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Fire Eel, fdg.
Thank you and a Question. Spiny eel sys., gen.
Spiny eel questions..can't find answers; incomp. w/ GF... gen.
Mastacembelids 2/11/16 Questions Regarding One Striped Spiny Eels
6/21/13 Zig zag eels, stkg., more 8/1/12
Fiddler crabs versus peacock eel 10/21/08
Questions about tire-track
eels 10/10/08 Unhappy Fire Eel 7/28/06 General habitat questions re Mastacembelids, Gouramis 7/26/06 Hi from New Zealand. Im planning to purchase 3 striped peacock spiny eels and have been searching the internet for 3 days solid trying to gather information. <Is about, but not easy to find... the Net will be much better... soon> Most sites contradict another one so Im all confused. I plan to have 9 Gouramis in the tank as well and two fake rocks that have lots of hiding places, some fake plants, low watt lights, Eclipse Aquarium Hood, and some walnut gravel as it has very small smooth pebbles. How many gallons will the tank need to hold? <Mmm, the "bigger the better"... at least 200 liters...> What dimensions do you suggest? <More "flat" than tall and narrow... to provide surface area for gaseous exchange, habitat for these types of fishes> Am I on the right track with my plans? I just want to get it right so the critters don't suffer. Thank you in advance. Emily <Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/matacembelids.htm and here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/anabantoids.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Some Questions about Spiny Eels - 05/22/06 Hi,
<<Hello>> First off your site is very helpful and I have
learned much from it. <<Is good to hear>> However I do have
a problem that I couldn't find an answer to on Google or your site.
<<Okay, let's see if I can help>> Im new to aquariums
and about 5 weeks ago I purchased a Striped Peacock Eel. <<Read
here and at the links in blue: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/matacembelids.htm
>> At first he didn't eat much (actually hardly at all) but a
couple of weeks back he decided to eat as much as he could
get. I would like to know how many 8-10 mm long pieces of
earthworms an eel about 7-8 inches should safely consume each day.
<<Hmm...would think at least 3-4 pieces would be
fine. Live Blood and Tubifex worms would be relished as
well, and will add some variety to the diet>> Also he is
outgrowing his home/cave rather rapidly <<Indeed, can reach a
foot in length>> so should I try to find him a new hideout (the
gravel is a bit to harsh for burrowing) or attempt to possibly put new
finer gravel in his half of the tank (during a partial perhaps?).
<<I kept some of these eels a few decades back (did I really just
say that?!), quite interesting creatures as I recall. A
fine/soft substrate is best/ideal...along with some plants/hiding
places...and subdued lighting>> I want your personal opinion/s as
well a reasonable answer/s so that is another cause to actually Email
you guys and gals. <<No worries mate...I hope I've been
helpful>> Thanks in advance, Matt <<Regards,
EricR>> Peacock Eel questions... sys., comp. 4/26/06 Hello! I just found your site, and it's great! Anyway, I have a few questions. I currently have a peacock eel and 4 mollies (2 Sailfins, 2 Shortfins) in my aquarium. I have read in some places that Peacock Eels like brackish water, <Mmm, can tolerate some...> and so do mollies, but other places say that the Peacock Eel is completely freshwater. <Many Mastacembelids are brackish... not this one. Please see: http://filaman.ifm-geomar.de/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=50400> Do Peacock Eels benefit from marine salt in their water? <Not much, no> How much salt should I add is this is the case? <A minimum amount...> Also, I have seen a 'Figure 8 Puffer' in my local fish shop, and was also wondering if this species is a suitable tankmate. <... no. Too likely to bite the mollies, spiny eel> I have also heard that they are brackish. <... please see WWM re> Any other information about suitable tankmates for my mollies and my Peacock Eel would be greatly appreciated! Paul <Paul... time to read my friend. Learn to/use the indices, search tool on WWM. Bob Fenner> Fire "Eel", Eye Damage - 10/12/05 Hello <Good morning.> I hope you can help me to help my Fire Eel. When we were cleaning the tank 10 days ago, my eel got a fright and decided to have a 100mph swim round the tank! <Yikes! Hopefully this system is not too small for him to feel secure....> I think he must have hurt himself as I have now noticed that his one eye is totally white (looks blind) and he has a patch above the eye which seems to be getting whiter by the day. <Definitely a concern.... Probably did scratch/damage himself during his speedy stint about the tank.> He is also off his food, not having eaten for three days (very unusual for him). <And not a good sign....> I have bought some Potassium Permanganate (Condy's crystals), but don't know if I can use this as he is 'scaleless' and I have been told to be careful of medications as not all are suitable for eels. <You are correct. Do not use this.... Very, very caustic - will more than likely kill the eel, and can be hazardous to deadly even on stronger fish.> Please help. I am worried about my fat boy! <Bob's recommendation (and I agree wholeheartedly) is to add aquarium salt (the stuff marketed for freshwater aquaria, not marine salt), perhaps at one or two tablespoons per ten gallons, possibly also add Maracyn I & II (erythromycin and Minocycline) as a preventative.... and of course, maintain optimal water quality. Try feeding stinky, attractive foods like bloodworms (live if you can get 'em) or even red worms/tiny earthworms you collect yourself from an area uncontaminated by pesticides/herbicides.> Thanks, -Wendy <Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Fire Eel
Issues - 04/05/2006 I have a fire eel (approximately eighteen
inches) in a freshwater tank - think he might about 15 years old - not
sure. <Nice!> A couple weeks ago he stopped eating,
became lethargic (not sure I spelled that right), <I believe you
did.> and appeared to have labored breathing. I dosed the
tank with Maracyn II for five days, <Why?> and then another five
days with Maracyn. <Again, why? Did you see
symptoms of anything aside from the heavy
breathing/lethargy? Did you have reason to suspect a
bacterial infection?> I have only used Mardel products on him
including CopperSafe and occasionally Maroxy. <....
should try not to use medications unless you know there's a disease
that must be treated....> He has a couple injury sites that have
turned white. <Disturbing. How did he become
injured? Tankmate squabble? Escape attempt?>
After the second week of antibiotic treatment, he improved, regained
his appetite and was swimming like usual. Last night, he
stopped eating again. I'm not sure what to do this time
around. I/m afraid he might be dying from old
age? <In all honesty, this is possible....> I am
doing 20-25% partials every 5-7 days. <Ammonia, nitrite,
nitrate, pH readings?> He has a small area of whitish skin on the
side of his face. Please give me some suggestions. Linda
Itoh Hello, I wrote to you a little earlier and I need to add a symptom
I just noticed with my fire eel - his stomach is bloated.
<The bloated belly and refusal to eat are troubling.... I
would first check (and correct, if necessary) his water
quality.... Next, there are a number of things to
consider. First, simple constipation. Foods high
in roughage content may help with this (adult daphnia, adult brine
shrimp....). Secondly, these dropsical symptoms may indicate
an internal bacterial infection; if that's the case, there may be
little you can do, depending upon what, exactly, is troubling
him. You might consider trying to feed with an antibiotic
medicated food, though this will (obviously) be difficult if the fellow
refuses to eat.... Maintaining optimal water quality and
hoping for the best with foods to help reduce constipation may be your
best first start.> Linda Itoh <My best wishes to your eely
friend, -Sabrina> Fire Eel fdg., sys./comp. 4/1/06 Hi Crew! <Michael> Hope all is well in Wet Web land. I have a feeding issue with my 12" Fire Eel. I purchased him 8 days ago from my LFS and since then I have not been able to get (him or her) to eat. <Happens... Mastacembelids don't like changes... and being "moved" is a biggie> (We will assume its a he)............. I have tried feeding him frozen bloodworms with no luck and have just tried frozen krill even though I could not find any documentation supporting krill to feed him. <Some will take... but takes training on to> He is in a 94 gallon corner tank with plenty of caves housed with a red empress, Hap Ali, sunshine peacock, yellow lab, pike cichlid, <These are aggressive species...> and 2 cats (4" and not sure the type). All fish are between 4-5 inches. I understand that there is some good competition for food for him and have found ways around that. I have tried using a feeding stick to spear the krill and have used the stick which acts like a turkey baster as well to blow the bloodworms by him. He has had ample time to eat both. My latest attempt today was to put the bloodworms in a shot glass and to lay the glass in the tank (and yes, I took the Jack Daniels out of the shot glass first). <Heee, good idea to both> The bloodworms stayed in the glass and the cichlids left the food alone. I left that in there for a half hour and watch patiently to see him not eat. I have read and re-read your archives and understand that they can go on hunger strikes for weeks at a time but I guess I would really value your input on my situation. Aside from not eating he does look healthy and acts fine. Thank you in advance for your assistance! Michael J. Bukosky <I would try some live worms... likely "black Tubifex" if you could find, or other... placed in a container as you've done here... but really, the best scenario is going to be to place this fish in a less-agonistic setting... completely covered top, with "soft" rounded substrate, diffuse lighting and soft/er, more acidic water than some of the fish you list prefer. I would do this move if this spiny eel does not feed within another week. Bob Fenner> Striped peacock eel info 3/16/06 Dear Robert, I am new to eel care and have some questions regarding eel behavior. My eel is approximately 6-8 in long (I'm not sure exactly because he doesn't stay still) and appears to be healthy. I have only had him a few days and he still looks pretty nervous about his new home. <Typical> I have a 55 gallon aquarium with 1TB aquarium salt for every 5 gal. I am unsure about this but have read they do ok in brackish aquariums. <To an extent, yes> My main question is that could my 6-8 in eel eat a 3.5 in Senegal bichir or 5 in violet goby? <No, could not> My bichir is terrified of my eel and the violet goby is MIA at the moment. <The latter may have "jumped out"... look about on the floor... or be hiding.> Also I am unsure he is getting enough to eat I have tried fresh raw fish, cut Nightcrawlers, and shrimp pellets. I have heard and read that these are all foods accepted by eels but I am nervous anyway. <Best to offer some live worms, insect larvae that sink...> would a sort of community feeding spot work? <Mmm, could> None of my other fish are terribly voracious and I was thinking of a watering hole type situation. If you could help to unravel some of this I would appreciate it. Sincerely, Matt Tompkins <I do hope your livestock all settle-in... they should be compatible... that is, "get along" with another. I would not add any more salt than you mention... and would try black worms, Tubificids for your Mastacembelid eel for now. Bob Fenner> Sores on Aethiomastacembelus elipisfer 3/10/06 I just bought a Aethiomastacembelus elipisfer about a month and a half ago. This week I see a sore on its side. Also, it is not very active, preferring to "make like grass" in the plants. I am not sure it has been eating, but have fed guppies and will continue to do so. do you have suggestions on treatment for these sores? Thanks Pei <Mmm, yes... from Oliver's input and mine posted on WWM (Please use the Google search tool or read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/spinyeelfaqs.htm These matters need to be addressed aggressively. Bob Fenner> Earthworms 'N' Eels - 03/07/2006 This is just a note for those eel lovers or those wanting to embrace the eel so to speak. <.... I might pet one, but hugging is maybe not quite in my plans.> A couple of years ago I bought 4 eels for my hundred gallon aquarium. Two fire eels and two tire track. Sadly someone left the lid on the tank askew and I lost one a couple of weeks ago. <Aww! So sorry to hear this!> It was about 18 inches long. I still have three left that are about that size, one is a good 23 inches long. They share the aquarium with a sun catfish, a drift wood cat, a tiny (but extremely swift) zebra loach, a very fat clown loach which I bought at the same time (he's a good 10 inches long) a spotted perch, a dojo and a pair of spotted catfish that act like they're on crack. I love my eels but let future eel owners be warned, they'll eat you out of house and home. They pick at flake food in the morning, ah but at night they go through 3 of the large cubes of frozen blood worms and whine for more. I'm thinking that someday in the future I will find just one very enormous eel in that tank, all other fish having become snacks. Do you know if eels might eat fishing worms? <Yep. Especially at that size. I recommend culturing your own, to be sure they are in good health and nutrition. Google "vermiculture". You can start with worms in your own yard, provided you haven't used any pesticides, herbicides, etc.> I'm curious but haven't tried offering any. <I'm sure they'd love 'em. Try small worms, not big fat Nightcrawlers.> I was kind of hoping that the larger worms might just fill the tanks up a bit quicker. Luckily I can say that none of them have had an ailment in the years I've had them. (knock on wood) and I don't want to encourage anything a live food might bring in. <Agreed.> So if you have any information on earthworms for eels please let me know. It would be much appreciated. <I say give it a try - I've seen even smallish (<8" or so) spiny eels take small worms.> Thanks Jo <All the best to you, -Sabrina> FW Eel 1/16/06 Hi, there! First off, I will begin by thanking whomever is reading/answering this e-mail. I am a relative newcomer to keeping FW eels. I currently own two such specimens. One 7" striped peacock eel, and one 4" zig-zag, or tire track eel. I purchased the tire track eel from Arizona Aquatic Gardens (azgardens.com) whose incompetent 'staff' told me that the zig-zag eel would grow no more than 10" or so. I have found since that my eel may grow to 3', which poses a dire problem to me. < Fire eels, Mastacembelus erythrotaenia, gets big, like three feet long. I have seen them in public aquariums at least that big. But the tire track eels that I am familiar with, Mastacembelus circumcinctus, stay around eight inches or so.> <<There are other "tire track eel" species. RMF>> However, there is an even bigger dilemma I am confronting today: is there such a fish as a dwarf starry night eel (*Caeco**Mastacembelus spp.), *and what size does such a specimen attain? Is it a strictly FW fish? What, pray tell, is the recommended pH and aquarium size of such a specimen? I have tried to Google this one out, and have even gone through the German and French websites, with very little success. I am contemplating the purchase, but I am cautious, as the seller (AAG) states such a specimen will not grow past 6". Is this even possible, in your opinion? Thanks again for answering my question and I bid you good day. George < While diving in Lake Tanganyika a few years ago we saw many eels. Some were only 4 inches long and swam like little seahorses while others were at least a foot long. Look at Caecomastacembelus, Afromastacembelus and Aethiomastacembelum on fishbase.org. These are the three genera of eels from Africa. All that I know of get up to a least a foot and a couple get up to two feet. The Lake Tanganyikan ones require hard alkaline water with the others probably tolerating almost any kind of water. The eel you are looking for may be in these groups.-Chuck> Capitalization, Spiny "Eels" - 12/06/2005 Hi, my name is Silas. I <Your name, I, beginnings of sentences.... PLEASE capitalize....> have two peacock eels I got from a local PetSmart. Tonight I went to clean my tank and I noticed some little worm like things swimming around. I thought they were parasites but then I thought they could be baby spiny eels. <Highly unlikely that these are baby eels. Also, they are not necessarily parasites. Please search on WWM.... start here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwinvertfaqs.htm .> I was wondering if they can have babies and how big they are. <I recommend a Google search on "breeding spiny eels" or "breeding peacock eels" for more information on the topic than we have available here.> I don't know what to do, so I e-mailed you. Please try to e-mail back soon. the "things" are really small and look like parasites so please tell me if they can be babies or if they are parasites. <Read, my friend; much to be learned here and elsewhere.... I suspect your worms are "visitors" of a sort, indicating an overabundance of "food"/nutrients in your tank. Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Fire eel 11/3/05 Dear Robert, I wrote to in July with regard to my 10 year old fire eel (in 90 gallon tank) that I have always treated with the Maracyn and CopperSafe. You recommended I get a copper (ion) test kit to monitor the copper level because StressCoat (which I use all the time) can remove it over time. I purchased a freshwater kit by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals which reads from 0.25 thru 4.0. My measurement today is .25. Is this a treatment level? <Yes... tween 0.15 and 0.30 ppm of free cupric ion> My old kit by Aquarium Systems (which I cannot find replacement packets for) read 0.15 thru 0.2 on the chart and it stated that this is a therapeutic treatment if maintained for 10-14 days. I also would like your opinion on this: my fire eel has these blister like, or more like welts, on his sides. He has had these for sometime - they are not new. It reminds me of a hive like a human would get on their skin. And, he has grown up with a Pleco that appears to have an uncanny affection towards him. It's like their glued together, though I suspect the Pleco is sucking the slime off of him. <May be> Again, this has been going on for years. Your comments, please. Thank you. Linda I. <I would keep an eye on the Pleco... try to keep it weaned away from the eel... perhaps with algae wafers... offered toward the evening/lights out. Bob Fenner> Fire Eels, Cestodes, and Praziquantel - 11/01/2005 Hello Crew! I have a 2 1/2 foot Fire Eel that appears to have tapeworms. He appears very healthy and gregarious in all respects, but periodically he discharges some white, flat, many inches long, substance which appears to cause him some discomfort, resulting in thrashing about the tank to dislodge it. Does not appear to be normal waste or a normal way to evacuate based on the discomfort involved and the color. <Could indeed be tapeworms.... or other worms.> I have not been able to isolate any of this substance as the rest of his tank mates devour it immediately, <Ugh.> which of course means they also have worms if that is what they are. <Agreed.> He is fed live worms and I know they can be carriers of tapeworms which has caused my concern. <Good concern.> I know he shouldn't have any medications with copper, and I was also concerned because he is scaleless, or nearly so anyway. Some of his tankmates are also loaches and Botias, so I have to worry about them as well since he is too big to quarantine and they and the rest of his tankmates would probably have to be treated as well, anyway. However, all his tankmates also appear to be quite healthy. What medication or treatment would you recommend? <Praziquantel would be my first choice, followed by Levamisole or Piperazine.... There are a number of products available for aquarium use, one being "Prazi-Pro". Any of these medications (or others for Cestodes) will need to be administered via food, I believe.> Thank you for your time. He is a sweet little fiend, and I don't want the worms to cause him problems in the future. I wasn't able to find anything by performing a search for this item in your website. <Glad to hopefully be of service.> Marcia <Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Fire eel, copper use 7/22/05 Dear Robert: <Linda> I have had my fire eel about 10 years and he is about 18-19 inches and very well rounded. <How nice... great pets, very intelligent> He is very aggressive and spooks easily and has had several injuries to his body over the years. Only on one occasion did I almost lose him - my local aquarium shop said it sounded like an infection in his gills - heavy breathing - not eating or swimming. I treated the tank with Maracyns I and II and CopperSafe and he recovered. I have used these products ever since, and having read on your webpage that eels are sensitive to copper I wonder if I should stop. <Mmm, no... just "be careful"... not to over-expose> I recently moved ( and the fire eel) to a new home which is on well water and I regularly treat the water with StressCoat and CopperSafe. May I have your opinion on this treatment plan. Thank you. Linda Itoh <Mmm, I would get, use a copper (ion) test kit... and know that StressCoat will remove/precipitate copper. Bob Fenner>
Fire eel purchase in the GWN >I would like to buy a fire eel but I do not find any store of fish which has some can you help me please >>> What city do you live in? It is hard to find you a store without knowing where you live. Oliver sorry, I'm living in Montreal >> Try Nature Pet Center on Newman in Ville LaSalle, they can likely order it for you if they do not have them, speak to Robert. If not, maybe Big Al's Aquarium Services on Boul. Des Sources. Speak to Daniel. Keep in mind that fire eels will get four feet long... Good Luck, Oliver. Fire Eels Hello- I came across a website that had your email address and some information on the fire eel. A friend of mine recently purchased a fire eel and would like to get some more info. Would you happen to know how one goes about determining the sex?? <Not able to do... externally... as far as I'm aware> Also, is it ok to put more than one eel in your aquarium?? <Yes... a docile (though does get large) species toward fishes bigger than mouth-size, including other Mastacembelids. Bob Fenner> She would really appreciate any info you could give on the subject. Thank you, JB Hampton Peacock Eel average questions/conflicting answers I just discovered your website and I LOVE IT! I've been a constant freshwater fish fan for years and I have just purchased a peacock eel (Mastacembelus erythrotaenia <<This is a/the Fire... perhaps Macrognathus siamensis ? RMF>) and I was just wondering if there was any way to tell the difference between the sexes. Also I have done as much research as I can and I have found so many conflicting reports it makes me dizzy. I just want to make sure I have the basics right so that he/she can live long and happy. For now he's in a 29 gallon (and in about 4 to 5 months to be moved to a 75 gallon) and the temperature goes from 70 (at night) to 75 (in the day). He is in something the pet store called "red sand" but it isn't red and looks like normal sand. The pH sometimes varies from 7.1 to 7.4. He seems to love the sand and only 5 minutes after releasing him he had found a perfect spot to dig and stick his head out. Some of the websites I visited said that they could eat flakes or pellets, is this true? for now he seems happy just to eat bloodworms that come out of this feeder when they are unfrozen. I was thinking (because I know in general spiny eels like live food) to add 1 male guppy and 2 female guppies so that when they mated he could eat the fry. My brother has a soft shelled turtle that he does this with and it seems to work rather well. In a couple of websites they said it would be ok to put him with a knife fish. My knife fish is very friendly and for the short time I had a sting ray in there (babysitting for a friend who's bacteria had all died after his younger brother poured in a bunch of VERY old fish medicine) the knife fish actually made friends with him and would swim just above him and tickle him with his lower fin. These are a lot of questions but I really want him/her to be happy. (I also like to know whether they are male or female so I can name them). >> Your eel should be called "fire eel" by its common name. The peacock spiny eel is another species, that does not have the red lines on its body. If it is a fire eel, it will get to a very large size, that means over three feet long, and he will need a tank large enough to live as he gets older. They do like live food, especially live earth worms. He should be fine with a knife fish. You may want to make sure that your temperature is more stable, best between 74 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Good Luck, Oliver Feeding peacock eels I just purchased a small peacock eel and was wondering if I was feeding correctly. He/she is about 4-5 inches long and I'm feeding shrimp pellets. I read in the information on spiny eels that they won't bite and chew their food. I don't think my eel's mouth is large enough yet to eat the shrimp pellet whole but I dropped a pellet near him (he's burrowed and sticking his head and part of his body out) earlier and it's gone now. Will they eat the pellets once they've softened? Or do I need to resort to frozen food (I live in a college dorm that allows only fish tanks and I don't have access to a store that sells live food so my method of feeding is rather limited)? <Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/matacembelids.htm > In addition to that, I was wondering what would be the best remedies for the most common infections, like Ick. I'm using a product currently with my other fish called CopperSafe by Mardel (Active ingredient: Chelated Copper Sulfate) in combination with a product called MelaFix (it says it's safe to use with scale-less fish). CopperSafe seems to work really well with my other fish, including a Pictus cat, who came in with Ick. But you mentioned that metallic medications don't work well on eels. What should I look for in an anti-Ick medication when it comes to peacock eels? Should I just dose the tank with non-iodized salt? Sarah <Please read over WWM using the Google search tool there, with these questions, product names... I would not use Melafix for anything, nor copper compounds on Mastacembelids or Pimelodid cats... Read my friend, before purchasing livestock, using toxic chemicals on them. Bob Fenner> Questions about Peacock Eel Hi folks! <Howdy Carol> First of all thank you for a very informative website! I am a constant reader, and have learned much by reading your articles and responses to other people's questions. <Welcome> I have my own questions for you now, regarding a Peacock eel. I raise Mystery Snails and my nursery tanks are nearly overflowing. <These are great animals... when/where raised "properly"... unfortunately, most all the ones that go "through" normal wholesale channels are either DOA or very close to it...> I would like to relocate some snails to my 55 gal tank which houses a 5" peacock eel. Would this be safe? <Should be... small snails might be eaten, but this Mastacembelid does not eat larger snails by and large... however, worms of all kinds are history> I don't want to create a scenario that is going to result in snail carnage. I have some Sterbai Corys (10) in the tank with the eel. The LFS was adamant about Peacock eels being 'very, very gentle' and no problems at all with snails. However, I don't know if I can trust them as we all know that LFS's are renowned for misinformation. <All must by evaluated by you in the final synthesis> I have read on the Web conflicting information about Peacock eels, some say that they are extremely aggressive and will take small fish (like Corys) when they get large enough to do so. <I have never seen this... and have handled hundreds of Peacocks... other spiny eels that get much larger (e.g. erythrotaenia, the Fire) don't even touch armored cats...> I have also read that Peacocks are very gentle and won't eat anything aside from live worms, perhaps the odd bit of fresh shrimp, and/or ghost shrimp. <This is my opinion> Can you please tell me the truth... would such an eel take mystery snails, or bite off their tentacles? My snails range from babies of a few mm long to full sized adults. I have even contemplated another tank just to house the eel, but I've run out of room for more tanks quite some time ago. (I guess I could rearrange the furniture again though...). Also, how do Peacock eels do when housed with members of their own species? <Very well... are extremely social animals> I was advised to get a second eel to make mine feel more 'at home'. Thank you so much for any information you can give me! Sincerely, Carol <Thank you for writing. Bob Fenner> Trapping Spiny Eels Dear Crew, Would any of you have any experience in trapping eels? I have a 240gal. acrylic tank that I want transfer my Discus and Angels and Clown Loaches to. In this tank are several Leleupi Cichlids, Dnobnoi and a large clan of Brichardi so I will have to take all the rock and wood out anyway. But, as you know, the eels will be able to go under the gravel. The gravel is 4 to 5 inches deep and supports a jungle of Giant Val and a variety of other plants I would rather not have to rip up (their roots are a mass of tangles). Also, there are LOTS of eels. I had put just two in. Now, what are the odds that the 2 eels I bought were male and female!!! Or are they able to change sex to fit the situation? At first I was so amazed, and thrilled, to see the cutest little baby, but they just kept coming! I think there must be at least 5 generations in there. I think the smallest might be catchable because they don't seem able to get under the gravel and instead live amongst the plants and wood. However Mom and Pop and several of the teenagers disappear with no trouble at all. Any suggestions? Thank you for any help you can offer. < WOW, WOW, WOW. If these are true Lake Tanganyikan eels this is the first incident I have heard of. African eels are very expensive and are not very common in the hobby. Too bad you want to swap them out. Many of these eels sell for up to $45 plus depending on the species and the size. I suspect that they have been breeding in the Val grass and feeding off the numerous baby cichlids being bred in the tank. A few years ago while diving in Lake Tanganyika my wife noticed a pair spawning with cichlids all around eating the eggs. Sorry they are a real pain to catch and I am unaware of any traps available.-Chuck Purchasing some spiny eels I was thinking about purchasing some spiny eels from an online store. Is it wise to have a striped peacock, a Zig Zag, and a fire eel all in the same tank? <Not problematical in terms of them getting along, feeding/foods, having different habitats if this is what you mean> Also, the site I was planning on ordering from said that spiny eels eventually needed 29 gallon tanks... but I read about people having to put them in 100 gallon tanks, what's the minimum size I can have for one and does it affect what size of tank I need if I have one of each of the aforementioned spiny eels? <Mmm, at least a hundred for the Fire Eel... gets quite large over time, in good health... the others could live in 29 gallon systems (well-covered!). Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/matacembelids.htm and the Related FAQs (linked, in blue, at top)> I read that the eels will eat crustaceans, so I assume a blue crayfish would be a bad tank mate... Is it wise to order online? Or would you suggest going to a local breeder or distributor? Thanks in advance. <Both sources could work... or be trouble. The spiny eels are quite tough if cared for well, and doomed if not... Seeing them ahead of purchase is definitely a bonus, better start if you can find, order them locally. Bob Fenner> Ghosts, Knives and something else So how many of each Corys and/or loaches? <Say four to six Corys or three or four loaches. But as I said the loaches will get too big in time. You may have to trade them in at some point. And what are your thoughts on a tire track eel? <A tire track eel will get over 2 feet. Recommend min tank size is over 100 gallons. Don> Nicole Large FW Catfish fed feeders... I just found out you guys existed! Boy I could have used your help a long time ago. I didn't really have a question for ya, but wanted to tell you a story. I know you hear this a lot but I was also the victim of poor pet store knowledge (more than once) and ended up with a Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (shovelnose catfish). <Cool cat, but very large with a larger mouth> The guy told me at the store that at about 6 inches the little guy was pretty much full grown. <LOL> I know now that that was completely false. Anyway we kept the little fella in our 33 gallon and he is was one of my favorites in the tank. Loved to eat and has really unique patterns. We were planning on keeping him till he got closer to a foot long. Unfortunately he never made it that far, he inherited what I think was a bacterial disease from some feeder comets, <Please, Please, PLEASE! No feeders unless you're willing to QT them. Garden worms and human seafood (shrimp, mussels, etc.) is far safer for these large cats.> even though we wouldn't have had him for very long I was really mad that he died so quickly (3 months). He quit moving around and had his feelers pulled back to his side. A usually quite knowledgeable fish keeper told us to just let it ride for a couple of days, thinking he might just be shedding, <Shedding??? Catfish don't shed there skin>> since he was the only one in the tank that was sick. He died the next morning. The other fish I was misinformed about is our fire eel. He lives in the same 33 gallon tank (don't worry I've treated the tank with Pimafix because whatever the catfish had it affected our leopard leaf fish, he got some body slime and cloudy eye but everyone is healthy now) and looking at your website I found out that he may get 2-4 feet long. The pet store told me he would be max a foot and a half. Right now he is just about a foot long and happily resides under a large piece of driftwood, coming out at night and to eat out of my hand, he loves frozen shrimp!<Great, safe food. But vary it somewhat.> I was wondering how long it will take for him to get too big for the tank and have to be given away. <Not really sure.> I'll miss him but it's not fair to cage him in such a small tank. <True> Will he really get 4 feet in captivity <possible, over 3 for sure.> or could we maybe get away with keeping him in a 100 gallon or more? <Would surely allow you to keep him far longer. Min. recommended size is around 80 gallons. Upgrade your plan to a 125 or 150 and you could have him for life.> Sorry to write you a novel. Pet stores should be forced to have accurately knowledgeable staff, the losers are the poor fish and pissed off purchasers. Don't rush to write me back, Amber <Don> FW Eel for 20g Tank? 7/26/04 Hello <Hi, Pufferpunk here> I am sorry for sending you this letter but I have looked for days to find out about something. <You don't have to apologize for asking questions, if you can't find the answer somewhere.> That something would be that I am looking to buy an eel and I only have a 20 gallon tank. Would that be enough to have a eel. If so you tell me which one or ones would be good to get. If not could you tell me of something similar. <Most eels grow fairly large--way too large for the tank you have. The only smaller eel that comes to mind is a spiny-nosed eel. http://www.aquariacentral.com/species/db.cgi?db=fresh&uid=default&ID=0603&view_records=1 Even this eel will grow to 6". Eels will only eat live foods, so be prepared to spend some $$$ on worms & such.> Thank you Tyler I would really appreciate it if you would write back. Thanks <Good luck finding the eel you want. ~PP> Sick eel please help I have a Aethiomastacembelus elipsifer Tanganyika eel and it does not look like he is eating and has gotten very skinny. I was wondering if there was anything I could do to fatten him up. He is not very active and does not look very good. I have him in a 55 gal. with mainly a Tanganyika/Malawi setup. I have tried feeding him bloodworms, freeze-dried plankton, and flake food at night after I have turned the lights out and the other fish have already been fed. I even tried holding it in front of him and he will not eat it. He used to bury himself all the time and now he just stays in one spot out all the time. I am very worried about him. What should I do? < These eels are very cool. I saw many different species in lake Tanganyika as few years ago. They ranged from little small 4 inch eels that would swim around like little sea horses to very large ones like fire eels. In the wild we saw them feeding on small shell dwelling cichlids in around the rocks. We caught them at night in minnow traps using very oily fish as bait in the trap. I would catch the eel and place him in a separate tank that is well covered so he won't jump out. Place a layer of fine sand on the bottom and a rock or cave that he can hide in. Make sure the water temp is at least 80 degrees. I would first try some live washed earthworms or some well washed black worms. Then I would get some feeder guppies and throw them in the tank. See if the eel will take the guppies out of your hand. If this doesn't work then maybe small strips or raw fish cut to bite sized chunks. In a large community tank these eels are reluctant to feed because of all the commotion the cichlids create. You eel may end up needing live fish all the time. -Chuck> Thanks, Jessica B. Freshwater eel Hi there, crew. It's been a while since I've written. Last we "spoke" I had gone freshwater only. I found good homes for my SW fish and corals, and now have a 180 oceanic with a huge sump and bio balls. I keep the tank at 80 F, and I am using an Iwaki RXLT 40 full blast for sump return. I do a 30 gallon water change once a week, and clean the overflow sponges at that time. I run a 40 Watt Aqua UV light on the tank, and use a diatom filter once a week at water change time. The gravel is a little on the large side, and not really conducive to burrowing. There are a lot of rock caves, though. I have four clown loaches (2 are 8+ inches [13 years in my care, so far] and two are 2 inches); 2 small Corys, 9 glass catfish, 2 Plecos. I was thinking about adding a spiny eel (after lengthy quarantine, of course). What do you think? I have read your FAQs, and would like to know what kind of eel might go well in that tank. I also have another tank (80 gal) with just a couple of dwarf Gouramis that I could place the eel in (he's going to start there, anyway). Would be interested in recommendation for a fish that did not grow too large and would not eat any tankmates. I feed frozen bloodworms, Mysis shrimp, flake food and sinking pellets. My loaches are pretty old and hefty, so I assume that they're happy with the diet. thanks for your help, tom Dear Tom; Tire track eels grow to two feet, and will eat any tankmates that fit into its mouth. Likewise fire eels. There is a pretty eel that grows to around 4 inches called the Short finned spiny eel (Latin name is Mastacembelus zebrinus) if you can find one for sale. Many other eels are either aggressive, grow large enough to eat your other fish, or are brackish/marine. Here is a link for ya: http://saltaquarium.about.com/cs/eelprofilesindex/a/aa082901.htm -Gwen Black Shark and Fire Eel - Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire! Hello, hope you can help me! <I will indeed try.> I have been looking for quite a while and trying to decide what to purchase for my tank or if I need to buy a larger tank if it is needed! I am wondering if a black shark 2" long and a fire eel 9" long will be good tank mates? <No, black sharks (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) are said to be very hostile fish. I've read many sites saying how their red tailed Black Sharks have really hurt some tank mates. I would think that it would pester a fire eel.> I know that black sharks are aggressive, but are they to aggressive if they grow together! <They will eventually be mean... their nature won't allow them to be nice forever. No sense putting an eel through that. Here is a quick bit of info on the black sharks. http://aquarium.wendellarhoads.com/blshark.shtml They seem to list what had happened to their tankmates.> I have heard and red that Balas, red tailed sharks, or rainbows and good possible tank mates, what about black sharks? <larger rainbows wouldn't bother an eel at all. The others you run a risk.> Would a lot of hiding places for the eel make a difference or keeping the black shark well fed make a difference? <It would help, but wouldn't take care of the underlying issue that the fish would be mean to the eel. I suggest that if you want these two fish, you think about having two separate tanks for them. Then you can enjoy both without worry. Good luck -Magnus.> Help Needed!!! Thanks CHO, IA Puffers I have one question, but first here is my tank set-up. 20 gallon tank with whisper filter and heater (it always stays at 76.5 degrees) inside are two dwarf puffer and three Buenos Aires tetras. I want to add a fire eel. Can I? What I mean is can I add the eel with out It killing the puffers? <No, I wouldn't add that to the tank, I really think that a fire eel will try to eat the dwarf puffers. Even if it doesn't eat them, it will surely stress the tiny things out. I would suggest setting a tank specifically for the eel if you really want to get one.> African cichlids w/ eels I have been doing some serious research about this and have unfortunately gotten (as usual) conflicting advise on the matter. First off I love the site, great answers. What do you know about Aethiomastacembelus elipsifer or Aethiomastacembelus plagiostoma? <Not much. Members of this genus of spiny eels rarely come into the trade in the west> I have an African setup in a 55 gallon w/ black sand and tons of rocks to hide in. Do you think these guys would do well? I know to cover any and every hole to prevent suicide and thought about actinic lights to possibly increase the time spent swimming instead of hiding. Tell me what you guys think. Thanks, <If the cichlids are not overly aggressive... and you can get the eels in relatively good initial health... you just might have a very nice biotope set-up going. Please write in re your experiences with these Mastacembelids. Bob Fenner> Fire eel diet Hello, I have been reading your website for a while, it's wonderfully informational. I purchased a Fire eel a while ago. She is now about a foot long and is living in an over turned decoration for her own personal cave. Her half of the aquarium is covered in a healthy layer (4") of black moon sand, to not scrap her belly if she ever decides she wants to burrow. The tank mates are 3 fire red dwarf Gouramis, 2 Opaline Gouramis, and an angel fish. The eel loves ghost shrimp, can't seem to feed her enough, but my pet stores can't seem to keep up with just my purchases per week. Two Eel questions: (1) Feeding: What consists of a good healthy eel diet? What are all my options? <Many things... ideally natural food items like worms (including earthworms, grubs (larval beetles) like mealworms, ghost/glass shrimp... small bits of cut meats, fish flesh> How can I keep my eel healthy and full but not break the bank? <Culture (not you! the food)... and collection in the wild. Do look into growing night crawlers, meal worms et al.> How much of these options should I feed her? <At a foot in length... maybe every other day, enough food to where the fish appears "full"... not bulging> Should I stock a smaller aquarium of just shrimp or something for her and feed her daily like the other tank mates or keep her on a feast a week schedule (I understand that's more like what their natural feeding habits are)? <Better to not feed too frequently or too much... (2) Future: Ideally or acceptably, what size tank should she be in when she is full grown? <This may come as quite a shock... but a few hundred gallons. Take a look on fishbase.org re this Mastacembelid species... It does get quite large eventually. Bob Fenner> Boiled Eel.. >Hi, >>Hello. >Wow incredible site. >>Thank you. >My sister has a tire track eel and it's sick, it has boils (?) on its back. That's how she described it to me. >>Sounds like ulcers, an open sore is my take on it. This isn't good, though. >What might it be and how can we fix it? >>We see ulcers of this type most commonly on goldfish. It's called septicemia (see here: http://www.fishbase.org/Diseases/DiseasesSummary2.cfm?discode=809 ) >Do you have any good references for info on curing disease/sick tire track eels? >>Not specific to tire track eels, but you can also search for treatments for SCALELESS fishes. >I read on your site that if it has sores it's likely to die soon? >>Maybe not so soon, but these afflictions can be very difficult to deal with. It should NOT be treated in the main display, however. >She's very found of this eel as she says it has a lot of personality! >>I'm sure it does, and if you can, search further on http://www.fishdisease.net/ as well as looking for freshwater fish forums and sites. Because these infections can by caused by many bacteria, treatment is rather like "blasting" with antibiotics. Marina >Thanks, Cindy Re: A finicky eel? (no commentary?) <Hi, Pufferpunk here.> Ummm, was this supposed to have a commentary on it by one of the crew or was it just being sent back to me as an exact copy of what I sent? <We were having some kind of glitch with this email. I did respond to you, but something went wrong. I'll try this again.> A recent update: Over the past few weeks I've had a pretty stable setup in my 55 gallon brackish water setup. A nagging problem of how to get the ammonia, nitrate and nitrite contents down to nothing is my main problem. <Bio-Spira works wonders for cycling problems.> I still think that I'm overfeeding. <Definitely can cause re/cycling problems.> I find that odd even when I have an entire aquatic garden covering nearly the entire sand bottom. A total of 9 voracious adult mollies that devour anything and everything, only judging by taste if it's food or not. I don't understand how I could be overfeeding with how those guys devour food. <Food=waste=ammonia=nitrites.> Apparently of the fry I tried to save, 4 have grown up enough to swim freely amongst the others without fear. Meatball the Tetraodon nigroviridis has been growing steadily, and has actually taken to eating whatever variety food I drop into the aquarium. The two bumblebee gobies seem to be doing well, surviving with whatever bloodworms they can find before the mollies eat them all. I've had no problems aside from with a couple of guppies that I tried to add to the aquarium. When I put them into the quarantine tank, one guppy jumped right out of the water onto the floor on the first night, and the male counterpart died shortly after from fin rot. <Sorry to hear that.> I had also put in a weather loach, who had no problems at all. <Loaches are FW.> He ended up being called Jeac, reminding me of the cleaner shrimp from Finding Nemo. Jeac just cruises along the bottom vacuuming up the sand and siphoning out his gills as he goes along. The entire point of my email is a new inhabitant. The new addition is a spiny eel ( Macrognathus aculeatus), who originally went into my quarantine tank after buying him. It was a low salt content setup with a pH of 7.2, nearly insignificant levels of nitrates, nitrites and ammonia, and had plants to make it look like it had a use to it. After hiding himself under the sand for a little while, he stopped trying to hide at all. Not more than the next day I saw him lazily laying on the sand bottom, taking slow, raspy breaths. He was faded and his gills were a bright red color, and that's why I checked all the chemical levels. I couldn't figure out what it was so I risked tossing him into the big aquarium. I found it very peculiar because in the big aquarium I had JUST done a 40% water change because of a very high nitrate and nitrite level. Even afterwards the levels were higher than the quarantine tank, the salt was much higher with a hardness of 15, and a pH of 7.6. Oddly enough he has recovered, and is much more active. He hides in a log during the daytime hours, and is constantly out exploring at night. My main problem is that I haven't seen him eat anything since I got him, which was 3 days ago. I was told that they eat bloodworms as well, but he hasn't touched any of them when I squirt them nearly right on top of him, and in the end the puffer and the mollies eat all of them. Will he eventually start to eat or is there something still wrong with him that I have to fix to restore his appetite? <Although I have read in a few places that these fish can be kept in brackish, I think they do best in FW. A little salt will probably be ok, except for the fact that you have a puffer that definitely prefers high-end BW-SW. My 2 (6") adults are living in SW. As far as your eel eating (for all I know, the problem has resolved by now after all this time... sorry), are you feeding live black/Tubifex/bloodworms? Or frozen? As these are wild-caught fish they are used to eating live food. Also, some shy, nocturnal types are reluctant to eat in the light, so you may want to try feeding after lights out.> BUBBLES BUBBLES BUBBLES!..... My bubbles! (P.S. apparently I've become the second person in this entire area to have any expertise in brackish water aquariums, the fish compatible and especially the plants that thrive in that water. Looks like doing your homework pays off, although I have still not yet reached the holy grail of balancing the chemical levels in my aquarium. <Sorry to say, those plants won't fair well in high-end BW. If your puffer is small <2", you still have some time before you need to raise the SG.> <I hope you get this response--Pufferpunk> Tiretrack Eels 10/14/03 They have not had an appetite for 3 weeks and I am getting worried so please can any one that is an expert on them please help me. <I really could use more info. These are Tiretrack eels? How long have you had them? What kind of food have you offered them? How big is their tank? What are their tankmates? Have you tested the water? How often do you change the water? After you answer all of these questions I'll be much better equipped to help your fish. Just to let you know, the only food I have ever seen my eels eat is live Tubifex/black/bloodworms.> and if there is a phone # I could call to give more detail please tell me. <I'm sorry, we have no phone service. Emails to this address is the best we can do.> thanks Jeff <Your Welcome, Pufferpunk> Eel Not Eating 11/16/03
Medium: Brackish water (another one for Ananda I wager)
A recent update: Over the past few weeks I've had a pretty
stable setup in my 55 gallon brackish water setup. A nagging
problem of how to get the ammonia, nitrate and nitrite
contents down to nothing is my main problem. I still think that
I'm overfeeding. I find that odd even when I have an entire
aquatic garden covering nearly the entire sand
bottom. A total of 9 voracious adult mollies that
devour anything and everything, only judging by taste if it's
food or not. I don't understand how I could be overfeeding
with how those guys devour food. Apparently of the fry I tried to
save, 4 have grown up enough to swim freely amongst the others
without fear. Meatball the Tetraodon nigroviridis has been
growing steadily, and has actually taken to eating
whatever variety food I drop into the aquarium. The two
bumblebee gobies seem to be doing well, surviving with whatever
bloodworms they can find before the mollies eat them
all. I've had no problems aside from with a couple of
guppies that I tried to add to the aquarium. When I put them into
the quarantine tank, one guppy jumped right out of the water onto
the floor on the first night, and the male counterpart died
shortly after from fin rot. I had also put in a weather loach,
who had no problems at all. He ended up being called Jeac,
reminding me of the cleaner shrimp from Finding Nemo. Jeac just
cruises along the bottom vacuuming up the sand and siphoning out
his gills as he goes along.
The entire point of my email is a new inhabitant. The new
addition is a spiny eel Macrognathus
aculeatus), who originally went into my
quarantine tank after buying him. It was a low salt content
setup with a pH of 7.2, nearly insignificant levels
of nitrates, nitrites and ammonia, and had plants to make it
look like it had a use to it. After hiding himself under the
sand for a little while, he stopped trying to hide at all. Not
more than the next day I saw him lazily laying on the sand
bottom, taking slow, raspy breaths. He was faded and his gills
were a bright red color, and that's why I checked all the
chemical levels. I couldn't figure out what it was so I
risked tossing him into the big aquarium. I found it very
peculiar because in the big aquarium I had JUST done a 40%
water change because of a very high nitrate and nitrite level.
Even afterwards the levels were higher than the quarantine
tank, the salt was much higher with a hardness of 15, and a pH
of 7.6. Oddly enough he has recovered, and is much more active.
He hides in a log during the daytime hours, and is constantly
out exploring at night. My main problem is that I haven't
seen him eat anything since I got him, which was 3 days ago. I
was told that they eat bloodworms as well, but he hasn't
touched any of them when I squirt them nearly right on top of
him, and in the end the puffer and the mollies eat all of them.
Will he eventually start to eat or is there something still
wrong with him that I have to fix to restore his appetite?
(P.S. apparently I've become the second person in
this entire area to have any expertise in brackish water
aquariums, the fish compatible and especially the plants
that thrive in that water. Looks like doing your homework
pays off, although I have still not yet reached the holy
grail of balancing the chemical levels in my aquarium. )
A Very Good Fishy Story (well-adjusted Fire Eel) I have a fire eel, quite a crazy and yet good story, just though I'd share it. I bought a fire eel the other day in Fort Wayne, IN, from a retailer who had it in an aquarium with green terrors, jack Dempseys, Flowerhorn cichlids, African Synodontis, and an EXTREMELY AGGRESSIVE banded Headstander. Fort Wayne is about 5 hours from where I live, and due to traffic, it waited 6 hours in a bag for me to get it home. When I got it home, it acclimated instantly. I have read stories on your website about them getting diseased easily and those refusing food, but mine is completely disease-free, and ate so much beef heart that his stomach swelled to the size of Chicago. He is fat and happy, and even likes to come out and lurk around during the day. Just thought I'd share the story. <Thank you for sending this along. Bob Fenner> Eel ID hi my name is Maryanne we have just brought a eel and no one knows what type of eel it is, it has brown coat and dark brown spots and a long head can you tell me what sort of eel it is please. thank you < Hi Maryanne I would need to see a picture of it to say for certain. It is best to learn about the animals you are going to bring home before you bring them home. Does it look like either of the eels at the link below? http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/matacembelids.htm You could also try using Google.com to search for freshwater eels, or marine if that is what you have. -Gage> My zigzag eels mated, babies? >I just received
a call at the office from my wife and my 7 year old
daughter, informing me that we have at least a couple of
1/2" long zigzags in the 90 community tank. Hopefully
I can catch 1 or 2 before they get sucked into the filter
or eaten by the local residents. >>Fish
you *didn't* know were in the system? >Any advice?
Should I try and locate/relocate the nest if the rest of
the eggs have not hatched? I don't see too much
advice. >>Boy, you're not
kidding! I'm having a devil of a time
finding info, too. >If anyone is trying to breed these
eels, here is the environment: 90 Gallon AGA 40W Daylight
Tube Smooth small river rock type gravel Artificial plants,
tall and short Several caves made from slate, as well as
many other nooks and crannies. Light on from 6:30AM to
8:30PM PH 6.6 Temperature: 77F Hardness: I
forget the number, but it is VERY low. (long island, NY
soft, acidic water) Nitrites: 0 Ammonia: 0
Nitrates: < 5ppm Tank Location: Den where 7
and 9 yr old kids fight and play Nintendo. :-) Besides the
2 zigzags (about 6"), the tank has: 1 Black Ghost
Knife (6-7") 1 Fire Eel 9"
5 Congo Barbs 2" 4 Pearl Gouramis 3.5" 5 Red
Serpae 1.25" 1 Fat 6" brown (turning yellow)
Oranda (don't ask) 1 Male Golden Gourami >>This
is a toughie, to get the little ones out (who have survived
being eggs and larvae thus far) you'd probably have to
tear apart the tank. Truthfully, I think that if
Mom and Dad have gotten down already, they're going to
go at it again. I, personally, would wait and
see. Maybe provide some tubes long enough and
thin enough that only *they* can get into, to help along
their chances of survival. Otherwise, I'd
leave them be, unless you wish to remove Mom and Dad to
their own breeding tank. If you do that, this
may upset their readiness to breed, but if you carefully
recreate same conditions, and add the benefits of no food
competition and start offering live foods (try to remember
if you had done any large water changes, any changing tank
parameters, etc. to help figure out what induced spawning)
chances are you'll get lucky again with these fish.
>Thanks for your help and keep up the great work!
>>Quite welcome, and best of
luck! Marina Why does my fire eel have yellow markings? >Hi, >>Hello, Marina tonight. >I have had a fire eel (now about 9") for almost a year. He was about 4" when we got him. He used to live in a 25 Gallon Eclipse (eel proof) until I bought the new 90 gallon tank back in March. Quick cute story- thought I lost him last winter. Went missing for about 2 months. Turns out he was living in the hidden compartment eating bloodworms as they got sucked up the tube. No worse for were, but bigger. Didn't suspect a problem until the water level on the filter was way too high. Anyway, he lives with a couple of zigzags, a black ghost, a golden Gourami, 4 pearl Gouramis, 5 red Serpae, and a tiger barb. Normal for the tank is flake, frozen beef heart and frozen bloodworms. The big question. Whenever I see a photo of a fire eel it has red markings. Mine is dull yellow. Any ideas? Thanks in advance either way. Great site! >>I've seen them both ways, and have always assumed that it's just a variance on coloring. Try this link for some ideas http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/matacembelids.htm >>I hope this helps. Marina Yellow spiny tail eel I have had difficulty finding info on the yellow spiny tail eel. I bought one from PetSmart a few months back, and they were unable to give me any info on it aside from the name. This particular store has been known to label their fish wrong, so it could be the wrong name. <Am sure this is a member of the spiny eel family Mastacembelidae, but fishbase.org does not list the common name, even w/o the "tail" in it...> All I know about it is that it's from the same family as the peacock eel and fire eel, right now is 3 inches, cost me $2 (a lot cheaper than my peacock eel), and that it likes live worms instead of commercial fish food. <Most Mastacembelids do> If you could supply me with any info at all, such as how big I can expect it to get (it is currently living with my girls guppies and mollies), I would be extremely thankful. My email is XXXX. Thanks, Josh <Josh, what little we have on this group is posted here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/matacembelids.htm and the Related FAQs (linked, in blue, at top). Bob Fenner> African cichlids and eels??, Eels & Rift Lake Cichlids hey, would a fire eel work in a mixed African rift lake setup?? I currently have a 1-2" frontosa, 2" Malawi blue dolphin, 2 3" Synodontis multipunctatus.. if it doesn't work, r there any other eels that might survive in this.. can u recommend any?? Thanks, Jiwan.. <Well- "survival" is a relative word. Although Fire eels are adaptable to a range of water conditions, I'd probably pass on adding one to this system. Your Frontosa is going to be a BIG fish, and the other fish can be fairly aggressive feeders. Fire eels also get big -more than 3 feet-but they are generally nocturnal and are not competitive feeders. For more info on eels, see ://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubwebIndex/matacembelids . Good luck! Scott F.> Spiny-eel Hi, regarding one of the photos on WetWebFotos.com, specifically the one depicting "Macrognathus siamensis", appears to be of Macrognathus aral, sometimes referred to as the striped spiny-eel. I don't know if you're aware of this, but I thought I would bring it to your attention, I hope you don't mind. Apart from this, I find it to be a very good site, and should improve as more species are added. All the best, Dave Curran <Thank you for this. Will send off to Zo for amending. Bob Fenner> Hello (Eel? Food, Freshwater?) We live in
Iceland, and just purchased a few fish, and an Eel. My
questions is, will the eel eat regular fish food? We tried
asking the lady who owns the place, but being American over
here is a slight problem :) any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Nicole Hatfield <Mmm, depends on what you mean
by "regular fish food" and what sort of Eel this
is. Please give a read over our site:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ or use the Google search tool
at the bottom of the homepage there... re this issue... Is
it a freshwater eel? Do you know more specifically what
kind? I have been to Iceland to visit... the local folks
take a while to "warm" to new folks, but are
genuine, honest people, as you will see. Bob Fenner> Eels Healing from Injuries Hello Once again Dr Fenner! <Anthony Calfo in your service, my friend, whilst Bob travels the great continent of Australia. I'm hoping he brings me back a cool accent instead of a tee-shirt when he returns <smile>> I need your advice regarding these 3 fire eels that I want to buy. The aquarium houses them together with a grown Cichlid in a 2 ft tank. I think the Cichlid must have attacked them before 'cos I can see that 2 of them have slight injuries. <a shame...mitigated by the cramped tank I'm sure> The 3 eels are about a foot long and are very fat. The injuries are such that I can see the whites of the flesh. The body is jet black but then I can see breaks in the skin that reveal the whites. It actually looks like a small scratch made by a needle. The injuries look very minor but I do want them to heal if I decide to purchase them. Its very rare over here (Singapore) to get eels at this size. <perhaps because they are delectable <wink>> Do you have any recommendations for medication? What can I do to help the eels heal faster? <yes... an antibiotic combination of Furazolidone and Nitrofurazone (Jungle brand "fungus eliminator" for example). Eels are one of the few fish prone to true fungal infections. It will guard against bacterial infections as well> If I just put them in my tank will the injuries eventually heal? <perhaps...especially if your tank is larger (it really must be)> I went back to the aquarium about a week and a half later but the injuries were still apparent. <unusual and not a great sign... perhaps you should take them sooner to a better tank> They look pretty relaxed in the tank though but I think they'll be better off without the Cichlid. <certainly agreed> On a separate note, what kind of medication are suitable for eels with fungus or other skin problems? <above listed...and antibiotics in general are safe> I read that they are very sensitive to metals in the water and also some 'itch' medicine. <yes... avoid copper and organic dyes like malachite and Victoria green and Methylene blue> Should I put in some capfuls of Blackwater into the tank? Will this help them relax? <dim lights will work the same or better> You helped me identify the Caecilian I have several weeks ago and I really am grateful! =) I look forward to your reply once again. Yours Faithfully, Leonard Emmanuel <with kind regards, Anthony> Purchasing some spiny eels I was thinking about purchasing some spiny eels from an online store. Is it wise to have a striped peacock, a Zig Zag, and a fire eel all in the same tank? <Not problematical in terms of them getting along, feeding/foods, having different habitats if this is what you mean> Also, the site I was planning on ordering from said that spiny eels eventually needed 29 gallon tanks... but I read about people having to put them in 100 gallon tanks, what's the minimum size I can have for one and does it affect what size of tank I need if I have one of each of the aforementioned spiny eels? <Mmm, at least a hundred for the Fire Eel... gets quite large over time, in good health... the others could live in 29 gallon systems (well-covered!). Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/matacembelids.htm and the Related FAQs (linked, in blue, at top)> I read that the eels will eat crustaceans, so I assume a blue crayfish would be a bad tank mate... Is it wise to order online? Or would you suggest going to a local breeder or distributor? Thanks in advance. <Both sources could work... or be trouble. The spiny eels are quite tough if cared for well, and doomed if not... Seeing them ahead of purchase is definitely a bonus, better start if you can find, order them locally. Bob Fenner> |
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