FAQs about Marine Fishes 2
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Ah, cha cha cha cha

Brotulina fusca or possible Ogilbia cayorum
Hi Bob! I hope all is well for you! I have recently obtained what I
believe to be a pair of these, they were sold to me as Yellow Brotulid.
The pictures seem closer to the Ogilbia to me, and I can see how these
would be easily confused. When I saw them on the "for order" list I did
some research and decided to give them a try. I was most drawn to the
fact that they are livebearers, and as the ghost knife was always one of
my favorite freshwater charges, the fin structure appeals to me. It also
seems they used to be a relative rarity in the trade, however I also see
Live Aquaria has an offering presently. I have placed them in a 5.5
gallon QT tank that has a few coral skeletons, and a piece of live rock
from one of my other systems.
<Do make sure this small tank is completely covered. This fish is a
I am doing daily water changes to keep water quality top notch, and am
planning to add them to a 30 gallon tied into a multi tank system in 3
or 4 weeks unless I see something in QT that causes me to reset the
clock. I am quite surprised at how little information is available on
the net, and I only found two mentions of them on WWM. I did determine
they can be secretive and hard to feed in active tanks. I am growing
concerned as I have not been able to see them eat, or observe any
evidence of them eating (droppings, missing food that was added, etc.) I
am going on two weeks now, and both 2 1/2" specimens are active, show
good coloring, and do not have sunken stomachs. I have tried frozen
mysids, Cyclop-eeze, and my stand by New Life Spectrum pellets to no
avail. I did note there were, and still are, amphipods scurrying about
on the piece of live rock. Last night I fired up my brine shrimp
hatchery thinking I would try offering them some live food.
<Good idea>
Before I took that step I though I would solicit your opinion if that
were a logical next step, or if I am giving in too easily. I want to
avoid a situation where I am trying to reverse them beginning to waste
away. Any information or a place to do more reading is much appreciated.
As always thank you for your efforts in the hobby and for providing this
great resource!
Matt Bowers
<I too would try the live Artemia. Bob Fenner> Pempheris PIX 2/12/14
Summat screwy w/ MS... Here are my best for six species of Pempherids...
NSUL is Lembeh, RA Raja Ampat, KEYL Key Largo, FL... RS Red Sea, SIP
Sipadan, Malaysia. Dang! Am trying BillyG's svc. again.
BobF<Parapriacanthus guentheri RS 08 (1).JPG><Pempheris
adustaRS.tif><Pempheris mangula SIP.JPG><Pempheris schomburgki
KEYL (1).jpg><Pempheris sp. NSUL.jpg><Pempheris vanicolensis RA.JPG>
Re: Pempheris PIX 2/12/14
<Hey Dr. R!>
Thanks for sending photos of Pempherids to Ben and me. The first
is a great photo of Parapriacanthus. I will pass it on to Randy
Mooi of Canada. Same for the third photo from Key Largo; he's doing the
Atlantic Pempheris. I'll pass your third photo on to Dr. Mark
Erdmann who often collects and photographs fishes at Raja Ampat; he just
speared a new Pempheris from there. Have you seen his 3-volume
Reef Fishes of the East Indies coauthored with Jerry Allen?
<Yes... did buy a set early on; breezed through... Dying to get out to
W. Irian Jaya>
The fourth fish from the Red Sea is blowing my mind. I am just finishing
a book on all the fishes of the Red Sea to 200 m with Russian and German
colleagues, and we have never seen that fish. Close to P.
oualensis, which does not have yellow pectorals and has a large black
spot at the pectoral-fin base. And finally the true P.
vanicolensis from Sipadan (I enjoyed great diving there).
Aloha, Jack
<A hu'i hou my friend. BobF>
Re: Bob's Pempheris PIX 2/12/14
Bob- Thanks for letting us see them- the Red Sea fish looks like P.
schwenkii; the Lembeh and Raja Ampat fish are vanicolensis; the Sipadan
fish is very interesting- Jack will have to venture a guess on ID on
that one. I note the silvery line in the very front of the dorsal fin I
have not seen on any other photo..
<Ah yes; I will not vouch for any of my (tentative always) IDs Ben...
and know naught re Pempherids... they're not ornamentals (petfish) as
far as I'm aware>
Since the species are not conforming to categories they have been in
before, did you have other shots of those species?
<Oh yes; I do... other than my P. adusta... which I just checked lest I
have more to send on per Jack's last corr.>
Jack and I (and others) are wrestling with many new species according to
the DNA. Trying to fit characters to lineages. Ben
<Cladistics... A hoot once again! Cheers, BobF>
Re: Bob's Pempheris PIX 2/12/14
We avoid any conclusions on evolutionary questions with DNA.. we use it
just to highlight who is different from whom. The cladistics stuff is a
mess of controversy! The relative position of lineages in the trees can
change from day to day- but different is different. We call our ID
approach simply "bar-coding".
Re: Bob's Pempheris PIX/DNA 2/12/14
We avoid any conclusions on evolutionary questions with DNA.. we use it
just to highlight who is different from whom. The cladistics stuff is a
mess of controversy! The relative position of lineages in the trees can
change from day to day- but different is different. We call our ID
approach simply “bar-coding”. Ben
<I see... I think/believe... as an old timey reader/follower of the days
of morphological studies/principles alone, am glad to see more data/fuel
on zee fire. B>
Pygmy Sweepers, gen. --
Dear WetWebMedia Crew:
I saw a rather distinct school of fish at work (my work, not the
fishes') the other day. They are apparently called "pygmy
sweepers." After looking up the name on the Internet, I found they
are also called "golden sweepers"
or "Parapriacanthus ransonneti." Unfortunately, I have not
found any other information. Have you heard of them? Do they make good
aquarium fish?
Much thanks,
<The Pygmy Sweeper is Parapriacanthus ransonneti. If all else fails,
Fishbase usually comes up trumps! In this case, did a search for
"Sweeper", and found the beastie, spelled Pigmy to be sure,
but that's life. You'll
find info there re: size, diet, social behaviour.
They aren't normally kept as aquarium fish; they're gregarious,
nocturnal, feed mostly on zooplankton, and don't adapt well to
small tanks despite their "pygmy" size. If you have a very
large aquarium with big caves,
strong water current, and the ability to offer them suitably small
foods, a school of at least 6, ideally 10 or more specimens might be
worth a flutter. There's a little about them in the (big) Axelrod
Marine Atlas.
Cheers, Neale>
Re: Pygmy Sweepers
Dear Neale:
Thank you very much for the quick reply. By the way, don't worry
about the fish; they will live in a public aquarium's large, live
coral exhibit, so they will have plenty of room and plankton.
<Hi Diane. Glad to have helped; sounds as if these fish are going to
a lovely home! Good luck with them. Cheers, Neale.>
Wow, now this is trippy! MBARI,
Barreleye, deepwater fish 2/26/09
<Neat fish, good spiel. BobF>
Quick fish ID bro? 11/18/07 cheers, Bob <Antoine> A
quick query bro... can you name or guide me to ID this fish,
mate? Photographed in South Africa (East) <Looks... like an
Anarhichadid... "Wolf blenny" from the scalature,
molars... but don't see it by family on FB... Nor is there a
member listed for S. Africa (out of 1,903 on FB)... Do you have a
full-body pic? Cheers! BobF> It looks delicious :)<I'd
say it's a Jimmy Durante feesh, ah cha cha cha... But think
this ref. is too old for you. B>
Quick fish ID bro? 11/19/07 heehee... a fitting
name indeed - I do remember Durante well... watch(ed) the films
and my grandfather met him (pap did security/bodyguarding)...
used to love to mention him. Sorry for not including a body shot
of the fish bro. One is attached here. The critter was the better
part of a meter in length. gracias :) <Have "slept on
this", (was lumpy), and do think this (now) may be some sort
of Labrid/oid... from the dentition, thick caudal peduncle, and
apparently truncate caudal... Am going through Fishbase in a
bit... re S. African members of the family... perhaps this is
even a genetically deformed individual... Cheers, BobF
<Dr. Randall... am stumped... can you help me here. At
least to family? Cheers, Bob Fenner> Re: quick fish ID bro?
11/19/07 Great thanks for the effort, Bob. Please don't
go far out of your way, though. I was just fishing to see if it
rang a bell. I will keep digging too. gracias <Have bitten the
proverbial bullet and sent your pix to Dr. Randall for his
input... Now I'm really hooked! Cheers, BobF>
Re: Quick fish ID bro? -11/19/07
It's seabream (Porgy): Cymatoceps nasutus
Cheers, Marco. <Ahh, outstanding! Thank you Marco.
Re: Jack, would you take a look? FW: quick
fish ID bro? -11/19/07 Bob: Looks like the emperor
Lethrinus erythracanthus with a deformed head to me. L.
kallopterus is a synonym. Aloha, Jack <Thanks much
Jack... one of the "Crew" wrote in: It's
seabream (Porgy): Cymatoceps
Marco.<Ahh, outstanding! Thank you Marco. BobF>
<<In taking a look at the FB graphic, this does look
to be it. A hu'i hou! BobF>
Re: Jack, would you take a look? FW: quick
fish ID bro? -- 11/20/2007
Great thanks Bob/Marco/Jack
for the input
<You are welcome.> the Seabream is on
the mark! The temptation to call this fish a wrasse was so
strong for me too... but it just wasn't right. much
obliged :)
<I'm more into moray eels and puffers
than porgies, but this funny face was unforgettable.
Cheers, Marco.>
