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Loach ID, Kuhlis 7/25/07 Hi all, thanks for all
the help in the past. I have a very simple freshwater question for you
guys. I searched the FAQs and articles and couldn't find a
definitive answer and the necessary page on loaches.com, conveniently,
was down. It is long (5"-6") and serpentine like. He is
pinkish in color with 4 'whiskers' around his mouth. My LFS
called him a True Kuhli Loach but they have a bad history in correctly
identifying fish. Could you please tell me what this guy is and if he
needs any similar tankmates; I understand other types of Kuhlis need
groups of 3 or more? Also after several hours of web searching I found
that the same store had sold me a water bug and I believe it's a
'Dragonfly Nymph'; green, 1 1/2" long, big eyes and 6
legs. The same site mentioned nothing about these critters in captivity
and that they are predatory towards small fish and insects.
Non-coincidentally, I believe, one of my Glass Catfish had a an
(eventually) fatal bite taken out of him near his organs. I'm
leaning towards throwing him in the Cichlid tank if he keeps this up,
is unsuitable for captivity, or I can't feed him reasonably. Or
maybe I should quit being stubborn and setup a quarantine, but with
Cichlid, Reef, Catfish, and Community tanks it would be quite an
investment. I apologize as this was supposed to be a short letter, but
with a pension for diversity there's always something to talk
about! Thanks in advance -John <Hello John. Identifying species of
Pangio (the genus to which kuhli loaches belong) is difficult. There
are around 30 species, many of which are very similar to each other and
almost none of which are correctly identified by retailers. The problem
for me is the size of your specimen: most kuhli loaches are very small,
and even the biggest species in the genus, Pangio myersi, tops out at
around 5"/12 cm according to Fishbase. And such big specimens are
exceptional: around 4"/10 cm is much more typical. For this
reason, I'm wondering if you don't have a species of Misgurnis.
These are sometimes called weather loaches in the trade. They reach
around 6-8"/15-18 cm in length but have the same snake-like build
as kuhli loaches, though they are much more robust. They typically have
mottled brown bodies but there are albino and golden varieties in the
trade and you might have one of these. Alternatively, horseface
loaches, Acantopsis spp., are also commonly traded. These are also
quite a bit larger than kuhli loaches, but they have very distinctive
long heads, uncannily like a horse's. The best thing to do is visit
Fishbase and research loaches. Go here:
http://filaman.ifm-geomar.de/Summary/FamilySummary.cfm?ID=127 and
then where there is a link "Show Species" click on it and
review the photographs presented to find something similar to your
fish. As a general rule, all Pangio and Misgurnus are sociable, while
Acantopsis run the range from harmless and fairly sociable through to
territorial and waspish. Loaches in general are somewhat territorial,
which is why only Pangio and Misgurnus have really made it in the hobby
as community fish; even among the loaches formerly called
"Botia" most are pretty mean animals, the Clown Loach being
one of the rare exceptions. Now, Dragonfly nymphs are indeed highly
predatory and cannot be kept with fish. That said, they are extremely
cool animals, and far more interesting than most fish! They have
amazing jaws and some varieties get very large indeed. I HIGHLY
recommend setting aside a bowl or similar with some pondweed just for
the nymph. They don't really care about filtration being adapted to
stagnant ponds. Change some of the water every couple of days though.
Add small water creatures from any ditch or pond outdoors from time to
time. You can even hand feed them bloodworms using tweezers. Watching
them catch the worm and then suck out the juices is quite something.
They grow rapidly, and watching them metamorphose is truly a spectacle
of nature not to be missed. Enjoy! Neale> Loach Colored Loaches? - 11/02/2005 Hello, <Hi.> Can you please email me with the name of the fish I had when I was younger? <Umm, I hope you've got a description?> I am starting a new tank and wanted to get him again. He had the loach colors <"Loach colors"? There are many species of loaches in many, many sizes, shapes, and colors....> but was long and tubular like a worm, fast as hell and very good with other community fish. Have any idea what he is??? <Your description seems to be of a Kuhlii loach, http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?genusname=Pangio&speciesname=kuhlii . Take a look here for just a few others: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/cobitids.htm , and here for many more: http://www.loaches.com/ .> It's driving me nuts and Petco and Petsmart are no help! <Hope this has shed some light.> Thanks. -Angelo <Wishing you well, -Sabrina> - Is it a Loach? - <Greetings, JasonC here...> I've got a couple new fish and need to know more about them. They look like eels or snakes, about 3 inches long, slimmer than a pencil, and 1 is black and 1 is light brown to gray. They were called Loaches and were hidden under a rock. From info I've read they look like Kuhli Loaches and are nocturnal. <Perhaps secretive is a better word.> I put them in my 55 gal. with my 2 zebra Danios, 2 scissortail rasboras, 2 black mollies, 2 red platys, 2 Cory cats & a small pencil algae eater about 4 days ago. <Goodness... that's a lot of fish in that tank.> They immediately burrowed in the small gravel & hid inside the rock cave. I've only seen one the next day when I shook the cave and he shot out like a bullet. <If these are indeed Kuhli loaches, then they're only going to feel comfortable around other Kuhli loaches. You might consider getting them a tank of their own.> Help !!! Should I worry & look for them or should I just assume they're not going to show in the daytime. <I would give it some time. It's only been four days.> And how can I enjoy them if I can't ever see them? <Perhaps in a tank of their own. Do read up on them here and in the FAQs and pages beyond: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/cobitids.htm > Sign me, Lonely Fish Lover <Cheers, J -- > Is it a YoYo Loach? Ok. I've just left my LFS and they have what is being called a yoyo loach in their display tank. If this is a yoyo, then he's unlike any that I've ever seen. He's absolutely stunning! He's got similar markings of a yoyo (I have 3 of them) but he's much more elongated. <Ironically you are the second person in a month to have contacted me stating that they have seen a "yoyo" for sale like that. I had done a search on it, and unless it's a new subspecies that isn't identified yet, then there isn't anything online that resembles the loach you have described. I have yet to see these "new" Yoyo's, but they sound quite impressive. My yoyo is "standard", maybe when I want another one I'll try to find myself one of these.> I've spent the last 2 hours searching all of the loach sites that have pictures and I haven't been able to find out what he really is. Do you know of a loach that has similar markings to a yoyo, but is longer and much thinner. <I have seen Rostratas sometime confused with them at stores like Petco. But, it was something that was easily identified to anyone who knew what a YoYo looked like. I think that it might just be a unique YoYo. Perhaps something you shouldn't pass up.> Even his tail fins seemed a bit longer than any yoyo that I've seen. I know for sure it's not a Tiger or Rostrata. Thanks! Sherri <Wish I could give you a definitive answer what this loach might be, but I don't know many other Loaches with that distinctive "Y" and "o" patter where the YoYo gets it's name from. Good luck -Magnus> The Weird Yo-Yo, Continued Thank you...this unique 'yoyo' is in the display tank - they won't sell him! Darn! Thx again! <Do take a look here for some more on Botia almorhae (the yo-yo): http://www.loaches.com/species_pages/botia_almorhae.html They have some neat pics and some good text on this fish and its color morphs. Might also look on what they have to say here, regarding the "angelicus" loach, as it is *somewhat* yo-yo-like in patterning: http://www.loaches.com/species_pages/botia_sp_myanmar.html . And of course, play around from the homepage: http://www.loaches.com/ . There's a lot of good info there, and it's well kept up and usually quite up-to-date. Hope you can find some insight on this strange fellah! Enjoy. -Sabrina>
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