a
bunch!! <Ahhh... thank you kindly, but you haven't been around Bob enough. He
has an enormous funny bone (insert your own joke here). Hehehe. Best regards,
Re: Gymnothorax polyuranodon Hi Anthony! Thanks again for your SUPER
fast response! <that's what you get when you post a question to someone that
doesn't work a real job <wink>> Here are more questions... I am now in doubt as
to what species my eel really is. It could be a tile, polyuranodon or
rhodochilus. I'm pretty confused now. I want to keep this eel for a long time so
I have noticed your recommendation for some salt to be added. However, I noted
in your last msg that the polyuranodon is ok in freshwater? <lets be clear
about this... it is more tolerant of freshwater and brackish water than most
morays... but it is not ideal by any stretch of the imagination... please do
read Bobs articles/archives on this species> So does that mean its not necessary
to add salt? <not even close, my friend... I personally would keep this
animal at 1.005-1.010 SG> What about the other 2 species I mentioned above? Do
either of them have good long term prospects in freshwater? <1.005 is safe and a
recommended bare minimum for the true moray eels> My eel is about a foot long
and its roughly the thickness of an index finger. Its not eating yet but I just
got it yesterday so... <I won't be surprised either if it begins to do
better when more salt is added. Do use a hydrometer too please> Anyway it looks
pretty pale in color (pinkish/translucent) and its mottled with pretty light
yellow spots. Sort of yellow... Its design looks something like your pic of the
polyuranodon except that it does not have such striking color distinction. It
just looks pale. Any idea which one it is? <couldn't say for certain without
seeing it and even then...?> Assuming I do add salt. My tank is about 15 US
gallons. Its a 2 ft tank measuring 60x30x35cm. Does that mean roughly 1 gram of
salt per gallon? Your recommendations in the FAQ is one teaspoon (5gms) per 5 US
gallons? <that will get you in the ballpark, but a glass hydrometer is
less than ten dollars and is quite easy to use... highly recommended> I also
keep a caecilian and dwarf puffers in the tank. I think the caecilian is able to
tolerate 5 gm.s per 5 gallons... Any comments? If I just put 5 gm.s for 15
gallons will it make any difference at all to my moray? <all will tolerate
the low end of the recommendation for certain> Does salt make the water more
acidic or basic? <neither...unrelated> I read your site's article on salt. It
says,"5.5g gm.s is sufficient for 294 gallons of water." Then the next paragraph
says," For simple osmoregulatory stress protection, on an indefinite basis, one
can use 1 to 3 mg/L of salt. This would be equivalent to one teaspoon of salt
added to 1,453 to 484 gallons of water!" Is this contradictory or does the
second Para just refer to 'SIMPLE stress protection'? <again...you'll want
to use a hydrometer and aim for 1.005 to 1.010> What's osmoregulatory stress
anyways? =) <respiratory distress...typically rapid breathing in eels that
are too salty or not salty enough> This might sound like a stupid question but
I'll ask anyway... If salt can distress freshwater fishes at the concentration
stated above, then what happens when the salinity hits 1.010? How will this
salinity adversely affect true FW fishes? <easier on the moray but harder on the
spiny eels> Will fire eels be able to withstand 1.005 - 1.010? <the lower
end for sure...but not comfortably at the higher end> I assume Bichirs and dwarf
puffers can but can fire eels take it? I also read that spiny eels have internal
parasites? Is this harmful to them? Should I feed mine some medicine or do I
just leave the internal parasites alone? <all wild fish may have them and many
captive are likely as well. Do not medicate unless you need to> Do plant
fertilizers affect Bichirs or eels (morays and spiny) adversely? <unlikely
in low doses> I have a huge piece of driftwood in the tank. It turns my water a
very slight brown. Is this good for my eels? <delightful for the fire
eel...but not natural for the others> Do dissolved plants affect water chemistry
greatly? Do dissolved plants and my wood turn the water more acidic or basic?
<significantly and more acidic.> I decided to ask more direct questions 'cos I
thought that it will aid you seeing as how you have such a unique way of
answering everyone's questions. Hope this helps you. Thanks a bunch!!! <thank
you for saying so <smile>. Do look into a local aquarium society for networking
and shared info too... they really are great places for info beyond the
Internet. Kindly, Anthony>
So-called Freshwater Snowflake eel Mr. Robert Fenner, <Anthony Calfo,
in your service, my friend> I have a Snowflake Eel that's been swimming on its
side erratically from one end of the tank to the other and sometimes resting
upside down. I've noticed he's been breathing very rapidly, too. He's about 28"
long and lives in a 65 gallon tank, along with seven 2.5" African cichlids
(variety) and a 22" white cheek eel. <the first and most likely problem
with your eel is that it is suffering from the extended captivity in freshwater.
These so-called "freshwater eels" are only comfortable in freshwater at best as
juveniles. As they mature they migrate out to brackish water and some eventually
to the sea. This is a common question and problem. The size of your eel and
rapid gilling is a giveaway. Do buy a hydrometer and begin a adding sea salt
slowly to bring the salinity up by .002 daily (not too fast!) until you reach at
least normal brackish water of 1.010 within two weeks. Since you have Africans
in the main display... I assume/hope that you are already adding a little salty,
eh?> I also keep the feeder gold fish, about a dozen medium size gold fish,
<really...goldfish are an inadequate food item for crustacean feeding eels.
Predators forced to feed on such deficient prey often die of complications
prematurely. The aquarists often doesn't realize it because the fish seems to be
"fine" eating them for a couple of years (but still doesn't reach a full
lifespan). Be sure to mix up the diet with great variety of shell-on creatures
(krill, plankton, shrimp, crayfish, etc)> in a floating container inside the 65
gallon tank. I changed 20% of the water last Tuesday and he's been eating 2-4
Gold Fishes every other day. I've noticed this change of behavior Saturday
evening. Right now I have him isolated in a 20 gallon tank with seven small gold
fish (feeder fish). He's not very responsive and tends to lay on its side,
sometimes. His breathing tends to speed up at times (average about 49-50 breaths
per minute) and slows down (30-32 breaths per minute). I'm a little worried
about him. I've had him for about 3 years and I about him when he was 17" long.
Do you know what might be wrong? I've enclosed a picture of him in the sick
tank. <yes... please add some salt promptly as prescribed above. Anthony> v/r
John Black
Freshwater eel? Not in this case? hello sir <Greetings, Brian. Anthony
Calfo in your service> I recently purchased a snowflake eel and I'm getting
worried about it it is pale colored and it like to lie on its side, gasping for
air it seems, I have 3 African cichlids, a tiger Botia, and a blue crawfish, the
eel is about 1 foot long they all live in a 20 high he hasn't looked healthy and
I was wondering if you could give me your opinion of what it is I need to do.
thank you for you time. Brian Dillon <Brian...your eel is most likely a brackish
species. Fortunately, it's tankmates will tolerate and even appreciate some
aquarium salt. Add 1 tablespoon per five gallons for starters and only replace
it at that dose when you do water changes (not evaporation top off). And look
for a picture on the Web (this site and www.fishbase.org) for a picture to
identify the species so that we can better help you. Let us know if your eel
breathers easier with the salt in the water. Also, test your water quality for
any low pH, high ammonia, etc>
Two questions First of all thanks for your last advice and fast
response, I will get the pH and nitrite tests. 1) I have a Gymnothorax
polyuranodon (freshwater eel) and some times he changes color to a pale one but
just happened twice during a month and later he has its original color, is this
normal or what could be happening? is eating well, as I see during everyday
observation is quite good. <This is normal... seems to have more to do with
"mood" than water quality, other external influences... Not necessarily an
indication of trouble> 2) I will get a freshwater stingray soon but I can't find
written thinks online about injuries caused by the sting and envenomation, what
should I do in case of envenomation or being touch by it sting ( accidentally,
of course I will take care of this everyday). <Please take a read through the
Freshwater Stingray article: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwstingrays.htm and
Injury piece: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/Wound.htm and we'll be chatting. Bob
Fenner> Best regards. Attn. Carlos Gorgon
Freshwater Eel? Hi..! <Hi, Carlos... Anthony Calfo in your service> A
few days ago I got an eel, searching at the web found is just one alike and is
called lycodontis tile eel, is just exactly the same I have but I'm not sure if
it is a snowflake eel (?). <no sir... you have a variegated "freshwater eel",
which favors brackish water and if kept in freshwater may be stressed not to
feed... but not a snowflake moray eel> This is now 6 inches, small but healthy
as I think, it open its mouth sometimes when quite in a place and moves greatly
but feeding is kind of concern, since 4 days ago never seen it eating, I tried
freeze dried blood worms, <good food, but not likely to be taken> fish flakes (
as pet shop owner recommended) a <that person needs a good book... the only way
that eel is going to eat flakes is with a slingshot> and now after more research
I set a toothpick with beef heart with just small bites on it but not sure if
they were from the eel. <hmmm... perhaps> What do you recommend about this
situation? <try crustaceans (live and frozen)... krill (FD and Frozen
maybe)... live ghost/grass shrimp very good> my eel is moving and breathing as
usual so I think is healthy, color, eyes and dorsal fin ( from head to tail) is
ok. <excellent> What kind of eel is this one.? probably it just eat live fish
and need to try. Best regards. <live fish not necessary, I believe. keep us
posted, Anthony>
Eel food..? Hi..! searching on your site I found my eel is just the
same as: Gymnothorax polyuranodon . <excellent, Carlos... but that is a good
stretch from the tile eel species mentioned in your first e-mail. The feeding
advice stays the same... but did you buy the eel in fresh or saltwater. If
saltwater, disregard the history mentioned in the last e-mail. Best of luck to
you, Anthony> Thanks.! Attn. Carlos Gorgon
Re: ALL CAP'S and stocking cichlids and eels what's wrong with all
capitol letters? is this better? <Yes, thank you. Much easier to read...
an aspect of "netiquette"... rules of polite society> am not shouting. ok. (lol)
can I put a freshwater eel in a 55 gallon tank with a red devil and a green
terror.? <Mmm, not really a good idea... "the" freshwater eels are too slow,
blind to compete with such "go-getter" cichlids. Please read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwmorayeels.htm Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Gregg
Freshwater morays Hi Bob, I have been reading the FAQ on freshwater
moray eels and was wondering if you could help me out with a query of mine. A
friend of mine recently acquired 3 freshwater morays directly from a wholesaler.
He was informed that they were a freshwater species and that the specimens were
actually bred in captivity in freshwater. <Really? Hmm, have just this last week
finished spiffing up this section of WWM... no Morays (Muraenidae) have been
spawned, reared in captivity... the larval history phase, the leptocephalus, is
very problematical...> He does not have the Latin name but we believe them to be
Echidna rhodochilus and they range in colour from a peppery speckle to whitish.
<Yes... wish I had better pix of the white and black geographic "races"... very
beautiful> I am surprised to hear that they were bred in freshwater but
apparently this is the case. They are about 4" long and currently being housed
in a 20 gal aquaria where they are doing well and feeding on river shrimp.
<Neat> Due to the eventual size and conditions they require he has offered them
to me as I have a 150 UK gal brackish tank housing Figure eight and green
spotted puffer fish. I am interested in taking these fish but am wondering if my
current tank inhabitants are suitable tank mates for these morays. The puffers
range in size from 1-4 inches. <I suspect there might well be trouble with the
Puffers both biting these tiny eels and consuming all their food. I would at
least put a serious barrier/divider between the front and back of a section of
your tank to keep them separated> I look forwards to hearing your reply! Many
thanks, Kris Graff <Be chatting. Bob Fenner>
Re: freshwater morays Hi Bob, Thanks for the info and the quick reply!
I was wondering if it would be an option to grow the eels on in a species tank
and then introduce them to the main brackish tank with the puffers when they are
at a decent size. Would I still see problems here as regards to the eels
catching food? <Possibly... the Puffers might be able to be trained to accept
food in one corner, the eels the other...> I will send you some pictures of the
eels as soon as possible. My friend has three of different colour phases, the
white is indeed very attractive. Once again, thank you for your help, Kris <Be
chatting my friend. Bob Fenner>
"Freshwater " moray eel Mr. Fenner, First, like everyone else, I have
to thank you both for your excellent book and the responses you post on WWM.
They were both very helpful last year when I set up my first reef, which
continues to thrive thanks to your advice. <You are certainly welcome. Thank you
for the acknowledgement> I am writing to you regarding the eel that is commonly
sold as "freshwater snowflake moray," which I am using as the centerpiece for a
brackish tank. I recently purchased one at 18" that has turned out to be a
fantastic fish. (Just recently came off its hunger strike...big relief for me!)
<Ah, yes> First, has the scientific name for this eel changed? I see it on WWM
referred to as Gymnothorax polyuranodon, but I have seen it referenced elsewhere
as Echidna rhodochilus. <Hmm, well this is a valid name for one of the
"marine/fresh Moray species":
http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?ID= But the former is also
freshwater and a valid species:
http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?ID= And there are a few
others that are occasionally imported for aquarium use... So, both do come to
ornamental aquatics through the Philippines, but are separate/different
species.> Second, I have found reliable information on this animal hard to find.
I have read the synopsis here and on Fishbase, as well as on Ruben Tolen's
brackish site, but I have found little else on the web. I am primarily confused
on the salinity this animal needs to be kept at as an adult. 1.010 is about
what/where I've seen them kept by the trade... as juveniles. The Echidna I
suspect should be kept in NSW, Near Seawater, conditions as an adult> I always
see it referenced as a brackish fish, but reliable responses from other
aquarists on AquariaCentral and FishIndex suggest it requires marine conditions
as an adult. I am prepared to provide for it either way, but I would like to
know what environment will be best for it. Thanks for your time and your
expertise, Jason <Actually either or both of us need make a trip down to a
large/r college library here (unless you have BIOSIS/Zoological Record access at
home/office... Go back to Fishbase.org and click, follow under "references"...
and if you have time, inclination, to the library you go, and have a reference
librarian show you how to do a computer bibliographic search. Like:
http://wetwebmedia.com/litsrchart.htm Be chatting, Bob Fenner>
Re: "freshwater " moray eel Mr. Fenner, Thanks for the quick reply! The
freshwater moray that I own looks more like the echidna rhodochilus from these
pictures, as does the animal labeled as Gymnothorax polyuranodon on WWM:
_records=1 Does Gymnothorax polyuranodon display enough color variation to
account for this difference in pictures, or is the photo on WWM (or AC) possibly
mislabeled? <Don't know about the range of color, patterns in this species...
all the ones I have seen have been rather bland... if these were indeed G.
polyuranodon... But do know (for sure) about the possibility of mislabeled
images identified by myself! These are definitely due to error.> Also, I happen
to be student at Virginia Tech, which unfortunately doesn't help as our library
does not have the text cited for rhodochilus on Fishbase. I will look into
Interlibrary Loan and see if I can get lucky...I will let you know if I find out
anything interesting. Thanks again, Jason <Yes to the interlibrary loan... Do
check to see if you have BIOSIS on campus. Bob Fenner>
Freshwater Moray Eels I really appreciate the time that you took for
this site. <Ah, you're welcome. It was made for you.> I would like to buy a
fresh water Moray Eel. I guess I need some help and no one in pet stores really
know anything about freshwater. I am going to put it in a 75-100 gallon tank.
What kind of sand should I put down? <Something fine/r... and calcareous.
Please see the "Marine Substrates" section and "Moray Eels" under the Marine
Index (the freshwater species are touched on there)> Is possible to order a fish
through the mail? <Certainly> Can I feed them gold fish? And better yet how
about a book on fresh water moray. This would really help. <Not really goldfish,
but other live or frozen/defrosted meaty foods. Take a look at the WWM site
cited, then fishbase.org then your search engines under "Freshwater Morays">
Thanks, Michael <Be chatting my friend. Bob Fenner>
Re: Freshwater Moray Eels Thanks for getting back to me. I have called
all over the place in Virginia looking for a "fresh water moray eel' I have had
0 luck! Do you know of a place that I could order one through the mail or call.
<Take a look at the livestock etailers listed on our site (www.WetWebMedia.com)
Links Pages> I have also had no luck looking for a book. <See the "Moray Eels"
section on the WWM site> I figure that I will get a 75 gallon tank with heaters
that will keep the tempter a 70-80.{F}. I will have a 2 caves in it so that it
can hide and the sand that you recommended. I will buy a power filter. Do you
think that I will need a skimmer? <Probably not a skimmer if you are going to
try keeping the water entirely fresh... do take a look through Fishbase.org
under the term "freshwater moray". Bob Fenner> Thanks again, Michael Davis
Freshwater snowflake moray I got a snow flake about 2 weeks ago and it
wont eat I've tried all sorts of food (Tubifex worms.. live...crustaceans..)
please help ... please mail any info you might have thanks <Do have patience...
these Eels frequently go on food strikes when first moved... do keep trying
various meaty, live foods, including smaller earthworms (like those you can dig
up, or buy at bait stores), and if your other fishes, plants et al. can tolerate
it (they should), do place a teaspoon per ten gallons of non-iodized salt
(ice-cream, kosher, pickling...) in this system... should help stir appetite and
act as a general cathartic. Bob Fenner>