FAQs About Loach Stocking/Selection
Related Articles: Loaches,
Dojos/Weatherfish, A New Look At Loaches
By Neale Monks,
Related FAQs: Loaches 1, Loaches
2, Clownloaches,
Loaches, Loach Identification, Loach Behavior, Loach Compatibility, Loach Systems, Loach Feeding, Loach Disease, Loach Reproduction,

Re: Raiw Cichlids: Now back to the blather re loach stkg./sel.
Neale, I want you to know how appreciative I am to you for all your help
and patience with me. I don't mean to be a pain. God bless you!!
<Thank you.>
I do have one more issue I just thought of. I have been doing
research on loaches lately. I have considered getting several to keep my
sand stirred up (which is less than 2 inches) to keep anaerobic areas
from building up.
But all I read about seem to need soft water and low pH. My pH is about
8 here.
<Not ideal for most tropical loaches. Horseface Loaches would be one
option though. They do well in hard water, all else being right. Their
great speed is an asset too.>
I haven't checked my hardness. Do you feel loaches are necessary or
should I just use my hand periodically to stir up the sand?
<The latter works fine.>
I love Corys but I know they do not sift the sand.
<If you have sand, then yes, all but the smallest Corydoras will dig
their heads right into the sand, spewing it out through their gills.
Plenty good enough for keeping the uppermost layer of sand clean.>
Thank you again.. James
<Most welcome.>
Yoyo loaches becoming friends with a zebra
loach? And also, company for Kuhlis? 3/4/11
Hi! I've just found this excellent website and would love to get
some advice about my loaches. Have looked in the archives but to my
knowledge nobody has asked this question before so here we go:
When I first set up my aquarium I was persuaded by the LFS to buy a
(one) zebra loach for the tank to keep any snails at bay.
<Mmm, like most Cobitids, social animals>
He seemed to be doing the job as I've never had an infestation yet,
but he also hid away all the time.
Sometimes I didn't see him for days on end and if I did he'd
very quickly scurry away again when he noticed my presence. So, very
skitty and scared. It was only months later that I realised that they
like to be in groups, and I only noticed this after I'd bought a
couple of yoyo loaches and one (again, one!) Kuhli
loach. The yoyos seemed happy enough - really gregarious and getting on
The Kuhli immediately hid away not to be seen for weeks (I thought
he'd been eaten before he suddenly popped up again). I was a bit
worried when I realised what I'd done by just buying one of the
zebras and the Kuhli, because I have a 250l tank that is basically
fully stocked already (with Danios, Platies, guppies,
a frog and a couple of Corys). Still, I was willing to go to get at
least a couple of zebra and Kuhlis to make sure they didn't remain
totally traumatized by their enforced solitude. Went to the fish shop
and got a couple of Kuhlis that weren't stripy but which were, so I
was told, the same species (like for example Platies in different
colours are).
<Might be, might not>
Again, they get on great together, but it's not done anything for
the striped Kuhli, making me think that they
are not the same species after all. So now I've actually added to
my problem because I'm rapidly running out of space in the tank. So
my first question is - should I go and get more Kuhlis to give them all
a chance as separate species?
<I'd just wait, be patient for now>
My second question concerns my zebra loach. As I said, he didn't
mix at all with the yoyos, initially, but in the last week or so
he's suddenly emerged from his hiding place and seems to swim and
interact with them all the time. Is he accepting them as company?
<Appears to be>
Does this mean that he will be OK with the yoyos for company and
doesn't need more of his own type?
<Likely so>
Or is this stressing him out more?
<Not really>
Sorry for the long email - ideally I would of course just go out to buy
4 more of each species, but as it is that would totally overpopulate my
tank I think so I'm hoping that maybe I can at least have the zebra
and the yoyos as a team?
Maybe the striped Kuhli will come round to the idea of having
non-stripy mates too?!
I'd be grateful for any advice you may have
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Loach Barb Danio Compatibility /
Environment 3/6/10
Awesome Crew @ WWM;
I have a 36 gallon aquarium 30Lx22Hx16D awaiting new residents, just
completed cycling.
<Great. Now, a tank 30 inches long is somewhat short for the larger
Danio species, so be careful when shopping. Danio rerio-sized species
would be fine, but Devario aequipinnatus-sized things would feel very
I've done some research on-line on compatibility and conditions to
stock it properly, however, I'm hoping you can give me your expert
opinion. There seems to be a lot of variation from one site to the
<Fire away.>
Water planned to be maintained at 78F (26C).
<Very slightly on the warm side for Danios; in general, these fish
prefer somewhat cool conditions, in part because they're upland
rather than lowland fish, but also because they're sensitive to
stuffy, oxygen-poor water.>
pH comes out of the faucet @ 7.6, however, I've been maintaining it
@ 7.0 based upon the fish I want.
<What I'm concerned about is you mention only pH, which is
largely irrelevant, but not hardness, which is crucial. If you said you
were mixing 50% hard tap water with 50% RO water, I'd say that was
a brilliant idea.
That's how I keep most of my fish. But you said you're
controlling pH, and this sets my mind to thinking you're adding pH
buffer potions to the water.
This is a terrible idea because it [a] does nothing useful for your
fish; and [b] creates an environment with a potentially unstable pH
level. Do not, repeat DO NOT, use pH potions alone to change the pH of
water. This is a total misunderstanding of water chemistry. Some
magazines, like TFH, actually avoid articles that discuss mentioning
water chemistry changes precisely because of this, because too many
people add pH buffers without understanding what they're for. In
summary, you add a pH buffer AFTER you've softened water, to make
sure the pH stays stable between water changes. If you haven't
softened the water, then you don't need, and shouldn't use, a
pH buffer.>
Based on compatibility charts I've come across loaches, barbs &
Danios should be good together. Temperament & Environment.
Loaches pH 6.0-7.5, temp: 72-86
Barbs pH 6.0-7.0, temp: 74-79
Danios pH 6.5-7.5, temp: 73-79
I'm hoping a pH of 7.0 and temp of 78 is able to maintain these
three species?
<What "species" are we talking about? Not all loaches are
happy across this temperature range. There are plenty of loaches that
cannot be kept as warm as 30C/86 F. Many are like Danios, and prefer
things a little cooler than average. Likewise, Barbs range from
coldwater species (like Rosy barbs) that do better in unheated tanks
through to species that appreciate warmth, like Tiger Barbs. So again,
what species?>
Would it be possible to acclimate the barbs to the pH of 7.6 out of the
tap or should I keep maintaining via pH buffers to 7.0?
I would like Loaches on the bottom. Is 6 too many? Quantity suggested
for this size tank? Either Angelicus, Yo-Yo or Queen. They recommend
groups of 5+. Do they all have to be the same type of Loach or can I
mix the types I listed here, say 2 of each kind?
<Has to be five of any one species. Best not to mix species, since
differences in aggression levels can lead to bullying.>
I would like Barbs as well. Is 6 too many?
<No; it's the minimum number per species.>
Quantity suggested for this size tank?
<Depends on the species being kept. 10-12 Tiger Barb-sized barbs
would be fine in this tank.>
I would like either Eight-Banded, Green Tiger, Gold or Tiger. Maybe 3
each of 3 kinds? Do they all have to be the same type of Barb or can I
mix the types I listed here?
<At least six per species, ideally more if you want to avoid
I would like Danios for the top. I was think about 12? Too much?
<Again, depends on their size, and how many other tankmates. Your
aquarium is relatively small, 36 gallons/136 litres. So you have to be
careful. Even if you had, let's say, six Tiger Barbs, six Zebra
Danios, and five Yo-yo loaches, that'd be an overcrowded tank. I
don't much like the "inch per gallon" rule because,
basically, it sucks, but let's use it for a moment.
Six tiger barbs at a bit over 2 inches a piece, that's at least 12
inches there. Zebra Danios, just under 2 inches each, so another 12
inches. Yo-yo loaches are around 5 inches long each, so five of them
would be 25 inches.
Add that together and you have 12 + 12 + 25 = 49 inches, in a 36 gallon
tank. You're overstocked even with this fairly crummy rule.>
I would like some Inlecypris auropurpurea "Lake Inle" and
Green-Barred, maybe a few Glo. Compatible?
<I think you need to choose which species you want, and choose one.
In all likelihood, best results will come from a single school of one
type of Danio. Unless they're in adequate numbers they won't
school and they often become either shy or bullies, which is pointless.
So get at least six, and ideally more. It sounds like you're more
interested in "stamp collecting", i.e., keeping one of every
fish you've seen, and while that sounds fun, it's actually
pointless. You'll never keep all the fish you want, and if the fish
you do have look frightened or annoy the other fish they're kept
with, you won't get any fun from them. So choose a species, perhaps
something like Inlecypris auropurpurea that isn't widely kept, and
then create the aquarium around its needs. This is a fairly cool water
species, 24 C/75 F being ideal. Rather than loaches, which tend to be
too big to keep easily, why not keep one of the Corydoras species
alongside it? Most Corydoras appreciate cool water, and they're so
much smaller than loaches.
You could easily keep eight Inlecypris auropurpurea and six Corydoras
julii, for example, and still have a bit of space left over for some
Cherry Shrimps and Nerite Snails! With a sandy substrate, some plants
and a few bits of rockwork, that'd be a great little
What would be the best order to stock? Once species at a time or a few
of each species every couple of weeks?
<If the tank is cycled, I'd add the Danios first, as a group.
After a couple of weeks, I'd then add the Corydoras.>
Is there any other species that might be a better compatibility in this
tank that I am not familiar with?
Thanks so much - John
<Cheers, Neale.>
YoYo Loaches 05/21/09
Hello Crew, I have a question, please. I bought a yo-yo loach today to
help with my snail problem.
<It probably won't help.>
The owner of the LFS said it was fine to keep them singularly, but I
want to ask you if that is true or if I need to have more, and is so,
how many?
<Five or six is the minimum.>
Are these type of loaches fairly peaceful or will they be aggressive at
feeding time?
<Although not usually aggressive to other fish directly, they are
extremely aggressive feeders, and can't be mixed with anything
"slow" at feeding time: spiny eels, small Corydoras, whiptail
catfish, etc.>
Thanks, James
<Cheers, Neale.>
FW 20 gal tall stocking question: snail
remediation solution 3/18/09
Hi! I've learned invaluable things from your site but need to be
some confirmation or redirection regarding my tank.
I have a 20 gal tall FW, artificially planted, smaller substrate gravel
w/ several drift wood pieces, double hang-on-back filters (each rated
for 20 gal). Water parameters are ammon: 0, Nitrite: 0, and Nitrate 10.
Ph 7.8+ due to municipal water source. Tank is kept at 78 degrees
<Sounds nice.>
Current stock: 1 bristle nose Pleco, 10 glass fish. I will be adopting
an unaggressive female three-spot Gourami in another week and have
already provided a dedicated cave for her (on opposite side of tank
from the Pleco's preferred cave).
<Hmm... like children, fish often want to play with the SAME cave,
even if there are caves to go around!>
I also, unfortunately, am now the not-so-happy owner of unwanted pond
snails (most likely came in with the last add of glass fish). I've
already removed a dozen or so and yet babies are cropping up all over!
I read that Botia sid dwarf loaches are an excellent natural solution
to this problem.
I know I don't have room for FIVE as suggested, but have read
others have kept them in happy groups of three. Do you think I have
room in my tank for three? I need a snail remediation solution, but
don't want to disrupt my currently peaceful tank.
<Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki (formerly Botia sidthimunki) is a
schooling fish, so keeping a single specimen isn't fair.
They're intensely gregarious, and even in groups of six look pretty
forlorn. To be honest, the idea of choosing a fish for snail control
rarely works in practise.
Puffers and Loaches will eat snails when they're hungry, but they
cause problems of their own. Loaches tend to be aggressive and
sometimes bully other fish, while Puffers are often territorial and
frequently nippy, even
putting aside the fact some of the species sold need brackish water. By
far the best control for snails is manual labour. Begin by keeping
snails out, for example by dipping new plants in an off-the-shelf
snail-killing potion for a few minutes. Secondly, kill any snails you
see on sight. Squish them, and leave your catfish or whatever to clean
up the corpses. Thirdly, make life difficult for your snails: keep the
tank clean, and in particular remove uneaten food. Finally, consider
adding a predatory snail or two.
Clea helena (sometimes called Anentome helena) are sold as
"Assassin Snails" quite widely now, at least here in the UK.
They're attractive animals that get to about an inch in length and
are prettily marked with
yellow and brown. They eat snails, but don't eat plants. While they
do breed, they breed so slowly that they're unlikely to cause
problems. Worst case, you remove any you see. They're amazing
little snail-eaters, and though their impact is slow, it is substantial
in the long term. You end up with a balance of predators and prey, and
the snails stop being a major problem.>
As always, thanks for your thoughts and support!!!
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: FW 20 gal tall stocking question: snail
remediation solution 3/18/09
Just to clarify, you say not to add a SINGLE sidmunk (Botia
sidthimunki), but I asked about adding a small group of three (knowing
they are best with buddies).
<Yes, I caught this. My point was you shouldn't keep them in
groups of less than six, and ideally twice that number. They really are
nervous animals kept in too-small a group, by which I mean they're
skittish and prone to "unexplained" deaths.>
Aside from this, though, it doesn't sound like an over-stocking
issue to add these but rather an action that may create a rather
aggressive tank.
Did I read your reply right?
<Precisely. While Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki isn't particularly
aggressive (far from it in fact) most of the loaches big enough to
actually deal with a snail problem tend to be more trouble than their
worth: Clown loaches, Skunk Botia, etc.>
I did reading on the Assassin Snails - doesn't appear to be common
here in the U.S. I think I'll just crush them as you suggest and
hope for the best. I've already scaled back on food for the tank,
so don't know how much I can change that. My daily feeding habits
for the tank are: AM: small amount of flake and PM: 1/2 small block of
bloodworms OR 1/2 small square of brine shrimp with an algae wafer for
the Pleco every once in a while).
Any changes suggested in my feeding given my livestock and the snail
<Nope. Sounds fine. A certain number of snails are good. They're
like earthworms, keeping the substrate aerated. Vast populations of
snails, on the other hand, tend to come about through chronic
overfeeding and/or under-cleaning.>
And - I will repeat over and over - THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
<There's also a little device called a "limcollect"
from JBL. It catches snails. Or is supposed to, anyway. My unit never
seemed to catch any at all! May depend on the snail species in
question. On the other hand, the
tank with Assassin Snails would be snail-free if I didn't
deliberately add more (small) snails to keep them well fed.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
A question of
loaches, sel.... Snail control, 10/23/08
Hi guys and girls :D
Need some suggestions/recommendations regarding a trumpet snail
infestation of biblical proportions occurring in my 40 gallon (180l)
Amazon tank! The snails were originally introduced (would you believe)
to provide a natural food source for our three dwarf puffers, who are
now no longer with us, however the snails have thrived... the tank is
currently home to two discus, a variety of tetras, hatchet fish and two
dwarf golden bristlenosed catfish.
<Ah, Carinotetraodon spp. puffers are too small to handle Melanoides
snails. So this combination wouldn't have been one I'd have
Our local LFS has recommended adding a couple of clown loach, but
I'm loathed to do this for several reasons, mainly that I don't
think our tank is large enough for even one, let alone a group of these
fish, but also that we're planning on adding two juvenile discus to
our current pair (we recently lost our third discus) so I don't
want to increase the bioload that much... the tank is 5 years old and
water parameters are stable, but not worth the risk! I've read on
here that zebra loach (Botia striata) are also good snail eaters but
not sure if any other fish could do the job?
<Adding animals, even Clown Loaches, to fix snail problems rarely
That said, the Assassin Snail (Clea helena) can do a great job if kept
in sufficient numbers. But the main thing with Melanoides is this: it
turns organic matter into baby snails. It cannot break the laws of
physics; ergo, no food, no baby snails. If you have a Melanoides
problem, you also have a lot of organic matter decaying away in your
tank. Dead plants, uneaten food, fish faeces. Review filtration and
general maintenance. Make the tank cleaner and less food-rich, and the
population of Melanoides will decline over time.>
All suggestions gratefully received - it gets a bit eerie every night
when the army of snails migrate up the sides of the tank and you can
hardly see in through one side!
<Doradidae catfish would be the obvious options, being peaceful,
usually gregarious South American catfish; a school of Platydoras
costatus for example would eat some snails, if sufficiently hungry. But
do bear in mind the Melanoides don't actually do any harm, and in
fact do much good.
Wouldn't risk mixing Cobitidae with Symphysodon; not only are more
Cobitidae a bit on the boisterous size, but rather few appreciate the
very high temperatures Symphysodon require.>
Many thanks,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Loach question in planted tank Hey all great website, since I
found it a few weeks ago I've spent hours reading and learning.....
anyways on to my question. I'm getting ready to start my
first live plant tank. I have a 30 gallon "tall"
tank and plan on using only an outside filtration system (an emperor
400 I believe the model is). I've read on your site
about snail infestations resulting from newly acquired live
plants. I do not have room in my place for a smaller
quarantine tank so I need to find an alternative method of snail
control. I've read on your site about using loaches to
control the problem. I plan on using some floating plants as
well as rooted ones and having cardinal tetras as well as some other
small tropicals and I was wondering what type of loach you would
recommend for my tank. some species of loach seem to get
rather large and I would be worried about losing small fish such as
cardinal tetras to these fish. any input would be greatly
appreciated, thanks! Ben K <Hey Ben, maybe a dwarf loach? Botia
sidthmunki. Check out the link below, lots of good snail info here
Best Regards, Gage>
Dojo Loach Question... sel. 7/24/06
Hello, <Hi there> I have a 25 gallon tank with 3 goldfish and I
want to get a dojo loach. However, I am not sure as to whether I should
get one or two. <Mmm, could have two... and they are more active...
more outgoing/comical with more than one... are social animals...> I
read that they like to have another one of their kind, but I also
don't want to overcrowd. <Mmm, well, this 25 will be overcrowded
in time with just the three goldfish...> Another thing is that I
have underground filtering. I know the dojo likes to burrow... I'm
not sure how underground filtering works, will it get sucked
up? -Ashley <Not sucked up, but can scoot down the
"stand-pipes" and live underneath the plates... A good idea
to look into having some outside power filter redundancy here:
Enjoy those Dojos! Bob Fenner>
Locating Gold Dojo Loaches hi Robert, <<Bob has gone
diving, JasonC here standing in.>> my name is Jim Brilliant and I
want to know if you could help me find these loaches and who sells
them. I would like to purchase many gold dojo loaches and albino's,
too. thank you for any assistance you can provide <<I would try a
couple of things, one check our discussion forum which has a diverse
group of kind folk who just might have the answer. http://talk.wetwebfotos.com/ I
would also use Google or your favorite search engine and just pop that
subject in there "gold dojo loaches" - I just did and it
turned up four pages of possibilities. The Internet is your oyster.
Cheers, J -- >>
Loach question in planted tank Hey all great website, since I
found it a few weeks ago I've spent hours reading and learning.....
anyways on to my question. I'm getting ready to start my
first live plant tank. I have a 30 gallon "tall"
tank and plan on using only an outside filtration system (an emperor
400 I believe the model is). I've read on your site
about snail infestations resulting from newly acquired live
plants. I do not have room in my place for a smaller
quarantine tank so I need to find an alternative method of snail
control. I've read on your site about using loaches to
control the problem. I plan on using some floating plants as
well as rooted ones and having cardinal tetras as well as some other
small tropicals and I was wondering what type of loach you would
recommend for my tank. some species of loach seem to get
rather large and I would be worried about losing small fish such as
cardinal tetras to these fish. any input would be greatly
appreciated, thanks! Ben K <Hey Ben, maybe a dwarf loach? Botia
sidthmunki. Check out the link below, lots of good snail info here
Best Regards, Gage>
Lookin' for Loaches Hey guys, first thanks for all the
great info on this site. It has saved a lot of headaches so far. I have
a 25 gallon tank that just finished cycling. I have 3 Serpae Tetras and
2 Zebra Danios. I have a fine sand substrate and I am looking for a
fish to add that would help stir up the bottom of the tank a little.
The LFS recommended a Clown Loach but that advice I'm not sold on
since I've heard they can grow to 12 inches. Thanks for any
ideas. <And indeed they can! There are so, so many
options available for you. Any of the smaller loaches, Botia
striata, Botia dario, Botia lohachata.... Kuhli loaches....
soooo many loaches out there! Also Corydoras
cats. http://www.loaches.com is a nice
place to start looking at loach options, and you can find loads of info
on cats of the genus Corydoras at http://www.planetcatfish.com - as
well as on the WetWeb site and FAQs. I would like to mention
that loaches and Corys are scaleless, and that you might want to keep
an eye on them to see if they react poorly to the sand if it is at all
sharp. Also, please be sure to keep loaches or Corys in
groups of three or more, as they are schooling
fish. -Sabrina>
White cloud with growing black markings Evening all, <Good
evening, Rosa! Sabrina here tonight> You've always
been helpful and on target in the past and after doing a lot of
searching, with no answers, thought you might come to the rescue, yet
again... <Thank you for the kind words - and we'll sure try>
I have a question about white cloud minnows- I have had 2 for about a
year now, they are yellow and white, with black specks and
markings. Hearty, fun, and social. They share a
planted tank (15 gallon fresh) with some Otos, harlequin Rasboras and
cherry barbs. Recently I added 3 clowns to fish tank who at
first were pretty dominant and stressed out other fish for a while- now
they are all alright with each other and the clowns sit at bottom of
tank, or hang out in driftwood, and leave other fish alone. <I
assume you mean clown loaches? Clown loaches get enormous,
over time. You might want to consider a smaller loach
species, or plan on upgrading tank size eventually. At least
clown loaches are very slow growers, so you're okay for now.>
Soon after all this I noticed that the markings on one of my white
clouds were getting darker- the black specks were getting deeper in
color and actually bigger. Nothing else wrong with fish, no ich or
anything like that- just that its original black specks - actually one
in particular on its back- is just a lot longer. The fish is
fine- eats, hangs out with other fish, but I wondered about
this. Is there some kind of skin disease or perhaps stress,
or maybe just 'normal'- perhaps markings just increase with
age? <It's hard to tell without seeing the fish; if there's
any way you could get us a picture, that'd be
great. Otherwise, do a Google search on their Latin name,
Tanichthys albonubes, and compare yours with pictures of others; that
may at least help you to see if the coloration is normal or not.> If
you could help me out here I'd appreciate it- I'm always
checking on this fish and just a bit worried- would like to know that
it's nothing- or, if it is something, what I should
do. Thanks, Rosa Haritos White cloud with
growing black markings - part II Hi Sabrina- thanks for response.
<No prob.> I'm actually going to SF, CA for business trip
tomorrow and I won't be back until 25th- I CAN send a photo of fish
and will, when I get back. <Ah, welcome to my neck of the world.>
Haven't found ANYTHING using Latin Name- tried it-- just pix of
Ich's disease- and I know it's not that. <Try
. Should give you lots of pics of White Clouds.> Yup,
clown loaches. It was actually someone at WetWeb who told me they are
great snail eaters- and they get big, but as you say, slowly. So I
bought 3 - so they wouldn't be lonely, and GUESS WHAT- no way did
they eat snails!! <Now THAT is stunning. I've NEVER
seen a clown loach turn its nose up at snails!! It might
just be that they needed some time to settle in, first; also, don't
feed them other food for a few days, and they should dig right in.>
Even when I crushed them and put then right next to them--so I had to
pick at snails for a whole week to get rid of an infestation. I asked
LFS and they said they would exchange for zebra loach- which is suppose
to be more aggressive re snails, but peaceful for the tank--and
smaller. <Well, smaller, yes; but I think these have pretty much the
same temperament as clown loaches. Mine certainly do,
anyway. And though they certainly chow down on snails (took
all of two weeks for three zebra loaches in my 72g to rid me of all my
snails), clown loaches are reportedly much better snail
eradicators.> BUT my son, who is 6, fell in love with these fish and
pleaded not to trade em. so I'm stuck. <Heh, at least you're
stuck with a nice type of fish!> Thanks re white minnow - I'll
send photo when I get back. If you find anything in meantime, I'd
appreciate it. <Well, I'm afraid it's not so much a matter
of finding anything; there's just so many things that it could
be. Stress, normal coloration, etc. I do look
forward to helping you figure this out once you've got a picture
for us! Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Thanks
again, best Rosa
Buffering Fresh, 2.1 >Marina, Thanks for the advice.
>>Quite welcome. >!ST bubbles from the bubble stones, not the
powerhead. >>Gotcha, so you've got excellent oxygen/carbon
dioxide (O2/CO2) exchange. >I did check KH and GH.... both WAY TOO
LOW...... so I guess the best thing to do is to find some of the
Seachem products. I do like Seachem best, as I said. The
products were quite easy to find online, and relatively inexpensive.
>I have read that clown loaches do much better as a pair or more? Is
that not so? >>They may be a bit happier, but honestly I've
never known them to do poorly if kept singly, either. They
can grow quite large, though, something to consider. >Thanks for all
the help. Monica >>Again, very welcome, I'm glad I was able
to answer your questions. Marina
This Clown's Not Joking Hey Crew, <Hello! Ryan with
you> I recently had to shut down my 75gall saltwater tank because it
is too big/heavy for my new apartment. <Sorry to hear> To ease
the pain of this loss, I purchased a small 5 gallon Hex. Eclipse system
for my dresser. Cycled the tank for 3 weeks w a platy. The plan was/is
to plant the tank nicely and put a nice Betta in there (of course got a
show quality fish from Canada to be shipped next
week!). Also wanted to get one Corydoras cat to keep the
bottom clean. Here is the problem/mistake I made ALREADY. I
hadn't dealt with freshwater fish for a long long time and thought
I knew "enough" to do this w/out reading. If I had stuck to
my 2 fish/plant plan I think I would have been ok. But when I went to
get my Corydoras 2 days ago.....I came home w/ a Clown Loach instead. I
thought "they're nicer and serve the same purpose."
Wrong....<At least you didn't make me tell you!>...I decided
to read AFTER the fact and see that it won't fit in my tank for
long and needs to be in groups of 3 or more. <I have seen this fish
well over 8 inches> And I'm starting to wonder....do they even
scavenge??? <Not in the way a true scavenger does> I've feed
him 2x and while he gets excited, he doesn't seem to find the food
as it sinks to the bottom. Will he find the food at night on the
bottom?? <Yes> Secondly, will this guy be ok by himself or does
he NEED to be in groups. <he needs to be returned, he will die in
your setup within a few months.> Thirdly...should I just
bring him back or give him away?? <Bring him back, stick
you your initial plan! It was a good one. See ya,