FAQs on Loricariids, South and Central
American Suckermouth Cats 1: Trauma
FAQs on "Pleco" Disease:
Loricariid Disease 1,
Loricariid Disease 2,
Loricariid Disease 3,
Loricariid Disease 4,
FAQs on "Pleco" Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Infectious (Virus, Bacterial,
Fungal), Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Related Articles:
Otocinclus, From Pan-ack-ay to Pan-ack-zee, A
Detailed Look at the Bizarre But Beautiful Panaque
Catfishes by Neale Monks
Related Loricariid Catfish FAQs: Loricariids 1,
Loricariids 2,
Identification, Loricariid
Behavior, Loricariid
Compatibility, Loricariid
Selection, Loricariid Systems,
Loricariid Feeding,
Loricariid Reproduction,
Other Loricariid Genera: FAQs on:
Baryancistrus, Genera
Farlowella, Loricaria, Sturisoma,
Rhineloricaria: Twig Plecostomus, Genera
Liposarcus, Otocinclus, Pterygoplichthys, Sailfin Giants
among the Loricariids, The Zebra
Pleco, Hypancistrus zebra,
Peckoltia: Clown
Plecostomus, Lasiancistrus,
Scobanancistrus, L-number catfish,
Rocks falling, heaters burning, tankmates biting,
pinching.... Hordes of locusts!
Catfish with fin damage 11/7/15
I apologise if my grammar are bad, English is not my first language.
<No worries. I understand you>
I have a catfish with a damaged fin and a pink/red spot on the side of the back,
the fin is also of that color.
<I see this in your pix>
it has had this for 2 weeks now and i am worried it might be sick or if it just
is a scratch?
<Looks to be both... a physical injury, and a bacterial "fungal" wound site>
I have 2 catfish and the other one is all fine. All water levels is good and he
is acting as if there is nothing wrong.
<Mmm; At this point I'd not treat the system.... some very old time remedies
might encourage daubing a mercury compound on the site (Merthiolate likely); and
some later ones might suggest 250 mg. per ten gallons of a Sulfa Drug.... A most
recent method might include using a gram positive and negative antibiotic...
E.g. Maracyn I and II.... Again; if it were me/mine, I'd just keep water quality
optimized and hope for a self cure here. Bob Fenner>

Catfish with fin damage Neale's take
I apologise if my grammar are bad, English is not my first language.
<Better than my Dansk!>
I have a catfish with a damaged fin and a pink/red spot on the side of the back,
the fin is also of that color. it has had this for 2 weeks now and i am worried
it might be sick or if it just is a scratch?
<Bit more than a scratch. Looks like he's damaged himself. Or been damaged.
Would treat for Finrot if it gets worse, but otherwise leave alone and it should
get better on its own.>
I have 2 catfish and the other one is all fine. All water levels is good and he
is acting as if there is nothing wrong.
<Hope this helps. Neale.>
Long-Fin Albino Ancistrus with a fin injury
Hello WetWebMedia,
Thanks to your wonderful knowledge I have been a fishkeeper for many years now.
My favorite fish, a full-grown long-finned Albino male Ancistrus, suffered an
injury this morning and I'm trying to determine which course of action to take.
About a half-inch tip of one of his side fin rays seems to have been completely
severed, but is still hanging on thanks to the clear fin tissue. Is it better to
net him and clip this off?
<Nope. Will detach itself. Keep a close eye out for Finrot though. Normally
damaged fins grow back without problems. Occasionally you'll see the membrane go
a bit cloudy around the wound. But if you see small red specks on the fin
membrane and a distinctive raggedy edge to the fin, then Finrot may be
happening. In itself a little bit of bleeding might not be abnormal.
But when the blood vessels become congested with bacteria and dead cells they
create reddish (often pink or even white) swellings. The lack of blood flow
means fin membrane beyond the congestion dies, and the fin gradually erodes.
This is Finrot.>
The severed end is a little less red right now, but earlier it was quite red and
other fish (discus) kept coming near probably thinking it was a worm. He's smart
so he swam away and doesn't seem to be in distress. I know Ancistrus with their
claws can have trouble being netted, so I hesitate to do that. Will it resolve
itself if left in perfect water conditions?
<Yes. Absolutely. In the wild fin damage is very common, through fighting,
accidents, narrow escapes from predators, even bites from dedicated fin-eaters.
All fish have the ability to regrow damaged fins provided the very base isn't
Or is it better to net him and clip it off, then put him in a separate tank?
<Almost never a good idea.>
The back story is, a few days ago I added four 2-year-old Discus and two less
than half-grown brown male regular Ancistrus to my long established 90-gallon
tank. The big tank held 5 adult discus (parents of the additions) my long-finned
albino & a Siamese algae eater. All seem to be getting along beautifully, but
one of the little brown male Ancistrus is
kind of aggressive, always has been... Could that little bugger have bitten this
damaged fin on a fish over twice his size?
<It's possible because they do have quite strong teeth. But it's more likely
damage from some type of misadventure. Do bear in mind "long-finned" varieties
of fish have been bred to have longer fins than they evolved to have.
Consequently the things that maintain and protect those fins aren't there. The
bones may not bone strong enough, and the behaviours needed to
avoid damage to extra-long fins aren't there either. Kind of like women who grow
long fingernails. Might look good, but not natural, and hard to keep that length
if you're doing manual labour!>
Or could it be that because I added all the tank decor from both tanks (to
change the surroundings) he somehow hurt himself. Thanks in advance for your
<Cheers, Neale.>
Albino Ancistrus solved his own problem! 7/31/15
Hi again WetWebMedia experts,
Just wanted to report that my favorite fish, my male Longfinned Albino
Ancistrus, solved his own problem of the severed fin ray. It tore off once the
transparent fin gave way, and he seems just fine. I'm so glad, I wasn't looking
forward to chasing him around with a net!
<Cool. Should heal and grow back just fine, assuming good water quality.>
So thanks again for all your expertise, you have taught me so much. You are an
unbelievable resource!!
Thanks for all you do,
<And thanks for the kind words. Neale.>
Plec injury 1/6/12
Hi there,
I have a Plec about 4-5 inches long in a 50l (UK) tank
- we plan in getting him a bigger tank soon, he was about 1.5 inches
when we got him!
<Do you really mean 50 litres? Not 500 or 250 or something? For sure 50
litres is way too small, and the small volume of water makes a bad
situation worse.>
He is currently with 5 neons. During a water change two days ago we
think he got injured.
<Apparently so.>
He hid in his cave as usual, but when I came back in the evening he had
upturned his cave and his belly/fins looked sore. His belly had a
whitish patch by his fins, and his dorsal fin seems to have a cut where
it joins his back. I added stress coat to the water the next day to try
to help him heal (assuming it was an injury and not bacterial).
<Stress Coat is largely a preventative, and should not be relied upon as
a treatment.>
I have also now removed the cave and put a larger hiding place for him
to live in. This evening though, his injuries seem worse.
<Small tank means the water quality is almost certainly inadequate, and
this environmental stress means his immune system is weakened. Plecs can
and do recover from this sort of injury without problems, but only in
good conditions.>
He doesn't seem to be suffering in character (still active in the
but attached is a picture of the wound today, looking quite bloody with
some kind of lesion by the fin.
Are injuries of this sort supposed to look worse before they look better
when healing, or do you think this looks like some kind of fin rot?
<Certainly treat with an anti-Finrot medication. Finrot isn't a single
bacterial disease any more than gangrene or septicaemia are in humans.
Finrot simply means ordinary bacteria that live in the aquarium have got
into a wound, taken advantages of the weak immune system of the host
fish, and started to multiply. As they do so, they cause blood vessels
to become congested, and that leads to redness and eventually further
damage to the surrounding tissues.>
My 5 neons are unaffected, although we are currently getting over a
small snail infestation (I don't think this would affect the Pleco
<Indeed not, assuming you didn't use an anti-snail "potion" as these are
fairly toxic and not much recommended by modern fishkeepers.>
Many thanks for your time and thoughts,
<Move to a bigger tank (250 litres minimum for a Plec) and medicate as
per Finrot; I'd recommend eSHa 2000 as inexpensive, reliable, and
seemingly Plec-safe. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Plec injury
Thank you so much! Bigger tank is imminent, and I'll go out for the fin rot
treatment today.
As for the snails, we haven't used treatment, just a good old fashioned pair
of fingers to pluck them out, and a cabbage leaf for the rest of them!
<Sounds safe enough!>
Thanks again,
<Most welcome, Neale.> Re: Plec injury
Hello, just a quick note to say thanks very much for your advice! We found
the treatment you suggested and after a 3 day dosage Pleco is looking much
better :)
<Great to hear some good news! Hope things work out well, Neale.>
White 'sore' on left side of the mouth of my
BN Pleco 3/15/12
<Hi there>
I purchased a BN Pleco yesterday and I put him in a quarantine
tank. I noticed when I got home from my LFS that he seemed
to have a white spot on the left side of his mouth.
<Mmm, yes; I see this... where a/the usual
"bristle/barbel" of these fish's would be.
Evidently damaged, worn off... too likely in transit, rubbing
against others in the bag>
This morning, it looks like the 'sore' became
open. As I am relatively new in the hobby (about 1 year), I
do not know a whole lot about diseases. I did do an
extensive search on the internet, but to no avail. Can you
identify what is wrong with the Pleco from the attached picture
and maybe suggest a cure?
Thank you very much,
<Just good care should see this fish recover... water quality,
No medicine advised, needed. Bob Fenner>
Re: White 'sore' on left side of
the mouth of my BN Pleco 3/16/12
Thank you so much, I am very relieved to know that he'll make a
recovery with time.
<Ah yes. This genus of Loricariids is very tough. Cheers,
BobF> |
Pleco... damaged? 2/5/09 Hi I couldn't find an
answer to my question on your website or through Google. If I missed it
I apologise. I have a 15" Pleco that seems to be in good health
except that it appears to have one scale missing from it's side,
showing what looks like the bone (white skin ?) underneath. There are
no marks, sores, scrapes, red or cloudy areas, it just looks like one
small scale has been removed. I have put a fin-rot medication in the
tank as about 8 months ago it lost about 1 inch of one fin spike to
what I presumed was fin rot - this never grew back but it stopped
rotting and has been good since, but the medication seems to have had
no reaction either way, good or bad. Could this just be where the Pleco
has rubbed against something in the tank or should I be more suspicious
? Thank you for being there and apologies for the long winded question
Regards Chris <Hello Chris. Catfish don't have scales, and what
look like armoured plates on Plecs are in fact thick pieces of skin.
They do get damaged sometimes, most commonly either through heater
burns or through Plec-to-Plec violence. Heaters can be very dangerous
with catfish generally, because if a catfish nestles under a heater
that is cool at the time, and the heater switches on, the catfish might
not realise until it's been burned. (Presumably, their plates of
skin aren't sensitive to heat, so they can't tell they're
being burned until the heat has travelled deeper into the body.)
Aggression between Plecs is common and yet often ignored by retailers
and hobbyists. If adult Plecs are kept in the same tank, e.g., at a pet
store, it is not uncommon for the dominant Plec to scrape the skin away
from the weaker ones. Some Plec species are worse than others, with
Acanthicus, Panaque, and Pterygoplichthys spp. particularly nasty
towards rivals. In extreme cases, deaths can result. Now, Finrot or
some similar bacterial infection is a possibility, so treating against
them is wise. Do also check water quality: Plecs are big, messy fish
that put a lot of stress on their environment. It's hard to keep an
adult the size of yours in a tank less than 250 litres (55 Imperial
gallons), even allowing for a robust filtration system and copious
water changes. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Pleco, injury, heater? 2/5/09 Thank you so much for the
comprehensive answer. I am going to keep an eye on the Pleco for any
repeat sores. There is only one Pleco in the tank, (tank is 48" x
24" x 18") so it may be water (which is changed (20%-25%
weekly) and well filtered, or the heater. Thank you again for your
excellent help. Regards Chris <Happy to help. Do look for a heater
guard (a simple plastic mesh that encases the heater) or else use an
external heater like the Hydro ETH units or the Eheim Thermo--filters.
Tank is a bit small, so be aggressive water changes, and check the
nitrite level periodically. Cheers, Neale.>
Treating Pleco Wounds -- 07/24/07 Hello One or
All, <Hello.> I guess tank issues first right? 100 gallon tank.
Everything is testing fine, and everything has been going just fine
until last week. The tank's inhabitants are: 5 Rasboras, 1 Danio
(who thinks he's a Rasbora), 4 Neon Tetras, 20 Corys (long story)
and 1 Pleco. Nothing fancy about him, he's just your everyday kind,
but I think he's exceptional. We've had him for 6 years and
he's survived a lot of stuff: moves, poisoned tank, living in a 30
gallon tank for too long. He's grown from 2 inches to 15 inches,
and has always been healthy. <OK.> Last week I noticed he
wasn't eating his zucchini, and this guy is addicted to the stuff.
The Corys were acting weird too. I also noticed some little white areas
on some of the Corys. All other fish were fine. Then I noticed some
small patches of white on Pleco too. <Fungus or Finrot. Treat
quickly.> Long story short. Husband treated the tank for something.
Used Maracyn and Melafix. Took out the charcoal. <Melafix largely
useless, but OK.> The Corys got better, but Pleco was on death's
door yesterday. <Oh dear.> He had a large white patch around his
mouth, and his tail looked bloody. For a couple of days I noticed that
I could see blue streaks in his tail and fins, but now these were all
bloody or the fins were dissolved looking. <Bacterial infection
moved from fins to body, and now very serious indeed.> He was
breathing rapidly and unable to hang on to the tank sides. I yelled at
hubby that I didn't care what the meds were supposed to do they
were killing Pleco. <Some catfish do indeed react badly to common
medications. That said, I'm not familiar with Plecs being among
them.> So we did a 50% water change and washed all the fake plants
and stuff in the tank. When the water was really low, he went to the
corner where the water was pouring in from the filter. It actually
seemed to revive him somewhat. Enough that I said hold off on the clove
oil. <OK. Now, when you see a fish pep up after a big water change,
that's often a sign that the problem is more complex than just
disease, and that the disease may even be a symptom of a water
quality/chemistry issue. Always worth following up this line of
thinking. Test the pH, hardness, and nitrites. Double check for any
potential toxins or sources of anaerobic decay. Make sure the fish
isn't burning itself on the heater. That sort of thing.> This
morning he's in another corner, breathing slower, but the white
around his mouth has turned bloody. All other fish are fine. Is there
anything I can do to save him? Treatment for the wounds? <Plecs are
pretty tough, and I've seen them come back from worse. But it all
depends. Treating the bacterial infection is clearly critical. I'd
be wheeling out the antibacterial or antibiotic medications. perhaps
not Maracyn given your bad luck here. But certainly something like a
Furan or Sulfa drug. Seawater dips can also be excellent for cleaning
up wounds.> If I can reduce this down better - started out with
white patches on his mouth, and blue streaks in his fins. Now the fins
are ragged, and the area around his mouth is bloody. Also some other
bloody patches. <It sounds like Finrot to septicemia. Since Finrot
usually follows from something else like water quality issues, double
check the aquarium conditions.> Help if you can before I have to use
the clove oil. I really care about this guy. Tara <Well, it sounds
50/50 right now, but I think you have time. Switch treatments, optimise
water quality, increase aeration, and hope for the best. Good luck.
Re: Treating Pleco Wounds 7/26/07 Thanks so
much for your response. I know there's a way to make a donation for
the help, but not sure what it is. Let me know. <Hello Tara. Yep,
there's a "tip jar" on the front page of the site. If you
scroll down, you'll see an Amazon logo at bottom left.> Update:
we were ready to euthanize Cos last night when he perked up, went
upright, and is sucking on the glass. He has some bad wounds though
that are growing a little fuzz on them. I know this can't be good.
Is there anything we can put directly on the wounded areas to help him
out? We retested the water and everything is good. All the other fish
are fine now. Really hate to lose this guy if there's something I
can do to help him. I put a piece of zucchini in just in case. He's
still staying where the water flow is strongest....with his injured
parts right above the bubble stones. Thanks again. Tara <OK, the
white stuff is fungus or Finrot bacteria. You have to treat, right now!
I'd also recommend that AS WELL as adding anti-fungus/Finrot to the
tank (to kill the infectious organisms) I'd recommend doing some
saltwater dips to clean the wounds. These are simple. Put a few litres
of aquarium water into a bucket. Add 35 grammes of non-iodised salt
(e.g., aquarium salt or marine salt mix) and stir well. When it's
dissolved, dunk the fish for a short period. At first, do this for
about 1-2 minutes, each day, for two or three days. This should clean
up the open wounds, much like iodine does on wounds on humans. It
isn't a cure for the pathogen, but by cleaning the wound it helps
the medication get to the pathogens more easily and so helps the fish
heal more quickly. As you've noticed, your fish is swimming into
the 'cleanest' water. Fish do this when sick, and it's
something that happens in the wild. When fish are sick they will swim
towards warmer patches of water to speed up their immune systems,
effectively "running a fever". So, there's your list of
things to do: 1. Check water quality; 2. Add Finrot/fungus medication;
3. Dip fish in salty water. Follow that, and I think your catfish has a
good chance of surviving. I've seen Plecs come back from far worse.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Treating Pleco Wounds -- 07/26/07 Me again.
Quick question. I don't have a quarantine tank. Will it be ok to
treat the entire tank? Reminder: 20 Corys, 4 tetras, 5 Rasboras, 1
Danio. I'll start treatment ASAP. Pay on the way. Thanks so much!
Tara <Hello again Tara! You should be fine treating all these fish
together in the one tank. Be sure and remove the carbon from the filter
(if you use any) and always follow the instructions on the packaging to
the letter. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Treating Pleco Wounds -- 08/17/07 Hi again, I
just had to let you know how things turned out. Cosmus (the Pleco) was
looking really bad. Laying on his side, bloody sores, etc. So we
finally decided to euthanize him. My husband went out to get Clove Oil,
and we put water in a bucket. Then we read the part about the vodka. No
vodka in the house, so he went out again to pick up a bit. Comes back
and gets ready to start the process. I told him that I couldn't
watch and started to leave the room. Right then Cosmus straightened up
and started swimming around! It was like a Monty Python skit (but
I'm not dead yet). So we changed our minds. Did a major water
change, and everything else we could think of, including cleaning
everything in the tank. Here we are three plus weeks later. Didn't
lose a single fish. Cos only has a very small place on his tail that
we're still treating. He's eating and swimming, and coming up
for me to hand feed. I think I read on your site that you shouldn't
give up on these guys and you're right. He did lose some of his
tail fin, shortening him from 15 inches to about 13 and a half, but
other than that.... Thanks for your help. Tara <Hello Tara. Nice to
have a story with a happy ending! Fish have amazing recuperative
powers. His tail will grow back. Have you ever seen pictures of wild
piranhas mating? They bite chunks out of each other, down to the spine
sometimes. A few weeks later, they're right as rain. I'm always
loathe to give up on an injured fish, and more than once I've seen
a fish seemingly come back from the dead. Anyway, good luck, and enjoy
your fish. Neale>
Unidentified Otocinclus illness 7/6/07 Hello all, I am new
to posting on WWM, but I have found your site to be very
informative. It has helped me better understand my tank and
helped me prevent more than a few problems from happening. <Am
very glad for this aiding> I have a 29 gallon freshwater,
planted tank that is just under 6 months old. The tank has been
cycled for approximately 3 months with ammonia and nitrite
steadily at zero. The nitrate vacillates between 5 and 10 ppm. My
pH is about 7.5 (I use tap water which has a pH of about 8.2 and
I use a Neutral buffer, but 7.5 is as low as it goes; I also use
driftwood in the water, but my pH is still around 7.5).I do 25%
water changes on a weekly basis. The tank has both fish and
shrimp. There are 5 zebra Danios, 4 dwarf neon Rainbowfish (2
male, 2 female), one young Bushynose Pleco, a 2" SAE (which
I am working on removing from the tank), <Are not easy to
catch!> a pair of orange platies, a pair of honey dwarf
gouramis, 1 bumble bee goby, <Mmm, actually more of a brackish
organism> 2 Otos that are gray/black and 1 Oto (labeled by the
LFS as an "Oto niger") that is brown. In terms of
shrimp, I have 5 red shrimp, 4 Amanos, and 1 green shrimp (that
has changed color to a deep red). I do not have a CO2 set up
(much to the dismay of many of my fellow planted tank
enthusiasts). <Mmm, okay> I have had the Otos for nearly 5
months and one died unexpectedly (that is no sign of illness,
discoloration, strange behavior) about three weeks ago. This
happened to be the day after I introduced the Oto niger.
<Mmmm> I was shocked since the Otos are always so active.
However, now I have noticed that one of my gray/black Otos has
some discoloration. The only way I can describe it is that it
looks like it is wearing a yarmulke/skull cap. <I see this>
It is a clearish sort of circle on the top of its head. I have
attached a photo for you to review. The fish seems much more
lethargic than usual (and than its fellow Otos) and I am not sure
what sort of illness it is or if/how I can save this fish. I
posted something on my planted aquarium web group and one woman
said she had the same problem, but no idea why or how to deal
with it. Her Oto just died from whatever this is. I am hoping I
won't have to lose another fish. I look forward to your
reply. Any advice you could offer would be great. Brian (in SF)
<This marking appears at times from animals that have been
damaged in shipping (their heads rubbed repeatedly by others in
the bag)... and by negative interaction with other Loricariids...
I would keep a sharp eye out to see if the Bushynose of
congeneric (other Otocinclus species) is working this fish woe.
No "treatment" other than separation is recommended.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Unidentified Otocinclus illness
(follow-up) 7/7/07 Hey Bob (and others),
<<You've got one of the 'others' this trip,
Brian. Tom with you this time.>> Wow! Thanks for the reply!
You hit the nail right on the head with the other Loricariids.
<<Bob's pretty good at hitting the nail on the head,
Brian.>> About three hours after I posted this, my
Bushynose Pleco was trying to devour the Oto. The Oto was
actually still alive and I managed to startle the Bushynose Pleco
off. The Oto swam away. However, the Oto was clearly wounded
because about 10 minutes later one of my Amanos had the poor fish
by its tail and was trying to drag it around the tank. I tried
isolating the Oto, but it appeared to be dead - no movement,
discoloration, etc. Of course, I went to dispose of it in the
toilet and it started to move again. However, I figured once I
had exposed it to the untreated water (Chloramine) of the toilet
there was no coming back. <<A bad day all around for that
poor, little guy.>> Is the only way to prevent this from
happening again (my other two Otos are colored just fine) to make
sure that I choose an Oto with deep color to begin with?
<<Not necessarily, Brian. Otos are often transported in
groups of mixed species. In fact, what might be marketed as an
'Otocinclus' could very well be one of the
'Parotocinclus' species, some of which are more of a
light brown (to keep it simple) in color. The so-called Golden
Oto is one of these. As a small bit of trivia, a true Otocinclus
does not have an adipose fin -- a small fin along the back
between the dorsal and caudal (tail) fins. An adipose fin on an
'Oto' marks it as a Parotocinclus. (If you're intent
on boring someone to tears, share this with them. :) )>>
The LFS from which I bought the Otos described them as high-risk
fish (always!) due to the cyanide that is often used to catch
them in the wild and the stress of transport. However, I figured
after 3-4 months of living in a tank with good water quality that
I was home free. I guess I was wrong. <<Cyanide harvesting
is a valid cause but transport stress is probably more likely the
culprit in the early deaths of these fish. Otos (to keep it
'generic') can't digest algae (cellulose). Rather
they have anaerobic bacteria in their guts that do the work and
the fish is 'nourished' off of the by-products of this
process. During transport, so much of the bacteria may die off
from lack of food that, even when the Oto is placed back into an
algae-rich environment, the fish literally starves to death, i.e.
the algae passes through the fish's system untouched, so to
speak. Now, the biology lesson notwithstanding, one of the best
methods of selecting a healthy Oto is to find a 'fat' one
and only select specimens that have spent at least a couple of
weeks at the LFS. If the fish's stomach is flat or concave,
pass it by. The prospects for a skinny Oto's long-term
survival are not good at all.>> Two clarifications to
Bob's "mmms". I brought up the lack of CO2 setup,
but neglected to say that I regularly use Flourish Excel (liquid
CO2). <<Not 'splitting hairs' here, Brian, but the
Excel product isn't 'liquid CO2' though it does
supplement the tank with carbon, as does CO2, but rather from
organic matter. (Guess that did sound like I was splitting hairs,
didn't it? :) )>> Second, regarding the bumble bee
gobies as brackish water species. I had read this and had crossed
them off my original stocking list for that reason. However, a
LFS which only carries freshwater fish (or at least only has
freshwater tanks) raved about the success they have with this
particular bumble bee goby in fresh water. Despite its picky
eating (which seems to be common for this fish), it seems to be
getting along just fine. <<I would share the same concerns
that Bob, no doubt, has with regard to this animal, Brian. An
LFS's short-term success with keeping a brackish species in
FW doesn't equate to long-term success for you or your pet.
Very often, brackish water species start out in FW but must make
the transition as they mature in order to thrive/survive. Time
will tell, of course, but it's best to keep an eye out for
otherwise unexplained problems should they arise.>> Again,
many thanks for your wisdom and your willingness to share it.
<<More than happy to help, Brian. Good luck and best
regards.>> <<Tom>>

My Pleco may be in dire straits? Not the
band. 3/14/07 Greetings, <Hi there> I lost
all of my freshwater fish to a ruptured tank. <Yikes! No fun>
The only survivor was my 8 year old
Plec. S/he has been hanging in there for the last 21
days and has survived a tank cycle. <With damage...> After a
few days I noticed a lesion on the tail which looked very much like
a hickey. There were tiny dots of redness in a full band
around the tail. A few days later the patterned skin
sloughed off in that area, exposing a bright white scaly looking
skin. A few more days later and this white skin had come
off completely exposing the flesh directly to the cycling aquarium
water. Then I installed a bubble curtain and found that
my Pleco absolutely loves nothing more than parking himself in the
bubble curtain 24/7. I don't know if the extra
air is helping with his tail but I have hope that it may be looking
better - or not, I just can't tell. The wounded area started to
turn a milky gray color in a pattern similar enough to his existing
skin to make me believe he might be regrowing his skin? <I do
hope so> Also, fluid filled bubbles or lesions - blisters of
some kind have formed on the wound. I don't know if
this is an infection or just a healing blister the same as we would
get from a burn. By the way, it may look like a burn but
it isn't a burn because I do not keep a heater in the tank.
<Mmm, not a burn> My plec's name is Louie. He
(or she) is 8 years old. I do not observe any velvet or
Ich. His color is perfect - no sign of stress this way. The current
tank conditions are 78 degrees NH3 between .02-.05 <Needs to be
zero> Ph is around 7.0 Ammonia is around 2.0 <...? is NH3...
and/or NH4OH... Needs to be zero> We have been doing water
changes of 10-25% every other day. <Mmm, too frequently. You
need to do what it takes to cycle this system> We are using a
dechlorinator, stress coat, and cycle bacteria additive. The water
is clear. This is a 37 gallon Eclipse tank (filter in lid, no
external components) We use a pump with a 36" air bubble
curtain for extra aeration. We salvaged the substrate, ornaments,
filter media, and BioWheel from the failed tank and installed them
on the first day with this new tank. The old filter was
piggybacked on the new filter and the BioWheel, being too small to
fit in the new housing, was floated in the tank. <Good> Both
of which have now been discarded. There are four goldfish in the
tank - they do not bother the Pleco. <Actually... they are so
"messy" they do> I am enclosing a picture strip of the
progression of this malady and hope that you can help me identify
it and guide me to treatment if there is one. As
of this writing this is day 21. The current condition is
the same as the final picture in this strip, however the lesions on
the right side have either burst or have been
reabsorbed. There is only one smaller bubble on that
side. The red fluid coating the bottoms of the bubbles may be blood
or pus ? Thank you for your assistance, Best, Valorie <Well...
see the above... this system needs to be cycled... And this Pleco
needs different tankmates... No "treatment" recommended
otherwise... The real cure here is to improve the environment.
Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> |
Re: My Pleco may be in dire straits?
3/15/07 Bob, I do thank you so much for your quick
and helpful reply but what I really wanted to know, and should
have conveyed better, is your opinion on whether the
wound will heal or if you think it is a disease
or infection which can contaminate the tank. <I do
think this fish, problem will heal itself (appears to be doing
so)... and not infect the goldfish> Since writing the first
correspondence there have been a few changes. Best of all, the main
tank has cycled. <Ah, very good news> The ammonia
is 0, nitrates are very nearly 0 as well. We have
stopped the frequent water changes and will begin our
normal maintenance schedule. <Good also> We
purchased a hospital tank and stocked it with gravel and water
and filter media from the main tank. The
levels are fine. The Pleco was
introduced and medicated. Overnight he became
stressed and shows patchy discoloration. The
blisters burst, the wound is pink/red. By
next day it was developing new blisters. I
did not like the stressed look so I moved him back to
the main tank and he is doing fine
again. I feel like an idiot and I hope you are
repressing the desire to agree with me. <Mmmm...
must... key.... carefully. Heeeee! No worries> Since the levels
are very good in the main tank I wonder if you might turn your
opinion to the condition of the wound itself. I have
never witnessed such a thing - I am unable to find similar
pictures on the internet, nor similar stories of
recovery. <Akin to "flesh eating bacteria"... there
are always present (yes, always) bacteria and other microbes which
can/do become more active, pathogenic... given circumstances,
opportunity> As of today (including a picture) s/he looks to
be doing better. The skin seems to be
growing back - will the plate grow back as well?
<Possibly... Sometimes do> It is hard for me to
tell. This guy likes to hide and I try not to
bother him for photographs unless he's where I can see him
easily. In a few days/week time I will move the goldfish to the
outdoor pond and they will no longer be a bother to the
catfish in the main aquarium. My LFS doesn't carry
peat. I've never used it in the tank
before, where do you buy it? <Mmm, large hardware,
garden shops... In small bags, not pony bales, unless you can use
this/it in your garden as well... do boil (to soften, soak)
first... let the water cool and use this as (yes, it's the
same) "black water tonic"> Is the peat from the home
garden center treated with anything that would harm my
fish? <Some are... you can tell this by testing the water, if
you just soak it, instead of the recommended boiling. You will find
the pH not drifting downward... Just boil...> Nobody at the LFS
ever heard of "bogwood", is the driftwood sold
for reptile aquariums the same thing? <Mmm, not all,
no. You can test... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/rkwduseaq.htm and
the linked files above> Can I use a fallen and rotting
oak branch from my own backyard? <Mmm, no... not
Quercus... this and many other hardwoods are actually quite toxic
to aquatic life> <BobF> |

Bristlenose Plec dis.
9/9/06 I have a male Bristlenose catfish, two years old
he is four and half inches long. He is in a 300 litre tank, he used to
be kept with Neons, Glowlights and platies. He was very happy, I fed
him on catfish pellets, algae wafers, bloodworms, brine shrimps and
daphnia. Now he is living with tinfoil barbs. he's not as happy and
hides under the filter, he is only getting the catfish pellets and
algae wafers, as the tinfoil barbs eat everything else first, I have
noticed that he is not cleaning the tank as well for the past week. And
he has a lump on his snout in front of one eye, I have telephoned all
my local aquatic shops, no one seems to have heard of this before,
I'm very worried, to me is looks like a cyst, apart from this his
colouring and general condition is very good. I hope you can help me,
as the children are very fond of catty! Wait to hear from you, Sue <
As your Pleco roots around for food he probably injured himself on a
piece of wood or rock. The area may be infected. I would recommend
treating him in a hospital tank with Nitrofuranace or Kanamycin as per
the directions on the package.-Chuck>
Skin Irritation on Top of Pleco's Nose 2/1/06
Hi, <Hello> I've noticed that one of my Pleco's has a
pretty severe skin irritation on the top of it's nose. <Pretty
common... most such start with rubbing "in the bag" during
catching, shipping...> It started out as a whitish scale-like
abrasion, which quickly turned to an outer layer of blood around the
abrasion. In addition, one of my aggressive fish has begun
to pick at the Pleco, which has added to its stress. As a
result, I have put the Pleco into a separate tank, and have begun
administering medicine (Gel-Tek and Melafix). Can you please shed some
light as to what this might be? Thanks! Deb Fair <Might
be simply the original "owee", perhaps a secondary infection
involved... aided by the aggression you speak of... I would add a level
teaspoon of aquarium salt per ten actual gallons of system water to the
Plecos water... it should heal in time. Bob Fenner>
Pleco headache Hi guys/ladies. I have a 90 gallon fresh water
tank with a common Pleco, he's about 5 to 6 inches now. When I got
him he was about a inch, so he's doing quite well. I am hoping to
have him as long as possible. Now for my problem, he seems to be going
to the top of the tank for air and smashing his head in to the cover. I
cant figure out why he's been doing this. He's been doing it
for about 4 months now. I have a air pump on one side of the tank and
on the other the filter. Both oxygenate the water quite well, I think.
He started doing it in my 55 gallon hex tank. Now I also have a much
smaller clown Pleco in there too and he doesn't go to the top at
all, that I have seen. So do you think that its some thing I should
worry about? Thanks Lukas <Hi Lukas, Don here. It could be that
there is something about the water he does not like. Do you test the
water? Add salt? Ever see him or others scratch against a rock
(flashing) or the bottom? Do you change water? How often? Any type of
film floating on top? All that being said, I've seen Plecos do some
strange stuff. I had one that would swim upside down at the surface to
get his share of flake. If your water tests OK, salt is low to none,
and you don't see any flashing, I'd say he's OK, just
Pleco Headache pt 2 I haven't noticed any FLASHING. Why
would he do this? I add a little aquarium salt with every water change.
Would that maybe make him do this? I do a water change about 3 to 4
buckets so about 12 to 16 gallons every 2 weeks. There is nothing
floating on the top of the water and I test the water 1 a month at home
I have been thinking about taking a sample to my LFS. He doesn't
look like he has any abrasions. I was looking at him yesterday after
work and he looked right back and look quite healthy. I have also been
told that Plecos need wood in there diet. So I placed a piece of drift
wood in the tank that I brought back from Vancouver island. It's a
piece that is quite heavy. Went right to the bottom. Thanks again.
Lukas <If that driftwood was EVER soaking in saltwater, and I assume
it was, get it out right away. Replace with a piece from the LFS at
some point. Do a big water change without salt. Plecos do not like salt
in the water. They can handle some, but we have no idea how much salt
and other minerals are coming out of the wood. That may be why he's
trying to jump out. Make sure you cover any openings. Don>
Pleco Injury Hey I could use some advice. <OK> while
moving my tank--I had to remove all the fish and in the process my
Pleco sustained what looked like a not too serious scrape on his
back--he doesn't like being netted or moved and I'm not sure if
he banged himself trying to get away from the net or when I put him
inside a cooler or if I injured him by getting him stuck in the netting
itself but he did sustain a white scrape--some of his scales looked a
little banged up as well--but it didn't look bad. <common
injury> Until today--now instead of slightly whitish discoloration
it looks bloody though the blood appears to be under the skin and the
wound is not open. What should I do to treat him--wound ease or
something like that in the tank or do I need to dose the tank with some
sort of antibiotic or both? <a separate QT tank with a broad
spectrum antibiotic would be ideal... but dose the main tank if you
must, remove carbon temporarily and do extra water changes for a couple
of weeks. A Furazolidone based medication will likely do the trick>
I don't want this to get worse--it seems it already has--I meant to
get something in the tank yesterday and then got distracted and forgot.
I'm just glad I forgot to salt the aquarium while I was being
absent-minded! <actually, the salt would be helpful and therapeutic.
One tablespoon per ten gallons minimum> any help you can give me
would be most appreciated. I'd like to get the stuff tomorrow.
Thanks, Karen <best regards, Anthony>
Pleco Injury Thanks Anthony, <very welcome, my friend>
you know the main thing with fishkeeping is you get so much conflicting
advice-- <conflicting is fine and even productive...inaccurate is
another matter altogether <wink>> today I went to Petco before
I received your email and the guy there said --Plecos are very
hardy--don't dose the tank with anything unless he develops an
infection--but then he recommended Penicillin--so I got that figuring I
would wait and see if I needed it. <my advice would be to return
it... that is a gram positive medication and very few bacteria in
aquaria respond to it (mainly diseases of livebearing fishes). What you
need is a broad spectrum antibiotic regime (like the aforementioned
Furazolidone/Nitrofurazone cocktail)> The dose is every other day
for five days. Will this do? <I doubt that it will help or hurt
much...save your money> I put in Stress Coat--and since you say salt
is ok I guess I will salt the tank as well. <yes... the salt is
almost always a very helpful tonic in freshwater> The problem with
the QT tank is that he is going to thrash and dodge and carry on and
that is how he was injured in the first place once he gets in a sick
tank he will probably throw himself against the lid in a panic--I
figure my established tank is healthy and clean----brand new Rena
Filstar XP on it--freshly cleaned gravel etc--old UG filter still in
operation--so I feel the water quality is good---I really need to find
this Pleco a new home--he needs a pond or a huge open tank--he is like
12" long and large. <I don't disagree with the above... but
any antibiotics can wreak havoc on a biological filter which will
require extra water changes... and thus the reason for the standard
warning to always treat in a QT tank... less drugs needed, smaller
water changes required, and the biological filter than supports many
other fishes won't be compromised and stress them possibly into
disease as well. You can treat the display if you feel it is best...
but beware of the above> I have a question for you about quarantine
tanks-sick tanks generally--people make such a big deal about cycling
new tanks and not just putting fish into new water-without biological
filtration being established and nitrate/nitrite levels going
down--what about sick tanks--isn't that hard on fish--to dump them
in a new tank that hasn't been cycled when they are sick? <a
properly set up QT tank does not run that way. A QT tank rarely needs
to be up and running... dry and ready is good enough. A simple $5
sponge filter can be running in the back of the display tank (or a sump
on marine aquaria) at all times... thus biologically conditioned and
easily able to handle the load of a new fish or sick fish transferred
out. When the occasion arises in need of QT, the
"dirty"/established sponge filter is moved to the QT tank
with 50% aged water from the display. The QT and the display are then
topped off with new water. Your mistaken impression is not at all
uncommon. Bottom line... QT is necessary... saves money and lives when
you think about the great investment in a full display tank to be
risked with every new fish randomly thrown in> Ideally I suppose I
should set up a hospital/quarantine tank and leave it running--with no
fish in it--guess I would have to dose it every so often with live
bacteria-- <no need to bother of course... just a simple sponge
filter in the main display... hide the QT in the garage dry
<smile> for fear of filling it> but I have not gotten around
to this yet--maybe I will make that a plant propagation tank as I want
to plant my 55 and feel the Silver Dollar will mow it all down in two
days anyway--ha, ha I will need replacement plants on a continual
basis. <agreed!> thanks for the advice Karen <best regards,
Re: Pleco with big spot I am replying to
you again to send better pics of the Pleco. <Yes, these show the
affected spot much better> I have now set up the 18 gal tank,
and quarantined him. <Very good> I am still unable to truly
know exactly what this is he has. He displays no signs of any of
the descriptions I've researched, other than the obvious raised
cysts you can see in the pics. Basically, about all I have found
are these 2 things, and have found no references after endless
searching as to exactly what it could be, and even if it is the Ichthyosporidiosis, how to treat Ichthyosporidiosis (other than
this one reference to food additives and water treatment). One of
the descriptions even indicates that at the point that cysts appear
its most likely too late for the fish. This greatly saddens me.
Here are the 2 descriptions I have come across: Ichthyosporidiosis
A. Ichthyophonus hoferi; large 10-250 micron spores which may
germinate to form large hyphae (similar to the hyphae of
Saprolegnia). B. This fungus infects all species of fish. C.
Clinically the fish are emaciated with small round occasionally
ulcerated black granulomas in the skin. Scoliosis is occasionally
observed. Internally numerous granulomas are observed in many
visceral organs. Microscopically the lesion consists of granulomas
with encysted large PAS-positive spores. Occasionally large
irregular shaped hyphae are observed. D. Transmission is unknown.
Ichthyosporidium Symptoms: Sluggishness, loss of balance, hollow
belly, external cysts and sores. Ichthyosporidium is a fungus, but
it manifests itself internally. It primarily attacks the liver and
kidneys, but it spreads everywhere else. The symptoms vary. The
fish may become sluggish, lose balance, show hollow bellies, and
eventually show external cysts or sores. By then it is usually too
late for the fish. Treatment is difficult. Phenoxethol added to
food as a 1% solution may be effective. Chloromycetin added to the
food has also been effective. But both of these treatments, if not
watched with caution, could pose a risk to your fish. It is best,
if diagnosed soon enough, to destroy the affected fish before the
disease can spread. Here are the latest pics: (also notice how he
always gets all splotchy with areas of lighter color on his skin
for a few days after I have moved him.) <OK, I have conferred
with others on the crew and Bob suggests that this may actually be
the Pleco's internal mass showing through after and injury.
He's seen this before in some pond fish and it generally heals
itself with time. You may want to keep him QT'd during this
time just to make sure no other fish pick on him and in case you do
need to medicate but it's not absolutely necessary at this
point. The lighter colored splotches that you see when you move him
are just from stress and will disappear once he relaxes again.
Ronni> |

Re: Pleco with big spot OK, here's the
thing though. Last July, when I picked this Pleco up from my sister
(the previous owner) I transported him and an Oscar 6 hrs north to
my house. It was a rough ride, and later I discovered transporting
them the way I did was a no, no. The Oscar died the next day. The
day after that, as I was setting up the tank, and preparing to put
the Pleco in, we noticed the spot, and wondered if he had been
injured during the move. <Possibly> I asked my sister (who
was in poor health, and actually hadn't looked at the fish tank
in about 4 months) and she said, well, last time I saw him, he
didn't have any sores. Now keep in mind, that he was in a tank,
that the water had gone down to about half way, no water changes
had been done in all those months, the filtration system was turned
off all that time, and it was questionable whether they had been
fed any time recent, or if there were even any fish in the tank,
because the water was so murky, you couldn't even see anything
but grey murky water. <Goes to show how "tough" these
animals are> I fished around through the water later and
discovered the Oscar and the Pleco. After observing that sore back
in July 2002, I have kept an eye on him, and the sore has not
gotten smaller, its gotten bigger. He has been in a 65 gal tank
with other tropicals and lots of plants and ornaments, until I
moved him to this 18 gal tank for quarantine the other day. (which
he is mad about, I've observed him trying to swim around, and
he bumps against the glass, then swims to the top, then bumps the
glass again, like he is having trouble accepting that this tank is
smaller than what he is used to. Have never seen him do that in the
other tank) So, I suppose its possible this is an injury. My
question is, why has it gotten bigger? <Perhaps a continuing
infection, maybe secondary> I also suppose he could be
re-injuring it, but if so, I have seen no behaviour to indicate how
or when he would have, other than the last few days in the new
tank. Kirk <Catfishes come in two "varieties",
"naked" and armored... Plecos are of the latter group.
Once the skin and armor is broken it can be trying to cure an
infectious disease. Bob Fenner> |
Pleco with big spot I have some questions
in regards to my 8 year old Pleco that is about 13 inches long. I
received this Pleco from my sister who owned him for those previous
8 years. After setting up my tank, I noticed he had a spot on his
side, and wondered if he had been injured during the move. But now
that time has passed, I can see it is getting bigger, and would
like to know what it is, and how to get rid of it. It appears as a
spot about a quarter of an inch around, and about a quarter of an
inch high (rounded like a dome coming up from the skin) but looks
as though it is made up of smaller black or grey bubbles piled on
one another. I have included pictures of him, both original pics,
and pics where I circled the spot, I hope they are clear, and you
can make out what it looks like, and help me figure out how to take
care of it. I realize they are not focused on the spot, which may
make it harder to see, while the picture itself appears clear, and
also, I hope they are not too dark. Please let me know. Thank you.
Kirk Saffell <Very nice pictures and a very nice tank! Do take a
look at http://www/wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwfshparasites.htm
especially Ichthyosporidium and Metacercariae (Flukes) as your
description and the pictures lead me to believe it's one of
these. You will need to isolate this fish into a quarantine tank
and then treat him according to the recommendations at the link
above. Ronni> |
Re: Pleco with big spot Yes, I have done
all of those. Although, about every 3 to 4 weeks, it seems I will
see a fish staying constantly at the top, and picked on by other
fish, then a few days later, is dead. As far as ammonia, the
natural cycling of the tank would show a high level of ammonia
before high nitrites, and then nitrates. I am currently out of
Nitrite/Nitrate test sticks, I do have ammonia testing available,
and it remains at 0. (Although a test at PetCo after fish had died
indicated slightly high ammonia, I immediately went home and
tested, and my test kit indicated 0.) <That's the correct
pattern but sometimes an ammonia spike will be so fast that if you
aren't testing daily you will miss it. I recently had a new
tank show 0 ammonia but the nitrites were at 5. This was after just
one day of being set up. However, I don't think that's the
problem in this case. Since these are smaller tropicals (judging
from your photos), it is still possible that whatever is on your
Pleco is killing them even though they don't show signs of it.
I know I said yesterday it wasn't likely but I did some
thinking on this last night and with the small size of them it is
possible that there would be no visible symptoms.> I have
considered that the 2 indications I mentioned point to 1 of 2
things - a fish constantly at the top is supposed to indicate a
lack of oxygen or burning of gills, correct? <Usually> And
being picked on by other fish of the same species indicates
something may be wrong with that fish, right? <With the types I
saw in your pictures, yes. These are generally non aggressive fish
that don't often pick on their own species.> I have made a
few mistakes. Buying fish from PetCo and immediately introducing
them into the tank. After doing so, I had been at the same PetCo a
few days later, and noticed a lot their fish had Ich, or the cotton
effect, and a lot of their tanks had dead fish floating in them. I
pointed this out to them, but they really could have cared less.
<Ouch. Unfortunately, this is all too common.> What I learned
from that situation is, don't buy fish from anyone who
doesn't care about the condition of the fish. <Sometimes
there's no other option though. A strict QT period is necessary
for all new additions, regardless of where it's purchased.>
I suppose this might be a cause of some of them dying. <Not the
Ich but they may have been mis-handled somewhere along the line. Or
they may have some sort of internal problem. At this point, I would
recommend just keeping exact track of when you lose a fish. Mark
the day on your calendar and see if you're actually losing them
as often as it seems. And when one is dying, inspect it closely
both before and after death to see if you can find anything.> I
appreciate your help with this, but I still haven't found
enough meaty info by looking on this site, do you have any exact
links that go in depth? Or any other sites that give a step to
step? <Unfortunately, I don't. Use your favorite search
engine to search for Plecostomus disease and see what it pulls
up.> One of the descriptions of the problem suspected with the
Pleco, says Black or yellow nodules, ulcers on or under skin. ON
the skin would be accurate. It actually looks like a dime sized
area where someone piled caviar. So this one, I tend to think is
not it - Flukes. Red or Black nodules under skin. Please let me
know at your earliest convenience. Thanks. Kirk <I agree but I
couldn't see closely in the pictures so figured they were both
worth mentioning. At this point, unless you find something more
definitive in your search, isolate him and treat him for
Ichthyosporidium. Have you been feeding him anything or just
letting him eat what's in the tank? If you aren't already,
you may want to try supplementing him with algae wafers,
particularly ones with Spirulina. I am very sorry that I
haven't been of more help! Oh, the correct link (since I gave
you a broken one yesterday!) is http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwfshparasites.htm
Ronni> |
Re: Pleco with big spot He has been in a
tank with many other tropical fish, are they infected then? I lose
about 1 fish every month, is this why? Kirk <It's possible
but they would probably have been showing some kind of symptoms. My
guess is that the losses are from something else. Have you tested
your ammonia and nitrites recently and kept up with the water
changes? Ronni> |

Re: Pleco with big spot Yes, I have always fed him algae
discs, but when I feed the fish, he always goes to the top and gets as
much of that as he can too. I feed him 3 or 4 discs at a time (since he
is so big) about every other day. (since I know he eats the other fish
food too) <Very good> I have an 18 Gallon tank that I took down
when I moved, and never set it back up. I had a lot of trouble with
that tank. Fish always died. The temp was incredibly difficult to keep
steady (thus I bought a Tronic settable heater) The gravel in the tank
was large gravel, which I later learned is a no, no, especially in a
smaller tank. It had only an undergravel filter, which wasn't doing
the job, so I bought a small power filter for it. But fish were always
dying, and I was always busting the small Pleco in that tank,
harassing, attacking, or eating the other fish. I got rid of that
Pleco, and moved the remaining fish from that tank (molly babies) To my
65 Gal. (where the 13 inch Pleco is) <Not uncommon with some
Pleco's. They're generally mild mannered but once in a while
they can be a terror. For now, I would suggest setting the 18g back up
with the power filter, no gravel, a heater, and a light if you have
one.> Also, that smaller tank, when I would look close at the
gravel, had some very tiny white creatures, about the size of a speck
of dust, swimming and squirming around in it. I was told this was
sometimes normal, and those creatures were not harmful to the fish, but
actually gave them more protein to eat. <Yes, it's true that
these are harmless. Many tanks seem to get them.> Anyway I will get
some smaller gravel and set that tank up, but shouldn't it sit with
only water, gravel, plants and filtering for about 4 weeks to get the
cycle in place? <Nope, you can set it up and begin using it
immediately by filling it with water from your 65g. Try to get some of
the dirt that accumulates in the gravel and put it in the 18g also.
This will seed your tank and you won't have to wait for the full
cycle. You will still have to monitor ammonia and nitrites and possibly
do a few water changes but by setting it up this way you can at least
reduce the cycle period to just a few days (my longest cycle period
with this method has been about 4 days)> Would it be safe to treat
the entire 65 Gallon tank for what the Pleco has? <It's not
recommended. Some fish are more sensitive to medications than others
and you also run the risk of medicating fish that don't need
it.> And if so, will doing so destroy the carbon in the filters,
thus they should be removed? Does any type of additive that requires
removal of the carbon cause harm to the fish if put in and carbon is
not removed? In other words, does it cause a reaction or dissolve the
carbon and send it into the water, being dangerous for the fish, or
does it just ruin the carbon? Or, does the carbon do its job and remove
the additive from the water making it a waste of time to use the
additive? <The latter. It doesn't ruin the carbon but the carbon
removes the medication.> OK, enough for now, thanks again for your
help. Kirk <You're welcome! Ronni>