FAQs on Peacock Spiny
Related Articles: Spiny Eels,
truth about spiny eels; A closer look at these popular but problematic
Neale Monks, Husbandry of
the Barred Spiny
Macrognathus panacalus
by Marco
Related FAQs: Spiny Eel
Identification, Spiny Eel
Behavior, Spiny Eel
Compatibility, Spiny Eel
Selection, Spiny Eel
Systems, Spiny Eel Feeding,
Spiny Eel Disease, Spiny Eel Reproduction,
Peacock Eel, beh.; fdg. 8/22/18
I have a peacock Eel for roughly 8 months now. At first he hid all the
time but now he is very active. Wondering if this is normal.
<Yes; this is normal behavior for spiny eels. Most are very shy
initially, becoming more bold with acclimation, a dearth of bothersome
I'm thinking he's hungry because he's out. And have been feeding him
pretty much every day for the past 3 days and he comes to eat every
time. Do I need to give him more at feeding times so he can go back to
hiding. Or is he comfortable now?
<I gauge how fit fishes are as folks do in the fisheries industries; by
apparent "girth" of the specimen. If it appears full, it is likely fine
food-wise. Better by far not to over-feed; shortens life spans and
more maintenance>
Thank you much,
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Tough Decision to Make; Mormyrid comp.
Hello Crew! This is Renee from Idaho with yet another situation specific
mormyrid question for you.
<Fire away.>
But first I have to tell you that my BGK is doing beautifully, staying healthy,
growing, and continuing to enchant every day (getting the catfish for her was a
brilliant idea! Not only are they keeping the tank clean, but she feels more
comfortable with them than any other dither fish I've tried and now she moves
around the entire tank - thank you again for that suggestion).
However, in the past I've shared with you my desire to get an elephant
nose someday. I've put it off because that species is not available in
my area and because I wanted to focus on my BGK and other tanks, but now I find
myself in a situation. My local aquarium store, who I previously asked about the
availability of the elephant nose fish, gave my information (with my permission)
to a military couple, who are being relocated, who have an elephant nose they
can't take with them, but they only want to give the fish to someone with
experience with Mormyrids.
I told them my experience was very limited (at best), but invited them out to
see my tanks and talk with me about taking the fish. We had a nice visit and
they loved my BGK (who chose to be very social for the occasion).
I explained to them that while I wanted their elephant nose, that I did not have
time (or the energy) to properly prepare a whole other tank for the fish before
they were going to be forced to leave (I have an empty 55 gallon, but it's dry,
has no substrate, filter, or heater - I've just been storing it). Still, they
seemed quite determined to get me to take the fish and suggested that it would
be fine in my 75 gallon.
Well, my 75 gallon currently houses 2 rope fish, one peacock eel, and a
2 inch Bristlenose, and I just don't know if that group would be
compatible for ALL the animals.
<Very difficult to predict. In terms of tank loading, not a problem assuming
good filtration and regular water changes. The question is whether the
Elephantnose and the Black Ghost will coexist. Ecologically, they occupy very
similar niches so there will be competition for them in terms of swimming space,
hiding place, food, and most importantly, electrical frequencies. This latter is
the key here: if they jam one another, they'll irritate each other, and because
the sense is electrical, not visual, you can't really "hide" them from one
another by adding more rocks, plants, etc.>
I told them I believed the peacock eel also found its food by use of an
electrical signal and I don't know if that would cause a problem for the
elephant nose or the eel.
<I'm not aware of electric sense organs in Spiny Eels, but I could be wrong. If
they have one, it'll be passive, like on sharks, simply able to pick up the
electric signals caused by muscle contractions in prey animals; fish with active
electric senses, like Black Ghosts and Elephantnoses, have distinctly "stiff"
bodies so that the electromagnetic field is fixed, allowing them to sense the
distortions caused by obstacles, rivals and prey. Much more sophisticated!>
I told them I wanted to help them, and that I wanted the elephant nose, but I
wasn't going to sacrifice the current residents of my 75 gallon tank, the
elephant nose, or my sanity by forcing this.
I've been researching since last night and can't find anything specific, both
for or against, putting the elephant nose in with the rope fish and eel, so when
they called me this morning, I told them I was going to write to you for your
advice - if you thought it would work, I'd take the fish; if not, they were
going to have to find someone else to take it. So, what do you think?
<I'd give it a shot *if* you had the option of returning the Elephantnose if
they squabble. But if you're lucky, the two species will use different
frequencies, and beyond territorial skirmishes, will ignore each other. I
wouldn't bet the house on it, but it'd be worth a go, particularly if both
specimens are still relatively small. Neither species is heavily armed, so
aggression tends to be a slow burning sort of thing, with stand-offs and chases,
rather than bites. So all else being equal, you can see if they're failing to
get along, and act accordingly. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Tough Decision to Make. Mormyrid comp.
I'm sorry, I should have been more clear. The elephant nose would not be going
in the tank with the BGK.
You see, (and you're going to think I'm crazy) I have 8 fish tanks up and going
and although the tanks are not species specific, they are parameter specific.
I refuse to expect a fish to "adapt" to less than ideal parameters for that
species just because I want it.
<Agreed; some fish are adaptable of course, but others will inevitably do poorly
in the wrong conditions. You simply need to know your fish.>
I believe that each tank should meet the specific requirements of the fish I
want to put in it. Therefore, the BGK has her own 72 gallon tank that she shares
only with her Brochis catfish and one Bristlenose because they share the same
parameters and the Brochis and the Bristlenose don't mind the extra current that
the BGK needs (plus there are areas where the current isn't as strong).
<Quite so. Brochis are sadly underrated, but a much better choice than Corydoras
in larger, deeper tanks. Things like Megalechis and Hoplosternum are good too,
being even more hardy and a bit more robust, so good choices with adult oddballs
that aren't actually predatory, just big.>
Even though the water parameters would fit the elephant nose, I still would not
put that species in this tank for the reasons you mentioned plus the fact that
elephant nose don't like a strong current.
<I think they're a bit more adaptable than you might think. Bear in mind that
even a brisk aquarium current is barely a dribble compared with the flow in an
African river! So provided there are resting spots below or behind rocks where
they can rest, these sorts of fish should tolerate water flows up to 8-10 volume
of the tank per hour. But yes, for sure they won't appreciate turbulent flow in
open tanks without shelter.>
The tank I want to put the elephant nose is a separate 75 gallon that has only
the two rope fish, the spiny eel, and a Bristlenose.
<Oh, he'd be fine here.>
It has a sand substrate, plenty of plants (the plants have a tendency to "move"
as the spiny eel likes to tunnel through the sand), and plenty of caves to hide
in. It has a Cascade 1000 canister filter which provides a pretty good current,
so I keep the spray bar submerged to slow it down as the rope fish don't like a
strong current either. That is the tank I was going to put the elephant nose in.
The rope fish are 6 and 8 inches and the elephant nose is just under 4 inches,
so I don't think I have to worry about them trying to eat the elephant nose
(they haven't bothered the spiny eel and its about 4 inches as well). Plus, I
feed only frozen foods (bloodworms, baby brine shrimp, daphnia, Cyclops, and
chopped up grocery store fish or prawns) so hopefully that satisfies their
craving for meat.
<All sounds good. Elephantnoses go wild for plankton, so your baby brine
shrimps, daphnia and Cyclops should fit the bill nicely! Once settled they're
pretty tough, even bossy, but these tankmates sound about right for them.
Good luck, Neale.>
Re: Tough Decision to Make 6/15/17
Many, many thanks! The couple that have this fish live on (or near, I haven't
been to their home) Mountain Home Air Force Base in south central Idaho. It's
about a 2 hour drive for me, but they were so excited (and I think relieved)
when I just called them and told them you gave the "thumbs up" that they offered
to meet me halfway in Boise.
Their movers are coming this Friday to get the rest of their belongings, and
they fly out on Saturday, so we've arranged to meet tomorrow when I can pick up
the fish. I'm really excited, (ok, and a little bit nervous as I won't be able
to return this fish if something goes wrong), and your comments have given me
the confidence to go ahead.
<At the very least, you're giving this fish its best chance of a secure future.
Keep us posted.>
Thank you for all you do!
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Re: Tough Decision to Make
Well, here he/she is! I hope I reduced the picture small enough for you
to download. (lol) I'm sorry about the picture, but he/she wasn't in the
mood to "mug" for the camera and this is the best I could negotiate.
<Not an easy species to photo, trust me!>
It's understandable though, he/she just spent the last 3 or 4 hours in a
plastic butter tub driving in a car and then suddenly finds
himself/herself in a whole new world.
<Quite so; this is an intelligent animal (for a fish, anyway) sensitive
to its world. Give it time.>
Is this species always so thin?
<Nope. While the "stem" between the tail and body is thin, the actual
girth of the body should be relatively chunky; Mormyrids are valued food
fish in the wild. At the least, you want the belly area to be distinctly
convex, and regular small feedings (even 3-4 per day) is a good way to
help this fish put on weight. They have big appetites (perhaps something
to do with their electricity production) and do need good quality food,
and plenty of it. Daphnia, brine shrimp and the like are useful; if you
can get them, clean wormy foods are excellent, perhaps Microworms but
ideally small earthworms and the like. Tubifex and bloodworms definitely
taken, but not without their risks.>
Is there a way to tell if its male or female?
<Probably, if you're another Mormyrid. Females are probably a bit more
chunky when mature (commonly the case with fish) but they actually
identify gender by using their electric sense, so far as we're
concerned, they basically look the same. If you know any physics
specialists with an oscilloscope, it's actually possible to hear their
clicking with the right tools. Very neat. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Elephant Nose - Peacock Eel question. Comp.
Ok, this morning I had to move the Eel. When I woke up, it was at the
top of the tank hiding behind the spray-bar from the filter and the
Elephant Nose was pacing back and forth as if "stalking" it.
<Oh! Doesn't sound good.>
So now the Eel is in the BGK tank with its two Ropefish buddies (72
gallon). I don't think the Eel will mind the extra current as there are
a lot of places to hide or get out of the current, and plenty of sand to
dig through - is that correct?
<Yes; Spiny Eels enjoy strong water currents, provided they can burrow
into something that keeps them secure, like soft sand or a hollow tube.
They are riverine fish, so more than able to move about in strong
currents. They
just don't like constantly swimming. What suits a Black Ghost should
suit a Spiny Eel just fine. Very similar requirements, and indeed, to
some degree ecological niche -- nocturnal predators on small worms and
the like.>
I'm really glad that this territorial behavior indicates that the
Elephant Nose is doing well as I truly love this fish, but now he seems
to be going after the Ropefish.
<Uh-oh. Any chance of adding something to disrupt this behaviour? Some
active midwater dither fish (Congo Tetras would be African species that
fit the bill nicely) might help to give the Elephantnose something to
without being vulnerable themselves. Synodontis species are good too,
having what Loiselle referred to as a 'Mosaic' approach to retribution
-- not actually aggressive if left alone, but like the prophet Moses,
more than able to wreak bloody vengeance when pushed, so tend to be left
alone by all but the most psychotic tankmates. A group of adult
Synodontis nigriventris should be a good choice, and usually aren't
nippy or bothersome, something which can characterise the larger
Synodontis. There are some gentle giant Synos out there though, if you
want a single, bigger catfish; Synodontis eupterus springs to mind.>
The smaller of the two Ropefish is now in the same spot the Eel was this
morning while the larger is swimming circles up and down the wall
beneath him.
<Does sound like territoriality, in which case adding -- not removing --
fish can be the solution, by spreading out aggression. Another tip is to
remove the aggressor, rearrange the tank, and after an hour or two,
return the aggressive fish. With luck, this resets the dynamic as the
aggressor has lost his territory, and now behaves more like a newcomer.
Sometimes, even giving the aggressor a 'time out' by confining to a net
or something inside the tank can work, by reminding him he's not top
dog, and there's someone even more terrifying in the jungle, namely, the
fish net!>
Now the Internet is full of advice, some good - some not so good - about
the Elephant Nose (and everything else of course.) and every article
I've read says the Elephant Nose is a schooling fish and shouldn't be
kept alone. Is that true?
<Right, here's where things get complex. In the wild, yes; these fish
occur in big schools. HOWEVER, in fish tanks it's very difficult to keep
a big enough group that they coexist. As you know, they're electric
fish, and
constantly jostling for position by jamming each other's frequencies.
It's something we can't see or hear, but presumably stressful. So if you
keep, say, three or four specimens, you usually end up with just the one
fish. Think about Piranhas and you've got much the same problem. I guess
if you had space for six specimens it'd be worth a shot, but you'd need
a really big tank, given adults are 20 cm/8 inches or so in length.
Bottom line, outside of jumbo tanks, it's simply easier to keep a
singleton. They can't do much harm to L-number catfish or Synodontis, so
those are reliable tankmates, and equally, a school of Giant Danios or
Congo Tetras isn't going to be overly bothered by them simply because
they're too quick for it to harass.>
Because my Elephant Nose seems to be telling me it wants the tank to
itself, and that's ok.
<Certainly, for whatever reason it doesn't appreciate the fish it sees
as competing for food or hiding places.>
I have another 75 gallon tank up and running that houses only a 3 inch
Baby Whale and a 2 inch Senegal Bichir (an odd couple, I know, but the
Bichir is the only fish the Baby Whale has terrorized to madness) and it
would be
quite easy to move the Ropefish to that tank.
<Sounds a teeny-tiny Bichir! I'd treat that chap very delicately at this
point, as they are a bit sensitive when this small.>
I just want everyone to be healthy and unstressed (me too if that's
<Hopefully the above will help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Elephant Nose - Peacock Eel question
Well, I can't do anything about trying to get new fish today because of
the holiday, but I do have 5 Serpae Tetra in my community tank who seem
to LOVE to chase each other around all the time anyway and are too fast
for the
Elephant nose to catch - would that work, at least temporarily?
<I would not... Serpae Tetras are highly social, and highly
hierarchical, little nippers -- really scaled down Piranhas! Fin-nipping
is part of the way they feed, so they're poor choices for pretty much
anything. Nice fish
to look out, and fun, but best kept in large groups on their own in
shady, planted tanks. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Elephant Nose - Peacock Eel question
And yes, that Bichir is very small. I got that one and another that is
barely an inch long from a guy who wanted to try to use them as feeder
fish for his 5 Jack Dempseys.
<I... uh,... don't know what to say... so pointless and cruel. It's not
like JDs are obligate piscivores in the wild, and the farmed fish will
eat most anything.>
Apparently he found new victims elsewhere and wanted the bichirs gone.
<I despair of my fellow fishkeepers sometimes. Neale.>
Re: Elephant Nose - Peacock Eel question
I completely agree. Want to hear the "kicker?" He has his own business -
aquarium maintenance.
<Yikes! In all honesty, he may be a great fishkeeper for all I know. But
he really needs to break the feeder fish habit! Expensive, risky, cruel,
and without any kind of benefits for any of the fish widely kept by
I admit there are one or two very rare things, like South American
Leaffish, that really do need a supply of home-bred livebearers or
Killies to stay alive, but most everything else can and should be weaned
onto alternatives. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Elephant Nose - Peacock Eel question
Hey Neale, if you don't already think I'm crazy, this may make up your
mind. I moved my Ropefish out of the elephant nose tank because the EN
was harassing them to the point that they were throwing themselves
against the lid trying to get out. But even that didn't stop the EN's
tirade - he started in on the plants and seemed to almost be thrashing
around the tank.
I did water testing and results came back no ammonia, no nitrate, and
nitrate was definitely less than 20 ppm (this tank's water change day is
Tuesday). I put my Neon Tetras (8) and Harlequin Rasboras (7) in with
him and he became a mad bomber blasting his way through the schools
I had a random thought that this fish is experiencing some sort of
short-circuit and tried to remember when this behavior actually started.
I thought it started shortly after I put in a terracotta "cave" I made
for them. He acted weird when I first put it in, but he always acts
weird when I make any change to his tank. But looking back, this was
Instead of hiding, the EN was approaching the terracotta cave in an
almost aggressive manner, and then backing away from it - repeatedly.
Also, the Peacock Eel was lying under the sand right next to the
terracotta cave when
the EN first attacked him. So I looked up terracotta and it was
described as a "clay type earthenware, glazed or unglazed, most commonly
used in the old days as an ELECTRICAL INSULATOR..." (ok, lights are
going on now!) The article went on to say that all clays are the best
electrical insulators because they completely resist the flow of
electric charge? So I took the terracotta cave out (half an hour ago),
and although the EN is still pretty
active, he's just swimming around, he's no longer charging the rasboras
or the tetras. This is really important because he still has two
decorations in the tank, his other caves, that are ceramic but these
items are glazed
(the terracotta cave I made is not). Do you think it's possible this
could be setting off his aggressive behavior through some distortion of
the electrical signals this fish relies on to function in its world?
<It's possible, but I'd have thought less likely than the 'buzz' from
the wiring in and around the tank, such as the lights. But still,
empirical evidence always trumps the theory, so if removing the cave
helped, and he's now settled down, then I'd definitely call this a win
if I was you!
Elephantnoses use their electricity in two main ways, for navigation and
for communication. So far as navigation goes, it's why they keep their
bodies so stiff and straight, and as they release electrical charge,
they detect any distortions in the field they produce, and that tells
them where objects are. It's kind of like radar I suppose. The
communication thing, as we've discussed, includes a lot of hierarchical
elements because there is a best frequency for the navigation field, and
only the dominant one will use this frequency, forcing others to use
less ideal frequencies. The lower down the pecking order you are, the
worse the frequency you're left with.
(If this isn't a good metaphor for Net Neutrality I don't know what is,
but I digress...) Things that interfere or reflect with the frequency
the dominant fish is using will be seen as a social threat. That might
be another dominant fish, in which case they fight, but I suppose it
could be some unusual object that somehow reflects or distorts that
frequency, irritating the dominant fish. Being just an animal, albeit a
relatively smart one, he or she would be angry, but likely to transfer
that aggression to another fish rather than some dumb rock, because he
or she knows rocks aren't social threats! Anyway, that's my theory for
now! Good luck sorting it all out, Neale.>
Re: Elephant Nose - Peacock Eel question 11/25/17
I think your theory is correct - thank you for your help!
<Maybe a hypothesis is a better word! But anyways, good luck, Neale.>
Re: Elephant Nose - Peacock Eel question 11/25/17
If I could trouble you with just one more question, and then I promise
to drop it, but I'm sitting here looking at the Elephant Nose, I can see
he is a lot calmer, but still agitated to a lesser degree. He seems to
be fixated on one corner of the tank. It's where the terracotta cave was
but its no longer in the tank at all. But what is over there are the
tiny, baby bichirs. Could the EN be recognizing their species by sight
and see them as a physical threat, not a social threat.
<By sight, no; Elephantnoses have poor eyesight, and recognising a
'species' isn't really something fish do. A big giant Bichir would be
seen as a threat, sure; a baby one just registers as background detail.
As always with animals, beware applying human motives and human senses
to their world -- we/they are simply too different, and making
comparisons is the pathway to confusion. Elephantnoses primarily react
to electrical stimuli, possibly other fish, but mostly fish that are
emitting electrical fields themselves. They will also react to things
that conduct electric fields in a novel way, such as balls of aluminium
foil in their aquarium.
They are gregarious (so do get lonesome, I'm sure) but also hierarchical
(so become aggressive in small groups). Their secondary sense is taste,
which is what their 'trunk' is all about. So foraging is important to
Think about ways to make their lives more interesting perhaps, by
offering live foods -- baby brine shrimp for example are very popular
with some -- which takes them a while to find and eat.>
The bichirs went into that tank at the same time as the terracotta cave
(I made it for them as a safe haven).
<I would simply observe for now. It may well take time for all to settle
in, and settle down. Cheers, Neale.>
Spiny Eel Compatibility
Good Evening WWM Crew! I have read the WWM page regarding Spiny Eel
compatibility, and while the page was very informative, I did not find
the answer to my question. I have a 75 gallon tank with three Rope Fish
it. The tank has been up and cycled for 4 years now and is filtered by 2
Cascade 1000 canister filters (I'm all for over-filtering), and is set
up for the Rope Fish. I use pool filter sand for substrate, RO/DI water
with Equilibrium to replace minerals, Alkaline Buffer to boost kH, Acid
Buffer to maintain a pH of 6.6 - 6.8, and Stability to keep my
biological filter fully charged. I also have a tank cover that is both
grated and smooth to prevent escapes. Haven't lost a rope fish yet.
<Good; they are escape artists>
The tank is fairly heavily planted (java fern, wisteria, and Rotala)
with two large ceramic caves on opposite ends of the tank. But I
recently read an article on Peacock Eels (Macrognathus siamensis)
was completely charmed by such a beautiful fish. So what I was trying to
find on the WWM page regarding this fish is whether it would make a good
tankmate for three Rope Fish.
<This Mastacembelid would be fine here>
Also, if it would work, would a Peacock Eel be happy as the only one of
its species with the three Rope Fish or does it need others of its own
<Is fine either solo or in a group>
I ask because although I have plans to move them up to a bigger tank,
its at least 6 months away, and with the potential size of these
species, I want to be careful not to overstock - even with the big
filters. Your opinion would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
<Welcome! Bob Fenner>
*Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb, but how well
you bounce. ~Vivian Komori*
*Renee *
Re: Spiny Eel Compatibility
Thanks again!
<Welcome. BobF>
Spiny Peacock eel fungus... Mis-stocking iatrogenic prob.s, no reading
<... what re the punctuation here? Are you a non-native speaker?>
first of all I'm resuming it the best I can, I'm using your saltwater question
because sincerely, the website is confusing and the freshwater help, didn't help
a little bit, I have just got 29 may, a peacock eel, it was in my 66gal
tank, with 8 discus,
<Not compatible.... Mastacembelids like very different water quality than
18 tetra neons, 7 ember tetra, 4 checkerboard cichlid, 1 Polypterus senegalus
and 2 p. delhezi,
<.... What? You have Bichirs in here too? You need another few tanks to sort
these disparate species out... READ on WWM re each species requirements and
compatibilities. What you have here will NOT work>
and 4 gold sport dwarf Pleco (please don't bother me about number of fish in
<You already know?>
as the discus will pair up they are going to 30g breeding tanks, the smaller
fish(all but the Polypterus) are going to be relocated, the final fauna plan is
to be 3 P. senegalus, 2 P. delhezi and the discus that don't pair(and hopefully
the peacock eel)) It was beaten bad, I don't know by whom, but it was, i didn't
saw it since she was hiding most of the time in the
driftwood, until today morning she was normal, I was worried about her feeding
habits, was giving Tetra ColorBits, frozen shrimp and a national fish food(name
is Poytara, but they have no English website),
<Ahh; I see you are a NNS>
I didn't saw it eating so I just put some frozen shrimp at night and hoped it
would eat when the others were not active, this morning it appeared almost
upside down, I immediately separated it in a 15gal hospital with a (don't
remember the English name, but the black pieces you put under gravel, though
without gravel, just ceramic rings) and driftwood, put some national medicines
(being one based in Acriflavine for fungus and one based in green malachite,
Methylene blue, magnesium sulfate, potassium chlorate and copper sulfate
that one for bacteria), am on my way to get some Melafix
<Worthless. READ before writing us... PLEASE!>
or anything they may offer at the best LFS around here,
and am wanting help as to what to do to try to save it's hale
<.... Let's have you start reading here:
and the linked files above. READ Gustavo... w/o your delving into matters here,
your spiny eel and likely other fishes will perish. You need to separate them
ASAP by their water quality needs and temperaments. Bob Fenner>
Re: Spiny Peacock eel fungus
Me again, just read that copper is no-good-idea for them, there should be about
0,015 grams of copper sulfate(30 drops = 1,5ml, there is 1g for 100ml in the
medicine) in these 15gal, equal to 0,00025g of copper per liter, I am going to
make a 5 gallon water change without the copper based medicine anyway, just
wanted you to know
<You ARE reading! Good. BobF>
Fwd: Spiny Peacock eel fungus 6/4/15
Would you please elaborate WHY they should not be together ?
<... this TOO is archived on WWM. No need for me to re-key over and over>
"*Water requirements:* Soft, acid water preferred" taken from your link, discus
also like soft and acid water (on that we agree right?)
<And quite warm...>
Where Polypterus are different, they can take a huge range of water parameters,
I'd like to know why would it be a bad mix ?
<Simply that the group of fishes you listed don't have much overlap in
preferences, tolerances...>
Also, it currently has the anti-fungus and MelaFix that I got earlier, it is
still breathing but in bad shape, could the crew please first and foremost
address the emergency and later talk about water param.s ?
BTW does NNS stand for Non Native Speaker or something else ?
<This is it; yes>
That's all, yes, I might have done some useless or dumb thing, it was my
emergency protocol, do you have some better one to teach me ? Sorry by
any typo I made, writing in the cell while in a moving vehicle(I am not the
driver, relax)
<Read or go elsewhere. Bob Fenner>
Peacock eel sick? 2/22/14
We have a peacock eel in a 60 gallon planted tank with gravel. We did
try to make him a hiding area in the gravel with a pvc pipe, but he
showed no interest.
<A faux rock or log works better>
We have had him for several months and he has always been very energetic
with activity and feeding. Yesterday, he started just laying at the
bottom of the tank lethargically and seems to have stopped eating. We
tried hand feeding him but he sort of shook his head and backed away (we
have been able to hand feed him before). We have never done any live
worms but often feed him the frozen blood worms.
<Unfortunately; these sewer fly larvae have such issues... Better to at
least mix in some other foods>
He also seems to be "breathing" heavy. We really love our atypical peacock
and were hoping you'd have some advice as to whether or not he is sick
<Is sick... nutritionally>
and if we can do anything to help him. We tested the water and everything
was in the safe zones. Water temp stays between 76-78 degrees. We have
community fish plus tiger barbs, a clown loach (to eat baby snails that
we didn't know reproduced so well), and other bottom feeders.
-James Shelton-
<Do look into live or frozen/defrosted blackworms... Spiny eels
(Mastacembelids) find them very hard to resist. Oh, and please peruse
the archived files on this family of fishes on WWM. Bob Fenner>
Re: Peacock eel sick? 2/22/14
Thanks for the quick response. We are making changes today.
<Ah good. BobF>
Peacock eels wasting away? 9/19/12
Hi, very informative site you have here. I believe I have an issue with
my peacock eels. I originally had two and just lost one. The tank is 65
gallons in a community setup.
<Mmm, hard to keep an eye on such spiny eels in large settings, get them
fed amongst competing tankmates>
The smaller peacock was about 4 inches, I had him or her for about 6
months and then it refused to eat. Being that I have a few very spastic
weather loaches in the tank I was worried that they were scaring him
away from the cut red wigglers
<Might well need smaller food/s. See WWM re >
I've been feeding them, so I moved him back into a 20 that I keep as a
hospital tank until his demise. My other peacock eel is still in the 65,
and is starting to worry me. He seems more active but a lot of his
activity is spent running up and down the tank walls, he still eats and
the loaches don't seem to bother him, I usually feed an appropriate
sized worm every other day or so. Recently the six inch eel has began to
appear skinny though, and I'm worried that something is wrong and I'm
going down the same track. Water conditions are 6.8 ph, 0 ammonia, and
around 10 on nitrates.
<These are okay>
I do about a 15% water change bi weekly
<I'd change at least this amount, more likely 25% every week>
and replenish any evaporated water every few days. Filtration is an
Aquaclear 110 modified to give the tank some current.
<Keep the top covered to prevent these fishes leaving>
It's got about 8 separate pieces of driftwood and many live plants. Are
internal parasites common in spiny eels?
<Mmm, yes. Folks in the import part of the trade are encouraged to batch
treat (via foods) w/ an anti-protozoal (usually Metronidazole) and
anthelminthic (typically Praziquantel)>
That's kind of what I'm leaning towards but could definitely be wrong. I
just don't see how he can be eating and getting thinner. I haven't saw
<seen> any of his waste. In this tank I also have my prized possession,
a 5 inch fire eel that seems very plump and healthy(his much larger tank
of the future is a work in progress but coming soon). I don't want to
see him get sick. Everything else in the tank seems very healthy. What
should I do?
<I might move the six inch Peacock to a smaller system... easier to
observe, determine what is going on. Bob Fenner>
Sick Peacock Eel? White on tail and head?
Firstly, I just wanted to say thank you for volunteering to help fellow
aquarists with their problems, it is greatly appreciated.
<Thanks for the kind words.>
Here's some background: I have a 75 gallon with a built in corner
overflow/and underneath wet dry filter, 80F, with 1 piece of driftwood,
2 smooth large rocks, 2-4" of pool filter sand substrate, and live
Anubias, wisteria, java fern, recently added Vallisneria, and just added
yesterday, Salvinia minima. Current stock is 1 ~5-6" peacock eel, 2 ~4"
Senegal bichirs, and 1 ~4" African Brown Knife, 1 mystery snail, and
various other snails. Water change regime is 30% every 3-4 days, and
they are all being fed frozen bloodworms, frozen Mysis shrimp, and
frozen brine shrimp daily currently, I am looking for live blackworms
and probably will try to get some small earthworms as well, since I know
bloodworms aren't the best foods.
<All sounds good.>
I got my ~5-6" peacock eel probably 3 weeks ago or so (I got him from
PetSmart, in a tank that had gravel, which now I know was bad right from
the get go),
<Can be bad, yes. Once their skin is damaged, bacterial infections are
very common.>
and right from the beginning he has had odd behavior. (I intended to QT
him, but my QT tank sprung a leak, so into the main tank he went) The
first day was normal, he spent the whole day buried with just the tip of
his rostrum out, night time he would come out. Second day, he spent with
his head out, night time he would be out. Third day he spent 75%
swimming about happily in the open, and since then he doesn't burrow
himself anymore at ALL, he is out and about 100% of the time, swimming
around happily. I see him more frequently then I do my bichirs. He eats
the bloodworms quite voraciously, and will nibble on the Mysis shrimp
<All sounds good and normal.>
When I first got him, on the 3rd day I noticed that he had a small kinda
clearish whitish bump underneath his chin, but I wasn't sure if it was
an illness, or if it was just how their heads look (I've never had spiny
eels before). I've kept an eye it, and it hasn't grew at all, however,
yesterday I noticed a very small white bump on his "spine" by his tail
(it's not Ich). And looking closely this morning, it looks like he has a
little bit of a white/clearish layer on the side of his snout. His
behavior is very normal though (well normal for him), actively swimming
in the tank during the day.
<I see.>
From what I've read, I am assuming its the start of a bacterial or
fungal infection?
<Could easily be. I would treat aggressively, ideally in a quarantine
tank, but if you must, in the display tank. I'd use salt/heat together
as per Whitespot, and also treat with a reliable antibiotic for
bacterial infections such as Finrot (Maracyn 1 and 2 for example work
together very well). Other types of medications might be used, but
copper and formalin MUST be avoided as Spiny Eels react to them in a
very unpredictable (and often fatal) way.>
If so, what would be the best treatment given his current tankmates and
the fact I have live plants? I was planning on using 2 teaspoons of
aquarium or non iodized table salt per gallon of water, and that was it
so far. I've used Melafix/Pimafix combo when my bronze Cory a few years
ago had a severe cotton fungal infection that ate both her side fins and
tail and was on half her body, and she pulled through and her fins even
grew back to my surprise, so I have high praises for it, though recently
have read many bad reviews on how it "killed their fish." so I am
unsure. I can't afford to buy a new QT tank at the moment, so whatever
treatment has to be used to treat the display tank.
<Bob F. isn't a big fan of Melafix, and frankly, given what it is, I
wouldn't use it to medicate any fish once it was sick. But yes, some
people have had good results with it. Corydoras are tough animals right
out of the box, so it's not impossible for them to get better even with
mild medications like Melafix. If your Spiny Eel is feeding and happy,
you might try the Melafix alongside the salt/heat, and give that a go
for the next 2-3 days. But if the white area on the head shows any sign
of expanding, I'd switch to the antibiotics. And honestly, I'd skip the
Melafix myself and go straight to the antibiotics. Do also be aware of
Lymphocystis, a fairly common problem among Spiny Eels. Not fatal, but
unsightly, and apparently connected with environmental issues even
though it's immediate cause is a virus.>
Thank you very much in advance!
Fiddler crabs versus peacock eel 10/21/08
Thank you so much for the fast response!
<Most welcome.>
Well I do have a sand/gravel substrate, however the aquarium store had
large gravel.
<Hmm... in my opinion, plain smooth silica sand is the way to go,
particularly with small (sub-20 cm) specimens.>
And the eel was buried in there when I got it. Do you think it is
possible that the eel got the infection at the store?
<Quite possible.>
I watched the eel quite intently and he never buried himself.
<Possibly prefers the hiding places available above the substrate.
In any case, they feed by pushing the rostrum (the "trunk" on
the nose) into the sand to uproot insect larvae and worms. So even at
that level, sand helps.>
He actually spent most of his time swimming near the top of the
<They do indeed like swimming among the roots of floating plants.
They're great escape artists though, so be warned that they're
also apt to jump out, if they can.>
Also do you have any suggestions on what I could do to get my tank
better prepared for a peacock eel?
<Do read my article; that's everything I know about
I have three small Cory cats, will they be a problem for the eel?
<Does rather depend on the size of the tank and how much food you
put in. Assuming you were generous with the food, these fish might get
along just fine. The real problems come with "bullies" like
loaches and Plecs that will keep the Spiny Eel away from its dinner.
Earthworms are the secret to success with the Mastacembelidae, and they
will thrive on these tasty morsels.>
I guess I should let you know that I have a 55 gallon tank with a
mostly sand substrate. There is some small white gravel mixed in with
the sand.
I have got Platies, swords, mollies, tiger barbs, 2 rainbow fish,
paradise fish, the Cory cats, and the crabs. Everybody lives perfectly
fine together. I usually put a small amount of aquarium salt in the
water. Would this be recommended for an eel?
<I suspect the Fiddlers are on borrowed time. They're amphibious
and will spend all their time trying to get out. The vast majority of
specimens in freshwater aquaria last but a few months. It's a shame
they're sold at all, to be honest. Adding "small amounts of
salt" won't really have much effect either way. They won't
make any of these animals healthier, but if you want to waste your
money on boxes of salt, then go ahead, you aren't doing any harm
<Cheers, Neale.>
General habitat questions re Mastacembelids,
Gouramis 7/26/06
Hi from New Zealand. Im planning to
purchase 3 striped peacock spiny eels and have been searching the
internet for 3 days solid trying to gather information. <Is about,
but not easy to find... the Net will be much better... soon> Most
sites contradict another one so Im all confused. I plan to have 9
Gouramis in the tank as well and two fake rocks that have lots of
hiding places, some fake plants, low watt lights, Eclipse Aquarium
Hood, and some walnut gravel as it has very small smooth pebbles. How
many gallons will the tank need to hold? <Mmm, the "bigger the
better"... at least 200 liters...> What dimensions do you
suggest? <More "flat" than tall and narrow... to provide
surface area for gaseous exchange, habitat for these types of
fishes> Am I on the right track with my plans? I just want to get it
right so the critters dont suffer. Thank you in advance. Emily
<Please read here:
and here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/anabantoids.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Some Questions about Spiny Eels - 05/22/06 Hi,
<<Hello>> First off your site is very helpful and I have
learned much from it. <<Is good to hear>> However I do have
a problem that I couldn't find an answer to on Google or your site.
<<Okay, let's see if I can help>> Im new to aquariums
and about 5 weeks ago I purchased a Striped Peacock Eel. <<Read
here and at the links in blue: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/matacembelids.htm
>> At first he didn't eat much (actually hardly at all) but a
couple of weeks back he decided to eat as much as he could
get. I would like to know how many 8-10 mm long pieces of
earthworms an eel about 7-8 inches should safely consume each day.
<<Hmm...would think at least 3-4 pieces would be
fine. Live Blood and Tubifex worms would be relished as
well, and will add some variety to the diet>> Also he is
outgrowing his home/cave rather rapidly <<Indeed, can reach a
foot in length>> so should I try to find him a new hideout (the
gravel is a bit to harsh for burrowing) or attempt to possibly put new
finer gravel in his half of the tank (during a partial perhaps?).
<<I kept some of these eels a few decades back (did I really just
say that?!), quite interesting creatures as I recall. A
fine/soft substrate is best/ideal...along with some plants/hiding
places...and subdued lighting>> I want your personal opinion/s as
well a reasonable answer/s so that is another cause to actually Email
you guys and gals. <<No worries mate...I hope I've been
helpful>> Thanks in advance, Matt <<Regards,
Some Questions about Spiny Eels II - 05/23/06 Wow
thank you very much. <<Quite welcome>> I was feeding him as
much as 8 pieces and before I decided enough was enough and he still
wanted more lol. <<Yes, can be quite glutinous. Best
to feed smaller portions several times a day>> However I know
they like to hide and that they like "soft" substrate, I
wanted to know if it would be a good idea to change part or even all of
the substrate during a partial water change or add a larger hiding
spot. <<Would depend much on your filtration setup...but I think
changing out parts of the substrate with partial water changes over the
course of a week or so would be safest>> Thanks again, Matt
<<Always welcome, EricR>>
Peacock Eel questions... sys., comp.
4/26/06 Hello! I just found your site, and it's great! Anyway,
I have a few questions. I currently have a peacock eel and 4 mollies (2
Sailfins, 2 Shortfins) in my aquarium. I have read in some places that
Peacock Eels like brackish water, <Mmm, can tolerate some...> and
so do mollies, but other places say that the Peacock Eel is completely
freshwater. <Many Mastacembelids are brackish... not this one.
Please see:
Do Peacock Eels benefit from marine salt in their water? <Not much,
no> How much salt should I add is this is the case? <A minimum
amount...> Also, I have seen a 'Figure 8 Puffer' in my local
fish shop, and was also wondering if this species is a suitable
tankmate. <... no. Too likely to bite the mollies, spiny eel> I
have also heard that they are brackish. <... please see WWM re>
Any other information about suitable tankmates for my mollies and my
Peacock Eel would be greatly appreciated! Paul <Paul... time to read
my friend. Learn to/use the indices, search tool on WWM. Bob
Striped peacock eel info 3/16/06
Dear Robert, I am new to eel care and have some questions regarding eel
behavior. My eel is approximately 6-8 in long (I'm not
sure exactly because he doesn't stay still) and appears to be
healthy. I have only had him a few days and he still looks
pretty nervous about his new home. <Typical> I have a 55 gallon
aquarium with 1TB aquarium salt for every 5 gal. I am unsure
about this but have read they do ok in brackish aquariums. <To an
extent, yes> My main question is that could my 6-8 in eel eat a 3.5
in Senegal bichir or 5 in violet goby? <No, could not>
My bichir is terrified of my eel and the violet goby is MIA
at the moment. <The latter may have "jumped
out"... look about on the floor... or be hiding.> Also I am
unsure he is getting enough to eat I have tried fresh raw fish, cut
Nightcrawlers, and shrimp pellets. I have heard and read
that these are all foods accepted by eels but I am nervous
anyway. <Best to offer some live worms, insect larvae
that sink...> would a sort of community feeding spot work? <Mmm,
could> None of my other fish are terribly voracious and I was
thinking of a watering hole type situation. If you
could help to unravel some of this I would appreciate it. Sincerely,
Matt Tompkins <I do hope your livestock all settle-in... they should
be compatible... that is, "get along" with another. I would
not add any more salt than you mention... and would try black worms,
Tubificids for your Mastacembelid eel for now. Bob Fenner>
FW Eel 1/16/06 Hi, there! First off, I
will begin by thanking whomever is reading/answering this e-mail. I am
a relative newcomer to keeping FW eels. I currently own two such
specimens. One 7" striped peacock eel, and one 4" zig-zag, or
tiretrack eel. I purchased the tiretrack eel from Arizona Aquatic
Gardens (azgardens.com) whose incompetent 'staff' told me that
the zig-zag eel would grow no more than 10" or so. I have found
since that my eel may grow to 3', which poses a dire problem to me.
< Fire eels, Mastacembelus erythrotaenia, gets big, like three feet
long. I have seen them in public aquariums at least that big. But the
tire track eels that I am familiar with, Mastacembelus circumcinctus,
stay around eight inches or so.> <<There are other "tiretrack eel" species.
RMF>> However, there is an even bigger dilemma I am
confronting today: is there such a fish as a dwarf starry night eel
(*Caeco**Mastacembelus spp.), *and what size does such a specimen
attain? Is it a strictly FW fish? What, pray tell, is the recommended
pH and aquarium size of such a specimen? I have tried to Google this
one out, and have even gone through the German and French websites,
with very little success. I am contemplating the purchase, but I am
cautious, as the seller (AAG) states such a specimen will not grow past
6". Is this even possible, in your opinion? Thanks again for
answering my question and I bid you good day. George < While diving
in Lake Tanganyika a few years ago we saw many eels. Some were only 4
inches long and swam like little seahorses while others were at least a
foot long. Look at Caecomastacembelus, Afromastacembelus and
Aethiomastacembelum on fishbase.org. These are the three genera of eels
from Africa. All that I know of get up to a least a foot and a couple
get up to two feet. The Lake Tanganyikan ones require hard alkaline
water with the others probably tolerating almost any kind of water. The
eel you are looking for may be in these groups.-Chuck>
Capitalization, Spiny "Eels" -
12/06/2005 Hi, my name is Silas. I <Your name, I, beginnings of
sentences.... PLEASE capitalize....> have two peacock eels I got
from a local PetSmart. Tonight I went to clean my tank and I noticed
some little worm like things swimming around. I thought they were
parasites but then I thought they could be baby spiny eels. <Highly
unlikely that these are baby eels. Also, they are not necessarily
parasites. Please search on WWM.... start here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwinvertfaqs.htm
.> I was wondering if they can have babies and how big they are.
<I recommend a Google search on "breeding spiny eels" or
"breeding peacock eels" for more information on the topic
than we have available here.> I don't know what to do, so I
e-mailed you. Please try to e-mail back soon. the "things"
are really small and look like parasites so please tell me if they can
be babies or if they are parasites. <Read, my friend; much to be
learned here and elsewhere.... I suspect your worms are
"visitors" of a sort, indicating an overabundance of
"food"/nutrients in your tank. Wishing you well,
Peacock Eel average questions/conflicting
answers I just discovered your website and I LOVE IT! I've been
a constant freshwater fish fan for years and I have just purchased a
peacock eel (Mastacembelus erythrotaenia <<This is a/the Fire...
Macrognathus siamensis? RMF>) and I was just
wondering if there was any way to tell the difference between the
sexes. Also I have done as much research as I can and I have found so
many conflicting reports it makes me dizzy. I just want to make sure I
have the basics right so that he/she can live long and happy. For now
he's in a 29 gallon (and in about 4 to 5 months to be moved to a 75
gallon) and the temperature goes from 70 (at night) to 75 (in the day).
He is in something the pet store called "red sand" but it
isn't red and looks like normal sand. The pH sometimes varies from
7.1 to 7.4. He seems to love the sand and only 5 minutes after
releasing him he had found a perfect spot to dig and stick his head
out. Some of the websites I visited said that they could eat flakes or
pellets, is this true? for now he seems happy just to eat bloodworms
that come out of this feeder when they are unfrozen. I was thinking
(because I know in general spiny eels like live food) to add 1 male
guppy and 2 female guppies so that when they mated he could eat the
fry. My brother has a soft shelled turtle that he does this with and it
seems to work rather well. In a couple of websites they said it would
be ok to put him with a knife fish. My knife fish is very friendly and
for the short time I had a sting ray in there (babysitting for a friend
who's bacteria had all died after his younger brother poured in a
bunch of VERY old fish medicine) the knife fish actually made friends
with him and would swim just above him and tickle him with his lower
fin. These are a lot of questions but I really want him/her to be
happy. (I also like to know whether they are male or female so I can
name them). >> Your eel should be called "fire eel" by
its common name. The peacock spiny eel is another species, that does
not have the red lines on its body. If it is a fire eel, it will get to
a very large size, that means over three feet long, and he will need a
tank large enough to live as he gets older. They do like live food,
especially live earth worms. He should be fine with a knife fish. You
may want to make sure that your temperature is more stable, best
between 74 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Good Luck, Oliver
Feeding peacock eels I just purchased a small
peacock eel and was wondering if I was feeding correctly. He/she is
about 4-5 inches long and I'm feeding shrimp pellets. I read in the
information on spiny eels that they won't bite and chew their food.
I don't think my eel's mouth is large enough yet to eat the
shrimp pellet whole but I dropped a pellet near him (he's burrowed
and sticking his head and part of his body out) earlier and it's
gone now. Will they eat the pellets once they've softened? Or do I
need to resort to frozen food (I live in a college dorm that allows
only fish tanks and I don't have access to a store that sells live
food so my method of feeding is rather limited)? <Please read here:
> In addition to that, I was wondering what would be the best
remedies for the most common infections, like Ick. I'm using a
product currently with my other fish called CopperSafe by Mardel
(Active ingredient: Chelated Copper Sulfate) in combination with a
product called MelaFix (it says it's safe to use with scale-less
fish). CopperSafe seems to work really well with my other fish,
including a Pictus cat, who came in with Ick. But you mentioned that
metallic medications don't work well on eels. What should I look
for in an anti-Ick medication when it comes to peacock eels? Should I
just dose the tank with non-iodized salt? Sarah <Please read over
WWM using the Google search tool there, with these questions, product
names... I would not use Melafix for anything, nor copper compounds on
Mastacembelids or Pimelodid cats... Read my friend, before purchasing
livestock, using toxic chemicals on them. Bob Fenner>
Questions about Peacock Eel Hi folks!
<Howdy Carol> First of all thank you for a very informative
website! I am a constant reader, and have learned much by reading your
articles and responses to other people's questions. <Welcome>
I have my own questions for you now, regarding a Peacock eel. I raise
Mystery Snails and my nursery tanks are nearly overflowing.
<These are great animals... when/where raised
"properly"... unfortunately, most all the ones that go
"through" normal wholesale channels are either DOA or very
close to it...> I would like to relocate some snails to my 55 gal
tank which houses a 5" peacock eel. Would this be safe? <Should
be... small snails might be eaten, but this Mastacembelid does not eat
larger snails by and large... however, worms of all kinds are
history> I don't want to create a scenario that is going to
result in snail carnage. I have some Sterbai Corys (10) in the tank
with the eel. The LFS was adamant about Peacock eels being 'very,
very gentle' and no problems at all with snails. However, I
don't know if I can trust them as we all know that LFS's are
renowned for misinformation. <All must by evaluated by you in the
final synthesis> I have read on the Web conflicting information
about Peacock eels, some say that they are extremely aggressive and
will take small fish (like Corys) when they get large enough to do so.
<I have never seen this... and have handled hundreds of Peacocks...
other spiny eels that get much larger (e.g. erythrotaenia, the Fire)
don't even touch armored cats...> I have also read that Peacocks
are very gentle and won't eat anything aside from live worms,
perhaps the odd bit of fresh shrimp, and/or ghost shrimp. <This is
my opinion> Can you please tell me the truth... would such an eel
take mystery snails, or bite off their tentacles? My snails range from
babies of a few mm long to full sized adults. I have even contemplated
another tank just to house the eel, but I've run out of room for
more tanks quite some time ago. (I guess I could rearrange the
furniture again though...). Also, how do Peacock eels do when
housed with members of their own species? <Very well... are
extremely social animals> I was advised to get a second eel to make
mine feel more 'at home'. Thank you so much for any
information you can give me! Sincerely, Carol <Thank you for
writing. Bob Fenner>
Purchasing some spiny eels I was thinking about purchasing
some spiny eels from an online store. Is it wise to have a striped
peacock, a Zig Zag, and a fire eel all in the same tank? <Not
problematical in terms of them getting along, feeding/foods, having
different habitats if this is what you mean> Also, the site I was
planning on ordering from said that spiny eels eventually needed 29
gallon tanks... but I read about people having to put them in 100
gallon tanks, what's the minimum size I can have for one and does
it affect what size of tank I need if I have one of each of the
aforementioned spiny eels? <Mmm, at least a hundred for the Fire
Eel... gets quite large over time, in good health... the others could
live in 29 gallon systems (well-covered!). Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/matacembelids.htm
and the Related FAQs (linked, in blue, at top)> I read
that the eels will eat crustaceans, so I assume a blue crayfish would
be a bad tank mate... Is it wise to order
online? Or would you suggest going to a local breeder or
distributor? Thanks in advance. <Both sources could
work... or be trouble. The spiny eels are quite tough if cared for
well, and doomed if not... Seeing them ahead of purchase is definitely
a bonus, better start if you can find, order them locally. Bob