FAQs on Small System Freshwater
Biotopes -
Part 1 by Alesia Benedict, Biotopic
Set-Ups, Aquascaping for Beginners; Twenty
Tips for Realistic Aquaria by Neale Monks, Aquascaping,
Adventures in Aquascaping by Timothy S. Gross
pH, alkalinity,
acidity, Treating Tap Water,
Freshwater Aquarium Water Quality,
Related FAQs: FW Biotopic
Freshwater Community, African Biotopes, N. American Natives, Amazon Biotopes, Planted River Biotopes, & Treating Tap Water for Aquarium Use,
pH, Alkalinity, Acidity, Freshwater Algae Control, Algae Control, Foods, Feeding, Aquatic Nutrition, Disease,
Most small systems of only a few gallons
volume are literal death traps... unable to keep stable, easily
driven chemically and physically by small changes outside... and
very hard to maintain.
Sm. FW stkg. 7/22/13
I expect it's a no go, but I was wondering if I had no other fish in the
tank except for around five Kuhli loaches, would that be ok? If
suitable, I certainly wouldn't add them until the tank has matured since
I know that they like an established environment.
Sorry, forgot to include information about the tank : Marina 360
Nano tank (10litres).
<Hello Steve. Do start by reading here:
Your 10-litre aquarium is 2.1 Imperial gallons (about 2.6 US gallons).
As one aquarist I respect likes to say, "that's not an aquarium, it's a
bucket". The whole nano aquarium phenomenon is a minefield for
inexperienced aquarists who imagine small tanks are cheap and easy.
They're not. In fact they're almost entirely useless unless your prime
focus is plants. This sort of tank could be easily decorated with tiny
plants (such as Java Moss) and stocked with a small number of
crustaceans, such as
Bumblebee Shrimps, that wouldn't be viable (except as live food!) kept
in larger quarters with bigger animals. Are there any fish that can live
in 10 litres/2-ish gallons of water? Basically no. I dare say you could
keep a Betta in there, but that's pretty much it, and even Bettas are
easier to keep -- i.e., healthier and less disease-prone -- in bigger
systems around the 20 litre/5 gallon mark. So bottom line, your 10-litre
tank is useless for fishkeeping, but might have some value with plants
and shrimps, if you're prepared to make the effort, and spend the money
on lighting, necessary for long term success. Kuhli Loaches need,
minimum, 45 litres/10 gallons; anything smaller just doesn't make any
sense in terms of space for the numbers that need to be kept (at least
5) alongside any day-active fish you want swimming about in midwater
(don't kid yourself you'll see your
Kuhli Loaches, you won't, and they may as well not be in the tank 99% of
the time you're looking at the aquarium -- they're very shy and
nocturnal, especially immediately after purchase). Cheers, Neale.>
Re: sm. FW stkg. 7/23/13
Hi Neale,
Thanks very much for your informative message.
<Most welcome.>
As 2.1 UK gallons is too small for even a Betta,
I have decided to explore the wonders of plants and shrimps instead. As
it happens, I purchased the Colombo flora base just for the purpose of
plants, so this could still be a lovely little gem to gaze at in the
<Quite so; much written on this subject, plus a nice (free) leaflet from
Lots of stuff about species, requirements, diet, etc.>
It makes me very sad to think of people out there keeping Bettas in even
smaller containers.
<For sure.>
Anyway, cheers for now.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Aqua Fern, Peacock Fern...
terrestrials -- 08/22/10
I have a 6 gallon Fluval tank with three juvenile platies. Purchased
aqua fern and peacock ferns at Petco, in tubes. Are these plants
suitable for my tank? If not, what plants do you suggest? Thanks!
<Peacock Fern is Selaginella willdenovii, a land plant that cannot
be kept underwater. It actually prefers quite dry conditions and can
make an excellent garden plant. Aqua Fern is Trichomanes javanicum,
again, another plant that dies underwater. It is a swamp plant that
will do best in damp soil and humid conditions as a houseplant. So on
both of these things the retailer took advantage of your ignorance. Two
good plants for beginners are Anubias and Java fern, which are best
purchased pre-attached to bogwood. Here in the UK a small specimen of
either will cost around £5-10, and these plants will thrive
in most aquaria without much fuss. As for the aquarium, it is too small
for Platies. Minimum aquarium for Platies would be 15 gallons, and
ideally 20 gallons upwards. Stocking the 6 gallon Fluval Edge aquarium
is extremely difficult, and unfortunately retailers suggest them to
beginners when they're actually almost completely useless. I've
written about this aquarium elsewhere:
There are articles on stocking small tanks here at WWM, for example
For all practical purposes discard any aquarium smaller than 10
gallons, and if you can get a bigger aquarium, then even better. If you
can only afford 5 gallons, or you don't have space for even a 10
gallon tank, then may I suggest another hobby until such time as you
have the space and the funds? I'm not being mean, but being honest.
These very small tanks really are almost totally useless. Sincerely,
Requesting small freshwater aquarium stocking
advice 8/13/08 Hi Crew! I'm always both
excited and a little nervous to correspond with whichever great
crewmember I get a reply from. <Oh?> I only say
"nervous" because I want to make sure I've done
everything involved with corresponding in the correct way and
I'm never quite 100% sure. You guys have always been great to
me though and you're all "the tops" in my book.
<Well, that's good.> Without a doubt your site is the
primary place I go to for advice or to learn and like everyone
else, I am always extremely grateful for all that you do for us.
<Cool.> Okay, just a little background into my situation. I
have kept saltwater and reef tanks for about 7 or 8 years and am
pretty comfortable with that side of aquatics. I do try to keep
up with freshwater topics as well, both through magazines and
your website and such, but I do not feel comfortable yet with
livestock selection and some other aspects of freshwater aquarium
keeping. I do however, try to encourage most people I come in
contact with in my everyday life to keep some type of aquarium if
they're interested and have actually gotten a few people
involved and have tried to help them. So, my mom is a librarian
at our local library and she has been lobbying for them to have a
tank for some time because she likes ours at home so much. It
almost happened once, but the funding dropped through at the last
second. So instead she gathered up some money in one of their
employee funds and suggested they start a small aquarium for
their break room just for the employees (hoping that if it was
successful and people liked it, it might encourage the high ups
at the branch to think about a bigger one for the public again).
I ended up donating most of the equipment for it and setting it
up and it is now a modest 10 gallon planted freshwater aquarium
that has just finished cycling. <Right; 10-gallon tanks are
tricky to stock, so I'm glad you're doing your
research.> My mom and I picked out, purchased and planted 2
Wisteria (Hygrophila deformis) plants towards the back and 4
Corkscrew Vallisneria (Vallisneria Americana) plants towards the
front after much research and a lot of crossing my fingers that I
chose good, appropriate, easy to care for plants. <Nothing
wrong with these plants as such, but few 10 gallon tanks have the
light intensity these species appreciate, especially Hygrophila
spp. I'd honestly have gone with Anubias, Java fern, Java
moss, and species of Cryptocoryne. Vallisneria often adapts to
low light quite well, but it isn't a certainty. In any case:
if these plants look like they aren't doing anything, or just
become brown or leggy, then try some of the species I suggest
above.> I used a bag of Seachem Fluorite as my substrate and
the smallest sized AquaClear power filter as my filtration. I
tested the parameters yesterday and was happy to see NH3,
NH4-0ppm, NO2-0ppm, NO3-7 to 8ppm, pH-7.2, KH-3 to 4 degrees dKH
and GH-125.3 ppm KH/GH. I now feel confident that the tank has
cycled and am ready to start stocking with fish. <How did you
cycle this tank? Do understand that an empty tank will by its
very nature have zero ammonia and nitrite.> I have been
researching all kinds of fish and my mom and I went to our LFS 2
weeks ago so she could show me the sort of fish she liked and I
could follow up with research. Of course she wants 'pretty,
colorful' fish, but trusts me when I tell her if something is
inappropriate. Well, after all that, I'm still not real sure.
I know that we both like Cardinal Tetras and plan to get 6-8 of
them, but after reading some of the articles here, I think it is
best to wait a couple more weeks before getting them to ensure
all chemical values are stable and there are no other problems
with other fish introduced. <Cardinals work well in 10 gallon
tanks, being pretty inactive animals. But yes, they are picky
about water quality and wouldn't be my choice for the first
fish.> I did not realize that they could be touchy in their
hardiness, but know now after reading your articles. I want that
to be their main fish group in the tank and add a few
complimentary fish around that fish group. <Would agree with
you. I'd perhaps add a few benthic fish, e.g., small
Corydoras like Corydoras pygmaeus or Corydoras hastatus. At the
top, you could keep a male and two female Wrestling Halfbeaks,
Dermogenys pusilla. Tis would fill out all the levels of the tank
quite nicely.> The people at the library are now fending for
fish in the tank, so I figured I could get the complimentary fish
now so they'd have something else to enjoy until the
Cardinals are ready to be introduced. However, I am stuck as far
as what else to add. I'm not real sure which fish would fit
into the category of being both complimentary and fitting into
just a 10 gallon tank. <Other suggestions would be Aspidoras
pauciradiatus, small Whiptail catfish like Rineloricaria parva,
Kuhli loaches, Dwarf Livebearers (Heterandria formosa). I happen
to like Peacock Gudgeons, Tateurndina ocellicauda, for small
tanks though they are tricky to feed. You might also investigate
invertebrates. Cherry shrimps (Caridina heteropoda) are colourful
and easy to breed, and add lots of colour. There are plenty of
other shrimps out there including blue, orange, and even
black/yellow "bumblebee shrimps" species. Nerite snails
are quirky and plant-friendly. If it gives you some idea, take a
look at one of my small freshwater tanks, here:
http://homepage.mac.com/nmonks/Projects/freshwaterreef.html >
I realize the bottom of the tank should be occupied, but I'm
not sure what would be appropriate, enjoyable to non-aquarists,
fitting to the tank parameters and safe. I really didn't want
to have to ask you guys and I've spent a lot of time
researching to try to avoid doing so, but I really am stuck.
Please feel free to be as short as you'd like with an answer
as I don't want to take up a lot of your time (even though
the length of my email kind of contradicts that). Thanks for any
help you can lend and if there's any further information that
would be helpful for me to send you, please just let me know.
Thanks once again and I look forward to your response. Peace and
goodwill.-Nick <Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: Requesting small freshwater aquarium
stocking advice 8/14//08 Dear Neale: Thanks so,
so much for your response to my query...I really couldn't
have asked for a better, more in depth answer and I hope you
understand how much I appreciate that. <Happy to help.> I
did want to let you know that I cycled kind of strangely and
I'm hoping it worked, but now that you've questioned it,
I'm doing the same. I'm so used to cycling with live
rock, that I was a bit unsure of what path to take even after
reading a couple of the Wet Web articles on cycling. <I
see...> I did not have any freshwater filter material from an
established tank since all my tanks are saltwater. The tank is
about 3-4 weeks old and I started the cycle by having my mom put
a very small amount of flake food in the tank every day or two. I
then figured that when I added my plants (which I did about 2
weeks ago), that their presence would finish the cycle (and so I
had my mom cease adding food)...not sure if I was correct in the
way I approached that, but I'll wait on your word to know for
sure. <Yes, this can work. Old school, but works. Provided
you've seen the ammonia and nitrite levels go up and then
down, you're fine.> Nitrates did register, so I thought
that was a good sign of cycle completion. <Yes, assuming there
is more nitrate in the water than there is in the tap water;
i.e., if you have 20 mg/l nitrate in the tap water and 20 mg/l in
your aquarium water... not much has happened! Statement of the
obvious I know, but thought I'd mention it.> You've
given me lots to research and look into and I thank you for that
and I certainly will research further. I did also plan on adding
some of the inverts you mentioned as well, but I thought the
addition of those would probably come after the fish. Is that
incorrect? <A very good plan: Invertebrates are killed by
copper/formalin-based medications (i.e., most of them!) so you
may as well deal with Ick on your new fish first, and once
everything is happy, add the inverts.> I was going to add a
few clams as well, thinking they were like Tridacnids and could
lower nitrates, but I read an article in Conscientious Aquarist
that that was not so and that they even require extra attention,
so I'm second guessing that. <Absolutely avoid clams.
Total waste in freshwater tanks, and virtually all die quickly.
No food for them in the water by itself, though you can off
course feed them manually invert food (as used for corals) using
a pipette. If you were up for that, then go ahead. Otherwise
avoid. They have zero effect on nitrate. Plants use up nitrate
very effectively, but you just like a marine system, that's
light dependent. Denitrification (cf. live rock) isn't really
done in freshwater tanks, though equivalent devices to exist.
Just not worth worrying about because water changes are cheap and
easy.> Thanks again and I patiently and appreciatively await
your response on these last few issues. Thanks once more...I am
indebted to you.-Nick <Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Requesting small freshwater aquarium
stocking advice Thanks again, Neale...you're the best!
<One tries. Enjoy your aquarium, Neale.>
Re: Requesting small freshwater aquarium
stocking advice 8/14//08 Dear Neale. I hope
I'm not being too much of a bother, but I had to ask your
opinion one last, quick time since you already know the
background of my situation. What do you think of Pencilfish as a
possibility of Cardinal Tetra complimentary fish to go along with
the others we've discussed in our correspondence? <The
larger Nannostomus will mix nicely with Paracheirodon
axelrodi.> I know this is a family of fish rather than a
specific species, but do you have any feeling about the smaller
types from that family in relation to my below situation we
discussed yesterday? <Nannostomus spp. are all good community
fish when kept with similarly quiet tankmates. Nannostomus
trifasciatus and Nannostomus beckfordi are a couple of the best
species for beginners; many of the others are rather delicate and
best avoided unless you're sure you can meet their (quite
demanding) requirements re: water chemistry, diet.> Thanks one
last time, I again appreciate both your time and efforts on my
behalf-Nick <Happy to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Requesting small freshwater aquarium
stocking advice 8/16/08 Hi Neale! I just wanted
to touch base with you again to let you know that I ended up
purchasing 4 of the Pygmy Corys (Corydoras pygmaeus) and 4 Gold
Pencilfish (Nannostomus unifasciatus) for the 10 gallon tank.
<Both lovely fish, and quite robust when kept away from more
aggressive community species.> I'm thinking now that I
probably should've gotten 2 more of each, but when I
considered that I wanted 6-8 Cardinal Tetras as my centerpiece
fish group later on, I thought I may be overcrowding a bit if I
had done so...what do you think? <I'd add two more of
each. Assuming the filtration is good, the additional biomass
will make hardly any difference. Once plants get established,
they also help out significantly removing nitrate and generally
keeping the water sweet.> Those two fish were the only ones
the LFS had from the list of fish we discussed, which was pretty
disappointing, but I was happy to find at least those 2 groups. I
also got some frozen Glassworms and daphnia with the belief that
that would be an appropriate food for all of the inhabitants (I
really wanted bloodworms, but they didn't have any),
including the eventual Cardinals. <I've never had any fish
that really much cared for either frozen Glassworms or frozen
daphnia, even when they like the live versions of both! But you
own mileage may vary, as they say.> I also got Ocean
Nutrition's Community flake, but I'm thinking the frozen
foods should probably be the main source of nutrition (please
correct me if I'm mistaken). <For Pencilfish, certainly.
Corydoras of all species thrive on a mixed diet, and I find
bloodworms together with Hikari Algae Wafers works great.>
Lastly, in a previous communication, you had mentioned that
lighting may be an issue for the two types of plants I had chosen
(Hygrophila deformis and Vallisneria americana). <Certainly
I've never had any luck with Hygrophila in small tanks with
generic lighting. On the other hand, it goes bananas on the tank
I have on a windowsill where it gets full sun for a few hours
each day. Vallisneria can often adapt to a variety of conditions
depending on your luck. But in both cases, neither would be my
choices for tanks with under 2 watts per gallon.> Currently, I
have just 20 watts of compact fluorescent light over the 10
gallons. <Give it a shot, see what happens. The Vallis may
well do OK, but if the Hygrophila goes "leggy" with
long stems and small leaves instead of being nice a bushy,
replace with something less demanding.> However, it dawned on
me that I have a spare 150 watt HQI metal halide clip on fixture
that I could lend to the tank if you thought that would be more
appropriate. <No.... algae city!> I know that is going from
one end of the spectrum to the other as far as intensity, but I
just wanted to mention it and see what you thought. <Start
simple, see what happens. Easier to make a cheap replacement of
plant species from what you have to, say, Anubias and
Cryptocoryne, than mess about with expensive lighting systems and
major algae problems.> Thanks for all of your help with this
entire situation. I really feel like you have put me in a much
better condition to succeed than if I had simply struck out on my
own and I AND the public library as well as their employees
kindly thank you for that. Much respect.-Nick <Happy to help.
Cheers, Neale.>
Question about my aquarium... FW,
Small, stkg. 7/18/08 Hello, I was just wondering if I could
ask you a question? <Feel free!> I have a 5 gallon tank and
realize the size is not ideal but I will be upgrading in 6 months time
to as large a tank as I can get, once I move house. Right now I have 1
female guppy who is very lively and healthy seeming and 7 neon tetras.
Am I overstocked? <Depends how you define these things. If things
are working for now, I'd leave things be and not add any more fish.
The problem with small tanks is that they can quickly topple over from
working nicely into being a complete disaster. The bigger the tank, the
slower this happens, which is why bigger tanks are recommended. For the
average aquarist, a 20 gallon tank is a good starting point, or 30
gallons if you want to keep medium-sized sort of fish like cichlids
rather than guppies and tetras.> I worry about it and can't
provide a bigger home for them and didn't realize when I started
the tank it may be too small. I've had it for a couple of months so
its cycled and I do a 25% water change every week, sometimes more
frequently if I feel it needs it. It also has a hang-on filter,
lighting, heater and a air pump connected to a air stone. The temp
remains constant at 25 degrees c. I also have an Amazon sword plant
which I think is growing well and a banana plant. PH is around 7.5.
<It all sounds nice. Small tanks aren't "bad",
they're just difficult. I have an 8-gallon tank that is incredibly
rewarding. It sits on a windowsill and I let the aquatic plants grow
out the top. Some of them are twice as tall above the water as they
underneath the water, and they're covered with flowers. In there I
keep livebearer fry (Limia nigrofasciata) and some Cherry shrimps,
which are breeding like crazy, and four little Aspidoras catfish that
are barely an inch long. The thing is that I'm an expert fishkeeper
and I know what I'm doing. For someone new to the hobby, this sort
of tank would be very difficult to set up. Or more specifically,
they'd be trying to add too many fish that are too big for the
system, and so cause problems. This is why we recommend 20 gallon tanks
for beginners: they're easy to stock with popular fish, and
they're big enough that they will "forgive" accidents and
oversights.> I realize I made a mistake not buying a huge tank but
I'm not living in my own house but my sisters and thus don't
have room for a huge one. Anyway I can make them happy and healthy?
They seem fine at the moment. One neon tetra does have a small pale
patch near the tail, I at first thought it was fungus but its not
growing and seems to just be a pale part of its skin. Its not like a
dot so I don't think its ick and none of the other fish have it.
What do you think? <Difficult without a photo. Could be early stages
of Finrot, but I suspect it might be the dreaded Neon Tetra Disease (or
so-called False Neon Tetra Disease). In either case what happens is the
fish loses colour by stages, becomes shy, separates off from the
school, stops eating, and then dies. It's very contagious, and
passed on when healthy fish peck at dead or dying fish. So if you are
sure the fish is sick, isolating it is a good idea, and painlessly
destroying it the best plan of all. Neons these days are plagued with
this disease, and I know lots of people who buy a big school of Neons
and end up with only half of them just a few months later.> Thank
you very much if you can answer. <Hope this helps,
Air Bubbles/ Ick / Help! -03/17/08 Hello,
<Ave,> First of all, I want to thank you so much for this
extensive website. It has proven multiple times to be an
extremely helpful asset. I am very sorry if you have previously
answered this question before. <If we've answered it,
we'll direct to the answer!> Okay, I am living in a very
small apartment. Though I had many small aquariums when I was
younger, I have not had any in a very long time. What I was
originally looking for was a very small desktop aquarium to put
on my desk (obviously [= ). The one I purchased was the one
recommended to me by the PetSmart personnel, a Top Fin Aquascene
1. It's a triangular-shaped aquarium with dimensions
10.125'L x 7'D x 9.875'H. <Triangular (and any
other funky shaped) aquaria are bad; they're a waste of
space, and hold less water than a rectangular shape would.
They're also difficult to stock, because surface area is
critical, and again, these have less than ideal surface area to
volume ratio. If space is truly at a premium, then weird shape
aquaria are the WORST choices you can make.> I am not quite
sure how many gallons it is. <Easy: find out how many buckets
of water it takes to fill. In any case, since it's A LOT
smaller than 1 cubic foot (12 x 12 x 12 inches, about 8 US
gallons) this comes under the heading "Too Small For
Fish". Perhaps keep shrimps, plants, snails. But not
fish.> To filter, it uses an under gravel filter with an air
stone. <OK.> I purchased the fish that the associate
recommended: 3 (2 females -- one looks quite pregnant and 1 male)
red/orange guppies with black tails and fins (she told me they
were guppies, but after some research, I think they are actually
platys) and 1 albino dwarf 'sucker' catfish. All fish are
between 1 and 2 inches. <Nope. None of these are acceptable
for this aquarium. None. Not at all. Never. No. Nix.> I set up
the new tank with aquarium rocks and 2 aquarium plants, and
within a short time (about an hour) added the fish. I asked the
associate if there is anything I needed to do, and she never
mentioned cycling the aquarium. I had no idea that aquariums
needed to be cycled until I read something about it last night on
your wonderful site. I feel so horrible for not realizing it
before I put the fish in -- I am really worried about my fish.
<I'm worried too. You need to read/review fishkeeping
before spending money.> At least two of my guppies/platys have
developed signs of Ich/Ick (little white cysts) and one of them
is doing something that vaguely represents 'humping' the
water (not rubbing). I am so sorry for my crude description, but
I have no idea how else to put it. My little Harvey (the male) is
the one who is showing the most little white cysts. He has been
off by himself underneath a plant -- for a few minutes I thought
he was dead. I am so worried that I did something to hurt them.
<Yes, you did do stuff wrong. Wrong tank, wrong volume of
water, wrong way of setting up.> When I started up the tank, I
put some API Stress Coat into the aquarium to treat the water. I
have fed them Tetra Color Tropical Flakes. Last night I put in
some QuICK Cure, and put 2 drops in today instead of 1 because I
am not seeing any improvement. <Please, unless you're a
vet/microbiologist with a minor in organic chemistry -- follow
the instructions on the package! Don't make stuff up as you
go along!> I have also noticed an incredible amount of bubbles
on the top of my aquarium. They look as though they are start
from the top of the filter, although the water level is over the
top of the filter. At first, I thought that the bubbles were
caused by the air stone being too close to the top of the water
because it had slid up, but I pushed it back down, and there has
been no improvement in the amount of bubbles. <Bubbles like
CO2 coming out of solution as the water temperature changes.
Quite common in small tanks.> Are the bubbles in any way
related to the ICH? <No.> I thought it might be connected
because the bubbles completely but temporarily dispersed when I
added in the Quick Cure. <Unrelated.> Or, and I don't
think that this is it, but are the bubbles in any way possibly
related to the light? There is a small light in the aquarium. I
read somewhere that guppies/platys desire a 70ish temperature,
(my room stays at about 71), and since the water was quite cold
and I do not have a thermometer, I have left the light on
constantly since last Wednesday-ish. (I purchased the tank on
Monday evening, and it is now Saturday). Is this bad for them?
<Tropical fish should be kept at a constant 25 C/77 F. I
don't care how you do that, but you DO HAVE TO DO THIS.
Unless you live in the tropics, then your house will be too cold
for them. They're called "tropical fish" for a
reason, and not as a marketing ploy!> I also noticed a small
white membrany-looking thing inside the tube connected to the air
stone (I have no other idea how to describe it.) <Perhaps
algae or fungus of some sort. Siphon out.> Just wanted to
double check that I AM supposed to leave that air filter on all
the time. I turned it off last night because I was having so many
bubbles that the lid was coming off the tank. <Yes, the air
pump must stay on all the time if it is driving the undergravel
filter (or any other filter).> Also, the two guppies/platies
that were actually moving around were both like mesmerized by the
top of the air filter (where the bubbles come out.) <They like
water current.> I turned the light and pump off last night,
and the bubbles are gone. I am afraid to turn them back on.
<As temperature goes down, the CO2 dissolves into the water.
I'm sure you remember your chemistry class at school about
the solubility of gases in water as it relates to
temperature.> Also, I think that the first day I overfed them,
because I would watch them eat, and when it looked as though they
had finished, I would add more. I couldn't believe how much
they had eaten. However, I think that some of the flakes had been
swept by the filter into the top of one of the plants, because I
noticed several flakes mixed in with the rocks at the bottom.
<All food should be gone within 1-2 minutes of feeding. And in
such an insanely unsuitable aquarium as this, feeding more than
once a day would be wrong.> Also, should I do a water change?
<50% weekly.> The water isn't even a week old.
<Quite right. Old water is bad water.> Please tell me what
to do! -- I will do anything for them! ]= <Buy a bigger tank.
This is not negotiable. This aquarium was a stupid purchase
frankly, and I'd sooner you'd asked for help before
spending the money. There's no way these fish will last long
in it. Take my advice: get something around the 20 gallons mark.
Yes, it might look big in the store, but trust me, you will be so
thankful afterwards. You can keep reasonable numbers of fish
(those Corydoras are schooling fish for example and unhappy kept
in groups of less than 6) and your aquarium will be about 1
million times easier to keep.> Thank you so much in advance
for your time and concern. <Not a problem.> Jessica
<Cheers, Neale.> Re: Air Bubbles/ Ick / Help! Oh,
and its a 1-gallon aquarium. <Too small for fish. Possibly
cherry shrimps and snails. But that's it. Cheers,
Re: Air Bubbles/ Ick / Help! -03/17/08 Thank
you for the quick reply. <Not a problem.> The thing is, we
are not allowed to have aquariums larger than 2.5 gallons. I
agree, it is a stupid rule. <Well there it is: if this is the
rule, then fishkeeping honestly isn't an option. I'm
saying this from years of option *and* from daily trying to help
people with these "micro tanks". But for less
experienced hobbyists unable to select the appropriate livestock
and monitor/control water quality, these small aquaria are death
traps for fish.> I asked a million questions of multiple sales
associates, so I am sorry if I was under the impression that I
had done my research. <Don't be too disheartened. We all
make mistakes.> I am trying my very best to take care of them.
<Good stuff!> Please let me know what I should do.
<Apropos to what? In a tank this small I'd not be keeping
fish at all. I'd perhaps go with a clump of Java moss, a few
nice little Cryptocorynes, some pretty stones and sand, and then
some Nerite snails and cherry shrimps. That would be relatively
stable and easy to look after. Also colourful and fun to watch.
But fish honestly need more space than 2.5 gallons, except
perhaps a single Betta (but talk about a boring life, being a
Betta stuck in a glass box that size!).> Thank you in advance.
<Cheers, Neale.> Thanks again for your input. I really do
appreciate it. [= <Cool. Good luck, Neale.>
African Dwarf Frogs... Froggy, small sys.
period 2/27/08 I have a 5 gallon hexagonal kit
tank that I had 2 guppies and a African Dwarf Frog that the sales girl
at the pet store sold me because my 3 year old wanted a
"froggy". <Please let me start by saying that buying
animals for children as small as this isn't a good idea. Buy
animals if you want them, and sure, let small children observe. But
unless you're really willing to make this your hobby, it is simply
a waste of time (and often animal lives) buying pets for very small
children.> As I am sure you can guess, my uncycled 5 gallon tank has
since lost my fish. The first went about a week and a half after I
populated it and the second today. I have had the aquarium roughly a
month. I have done a lot of research/reading since then and have since
purchased a 20 gallon kit tank. My plan is to put fish in the 20 gallon
tank and keep frogs in the five gallon tank since I have fallen in love
with "froggy" , who by the way got his first helping of
frozen bloodworms today after almost a month of the pellets they sold
me at the store. Can't say I ever saw froggy eat them but he has
survived and something was eating some of them. My nitrite, ammonia,
ph, and all my water parameters are right on as to what this web site
suggests for froggy and he seems to be adapting well to his tank this
week-before this he hid most of the time. I believe my fish were
victims of over-feeding due to lack of knowledge. I think the were
eating froggy's food as well as their own. I would like to keep as
many Frogs (all African Dwarf Frogs) as possible without over crowding.
I also want to make sure I introduce them in a timely matter. My
questions are this. How many can I keep in this type of tank. I am sure
the 1 frog to every gallon of water rule just doesn't quite apply,
due to the shape although I would love to have a colony that large!
Maybe I will switch to a square tank. How do you cycle a tank for
frogs? And lastly on frogs How many can I introduce at a time and how
far apart? <Hymenochirus spp. frogs are not especially difficult to
keep when alone, but almost never succeed in the long term alongside
fish. Sure, sometimes it works, but usually it doesn't. The main
problem is that Hymenochirus are shy, slow feeders. They also need to
eat quite a lot, and this causes problems with water quality. Per meal,
the frogs must be receiving sufficient food that their belly swells out
ever so slightly. Initially, you'll need to feed them daily to
recover condition from their time at the pet store, but subsequently
you might decide to skip feeding them every two or three days.
Freeze-dried foods do not seem to be good for them, so always use
either live or wet frozen foods. I'd not keep more than 3-4
specimens in a 5 gallon tank. I'd mature the tank by adding filter
media from another healthy aquarium; amphibians generally are sensitive
to poor water quality, which leads to things like the dreaded Red Leg.
Hymenochirus spp. generally work well in groups; introduce them all at
once into a fully matured aquarium. Do ensure there are plenty of
hiding places, such as caves and plastic plants.> I also would like
to cycle up my 20 gallon tank and have a decorative, colorful, active
tank to enjoy. Again without over crowding. I had thought about 3-4
Guppies, 6 Endler's, and 6 tetras-either neon or cardinal. <I'd
say no to all of this, at least as a combo. For a start, Endler's and
Guppies hybridise, and while you might not care very much, this is a
problem if you have to get rid of excess fry. What do you sell them as?
Allowing hybridisation in aquaria is simply a bad habit and not one to
get into. Secondly, tetras often (though not always, I'll admit)
nip the fins of Fancy Guppies. Thirdly, there are differences in water
chemistry. Tetras want soft, slightly acidic water; Guppies and Endler's
want hard, basic water. Conditions that suit the one will be stressful
for the other, so you'll constantly be having to deal with
sickness. Much better to determine what your local water chemistry is,
and then choose fish accordingly. Please see the multiple articles we
have here about water chemistry for more info, or turn to any aquarium
book of your choice.> I noticed some of you think tetras are
difficult to take care of. <Can be, many species being either
sensitive to poor water quality, nippy towards tankmates, or aggressive
amongst themselves.> Would this type of community work well?
<No.> I think we would prefer quantity with color over size in
our tank. Honestly I had to search so hard to find the guppies (since
it was just two and they hid) in the 5 gallon, it seemed hardly worth
the effort. <Can seem this way, but always remember your job is to
give a home to the fish that the fish enjoy. If that means the fish are
hidden half the time, so be it. Would you want to be constantly watched
by some gigantic human-keeper?> I agree these little hex tanks are
hard to take care of and I think my frogs will do better in them.
<Those little Hexagon tanks are a gimmick, and no experienced
aquarist would recommend one over a traditional rectangular aquarium.
The problems are multiple, not least of which is the terrible surface
area to volume ratio. Though seemingly cheap, they're actually poor
value because of how little they actually "do".> Thanks
ahead of time for you advice and knowledge-Deb <Cheers,
Need some help please; dyed fish,
overstocking 2/3/08 Hey. I just bought a
4 gallon fish tank (baby BiOrb) as I wanted to get more fish. I
already had a Fighter Fish so added him into there, but he's
getting really stressed out. I have an air pump in there, some
fake plants, some stones that came with the tank and a heater.
There are also 3 other fish in there - 2 Diamond Tetras and 1
Coloured Cory (he seems to be fine with them). Will he just get
used to it, or should I do something? If so what? Thanks Josie
<Hello Josie. No you can't add more fish! You are already
criminally overstocked. Diamond tetras (Moenkhausia pittieri) are
medium-sized tetras that are very active schooling fish, and
should be kept in groups of at least six specimens and in tanks
20 gallons upwards. So they're already very unhappy. The
Corydoras needs to be in a much larger tank as well, and is also
a schooling fish, so he's probably terrified and definitely
unhappy. Keeping these fish in this way is cruel -- there's
no other word for it. Another issue: how did you mature the
filter? Just dumping a bunch of fish into a brand-new aquarium is
a death sentence. Cycling a tank takes about 6 weeks the old
fashioned way. In your case, adding a single Betta is really the
only thing you can do for that time period, coupled with regular
(likely 25% water changes every day or two). I assume you have a
nitrite test kit, because if you just dumped these fish straight
into a new aquarium the nitrite and ammonia will soon be at toxic
levels, and then your fish will get sick or die. Please note that
"letting the tank stand for 24 hours" doesn't do
anything to cycle the aquarium; cycling requires a source of
ammonia, either inorganic (from a bottle) or via suitable
livestock (typically hardy fish of some sort). Regardless, a
4-gallon tank is a bucket in terms of volume, and while arguably
adequate for a single fancy Betta, that is all. I personally
wouldn't even keep a Betta in a 4-gallon tank. If you want
something for a 4-gallon container of water buy some cut flowers
and take up flower arranging. Seriously, these micro-tanks are
incredibly difficult to run for inexperienced fishkeepers and
almost always end up going bad. Your Betta is probably unhappy
because the tank feels more like a cage filled with random
animals, and he can't get any peace and quiet. So no,
he's unlikely to settle down any time soon. I'm also
concerned that you bought a "coloured" Corydoras. I
hope you don't mean one that was painted or dyed; this is a
very cruel process where dye is injected (without anaesthesia)
into the muscle blocks under the skin. Some fish die in the
process, and those that survive have increased mortality. No
fishkeeping writer or vet supports this part of the trade, and it
is one aspect that I think brings shame on the industry
generally. It's been known for years that these fish are
effectively tattooed, so if your retailer says they were just
"painted harmlessly" he's probably lying and
doesn't deserve your patronage. Please do not support this
sadistic practise by buying any more coloured fish. Instead, go
buy a book about tropical fish or borrow one from a library. Read
up on what fish need, and how to care for them. There are plenty
of articles here at WWM too. Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: Need some help please; dyed fish,
overstocking 2/3/08 We went on the advise of our
local fish stockist - so I will not answer all your ranting about
it being criminally overstocked. <Hello Josie. A 4 gallon tank
with all those fish *is* overstocked and *is not* going to work
in the long term. Whether you want to take my advice -- as a
professional fishkeeping writer and trained marine biologist who
writes for all the major magazines -- or not is up to you. What
you've got from me is honesty and the facts; what you choose
to do with them is your decision. But I will make the point that
your fish depend upon you, and their lives are at risk if you do
the wrong things. If the welfare and happiness of the animals you
look after doesn't matter to you, so be it, but it isn't
my job to candy-coat the facts to make them more acceptable to
you. You already have problems now, and they're going to get
worse. What else can I say?> All I will reply to is
'coloured' doras. Of course we did not tattoo or dye it.
I bought it from a reputable dealer and it is a coloured albino
Cory - just a coloured tail not coloured anywhere else and is
natural. <By definition, albino fish don't have coloured
tails. Think about this for just one second -- if you remember
your biology from school, you will recall that albinos don't
produce any colours in their bodies. If an albino fish has a
brightly coloured tail, it's been dyed, or rather, tattooed.
This is a cruel practise, no discussion. The British RSPCA
considers it 'cruel and unnecessary' and various fish
magazines around the world have lobbied hard against it. See
But the only thing that will stop it, short of laws, is that
people are educated about the process and choose not to buy the
fish. If you've made the purchase out of ignorance,
that's fine and you can learn the lesson. We all make
mistakes. But I would encourage you not to buy any more. Hardly
any shops in England still sell these fish, but a few do,
unfortunately.> Thanks Josie <You're welcome,
Re: Need some help please; dyed fish,
overstocking 2/3/08 It does look like this fish
has been dyed - so I will not be buying anymore and will ask the
fish shop about it next time we go. <That's all you can
do. Live and learn. If the store owner genuinely doesn't know
about this issue, then perhaps you can educate them and they will
stop buying the fish.> Do you think it is worth me reporting
the fish shop to the RSPCA - if this will help stop this practice
then I will of course do it. <The RSPCA are on the case
already, but unfortunately importing dyed fish isn't (yet)
illegal. The 2006 Animal Welfare Bill only prevents cruelty to
fish that takes place within the UK, so while you could
(potentially) prosecute someone who tattooed a fish in the UK,
there's nothing in the Bill to prevent a wholesaler from
imported fish that had been tattooed in Southeast Asia (which is
where this practise is rife). If you're wondering why people
like me get worked up about this issue, it's because the
people who dye these fish are also doing things like cutting off
the fins, even the tails, of fish (without anaesthesia) to make
them more "interesting" to the market that buys them.
Thankfully these fish don't seem to be sold in the UK, but
they're certainly in the Asian trade. If you have a strong
stomach, see here:
Not pretty.> We did not know that this practice even existed -
why would people do such a thing to any animal even a fish. To
cause deliberate distress to anything is wrong. <Indeed. I
think most aquarists would agree with you. I accept everyone
makes mistakes, and I still do stupid things from time to time (I
left the heater off in one of my tanks last night, for example).
But the flip side is when we find out about something bad
we're doing, or something bad in the trade, we act
accordingly.> We will certainly be more careful in our choice
of fish in the future. <Very good. A good aquarium book is
helpful, and if all else fails, drop WWM a line and tell us about
what fish you've seen and what sort of tank you have. Chances
are you'll get a quick reply telling you whether or not such
a fish would work well for you.> Thanks Barb <Cheers,
One last question( for today anyway). Small tank lvstking.
9/7/07 Neale, <Linda,> Thank you again. I found this site
when I had a sick Betta in another tank. Poor thing did not make it
even though I got an immediate response form WWM. Nor did two of three
black neon tetra. I now have a ( embarrassed pause) three gallon tank
with one lone black neon in it. <Eek. Well, he probably wants a few
pals. A three gallon tank isn't really useful for fish, in my
opinion. Get some cherry shrimp and a lump of Java moss instead. Much
more fun to watch, and the cherry shrimp will happily breed, providing
you with lots of entertainment as the baby shrimps grow. The baby
shrimps are almost indescribably cute and very easy to rear. Being
bright red, the female cherry shrimps are also very colourful.
Juveniles and males are translucent pink.> I have had the thought of
putting him in the 5 gallon tank with the Betta and four platies. The
black neon seems healthy. He is active, eats well. Thought I could use
the small tank as an isolation tank. Should I shift the neon? <I
would, and get him some pals.> Is the small tank safe for use as a
hospital? <Not really, no. Much better to have all your fish happy
and healthy in one tank than to fuss about with hospital tanks. Healthy
fish kept properly just don't get sick much. It's hard for
beginners to accept sometimes, but truly, experienced fishkeepers can
go years between buying fish and/or medication. It's an easy
hobby... once you get over the learning curve (probably like most other
things... driving, raising children, cooking, sex, etc.)> The Betta
I lost had brown splotches that seemed to spread and the neons just
were there and then not. I assume my lack of knowledge of cycling
killed them. I will maintain the three gallon for the neon but is he ok
alone? <Yes and no. He's obviously alive, but I doubt he's
happy.> Glad you enjoy what you do to the point you will help out
fish with new owners. Linda <I'm glad too! Doing these questions
is my "time out" when having cups of tea in between my actual
work. Have fun, Neale>
Betta Companions and General Tank Questions --
08/31/07 Hi WWM Crew; My name is Andrea and I have been taking care
of a male Betta who's owner couldn't keep it anymore. Currently
it's living in a standard sized fish bowl and seems quite happy.
I'm going to move him into a 5 gallon hexagonal fish aquarium (has
a carbon filter and Bio-wheel filter) that I'm bringing back up.
Because of this I was hoping to get a few more fish in the aquarium,
and was wondering if a small school of say 3 Neon and 3 Glo-Light
Tetra's would work out with him. I am also a fan of Synodontis
catfish and was wondering if he would be compatible with one or not
(the last Synodontis I had was very mild mannered and left the other
fish alone). Your answers to these questions would be much appreciated.
Andrea <Hello Andrea. Do not mix your Betta with any of the fish
mentioned. Tetras tend to nip their fins, even "good" tetras
like Neons. Some people mix them fine, but some people don't, and
you don't really want to take the chance unless you have another
aquarium ready to house one or other species if things go wrong. As for
Synodontis, other than the fact most species will nibble on the fins of
Bettas given the chance, a 5 gallon tank is simply nowhere near big
enough to house them. Even the dwarf S. nigriventris needs something
like a 20 gallon tank, ideally more, because they are social fish that
do best when kept in threes or more. If you must mix a Betta with
something else, consider some type of small snail or shrimp. They will
be fine in a tank your size, and generally cause no problems with
Bettas. Cherry shrimps (Neocaridina denticulata sinensis) are
tremendous fun, being not only colourful algae eaters, but also quite
willing to breed, so before long you'll have lots of baby shrimp
scuttling about the tank that you can grow on and share with other
fishkeepers. Cheers, Neale>
Fish help, stkg. small FW 8/9/07 I am
wondering what fish I could possibly put in a 10 gallon aquarium. Right
now it is just a tank and lid with incandescent light bulb and a really
old Whisper 10. I will be buying for it either a new Whisper 10, which
is for 5-10 gallons, with a turn-over of 90 gph, or a Rapids Mini
Canister Filter which is for up to 20 gallons and has a turn-over of 80
gph. Some freshwater sand as a base with a mix of live plants such as
Cabomba, Amazon sword, Anacharis, and some sort of hybrid plant that is
in my 10 gallon right now. I will use silk plants as a filler until the
plants get bigger I will put in some small terra cotta gardening/craft
pots to give the fish hiding spots. I do not want another Betta,
because I already have 3, one of which lives in an Eclipse Hex Five and
the other two are living in two different community tanks belonging to
my mother. I will also buy a Whisper 10 air pump and all the stuff to
go with that; a Rena Cal Top light Excel heater, which is for 5-15
gallons of water, it has an adjustable thermostat; a Coralife Digital
thermometer; all sorts of medications and conditioners, such as API tap
water conditioner, BIOZYME, Amquel, Proper pH (the balance that is
appropriate for the fish you may suggest, they have 6.5-8.2 pH);
BIO-Spira Freshwater; Kent Freshwater essential; and lastly Seachem
Equilibrium. I will be buying an APUI freshwater master test kit, API
freshwater aquarium salts, and lastly a Coralife Mini compact50/50
fluorescent bulb. What fish could I keep in this set up? I know not
many because of the size. The only aquarium I have right now is the
Betta tank and a Goldfish set-up (2 3" goldfish and a 3"
Pleco live in the 10 gallon right now) I am buying the goldfish and
Pleco a 29 gallon aquarium in about a week or two (which is when I will
also buy all of the above stuff too) I was thinking of a salt water,
but they are too much work for me what with the painstaking and
time-expensive live rock acclimation process, plus most stores do not
guarantee their saltwater fish because they are wild caught. It's
not worth it to me. So what can I put in it? I would prefer a mostly
one species or a slight mix of different kinds. <I can tell you what
I have in my two ten-gallon tanks. In one of them, a "long"
tank about 8" wide by 24" long, I have a small group of
Corydoras. Periodically they spawn, and rearing the fry is fairly easy,
even in a breeding net because they are very accommodating little
animals. Once the fry are a couple of months old, they can go in with
their parents until I pass them on to other fishkeepers. Corydoras are
fun, easy to care for, and any number of varieties are available so you
can pick and choose a species you like. This tank is basically
unplanted because it has no hood or lights, and while in summer I add
some floating plants brought in from the garden, these are a temporary
thing. The tank contains a mix of sand and gravel so they can dig
nicely, and a couple of ornaments for a bit of shade when the catfish
want to lurk (a ceramic Chinese bridge, that sort of thing). In another
10 gallon tank, this one about 10" wide and 18" long I have a
group of cardinal tetras and cherry shrimps plus a lone and very tame
halfbeak female who has (greatly) outlived her siblings. The shrimps
breed, as do the snails, so the whole tank looks a bit like a
freshwater reef tank. It's planted with Java moss, Anubias, tiger
lily, and Vallisneria, and while the lighting isn't much (11 Watts,
I think) because the tank is so shallow the plants seem to do quite
well. The Java moss certainly covers everything and needs regular
cutting back. The whole thing looks quite pretty. Cardinals are very
eye-catching for their size, but not very active, so you get the bright
colours without worrying about them feeling cramped. You can safely
have a dozen or more of these tiny tetras in a 10 gallon tank, just
keep on top of water changes and don't over-feed them. The shrimps
are pretty low maintenance since all they eat are the microbes, algae,
and decaying organic matter trapped in the Java moss. If you wanted to
keep something else instead of Cardinals (or Neons for that matter)
another good "mini" fish is the Endler's guppy;
there's lots of variety there, and being so tiny they fit well in
small tanks. A third option is the bumblebee goby. While arguably best
kept in slightly brackish water, this little goby can also be kept in
freshwater tanks too. The main problem with it is feeding: it loses out
to more competitive animals like guppies and tetras. But on its own, or
with shrimps and Nerite snails for example, it's easy to care for
and spawns readily. It's also great fun to watch, as each goby
defends its shell or cave fiercely, and will chase others away. Each
goby needs about a gallon of space including a cave, so in a 10 gallon
tank, you can have a whole bunch of them. If you go with gobies you can
always make the system brackish water and add sea shells and fake
corals. Add some of the exotic brackish water Nerite snails and shrimps
and you can create a very passable imitation of a saltwater aquarium at
a fraction of the cost! Finally, the dwarf pufferfish is perhaps the
current fish-du-jour for the mini aquarium. Although not hardy or a
beginner's fish, it isn't difficult to keep if you have a bit
of fishkeeping experience, and in a 10 gallon tank you can keep 2-4
specimens depending on the shape of the tank and how well you divide it
up into caves, tangles of plants, and bogwood hidey-holes. They're
neat little fish, and well worth the extra effort. Hope this gives you
some ideas. Cheers, Neale>
Was: fish and salt... Now nano FW stkg.
7/13/07 Neale, Thanks for the info. May I ask one more question
please? I also have a 12 gallon Nano type tank. Will the Corys and
Kuhli Loach do okay in this tank? What fish will do well with them and
how many can I put in this type of tank? Most of the info I can find
for Nano Tank talks about a Marine Set-up and I just don't think I
am ready for that yet. Thank You, Melissa <Hello Melissa. Keeping a
"nano" tank is difficult. In the case of freshwater fish, its
doubly difficult because we don't tend to keep invertebrates, just
fish, and fish are not very good in very small tanks. A marine aquarist
with a nano tank can stock it with corals and starfish and shrimps and
of he goes. Not so easy for us freshwater folks! Our pets expect
swimming room. Assuming you *don't* add salt, then your Corydoras
and Kuhli loach should do fine. If you add salt, remove those two fish
and stick with livebearers of various types. Personally, I'd avoid
swordtails and mollies because they [a] get big and [b] males tend to
be aggressive. But guppies, Endler's, and platies will all co-exist
nicely, and they're salt-tolerant at low doses. If you add salt,
you also have the option of adding brackish water fishes such as
gobies, which would be a superb addition to any small aquarium.
Wrestling halfbeaks are also salt tolerant and do very well in small
tanks. In a tank *without* salt, apart from bumping up the numbers of
Corydoras and Kuhli loaches, I'd be thinking about small tetra or
barb species. Cherry barbs are always fun, being territorial rather
than schooling fish and a nice shade of red. Badis badis (the
"chameleon perch") is a superb fish for the small aquarium,
and while it will not eat flake (wet frozen or live food only!) its
amazing colour changes make it great value. There are also some
miniature gouramis worth considering. The sparkling gouramis Trichopsis
pumilus is a lovely little fish, and couldn't be easier to keep.
Basically, choose fish for the water in your tank, and then limit
yourself to species 4 cm or less in length, and ideally pick species
that will do well singly/in small groups and doesn't need a lot of
swimming space. Danios, for example, are the right size, but their
frenetic, restless behaviour makes them a poor choice in small tanks.
Hope this helps! Neale>
Betta splendens Ali? 3/11/07 My Betta was
originally in a small Betta container that held about a quart of water.
: ( I felt sorry for him and he now lives in a 5 gal
tank (Waterhome5) which is also home to a few small plants that I keep
trimmed to a proportionate size for the tank and the substrate is small
stones, about 1" round (purchased in a LFS). So far
this $4.00 fish has cost me over $100.00. <A step up to
be sure, but still a little small.> My one and only attempt to add
fish to that tank was 2 Mickey Mouse Platys who managed to live for a
whole 5 days before I finally put them out of their misery when they
started looking like losers from a Mohammed Ali boxing
match. the Betta is now named "The
Terminator". <I'll be back.>
<Your tank is too small for this.> I suspect my mistake was that
I added 2 young (1-inch) fish to a tank that already had one
territorial fish, but I want to make the tank more interesting and
entertaining, both for myself and for the fish - although he certainly
had other ideas about that at the time. <I would select
a larger tank. Perhaps a 20g - 29g.> My 3 local LFS
locations have each told me that I should have added 4 or 5 fish at one
time, <Sure this would work, if you wanted everyone to die from
toxic build up.> suggesting Tetras or White Clouds, and a Corydoras
or two instead of just those 2 Platies. I do have a bit of
an algae problem that I'm trying to keep under control, hence the
addition of live plants, so am interested in an algae
eater. However, I don't want to add these fish just so
they can be sparring partners for the Betta to train for his next
bout. Keeping to the rule of thumb of 1 inch of fish per
gallon of water, would 4 neon tetras and a Corydoras be too much to add
to the Betta in a 5 gallon tank? <Yes. When you stock,
you have to stock with the fish's adult size in
mind. They sure are cute when they are little, but it
won't last forever. I would get a larger tank, or let the B.
splendens live peacefully on it's own.> By the way - your site
is the only place I've been able to find sensible, easy-to-read and
easy-to-understand assistance - both are important qualities required
by a "newbie". Thanks for being there for us all.
<That is what we are here for, Brandon.> Lynne