FAQs on the Molly
Environmental Disease:
<Principal cause of troubles> Related Articles:
Mollies, &
Poeciliids: Guppies, Platies, Swordtails,
Mollies by Neale Monks, Livebearing
Fishes by Bob Fenner,
Related FAQs: Mollies
1, Mollies 2,
Molly Identification FAQs,
Molly Behavior FAQs,
Molly Compatibility FAQs,
Molly Selection FAQs,
Molly System FAQs,
FAQs on Molly Disease:
Molly Disease 1,
Molly Disease 2,
Molly Disease 3,
Molly Disease 4,
Molly Disease 5,
Molly Health 6,
Molly Health 7,
Molly Health 8, Molly Health ,
FAQs on Molly Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Social, Infectious (Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Genetic, Treatments
FAQs on Molly Reproduction/Breeding:
Molly Reproduction
1, Molly Reproduction 2,
Molly Reproduction 3,
All Molly species live in hard, alkaline water; most
with a good amount of saltwater (not table, NaCl). Other
livestock need to tolerate same conditions. None tolerate
unstable, ammonia or nitrite presence; nor much nitrate. Small volumes
(under 20-30 gal. depending on species, size) are too unstable.
Most are killed
due to improper environment.
Mollies. Again. 2/14/17
Hi, Neale - long time, no questions! Hope you had a good holiday and that the
new year is treating you well.
<All good; thanks for asking.>
This morning we noticed that we have a silver sailfin Molly that's just lying on
the bottom or swimming lethargically, using only her pectoral fins. She doesn't
use her tail to swim at all. Her tailfin seems kind of shredded lengthwise, but
doesn't look bitten. She had gotten big, we thought she was pregnant (assuming
one of the 7 young mollies is a male),
but she seems slimmer now. We have seen any fry in the tank, though we didn't
really look (I'm only just now thinking of it).
We have another Molly, a creamsicle, that is starting to shimmy.
<Typically a stress reaction, though quite what the stress factor might be isn't
always obvious. Mollies are easily stressed by chilling, nitrate, and the wrong
water chemistry, though like all fish, non-zero ammonia and nitrite are issues
The numbers are good in the tank - ammonia and nitrite are 0, nitrate is 20.
<Sounds good, but no mention of water chemistry here. Will (re-) state the
importance of carbonate hardness to Mollies; alkaline water with a basic pH is
an essential, especially if salt is not added to the water. Tanks will acidify
between water changes, and this causes problems for Mollies in particular.
Simply doing a substantial water change or three will often help Mollies return
to their normal happy selves. Failing that, adjusting water chemistry slightly,
by the addition of sodium bicarbonate -- one teaspoon per 40 litres/10 US
gallons is a good start. Easiest approach here
is estimate size of tank, make up the correct solution for that volume, and then
add to the tank in small amounts across a few days, giving time for the fish to
adapt. Alternatively, just add the right amount of a given bucket of water (so
might easily be a quarter teaspoon for a 2.5 gallon bucket) and do your water
changes as per normal. I do prefer to keep
Mollies in low-end brackish conditions, but understand that isn't an option in
all cases. Read up on the pros/cons of this, and act accordingly. Would also
check the heater, and maybe turn it up a notch, Mollies preferring quite balmy
conditions compared with standard community tank fare; 28C/82F is not out of
line for the bigger, sailfin varieties in particular.>
Tell me what I forgot to tell you and I'll provide the info, but this is about
it, that I can see. As always, thanks so much for your help!
<Most welcome.>
Tom & Maria
<Cheers, Neale.>
re: Mollies. Again. 2/14/17
The water is relatively hard, and it goes in at around pH 7.8, then the tank
adjusts up to 8.0 to 8.2 with the bubble stone and stays there. Maria changes the
water weekly at a 25% change. The numbers have all been stable NH3/4, nitrate,
nitrite, pH, etc, for months.
She's still hanging in there, but in a head up position. Could this be
<Yes, but environment is what you look at first. If you're content that the tank
is good, then sure, treat with an antibiotic. Livebearers are sometimes given to
strange "wasting" diseases after a certain length of time -- whether old age,
dietary shortcomings (do bear in mind they're herbivores in the wild), social
stress, or inbreeding is hard to say. But
colonies of livebearers frequently do well for years, but individual fish may
have substantially shorter lifespans than you might expect.>
Why would the tail separate into lengthwise strips?
<Typically physical damage, such as fighting. Do bear in mind Mollies are prone
to fighting. You could medicate as per Finrot, but keep a close eye on the fish
for evidence of squabbling. Cheers, Neale.>
And now, weird Molly behavior. Env. 6/17/16
Neale, I hope this finds you well.
<Likewise my reply, Tom.>
We have another problem - we have a Molly that is spending a lot of time
on the bottom. She'll occasionally sort of raise her head and shake it
back and forth and then stop and sit there for a while, until she does
it again.
<Shimmies. Quite common among Mollies, and indeed livebearers
generally, when stressed. Usually, fixing the environment will effect a
recovery. No medications as such required, but if there's
something else amiss, like odd
white patches on the body or sudden loss of weight, then treating as per
a bacterial infection is a good idea. If the only fish in the tank are
Mollies (or other livebearers) then adding salt, 2-3 gram/litre, can
help a great deal.>
She was doing that this morning then started swimming like a maniac,
sometimes stopping and wiggling. The male lyretail did that with her.
Now she's back on the bottom. Ok, Maria just opened the top to get some
water for testing and the Molly was up to the surface in a flash. Her
appetite has been... vigorous this whole time. She just acts funny when
she swims (swims into plant leaves, then backs up and swims around them)
and spends a lot of time just sitting on the bottom in out of the way
places. Poops a lot.
Water numbers:
pH: 7.4 - 7.5
<What sort of hardness level? Mollies appreciate very hard water.>
Ammonia: 0.75
<Still not zero! Mollies are super-sensitive to ammonia and nitrite in
freshwater tanks.>
Nitrates/nitrites: 0
Water gets 25% change weekly, but we haven't been adding bacteria to the
38 gallon tank with water changes.
We just don't know if she's even sick, just acting funny. We had one
Molly with some white spots that got lethargic and died and took another
well-loved fish with her. (We quarantined them, added some conditioner
and PimaFix for fungal infections, and the next morning the pH had
dropped from 7.4 to 5.8. Both fish died.) So we're a little skittish, I
So there's a lot of info. Any light you can shed on any of it, we'd
appreciate it. Thanks a lot!
<Hope this helps! Cheers, Neale.>
Re: And now, weird Molly behavior 6/17/16
Good info, as USUAL - thank you so much! Hardness might be a problem.
We have soft water. Would hard water be a
problem for the tetras and the platy?
<Platies will usually thrive in the same conditions as Mollies, though
Mollies do prefer more heat than Platies; Platies are optimally kept
around 22-25C/72-77F whereas Mollies are more 25-28C/77-82F sort of
beasts. But so far as water chemistry goes, both like hard, alkaline,
basic conditions.
Tetras are predominantly soft water fish, with a few exceptions.
Generally not good companions for Mollies because of this. That said, it
will depend on your tetras. X-Ray Tetras, Black Widows, 'False'
Penguins, and Emperor Tetras will all do just fine up to 20 degrees dH,
PH 8, which is fine for Mollies. You can add baking soda, sodium
bicarbonate, to raise hardness. Do read:
Something like a half teaspoon baking soda per 20 litres/5 US gallons
would be about right. Use a test kit to check before adding any such
water to your aquarium.>
These will likely be the last mollies we get. Sheesh.
<As I've said many times, Mollies really aren't community fish and
shouldn't be sold/bought as such. They are very beautiful, yes, but
quite demanding. Kept on their own though they can look superb! Big
tanks with big groups are wonderful. Check out Liberty Mollies some
time. I saw a group of them in a single-species set up, designed with
lots of flat rocks for them to graze on. Really beautiful fish, and
patriotic too if you happen to live in a country with a red, white and
blue flag! Cheers, Neale.>
Oh, crap... 8/21/16
We got rid of the mollies. But there's still some ammonia in
the 38 gallon tank - less than 1, more than 0.5. It looks like a ghost
tank. We've lost two white skirt tetras, and now nobody is swimming.
<But no sign of Whitespot any more?>
Even the 12 neon are sitting towards the bottom in a clump, swimming a
bit, but low in the tank. The remaining white skirts just hang and our
platy is just sitting on the bottom.
<Do lower the water level a bit so there is more splashing. Is the water
moving briskly? Is the water too warm? The fish behaviour could be
related to low oxygen level. Review, and act accordingly.>
The pH is 7.2, no nitrites, a wee trace of nitrates, water is soft,
alkalinity around 80. We have added ammo lock and bacteria. I'm afraid
were going to lose the tank.
The other tank is fine, even though the ammonia has been higher. Could
our filtration be too weak? Gah!
<A typical community tank needs to have a water turnover rate around 6
times the volume of the aquarium per hour. So if you have a 38-gallon
aquarium, you'd buy a filter rated at 228 gallons/hour. You can find
this value on the filter pump or the packaging. Pretty much ignore
anything stating "suitable for tanks of 10-40 gallons" or whatever,
because these
are really optimistic values assuming spotlessly clean filter media and
very low stocking densities of small fishes such as Neons or Guppies.
Much better to use the turnover rate. Provided you have that sort of
turnover rate, and assuming the media is appropriate (i.e., biological
filter media rather than, say, carbon), mature (over 6 weeks old) and
maintained (you don't clean the media under a hot tap) then the filter
should be adequate. Check the ammonia level of a sample of dechlorinated
tap water. If the ammonia level is identical, then the ammonia test kit
is probably picking up neutralised tap water ammonia or chloramine,
neither of which are a worry. I find nitrite test kits more useful
because they're less likely to be related to tap water, though
occasionally tap water does contain nitrite. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Oh, crap... it's ich 8/21/16
The white skirts have it. We see spots on their fins, looks like the
pics we've seen. Everything we see about all this stuff is contradictory
- one says do this, next one says do the opposite, third one says do
nothing. And thus all started with those mollies.
<Usually Whitespot gets into a tank via the addition of new fish. Once
eliminated, the aquarium is normally free from Whitespot until something
else is added from the pet store. If this was me, I'd be treating using
salt/heat, as described earlier, or else using a proprietary medication,
my personal favourite in terms of safety and value being eSHa EXIT.>
So, 38 gallon tank. Four white skirt tetras, twelve neons, one platy,
and a Pleco (algae eater). Live plants, which are replaceable. If you
can give me one suggestion, one plan of action, maybe we don't need to
turn the aquarium into a bookcase.
<See above. Assuming you don't have carbon in the filter, commercial
Whitespot medications are very effective. So is the salt/heat method if
done right (2 gram/litre of water; temperature up to 28 C). If Whitespot
is the issue here, either of these will fix it. Once that's done, your
aquarium should be parasite-free. As for the ammonia, do see my previous
email re: ammonia in tap water.>
Maria's doing multiple water changes to deal with spiky ammonia levels.
<Don't change more than, say, 10-20% per day. And if the filter is
basically functioning right and of adequate size, you should be able to
scale these back within a week to the usual 20% change per week.>
Down to 0.5 - 0.75, not zero, but low. This is supposed to be fun and
relaxing. �� Gah.
<It is fun and relaxing. Once a tank is set up properly and given
periodic water changes, fish are BY FAR the easiest and cheapest pets
around. Virtually no work. The problem is if the tank isn't quite right,
and more often than not, that's through setting it up wrong, such as
buying too many fish too soon, not getting compatible fish, etc. Still,
compared to a sick dog or cat, fish are cheap! Have you visited a vet
Sorry, and thanks.
<Welcome, Neale.>
One day I saw that my Molly had a white line growing on the
top of its head 3/30/16
and I'm worried cause it wasn't there before. I have attached a picture
of my Molly and the white line
<Mmm; this white line looks to be some sort of physical injury...
perhaps the fish jumped or swam into something that scratched it. Is
your water hard and alkaline? Do you add a modicum of aquarium salt? IF
your water conditions are propitious and you're feeding your fishes
well, this issue will likely heal itself in time. I would not
specifically add some sort of medicine/s here, as they're more likely to
cause trouble than cure.
Bob Fenner>
re: 3/30/16
There is a small amount of aquarium salt in the water my water is fine, said
the lady at the pet store, the only thing that's wrong is my ammonia
is high
<Ammonia is deadly toxic. READ here:
and the linked files above. BobF>
re: Keep Reading! 3/30/16
Would that cause my Molly's wound not to heal? Or cause it to grow?
Neale to the rescue! 3/30/16
One day I saw that my Molly had a white line growing on the top of its head
and I'm worried cause it wasn't there before. I have attached a picture of
my Molly and the white line
<Very odd. The photo isn't sharp enough or close enough to see exactly
what's going on. Is it that some of the scales are simply white? This sort
of colour change can happen and isn't a health issue as such. Or is there
something white, almost like paint, across the back of the fish? This is
very commonly seen on Black Mollies and other dark-coloured Mollies when
they produce extra mucous. This is usually what happens when they're
stressed or irritated by something, either an early bacterial infection or
exposure to the wrong environmental conditions. I'm going to direct you to
some reading:
Mollies are prone to Finrot and fungal infections when kept in plain
freshwater. In brackish water they're a lot tougher, and by brackish, I'm
talking something like 5-6 gram/litre (3-4 teaspoons of marine aquarium salt
mix per US gallon). Although brackish conditions aren't essential, they
help. If that isn't an option, then do make sure the water is very hard (15+
degrees dH) and relatively warm (25-28 C) and above all else keep nitrate as
low as practical (20 mg/l or less). Naturally, ammonia and nitrite levels
should be zero. Cheers, Neale.>
re: 3/30/16
There is a small amount of aquarium salt in the water my water is fine, said
the lady at the pet store, the only thing that's wrong is my ammonia is high
<I'd love to know what the "lady in the pet store" means by the word "fine"
if your water has high ammonia! Let's be clear, subjective interpretations
of water chemistry and quality are about as useful to us as you telling your
doctor that "you've got an owie on your booboo". So please, write back when
you have some actual numbers. To recap, as always with fish, and nitrite
must be zero. If they're not, then stop feeding and review the aquarium.
Non-zero ammonia and nitrite imply three things: overstocking, overfeeding,
and/or insufficient filtration. This last one is key, and you can have
insufficient filtration because the filter is too small, because you are not
maintaining it properly, or because the filter hasn't had the 6-8 weeks it
needs to mature. Review, and act accordingly. As for the other
water parameters, in freshwater conditions you need low nitrate (<20 mg/l);
high pH (7.5-8.5); and high hardness (15+ dH). In brackish conditions
Mollies are less demanding, but that will of course limit your choices of
tankmates. Nonetheless, they're commercially reared and bred in brackish
water for precisely this reason, and if you're specialising in Mollies,
adding 5-6 gram/litre marine aquarium salt mix (not tonic/aquarium salt)
will massively simplify your fishkeeping experience. Cheers, Neale.>
re: 3/30/16
Would that cause my Molly's wound not to heal? Or cause it to grow?
<Dissolved ammonia is to fish what Cholera bacteria in drinking water is to
humans: deadly, and able to cause all kinds of problems. So when people say
"a trace of ammonia" is in their fish tank and think that's fine, to me
that's liking offering someone a bottle of mineral water with a "trace of
Cholera". Not nice, huh? Cheers, Neale.>
re: Just to update you on my molly.
I did take all of my fish out of the tank
temporarily into another fish tank that I have. I changed the water and
tested it one more time with master test kit, which is a drop test.
ammonia was 4.0ppm... yea that isn't a little high no wonder why my fish
were dying and my Molly wasn't healing.
<I agree!!!>
My Molly apparently scratched it's head trying to get into my tiki head,
I guess she learned that she's to big for a few things haha. So now my
fish is all healed and my aquarium is back to normal, meaning having an
ammonia level of 0, I am also feeding my, now 3 fish, once every other
day and I'm also keeping a close eye on all their levels. And I'm
thankful to day that I'm not going to that petstore ever again, and I'm
also doing a lot more research into everything that I do and every fish
that I get. :)
<Not saying avoid your local pet store, but do keep an open mind, and as
the Russians say, "trust, but verify". Double check what they tell you
against a trusted book or website. Obviously this one's good, but there
are others I wholeheartedly recommended. TFH, FishChannel,
SeriouslyFish, PlanetCatfish, Loaches.com, ThePufferForum.com ... all
good sources of info and accessible to all.>
you will most definitely hear from me again this is the best help that
I've ever found.
<Thanks for the kind words. Neale.>
pop eye molly? 12/4/14
Hi all, sorry to bother you guys again. My roommate just got her tank
and moved her fish from mine to hers so I'm back down to six fish in my
tank. (with her fish there were eight fish and her two were several
inches long) I came back from vacation and found two of my fish dead. I
wasn't totally surprised since at the time the tank was very
overcrowded and it was the smaller fish that had died. Well the
issue was that the water was all yellowish brown from the fish being
dead for a while in the tank (that what the pet store said) so I
bought some clear water solution to help.
<... poor. CHANGE a good deal (like a quarter) of the water out every
other day until it clears>
I treated the tank twice and afterwards the two fish were removed and
put into another tank. One of my fish i believe is depressed as he and
the male sailfin were pretty good buddies. I was feeding my fish this
morning and I noticed that my female sailfin molly has her left eye
bulging out slightly, just enough to notice and make her look weird.
What can I do to help her?
<The above; water quality improvement, not "drops"... which will do
nothing to improve it>
Also what can I do about my male's "depression" as he sits on the bottom
since we moved the other fish.
<The exact same. READ on WWM re Molly Systems. Bob Fenner>
Re: pop eye molly? 12/4/14
Hi again. I just got back from class and my sailfin molly female (the
one with both eyes slightly bulging) was sitting on the bottom. After a
few minutes she got up and swam around and went right back to laying on
the bottom. I just did a 50% water change and added some aquarium salt.
Is there anything else I can do to help with the eye bulging or will it
go away on its own. I feel really bad for her. I plan on getting the
water tested tomorrow to see what all the levels are. Another question
is what is the best way to transport fish?
<Covered on WWM...>
I'm moving back home from college next week and I'm not sure how to move
my fish. It is a 2 hour drive.
<Perhaps a bit of Epsom... see WWM re. BobF>
I wrote to you guys the other day about my Sailfin female having PopEye
on Wednesday. On Thursday I noticed that he eyes were back to normal (a
very tiny amount of bulging but almost undetectable. Only noticed as she
was right next to my Dalmatian molly male.) Today however, I noticed her
eye was popping out again and her other eye had started to.
<When both eyes "pop" it's almost always some sort of
environmental shortcoming. As always with Mollies, review the
key basics: test carbonate hardness and pH (water needs to be hard and
alkaline); test for nitrite or ammonia (water quality needs to be good);
test for nitrate (this should be as low as practical). How much salt are
you adding? With Mollies, brackish water is the ideal in the sense they
tend to be much hardier and more resistant than in freshwater. To stress
a point made many times here:
Mollies are not easy community fish, and can't be thrown into a planted
tank or a regular community tank alongside soft water fish. They need
very specific conditions. There's no medicine for Pop-eye as such, but
the addition of Epsom Salt to the water (1 to 3 teaspoons per 5
gallons/20 litres) plus raising the temperature a couple of degrees can
effect a cure provided the stress factors in the environment are fixed.
Note that Platies will tolerate brackish water well (not less than 5-6
gram marine salt mix/litre in this situation) but soft water fish and
most plants will not.
As I say though, you should only choose Mollies for tanks where you have
the option of adding salt if needs be, and it sounds like you do.>
It got worse over the day so I put her in a small hospital/transport
tank for several hours. Her eyes went back down quite a bit so I put her
Now all my fish are attacking her. My male molly and female balloon
molly are chasing her everywhere along with my female bumblebee platy.
<Mollies are not sociable fish when kept in very small groups; often
much better in large tanks and large numbers. Not a suitable species for
tanks smaller than, realistically, 30 gallons, unless you keep just a
Sailfin Mollies in particular can get huge (15 cm/6 inches) under ideal
conditions in the wild and not less than 10 cm/4 inches in aquaria, so
anything less than 30 gallons is clearly unsuitable.>
I can't keep her in the "hospital" tank as it is really just a small
animal carrier. She is now hiding in the barrel that I have which she
has never gone in before. I'm worried about her. What can I do to help.
I really like her as I was hoping to use her to start a small breeding
operation (2 females and one male) of Sailfins. This is the picture of
the hospital tank and her hiding from the others.
<Meantime do read:
And follow the links to Molly Disease and Molly System FAQs; the
problems you are experiencing are very common and easily prevented.
Cheers, Neale.>
URGENT MOLLY HELP.... the reading?
I wrote to you guys the other day about my Sailfin female having PopEye
on Wednesday. On Thursday I noticed that he eyes were back to normal (a
very tiny amount of bulging but almost undetectable.
<Excellent. As stated in my previous reply, environment is both the
cause and cure of Pop-eye in such situations.>
Only noticed as she was right next to my Dalmatian molly male.) Today
however, I noticed her eye was popping out again and her other eye had
started to. It got worse over the day so I put her in a small
hospital/transport tank for several hours. Her eyes went back down quite
a bit so I put her back. Now all my fish are attacking her. My male
molly and female balloon molly are chasing her everywhere along with my
female bumblebee platy. I can't keep her in the "hospital" tank as it is
really just a small animal carrier. She is now hiding in the barrel that
I have which she has never gone in before. I'm worried about her. What
can I do to help. I really like her as I was hoping to use her to start
a small breeding operation (2 females and one male) of Sailfins. This is
the picture of the hospital tank and her hiding from the others.
<Do read the other email. Write back if you need help.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: URGENT MOLLY HELP... not what WWM is
Thanks . I'm going to get the water tested today. I will be moving home on
Friday (i live in a dorm) so I think a fresh start on the water will be
good for her. I do plan on getting a larger aquarium for these guys as I
want to put my Betta in the 10 gallon so he will be happier. I do have
aquarium salt in the tank currently and it does seem to help.
<For sure. "Aquarium salt" isn't the same thing as marine aquarium salt, and
as/when you've finished the existing package of salt would be a good time to
switch. Won't much affect cost, but marine aquarium salt raises not just
salinity but hardness, pH and buffering capacity too -- all big plusses for
the Molly aquarium.>
Thanks so much for all your guys help and for putting up with crazy me. As
this is my first time with an aquarium I tend to freak out when things go
<Nothing wrong with being concerned.>
Here is a picture of my tank.
<Looks nice!>
(three fish aren't in here as they are camera shy)I also got my water
tested and figured out the problem. Ammonia - 0.25 mg/l
<That's your problem right there. Ammonia above 0 is toxic, and Mollies are
ammonia-sensitive in freshwater tanks.>
Nitrite - 10.0 mg/L
<Lethal! I'm guessing you mean 1 mg/l since 10 mg/l would kill most fish
within hours. Together with non-zero ammonia, non-zero nitrite suggests
overstocking, overfeeding and/or under-filtration. Review, and act
accordingly. Short term: stop feeding, do daily water changes, and check
the filter is working/appropriate to this aquarium in terms of size,
Nitrate - 60-80 mg/L
pH - 8.4
Alkalinity - 300 mg/L
Chlorine/Chloramine 0 mg/L
<All fine. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: URGENT MOLLY HELP chatting, chatting...
The pet store said it was at ten she was surprised and told me to do a
water change.
<A water change is an understatement! At 10 mg/l nitrite, you'd have to
remove the fish to a bucket, change all the water, then reintroduce the
fish. Alternatively, change 50% now, 50% after an hour, and 50% after
another hour. This really is lethal. Meantime, do not feed the fish until
ammonia and nitrite are 0. Seriously. No food. Even two weeks without food
won't harm them, but further exposure to non-zero ammonia and nitrite will.>
She also gave me a product to help with the levels
<Do understand no chemical will magically make water safe from ammonia and
nitrite. There is really only one "bottle" you must use. This is water
conditioner. In your situation, the only other product you might consider is
a bottle of filter bacteria (such as Tetra SafeStart). These products are
very hit-and-miss in terms of working. Sometimes they help, something they
don't. But they're cheap and worth a shot in a crisis. Otherwise, the only
way to eliminate ammonia and nitrite from your fish tank is a working
filter. Find out why yours isn't working. Is the tank newly set up? Is the
filter big enough for your tank/number of fish? Do you have the right media
in the filter? (As a hint, carbon is useless while sponges and ceramic
noodles are essential.) Is the flow rate normal or slow because the filter
is clogged? Is there enough oxygen for the bacteria? Is the tank
overstocked? Are the fish overfed? Is there a corpse somewhere rotting away?
Various possibilities. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: URGENT MOLLY HELP... 12/8/14
Hi again. I figured out some of my mollies weird behavior. I put her in the
hospital tank as she was acting weird and this morning I found babies. She
was acting normal. I also did several large water changes yesterday and
changed my filter.
<Sounds like you're making progress. Good luck! Neale.>
I tested the water and the nitrite and nitrate levels are down now.
<Cool. Keep nitrite at zero, and nitrate as low as practical (below 20 mg/l
ideally). Don't feed the fish if nitrite or ammonia aren't zero; do water
changes instead.>
Thanks for your help.
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Hi Neale. A new problem emerged which has happened before. My balloon molly has
done this before but it seems worse. She used to occasionally swim with her head
facing down and she has been doing it all day and can't seem to right herself.
<Assuming she's otherwise healthy, constipation could be the problem here.
A common problem where deformed herbivorous fish are concerned. Read here:
Treatment involves Epsom salt and plant-based foods.>
She also hasn't eaten even when i put her in the hospital tank. I'm thinking its
swim bladder disease but not sure how to treat it. (everything I'm reading says
to feed her peas or have a vet x-ray her ((not going to happen)))
<There's no such thing as "Swim bladder disease" any more than a broken leg is a
disease. It's a description of a set of symptoms including the inability to
orient themselves properly. Constipation is the commonest cause. But Dropsy
(associated with raised, "pine cone"-looking scales) and some bacterial
infections (alongside disinterest in food, lethargy) can cause similar symptoms.
Cheers, Neale.>
Flashing molly. Env., using WWM
I have a 2 month old 29 gallon tank cycled for 3
weeks with CaribSea media containing bacteria.
(fish food added to feed bacteria).
Added 4 neons,
<Stop: Mollies and Neons (tetras) are not compatible... water quality
nor temperament wise. See WWM re both, all species>
after 2 weeks 3 lyre tail Dalmatian mollies, 4 more neons and 2 Corydoras.
Only learned now the need for brackish water for
mollies which I can't address because of the other
fish in the tank.
<Ah yes>
My question is that I see the mollies flashing
<Likely the water quality issue you've just mentioned. Again,
just search, read on WWM re their systems... NEED hard, alkaline,
cooler, often salty water>
usually against plants especially the pregnant one. If I
watch for 30 minutes it will flash 1-2 times. I see
nothing on their bodies that looks like
Ich and they seem active and happy,
feeding, playing grazing on plants. I started treatment with
Jungle Ich
<Stop again: The real issue here won't be solved by pouring in
"medicines"... The environment has to be fixed>
clear following directions for 2 days now. Still nothing
on their skin that I can see (they are mostly
white) or on the other fish.
Raised temp to 80. Still look active and healthy to
me. Is this flashing possibly just normal behavior? I
saw the Corydoras do it 2 times, never the
<... Read on! Use the search tool, on every page on WWM. Bob Fenner>
Re: Flashing molly. 9/13/13
I am sorry , I should have mentioned that i have checked the water
quality couple of times these past week. No nitrates or nitrite,
chlorine, pH 7.2, total alkalinity 80 (moderate), hardness 75ppm.
<Good; and no ammonia I take it. BobF>
Re: Flashing molly.
The neons and mollies just ignore each other to my eye.
<... they'll soon be dead if not accommodated. READ where you've been
referred. B>
Re: Flashing molly.
So this behavior is not "normal". It indicates something?
<Read, don't write. B>
Re: Flashing molly.
I have read and read for 1 week now. It is because of reading I started
the medication. What should I read on WWM. Thank you for your help.
and the linked files above
Re: Flashing molly. 9/13/13
my test doesn't have ammonia
Creamsicle Lyretail Molly Trouble and a salt question.
Livestock of differing water quality needs tog.
Hello! Thank you for such an informative site. I have spent
hours and hours reading the wealth of knowledge it provides...yet I
still feel unsure about my situation. I apologize in advance for
possible info-overload, but I'd rather err on the side of too much than
not enough. My FIL gifted my 2 year-old daughter a 20 gallon
aquarium for her birthday (at my suggestion; I was excited about it
also, as well as willing to put forth the effort it requires). At
the time, my idea of keeping fish included water, a bowl, and some
fish...little did I know! Since then, 3 months ago, we have
acquired: 3 Neon Tetras (unsure of sex),
<Mmm, these really need different water quality than the livebearers
you're keeping... soft/er, more tropical...>
1 male Albino Bushy Nose Pleco, 1 male Lemon Cobra Guppy, 3 male
Harlequin Sailfin Mollies, 1 female Creamsicle Lyretail Molly, 1 female
Dalmatian Lyretail Molly, 1 male Mickey Mouse Platy, 1 male Sunburst
Wagtail Platy, 1 female Red Platy (just died), 2 African Dwarf Frogs,
and a single Ghost Shrimp who has survived this
whole time, amazingly enough! I also have two varieties of live
plants: Hygrophila and Cyperus;
<Cyperus? A sedge? Is this emersed?>
both have done really well. Just this week, I began half-dosing
the tank with Aqueon Plant Food (10mL/20 g). In the beginning we
lost a black Platy, and I didn't think twice about it at the time; I
thought that fish just died...ce la vie. I don't remember it
having any spots/fungus/weird behavior indicating any of the issues
listed on the Disease Troubleshooting page; however, I also did not know
that it is best to quarantine new fish.
We introduced 3 batches of fish within one week of getting the
tank set up.
<Uncycled risks...>
Fast forward to present. This past weekend we were out of town for
two days to come back and discover a tiny red female platy...obviously,
the Red Platy had had babies, and we didn't even know she was pregnant.
Having the three females in there was a mistake; we wanted to only have
males (is this even a good idea?).
<Can be>
The reason being, I did not want to have to deal with off-loading baby
fish...repeatedly. Plus, I'm kind of half and half on how I feel
about just letting the females have babies and it being a free for all
for snack time. *bag over head* ...not sure how the experts
feel on this?
<A mix as well>
Yesterday, the female Red Platy died. She had been sitting on the
bottom of the tank, and I read and read and researched and couldn't come
to a conclusion as to why she was doing this. I ran out
immediately and got a water test kit (yep, learned that I needed one of
those 3 months too late).
Today I tested the water before and after the cleaning/gravel suction; I
replace 25% of the water once a week.
I add 10mL of Aqueon Water Conditioner each time I do this. These
were my
readings after I changed the water: GH 30, KH 120-180, pH 7.5-8.0, NO2
0, NO3 20.
<Keep Nitrate no higher>
The temp is always about 78 degrees F; today was the same. I don't
keep a fish heater in the tank, as we live in Arizona and I keep the
house pretty warm...free heat! These readings weren't much
different from the before reading...the only difference being
the NO3, which was 40 before the cleaning.
<Too high>
According to the test directions, my GH is too high.
<Mmm, I wouldn't likely "fool with it/this">
I didn't see the recommended solution
<Blending in some water (RO likely) w/ less mineral content>
to that at my local pet store, however (API Electro-Right). Also, is
the pH okay, or does it need to come down a bit? It seems fine for
some of the fish, and too high for the others.
<Is high for the Neons, but not for all else>
I have since learned from all my reading that I have overstocked, and
that I have mixed Mollies with other types of fish, when they should be
by themselves. I also have learned that by not having enough
females to males, I was creating problems with chasing them to death;
I'm still not sure why the female Red Platy died. All of the fish
chase each other in there; they always have (the guppy, especially,
likes to chase the big Lyretails). I never see them nipping,
though. I do not plan on restocking as fish die, and I hope to
create a happy, safe environment for the ones I have...as best I can.
I have also learned that the frogs prefer to be alone, but these
actually don't bother each other (seemingly).
<Ah yes>
The problem I'm having with the female Creamsicle Lyretail Molly is that
she has started floating upright, midtank, in the water.
She looks, occasionally, like she is shivering.
<The metabolite concentration... as "windowed" by your NO3
testing/results... poisoned by their own wastes. Very common>
I have noticed that on her pectoral and caudal fins, which are fairly
transparent, she has these whitish looking spots. They are fairly
bigger than grains of salt, leading me to believe it's not Ick,
<Maybe... though could "just be body mucus clumps"... reaction to water
quality issue/s>
and they aren't in clusters...just a handful all together. She seems
to swim fine when she isn't doing the vertical-hover-shiver thing, and
she eats normally. I noticed this morning that she has some bumps
on her head...also fairly bigger than grains of salt. There's
nothing on her body that looks different or "wrong"...no white specs or
anything. I went to the store today with the knowledge from this
site and hoped to have the "fish specialist" at my local pet store help
me, but that turned out to be a fail. I did end up spending a good
hour perusing the medicines, and ended up coming home with Tetra
Lifeguard All-In-One Treatment, but I'm unsure if it what I should put
in my tank...?
<I wouldn't>
Any ideas on what could be bothering her?
<The environment... Please read here:
and the linked files above if still unclear>
I just worry (now that I know better) about something infiltrating the
whole tank and hurting more fish. I know (now) that mollies do much
better in a brackish environment.
<Ah yes>
My other question about that is, can I introduce marine salt, considering
the other cohabitants and plants?
<... Mmm, best for you to spend the time "looking up" such
information... the Neons "don't like" salts... neither Hymenochirus...
the livebearers are fine w/ a modicum...>
If so, do I introduce it slowly, or just go all-in and follow the
directions on the box of API Aquarium Salt...which says 1 rounded
tablespoon per 5 gallons of water (so 4 rounded tablespoons)?
<... you'll need to investigate, likely move the non-salt livestock
elsewhere ahead of the addition>
Because I do have an overstocked tank, would more hiding places be
<Mmm, yes>
Currently, I have a piece of driftwood (fake) that takes up the length and
height of the tank (but is narrow) to provide some good shelter, as well
as the two types of plants I have now (the Cyperus, of which, has set
out about a dozen runners that have sprouted up quite nicely, so I
bunched them all in the same corner) and a small pirate ship (at my
daughter's request...*smile*). My idea was to add some plants to
grow on the surface of the tank; would this be good?
<Yes; a/my fave Ceratopteris...>
If so, what kind would you recommend based on my current tank environment?
I do thank you for your time.
<You have two great requisite traits for being successful (not just w/
pet fish); a curious mind and desire to improve situations... Read a bit
and do write back if you are unsure of a plan... to separate (have two
systems) and modify water quality to suit the life in your charge. Bob
Molly tail down... 4/23/12
WWM, I need help. I have some sick female Silver Lyre-tail Mollies
(found a female one 'crashed' at bottom of tank this morning). I suspect
the other 2 will not be far behind. Molly #1 has been hiding, shaking
and shimmying since she had babies about a month ago. Since she never
comes out of hiding I have only recently noticed her tail is drooping
down (like her rear-end is paralyzed), there is a curve or kink in her
spine so that tail is curled to side and fins are clamped. Also her eyes
look 'fluorescent' blue with same coloring on top of body. Molly # 2 has
had buoyancy issues for about 2-3 days with keeping her tail down and
head up, today this seems better but she is swollen, clamped fins.
Molly #3 died with a swollen stomach, all 3 have(had) high-arched back
(hump?) and low appetite. Gave all 3 a salt dip in similar water
parameters of 1 gallon + 1 tbsp of Epsom salt for 5 minutes and placed
back in tank yesterday. Today gave an additional dip to the 2 remaining
only for 10 minutes. Have seen them scratch a couple of times here or
there, but not constantly or even every day. Parasites? TB? Fungus?
Lack of electrolytes?
<Likely the last... plus exposure to metabolites... Most common causes
of Molly demise>
Help :( Also, in my 'baby' tank (20 g tank dedicated to the Fry of
all the parent fish) the white mollies swim vertically (head up). They
CAN swim normally, but at times they don't; they move forward (like
belly forward) just straight up and down as if they were constantly
swimming against a glass wall. What is this???
<The same>
Details of our tank: 30 g with 11 total of guppies (2 females, 1 male),
platies (2 males-1 that can't breed, long story, 3 females) and 3
mollies (2 females, 1 male). Also have about a dozen (can't keep track)
babies that have stayed hidden and recently came out because they seem
to be too big to be eaten (parents don't chase them or anything) they
could be anywhere from a week-2 weeks old so I don't see the need to
move them now. We do 30% weekly water changes and keep a 78-79 degree
temp and ph of about 7.6. Don't know the rest of the parameters
but get it tested at the LFS and we are told it is 'fine.'
<Of no use... need to know specifics... esp. nitrogenous/Nitrate
Keep aquarium salt (or canning salt when we are out of the
<Sea salt (marine) is what you want>
at rate of 1 tbsp per 10 gallons. Also, recently learned about
adding baking soda (yesterday) and added 3 tbsp of baking soda diluted
in tank water over about 30 minutes. I know that Mollies
are harder than guppies and platies to keep but is this a species
problem or something else going on?
<Most all mollies kept in captivity nowayears have troubles... really
need to be kept in large brackish to marine settings>
Do I need to set up a 3rd tank and keep my mollies in their own tank
from now on?
Sorry, I am not able to send pics (they are not clear) or video
(Silverlight is dumb).
<Please read here:
and the linked Molly Disease FAQs files above... all will be revealed.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Molly tail down 4/28/14
Thank you so much for your quick and reliable responses to all of my
questions! I am really not sure if my 2 female Mollies are on the mend
or not. We are taking everything 1 day at a time. However, the 20 gallon
tank, that I mentioned in my previous email that houses several batches
of fry, is giving me cause for concern. The latest batch of fry that we
added are 10 day old guppies. Several of them seem to have
'bent' tails and 1 of them has an extremely bent tail and is swimming
around in circles,
<Bad... might be congenitally (genetically) troubled... could be due to
nutritional deficiency, even some aspects of water quality>
being carried wherever the water takes it. It will then rest on the
bottom a minute and then start again. Also, this fry has a very black
tail, back, and head with a silver belly which is very different from
the other fry and parents. Is this whirling disease?
I've read about it on your sight <site> but wasn't sure if fry this young
could get this disease.
Details of the tank: 20 gallons with a mixture of probably 50 fry:
guppies, Platies, mollies. Ages range from 10 days old to about 3 weeks.
We do about a 20% weekly water change and keep a 78-79 degree temp and
ph of about 7.6.
Don't know the rest of the parameters but get it tested at the LFS and
we are told it is 'fine.'
<Past time to have/use your own test kits>
We are still working on getting the proper testing strips.
<See WWM re... inferior technology>
Keep aquarium salt (or canning salt when we are out of the other,
and we are also working on getting Marine salt as well as looking into
Kent Iodine) at rate of 1 tbsp per 5 gallons (not 10). Also, added
baking soda at rate of 1 tbsp per 10 gallons.
Thanks for all advise! -Amelia
<Not advice; just what I/we might do given similar and supposed
circumstances. Bob Fenner>
Lots of Molly questions, sys. hlth., reading
Hi everyone!
I've read so many articles from your wonderful website that my eyes
are crossing! =) Reading through the FAQs has been incredibly helpful
over the past couple months in helping me properly set up and maintain
my 7 tanks (for the time being...this is a very addictive hobby to say
the least).
<Good to know. Do make sure to read here:
Most problems with mollies come down to the wrong environmental
conditions. Specifically, too small a tank, too soft water, too cool a
temperature, and often, lack of marine salt mix to raise the pH,
hardness and salinity.>
The tank I have a question about is my 10 gallon Molly tank.
<No such beast as a "10 gallon Molly tank". These fish
need 20 gallons, minimum, for the Shortfin varieties, and 30 gallons
upwards for Sailfin varieties.>
I started off with 2 female and 1 male (and 3 Mystery Snails to help
with any uneaten food, not that the Mollies leave much behind).
<Apple/Mystery snails are not compatible with Mollies. Oddly, they
do occur in the wild together. But the snails need cooler, less saline
conditions so it's difficult to provide good conditions for
The male is a silver Sailfin, one female is a black 'regular',
and the other female is a Dalmatian Lyretail (who I was told was really
pregnant when I got her, but now I think she may be some type of a
balloon belly but I'm not positive). The male (White Lightning)
showed absolutely no interest in the Dalmatian female (Starry) and was
constantly chasing the black female (Stormy), showing off his Sailfin
and swimming circles around her only allowing her a few minutes of
peace at meal times and when she would lose him for a few minutes
hiding amongst the plants and decorations.
<Inevitable in a tank this small. Stress will be the result.>
About 3 days ago I noticed Starry's behavior changing. She swims
around some, she comes up for food or when I'm sitting in front of
the tank talking to them, but mostly she stays near the bottom in the
middle of the tank slightly above the gravel just wiggling back and
forth (kind of hovering in one spot).
<Could be stress-induced, or water quality, or water
Occasionally she'll swim around the tank (looking for food I
think), but usually she just stays in her 'spot'.
<Do learn to recognise "the Shimmies", a disease where
Mollies seem to tread water. In serious cases they adopt odd swimming
angles, rock from side to side, and eventually die. It's
neurological, and caused by environmental stress.>
I've also noticed her kind of spasming a few times, not very often
but maybe once a day for the past 3 days I've seen it. She'll
be hovering near the bottom and all of a sudden she turns almost
sideways to the left until her side brushes against the gravel and then
she flips back upright immediately. It kind of reminds me of when a cat
is about to flop on it's side to lay down. She still eats normally
(always searching for food) and doesn't have anything odd on her
body, no fungus or Ick-like spots, her fins are all in good condition,
her eyes are clear, her poo is normal looking medium brown color like
the others.
I did some research on your site, and decided I should get 2 more
females to keep White Lightning company (and give poor Stormy a break),
and that I needed to add salt to the water to hopefully help with
Starry's shimmying issues.
<I'm surprised that in your research you missed the need for
specific environmental conditions. If fish aren't unhealthy, adding
more of them rarely improves things. Sure, adding extra Neons to a
school of them will make them less nervous. But if the fish are visibly
sick, then the first order of business is environment. Mollies
can't be kept in 10 gallons, period.>
Off to PetSmart I went and purchased Moonbeam (silver 'regular'
female) and Estrella (Dalmatian 'regular' female). I also
purchased a box of API Aquarium Salt and a Tetra Whisper 2-10 gallon
power filter to add to the Aqua Clear 10-30 gallon filter I already had
to help with the extra fish.
<Again, you're missing the key things. Aquarium salt isn't
what you need, marine salt mix is. There's a vast difference
between them. Marine salt mix doesn't just add sodium chloride but
also raises pH and provides the carbonate hardness that inhibits pH
changes between water changes. It's like comparing water and wine
-- they're both wet, but they're very different things. Adding
extra filters is always a plus, but if the tank is too small,
that's like sticking an extra engine onto a two-seat car --
it'll still only carry two people.>
Since it was tank cleaning day anyway I already had water sitting out
to age overnight with the Tetra Aquasafe in it. I emptied out 3 gallons
of water with the gravel cleaner thingie, rinsed off the filter media
from the Aqua Clear in the old tank water and added the new water and
the new filter. I added 2 tablespoons of the aquarium salt mixed with
tank water to the aquarium (per the instructions on the box).
<The manufacturers of aquarium salt are being disingenuous, because
they know that the only people who buy salt are inexperienced
beginners. It's a shame, but there you are. For Mollies, you're
aiming for a slight salinity, around SG 1.002-1.003, about 4-6 grammes
per litre, or 0.6-0.8 oz per US gallon. Using spoons is pretty hopeless
because salt packs down and it also absorbs moisture from the air, so
the amount of salt per spoonful varies.>
Then I added Moonbeam and Estrella to the tank (they had been floated
in the tank for 15 minutes and then placed in a 1 gallon Kritter Keeper
with 1/2 their bag water and 1/2 tank water while the cleaning was
going on). They both stayed near the bottom in a corner for about 10
minutes and then slowly started exploring. But Moonbeam seems to be
acting like Starry, I usually find her hiding in a corner of the tank
just wiggling (no flopping though and she does swim around more than
Starry does).
Estrella likes to run interference for Stormy, trying to distract White
Lightning when he's chasing Stormy around the tank.
<You're applying human hopes to animal behaviour. None of your
Mollies are acting in the way you're describing. Individual females
couldn't give a rip about other females, and don't do anything
to "distract" males.>
But White Lightning still doesn't show much interest in anyone
else, he'll 'sniff' around the other 3 briefly but as soon
as he catches sight of Stormy he's off to chasing her again.
He'll swim up underneath the others and check out their anal vent
area but he never flings his Sailfin up like he does with Stormy and he
doesn't chase any of the others or seem interested in them at all.
I'm pretty sure Stormy is pregnant now, Starry may be, and I'm
pretty positive Moonbeam and Estrella aren't (at least not
<They are.>
Now for the questions (finally!): What could be wrong with Starry?
<Nothing. What's wrong is you put these Mollies in a tank far
too small for them. The result is aggression and stress. Completely
Should I quarantine her from the other fish or is this normal Molly
Is it normal for a male to only show interest in 1 female out of 4?
<Sure. He'll probably mate with them all, but his attention will
be most focused on whichever ones exhibit what he sees as the best
Is the aquarium salt enough for the Mollies
<No, it's rubbish. Or rather, it's specifically for treating
Whitespot and the like.>
or do I need to get something different to make the water brackish?
<Yes, marine aquarium salt mix.>
PetSmart told me the aquarium salt was fine
but I think I read on here that Marine Salt should be used.
<Correct; ask the clerk at PetSmart about how sodium chloride raises
pH and carbonate hardness. Then ask him what carbonate hardness is for.
If he can't answer those correctly he should stick to selling
canned dog food.>
Or do I need to add more aquarium salt? (I've read anywhere from 1
tablespoon per gallon to 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons.)
<Not by spoons, by weight, though conveniently 6 grammes of marine
salt mix should be about 1 level teaspoon, so about one-half to
three-quarters of a level teaspoon per litre should be just about
right. Since Mollies don't need a specific salinity, any slight
variation won't do any harm so long as you don't add so much
the filter bacteria and/or plants get stressed. Mollies themselves are
happy in fully marine conditions, so salinity isn't an issue for
Is the aquarium salt dangerous to the Mystery Snails?
<Yes, it kills them.>
They seem to be acting normal since I added it, but I don't want to
hurt them either. Is it ok to keep 5 Mollies and 3 Mystery Snails in a
10 gallon tank or do they need more space?
<You need a 30 gallon tank, minimum. Don't have that kind of
space? Don't keep Mollies. There are lots of alternatives:
All of the Mollies are 1 1/2 - 2 inches in length and the Mystery
Snails are about 1/2 inch in diameter or slightly smaller.
<Irrelevant to the aquarium size..>
Ok, now for tank info.... 10 gallon all glass aquarium with hood and
light Aqua Clear 30 power filter for 10-30 gallons Tetra Whisper power
filter for 2-10 gallons Heater (75 watt I think, it came with the tank
set up) Air pump and 6 inch bubble stone 4 live plants (2 ribbon
plants, a small dark green fern, & a water lily drop in the tank
bulb that has leaves up to the surface now) Several fake plants 3
hideaway decorations Temperature stays between 80 and 82 Nitrate: 20
Nitrite: 0 Hardness: 150 Chlorine: 0 Alkalinity: 120 pH: 7.8
<Water quality sounds fine. Shame the tank is too small.>
All I have is one of the 6-in-1 dipstick type test strips, there
isn't an ammonia test on it. After reading through your site I know
I need one of the vial type test kits but PetSmart was out of stock the
last time I went in. Do these usually include an Ammonia test or is
that one separate?
<You don't need an ammonia test kit. A nitrite test kit is fine.
If nitrite is 0, ammonia is probably 0 too.>
Also, water changes are twice a week (2-3 gallons each time) and the
gravel vacuumed once every 2 weeks because it usually takes me too long
to get the 'self-start' function working and I don't want
to stress the fish out too much swooshing it around in the tank. Fish
are fed small amounts 2-3 times a day with either TetraMin Tropical
Crisps, Tetra Freeze Dried Blood Worms (3 times a week), or a strip of
Top Fin Natural Dried Seaweed (3 times a week).
Sorry this was so long, I just wanted to explain everything the best I
could. Any help or advice you could give will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you! Amy
<Done my best! Cheers, Neale.>
Dalmatian Molly Sitting at
Bottom of Tank (ammonia, no salt, the usual...) 8/8/09 Hi
My apologies up front for what are likely some basic questions, but I
just got a new tank a little over 4 weeks ago and the thing didn't
come with an idiot's guide to setting up and caring for an aquarium
and the fish in them.
<We consistently suggest you buy (or borrow) a book before anything
Sure, you miss out on immediate gratification, but sometimes learning
about a subject before you dive into can make all the
Most of my problem stems from the fact that every person I ask at
PetSmart has a different answer - and none of them seem to be
<Indeed. Here are some thoughts on selecting livestock for the first
I have a 29-gallon tank with 2 Neons, 2 guppies, 1 Mickey mouse platy,
and a Dalmatian molly. I was waiting to populate the tank more until
the tank had stabilized.
<Mollies are, essentially, incompatible with most other community
Platies and Guppies happen to be livebearers and will tolerate slight
salinity well, but the Neons won't. Do read here:
If you want Mollies, you should add a little marine salt mix -- not
aquarium or tonic salt -- to the water. This steadies a basic pH, adds
some carbonate hardness, and increases the salinity, and all three of
things are helpful with Mollies.>
I woke up this morning to find the molly sitting at the bottom of the
tank - an occasional move of the fins or shifting on the rocks, but
otherwise, just sitting there. When I fed the fish this morning, the
molly (usually
the one eating far more than its share) just stayed along the bottom
and ignored the food. I don't see any of the fungal disease signs
mentioned in the other FAQs, though I suspect water quality is the
<So do I.>
When I got the tank, I was told to change 30% of the water once a
So just shy of one month in, I brought in a vial of water to PetSmart
to have it tested and found out the ammonia levels were not toxic, but
pretty darn close.
<Hmm... ammonia is toxic at any level other than zero, end of story,
so if the PetSmart clerk said the level was above zero but not
dangerous, he/she was either lying or ignorant. Mollies are especially
sensitive to ammonia when kept in freshwater tanks.>
I was told to change 30-40% of the water and that should take care of
the problem. I did so by vacuuming the gravel and took the water to be
tested again several days later. The pH levels were too high and the
ammonia hadn't dropped at all. They gave me a pH decrease and
ammonia remover and told me to change the water again and add
<This clerk is having a laugh at your expense. Ammonia is a basic
substance, i.e., it raises the pH. So long as you have non-zero ammonia
levels, you'll have a pH higher than it would be without
Furthermore, Platies, Mollies, and Guppies all want a basic pH, around
7.5 to 8.2.>
I did that and took yet another vial in a few days later. The pH had
balanced, but the ammonia was still too high - and this person told me
the pH decrease and ammonia remover were worthless. This person told me
to change the water again and add stress coat. I did - and ended up
changing about 50% of the water. Took another vial in this morning
after seeing the molly at the bottom of the tank and was told that the
ammonia levels were still too high (I think they were around 3?).
<3 mg/l is very toxic. If 0.3 mg/l, that's a typical background
level to see in an immature aquarium. In the short term, this is likely
to trigger Finrot and Fungal infections, even if it won't
immediately kill your fish.>
They told me to not change the water for a week because the molly is
likely stressed out from all the water changes (3 in the last 10
They told me to add more stress coat today and change 25% of the water
in one week's time. I added the stress coat. They also told me I
was likely overfeeding the fish - two times a day. They said to feed
them only one time every other day - sounds like very little to me.
<Whilst maturing a tank, feeding every other day is about
Not a one of them suggested that the molly would do well with a little
salt in the water - so there's none in there.
So here are my questions. Do you suspect that it is a water quality
Should I wait a week to change the water or is the "fish is
stressed out" theory incorrect?
<No, don't wait. The theory is rubbish. Do regular 10-20% water
changes, daily if necessary, to keep ammonia and nitrite as low as
possible through the cycling phase.>
Can you change the water too often?
<Provided pH and hardness and temperature are the same in the new
water as the aquarium, no. In practise, for a tank being matured,
changing around 20% every day or two is an extremely good idea. After
3-4 weeks, the tank should be cycled, or pretty darn close, and you can
fall back to the usual 25% per week.>
Should I add some salt or will that impact the other fish
<Remove the Neons to another aquarium, and then add 3-5 grammes of
marine salt mix (the stuff used in marine tanks) per litre of
They told me to change the filter at the time of my first water change
- which I did. Did I lose some or all of the good bacteria in the tank
in the process?
<The filter bacteria are in the biological filter media, typically
sponges or ceramic media. These should be rinsed in a bucket of water
taken from the aquarium during a water change. Clean these every 4-6
weeks, more often if the filter gets clogged easily. Chemical media,
things like carbon, if used, should be replaced once a month;
there's no point cleaning them.>
How often would you feed them?
<Initially every couple of days is fine. Once the tank is cycled and
ammonia and nitrite are zero, feeding a small pinch daily should be
Since I can't get a straight answer out of the PetSmart people,
should I invest in my own water testing strips and the internet for
<I know it's heresy in this lazy age of instant information, but
books are what you want. Books are written by experts (people like me!)
and edited professionally to make sure the facts presented are
reliable. Your public library will have a selection of books on
fishkeeping, even if you don't want to part with the $10 required
to buy one. Failing that, WWM has lots of detailed articles on every
imaginable aspect of the hobby.>
Where can I find that idiot's guide to keeping your fish
Sorry for all the questions. I've been on the web a good chunk of
the evening trying to figure out what's wrong with the molly and
this site seemed to be the most informative and helpful. Seemed the
right place to
unload all my "help, I'm a rookie" questions!
Thank you for your time and help. I'm really hoping to get that
molly back up and swimming about...
<Once provided with clean, slightly salty water it should pep
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re Dalmatian Molly Sitting at
Bottom of Tank (ammonia, no salt, the usual...) 8/8/09
<Wasn't clear with this answer...>
Should I wait a week to change the water or is the "fish is
stressed out" theory incorrect?
<No, don't wait. The theory is rubbish. Do regular 10-20% water
changes, daily if necessary, to keep ammonia and nitrite as low as
possible through the cycling phase.>
Re: Dalmatian Molly Sitting at
Bottom of Tank (ammonia, no salt, the usual...) [RMF, please edit the
Daily] <?> 8/10/09 <<Neale: What does
this mean? BobF>>
Hi Neale -
Thank you very much for all your helpful advice.
<Happy to help.>
I went in and changed a little over a quarter of the water with a
(hopefully) very thorough gravel clean and the water is looking a whole
lot clearer. I'll keep doing daily or every other day 10% water
changes until
things stabilize and add a little marine salt once I'm able to get
the Neons out of there.
<Very good plan.>
We'll see how things go, but regardless, the molly was swimming
around this morning and seemed much more active. Thanks again!
<Yes, Mollies often respond quickly to beneficial changes in their
environment. This is the flip side to the point made last time about
how badly they react when kept inappropriately.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Mystery Mollie Illness? Reading
8/24/08 Hi there! Thank you so much for taking time out of your
lives to create this site for us. In my ten gallon tank <Mmm,
small... volumes are hard to keep stable> I currently have three
bronze cories, one Otocinclus, two silver mollies, two Dalmatian
mollies, and a Crowntail Betta ( perhaps you'll tell me it's
overcrowded but I have not had any problems with nipping or bullying.)
I'm having some problems with one of my female silver mollies. Her
dorsal is clamped and she has a slight pink hue on the top of her head
between her eyes. She also has a dusting of tiny black spots across her
body and the edge of her dorsal is black when looking at it from the
top. Her gills also seem a bit more pink than usual. I thought it was
fin rot, but after a round of Melafix <... not a fan. Little
practical use, and can malaffect nitrification> and Tetracycline I
didn't see any improvements. I treated the whole tank but am now
considering separating her and beginning anti-parasitic treatments. I
was thinking of velvet as an initial possibility, but the spots seem
too dark for that. All the other fish seem fine. All advice would be
most appreciated!! Oh, and water conditions are: pH - 7.0 Temp - 78 F
Nitrates, Nitrites, and Ammonia are all at 0 <Good> I also add a
few teaspoons of aquarium salt and Aquarisol <Mmm, I wouldn't
use this... the copper is too toxic> every time I change the water
(about 50% every two weeks) along with the typical water conditioner.
It is a lightly planted tank with gravel substrate. Thank you so much!
<I suspect the usual trouble with mixing Mollies here...
Inappropriate environment. Please read Neale's piece here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/mollies.htm and the linked Disease
FAQs above. Bob Fenner>
Molly issues. Hlth., env. 3/3/08
Hello, and I hope you can help. I've searched through the archives
and I have a problem that seems to be a combination of things. I had
two mollies in my ~7 gallon tank. <Too small... Mollies are
hypersensitive to fluctuating/poor water quality, and simply don't
do well in small tanks. 20-gallons is the minimum. To be honest, a
7-gallon tank isn't much good for anything; even an expert
fishkeeper will have trouble keeping stuff alive in there.> The
first molly has unfortunately passed, probably due to my ignorance (the
pet store did not inform me of the semi-intense care that mollies
require upon my purchase). <Not sure "intense" is the
word; but yes, Mollies have very specific needs. Ignore them, and they
die. End of story. Do see here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/mollies.htm Unless you are an
expert fishkeeper (and forgive me if you are) then I would recommend,
nay, insist, you keep Mollies in brackish water. They are altogether
hardier under such conditions.> I am attempting to save the
remaining molly, but she is showing some of the same symptoms as the
one that perished. They are both Dalmatian mollies. I did not have a
heater in my tank, so I think the first molly may have gone into shock
which may have depressed his immune system. <Why no heater? Mollies
are tropical fish, and in fact like water a bit on the warm side; 26-28
C seems to be the optimum, and certainly never less than 25 C.> The
second molly is now hanging out at the bottom of the tank. She seems
hungry, but when she attempts to eat the flakes that I give her it
looks like she is spitting them back out, then hungrily goes to the
next flake only to spit it out again. <Fish will spit out food if
they are not hungry or don't like it. Try something else. Frozen
bloodworms (not freeze dried) and algae-based flake foods are the
staples for these and indeed most other Poecilia. Generic flake foods
aren't really what they want/need.> I noticed my first molly
doing the same thing, but she never did until now. When she has
evacuations (she must be eating something), they are generally long and
occasionally have a long trail of transparent mucous-like substance
trailing them. <Evacuations? Is that a euphemism for defecation? If
what we're talking about is the faeces are long, stringy and pale,
then that doesn't necessarily mean disaster but it can indicate
lack of overall health, constipation, etc. Lots of people forget
Mollies are herbivores and feed them standard tropical flake food. This
is not good for them. They need algae, algae and more algae!> I
tried giving her spinach yesterday because I read on your site that the
issue may be constipation, but she didn't touch it. I don't
notice any growth on her gills, but she is much more lethargic than she
used to be. I've only had her for about two weeks. <Sounds
doomed to me... Unless you're prepared to raise your game here the
fish isn't going to live long.> I put a pH-balancing tablet and
an ammonia-eliminating tablet into the water. <What on Earth are
these items? OK, let's make this crystal clear: there is no such
thing as an ammonia-removing tablet. If they sold you this in the
store, they obviously see you as the perfect customer, i.e., you'll
buy anything. What makes ammonia go away is the biological filter,
which you (I hope) have in place by cycling the aquarium for 4-6 weeks
before adding any fish. Or else you took live media from another tank.
But please tell me what you didn't do is stick two Mollies into a
brand new aquarium. If you did, you may as well have stuck your fish on
the barbecue for all the chance they'll have of surviving. Now, the
"pH tablet" is something you should stop playing with. At
this stage in your fishkeeping career you should not even be thinking
about changing the pH or hardness of the water. You first test the pH
and hardness of your tap water, and then you buy fish that will thrive
in it. If you have soft water, but want to keep livebearers, then buy
some MARINE salt mix, and add a certain amount (I'd recommend 6-9
grammes per litre) into each bucket of water added to the tank. Mollies
MUST have hard water, and if you water is soft, adding marine salt mix
will raise that hardness as well as the salinity in a safe, convenient,
and inexpensive way.> I now have a heater and ensure that the
temperature stays around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. <Thank the Gods!>
I am trying to grow live plants in the tank. She hovers over the bottom
of the tank and her gills are opening fairly rapidly. <Dying. This
is called "the Shimmies" and indicates when Mollies are being
kept chronically badly.> Also, I noticed that after a while the
rocks in the water start to emit a blue dye. <No idea what this is.
But GET THOSE DAMN ROCKS OUT NOW! Nothing you put in a fish tank should
do this. ONLY buy aquarium-safe rocks.> I have cleaned out the rocks
thinking that was the problem, but she is still showing the same
symptoms. <Doubt the rocks are the key thing here, to be honest.>
Could the problem be an internal parasite? <Nope; bad
fishkeeping.> I was also wondering if she might be pregnant, but I
don't know the signs of pregnancy. <May well be, but this
isn't what's causing the problems.> Any advice you could
give would be helpful! <Read a book. Please. The only way you could
be keeping this fish worse is by forgetting to put water in the tank.
You are doing everything wrong. I really, REALLY want you to enjoy this
hobby, and even more want that poor little fish to survive. But you
MUST raise your game. Short term: stop feeding the fish until you buy a
NITRITE test kit and learn how to use it. Do 50% water changes daily
for as long as you detect nitrite in the water. Add marine salt, not
less than 3 g/l. Don't use "tonic salt" or "aquarium
salt" or anything like that. You want the stuff marine fishkeepers
use because ONLY that will raise the carbonate hardness along with the
salinity. These perform together to make Mollies happy. Once you've
done that, start saving your pennies for a bigger tank; not less than
20 gallons.> Thanks, Cara <Good luck, Neale.>
Molly Tank 1/27/08 Hi all, <Ave,> I do
have a question or two about my brackish molly Tank. I was having
a lot of problems trying to keep my mollies in FW so I decided to
go low salinity (SG 1.005-1.008) brackish tank and keep mollies
that I had (3) and eventually a few Bumblebee Gobies. <Very
good.> The tank is 14 gallons with aragonite sand, ph 8.0-
8.1, Temp 82F. The tank is not cycled. It started with 3 mollies.
I did acclimate them, but I think I might have taken some bad
advice and did it a bit faster than would be desired, like over
several hours instead of days. Both females had fry in the new
brackish water, about 18 total. <Mollies can be acclimated
between marine and fresh in less than an hour, so unlikely a
problem here.> The problem is this: first off, there was
flashing, even the new-borns, occasionally shimmies, which I had
in the freshwater environment which is what eventually led me to
going brackish. Later in the week twitchy behavior for my male
(like a nervous twitch and then get all tense) and sometimes 1 or
2 of them would skip across the top flapping tails. <Do check
water quality. Essentially, the problem with Mollies seems to be
a hypersensitivity to dissolved metabolites. Not just ammonia and
nitrite, but also nitrate. If you suddenly raise the salinity in
a freshwater aquarium, you are placing a stress on the filter
bacteria. As a rule, you can go up to about SG 1.005 without any
problems, but once you go above that, the filter bacteria seem to
die back or at least stop working properly. So the usual process
when creating a brackish water tank from a freshwater one is to
raise the salinity in stages. I'd recommend adding SG 1.005
water to the aquarium each week, replacing about 20-25% of the
water in the tank. After about a month the specific gravity will
be 1.005 or thereabouts. Leave things be for a couple of months.
For Mollies and Bumblebee Gobies, this salinity is more than
adequate for long term health. But if you did need to raise the
salinity further, do it in small increments over the succeeding
months, checking the ammonia and/or nitrite all the time.
It's much better to choose a lower salinity without ammonia
than to go the whole hog to a high salinity but have ammonia in
the water because the bacteria are unhappy.> And then one fish
in particular would stay at the top and gulp for a very long
time. I originally had a BIO-wheel 100, which I swapped out for a
BIO-wheel 150 and a Whisper 10 air-pump and air-stone. Ammonia
was reading at about .25 so I did a 10% water change, lowered the
temp a tad to about 80F and the water line to get more surface
agitation. <Ah, almost certainly this was the issue. The
filter is stressed from you taking the salinity too high, too
quickly. Give it four to six weeks to re-mature, putting the
minimum food into the tank and performing regular water changes.
Lower the salinity to SG 1.005 to economise on salt usage, but
step up the water changes in the short term at least to keep the
ammonia/nitrite levels low.> This morning I decided to go out
and get the babies their own tank thinking perhaps the bioload
was not too good and maybe the oxygen not so good either,
especially with the temp and SG. I am very new to brackish so a
lot of this is new to me. <Please do read the articles on the
topic here at WWM. Or my book!> Anyway, Ammonia is 0 again or
at least at the lowest color on the test, but my Male molly still
has the twitches and tenses up and occasionally flashes off the
filter inlet tube...this is like once today though, not like once
every 5 minutes like before. <Getting better, I guess...>
One of the females still is piping occasionally, but not for
prolonged visits, like just up, gulp gulp, down. <Mollies are
distinct among the livebearers in being able to use atmospheric
oxygen when the situation is bad. They gulp water from the
air/water interface across the gills, extracting the dissolved
oxygen. In the wild this allows them to survive in swampy
environments better than other livebearers. It's a
"normal" behaviour, albeit one that implies less than
perfect water quality.> Shimmies at least visibly gone. SO I
guess what I am asking is do you think this is a gill
infestation/infection or do you think the water quality just got
really bad really quick? <The latter.> Also will the fish
recover if water quality, maintenance and stocking are done
properly in the future? <Yes; in brackish water Mollies tend
to be rather robust and durable.> Any help would be greatly
appreciated. Keith <Good luck, Neale.>
Re: Molly Tank 1/26/08 Thank you for
the quick reply. <Happy to help.> I have started daily
water changes and am monitoring the ammonia and salinity to keep
them under control. <OK.> One more question for
maintenance, what test kits and water conditioners can I
use...meaning, what freshwater stuff is ok to use and what must
be marine? <Water conditioner is fine for
freshwater/brackish/marine uses. Water chemistry test kits are
normally fine in FW/BW/M though some are not; check the package.
Water quality test kits are usually fine too. Medications are
often fine in both, though some are not; again, check the package
you have.> Currently I have freshwater Nitrite and Ph tests
and an ammonia test kit that is for both SW and FW. What about FW
phosphate removers, dechlor, etc or is that not an issue because
the water is treated before going into the aquarium? <The
nitrite test kit should be fine in brackish, and likely so too
will the pH test. The issue with pH test kits is that marine
aquarists want ones that are accurate across the high range
(between 8 and 9) whereas freshwater aquarists want ones to use
between 6 and 8. So the two types of test kits are tweaked to
work best depending on what sort of tank you have. So long as
your test kit measures 7.5-8.5, you're OK using it in
brackish.> I am guessing low salinity like .005 is probably
closer to FW than Marine, but how much of a variance does the
salt add in accuracy of FW tests and possible conditioners being
toxic in a Brackish tank? <As you say, not a huge impact. For
the time being stick with what you have. As and when they run out
or expire, switch to ones suitable for both FW and Marine, and
these'll have you covered. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Molly Tank 1/29/08 Neale, <Keith,>
Thank you! Everything is settling in and the fish seem very
happy/normal and less irritated. <Very good.> One last
thing please: At what level does ammonia "start" to
initiate the cycle and at what level should a water change be
done? <Difficult to say, but in practise you never need to
allow the ammonia concentration in the aquarium to reach
measurable levels if there are fish in the tank. When people are
cycling tanks *without* fish they can let the ammonia level go as
high has 0.5-1 mg/l safely enough, but there's no real
advantage given that the growth rate of the filter bacteria is
limited by oxygen as much as ammonia concentration. Hence in
practise when you are cycling tanks with fishes in them, you do
your level best to keep the ammonia (and nitrite) as low as
possible. The bacteria will get enough of both even so. Water
changes during the cycling phase should be as often as possible,
but as a baseline I'd suggest 25% daily for the first week or
two, and after than about the same amount every 2-3 days. After
week 3 or 4 you should find ammonia stays close to (or at) zero,
and nitrite under 0.5 mg/l, and you can get away with two 25%
water changes per week. After week 4 and certainly by week 6, the
cycle should be finished and you can switch to 25-50% water
changes weekly. But these are estimates: your own "mileage
may vary" and you need to follow your nitrite test kit
results rather than the theory.> I just saw that your book (
Brackish-Water Fishes: An Aquarist's Guide to Identification,
Care & Husbandry) is available on Amazon, ordering on payday.
Again, Thank you for the invaluable help. <Hope you enjoy the
book!> Keith <Cheers, Neale.>
Molly - need your expert opinion,
sys., hlth. 12/5/07 Hi, I love your site. I am
new to all this - I have read and read and read on google and all kinds
of sites about my specific questions but I am getting mixed information
and partial answers, so I thought I would get your opinion on it.
<Hmm... Google is efficient at finding stuff, but remember that the
Internet is a mix of 50% gold and 50% garbage. If you're new to
fishkeeping, you will be MUCH better off buying or borrowing a decent
aquarium book, of which there are many. These will be edited and
written to a higher standard than most of the stuff on the
Internet.> I have a 40 gallon hex tank with a side filter / carbon
filter that goes inside etc/ I have 6 small red eye tetra, 4 mollies
and a female (very sweet beta) <OK, start by chucking out the
carbon. Waste of money and space. Replace with some filter wool or
ceramic noodles. Carbon serves no useful purpose in most freshwater
aquaria. Biological filter media is always useful. Tetras and Mollies
are not good tankmates; Mollies almost always do better in salty water
than freshwater, whereas Tetras (for the most part) don't tolerate
salt at all.> First of all I know I have totally stressed out my
black molly because of moving her too much. <Oh?> Two of my
females have wound up pregnant, I don't want the other fish to eat
the fry. I bought one of those breeders where the mothers are up top
and the babies end up going thru a slot on the bottom so they are
protected. <Never, ever put a Molly in a breeding trap. She will
hate you with the heat of nova. Breeding traps are really something
that sounds a better idea than it actually is. Mollies are too big for
them, and really so are most other livebearers. Instead, stock the tank
with floating plants. Hornwort is idea. Check the plants once or twice
a day, and then remove fry to a breeding trap or better still another
tank for growing on.> First of all, one of them has been huge for
about 4 weeks and for 4 weeks I have been saying, any day now! No fry
yet and I have no clue when she is going to have them. Any signs I can
watch for so I can get them out quickly with a net ? Do you have any
pictures so I can see how big they are supposed to get. Maybe there are
not really any signs? <One problem with Mollies is that in
freshwater they often get sick, and oedema (dropsy) can look for all
the world like pregnancy. Another issue is some varieties have been
deliberately bred to be rounded, so it isn't obvious if they are
pregnant or not. Finally, many fish will eat the fry at once. Sometimes
even the mothers! So the babies can literally have a lifespan of
minutes, too short a time for you to observe them.> I put her in the
breeder for a about a day and noticed she seemed stressed and I felt
bad because it was so small. I know mollies require lots of space to be
happy. I have found very different opinions on this subject matter.
<I can't think who in their right mind would be opining that
Mollies are happy in breeding traps or don't need space. As I said,
50% of the Internet is garbage.> I took her out of the breeder and
put her back in the tank with the others for about a week. Much
better!. Then I decided to put her in my daughters tank which is bigger
than the breeder but still small (it's like 2 gallon). (I don't
have the extra $100 or so to set-up a new tank right now being so close
to Christmas) <Floating plants... floating plants... cheap,
effective...> After her being in the 2 gallon for a couple of weeks,
and still no fry, I moved her back into main tank again since she
seemed stressed in there. I put some plastic floating plants at the top
and there are lots of holes in the ornament that all the fish can get
into. <A two-gallon tank is really not going to work. For one thing
the Molly will be incredibly stressed. Miscarriages under such
conditions are common. Even if any babies were born, she might eat them
because there's really no space for the baby fish to swim away.>
Those tetras seem kind of aggressive and chase the other fish and I am
worried that they will eat the fry - will they ? <As sure as God
made little green apples...> Should I get rid of those ? I can find
someone on craigslist to take them probably. <Yep. If you want to
keep Mollies -- seriously -- and get babies, then your life will be 100
times easier if the Mollies have a spacious tank with some salt (~3-6
grammes per litre) added to the water and lots of floating plants. The
Tetras are merely adding a complication.> Thanks for the
information. Wendy <We do have a nice detailed article on Mollies,
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/mollies.htm Have a read,
follow the links to related articles, and good luck!
Re: Molly - need your expert
opinion12/5/07 Thank you, thank you. I appreciate your time
and your very valued opinions. I let the Molly out of the breeding trap
and I am going to find another home for the tetras ASAP. The word
"trap" should be an indicator huh ? :-) Your awesome. Wendy
<Cool. Glad we can help. Mollies are among my favourite fish, and
when cared for properly EASILY fill a tank with colour and
entertainment-value all by themselves. That's why I recommend
people keep them alone so they don't have to make compromises to
allow for their tankmates. Give the Mollies 100% of what they want, and
they'll repay you handsomely! Colour, activity, sex, and babies.
What more could you ask for! Cheers, Neale.>
Sick mollies, internal parasites?
hello All, <Hello,> thank you for this web site, a fantastic
resource. I have been reading for two days straight and am a bit
overwhelmed at this point. Please forgive any chargin blunders as I am
very new at the fish thing. <Ok.> we had four pot belly mollies.
(2 remain, a male and a female and seem 'fairly' healthy.) and
also an Oto in a 6 gallon heated Biowheel tank. 2 of the mollies died
in a weeks time, 1st a male and then 5 days later a female - whom I
found this morning : ( the ones that are still with us came first,
about 3 months ago, the two that died came about a month later. <6
gallons too small for Mollies. Almost no chance of maintaining them for
any length of time. Mollies are very intolerant of poor water quality,
and it's virtually impossible for an inexperienced aquarist to keep
water quality good in such a small tank. Moreover, male Mollies are
somewhat aggressive, and in small tanks can become real bullies.>
The remaining male is very aggressive and chased the other male around
relentlessly, but I never saw any wounds on him. <Ah, there we go.
Absolutely predictable. This is why you need to *read* about fish
before you buy them; most problems are easily preventable.> ( I had
read about the ratio being a little off which is why we didn't do
too much researching when he passed away last week, very thin.. we
thought it may have been stress from the aggressive male, in retrospect
I feel that was wrong). <Indeed. The ratio is one male to three
females for 100% success, and that will only work in a tank with
sufficient space. I'd consider 20 gallons the absolute minimum for
Shortfin Mollies, and 30 gallons for Sailfin Mollies.> we have done
a few 20% water changes recently. every time I have taken my water to
be tested they tell me the levels are all perfect. Even yesterday...
<50% water changes per week are MANDATORY with Mollies because they
are so intolerant of nitrate. In addition, small aquaria need generous
water changes simply to remain safe.> I watch the mollies regularly
and noticed white stringy pooh coming out of the (now deceased) other
female molly. (which I never saw coming out of the male that died) I
give cooked mashed inside of frozen peas about twice a week and also
feed once a day a flake food that enhances color. <Diet is an issue
with Mollies. The simplest approach is to use algae-based flake food
most days. One or two days per week, don't use flake at all, and
instead offer thinly sliced cucumber or strips of Sushi Nori.
They'll peck away at these contentedly. It's important to
understand wild Mollies feed almost entirely on algae. Meaty foods,
like bloodworms, are very much treats, not staples.> She would try
to eat but then just spit it back out for about a week before she died
(she did not look thin when she died like the male did). at first I
thought she might be constipated as she looked a little bloated. I have
been reading the white stringy pooh can be a sign of internal
parasites. <Depends on the fish. But to be honest, "internal
parasites" is the catch-all scapegoat inexperienced fishkeepers
use to cover their own failings. Internal parasites of various kinds do
exist, but they're unlikely to cause the death of a fish unless the
fish is otherwise unhealthy. Poor water quality, the wrong water
chemistry, and so on are the main things that weaken a fish, and once
weak, parasites can become problems.> her other symptoms where
hiding, taking in air at the top and then on her last day shimmying.
yesterday (at the advice of the LFS) I added some freshwater aquarium
salt, 2 teaspoons an hour apart from each other, and some nova aqua
conditioner/fish protector. she seemed to have a little relief, but
didn't make it through the night. <All symptoms of poor water
quality and the wrong water chemistry. Mollies simply are not
beginner's fish. While some folks keep them in freshwater tanks,
mortality when kept thus is very high and lots of people fail to keep
them alive for more than a few months. On the other hand, in brackish
water they are very hardy. Brackish water is more than a "teaspoon
of salt". You use marine salt mix (NOT tonic or aquarium salt) for
a start. This is because marine salt mix has both sea salt plus
carbonate salts for stabilizing the pH and hardness. Ideally, Mollies
need a specific gravity of 1.003 to 1.005, 6-9 grammes per litre.>
the question I have is about the remaining fish, the female has been
also going for air, but still interactive and eating. <It'll be
dead soon.> I added the 3rd teaspoon of salt this morning as she was
gasping at the top after eating. this seems to have helped and she
seems better although I am noticing what looks like subtle shimmy. and
is not grazing like the male is. <The "shimmying" is a
disease called The Shimmies, a neurological problem caused by chronic
poor health. There's no cure as such, but when transferred to
brackish or marine conditions most Mollies recover. Kept in freshwater,
they die.> I am considering using the Parasite Clear because of the
death of the other two, but don't want to medicate unnecessarily as
I have been reading how dangerous this can be to all the fish in the
tank. <Pointless. Unless you can identify a disease, treating with a
random medication is unhelpful. Imagine if a doctor didn't listen
to you describe your symptoms, but simply gave you a handful of the
first pills he found in his bag.> it sounds like an overall
approach. <Nothing of the sort. The issue here is likely water
quality and water chemistry. At the very least, you need nitrate less
than 20 mg/l; zero ammonia and nitrite; pH around 8.0; general hardness
around 15 degrees dH; and carbonate hardness at least 8 degrees KH.
Ideally, the specific gravity should be at least SG 1.003.> your
thoughts on this product as related to our symptoms? <No relation at
all.> thanks for helping. Shellie-Rae <Move your Mollies to a
brackish water aquarium not less than 20 gallons in size. Otherwise,
they will die as sure as God made little green apples. Don't put
freshwater community fish in there unless you know they are
salt-tolerant (most aren't). Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: sick mollies, internal parasites?
update 11/13/07 thank you for your reply. I too wish I would
have read more on these fish. its becoming more apparent (the more I do
read) how little they know at the fish store...ugh! <Trust me
Shellie-Rae, you aren't the first person to learn this the hard
way. While many store owners try very hard, often some of their staff
are just kids doing a Saturday job or whatever, and don't really
know much more than a lay person. So while discussing things with the
guys in the pet store is never a bad idea, you should compare what they
say with what you read in books. And when you find a good store,
cultivate your relationship with the owner. I learned a lot of the
basics from good, reliable pet store owners.> so that brings us to
now, I'm a beginner with little knowledge and 2 (remaining)
potbelly mollies that I am smitten with, Spot a male and Dotty the
female. <Mollies are among my favourite fish, so I understand your
affection for them!> my female is still hanging in there she is
eating although not as enthusiastically as before I noticed symptoms. I
took your suggestion and switched to an algae based flake food called 8
Veggie Flake. <Good.> although the second ingredient after
spiraling is fish meal? will this do for long term? <It's
fine.> there is 1 tbls of fresh water (again, what they suggested at
LFS) aquarium salt total for 6 gallons. <I tablespoon of salt is 3
teaspoons; each teaspoon of salt is 6 grammes. So that's 18 grammes
of salt per 6 US gallons = 22 litres. Hmm... less than 1 gramme of salt
per litre. Well, that's better than nothing, but I'd triple
that (at least) to be honest. For complete success, I'd be aiming
at 6 grammes of salt per litre, or about 0.8 ounces per US gallon. But
if the water is rock hard (a high carbonate hardness, say 8 degrees KH
or more) then you may be OK. By the way, you'll probably find
marine salt mix cheaper in the long term. Tonic salt is overpriced for
what it is. Marine salt mix can be bought in bigger boxes that last a
long time.> I did a 20% change a few days ago (before I got your
email) and a 30% last night. I am willing to try and go more
brackish...just want to make sure I'm informed before making any
more fatal mistakes... <With Mollies, adding a bit of salt makes so
much difference, and using marine salt mix makes them virtually
bullet-proof. The benefits are obvious and dramatic once you start
keeping them thus.> Dotty seems thin to me and is also spending a
considerable amount of time at the top sipping. <That's
air-breathing. Mollies are exceptional among the guppy-family of fish
in being able to pump a mix of air plus water across their gills. To
some degree they do it now and again even under good circumstances, but
when the water is too warm, too lacking in oxygen, or too dirty, they
do it frequently. So it's a heads-up that something is 100%
perfect. If in doubt, change some water.> what should I do next?
<Keeping doing what you're doing: change the water
regularly.> I have not added any meds to this tank except for 1 dose
of jungle parasite food. (also added before I got the email) <OK.
Won't do any harm, at least.> we are unable to accommodate with
20 gallons as suggested. <Too bad. But do keep this in the back of
your mind, and any time you see a 20 gallon that fits the space and
budget you have available, consider it a wise purchase.> so hefty
water changes aside how can we have happy mollies here? <Yes.>
thanks again for being so helpful even when it is the harsh truth!
Shellie-Rae <Do enjoy your fish, and read up on them a little more
so you're prepared for the ins and outs of keeping them! Cheers,
Sickly mollies
7/10/07 Hi, about a week and a half ago, one of my mollies had
babies. Now, just a few days ago, my other molly had her babies.
I've been watching the babies very carefully because both of the
mothers were sick when they gave birth. And although I separated the
babies from their mothers immediately, I was afraid they had been
exposed to the bacteria too long. All of them seem to be doing pretty
well, but there is one that I am concerned about. I'm afraid that
I've spotted some tail rot on him. The only problem is, he is black
with some white patches, so I don't know if the pieces that appear
to be missing from his tail are gone, or if they are just transparent,
like some of his siblings tails are. At first I thought that it might
just be his coloring, but today I've noticed that he is clamping
his tail a little bit. Can you please help me? I don't want to
treat the tank for no reason, but I also don't want his sickness to
get out of control if he is actually sick. I don't know what to do,
and all of my hospital tanks are full, due to recent ich and tail/fin
rot break outs. Thank you, Rebecca <Hello Rebecca. The first
question is do you keep your mollies in fresh or brackish water.
Mollies require hard (20 dH+), alkaline (pH 7.5-8), and preferably
brackish (SG 1.005) water conditions. Failure on any of these counts
tends to make them sickly. Period, end of discussion. I know people
sell mollies as "good community fish" but they really
aren't. So, what are the water conditions? As for treating the
tank, assuming you choose the right medication and dose according to
the instructions (removing carbon from the filter, of course)
there's no risk to the baby fish. In fact, when you start breeding
egg-laying fish, you'll discover that adding medications
pre-emptively is standard practise. So in this instance, treat with a
combo fungus/finrot medication. Cheers, Neale>
My golden molly is turning
black... 6/12/07 Dear crew: <Hello.> I first off want
to apologize for my lack of knowledge of fish completely. <Hmm...
not a good start. When caring for any animal, it is always wise to read
first, then buy the animal, not the other way around.> That taken
care of, I bought a gold molly to keep my albino... side sucker fish
company so he'd have a friend. <What's a "side sucker
fish"? I'm guessing either a Plec (an armour-plated catfish)
or a sucking loach Gyrinocheilus aymonieri (a minnow-like fish with a
sucker mouth). Either way, appallingly bad choices for neophyte
fishkeepers. Plecs grow to around 30-60 cm depending on the species
very rapidly and eventually need massive tanks. Sucking loaches also
get big (around 25-30 cm) but top that off by being among the
nastiest-tempered fish out there. Either way, you will need a tank
containing at 200 litres within even the medium term (6-12 months). If
you don't have that, return them. One other thing: mollies are
extremely delicate when kept in freshwater tanks, and the only
sure-fire way to keep them healthy is to keep them in brackish water.
Brackish water is unacceptable to both the catfish and the sucking
loach. Now, if you feel the need to keep mollies in freshwater despite
the fact some or all of them will get sick, you need to ensure the
following: Nitrates less than 20 mg/l; pH 7.5-8.2; hardness 20 degrees
GH or more. Skipping on any of these is the express route to mollies
getting fungus, finrot, and the "shimmies" (a type of nerve
damage disease). Don't believe me? Stop by any fish forum you like
and review the questions in the Livebearers section. The number of
messages about sick mollies will stagger you. I feel I say this every
week, but mollies just aren't good fish for beginners and they
categorically aren't community fish by the generally accepted
meaning of the word. Have a read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/mollies.htm and some of the
FAQs as well.> I've had these fish for about 3 months and all of
a sudden my gold molly is turning black, starting with the tail.
<Almost certainly just genetics. Assuming the fish is otherwise
healthy and the skin isn't rotting or something. Mass-produced
mollies are not "quality controlled" so you have no guarantee
they are "pure bred" in any way. So, it's basically a
case of enjoy your newly metamorphosed fish!> I've tried doing
some research and I can't figure out if this is just a gold molly
turning into a Dalmatian molly (do they do this?) <With quality
stock, no.> or if it has some sort of problem... in which case
I'd like to help. <No, nothing you can do.> Thanks! Jen
<Good luck. Mollies are among my favourite aquarium fish, but they
are demanding and they do need special care. It's a shame
they're so widely sold, because people assume they're easy
fish. But kept well, few fish combine personality, colour, and easy
breeding so well. Worth sticking with, and learning about. Cheers,
Mystery Molly Ailment
9/11/06 Hi, everybody. <<Hello, Tim. Tom
here.>> I have a four week old 20-gallon aquarium with 16 inches
of fish, plus my unexpected delivery of four two-week-old baby mollies.
All tank mates have been compatible so far. <<A more specific
listing of what you have would have helped here, Tim. Mollies lean
toward brackish water conditions so the word "compatible"
needs to be taken rather broadly. Bettas and Goldfish require such
different water conditions that they would be deemed incompatible
though they might never "bother" one another in the sense of
aggressiveness.>> My water parameters (temp, nitrites, nitrate,
ammonia, pH, hardness) have all been within range until about a week
ago, when my nitrites spiked. <<Very predictable with a new
aquarium. Ammonia levels had to have spiked as well or there would be
no nitrites. A reading of zero is the only acceptable level for either
of these.>> I have treated since then, but my molly has come down
with a baffling disease. <<Other than treating with BIO-Spira
from Marineland, there's nothing readily available to hobbyists, to
my knowledge, that's capable of reducing nitrite levels to
acceptable levels in a short period of time, Tim. (For those of our
friends outside of the United States, BIO-Spira is only available in
the U.S.) Sorry for the brief "commercial", Tim. Let's go
on...>> It will sit on the bottom of the tank, fins clamped,
barely breathing, moving only to eat (quite well, too) and go to some
more secluded spot. <<What you describe is symptomatic of poor
water conditions or, what were poor conditions, that adversely affected
your Molly. If she's the "Mom", the birthing process may
have also taken its toll on her. Could be one, the other or a
combination. Livebearers like Mollies, Platys, Swordtails and Guppies
need recuperation time after the "blessed event". Frequently,
they don't get this and the stress is too much for them, sad to
say. The addition of aquarium salt to the tank might benefit her but
without knowing what other fish you have in the tank with her, I
can't recommend this with any confidence. If you have any species
of Catfish like Corys or Plecos, these will not tolerate salt
well.>> What in the world is wrong with it, and how do I treat
it? <<Frustrating though this may be, Tim, I can't give you
anything definitive to go on without more information. I've
suggested what "might" be the problem(s) but don't have
enough from you to go on, quite honestly. Water parameters that are
"within range" is too vague a description of the conditions
to know exactly what's going on in your tank. For example, nitrite
levels at 0.5 ppm might be described as "within range" by
some sources. To us, that's in the 'danger' zone. If an
undetected ammonia spike preceded the nitrite spike that you
discovered, your Molly's gill membranes may have been damaged as
well.>> Is it contagious? <<Best guess (and only a
'guess')? No. 'Contagious' maladies tend to spread
rather rapidly in an aquarium. I suspect that your Molly wouldn't
be the only fish that you'd have issues with.>> It has no
physical signs of disease. <<Not likely to if it's what
I've described, Tim. If you'd write back with specifics, i.e.
'exact' water parameters, types of fish, etc., I'd like to
give this problem a better "shot" than what it may appear to
you like I've offered up. Tom>>
Specifics on Mystery Molly Ailment - 09/14/06 Hi! Tim
again. In your last reply, <... don't know who to send this to
as you didn't copy/paste the prev. corr.> you asked for the
specifics on my tank. Here goes:
pH: 7.0
Hardness: Moderate
(about 50 ppm)
Nitrite: 0.5
ppm and going down <Should be zip>
Nitrate: 20
ppm <About the upper limit...>
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Temp: Steady
at 80 degrees F
Salt: 1
tsp. to every 10 gallons <Wouldn't add or have present
continuously...> 25% water changes/thorough
gravel vacuumings once a week. The tank mates
are: 2 gold gouramis, 2 zebra danios, 3 mollies and the molly babies. I
also do believe it was the sick one that gave birth - didn't
witness it, though, so can't be sure. Plus, on the nitrite
treatment: you're right. I bought something else (the only pet
store we have doesn't have BIO-Spira) and it has taken a long time
for small results. I had no ammonia spike afterwards; ammonia remained
at zero all the way through. Thanks! <Do please send along previous
correspondence with any/all email... there are a couple dozen of us
here, and much email traffic. BobF>
Vertical Mollie?
8/18/06 Hi <Hi Alex, this is Jorie.> I recently bought a
couple of Mollies (1 male, 1 female) and set up a 10 gallon
which seemed to go really well. today I added a couple of guppies.
After 1/2 hour or so I noticed that the female molly is swimming almost
vertically, nose down. The male seems to be fussing around her and
nuzzling her. Is anything wrong? <If you haven't already, you
should test the water parameters, including ammonia, nitrite and
nitrate. How long has this tank been established and what
type of filtration are you using? Has the tank fully
cycled? A bit more information would be helpful. Also, with
regards to livebearers (both mollies and guppies), it is not typically
a good idea to have a 1:1 male:female ratio, as the girl will usually
get very harassed by the male. Having said that, I'm not
suggesting you run out and immediately buy more females - are the four
fish you mention above the only ones in there? *If* the tank
is established (i.e., cycled), then I would suggest perhaps adding a
couple more girls, or perhaps even swapping the male for a female, if
possible. You do realize that livebearers, especially
mollies, seem to reproduce exponentially - have you figured out what
you are planning on doing with the fry? Do take a look here for
detailed information on all things pertaining to FW aquariums:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsetupindex.htm >
Thanks for the help, <Hope I have helped. Jorie> Alex
Black mollies dying 6/9/06 We
lost our female black molly suddenly, she seemed fine then her stomach
became very bloated and she died the next day. That was a couple of
months ago and yesterday the same thing happened to our large male. He
seemed fine, swimming and eating, he swelled up over the course of a
day and was found dead this morning. please could you tell us what it
could be and what we can do to prevent it happening again. It does only
affect the mollies in our tank. Thank you. Lisa-Marie. <Mmm,
frightening... but not uncommon. Most mollies are raised with at least
some strength of salt/s in their water... Keeping them in systems with
little or none, with lower pH, alkalinity often leads to the above
symptoms, loss. Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/mollydisfaqs.htm
and the above linked file on Molly Systems... Bob Fenner>
Thinning mollies
02-05-06 Dear WWM, <Deb> I have been noticing a strange
occurrence in my 20 gallon tank. I have mainly sailfin mollies, a
platy, a few tetras and a couple of horse head loaches. <The mollies
are mis-mixed here. They are brackish water animals...> When I buy
mollies, they appear to be healthy. After some time, they begin to
completely thin out in the belly until they eventually die. This
process tends to take about 4 to 6 months. What on earth am I doing
wrong? <Putting them in with animals of a dissimilar water
quality/nature> I feed them flakes and I add one tbsp of salt per 5
gallons of water. <Oh!> I don't know what is causing them to
fade away into nothing. They never appear to have any visible problems
or diseases. Please help. Thanks, Deborah Ward <Could be just the
initial health of the livestock... but I suspect that the water is not
"salty enough" (see WWM, fishbase.org re)... and your other
listed livestock don't "like" this much salt... Bob
FW environmental disease >Hi my names Cora I've been
doing tanks for years and until recently I've never had any
trouble. >>Hello Cora, Marina here. >A lady
contacted me because I take in unwanted fish. Due to her
moving from Ohio to Maryland she needed a home for her fish (black
mollies). She told me to come get tank and all so I
did. Needless to say when I got there the water was black!
>>Ack! (And uh oh.) >I felt bad for the fish caught
them drained the tank and loaded it all up into my car and brought it
home. I gave that tank a good cleaning no chemicals used of
course and used water from my 55 gallon tank that had just had a
partial water change the night before. >>Personal experience:
mistake #1. (Groaning, because I learned my mistake with a
customer's fish.) >I let the fish float for 15 minutes and then
released them. Needless to say a little while later I notice
the fish were starting to act really funny. I checked the
temperature it was a little high so I lowered it the water then started
to get a milky white. >>Free floating bacteria found plenty of
nutrients--new tank syndrome. >And the fish were still acting funny
and 2 died. I pulled the fish from that tank and floated
them in my 55 gallon released them and they did fine. >>I
wouldn't have done that, but you saved the rest. My
concern is the very real risk to your well-established tank by
introducing the new fishes with no quarantine whatsoever, coming out of
a foul-looking (but apparently healthy) tank. >I left them in the 55
over night and by morning the other tank had turned clear (no chemicals
were used at any point of my set up ) so I put in 2 clown loaches and a
few mollies needless to say they started to fly through the tank and
act as though they were going to die I immediately put them back into
my 55 and now they are fine but the other tank is milky white
again. Can you give me any ideas as to what might be going
on? I've worked in pet shops and have had tanks for
years and never experienced anything to this effect. Any
information would be greatly appreciated! Totally
Confused, Cora
>>Again, this sounds like new tank syndrome, though it usually
takes a few hours for the bacteria to get a good
foothold. You never mentioned the size of this new tank, and
I cannot recommend adding so many fish so quickly unless we're
talking about a 75 gallon or larger set up. At this point
you MUST remove everything from the tank and fill it with water, then
add bleach at a ratio of 1Cup/5 gallons. Let it sit like
this a few hours, then drain and allow to dry. I would do
this with everything that was associated with that tank as
well. If you're very worried about the tank, do this
procedure twice, and then when ready to set it up again start with
feeder gups first. Beyond that it's difficult to say
what to do, I'm assuming you know to match temperature and pH when
transferring fishes, and to never introduce water from one system into
another. I hope this has helped answer your
questions. Best of luck with your new wards,
Re: Help!!!!!! >Hi Marina >>Hello Cora. >Thanks
for responding to my e-mail I did as you suggested and the fish are
doing great the tank is only a 20 high so dividing the fish up was
needed. Needless to say I now have 3 tanks set up for fish
lol but who cares I love them and enjoy watching them more than the TV.
>>Indeed. Did you know that you can actually acclimate
the mollies to full saltwater? Glad to hear they're
doing well, too. Marina
Bilateral Popeye/Color Change in Mollies I have a tank of
marble mollies...some are babies of the originals. A couple
of days ago I noticed that one of the younger mollies had both eyes
popped out similar to a telescope goldfish. She seemed
alright otherwise, but since has taken to hanging out at the top of the
tank and seems to be blind, can't seem to see food too
well. Also looks thin. I'm wondering if I
have a case of mycobacteriosis. This is scary because I read
that humans can contract it from fish. What should I do for
her? <This conditions sounds like it could have been brought on by
poor water quality or stress. Is your water hard, alkaline,
and slightly salty, about 1.004 on a hydrometer. Have your
water tested to be sure everything in in line. If you are
not adding salt already, frequent water changes and the addition of
salt should help her. I doubt it is mycobacterium marinum... AKA Fish
TB (tuberculosis), but be cautious just the same. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/Wound.htm >
My other problem is that a black/gold molly I have which was more black
than gold has changed color so that now she is almost completely
gold. She is almost one year old. Do mollies
change color or is this some disease? <It is perfectly normal for
them to change color. Best Regards, Gage>
Thank you for you help.