FAQs on the Molly
Related Articles:
Mollies, &
Poeciliids: Guppies, Platies, Swordtails,
Mollies by Neale Monks, Livebearing
Fishes by Bob Fenner,
Related FAQs: Mollies
1, Mollies 2,
Molly Identification FAQs,
Molly Behavior FAQs,
Molly Compatibility FAQs,
Molly Selection FAQs,
Molly System FAQs,
FAQs on Molly Disease:
Molly Disease 1,
Molly Disease 2,
Molly Disease 3,
Molly Disease 4,
Molly Disease 5,
Molly Health 6,
Molly Health 7,
Molly Health 8, Molly Health ,
FAQs on Molly Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Social, Infectious (Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
FAQs on Molly Reproduction/Breeding:
Molly Reproduction
1, Molly Reproduction 2,
Molly Reproduction 3,
IF at all possible; buy from locally produced sources.
If not, then from Florida fish farms... lastly from far east importers
Too in-bred, overly-stressed specimens die like
proverbial flies
Balloon Belly Molly problem
Hi! I have been reading your info forever, now I need your
I will attempt to describe the issue as well as possible.
I've had balloon bellied mollies for 8 years and I'm
stumped I purchased this BBM over a year ago, she was a light
gray and white mix, full size and seemingly healthy. I never had
a problem with her. She had a couple sets of fry within the first
few months I had her and she and her fry did well and were
healthy. Shortly after I removed the males from that tank and
there were no more fry from her. In the past 6 months she's
been... Changing. She is now twice the size of all my other
bbm's, and her front half has turned orange.
Vivid orange. But the back half of her is still this gray white
color. The scales on the orange half are large and almost look
like they bubble.
<I see this in your photos>
Lately I've noticed she'll get a hole through this area
(almost thought it was an ulcer) but it doesn't seem to
bother her and it'll heal up and then I'll notice
another. But she is not bloated or just swollen. She has actually
grown. Example- her mouth is twice as large as the other fish.
She could eat one of my frogs' crickets if she wanted!
I've researched everything. It's not a tumor. It's
not hole in head disease. I can't figure it out. She honestly
looks... Old. My water levels are great and none of my other fish
have problems. And she is still as energetic as always. Eats
well. Sometimes I wonder if she's going blind though. Anyhow.
Her body looks like the front half belongs to a different fish.
Changed colors, 'blew up', scales are huge and almost
bubbly. They are pineconing on the orange half. Over night last
night the top 'irregular' half of her has started to turn
pinkish white and her scales look like a finger that's been
in the water way to long. Hoping you can help! I have included
some cell phone pictures, sorry for the quality. Thanks!
Taryn Phillips
<This looks to me like some sort of "Elephant
man/fish" syndrome. A genetic anomaly. Do any of
this fish's young show these traits?
Bob Fenner>
"I am elephant molly
Re: Balloon Belly Molly problem
Thanks for the quick reply!
<Thank you for sending in such an interesting post
To answer your question, no, none of her fry are showing signs of
this. The ones that are still in my care are beautiful white with
very well shaped bellies.
<Ahh, more weight to the thought that this is a genetic
However at about 8 months old now they are not quite the size of
my other adult Balloon Bellies, but I have noticed they are still
growing. I have wondered about some sort of Elaphantitis,
<Mmm, well, this condition is mainly caused by Nematodes... a
type of filariaisis, blockage of circulation... I suspect summat
else here w/ your mollies>
and it maybe be something that will show up in her fry in a
couple years. I had a recommendation to take her to a biology or
zoology lab at a local university after her passing. What are
your thoughts on this?
<A good idea in my estimation. This "strain" might
prove of some good use in study. BobF>
Sick Molly Fry? 2/4/11
Hi Neale/WWMC,
I have 8 black Molly fry about 8 weeks old. The 4 largest have gills
that stick out. It actually looks like the white lining of their gills
are sticking out. Their gills are not red. They show no other sign of
being sick/stressed etc.
<Yes, I think this is simply a birth defect -- missing or shortened
gill covers, so the gill membrane and/or gills themselves become
visible. Not uncommon with Mollies and other livebearers because they
tend to be inbred: people buy a brother/sister pair from a pet shop,
they breed them, and then those are taken to a shop, and someone else
buys a pair from that batch of siblings'¦ and so on.>
They eat normally, swim healthily, have no other marks or abrasions and
do not rub their sides/Gills on rocks or driftwood.
It's like the inside of their gills grew bigger then they should
They're a white/grey color.
Have you come across this before?
Because I have searched high and low and can't find a similar case.
No picture I've seen resembles this. I've tried to get a
picture but they're so small as is, it's hard to get a pic.
Doesn't look like gill disease, doesn't spread like fungus,
doesn't look like parasites.
Any suggestions? Any idea of what this could be?
My tank is slightly brackish 1.002
Ammonia, nitrate, nitrite all at 0
Water is hard above 8.
Shouldn't these be ideal water conditions for Mollies?
I do a 20% water change each week. Sometimes a little more even!
Any input would be great thanks!
<If they're fine, you might leave things be. Or you might elect
to destroy humanely any deformed ones -- 30 drops of clove oil in a
litre of aquarium water will do this very quickly. That way any that
remain and breed should at least lack this deformity. Try adding
another Molly from another shop to the mix -- often this perks up the
gene pool dramatically, and you get much better fry. Cheers,
Mollies... the usual iatrogenic sources of trouble --
Good morning,
<Hello Carly,>
We have 2 tanks. One is a 60L and the other is a 95L,
<Both tanks are much too small for Mollies. You honestly can't
expect them to succeed in tanks this small, no matter what. Without
upgrading the tanks, anything else I say will be pretty pointless. 115
litres (30 US gallons) is about the minimum for Mollies. Females may be
kept on their own in slightly smaller tanks, including the 95 litre
tank you have, but males will be absolute terrors. The 60 litre tank is
of no value at all for keeping Mollies.>
The problem that we are having is that we have 4 balloon Mollie girls
(Various colours) and 1 male. First of all the male is terrorising one
of the females, he constantly mates with all but this one. And since he
cant mate with her he chases her around and its starting to stress her
<Well, I'm sure ALL the females are pretty stressed. But yes,
this is "normal" unfortunately, and what male Mollies do. Do
you have floating plants in here? Indian fern for example? If the
answer is no, then get some.>
She is smaller then the other females, but that all that different, she
just doesn't want to mate with him! I've noticed over the last
two days that she looks as if she is starting labour, then everything
closes up again, is this from the stress of the male?
Should we remove the male?
<I would.>
The other thing is, the male he is definitely a Dalmatian Mollie, but
not a balloon like the shop said, he is very small, and slender and
zips around like a dart.
<Balloon Mollies are obviously deformed. When people bred them they
chose deformed fry, bred them together, and over the generations
produced more and more deformed Mollies. It's pretty sad really.
One problem is, as
you've noticed, female Balloon Mollies can't swim fast, and
that means they can't get away from the males. Healthy Mollies are
streamlined, fast-moving fish, which is part of the reason why they
need quite large and spacious tanks.>
Any idea what breed of Mollie he could be, or is he just a junior?
<The deformity that characterises Balloon Mollies is obvious almost
from birth, so I'm guessing you have a healthy, normal, and I'd
argue luck Dalmatian Molly that hasn't got the genetic flaws that
deform the spine and give rise to the Balloon Molly.>
Last question: We had a red wag tail platy gave birth to 150 fry in one
sitting, then died a few days later. Then we had a case of whitespot,
and only have 30-40 babies left. They live in a breeder trap but still
more die, we have treated the whitespot, but the fish still flash in
the main tank, what are we doing wrong?
<Difficult to say without some data. Platies need hard, basic, cool
water; you're aiming for 10+ degrees dH, pH 7.5-8.5, and a
temperature between 22-25 C/72-77 F. If kept in soft water, acidic
water, or overheated water,
they won't do well.>
4 Female balloon mollies, 1 male
4 female guppies, 1 male
5 neon tetra,
4 green neon tetra
<Neons and Green Neons are not only incompatible with one another,
but they're totally incompatible with Mollies. Neons need soft,
acidic water at a cool temperature; 3-10 degrees dH, pH 6-7, 22-25 C.
Green Neons also need
soft, acidic water, but must be kept water, 25-28 C/72-82 F. Trying to
keep both together almost certainly means one or other is
1 Bristlenose Pleco
<Need the same things as Neons.>
3 Female Platies
1 male
2 2month old juniors
2 Female fighters
1 male
<Mollies need warmer water than Platies, and harder water than
either Neons or Green Neons. Please, for the sake of your fish, read
about the needs of your fish BEFORE you buy them.>
60L Tank
8 Rummy nose tetras
1 Male fighter
2 frogs
1 albino red tailed shark
1 apple sail
1 albino bristle nose Pleco
<I feel sorry for the Red-tail Shark and the Rummynose Tetras; both
these species have no business in a tank this small; even one three
times the size would be cramped for them.>
Both tanks are cycled, and read at:
PH: 7.0
<Much too low for Mollies and Platies; no wonder the fry are
dropping like flies. The stress on your Mollies could be down to this.
Do please understand hardness, carbonate hardness, pH, and their
importance to livebearers.
Water changes done weekly or more frequently if needed.
Thank you for reading my rambling.
<Happy to help. Good luck, Neale.>
Re: mollies 716/10
Good Evening,
Thank you for your reply, will take care full notice of what you have
said, I have a 450L put back which I am paying off and hope to have
with me asap.
The fish will be re-arranged as to there needs. Once again thank you
for your knowledge and website.
<Glad to have helped. Good luck, Neale.>
Molly and Platy "issues"
6/22/08 Hello again And once again I must extend my gratitude
for all the support you lend to us "novice" fish-keepers
and our finned-friends. <We're happy to help.> To start I
am attaching a picture of my mama speckled molly....As I hope you
can see, she has developed this "wart-like" growth above
her eye. It has gotten a little bigger over the last few days but
her personality hasn't really changed much. She is still eating
like a champ but she might not be swimming around as much as usual,
its hard to tell now that I have taken the male molly that used to
chase her daily out of the tank (for different reasons). My water
parameters all check out (0,0,10) and this started before I added
my most recent additions. I did lose my 2 German rams over the last
3 weeks for unknown reason (I suspect its because my husband
accidentally unplugged one of the heaters twice overnight when he
turned off the light and since they are so sensitive the 5 degree
dip in temp (usually hovers around 80 but went down to 75 both
times) because they each passed around the times that this
happened. At any rate, back to the molly...What on earth do you
think this is? Should I QT her? How do I treat it (if I can)? Do I
need to worry about my other fish in the tank? <I'm not 100%
sure, but this looks a lot like Lymphocystis. This a non-contagious
(or at least only weakly contagious) viral disease caused (almost
certainly) by environmental issues. The bad news is that it
can't be treated. The good news is that it doesn't kill
fish and usually goes away by itself (though this may take months).
No need to quarantine her. Strong need to review the environment,
for example is the carbonate hardness nice and high, are you using
enough marine salt mix, does she get enough algae to eat, and so
on. All the usual Molly stuff. In any case, the "growth"
is certainly some sort of cyst, and as such not likely to be either
treatable or dangerous.> My second issue is housed in my QT tank
(my main reason for not putting my molly girl in there just yet) I
emailed you guys about this problem a few weeks back and didn't
really get an answer (I think it was Neale and he sounded just as
baffled as I was) I have had this female platy in there for many
many months now (I'll attach a photo of her too just in case
you can see something that I can't) and she has lived though
numerous treatments of every medication known to tropical fish
(mainly because my QT tank is the only QT tank for both mine and my
dad's tanks and every sick fish is treated in there) Her
spinning/flipping/darting has never improved nor gotten worse. I am
still stumped on what to do with her and I am really tempted to
just put her back in my main tank so I don 't have to continue
keeping this tank running for her. (not that I mind all that much
but I am sure she is bored in a bare tank all by herself.) <She
looks fine.> To repeat the story, It started at least 4-5 months
ago about a week after I got her home from the fish store (okay,
wasn't really a fish store...I'll admit my momentarily
lapse of judgment and admit I bought her at W**-Mart...Not the
smartest thing, I know) ..I noticed she was having trouble staying
upright and upon closer inspection I noticed that one of her gills
not only looked a little torn but it looked like it had a severe
internal hemorrhage. She would swim erratically, dart, spin, hide,
and for the first few weeks wouldn't eat. I thought she was a
goner for sure. Well, after a while her gill healed, she began
eating and swimming around but, she would still have frequent
episodes of spinning, flipping, swimming on her side and basically
freaking out. They don't last forever but do happen often...she
can still swim normally but for the most part just hangs out in the
corner. Her color has gotten lighter but I don't know if that
just because I keep the tanks lights off the majority of the time
or what. I am hoping that someone has some idea what this is, if I
could return her to one of my main tanks, and/or how to treat it. I
used to think it was "whirling" disease but considering
she isn't a trout and she has lived so long I don't think
that this is the case. <Quite so.> I have also considered
parasites but like I said, she has undergone every treatment
(including every parasite treatment) and still spins/flips/darts.
She has had some noted improvement and that I think occurred around
the time I was treating one of my dads molly's for parasites
but I can't say for sure. Any advice on these matter would be
greatly appreciated. <Absolutely no idea what this is!>
Respectfully, Grace <Don't think anything too serious, so
provided all else is perfect, would leave this fish figure out
their own problems. Could be genetic issues for example, or
exposure to heavy metals at some point in their life. Variety of
things. Good luck, Neale.> |

Defective Balloon Molly
1/14/07 I recently purchased a balloon molly and it has been acting
a bit strangely for the past couple of hours. It does seem
to have the best control of its swimming and often does "barrel
rolls." <Eeee, not good... evidence of "swim bladder
damage"... can be from a variety of causes...> It sometimes
swims on its side and often lodges itself under the aquarium
decorations upside down. The times that it does decided to unlodge
itself it obviously has no control over it movements and tends to crash
into things. I am aware that balloon mollies aren't the
most graceful fish and do tend to behave "strangely."
<Mmm, yes... part of their "mutant" price> This
behavior does seem to be too strange even for a balloon molly and I am
afraid that it will hurt itself. I know that these fish often have
problems with swim bladders, and I also know that they can catch the
whirling disease (my fish's movements aren't spiraling, he just
does barrel rolls.) <Mmm... not so much the bacterial mediated
version of this label...> I was just wanting to know how to
distinguish the two, assuming that the fish's problems are one of
the two. My other fish, which includes a balloon molly, are
doing fine. I had a local pet store test my water and all levels
(nitrites, nitrates, ammonia, pH and hardness) were all in check.
Thanks, Lauren <Mmm... if this fish/specimen is doing this anomalous
behavior a good deal of the time... I'd isolate it... not so much
for fear of pathogenic disease spread (which I doubt is an/the issue
here) but for the other livestock not being overly-stressed...
Ultimately, euthanizing this fish may be the humane route to go. Bob
Molly Crossbreeds and
susceptibility to white spot 1/5/07 Hello from
the middle of the UK <And hello from Chicagoland, Illinois, USA!>
Firstly, your site really is a fantastic resource, many thanks for the
hard work you must all put into it. <On behalf of the WWM Crew,
thanks for the kind words.> I have found different websites have
slightly varying opinions on the finer points of keeping tropical
fish... <...there really are lots of views out there. Of
course, there are some concrete basics that cannot/should not be
varied, but many things are debatable...lots of differences of opinion,
even amongst crew members at times...> ...your site deals with this
so well as the answers in the faq's come from different people as
do the questions, it's very informative, thanks again. <Glad you
find it useful! I am always looking things up on the site - it's
how I've learned much of what I know about the hobby.> Having
prostrated myself at your feet and declared myself "not
worthy" :-)..... <Well, you don't have to go that far!!
lol...> I have a 150 gal tank with 2 female Bettas, 1 Plec, 1 Algae
eater (long thin light orange sucky fish, not sure what to call it
really)... <another type of Pleco, perhaps? Any pictures for
identification?> ...7 tetras of varying types, 1 Lyre tail molly and
12 fish that came out of the Molly, I think they may be crossed with a
Guppy we have in our other tank... <crossbreeding between
livebearers can, and does, indeed happen> ...(we moved her and some
of the offspring, she is getting quite big and the kids were taking
over the tank). <Yup, livebearers can/will do that! I'm amazed
they haven't taken over the planet with their reproduction
rate...> Water is at 28.3 deg C +/- .2... <This is the high-side
of OK for most tropical fish, but good for the Bettas...> ...ammonia
0, nitrite 0, nitrate around 40ppm... <MUST reduce the nitrate
levels...20 ppm is as high as they should be.> (most of the time) ph
7.8 constant. Filter is an Atman 882, it's an in tank filter,
housing a heater, 2 compartments holding bags of different filter
medium and a pump, in that order as the water flows through. I do a 10%
water change/clean every week and add a little stress coat type
treatment (Nutrafin AquaPlus) each time to the fresh water to remove
the chlorine and help the fish, I normally age the new water for 24 hrs
before doing the change and add a little AquaPlus (20ml) to the tank.
<Your water change schedule generally sounds OK, but since those
nitrates are so high, I would recommend doing a 10% change 2 times per
week, until the levels fall under control. They really are
too high and are likely stressing the fish, causing them to be more
susceptible to disease.> The water from my tap is quite high in
nitrate (around 40ppm) so 1 of the bags in the filter contains
"Nitrate Sponge" to help keep the nitrate at an acceptable
level. <Well, there's the problem, then...if you keep doing
water changes with this water, the nitrate levels likely won't
drop. I'd recommend looking into a RO/DI unit, or at the
very least, a DI product such as this one: http://www.aquatichouse.com/WaterPurifiers/tapwaterfilter.asp
The RO/DI unit will cost you more, but will save you money in the long
run, as the filters don't have to be replaced nearly as frequently
as the Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Tap Water Filter product. I
don't know if they'll ship to the UK, but I am a big fan of
www.airwaterice.com for RO/DI units. I'm not familiar with the
"nitrate sponge" product you refer to, but it clearly
isn't working. I really suggest a water filtration
system. Everything else you describe seems great.>
Questions: Can a Molly cross breed with a Guppy? <Yes.> The
offspring certainly look like that is the case though there was also a
male Swordtail in the other tank when she gave birth (She has also had
normal Molly babies before and after this bunch arrived). <From my
understanding, all livebearers are capable of cross-breeding. Might
want to consider just housing a single sex, if you want to keep all
these different species.> A quick aside here, she also gave birth to
a Platy! <Without a platy parent?!> And we don't have any,
well we do now! <OK- I'm confused a little about that one...>
Why are these cross breeds so susceptible to whitespot (The pure Molly
is fine as are the rest of the fish)? <I am by no means a
geneticist, but my general understanding is that too much genetic
variation causes all sorts of problems, including a weakened immune
system.> If the nitrate level climbs above 50ppm they start breaking
out with it,... <Nitrates really need to be between 0 and 20
ppm...> ...which is fine when I spend a lot of time watching them as
I see the first spots and drop in some of the stress coat stuff and
check the nitrate levels straight away and the whitespot goes in a day
or 2. HOWEVER, if it's Christmas and I don't pay enough
attention, they get in a hell of a mess in a very short time and
it's out with the blue stuff (Waterlife Protozin) to fix them.
<Do read here for some helpful information on treating
ich. Keep in mind that the ich parasite goes through various
life-stages, and truly the only way to get rid of it is to run the
affected tank fallow for at least a month...
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwich.htm >
Probably worth mentioning the fish in question are now at least 4
months old, maybe more.> Any ideas? The best I can come up with is
that it's a genetic failing, but I wanted to check it's not
something I am doing wrong, I'm not sure they like it! <It is
likely a genetic weakening, and these fish will likely always be more
susceptible to disease than their "purebred"
parents. The one thing you can do is to lower your nitrate
levels - that's about the only problem I can see.> Many thanks
again John <You're welcome. Get rid of those nitrates and
you're fish you all likely be more healthy. Best of
luck, Jorie Re: Molly Crossbreeds and susceptibility to white spot
(Now about Nirate levels) 1/5/07 Hi, have replied with
the previous message and comments below so you know what's going
on. <OK, sure!> Firstly thanks for the info, a brief overview of
your reply would be that I need to get my nitrate levels down. Great, I
have something to do that should fix the problem so... 3 reasons for my
reply: 1) Many many thanks to you all 2) Discussing reason 3 may help
others with their searches when this message goes into the site 3)
I'll be as brief as I can....... <(1) thank you,(2) this will be
posted on our FAQs, and hopefully others can benefit from the info.
also, and (3), no worries - I can be long-winded myself!> Up until
now all the information I have read and been to me given about nitrate
levels has been that they don't matter too much, and yet
"Graham T" says 20ppm Nitrate is good, any more is bad, 60ppm
a big no no... <Graham is one of my fellow volunteers; for some
reason, I think his name got attached to our general "crew"
e-mail box. In any case, my humble understanding of water
chemistry is that 20 ppm is not "good", per se, but on the
high-end of acceptable. In an ideal world, nitrates would be
at zero, but that's pretty hard to achieve in reality. If the
reading is 20 ppm, I do a water change, but I understand that in your
case, since your tap water is coming out at 40 ppm, this really
won't help.> ...and yet when I ran up my first tank a year and a
half ago, I took a sample of water from the newly cycled tank to my
local shop and they tested the water and did not comment on the nitrate
being around 50ppm. <This is precisely why I test my own water and
do independent research. I can't tell you why your fish
store wouldn't advise you the same way, all I can say is that my
own readings, research and experience have all led me to the conclusion
that FW nitrates must be 20 ppm or less for the ultimate good-health of
the livestock.> The water from my tap has a nitrate level of
40ppm!!! <I remember - I was shocked when I first read that!> so
my frequent water changes are just making matters worse. <Well, I
wouldn't say worse, but it certainly explains why your last reading
was 40 ppm...> I shall put my hand in my pocket and buy a water
purifier. <Reverse osmosis/de-ionizing units can be expensive, but
well worth it, in my opinion. We had a problem with high
phosphates in our tap water, which is what led us to purchase
ours...our fish have never been healthier. Plus, there's
a drinking water switch, so you may be able to benefit from that,
personally, as well!> But, a couple of questions: A quick search of
WWM shows that you all think that nitrate levels are important, how
come I had so much info that said otherwise? <"So much"
contrary info., or just what your local fish store folks told you?
Again, I certainly can't comment on why others say what they do,
but I can tell you that most, if not all, reputable research in the
hobby shows that nitrates, while not as toxic as nitrites and ammonia
to fish, certainly aren't good and should be as low as
possible...> I am beginning to thing my beautiful male Betta died
because of the high nitrate levels, I won't replace him until I
have got the nitrate down, he was more of a pet that a pretty fish in a
tank, real personality, sob sob etc... <I agree with you - I've
got three Bettas (two males and one female, all separate, of course),
and they are my favorite fish. So much personality, and
beautiful, as well. I can't say that the nitrates killed
your Betta, but they surely didn't help. Another common
problem with folks keeping Bettas is not keeping them in a min. 2-3
gal. filtered tank, with a heater set to a constant 80-82 degrees
F...I'm sorry you lost your little friend. Once you get
your RO/DI unit, and a suitable tank for the Betta, you will be all
set, as they are very low maintenance once these general requirements
are met...> sorry, had to let it out somewhere :-) best to do it
where I maybe understood. <Ask my boyfriend - I am the
nutso-save-all-the-Bettas-in-little-cups-in-PetSmart lady - I'm in
the process of writing a simple how-to-care-for-your-Betta
article. It's one of my passions! Long life the
Bettas...I can keep going for ever:-) > Second and maybe even more
importantly, myself and my family (and everyone else in the town) are
drinking tap water with a nitrate level that makes fish ill. Is this
bad for humans?????? <Well, I'm not a doctor, but I can't
imagine it's good. Again, if you invest in a RO/DI unit,
I would look into the drinking water attachment...> Finally a note
for the google search to help others... " High nitrate levels in
tap water " :-) <Thanks - will pass this along.> My complete
thanks to you all John <You're welcome, John. And,
your P.S. re: a FAQ on sending pictures - I am forwarding that along to
Bob Fenner himself. I'll happily admit I am not a
computer junkie, and as this is Bob's site, he's the best one
to help you out on that note. I'm sure he'll appreciate the
advice/suggestion. Best regards, Jorie>