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Goldfish with laboured breathing 7/19/06 Hi, <<Hello, Kate. Tom>> I have looked at other sites but with fish it is so hard to tell what is wrong. I don't want to treat my fish with the wrong thing and kill it. <<Very wise here, Kate.>> First of all I admit that I could have been more frequent with the cleaning of my tank. The fish is a common goldfish and he is about 13 years old. He is generally quite hardy. I cleaned the tank at the weekend and got some new large (smooth) stones and a plant for his tank. This was on Saturday, he seemed fine until last night. At around 9pm (just over 12 hours ago) I noticed that he was gasping for air near the top of the tank. I thought it was strange because he didn't have his mouth "out" of the water although his back fin was. However later he swam to the bottom and has mainly stayed there breathing heavily throughout. I wondered if he could have a balance problem but he is the right way up and can swim when he makes a big effort. <<By way of information, Kate, oxygen concentrations tend to be higher at the surface because that's where "oxygen exchange" takes place. Gulping for air (sometimes referred to as "piping") is the result of a variety of problems that usually stem from poor water conditions. Something here took several days to manifest itself, though, so I'm of the opinion that something related to but, outside of, the water change/cleaning is responsible.>> The thing is that I know he's sick because normally when it's time to be fed he swims straight to the top of the tank but now he can't move fast enough and is concentrating on breathing all the time. From what I have read could it be bacterial gill infection? <<I can't exclude this. You haven't given specifics regarding how long it's been since you cleaned your fish's tank so it's entirely possible that you "stirred up" a fair amount of "stuff", shall we say, when you accomplished this. The thought of rotting detritus/mulm being "inhaled" by your Goldfish makes me a little queasy so I can only imagine how he must have felt about it. ;)>> It just struck me as strange that once he was cleaned out he was fine but that it came on last night, 3 days after cleaning out the tank. Could whatever is wrong with him have still been caused by the water quality before the tank was cleaned? <<Could be but ask yourself if this situation would have been forestalled if you had waited another week. He was fine until the cleaning so something was precipitated by this. I suspect that I know the answer but, did you "quarantine" the plant? Parasites such as Ich will "hitchhike" on plants as readily as other aquatic life. Also, how thoroughly did you wash the new gravel before placing it in the aquarium? This, frankly, is what I have some suspicions about. pH levels typically drop in aquariums over time. With "regular" water changes, these fluctuations are minimal and have little, if any, adverse affect. However, throw in a large water change along with the addition of new substrate, potentially leaching pH-increasing minerals, into the tank and you've got a good case for pH shock.>> I have removed the new plant and the stones from the tank and have changed a lot of the water. <<Good on the removal of the new items but slow down on the water changes. You didn't mention anything about testing the water conditions so I have no idea what's currently going on in your tank. I'm thinking that you don't either. Invest in a test kit, Kate, or take a sample of water up to your local fish store for testing. Find out exactly what's going on in your pet's aquarium. Adaptive as they are, you're probably putting a lot on a thirteen-year-old Goldfish.>> I will readily admit that I am really not the best fish keeper and to be honest the fish has probably lived this long more because of luck than anything else. I am asking for your help because I don't want him to die and I don't want to do something which could make his condition worse. <<Nothing wrong with a little luck, Kate, but we can certainly "hedge" our bets. Again, find out what the parameters in the tank are regarding ammonia, nitrite and, especially, nitrate and pH levels. Aquarium salt at the rate of one tablespoon/five gallons of tank water can greatly assist in oxygen uptake - dissolved first in fresh, dechlorinated water.>> Many thanks for your help, Kate <<Always happy and ready to do so, Kate. Please get back to us if you need more input. Tom>> Kate Hopkinson Sick goldfish? 7/18/06 <<Hi, Angel. Tom>> My daughter has two common goldfish; totaling up to about 4.5" combined in a 5 gallon tank. <<Far too small a tank for these fish, Angel. Surprising though it may be - and you wouldn't be alone, by any stretch - these Goldfish need to be in a 40-50 gallon tank. (No, I'm not making this up.) These fish can/will grow to be very large in the correct environment. If not, they'll be "stunted" and will die far before their time.>> She absolutely adores her fish and yesterday I noticed that the larger of the two is beginning to lose it's orange color and swimming very strangely. He's started shaking his head like a dog playing tug of war. <<Is the tank filtered? Has it cycled? Ammonia poisoning, particularly in small tanks like yours, will chemically burn the fish's gills. The approximate equivalent to being trapped in a burning home and having nothing but smoke to breathe.>> At first I thought he had eaten a piece of gravel, but there's nothing in his mouth. He also hasn't got any growths, spots or any other unusual markings at all. The smaller of the two is behaving normally, and most of the time, so is he, but about two to three times an hour he'll start swimming all over the place, not hitting anything, and shaking his head crazily. <<You need to get both of these fish into larger quarters. There isn't a Goldfish on Earth that will live long in a 5-gallon bowl. If this isn't feasible, then you need to find another home for them...quickly. If it is feasible, research what it takes - on our site - to cycle a fish tank and give them the home they need. Properly cared for, these animals might live to see your daughter graduate from college. :)>> This is not normal for him, and I don't know if there's something wrong there or not. Can you give me an idea what's going on here, please? <<Already have, Angel. Goldfish need "big" aquariums, regardless of the variety. Too few folks are aware of this. Hopefully, I've shared some insight with you.>> Angel <<My best. Tom>> Potential
parasites... Mmm, actually goldfish system "hitchhikers", or
perhaps better put, "flyers in" 7/18/06 Morning all, from
England! <And back to you from not yet sunny Southern Cal.> I
have just passed my tank, and spotted lots of transparent, tubular
lengths about a cm long on the front glass of my goldfish tank. <Ah,
yes... likely tubiculous worms or aquatic insect larval stages. Not
harmful> My tank is about 20 English gallons, and has one mature
Black Moor goldfish (Bogglet) in it: unfortunately we lost his partner
a while ago, but not to a disease. As I am sure you can understand, I
definitely do not want to put Bogglet at any further risk, so I have
searched the internet in order to identify these tubes. He has no
visible parasites attached, and I have also seen what I think may have
been a dragonfly nymph or a nymph of some sort swimming past: <These
former (Odonatans) are generally quite large... of frightening
apparition...> the tubular organisms do not seem to move. From
reading through your site (I come back to it time and again: easily the
most informative site on the entire internet!) I have come to suspect
that they could be a larval stage of a parasite, (Anchorworm? They are
whitish however, not brown as your help pages state.) <Mmm, no...
this is not the nature of this organism> but I'm hoping that
they aren't: I don't think the stress is exactly what he needs
right now! Also, after losing his tank mate (Wobbly Fish) recently, I
decided not to introduce any new fish because of the emotional shock,
but now I am concerned that he may be bored or lonely. <Not to worry
here. Goldfish are more "autistic" re tankmates... they
don't "get lonely"> I would of course quarantine any
new purchases, but I am unsure whether or not a new introduction would
be successful. <Ah, good> Bogglet is about 25cm nose to tip, and
all the pet shop moors seem tiny in comparison! <Indeed they
are...> Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. <For
this size system, I would stick with the one fish you have> Thank
you not only for your advice, but for maintaining such a successful
site: no other has helped me as much as yours! <Ahh, deeply
gratifying to read/understand> Yours, Chloe. <Should you acquire
larger quarters, a smaller fancy goldfish or two would be okay to start
with your larger Moor. Cheers, Bob Fenner> Fishy =[... Goldfish in a tiny, under-gravel plus
filtered world... env. dis. 7/16/06 Dear Mr. Fenner,
<Charlotte> I am hoping that you will have a possible answer as
to why my Ryukin is at the bottom of her tank sucking (air?) in one
spot? <Not good signs...> She has been doing this now
for maybe 2 days... only occasionally swimming about the tank. Her
normal behavior has been to swim about in a 5-gallon tank <Too
small...> with a bio-wheel filter, as well as an under-gravel
filter. <Can be trouble with goldfish, systems...> The tank only
has gravel at the bottom, and she seemed happy and
healthy. We have intention of purchasing a 20 gallon
aquarium on our next trip to PetSmart. <Oh, good!> We love this
fish and we are very concerned that she is in some kind of distress.
I've read information at several different sites and have been
unsuccessful in finding anything that seems similar to Fishy's
latest questionable behavior. Thank you in advance for any
information or advise that you might offer. Regards, Charlotte Greene
<Do you have tests for water quality? At any/all lengths the root of
the situation here is very likely environmental... I would institute
some one gallon water changes (daily)... with treated, stored water.
Please read here re: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshsystems.htm and
the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Sick Pearlscale Goldfish... Aeromonad, Pseudomonad... Ana aki? 7/13/06 H, I have an adult Pearlscale goldfish in a 5 gallon sick tank with a bacterial ulcer. I <I...> know the tank is small but I change 30% of the water daily so it stays within a good range for everything. <Numbers please> The question is when do I stop treatment? He has been receiving Melafix <Worthless here> for his ulcer daily for about 1.5 weeks and it has gone from an open, red ulcer to a white scar. <Just actually just going into a "resting phase"...> He scar has covered the whole wound but it is still "lower" than the surrounding tissue. Should I continue treating him till it is all even and scales have re-formed (will they re-form?) over the scar? <Mmm, up to you. I would treat as per here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/holedispd.htm and the linked files above> Also, he has white, stringy poop. I read that this is a parasitic infection, but is it treatable? <Possibly> More importantly, is it communicable? <If this is a parasite, then yes> I plan on putting Fatty, his name, in my other tank when he heals, but will his poop-disease affect my other goldfish? <Very likely so. If this fish was with the others, they are almost all assuredly (sub-clinical expression) similarly infected> Thank you for your help, Meagan and Fatty <Read on my friend. Bob Fenner> Goldfish With Bacterial Infections 7/7/06 I have
a fancy goldfish with bubbles on its head. It has large white patches
on both sides of the fish and some things going on with its tail.
Yesterday I noticed that some red spots have developed under the white
patches. I have been treating the tank with salt and quick cure(3 days)
but this has not fixed the problem yet. Do you know what could be wrong
with my fish? Dana Fowler <Your fish has a numerous bacterial
infections. Probably caused by poor water quality. Do a 50% water
change, clean the filter and vacuum the gravel. Treat the tank with
Kanamycin or Nitrofuranace as per the directions on the package. This
will affect your good biological filtration and you may need to add
Bio-Spira from Marineland after treatment.-Chuck> My goldfish, no useful info. 7/7/06 Hello again its me Kenzi I just went to check on my goldfish and I noticed that he is covered with white bumps. They are on his tail, fins, and the back of his body. What does this mean? Thanks for the help. -- Kenzi <... sounds, reads like some sort of reaction to something amiss or too changeable in its environment... Can't tell w/ the information offered. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshsystems.htm and the files linked above. Bob Fenner> Panicked Black Moor 7/7/0Re: Panicked Black Moor (For Tom)
7/10/06 Hello again Tom! <<Hi, Myrtle.>> I moved my
black moor, Edgar into a plastic bin that held about two and half
gallons of water while I found him an aquarium. (I regrettably admit
that I didn't have the money for an aquarium when I first wrote
you.) <<Happens to most of us at one time or another. :)>>
I got a twenty gallon aquarium and set it up today, and was
waiting twenty-four hours for before putting him into it.
<<Would like to have considerably more time but I don't think
it wise to delay the move.>> I read more about keeping
an aquarium, I treated the water and got a filter, as well
as other necessities for keeping a clean tank, like a gravel vacuum.
<<Very good!>> I got medication for Ich. It says not to
clean the tank or move the fish while treating him for Ich, so I was
waiting till I put him in the aquarium to treat him. <<I'd
prefer that you treat with aquarium salt for a couple of reasons - we
may have to go in this direction, anyway. By way of explanation,
certain medications are harmful to the beneficial bacteria we badly
need at this point. Salt won't affect the bio-colonies. Next, and
probably more important, we can easily maintain the prescribed
concentration of salt while performing water changes. These will be
inevitable until the tank cycles and will potentially need to be done
on a regular/large scale. (As dangerous as Ich is, it's not as
deadly as a sharp buildup of ammonia and nitrites will be.)>> (He
did start eating, and I didn't feed him while he was in
the bag I brought home from the store, I just worded that wrong.)
<<Good on both counts. I rather suspected you hadn't fed
Edgar while he was still in the bag but we do run across some
"funny" things from time to time. While we're on the
subject, I'd like you to limit his feeding until things get more
stable. Food breakdown and, likewise, fish waste will be
"necessary evils" for the time being but we've got to
make the effort to keep the coming spikes in ammonia and nitrites to
manageable levels if possible. Any ensuing stress on your pet will only
make problems harder to deal with as they come along. And, I do want to
emphasize that we're going to have problems. It wouldn't be
fair to tell you we're "out of the woods" by any stretch.
Fortunately, Goldfish, as a general rule, are about as tolerant of
less-than-optimal conditions as any fish can be. Doesn't mean
we're going to let him "stew" in sewer-like water,
though.>> Thank you again for your help! ~ Myrtle <<I do
want you to consider a water test kit as your next investment. The fish
store will test your parameters if you bring in a sample but this is
hardly as convenient as having a kit at your fingertips and you're
going to want to test frequently. Virtually everything you do over the
coming weeks will be based largely on what your water parameters are.
Without these, we'll be "flying blind". I'll be here
if you need more assistance. My best. Tom>> Black Moor Problems... 7/5/06 Hi <Hello to you> What a fantastic website!!! Hours of VERY helpful reading. I still haven't been able to find anything that exactly matches my problem, and I have not had much luck from pet shops or vets around my area. <Much to know just re companion animals...> I have 2 beloved gold fish that I have had for about 7 years. <Outstanding> I love them dearly and would do anything for them. My fantail has currently got cloudy eyes and seems to be pretty much blind from my lack of knowledge about water quality when I first had my fish. After much learning, I now seem to have the water quality very good. My fantail is now quite happy, swims and eats well and seems generally pretty normal (apart from the eyes). <Ah, good. These may cure in time> The real problem is my black moor. Over the last 12 months, one of her eyes (and I mean the googly part, not the actual eye) has been getting bigger and bigger in size. It is now starting to affect her swimming and she is now listless and not eating much. <Likely internal, bacterial... in cause, secondary...> I recently took her to a local vet that sees fish and he drained the eye. It does not seem to be a growth, but rather fluid build up in the eye. <Yes> The vet tested the fluid that was drained from the eye and said that it contained crystals that were indicative of a liver problem. <Interesting> He prescribed some medication (I don't remember what it was called), so I separated her (both fish are normally in a 25litre tank and I put her alone in a 14 litre tank) and I treated her with 1/2 tablet every week. When I water changed, it was from water from the main tank so that I could maintain the same water quality and environment. <A good practice> She seemed quite happy at first and after about 4 weeks, so I put her back into the main tank and continued to treat her. After about a week, she became very listless and would rest on the top of the filter and barely eat. <Takes a while for fish to recover> About a week after this, I separated her back into the small tank and continued treatment. It has been about 2 weeks and she seems to be no better and her eye seems to be more swollen than ever. What can I do??? She is a part of the family and I would do anything that would help her. Can you suggest anything to try? Thank you so much in advance - I look forward to any advice you can offer!!! Cheers Shelley Brisbane, Australia <Mmm, well... there are possibilities of boosting your goldfish/Moors immune system, improving its liver function... Through the addition/soaking of foods with Vitamins and similar supplements. Additional to this I would try the safe and often effective cathartic use of Epsom Salt... at the rate of a level teaspoon per ten gallons of actual water volume, replaced with water changes. Bob Fenner, who has often transited through Brisbane on his way to Gladstone, Heron Island, points N.W.> My sick goldfish 7/3/06 Hi, I was hoping you could help me with my fish problem. I have a bubble- eye, tri-tail goldfish. He seems very sick. both of his eyes are very cloudy and one of them is turning kind of orange. He is laying on the bottom of the tank. <Bad signs> to be safe I put in some fungus eliminator. I was wondering if there was anything else I should do? <Mmm, yes... read> In the tank I have another fish a regular goldfish. he doesn't seem sick at all. So are there any other medications I should try? <Be careful re pouring in "medicines"... more organisms are lost to mistreatment than pathogenic disease. Very likely your goldfish's problem(s) are environmental... and only being made worse by such "medicines". Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshsystems.htm and here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshdisease.htm and the linked files above. You need to test your water quality... Bob Fenner> Sick goldfish 7/2/06 I stumbled across your website today trying to determine what is wrong with my goldfish. I found her (I think) caught in my skimmer box <Mmm... if in good health shouldn't be caught thus> and quickly pulled her out and started 'swimming her through the water to get the water moving through her gills. She is a big body white/gold fan tail that I have had for many years. After I let her go I realized she wasn't swimming right (having a hard time staying upright) and after I pulled her out of a tight space she got caught in, I filled up a round preformed pond I keep for emergencies (using pond water and well water from hose). I added Epsom salts and pond salt and put her in with a bubbler. <Good moves> Getting out my fish book it said she could a: have gas bubble disease, b: be constipated, c: be full of eggs; d: have bacterial infection. I tried gently squeezing between her fins where the book said to see if any eggs would release but I was too scared I would hurt her so I stopped. The first day she was in the hospital tank I noticed a long thin clear mucousy stream coming from her behind. I pulled it off. She has been in the tank for 2 ½ days and I've been doing partial water changes and adding Epsom salts, pond salt. A few other times I saw the clear stream coming from her. What is this? <Don't know...> Should I be doing something else? She seems to be swimming a little better but still swims tilted sometimes. I'm afraid to put her back in the pond. Adria <I would monitor water quality in this treatment container, change a part of the water out daily (replace with pond water) and otherwise hope for recovery with the salts treatment. Bob Fenner> Marbled goldfish, no info. on system, water quality... 7/1/06 Hi, My Black eyed goldfish (Mr. Magoo) who is about 3 years old has come down with well what I'm not sure. I've read several FAO with your website, but don't see this. Basically he's turning well marbled. He has white veins like running on the outside.. all over.. including his eyes. <Interesting> And as big of a clue he doesn't want to eat today. He tried to go up for the food, and then seems to be exhausted. I'm guessing an internal parasite issue.. <... from where?> just started yesterday.. worse today.. been fine since. Haven't changed his routine. I did do a partial today. Any suggestions for my marble turning Black Bug eyed goldfish named Mr. Magoo (or Goo) who has been very entertaining to me? Thanks! <I suspect something environmental is amiss for this change to occur so suddenly. I would be moving this fish to other established quarters if you have this... Otherwise... reviewing, testing your water... Please read here re: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshsystems.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Very listless Comet... you know what to do 7/1/06 My poor comet , Mr. Smith, as he is affectionately known has become very listless and just floats around the tank, <Bad> he seems to have given up the will to live, I cannot see any signs of Finrot or any other things like Ich etc. I am suspecting water problems, <Me too> as I have had a lot of legal rubbish happening around me and I have forgotten to change water _ I know neglectful, but I would dearly like to help him, have had him for over 7 years any advice would be really appreciated Eileen <... read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshsystems.htm and here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshdisease.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Re: Very listless Comet 7/1/06 Unfortunately Mr. Smith Died today, I brought him to an aquatic centre and they said he seemed too ill, and looked like he had dropsy, so they put him to sleep humanely. I am very upset as I have had him such a long time, and upset with myself as I should have noticed. Eileen <Very sorry to realize your loss. BobF>
Sudden Goldfish Death/s... - 06/30/06 Hi, how are you? (great I hope) I had this red cap Oranda named carrot-top who died very recently. All morning he/she was fine, swimming up to the top every time I passed by, you know every typical greedy goldfish. <Yes, every healthy one> Then a few hours later, it started swimming VERY lopsided and going to the bottom of the tank. It looked as if it couldn't gain balance. I put him/her in a separate bowl, and about 20 min.s later it died. The same thing happened to my previous goldfish, who died the exact same way. Do you have any idea what can be causing this? <Something... toxic... perhaps a coating on the surface of the water that asphyxiated it, or maybe it swallowed a venomous insect that fell in...? Or a spray cleaner got into the water?> I don't want the same thing to happen to the rest of the goldfish because I love them so much, and part of being a goldfish keeper is learning how to take good care of them. god bless, Melyssa. <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshdisease.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Goldfish died suddenly
6/29/06 Hi, WWM Crew: <Susanna>
I've searched your WWM FAQs and Chat Forums, and
didn't find the answer, so here I am. I
have 8 goldfish (2 each of bubble-eye, black Oranda,
red/white Ryukin, regular) for about 9
months. They all look healthy (no sign of
disease), feeding and growing. However, this morning,
one of the black Oranda was dead, floating sideway on top of
the tank, with the other fish nipping around it.
What could have happened, and how can I prevent that
from happening to the other fish? (I maintain the
tank regularly for proper ph, cleanliness,
etc.) Thank you very much for your help.
Susanna San Francisco, CA <Mmm,
such "anomalous losses" are not uncommon in goldfish... even
ones that are a bit older, larger... though after a few years, they
seem to be almost immortal at times. If all else "checks
out", and there are no signs of illness with the others, I would
not be concerned. Could be an expression of a "genetic
disorder"... Bob Fenner> Re: Goldfish care 6/28/6 Lisa, Thank you for your help. <<You're welcome.>> Unfortunately, both of my fantails died (they were purchased from Wal-Mart). <<Sorry to hear that.>> The comet is still alive, but I am concerned for him. For the last couple of days, he's been swimming erratically. Swims up and down and around very fast at times then swims up then also tries to swim up against the tank. I went searching on the site and think it might be a swim bladder problem, but not positive and not sure what to do if it is in fact this. <<Check the toxin levels in the water. Should read 0 ammonia and nitrites, <20 nitrates.>> He is in a 15 gallon tank, (I believe in the previous email I said it was a 10 gallon) and the only fish in the tank. <<Good.>> I noticed today, that there is a bit of food at the bottom of the tank. <<You should vacuum this up during water changes.>> I've been feeding him, the flakes and slow sinking granules. But upon research on the web site, I've found out this isn't the best thing to feed them. What exactly should I be feeding him? << http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshmalnut.htm>> Thank you very much for you help, Marie <<Glad to help. Good luck. Lisa.>> Re: is it ill 6/26/06 <<Hi, again, Norma.>> Thanks for your advice. Haven't been able to get a test kit; pet shop on holiday for two weeks but things seem to be looking up. <<This is good to hear!>> Anyway, the day after I e-mailed you I decided to put fish pellets in instead of the flakes and I don't know what's in them but the fish in question is swimming round and seems to be following the smaller of the lemon ones. So, whether it has just had a couple of off weeks or it didn't like the flakes, only time will tell. <<Well, fish need variety in their diets just like we do. It's not unheard of for fish to develop health problems from diets of otherwise good-quality food when one type of food is all they ever get.>> Oh, and I put a bit of cucumber in (read it was good for constipation). <<Zucchini, spinach, shelled peas, for example, are good sources of vegetable diet that can be mixed in with regular feedings. Keeps the fish smiling and I don't have to eat the stuff. :)>> Thanks again, Norma ..... p.s. Love the site. Quite informative. <<Happy to help, Norma, and thank you for the kind words. Tom>> Just out of nowhere.. Fancy Goldfish systems, health 6/26/06 Good day. <And you> I have a 50 gallon fw tank with four goldfish fancies. A black moor, two goldfishes, and a goldfish that is half gold/half black. I used Bio-Spira to cycle the tank and directly added the fish. It's been cycled for about 2 weeks with the fish with the following parameters: ammonia/nitrite 0, nitrates 5, ph 7.2 However, one day, the black moor just dies and I would guess that normally, a fish would float up in that case, but he was upside down at the bottom of the tank. <Do float or sink...> The water is crystal clear, but I immediately checked the water with the following parameters: ammonia/nitrite 0, nitrates 10, ph 7.2 A few days later the half black/half gold fish starts hiding in the bottom corner of the tank and I suddenly knew something was wrong as this guy always swam with the other two. A few days later, that fish passed, upside down at the bottom of the tank. They both don't look like they have dropsy, no bloating or expanded scales or anything. Any ideas? <... likely cumulative stress... Fancy goldfish are not as "tough" as folks often believe... Are often "shaken up" from being moved around, and don't "like" all-new settings... best to wait a few to several weeks with new water, fine products like Bio-Spira added before adding them. I would wait a few weeks more and try some new specimens. Bob Fenner> Thank you. Joseph Healing Injured Goldfish 6/26/06 Hi, <Hi Anthony, Pufferpunk here> I moved the goldfish into a tub (20-40 gallons) and have been treating it with "heals all" and salt. <I'm not sure what "Heals All is but if it's working, that's good.> All of the fungus died off and the Oranda is finally eating regularly. Its Wen <fin?> is beginning to grow back (I can see little pink "sprout-like" things). It's a miracle the Oranda is still alive, I guess goldfish are extremely resilient. There is one "bump in the road" remaining. Where the fungus had penetrated the skin and it became a flap covered with fungus, the skin fell off, leaving a large (1" diameter) area of exposed flesh. The salt seems to irritate this flesh (obviously). What is the best thing to do? I was thinking of changing 50% of the water, daily and adding "heals all" proportional to the changed water. <Water changes are always good in situations like this.> I'm not sure if this would be ok, because "heals all" doesn't say a timetable for treating or should I just use "Aqua Safe"? Or something totally different? I am concerned this patch of skin will become infected again. What should I do? <Again, I've never heard of Aqua Safe. I suggest stopping the salt, since it is irritating & add Melafix. ~PP> Thanks, Anthony Goldfish With Thickening Fins - 06/22/2006 Good evening team! <Hi, Resa!> My son won a Comet Goldfish in his first-grade reading contest almost four years ago. We did our research, learned a lot about fish, and now have a beautiful 8-inch specimen with a gorgeous flowing tail kept in his own 20 gallon tank. <Excellent.> He eats well and swims happily in water changed weekly @ 20%, all readings within range. <Delightful!> My concern is that several weeks ago he developed a thickening of the first and second ray (to a lighter degree on the second ray) of the dorsal fin. Then, yesterday I noticed what appeared to be the same condition developing on the ventral fin. Neither fin is red or irritated in any way, nor does it appear to be Ick related because the thickening, while showing as small clear nodules, is internal, not external. <Hmm.... This may actually be normal, to some degree....> Am I incorrect in this diagnosis? <What, that it's not Ich? No, I'm pretty sure you're not facing Ich, here.> I am a late night internet searcher (love your site!) but have not been able to find this issue addressed positively or negatively. <Thinking back to my pond fish.... I do believe their dorsal, ventral, and anal fins all had (and have) a thicker first ray than the rest....> I've found that "tubercules" grown on the gill covers and pectoral fins of nuptial males, but this is very different. Is it related to maturity, or do I have a potential problem in the works? <I would keep a close eye on this, and watch very closely at the base of the ray for any swelling or redness.... and otherwise just continue keeping good care of him. It may very well just be that this is a normal transition for him.> Thanks so much for all that you do. <And thank you for your kind words!> Resa <Wishing you and your comet well, -Sabrina> Sick Bubble Eyed
Goldfish... sans useful info. 6/21/06 Our goldfish Belle has
been sick for over a week. It all started when we noticed
she would not leave the bottom of the tank unless it was feeding
time. After a few days, we noticed that her stomach was
starting to turn blood red. <Bad signs> After reviewing several
articles on your website, I felt that Belle had all the symptoms of a
bacterial infection. <But from what root cause/s?> I
couldn't find any Furnace at the store, but I ordered it online and
I'm still waiting. I did buy some Maroxy by a company
called Mardel in the meantime. The blood red color
disappeared from her stomach. I should also mention that I
did a water change and added salt to the tank. <What was, is your
water quality?> The five days of recommended medicine have now
expired and while here color is back to normal, Belle is
not. She still stays at the bottom of the tank and is
starting to even lose interest in feeding. After attempting
to eat tonight, she sunk back to the bottom of the tank and was
breathing very heavily. Can you please recommend some
treatment that would get Belle back to normal? Thanks Clint <Not
with the little information offered here. Understand that any/all such
treatments rely on the environment... what the water chemistry has
been, is currently, and the nutrition of this animal... Please read
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/mardisease.htm and
write back with more, useful data. Bob Fenner> <<I think
Bob meant to direct to this link: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshdisease.htm
.>> Why are my fish dying? Goldfish sys. 6/20/6 Hi! <<Hello.>> I used to have 4 very small goldfish in a 10 litre tank (I know this is too small and I will be upgrading soon). <<Woefully overstocked.>> They were a Black Moor, Orange Bubble Eye, Fantail and a Red Cap Oranda. They have all died one after another (except for the Oranda he is perfectly healthy) with the same problem. They would start turning black (except for the Black Moor) then curl up into an arched position then die. Funnily enough, the healthy one (Red Cap Oranda) has no black on him whatsoever. Everyone says that they just change colour, but when that happened to my fish they died. Do you know the reason? <<This is likely an environmental problem. Did you cycle your tank? If so, how? Did you do massive water changes very often to buy you (some, if any) time until you get a larger tank?>> I really want to know what the reason is so I can prevent my Oranda from getting the disease. <<As I said, I don't think this is a disease. Please read on WWM about cycling, and test for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Ammonia and nitrite need to be 0 at all times, and nitrate under 20.>> Thanks for your help with all the confusing emails I send in! You've been a great help to me! Thanks again. <<Glad to help. Lisa.>> Goldfish lost part of tail fin 6/20/06 Hi there, < Hello! > At 20 years of age our goldfish suddenly had the lower part of it's tailfin simply fall off it seems. < 20 years is an incredible time! You have truly done well! > We did not see this happen but as the fish is on it's own it was obviously not attacked. The resulting wound seems to be healing fine. < Have you tested your water for carbonate hardness and pH? Sometimes, especially in an older tank, the KH will be too low to hold a stable pH. When this happens, the immune system of the goldfish is put in question. Typically, loss of extremities is due to lowered oxygen content. If the KH/pH are not an issue, maybe there is too much dissolved organics in the water. I truly doubt this is the case, for anyone to have a 20 year old goldfish, I'm sure you are good with your water. > On close examination the only other problem the fish has is that the lens over on eye seems blown up (more convex than the other), this can only be noticed viewing the fish 'head on'. Can you shed any light on this strange event? < It could be a bacterial infection related to the water conditions. Before attempting to medicate, check the water. If the water is right, the fish normally follow! > Regards, Andy House. England. < Best wishes, RichardB > FW... dis. Goldfish? 6/20/06 Hi there. <<Hello, Norma. Tom with you today.>> I was wondering if you could help me. In March we bought 5 minnows and 2 lemon fantails and 2 orange fantails; thought it would be nice now we're retired to have some fish. <<I like your thinking. :)>> One of the lemon fantails is now about 3 inches long and the other isn't far behind but the orange ones don't seem to have grown at all. In fact, this last couple of weeks one of them seems to spend all it's time in the bottom corner of the tank only coming up for food. That's if the large lemon one doesn't beat the rest to it. The water and filtration, etc. seem fine but we did notice when we bought it that it has really bulging eyes. <<First, Norma, I'll see if I can shed some light and, then, I'm going to put you to work. (Think of it as coming out of retirement but, gently.) Okay, the fish with the problem shouldn't be spending its time in the corner of the tank. This indicates a problem that it's either ill or that it's "stressed". You'll see the reference to a fish being "stressed" but, so many times, folks don't know what it means. In simple terms, it means that the fish is being subjected to conditions that makes it feel "uncomfortable". It could be due to poor water conditions, too small of a tank, incompatible tankmates, lighting, etc. A generic term, if you will. The key here is that, when a fish feels stressed, it becomes susceptible to infections that a healthy, robust fish can easily fight off, even ignore. A healthy fish has a healthy immune system that helps to combat the "baddies" that exist in aquariums just like people do in our everyday world. Now, it's possible that your pet came from the store with an infection since you mention that its eyes were "bulging". We frequently refer to this as "Popeye" but it can be caused by a variety of maladies. It would be impossible to be specific here but, here's where I put you to work. You should have your aquarium water tested at your local fish store (LFS) or, you can buy a test kit that will tell you what the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH levels are. (These readings help us tremendously.) Next, the term "fantails" is non-descript. For instance, I don't know if these are Fantail Goldfish or Fantail Guppies. It makes a big difference. (The Latin names really clarify things for everyone in the Crew but me. I'm still working on the differences between English and American. :))>> The other fish don't seem to bother it so do you think it could be ill and what do you suggest? <<Bottom line here, Norma, is that I do believe your fish is unwell. I would be foolish to tell you to do anything specific to your aquarium without more information.>> Thank you for any advice ... Norma <<Please, do get back to us, Norma. Tom>> Poor Goldfish, English 6/17/06 Hi, wonder if you can help, I have a 12 year old goldfish who has had a swollen tummy for a couple of months, now he is lying at the bottom of the tank upside down and hardly moving at all, I have removed him from his tank and into a smaller bowl and not fed him today, should I go on like this or be kind and let him go. Many thanks. <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshdisease.htm And http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshsystems.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Pigmentation Loss in Black Moor 6/17/06 Hello, I have two Black Moor goldfish. One, which I'd only had for about 6 months, and was a "baby" when I got it recently started losing its pigmentation. At first it was just a patch on the belly which turned white and then the fins started to turn clear on the ends. Six days ago I noticed that it was hanging around the bottom of the tank with its fins slightly clamped - I knew it was in trouble. The following day it was swimming happily and eating well in the morning. That night, however, I found it belly up in the tank and it had lost all pigmentation! <Yowzah!> The entire body and even it's eyes were white and the fins and tail were completely clear. My other Black Moor shows no signs of this malady. Is this a disease which I should treat or possibly a genetic disorder? Thank you for your help. MJH <Moors and other goldfish varieties do change color for varying reasons, but this is too quick. This very rapid change of color and behavior belies something serious either with the environment (which may be discounted as your other fish showed no symptoms), or genetic/developmental with this one specimen. I would do my best to keep this fish "comfortable", monitor water quality, but other than Epsom Salt, would not administer chemical treatments. Bob Fenner> Black Moor, Bacterial Infection? - 06/14/2006 I need help right away! I have looked on the web for some kind of treatment. I have a black moor that had a small white spot on its side and up by his top fin. I thought at first it may be Ick, but there were no other spots. The one spot by his top fin is gone, but the one on his side seems to be larger and now looks like a hole in the center of the white spot. What is this, <Possibly a bacterial infection.... many possibilities here, though.> and what can I do to treat this? <Depends partly upon your system.... Provided all is IDEAL, I would consider treating with Kanamycin or Nitrofurazone....> I had another orange goldfish that had this similar problem and died. It did not show any signs beside the white patch for me to think it had a life-threatening illness. It ate and swam around like the other fish. I think I might have waited to long to try to treat him, but I would like to know how to properly treat the black moor before it gets to this point. My water quality is good, <'Good' means little to me.... Actual readings would be more helpful.> I do my weekly water changes, etc. <Maintain ammonia and nitrite at ZERO, nitrate less than 20ppm, with water changes.> Please let me know before this gets worse. <Too little information here to give you any real feedback, but provided water quality is perfect, the tank is large enough, and all else is ideal, I'd consider medicating.> Thanks. -Denise <Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Traveling Lionhead - Carp Pox or Coloration?
- IV - 06/14/2006 Sabrina, <John,> I'm sorry--I forgot to
answer your questions. It's an AquaClear 30 filter, I
change the filter elements regularly, though I try not to change them
all together (I just changed the foam layer, and though I need to
change the charcoal too, I hate to do them at the same time), do a
vacuum with a 20% water change every two weeks, and there's just
the one fish who gets primarily vegetable food (Formula Two, actually
on your recommendation on the site and peas).
<Gotcha. Um, how big is the tank?> Thanks again!
<Glad, as always, to be of service.> John <Wishing you
well, -Sabrina> Re: Curing Lucy 6/12/06 Hello, Tom. <<Hi, Alfredo.>> I think you may have gotten my e-mails in the wrong order or there was a problem with e-mail delivery. Did you by chance get the long one where I mention Mimi passed away? <<No, I didn't and I hope you know how sorry I am to hear this. I know how hard you tried to save her. After all of this, I almost feel like I lost one of my own.>> I will try to rewrite it if not; I had several questions in that one. I noticed that Lucy has a bit of a frayed tail this morning. How can I fix that for her? <<The frayed tail is, with little or no doubt, connected to a bacterial infection, likely the same that affected Mimi. The medicated food you're feeding her should aid in correcting this.>> Thanks for alerting about Lucy. I appreciate it very much, Tom. All the Best, Alfredo <<My best to you as well, Alfredo, and, again, I'm very sorry about Mimi.>> Re: troubling goldfish 6/12/06 Hi Tom, I am really sorry for bothering you. <<Not a problem, my friend.>> Lucy seems much thinner than she was, and she is somewhat active. <<I'm, cautiously (after losing Mimi), glad to hear this.>> I have given her the medicated pellets and she eats them but a couple of minutes later she spits them out. <<For what it's worth, mine did the same thing.>> Her tail seems a lot more frayed than when I last wrote you. How can I get her to eat this food? If I leave the food in the water is it still effective even if she does not eat it?. <<Second question first. Yes. As I wrote to you before, Nitrofurazone will be absorbed through the skin and gills. Will it effective as quickly as if she ingests it? This, in all honesty, I don't know. Simple logic would dictate that dilution in the water would mean less medicine reaching the fish this way than if she consumes the medicated food. Stands to reason. As to the first question, if this is what it takes, crush the pellets and mix it on something that she likes. For example, if she likes brine shrimp, soak these in a solution containing the powderized pellets and feed her the entire mixture. Mix it with bloodworms. Again, whatever it takes, Alfredo.>> We have to save this fish. <<No one is more in agreement with you on this than I am!>> I am sorry for all the trouble. <<What trouble? ;)>> Thank you so much, Alfredo. <<Por nada, Amigo. Tom>> Re: A Sad Occurrence 6/12/06 Hello again, Tom. <<Hello, Alfredo.>> I write to you with the sad news that Lucy has passed away as well. <<I'm fighting back something that I didn't think I'd be fighting back right now...tears.>> This has been a very sad occurrence, but I have decided to try to keep and raise some goldfish again. <<I'm glad to hear this, Alfredo.>> What could have caused that septicemia? <<Water conditions. Contact with infected fish. Handling. Transporting. Crowding.>> Is it contagious to human beings? <<No. Our immune systems are highly developed as compared to our aquatic pets.>> I am very puzzled as to why I have lost all of my fish. I know people who keep their goldfish in less than appropriate conditions and are not deeply concerned with giving their pets the very best care, and yet they thrive in these poor states. Where could I have gone wrong? <<You didn't go wrong, Alfredo. (I'll come down there and "smack" you if you don't get past that! :)) These bacteria exist in almost all aquaria. "Stress" is the biggest factor but, if a fish isn't exposed...>> I adored my little goldfish and really went out of my way to ensure that they were healthy and happy. <<I know you did.>> I thought of perhaps keeping a different type of fish but the truth is that I quite fell in love with the personalities that goldfish have. <<Bob says that that the longer we're in the hobby, the more likely we are to come back to Goldfish.>> I will have to research the articles on WWM to be better prepared for the next time and I will have plenty of questions to bug you with. <<I'll look forward to these as well as to talking to you.>> I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all of the kind and wise help that you have given me, Tom. <<I wish I could have done so much more.>> Thank you very, very much, my friend. :) Alfredo <<My very best to you, Alfredo. Tom>> Alfredo's Angels, Goldfish 7/13/06 Tom, hello! <<Greetings, Alfredo!>> How have you been? <<I've been very well, Alfredo. It seems this summer has been busier than most what with work, weddings, graduation parties and the usual "un-ending" stream of around-the-house projects. And you?>> Your angel fish, how are they? <<Growing larger and more outgoing/curious by the day. They appear to have taken the lead role in "teaching" their tankmates the art of begging for food since even those who seemed "indifferent" in the past now rush the front of the tank whenever I come into the room. (They'd deny this, of course. :) ) Have you made plans to start a new Goldfish 'project', yet? I know you miss Mimi and Lucy but you, and I, learned much from the experience. I'd like to hear that you're ready to try again.>> I hope that all is well with you, my friend. Thanks again for all the help you have given me. <<All is, indeed, well and there's no need for thanks. It's my pleasure to help whenever possible.>> I send you my best regards and warmest greetings, Alfredo <<And I send mine back to you, Alfredo. Tom>> Ammonia poisoning ... goldfish, sys.,
dis. 6/12/06 Hello <Hi there - you've got Jorie
here> Please can you help me? <Will try...> I bought a tank
and 4 goldfish 16 days and I stupidly thought that adding the fish
straight away without leaving a tank to sit for a week would be
ok<...> <I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to say
here. I think you mean that you bought 4 goldfish in 16
days? In any case, from your following statement indicating
that you didn't let the water sit for a week, I think you are
confusing two issues: (1) if you are using pure tap water, you need to
either let the water sit to allow the chlorine/Chloramine levels to
lower (a few days if there's no aeration in the water, less if you
are aerating the H20), or you need to use a liquid dechlorinator, which
works almost immediately to remove harmful chlorine/Chloramine from the
water and (2) establishing the nitrogen cycle in the tank prior to
introducing livestock. Sounds to me like we need to start
from the beginning - here are some very helpful
articles/links: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwset-up.htm
and http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshsystems.htm Additionally,
there's a good beginner book out there by David E. Boruchowitz,
which has a title something like "The Simple Guide for Freshwater
Aquariums" (sorry I don't have the exact title - I've lent
the book to my boyfriend's dad...do an author search on
www.barnesandnoble.com or www.amazon.com) Everything
contained within that book is very helpful and I've found accurate,
with the exception of his stocking suggestions - he tends to overcrowd
his tanks a bit, in my opinion. In any case, after reading
the material I've linked you to, plus other material which you can
readily find via www.google.com or the likes, you'll need to invest
in a good test kit. Personally, I like Tetra's Master
Freshwater test kit. Definitely stay away from dipstick type
tests, as they are notoriously inaccurate. When you are
cycling your tank, you will need to take daily readings of ammonia,
nitrite and nitrate and you will see a spike, and subsequent reduction,
in all three. As long as there aren't fish in the tank,
you can allow these three readings to spike, but, obviously, if you are
cycling the tank with fish in it (which I don't recommend, as it is
cruel...a small bit of fish food or a cocktail shrimp in the tank will
achieve the same result), you need to do frequent water changes to get
the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate out of the water, as all are toxic to
livestock.> <...>as I had a goldfish when I was younger that
lived in a bowl of tap water for 3 years but I have found out (in a
very stressing way) that this was the worst thing to do as
the following occurred: Day 1 - put 4 fish (roughly 2.5cm each) into a
14 Litre tank with an air pump and filter <1 goldfish, let alone 4,
DO NOT BELONG IN A 14 Litre tank (rough equivalent is less than 4 U.S.
gallons). This is cruel and unusual - there is not enough
room for the fish to swim and thrive. You need a min. of a
50-70 gal. tank for the four fish you have. To be bluntly
honest, for the purpose of sparing the poor fish, you should return
whatever surviving fish you have and read and research prior to doing
anything else with livestock.> Days 2 to 8 performed 20% water
changes every other day... <In such a ridiculously small tank with 4
messy goldfish, this is totally inadequate. Even if the 3-4
U.S. gal. tank were sufficient, you'd need to do at least 100%
daily water changes to rid the water of the pollution left behind from
4 goldies. <...adding Nutrafin Biological aquarium
supplement and Nutrafin water conditioner each time, I have since found
out should only have done this when there were no fish in the tank.
<I am not a fan of using artificial supplements to
"quicken" the cycling process. It is totally not
necessary if you've gone through the entire nitrogen cycle (without
fish, preferably)> Days 9 and 10 Noticed the fish were not as active
and seemed to lying at the bottom of the tank or hiding <Yes, they
were likely dying a slow, painful death due to toxic poisoning.> Day
11 Noticed one of the fish had severe problems swimming and its tail
was badly torn, then I seen one of the other fish take a bite out of
it, so I quickly put it in the jug I used for water changes
but it died about 10 minutes later. Day 12 Another fish died I went to
my local garden centre with a sample of water from the tank
and explained what I had done, the test showed the there was a very
high level of ammonia in the water, I was advised to do an 80% water
change that day and to add some King British Safe Water to get rid of
the ammonia and to give a salt bath to the fish in the
morning. Day 13 Found another fish dead which just left one
I removed her from the tank and gave her a salt bath and she
immediately picked up when she was added back to the tank. I took
another sample to get tested and the ammonia level had gone
down but I was told to perform partial water changes until the ammonia
was gone and to keep giving salt baths. Day 14 I went to
check on her in the morning and she was at the side of the tank when
she saw me she floated up to the top, the man at the garden centre told
me I could give her a little food so I broke up 1 fish food flake and
put it in the water beside her she followed it around the tank for a
bit and did take a few bites but then she went back to the side of the
tank again and spat it all back out. I gave her another salt bath and
did a partial water change making sure the water was the same temp as
the tank when I put her back in the tank she picked up but only for a
short period of time and for the rest of the day she never
left the side of the tank she appeared to float at the top
and sometimes all her fins would come out and then she
slowly pulled them back in at the same time as sinking back
to the bottom I went to a pet shop and I was advised to put
Sera water conditioner into the water. Day 15 I checked on her in the
morning and she was still a the side of the tank sometimes at the top
and sometimes at the bottom when she showed all her fins I noticed that
she wasn't using her left fin very much and upon closer
inspection noticed that it was red at the base. I
took another sample to the garden centre, which showed there
was 1.5 mg of ammonia in the tank. I spoke to the same man
as I had done on my first visit there and explained what had
happened he told me to keep giving salt baths and to add
75mg of soluble aspirin to the bath and use water from the tank
for the bath and to do a water change when she was in the
bath and to put the Sera water conditioner and King British
safe water into the new water before adding it to the tank.
I also explained that she wasn't eating and that her fin was
sore, he told me to give her live feed and not to worry
about her fin yet as getting rid of the ammonia was the main problem to
sort out first. I came back and gave her a salt bath with
the aspirin and did a partial water change. When I put
her back in the tank she swam around for a while but then
went back to the side, I added the live feed and she showed
no interest in it at all I then crumpled in 1 flake of food and again
she followed the pieces but this time she didn't take any bits into
her mouth so I removed the dried food. Today I went to check on her and
she is now at the bottom of the tank hiding behind an
ornamental cave and she won't come up for food and she's not
moving much she is opening her mouth but not frantically. I bought a
water testing kit yesterday and I've tested the water for ammonia,
nitrite and nitrate the ammonia level is 0.8mg the nitrite level is
0.1mg and the nitrate level is 0mg <You cannot have any
traces of ammonia in the water when there are live fish in
there! First off - FIND ANOTHER HOME FOR YOUR FISH, unless
you are capable of immediately providing a suitable sized home for the
fish. As mentioned above, you need a larger tank (by far),
you need to make sure the tank is cycled prior adding any
livestock. I cannot condone you keeping your 4 fish in such
cramped quarters, but if you insist, since you now have your own test
kit now, keep doing water changes and keep the ammonia, nitrite and
nitrate levels at ZERO. That's the only thing you can do
at the moment. In all honesty, I expect your fish to die if you keep
there where they are now.> Please can you help it's so upsetting
seeing her like this especially as I know this is all my
fault I really would appreciate any advice you can offer I
look forward to hearing from you soon <Dawn, I, too, am very
distraught in reading this. In all honesty, your fish are
dying right now due to ammonia, nitrite and/or nitrate
poisoning. I'm glad you care and give you kudos for
wanting to do what's right. Please understanding I'm
not trying to beat you up, and if I honestly thought there was another
solution, I'd tell you. You really aren't prepared
for your fish at the current time, so please try to find another home
for them ASAP. If you absolutely cannot replace them, then
keep doing water changes and keep testing the water. You do
not want any traces of ammonia, nitrite or nitrate. For your
water changes, use a liquid chlorine/Chloramine remover to make your
tap water immediately suitable, and do water changes until all readings
are at zero. But please consider returning the fish, doing
some homework, and returning to this hobby once you are better
prepared. In the meantime, please do peruse
www.wetwebmedia.com for helpful information about fishkeeping.> Dawn
Ord <Best regards, Jorie>
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